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Inservice Inspection 90-Day Rept,Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1,Outage 8 for Insp Term from 891222-910715
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 09/04/1991
Shared Package
ML20091D777 List:
NUDOCS 9110290203
Download: ML20091D779 (169)



,1., ,

. 41  ;

[ _

INSDWICE INSPECTION NINEIT-DAY RITORT BEAVER VAILEY POWIR STATION UNIT 1 Outage 8 Year 1991 Inspection Tert frcto ~12/22/89 to 07/15/91

-Issue date: /0/T !9/

owner:- Dugpesne Light ompany one oxford center-

'301 Grant Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15279 NRC Docket Number: 50-334 J

Reactor Supplier:: . Westinghouse' Electric Corporation Commercial Servios Date:. September 30, 1976 I

e Prepared by: -

Date: -- /

. V -. ( /.

. Reviewed by: .Date: b Y ~ N / _._,_ .

. . Approved byg -Date

' ~


l:J -

9110290203 911014 POR .ADOCK 05000334 O PDR

.,n.- .-

I 22-DAY REICFI TAB 11 OF CotflH7FS h- Page thrnber Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Ivrm NIS-1 3-4 Outage .Stmrnry 5

1. Class 1 5
2. Class 2' 5

'3. Class 3 5 Pressure Testing 6 +

Steam Generator Tube Examimtion 6 tRC Bulletin 88 6

. Snubber Exams 6 Deficiency Resolution 6 NIS-2 Foms 6 Appendix I~ - ASME Examination List -AI - 1 thru 32 Appendix II - Baseline Exams AII -1 Appendix III -.8R Deficiencies AIII - 1 thru 2 Appendix IV - NIS-2 Forms Appendix V' - Steam Genera *wrs AV - l thru 4-Appendix VI - Flux Thimble Exam Sammary 1;.



, ,, tage 1 of 2

FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules
1. Owner _Duquesne_ Light _CQMpany,JLne_Qxford Cen_trez.P_Lttsburgh PA 15279 (Name and Address of Owner)
2. Plant Beaver Val _ ley Power Station, P.O. Box 4 gShippingport, PA 15077 __

(Name anJ Address of Plant) 3, Plant Unit I 4. Own.t Certificate of Authorization (if required) 26-05000*

5. Commercial Service Date _.9/30f76 . 6. National Board Numbe for Unit PUA _ _ _ _

7, Components inspected Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National Appurtenance or Installer Serial No. - Province No. Iscard No, Reactor Vessel Combustion Enoineerina 69103 B105642 21011 Reactor Vessel c1nsure Head Combustion Enoineerina 69203 N/A 21011 p r.e e nri ,, r wartinghnute 1311 434676 68-50 Steam Generators Wettinghoute "A" Loco 1301 434597 68-45 "B" Loop 1302 434598 68-46 "C" Loop 1303 434599 68-47

." "B" Reactor "colant Pumo Westinahouse 2-61BJ931 G01 N/A N/A Reactor Enolant pining S.V. Fa bri c a t i ng N/A N/A N/A Auxiliary pining Svetem Schneider pnwar Enrn. N/A N/A N/A "A" Residual

n > + rvebrger .intanh tht 1 Snne 1R32-1 434682 368 I

Boron i n jer + hn Tank Struthers Wells Core. N/A 434783 1374 Regenerative Heat Exchancer Joseph Oat & Sons 1831-10 434686 438 Non-Regenerative Heat Exchanger Joseph Oat & Sons 1830-1 434718 361 ,

"2B" Recirculatio i Sorav Pumo Binoham-Wiliamette Co. 290597 N/A N/A "A" Residual w co m ,1 pmn ton. ents % a 1170-20 N/A N/A r.

  • besignates account number of arrangement with Authorized Inspection Agency to provide inspection services .

Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in.,

(2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00029) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E,47th St., New York, N.Y,10017

i d- '  !

V0!D - See Page 2 of 2 + i FORM NIS-1 (Back)

8. Examination Dates ._ to . _ 9. Inspection Interval from t o _.
10. Abstract of Examinations, include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current intenal.

. I1. Ab5 tract of Conditions Noted

'12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the exar.iinations and corrutive mea-sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) Expiration Date Date 19 Signed Dy owner CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ' and employed by _ of have inspected the components described in ths.s Owner's Repctt during the period to , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requiremerits of the ASME Code,Section XI.

p' By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied,

' concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions inspector's Signature National Board, State, Provmce, and Endorsements Date _ 19 i



VO!D - See Page 2 of 2 1 J J

I'OlolNIS1(Back) 1

8. Examination Dates __ to 9 Inspection Interval f rom . _ _ to 10 ' Abstract of i:xaminations include a hst of examinuions and a statement concermng status t f work requited

' for current interut.

I1. Abstract of Conditions Noted

12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the exanunatians and corrector mea.

sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Al.

Certificate of Authorisation No (if applicabic) Expiration Date .

19 Signed 15y Date Owner CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSI'ECTION 1, the underugned, holdmg a vahd commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesselinspectors and the State or Prounce of and employed by of have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report dunng the period

-to , and state that to the best of my knowledge und behef, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures descnbed in 'his Owneil keport in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector not his es aployet makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective rneasures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this mspection.

Commissions Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and EndorsementI Date 19 112/82)

IOltM NIS-l (llack)

8. Examination Dates 12/.22/,89 to 07/15/91 9 Inspection Interval f rom . II/2I/87 to _11/21/97
10. Abstract of 1'.xammations, include a hst of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval.

See Appendices I.11

11. Abstract of Conditions Noted See Text
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken See Appendix 111 We cestify that the statements made m this report are correct and the examinations and correctne mea-sures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) _2ft-D5000_ Expiration Date N/A Ve Date 19 Signed Duquesne Light Coinpany g, h ( ,

Owner CEftTIFICATE OF INSEltVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a y % commission 4 sued by the National Board of Bo lerjnd Presjuje Vesgel nspgstors

- Le.Moc8'm d and employed by b^ n50fil.22a "<<r of and 1 JLWk- the State of Pr)ovince of .NMb have ins et d the components described in this Owner'sheport du'r 52fs ~ N 'to / C' - / - , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of tae ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector not his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisi rom or connected with this inspection.

/ Commissions bb d2 '

/ [ p -to 's Shnature National Board, State, Provmce, and Endorsements Date _hh i - 7, 19_f./_

(12/82) 1

U-Page 2;o{2 : .,


-A _

. As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules -

!!iOwner - ' Duquesne tight Company, Or,e Oxford Centra. Pittsburgh, PA 15279=

-(Name and Address of Ownets

2. Plant ._Seaver_yalley, Powe.r_ Station.10. llax 4i sMpningport. PA__15021 --

-(Name and Address of Plant)

. - 3.' Plant Unit . 1-4.1 Owner Certificate of Authorization (if requireddfeM000*

' 5 Commercial Service Date : 9/30/76 6. National tioard Numb.:t for Onit : N/A _ __

7 Components inspected a


Component or . Manufacturer ; or Installer State or National 1 Appurtenance.
. or installer Serial No. Province Nn. , Daard No.

Valve RV.Rc-M1 R _ b - 'inrnet Onek 64ffMndA) ,g/A


_, _J/A valve :

MOV-Rc-586- -Rnek all- 7511fHDD4i Nig N/A Val ve .. enn,@1 r a n i 8G4J8$!Rf!".0Dirl N/A N/A-4 - -


- anchnr/Da r14 nn - 53f0J D(MODf) N/A N/A Valve.

51-52* Anchor / Darling E350W(MODf)-

' ~~


~ Valve: -

$1-21+ Velan

_ -18704(M00f) N/A -N/A

. Valve: 4 CH-32 lVelan 78409(M00#) N/A N/A-1 . Valve-MOV-CH-3106 LVelan 6

_B8418/3(MOD #) N/A N/A l

t y I

'* Designates account number of arrangement with Authorized Inspection Agency to provide inspection services.

  • i Note: Supplemental sheets'in form of lists. sketches, or dravnngs may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in, x 1 I in., I L (2) informatior in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and

e number of sheets is secorded at the top of this form.

02/s21 *

. This Form (E00029) may be obtained f rom the Order Dept., ASMG,345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y.10o17 Nw . . --.

.i - (- j s h.l y

. ~


[ t-- As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules - '

Ju: -

gj o ,ne,- -Duquesne Light Company. One Oxford Centre. Pittsburgh, PA _ 15279 (Name and Address of Owner) .

2 PlantJeayerJalleyfowenitation.J Q.JoL4 $ltippingport.JA_._15012.

(Name and Address of Plant)

E 3. Plant Unit 1

4. Owner Certificate of Authoritatior (if requiredt 26-05000*
5. Commercial Service D' ate 9/30/M
6. National Board Numb'e r for Unit N/A '
7. Components inspected '

- Alanufacturer Component or. Alanufacturer

' Appurtenance or installer . State or National or Installer Serial No. Prnsince No. Board No. '


s ' RV- RC-M1 R _ C Target Rnek 69C(MnM)

Valve-N1 N /A f

MOV-RC-586 Rnekwell- J517fMOD#)- N/A N/A Val ve -- , en s /voiran 14G44REFRfMDDf) N/A N/A Valve anehnr/na rt in n 5350-WDD(MODf) N/A N/A Valve

$1 -Anchor /Da rling - 5350W(MODf) N/A N/A c): Valve - ~

$1 21- Velan 78704(M00#) ~ N/A N/A Valve CH - Velan-s*

y78409(MODf) N/A N/A Valve MOV-CH-310- Velan-

_ - P.8418/3(M00#) N/A N/A 1

x . ,

l J


s .


  • Designates account numoer of arrangement with Authorized Inspection Agency to provide inspection services.

. Note! Supplemental sheets iti form of lists, sketches, or drawings m:y be used, provided (1) size is Sh in. x !I in.,

(2)information in items I thro.4h 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and -

the number of sheetsis recorded at the top of this form.

I f

. 112/62)

. This Form (E000291 may t>e otnained from the Order Dept., ASM'E. 345 E,47th St.. Ned Vork, N.Y,10$17 m


E $

Outaae Sumacy Durity the Eighth Refueling Outage (8R) at the Beaver Valley FW er Station, Unit 1, Inservice Inspection (ISI) exars were perfonned on Class 1, 2, and 3 canpcnents. '1his was the first outage in the second period of the secord ten year interval.

'1he exams were based on ASME Section XI, 1983 Edition througl. the Sumer 1983 7ddenda, using Code Case 11-408 for Class 2 piping welds.


1. Six hurdred twelve (612) Class 1 exars were performed and are divided into four groups as foll.ows:

E. , Welds (pipirg and vessels)

Ultrasonic Exams -

13 Penetrant Exars -

90 Magnetic Particle - 1

b. Bolting Ultrasonic Exams -

19 Magnetic Particle - 38 Visual Exams -


c. Supports Visual Exams - 216
d. Three (3) visual exams were performed on vessel and valve interiors.
2. One hundred, forty eight (148) Class 2 exars were perforn:d and are dividcd into three qcoups as follows:
a. Welds (piping, punps, and vessels)

Ultrasonic Exams -

37 Penetrant Exams -

35 Magnetic Particle Exars - 28 Visual Exams -

18 _

b. Bolting Ultrasonic Exa::s -


c. Supoorts Visusl Dors -

25 31 ON hu;ViF.d, thirty three (133) visual exars of Class 3 supports were periormed ard divided into two groups as follows:

a. Supports Visual Exars -


b. Attacho?.nts Visual Exans -


e f .'

Tne ASME XI exams were performed by Duquesne Light Ctanpany ard EBASCD NDE Technicians. - Wese exams are listed in Apperdices I ard II.

Appeniix I cornpiles those exans that have been credited - towanis -

fulfilliry the hn Year Plan requirenents. Appendix II identifies baseline exams.

Pressure 'Ibstirn

'Ihe Class 1 pipirq System leakage 'Itst and acccrnpanyirs VT-2 exam were p0rformed prior to plant start-up. Also, Class 2 ard 3 system functional and system leakage tests were perfonned durirq the outage on various systems to fulfill the 40-month pressure testirg requirement.

Steam Generator Tube Exam 1Dati20 One hundred percent of the in-service tubes were examined in the three generators. Results of the examinations and information on tube pluggirq are contained in Apperdix V.

NRC Bulletin 88-09 All 50 Bottom Mounted Instrumentation (IMI) flux thirble tubes were examined with eddy current methodology employing nultifrequency techniquen by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Corrective action for or M

-thimbles (removal from service or repositionirg) was in ao::ordance vnta

~ Westirghouse letter DIN-91 -130. See Appendix VI for the flux thirble examination summary.

Snubber Exama Snubber exams were performed this outage in accordance with Technical Specification 3/4.7.12. 'Ihe results of the exars are contained in the Unit 1 BR Snubbe.r Outage Summary Report.

Deficiency Resolution All recorded deficiencies on vessels, piping ard supports were evaluated ..ard reported by the Quality Services Inspec: tion ard Examination Department per administrative procedures. Appendix III is a disposition-matrix identifying the rejectable irdications fourd this outage.

NIS-2 Forrs Included as AppeIdix IV are the NIS-2 FoIrs associated with Repairs ard Replacements made at DVPS-1.



. +

, e





  • ISOMETRIC: E-001J-



  • ISOMETRIC: 09990' DLW PRE 55 2 E NO22LE TO SAFE END WELD UT91037-PT91042

=RC-R-1 NUT 20 BOLTING MT91027 MT91030 RC# NUT 21; BOLTING MT91027 MT91030

.. R'1- NUT 22 BOLTING MT91027 MT91030 RC-R-1* NUT 23 BOLT!NG MT91027 MT91030 RC-R 1-NUT BOLTING MT91027 MT91030-RC R 1 NUT 25 BOLTING MT91027 MT91030 RC R*1 NUT-26 BOLTING MT91027 MT91030 RC R-1 NUT 27 BOLTING 'MT91027

-MT91030 RC-R 1 NUT 23 BOLTING MT91027 MT91020 RC R 1-NUT-29 ' BOLT!NG MT91022 MT91030 RC-R-1 NUT 30 BOLTING MT91022 MT91030 RC R-1 NUT 31 - BOLTING MT91025 MT91030 RC R 1 NUT BOLT!NG MT91022 RC-R 1-NUT 33 B0tTING M191022 RC-R-1-NUT 34 BOLTING MT91022 RC R 1-NUT 35 BOLTING MT91022 RC R-1 NUT 36 BOLTING MT91025 RC-R-1 NUT 37 BOLTING MT91025

-RC R 1 NUT 34 BO'.T I NG MT91022


.............. =========== ====== es===ss

    • ASME ITEM NUMBER / EXAM CATEGORY: B06.030 BG1 ISOMETRIC E-001L RC R 1 STUD 20 BOLTING UT91052 U101058 M191028 RC R 1 STUD 21 BOLTING UT91052 U191058

, MT01028 RC R 1 STUD 22 BOLTING UT91052 U191058 MT91028 RC R-1-STUD 23 BOLTING UT91052 UT91058 MT91028 RC-R 1-STUD 24 BOLilNG UT91052 UT91058 MT91028 RC R 1 STUD 25 BOLTING UTo)052

.U191058 MT91028 RC R-1 STUD 26 BOLTING UT91052 UT91058 MT91028 RC-R*i-STUD 27 BOLilNG UT91052 UT91058 MT91028 RC R 1-STUD 28 BOLTING UT91052 UT91058 F.T91023 RC R 1-STUD-29 BOLilNG UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91023 RC R 1 STUD-30 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91023 RC-R 1 STUD 31 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91025 RC R-1 STUD-32 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91023


.............. . ......... ...... ==.....

RC R 1-STUD-33 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 U191054 M191023 RC-R 1 STUD 34 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91023 RC-R-1-STUD 35 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 M191023 RC-R 1 STUD 36 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91025 RC R 1-STUD 37 BOLTING UT91052 UT95053 UT91054 MT91025 RC-R 1 STUD-38 BOLTING UT91052 UT91053 UT91054 MT91023

  • ISOMETRIC: E-001L RC R 1* WASHER 20 BOLTING vi91180



e.........a ..a33...... a..... .asse

RC R-1 WASHER 38 BOLilNG VT91175

  • ISOMETRIC: E-001P RC TK 1-E 1' BOLT!NG VT91189 RC TK 1 B 2 BOLTING VT91189 RC-TK 1 B 3 BOLT 7NG VT91189 RC TK 1 B 4 BOLTING VT91189 RC-TK 1 B 5 BOLTING VT91189 RC-TK 1-B 6 BOLTING VT91189 RC tK 1-B 7 BOLTING VT91189 RC TK 1 B B BOLTING VT91189 RC TK 1 B 9 BOLTING VT91189 RC TC-1 B 10 BOLTING VT91189 RC TK 1 B 11 BOLTING VT91189 RC-TK 1-B 12 BOLTING VT91189 RC TK*1 B 13 BOLT]NG YT91189 RC TK 1 B 14 BOLilNG VT91189 RC TK t-B 15 BOLTING vi91189 RC TK 1-B 16 BOLT!NG VT91189

RC E-1A AN 3 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1A AH 4 BULTING VT91142 RC-E 1A AH-5 BOLTING VT91142 RC E-1A-AH 6 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1 A AH 7 BOLilNG YT91142 RC-E 1A-AH 8 BOLilNG VT91142 RC E-1A AH 9 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1A-AH 10 BOLTING VT91142 RC E-1A AH-11 BOLTING VT91142

-RC E 1A-AH-12 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1A AR-13 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1A AH 14 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1A AM 15 BOLT!NG vi91157 RC E 1A AH 16 BOLTlWG Vi91142 RC-E 1A AC 1 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1A-AC 2 BOLTINF VT91142 RC E-1A AC 3 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1A-AC-4 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1A AC 5 BOLTING VT91142



BVPS UNIT 1 1991 DUTACE BR NINETY DAY REPORT NDE CCHPONENT COMPONENT REPORY DUTAGE IDENilFICAT!DN DESCRIPfl0N NUMBER REMARKS RC E-1A AC 6 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1A AC 7 BOLTING vi91142 RC E 1A AC-8 BOLilNG VT91142 RC C-1A AC-9 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E-1A AC-10 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E-1A AC-11 BOLTING VT91'4' RC E 1A AC-12 BOLTING Vib) J RC-E-14 AC-13 BOLTING VII1142 RC E*1A*AC 14 BOLTING VT!T * .2 RC E 1A AC 15 BOLTING vi't142 RC E-1A AC 16 BOLTING V' 1142 RC E 18 BN 1 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E-18 BH 2 BOLTING VT91142 RC E-18 BH 3 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 18-BH 4 BOLilNG VT91142 RC E 18 BH 6 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1B BH-7 BOLTING VT91142 kC-E 1B BH 8- BOLTING VT91142 RC E 18 BH 9 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 18 BH 10 BOLTikG VT91142 RC-E 18 BH 11- BOLTING VT91142 RC E-19 BN 12 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 18 BH-13 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1B BH 14 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1B BN 15 BotTING vi91142 RC E-1B BW 16 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 18 BC 1 BOLiikG -vi91142 RC-E-18 BC 2 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 18 BC 3 BOLT!NG VT91142 RC E 13 BC-4 BOLTING VT91142 RC E-18-BC 5 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 18 BC 6 BOLTING VT91142 RC E-18 BC-7 BOLTING VT91142 RC E 1B BC-8 BOLTING Vi91142 RC E 1B BC-9 BOLTING VT91142 RC-E 1B BL-10 BOLTING V191142 RC E 18 DC 11 BOLTING vr91142 RC-E-18 BC 12 BOLTING yt91142 RC-F-18-BC 13 BOLTING VT91142 RC-t- '; BC 14 BOLTING VT91E ? I RC E-18 BC 15 BOLTING VT9'. e RC E 18 BC 16 BOLTikG VT91142



e 's

~~ ~





  • ISOMLTRIC: 03$4B

ORIFICE (10) D 1 BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 PAR 912362. CLR REP MT91037 MT91037 DRIFICE (10) B 2 BOLTikG VT91094 VNSAT, DR639 M4R 912362. CLR REP MT91037 MT91037 ORIFICE (10) B 3 ,

ECLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 MWR 912362. CLR REP MT91037 M191037

- ORIFICE (10)-B-4 BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 MWR 912362. CLW REP MT91037' MT91037

. ORIFICE (10) B 5- BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, C4639 PWR 912362. CLR REP MT91037 ,

MT91037 021FICE(10)-Bdi BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 MWR 912362. CLR REP MT91037-MT91037 ORIFICE (10) B-7-- BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 MJR 912362. CLR REP MT91037 MT91037


0RIFICE (10)k$-8 . BOLTING VT91094 UNSAT, DR639 MVR 9f?362..CLR REP MT91037 MT91037
  • ISOMETRIC: 02A7A ORIFICE (9)-B 1- BOLTING. Vf 91092 DRIFICE. iO)-fi 2 BOLTING VT91092 DRIFICE19)-B-3 BOLTING' VT91092 GRIFICE't9) B 4 BOLTING. VT91092 ,


  • ISOMETRIC: E 001R RC P 18 6(S) 1 BOLTING - VT91128 RC P 18-B(S) 2 -BOLT!sG VT91128 RC-P*18-B(S)-3 BOLTING VT91128 RC-P 19 L(S) 4 BOLTING VT91128 RC-P 19 8(S) 5 BOLTING VT91128 RC-P 18 B($)*6 BOLTING 'VT91128 RC P 16-B($)*7 BOLTING . VT91128 RC P TS B(S) 8 BOLTING VT91128 RC Ps18 B(S)-9 BOLTlWG VT91128 AV-P-12 B(S) BOLTING VT91128

, RC P-18-B(S)-11 ' BOLT!NG VT91128

' WC-P;18 B(S)a12 BOLTING VT91128



Mov CH-310 B 4 VALVE SOLTING VT91115 MOV-CH 310 B-5 Va' VE BOLTikG VT91115 Nov CH-310-B 6 VALVE BOLTING VT91115 Nov CH 310-B T VALVE BOLTl%G VT91115 ROV-CH 310-B 8 VALVE BOLTING VT91115 MOV-CH-310 B 9 VALVE BOLTING V191115 MOV CH 310-B 10 VALVE BOLTiko VT91115 MOV-cd 310-B 11 VfLVE BOLTING VT91115 MOV CH 310-B-12 VALVE BOLTING VT91115 1CN 32-B 1 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 ThRD ENG ACC AS IS DR638 1CH 32 B-2 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH 32 1 3 VALVE 80LilNG VT91093 1CH sc B4 VALVE BOLTlWG VT91093 THRD ENG ACC AS IS OR638 1CH 32 B 5 VALVE BOLTikG Vf91093 1CH 32 B-6 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH 32-B 7 VALVE BotTING VT91093 1CH-32 B S VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH 32-B-9 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH 32 B 10 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH 32 8 11 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 1CH-32 B-12 VALVE BOLTING VT91093 l$0 METRICS 0350s RV RC 5518-B 1 VALvt BOLTING VT91065 RV RC 5518 B 2 VA.VE BULTING VT91D65

- RV RC-551E-B 3 - VALVE BOLTING VT91065 RV-RC 5518 B 4 VALVE BOLTING VT91065 RV RC 5518 B 5 VALVE BOLTING VT91065 EV-RC 5518 B 6 VAL \E BOLTING VT91065

  • !$0 METRIC 09998 MOV RC-586 B 1 VALVE BOLTING VT91135 Nov-kC ,e -B-2 VALVE BOLTING V191135 Nov RC-5ws B-3 VALVE BOLTING VT91135 McV RC 5E c 1-4 VALVE BOLTING VT91135



s . .


-"8/21/91 DUQUE5NE LIGHT COMPANY BVP5 UNif 1 199? DUTAGE BR WlhEff DAV RfPopf 0)

NDE COMPON(NT . COMP 0hlNT REPsR1 OUTAGE IDEWilflCAfl0N DESCRIPfl0N NUMB (R RIMARKS .. ........... ...... .......

HJV RN 700 810 VALVE BottlNG V191131 CLostWG DOCUMfNT Q 12397 MOV+RN 700 B 11 VALVE BOLilNG Vf91131 Clos!NG DOCUMENT 0 12397 MOV RM 700 B 12 VALVE Bott!NG V19'131 CloslWG DOCUMENT 0 12397 MOV RM 700 B 13 VALVE BottING V191131 Clos!NG DocuMtNT G 12397

. MOV RN 700 8-14 VALVE BOL11NG V191131 CLOSING DOCUMENT Q 12397 MOV RH+700 B 15- VALVE BOL?!NG Vt91131 CLOSING DOCUMENT 0 12397 MOV RN 700 B 16 VALVE BOL11NG vi91131 CLol!NG DOCUMINT o 12397

  • ISOMETRIC: 0107A MOV RW 720A B 1 VALVE BOLTING VT91134 CLC$ LNG DOCUM6NT 0 12403 MOV RW 720A B 2 VALVE BOLilNG Vi91134 CloslNG DOCUMENT 0 12603 MOV kH+72DA B 3 VALVE BO.llWG V191134 CLOSING DOCUMENT Q 12403 MOV RN 720A B 4 VALVE BOLilNG V191134 CLollNG DOCUM[N! 0 12403 MOV RH 720* B 5 VALVE BOLilWG vi91134 CLOSING DOCUMENT G 12403

- MOV RN 72CA B 6 VALVE BOLf!NG V191134 CLO5ING DOCUMENT 0 12403 M'V RM 720A 6 7 VALVE Bott!NG V191134 MOV RM 720A B 8 VALVE BOLTING V191134 MOV RN 720A R 9 VALVE BOLTINO VT91134 DR 646 > ACCEPT AS 38 Mov RM 720A B 10 VALVE BOLTING Vf91134 MOV RM 720A B 11 VALVE B0LilNG VT91134 MOV RN 720A B 12 VALVE BOLTING V191134 MOV RH 720A B 13 VALVE BOLf!NG V191134 KOV-RN 720A-B 14. VALVE BOL11Nu V191134 NOV RN*720A B 15 VALVE BOLTlWG Vt91134 CL0stri DOCUMENT 0 12403 MOV RN 720A B 16 VALVE BOLilNG V191134 CLO51' 1 DocVMENT 012,03

  • ISOMETRIC: 01075-1$1 52 B 1 VALVE BOLTINL Vf91141 1$1 52 8 2 VALVE BottikG- V191141 151 52 B 3 VtLVE BOLilNQ V191141

~ 151 52 B 4 VALVE BOLilkG VT91141 DR660 > ACCEPT AS 15 151-52 B 5 VALVE BOLT!NG VT91141 151-52 B 6 VALVE BOLilNG VT91141

.181 52 B 7 VALVE BOLilNG V191141 DR660 > ACCEPT As is.

181 52-B 8 VALVE BOLilNG VT91141 181 52 B 9 VALVE BOLilNG vi91141 1st 52 B 10 VALVE BOLilNG Vt91141 DR660 > ACCEPT As is

.15152 B 11 VALVE 80Lt!NG VT91141 DR660 > ACCEPT A$ l$

1$1 52-8 12 VALVE BOLTINC V191141-181 52 8 13 VALVE BOLTING V191141 DR660 > ACCEPT At *$

951 52 B*14 VALVE BOLilNG ~ V191141 DR660 > ACCEPT A$ IS

-1st 52 B 15 VALVE BOLilNG VT91141

~181 S2 B 16 VALVE BOLflWG VT91141 DR660 > ACCEPT AS !$

  • ls0 METRIC 0220C
-1$1 21 B 1 VALVE BOLilNG V191126 o

e 1

..v e e Pact NO. 9 APP!hDlK I COMPLtifD CODE fxAMS 08/21/91 DUQUtlkt LICHT CDMFANY SVF5 Uhlt 1 1991 001 AGE BR WikETt CAY REPoet hDE CDKPONEkT COMrchthf RtPORT DUTAGE IDENilflCA110N Dt%CRIP110N WUMBER R[MARAS 151 21 B 2 VALVE BOLithG vi91126 111 21 B 3 VALVE BOLithG Vt91126 151 21 B 4 VALVE 'OLilhG V191126 151 21 B 5 VALVE BOLithG vi91126 151 21 B 6 VALVE BOLithG v191126 151 21 B 7 VALVE 80LilhG V791126 111 21 B 8 VALVE 50LithG V191126 111 21 B 9 VALVE BolithG v191126 151 21 B 10 vtLyt BotilhG s.91126 ill 21 B 11 VALVE BOLilNG V191126 151 21 B 12 VAlvt BOLilkG V191126

  • !$0METRits 03757 181 24 B 1 VALVE BOLithG Vf91127 151 24 B 2 VALVE 00LithG V191127 181 24 8 3 VALV1 BOLithG V19112F 151 24 B 4 VALVE BOL1thG VT91127 1$1 24 B $ VALV( BOL11NG V191127 151 24 B 6 VALVE BOLithG vi91127 151 24*B 7 VALVE BOL11NG Vf91127 151*24 B B VALVE BOLithG Vf91127 151 24 B 9 VALVI 20LithG V191127 151 24 C 10 VAlvt BotilhG vi91127 15!-24 B 1' VALVE BOLilhG V191127 1$1-24 8 12 VAtyt DOLT!hG VT91127
  • !$0 METRIC: E-00iJ vi91171 f Coh0$tAL BOLT ASSEMBLY 47 BOL15 AND NUTS CDWOSEAL BOLT ASSEMBLY 49 bOLi$ AND WUTS V191171 CONo$fAL BOLT AsstMBLY 51 BOL1$ AND NUf$ V191171 CONo$EAL BOLT A51EMBLY 53 BOLis AND kuts vi91177
    • ASMt 11EM NUMB (R/ EXAM CATEGORY: B09.011 EJ
  • !$0 METRIC: 0348 RC 72 1 7 01 OUTT VELD U191042 P191f$2 RC 72 1 5 01 Butt witD ut91:43 PT91152 RC 72 1-5 02 BUTT wtLD U191044 P191052
  • !$CMETRIC: 07990 DLW PREt$-1 F 37 501T WELD U191060 l

n .

PAGE NO. 10 APPINDtx I COMP'titD. CDPt inAMS t 01/21/91 [




Pt91079 DLW PRIS$42 F 38 BUTT WILD U191041 Pf91078 DLW PRil8*2 $ 02 Butt WELD U191062 PT91078 DLW ppt $5 2 F*39 Buff WELD U191036 P191041

  • 150MtfRIC L 001A DLW LDOP1 4 5 01 Buff WILD U191028 ,


  • !$0Mt1RIC: 0375F

' 51

  • T3 8 f-10 Butt WELD ut91D40 Pt UNSA, ;R640*.ACC es Is P P191045 51 73 8 5 01 Buff Wtle p191D41 P19104$

51 T3 8 f*11 BU11 WELD U191039 P191045

    • ALMt'IftM NUMSER/tXAM CAftCC4Y: B09.012 BJ
  • !$0MttRIC L 001A-DLW LDOPl 4 La01 LONGlfuDINAL ELBOW WELD Pf91036


    • A$Mt litM NJKBER/tXAM CAf tGORY: 809.021 BJ l1
  • ISDMt1RIC 0247A l

RC P 18 t-02 Butt WELD P191083 RC >*iB t 01 Butt WELD P191083 l

! .

  • 150 METRIC: 0200C Sl*134 3 F 04 BU11 WELD Pf91074 l' $1 134 3-$ 05 Buti WELD PT91074 51 134 3 s 03 BUTT WELD Pf91074 j
  • iSOMt1RICs 02684 l CH 12$*78 5 05 PIPE WELD Pf91014 P191123 CH 125 TB S D4 PlPt WELD PT91014 PT91123 L

_ _ . . ~ _ _ . _ . . _. ~ __ _ _ . .. -

Fact No. 11 APithDix i CDMPLEtt0 CD0! (RAMS 08/21/Y1 DvautSht LICHT CDMFAh1 Svts UN11 1 1991 Ou1 ACE BR kikliY DAY GEPDR1 40[


.............. .an...assee ...... .......

  • lsDMt'4lti 02739

$1 81 9 5 04 PlfE WELD P191015 st 81 9C s 13 PIPE WELD P191015

$1 B1 9C $ 14 PIPE WELD P191015 SI 81 9C-5 15 PIPE VttD P191015

  • I$3MCTRit 0275A Sl*130 7A $ 02 PlPE VtLD P191016 bl 130 7A s 01 PIPE WILD P191016

$1 140 10-s 05 alPt Wii.D P191020

$1*140 2 F 02 PIPE WELD P191020

$1 140 2 8 07 P!Pt WFLD P191020 51 140 2 $ 06 PIPC WILD P191020

$1 140 2*$ 04 PIPE WELD P191020

$1 140 2A $ 03 PIPt WELD P191020 51 140 2A t 02 PIPE WILD P191020


' 15DMETRitt L 001B DLW LDOP1 5 $ 02 DR AhCH C0thtC1)DN WELD P191034 DLW LOOP 1,5 $+05 BRANCH CONNECT!DN WELD P191034

  • Il0 METRIC: L 0028 DLW LOOP 2 7-t 03 BRANCH CONNttil0N WILD P191047 DLW LDOP2 7 5 06 SRAhCH CONNECil0N WILD P191047
    • ASME litM NJMBER/[1AM CAf tGORY: B09.040 0J
  • ISOMEIRIC 0191A CH 140 33 F*05 $0CKET WELD P191073 CH 140 30 F 5C $0CKET WILO P191073 CN*140 3E F-5D SOCKET WELD P191073
  • 110ME1RIC: 0244A CN+141 2 $ 08 $DCKET WELD P191084 PT UNSAT DR687 >MWR 912374. CtR RtP P191092 P191092 CH 141 2-t-07 SOCKET WCLD P191084 ,

CH 141 2 8 06 $0CKET WfLD P191064 P1 UNtA1 DR687 >MWR 912373. CLR REP P191100 PT91066 P191092 P191100 CH-141-2 5 05 SOCKET WELD P191064 JH 141 2 5 04 SDCKtt WELD P1910S4 CH 141 2 5 03 $0CKET WELD P191084 PT UhSAT DR687 >MWR 912372. CLR REP P191092 P191092

PAGE NO. 12 APPtNDIE I COMPLittD Copt (KAMS 08/21/91' DUQUt$NE LICHf COMPANY sit $ UNIi 1 1991 OUT Act 8R Wikt1Y DAY REPORf hti COMPCMNi COM00htNT RtP0tt OutAct 10tNtiflCAfl0N Dt$CRIPi!DN NWBt h RIMARKl CN i41 2*l 01 SOCKET M LD P191054 Pt UhSAT OR687**MsR 912371 CLR RtP P191091 P191C))

  • l$0 METRIC 024TA

'CH 91 5*5 02 SOCKtt WELD P19108i CN 97*l 8 01 CDCe:tf WELD P191081 PT UN$At DR687 >MWR 912370, CLR RIP P191844 P191844 CH 91 6 F*BA $0CKti WitD Pf91081

.CH 97 6 F 09 50CKtt ktLD P191081 CH 9T T F*10 $0CK!T WELD P191081 CH 9T*T 8 01 $0CKti WtLD Pf91081 CH 97+T*$*06 SOCKET WILD P191081

-CN 97 7 $ 05~ $0CKlf WELD P191081 CN 97 T $ 04 SOCKit WELD. P191081 CH 97 T S 03 50CKti WtLD PTV1081 CN 97+ Tat 02 $0CKET WELD P191081 CH 97 T $ 01 SOCKET WELD Pf91082.

  • !$0 METRIC: 0254A CN 23 2 5 06 50CK!1 WELD- P191059 CH 23 2 $ 05 50C8.ET WELD - P191059 CH 23*2*S*04 SOCKtf WELD P191059 CH 23 2 8 02 SOCKET VfLD P191059
  • ISOMETRIC: 0243A RC 44*1 F 14 s%Kti WtLD P191035
  • ISOMtVRIC: 0354A RC 15 1 F C1 SOCKET WELD P191039 RC 15 1 F 02 SOCKET WELD P191039

.RC 15 2A F 03 $0CKit WELD PT91039

  • 1$0MtfRIC 03548 RC 25 3 s 02 SOCKEi WELD- Pf91046 RC 25 3 F 06 SOCKET VfLD PT91046 RC 25 4 f 071 $0CKET WELD P191046--

RC 25 4 F 08 SOCKET WILD Pt91046

  • Ita tfRIC: 02008 St 106 1C*$ 07... SOCKET WELD P191060 st*106 1C s 06 $0CKtT. WELD . P191060

-.s! 106 1C s 05- $0CKti WILD PT91060 93% COVE R At.E

=$1 106 1C 8 04' SOCKET VELD Pf91060'

-$1 106 1C 5 03 $0CKtt WELD PT91060


  • ISDMETRIC: C3757

$1 23 T+f 04 $0CKET WILD P191053

  • l$0 METRIC: 0192A

$1 83 5F.F 47 $0CtEt WILD P191050

$1 83 5G f*40 $0Crf f WELD 'P191050

  • 150 METRIC 0193A 51 85 3 $ 02 $0CLET wet 0 - P19107)


.CH+140 28*$ 03 3DCLET WELD Pf91075 CH+140 28 $ 02 $0CKET WELD PT91075 CN+140 28 $ 01 SOCKET WELD P191075

    • ASME 11EM NUMBER / EXAM CATEGORY: 810.010 B K 1.
  • !$0 METRIC 0106A-

-$1 121-5+A*04 10 07 WELDED ATTACHMENT SurfCai R 8 P191038

$1 121+6 A 08 WELDED ATTACHMTNT $UPPORT $N*10 P191049

'* ls0 METRICS 0107A

$1 101 2 A 01 10 06 WELDED ATTACMMENT SUPPORT R 12 P191044

  • 15DMETRICT 0106B


  • ISDMETRIC: 03508 RV RC 5518 VALyt BODY vi91245 RV RC 551C VAlvt 8007 vi91244


    • ASME ltEM NUMBER /ERAM CATEGORY: 813.010 B N*1
  • !$0 METRIC E 001F i RC R 1+ACC*lWT INTERIOR vi91125



  • I$0 METRIC: E 003C CH E*3 C+7 CIRCUMFERENil AL BUTi 4 ELD Vl91263 l - CM E 3 C 8 CIRCUMTEREh'TIAL SUIT kELD vt91263 l

l-l l

,, _ _ . . , . _ . , , _ . , . - - - , , - , , ,. _ _ - , . - _ . , . , _ . _ _, m,-. --

FA0[ hD. 14 AFF'tNDix 1 CDMFLt1t D CCCl t h AM$

08/21/91 DUQUt 5ht LIG*1 CDMF AhY svr5 Uhlt i 1991 DufALE tR Nikt1T CAY kEPDkt ktt COMPohist CDMPohthi 200041 DutAct 10t kil F ICAT IDN tt$CRIPfl0N h?MBER REMARAS CH t 3 C 9 CIRCUMilRthilAL OVit VtLD V191263 CH E 3 C 10 CittvMFERtht!AL Buff WILD vi91263 CM t 3 C 11 CIRCL*FEREk11AL BU11 WILD vt91263 CH t 3 C 12 CIRCUMitRthi!AL Butt WILD V191263

  • l&Omt1RIC: E 0038 CM t 2 C 2 CIRCVMstRthflAL bulf WILD vt91044
  • ISOMi1RIC 1 001W RC t 1C C 3 CIRCumptRist AL suit WtLD ut91049 RC t 1C C 6 CIRCUMftRthilAL But! WILD U191050
  • ISDMt1RIC 1 003C Ch t 3 C 1 CIRCUMittthfl AL Buti W:LD vi91263 CH t 3 C*2 CIRCUMitRENilAt Butt wttD vi91263 CH t 3 C 3 CIRCUMitRtWilAl BU11 WILD Vt91263 CM t 3 C 4 CIPCUMf ERENil AL Buff WCLD vi91263 CH t 3 C $ CIRCuMitREut!AL suff WELD V191263 CH E*3 C 6 CIRCUMFEREh11 AL $UTI WELD vi91263
  • It0MitRIC E 0038 CH t 2+C 1 CIRCUMFERtWI!AL BUTI WILD Vt91044
  • 150Mt1RIC E 001W RC t*1C-C 8 CIRCUMf tRthil AL Buf f WILD U191051
    • ASMt ITEM huMptR/ EXAM CAttGDRY: CO2.021 CB
  • IS3Mt1RIC: E 001N

'RC t 1A N 9 N0ZZLE TO vitSit LELD U191045 Mf91007 RC E iA N 10 N0ZZLt To Vitstl WtlD Uf91056 M191026

    • A$HE lif M NUMStk/'XAM CAltGORY: CO2.022 C8
  • ISDMt1RIC: E 001N RC t 1A N 91R N0ZZLt INSIDE RADIUS U191046 V191D48 RC t 1A N 10lR h0Z2LE IW110E RADIUS U19105?
    • ASMS 11[M huMBER/tXAM CATEGORY: CO2.033 C9

t e

  • PALI k0. .15 AfPINDlX l CDMPit1!D C00t (KAM$

08/21/91 i DUQUt$ht LIGHT CDNPANY i

BVPS Uhlt i 1991 DU1 AGE 6R kthtiv DAY REPORf ,




e............e ........... ...... ....... t

  • lt0Mt1RICI t 0044 ,

RH E*iA N 3 NO22Lt 10 VI$$tL WILD W191051 RHat 1A N 4 NO22LE 10*VIS$tL WILD vi91051

    • A&M[ litM NUMBER / TEAM cal!GDRT: C03.010 CC b
  • ISOMtfRIC: [*0038 CH+E 2 A*01 10 02 WELbtD AffACNMENT SUPPost $UPP 1 - vi91043 CH E 2+A 03 10 04 WILDED Af1ACHMENT SUPPDai SUPP 2 - VT91D43 i
    • ASMt litM WUMBER/ EXAM CAltGDRf C03.020 CC t
  • !$0 METRIC 0001A

$HP 56*1A*A 01 WtLDED ATTACHMiki $UPPORT SH+1 M191017 5HP 56 2 A 02 - WILDt0 A11ACHMENT $uPPont s*2 Mf91017 5HP 56 3 A*03 to D4 vtLD Att SNUssit Hss 201 PLATE 10 PIPg M191033

$HP+56 3 A 05 10 06- WELD Ali $NUsktR HS5 201 PLAff 10 PIPt M191033

$NP 56 3 A*07 to 10 ; WELD A11 $NVB$tt$ UPSikM RING 10 PIPE Mf9103) A+08 kl $At sHP 56 3 A 11 V0 14 WILD Alf $NU88ER5 DWN51RM RING 10 P]Pt M191033 SHP 56 3 A 15 TO 16 ' VELDED AliACHMINi SUPP0af 5 3 MT91017 SMP 56 4 A+17.10 18 WELDED ATTACHMthi SUPPORT l 4 M191020

$NP*56 8 A 19 10 26 WELDED ATTACHMENT SUPPORT $N 5 Mf91017 5

  • ISOMETRIC: 00018 5HP 57*3 A 01 10 08 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPDRi tH 6 M191018
  • l$0Mt1RIC 0001C


. WELD Aff edPP $N*8 PLATE TO PIPE M191032

$HP582A02JO03 5HP 58 2 A 0410 05 WELD Ali SUPP $N 8 "LAll 10 esPt M191032 ,

'SHP 58-2 A 14 10 1T' WELD Aff SUPP $N*4 UP8fRM RikG 10 PIPE M101012

$HP'58 2 A 1810 21 WELO Af f SUPP $H 8 MIDDLE RING 10 P:PE M191032 e

$HP 58 6 A 06 10 13 WELDED AliAthMENT $UPPORT SH 9 M191018 ,

  • lt0Ht1RIC: 00028

( .$NP*57 5 $ 14 DulER $ ADDLE WELD M191010

$HP 57 5 5 08 Rt1NF PAD 10.KAIN HEADER WELD MT91011



  • 150Mt1RIC 0001C SHP 58 2 A*22 10 25 WELD Aff SUPP $N 'S OskSTRM RING 10 PIPE M191032 ,


    • A$Mt. lfEM NUM8ER/EMAM CAf tGORY: C04.010 - : D - ,


  • lSOMETRIC: E+0058 StafK 2 stud 6 80LilNG Vi?1006 ,

$1 TK+2 $fuD T B0Liika U191006 f

_ ..-4 .._ q . _ , , .,g9g._.,, ,:, ,,p q .y ,, , g., ,.py. g. c.,h%e.,eg.y_ y ,,.9q., 9.g.9 .ii y.y.

.. e


$VPS UNil 1 1991 DVlACE f SR hlktly DAT REPORT WDE COMP 0htWf COMPohtNi RtPOR1 tiut AGt IDENT!FICAfl0h DESCRIP11DN NUMBtt P(MARKS I ll'1K+2 $fUD 8 BOLilWQ V191006

$1 1K'2 $fu0 9 DOLithG U91006 51.TK*2 51Ub*10 80L11NG Vf91006 l

    • ASMt IftM NUMBER /tKAM CA1! GORY: CO$.011 C+F 1 I
  • l$0Mt1RICs 0114A P12 Hi F.37i - PlPt WILD U191008- ,

P191012 P12+H1*s*0s PIPt VELD U1910uS UN5Af Da710*>Nwa 912336, Ctt At> Pf91120 P191012 l Pf91118 P191110 P12* M1 $*0U - P!PE WELD V191011 Pf91017=

P12*H1*S*0V PAPI WILD U191L1D P091012

  • iSOMtfRIC 0115A
  • P11*N f*10 PIPt WELD U191012
  • 0191011 P11_* Hat Of PIPE WELD Uf01013 l


Pf91411 P11*J F*11 PIPE WELD U191014' P191011

I$0MtiRIC 00838 51*1*6 $ D2 PIPE WELD UT91007 Pf91010 .

Pt91121 i 51+1*64 5 01 PIPE WELD U191023 P191017

  • ISOMETRIC 01114-05 2 3B+F 06 PIPt WELD U191027 PT INDCfNS W/th ACC CRlf

P19 W 3

  • ISOMETRIC 0084A R5 7 1.F 02 PlP! WELD U191021 [

Pf9101" Pf91126- t R$*8 1* F +06 - PIPt' WELD U191026 t

Pf91018 P191126 x


. 2, m _ . . - . . . _ . . . . . ~ .

s .

PACE NO, 17 . APPf 60l* 1 COMPtitt0 Coot (RAMS C8/21/91  !






l t


    • ASME litM WUM8tR/ttAM CAftGORY: C05.012 Cri
  • 1SOMETRICs 00838 Sl'1*7A*f*3B ALICk!kG CONN. LONGITUDlkAL WELD U191024 U191019 l
    • ASME ! TEM NUMBtR/tKAM CAf f CORf a C05.021. C.f,t . j.
  • iSOMt1RICs 0267A CN+69 1 5 03 PIPE WILD U191M3 -i P191 DOT CN 69 1 8 04 PIPt WCLD U191004 P191007

'CM 69*1 $ 05 PIPE UtLD U191005 PT UNSAT DR617 .MWR 912361. CLR REP P191823 P191029 P191825' P191115


CN 71*1 S 05 PIPE wtLD' Uf91015 Pf91013  !

Pf91031 CN 75 1 B+09 P!Pt WELD 'U191022 P1 UNSAT DR617 .MIR 9123$9.~CLR REP P191822 Pf91030 Pf91822 l CM751*S07 PIPE VfLD U191020 PT91013 CN*75 i+S*08 P!PE WELD U191021 P191013 ,

CN 75*1*S 06 PIPE WELD U191019 PT UNSAT DR591/617...CLR REP PT91809/P191824 Pf91809 ,

PT91030 P191824 CN 75 1 $ 05 PIPE WELD U191018 Pf91013 CN 75 i $ 04 PlPt WILD' .U191017 P191013 CN 75 1 $ 03- PIPE WILD U191016 P191013 ,


    • ASME ITEM NUMBER /tXAM CAi! GORY: C05.030 -C F 1  ;


~* ISOMETRIC: 0266A P19122 ~j CH 82 1 F 02 SOCKET WELD. '

CH 82*6+5+01- $0CKET WELD PT91022 l  !

  • !$0MITRIC: 0269A-CN 83 5 s 02 $0CKit WELD PT91027 i

-f i

-> w, .. ,e- ,-,-n. . ~ , . , , , - . , . , , . , . . , - - , , , _ . , . _ ~ ~ . . . . , . - , , .,r.. ,x ,4 e, -,_.-%- , ,..,,--,% g--,, ,

. - - -_ -..- -- ...- ..-- - .. .. . - - - -~. w.- . . - . .-- -



_.........a..... ........... ...... .......

CM 84 1 $ 02 SOCKET WELD Pf91027

CN 86 3A F 05- $0CKEf VELD P191026 CN 86 3A F 5A $0CLET WELD P!91026 CH 85 4 $ 12 $0cKET WtLD '191026 _;

.CH 85 3 F 04- $0Ctti WELD - P191026 ,

CM 85*3A F 5A SOCKET WELD- P191026

  • 1$0 METRIC 0268A CH 125 2*$ 06 BRANCH CohN. WELD Pt91021


  • !$9 METRIC: 00628 WFPD 23 6A F 08' PIPE WELD U191036 ut91005 WFPD 23 6A $ C3 PIPE WELD U191035 M191005 WFPD 23 6A*$ 02, PIPE WELD - Ut91034 i M191005
  • ISOPETRIC 0001A *

$NP 56 9 7 11 PIPE WELD U191055

- M191021 i

  • ISOMETRIC 00028- '


. $NP 57 5 F 08 PlPE WELD U191047 MT91009 ,


  • 1$0METRICt 0062A WFPD 44*7C F 01A PIPE WELD U191029 -


  • ISOMETRIC: 0002B thP 23 3 F 33 - UPP _TO REIN PAD 10 LONG FLO BRANCn WELD M191008
  • !SOMETRIC E 007C R$ P ?B 2 PUMP CAtlhG WELD P191008 b

-- - , - e e a e- - , ,, m- , , -,n~ w , rr , , ,r-c w. -----c,- . .w-r-- ~wa-.e-,w en,-->,w- - v ~ -

- . _ _ . . .--. ~. - -_ .~- . --_., _ _ -.

4 e i


08/21/91 DUQutSNC LICHT COMPANf  ;



    • A&Mt 11[M NUMBER /tKAM CAff00RT: D02.020 D9
  • Is0Mt1RICs 0083C i

$1 2*8 A*15 'i 18 VtLDED AffACHMENT $UPPORT R 17 V191031  !

-SI 2 8 A 19 WILDtD AffACHM[N1 $UPPORT A 11 VT91031

  • ISOMtfRIC: 0066A-WR 291 A 01 10 04 WELDED A17ACHMENT $UPPORT R 81 Vf91008


  • 1$0MtfRIC: 0067A, I


'WR 19 7 A 02 WELDED A11ACHMENT $UPPORT R 22 Vi91008 WR 19 8 A 03'TO 06 WELDED AffACHMENT $UPPORT R 21 Vf91008' Vt 19*8 A 07- WILDED AftACHMENT $UPPORf R 20 vi91008 WR 19 11*A*08- WILDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 20A vi91009

-WR 19 11 A 09 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 32 V189009 WR*20 1 A*10 10 14 WILDED A11ACHM[NT SUPPORT R*33 vi89009 WM 20 1 A 15 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 35 vi91009


  • 1SOMETRIC 0068A' WR 191 A 1910 20 - WILDED ATTACHMEkT $UPPORT R*64 VT91010 WR*19*2*A*18 WILDt0 Aff ACHMENT $UPPORT R 50 vi91010 Wa*19 2 A 161017 WILDED A11ACHMENT $UPPORT R 49 VT91010

- WR 19 3 A 15 WELDED AllACHMENT SUPPORT R*31 VT91010 WR 19 3C A 12 TO 14 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 30 vi91010

- WR 19 6 A 06 10 09 WELDED A11ACHMENT SUPPORT R 25 V191010 f

  • ISOMETRIC: 0069A CC 260 3 A 15 to 18 WILDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 225 Vf96011 WR 17 5 A D*. 10 07 - WELDED AftACHMENT SUPPORI R 17 vt91011 WR 17 7 A 08 10 11: WELDID ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 12 V191011 WR 29 3*A 14 WELDED ATTACHMENT $NUBBER R 5,H$s 306 VT91011
* !$0 METRIC: 0069C

-WR 17 9 A 01 TO 04 WELDED ATIACHMENT $UPPORT R 10 vi91025 I WR*17-9 A 05 TO 08 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 43 VT91025 WR 17a11 A*10 TO 13- WELDED AffACHMENT SUPPORT R 46 vi91025 WR *17 12 A 14 - V"LDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 47A Vf91025


' WR 20 11C A 03 TO 05 WILDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 41A V191014 WR 20 ? A*06 10 09- WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 36 VT91014 WR 25 4 A 13 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT A-9 vi91014

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-- 4DINilflCATICW Dt tCRIH10N NUMBit RIMARL3 seas..... sees .esa. .wsse ...... .......


  • 14J4t1RIC: 31280  ;

W 20 6 A 02 WCLCfD AffAC p!WT SUPPORT # 2 vt91015 .

l WR 20 6 A 03 WitDth Af tAtaW $UPPCAT R 61 vi91015 l

WR 2P+7 A % MLDE.0 AittchMENT TVD 90AI ?+00 vi91015 WR 10 8 A 65 TO 08 Wf ti;<D Aitteriset syer0at fr 8.; vt91015 j WR 20 9 A 09' VfLC&D Af f AfectNT $UPf0R1 wS9 Vf9101%

WR 7010 t.10 TO 12 WELDCD ATIACHM(NT $UPPORT R 58 vi91015 WR 1611 A 14. WELDt0 Alf ACHMENT $UFP.0RT R45 vf91015 WR*19 11 A 15. WILDED Af f ACWINT $UPPORT 444 vi91015 ,

WR 19 12 A 10 WELDID Af1ACHMENt fRT1Xi R 53 v191015

  • l$0MEftlC: 01294 WR 61 5B A 01i- WELCfD AftAthMINT SUPPORT R 123 vi91020 WR 90 5 A 02 WELCE0 AffAcwMthi $UPPORT R 119 vi91020
  • IS0 METRICS 02244 WR 53*3 A 01 TD 02 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT A 92 vi91016 i i b

'* Is0 METRIC 0225A. .

WR 43 2 A 01 WILDED A11ACHMEO $UPPORT A 91 vi91017 WR 43 7 A-OL WELDtD ATTACHMENT $blP')Rf R 90 vi91017 *

  • ISOMETRICt 02264 WR 55 2 A 01 WE6DED AT'A uMENT SUPPORT A 84 Vi91018 WR 55 TB A 02 WELDED .aftACHMENT $UPPORT P 85 Vf91018 4
  • ISOMETRIC 0229A WR 119 7 A 0110 04 WELDr0 AffACHMENT SUPPORT R 152 vi91019
  • ISOMETRIC: 02204 WR 55 2 A 03 WP.DED ATT AChMENT $UPPORT A 62 vi91018
  • 150MEft!C: 0225A .,

WR 43 2 A 03 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT A 89 vi91017 r * !$0 METRIC: 0153A CC 178 4 A 01 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT R 296 VT91070 l Wr',DED AilACHMENT SUPPORT A 16D 1 CC 178 5+A 02 10 05 VT91145 CC 178 7C-A 06 TO 09 WELDED ATTi.CHMENT SUPPORT A*27D*1 vi91145 CC 178 9 A 10 TO 11 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORT A 185 vi91077

    • ASME litM MatR/tXAN CAf tGORY: 002.040 08 i
  • ISOMETRict 0068A -

L ' WR 19 6 A 05. WELDED ATTA *HMENT SUPPORT SH 23 vi910'0 WR 8 3 A if WELDED ATTACHMENT SUPPORT SH 70 v101010 .


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-FACE NO, 21 APPt4 Dis l COMPLETED C00t EkAMS 08/21/91

' DUQUt%NE L ICH1 CCWAkt BVP$ UNii 1 1991 001 AGE  :


.............. ........... ...... ....... l

- WR + 8 2 A *' . : WILDED A11AChMthi $UPPORT $N+71 V!91010

  • WR 8 1 A 23 WILDED ATTACHMEN1 $UPPOR1 $M 72 Vt91010 f
  • Is0MttelC: 0069A WR*29 4 A 13 WELDED A11 ACHM[N1 $NV6BtR VS 6,H$$ 307 V191011
  • 150Mt1RIC 00698 WR*i?*1 A*03 WELDID AffACHMthi SUPPORT $N 69- V!91012 WR*1T*1=A 02 WILDED AffACHMENT SUPPORT $N 68- V191012 V191012  :



. WR*17 3K A 04 VELDED AffACNMENi $UPPORT VS+19A V191012

  • ISOMtfRIC: 0069C.

WR*17 10 A 09 - WCLDED A11ACHMthi $UPPOR1 $H 44A Vt91025

  • 150MtTRIC: 0128A WR 20 2F A 10 WELDED ATTACHMENT $UPPORf $N 3% V191014
    • A$ME litM NUMetR/ EXAM CAftGORY: 003.020 D*C
  • ISOMtfRIC 0070A N. 9 2 A 06 WELDED AffACHMENT $UPPORT R 20 Vf91013  ;


  • ISOM11RIC 00708 FC+9 2K A J1 10 04" WILDt0 AliACHMthi $UPPORT R 16 vi91038 FC 9 4*A*09 10 12 WELOCD ATTACHMENT SUPPORT Rail Vf91038


    • ASMt litM ' NUMBER /txAM CATEGORY: f03.010 7C


  • ISOMf1RIC: 0195A 1

CH+97+1A PS 3 SUPPORT Vf91091 CH+97*2 PS I SUPPORT Vf91091


  • !$0Mf1RIC: 0253A '

'CH 126 6 A 212- SUPPORT V191115 CH 126 6 R*213- $UPPORT VT91145 Ch 126 7-A 214i SUPPOR1 Vi91167 ,

  • ?:50MtiRIC: 0254A CHVP) . $UPPolit VT91114 3 ilSOMtitlC: 0357A-

!- VT91078

~ DG-561*P$ 4 SUPPORT' DC 56 2 PS 3 $UPPCat VT91078 b

- - > - - -. - , ,-+e. . , ,, .. ._w. . . , , . ,m..m,..,2, ,y,.p-<. . . , ,g-,w...m.,-., .,-.-,e4.,., ,r% - w, ,.

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, PA;E ho, 22 APPIN0lx 1 CDMPLtitD CDLC EXAw5 CB/21/91 DUQUtth! LIGHT COMPAhf BVF 5 Uhlt i 1991 DU1 ALE CR hlktfY D&Y LEPCA1 ACE COMP 0hthi RtroRT DU1A;[


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  • !$0mt1Rit 0358A DG $21 P$ 4 $UPPORT VT91095 00 52 1F PS 3 SUPPORT V191197
  • ISDMt1RIC: 0359A DG 471 PS 4 $UPPORT vi91106 DG 47 2 Pt 3 SUPPORT v191106
  • ISDMt1RIC: 03508 PC N 38 VALY[ $UPPORT vi91190
  • ISDMtfRIC: 0379A RC 7$ 1-PS 1 $UkPO41 Vi91111
  • !$0Mt1RIC: 0106A

$1 121 2 05 2 SUPPORT V191100 sla121 2 RN 3 $UPPORT V191100

$1 121 3 R 4 $UPPORT vi91100

$1 121 4 R 6 $UPPORT vt91100

$1*121 4 R*7 SUPPOR1 V191100 SI-121 5-R 9 $UrPORT vi910S4

$1 121 6-D5 1 SUPPott vi91084

  • 1$DMETRIC: 0107A

$1 101 2 D$ 1 SUPPORT vi91116

  • ltDMETRIC 0376A 51 104 1 A-P$ 4 SUPPORT V191144

$1 22 2 R PS 18 $UPPORT VT91144

$1 22 2 R PS 17 SUPPORT V191144 "

s! 22 2 R PS 16 %UPPORT VT91144 51 22 3 k PS 15 suPr0R1 Vt91144

$1 22 3 R PS 14 SUPPORT V 91144

$1 22 3 R PS 13 SUPPORT VT91144

$1 22 4 R PS 12 $UPPORT VT91144

$1-22 4 R P$ 11 SUPPORT V191146 51 22-4-R PS-10 SUPPORT vi91144 SI 22 5 R PL 9 SUPPORT vi91144 51 22 5 R PS 8 $UPPORT Vi91144

$1 22-$ R PS 7 $UPPORT VT91144

$1 22 6 R P3-6 $UPPORT V191144

$1 22 6 PS $ $UPPORT Vi91144

$1 22 6 PS 4 SUPPORT VT91144

$1 22 7 R PS 3 SUPFORT V191144

$1 22 7 R PS 2 SUPPORT vt9 144 SI 22 7 A PS-1 $UPPORT V191144


  • i PAGE Wo.- 23 APPfhDit i COMPititD C00t taAMS l 08/21/91 OUQUESAE LIGHf COMPAkV sit $ UNil 1 1991 001A0E ,.

BR hlht1Y DAY RIPoal l l


.'.............. ........... ....., ....... -i j

  • l$0Mt1R!Cs 0170A V191071 l CH 125 98 R*147 SUPPORT CH 125 10 RM 120A - $UPPORT V191088 CH 125 10*R 120 ' SUPPORT V191089 (

CN*125 10 R 119 $UPPORT V191147 [

CNa125 12 R*116 SUPPORT V191147 CN 125 12 R 135 $UPPORT VT91147 CN*125 12*Vl*1340 $Uit0RT V191147  !

CN+125*12*R*134 $UPPORT V191147 CH 125 13 R*134A $UPPORT V191147 ,

CH 125*13 VS*134C $UPPORf V191147 V191147  :

CH 125 13 R 1348 $UPPORT Cft 125 15 R 204 SUPPORT V191147 CN 125*15 R*203 $UPPORT V191147 CW 125 15 R*20)~ $UPPOR? V191147 .7 CH+125 15A R kot SUPPORT V191147  :

CH 125 16 R*215- SUPPORT Vf91099

'* 150 METRICS 01924' SI 81 11.R 313A $UPP0&T V191089 ,

El 81*"2 R*89A- SUPPORT V191099 51 81 12 t 88A $UPPORT V191153 -i Sl*81+12 R*888 SUPPORT V191153 ->

l$1 81 13*H 87 . $UPPORT V191153 i s! 81*13 R 86 $UPPORT V191153 f

.Sl*81 13 PS 01 $UPPORT. VT91153 l

$1 82 2.PS*R 10 $UPPORT V191153

$1 83 2 Ps R 10A SUPPORT V191153 SI 83 2 PS 00. ' $UPPORT.-

V191153 si 83 2 PS 08 $UPPORT- VT911$3 5I 83 2 P5 07- SUPPORT V191153 31 83 3 PS 06 $UPPORT V191153 l 2 $1*83 3 P$*05' $UPPORT V191153 7

$1-83 3*PS 04 SUPPORT V1911fd s1 83 4*PS*03 $UPP0ai V191153-

$1 83*4 P3 02- SUPPORT V191153 si 83 4 PS*R 01 SUPPORT V191153 {

Sl*83 5 P5 R*19 $UPPORT. . V191153

  • ISOMETRIC: 0193A' '

$1*S4*2*P$*A 11 $UPPORT VT911$1 o .$1 85 2 PS R*11A SUPPORT V191151 R St*85 2*P$*12 ~ .

SUPPORT Vl911$1 St 85 2*Ps 13 V191151


'Sl*85 2 Ps 14 SUPPORT Vf91151

$1 B$*2*PS 15 '$UPPORT VfD l1 7 I


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08/21/91 .{


BVPS UNil i 1991 OUT A0E BR Wikttf DAT REPORI 1

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$1 85 3 PS 16 $UPPORT V191151 [

$1 85 3 PS R*17 $UPPORf- Vt91C90 Vt91086 [

$l 85 3 PS A 18 $UPPORT

  • ISOMElttti 0194A "

$1 86 2 PE 01 $UPPORf vii1150

$1*BT 2*P$ R*2A $UPPORT V191150 ,


$1+87 2*Pl*02 '$UPPORI Vf91150

$1 87 2 P$ 03 $UPPORT Vt91150

$1 87 2 PS 04 $UPPORT VT91150

$1 87 3 PS 05 $$ PORT V191150

$1 87 3 PS 06 $UPPORI VT91150

=$1 87 4*P$ 07 &UPPORT: V19115'.* ,

$1 87 40 PS 08 $UPPORf vi91150

$1*ST 40 PS 09 $UPPORT V191150

$1 87k40*P$*10 $UPPORT -V191150

$1 87 50*PS 11- -$UPPORT V191150

$l*87 50 P$*12 SUPPORf VT91159  ;

$1 87 5D*Pt 13' $UPPORf' V191150

$187 50 PS 14 ' SUPPORT Vt91150

' $187 6 PS 15 $UPPORT VT91153 f

'$1 87 6 Pt 16 $UPPORT vi91150

$187 6 Pl*17 , SUPPORT- V191150 SI 87 7 PS 18 $UPPORT V191150

$1 87 7 PS*19 '$UPPORT VT91150

$1 87 8 PS*21 $UPPORT Vf91150

  • 150Mt1RIC: 02428 l . CH*126 1 R+205 .$UFPORT V191149 CH 126-2 R*206 $UPPORT vi91149 [

CN*126 2 R 207 $UPPORT Vt91149 CH-126 2 R*208 $UPPORT V191149 CH 126*3*A*209 $UPPORT VT91149  ;

W126 4*R 210. . $UPPORT VT9'.149 i CH 126 4 R*211 . SUPPORT - Vf91149 ,


'* 150MtfRIC '0269A CH 83 1 PS R*1 $UPPORT V;91032 ,

CH 83 4 PS 7 $UPPORT VT91040 Ch*83 4 PS 18 SUPPORT Vf91040

=CN*83 4 Pl*11 $UPPORT V191040

'CM*83 4*PS 14'

$UPPORT< V191040 CH 83-4*>$*9 $UPPORT Vi91040 t

  • ISOMETRIC: 0083C. i i

- $1 2 8 R*17 3UPPORI' VT91031 L


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... . i FA0( No. 2$ APPINDix 1 COMP ((1[0 CDO[ (RAMS

.08/21/91 DU0utsht LIGHT COM) ANT SVP$ UNIT i 1991 DUTABE  ;

SR NikEff DAY RtPORT l l



,$1 2 8 A 11 SVPPORT Vi91031

  • ISOMITRIC: 0106R (

$1 121 1 R*2 $UPPORT V191119

  • l$0ktiRIC 0222A Sl*20 1 R 101 tUPPORT V191152 s! 20 2 RN 2D 2 support V191152

$1 20 2 RN 3D*2 SJPPORT vi91152 SI 20 2 R 40 2 $UPPORT V1911$2

$1 20*3A A $D 2 StePORT Vt911$2

$1 20 3A R 60 2 SUPPORT. Vi91152

$1 20 3A*R*TD*2 $UPPORT Vf91152

$1 20 3A R*60 2 $UPPOR T V191152 +

$1 20 3A t 9D*2 SUPPORT V191152

$1 20 4*R*10D*2' $UPPORT VT911$2

$1 20 4 R*11D 2 - $UPPORT V191152

$1+20 4.R 120 2 SUPPORT Vf91152

'$1 20 4 RN 13D*2 ' SUPPORT Vf91132 SI 20 5+A 60 $UPPORT Vt91152 t

  • 150mtfRIC: 0223A

$1301 R'ST ' = SUPPORT Vf91148 Sl*30+1'R 48 $UFPORT Vf91148 i

  • ISOMETRict 0375A [

$1 3* 1 0$ 1 $UFPORT V191068-

  • ISOMETRICt 03758

$l T4*1 DS 1 $UProRT Vf91067

.$1*T4 1 R 421A SUPPORT Vf91067

  • 'ISOMtfRIC 0375D '

$1 72 1 R 306A ~ SUPPORT Vf91075

'9 "i I SI 72 1 R*307 SUPPoni vi91074 f


  • T2 1 R 308 $UPPORT VT91074 f .SI 72 2 R 309 EUPPORT vi91074 -l

!$1*T2 2 R 310 $UPPORT Vi91073

$1 72 3 R 311 - $UPPORT VT91074 [

SI 72 3 A 312 $UPPORT l VT91073

$1*T3 1 R 306 - - $UPPORT VT91074 VT91074

$1 73*1-R 332 . SUPPDAT '

$1 73 1 R 302 SUPPORT' VT91074 SI 73 2*R 303- $UPPORT Vf91074

$1*T3 2 R 304 $UPPORT Vi91074

$!*T3 2 A 305 ~ $UPPORT Vi91073 i


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  • l$0MtiRIC: 0074C i RN 12+1 R 0 SUPPORT V191168 ,

RN*12 1 D$ 5 $UPPORT V?91117 VT UNSAT THRD (NG DR 645 0 13103 RN 12*1+A*7 $UPPORT V191117 RM 81 CS 4 $UPPORT V191168

  • ISOMITAIC -0070A

' FC 9 R 20 $UPPORT V11(013 i f

  • ISOMETRIC: 00708  !

FC+9 R 16 SUPPORT V191038 i

~FC 9 R 11 tuPPCr:1 Vt91038

  • !$uMETRIC: 0065R-WR 28 R 81 sUPPfA1 V191008 h

!* 1$ Cut 1RICt 0067A

-WR*19 R*24 $UPPORT VI91009 WR*19 R 22 $UPPORf V191009  :

WR 19 R 20 $UPPORT Vi91009 WR 26 t 204- $dPPORT. Vi91009

=WR'20 P 32 $UPPOR1' V191009 VR 20 R+35 ' $UPPORi V191009 ,

  • Is0 METRICS 0068A VR 19 R 64 ' $UPPORi V191010 ,

WR*187 R 50 ~$UPPORT VT91010 WR 187*R 49 ~ .$UPPORY V191010 v WR 187 R 31' $UPPORT' Vt91010 WR 19 R 25 $UPPORI V191010 7


  • ISOMETRIC: 0069A-WR 234 R+225' SUPPOR1 Vf91011 VR 17,Vs 19 $UPPORi Vt91011 WR 17 R 17 SUPPORT VY91011 ,

WR 29 VS 6 $UPPORT vi91011 WR 29 R 5 $UPPORT' Vf91011

  • ISOMETRIC: 0069a WR 17 V$*19A $UPPORT Vf92012
  • I$0 METRIC: 0069C

. WR 17 R 10 ~ SUPPORT VT91024

WR 17 R 43 $UPPORT VT91024 WR 17 R*46 $UPPORT Vt91024- 'i

_ , . - . - _. .a.

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  • PACE hD. 27 APPENDlu 1 COMPLt1ED CODE EXAMS 08/21/91 l'



e............e ........... ...... eee,eee


- t WR*17 t 47A SUPPORT Vf91024 l


  • 150MtiRIC 0122A
  • WR 20 R 57 $UrPORT vi91014 WR 20 R 41A $UrPOR1 V191014 WD A 9 SUPPORT Vt91014 e ISOMtfRIC 01288
  • WR 20 R 62 SUPPORT- VTP1015 i

WR'20*R 61 $UPPOR1 Vt91015

. WR*20 R*60 SUPPORT vi91015 WR*20 R 83 suPPott vi91015 WR*19 R*$9 SUPP0at - V191015 WR*20 R+58 . SUPPORf V19015 WR

  • 19 R*55 - $UPPOR1 Vt91015 y

'WR*19 R 54 ~sVPPORT VT91015 WR*19 R 53- $UPPolf Vf91015

  • l$0 METRIC: 0129A  ;

WR.91*R*123 $UPe0RT vi91020 +-

WR 90 R*119.' SUPPORT Vf91020

-* ISOMETRIC 0224A WR 43 A 92 ' EUPPORT VI91016

  • ISDMtfRIC: 0225A WR 43+A+91' SUPP0af V191017 WR 43 R 90 SUPPORT vi91017=

WR*181+A 89 $UPPORf Vf91017 i-

  • !$0 METRIC 02264 WR 55.A*84 5UPPORf V191018

- WR 55 t-85 sVPPORT V191018 .

WR*182+A 82 $UPPORf vi91018

  • l$0 METRIC: 0229A

WR 119 R*152 s;.*POR T V191019'-

~* lSOMETRICI 02428

.CH 1 11 R PS 3 SUPPORY V191149 CH 1+11+R PS 2 $UPPORT VT91149 l

ISCHETRIC: 1254A' CH 149 1 R*P$ 3 $UPPORT V19'096 ,

.CH 149 1 R PS.2 CUPPORT VI91096 CH 2 16 R P$ 4 $UPPORT V191143


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FAGE NO. 28 APPENDlk l CwMPittfD CODE EKAMS 08/21/91 i t


'$vPS UNii i 1991 OU1A06 BR WIN (If DAY R(PORT hDC COMPONENT- 00MD0htW1' #fr0Rt DufAGI  !


L CN 217 R*PS 3 CVPPORT Vf91143

- CH+2 18 R PS 2- SUFPORT Vi91143 CN 2*18 A*P$*1 $UPPORI Vt91145 CM*2*24 R PS*4 $VPPORT Vf?114)

  • lt0 METRIC: 0183A [

CC+178 5 A 160 1 AUPPORT- Vf91146 i CC+178*TC A*2TD*1 $UPPORT V191145

> CC+178 9 A*185 $UPPORT- Vf910TT

  • ISOMETRIC: 1254A CH 2 25 t P$*2 $UPPOR1 V191215
    • ASME 1 TEM NUMllR/fkAM CA1(GORY: F03.02D FC i
  • is0 METRIC 0195A-CH971PS4 - SUPPORT- Vt91072

~* ls0 METRIC: 0357A Db 56 2 PS 2 $UPPORT V191078

  • !$0MilRIC: 0358A -

DG 52*1F PS 2 SUPPORT V191095 I

  • ISOMETRIC: 0359A D3 47 2 PS 2 $UPPORT Vi91106 f
  • ISOMETRIC: 0170A CH 125*98 R*121 $UPPORT vi91071

$1 81 11 R 313 $UPPORT VT91069

$1 140 4 R 314 SUPPOR1 V191069

$1 140 4 R 315- SUPPORI V191069

$1 83*3*PS R 20 $UPPORT Vt91113 ,_, l

  • 1$0 METRIC: 0194A.

$187 8 P$=20 - SUPPORT V191104  ;

$187 8 PS*22 = ~ SUPPORT VT91087
  • ISOMETRIC: 02428-

< :CH*23 1 PS-06 - $UPPORT Vt91149 CH 23 1A PS 07 WiPPORT VT91149

  • ISOMETRIC: 0269A CH 83 4*PS 8 SUPPORT VT91# 0 t


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FACI NO. 29 AFFINDlX 1 COMPL(f(0 C00( (kAM5 08/21/91 DUQUtsNE Licht COMPANY DVPS Uhlt i 1991 OUTACE 84 k!klif DAY REPORT NDE COMPDkthT COMPDNtki AtPORT DU1 AGE 10thflFICATIDN Ot5CRIPflDN WuMBER RIMARES esses ....asse . ..... ... . ...... .......

  • It3MITRIC: 03750 El 72 3 R 311A $UPPORT V191074
  • ISDMETRIC 00014

$NP 56 2 8 2 $UPPORf VT91165 CDNCRETE CRACKS *>tM100836 SMP 56 3 s 3 SUPPORT V191165 CDNCREf( CRActs >[M100836 SHP 56 4*S*4 - SUPPORT V191165

  • Is0 METRIC: 0067A WR 19 R*21 SUPPORT Vf91009 WR 20 R 33 $UFPDR1 vi910C9
  • !$0 METRICS 0068A VR*187+R 30 $UPPORT VT91010
  • !$0MtfRIC: 0069A '

WR*17+R*12 SUPPDRi Vf91011 >

  • l$0METRlC 02428 CH 1*5A R*PS 20 SUPPORT V191149 CH 1*5A R PS 23 $UPPORT vi91149 CH 1*5A R PS 19 $UPPORT- V191149 g' CH+1*6A'Rt?$*18 $UFPORI VI91149

, CHal*6A R*PS 17 $UPPORT V191149 CH 1 7 R P$ 16 $UPPORT VT91149 CH 17 R PS 15 $UPPDRT v'91149 CH 1 8*R DS 14 $UPPORT Vf91149 CH 1*8 R PS 13 $UPPORT VT91149 CH 1 9 R*PS 12 $UPPORT VT91149 ,

CH 1*9 R PS 11 SUPPDAT VT91149 VT91149 I CH+1 9 R PS 10' - SUPPORT

-CN*1 9 A PS 9- EUPPORT V191149 10 R PS 8 $UPPORT VT91149

'CN*1'10 CN 1 R PS 7 $UPPORT VT91149 CH 1=10 R*PS 6- SUPPORT vi91149

-CH+1 10+A+P$ 5 $UPPORT Vi91149 CH 1*10 R P$*4 $UPPORf VT91149

  • If0MffRIC: 1254A CH 2 26-R PS 1 $UPPORT V191076 CH 2 27 R PS 1 SUPPORT V19102S CH 2 27 R+P$*3 $UPPORT VT91028 8


  • 150 METRICS 0183A ,



CC 178 4 R*296 $UPPORT t

k W r uo + .y houw.- ,Y' y #- t g e w , ig ran.,y -

gym g 4ywypy,-yyw.r-- grq -qm- p.4 m.u-- p- ,g q-

e e F Act WO. 30 AFFINDix 1 CDMPLtit0 C00t ExA*5 08/21/91 DvostSht tlGHT CcmeAky SvPS UW11 1 1991 Ou1Att LR hlkt1T CAf R(PORI ht!


.............. ........... seess. se.....

    • ASME litu NUMBER / EXAM CAttGotti 803.C30 FC
  • 150Mt1RIC: 0106A

$1 121 5 R B tuPPORT v191066

  • ISDM11RIC: 0107A st 101 2 R 12 $UPPORT V191118
  • ISDMEIRits 0375C

$1 74 4 R 328 $UFPORT vi91103

  • l$oME1RIC: 02428 CH 126 3 vs 209A EUPPORT vi91149 CH 126 3 R 210A surroRT vi91149
  • ISOMETRIC: 0128A WR 20 R 36 SUPPORT vi91014
    • A5Mt 11[M WUMBER/tKAM CAttGDRT: f03.0$D FC

' ISDMt1RIC: C359A DG 47 3 P51 tuPPORT vi91106

  • !$3Mt1RIC: 03508 RC 971 SN*50 suPPDR1 V191196 usesAt DR6B6 >Mst 912391. CLR REP Q 13443 0 13443 RC 951 $H 51 surPDAT vi91196 UNSAT DR686 >MwR 912392. CLR RCP Q 13444 0>13444 RC 99 1 tH 52 SUPPDR1 vi91196 UNSA1 DR686*>MWR 912393. CLR REP Q 1344$

Q 13445  ;

  • !$0Mt1RIC: 0999C DLW LDOP3 9 $N 5 $UPPORT V191105 a
  • ISOMETRIC: 0999D OLW PRES $*1 SH 2 SUFFORT V191098 UkSAT ACC AS 15 (DR641)
  • ISDMtikic 0106A

$1 121 3 SN 5 SUPPORT vi91100 SI 121 6 5M 10 tuPPDR1 vi91054

  • 150Mt1RIC: 0192A SI 81 13 $H BTA SUPPORT V191153

$1 B1 13 $H 66A SUPPORT vi91153

,i e

  • Pact NO. 31 APrikDlX l CDMPLEftD CODI (XAMl D8/21/91 DUQVtikt ilCHT COMP &kt BVPS UN11 1 1991 OUf AGE ' ,

SR hihtf f DAY Rf rDRI 1




e............. ........... essese eensees i

  • !$3Mtitict 0083A

$1 5 1*$N $0 $uPP0At V191030 I

$1 6 1A $N 49 $UPPDAT vi91030

  • ISOMtfRICs 00838 f I

$la1*6A $N $2 $UPPDat Vi91029



  • ISDMt1RIC: 01068

$1 108 1*$N 1 $UPPDAT V191120

  • 1$0MtfRICs 0109A SI 28 1*$N 66 $UPPDAT V191023 1

$1+18 1 $N*63 $UPPORT Vt91023 1

  • ISOMttRIC: 0222A

$1 20 1 $N*101A 'SUPFORT Vf91152 f

'$1 20 $*$N 60A SUPPDAt VT91152 L* ISDMitRIC 0223A e

$1'30 1+$H $8A $UPPORT V191148

$l 30 1+$N STA suPPott V191148

  • ISOMEttlC: 0001A

$HP-56 1A $N 1 $UPPORT- V191164

$HP 56 8 $Na EUPPDAT Vf91164 UNSAT Dk673 eHWR 912369. CLR REP Q 130$4 3054

'8' ISOMETRIC 0001B ,

.$HP $7 3 SH 6 $UPPORT VT91163 UNSAT DR6T3 eACC A$ Is i i

  • !$0 METRICS 0001C

$NP 58+1A $H 7' $UPPORT. V191166

$NP 58 6 $H 9 SUPPORf VT91166 UNSAT DR674 eACC AS il

  • ISOMETRIC: 0074C RN*12*1 $N 8 $UPPORT- V191185 RM 8*1 $N 13 $UPPORT Vt91185
  • ISDMt1LIC: 0075A  ;

RN 9 1 $N 26 $UPPORT VT91185

  • l$0MtfRIC 0068A WR 19 $N 23 $UPPORT . vi91010 WR 8 $N*70 $UPPORT Vf91010 WR 8 SH 71 $UPPURT V191010 LR 8*$N*72' $UPPDR1 Vi91010' I-

,- , ,- --_ .# _ _ - . _ . - - _ - . . , . . . ~ . _ . ._ -- - . , _ - . -. _._ -. - ,_ - ._.


.............. ........... .se... ......e

  • l$0Mf1RIC: 00698 WR 17 $N 69 $UPPORT v191012 WR 17 $N 68 SUPPORT vi91012 VR 17 $M 67 SUPPORT vi91012
  • ISDMt1RIC: 0069C WR 17 $N 44A SUPPORT Vf91024
  • ISOMETRIC: 012BA Wa 20 sh 34 surtoRT vi91014 untA1 tEttlNG .DR551 ACC Al Is (ott AhAL 8700 DMC 385 0 A1)
  • 150MitRIC 12$4A CM 2 24 $H4 b) SUPPORT V191107 CM*149 1-$H PS-1 SUPPORT vi91097 UNSAT DR642 SEf tth0 OK LOOSE WUI MWR 912363.

0 13119 CLR R(P Q 13119.

- .h l

l 1

I l

l i

I i



  • Fact No, 1 Att[kpix 11 BASELikt txAMS 05/21/91 DuautlNt L10H1 CDMFANY svts chli 1 1991 DutACE BR NikITY OAY A(00Af hDE CDNP04thf CDNPCAEhi RIPORT OJIACI 10tutiflCA110N DESCRIPfl0N bJMBER REMARAS

.............. ........... =**=** ***=***


    • ASME litW WJMBER/txAM LA1EGORY: 607.030 0L2
  • ISDMf1Rit E 001M Rt.t.1g SH $ BOLIlNG Vi911$7 UASAT OR670* SklFL ACL V191162 RC E 1C CC 6 Gotiths vi91157 UksAt Dab 70 >4tFL ACE vl91162
    • ASME 11EM NUMBER /ENAM CATEcoRY: C05.05) CF2
  • ISDMETRIC 0062C WFFD 22 Br F 02A PlFE WCLD Uf91064 Nf91036 WFPD 22 CF F 014 PlFE witD U191063 Mt91036

.-u_a-----_ - - - - - - . - - - . - - _ - - - , - - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - , - , - -

_ _ _-..~a h- _ _ y_a, -, .v m._ - 4 ..a._ _ .-.-., m _ .,-... ._ . . ,n i


i l

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l l

1 l

i l

l 1

. 24 l'




- CH 75 bbo6 U d 1 13 DR 584 LINEAR INDICAT10NS 912860 PT-91 809 CH 74 1 W 6 ?T-9p24 PR 591 LINEAR INDICAfloNS - 912532 PT 91 113 CU69 1 S*05 PT 91 29 DR 617 FORGING LAPS 912361 PT 91 823 CN 73*1 s 06 PT 91 28 DR 617 FORGING LAPS 912360 PT 91 821

<t- -Cb75-1 5 09 PT 91 30 DR 617 FOtGING LAPS 9123$9 PT 91 822 CH 75 1 s 06 _.PT 91 30 DR 617 FURGING LAP 912358 PT 91 824

- 04 56 3 PS 1 - VT 91 78 DR 635 TH2EAD ENGAGEMENT NA ACC AS l$



'SI 73 8 F 10 PT 9145 DR 640 PT INDfCATION NA ACC AS IS ,


,CH d49 1 SN PS 1 VT 91-97 02 642 SETTING >0K, LOOSE NUT >Flx 912363 0 13119 [


.SI 101 2 DS 1 VT 91 116 DR 544 THREAD ENGAGEMENT NA ACC AS Is RH 12 1-DS 5- VT 91 117 DR 645 THREAD ENGAGEMENT 912364 0 13103 MOV RM 700 8 1 THRU 16' VT 91*131 DR 651 BORIC ACID RESIDUE 912365 0 12307 L

M0V RH 720A BOLTING VT 91 134 --DR 646 THRD ENGMNT, BORIC PID 912366- 0 12403

$1 52 VT 91 141 DR 660 THREAD ENGAGEMENT- NA ACC A'Is S1*26-3 $ 03 PT-91-70 DR 665 LINEAR.INDICAfl0N 912368 PT 91 834 SH.537-3-3H 6- 'VT 91 163- DR 673 THREAD ENCAGEMENT NA ACC*ASalb SHP 56 84H-5 VT*91 164 DR 673 THRD ENG >0K, LOOSE NUTS >FIX * " 369 0 13054 SWP 58 6 SH 9 'VT 91-166 DR 673 THREAD ENGAGEMENT Na ACC AJ 15 SHP-57 1A SH 7 'VT 91 166 DR 674' SETTING TOLERANCE NA ACC AS IS SHP-58 6 SH-9 .VT 91 166 DR 674 SETTING TotERANCE NA ACC AS-IS

'RC 97-1 51 50- VT 91 196 DR 686 LOOSE NUT 912391 0 13443 RC 98 1-SH-51 VT 91 196 DR 686 LOOSE NU1 912392 0 13444 RC 99 1 th 521 VT 91 196 - DR 686 LOOSE NUT 912393 0 13445 CH 97 5 S-M PT 91 81 DR 687 LINEAR 1NDICATION 912370 PT 91 344

, CH 141*2 5 01 PT 91 84 DR 687 LINEAR INDICATION! 912371 PT-91 091 CH 141 2 3 03' PT-91 84 DR 687 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912372. PT 91-092

  • 1 141 2 3 06 - PT 91 84' DR 687 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912373 PT 91 100
CH-141-2-S 08 PT-91 84 DR 687. l'NEAR INDICATIONS- 912374 PT 91-091

- $1 81 35 F-04. PT 91 85 DR 690 LINEAR INDICATION 912375 PT 91 104

' RC-107 2 PSSN 46 = VT-91 207 DR 694 SETTING TC.ERANCE NA ACC AS-IS CH-96 1A-F 1B PT*91 87 DR 695 LINEAR INDICATION 912376 PT 91 108 CH 96 10 F 1F- PT-91 87 DR 695 L]NEAR INDICATION 912377 PT 91 108 CHa95 1A F 03 PT-91 27 DR 695 LINEAR INDICAT!ON 912378 PT 91 107 CN-96-146-01 PT-91 89 DR 695 LINEAR IN0! CATION 912379 PT 91 10" CH-96 1 F 02 PT 91 89 DR 695- LINEAR 1NDICATION 912380 PT-91-108 LH ?8 1G-S 01 PT 91 90 DR 695 LINEAR INDICATION 912381 PT-91 4 CN 23-4-F 06 : PT*91 93 DR 695 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912382 PT 91 106 CH 98 1A t 02- PT-91-97 DR 696 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912383 PT-91-107 CH 140 8 F 12 PT 91 98 . DR 699 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912384 PT 91 112

' CH 140 8-5 04 PT-91-99 DR 699 LINEAR INDICATION 912385- PT 91 110 CH 140-8 S-05 PT-91 99 DR 699 LINEAR INDICATION 912386 PT-91 110 CH 140 E*S 06 PT 91-99= DR 699 LINEAR INDICAT]DNt 912387 PT 91 110 CH-140 8-S 07 PT 91 99 DR 699 LINEAR INDICATION 917388 PT 91 110 g



' , ,.Ill )



, 08/21/91 UNSAT SUMMAAT ,



. CH 1 18-F 1B- PT 91 101 DR 699 LINEAR INDICATION 912389 PT*91 111 CH 1 18 5 02' PT 91 101 ~DR 699- LINEAR INDICATION 912390 _ P1-91 111

^ CH 69 1*S 06 ~ PT 91 115- DR 708 LINEAR INDICATIONS 912394 PT-91 121

$1 26 3 5 04' PT 91 117 DR 709 ARC STRIKE. 912395 PT 91 122

- RC E 1B 8H 5' VT 91 157 DR 670 - DAMAGED THRE AD - 912852 vi 91 162 RC E*10 CC 6. VT 91 157- DR 670 DAMAGED THREAD 912853 VT 91 162 P12 H1 5-OS PT 91 118 DR 710 LikEAR INDICATION 912396 PT-91 120

- $1 130-6 8 08 -- . PT 91-119 DR 711 LINEAR INDICATION- 912398 PT 91 136

$1 130 6 $ 13 PT*91 119- -DR 711 LINEAR !NDICAfl0NS 912399 PT 91 136 SI 5 18 F 04 ~ PT 91 131 DR 715 PI INDICATIONS 914035 PT 91 144 CM 81 4*S-07 PT 91 139 DR 717- -LINEAR INDICAfl0NS 914037- PT 91 146.

CM 81 4 8 05~ .PT 91 139 .DR 717 LINEAR.lNDICATIONS 914038 PT 91 146 CH-81 4 8-06 PT 9! 139 DR 717 LINEAR INDICATIONS 914039. PT*91 146 SI 60 1A S 07' ,PY 91 138 DR 717 FORGING LtPS 914040 PT 91 146

$1601A 5 08 PT 91 138 DR 717 FDRGING LAPS 914041 PT 91 146 41

'i ~ CH 67-2-L D8 PT-91 149 DP 724 ARC STRIKE 914177 PT 91 864 4

7 4.

p,--g 4 gaya p..- s er 9w-e gy i -7 9 p .

T^-w -99 p,.-y+, s.

4 #



L Form No. -164.


- FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i,, Duquesne Light Company o.,, 3/7/90 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,,,

1 ,,

1 AeW ees

2. Piant Beaver Valley Power Station yng ,_ No . I N.m.

Shippingport, PA 15077-f1WR 900068 As ereas neseer oreeniseuen P.o. we., see we., etc.

3. Work Performed by - DLCo Maint. Dept. Tvoo Coo. symnos stemo Not ADDilcable Authoritetton No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,;,,,,,, g,,, .


4. teniitic. ten of svevem Charging and Volume Control
s. tel Anoincase constrvetion co. ASTE Sec. 8 t, 65 - Edition. '-

Am m Case ml Applicegie Edition of Section x Utilised for Rooers or Rootecoments 19 83 E-S ' 8 3A

6. identificet6ers of Components Meesired or Mootaced and Replacement Components ASME Cooe Nationes - Reoered, Stemoed Name of . Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Meoleced. (Yes Component Manufacturer - Serial No. No, Identifiest6en Sullt or Hep 6ecoment or No)


Relief RV-CH-203- Crosby 51680 -

2x3 Valve - Replaced. ?b 2 X 3 lblief --

RNH-203' Crosby 61680-3 --

Valve Realacomnt it

. 7. oe,c, tion of m Replaces Relief Valve with spare B. Tests Conducted: Hydrostotle 0 Paeumatie 0 Nomiasi O oretiae Pressure 0 Other O Preneure nei Toei Teme. 'P NOTE: Suosiemental eneste in form of lirts sketches, or drowings mov he used, preended (11 sue is 3% in, a 11 in (21 retarme- .

tion in items 1 tht augh 4 en en6s toport is included on esen sheet, and (3) each ehest is swmoored end the number of sheets se recorded et the too of th6s form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) mov be octeined from the Oroer Dept., ASME. 346 E. 47tn St., New York. N Y 900tP

- *-i y.-nr

FORM NIS 2 (Beck) 9 nemarks YA-aantissoie Meno vestueers osse neoerte to se ertecne.

4 t

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report ere correct and th6: conforms to the rules of the 4 sME Code. Secna x1.

Type Code Sv'mbol Stamp ~Per SAP 39 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of Autnorisation No.

A Emperation Oete /A Signed h - N- b b 4-v Date ~7 3o


  • ig oo

. Own.e or ownere'ooesones, grif i x


1. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued tur the Natiocol Soard of Soiler end Pressure Vesse6 Inspectors and the State or Provmco of Pennsylvania and employed W Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.
  • og W itham . - Ma s sachuse tts hoe inspected the components aeocribed in this Owner's Report during the period #f/ to , . and crete' tnet to the best of my knowledge and leadief,' the Owner hee performed eneminatione end taken correctNo measures described in this

- Owner's Report in accordance w6m the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

By agnmg this certificate neether the inspector not his employer makes any worrenty, empressed or impi.ed, concernmg the eneminatione and eerfectpse meneures descrrbed in this Owner's Hoport. Furthermore, neither the inspector not his empiover shall be liaD6e in any mener for any peregnet ingury or property demage or e low of any kind er6 sing from or connected witn this in eoction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems ad M /* Commissions ' })

neuen. . stem, er inee. .n e

{ i % rs sNaseur.


Date I 19 93 _

(12/821 P

--,-ne -r - .

Form No. 192 FORM N15 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlR$ OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 3/15/90 1, owne, Duquesne Light Company o,,,

~.-e 1

one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,,,

1 ,,

AeW een Beaver Valley Power Station yn,, No. I t pient Nome MWR #893232 Shippingport, PA 15077 awese oeseniarven e o, se., see me., e,s.

As eese Nuclear Const. Dept. Tvoe cooe s,meni sismo Not Applicable

3. wors Peetorened to otco "
  • Authoeltetton No. .

Shippingport, PA 15077 g , ,,,,, ,,, n,,,

As eroie e, ioenut.cevon ot svowm Diesel Generator Air Start Piping 3,67 .gai, ,, S'71 ao e ,c ,

s, tai Anoi.ceMe construcuen com_._B31.1 Ib) Acon com4e Editnon of sees 6en xi t'tiittee tor or mseiecemento 13 8 3F-S ' 83 A

6. Ioentatteuen of componente mooered or Room one Reseoement componente AsME cooo Reseired, sterno *C Natlonel iYH Year Reo'8eed.

Menutecturer toere Other Name of Name of Sugt or mesteemment ofNon Series No. No, identif6eu6en Componerit Menutecturer Stone and Line Nos. Diesel Air Replaced


Start Pipinq -- No Piping Webster (see back N/A Stone and Line Nos. Diesel Air N/A Start Piping 1989 leplacemen : No Piping Webster (see back) f 7, oseer m ion oeve.,g Replacement of D/S #1 Air Start Pipino

8. Tests conducted: Nyeroutette C @ Nominst Operett to C pW Test Tomo, 'F Other C Preneurs NOTE:

Sucolemental sheets in form of lists, sketenes, or oreennes may tie used, prowb6ded fh (t) ts site is is SM in, a 11 in tion an items 1 throuWi 6 on this report is inetuded on seen etioet, and (3) eeen sheet le nuenbered and the num er o s ee recorded at the toe of this form.

'001e This Form (E000301 may be ottanee from the Creer Oeot., ASME,344 8. 47th St., Neuw Yor=, N v (12!$21

E 4

l o


t FORM Nis 2 &ck) I l

, e , ,,,,, Line nos.-(1 1/2" - ASC - xx - 151 - 03): ASC-65, ASC-66, ASC-67 )

seen. . tor.r.o m n.oor,.isse.nxa 1 ASC-68, ASC-69, ASC-70, ASC-71, ASC-72, ASC-75 were replaced.


- We certify that the statements mece in ene soort are correct and inis repl8 Cement,g , ,, , g

-- A SME Coos.Section XI. '**** 'essewnent Type Code 5vmeoi stemo Per SAP 39 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certdicete f Awinoriteteg No. .N/A Emperation Core N/A Signed EE T Oete Ne **- M 19 To

. (.ner ., owner. oe.corie.. r e e -


1. the undersigned, no@ns a vollel commiesson issues by the Net 6enei Dr.are of toeler one Precaure Vessed inwestors and tne State or Province of Pennsv1vania one emegoyag gy Arkwticht Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Walthnm. Mammachusetts n., ingoestes the componenis oe.crineo in this owner's Report outing the period # Tf to i s/ 9/ . ene stars inet to the twet of my knovHeese one beslet, the Owner hee retormee seemmeteenie end temen corrective mesmeros ese: rinse in tais

- Owner's Report in escoteiense sween the rsaw remente of the ASMS Come, Seatbon XI.

ty signing this eartifieses noseier the insgestra nor hee empeover makes any weerrenty, empressed or irnessee, concermag tne eneminatione and eerresteve nesseures duesretsee in thee Owner's Resort. Furthermore, neither the tassector not his emoiover snell De liesse in any meiner for any pewsnel ingury or orgoerty demage or a lost of any kind eritietg frorn or connected with tait meection.

  • Factory ;iutual Systems A /t l Commrosene W Y' l" D* '

( iwa swisiwre < wavisas meers, sie Provinee, one aneo

7 om J/d 1996 (12/82) j .


. = :-

Form No lo't FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by de Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i, o,,ner Duquesne Light company o. ,, 3/28/90 ,_

l Name One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 I I Snedt of Aderees 2, pient Beaver Valley Power Station un,, No. I Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 -MWR #866552 As erees m.o 6e oreer:setien e.o. No., Joo me., eie, 3, Wortt Performed tv DLCo . Maintenance Dept. Tvoe coos svmoot sino Not ADDlicable Authoritetion No, Shippingport, PA 15077 ,,,,,,,,,,g,,,_.

Ad dress 4, io.nuticetion ot svetem Reactor Plant River Water _

s (ei Anosieme concruction como 831.1 ,,,6 77_ gai,,,,, S ' 71 4%,

co., c,,

in) Awieme Edition of Section XI Utillaed for Receirs or Restecoments 1g 8 3E _f.,' 8 3A

e. ioonuficmion of comeaaenis neesired or aweced end awecoment componenis .

AsME Code Nationes neoeired, st r ood Manufacturer Other Year Rooteced, (Yes Nome of - Nome of Boeren Component ' No. Identification Built or nepiscement or No)

Menufacturer Series No.

RW Crane 869414 ---- 2" check valve --- Replaced- tb RW Kerotest JAW 21.5 ---- " --- Replacemnt tb 2"-W -

151-03 Inesne Light ---- ---- 2" Pipe --- Replacemnt tb 7, o,,,,,,,, ,, , Replaced valve with new design and inlet pipe nipple

8. Tests Cond 4ted:

Hydrostatic Q . Pneumatic Other O Presou,, 105 ,,i re,,0 Nomiasi rem,. O oreiia. Pressure O.,


NOTE: Supolemental sheste in form of liets, skmenee, of drawings mov os used, provided (1) size is SM in, a 11 in (2) inforrre tion in 6tems 1 throuWi $ on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numtweed end the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form.

(12/82) Thir Form (E000301 mov tw octeened from the Order Dept.. ASME 346 E. 47th St., New Yore, N Y 1001F

i i

FORM NIS 2 iBecki

9. ' Remerk: NA _ _

Acciscacio Measecturers Dete meerts to os arteca o

-m - - - _ _ _ _

m*--- _ .m e r C.ERT47tCATE OF COMPLI ANCE We certify that the statements mode in the report are correct and tni, re p l a Ceme ,,,,,,, g, ,,, ,yi , ,, 33, ASME Code.Section XI. ***********

Type Code Symbot Stamp Per SAP 39 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of Authorist, tion No. W^ . Expiration Date ^

Signed - b m

  • Date 3 N 19 O c KR er owner s oMwwe,3fe i 5 4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE ECTION 1, the underegned, holding a welid commission iemsed tiy the National Board of Sodor and Pressure Vossei inspectors and the State or Province ot Pennsv1vania end er4ewed ny Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Waltham. Massachusetts hm ine cted the comoonents oe crit =d -

in this %ner's Report during the period N to M , and state that to the best of my knowledge end tsei!ef, the Owner has perfomwd enemineteens and taken corrective measures descritmo in this Owner's Report in accordense with the requiremente of the ASMJ Code, Sectwin XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his emp6ayer makes any wertenty, empreened or implied, concerning the enemmatene end eerfectne measures descrttled in this Owner's Report. Furtteermore, neither the insoector not his emoiover shall be liehle in any menner for any personal injury or property comage or e loss of any kind arising from or connected with this ine.ction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems j Y> A/$ .

Commisssns lA'AAY l en.eetore p.,nmure meteene soere. sse,e. Provinee, one a neer-eais h Date - 38 19 9#

112/821 4

Form No. 194 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1, own ,, Duquesne Light Cornpany os,. 6/4/90 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 ) j 3


2. P'ent Beaver Valley Power Station un,, No. I

~ . , .

Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR #892230

  • e . a .o , o rten .eu.a e o. ~ e.. s ee ~. . ....

3 mm,me ., etco . Nuclear Const. Dept. 7,,, c.e. ,, ,,,, ,,,,, not anotie die Authoritetten No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 , ,,4,,,,,, o,,,


4. isenuficmien of symm Chemical and Volume Control
s. (s) AseHs2W ConstrWtion Cae9 ANSI B31.1 ,, 67 ,,,

S'71 ---

(a) Aseticatie Eention of Sestma XI utilleed ter meeers or moeiesoments 13 0 3 E-S ' 0 3 A ,

S. leentification of Components Repeared or Rosaeces one moeiesoment Components A SM E .


  • Net 6enee Meeered Stemoed Name of - Name of Menufacturer gear. Omar Year Replaced. ' Y **

Camponent Manufessurer Series fee. No. leentaflooden gest er Reo6esoment or Nel Relief Valve RV-CH-209- Crosby 51382-MS N/A 2" X 3" N/A leplacemen-; No

7. oo.oretw of wert_ Replaced relief valve with like kind.
8. Tests Censueted: Hyeresseste O ra umetie 0 : Nomiaei Oeeratiai eree -e m O m er O Prs ==ste ai Test rea*. **

NOTE: Suspiemental aneses la form of fists. *stehen, or etw6ags may to used. N !1) sese is 9% in. n 11 in (21 internw.

tien in items 1 through 6 en mis resort is inelveed en seen sheet, and (3) eash sheet is nummered and the numiser it smeets e recereed et the top of ens form.

(12/32) TNg Form (8000301 mov as otteinee from tne Oreer Dept.. ASMG,344 E. 47m St.. New Yort. N Y '0017

FORM NI:,4 iBack) 9 memeras Acesiswa Menwiecturere Date neeerts to se attacnee CERTIFICATE OF CoedPLIA8eC8 We certify that the statements mooe sa the resort era correct eed tNe replacement , ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,

ASME Coes.Section XI.

Type Code Symesi stems Per SAP 39 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Progre Certdicate of Autnorisation No.

UA Empireten Dete A


.s4 nee

/ WAw Y /bNW owner or ownere cemenee, riti.

DZf Oew b~d'* 15 94 CERflPICATE OP 18eSSRVIC818eWSCTIOes I. tne undersgned, meHrtes a weite commiessen inwee ey the Notenal Beere of Seder one Preeswie Vessee Insectog one the State Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • p.

or Province of Pennsv1vania w ,,,i,,,,w ,

Waltham. Mamanchusetts- i se convenents a icneed in tnis owner's Report outing the period 'o[{/N ot 6 /$ M and state inet ,

to tne meet of my knowwegs miel no6W the Ouener has rerformed eneminessene one temen correatmo rnumeroe descriese in in s Owner's Report in assordense wie the veewirements of the ASME Cees.Section XI.

By ignme thes eartsfiesse neNher the inesseter nor hee onwoover measse any norrenty, empressed er imesies, concerning tne enemmetsens and empresteve mesasses eleserited an tNo Owner's Resort. Pwethermore, neither the inessetor nor n s emoiover sheel be lienne in any menner for any pereenal insury or preserfy comage er a less of any kiras arising from et connected w in tms insecten.1

  • Factory Mutual Systens N t// inedsent e sagassure ene /4 **bl~

neeenes osere. sesse er nee one sneere.m.

t ..

ce,e W/4 ,,1b i


" , . ,a. p g., v-c --.,

e ,m- , e .e n se ew,ywe- 4 , m


  • a Form No. /Y8 FORM NIS 2 OWNEA*S REPORT FOR REPAIR $ OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI t j 0-e , Duquesne Light Company o ,e


i One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 g 1 Ao er een 2.Ptem - Beaver Valley Power station unit No.1 Name Shippingport, PA '15077 .WR 900027 As eres. aseen o.oenimien e.o. no , a me. no.

. 3, y,,,g p.,,,,med t,y DLCo - Mech. Maint. Troe come svmeo4 5:emo Not Aprlicable '

    • Autnerismeen No.

Shippingport,-PA 15077 Espiretea cate Ae o<.e.

4 toontification of system _ Charging Syatem

5. fel Anotiests** Construction Coos B31.l' .g 6 7 Editios. Sum 71' Adoende N)A Code Case (n) Apoliceole Edition of Section XI Utiused for Rooe.rt or Reiecoments is 8 3 E-S ' 03 A
6. fdentification of Components Rece. red of Roolaced and Rootecoment Components Asut '


  • N ation g Rooe. cod, St emoeo

' N m of Name of Manuf acturet Boere Othee Year R *' aced. 8 Y 'S Identaficmion Suilt 8' N #3#""' 0' N# I Co:noonent: .- 6Aenuf act seer Series he. N o.

1 I

Model MOV-C '310 Velan -- --

88418/3 --

Reenired No 4

L 7. L oeseristion of wen R4olaced all 12 bonnet bolts si Teite coaducted: Nyd,oetetic O *neum-ia O aomind Op*<=in.

  • o-u o O Visual Exam Othee O *<ee - ed Test re-.. **

NOTE:'sucedementd sheets in f arm of inste, sketches. or drowings may ese weed.propeeded (1) eine le 8% let n 1118% (2) iviter=-

tion in items 1 through 4 on this report is inciudod on esen eneet, and (3) esse sheet is numeered and ttte number of onene .o recorood et the too of this form.

(12/02) This Form (E000308 mov ee ootsaed f rom sne Order Dept.. AsadE. 346 E. 47th St.. New Yote. N Y 100tI

  • t

?~ -

y -





y .

u s

FORM NIS 2 (Sock) l t nome,g, N/a Appe.seo4e Weavtestwrere Date Reporte to De aneca.d l

1 l


'\ .

l CERTIFICATE OF COsdPL;ANCE ,, j We certify that the stetements moos in the tooort era correct end mes ' ' A

  • C conforms to the twies of sne ASME % k
  • M.

Troe Code symoot stemo Per SAP 39 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program

  • A E mpiration Date b Certificate of Avtaorintion No.

, s 5.ened b4M o.a.< e. ow er e o

,a.e, T 4 tie R #MV i


1. the undersegned. holding a voH4 comrmmon issued tyr the Nationet toerd of Soiler end Pressure Vesent insp.ctors and t% State or Pro,.no ot Pennsylvania .no ,g,, eo t,, _ Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.* ,,

Wa l t h mn . Massachusetts hm ia ted me comooneais in this Owner's Hepoet dur6ng tow period 7,N M to I b . mad state taet

' to the taest of my knoweedse and Iposief, the Owner has performed eserneneesens and taken correcteve enemevs oecano

  • tan Owner's Report en encordence wem the regwirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

' Sv s.grung that oortsficene meether the inesector nor his emoeover metes an, norrenty, espressed we imohed concerw 1 ***

enemineuono erws eerfecttwo meeswegs descritted en thes Owmer's Report. Furthermore, neither the tasoector aor n.s emo+ove* -

shall be tiende in any menner for any perweef inivry or property 6emese or a loss of any klad arising from or connected ev.ta tan

, in spection.

  • Factory Mutual Systems

^^ $ i


ees.,e % ,e LA ae, E m.$s, e,*. b22d


e, e- . ~.r

[ . . .

Obse ' }lA Y ta fd 02/82) l:


. t

+ _.


Form No. 196


L FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI t on,nor Duquesne Light Cetopa ny n,,, 8-13-90 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 13279 ,

1 g

1 As erees

2. P'ent Beaver Valley Power Station yn,, No. J meme Shippingport, PA 15077 502671 As eeen aseeir oreenisocen e o me, see %e . eu.

3 m performed by DLCo - Tvee Corse Symmet stena Not ADDll.c.a ble N

  • Authort3eten No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 ,,

geo,,et,an oe,e As erees

4. ioentificetion ef sy,wn Heating and Ve rtilation S'71
5. fel Apoincesse Cowruetten Code 19 Ed6 tion. Adannes. Come Case
10) Apolics06e Edit 6on of Section Xt utilized for Roomrs of Moo 6asements 19 63E-S..' 83 A
6. toontifketton of Correonents Repaired or Resteced and Restesement Camponents ASME Cooo NoticM AeSe68ed. $temoed Re90emed. (Y ee Name of NamJ of Menufacturer Seerti Other Yoser fge. leantafletelen Sullt or Maplacement or Nel Component Menuhetufer Sernal Peo.

Control Rocm VS-E-4B Borg-Warner ----

46531 A/C Htexch 1972 Repaired No Replaced heat exchangers end bells

1. Deectiotton of were
8. Tests Conducted: Hyerortet*e O acewmeiis O Nominei o.oreiiae eressure G Other O Pressure a* Test reme. 'F NOTE: sucedemental sheets in forvn of flete, sttetchen, or drovnnge may to used, prorted til seas le N in.e it in (2) infarreu.

ton la steme 1 through 8 on this report is inciveed on each sheet, and (3) seen sheet nr r.irneuered and the number of sheets 's recorned at tr.e top of this form.

112/821 This Form (E000305 may be octeined from the Creer Dept., ASME,344 E. 47th St., Peon Yora. N v toot t

< i FORM NIS.2 (Seck) 9 m ems,e s N/A aooisceeie wea we ectur er s cete seeerte to se annenes CERTIFICAT5 OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and ing repair ,,ng,,ms to the ruses of tne i ASME Code. 5ecten XI. **'**'"***"'

Type Code Symnot Siamo per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair /Raplacement ?rogram" Certificate of wtnormaten No. ^ . Empiration Date - N/A ,,,

Sssned - 6dr f Dete . --- - wb a si k ,19 9A Owner er Owaere ossignee, Totte CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INEPGC140N 1, tne underssgned, hoeding a valid cornmiesson issued tpy the Notenel Soard of Seeler and Preemre Veemet inspectort and the State or Province of Pennsylvania ,,ee ,,,,w Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Waltham. Massachusetts > inesected me components descripeo -

in tais Owner's Resort during the pered

?M to Sd . ene state inet to tne best of my knoweego yte Delief. the Oumer has eerformed seesmaatsene end temen correstrue measures souritise in in's Owner's Rooort en escorcense w4e tu reewirements of the ASMS Code.Section XI.

By signing thee eartifeste ne4Weer the inesestor nor his erneseyer makes any sementy, eueressed or wnoiseul, concoening the eneminettone Utd Mpwe meteurW densrtDed en this owner *$ Resort. Furthermore, netther the inspostor nor nos emotover snet ne siense in any menner er any omones inivry or procerry damage or e noeg of any kind wieng troen or connectea aita tais eneoction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems W5V l- comm, mens A'd ? 4 W h 2141-

/no wee seeaseure metenes owe. siew. Prevenee, one eneer-ems Osts }& 1s_ M (12/82)


  • Form No, 197 l


l i

FORM Nis 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS i As Required try the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

~ -

t o,,oer__Duquesne Light Cotnpany- o,,, 8/22/90;


One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 I 1 3 g Asereen Beaver Valley Power Station y,, No, 1 2 atent

%eme Shippingport. PA 15077 _

MWR 4902691 Aseems menear oresassocien e o. No., see %e . to.

3. ' hors Performed try DLCo . Maintenance Dept. Type Coos symeol Stemo Not loplieab1e y,,,,, a Awthoriamien Ne' shippingport, PA 15077 E =oireisen Dew _.
4. laemt.f 6ccion of System - Heatino & ventilation
5. tal Apolicense Constrwethn Coes Sect. VIII ,, 71 g,,,,,,, s'72
th) Aeofican6e Edit 6on of Section x1 Utilated for Receirs or Rootecoments 19 0 3E*S ' B 3A 4.10entif stien of Components Received or Reetesed and Replacement Campenents i


Coos Noteonel Repesrod, Stemoed Other Yoy Reslaned, t Yes Name of Ntsm of Manufacturer Boere No, identifiession guist or R >6esomeet orNoi Cowt Monutentwaw senes No.

k' VS-E-4A-Control Room Borg-Warner 46530 A/C Htexch 1972 Repaired No Replaced heat exchangers end bells 7, % ,,, ,, ,

8. Te.ta conewetodi Hverestette O *aeumene O nomiasi oeeret.nd arossa G O m er O Preeswee esi Toei Teme. **

NOTE: Supplemental sheme in forvn of tiete, sketche, or artware rrey to weed, prorteed til elae is 0% in, u .11 in.,12) interren-teon in items 1 threvyi 4 en this reeert is enesweee on seen sheet, and (3) esen sheet is numbered ed the numeer of snests is recerged et the top of this form.

(12/821 TNe Form 1E000301 may be octeinse from the Oreer Dest., ASME,346 E 47th St., New Yore N Y 1001?

4 4


1 PORM NIS 2 (BeeM

, 9 memoras Apenesoie weaw'ut ree s cete meeerts to De arteenea I


We certify inst the stesements moos in ine rooort are correct end ente ry_ air conforms to the ruios of ine

. - ASME Caes. Secten XI.

- Tvoe come symooi stemo._ Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" N/A Empiration Date N/A j Certoeceto of winoriaston No.

' 54nedOwaer 'MIsev .M // das 7 oct, [xeuT 24 ig 90 er Owner a Oseegnes. Titie CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INWGCTION '

I, the unoers paed, holding a valid commesseen segued try the Noteeel Seerd of Sosser and Pressure Veem6 tasectors end tne state of Prowmce or Pennsylvania andemosw ed w Arkwricht Mutual Insurance Co.

  • e, Waltham. Massachusette ny in.ated ine components cess, een . q fMV in' Nis Owner s Mooort during tme mored - 3 to and state inst

' to tne Dost of my knowmese and Wief, the Owner he performed euernenetiene and taken correstne measures seecribed in tais Owner s Asort in secoreanse se6th the voeuirements of the ASME Chee.Section XI.

IV signmg thee sertif ceW feesther the inesente* ner his emotoyer mekg3 eny guerrenty, energesed or imolied, concerning tne i

eneminstens cod sorteetne moeurge agostined in this Owner's Resort. Furthermosa, neitmer the inspector nor mis emoiover .

snell be lied 6e in any menner for any personal intury or property damage or a loss of any kind ersting from or connectml witn ims insecten.

  • Factory Mutual Systems d


'? 4 /1 comm,,en, M J N/ __A2 M&

%.tiene s. ore steio, preinee. nne a neersemeais '

- / ineonore sme.

om f$ # to 9#


R .n . _ . . , .- -.


g a _.

Form No. 25R FORM Nis 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS At Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1/24/91

.g, 3 ner Duquesne Light Company Date Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 Sneet 1 .: 1 Adapree No. I

2. Plant Beaver Vallev Power hem Station uni, ShiDeinoport, PA 15077 MWR 4 91217'?

Aearem neeeir oreamseuen p o, no., soo go,, en, 3, vuorst Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Type Coce Symbol Stemo Not Applicable

"'** Authoritation No.

shioninerort. PA 15077 Espiretion Dete Am erwes 4.. Identification of System Reactor Coolant S. (e) ApolicatWe Coastrucfon CoosSection III gg 68 E dition, W'68 Aw,,

,g (t) Aeolicso4e Editen of Section XI Utilized for or Meolecemente 1983E-S'83A ,

- 6. loentification of Components Mepoiced or Meoisced and Mootecoment Components ASME Coon Repeered, Stemoed National Year neolesed, tYes Name of Name of Manufacturer Soerd Other Identd6caten Buut or Messement orNo)

  • -. Component Manufacturer Series No. No.

MOV-RC-593 Westinghouse 06618J854 N/A Model 1972 Repaired. Yes G04 A-2328-Al

7. Description of %ergyolaced broken 3/4" weld & nipple with solid plug attached to body of-valve
8. Tests Conducted; Hydrostet6c 0 *aeumetie Nomiasi Operatin P eesure Q pet Test Tomo. *F Otner O Pressure ,

NOTE: Supplemented shoots in form of lists, sketcoes, or drowiny may be used, proridad (1) size is 5% in, a 11 in.,12) inforn+

tion in items 1 through 4 on this report is inctuded on such sheet, and (3) each sheet is numeered end tre number of snests is recorood et the too of this form, (12/82) Thle Form (E00030) mey tse octeined from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New Yore. N v 50017


.- 4


l l

FORM NIS 2 (Backl 9 - morne,es As a temporary repair, a plue was welded to the valve body after aconceae. Man we ectweees oote meoorte se me ette<nea

_the nipple was removed. Permanent repairs will be mada during the next refueline outace.

CE RTlPICATE OF COMPl. LANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair ASME Code, Secten XI, conforms to the ruios of the reo it or reonescent Type Code 5vmbot Stemp per NCAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certdicate of AutMoriestion No. N/A Empiration Date N/A s,ened FA Owner or owners Dee.gnee Title MM '

oste 3//'/ .is 9/

e 4


' e.L 1, the unoersigned, holding a veUd commiseson sesved by the National Board of Soiler end Pressare Veases inegoctors enc she State

- or Province of Pen n ap1 va n i n sd employed by' Arkwrf cht Mutuni T n a n rn n e-e t' n _

  • Norwood, Massachusetts at hm inspected me components concribed in me. owner s neport durins the period to tas Jest of vry orWedge and tiehef, the

/ EM J4_9/ to


. and si.te inei r has performed eneminstens and tenen corrective measures described in tnis

' Owner's Report ;n socordance with the ments of the ASME Code,Section XI.

_ By s4gning this certificate neither tfge friespetor nor hts employer makes any worrenty, empressed or imched, concerning tne eneminations and correctne meemares described eh thee Owner's Rooort. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his etnoiover shall De lieO6e in any menner for any personal ingury or property damage or a lose of any kind arising from or connected witn taas in sects

  • Factoty Mutual Systems

/ '

[ Commemons 8t3 ME

/ i r si.n.,u,e y ,s.,e n ..e.e. .te,s. ....i ee. ene . neo...em, oete M 4/ '


/ 'I tt2/s2 L

4 I.

f'orm No. _262 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS At Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

- 1. o. net , Duquesne Light Company o. ,, ,_ 7/26/91 name One Oxford Centra - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 1 Sheet of Ader ees

. 2. Pter,, - Beaver Valley Power Station ,

u n,t No. I eveme Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR 903544 Ac ereas meeoir oreeniaesion p.o. e.o., ano no., eie,

3. wars performed ty__ DLCo - Maintenance Dent . Type Coos symooi stemo Not Apolicable Authorigetton No, Shippinciport, PA 15077 g ,,,,,, ,,, n,,, ,

Ac ereas

4. loenutication of system Reactor Coolant Section III 68 S'68 Adeande Code Case 8,,- (e) AedliceDie Coast'uction Code 19 Edition.

(b)' Apolicense Editkm of $4ction XI utilised for peoeirs or Roolacements 19 83E-S ' 8 3A L ident6fication of Componenta Repe6 red or menteced and Realm,+i'nt Components Asul Coos Nationes Rosemd, stemeed s

Other Year Reeleted. t Yes

-- Name of Name of Manufactumt Board sortes pee. No, ident flesslen Budt or Rooseeement or Noi Comment Menutectutor RV-RC-551C Target Rock ---- '6" x 6" Relief Valve 1973 Replace 6 Yes L

6" x 6" RV-RC-551C Target Rock 2 ----

'Rolief Valvo 1973 Replacement Yen l'

Replaced existing valve with a spare

7. Osectiotion of wert _
8. Tests Conducted: . Hydrostatic O *aeumatic Norniasi Ooerotia. ere.e re S Other O Pr eaare poi Test Tome. 'a-NOTE: Sucedementet sheets in form of liets, sketcnes, or dreennes rewy be weed, ortprided til see is 8% in. m 11 in (21 interren.

tion in items 1 through 6 on thne report to incivded on esen sheet, and (3) each snest is numtsered and tfw numoer of oneets is recorned at the toc of this form.

02/82)- This norm (E000301 mov be octeened from the Oroer Deot., AsWE 3A6 E. 47tti St., New Yorii, N v t001P

_ m _ _

FORM NIS 2 tBacid 9J Aemeras N/A-aposisense weaw*wtw er's e este neoerts is se artecaea u.ew 4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cerasty tnet the statements made m the report are correct and this realacementconforms to the rules of the aSME Coe'.Section XI.

~ Type Code symeer Stemo per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section-K Repair / Replacement Program"

. Certificeve of o-iration No.

!^ . _ Empirttion Date  !

3;gneg aw<ka / b b ed - EkW Date k#

V 19 Y'

owaer er owners oee.ones.1*itte.


1. the undersigned. holding a volle commiseson issued by the National toerd of Soiler and Pressure Vesual laspectors and the State or Frovince of Pennsylvania ond emoloveis try Arkwright Mutitti Insurance Co. * - at Norwood, Massachusetts h i ste inspected the c nie descrited in tnis Owner's Report during the period ( MA M/ to > Ib# . and state that

. to the best of my knowiedge and luefief, the has performed eneminst and hn corrective measurso describe.2 in Owner's Report in escordonne with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

8v signing this certificose noisher the Inspector not his emotoyer makee esty vuortanty, espavesed or implied, concerning sne exammations and sorrectne meneures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, noiteter the inspector not mes emonover-snell De 4 lease in say menner for any personal insury of property aemage or e lose of any kind arising from or connected with in's ineoction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems

/ Qu </# Commiweene d N#b y . - se ,e ,.e.corie. e,s. dtese. ,r me ene n neer-e,4s Oe,e 6,, aW AG, w ,

J d2/82)



Form No. 263 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENT 4 As Required by the Provistons of the ASME Coele Section XI 1, o.nor ' Duquesne Light Company o ,, 5-22-91


Ore Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 y Sheet of I  :,,,


2. Ptent Beavet "/ Alley Power Station ung No. 1 meme Shippingport, *A 15077 MWR 7913958 s As ereen neseer oreenis-ion e o. N. .. see %... .,,,

3, werg pe,+ormee i,y DLCo - Maintenance Dent. Tvoo Cooe syr$4 stame Not Applicable Awthorustion tw.

Shippingport, PA 15077 Esperum mio "


As erte

4. leentification of Synom Main System
5. !al Apoineesse Construetten Case ANSI B16.3%g 73 g -- ....

tal aseticense Edition of sostion xi utstiaes for maneirs or meesse . ,ve is 0 3E-S ' 83A S. leontifiset6en of Comeonente R Wred or Restesed and Realesoment Canese ents ASME Cooe Poet 6enel Resewed. Stemoed

- Name of Name of Manufeewf r . Seere Other Year Repeesse, t Yee Component Menutetturer Sortel Nr1 pee, leontaftsmeten tout er Age 6esoment orNot m m,


MS-19 Crane valve 3 inch 175-1/2XR N/A Check-Valve 1973 Repaired No HT 9 Disc Crano-Aloycc B1037 N/A ' 6 % 583 ---

Replacement No 1

7. Deseretion ofles,g Replaced valve internals and three bcanet studt.
8. Tsets Conducted: Hydrostene Q *aeumatie O Nomiasi operoiiai r oueure 0 Other Pressees pel Tee Temo, 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets le form of lines, sketches, or esswegs may be used, prov6ded (1) eine is 3% in. a 11 in (21 informo-tsen in itene 1 thfough 8 en tNo report is ineeseed en seen sheet, and (31 seen sheet is nummered and tite numeer of sneets is racereed et the tes of this frem.

112/82) This Form (E000308 may tie etteced from the Oteer Oept., ASMS,348 E,47th St., New Yore, a, y ,0017

4 i

I l

FOMM Nit 2 (Seckl 9 me mers: N/A' i Anos eeoie weav'esturero case neeerts to se antecame J

1 CL ATIFICATE OF COMPtlANCE We certify tnet the statements mese in the reeert are corrett and ense rfdpair contes to the rum of the ASME Caes. Seeten Xl. ***'"'***'"***

g, , per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate Auinerisation No. !b Esseressen Date N/A 54 /

o.r r ., - . o. v, .

b*CA coge

/M 19 9/


1. the underssened, heHsing a velW commisesen leased ify the National Seere of Seiler one Pressure Vegel inoesters and tne State

. ,, p,,,, c. ,, Pennavlvania w ,,,,,,,,,,g g, Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.* ,,

Norwood, Massachusetts _

anse nesseted she nie descritee m . in tnre Owner's Resort euting me perted [# M '2- to d / ene stese inet to the most of my knesseeege one useist, the M has sortermed esen andt serveethe measures esecrisse in in's Ownee's Report in essereense setet ilte scenieomente of tree ASME Cees, Seat XI, av i.gning mis eartifieses noemer me sneesier nor h e emosever menes any marrenty, espenses se, consorn.a ine eneminstens med earresthe esteeseems esserited in thee Osmer's Resort. Portstermore, nestner the insoseter not mis emoiover vien ne usam to issy enanner for any seesensi an,vry o, presorty esmese et e sees se any kine arteig from er eennectee tn.

'in sect

  • Factory Mutual-Systems l -

Commeeenne = AIEN Y ~NY j .-e .e w ~e.o .ee,e. .to.s. ere noe. e e .a.e-ea .

ce,e Ad fl ' fl ' '

,, 9/

tt2,h Y

y _

Form No. 264 i

FORM N18 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Proeisions of the A$ME Code Section XI t,o. r_ Duquesne 1.ight Com_pany o,,, 6/5/91 Nome One Oxford Centre Pittsburgh, PA 15279 p,,, y y aserees

2. Ptent Beaver Valley Power Station yn,, S. 1 Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 Aseems monea oessniemien e o. Ne , see we , es
3. Wert Perfonned t,y DI.Co - Maintenance Dept. Tvee Cees symoot steno Not Aeolicable__,

Autheriseteen No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g,,,,,,, , % -

As ecom 4, Icentification of Syseo.n "O "

5. fel Aselicaste Construction Code ANSI B31 1 19 67 gg,6,n, S ' 71 _ _ geg,,,, ----

Case h it) Asetiesete Edition of Smetion K4 Ut>lland for Resers er Restesemente is 0 3E-S ' 83 A

4. teentifiest6en of Commenents Receired ter Aseneced and neolesoment Cemeenects I

asMc t Coce


. Neue,nes Menouse. Stemoes Omer Mendeoed, tYe N one ef Name ef 8 & cfact e r SeerW Year Commenent Manufasturer Md No. Na, seasofteeWen Suist er Meneesenwnt erNoi 2:

MS-18 Crane ' Val.,,.) 1/2KR N/A 3 In CheckhValve 1973 ltepaired No Disc- Crane-Aloyco B-lO35 .N/A- -----

1teplacemeni. No Hinge Fin Plug ------

'HT #

8879809 N/A Code AFH ----- Itaplacement. No

(;arainal Studs, Industry ----

N/A ---------- -----

DJplacement No

7. Deserween of we,e Eeplaced valve hinge pin plug, disc, & body to bonnet studs
8. Tests Censussed: Myeresisels Pneuments 0 - Nemmei Oseretia P ee ere E Omer O Pres asi rest Tea ==- **

NOTE: Swoosemernal sheses in form el lises, sketehen, er eksemmes reev es used pror6deel 111 eine le ett in, a 11 in (21 inferwe-l tien in items 1 throute 4 en thee report le inesuesd on aesh onest. and (3) eesh sheet is nummered and it'e numeer of snorts s reeerend et the too of *As fornt (12/82) This Form 18000301 may to eeteneel from the Greer Oset., ASME,346 E. 47th St.. Near Vors. *e v '005e


r FORM NIS 215ecki 9 momers, _ N/A Assi.ceoie veau'utwrer's ceto neweru to se attacase CEMTIFICATE OF CoeuLIAfeCE We certify tnst tne statements made in tne report are correct and tme I*"4 Y conforms to tne rulee of sne ASME Coos.Section XI.

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Tm h W Sn _

Certdicate of onastion No.

!^ Enoironon Osw N/A Signes

  • N 6- Date / D 19 9f owner er owner e oesionne. 74 tie e CERTIFICATE OF 180 SERVICE INSPGCTl086 si tne undersees. noHsing a valid commineen issued my the N4tional Goerd of Seeler and Proemere vesses tagestors and tne $tste or Province of Pennsylvania ~and ompeoved by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.
  • o, Norwood, Massachusetts 4,,, e, nt, o,,ce,e.o in tnis Owner's memort dur6ng me period /2 to Y O/ and tiete inat to tne test of my knoweendys and hetief, the OM has performed enemi andt btew; mesmates oseditime in inis Owner's Report in assereanes este sne voeuirements of the ASME Code, Sestn64 XI.-

sy semg tous serofiesse noteer ce inesester nor me emeieyw menes any esemnty, esoreesed or imoeied. smacerning tne esaminations and esmotne measures doestdied en thee Owner's Resort. Furthermore. neittier me innesetor (Jar nis eresiover snell be flatte in my evtwiner fer any pereenal infury or presorty demep or a les of any kind arWng frent of Connected witn tNs insection. ,

  • Factory Mutual Systems e

(qmppsppggnq O se .e . ~ . or - ea,.

7y . c.

/I' l aa fl \

,, w -

11 2


- As Required by the Provmons of ttse ASME Code Section XI i_ owner _7ucuesne Light Cornpany o.,, 6/11/41

_ a, cme One Oxfotd Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 -

Sheet 1 of 3

Adv eet

2. Pfent Beaver Valley Power Station umt No.1 Serae MWR 903781, MWR 912851 shippingport. PA 15077 MWH 912Rs4 A area. n eo..e oreenianiea p.o. us., see, we . .ie, 3, Wore Performed by DLCo - Type Coce Symnot Stamo Not Applieable N'** Autaortistion No.

Shippingport,.PA 15077 g,o.,.t on oete Ae orgue Reactor Coolant System (06)

4. Identification of svetern 0S W66 g ,,,nd, t429 Code N S. Is) Apolicab6e Construct 6on Code ^ " 19 Edition.

(b) Apot. cme Edit 6on of Section r ittillaed for Rooers of Reciecorrents 19 R3E-S'83A

6. leentif+cetion of Cornponents Receired or Rootsced erd Reotecoment Components ASME Cooe Nationg Roomrod, Stemoed Omer Year Restened, lYet Name of Name of Menufacturer Boerd senes No, No. idenutiesoen munit or Maniace"*at or Noi Component Manufactum Un1L 1 "A" Steam Generator Westinght use 1301 CR-45 RC-E-1A 1971 Repair Yes l

Replaced 41 handhole cover, nachined gaskot surface #2 handhole,

7. Deecreation of Wedt replaced hant' hole _ bolts (16), replaced one (1) primarv nenway nut.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostetse O Pa.umetio O Nomia* Coersiia P se:a. ore B Other @ Pressure ed Test Terre, 'F Eddy current per technica;. specifications NOTE: Sucedemoref sheets in form of lists. sketches, or orterings crev De used, provided itI saae le 3% in. u 11 la., (2) intore =-

toon in items 1 throuWi 6 on thns roccet le included on each sheet, and (3) essa sheet le reamtsered and the nuenber of shorts e recorood et the top of this form, ii m ii m. Form <Eoooaos m., be oat.ined i,um me Order osos., ASMS,344 E. 47m St.,New Yore, N Y 10017 l

y i


-i j

i 1

l FORM N15 2 (Beck)

, ,,,,,,,, Plugged 339 tubes, pulled two tubes & plugged (R6-C64 & R16-C60);

anoi.casie weawfutweer s oete neeerts to se ettua.a cut one tube, staked & rilucced fR11-C48) ,


' We certify that the statements moos m the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rWu of the -

l AsaAE Cooe,Section XI, '"**'"'**'"***"'

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program' T Cm Sm sw Certificate of Autnoritation No, e Emperets Oate  !^

SEnat 4d fM? ~

Dete 7 /' / 19

" Odener er Unnor s'Dessones, 74gl -


I, the unders gnee, he.dths a wallef commission in we Isy the Nationes Soerd of Doder and Pressure Vesel Inesectors and the State or Provmee of PennsyJ,ypia one e.,,oseyed try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • o, Norwood, bs ,sachusetts - %i ted the components descritied in tnis owner's Report dur6ng the period OdM / 2 to E' ' P /d / 9 b , and i<ste tnet -

.to the Dost of my know6 edge and Ipelief, tt'e 0 hee performed esamenet and teMi correstive measusas doeceitied in this Owner's Resort in accordence w6th the esoviremente of the Ase=E Caes, Sectlen XI, By synerig thee eartificoes no6eter the leeoestor mot his emo4eyst enekee any warranty, empressed or implied, concerning t'se -

- enemmetsono and eerfectno inesoares esecribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, ruhtner me tesoector not his empiover

- snell De listide in any menor for any personed ingury or property damage or a lose of any kind arteing frosvi or coweeted with this ine et' , .

  • Factory Mutual Systems S 0 ]r comm,um /V828/4 8 c2 c;7 Y -

yes% e,t.n. e.o. .to .... e. e. e. ,...e Date . A ~ 19

// //

n2/sh V

c. .- )

Form No. ,,,,][4 ,,


t h h FORM N18 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the A&Mt Code Section XI  ;

1, o ,.ne, Duquesne Light Company o,,, r f13 /91


One Oxford Contre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 p 1 ,, 1 me s,ess

2. Pf ent Beavet Valley Power Station unit , 'lo . I '

lil.'R' r 903782, 912852, 9128 55

~Shi ppingport, PA 15077 An erene nr 3reemenen e.o. No.. no No., en.

3. Wort Performed by DLCo - Typer* ,ymeet stems - Not Aeolieable
        • etion No, "

Auth Shippingport, PA 15077 , o,,, _ =

Aeereas 4, teentificetioc. ot sysom Reactor Coolant ,

G, t +1 Applicense Constrweteen Case AStif' T T T 13. A 5 gdat6en. .14 Adeende 1429 Cees Came

  • tD) Applicense Seitlen of Sect 6en xi Utstised for mopears er Reelesoments 19.9,3,fr-j.' B 3 A
6. Identif 6setion et Components Repe6 red or Mooisend and Meetesoment Cervoonoe' I

A 58i8 8 Coee Net 6enes Menested. *temped Neme ef Name of Manufseturer meerd Oshr t Year Reelesod, sYes Comisenent Manwheturer tones he. No. Identa#6ees6en tw66 er Restesoment or Nel


w. A c i ~p ~

Fteam Generat 3r 17estinghot se .1302 6R-46 RC-E-lin 1971 Repair- Yes t

I ~

Installed F new handhole bolta, replaced one primary manway L ctud, plugged 220 tubes l 7. Desertwteen of part

' 8. Tests Coaeusted; Hydresistie O *aeumeei O Nomiasi G Otner O Pres ae' Toei Teme. **

3 NOTE: Sweelementet shoose in form of Ilsen, sketehen. er dreenags eveY te weed, pror6 des 11i eine is 8% in, e 11 in (21 interg-16en in items 1 through 8 en this report is ineswded en seen shoot, and (3) eash sheet le nuentered and the nummer of onesis .

resorted et the tes of this form.

112/02) Th6e Form (8000301 enov te setenned from the Oneer DeM.. ASMt. 344 8 47th St.. Neas York, N v 9001 f

FORM Nis 2 (Bachl 9 me me,e, , , , , , _

assosseie been w e est ,or ,get,me,,,,,,, ,,,,g,gn ,,


,w. 7 CEMTIFICAf t OF C044Pl.lA8ect We certify that the statemente made in the report e,e torrect end taes repalr , ,,,,,,, t , t h, , u,,, ,, t,4

'upter er seeimement A$ME Coos, $oction XI.

per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" 7,pe cooa lvmbol stemo H/A , Empirmon Oete N/A Ceridicate of Avtaoriserion No.

$.gned 2f 21f M #

A, pose 6b _ig a or .. .., . o_..,,e y ,

CE RTIFICAli O f INot RVICE lpdePECTION I, the unoersioned. heading a valid commessee esewed by sne Notonel Doord of Deiler and Pressure Votist inspecto.s and the $ tete or Provin<e of Pennsylvania aaes wnetoyed Dy Arkwriobt Mutual Insurance Co.* a, Norwood, Massachusetts g,o,e in ted the e nents oeeceitied in this Owner's Report during the period b / d'?M M to C

? C- 4 8 / ena stets test

// //

.to the tiest of my knowW and lie %f, the O nor has pectormed eneminetysy tekgrorrective measures oescrited in tais owner's Report in sacerdenes v.Hh sne roovirements of sne A64dt Coes. SectienvKl.

sy i., snee eartifie m neHner the In serter not h.: emeneyw makes any worrenty, espressed o, .menied, coaceraia, ime eneminatim wid sorrestew meewr= essennes en n. o ri me ort. Funnermore, no.tner ine inspector nor n. emaiover Snell tie lieh6e in my menter for gny pereenaf ifitWry or property damage or e 8098 el any kind eroting from or connected with that

  • Factory Witual Systems


.. ct.on, ,

ec $P Com m,,s.on, M EM . ..p.e.&A ..e.. nee,Y en.-o c?e ..

y ,

- . ,, e, . -,e s ..en. .

e,,e T/ u l a / 6 ,, 9 /

nar: O e -


. . . . -~. .. . - - - . - - - - . _ _ _


  • I'o r m tJ o .  ? b '1 ,

FORM Nit 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR (IEPAIR$ OR REPLACEMENTS At Requiteel by the Provisione of the ASME Code Section XI t , o,,ne, Duquesne L;ght corepany _

o i. r,n 1/o1 One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 ,,,,, 1 ,, 1 Asere.

2. Ptent Beavor Valley Power Statfon vn , ,,,1Jo . 1
    • " f4 Wit 903783, 912fl53, 912856, 913332 Shippingport, PA 15077 oes.aineii n e o. we., see we . .i .
3. mes Perto,med try DLCo . tico, Hostinghouse Troe Come symemoi siyno Not Appliepble Shippingport, PA 15077 ,

As erve 4, loontification of Svetern RCR-Reactor Coolant System S.' tel Asselicebee Constrwet6en coes Mi1E III 19 M E dition, W66 A, 1474 Code Cess (b) Ase64m6e f eition of Seatten al utitues for Maomre or messeemente 19 8 3 E S ' 03 A 6, esentif cetwi el Cemeenente moeired or Rosaced one mesessment Conocnents ASMt Come Resered. Stempec Netional Name of . Name of 6Aenufacturer SeerW Other Year Rolesed, t Y es i Component iden fassurer Ser'e8 No. No. teanteftees6en bun 64 or Mee'esernent er Nel "C"

UE.i S cam t 1 Generat ar Westingt ouse 1302 60-47 nc-E-1C 1971 Popair Yes l

7 .

naca).neo Yi nar.cnolo 9 seatAng surtoce, inatalled rew (16)

L .

bant' hole bolts, wold repaired & nachived handhole cover, i- 7. Descriptlen et weert


8. Tests Conductedi Hyerestseie O *aeometie O nomiaes Doeroua. Frees ro O I. Other Proseste pel Test Tone. ..' F NOTE: Supplemernal eests in form of slees, sketehen, or eroeving nwy be used prov6ded (11 sine is 34 in, a 11 in (2) interree.

tion in items 1 through 6 en thee report le snelveed on seen sheet, and (3) each sheet to nwned and the number of sheets is recereed at the top of mis form.

112/82) This Form (E000301 may be estened from the Order Oset.. ASMt. 344 E. 47th St.. New Yore. N v i0017


j FORM P $ 218eckt ,

Replaced 66 stud primary manway cold' leg, plugged 197 t ubes.

seei.nenis entw.ers oeie me.orte to se ettecaeo CERTIFIC ATE OF COei4PLIANCE We certJy that the statements mooo en the report are correct and smas. , rem r conto,ms to the rules of the ASME Code. Section Xl. **"""#

Type Cooe lvmW 8w per NGAM B.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certdicate of utnorisoten No. N/A Enovation Dete N/A Signed d7 l ' Date 2 /

Qwaer or 0=nere ooiwoneeTistie y "' *- 19 CE RTIFICATE OP INSERVICE lle0PECTION 1 tne undersigned hoiding e vel 6d commimeon inuwd try the Notenal Soard of Desier and Preamste Vessee inenetors and the State or Province of Pennsylvania and empioved W Arkwright Mutual Ineurance Co.*' ,,

Norwood. Massachusetts -

e6 toe tw components oeictmeo in tnis Owner's Report during me seriod fl *44/I / E to AC # /d / f 9/ ene state in t

. io me iss., of ,n, in to e sad wef. .e owne', has oorf orme. o..insi.of4e taf/..,,ect-,e. Wee...e. in in,s Owner's Rooort m escoreanse with the reewirements of the A8448 Code. Seetlen XI.

Sv segnmg thes eartef. cess no6mer the inspeeter nor het empeever enehes any warrenty, espressed or implied, concerniat the eneminatens med sorrestree measures esecreed in mis Ommer's Report. Furthermore. neither the laspector not nie emoiover snail tse fleepe in osy menner for any .orsonef inrwry or property come.s or a loss of any kind arising from or connectee with inis insection e *F.actory Mutual Systems

. ~ l comm,,an, A/O Ed/d FXI <R o? */

- g .

q,r ro x ~es.or oo.r.. .. e. ,r en. . ~ e. . .e ce,e


Mcf/ ,, n (12/921Y t

w -

f'orm Mo, 269 j i

l i

l l

FORM N184 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMr.T3 As Moovited Irv the Provessons of the A&ME Code Section XI 2

t, oaaer Duquesne Light Crypany o,,, 6/14/91


One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 1 Averen

2. P' eat Beaver Valley Power Station _,,,,,, ym, No, I Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR $913692 Avere.e e seen, orosaesegien e o. %e., noe we.. eie.

3. Were Performee tv DLCO , Maintenance Dept. Type Ceesavmeostiene- Not Acolieable Authorisetm No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g , ,,,,, ,,, o,,, ." ~~

Ad oren

4. leentificatiea of Sveesm Main Steam

.. <el aseme e ce,,seree. ^=81 "31 1 ,. 67 ..... S71 es coes ca.e (bl Asensee6e Eelte of teetten x1 utilisse 4r Resers or massessmeate ,0.E.2ki' B3 A

a. iesai.fwe .ea of ca.wasme no ,se or necesse e nece. meat com.ea. ate

'I ASME Coee

- as res. i.e-oce Ne vw of Name of idenwfeetwrer Seee* Other Year RED 4ense, tYM

- ~,or - ,es. . ..see.e., see er es. mea, e, %,

MS-20 -Crane Valve $*1/2XR N/A 1e 1973 Repaired No ,

Disc Crane Valve 51036 NT f N/A 6 % 583 ----. Replacener t No Hinge Pin Pluy Dubose Steel HT $

N/A 887 % 29 ---- Replacemetit No l

l l-y, o re,,,,n e, m Replaced valve disc, hin9e pin plug & body / cap bolting l

S. Teets Ceacusses: Hydresenas O t= 0 Nemiaci Omeroniae reme a re G Caer O Pree

  • een resiveme. **

L NOTE: $westemeneel eheese in form of lises, skesehen, or eeunnge moy be weed, provided (1) ties le 0% in, e 11 in., (2) iateraw-t en in items 1 thrempi 4 en this report le 6no6 weed on eash ohest end (31 esen shoot le numbered one the number of snes:e e reeereed se the tse of pie form.

(121 9) This Po,m (E00030) mov be sete>ase from tne Oreer Dept., Asast,346 E. 47m St., Near Yore, avv t001P

FORM Nit 218eckl 9 me more, N/A aosi.seoie weav'estweer e cete seeerts to se eneen,-

CERTIFICAf t OF C0eePLIANCE We certh teet the statements moos in the report are correct and tnie repair conferens to the twies of the ASME Coes, Section A1. '"**'"*******

hoe Code Symeet stemo

!^ tapiration Dete N/A Certificate offnerisation No. ,

3,gned 6td. EMA. g,,, Ng D ,, 9/

0=nea er owner e Dee orme, fitte I CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE IN#GCTION 1, the undersignec, hoHf'M e veind commeneeon issued W the National Seyd of Beeler and Preemere Vessee lamectors and the State or Province of Pennsylvania and woved by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.* ,e Norwood, Mansachusetts in 2,. 0.nor . Re rt ,m the , s,,od r/ m u es has pertb erbines t, d d.,eiAn,9 a /

noni, ..



,,,,e , net to tne test of my know6eese and helief, the O th correetd mesmares osectibed in im's Owner's Report in essereense sooth the reewirements of the ASMS Code, Seet 1 By signses thee eartificoes neither the truteestor nor he emeseyer makes any vuorroney, empressed on emoeied, concerning tne eneminatione ened esmestros measurus doesrobed in thee Owner's Report. Furtmermore, neither the inesector nor his emoiover small be eleste let tesy menner for arer moreenal intury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from er connected witm this in secten. *FaCtery Mutual Systems

< 2_3 comm,,,en, A/E5 N /lo W N Y r.o one, .eere. .. - e .rieer f .g ieev, ....

0,,e d ad ,,


flh // ' '

H2/s Y I.

-_._m.._-____ __.. - - - - - _ . -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - -"-- " " - '

Form Wo. 270 _

I FORM Nil 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RtPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provis one of the A&ME Code lection XI i o.,ae, Duquesne t.ight company one 6/10/91 sea.

One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 e 2 Ae & ese I

2. een, Beaver Valley Power Station yn,, No.

hone Mwn 871664 Shippingport, PA 15077 a,e W ees aseen oreenisecea e o. No. 4ee we , eis

2. voort Portormea py DLCo Maintenance Dept. Tvoe Coos 3, meet sinne Not Applicable Shippingport. PA 15077 _

g ,([ ,,

s.n ereo

4. leontif 6cete of System Safety injection S. (t) Aspittette Ceaetructw Coas ANe t 1131.1 19 d idit6en. . 6
  • 71 i Aseenes, N/A Code Case (D) Aselcad>64 Editlea of Sect 6en XI Utillaos for mesents er peoiseements 19 h' 0 3 A S. leentificaten of Cormsenents Repe# red or MesMeeed and steelseement Components a$ME Cooe Renewed, Stemoed Newsnes Year MeWesed, IY et Name of Nome of Manwfecturer Deere Other tortes No, pee, teenstleeseen butit er Repenement er Nel Component Menutesturer I

SI-431 Rockwetil 46ABD N/A N/A N/A Replaced Ten I

7, oceerygien eg ge,g Replaced valve and inlet pipe

8. Test Conoveted: Myersetette @ Pnevnets O Namiaci o.~e Pm.ouro O, Other O Press ,e avs e

,, re,,T,m , 22 NCTE; %pIWomentel sheets 66 form of liets, thetches, or drawings mty he used, pror6ded til e6se le 8% in, a 11 in (2) intornw.

tion 6n 6teme 1 through 4 on this report le saetweed on esca eneet, and (21 enen enest is nutneered end the nummer of sneets e recareed et the too of this form.

112/02) TNs Poem (E000301 mov be octeened from the Orteer Dept., ASMt. 344 E. 47th St., Mese vote, N v '001f

- -- - ~ _ - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

FORM Nil.2 (Sw.kl 9 s eme,as N/A assoseeie voav'utw e*

e s Dete meeerts is se ettua e CERTIP8CAf t OF ConspLIAseCS We certh that the stetements mese in the report see terreet one eng repl a cemente,ne,,,, g, in, ,,,, p gn, AsMS Come, Section El. '"'*'*""*"'

Twee Cooe s, mesi liams per HGAM 0.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" No, N/A E spiretion Does N/A Certificeto of utworin

$4 nee  ! O Is $ Dete f AA 19 %

Owher er Owne7s Demeense. Tit 6e CEfiflPICAf t OF 18000RVICS 1MT1081 l, the uncertaried, hoseing a valid commesseen issued by the Notaanel teare of testof one Prosesse Vesses ineseeners one the stoie '

e, pr,,,,ne, et Pennsylvania ,e m,g g Arkwright Mutus! Insurance-Co.* p Norwood, Massachusetts haie inspeeted eie someonents oestitee in that Owa4,r's Aapert sureng one ported M'; '/ o t N N"/ ene stese ine, to tne tiest of my kW end w% the Oestice ha poetermed esenenstamie orie teen meio mtse m'itee in in's Owner's Report en essereense esem the soev6eemente of the Ateet Caes, Section Kl.


. Sy sgning the eartrNemes noisher the inessetet nor he emiscover metes my imarroney, empressed et imehoe, concerning tne enemimetiene and surreatme sunseesees emneritse se thee Osuner's Resort. Furthermore, norther the leasestet not nie empiover snell les liate in any mansier for any povesad inevry of property eenews et a lose of w*y h6ae etteias from et connected evita ta t in e estion. -

  • Factory Mutus1 Systems W) ineenere sasaw.

Commessene A > u. t.

. mione ease. owie, emiaen, one e aee. me se cete ME is W (12/82)

_. _ _ - - - _ _ - - ~ - . _ ,- _

Form No. 271 FORM N18 2 OWNER'$ REPORT POR REPAIRS C ,ACIMENTS At Regoired by the Proviseene of the AS444 C- ..een Xl

t. o.,ne,_ Duquesne f.icht company o,,, 6.. /91 we one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 1$279 1 2 Shoot ef 3, pipi, Beaver Valley Power Station uniq _ No. 1 Nome shippingport, PA 15077 adeem naeaw oresnessioea p.o. No,. <ee me , eie.
1. vuem m ty DI,Co - Maintenance Dent. tree Ces. 3, mesi stem. Not ADD 11 cable AuthorWeseem see.

Shippingport, PA 15077 Geo.cose ones Aeesus

< leentthessen of Dyesem liich fland safety iniaction

5. fel Aeostosene Ceasonsemen coes ANSI B31.1 q, 71 g ,

N/A age ,,,, N/A gg thi Aso44esees Setten of soonen mi useinses he mesere y mesessemene is,g}g-3,'s 3 A

4. leentinession of Commenene maasseed er mesessed mW m< s6essment Ceressente I

ssue Case lesseenal foemesed. Stences possieof teenvisoewer Gear Ven, mastened, tya Name of tese Commenent teouvessewer tutsi leo, fee, lessesmessen test er Asolesoment w Nel MOV CH -350 Aloyco N/A N/A N/A N/A Repaired No i

7. Deerweten et e unehinaA .010 mita ernm amahme muermen
s. rese C ie.ew. - O a'==s== 0 Nomw co-a. w 2 Omer O eses' sei n' re==-

feOft: ' sheses in foren et itses, eheesnes er messings esov he ease. erse6ded (1) stee le $n in, a 11 in 121 n' eras.

teen in lease t ternesW6 8 en ehts resort is inseused en seen sheet, and 135 esen teses is seemesped and tese niemeer et mese 4 recepted at the top of $4s foren.

112/831 thee Penn (Sm mer to escovise from the famer Dest. AEdE. $d8 8. 47th St.. Desse Yort, he f 'Octt

I Sheet 2 of 2 t

FORM Nit 2 (Se M 9 me -erei asei.. wea v e etoreri os . a een se se n n a.e l I

Cli AflPICATE OF COnePuAsoct we certify met the mesoments mese sa the rose,t are cerfect eas taas renair conte,m. me ruies of me ASM8 Cees. Section Xl.

Per NCAM 845'"ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Progra ,

fves Cees Symeos Sie.o N/A g ,,,,,,,,, g,,, N/A ion No.

,- 4/

Certifies.e- - . e a ofwAEv .e...

, wn


1. the uneerspies. henspie e selW esmmeessen eenues W ihe Neetond Smere of Seder one Pvusmee venue lassessori one iae Staa l

e, p,,,,ne, ,, Pama avivan i a e,,g es,,es,,,e g, Arkwrisht 9tutual Insurance Co.* 3 Worwood, Massachusetts _ , . me _ _;, oe ,,eee in m o.aers meses owmu me ewies UM /7 w //. / f f_/ ene seen inei ie ene een of my kae=eseus see now, em o /or na M r M efoemene messww eseseen ia

' o.aer memen in momenese ese me soev6,emean et me Aanse cess, see 1.

ev maamo sue eenmesse menner = teesseew aer he onesever messe saw memwww. es, esse = ww6es. iae a., a.. e-o. eve,

. m. ese eenseme emes.,a ==,.e. .a in o r. no F v e. as , v. i l

'- ew =iinaeises, e.iv., - mia,,,- - .eionee.,kwe e*.e=eaania-.iam.i.


  • Factory htual Systems
  1. ce,,,,,,,,,,, A/S fe7/6, s -,-..

N22 y . ne e - m i

3 ee,e m. It., / / i. 9/

r n2 i

. _ . _ _ . . . _ . . _ - . _ . _ - . - . . . . . - . . . . _ ..__._,..,....x,. -. , , , . . _ -,

4 i Form No. 272 FORM Nit 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As RMiwired by the Provisions of the A$ME Code Section XI

1. Owner Dursuesne Light Company n,,, 6/19/91 Nem.

One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 2 Sheet - of Aew een

2. Pient neaver Valley Power Station una No. 1 N MW 900981 Shippingport, PA 15077 Ae * *en aseeer oreeassetion e.o. me., m we,, sie.
3. wert Performed spy DI,Co - Maintenance Dent. Type Code Symmet Stemo Not Applicable N "' Awinoriteteen No,


Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,,,,,,,, o,,, _

Ad ergse

4. Ideetif6cet6en of Svetem 9afetv 4njrrt4cm
5. Iel Apel6cente Cometrust6en Code ann t n11_1 13,,2,1,,,, g eition, n /^ Aedenes M/A Caes Case (b) Aset. comte Edition of Sect > XI Utilised for Roomrt or Maplopemente is 6 3.E-S ' B3 A
4. toontif 6cetion of Centeonents MepaireG or Meeleced and Reelecoment Componente ASME Coco Repenrod, Stemoed Net 6ened year R4Diemed. t Yes Name of Name of Menwfacturer BeerW Omet No. leantsfiess6en Sugg or Map 6esoment or Nel Component Manutesturer sor6es No.

MOV-SI-862A Aloyco N/A N/A N/A N/A Replaced No 1

l-7, %g, ,, , Replaced body to bonnet studs

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostat6e C PneiA,wetc O Nomiasi o.oroiiai rres e 8 Omer O Pr e=>re ** Toei To . **

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of liste, skmches, or drovance mov tse weed, provided (1) eine le 8% in s 11 in., (21 interree-16on in itenu 1 through 4 en tnie report le included on seen sheet, and (3) eseh sheet le number =d and the numeer of sneets is recorded et the top of this form.

(12/02) This Form (E000301 mov tu obtened from the Oroer Dept., ASMt. See E. 47th St., Neue Yare, N v '001f

l i

I Sheet 2 of 2 . . ;

i 4

d FC A NIS4 (Back) 9 p emore s Aeei.e oie veav enturer e oete neeeru to me et.unes CERTIFICATE OF CO8dPLIANCE We certify that the statements mode in the report are correct and this replacementconfoes se the twies of the

'e***r *' reoiewaeat

' ASME Coos. Section X1.

Tvoe Code Symbot Stemo Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" ,

"!A tapiration Dete  !^

Certdicate of A n.oriteten No.

[0 b 'I- E 8 M - .t9 9/

$;gned ( Date f' '#

Owaer er owcere Dee.gnee.T4tte CERTIFICATE OP lNSERVICE INWSCTION I, the undersigned. ho4 ding e welid commsesson isewed tmr the National Soere of Sodor and Prosaure Vessel taspectors end the Stete Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • _ ,,

or Province of Pennsv1vania and ems oved by.

Norwood, Massachusetts n.,e inacted me ommonents oeeceitmo in t'iis Owner's Report curing the per6od. _O*MIY "M / No t NC *E O / W' ene state that to the twet of my knowledge and holief, the Obr has performed seeminet end tenihs correcthe measures descrit Owner's Report in escortfense wim the coeuireewnte c' the ASME Coas. Sectlen XI.

By sinmg this certificoes neether the inspector nor hre emoeever makes any warrenty, espressed or imoned, conceening the esemanetens and sorrecthe measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector not n s emotover snell be ti436e in any menner for any personal intury or property derness or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with tnis ine.ction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems Rf - Commisseons WS 5c o 5

- g t

e. m x _n.e o re. .t e. .r ten en. .n...-e.t.

O,,e Gua G V d ,, 7/

n v



3 l'orm No.

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Reesuiteel by the Proviseons of the ASME Code Section XI t . Ow ne, Duquesne Light Comp,any o,,, 6/10/91 Ne~e One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 2


2, Pte,.e Beaver Valley Power Station yo,, No. 1 Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR 904056

^**** n*** oreensamien P.o. No., see me., ,,e.

3, were pweermeg by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Tyee Cees symmet sie,,_ Not Anolicable Shippingport, PA 15077 Amerum

4. leontification of pyveem Safety injaction

~ S. fel Ace 46 sese Cenetruetten Cees ANSI B31.1 ,, 71 fet6en, N/A N/A g (el Aeosicewe Est6en of teeth xi utstises for meoers or neoiesemena 13 8 3 E-S ' 83 A S. leontaflese6en of Ce,vgerente Rese6eed et Messaged and Reo4eeement Cosmeenente ASME Coos Not6ened Resewed. Stempee Name of P6ame of Muuteetwew toerd Deer Yes, messemed, tYee Cerigenent Menefestwer serial fee. Ms. lesseeftensten tue, or Mee6eosment er Nel RV-SI858C Crosby N/A N/A N/A R/A Repaired No 7, g g g,,, Replaced disc S. Teste Conducted. Peyeesessle O a omme'io O Nomiaes Oeerou o P ea e Omer Presswo eel' Test Teno. 'P w

alx ' r&f wr,g NOTE: Swegfamental shemes in form of liset, eheteem, er gewings owy to used, prov6ded (1) sese is On in, a 11 in. (2, < erne.

tien in itsee 1 through 4 en mis reeert is ino6veled on ese sheet, and (3) eseh sheet is nummered and the nunter of w4 reeertled at the top of tMe tena.

(12/82) This Perm (5000304 mer to eteenned from the Oreer Dept., ASMS,348 E.47e 9t. New Yere. N v '001 f


Sheet 2 of 2 ,

t FORM Nis.2 (Becki 9 m e,ne,iit v

aesi we wea 'estw ere e

ceto asserts se se enaaea CE AflPICATE OF C0eePLlAfeC8 repair We certdy that the statements moes sa the resort om termet me enn a88dt Cees,Section XI.

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASE Section XI Repair /Replacernent Program

  • Tvee Coos Svmeet SW N/A Esperation Cees N/A Certificew of wther No.

U  ; 19 _ D 54ase

/ I Dow


V o#aer er ownere Omegnee, t atie CERYlPICATE OP 18eSSRVICE leertr"* "

, sempre Veeni inserters one the State 1, the uneersegned. heed 6ng a veind commiessen 6nued W the feasional Beerd ,,

of to or Province of _Pennav1vania '

ifw eemoonents oe.crities Norwood, Massachusetts 4 in the Owner's Resort ewatne the perted O k /E to . ^ e % ON - one stem that to the oest of my kW and tellet, the Owner he performed seemMb th eermetive avicemaree cleocrit Owner's Meeerl in esseseense estWe the reew6temente of the' ASAAG Cees, Seatten XI.

Sy sgning this eartWtesse notcher the imposter ner hee engstoyw metes any warrerwy. espreesse er imedies ee eneminstone sud servesttue seinemerus described in the Owner's Resort. Furthermore, neither the 6nesetter per No eaeiow shall les llele b My IUtStdter for any perWnd intury er preserTV W er a bem of enf kI8id W604ng frefUn er sonnettee with

  • FsCtory Mutual Systems


,- .tx .

ce,,imm A/B ee-e. Wd/6 PA d2 eYee-eai.

esses. eree. nee.

f e me.asu,e , t.ees ey .

ve,e si

,, 9 /

- fi 6 (tus2h

4 Fortn No. - _ ,

FORM Nis 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Requited by the Provipons of the A&ME Code Section XI Duquesne 1,ight Corepany Dee 6/21/91

1. o,,n ,

%e-o one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 g,,,, 1 ,,

g as.

Beaver Valley Power station yn,, No. 1

2. Pien,

%ene <

14WR 9913240 Shippingport, PA 15077 n As er , o ,,e. . .... e o , % , . , ,,, % , , e,, ,

3. Wore Performed t,y Dt.Co - Hue. Cons. Dept. Tvo* Cose lvmoot Stame Not Acolleable

"*** Awthonisten No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,,,,,,,, n,,, .

Am ores Peedwater

e. leentifession of Svetem M ' *11 Aseenea. Coes Come S. tel Aospicense Constevetten Code __ ANSI B31 1 19_.67_ E etion.

ibi Apot.caow Edit 6en of Section El Utilisse for meseers of Moose wnents is 0 3E-S ' 83 A

6. leentifweisen of Cenoorents Receired of Rooteced and mooiesement Compeeents I


Coce ;

M e*** red. Stemoea Netiones Ogher Year Replaced, t ves Name of Name of Idenwfecturtf Deere leer $fteeseen gust se Aepsessment or Nel Copoonent idenwfeeturer Senesfee. No.

WFPD-24 Bechtel Corp ,

---- Piping-16" --- Repaired No f

I k

7. Deserietan ot tes,e Peedwater elbow to steam oenerator van cut-out and rentarpa_
8. Tests Conducted: Hvereetette Q Pneumette O somir. s Opereiigarose 5 eO
    • Toei Teme. **

Other O Proe=>re NOTE: Sweo6emente sheste in form of lleen, sketches, or dreannge mov to used, prended til s4es le M in sn 11 in (21 intarme-teon in iteme 1 thesuch 4 en thee report le inesweed on seen sneet, and (3) esen sheet le numeerse and the re4neer of s eets s rocereed et the top of ele form.  !

Th6s Form (E000305 mov to oote. nee from the Oreer Dept. ASME 344 E.47th St..Ne== Yore. N v '005' (12/321

1 e

FORM Nis.2 teocki 9 e emerne aesiiseeie weaw'utw er e e cate neeerts te se enmaea s

CERTIFICATE OF CotePLIAleCE We certh that the sietements moes in the resort are correct and th,repl seement congonn,g,gn,,vingoggn, ASME cose. Secten Kl.

per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Tvee Caos Symmet Stems N/A Enoiretion Dese N/A Certificate et tmeriset on No.

s , nee # [2 / EW f ce,e DC =7M ig 9/

o.r.or e, o.y e .e e, o. ri,se CERTIFICATS OF 18eSSRVtCE IIsptCTiese I, the unesevened, howing a veste sommeeseen isewed by the Nationes teed o8 %6er one Preemere Veems inesectors one the Siete er Petpring,sf _Pennsv1vania one %eg gy Arkwright b' 141 Insurance Co.

  • e, Norwood, Massachusetts hose inesesed tree someonents posseited in tnis owner's Resort owting the perled UN/ **/ ot [J / . and tiete taet to the test of my knowmage ens heelet, the Osuner has performed eneminettene end tesen eerfestM measures esecrisse in inie Owner *, menert in esseegiones essen the reewiremente of the Asset Case. Seatten XI, tv ogning 18ue eartdieses neether the leesenter not he anotever mehee say vuoreenty, espressed er imolied, eenceraiag ime eneminetiene and servestowe setenures eenersluos in this owner" Report. Pwetitermore, noether the inesester not Mit emeieve' emett be lielple in any menner 6er any poreenal insury or property esmage er e lose of any kind arising from et connected with ta o

- inmeetion.

  • Factory Mutual Systems N /_ samener'ssawwswe / M '

c ,,,,,,,, /4 .: / /, 4

= eene news. seems, ewase. eas aneer=meate osee 4 /14 tt '7/

(12/92) m isiurmii alluisi

form No. 27 6 l

I l

PORM Nil 2 OMe8R'S REPORT POR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Reevered try the Proomons of the A&ME Coet Section XI

i. o no, Duquesne_ Light Company oste 7-2-91 som.

Ons Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 ,,,,,, 1 ,, 2 As s eee Beaver Valley Power Station vn., No. 1

2. Piem HWR 901564 Shippingport, PA 15077 Aseen nesme orwenissuea e o. me., see me., etc.
3. Wers perteemed ter DLCo . Maintenance Dept.
  • vee Caos Symew tem Not ADelicable Autaerisseien No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g , ,,,,,,,, o ,,, =

Aserese Recirculation Spray e, ie.nuvi ,,,n ,v gy,,,,,, _

S. tel AeW6sasse Conserwooen Cees Sect. 1II .Qg 60 _5eusin,_W' 71 Assenan ----

C m Case tal Aseinesese tetten of teonen xi unitwee ter meeere er meWesomeen 19.R21-E.,' 83 A L leent6f tession of Camoonomes meeswee er Aeoseems one Aseseemment e- te A $8A E Coos ReseWed, Stemose Noetenes Yes, messenes. tvee Name of Name of lesawfeegerer Deerd Other No, tennensesen name - ** Asessesmeat o' Nel Cervusement maniesesswer sortes No.

  1. """**#### """ra* y' "

RS-E-1B Process Eng. 6301-2 3180 Sp Heat Exch. 1971 u n na l rn,9 van

]g, Stainless b NW N/A N/A ht /m 1001 Replaced No Greenville tubes Tube Co. H/A N/A N/A 1989 Replaced No 7, poenrtegeo ef ygeser Replaced one hundred forty three (1431 tubes

s. resee C.n sed. - O P'==i
  • O Neiare.resa o.-eans ,a % O ,- -

a s P,es.e,. 81 Nort: Suessemament shoens M foram of lieu, thesehen, or esednge mov tus need, studded it) else le m h, e tt in (2) Wome.

then M 6tems 1 ttweeset 6 en nede report to insteens en esen eneet and (36 esem Weses le niemessed and some teamter of onesee +e reoereed et the top of 1pite fonet, li2!Bil theo Penn 15000000 mer he essense from the Octer Dept Aalet. 346 E. 47m st., Nem vere N v '001

  • a .


FORM NIS 2 (Backl 9 nr ,, , U-l form attached asei ewe vea w e eetweer e cete to e,evt.o nee w


. We cenW thee the statements enoes in the report ero corroet one mes f*E*I# cWm to tw w W m Alus Cees. Settson XI. *' ~ =

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Prograr free cose Svmeos SW Certincoes of Avthermetwa No.

!^ Emeiros en Does

!A sp

, AL44

e. - e


. , ,,,e (t41Cf ,

Wm 7f T ,, S/

CE AflPICAft OP 18EBARVICE 18eptCTsoas

1. the uneersegrees, hotelag a veste sommeemen 6eemed W the Neetonal teses el Soder opus Preeuwe Vesses laeseeters and the Siete u p,, ,e Pennavivania ,,,g ,,,,,,, ,g g, Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

p g,, -,, ,,,,, ,w in m,e We Masert W Wie persed bb'M C# # k w Y[^ #/- /9 N/ ene stoes taet to the mese of my kW sad te64ef, the heeser%rmedon.- _

tee p mesmeros doestitime in tm4 Owner's Resen in acesseense snees one toesnsemente of the Ames Cese, tesetee I.

ev eqPease,ando esmmeno neiener sne lassesew aw nie en sover mense any isewoney, ensemass w 6mes6es, e a ora.a, iae emanansenses aus eenessess masonas eenernes .a time w Meeers. Pwissenaere, neeener vie ineeseen, nw M.o miese, ones = iissue to esy mesmer ser es, e wie 6,wey w preewiv esmeos e e ines es any bias arteng #, w enaneetw ta,e in _ _ ,

  • Factory Mutual Systems D m /VR M /G Y N S EY

- - es,e.m e e e e enes, e ..

.namo7..e sen,,e 3 o,se x e // '

se N fI f/

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17. NOZI1 ES

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  • As.n.eerd ~ ,D -

,f te=*a .* 8 h e. *.. tow ma T rv.

" SA240 304L Weldel .


( we, t m O eaa. er ease Rhril - 1 14 x'10 JJ.7t ed. SA24 0- 3 04 L 1/ 4 8 A2 40- 304 L W elded ~

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_C2&._Ihr 'g,LSAJ BJT 30 4 L / 6 00 01._ f - - - - - - . 5:

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annaAntsi.!Racirculatimi Enray Ceolar'fW A Tyne. , E. P *tL* * " ' '

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En _'I An-dd. ' T'b Nid nV66". .~1t*YN'16 '  %' ~.d'.' .#. si sfN :r '.WS.V Ruristered Per.* #11501-ErCommomsealth of Pennavlvania a<nd is OMhn ,s

-; constructed in accordance with the winter 1968 Addenda of ASME s,ctior. frf- Articia 21 N - .p.

m, 4 e, s

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i. , Aa.

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l., saa vin, osaa t. .. . .. n. a

. besmber 14 t, 'h t- swaladust rimigogo Enrinee r s av M, / M ,

Cmd6uw i Amboiluth Lap &n. December 31. 1973

  • W
  • 4'~l
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9.Mg ,;.

CCRT1FICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION k t7, W C) 4s Hun inet ar industrial

. t. .


Proces s Enginee rs .

nua u Newa rk. New Jersey- y .

=4 .,=4. i.d h we 6, n. : .u . .I n.uw 4 Preum vm.s tu,gt= ud/. ( * ;*,

1 r 36m p. Ps..iu. IL .I- 4 ,hged 6, The State .: , , 7 -:.

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Torn NJ. 2 74 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Reeutred try the Proviseone of tfie A&ME Code Section XI i, Duquesne 1,ight company go,e 7-2-91 seme one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 2 Am e n.

2. Pien, Beaver Valley Powe,r Station go,, No. 1 ne~e Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR 4901565 A e == aese., oreenumiea e o, we.,4ee %e , eie.

3, m m p m ,mes by DICo . Maintenanen Dept. Type Ceee 3,meen sinne --- Not Acelleable

  • Avther13etten he, Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,,,,, ,,, g,, .

As areas 4 feentieka.en of 3,e e,n Recireulation Spray 13 Sertaa.

I Aem


Coos Cae S. tel Aeoneesee Construsteen Cees tal Aseussene tenten of tegnen mi utistees ter meeert er the6esomeno to 83 E-S ' 83 A

4. leentifkeven of Cemeenente Meeeleod er Reeseses one Messessment Caseenente A $lill Cooe Nepene6 menesres, Stanweg Other Yesy Menieged. IV ee Name of Nome of leenwfeesurer Deere tertetfee, No. telenteMeselon Duang -- er Messeemment er Nel Cemeenen 14 sewe eseener


S A naus t.r A al eck.IE. chpra ea 5971 Repaired Yes RS-E-1D Process Eng< 6301-4 3182 8 Replaced ms $A m._._

u N/A N/A N/A 1991 No Greenville g/A N/A N/A 1989 <eplaced No Tubes Tube Co.

Cardinal y/A N/A N/A 1991 teplaced No Studs Ind. Prod.

Nuts ie N/A N/A N/A 1991  : teplaced No r

7. DeseHousa eftWests Replaced one hundred elchteen tubes (1101 & ntronohark studn a nutt
8. Teens Censusted Deveesasene O Pase-ees O No oiaes one ee ** se o O 81 ed TeerY m 78 'P Other@ Pseense NOTE: Suesseewest piens M tenn of lises, seenehen w eestage met te need, preslead iti eine Is $16 In. s 11 h. (2) interme-tien W isome 1 t9 weeps e en ente report le snelweed en seen sheet, anel (36 eseh oness Is nosessouse and the nummer et vame 'e reeereed se the tap of this foren.

(12/921 This Penn (5000300 mov to eeneaed from the Deeer Dees., A4848. 348 E. ohn 9t.. feen Vore. N ' '009'

l FORM NIS 2 (Bacu g e ,,,, e , 11-1 form attached asenseeie weav'estweer e esta aemerte to se erses e.


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' *** *' '*'a="**at ASME Cees. Seeten ut, Per NCAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Progran rvee Code Symeos Stone N/A g ,,,,,,,, g,,, N/A Comhcote of Authertaston No.

S oneel

  1. M Does I i9 7I
o. r .e e .e o.r. . r CERTIPDCATE OP 1880SRVtCE IN I, the waeoregned, none6mg a esild comme.seen reswed by the NetWiel DeeNi el 9eser one Pree.ese Vessel la. esters and tne State e, p,,o,nes ,e Penn evivani a  % % eg g, Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Norwood, Massachusette_ =

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  • Factory h eual Systems

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150 PSI -Int. U 11 ' v H s tie u ..n .c.t.he. mar =erJ T,a 15.c u ,wev. .n. 48 PSI - Ext . 'r.- -s Pee .e 225 : _i eil bn u. pre...' ..I . .u . . c. 2 8 0

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"47.*.%".'.:t o . . .. v- .....i 14 x 10 B. W. R c d. SA240-304L 1/4 SA240 304 L Weld-Shell 1 SA240- 304 L Welted Shell 1 14 x 12 B.W; Red. SA240-304L 1/4



Rhell 1 __] " 1'cl.d End .SA 312 Weldd ,

pan r nn n The'd K Am r*YM L 6000s_ _- ------.



<- u . - ,. a iw. y,.ia rma e A st n _ 4tR _ p ;14-2a welded ,, "



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m atuAnui.

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V e m mel (*e rtified a m c AMMt7 bnde Rect TTT f*1m a n "f* H finit bv _inhn it Nnhia Qc ..

Revistered P. E. fil501.E CUmonwealth of Pennavivatnia and in

  • cnnstrucitd in acenrdar,em with the Winter 1969 Addenda nf ARM 7 R.rt. fif_ Ae tt e1 m 21 .

(m. e urie. rep e i. .. A., t . Arise c i. . J.. .c e, ..e. m . . ., . . ,,, a . .

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.: ik.. n.wi . i.n. .be Asur c.4e f.e Pse..we Vu ul., Sectie. Ylil. Diel.i I.

_AdA n w, Duenecember 17. i, 71 siendadu st we.TEnrince r e er - ,

f1 December 31. 1973 .I Avih.inii Espi,,.



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Form No. 277 l

l I

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Meewired bY the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI t, ow ner Duqussne Light CorrpanY cote July 11, 1991 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 s s ,,, 1 ,, 2 Ae ereen

2. Plent Beaver Valley Power Station unit No. 1 Name Mwn 900994 Shippingport, PA 15077 As er een neeeie oreenisema e o. No., Joe Ne.. etc,
3. Wore Performed by DLCo - Mechanical Maint- Type Coco symnoi stemo Not ADolicable
  • kuthortsetton No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 teostetion oote As crees 4, ident6fication of 3ymen High flead Safety Iniection S. !st Apol6ceose Construction Caes ANSI B31.1 ig 1 gd6 tion, N/A Aestones N/A Coos Case th) Aeesiceo4e Edition of section xi unattred for Mears or Meissements is 03E-S ' 83A S. taentificoton of Components Moosered or Repieced end ht)lecoment C .a;;te A$ME Coce Net 6enal Repared. Stemoed Board Other Year Mestened, (Yet Name of Name of Manufacturer Na, identsftesteen 8' Messemenwat or Nel Component uenutesterw ser6es re. Senat ne $ng r

MOV-CH-115D hark 9193-5/70 N/A $15-1028-3B 1970 Repaired to Body to RT Bonnet Studu I 10) CardLnal N/A N/A '88096740 N/A lteplaced lo Replaced body to bonnet studs (10) 7, g,,,,i,, ,g m 8, Tests Conducted: Hydroetet6e 0 easumetic O - Nomiasi O.oreiiase re.eur. G Other Pressure pel Test Temo, 'F

' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of inets, sketches, or dreannes meY be used, provideal (1) saae is 3% in, a 11 in., (2) 6nterrow-t6en in items 1 throudi 4 en thle report is 14seluded on seen sheet, and (3) essh sheet is numbered and the number of snests is recorded at the tag of this form.

(12/02) This Form (E000308 mov he octeined fram the Orser Dept., ASME,34C E. 47th St., New York, N Y 100ti



L . .



FORM NIS 2 (Back) 9 memore s aseietsoie veav'ectwrer's este aeoerte to se erinnee CERTIFICAt e OF COesIPLIANCE vve certify that the statements moos in the avoort am correct end this repair g,,,,, g, gy ,g ,, g3, ASME Cooe, Section *l. **''"***

Tvoe Code Svmeol Stemo e . e epair/ Replacement Progeam" Certficate of Autmoriteten No.  !^ Espirouen Dato "!A -

3;gn,q -'Al<J M[47* bW Date 7 Eb 19 owner or ownere os 6cnee. Tatte CERTIFICATE CP INSERVICE INAPECTION 1, the ondersigned heading a velW commies.on escued by the Notonal Soard of toiler and Preemere vesses inspectors and the 5tste or Province or Pennsv1vania . and empioved by_Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • _ ,,

Norwood, Massachusetts - h inspected the comoonents osecritmo m this Owner's Report outing me period OMY f

/2v - to)ee d AO / N/ - and state test f

to tee best of my knowiedge Arnd beoef, the Ommer has performer? enewicot end t n eturective mentire. descr: bed in in s owner's Reoort in accordance w6th the requirements of the ASME Code, Sect AI, By sqnmg the certificate meether the ineoector not his emcloyer mekee any warranty, enorgesed or imotied, coecernaag tr e enemmetione and eerrecttwo mesmares describe $ m this O=wer's Rooort. Furthermore, neither trta inesecwe nor his emoioves sneel to lienee in any manrer for any personed insury or property demees or a lose of any It;nd arising from or connected with in's ine.ction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems a# Commimons 9e .-ro w MONM
r. es M M e,,se.e.neer....e e,s..te,e.~

Date .e m -

19 k '._

fl' // .


." 1.

Form No. 270 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT POR REPAlfto Order Dese.. A38.88. 344 E.ohn k..Pos yare,%v 2001t 112/t:n

Sheet 2 of 2 FORM Nis.2 (Back)

None 9 A genceeie e,a as wf eet' ter's Cote n eeerts to se eftMaes E

CERTIPICATE OF CondPLIANCE we cert >Py teet me statements moos n tee report ero correct and tnis repalr- ,g ,, ,,


ASME Coos.Section XI.

.per NGAM 8.5 *ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Progra-froe code symood steme _

Certificeto of Awtnortartgn No.-

N/A Eso+ rate Does N/A

,.- C'Euw.c4 7% cts w . ,e,,

, h s l9 i *,,

  • o=a.e w owaer e oe n.e, ritis - <

CE RTIFICATE OF lee 844VICE 18ertCT10e4

1. tne uneerp. needing a vWie commiss on howed Ipr me Netenal Seere of Seder end Preewe veemst leipectors one the $ tete or provence of Pennsylvania w e, ,,, g ., Arkwricht Mutual Insurance Co.
  • e, Norwcod, Masaachuse.tt5 , , A ,, gieg e , componenis w ,,esa in tnis Cw*r's Report awrtng the pered b W O /N to i> *  ! and state (not

/  % // '

to me test of my knesweege one toilet, the owner nas performed en_ t )end teWyn serreethe mesmeros esseritoo in in

'a. Owme's Re Nrt in essereenes esten tne roowirements of the Asadt Caen. Seetsen 11.

ey s,=as vue eartineses nenhor the tree. ster nor ne mieneva trense eiy warroney, energesse er imwies, coama a, ine eerwoene aset earreasse maneures asscnoed a t*.e w moonrt. pwthermore. rarvier ou inesciar nor n,i e-wover enel be 14 80s is any menner for any serennet intwry or presorty esmess or a ees n of any kind erie 6ag from et connectee witn tnio .


  • Factory Mutual. Systems

/ /-u-<-* 8 O comm,,n,e,,, MO r.-

OM.e N e2c2 e e. ,,ve - e r . - .a.,

y pt en.n.e. x ce,e Tzd u. ,, h a n - -


. _ _- m ~. _ - . _ _ _ . . _ _

I l

I l'orm No.

279 '


FORM Mis.2 OWNE R'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Respuired by the Previssone of the ASME Code Section XI >

Duquesne' Light Company o.,,

WM t , >nst nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 s 1 2 4 eem .

2. Pie,e Beaver Valley Power Station unit ___No. I nome MWR 912179' Shippingport, PA 15077 aseems nemew ocomaiseu a P.o. me.. see me. eie.
3. Weeven Per9e'med t , - OLCo . Mechanical Maintenance Tvee cess tyness sterne hot Arolicable i Avinertassen No.

Shippingport,'PA 15077 g ,,6,essen Does aseen

( gg,,gm g w Reactor Coolant System Aeesad=

!^ Coes Case S. fel Asseinemas Consessmen Code.8ES 15L 19 fifMdMeen. mn tal Aeo6testas telteen of teamen XI uta W eer maneirs or Messessments igj.13 :1' 83 A

6. lesneensesen of **- Rassense er Resteesd and Resiesement '*-

I ASaat Caen l' posseensa mesewed, stamme' Yes, Messesse, tYse l Name of ' . Name of teenwhgmover Seese Othes tausenesses toeg er Rennesamset er Nel Cusgeenent N' Sones see.- Nem -

n l

l1 Reactor Coolasit. g lWestt. . wane N/A l Stop Valve N/A- , MOV-RC-593 N/A I epaired Yes t


i. , . .

.- J Repaired valve nipple arneubly, See MWR 912179 for further

7. Desertados of T ^ - deta11s .
8. Tesse Conduceser ley 41resistle O *assemen's O No'aiasi ose eenat'anese,O es=ae ** rs= v=== **

uor : e. ,,, esse fe,s. of iimes. .s.e,.es e, .e.e , =e mes es m == m en m.e im m -

tien la louses 1 t9weegi 4 en male resort is sneeweed on esen shoot, sad W eesh sosse le essemed and me nun reeereed as tete top of Wade fenst 10018 Times Pensi(0008300 mer to seersies from she Oveer Osos Amst 348 E.47 tit vore, av v (12/925

.- .- 2.- . ..

- , - ,- , ---c . ir

. .._ _ . . _ . - _ - _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . ~

= .

b.y.' s

' ilhoot 2 of 2


FORM NIS 2 (Socid r

g me,n e,= , -

Performed weld repair in valve body to disc pressurization nipple

      • *******'**'"0"'""*"***'**"

assembly 9


.1 CERflPICATE OF C0ertlA8ect repair ,, ,,,,,,g, we certify est the statements enees in the ,ueert om certest one in.e ASAAG Caen. Seet.en Kl.

per.HGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement'Progrr '_

1-N/A N/A Cetificsie of y enaation Me. .

tas.recen osse g;,neg ud~. ll.

' %HE~ - BXr gem w lb a

_ s g _ Gr e .a o ae o e. m. .

  • CERTiptCATE Op 4010ERVtC8' II.peCTiest
1. the uneseriense, hetems a veled comm.assen ineses lov the Neesonal lose of Seder and Pesesumgves y p,,,,,,, ,e Penn sylvan i a ~

' ,,e ,,,, ,,g g, Arkwrisht Mutual Insurance Co.*

'Norwood, Massachusetts hoe me es,.wenents seestitee *

% =7 0 / 9 9/ ~ ene stees iaet

-in in,e owner e nemen ewtag me ser.e .

ie e .see .. y - .u. .one.. e on./ s. =.e2A -UA.sene.,

se 12Ixi./ J /M/w (A.ied --ee o aee, as.en a esse,e se.e. .e ,e.- Co ev seemsisme ewismasas noemer ce inasester ner nie oneseve means any .ervenev, esoresses w arne esenwassene een emneeshe menewee seesness .a m. ownere meosrs. pweennere, nenmer me lasener nor n. e

!- ' satse te listle la any samment ter mer sericam inevry or eensorty esmess er e lose of any kind arteing fresse b

  • Factory Mutual Sy sus ic, poseion.


-:> m A/,e.8E/f.a .eene.

Tf? + ..'e WW .

e ee-,.

f g .q. es ,

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. ee. d [ 6 g .i. 9 /

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0 Form No.

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ttie ASME Code section XI

. 1, owne, Duquesne Light Company Date 7/26/91 some One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 of 1

Sheet Aedree

2. Pient Beaver Valley Power Station unit No. I

- no Shippingport, PA 1; 7 _

As erse nosest oreenisation e.o. u ., see u . m.

3, m p,,,,,meo wy DLco - Maintenance Dept:,_,. Tvoe Coos symoot stemo Not Applicable Ne*e Authorttetton No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g,06,etion o m Ag erse

4. 'ident6fication of 3retem Reactor Coolant
5. fal Aeolnessee Construction Code Section III 3 ,68 Edit 6en.

S'68 __ goo,,,, =

Coos Cem

.(b) Aeolicable Edition of Section XI Utdlaed for Mopeere or Replecoments to 8 3E-S,' 83 A

4. Identif 6cetion of Cornponents Mepeired or Masteced enst Aeolacement Components n

ASME Cooe Nationes Rese6ted, Stemoed Other Year Mesleced, tYes i Name of Name of Manufacturer Soord -

Component Manufacturer senesNo, No, = identifissenen - ' 5968% or MWement orNo)

-RV-RC-SSIB' Target Rock 1 ------

Ife Valve 1973 Replaced Yen i

6* x 6"


Target-Rock 6 ------

'Helief Valve 1973 ' Replacement Yes; i

7. . Osecreation of Wurtt Replaced cristing valve with another
8. Tests Conducted: Mydrastet6c C Pr.eumette O Norniaci O oretia. Pressure x Otner O Pree=>re ad Teetrem -

h NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of flets, sketemes, or ervennes may be used, provided til saae le SM in, e 11 in,. (2) informe-tion in items 1 thruugt 8 on thle report is included on each sneet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sner's is recorood et the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E000305 mey be octo.ned from tne Oroer Ooot., ASMf,,346 E. 47th St., New Yore, N Y t0017

I FORM NIS 2 (Back) 9 memert, N/A anoniceone venututurers oats neoerts to se eetuneo CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mode in tee report are cornret end thi, replacementconforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section XI.

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" 1'voe Cwe Symeoi stamo

!A Exoiretion Date

"!A Certiticate of utnorization Peo. .

54ned *

  • bE" E@ Oete d

N 19 4' Owaer or Cwners Cooegnee. Title CERTIPlCATE OP INSERVICE INSPECTION

' I the undersigned, holding a vand commiseson issued try the National Soard of Boster end Pressurt Vessee ineoectors and the State or province of Pennsylvania and empioved try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • a, Norwood, Massachusetts , - swo spected the components descritad in tnis Owner's Report dur6ag the per6od M N to C dO !N and state that to the best of my snow 4 edge and benef, the Owner has performed eneminet nd th correctrve measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Sectlon XI.

By sqning thee certificate neither the leepector nor hee emotoyer makas any worrenty expressed or entied. concerning tne examinatione and turrectrwe moseares described en this Owner's Report. Furthermore neither the inspector nor his emosover theit be tiecee let asey menner for any personal insury or property damage or a lose e' eny kind arisirig from or connected witn tnis ineoction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems .
  1. Commissions bI O

- Ineees,ere .,n.,u,e ~. n . .te,s. ,re tris. .no .,.

Date 4-f / 19 o i nva21

Fori No. 285 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPl.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ttie ASME Code Section XI t , o. net Duquesne Light Company o .,, 8/8/91 Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,, , ,

1 ,, 1 A4 Or ees

2. Ptent Beaver Valle:r Pider Station ___, unit Ho- 1 -

Name MwR 1913975 Shippingport, PA 15077 4 area aoo.4r oreenireuen e o. No., .. ., etc.

J. Work Puformed by DLCo . Maintenance Dept. Type Cooe Symeot 3:erm . Not Applicable Authorlistion No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 Enoiretion Date As s.een

4. loentifketion of System Reactor Coolant Section III gg 68 go,,i,,,

S 48 g ,,,,,,

Code Caos S. (s) Aooticse Concruction Code (b) Apoliceole Edition of Section XI Ubataed for Roomrs or Rootecoments 19 83E-S'83A

6. Identifketion of Coe.wonents Receited or Rooteced and Reolecoment Components A$ME Cooe National Receired, 5temoed Board Other ~ Year Rooleced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Suut O' Repiscoment otNol Cornoonent Manufacturee sorte4 No. No. loonuf6 cat 6en 6" x 6"

-RV-RC-SPARE Target Rock 1 ---

Rollef Valvo 1973 Repaired Yes Machined pilot disc and main disc L Dew of m

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic 0 Nominst Operating Proomare O pet Test Tomo. 'F Other @ Proesure c Rd<N hwre. A.x} taar Lakey ext ly *0Wtr N.

NOTE: Suposementes sheets in form of Ikts, thetches, or arvennes trev de used, provided (1) stae le 8% in, a 11 in., til inforerw.

tmn in iterre 1 thenup 6 on this report is included on each snoet, and (3) each eneet 6e numtm1ll end the number of onsets is recorood at the top of this form, 1

(12/82) This Form (E00030) mov be octained f rom the Oroer Dept , ASME,144 E,47th St., Nee. York, N v 10017


FORM NIS 2 (Back) 9 memerks Aeos. cense Meaw'ectwrer's case neoerts to to attecnes E

CERTIFICATE OF COMPT. LANCE We certify that the statements made in tne toport are correct and this rena f r conforms to the rules of the ASME Coos.Section XI.

Type Code Sympel $m per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of A oriteten No. .

!A Empiration Date  !^ '

s;gned ' M>o^ EA)A- Oete v

  1. M ' 19 Y/

owner er oyers oee.enee titie --

CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INEPECTION u l. ine undersigned hoidme e valid cornmission issued my tee Nationet Soard of Soiler and Pressure Vessei Inspectors and the State or Province of Pennsylvania - q ,,notoved by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • og Norwood, Massachusetts . g.,,,  ; ,,g e, ni, a.,c,,,,,o in tnie Owner's Report during the period h3M M # EN/ to "

_ O #IE g . end state that to the best of my knowtedse end tuotief, tee Owner has performed eneminst tem [sorrectbse measures described in

- Owner's Report in encordenes w6e the rooviremente c' the ASME Coos. Sect 1.

By senmg this carteficoes noneer the leepector not his employer meses any warrenty, empressed or imedied, concerneng the saemenatione end earrestrue mesmares esecribed in teie Owner's Rooort. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his emoiover snell be lietsie in any menner for any persones intury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with tnis ineoction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems Cornmisekons Nb SA j tys. r ( oro. .rese. r .. en. .n. ore.-e-s rs.,,ene. .


1 2 V'/ r , ,, W _

(12/821 l




1. -

Form No. 286-FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1,- ow n,,' Duquesne Light Company Oste 9-3-91 Nome One Oxford Centre-_- Pittsburgh, PA 15279 , i g i Aseren 2; Pient - Beaver Valley Power Station yn,g No. 1 Noene Shippingport,-PA 15077 MWR # 900881 Asereas nesear Orsoniastion P 0. NO., Joe No , etc. -

- 3. work Performed by - DLCo-- Ma!ntenance Dept. 'ype Cooo Symbol Stemo --- Not Applicable

"'** Authorisation No, Shippingport, PA 15077 Emperate Dete Asereen

4. Identification of System Reactor Coolant S. to) Aeolicense Construct 6en Code Sect ion 111, 3 6 5 Edition, W'66 Addende, 1429 Code Case (n) Apoliceo4e Edition of Section XI Utellaed for Mosers or Mootecoments 19 83E-S'83A

' 6. Identificftton of Components Mege6ted or Megaeced and Replacement Cornponefits ASME Cooe National R eo* red. Stemo*4

- Name of Name of Menufacturer Beeris Other Year Resiet*d. (Y *e Component ' Manufacturer Sortel No. No, teentif6est6en Sviet or Rep 4esoment or Nol "A" Steam-RC-k.-1A Westinghouse 1301 68 45 Generator 1971 Repaired yes_


w 5-l-

7. Deectiotion ot ware Replaced both handholes boltire.
8. Tests Conducted:- Hydrostatic Pneumetic 0 Nomiasi O oreime Pressure O Other Preemare pd Teet Temp, 'F i NOTE: Supef ernental sheets in form of Ilete, sketches, or drowings rmy be weed, prorided 111 sue le 8% in. m 11 in (2) infarme-ten in items 1 through 4 on th6e report le included on each onest, and (3) enen sheet le nummered and the numest of sneets is recorood et the tso of this form. -

t12/521 This Form (E00030) may ne octeined from the Orver Dept., ASME. 346 8. 47th St., New York, N Y 1001F i


FORM NIS.2 (Back) 9 n , ., , ,

Bolting was replaced to allow temporary repair of handhole gasket lea:s, soonc.eie u.n.euturer s oat. a.oorn is se .tsunea CERTIFICATE OF CO8stPLIANCE repalr ,,,,orms to the rutes of the We certify that the statements mode in the report are correct and this A5ME Code.Section XI.

per NGAM 8.5 ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Tvoe Code svmoot stemo N/A  !^

thorg etion No. _ Enoiration Oate Certificate of _

Signed Jb W - NI Cate bPY b 19 /


  • "l; tne undersigned, holding a val 6d commission issued by the National 90ere of Soiler end Proesure Veant laspectors and the State l or Province of Pennsylvania and empioy sd by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Norwood, Massachusetts here inspected tfw components descritad in this Owner's Report dervg the period W' N/o Y _ and state test to the twst of my knowtedes and helief, the Owner has s,erformed eneminations and taken correctNo measures described in inis Owner's Report in accordance w4th the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

By signing this certificess rWther the ineoector nor he emp4 oyer enekes any worrenty, empressed or implied, conce' tne esaminatione and sorrectne measures desenbod in this Owner's Rooort. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his emoiover snell be sieble ist easy mennet for any personal in6ury or property demese or a has of any kind artsing from or connected with tnis ineection, f , //

  • Factory Mutual Systems w(n l$. 's Commin.on.

/A J M,2 e stiene seens. siete. Previne ene anee<.emeai.

( incessere spaseure oeie y/d is #/ _


of I*Orm No. 107

'I FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ttie ASME Code Section XI t , o ne, Duquesne Light Company o,,, 9 4-91 nome

'ne-Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 g

,, 3 Ag gr ees

,, aver Valley Power Station u n,, No. 1 Nome c' e t , PA 15077 MWR #'901029 Ao arese n e.eir o,,eninii . o.o u.,, s u,,, ou, 5 f.Co - Meintestance Dept. Type Cooe Symeon Stemo Not ADDlicable Ne*e Author 6:s90n No.

L- 4 15077 see,r. ,on oe,e "

Ao orses

-: 4 toontification of $ysse, Reactor Coolant 5, (e) Anoticen6e Constrwt6en coes Section 111 to 65 Edition, W'66 Adoende 1429 Code case Ibl Apolicanoe Edition of Section Xl Ut6tlaed for Repears of Roolecoments 19 8 3E-S ' 83h

6. loontificetton of Components Receired or Rooieced and Replecoment components ASME Come Nationet Mooeired. Stemoed Board Other Y es, Restaced, tYes

' Name of - Name of Menufacturer Component Manuf acturer -' Sortel No. No. Identiflection Butit o' Rootecoment of %)

t "C" Steam RC-E-1C- Westinghouse. 1303 68 47 Generator 1971 Repair yes P


7, Description of werer Replaced bolting on handholn cover.


8. Tests Conducted: Hydroetette O *aeumstic aomiasiOoereia*ressureQ '

Other 0 Pres ==re o's Tee' rema.

' NOTE: Supodemernal shoots in form of tiets, sketches. or drowings troy be weed. ortprided til stae is 8% in.a 11 in (21 infortre tion in items 1 through 6 on this report le included oc each sneet, and (3) each sheet w numtmed and the numtwr of sneen is recorood at the top of thle form, l

(12/82) This Fewm (E000301 mov be cereaned from the Oroer Oeot., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New Yora, N y 1001i

.n .

7 FORM NIS 2 (Back) ,

,; , , , , , , , Bolting was replaced to allow temporary repair of handhole casket leaks u acei seis a. ave.civrer s cete neoerts is o estunee e

CE RTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE repair ~ confonc to the rules of the VVe certify that the statements moos in the toport are correct and this ASME Code,Section XI.

p r NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code symtiot 6temo N/A g ,,,,,, g N/A Certificate of phtmorization No, a b OJ6r I oete - bea7" /> ig 9/

$;,neo _ /

owne, er ownpo oe aenee, retie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the unoersigned. ho4 ding a valid commiesN1 issued by the National Board of Soiler end Pressure Veeent insectoes and the Siste

'or Prownce of- Pennsylvania and emoloves try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • es Norwood, Massachusetts -3 a ,eected me cenents descritied in this owner's Report during the ' period [/ NY o. "I /N/t . and state inet to tne best of my know4 edge and tesdief, the Owner h.e performed eneminations and taken corrective measures oeecribed in this

' Owner's Report in encordance with the roovirements of the Asut f ,1e,Section XI.

' Sy syning this certificate neither the inspector not his emotoyer eneken any weerrency, engressed of implied. concerning the enemmattone end eerrective measures deactrhed in this Owrier's Report. Furthermore, neither the ineoector nor his emosover

. snett be lieb6e in osy menner for any personed ingury or property damage or e toes of any kind arising from or connected with in's .

  • Factory Mutual Systems A $E ' _


Commissione AM A reev+enee ooene, siow, proviace. ene e neeree-eave inweetere sieneture


M/ l 19 f/

oste , I 412/821

e o-Porm No. 268 - _ ,

l g

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS At Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Oane, Duquesne 'ight Company o,i, 9-4-91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburght PA 15279 sheet I of 3 A4Gr een No. 1
2. Pient _ _ Beaver Valley Power Station yn,,

Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 904327 Am areas aseeir orosaisesien p.o. no., see me , eie.

3" # "

DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Type Coos $vraoot Stemo Not Applicablo Nome Avinertretion Ne, Shippingport, PA 15077 Empireiion oei.

As orees

- 4, identifLtion of Svetern Recirculation Spray S. (el Apolicecae Construct 6en Code b'CE10" 1II 19 68 Edation, N'II Am, ""

% Come tbl Apoisceole fitton of Section XI Utillsed for Rooers or Rechcoments 19,Q)f-),' 0 3A 6, Ident6ficetkan of Components Repeired or Mootoced and Reclecoment Components f"*

ASME Cooe Aeoesem2, 5temoed Net 6cnes Omer Year Meoteced, tYes Name of . Nome of Menufacturer Soerd Sortet No, No, identificetton Butit 8' R*oe acement ofNot Component Menwtecturer Industrial Recirc Spray RS-E-1C Process Eng. 6301-3 3181 lleat- Exc h. 1971 Repaired yes l

7. Deectiotion ot wo,e Replaced bottom end bell botrine,
8. Tests ,onducted; Hydrostetbc 0 eaeometic 0 uomiasi o oret.a Freee re O poi Teet rema. *r O m er O Prees re NOTE: Supolememet sheets in f arm of liete. thetches, or drivnngs friev be used. ocoridad (11 stae se 8% In, a 11 in , (21 iatarme-16on in 6tems 1 through 4 on this reocrt le included on eeen sneet, and (3) each eneet is numbered and the rtamber of sneets **

recerood et the top of thee form, (12/82) Thie Form (E00030) mey he obtained from the (Jeoer Oeot., ASME,348 E,47th $t., No Yorm. N v 10017

  • e 4 ,

FORM NIS 2 (Back) l


U-1 form attached.

. 9 gem.,g ,

Aneisceoie venue.cturer's oeia neoerse to se ertsenso i

  • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE repair ,,,,,,,,,,,,g We certify thm the statements made in the report are correct and this rasar er resiesement ASME Code.Section XI.

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program"

.. Type Code symoot stamp

^ Expiration Dete N/A

. Certifieste othnorisaten No.I signed W A$$ Date PT h ~ 19 l

Cwner er owner's oe 6emme. Totte CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INEPECTION -

I. the undersuriod. hooding a v'elid comm6esson issued by the Noteel Board of Seeler and Freemare Veemet lnepectors and the $ tete and omsHoved by Arkwr4 cht Mutual Insurance Co.

in tnis owner's Report during the period O#/ o T t and state inst to the best of my know4 edge and hetief, the Owner has performed enernineteone end temen corrective measures described in inis

' Owner *t' Report in encordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Oy sining this certificoes ne4Wier W triepector not h<e employer makes any wortenty, expressed or implied, concerning the esaminatione end correctne meneures doncnbod in this Owner's Report. Furthermore neither the inspector nor his emotover shall be fleele in assy menner for any personal insury or property damage or a lose of any kind erising from or connected with tn e

  • Factory Mutual. Systems ineoction. . ,

sb/' s -


. =ee n. to.,inee..n. en.or - ea.e i t ino co sipneture Cate / I 19 ?

(12/821 ,


- - ,n. - , + ,

D P .i ?: '

Nw 3 -


  • C' .

As e m elred by ptslees et the A83N Onde Renea.' WI, b . .._,;

=( g, w ;,g wed 6, C5.'


a s.

I h..hetwed km Rtnne L Wehnter Ene. f* n . f o r Dit mi 1isht En.. M i nne n. N-us s.ese..nane er r n en -

m Y9M.

kh.~ g % .5

. vm.iVe .

rt - mrTHe at En h. y,,",,f.d.,

.m. J- kes.4. u. tus. i . .. .:1)3I M-woi, ,tw-3181 * "'*i.."9"'


? , w. 4-e e s. b. < e .wd H '.15.*_t? ^_Wh* 5 2 5.' " !_'3 ! "_i 5 ^ ^_ " "_ " a te. .e w 2e .

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enew- 1** * "I w_;1 P 7cNi "&waiplets .mm.M'.{,Y' J" _ *' M**""" '

s. .**,1%'M,

.m . D . r.,_ w d . :- k adspr

, WE", "::"**

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Shell 1 14 x 10 -BJW: Red 'S A240-304L 1/4 S A240.'304L ' Welded ;

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  • hdwr=a.J.-.. " n 1 8. b r .:. 1 _ n un. In no. .n .v _n hell Side -- Spray Water. . Tube Side -- River Water.

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e e E naine e r e e,_

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yesses. mang er Industrial Proce s s Enginee r s . Newark. New Jersev ,

O i. is. =4.rup.4. 6.m.: . .ans c =um um4 t, a. w.uu.i n.=4 . a.un 4 enue, v.u. w. nm 4/= g g ,

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1 Form No. 289 i :- ._

FORM N15 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of tfie ASME Code Section XI t ,, Duquenne Licht Company n,,, 9-4-91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 1 g As Or ces Beaver Valley Power Station yo,, No. I

2. Ptent nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 903263 Am are aeosie orsenisetion e.o. No., soo No.. eie.
3. Wort Performed by DLCo . M.1intenance Dept
  • Tvoo Coos symeot siamo Not Applicable Authoritetson No. -

Shippingport, PA 15077 g,,,,,,,,,g,,,

Anorese M in Stcam

4. ioentifwation of svetem 03I*I 19 M E dit6en.

CD Aedende --

Coce Case S. tel Accawe construction Code Ibn Aooticable Edition of Section Ki Uttinaed for Receirs or Rooiecoments 19 6 M-S ' 8 3A

6. loentificson of Components Repedred or Rep 6eced and Rootecoment Coents ASVE Cooe Received. St emped Netmoel Year R W ated. (Y e*

Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Othof lislag of Rup4ecoment ofNon Component Menufactufte Settet No. No. Identiftset6en Atmospheric PCV-MS-101A Copes-Vulcan 701095096-1-1 -

DumpVaIve - Repaired No

7. Description of wart _Feptneed trim assembiy.

4* , Tests Conduct 94: HyWostatne O r -umeti O Nomiasi Caereitae Pressur. O pei Test Temp. *F Othof @ Proso4rv

  • Djum%l L%l Mr NOTE: Suopiemomes meets in form of lista, ikstches, or orowinsi may be used. prwided til sue no 8% in, a 11 in (2) intora tion in items 1 through 6 on this reoort le 6ncluded on enen sheet, and (3) nes:n sneet le numbered and the number of snents e recovosJ at the toc of tale form.

(12/821 This Form (E000301 mey be octeined from the Oroo< Oept., AEME,346 8. 47th St. Nere Yore, avv 1001f

1 FORM NIS 2 (Back) 9 memerne N/A .

Apoi.cee4e vecturece oete neoerts te no ettecnw CERTIFICATE OF C08ePLIANCE

- We certify tfist the statements made in the report m correct and this repair conforms to the rulee of the ASME Code.Section XI.

Tvoe Code Symbol Stemo Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of tnotication No.Y  !^ Empiration Date N/A Signed O WW dd/ Cete

  • O 19 kl Owner or Ownere Oeeegnes. Titie s

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE IN8PECTION t, the undersigned. hoiding e valid eem.;; ;:n heued by the National 2004 of Soiler and Preneuro Vessel Inspectors and the State

. or pro.,nce og Pennsylvania and emonovno wy Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,-

Norwood, Massachusetts- ' n.,e in ed the components descrited

-in this Owner's Report during the period /ot I ' . and state snet to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed eneminetsono end temen corrective measures described in ines owner's Reoort in accordance with the requireNnte of the ASM4 Code,Section XI.

By sigrung ttwo certificate neHher the inapoctor nor hee employer makes any warrenty, expressed or wnolied, concerning ine enamenettone and eerfectne measures descriced in thee owner's Rooort. Furthermore, neither the laspector not h.s emoiover ,

snett be tieele in any menner for any personal intury of property damage or a loss of any kind artsing from or connected witn enes inieection. ; p -* Factory Mutual Systems ob k com m m.on, h12/se.o.4stese. er . nee. . nee,-e .

f- .n. css,.<e y,e f.e,,ene.

Cate '94J is g/

(12/s21 1


. a l'orm No. 290 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required bY the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i , %n,, Duquesne Lf ght Cornpany o,,, 9-4-91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 -

t ,, 1 AGOr oet Beaver Valley Power Station u ,, No. 1

2. Plant Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 903264

^8 8' n ouser Oreenis etion p.o. No,, aer, se , egg,

3. ' Wars Performed t, DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Tvoe Coos symbol siamo Not Antilicable Authoriaetion No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,4,,,, g,,,

Ae arsee

4. loentification of System Hain Steam 5, tel Apolicabie Construction Code B31.1 is 67 Edition. S'71 Aeoende -

Cooe Cees (b) Aoolicente Edition of Section XI uttiland for Receirs or Rootacements 19 8 3E-S ' 8 3 A 6.~leentification of Comoe:1nts Receired or Reoloced and Rootacement Components ASME Code Receited. St emo*C National Other Year Rootaced, tYes Name of Name of Menufacturse Board Seriei No. No. loentifiestion - Bunit o' Rootacement orNot Component Manufacturer .

Atmospheric PCV-MS-101B Copes-Vulcan 701095096-1-2 -

Dump Valve - Repaired No

7. Oncription ot wort Replaced trim assembly and balancing cylinder.


6. Tests Conducted: Hvoroetette O
  • sumetic 0 Nomiasi Ooerotiae r eeuro O poi Test Temp. 'F Other @ Pressure
  • Opedoa4c elET NOTE: Supplemental sheas in forrn of tiets, sketenee or drowings my tw used, proriend (1) staa k sw In. m 11 in (2) intarrw t6on in iteme 1 through 6 on this report le included on sech shut, and (3) each eheet is numtred and the number of oneeu is recorded et the ton of this form.

(12/821 This Form (E000301 mey be oote.ned from the Orde Oeot.. ASME,346 E. 47th $t., New Yore. N Y 100t?

P ff F .7 FORM NIS 2 (Back) 9, Romerks NM

  • Aooisesoie Meawfuturee s Oste neoerts io ne artscmeo

.b i

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE We certify thet the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conte,ms to the rules of the ME M,kte Xf. **"'******'

Type Cwe Syrmoot Stemo per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair /Replacerent Program" .

_ Certificate of uthoritation No, !A Empiration Date !A Signed v b - M Oete bIk 19 h/

owner er own,ece oseenee nine CE RTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION s "l, the under:W, ho# ding a salid commission issued tsv the Nationes Soard of Soiler and Pressure Vessei lamectors and the State or Promace of.fennsylvania and etnotoyed tsy Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * .#

Norwood, Massachusetts h iceaected the components descrited in tnis Owner's Report during the perr3d to T/ . and state inet to the twst of my linow6edes and tm4ief, the Owner hee performed examinatione end temen corrective measures descritmo in tnis Owner's Recort in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI, By sqnirq this certificate neidter the inspector nor hee emp4ever makes any worrenty, espreened or implied, concernmg the eneminatione anal correct 4w measures descrit>ed in this Owner's Resort Furthermore, neither the inecoctor not his emoiover

shall be liecie ist any menner for any personei insury of property damage or e loes of any kind arisin$ from or cGMetted witn tnis insection,
  • Factory Mutual Systems

^ N )0 +'^ Comminione Lhf.2 A 4 4 eveteenes enere, siete. Province, one a nnreemeans

[ inemenocopioneeure Oste _. T 'I 7 19 #/



  • Porm No. 291


FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPQRT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Pt $D,jions of tfie ASME Code Section XI t , o nor - Duquesne Light Corepany o , ,, 4.4_91 Nome one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 Sheet I of I Am or ose Beaver t' 11ey Power Station yn, No. 1

2. Pient Name Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 900513 Ac e oss n opear Ortentsation P .O. No., Joe No., etc,
3. Wort Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Type Code Symbol 5temo ,Not ADD 1icable


Shippingport, PA 15077 Empiretion Oete _


Ad erees 4, toantificetion of 5ystem Chemical and Volume Control

5. (e) Acoliceo4e Construction Coos B31.1 ,3g 67 E dine, S'7I m -

Coo N (b) Apo64ceoie Edition of Section XI Uttitred for Rooests or Roo4ecomente 19 83C-S' 83A

6. toontification of Components Repested or Reoisced and Rootecoment Components


ASME Code Receired, Stemoed National Other Year Rootsced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer soord No, loontifket6on Sunit or Rep 4ecoment ofNot Component Manufacturee Serial No.

Model No.

LCV-Cll 460B Masonellan - -

38-20721 - Repaired No t

7. Deeetiotion ot wort Replaced valve plug and body to bonnet bolting.
f. Tests Conducted: Hydroetette O enew-stie Nomiasi Operatiae Pr eeur. O O the< Prosaur= poi Test Tomo. 'F NOTE: Suoswomeritet enests in f arm of tiets, ettecches, or drweings eney be used, provided (1) sue is SM in. e 11 in (2) intorn-tion in items 1 through 8 on thle report is included on each sheet, and (3) se:n eheet le numtwed end the number of sheets e l

recoroed et the top of this form, i

l (12i82) This Form (E00030) may be octeined from the Oroer Oeot., ASME,344 E. 47th St., Ne'ev Yore. N Y 10017


FORM Ni$.2 (Seck) 9 Romers: N/A Aeoisceoie Menwutueer e Deie a eerts to se ertuneo CERTIFICATE OF COMPLI ANCE We certify tnat the s etements mese in the e, port era cor,,ct and thie repa i r _ confont to tu rules of tM

'see e' 'entereent ASME Code. Section Kl.

per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code Symool stamo. ,

N/A Empiration Date N/A Cartificate of Gtecritten Np.

I Date b6 k 19 b Signed // 1 -

owner er ownere comonee Titte CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, tne undersigned. hoiding a velld comm6esion 4 sewed W the National Board of SWiet end Prese4re Vesset inspectors and the State or province of Pennsylvania e,,d emo4Wed try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • og Norwood, Massachusetts ted the components descrit=4 in this Owner's Report due6ne the po' led NN to __ and state snet to the twit of my know4 edge end t>einet, the Owner has performed emerninetions and teken correct 6we measures described in this owner's Recott in accordance w6th the requirements of the ASME Code. Sectbon XI, By s.gning this certificate neither the inspector not his emotoyer makes any warranty, empressed or imotied, concetning the eneminatiorie eq sorrectrve measurwe described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitner the inspector not his emoiover shell be liebte M easy menner for any perened iniury of propefty derneos or a loss of any kind arisintf rom of connected entn this
  • Factory Mutual Systems ineoction.7 / /

J$ f, , ef Y $ Commis..ons h4LLL L __.

i,,ss, set e ,e ~ emnes .ee,0. sie,e. ,-t-e. en. . nee-eme


Date y43 ,e */


Form No. 292 l

i FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i, o ner Duquesne Light Company 9 4 91 Name One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,g 1 9, 1 Ae erese Beaver Valley Power Station uni, No. 1

2. Plant Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 903330 As er ees Recetr Orgentsetien P.O. NO.. Joe No., etc.
3. Wortt Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Type Code Symbot stemo Not Applicable Shippingport, PA 15077 Emp6 tete Date
4. Identification of System Feedwater
5. tel Apoliceoie constructwn code ANS1 B16.34 3, 73 E dition, -

Addende Code Case (b) Applicante Edition of sact6cn XI Utttisad for Receirs or Rootecoments 13 83E-S ' 83 A

6. Identification of Components Received or Roota:ed and Rootecoment Cornoonents ASME Coce National Receired, Stemped Rectoced, Lyes Name of Name of Menufacturer Board Other Year Identifket6on Built of Replacement or Not Comoonent Manufacturer Serial No. No.

A" Feed-Reg FCV-FW 478 Copes-Vulcan 6910-65010-31 -

Valve -

Repaired No

- Copes-Vulcan 90-3 - Plug - Replaceumt Yes

7. Description of Wort Replaced valve plug
8. Tests Conducted. Hydrostetic 0 *aeumati< 0 Nominet Ooersting Pressure O pel Test Tomo. 'F Other @ Pressure OST 1.1.10 NOTE: Supplememei etoss in form of niets, sketches. or drMags rney be used. provided til stae is SM In. n 11 in (21 informe-tion in items 1 through 6 on this recort le included on once sheet, and (3) each sheet le numbered and the twmber of shorts is recorded et the too of this form.

t12/82) This Form (E000301 may tw obtained from the Order Doot., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New York N.Y 10017

i l

FORM NIS 2 (Back)- 4 1

9. Remeres A
  • Acoiwooie uenutecturers cate neoorts to me atteenea l 1

l l



CERTIFICATE OF CO8stPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this repair conforms to the ruHe of tM

- ASME Code,Section XI. ~ 'seeir oc rooteement l

Type Code Symeet Stemo Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of Authoritation No. !A Empiration Date !A Signed u' N1 Det* 7 19 b owner or OwnArs Designee, fitle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boder and Pressare Vessel ineoctors and the State


of Province of Pennsvivania and emptoved by ' Arkwright Mutu.1 Insurance Co. * ,,

'Norwood, Massachusetts- h inspected the e to descr# bed

. in inis Owerer's Report during the period b,e d AU. M' to LI'd M - . no state that to the best of my knowiedge and belief, the Owner hee performed eneminetqs. o temerp crective meeeures des:ribed in this

-- Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section' .

By signmg this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any werventy, expressed or imotied. concerning the

. enemmations and correctrve measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the insoector not his empiover sh all be liable in any menner for any personal intury or property damage or a loes of any kind arising from or connected with this ineeetion.

  • Factory Mutual Systems.

.r ee ac C-[l Comminions M3 e.Nng ~ .st.n . .e.r.. ..e,s. .r .n.e. .n. .n ,er. _ ...s os,e

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' (12/82) -

Form No. 293 k

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPALRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI t , @ n,, Duquesne Light Company ost, 9-4-91 ,

Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 . 1 1 3 ,,

Ad or ses

2. Plant Deaver Valley Power Station unit No. I Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 Am orece n eoeir orsenisetion P.o, No., Joe No., eie.
3. Wort Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Tyo. Code symtal 5temo -. . Not Applica bl e Nems "

Authoritation No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 E ,oir tion oste Ad orsee

4. loentification of system Feedwater
5. ten Aposiceose construction code ANSI B16.34 ,, 73 goigion, _

goo,36,  %%

(b) ApoliceOle Edition of Section XI Utillred for Roosire of Rootecoments 19 63E-S ' 83 A

6. Identif.cetion of Congonents Rece4 red or Rootaced and Rootacement Components A5ME Cooe Nationet Receited. Stemoed Name of Nameof Manufacturer Board Other Yeer Reoisced, ives Component Manufacturof Serlet No. No. Identification Svait or Retecement or Ncl "B" Feed-Ret FCV-FW-488 Copes-Vulcan 6910-63010-32 -

valve .

Repaired No Copes-Vulcan 90-5 -

Plus - Replacment Yes l

t .

7. Description of wo,, Replaced' valve plug
8. Toots Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic 0 uomiasi coerotia are eur 0 Other @ Pressure osi Test Tone. *F OST 1.1.10 NOTE: swoolementet sheets in form of lists, sketches, oc drowings nwy be uw.. ortprided (11 size is 8% in, a 11 in (21 enfornw-tion in items I through 6 on this rooort le included on each sheet, and (3) own meet is numbered sad the number of meets .e recorood at the top of this form.

l 1

(12/821 This Form (E00030) mey be octeined frorn the Or@er Osot . ASME,146 E 47th St., New York, N Y 1001f

I 97 4

FORM NIS 2 (Deck) ,

- 9. Romerais Aconicane uenuteeturers oete meoorte to no erteenee 4

J CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify thet the statements mede in the report are correct and this reDair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section Xl.

Tvo Code Symbol stemo ,per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repa*.r/ Replacement Program" , .

Certificate o othorisation No, "!A ExoDation Dete.


. Signed Hh b bhI Otte bd 3 19 7/

Ownee or owq6re oeetenee. Titte CERTIFICATE OF INSE RVtCE IN5PECTION

1. the unders!gned, holding a velk$ commission issued by the National toerd of Soiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectore and the State of Provmco of Pennsv1vania and emo oved by - Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. *- _o, Norwood, Massachusettts p,,e i d the components descritad

- in this Owner's Report dur6ng the period bO y M to E

  • 2 [peoecteM / k b/ eno st.Jte that td the best of my know edge and tuotief, the Owner has performed seeminet ad teje corrective meeeures described 6n this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his emotover makes any werfenty, expreseed oc imolled, concerning the enemmetions and corrective meeeurus described in t%'s Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector not his emotoyer shall be flecte in any menner for any personed intury or property demese or e ions of any kind erising from or connected with this

-l: innoection.

  • Factory Mutual Systems

- .' A,__,,,, core,w,,;ons N$ - NN ddneo,-e-,. .

y y,or. .ieg,e ( ~ e,ione. .e.,0. ete. . nee. en.

oete -

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Form No. 2 9(,

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ADO No Section XI

?- .


1 own,, Duquesne Light Company Date 9-4 91 sem.

One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3 3 3 Aae ses Beaver Valley Power Station I

2. Plant Unit _ No.

Name Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 903332 As e e=s ne seer orsemmation P.o, no., aeo se., et .

DLCo . Maintenance Dept. Tvoe Code Symtiot Stamo- Not Aonlicablo

3. Wort Performedtyy Authcetesteon feo, Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,;, ,,;,, o,,, ,,,,,,,,

A4 ertes

4. loentifket6cn of System 5 tel ApoliceOle Construction CoJo ANSI B16.34 g 73 E dition. -

. Andecide -

Cooe cose (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilised for Reoears or Rootecoments 19 83E-S'83A

6. Ident6ficet60n of Components Received or Reciaced and Rectacement Components ASME Code Nationes Receired, St emoed Board Other - Year Replecad, (Yes Nieme of Nome of Manuf act'irst No. Identifiestbewt Sullt or Repiecement orNot Component Menufacturer Serlea Peo.

FCV-FW-498 Copes-Vulcan 6910-65010-3: - # [{N y Reg - Repaired No

- Copes-Vulcan 90-1 - Plug - Replac<mmt Yes

7. Deecr60 tion ot We,, Re place d valve plug
8. Testa Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pr umatie 0 Nomind Ocaretng Prneure O Other @ Prneure poi Test Temp. 'F OST 1.1.10 NOTE: Succeemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or dmeings may be used.ptwrided til sine le 8% let. e 11 in (21 informa-tion in iteme 1 through 6 on thne report is included on eacn sheet. and (31 eech sheet 6e numeniced and e,he number of sneess .

receroed at the top of the form.

(12/82) This Form (E000305 may t>e octeined from the Order O*0t.. ASME,346 E. 47th St New Yore, N y 100ti

f FORM Nis 2 (Back)

9. memerts UA '

4eet.eesie u.a v euvurere cete meeerieset.. ees i

CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.lANC6 Wt certify thet the statements made en the report ere correct sad this_rera ir conforms to the rules of the AsME Code, Sect %a XI. *''"'"'*'"'

Type Cooe symbol stemo per NGAM 8.5 "ABME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of AuJhorisation No 7 N/A Enovetion Date N/A Signed -m-A NI Date M ~/ 19 b Ownee e. Ownere coe'enee. Teile CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE IN8PECTION

l. the undersigned. holding C val 6d commies 6ca issued by the Nationet goerd of Boiler end Pressure Vessel laspectors and the Stew or Province sf PennSVlvania and employed tyv Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.
  • _,,

Norwood, Massachusetts have in ted the compentnis concrited 4 in mis owner e Acrt during me per6 d CLMR

/ C/G i.


V /

~N / 7 Yend itaie inei to, the tsest of my knowleege end tuolief, the Oeener has performed exem6netnM taken ective measures oescrited in in :

Owner's Report in escordance wlth the reewirements of the ASME Code, SecOon X ,

By ligning this certificate esither the inspectof not het employer makes any worrenty, empressed or 6rnplied. concerning tne

, eneminettone and eartecthe measures deactrbed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, ns;ther the inspector nor his empiover theil be liebte in esey menner for any personel ivyury or property damage or a Icto of any kind erging from or connected nita taes inipocuon. * *Facte"u Mutual Systems .

, _ e . g .,e M b comm3,,30ns N MNd DMd f x ~. tor,es .o.r.. P,~,,ee. or . neer-..i.

Date _ '9V 7 j 19 9/

l' I12/82)

+. - - .

l'o rm No .

t FORM N18 2 OWNER'$ REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Duquesne Light Company o,g, DU t, ow ne, Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 l 1

, g Ae eree0 2, psent Beaver Valley Power Station,, unig No. 1 Nome ,

Shippingport, PA 15077 -

MWR 8901563 Ao veem noenir oreemamen p.o. No., so No., et .

3, Wort rurformed by DLCo - 14aintenance Dept

  • Type Coes Symeel stemo Not ADolicable 4 Nem. "
  1. "**'""*""*'~

Shippingport, PA 15077

  • Empiration Deie.

Ad erees 4, inntifttetton of system pscircul a tlon_s,gra y 1.. 'tel- Anoticense Construct 6en Com sect.III-C gg 68 Edition, W'71 Am %w tbl Apotiem6e Edit 6en of section xl utisteed for mopeer, or mooi coments is 03 E-S ' 03 A

6. toontificetkn of Components Repaired of Rooteced and Meolacement Componente a.SM E Coce National Mapeired, Stemoed Other Year Reeleced. tYes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Component Manufacturer Ser6el No. No. ident4fleetlen $6:46 : of Meolecoment or Nol RS-E-1A e [s c . 6301-1 3179 h[hx 1971 Repaired Yes Replaced end bell bolting g
8. *ests Conducted: Hydreetetic 0 Faoumeii.O Nomined Operating Preemars @

Other O Pressere

'F of _ Ye's rema.

,- NOTE: Supplementat abests in fwen of Ikts, sketches, or drowings mey be used, prtprided (1) siaa is 84 in,a 11 in (2) intarme-l 16en in items 1 through 4 on thee report le included on each shows, and (3) each east le numbered and the number of snests is rocarood et the top sf this form.  ;

412/821 This Form IE000301 mey be orate 4ned from the Orer Dept., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New York, N Y 10011 l

i 1

l t I 1

l FORM Nit 2 (8eck) {

i g, semern, U-l forts attached Aeoneesie usa v'nweers oote neoerts se se enuneo [

  • CERTIFICATE OF COedPLIANCE repait conforms to tw runs of tw We certify thet the statements met 1in the report ere correct end this

'eoew orroole w nent ASME Code.Section XI.

per NGAM 0.5 "ASHE Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Typn Code $ymbol $ temp

!A Empiret6on Oete WA Certificate ofAthcitaation No.

Signed tdy- ONI Qete YN  ; tg 9/

Owaar er panera osoiease. T6 tie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION f, the unoersignett, hotoing a welid commission lowed toy the Netionet Doord of Boder end Premre Vesse6 Inspectors and the $ tete or Province of Pennsylvania W employed by Arkwright Mutual Intsurance Co.* ,,

Norwood,'Massachusetta _np i y,ected f pie comporwnts deactited in this O*ner's Report tJur6ne the pereod N&/ o '* //3/'I#

t end state t4:

to ine test of my knowieece and tiotief, the Owner has performed enemineteens and token corrective menevres descrited in this Owner's Report in socordance wroth the requirements of the ASME Code, Sectlon XI, By signing thie certificate no ether the inepector not his emotoyer makes eny worrenty, empenend or implied, concer,ung the enemmations and correctWe measures deacts'.Mid m this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector not his empiover shall be lieb44 in any menner for arty personal irgury or property damage or a loss of any kind erloing from or connected witn this inicection. ,

  • Factory Mutual Systems f


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i arrn llo . 296

L FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S (1EPORT FOR REPAlR$ OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Mequired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI t o,,ne, Duquesne I,ight Company Oete 9-5-91 nome one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 ,,, g 1 ,, 1 Aser een
2. Pten, Beaver Valley Power Station yn,, No. I Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 902351 Aser noe it oreenisetien p.o. we.. soo me., eie.
3. Wort performed gy Dt,Co . Maintenance Dept. Type Code lymbol stemo . Not Applicable
                                                   "***                                                                                        Authoritet6en No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 rc,4retion gete As eeem ater e loentificet60n of 5yetern '.

     .. ici . nee e C net-,            C de = nu                   i._ n _ .ition. A ,                                                                                                   A ende.                      Co.s Co.,
         !b) Appliceo+e Edition of Sect 606 XI Utilised for Mopears or Mapiscements 19M6 ' 83h                                                                                                                                  ,
6. Identificet6en of Components Mepelred or Replaced and Replacement Componente A$ME Cooe Receired, Stamped National Name of Name of Menufacturgt Soort Other Year Maplaced. (Y'8 Component Manufacturer Ser6et No. No. Identifiession Bullt 8' R*81*****nt 8' N83 FW-T-2 Dresser-Rand T-36555 - tbdel No. ZS-4 -

Repaired No

7. Description of vuurt Replaced turbine-and governor valve bolting
8. Teste Conducted: HydrJetetic 0 Pneumatic Nominal Operetteg Pressure @

Other Pressure poi Test Temp. 'F NOTEt Supplemerviel sheets in form of tiets, sketches, or drowings rewy be used, ocor6ded (1) sine le 8% in, a 11 in 121 inf urrew. tion in items 1 through 8 on this report le included on each sheet. and (3) each sheet le numbered end the number of sheets *e l l recorded et the top of thle form. (12/52) ' This Form (E000308 mey be octeened from the Order Dept., ASME. 344 E. 47th St..New York N Y 1001I i

i FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Remarks N/A
  • Aooi.cooie u.auenturers oeio noperie te sie ettecnee s

CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE We certify that the statementa mode en the report e o correct and this Upalr conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl, Per HOAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code Symbol stemo N/A Empiret6on Date "!A Certificeve of Authorintson No._ 54ned meh b - NI Date b 7" 7 19 O owner er pnere on.en . titie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECT 1084 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commese6on tesued ty the National Soord of Seiler and Prosaure Vessel inspectors and the State or Province of Pennov1vania and emoloved t,, Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • og Norwood Massachusetts t -

h inspected the compone ts described

                  - in this Owner's Report during the period                                                                                                                                                        bd'iN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       'N        to     WLII L Sk/                       erd stete inst to the twst of my knowledge enet belief, the Owner has performed eneminettonh takertNorrective meeeures des Owner's Reoort in accordance with the requirements of the A&ME Code. Section XI.

By signmg thH certificess neither the inepector nor his employer makes any worrenty. empressed or implied, concerning tese esammatione end eerrectrve rneomres described en this Owner's Report. Furthermcre, neither the insoectot nor his emonover shell be liefde nn any menner for any personal iniury or property demeos or a toes of any kind arising from or connected with tais ininoction. ..

  • Factory Mutual Systems
                                                ,                                c 0-wr7                                                                                                                            L2=        commisskons     ^lS     S'0lb Dl E E Ir netene e.oro, siete. erevtnee. one e neer-eais
                         /                                       .

s w eeg eheeure


Date f

  • 7 j 19,/

112/821 l 1 I l

Form No. 297 FORM Ni$ 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR HEPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I

t. Owner Duquesne Light Company o,,, 9-5 91 nome one Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 _

1 ,, t , Acerees

2. Ptern Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 1 Nome shippingport. PA 15077 MWR # 900348
                                                                                                ** ar ea                                          neeeer oreenisetion e.o. ne , see me , eie,
3. Wortt Performed ty DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Type Code 4rmeet stemo Not Anolicable Author 6tetion No. ~

Shippingport, PA 15077- " Espereuen oeie As eres

      . 4. toentificetion of svetem Safety injection
5. fel Aspilese6e Conetruction Coon ANSI B31.1 q, 67 gai,i , S'71 ,,,,,,, -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , ,. c,,,
           - Ibl Applice66e Edition of Sect 6en XI Util!#ed for Moositt or Replacements 19 0 3 E"S ' 03 A
8. Identificet6en of Componente Meesired or Replaced ed Roolecement Components I  !

A$ME Cooe Repe6 red. $temped Nationes Year Restened, (Yes Name of . Name of Manufacturer toerd Other Component Manufacturer Serial No. . No. Identif6est6en 'Buut or Meelecement or Nel Stone and FT-SI-943 Webster - - Flow Orifice - Repaired No

7. Deecription of wort 'Peolaced flow orifice hn i t i n e-
8. Tests Conductedi ' Hydroetetic O raeumatic 0 Nomiaes O.oretiai rreesure 0 Other O rr*e=>re ai Test Tema- **

NOTEt Supplemental sheets in form of tiets. eketches, or drowings nuy tie used, prswided (11 sine ss 84 in, a 11 in.. (2) inIornw-tion in items 1 through 4 on thne report le included on seen sheet, end (3) each sheet is numbered end the numoet of sneets is recorded et the top of this form. 112/02) This Form (E000301 mov be otteened from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New York, N Y t00ti

t I l FORM Nis 2 (Back)

9. neme,e, N/A Appiiteoie Meaweetiwrer s oote neports to tie etteenes CERTIFICATE OF COMPT, LANCE r eis a i r conto,ms to teJ rules of the We certify that the statements friede en the repor1 era correct and this ASME Code. Section XI.

per NGAM 0.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code symboi stems. N/A Eaoeretion Date

                                                                                                               "!A Certificate o %thorisation       o.

Wh ' Edl* 1 One bnf th 19 9/ Signed / Owner er Owners Desiones. T6tte CERTIFICATE OP INSE RVICE INSPECTION

1. the undersigned, holdM e veild commissioriissued by the National Board of Soiler end Pretwre Vessel laspectorsogand the State and employed by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.
  • or Provmco of. Pennsylvania Norwood, Massachusotta heve i spected the components donc.eited in this owner's Report dur6ng the period ((/W o 7//l ,/

t . and state inet to the best of my knowtoops and twinet. the Owner has performed esermnetions and teken correctNo meneures described in tm<s Owner's Report ti accordance with the requirements of the ASME Co&. Section XI. By signme this certificate neither ttie inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. empressed or L.fiplied, concerning tne enemmations and corrective meewree described in teus Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his emo#over shall de liable 6ti eny menner for any personas intury of property demoge or a loss of any kind arising from of connected with taas ineeetion.

  • Factory Mutital Systems k/Ab Ineo . ,e + Commiss.ons A~...n.

DU _..eero..t.e. ,re.t e.en. .r,..r - e,. oeie 'Y/3 - te W

r. s 112/821

I rorm No. 298 FORM NIS 2 OWNER *8 REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ttie ASME Code Section XI i, owner Duquesne Light Company o,,, 9/6/91 N -e One Oxford Centre - Pittsburght PA 15279 3 ,, y

                                                                                                                         ,,   y A..

No. I

2. Plant Deaver Valley Power Station uni, Nome m 4913654 Shippingport, PA 15077 ase em neoeir oreanisesien e.o. e:e., see No., eie.

Maintenance Dept. Type Coos symoot stemo - Not Aeolieable 3, wort Performed t,y DLCo___ Authortsetson No, a Shippingport, PA 15077 g ,,;,,, ion o ,,, Ac ortes

4. loentif 6cetton of Sysism Chemical & volume control
8. (el Apolicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 gg 67 Edition, S'71 Aooende. CooeCase (b) Aeolicetpe Edition of Section El Utillred for Reonirs or Replacemente tg 03E-S.' 83A
6. Identification of Components Repe4 red or Rooloced and Rootecoment Components ASME Cooo N,tiones Rooe. red, stemoed Other Year R*olewd, t Y'8 Name of Name of Manufacturer Boero Serial No, No, Identificat6on Built or Replacement or Nol Component Manufacturer 3"-CH-75-153W
     -Q3                       Stone & Wetu ter                 ---        ----                     3" Plange                  ---

Repaired No Replaced bolting on flange upstreans of valve Ch-61 7, p. ,,;,gi,, ,, m ,

8. Test Conducted: Hydrostetic 0 *aeumetic O Nominet Operating Pressure @

Other O Pree ur* asi Te's Tama - ** NOTE: Suppdementei sheets in form of Insts, sketches, or drowings reuy be a eed, provided til sine 6s 84 in, a 11 in.,121 infortre-16on in items 1 through 6 on this report is tactoded on seen sheet, and (3) each sheet 6e numtwevd end the number at sneets s recorded et the too of this form. l 1 (12/828 This Form (E00030) mov tw octeined from the Oroer Doot., ASME,346 E,47th St., New Yore, N Y 10013

~ FORM NIS 2 IBack)

9. Remarks _

Apot cottie Manw'esturare Dete Reports to be attaenee CERTIFICAT E OF C08#LI ANCE repair contoes to the runs of W We certify that the statements mode in the report are correct and this

                                                                                       'epoir erracim p ent ASML Coos. Section XI.
  • P " ""

Tv pe Code Symbol Stemo N/A Empiration Dete N/A Certificate oguthoritation No. sgned Hw b - NrI Date b8 O' 19 b o.a., or ownere owenee. finie CE RTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION i, ine undersignto, ho ding s voi6d commis 6cn issued by the Nationel Boerd of Soiler and Prnaure Vessel inspectors and the State and emotoyed by Arkwriqht Mutua1 Insuranee Co * ,, or Province of Pennsvivanla

                        .rwood, Massachusetts                                                  n     in      god gh, compon,ni,                           a,,c,ided in this Owner's Report curing the period                             POMd/ o     t Y                                                         and stLte test to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner hee periormed eneminations and taken coireettwo mesoures described in inis Owner's Reoort in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Coos, Sectnon XI.

8v signing th6s certif6cate neithef the inspector not his employer makee any worrkaty, empressed of emphoo, concerning the emo'tir strons and correcthe measurse described in this Owner's Report. Purthermore, neither the inspectof nor No empiover theit be liable in any mennet for any perstnel insury or property damage or a loss of any kind erising from of connected with tait ine.ction, ,

  • Factory Mutual Systems 77 Commissions in .et.<e si.n ,e n. tion. .e.,0.. .. r ...~seneer - e .


                                       *lJJ       89 4)


I Form No. 399 _ l FOPM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAtHS OR REPLACEMENTS As RequPed by the Provis.ons of the ASME Code Section XI

g. o ne, Duquesne Light Cornpany o ,, 9/6/91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 p,,, .

1 1 As e ese Beaver Valley Power Station vn.g No. I

2. P'ent Nome MWR 6912479 Shippingport, PA 15077 Ad or oes nesel, Orgents etten P.O. No , J.D No.. tu.
3. wors Performed t,y DLCo Construction Dent. Type Cooe symbol stemn Not Apolicable Authoritetson No.

Shippin9 port, PA 15077 . Esperation Dete Ad ores.

4. loenufleetion of system Residual Deat Removal S. (el Applicsoie Construction Code EISI B31.1 ig 6'F Edition. S'71 Addende ---- Coos case (b) Apoliemble Edition of Section XI Utiitted for floosars or Ret.coments 19 8 3 E-S' 8 3 A
6. Identinest6an of Components Repeared or Rooleced and Rootecoment Components ASME Cooo Repaired. Stemoed National Other Yeer Reptoced. (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Soerd Component Seriet No. No, idenufksinon tunts of M*'kmat o' Nel Menutocwree RB-HSG-109 ITT Grinell 6800B -- - Snubber --- Replaced No RH-HSS-109 ITT Grinell 30756 ----

Snubber --- Replacemer t No

7. Description of Worg Replaced snubber with like kind
8. Tests Conducted: Hvdrostat6c 0 raeumatic Nomias' oaerei'ai Presour.O col Test Tomo. *F Other @ Pressere e 6.s i NOTE: Supolemental sheets in form of lists, sketches. or drawings trov be used. provided 111 also le 8% in, a 11 in (2) intarme-tion in items 1 through 6 on tMe report is included on sech theet, and (3) sech sheet is numtweed and the number of shorte is recorded at the top of thle form.

1 (12/821 This Form (E000306 mey te otyteined from the Order Dept.. ASME. 346 E. 47th St.. New York. N v t001i )

                                                                                                                                            =, -        .

i F FORM NIS 2 (Beck)

9. Remarks N/A +

aouissemie Menwiestwrer's Date hooerte to se enecnee i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mooe in the report era correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the

                                                                                               '**"'***'"*'d ASME Cooe. Soction xl.

Type Code symbol stemp p r NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" r Certa icote of puthometion No. ."!^ Cuolret6on Date

          - Signed                 +                               NSI                     Dete         kBY //                  _ 19 . Il owner er ownete o .en . tsite

. CE RTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION P ' ' l.' the unders gned, holding a veild commiseson isowed try the National toerd of Seiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the State of Province of Pennsv1vania _end emo,oved try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

                          -Norwood, Massachusetts                                                    here i spected the components descritied in this Owner's Report during the period                           N Y/W          to    9M N ~                          . and stete that to the best of my know6edes and belief, the Owner hee performed enemmetions end taken corrective meeewres descritmo in this Owner's Report in encordance with the requWerents of the A$ME Coas, Sectlen XI.

By s1ame th6s certificose neither the inepector nor hes empiover makes any wettenty, empreeeed or implied, concerning the esaminations and servect6ve meemares osectibed in this owners Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector his empiover she41 be tiotie in any mener for any perenal 6niury or property damese or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inmeet6on. .

  • Factory Mutual Systems MN Commi eions M
                                                                                           ~e,t.n.t  pee S

J ",0..tme.e,evt.ies.e~t.noe. - e .. t n.7e .iori.e.,e Dete /3 19  ! ,

                                             /                                                                                                               1 1

(12/82) l r

  • l'orm No. 300 t

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code section XI t, o.nor Duquesne Light conpany o,i, V6M some One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 p ,,, , 1 g 2 Aa ..

2. Plant Deaver Valley Power Station yn,g No. I some Shippingport, PA 15077 Mwn 1913906 As or aseeir oreenisetion e.o. No., see me., eie.
3. wo.m performed by DLeo - Kaintenance Dept. Type Cooe Symbot $tsimo Not Applicablo Author 68stson He.

Shippingport, PA 15077 g , ,,, ,,, g ,,, - Acorce

4. loentifketion of System Cheroical & Volume Control S. (el Apol6 conte Construct 6cn Code Section IIIgg 71 E dit6on, S ' 7 2 A% Cooo Caos (b) Applicable Edition of Sect 6on XI uttilsed for Receirs or Rootecoments 19 8'J E-S.' 8 3 A
8. Identificet6on of Components Roosired or Rooteced ed Rootecoment Components A$ME Coce Rece6ted, Stempec NaNones Y o,, Replaced, tYes Name of home of Manufacturer Board Other No. Idenutication tuut of Rootocement of Nel Component Menutecturer Bernet No.

American 82P2000 uorir.ontal CH-E-7B Standard 9-01-3 38871 Heat Exch. 1983 topaired Yes

7. Description of Wort Mechanically plugged three tubes
8. Tests Cowucted: Hydrottet6e O *aeumetic 0 Nom 6ael Opereting Pressuro O Other @ Proesure pel Test Tomo. 'F se Lly au ren saagwns NOTE: Supplementel sheets in form of lists, sketches, of drowings tray be weed, prer6ded iti slae is BM in, a 11 in (2) intarrre-t6cn in items 1 throue 6 on this rooort is inctuoed on esca sheet, and (3) eacti eneet ts numbered and the number of snests is recoroed et the iop of thle form.

(12/621 This Form (E00C301 mey be octeined from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E 47th St., New Yore, N v i0011



FORM NIS 2 (Backl I g n ,,,,, , N-1 forse attached Apoieceoie Menvo utwiers oste neoerts to tie ertunee w 9 t CERTIFICATE OF CoedPl. LANCE We certify thet the statements mode in the report are correct and thi, rerua l r conforms to the rules of the ASME Code. Section Xl. Type de Symbol Stamp per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair /. Replacement Program" . N/A E apiration Oste N/A Certificeto of ftwortsetion No. Signed ud /k @I Date MN /

19. D Ownee or ownf s oee enee. Yttie CERTIFICATE OP IfoSERVICE INAPECTION r 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commise6on leeued try the Netionel Soerd of Sodor and Proesure Vessel inspectors and the Etete or Province of Pennsylvania .,id empoved by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. * ,,

Norwood, Massachusetta have i spected the comoanents descrited in this Owner's Report durind the per6od I'U "N'to j//l U . and state that to the best of my knowteepe end hellet. the Owrier hee performed eserninet6ons and taken correctNe measures descritmo in enes Owner's Report in occordance with the toesu6rements of the ASME Cooe. Sect 6en XI. By signitte thee certificate neither the inepector not his employer make, any worrenty, esproceed or imched concerning the

           'eseminettone end eerfecthe meewees described en this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inecoctor nor het emoiove                ,

snelt be liable in any manner for any personal intury or property demeos or a loss of any kind er6 sing from or connected with ines laiooction.

  • Factory Mutual Systetna
                 >       4M                    f                          e...,,,,,,      N4N ,e. ..o.e. ,r e,                      t.,es   e e nce,-enis
                      <          tne.e.,.cepnu,e Oe,e                           JM ,, 9/

(f 2/82)


                                                                                                                                                                                                               ])             c...          . . ;. :

F0lut N.1 MANUFACRJRERS* DATA tEPORT FOR NUCLEAR YESSELS d W M" "' 9 As teepnred ley alo Preacle o of the AS\lE Code Rulco MM 6v ? 1.* um..Iacrued try_ AMG1CA N STANDAJLD _ MF_AI_. tu iga m 1.[3,.ggg,,pl..[1,,qig

                                                                                                                                                          ..       u,..,.             }{, . gupy,gg, g.4 YOD r 14 21.0 sulactwed fe,             PAttric.                P U M P.5                                                                         .
                                                                                                                                                       .,... ., e-a...       HuifIluGTm CAur.          1

( < .

5. Trre(w.n H oe.eir. . na. gest tr eb ssel No, f_Q000g i Net.1 IM. No.3WII Y r. Buut
                              - v .a.)      <z o s as es ps.44. E a.:                                                       (wr.. swi. n                (si.e. a si.i. N.a
     )s. Appilcable AIME Code Sective 10. Edition                                                                     N~II              . Addenda date                       S "t' _
  • M D- . Ca se No.

Clas s 3 . Iteine 4 4 lecL to be cospleted foe slagle wdl .essels, jackets of lar.keted vesuls, or shells of best eachmesess.

                                          ~                                       ~                           Nocaisal                                                                         **                                       ~
4. Sh:lts Maceeial - T.S. Thic kas e s.~ la. Corrosion Allo wmac. ~ la. Dia.~ ft. la. Len gth ~ f t. la.

(u.e = Sr . a..) (mia. .e e s. . ins.e

                                                                                                                     ~*                                            ~~                                                     ~
      $. Se au s Loeg                        ~~_                   10 7.8                                                                    R.T.                                            Efficiency                                               T.

Cirth H.T.' R.T. - No. of Cear s es

                                                      ~                                                         -                                                  ~                                                 ~
6. H2nds (a) Material T.S. (b) Material T.S.

L .u.a c,.-= t.w as. z uiseu ms c reas H e.d .ph.ete nt Fl.t Sle e t e l'r.... (T.,. bet. . 4.) Tweaa... a 41u aoe a .si. 4,.. A. at. a.44.. O ta. . (c ... w c ...> g (b) s If remoesble bolts used (unen.t.ap...n...T.a. su n a.e> Other fasreolog (D..uiu ., .n..a .

7. Jacket Closure (o.. usa. ... . 6 -..c.,6w.... u -i.,u..sim rib. , Drop *etsht Pneumatic
 '                                                                                                                                                          ~

Charpy impact. Hydrostede or Test

                                             ~                                       ~~'                                                               ~~                                                                               ~
8. Dealga Pres sure' p si at 'F at temp. of
  • F. Combina don Pressure _ pel 1:e s 9 and 10 to be completed for tube sections.
9. Tube Sheets: Statanasy. Muerina 5051 Gt C1 E M Dia._ S '15 0 in. Thic kne s s _.a W1. irt. Att achinent _u)T . CS ST (Z) C A$T 31( WS ( Mad *
  • P N*3 ( 5 '
  • 1 ' ' P a . * > (' ' 8 ** *. D a'i. 8)
                                                                                        -                                                     ~~                                          ~~                                          ~

Floatias Material Dla. In. Thiche e s la. Artachment (Und 4 St . u..) .(,44 H.a.W uA. Lo* Eeu 90/10 CtJdi inche:

10. Tubes: Material d':*M J.4 4 5p.1_ O.D.D f a-Thickne e s.

or Number *I E Trre $WiW (K1 .N) (8tr iasi .a V) ItKna 11 to 14 incl. to be cceipleted for inaet ch am'>ers of jacketed .essels, or channels of best eschangers.

                                              ~                                     ~                           Nomin al                                                                     "           ~
11. Shetis Muerial Ybickne s alia.~ Corro sionAllo= sisce (c.list. Ola.

(na46se...x.T.S. .) (w tm. .e .. 6:6.o mI5 P D _.- Mn e hd It.11a.

12. Se sin st Los s

H.T. *




MS b%C%'IT~- dl QN6Mem __ n (v .u.a. pai.. (v. . = n., Girth _ - SMNO OLLO C T.{.F M _ H. T. ' R.T. No. of L utses WT 3 H, */3 LIR h0 ' '

                                                                                                                                                   ~                          ~                                    ~

i ~*

13. Iteads: (a } Maieri.! 5011 GR T.S. *10.0 0 0 (bl Maie.lal U#

T.S. (' )gigial T.S. cr.-. sta= =1. t ts i,is . .a c ..u e .4 H. .,b fit,11 L .u.= Tiu 6.... s e e.. n .e . p.u. Ap.: Ansi. n.ei t IL.'., c a. es. t 'a v ' - - (c.'n....,c.<.... (a) TM m, ends

  • W 'i.000 -- -- - --

4750 coi.tttivt (b) Ch annel , 4 Floating -- - - - - - -- ALLOV STL. $ A 19 3

  • B7 12 5,066 375-24 If sernov.ble, bolts used (s) (b) _(c) Other fastening I' (ht.iert.a.sp.e.u...t.s.,su..n ..,)

(o..cris. u .it cn ...icas p Charpy leipact - f llydsostatic oe Test

14. De stgii pres suee' ISO psi .t 200 'F si temp. of *
                                                                                                                                                                          *F. Combinadoa 1                            Pressure 216__ p si           -
                                                                "tf P..r-.Le H....Tre.e.4
0. .. . .
     '                                                                                                                                                                                      / /tl - /s 2 d'f anWH*WM) ^ ' .. '

FORM N.1 (teck) ,.y . j .,, ,. p , 1:e.3 t i.. a. h. ca 4eeed foe all . .

                                                                ...t. acre .pplic ble.

TO 61. rR&VID t.9

n. s.f err v.t.e o.d.i. w.b., rre pg __< ; ,, -

t e.i;,.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .=   y

( . .N: a21. si C.UM D MIA rovu

                  ,.... S'd.      .:
                                    .         .wb.,                osa. w st..                       Trt.                 W . . .n .:             Tw.k.... w w -i.e Aa .n...e t u rI su I su, 7. _ l . M;Q 8'.T. PeH ta si ML S/'. ~ ~ ufi LtM

                                                                                                                                                                    .                        =

17, taspection Maaholes. No tM Size- ~~ _Locados ~~ Openlages itsadholes. W.thdi $1:e

                                                                                 ~                                                                       """



Thre .d ed. No. thdi Size _ f.ecadoo ' -

18. Suppens: Skist dodE (Y ., N.#



(No = 1 ess


(N w.** Othee.dMN S"Td' to. n , Atruhed EWD TO WSF (.w.. n H..;

19. Remuku d E LT'C hi ~III
  • CL AM 3 ~ UArbV# % * ~ CrcxnsmW Cmn%c6w' ( en . , . . . ,. .. u . . ., . .,.. . 4. . ,4. . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN c..u. tas .u ru. AHEtcy .hT AijtLA.qb 0 r: AT ThgrM h . E u mat.o .1].Y. so. .. w ,. . ,., .. n i. int A W t.M tW,E To hc,7 oo m CLAM A v3 era c......-. tn.ut.....,en. ,_ b Avid M. X. iT t,4 p,.,. c... si... PE u u . 3,,, 3,,2 e 97 8. E so... - u, u. .n n ..nm.4 ., D eT .APPt.1cA M.E ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,3,, b cerilly that the .insey.ents la this t ,e a,e correct and th.e ih a uclear .essel confonne to the rules of constsb ( ~ RICAN STA.T.ULD I

         .e2  clibe

_.8##' ASME N Code. 19 Section tu.0 signed TRAHSTER DIVISION 87 = 8 Mi (w .t..w , ac'Vs'i 4.w. Mf d' '. h M of suchorir.doo Eepise. . Certificais of Authoria.iios W. 8*8M CElmFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION vessat. not avWER.ICAN STANDAitD RE.AT T7 ANS PER DIVISICN Buffalo, &v York .

1. vi. u.4-u s. 4. m.idac. . ..n.4. . . i ...e i,, in N. o..w n . us .: a .u.. ud p r. . . . v. . . o t. . , .. . ,,. . . ./ ., i, . s i . .
           .r,          .,,Ww York                         _
                                                                       , i .,,4 ,, .                    ma / W, .- ,s ~,._, .,,,                                       SU 1.M.                    -

k .t.., . a. ,r... .....i4..crim.4ta tu. w aus w #,.,. o... n.e.o .. @ 4 f' d W t , .#_J. . 4

           .m. .< ., w                                   u.e.a.u.,.a.....,m... .m.n.4i,4.. ..                                                  ..... a....               ...a(n..swc ea..      ..u        m.

c , . a w. . m . . . n (n . . . . i a ., a . i .. r ., , u . , i. , . , . . a. . , . . er. . . . . . ., i , a . .. . ... . no. . . . i. . . . x ...i n$.4 i. iu . v. s-i.,. . o. . n. n. r.,,$. ... is.,in,t3......,..,si. ...i,r.,. .., .. ., e- r p. ,. t.#,v, g er . . .. - . i.. ,..,u.4.n. 12 . u..i. cu. - d--

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ro. .n, r. . .t , . i. n , . .. . m . . . n e u . . . . m . , i n , t, . .. e s ., . .u . . ,e , . , . . . . n . . . , . .n . c i r. . . . . . . . ., i m p i i . . . . e e r. . n . i s . . . . . , .

            ..... e. ...a . . to m . v s.. .u, r . o . . n . ..n . , o,,
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              ..-                                             t, c...i..          .

s o . - u - . ii n.,. 3.u uo.. 5 . . . n . . . .. . .o 3.. 1, t. U.L A (t/71) twi. ton. (t 3 3) g. f,.. th. ASM t. 3 1 E. . fin 38.. H.. Ys... N.Y. 4 0 017


  • F'orm No. 301 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S PEPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

t , o nor _ _Duquesne Light Cotepany o,,, 9-19-91 Name One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 ,,,,,. 1 ,, 1 Asor ese

2. Mont Beaver Valley Power Station gnig No. 1 i

Nome NWR 4913364 Shippingport, PA 15077 Amoreen nooser oreenienien e.o. me., soo me,, ,is.

3. Worst Perionned by DLCo .. Maintenance Dept. Type Coos lymbol tiemo Not ADD 11 cable Shippingport, PA 15077 " , , ' 'g" ' * " , " ' ' .

As erees 4, leent.ftcetion of syetem Post DDA Ilydrogen Control

                                              $' tel ApoHeeble Construct 6en Code ANUI 03I*I                                                                                                  19 67 E dition, S'71                        _ ma. _          ------
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . rm- Case
                                               "(td Appucet,lo Seition of section xl Uttiined for Moosers or Replecoment 19 8 3E-S ' B3 A
6. loontif 6cet6en of Componente Mopelred or Moolaced and Rootecoment Coneonents A$V&

Cooe National Aeoested. Stemoed Name of Name of Menufacturof 50 erd Other Year Meoleoed. tYes Component se,ies No. No. Identaflection Built or Replacement orNol Menufacturer 86103-1 Model e HY-111 :ontromatics ~3 ~~~~~ 298-00-169 -- replacement No 1 l. Replaced ball valves body, ball and studs

7. Deectiotion of wert ,
8. Tests Conducted: Hydroetet6c 0 eacumeii.O Nomias Oooreiiaec'ee-<eO Other O Pree are ai Toeirema. **

NOTE: Suppiemental sheets in form of Ilets, sketches, or drowings amy be wesJ. provided (11 stae is 8% in. n 11 in,. (2) inforwn-tion in iterns 1 through 4 on this report le included on each sheet, and (3) each eneet is numbered and the number of sneets .e recorded et the top of this form. (12/821 This Form (E00030) mov to otrie.ned from the Order Dept.. AsME,346 E. 47th st.. New Yorti, N Y 1001f

I FORM NIS 2 (Beck)

9. Romerks M/A Appi.teeie uenveesturer e oeis n.corts to ee arteeneo L

CERTIFICATE OF COeAPLlANCE We certify that the statementi mode in the report ero correct and this r e p l a c e me n t ,,,,,,,, g, g, ,,i,, ,, ,9 A4ME Code. Section XI. Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code symool stomo N/A Enoiration Dete

                                                                                                                           "!A Certificate of ghoritetton No, s,gne                em           b                   E4 I                       oote      b8 M                                     19   Y/

Owner or Ow76ers pe.4enee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned. holding a veild cemminaion issued try the Nationet Board of Boiler and Pressure venees inspectors sad the State or Prov nce of Pennsv:* ag _end emotoved try Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co.

  • 2 Norwood, Massachusetts het aweeted the components dear.ritmo in this Owner's Report during the period Y/WYt o WM D ... and siete that to the best of my knowledge end telief, the Owner hee performed eneminations and teken correcthe measures descritmo in inis Owner's Report in accorderice with the reovirements of the ASadt Luce, Secten XI.

8y signing this certificate enther the inspector nor has employer makes any worrenty, empressed or implied, concernent the eneminettons and correcttwo measures descritted in this Owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the inspector not his emoiover iness tw tiecie in any menner for any personal iruary or property demeer or e ione of en, kind erisine t om or connected with in4 ineection.

  • Factory Mutual Systems dM/ _
                                                   .-                  com mi,,,on,      N     Nf.
                                                                                         ~ ._. . . .re . . t .        ,e. r - n...e _ .neer _ en,.

ost. 43 / ,e 9/' (12/82)


i rorm No, 302 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1, o no, Duquesne Light Company o,i, 9-19-91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 p ,,, , y g 3 as e en. 2, P'snt , Beaver Valley Power Station unit No. 1 Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 aoe ese neesi, orseniseuen e.o. No , seo No., ete,

3. Wars Performed t,y DLCo - Maintenance Dept Type Code symbol siamo .. Not Applicable
                                                             ****                                                              Authoritetion No.

Shippingport, PA 15077 E apetetion Dete Am orees

4. toontification of System Main Steam S. (el AconceO6e Constn.ction Code ANSI D31 I 1g 67 E dit6on, S'71 Aodende Code Cese (b) Acolicable Edition of Sect 6on XI Utill ed for iteoters or Rootecoments 19 8 3 E-S ' 8 3 A
6. Identif 6 cation of Comooi Mts Receired et Rooteced and Reotecoment Components ASME Coce National Repenrod, Sternoed Nome of Menufacturer Boert Other Year Rooteced, tYes Name of Component Marwtacturer Seelei No. No, identif6 cat 60n Sullt or Rootacement or Nol MS-23 Crane valve ---- ------

4* Gate Vals e --- Repaired No t 7, Deecr6otion of Werg Replaced valves body / bonnet boltino

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostet6c 0 *aeumatie 0 Nominet Operating Pressere @

Other O 'reesure asi rest Toma- NOTE: Supoismental sheets in form of liets, sketches, or drowings may be used. prirvided (1) site is 84 in. u 11 in (2) intorn-tion in Atome 1 through 6 on th% report le inclW on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is rumtwed and the number of sheets et recorded et the top of this form, l 112'32) This Form lE000301 mey be octeined from the Order Dept., A&ME,346 E. 47th St..New Yore, N V 10017  !

l FORM NIS 2 (Back)

g. Remarks N Aseiocatete Manutecturer e oste neoerts to se etteensa CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE We certify that the statements made m the report ers correct end this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code. Section XI.

Type Code Symool Stemo N/A Empiration Oete N/A Certificate Tutnorisation No.

        $;gnw[/          ud / /b                                                                 Ed6 f                                     0 t.      bM dA

_ t g ,,,91 Ownee er Oynere Dee . Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

1. the undersigned, ho' ding a ve!6d comm6ssion issued by the National Board of Boeler and Pressure Vessel inspectors and the 5tese
       . or Province of Pennsylvania                                                                                            Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. *                                 ,e end emot%ed W Norwood, Massachusetts                                                                                                     n,,,   nn,p.c,w gg,, e. c,,e a in this Owner's Report cur 6r4 the period                                                                                     'V@to #               /                   . and state inet to the best of my know4 edge end belief, the Ourner has performed en eminations and taken correcthe meeeures described in tnis O.wner's Report in accorden:e wittn the requirements of the ASME Cooe 5+ct6on XI.

By s+gning this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any werventy, empressed or 6mplied, concerning tne enemmetions and cortecthe measures oeecribed m this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his empiover shalt be liable in esty menner for arvy personal inn..'t *e proper y demoge or a loss of any kind eresing from or connected with inis ine euen.

  • Factory Mutual Systems Commissions E 2Md g md M _ p ^.ne u.e te.e . ~et,ene. .ee,o. .te,e. er -t, e.eed endor - en,e Date /4 Ig 9/


Form No. 304 FORM Nis 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI g, sn , Duquesne Light Cor..pany o.,, 10-1 91 some One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 . 3 g j Aaar ess 2, Plent Beavor Valley Power Station yn, No. 1 name Shippingport, PA 15077 MhR # 913232 Ad ar see neoest orsenisesion P.O. No., Joe No., ein.

3. Wort Performed by DLeo - Maintenance Dept . Type Cooo Symbol Siamo llot Applicable

Shippingport, PA 15077 E mpiration oote 4, taentification of Svetem River Water B tal Apolicable Constrvction Code ANSI B31,1 191 Edition, 71 Cch Cme Addende (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Uti!Laod for Roosers or Replacements tg 0 3 E-S ' 8 3 A

6. tcentificet6on of Components Repe4 red or Replaced and Reolecement Components
                                                                                                                                                                                                     -e q ASME Code National                                       Roosered.      Stemoed Other          Y ee,      Rooteced.         (Yes Name of                Name of                    Wnufacturer                                                          Board No,          identifkst6on              of Rapimement       or Noi Component            Manufacturer                     Seriet fee.                                                                                          tulit 82-2669                                                                          4" Check RW-110            Clow Corp
  • N-04 -

Valve 1984 Replaced No 87-5446 Model No. RW-110 Clow Corp. N-01 - 15-SMF-754 1988 Replacment Yes

7. Description ot wurt Replaced valve with like kind
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatle O raev=etie 0 Nomined Operating Pressure @

a Toei Tema. ** Other O Pressure NOTE: Supolememet sheets la f orm of Ikts. sketches, or drewmos nwy be used. provided til saae is tw in, w 11 in,. (2) intarme-tion in items 1 through 6 on thle rooort is included on each shoot, and (3) each sheet is numbervd and the number of thens is recorood at the too of this f arm. I12/821' This Form (E000301 mov tw octeened from the Oroer Ooot.. ASME. 346 E. 47th St.. New York, *s V 1001f

  • e FORM N15 2 (Beck)
9. Remern s Appieceoie u.av vstweer s oeu neoeru se no oes ce,eo N

CE RTIFICATE OF COeAPLlANCE We certify that the stetements made in the report are coriect and this replat ement gongo,ms to the rules of the

                                                                                                ''''"'*"d ASME Cooe. Section XI.

per flGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" u . Coce Symbol stamp

                                                              !A                          Empiration Date                                   N/A Certificate of pthoreretton No.

synod N /WA db I Date [hI 7 19 'El Owner er Owne(s Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned, holding a valid commiss6on issued by t'io Neteorel Board of 80iler end Preseure Veneet inspectors and the State or Province of Penntylvania and emp% ed try Arkwright Mutua1 Inaurance Co.* og Norwood, Massachusetts inspected the ponents descritmo to N4evej yt #N $ / / in this Owner's Report dur6ag the period b'fMQ /4 to the best of my knowledes and belief, the Owner hee performed eneminet and and siete une a correcttve meneures described in this ! Owner's Report in accordance eritti the reoulroments of the ASME Code. Sectbn XI. By signing thee certificate neither the inspector not his emuyer makes any worrency, empreseed or implied, concerning the eneminatione and correctNo moowres de.cribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore neither the inspector not h.: empiover shall be liebte in esty menner for arey personal iniury or procorty demoge or a lose of ony kind erlsing from or connected wdh this in spection ..

                                                                                                           *IDCCOry Mutual Systems
                                             #                                 Commissions
                                                                                               ~eneas s. ora sine, erovtase, one aneerwmeau fN                      in yr e awnmure Os,e         /                  7 p. 9/


e . Form No. 305 FORM Ni$ 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owne, Duquesno Light Company o,t, 10-1-91 Nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,g 1 ,,_ 1 Aeore .
2. Plent Deaver Valley Power Station uni, . No. 1 Nome shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 913474 As erese aeoeir oreenismen P.o. No., Jet Ne., ets.
  • 3. Wort Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. Type Coos Symbol Stamp Not Applicable Nome "

Shippingport, PA. 15077 Empiretion o.t. . -

4. Ident6fketion of system R her Water S.t (el Appikehoe Conettvetlen Code ANSI B31.1 ,, 6 7 g,g ,, S'71 , -

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Uttilaed for Roosits or Replacements 19 8 3 E-S ' 8 3 A

4. Identification of Camponents Receired or Rootaced and Hootecoment Componente ASME Cooe National Receired, Stemoed Pieme of Nome of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Earlet fee.- P64s. Identif6ce 6un Built or Replacement or Nel Clow Corp. 4" Check RW-111 86-2669-02 -

vr_1 v n R@W W

                     - Rk. 111                      .Clow Corp.

86-2669 Hodel No. N-04


15-SMF-754 1984 kplacanent No

7. Deecription of mrt Replaced valve with like kind (formerly RW-110)
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostat6c 0 ea.umetie 0 Nominef Operating Prvesure @

Other O Pressure a.i Teet Temp. *r NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of liets, sketches, or drowings may be used, prtwided (1) site is SM In. m 11 in (2) intorme-l tion in items 1 through 6 on this esport is included on each theet, and (3) each shoot is numbervd and the number of sheets is l' recorctd et the top of this form. (10/82) This Form (E000X,'i mov be octeened from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y 1001f

i. .
                              . . _ .        . _ ~                                                                                                                                                  ,       . . .   . . _ -                           .

FORM NIS.2 (Becki 9 Remorss N/A .

                                             .si. . . . ,s. t...r.. e,. n ..e,t. ,e oe ._.e                                         ,

I I 1 l CERTIFICATE OF C004PLtANCE We certify thet the statements made in the repois are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the AsME % Socien x1. Type Code Syrritio8 Stemo Per NCAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Certificate of ortsetion No. N!A Empiration Dete N/A Signed ~ O Ma /!! i Own~.t or Owne(e oe.6enee, Titte



    - 1. the undersigned, hoiding a valid commission issued try the National Board of Soiler and Pressure Veemet inspectors and the $ tete or Province of Pennsvivania                  and employed try      Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. *                                    ,q Norwood, Massachusetts                                                          have i     ted the e        nts descrited in this Owner's Report during the period               bl#  'A[ M                     to        A                /        and state that to. the best of my knowled.e end tuolief. the Owner hee performed eneminst                 !and tesehorrective measures oescribes in this Owner's Report 6n accordence with the toquirements of the A$8d5 Code, Sect                 XI.

By signmg thie certificese neether the inspector nor his employer makes any worrenty, empressed or implied, concerning the - and eerrective measures described in tNo Owner's Report. Furthermore, nettner the inspector nor has employer snell tie tieede in any menner for any personed iniury or property demose or a tose of any kind eriting from or connected with this

     . in e.ction.
  • Factory Mutual Systems 4 Mc,Le com,n,..n, N'a K3M R22 Y j tr
                                 .e,.,e .l.9,e                  y                       ~e,       . .eer,...t.o. ,r  me   .n. .neer      ....-

osie x ~7 '

                                             , 'is   W (12/82)

e . l'orm No. 306 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisic 3: of the ASME Code Section XI t , ome Duquesno Light company g.,, 10-1-91 nome One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 . t g g Amarew

2. Psnt Beaver valley Power Station __ Voit No. 1 nome Shippingpart, PA 15077 JNR #necedr 912362 orsenteetion e.0, No., Joe No., eie, Aodrow
s. wom Perfonned t,y - Maintenance, Dept. Type Coo. svme.ot stemo . Not Applicable
                                                      *"                                  Authoritet on N4, Shippingport, PA 15077                                           _

Espiration o.te Ad or1Me

4. leentification of system ' Reactor Coolant
5. (el Apol6cWe Construction Co , ANSI B31.1 gg 67 goiiion, s'71 Aoa.nde -

Cam Come tol Apol6cacie Edition of Section XI Vtillied for Receirs os Roolacements 1g 8 3 E-S ' 0 3 A

6. leentif 6cetion of Components Repeired or Rooleced and Roolecement Components A$ME Cooe R oosired, St amped National Other Year R ectaced, (Yes Name of Name of Menufacturer Board
          ' Component              Menufacturer          Sorte4 No,            N 6.                       Identificat6en                             Built  or RWecoment or Nol Stone and                                                            2"-RC-25 FE-RC 481              Webster                   -                 -
                                                                                                       -1502-01                                         -     Repaired           No Flow elements flange bolting was replaced 7; o,,,,,% ,, m B. Teste Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 eaeumetic O Nomiasi Ooeresia Pro.eure Q Other O Pre-re                     o.i    Te T'-a.                                                      

NOTE: Supplememel shems in form of lists, sketches, or deswings may be used, provided til ette 6e 84 in, a 11 in (2) inf arres. tion in items 1 through 6 on thne report is included on each sheet, and (3) each emeet ts numtsered end the number of sheets as recorood et the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E030301 mey be otneined from the Order Dept., ASME,346 E. 47th $t., New Yore, N y 1001f

l l FORM Nis 2 (Back) 14/A .

9. Romerais Aeois... . venw'utweers cei neport, to ti eneen.7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE we certify thei the neiemenu moos en the report m correct .nd ini.

repair ,,,,,,,,,,.,,ie,,, AsME coo.. section x1, per NGAM 0.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Type Code Symtiol Stemp

                                                                             "!^                                    Empirst6on Date                N/A Certificate of lnorisation No.

Signed WM- - EbI Date T 7 19 . 8 / Owner er Owner e Oeeenee. Tatte CE RTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, me undersigned, holding e valid commission issued tiy the Nat6onal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vassel Inspectors ed the State or Province of Pennsylvania and emotoved try Arkwright Mutual Inourance Co. * ,, Norwood, Massachusetts Aswe inspected the compne nts descrited in this Owner's Report during the period bd< M LI Y d to r

                                                                                                                                 ^      ^ N k-                 . and state that tp the test of my knowieoge end belief, the Owner has performed eneminet ' end t                            n corrective mes.ures descritsoa i.i this Owner's Rooort in accordance wim the require:nonts of the ASME Code, sect                         XI.

BY ligning this certifscete neither the inspector not his employet makes any werT3nty, empressed or implied. coneerning the eneminatiotte and alorTecttwo fritesures de.Cribed m this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his emonover shall be lieblo in any menner for any personai insury or property damage or e loas of any kind arising from or connected with inis { inio.ction.

  • Factory Mutual Systems (C r* l' Comminions M /d 88 f j - .neee-q,nere q ~ ...e n. .t e. e- . n.or_ e,,s o.,e 7 -
                                                                        ,, 9/

02/821 i


.c. e e Form No, 307 FORM Nts.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ttu ASME Code Section Xi t ,, Duquesne Light Company o,i, 10-1 01 Name One Oxford Centre .Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3g i g 3 Aowen Beaver Valley Power 5.tation y n,, No. 1 2 Ptent Nome Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 901001. A4arese neo.4e o<sentiation P.o. No., Joo he , eu,

3. work Performed by DLCo - Maintenance Dept. .

Tvos coo Symt>os Stemo Not Applicable Nam * " Authortretion No. Shippingport, PA 15077 g,pir.gion oate Addrees

4. Identification of System Chemical and Volume Control 5.iel Aeolicacie Construction code ANSI B31,1 ig 67 Edition, S 71 Aodende -

cono cese (b) Aooticeole Edition of Section XI t,ettrod for Receirs or Roolacements 1933E-S' B3A

6. Ident6fication of Comconents Race red er Rootaced and Rootecoment Components ASME Coce Roosired, Stemoed National g

Other Year Rooteced. (Yes Name of .m aof Denufacturer Boerts No. Identification Bullt or Rootecoment of Nol t%rm onent ' trofe:turer Se'let No. 3-way-TCV-CH-143 Masonellan . - Globe Valve - Repaired No I

7. Description ot worg Valve Bolting was replaced
8. Tests C.>nducted: Hydrostatic 0 ene metic 0 nomiasi Oooretiae eressure 0 Other O Pree ure ai To't Tomo.

NOTE: Saoolmental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drowings may be used ortprided (1) sLre is 84 in. m 11 in (2) inform tion in items 1 through 6 on this twoort le included on each ebest. and (3) each shwt is numbered and the numt>er of thens is recorood et the top of thle form. (12/82) This Focm (E000301 mov be octeined from the Order Dept., AshtE,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y t N17

ps * * '


i: e- e ic FORM NIS 2 (Back) . E ,


i 9. RArneks N/A . Aeonceoie usave .cturere o.te a .res te ne arteenee i j( 3 .m. .

                                                                 . CERTIFICATE OF COMPl. LANCE We certify tnet the statements mWe in the report are correct and tfus          repair      conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.                                                           resear er reoiesement
             . Type Code Symtpol Stemp                per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section-XI Pepair/ Replacement Program"                                            .
              -Certificate o         thorization No.

WA Empiration Dete !A Signed / - Owner er Ownere oee6enee, feet,. O I' Oste N7 l19 9/ CEMYlFICATE OF INSERVICE IN8PECTION

              - 1, the undersigned, holding a wedid commission issued try the National Board of Seiter and Pressure Vesse inspectors and the State or Provmco of Pennsylvania                  and goyg g,y__ Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. *                                         ,,

Norwood, Massachusetts

                                                                                                             % ing,w            ,,,,o     nt, a,,c,ie,eo in this Owner's Report outing the period           O/ deli ( M                   to Y >> M 8*                d 9 _ and giete inet to,the best of my knowtedge end tuolief, the Owner hee performed eneminations eM take '             rective measures oescribed en this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, SectioM.

1 By segnmg this certificase neither the inspector nor his employer makes any worrentyi empressed or implied, concerning tne examinatione end corrective measures donct6 bed m this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitwer the inspector not het emotover snell be lieble in es.y menner for any personed injut f or precorty damage or a lose of any kind arising from of connected witn this ,

             - insection;
  • Factory Mutual Systems

ut Wf Commission, NRR2/C,TWc?2 W

                  .y           -

in es.<. . 7,e - r.o e.e. .ee .s.o.e. . eneer - e .. o ,,e t .

                                            "      7. /

i, W (12/82)


e e l Porm No. _ 308 FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provi 4ona of the ASME Cr'de Section XI

1. Own,r Duquesne Light Company Date 10-1 91 8.m.

One Oxford Centre - Pittsburgh, PA 15279 3,,,, . I g 1 acar

2. Plent __ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. I sem.

Shippingport, PA 15077 MWR # 900990

                                       ^8 e' =                                              n.oeir oreenisetion p.o. no., ae                   no., e,e,
3. M Performed by DLCo . Maintenance Dept. Typo coce Symbol stemo Not Applicable N'** "

Authoritetton No. Shippinciport, PA 15077 geoirei.on oste Addr9eu

4. Identification of System Chemical and Volume Control ANSI B31.1 ,g 67 Edition. S'71 Aodende Coo. Ca.e 5? (el Acolicebee Construct 6cn Code (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utillaed for Receirs or Rooincoments 1993E .E' 8 3 A
6. Identification of Components Repeered or Rooteced and Roolecement Components ASME Cooe National R ee6ted, Stemoed Other Yeer Rootaced, (Yes IVame of Name of Manufacturer Board No. Identif6 cation Built of Roo6ecoment orNol
        . Component             Manufacturer         $sete4 No.

3-way LCV-CH-ll5A Masonellan - Globe Valve - Repaired No 1

7. Descrlotion of Worst Valve bolting was replaced
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostetic 0 easumeric O Nomiaes O*ereiini er soure O Other O Pree =re 95 Test Tema- *7 NOTE: Supolemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drewr6ngs may be used, prorided O n s!*e le 8% in, a 11 in (2) intorrrw-tion in items I through 6 on thne report le included on each sheet, and (3) each eheat le numtaered and the nuenber of sheets is recorded at the tro of thle form.

(12/821 TMs Form (E000305 mov be oasened from the Order Ooot., ASME,346 E. 47th St., New Yore. N.Y 10017 )

.y y .- .. t

 's, e-      e FORM NIS.2 (Back) 9, nemaras __          NA
  • appieceoie uenotecturere oeis neoerti se t>e ettunsa CERTIFICATE OF COMPI, LANCE We certify that the statements mode in the repos t are correct and th6s repair ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                                                                                               ****** er rootecoment ASME Code. Section XI.

Per NGAM 8.5 "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Program" Typo code Symt>ol stemo Certificate of uthctlietion No, A Expiration Date  !^ Signed - / ' EMA 'I Date OE 7 19 b owner or Openero DeeA Title s

                                                        - CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INSPECTION i          .1, the unders6gned, holding a welid commission issued tw the National Board of Soiler end Prosaure Veenal laspectors and the Stste of Province of Pennsylvania                  and empimed W ' Arkwright Mutual Insurance- Co.
  • _og Norwood,-Massachusetts 4,e inspected the c nis described
          - in this Owner's Report during the period           bydi                /E         to Y A b N M Y                     and siste that 19 the best of my knowledge end tie'ief, the Owner has performed enemination ad takenIorrectw measures described in inis             '

Owner's Recort in accordence with the requirements of the # SME Code, Sect I, Sy signing this certificate neether the ineoector not his employer makes any werfenty, empressed or irepliect, concerning the esaminations and corrective meemres described in this Owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the inspector not his emotoyer shall be tiecle in any menner for arty personal injury or property dems.e or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this ineection -

  • Factory Mutual Systems
                                                                                                                            ,2 vi 7_                   u--e       $ ommissions C                         M 80M

( ineo y . .n m ,. ( stione,.oe,..te,e. , u oer - e-is Date / -- - j 19 ,


r 4 f APPENDIX V l-l l l t l' l

                                                          . . .  . .     .-        ~ ~.                 .    . -    .. .._- .     --


     ..w-      ..

APPQ: DIX V - STEN 4 GDIERATORS Page No.-1:- 08/28/91 STEN 4 GDIERATORS (Eddy Current 1 One- hundred percent (loot) of all inservice tubes- in each steam

          ; generator (RC-E-1A,1B, ;1C) were examined using eddy current techniques.

Westinghouse. Electric Corporation personnel were used as prirary data acquisitioners and data analysts. Primary data analysis was perfomcd manually., An indepenknt second party review of all bobbin data was performed .by Babcock and Wilcox personnel using an automated data screening


The -examinations and evaluations were performed in corpliance with the

          -Duquesne : Light Company Beaver Vclley No. 1 Technical Specification,ines                                          NRC Regulatory _ Guide- 1.83,. the EPRI Steam Generator Examination Guidel Revision 2 and Duquesne Light Steam Generator Analysis Guidelines ISI-GL-004A Revision 1.

DOBBIN COIL EXAMINATION The bobbin coil eaamination was the primary eddy current examination utilized -with .the exception of the Row 1 and 2 U-bend regions. In r gions: a rotating -pancake coil probe' was used for detcction of defects.

          ' Bobbin coil test speed was 24 inches per secord.

The- following. table sumarizes the results of the bobbin coil examinations:- f S/G S/G S/G A. B C NO. OF TUBES EXAMINED 3223 '3307 - 3341

               - > 40% . 7WD -_

65 53 96 20 70 39% TWJ 98 127 138

               -< 20% 7WD                                              28                 5 11              37
             %7WD = 's through wall depth ROTATING PANCAKE COIL (RPC)

The -Westinghouse rotating pancake coil (2 X RFC) was used to acquire


data from all' inservice Row 1~and 2 U-bend regions. J 1

 ,e-                                         ,                                  --      ,        --.                                 ,


AL , L p ..

                                            - APPDIDIX V - STER 4 GDIERA'IORS
         -Page 11o. 2
         ;08/28/91 11o . degradation or pluggable indications were observed. The following
         . table murarizes the RFC examination results in the U-bend _ region:-                           ,

S/G S/G S/G A B C ROW 1: & 2 U-BDIDS EXAM 131ED 142- 171 182 U-BDIDS WITH INDICATIONS 0 0 0 Distorted Support Plate Signals (DSI's) resulting from the bobbin coil e m h tions were re-tested with the RPC technique to better clarify the signals. The following table sumarizes the RIC results: S/G S/G S/G A -B -C 'IOTAL CONFIRMED DSI 309 191 103- 603

               ?K1T CONFIRMED DSI                           285         156      126         567 NOT TEsTw DUE 'IO % PI.UGGABLE                54          39       90         182 DSI CONFIRMED WITH RPC                        52%         55%      45%         52%

A 20% random sample of the WEXTEX region _ in each generator was examined using the RPC probe.-

                                          '                        ~
                   ' 'Ihe !following tables summarize the RPC results:

S/G S/G S/G A B C f

               'IUBES EXNGED IN THE NEXTEX REGION                 645-       661      -668

.. s

               'IUBES WITH INDICATIONS                               0.       0         0

(- L-


1r +


      'Ibbes with roll exparision at the 1 & 2 cold leg tube support plate were examined for cold leg wastage:

S/G L^ NDD 1 10 - 19% 3 20 - 29% 14 30 - 39% 2 TUTAL y 20 g I.OOSE PARTS EXAMINATION A loose parts analysis was performed to detect possible foreign objcets in the outer- three ruas of all the steam generators. No loose parts were detected.

            'IUBES PLUGGEO The table below strearizes the nu:rber of tubes plugged and reasons why they were plugged:


                       . BOBBIN PERCH 7FAGE AND RPC                 7                                 6    -



 .. o APPD1 DIX V - STTJ41 GDIDMTORS Page flo. 4 08/28/91-B&W ROLifD PHJG EXAMIllATIOtl AND RESULTS A -20% random sample of the B&W mlled ' plugs that were installed in the 7th -refueling outage (Heat # 7042) were examined by the RPC method. A 100"4
    - RN examination of- any other B&W rolled plug heat was also performed. No                     1
    . degradation. or_-crack-like indications were observed.                       The table below 1 sumarizes the actual' number of plugs inspectal:

wm . S/G S/G S/G A B C l IICyr 1EG 28 15 10-CDID LEG 67 45 32 IUTAL 95 60 42 _ ___ i

    -INSTALLED PUJG RETAINERS A total of 50 Westinghouse nochanical plugs (48 in "A" S/G; 2 in "C"
    -S/G) were repaired / captured using the Flug-in-Plug (PIP) technique. This

_ completes - the repair of all Westinghouse nochanical plugs installed at Unit #

    - l' in accordance with- NRC Bulletin 89-01 Supplement 2.

ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION / TUBE RD40%\L As a result of .the IEI issue, 2 tubes were removed from the hot laJ side of "A" steam generator. Prior to removal, the tubes were ultrasonically

    -tested at the top _of tubesheet- (WLTTEX region) and at the first 3 tube support _ plate intercections. _ The analysis of these tubes is still incomolete
    -as of the time of this submittal.

1 4 m.. -. .-..n. , , -.. 4 . , . , ,.m

        -w     - , , - - - - - - - - - - - -, _

2 y_ ,[I - I APPENDIX VI l 1

 '4 e APPDOIX VI - FW X THIMBLES Page No. 1 08/28/91 FLUX 11TD4BLE EXAM 


DEFELT 10. OF Tu1FS 2 60% W 8 50% - 59% W 4 40% - 49% W 7 30% - 39% W 10 f 29% W 11 NDD 9 RESIRICITD 1 Note: All 50 tubes were e.xa:: tired full lcrgth. 1 w

                                     -  - - - - _ _  _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - - _                                .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}}