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Rev 1 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1983
From: Mckay L, Galen Smith
Shared Package
ML20087L760 List:
PROC-830731, NUDOCS 8403280025
Download: ML20087L785 (35)







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GRMD GUIE, WIT 1 . pey, 1 - 7/83

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Revision No. 1

,, *.V- ! 0d'*t lVI Date 7/83

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GRMC GRE NUCLEAR S170' QTSITE DO6E CAICUIATICN MAN'aL SAFITY RE2ATED d l Reviewed /Apprwed: \au m h. M [,[Ef/d'1 StqErvffbrTt Envirorr: ental Services /Date Reviewed / Approved: 1 Manager of Radiologipi s. Enviro:inental Services /Date Reviewed /Apprwed: f!2 / IJ Manager of Nuclear Services /Date i

GtAtt GRE, WIT 1 ,

Rev. 1 - 7/83

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describes the methodolcyj and paraneters to be used in the calculatien 1*

of offsite doses due to radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and in the calculation of liquid and gaseous effluent nonitoring instnrenta-tion alam/ trip setpoints. The CDCM contains a list and graphical description of the specific sanple locations for the radiological envi-ramental nonitoring program. A minimzn OPERAB .E configuratien of the .

liquid and gaseous radwaste treatment systems is also included.

'Ihe CDCM will be maintained at the Station for use as a reference guide and training document of accepted methodologies and calculations.

Changes in the calculational methods or parameters will be ince.v rated 1 into the CIXM in order to assure that the CDCM represents the preser.t methodology in all applicable areas. Ccrputer software to perform the described calculations will be maintained current with this CDCM.

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Rev. 0 - 8/82

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Mod TABE OF C0hm Page 1

MANUAL APPRWAL SHEET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ii INIT<DUCTIO; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iii TABLE & C07TD 7IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iv LIST T FIGURES............................................

v LI ST T TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vi LIST T REFERDCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vii LISI T r.r ru;uVE PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

l 1.0 LIQUD DEL'DirS l l

1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints 1.0-1 l

' 1.1.1 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors........

1.2 Dose Calculations for Liquid Effluents 1.0-7 1.2.1 Maxirum Exposed Individual ledel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l

1. 0-15 )

1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treat: tent Systan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints


i 2.1.1 Continuous ventilation Monitors............... 2.0-1 2.0-3 2.1.2 contaiment Purge Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

f 2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculaticr.s 2.2.1 Unrestricted Area Boundary Dose............... 2.0-7 l 2.0-8 l 2.2.2 Unrestricted Area Dose to Individual.......... l 2.3 Meteorological Model 2.0-24 2.3.1 Atmospheric Dispersion........................ 2.0-25 2.3.2 Deposition....................................

2.0-27 2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Para:Teters..........

2.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatmmt Syste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0-35 3.0 RADIO 1DGICAL DNIROEENTAL MONI'IORD4G

3. 0-1 3.1 Sanpling locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iii v

GUec GUIE, tMIT 1 , Dev. 0 - 8/82

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LIST T FIGLEES Page Figure Title _

1.0-1 Calibration curve for Ligaid Effluent Monitor..... ... 1.0-6 2.3-1 Plume Depletion Effect for Ground Invel Releases..... 2.0-31 2.0-32 2.3-2 Vertical Standard Deviation of Material in a Plume...

2.3-3 Belative Deposition of Ground-Invel Deleases . . . . . . . . . 2.0-33 Factor.................... 2.0-34 2.3-4 Open Terrain Becirculation Collection Site locations , General Area Map. . . . . . . . . . 3.0-7 3.0-1 3.0-2 Collection Site locations , General Area Map. . . . . . . . . .

3.0-8 l1 3.0-9 3.0-3 Collection Site Iocations , Site Perimeter. . . . . . . . . . . .

3.0-4 Collection Site locations, General Trea Map.......... 3.0-10 l1 iv O

V Bev. 1 - 7/83 grate GUE, WIT 1 ,

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LIST T TABLES Page Table Title 1.0-9 1.2-1 Bioaccmulati on Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.0-10 1.2-2 ,T.ngestion Dose Factors For Adults...................

1.0-13 1,2-3 Site Related Ingestion Dose Cmmit:nent Factor.......

2.1-1 Dose Factors for Exposure to a Seni-infinite 2. 0-6 Cloud of Noble Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2-la PatNay Dose Factors for Technical Specification 2.0-11 and Section 2.2.1.b........................

2.2-lb Path ay Dose Factors for Technical Specification 2. 0-13 j

' 3.11. 2.1 and Section 2. 2.1.b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2-2a PatNay Dose Factors for Technical Specifications 2.0-15 and Section 2.2.2.b........................ 1 2.2-2b PatNay Dose Factors for Technical Specifications 2.0-17 and Section 2.2.2.b........................

2.2-2c PatNay Dose Factors for Technical Specifications 2.3-19 i and Section 2.2.2.b........................

l l

2.2-2d Path ay Dose Factors for Technical Specifications 2. 0-21 4.11. 2.3 and Section 2. 2. 2.b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {

2.2-3 Controlling Deceptors,1ccations and PatNays .. .... 2.0-23 .

2.3-1 Atmospheric Dispersico Paraneters for '14ch:ucal 1,,, Specifications 2.0-26 3.0-2 3.0-1 Air Sa::pler Collection Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.0-3 3.0-2 Miscellaneous Collection Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.0-4 3.0-3 TID Incations.......................................

v V


, nev. 1 - 7/83 m GAF,12i1T 1

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2. Boegli, T. S. , R. R. Bellamy, W. L. Britz, and R. L. Waterfield,

" Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications fer Nuclear D,ar Plants", NURID-01-33 (October 1978) .

2. Calculation of Annual Doses to Man f m Routine Releases of Reacter Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Ccrpliance with 20CTR50, Appendix I, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 (March 1976) .


3. Calculation of Annual Doses to Man frm Ibutine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Ccrpliance with 10CFF30, Appendix I, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1 (October 1977) .
4. " Environ.wtal Report", Mississippi Pcwr and Light Ccrpan'r, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2.
5. " Final Safety Analysis Report", Mississippi Pow r and Light Ccmpany, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
6. Methods for Estimating Atnospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gasecus Effluents in Routine Releases frem Light - Water - Q:cled Reactors, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111 (March 1976).
7. Methods for Estimating Atnespheric Transport and Dispersicm of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases frun Light - Water - Cboled Reactors, U.S. NIC Regulatory Qaide 1.111, Rev.1 (July 1977) . .

vi GRMO GUIE, IMIT 1 Rev. 0 - 8/82

F.- .

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2.0-23 0 ,.

i 1 2.0-24 0 ii, iii 0 2.0-25 0 iv, v 1 2.0-26 1 vi 0 2.0,-27 0 vii 1 0

4 2.0-34 0 1.0-1 0 1

1.0-2 1 2.0-35 1.0-3 0 1

1.0-4 1 3.0-1 1.0-5 0 3.0-2 1 1.0-6 1 3.0-3 1 1.0-7 1 . 3.0-3a 1 1.0-8 0 3.0-4 1 1 0 3.0-5 1 1.0-14 0 3.0-6 1 3.0-6a 1 1.0-15 1 3.0-6b 1 2.0-1 0 3.0-6c 1 3.0-7 1




2.0-6 0

0 4 1 2.0-7 1 3.0-10 1~

j 1 2.0-22 1 f vii .

guem GUIE, tacit 1 Rev. 1 - 7/83




' 1.0 LICCID EFFw D M } k.. E- - .-

, L . ... .

1.1 Liquid Effluent Moniter setpoints 1.1 Liquid Rach'aste Effluent Line Pt:nitors Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors prcr/ido alarm and aute-matic teminatien of release prior to exceeding the conce .tra-tien limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Colu-.

2 at the release point to the unrestricted area. 'Ib neet this specification and for the pu: pose of inplerentatica of speci-fication of the RETS, the alarm / trip setpcints for a liquid effluent nenitors and fim measurernent devices are set to assure that the following eq.:ation is satisfied:

cf ( C F+f (1) where:

C = the effluent concentration limit (RETS Specificatien implementing 10CFR20 for the site, in uCi/ml.

e = The setpoint, representative of a radioactivity concen-tration in uCi/ml, of the radioactivity nonitor measuring the radioactivity in the waste tank effluent line prier to dilution and subsequent release; the setpoint, which is inversely proportional to the voltrnetric ficu of the effluent line and directly propertional to the volumetric fIcw of the dilution stream plus the waste tank effluent stream, represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20 in the unrestricted area.

m gu17,IMIT 1 1.0-1 Rev. 0 - 8/82

  • . .!({ [

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t f = the waste tank effluent flow setpoint as umasured at the radiation nonitor location, in volme per unit tine, but in the sane units as F, below.

F = the dilution water flow setpoint as neasured prior to the release point, in volume per urdt tine.

At Grand Gulf Unit 1, the available diluticn water flow (r) should be constant for a given release, and the waste tank fics (f) l1 and nonitor setpoint (c) are set to meet the condition of egaatier.

1 for a given effluent ocncentration, C. 'Ihe nethod by which t}ds is acce plished is as follows:

Step 1) The isotopic concentration for a waste tank to be released is obtained frcr. the sum of the neasured concentrations as deter-rnined by the analysis required in the RETS Table l1 o)



  • gC9 +

i " I 1Ca bi s t I

(2) where:

1Cg = the sum of a centrations C of each neasured gamma emitter observed by garre-ray spectroscopy of the waste sanple.

[C, = the sum of concentrations C, of alpha ernitters in liquid waste as neasured in the nonthly cmposite sanple.

[C, = the neasured concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in liquid waste as observed in the quarterly caposite sanple, o

GRAND GUIE, TWIT 1 1.0-2 Dev. 1 - 7/S3

.. -- =

1 ei.. . ,

i . ... ..--

I - C = the masured concentration of H-3 in liquid waste as t

determined fran a.alysis of the renthly ccmposite sa.ple.

The C tem will be included in the analysis of each waste 9

tank batch to be released; teres for alpha, strontiu s, and tritium may be included if analysis of reactor water has sho.e.

the presence of these isotopes.

Step 2) '!he measured radionuclide con:entratiors are used to calculate a Dilution Factor, D.F., which is the ratio of total dilution flow rate to waste tank effluent flow rate required to assure that the liriting concentration of 10'CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Colm n 2 are m t at the point of discharge.

DF ,

C x S. F.


  1. 1
f. i .


F C C a

C C }_

+ + + , x S. F.

a s 9

9 a t)J Where:

C f

= C ,

g C,, C,, and C t

measred cmmadms as defined in Step 1. 'Itrms C,, C,, and C will be included in the calculation as appropriate.

MPCf= MPC , MPC,, and MPC are limiting concentra-9 tient of the appropriate radionuclide from 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. Ier dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentratican shall be limited O

g to 2.CE-4 uti/ml total activity.

'GRNO GUIE, LBCET 1 1.0-3 pyy, o - g/82


y , . . _ . -

( S.F. = an administrative safety factor normally applied at Grand l

Gulf which causes the calculated Dilution Factor to be tw (2) times larger than the dilution factor required for ocmpliance with 10cR20 limits.

Step 3) The maximan permissible waste tank effluent f1w rate prior te dilution, f ,dis calculated based on a fixed fraction of the dilution ficw rate, F

  • d fdgFd d y for F d

I d I4) where:

F = 0.9 x mininum expected dilution flow rate 1 d

f d

= maxinum pa:rlssible waste tank effluent flow rate

) D.F. = Dilution Factor frczn Step 2, NCEE: Equation 4 is valid only for D.F.>1; for D.F.$1, the waste tank effluent concentrution newts the limits of 107R20 with-out dilution, and f may d take on any desired value.

l Step 4) The dilution flow rate setpoint fcar mininun dilution flow rate, F, and waste tank flow rate setpoint -for maxin= waste tank effluent flow rate, f are calculated as follows:

F = Fd = 0.9 x mininum expected dilution flow rate (5) l1 f = 0.9 x f d ",0.9 x m1 maw mh e w f1w rate for the stated release conditions.- (6)

GRME) GUT,12CT 1 1.0-4 ,

M.1 - 7/83

'- . . .i i .. f

- em e== -

l . , .

g n '1hus, a control recrn alarm cccurs if the dilution flow rate l U w falls below the assmed fica rate of 90 percent of the actual f dilution flow, or if the waste tank effluent flow ra'te-exceeds [,

f 90 percent of the calculated maximun waste tank effluent ficw i rate, and the release is terminated. I Step 5) The radioactivity nenitor setpoint may now be specified based f on the values of f C f, F, and f which were specified to [

t provide cm pliance with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. 'Ihe monitor rasponse is primarily to l ga ma radiation; therefore, the actual setpoint is based en

[g C.g 'Ihe setpoint conectration, C, is determined r

as follows:  ;

[f \ I C, = Cg (uci/ml) where f, is the actual (or maxinur expected) effluent fim rate. 'Ihe value of C, (uCi/ml) is used to determine the nonitor setpoint (CPM) frczn the calibration curve of Figure


fl 1.0-1. [

i t

N EE: The setpoint contains a factor of conservatism, even if the ,

calculated maxinun waste . tank flow rate is attainable, since the calculated rate cd?ains the safety factor margin, waste tank effluent flow rate margin, and the dilution flow rate i

margin. In practice, the actual waste tank effluent flow. rate normally is many tines less than the calculated tank ficw rate, thus providing an additional conservatism during n release.

GRAND GU1F,1 NIT 1 1.0-5 Rev. 0 - 8/82

l r. -

i.. .

L ... . -. .

Figure 1.0-1 Calibration Curve for Liquid Effluent Monitor 10-2_ . ,

. , . } ... ; : -

, ju= r.

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  • s .;

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10D 2 10' 105 10 1 10 10 Count Rate (Counts par Minute) 1.0-6 Rev. 1 Crand Gulf. Unit 1 .



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1.2 Dose calculation for Liquid Effluents 1.2.1 'Ihe dose contribution to the maximmn e_W individual frcan all radicmuelides identified in waste tank ligaid effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated for the purpose of implernenting RETS Specificatiens, and using the follcui q 1 expression:

(1) m

" A C F M ll W (8) hu iTau 13 3

. 1=1 1 .


A = Site-related ingestion dose ecmnitment facter,

.iTau in millirern/hr per tCi/ml.

j D = K g UF BF g DF g 6t = length of the 1 th time m.riod over which Cg3 and 3

F3are averaged for all waste tank ligaid releases, ,

l I

I in hours.

C g3 = averap concentration of radicmuclide i ctserved in f tha undiluted waste tank liquid effluent during tine period d t) frcrn any liquid release frczn the waste tank, in uCi/ml. Concentrations are deten-ined l l

l prirarily frcrn a ganma isotopic analysis of the waste tank liquid effluent sample. For Sr-89, Sr-90, H-3, the last measured value frcan the nest recent monthly and quarterly cxxposite sariples will be used in the dose calculation. Note: LID values are not used in dose calculations.

GRAIO GUIE, IMIT 1 1.0-7 ,

hev.1 - 7/83

l --

t g

., Fj = near field average dilution factor for Cg during any liquid effluent release. Defined as the ratio of the average undiluted liquid waste fic5r during release to the product of the average flow frcr. the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters tims the applicable facter of 5(2) ,

= average undiluted liqaid waste flow average flow fran site discharge x 5 5

K = units conversion factor 1.14 x 10 o


/106 ECi x 10 3

ml 2* 8766 hr h

yr j uC1 -

Kg I3)

U = adalt fish constrption (21 kg/yr) .

r BF j = Bioacexulation factor for each nuclide, i, in fish, in ;Ci/kg per pCi/1 frar. Table 1.2-1 (taken frcr, Reference 3, Table A-1).

Dose conversion factor for each nuclide, i, for DFj=

adalts in preselected organ, Tau, in mrem /pci, frz.

Table 1.2-2. (taken frcrn Reference 3, Table E-ll) .

f r radionuclides which might be observed Calculated values of A iTau in liquid effluents is given in Table 1.2-3.

GRMC GRE, IMIT 3 1.0-8 . Rev. 0 - 8/82-

,, _ TABLE 1.2-1 r,1 't.

a- n.

'4 e6 .


(pCi/kg per pCi/ liter)*

FRESHtGTER N 'T FISH INW r : =FJ.2 H 9.OE-01 9.OE-01 C 4.6E-03 9.1E-03 NA 1.OE-02 2.OE-02 P 1.E-05 2.OE-04 CR 2.OE-02 2.OE-03 PN 4.E-02 9.OE-04 FE 1.OE-02 3.2E-03 CD 5.OE-01 2.E-02 NI 1.OE-02 1.OE-02 CU 5.OE-01 4.OE-02 ZN 2.OE-03 1.OE-04 BR 4.2E-02 3.3E-02 RB 2.OE-03 1.OE-03 SR 3.E-01 1.OE-02 Y 2.5E-01 1.0E-03 3.3E-00 6.7E-00 7 ZR NB 3 OE-04 1 OE-02 J 1.OE-01 FD 1.OE-01

'IC 1.5E-01 5.OE-00 RU 1.OE-01 3.OE-02 Rh 1.OE-01 3.OE-02 TE 4.OE-02 6.1E-03 I 1.5E-01 5.OE-00 CS 2.OE-03 1.OE-03 BA 4.OE-00 2.OE-02 IA 2.5E-01 1.OE-03 CE 1.OE-00 1.OE-03 PR 2.5E-01 1.OE-03 ND 2.5E-01 1.OE-03 W 1.2E-03 1.OE-01  :

NP 1.OE-01 4.OE-02 Walues in Table 1.2-1 are taken fran Reference 3, Table A-1.

'"' "" ~ '

'** ~1" '



(mrem per pCi ingested) ,


H 3 NO DATA 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 C 14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.6EE-07 NA 24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E ~i No DATA NO DATA 2.17E-05 P 32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 NO DATA CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 2.66E-09 1.59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07 1.40E-05 4.57E-06 8.72E-07 NO DATA 1.36E-06 NO DATA m 54 NO DATA 1.15E-07 2.04E-08 NO DATA 1.46E-07 NO dan 3.67E-06 W 56 NO DATA NO DATA 1.06E-06 1.09E-06 FE 55 2.75E-06 1.90E-06 4.43E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 2.85E-06 3.40E-05 FE 59 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3.91E-06 NO _____

DATA _ -__ _ _ _ _ _ - -

NO DATA NO DATA 1.51E-05 00 58 NO DATA 7.45E-07 1.67E-06 NO DATA 4.02E-05 NO DATA NO DATA CD 60 NO DATA 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 NO DATA 1.8EE-06 NO DATA NO DATA NI 63 1.30E-04 9.01E-06 4.36E-06 NO DATA _ _ _ _

NO DATA 10 DATA 1.74E-06 NI 65 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.13E-08 NO DATA 7.10E-C6 NO DATA 8.33E-08 3.91E-08 NO DATA 2.10E-07 NO DATA CU 64 9.70E-06 ZN 65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 6.96E-06 NO DATA 1.03E-05 No DATA 1.28E-08 NO DATA 2.96E-09 ZN 69 1.03E-06 1.97E-08 1.37E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 5.79E-08 NO DATA NO DATA 4.02E-08 NO DATA NO DATA BR 83 to DATA 4.09E-13 NO DATA NO DATA 5.21E-08 NO DATA No DATA BR 84 __ ___

2.14E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.16E-06 RB 86 NO DATA 2.11E-05 9.83E-06 NO DATA 8.36E-19 NO DATA NO DATA RB 88 NO DATA 6.05E-08 3.21E-08 NO DATA __- ___

NO DATA NO DA7A 2.33E-21 RB 89 NO DATA 4.01E-08 2.82E-08 NO DATA 4.94E-05 8.84E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA SR 89 3.0BE-04 NO DATA NO DATA 2.19E-04 1.86E-03 NO DATA NO DATA SR 90 7.58E-03 NO DATA 2.29E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.70E-05 SR 91 5.67E-06 No DATA NO DATA 4.26E-05 9.30E-08 NO DATA NO DATA SR 92 2.15E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.02E-04 2.5BE-10 NO DATA NO DATA Y 90 9.62E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.67E-10 Y 91M 9.09E-11 NO DATA 3.52E-12 NO DATA 10 DATA NO DATA 7.76E-05 Y 91 1.41E-07 NO DATA 3.77E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.48E-05

'Y 92 8.45E-10 NO DATA 2.47E-11 NO DATA

  • Values taken fran Deference 3, Table E-11.

GRAND GUIE,LNIT 1 1.0-10 ,

Rev. 0 - 8/82

1 1

{' 4 . .' . ~


TABLE 1.2-2 (Continued)


  • FOR ADULTS (DFil (mrern per pCi ingested) ,

T.BCDY '1HYROID KIDNEY IING GI-1.LI NmW BONE LIVER -.;.__ l NO DATA NO DATA 8.50E-05 l Y 93 2.68E-09 NO DATA 7.40E-11 NO DATA 3.09I-05 )

1.53E-08 NO DATA ZR 95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA 5.12E-10 NO DATA 1.:5E-:4 ZR 97 1.68E-09 3.39E-10 1.55E-10 NO DATA 3.42E-09 NO DATA 2.10E-05 NB 95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 1.86E-09 NO DATA 9.76E-06 NO DATA 9.99E-06 HD 99 NO DATA 4.31E-06 8.20E-07 NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4.13E-07 7C 99M 2.47E-10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 NO DATA __

2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 No DATA 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E-21 TC101 2.16E-05 7.97E-08 NO DATA 7.06E-07 NO DATA RU103 1.85E-07 No DATA 9.42E-06 1.54E-08 NO DATA 6.08E-09 NO DATA 1.99E-07 NO DATA RC105 5.31E-06 NO DATA 1.78E-04 RU106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3.48E-07 NO DATA 2.91E-07 NO DATA 6.04E-05 AG110M 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 NO DATA 1.07E-05 TE125M 2.68E-06 9.71E-07 3.59E-07 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 NO DATA

_ _ _ _ ~ -

2.27E-05 7E127M 6.77E-06 2.42E-06 8.25E-07 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 to DATA 8.6SE-06 TE127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2.38E-08 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 NO DATA 5.79E-05 TE129M 1.15E-05 4.29E-06 1.82E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 NO DATA 2.37E-08 TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.65E-09 2.41E-08 1.32E-07 NO DATA 8.40E-05 TE131M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 7.05E-07 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 NO DATA 2.79E-09 TE131 1.97E-08 8.23C-09 6.22E-09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08

- - ~ ' ~ ~

10 DATA ~

7.71E-05 TE132 2.52E-06 1.63E-06 1.53E-06 1.80E-06 1.57E-05 NO DATA 1.92E-06 I 130 7.56E-07 2.23E-06 8.80E-07 1.89E-04 3.48E-06 NO DATA 1.57E-06 I 131 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3.41E-06 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 NO DATA 1.02E-07 I 132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1.90E-07 1.90 E-05 8.65E-07 No DATA 2.22E-06 I 133 1.42E-06 2.47E-06 7.53E-07 3.63E-04 4.31E-06 NO DATA 2.51E-10 I 134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03E-07 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 NO DATA 1.31E-06 I 135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 NO DATA CS134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1.21E-04 NO DATA 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 2.59E-06 CS136 6.51E-06 2.57E-05 1.85E-05 NO DATA 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 CS137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14E-05 NO DATA 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.11E-06 CS138 5.52E-08 1.09 -07 5.40E-08 NO DATA 6.46E-11 7.91E-09 8.01E-08 3.92E-11 4.65E-13 1.72E-07 BA139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2.84E-09 No DATA

  • Values taken furn Reference 3, Table E-11.

O U GRAND GUIE, UNIT 1 1.0-11 ,

Rev. 0 - 8/82

. j '

  • C. 5 l

TABLE 1.2-2 (Continued)


  • ADUL'IS (DFil (mr m per pel ingested) ,

NUCLIDE BCt2 LIVER T.BCDY THYROID KIDtEY IUNG GI-III BA140 2.03E-05 2.55E-08 1.33E-06 NO DATA 8.67E-09 1.46E-CE 4.18E-05 BA141 4.71E-08 3.56E-11 1.59E-09 NO DATA 3.31E-11 2.02E-11 2.22E-17 BA142 2.13E-08 2.19E-11 1.34E-09 NO DATA 1.85E-11 1.24E-11 3.CCE-26 NO DATA NO DATA 9.25E-05 IA140 2.50E-09 1.26E-09 3.33E-10 NO DATA 4.25E-07 IA142 1.28E-10 5.82E-11 1.45E-11 NO DATA No MTA NO DATA 2.94E-09 NO DATA 2.42E-05 CE141 9.36E-09 6.33E-09 7.18E-10 NO DATA - - ~

5.37E-10 No DATA 4.56E-05 CE143 1.65E-09 1.22E-06 1.35E-10 No DATA 1.65E-04 CE144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 No DAM 1.21E-07 No DAIA 2.13E-09 No DATA 4.03E-05 PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 No DATA =_______

7.05E-12 NO DATA 4.33E-18 PR144 3.01E-11 1.25E-11 1.53E-12 NO DATA 3.49E-05 ND147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 No DATA 4.25E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82E-05 W 187 1.03E-07 8.61E-08 3.01E-08 NO DATA _ - - -

3.65E-10 NO DATA 2.40E-05 NP239 1.19E-09 1.17E-10 6.45E-11 NO DATA

  • Values the . frcn Refere:Ma 3, Table E-11.

l I

i i

GWO GULF, tNIT 1 1.0-12 . Rev. 0 - 8/82

. * . 'a I  !

TABLE 1.2-3 -- . . ,

g u Page 1 of 2 y GRAID GUIE SITE REIATED INGESTICE DOSE CCMCD1ENT FACitR, AiTau buren/hr per uCi/ml)


~H-3 0.00E+00 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 C-14 3.13E+04 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 Na-24 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E*0~:

! P-32 4.62E+07 2.87E+06 1.79E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.19E+06 Cy-51 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E+00 7.61E-01 2.81E-01 1.69E+00 3.20E+02 l Mn-54 0.00E+00 4.38E+0B 8.35E+02 0.00E+00 1.30E+03 0.00E+00 1.34E+04 m-56 0.00E+00 1.10E+02 1.95E+01 0.00E+00 1.40E+02 0.00E+00 3.51E+03 i Fe-55 6.58E+02 4.55E+02 1.06E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.54E+02 2.61E+02 Fe-59 1.04E+03 2.44E+03 9.36E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.82E+02 8.14E+03 Co-58 0.00E+00 8.92E+01 2.00E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.81E+03 00-60 0.00E+00 2.56E+02 5.65E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.81E+03 Ni-63 3.11E+04 2.16E+03 1.04E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.50E+02 Ni-65 1.26E+02 1.64E+01 7.49E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.17E+02 Cu-64 0.00E+00 9.97E+00 4.68E+00 0.00E+00 2.51E+01 0.00E+00 8.50E+02 Zn-65 2.32E+04 7.37E+04 3.33E+04 0.00E+00 4.93E+04 0.00E+00 4.64E+04 Zn-69 4.93E+01 9.43E+01 6.56E+00 0.00E+00 6.13E+01 0.00E+00 1.42E+01 Br-83 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.04E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.82E+01 l1 Br-84 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.24E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.11E-04 BR-85 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.15E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.01E-15 Bt>-86 0.00E+00 1.01E+05 4.71E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.99E+04 Bt>-88 0.00E+00 2.90E+02 1.54E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.00E-09 Eb-89 0.00E+00 1.92E+02 1.35E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.12E-11 Sr-89 2.21E+04 0.00E+00 6.35E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.55E+03 Sr-90 5.44E+05 0.00E+00 1.34E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+04 Sr-91 4.07E+02 0.00E+00 1.64E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E+03 Sr-92 1.54E+02 0.00E+00 6.68E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.06E+03 Y-90 5.76E-01 0.00E+00 1.54E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.10E+03 Y-91m 5.44E-03 0.00E+00 2.11E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.60E-02 Y-91 8.44E+00 0.00E+00 2.2EE-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.64E+03 Y-92 5.06E-02 0.00E+00 1.48E43 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.86E+02 Y-93 1.60E-01 0.00E+00 4.43E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.09E+03 7.r 05 2.40E-01 7.70E-02 5.21E-02 0.00E+00 1.21E-01 -0.00E+00 2.44E+02 2r-97 1.33E-02 2.6BE-03 1.22E-03 0.00E+00 4.04E-03 0.00E+00 8.30E+02 Nt>-95 4.47E+02 2.48E+02 1.34E+02 0.00E+00 2.46E+02 0.00E+00 1.51E+06 R>-99 0.00E+00 1.03E+02 1.96E+01 0.00E+00 2.34E+02 0.00E+00 2.39E+02 Tc-99m 6.87E-03 2.51E-02 3.19E-01 0.00E+00 3.81E-01 1.23E-02 1.48E+01

'It-101 9.12E-03 1.31E-02 1.29E-01 0.00E+00 2.37E-01 6.72E-03 3.95E-14 Ru-103 4.43E+00 0.00E+00 1.91E+00 0.00E+00 1.69E+01 0.00E+00 5.17E+02 Ru-305 3.69E-01 0.00E+00 1.46E-01 0.00E+00 4.76E+00 -0.00E+00 2.26E+02

  • Calculated fran Equation 8.

Rev. 1 - 7/83 GRAW GUIE,1351T 1 1.0-13


. l

~.._- . 3 f ti.. . ...

( * " "

TAnm 1.2-3 (Continued)

Page 2 of 2 g


  • CCMCIMNT FAC&R, A (mrem /hr per uti/ml) .

KIDNEY IRM GI-1*2 BCKE LIVER T. BODY 'NYROID NLT M E Ru-106 6.58E+01 0.00E+00 8.33E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E+02 0.00E Ag-110m 8.81E-01 8.15E-01 4.84E-01 0.00E+00 1.60E+00 0.00E*00 3.30E 3

Te-125m 2.57E+03 9.30E+02 3.44E+02 7.72E+02 1.04E+04 0 h -127m 6.48E+03 2.32E+03 7.90E-02 1.66E+03 2.63E+04 0.0 h-127 1.05E+02 3.78E+01 2.28E+01 7.80E+01 4.29E+02 0.

h -129m 1.10E+04 4.11E+03 1.74E+03 3.78E+03 4.60E+04 h-129 3.01E+01 1.13E+01 7.33E+00 2.31E+01 1.26E+02 0 Te-131m 1.66E+03 8.10E+02 6.75E+02 1.28E+03 8.21E+0 Te-131 1.89E+01 7.88E+00 5.96E+00 1.55E+01 8.26E+01 Te-132 2.41E+03 1.56E+03 2.47E+03 1.72E+03 1.50E+04 I-130 2.71E+01 8.01E+01 3.16E+01 6.79E+03 1.25E+02 0.00E+

I-131 1.49E+02 2.14E+02 1.22E+02. 7.00E+04 3.66E+02 0.00E+

I-132 7.29E+00 1.95E+01 6.82E+00 6.82E+02 3.11E+01 0.00E+

I-133 5.10E+01 8.87E+01 2.70E+01 1.30E+04 -1.55E+02 0.00E I-134 3.81E+00 1.03E+01 3.70E+00 1.79E+02 1.64E+01 0.00E+

I-135 1.59E+01 4.17E+01 5.

1.54E+01 79E+05 0.00E+00 2.75E+03 2.29E+05 6.68E+01 7.61E+04 1.24E-04 0.00E+

Cs-134 2.98E+05 7.09E+05 Cs-136 3.12E+04 1.23E+05 S.86E+04 0.00E+00 6.85E+04 Cs-137 3.82E+05 5.22E+05 3.42E+05 0.00E+00 1.77E+05 Cs-138 2.64E+02 5.22E+02 2.59E+02 0.00E+00 3.84E+02 Ba-139 9.29E-01 6.62E-04 2.72E-02 0.00E+00 6.19E-04 3.

Ba-140 1.9/E+02 2.44E-01 1.27E+01 0.00E+C0 8.30E-02 1 Ba-141 4.5 d-01 3.41E-04 1.52E-02 0.00E+00 3.17E-04 1.

Ba-142 2.04E-01 2.10E-04 1.28E-02 0.00E+00 1.77E-04 1 La-140 1.50E-01 7.54E-02 1.99E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 La-142 7.66E-03 3.4BE-03 8.66E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0 Ce-141 2.24E-02 1.52E-02 1.72E-03 0.00E+00 7.04E-03 0 Ce-143 3.95E-03 2.92E+00 3.23E-04 0.00E+00 1.29E-03 0 Ce-144 1.17E+00 Pr-143 5.51E-01 4.88E-01 2.21E-01 2,73E-02 6.27E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E-01 0.00E+00 2.90E-01 2.41E 0 Pr-144 1.80E-03 7.48E-04 9.16E-05 0.00E+00 4.22E-04 0 ,

Nd-147 3.76E-01 4.35E-01 2.60E-02 0.00E+00 2.54E-01 2.96E+02 2.47E+02 8.65E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E I

W-187 Np-239 2.85E-02 2.80E-03 1.54E-03 0.00E+00 8.74E-03 0.00E+00\


  • Calculated frcrn Equation 8.

9 1.0-14 ' Rev.1 - 7/83 GRAND GUIEn INIT 1

1 1



  • s !.'Ii ;; .


1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatent Systan ...

The essential ocatponents of the liquid radwaste treatment system for the TERABII.ITY requirerent of REIS Specification 3/ are indicated below by an asterisk (*) . j l

l WUtus

'  : 'memme i I_ .  : .

4 9 0


r c c.aue. u

. e <=====

- -H- -- o l

Be,at u a

_ 18 8 .


. . - , . ~ , .. '

,_ . e mm

... eews--

g y = .r oi.s-'-, u . . ~ -

n,'- -m. ,u- ..

- - u 1


.: .i -

Ti> .w>v m.


.. ~ a v ,

.. ,.- ~ n. - m,,, ,

=o - o

,o .u: .u, ,

==r 3.


) -

,. a.

_ -mwe . % aue _. - ,_ - e_;

g ms.

e _.



co_u s=._.itr.a, _,, ,- - -

w , ,,,.

t s.

c.= "n'.am

= = sue. io.uc

.. === = .m DimwM 10 ml sim299.N7 4

. .- - ,. wi. qr

, "*". ERA *ii an twague.g m _. .a ;; =. an.Pryan rt* @tCD.

hata Tuse tune .

o mmuns.gww m 4 Q EUC Su,hm3*t O * " =E' cou.c i.o ,

amme *-.

  • i 6,m . . .M'.m -. a.s.EP *u- ,u.


i te,e mt.imauL.

m -nc. estac mesuit ape - - r ,,,,,, i L__

l .m..n. I

= ,,w .n . m 1

l i

l 5

l I


Taken fran Reference 4, Figure 3-7.

l l

l GRAND GUIF, UNIT 1 1.0-15 Rev.1 - 7/83

.. ~ o -.-- _ ,



- .. , l i

[F 2.0 GAMS EFFWCCS ... . _ . _ _ _ . _ _

2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints ,

2.1.1 For the purpose of inplemntation of Specification cf the RETS, the alarm setpoint level for continuous ventilatien noble gas nonitors will be calculated as fo11cus:

Sy = Count rate of vent noble gas noniter at ala= setpc:r.:

level e 0.25 x Rt

= thelesserof4 0.25 x Rs x Dss

( .

Where, 0.25 = safety factor allowing for cumlative uncertainties of neasurements Dg = Dose rate limit to the total body of an individual in an unrestricted area reqcired to limit dose to 500

in one year.

= 500 - F (X/Q) 1K 1g D 1 (1 - F)

D = Dose rate limit to the of the body of an ss individual in an unrestricted area regaired to dese to 3000 mrem in one year.


= 3000 - F ,X/Q) ( [g(Lg + 1.1 Mg) Og,,,

(1 - F)

R = count rate per mrem /g to the total body t *

= C- X/Q Kg Og

' See Note 2 2.0 Rev. 0 -.8/82

  • r: nam (RU. WTF 1 ._

e t


    • L. .

Where, M -

C = count rate of the vent m:nitor corresponding to grab sa.ple radionuclide concentrations X70 = highest sector annual average atmospheric dirpersicn at the unrestricted area lxnMary 3

= 5.176 x 10-6, ,,cfm in the WSh' sector.

K. = total tedy dose factor due to game endssions frcn each 1 3 frcn noble gas radionuclide i (mren/yr per uCi/m )

Table 2.1-1.

O.1 = rate of release of noble gas radionuclide, i (uci/sec),

frcn release point F = fraction of current year elapsed at tire of calculation Q. = average rate of release of noble gas radionuclide i for

i the elapsed fraction of the year F (uCi/sec) frcn release point R, = count rate per crisn/yr to the skin See note 2

- C X'7D (L1 + 1.1 lig) i L. = skin dose factor due to beta emissions from isotepe i 1

(mrern/yr per uCi/m ) frm Table 2.1-1 1.1 = mrem skin dose per mrad air dose M. = air dose factor due to gan:a emissions from isotope i 1

(mrad /yr per uti/m3 ) frm Table 2.F-1 3

  • Value taken fr a Reference 4, Table 6.1.26.

2.k2 pev. 0 - 8/82 CQ2ELGUIEn LMIT 1 . . . . _

I e

, , ,i.v

~ ~ ~

I -2.1.2 Containrnent Purge Menitor

'the setpoint level for discharge through the ocritainnent purge system nonitor, Sd , will be calculated in a obrresponding


  • 0.25 x rt

I or (2)

S d

= lesser of 4

' O.25 x r, x D ss

' \

>1here, D'g = 500 - F (5) K (1 - F)

= 3000 - F (FQ) (L . + 1.1 M .1 ) q .1 1

D'ss i _,

(1 - F)

" ra Per n @ W ml Wj r


= c -

X/Q K i qi See Note 2 i _

c = count rate of the centainment purge nonitor fer radio-nuclide concentrations to be discharged.

rate of release of noble gas radionuclide i (uCi/sec) gj =

gj = average rate of release of noble gas radionuclide i frcr.

the ventilation system for the elapsed fractica of the year F (uCi/sec) .

r, = count rate per mrenVyr to the skin (L. + 1.1 M.) q. 1 See Note 2

= c -

X/Q 1 1

- 1 2.0-3 -

Rev. 0 - 8/82 GRNO GULF, LNIT 1

_c -

7 . 'N

- - - - - - , 1

. ..,..o *

'..L. -

( , R"s

= servative count rate per mrem />T to the skin

= C' X/C x (L + 1.1M) x h" Where L = skin dose factor for Kr-89, the nest restrictive isc_cpe, frtrn Table 2.1-1, M = air dose factor for Kr-89, the rest restrictive isotepe, frtrn Table 2.1-1.

D"g = 500 mren/yr D" = 3000 mrem /yr ss r"t

= nservative count rate per mre-/yr to the total bodj for containment purge only ,

= C' .

X/Q x K x 0" -


" = release rate frem the containment purge (may be detem.i.W for maxinrn flow frm the system and the concentration specified for c' above).

c' = count rate of the containment purge rnanitor correspending to a 1.0 uCi/ml concentration of Xe-133, r"s

= conservative count rate per mrem />T to the skin for containnent purge only,

= c' -

X/Q x (L + 1.1M) x q" 1

k GRMO GUIF, INIT 1 2.0-5 Rev. 0 - 3/82



,[';i . .

( ,

TABLE 2.1-1 ,

DOSE FACIORS FOR EXPOSURE M A SDU-INFINTTE CIILD OF NOBLE GGES B-Skin * * (L) i Y-Air * (M)i B-A*.r* m) i Nuclide Y-Bodv* * (K) i 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 Kr-85m 1.17E+03***

1.34E+03 1.72E+01 1.95E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-87 5.92E+03 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr-88 1.01E+04 3.73E+04 1.06E+04 Kr-89 1.66E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03 Kr-90 1.56E+04 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 Xe-131m O Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E+C3 Xe-133 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135m 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 Xe-135 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 Xe-137 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03

.t 13E 8.83E+03 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 Ar-41 Values taken frcrn Reference 3, Table B-1

  • -mrad - m2 uCi - yr
    • :, rem - m8 uCi - yr 3
      • 1.17E+03 = 1.17 x 10 r , - , ~, - ,,

er -


  • t g *j .

.i: ..;4 l 1

2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations tj 2.2.1.a For the purpose of inplanentation of Specification, the dose at the unrestricted area boundary due to noble gases shall be calculated as follows:

Dg = average total body dose rate in current year krs/yr)

= X/O Ei di i

Ds = average skin dose rate in current year (mrum/yr)

= X/O (L.1 + 1 1 Mi) O.1 (1

2.2.1.b organ doses due to tritium, I-131, I-133 and all radioactive materials in particulate form, with half-lives greater than eight days will be calculated for the purpose of impletentation of Specification as follcus:

Dg = average organ dose rate in current year (mr m/yr)

= W Pg Q'g h 1 i

W = controlling sector annual average atnespheric disper-sion at the unrestricted area bourda.:y for the appro-priate pathway.


. X/Q for inhalation (Section 2.1.1)

= 4 D/0 = 1.301 x 10~B* m-2 for other pat 1 ways in tie L-O

  • Value taken fr a Reference 4, Table 6.1.26.

2.0-7 pev. 1 - 7/83 GRMD GUIE, IMIT 1


., g;, p.

s .tg st i ,

l Pg = dose paraneter for radionuclide i, (mr m/yr per

(} uCi/m 3 ) for inhalation and (M 2

.mre/yr per uCi/sec) for other pat! ways, frm Table 2.2-1.a-b. 3 Q'g = average release rate of isotope i of radiciodire or other radiceraclide in particulate fom, with b. t- f life greater than eight (8) days in the current yer (uci/sec).

2.2.2.a For the purpose of inpleruntation of Specification, the air dose in unrestricted areas shall be dete mined as follows: .

Dy = air dose due to gara missions frcan noble gas radionuclide i (mrad)

= 3.17 x 10-8 {M1 X/Q' Qg Where, X70'= relative concentration for unrestricted areas

= 5.176 x 10-6* sec/m3, in the WSW. sector Mj = air dose factor due to gama esnissions frczn noble gas 3

radionuclide i (mrad /yr per uCi/m ) from Table 2.1-1 4

Q. = cunulative release of noble gas radicr:uclide i over the 1

period of interest (uCi)

-8 Note: 3.17 x 10 is the inverse of the nunter of seconds Per year, and

= air dose due to beta missions fzczn noble gas radic-Dp rasclide i (mrad)


  • Value taken from Reference 4, Table 6.1.26.

L l

GRAND GU T , UNIT 1 2.0-8 Rev.1 - 7/83


w . - .




= 3.17 x 10 [g Ng X/Q' i

). - . . ; ,J Where, Ng = air dose factor due to beta enissions frcrn noble gas 3

radionuclide i (mrad /yr per uCi/m ) frczn Table 2.1-1 X70'= relative concentration for unrestricted areas

' = 5.176 x 10-6* sec/m3 , in the WSW sector s cumalative release of noble gas radionuclide i over the Q. =

1 period of interest (uCi) .

2.2.2.b Dose to an individual fram tritium, I-131, I-133 a.M radio- 1 j

active materials in particulate fom, with half-lives greater than eight (8) days will be calculated for the pcqcse of inple-

' mentation of Specification as fallows:

I D = dose to an frczn radiciodines aM. radi:-

P nuclides in particulate fom, with half-life greater than eight days (mrem) 4

= 3.17 x 10

-8 R.

1 W' Q'1 Mbere, ,

W' = relative concentration for unrestricted areas f- _se X/Q' = 3.001 x 10 for inhalation

=/ .

l D/O' = 4.440 x 10-9* m-2 for other patlways in s

the 2 Sector

  • . Values taken frczn Reference 4, Table 6.1.26 GRAPD GRE, UNIT 1 2.0-9 Fev.1 - 7/83

i -

= ,

  • fI S. f i


  • .,
  • 1, 4 %

..... . _ .s 3

Rg = dose factor for radionuclide i, (mren/yr per uCi/m )

or (m2 . mrern/yr per uCi/sec) fran Tables 2.2-2a - d 1


. = cunulative release of radionuclide i of iodine or O'1 material in particulate form over the period cf interest (uci) 2.2.2.c For the purpose of implernenting Specification, of the REIS dose calculations will be perforned using the above equations with the substitution of average seteorological para-meters which prevailed for the period of the report.

  • Values taken frcr. Reference 4, Table 6.1.26.

1 _

2.0-10 pev.1 - 7/83 GRAND GUIE, tMIT 1


, \

O .

. e ** W

_ , l 1 1

' ~


TABLE 2.2-la ._,_.



INHALATICN GROCO PIANE EOCD ISCICPE H-3 6.46BE+02 0.000E+00 2.382E+03 1 C-14 2.646E+04 0.000E+00 2.340E+09 1.056E+04 1.979E+07 1.542E+07 NA-24 P-32 2.030E+06 0.000E+00 1.602E+11 1.284E+04 7.864E+06 4.700E+06 CR-51 9.996E+05 1.287E+09 3.900E+07 Mi-54 7.168E+04 1.525E+06 2.862E+00 M4-56 FE-55 8.694E+04 0.000E+00 1.351E+08 FE-59 1.015E+06 4.562E+08 3.919E+08 CC)-58 7.770E+05 6.194E+08 6.055E+07 CO-60 4.508E+06 5.172E+09 2.098E+08 NI-63 3.388E+05 0.000E+00 3.493E+10 NI-65 5.012E+04 4.930E+05 3.020E+01 CD-64 1.498E+04 9.823E+05 3.807E+06 ZN-65 6.468E+05 7.907E+08 1.904E+10 ZN-69 1.322E+04 0.000E+00 3.855E-09 BR-83 3.808E+02 1.011E+04 9.339E-01 BR-84 4.004E+02 3.376E+05 1.256E-22 ER-85 2.044E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RB-86 1.904E+05 1.478E+07 2.234E+10 RS-88 5.572E+02 5.399E+04 1.874E-44 '

RB-89 3.206E+02 2.075E+05 4.193E-53 SR-89 2.030E+06 3.560E+04 1.258E+10 SR-90 4.088E+07 0.000E+00 1.216E+11 SR-91 7.336E+04 3.587E+06 3.215E+05 SR-92 1.400E+05 1.233E+06 5.005E+01 Y-90 2.688E+05 7.583E+03 9.406E4 5 Y-9LM 2.786E+03 1.65BE+05 1.876E-15 Y-91 2.450E+06 1.702E+06 5.251E+06 Y-92 1.266E+05 3.060E+05 1.026E+01 Y-93 1.666E+05 3.620E+05 1.776E+04 ZR-95 1.750E+06 3.975E+0B 8.257E+05 ZR-97 1.400E+05 4.921E+06 4.446E+04  !

NB-95 4.788E+05 2.291E+08 2.062E48 l 3.108E+08  !

E 99 1.348E+05 6.608E+06 K-99M 2.030E+03 3.013E+05 1.646E+04

.K-101 8.442E+02 3.253E+04 1.423E-56 h 103 5.516E+05 1.804E+08 1.055E45 .

p 105 4.844E+04 1.030E+06 3.204E+00 RU-106 1.156E+07 3.590E+08 1.445E+06 AG-110M 3.668E+06 3.649E+09 1.461E+10 GRAIO GUIF, LWIT 1 2.0-11 Berv.1 - 7/83



6'**~ 'N ~ Y. -,__...#

8 TABLE 2.2-la (Continued) 1 PATIMAY DOSE FAcn:mS (Pi) FOR TEEEICAL SPECIFICATIm and srLuCN 2.2.1.b Page 2 of 2

( N.A. ) (INTIdm AGE GROUP (INF7Wi) FOCD INHAIATIm GROUND PIANE ISumrE 3.001E+06 1.50SE-OS TE-125M 4.466E+05 1.037E+09 1.312E+06 1.395E+05 TE-127M 4.704E+03 1.359E+05 TE-127 2.436E+04 1.392E+09 1.680E+06 3.290E+07

'IE-129M 4.395E+04 1.67BE-07 I TE-129 2.632E+04 2.288E+07 1.988E+05 1.351E+07 E-131M 4.929E+07 1.384E-30 TE-131 8.218E+03 6.513E+07 3.402E+05 7.098E+06

'IE-132 9.560E+06 8.754E+08 I-130 1.596E+06 1.053E+12 1.484E+07 '2.985E+07 I-131 2.075E+06 . 1.188E+02 I-132 1.694E+05 9.601E+09 3.556E+06 4.259E+C6 1-133 7.57BE+05 U.402E-10 I-134 4.452E+04 2.002E+07 6.958E+05 4.210E+06 I-135 3.282E+09 6.801E+10 CS-134 7.028E+05 5.795E+09 1.345E+05 2.432E+08 CS-136

$p CS-137 6.118E+05 1.337E+09 6.024E+10 2.180E-22 8.764E+02 5.860E+05 CS-138 2.874E-05 5.096E+04 1.705E+05 BA-139 3.352E+07 2.410E+08 BA-140 1.59EE+06 3.141E-44 4.746E+03 6.762E+04 BA-141 7.234E+04 0.000E+00 BA-142 1.554E+03 1.880E+05 1.680E+05 3.114E407 IA-140 1.269E+06 6.019E-06 IA-142 5.950E+04 1.366E+07 5.166E&05 2.199E+07 CE-141 1.536E+06 1.162E+05 3.753E+06 CE-143 1.334E+08 9.842E+06 6.761E+07 CE-144 7.845E+05 4.326E+05 0.000E+00

, vn-143 3.017E+03 1.171E-48 PR-144 4.284E+03 5.743E*05 3.220E+05 1.441E+07 20-147 3.915E+06 2.501E+06 W-187 3.962E+04 9.400E+04 5.950E+04 2.823E+06-

' NP-239 1

Units: Inhalation and all tritium pat. rays - mren/yr per uCi/m2 Others - m2 . mrem /yr per uCi/sec Values based on standard NURE-0133, Section 5.2.1 asstaptiens unless otherwise indicated.


.v 2.0-12 Dev.1 - 7/83 GRAto GUIF,12 TIT 1


.- c i; .f i l

- ~ ~ * ' -

TABLE 2.2-lb - --"

y} 1 )


( CHIID ) ( N. A. ) ( G3 1 l

AGE GROUP GROUND PlRNE GRS/ANL/ MEAT 150ICPE INHA1ATICN 0.000E+00 1.826E+02 H-3 1.125E+03 3.589E+04 0.000E+00 2.991E-08 C-14 1.345E-03 m-24 1.610E+04 1.385E+07 2.605E+06 0.000E+00 5.781E+09 P-32 3.636E+05 CR-51 1.698E+04 5.506E+06 1.576E+06 1.625E+09 6.249E+06 W-54 1.901E-51 W-56 1.232E+05 1.068E+06 1.110E+05 0.000E+00 3.566E+08 FE-55 4.943E+08 7E-59 1.269E+06 3.204E+08 l 1.106E+06 4'.464E+08 7.485E+07 CO-58 7.067E+06 2.532E+10 2.993E+08 CCF60 8.214E+05 0.000E+00 2.272E+10 NI-63 3.167E-51 NI-65 8.399E44 3.451E+05 3.670E+04 6.876E+05 1.087E-05 CU-64 9.953E+05 8.583E+08 7.801E+08 ZN-65 0.000E+00 1.018E+04 0.000E+00 q ZN-69 4.736E+02 7.079E+03 7.425E-57 l p BR-83 2.363E+05 0.000E+00 BR-84 5.476E+02 2.531E-01 0.000E+00 0.000E-00 BR-85 4.536E*G8 RB-86 1.983E+05 1.035E+07 5.624E+02 3.779E+04 0.000E+00 RB-88 0.000E+00 RB-89 3.452E+02 1.452E+05 2.157E+06 2.509E+04 3.756E+08 SR-89 1.010E+08 0.000E+00 '8.111E+09 SR-90 1.739E+05 2.511E+06 4.128E-10 SR-91 2.424E+05 8.631E+05 2.74E-/.0 SR-92 3.806E+05 5 Y-90 2.679E+05 5.308E43 2.812E+03 1.161E+05 0.000E+00 Y-91M 2.627E+06 1.207E+06 1.872E+08 Y-91 5.428E-35 Y-92 2.390E+05 2.142E+05 3.885E+05 2

. 534E+05 1.207E-07 Y-93 4.763E+08 ZR-95 2.231E+06 2.837E+08 3.511E+05 3.445E+06 5.471E-01 ZR-97 6.142E+05 1.605E+08 1.738E+09 NB-05 1.915E+05 MD-99 1.354E+05 4.626E+06 4.810E+03 2.109E+05 5.394E-18

'IC-99M 5.846E+02 2.277E+04 0.000E+00

'IC-101 3.127E+09 6.623E+05 1.265E+0B Rb103 4.590E-25 W 105 9.953E+04 7.212E+05 1.432E+07 5.049E+08 5.384E+10 W 106 5.259E+08 AG-110M 5.476E+06 4.019E+09 9

GAND GUIF, UNIT 1 2.0-13 Rev. 1 - 7/83

TABLE 2.2-lb (Continued) s PA'IHWAY DOSE FACIOPS (Pi) FOR TECHNICAL syrLirICATICNS and 1 bu.IICN 2.2.1.b Page 2 of 2 AGE GROL'P ( CHIID ) ( N. A. ) ( CHIID )*


TE-125M 4.773E+05 2.128E+06 4.438E+08 TE-127M 1.480E+06 1.083E+05 3.947E+09

'IE-127 5.624E+04 3.293E+03 1.254E-08 TE-129M 1.761E+06 2.305E+07 4.091E+09

'IE-129 2.549E+04 3.076E+04 0.000E+00 TE-131M 3.078E+05 9.459E+06 7.656E+03

'!E-131 2.054E+03 3.450E+07 0.000E+00 TE-132 3.774E+05 4.968E+06 7.274E+06 I-130 1.846E+06 6.692E+06' 5.271E-04 I-131 1.624E+07 2.089E+07 4.293E+09 I I-132 1.935E+05 1.452E+06- 1.895E-57 I-133 3.848E+06 2.981E+06 1.017E+02 I-134 5.069E+04 5.305E+05 0.000E+00 I-135 7.918E+05 2.947E+06 8.104E-15 CS-134 1.014E+06 8.007E+09 1.180E+09 CS-136 1.709E+05 1.702E+08 3.452E+07 O CS-137 CS-138 9.065E+05 8.399E+02 1.201E+10 4.102E+05 1.040E+09 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BA-139 5.772E+04 1.194E+05 BA-140 1.743E+06 2.346E+07 3.420E+07 BA-141 2.919E+03 4.734E+04 0.000E+00 BA-142 1.643E+03 5.064E+04 0.000E40 l

1A-140 2.257E+05 2.180E+07 4.284E+02 IA-142 7.585E+04 8.886E+05 0.000E+00 CE-141 5.439E+05 1.540E+07 1.078E+07 CE-143 1.273E+05 2.627E+06 1.963E+02 CE-144 1.195E+07 8.032E+07 1.476E+08 Ph-143 4.329E+05 0.000E+00 2.815E+07 PR-144 1.565E+03 2.112E+03 0.000E+00 ,

ND-147 3.282E+05 1.009E407 1.174E+07 '

W-187 9.102E+04 2.740E+06 2.176E+00 NP-239 6.401E+04 1.976E+06 1.741E+03 thits: Inhalation and all tritium pathways - mrem /yr per uCi/m) 1 Others - m2 . mrem /yr per uti/sec Values based on standard IURErr-0133, Section 5.3.1 assunptions unless otherwise indicated.

  • ' Heat consunption assued 75 percent beef and 25 percent mutton.

GRAIO GUIE,11 NIT 1 2.0-14 Rev. 1 - 7/83

V p^. ; .' . , ;

TABLE 2.2-2a l N; ', * -

! l (

'J ..


du ucN 2.2.2.b Page 1 of 2 l

( IhTIM ) ( N.A. ) ( INF7M ) ( IhTAE ) ( Em )

itGE GRCCF C-!!%


0.000I-;C 6.468E+02 0.000E+00 2.382E+03 0.000E+00 1 Ft-3 0.00~E-00 2.646E+04 0.000E-00 2.340E+09 0.000E4 0 C-14 0.000E-00 1.056E+04 1.385E+07 1.542E+07 0.000E+00 NA-24 0.000E+00 2.030E+06 0.000E+00 1.602E+11 0.000E+00 P-32 0.000E+00 1.284E+04 5.506E+06 4.700E+06 0.000E+00 CR-51 0.00CE+00 1.625E+09 3.900E+07 0.000E+00 Ei-54 9.996E+05 2.962E+00 0.000E+00 4.000E+00

>3ei-56 11 16SE+04 T.06BE+06 iB.694E+04 0.000E+00 1.351E+0B ~ 0.000E400 - 0.000E+00 Fre-55 0.000E-00 3.919E+08. 0.000E+00


'1.015E+06 _3.204E+08 ~

n6.055E+07 0.000E+00 0.000E-00

'CO-58 '7.770E+05 14.464E+0B 2.532E+10 ' 2. 098E+08. - 0.000E+00 'O.~000E+00 CC>-60 4.508E+06 0.000E+00 3.493E+10 0.000E+00 0.00CE-00 NI 3.3BBE+05 0.000E+00 0.000E-00 NI-65 5.012E+04 3.451E+05 3.020E+01 1.498E+04 6.876E+05 3.807E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E40 CU-64 0.000E-00 6.468E+05 8.583E+08 1.904E+10 0.000E+00 ZN-65 0.00CE-00 1.322E+04 0.000E+00 3.855E-09 0.000E+00 ZN-69 0.000E+00 3.808E+02 7.079E+03 9.339E-01 0.000E+00 BR-83 0.000E+00 4.004E+02 2.363E+05 1.256E-22 0.000E+00 BR-84 0.000E-M 2.044E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E400 BF-85 0.00CI-00 1.904E+05 1.035E+07 2.234E+10 0.000E400 RS-86 0.000E+00 RE-88 5.572E+02 3.779E+04 1.874E-44 0.000E40 1.452E+05 4.193E-53 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RB-89 3.206E+02 2.509E+04 1.258E+10 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SR-89 2.030E+06 0.000E+00 1.216E+11 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SR-90 4.088E+07 2.511E+06 3.215E+05 0.000E+00 0.000E-00 SR-91 7.336E+04 8.631E+05 5.005E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SR-92 1.400E+05 5.308E+03 9.406E+05 0.000E40 0.000E+00 Y-90 2.68BE+05 1.161E+05 1.876E-15 0.000E40 0.000E+00 Y-91M 2.786E+03 1.207E+06 5.251E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Y-91 2.450E+06 2.142E+05 1.026E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Y-92 1.266E+05 2.534E+05 1.776E+04 0.000E 00 -0.000E+00 Y-93 1.666E+05 2.837E+08 8.257E+05 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 ZR-95 1.750E+06 3.445E+06 4.446E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 ZR-97 1.400E+05 1.605E4B 2.062E+0S 0.000E*00 0.000E*00 2-95 4.78BE+05 4.626E+06 3.108E+08 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 h 99 1.348E+05 2.109E405 1.646E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SC-99M 2.030E+03 2.277E+04 1.423E-56 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SC-101 8.442E+02 0.000E+00 h 103 5.516E+05 1.265E+08 1.005E+05 0.000E+00 7.212E+05 3.204E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 h105 4.844E+04 0.000E+00 h106 1.156E+C7 5.049E+08 1.445E+06 0.000E400 4.019E+09 1.461E+10 0.000E400 0.000E+00 l AG-110M 3.668E+06 O

GRAW GUIE, ENIT 1 2.0-15 ,

Rev. 1 - 7/83

"iIq '

q- ,-g -



j . . g ,f 8

11 U. .

l ~'



TABLE 2.2-2a (Continued)


1 PA'nEAY DCEE F7CIOPS (Ri) TOR 'IE}NICAL SPIrIFICATICES At titu1CN 2.2.2.b E Page 2 of 2

( INRC ) ( TE -;c-RE GCL~P ( INFRC 1 ( N.A. ) ( INRC ) h -n 1 1

E CRS/ COW /MI'X GPS /CCW/MEAI ISC KEE IK4;C.A!ON GROL'SD PIAE 1.508E+08 0.000E+00 0 .0 0CI .:V TE-125M 4.466E+05 2.128E-06 -

5 1.037E+09 0.000E+00 0.0C0E-00 F 'IE-127t' 1.312E+06 1.083E+05 1.359E+05 0.000E+00 0.00CE-00 TE-127 2.436E+04 3.293E+03 0.000E+00 t

2.305E+07 1.392E+09 0.000E+00 y 'IE-129M 1.680E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 e TE-129 2.632E+04 3.076E+04 1.678E-07 2.288E+07 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 S -131M 1.9BBE+05 9.459E+06

[ TE-131 8.218E+03 3.450E+07 1.384E-30 0.000E+00 0.'000E+00 5

4.968E+06 6.513E+07 0.000E+00 0.000E-00

.TE-132 3.403E+05 10.000E+00

'1.596E+06 s6.692E+06 . 8.754E408' O.000E+00 E 11-130 0.000E+00 1.484E+07 2.089E+07 1.053E+12 0.000E+00 I-131 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 t I-132 1.69 (E405 1.452E+06 1.188E+02 2.981E+06 9.601E+09 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

[ I-133 3.5569 06 0.000E+00 4.452E+04 5.305E+05 8.402E-10 0.000E+00

I-134 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 I-135 6.958E*05 2.947E+06 2.002E+07 8.007E+09 6.801E+10 0.000E+00 0.000E400 CS-134 7.028E+05 0.000E+00 1.702E+08 5.795E+09 0.000E+00 E %F CS-136 CS-137 1.345E+05 6.118E+05 1.201E+10 6.024E+10 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 y

4.102E+05 2.180E-22 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 m CS-138 8.764E+02 0.000E-::

5.096E+04 1.194E-05 2.874E-05 0.000E+00 t BA-139 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BA-140 1.596E+06 2.346E+07 2.410E+08 P

4.734E+04 3.141E-44 0.000E+00 0.000E+0 h- BA-141 4.746E+03 0.000E+00 1.554E+03 5.064E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

= BA-142 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1A-140 1.680E+05 2.180E+07 1.880E+05 E

8.886E+05 6.019E-06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1A-142 5.950E+04 0.000E+00 E

5.166E+05 1.540E+07 1.366E+07 0.000E+00 E CE-141 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 CE-143 1.162E+05 2.627E+06 1.536E+06 1.334E+0B 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 CE-144 9.842E+06 8.032E+07 E

0.000E+00 7.845E+05 0.000E+00 0.000E*00 t Ph-143 4.326E+05 0.000E+00 E 4.284E+03 2.112E+03 1.171E-48 0.000E+00 PP.-144 0.000E+00 0.000E-00 E ND-147 3.220E+05 1.009E+07 5.743E+05 2.501E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 W-187 3.962E404 2.740E+06 9.400E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 NP-239 5.950E+04 1.976E+06 g

$ t W Inhalation and all tritim patNays - mrem /yr per uCi/m2 l1 F Units:

j - Others - m2 . ar m/yr per uCi/sec Values based on standard NURIrs-0133, Section 5.3.1 assmptions unless

[ otherwise indicated. ,

E iE i

h GRMO QJ1F, tNIT 1 2.0-16 pev. 1 - 7/83

- ~ _

= 1


1 l

' }l,^,*, *---~~- l

. . a .- r.,. m . ,


' ~ '

~~'-----~  !


TABLE 2.2-2b 1


j -

i Page 1 of 2

( N.A. ) ( G III ) ( CHIID ) ( CF" ? I F GROUP ( CHILD ) E AICL INHA1A".'.CU GRCLT FIANE GRS/CCE/ MILK GRS/CCE/ME/C TSOICPE 4.005E-03 1 1.125E+03 0.000E+00 1.570E C3 2.341E+02 H-3 3.834E+0S 8.894E-CB C-14 3.589E+04 0.000E+00 1.195E+09 1.385E+07 8.853E+06 1.725E-03 3.729E-C5 EA-24 1.610E+04 0.000E+00 7.775E+10 7.411E+09 3.366E+09 P-32 2.605E+06 5.506E+06 5.398E+06 4.661E+05 6.213E+06 CR-51 1.698E+04 1.625E+09 2.097E+07 8.011E+06 6.648E+08 i E,-54 .1.576E+06 "2.723E+03

' 1.232E+05 1.06BE+06 1.965E+00 M .~437E-51 4 No-56 4.571E+08 '8.012E+08 FE-55 1.110E+05 0.000E+00 1.118E+08  :

>' 3.204E+08 .:2.025E+08 ^ 6.338E+08 .6.693E-08 FE-59 ~ 1.269E+06 .


1.106E+06 -

'4.464E+0B '7.080E+07 9.596E+07 CD-58 2.095E+09

' 7.067E-06 2.532E+10 2.391E+08- 3.838E+08 CC)-60 3.949E-10 8.214E+05 0.000E-00 2.964E+10 2.912E+10 NI-63 1.211E+03 8.399E+04 3.451E+05 1.909E+01 4.061E-51 NI-65 1.393E-05 5.159E+05 CD-64 3.670E+04 6.876E+05 3.502E+06 8.583E-08 1.101E+10 1.000E+09 2.164E+09 ZN-65 9.953E+05 0.000E+00 1.123E-09 0.000E+00 9.893E-04 C) ZN-69 1.018E+04 7.079E+03 4.399E 01 9.519E-57 5.369E+00 U BR-83 4.736E+02 0.000E+00 3.822E-11 BR-84 5.476E+02 2.363E+05 6.508E-23 0.000E+00 4

2.531E+01 0.0LOE-00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BR-85 4.584E4CE RB-86 1.983E+05 1.035E+07 8.804E+09 5.816E+08 3.779E+04 7.150E-45 0.000E+00 4.374E-22 RS-88 5.624E+02 1.452E+05 1.715E-53 0.000E+00 1.642E-26 RB -89 3.452E+02 2.509E+04 6.618E+09 4.815E+08 3.593E+10 SR-89 2.157E+06 0.000E+00 1.117E+11 1.040E+10 1.243E+12 SR-90 1.010E+0B 2.511E+06 2.878E+05 5.292E-10 1.157E+06 SR-91 1.739E+05 8.631E+05 4.134E+01 3.492E-48 1.378E+04 SR-92 2.424E+05 6.569E+07 2.679E+05 5.308E+03 9.171E+05 4.879E+05 Y-90 1.737E-05 2.812E+03 1.161E+05 5.198E-16 0.000E+00 ,

Y-91M 2.464E+09 2.627E+06 1.207E+06 5.199E+06 2.400E+08 Y-91 ~4.576E+04 4

2.390E+05 2.142E+05 7.310E+00 6.959E-35 Y-92 4.462E+06 Y-93 3.885E+05 2.534E+05 1.573E+04 1.547E-07 2.837E+0B 8.786E+05 6.106E+08 8.843E+0S 1R-95 2.231E+06 1.248E+07 1R-97 3.511E+05 3.445E+06 4.199E+04 7.015E-01 1.605E+08 2.287E+0B 2.228E+09 2.949E+0S i N>-95 6.142E+05 1.647E+07

  • 1.354E+05 4.626E+06 1.738E+08 2.456E+05 N0=-99 5.255E+03 4.810E+03 2.109E+05 1.474E+04 6.915E-18 1C-99M 4.123E-29 SC-101 5.846E+02 2.277E+04 5.593E 0.000E+00 1.265E+08 1.10BE+05 4.009E+09 3.971E+0B h 103 6.623E+05 5.981E+04 h 105 9.953E+04 1.212E+05 2.493E+00 5.885E-25 5.049E+08 1.437E+06 6.902E+10 1.159E+:0 0 106 1.432E+07 2.581E+09 AG-110M 5.476E+06 4.019E+09 1.678E410 6.742E+08 i

GueD GRE, ISIIT 1 2.0-17 . Rev. 1 - 7/83 L


. . l ',/ f TAmr 2.2-2b (Continued)

( 1 PATih76 DCSE FAC'ICRS (Ri) EVR TEDEICA1, SPECIFICATIONS AND su;uCN 2.2.2.b Page 2 of 2

( CHI _' D ) ( CH ~._O I N.A. ( CHIID ) .

( CHILD ) ( )


-1Swwi INHAI N IQG GEUND FIASE GRS/CCM/m GRS /CCE/F.:AT 2.128E+06 7.377E+07 5.690E+08 3.5C6E-65

~TE-125M 4.773E+05 3.769E+09 1.083E+05 5.932Et08 5.060E+09

'IE-127M 1.480E+06 3.903E45 3.293E+03 1.191E+05 1.607E-0B TE-127 5.624E+04 2.460E+09 2.305E+07 7.961E+0B 5.245E+09

'IE-129M 1.761E+06 7.204E-02 3.076E+04 6.166E-08 0.000E+00 TE-129 2.549E+04 2.163E+07

-.3.078E+05 9.459E+06 2.244E+07 9.815E+03 dE-131M ~0.000E+00 ;1.349E-14 2.054E+03 "3.450E+07 9.489Fe32 Tre131 4.551E+07 9.325E+06 3.111E+07

'IE-132 3.774E+05 4.968E+06 3.845E+08 6.758E-04 1.370E+08

I-130 21.846E+06 ' 6.692E-06 ~~

4.333E+11 25.503E+09 .4.754E+10

~ I-131 " 1.624E+07 2.089E+07 5.129E+01 '2.429E-57 '*l.314E+03 I-132 1.935E+05 1.452E406 3.945E+09 1.304E+02 8.113E+0S I-133 3.848E+06 2.981E+06 5.305E+05 3.624E-10 0.000E+00 6.622E-03 I-134 5.069E+04 9.973E+C6 7.918E+05 2.947E+06 8.607E+06 1.039E-14 I-135 1.513E+09 2.631E+'.0 CS-134 1.104E+06 8.007E+09 3.715E+10 1.702E+0B 2.773E+09 4.426E+07 2.247E+08 CS-136 1.709E+05 2.392E+10 0 CS-137 CS-138 9.065E+05 8.399E+02 1.201E+10 4.102E+05 1.194E405 3.224E+10 5.528E-23 1.231E-05 1.334E+09 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 9.133E-11 2.950E+00 BA-139 5.772E+04 2.767E+0B 1.743E+06 2.346E+07 1.171E+08 4.384E+07 BA-140 0.000E+00 1.605E-21 BA-141 2.919E+03 4.734E+04 1.210E-45 5.064E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.105E-39 BA-142 1.643E+03 3.166E+07 2.257E+05 2.180E+07 1.894E+05 5.492E+02 1A-140 0.000E+00 1.582E+0',

IA-142 7.585E+04 8.BB6E+05 2.904E-06 1.540E+07 1.361E+07 1.382E+07 4.062E-05 CE-141 5.439E+05 1.364E+07 1.273E+05 2.627E+06 1.488E+06 2.516E+02 CE-143 1.893E+0S 1.039E+10 CE-144 1.195E+07 8.032E+07 1.326E+08 7.754E+05 3.609E+07 1.575E+0B

!"-14 4.329E+05 0.000E+00 2.040E-50 0.000E+00 3.829E-23 PR-144 1.565E+03 2.112E+03 5.712E+05 1.505E+07 9.197E+07 ND-147 3.282E+05 1.009E+07 2.420E+06 2.790E+00 5.35CE+06 W-187 9.102E+04 2.740E+06 9.138E+04 2.232E+03 1.357E+07 NP-239 6.401E+04 1.976E+06 1

Units: Inhalation and all txitiun patNays - mrsn/yr per uCi/m' Others - m2 . mrem /yr per uci/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 asstrptions unless otherwise indicated.

l 4

GRAND E1IE, UNIT 1 2.0-18 ,

Dev. 1 - 7/83

s- . . ,

... .
  • L, TABLE 2.2-2c 1



Pge l of 2 (m;M.) N.A. (TEM 7G3) (m;;74E?) (w;A291 M GROCP ( )


~SCIGE 1 INHA1ATIOti 1 1.272E+03 0.000E+00 9.941E+02 1.938E+02 2.56EE-03

'H-3 C-14 2.600E+04 0.000E+00 4.859E+08 2.040E+08 3.690I-08 1.376E+04 1.385E+07 4.255E+06 1.084E-03 2.389E-05 NA-24 1.88BE+06 0.000E+00 3.153E+10 3.931E+09 1.60SE-09 P-32 2.096E+04 5.506E+06 8.387E+06 9.471E+05 1.037E+07 CR-51 1.984E+06 1.62SE+09 2.875E+07 1.436E+07 9.320E+08 304- 54

) ' 5.'744E+04 41.068E+06 <4.856E-01 .8.302E-52 9.451E+02 sei-56 1.240E+05 0.000E+00 74.454E+07 '2.382E+0B 3.259E*08 FI-55 9.895E-08 TE-59 1.52BE*06 3.204E+0B L2.861E+08 1.171E+09

{1.344E+06 , 54.464E+08 '1'095E+0B 1.942E+08 6.034E+08

!CD-58' .

8.720E+06 2.532E+10 3.621E+08 7.600E+08 3.238E+09 Co-60 5.800E+05 0.000E+00 1.182E+10 1.519E+10 1.606E-10 NI-63 3.672E+04 3.451E+05 4.692E+00 1.305E-51 3.966E+02 NI-65 6.465E+05 CD-64 6.144E+04 6.876E+05 3.293E+06 1.713E-05 1.240E+06 8.583E+08 7.315E+09 8.688E+08 1.471E+09 ZN-65 ZN-69 1.584E+03 0.000E+00 1.760E-11 0.000E+00 2.067E-05 1.790E-01 5.066E-57 2.911E+00

} BR-83 BR-84 3.440E+02 4.32BE*02 7.079E+03 2.363E+05 2.877E-23 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.251E-11 0.000E+00 BR-85 1.832E*01 0.000E400 0.000E400 1.904E*05 1.035E+07 4.746E+09 4.101E+0B 2.772E+0B RB-86 RB-88 5.456E+02 3.779E+04 3.886E-45 0.000E400 3.16SE-22 RB-89 3.520E+02 1.452E+05 9.774E-54 0.000E+00 1.247E-26 2.416E+06 2.509E+04 2.674E+09 2.545E+0B 1.513E+10 SR-89 1.080E+0B 0.000E+00 6.612E+10 8.049E+09 7.507E+11 SP-90 2.592E+05 2.511E+06 2.409E+05 .5.794E-10 1.291E+06 SR-91 1.192E+05 8.631E+05 2.277E+01 2.516E-48 1.012E+04 SR-92 5.592E+05 5.308E+03 1.074E+06 7.470E+05 1.025E+08 Y-90 3.200E+03 1.161E+05 5.129E-18 0.000E+00 2.285E-07 Y-91M 2.936E+06 1.207E+06 6.475E+06 3.910E+0B 3.212E+09 Y-91 1.64BE+05 2.142E+05 2.828E+00 3.522E-35 2.360E+04 Y-92 5.792E+05 2.534E+05 1.312E+04 1.68SE-07 4.983E-06 Y-93 2.688E+06 2.837E+08 1.201E+06 1.092E+09 1.253E+09 2R-95 6.304E+05 3.445E+06 4.225E+04 9.231E-01 1.673E+07 2R-97 1.605E+08 3.338E+0B 4.251E 39 4.551E+0B 3D-95 7.512E+05 2.688E+05 4.626E+06 1.023E+0B 1.892E+05 1.293E+07 30-99 6.128E+03 2.109E+05 1.055E+04 6.471E-18 5.011E+03 1C-99M 6.672E+02 2.277E+04 3.287E-58 0.000E+00 3.229E-29 TC-101 7.832E+05 1.265E+08 1.513E+05 7.162E+09 5.706E+0B h 103 4.039E+04 h 105 9.040E+04 7.212E+05 1.263E+00 3.900E-25 1.608E+07 5.049E+C8 1.799E+06 1.130E+11 1.484E+10 h 106 4.019E+09 2.559E+10 1.345E+09 4.031E+09 h 110M 6.752E+06 l ,



GRNO GUIE, IMIT 1 2.0-19 ,

Itev. 1 - 7/83


~- ~^ l TM3LE 2.2-2c (Continued) 1 PA'MGY DOSE FACICRS (Ri) FOR TEDNICAL SPECIFICATICNS MD SECTICE 2.2.2.b hp 2 0f 2 N.A. ) (n.uiAGER) b r :.rE.) (n.:_ c-3 I W".F GROL*P (n.uMER) (


~ISCWr. 8.941E+08 4.375E-06 5.360E+05 2.128E+06 8.863E+07 TE-125M 3.816E+09 2.236E-09 TE-127M 1.656E+06 1.083E+05 3.420E+0B 3.293E+03 9.572E+04 1.689E-08 4.18CE-05

'!E-127 8.080E+04 1.50BE-09 1.976E+06 2.305E+07 4.602E+0B 3.966E+09 TE-129M 0.000E+00 3.418E-03 T2. '9 3.296E+03 3.076E+04 2.1%E-09 9.459E+06 2.529E+07 1.447E+04 3.248E+07 TE-1. 6.208E+05 6.099E-15 2.336E+03 .3.450E+07 ,2.879E-32 0.000E+00 ME-131 '2.300E+07 c"7.81BE+07

' TFe132 ~4.632E+05 / 4.%8E+06 8.581E+07 .:

6.692E+06 1.742E+0B - 4.005E-04 8.276E-07 I-130 1.48SE+06 . 3.140E+10 11.464E+07 ;2.089E+07 ' 2.195E+11 3.645E+09 mI-131 ^ 2.'242E+0', - i.389E-57 4.262E+03

'I-132 7 .512E+D5 '1.'452E+06 2.981E+06 1.674E+09 7.234E+01 4.58 E-CB I-133 2.920E+06 3.854E-03 3.952E+04 5.305E+05 1.583E-10 0.000E+00 I-134 5.963E-15 5.832E+06 I-135 6.208E+05 2.947E+06 3.777E+06 8.007E+09 2.310E+10 1.231E+09 1.671E+10 CS-134 1.128E+06 1.70SE+0B 1.936E+05 1.702E+08 1.759E+09 3.671E+07 Q CS-136 8.480E+05 1.201E+10 1.781E+10 9.634E+08 1.348E+10 L/ CS-137 4.102E+05 3.149E-23 0.000E+00 6.935E-11 CS-138 8.560E*02 2.472I-01 6.464E+03 1.194E+05 7.741E-07 0.000E+00 BA-139 2.130E+08 2.032E+06 2.346E+07 7.483E+07 3.663E+07 BA-140 0.000E+00 8.699E-22 BA-141 3.288E+03 4.734E+04 4.922E-46 5.064E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.269E-39 BA-142 1.912E+03 5.104E+07 4.872E+05 2.180E+07 2.291E+05 8.689E+02 IA-140 0.000E40 1.86BE+00 IA-142 1.200E+04 8.886E+05 2.574E-07 1.540E+07 1.696E+07 2.252E+07 5.404E+08 i 2-141 6.136E+05

'3.695E+02 2.040E+07 I CFel43 2.552E+05 2.627E+06 1.671E+06 8.032E+07 1.655E+08 3.089E+08 1.326E+10 G-144 1.336E+07 2.310E*08 4.832E+05 0.000E+00 9.553E+05 5.817E+07 PR-143 3.097E-26 1.752E+03 2.112E+03 1.238E-53 0.000E+00 PR-144 1.424E+0E 3.720E*05 1.009E+07 7.116E+05 2.452E+07 ND-147 7.839E+06 1.768F+05 2.740E+06 2.646E+06 3.989E-00 W-187 2.097E+07 1.320E+05 1.976E+06 1.060E+05 3.387E+03 NP-239 Stits: Inhalation and all trititzn pathways - mren/yr per uCi/m3 l1 Others - ma . aren/yr per uCi/sec I

values based on standard NUREG-0133, section 5.3.1 assmptions unless otherwise, indicated.

J GRMD GEE, GET 1 2.0-20 . Fev.1 - 7/83

_-_w______-___. - . - - - -_ . - - - .


  • s.., ,

7.-. .: .. ,

a.: v

~~ ~~

TABLE 2.2-2d 1



~ISCICPE 2.26.E-03 1.264E+03 0.000E+00 7.629E+02 3.248E+02 1 H-3 2.414E+0S 2.276E-C8 C-14 1.816E+04 0.000E+00 2.634E+08 1.385E+07 2.438E+06 1.356E-03 2.690E-05 NA-24 1.024E+04 1.403E-09 1.320E+06 0.000E+00 1.709E+10 4.651E+09 P-32 1.772E+06 1.16BE+07 CR-51 1.440E44 5.506E+06 7.187E+06 1.625E+09 2.57BE+07 2.812E+07 9.585E+08 sei-54 1.400E+06 ml.068E+06 1.328E-01 -4.958E-52 5.082E+02

' 304- 5 6 '2.024E-04

~7.208E+04 0.000E+00 2.511E+07 ' " ,2.933E+08 22.096E*08 FE-55 9.875E+08 1.016E-06 3.204E+08 2.32EE+08 x2.080E+09 iFE-59 4 i6.252E+08 9.280E+05 ' 4.464E+08 9.565E+07 "3.703E+08 ICD-55 3.139E*09 5.96BE406 2.532E+10 3.082E+08 1.413E+09 Co-60 1.040E-10 4.320E+05 0.000E+00 6.729E+09 1.BBBE+10 NI-63 2.026E+02 1.232E+04 3.451E405 1.219E+00 7.405E-52 NI-65 2.307E-05 7.841E4 5 l1 CU-64 4.896E+04 6.876E+05 2.031E+06 8.640E+05 8.583E+08 4.365E+09 1.132E+09 1.009E+(9 ZN-65 1.202E-05 9.200E+02 0.000E+00 5.207E-12 0.000E+00 IN-69 4.475E+00 BR-83 2.408E+02 7.079E+03 1.399E-01 8.64BE-57 l1 2.363E+05 1.609E-23 0.000E+00 2.475E-11 BR-84 3.120E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E400 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BR-85 1.280E+01 1.035E+07 2.604E+09 4.914E+08 2.217E+08 RB-86 1.352E+05 3.872E+02 3.779E+04 2.139E-45 0.000E+00 3.428E-22 RB-88 1.385E-26 2.560E+02 1.452E+05 5.523E-54 0.000E+00 RB-89 9.961E+C9 1.400E+06 2.509E44 1.451E+09 3.014E+08 SR-89 6.046E+11 9.920E+07 0.000E+00 4.680E+10 1.244E+10 SR-90 1.451E+06 1.912E+05 2.511E+06 1.377E+05 7.233E-10 SR-91 8.452E+03 4.304E+04 8.631E+05 9.675E+00 2.334E-48 SR-92 1.410E+08 5.056E405 5.308E+03 7.511E+05 1.141E+06

, Y-90 1.527E-08 1.920E+03 1.161E+05 1.743E-19 0.000E+00 Y-91M 2.814E+09 1.704E46 1.207E+06 4.726E+06 6.231E+08 Y-91 1.603E+04 i-92 7.352E+04 2.142E+05- 9.772E-01 2.657E-35 2.534E+05 7.388E+03 2.075E-07 5.517E-06 Y-93 4.216E+05 2.837E+08 9.587E+05 1.903E+09 1.194E+09 ZF-95 1.768E+06 3.445E+06 2.707E+04 1.292E+00 2.108E47 ZR-97 5.232E45 4.798E+08 5.04BE+05 1.605E+08 2.786E+08 7.748E+09 36-95 1.426E+07 2.480E+05 4.626E+06 5.741E+07 2.318E+C5 h 99 5.187E+03 D 99M 4.160E+03 2.109E+05 5.553E+03 7.439E-18 2.277E+04 1.813E-58 0.000E+00 3.502E-29 W 101 3.992E+02 5.57'E+0B l

5.048E+05 1.265E+08 1.189E+05 1.299E+10 l

h 103 3.294E+04 h 105 4.816E+04 7.212E+05 5.240E-01 3.533E-25 5.049E+08 1.320E+06 1.811E+11 1.247E+10 h 106 - 9.360E+06 3.979E+09 G 110M 4.632E+06 4.019E+09 2.19BE+10 2.523E+09 GRAPO GUIE, UNIT 1 2.0-21 Dev. 1 - 7/83


, at:1 ... .

TABLE 2.2-2d (Continued) - !



SECTIS 2.2.2.b l


Page 2 of 2 N. A. i ADULT ) ( ADULT ;n._ -

IrF GROUP ( ADULT ) ( ( ) ( 3


TE-125M 3.136E+05 2.128E+06 6.626E+07 1.460E+09 3.927E-M TE-127M 9.600E+05 1.083E+05 1.860E+0B 4.531E+09 1.41EE+09 TE-127 5.736E+04 3.293E+03 5.278E+04 2.034E-08 4.532E+05

. TE-129M 1.160E+06 2.305E+07 3.028E+08 5.698E+09 1.261E-09

'JE-129 1.936E+03 3.076E+04 9.167E-10 0.000E+00 2.80EE-03 TE-131M 5.560E+05 9.459E+06 1.753E+07 2.190E+04 4.428E+07 I

N -131 0~1392E+03 '3.450E+D7 AL578E-32 /0.000E+00 c6.575E-15 TE-132 5.096E+05 4.968E+06 17.324E+07 4.287E+07 '1.312E+08

,I-130 1.136E+06 . 6.692E+06 ' '1.050E+08 ~ 5.272E-04 9.809E+07 1 "I-131 1 192E+07  ! 2.089E+07 1.388E+11 15.034E+09 .:3~.785E-10 I-132 1.144E+05 1.452E+06 1.342E+01 1.816E-57 5.016E+03 I-133 2.152E+06 2.981E+06 9.891E+08 9.336E+01 5.331E+C9

1-134 2.984E+C4 5.305E+05 9.491E-11 0.000E+00 4.544E-03

! I-135 4.480E+05 2.947E+06 2.217E+06 7.644E-15 6.731E+06 CS-134 8.480E+05 8.007E+09 1.345E+10 1.565E+09 1.110E+10 l 1.675E+0S

, CS-136 1.464E+05 1.702E+08 1.036E+09 4.724E+07 CS-137 6.208E+05 1.201E+10 1.010E+10 1.193E+09 8.696E+09 CS-138 6.208E+02 4.102E+05 1.786E-23 0.000E+00 7.730E-11 BA-139 3.760E+03 1.194E+05 8.322E-08 0.000E+00 5.225E-02

BA-140 1.272E+06 2.346E+07 5.535E+07 5.917E+07 2.646E+0E BA-141 1.936E+03 4.734E+04 2.677E-46 0.000E+00 9.305E-22 BA-142 1.192E+03 5.064E+04 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.463E-39 i IA-140 4.584E+05 2.180E+07 1.672E+05 1.385E+03 7.327E+07 IA-142 6.328E+03 8.886E+05 3.503E-08 0.000E+00 4.999E-01 CE-141 3.616E+05 1.540E+07 1.253E+07 3.632E+07 5.097E+08 CE-143 2.264E+05 2.627E+06 1.149E+06 5.547E+02 2.758E+07 i

G-144 7.776E+06 8.032E+07 1.209E+08 4.928E+08 1.112E+10 7.'. 143 2.808E405 0.000E+00 6.923E+05 9.204E+07 2.748E+0E PR-144 1.016E+03 2.112E+03 6.716E-54 0.000E+00 3.303E-26 ND-147 2.208E+05 1.009E*07 5.231E+05 3.935E+07 1.853E+0S W-187 1.552E+05 2.740E+06 1.796E+06 '5.912E+00 1.046E+07 i NP-239 1.192E+05 1.976E+06 7.385E@4 5.152E+03 2.872E+07 Osits: Inhalation and all t.ritian pat} ways - mram/yr per uci/m2 'l1 Others - ma . arem/yr per uCi/sec Values based on standard NUREG-0133, section 5.3.1 assmptiass unless otherwise indicated. .

o .l l

eues any, tatIT 1 2.0-22 nev. 1 - 7/83.

    • ~ ,
  • ~ ~ '



TABLE 2.2-3 CMWttTNG RECEPIORS, lirATIONS, A'O PKITHAYS Distance Origin Sectnr (Meters) Pathway Ace Grcr.:o (for info only)

N 2816 Vegetation Child - garden NE 2414 Vegetation Child - ga.*

NE 1062 In.Ml/Grd Plane Infant - residence D2 4826 Vegetation Child - garden E 2414 Vegetation Child - ga. %


4426 Vegetation ~ O.ild - garden TSE '3299 ;Inhal/Grd Mane - Jnfznt

  • residence SSE 1690 Inhal/Grd Plane Infant - residence S 1770 Inha1/Grd Plane Infant - residence SSR 3734 Inhal/Grd Plane Infant - residence SW 1432 Inhal/Grd Plane Infant - residence WSW 8047 Cow / Milk Infant - hy W tical W 8047 Cow / Milk Infant - hypo +Jetical RE 6437 Inha1/Grd Plane Infant - residence NR 8047 Cow / Milk Infant - hy @ tical RM 1738 Inha1/Grd Plane Infant - residence Table based on Reference 4, Tables 5.2.8 and 6.1.26.

l l

l i



0 ammo auzi, uurr 1 2.0-23 pev o - s/s2 l-l e- .-. -

4 s-

  • -n8-

! i.. ' * ~'-'~

5- - ~ * -

2.3 Meteerclogical Model


2.3.1 The atrnospheric dispersion for all gaseous releases is calculated using a ground-level, wake-split forin of the straight line ficw nodel.

3 X/O = at::ospherie dispersion (sec/m )

= 2.03 E k ru I Where, r = distance (m) frcrn release point to location of

^ '

6 = p1tre depletion factor at distance r.#s.

Figurc 2.3-1.

u = wind speed at ground level (m/sec) k = oper. terrain recirculation factor at distance i r, frcrn Figure 2.3.4

{= the lesser of (e Tr ,

2+b2)h or [e Mbcre, E = vertical standard deviation (m) of the p1tre at distance r for ground-level releases under the stability categcry indicated by h, frcr. 2.3-2.

T = tenperature differential with vertical separa-tion ('K/100m) b = height of the reactor building = 53.3m.

L) ~.

2.0-24 Rev. 0 - 8/82 GRMC GU1E, IMIT 1 1

F -

,-- ~ .....,

..' s

2. 3. 2, ,

pelative deposition per unit area for all releases is calculated for a ground level release as follows:


-2 D/Q = relative deposition per unit area (m 3

= 2.55 (Dg) r Where, D = relative deposition rate at distance r for 9

) .p A.d level-Teleases'frtrvFigurm 2.3-3.

1 l

O l

spuum cozy, uuT 1 2.0-25 nr 0 - 8/82



TABLE 2.3-1 u


m;2vR X/O D/O i ~ ~9 N 5.468 x 10 1.840 x 10

~ ~

NNE 4.079 x 10 1.600 x 10 '

-6 5.759 x 10

~9 NE 1.121 x 10

-8 -10

3NE 7.044.x 10 3.207 x 10 ,

~ -9 E 2.283 x 10 1~.093 x 10

~9 -10 ESE 7.188 x'10  ?.520 x 10

~ -0 SE 1.817 x 10 8.420 x 10

~ -9 SSE 7.600 x 10 3.300 x 10

-6 -9 S 1.219 x 10 3.809 x 10

~ -0 SSW 4.113 x 10 8.261 x 10

-6 4.440 x 10

~9 SW 3.001 x 10

~ -0 WSW 3.931 x 10 3.177 x 10

~ -10 W 4.259 x 10 3.476 x 10

~ -0 WE 4.359 x 10 4.662 x 10

~7 -10 NW 1.548 x 10 2.733 x 10

-6 -9 NNW 1.373 x 10 4.174 x 10 l


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, hvironmental Report, Table


O 2.0-26 pev. 1 - 7/83 grate CMIE, LalIT 1


!v l U 2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Parameters



> height of reactor building (m) (2.3.1) b =


C = count rate of the station vent m:nitor to l grab sa ple radionuclide concentrations (2.1.1)  !

C' = count rate of station vent m:nitor correspond 2ng to a 1.0 uCi/ml concentration of Xe-133 (2.1.2) c = count rate of the contain ent pcmge alter for radio-nuclide concentrations to be discha.W (2.1.2) c' = ccer.t rate of the containment panje rionitor corresponding to a 1.0 uCi/ml concentration of Xe-133 (2.1.2)

Tg = > relative deposi_jan t rate for ground level releases frcra Figure 2.3-3 (m ) (2.3.2)

'Do = average organ Mose rate 'in current year (mren) (2.2.1.b)

D = dose to an individaal fr rn radiciodines and radicreaclides P in particulate fom, with half-life greater than eight days (mrem) (2.2.2.b)

> D = average skin dose rate in current year (mren) (2.2.1.a) s Dg = average total bodi dose rate in current year (mrm)


= air dose due to beta e-issices frczn ncble gas radic-D, nuclide i (mrad) (2.2.2.a)

Dy = air dose due to gama erdssions fzun noble. gas radic-nuclide i (mrad) (2.2.2.a) ,

D/O = relative depcsition per unit area (m-2) (2.3.2)

E = plume depletion factor at distance r for appropriate stability class and effective height frczn Figures 2.3-2 and 2.3-3. (2.3.1)

F = fraction of current year elapsed at ti:te of calculatica (2.1.1) k = open terrain recirculation factor at distance r frczn Figure 2.3-1 (2.3.1)

, n 2.0-27 ,yiev, o . 8/82 GRAE GEF,IMIT 2


. ... I

.. ...;y y! I

-- -M g 2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Parameters (Continued) - - l f K = total body dose factor for Kr-89, the nest restrictive l

isotope (mren/yr per uCi/m2), frcrn Table 2.1-1 (2.1.2)

Kg = total body dose factor due to gama ernissions from isotope 1 (mrern/yr per uCi/m2) frcrn Table 2.1-1 (2.1.1)

Dg = liriting dose rate to the total body based on the lirit of 500 mrem in one year. (2.1.1) i D = limiting dose rate to the skin based on the lirit of ss 3000 rrem in one year. (2.1.1)

= limiting dose rate to the total body based en the 1 D'2 limit of 500 mrum in cme year (containrent purJe) (2.1. 2) 1 liriting dose rate to the skin based en' the lirit of D'ss = 3000 =er. in one year (containment pwge) (2.1.2)

D"g = limiting dose rate to the total body based on the conservative dose rate of 500 mrer/ year. (tb+a 2) limiting dose rate to the skin based on the D"ss = conservative dose rate of 3000 mrem / year. (Note 2)

L = skin cbse factor for Kr-89, the nest restrictive isotope (rre/yr per uC1/m2) frcra Table 2.1-1 (2.1.2)

Lj = skin dose factor due to beta emissions frcrn isotepe i

(=e-/yr per uCi/m2) frcrn Table 2.1-1 (2.1.1)

M = air dose factor for Kr-89, the nest restrictive isotope (rrad/yr per uCi/m2), frcrn Table 2.1-1 (2.1.2)

= air dose factor due to gamna emissions frtr, isotope i M*. (rrad/yr per uCi/m2) frcr. Table 2.1-1 (2.1.1)

N. = air dose factor due to beta er-issions frtr. noble cas 1 radionuclide i (mrad /yr per uCi/m2) frcrn Table 2.5-1 (2.2.2.a)

P = dose Wa~cter for radicmclide i, (&yr p GmH 3 for inhalation frtrn (m2. mrer-/yr per uCi/sec) for other l

pathways, from Table 2.2-1 (2.2.1.b) l

= rate of release of noble gas radicmuelide 1 (uci/sec)


(2.1.1)  !

E1 = average rate of release of noble gas radicmuelide i for O the elapsed fraction of the year F (uCi/sec) (2.1.1)

GRAND CERE, LNIT 1 2.0-28 ,mev. 0 - 8/82 I

l 1

F '


r e

. 2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Pararxters (Continued)

( / .

= average release rate of isotope i of radiciodine or Q'1 other radicmuclide in particulate form, with half-life greater than eight (8) days in the current year (uci/sec)


Og = cunulative release of noble gas radienulide i over the period of interest (uCi) (2.2.2.a)


. = cu-ulative release of radienuclide i of iodine er material in particulate form over the period of interese (uCil (2.2.2.b)

= rate of release of noble gas radienuclide i (uci/sec) gg (2.1.2)

V3 -= . averageTate of release of noble gas. radio:niclide i frcr-the elapsed fraction of the yearT (uci/sec) (2.1.~ 2) 0" =

  • assigned release rate value of, .for exar.ple, .1.0 uCi/see, Xe-133; related to defia.ition of C' for the vent.

(Note 3) release rate fztrn contai. Tent pt,ge associated with c)" =

maxir. flow frcrn system and concentration specified fer

  • c'. (Note 3)

R. = dose facter for radienuclide i, (mrarn/yr per uCi/m3) or 1 (m8. mre-/yr per uCi/sec)

R = count rate per mrer/yr to the skin. (2.1.1) s E = M A raw p & p to & M 1 % . (2.1.1) t

= conservative count rate per mrem / the skin, R"s (2.1.2)

= conservative count rate per mrem /yr to the total R"t body (Xe-133 detection, Kr-89 dose). (2.1.2) r = distance (m) frtzn release point to location of interest for dispersion calculation. (2.3.1) r = count rate per mnn/yr to the skin for contaiment purge ,

l s monitor only. (2.1.2) l r = count rate per mrer/yr to the total body for cxmtairrent t purge FDnitor only. (2.1.2) l l


= conservative count rate per mrem /yr to the skin for l r"" contaiment purge only. (2.1. 2) ygg1 2.0-29 Itev. 0 - 8/82 n- ,- - , - - , , + - , , .- , , - - ,

7 1

_-. . ~ . . . -

,s,.,'  : h 3. .' '

2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Paraceters (Continued)

) -

I"t = Conservative count rate per mrera/yr to the total body for contaiment purge only. (2.1.2) .,



= count rate of containrent ptmje noble gas nonitor at l S

d ala:m setpoint level. (2.1.2)

Sy = ccunt rate of station vent noble gas nonitor at alam setpoint level. (2.1.1) vertical standard deviation of the pltre with buildir.g 2= wake correction (m). (2.3.1)

  1. = vertical standard deviation (m) of the pltre at distance r for effective height under stability catesc.f indicated by T(m) fran Figure 2.3-2. (2.3.1)

T = terperature differential with: vertical'separatien

(*K/100m). -(2.3.1) u = w2nd speed at ground level (nVsec). (2.3.1)

W = controlling sector annual average atmospheric dispersicr.

at the site boundary fcr the appropriate pat.Way (sec/m8). (2.2.1.b)

W' = relative concentration for unrestricted areas (se:/m2) .


X/O = atnespheric dispersion (sec/m2) (2.3.1)

X/O = highest sector annual average at:mspheric dispersion at the unrestricted area bounda:y (sec/m2) (2.1.1)

X/O' = relative concentration for unrestricted areas (sec/m3)


Gwe REF,1 NIT 2 2.0-30 Inev. 0 - 8/82


  • Fi; re 2.?-l Pl.; e " Die.1:,n if'ec- fr Sci PC '.svei k IP.ues (All Atm:soneric Stemility Classes) g h

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'- 2.0-32 Fev. 0 - 8/82 GRAND GULF. UNIT 1

_ l'



.i v e 2.3-3 I.21211re Dep:$ition for Groug *evel Reltas0s



(t.11 *.tm:spne ic Stability C1:sses) .. .


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Graph taken from Reference 7. Figure 6 Rev. 0 - 8/82 i-Ic 2.0-33 sRano sutr, unli 1 L  !


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    • j""8' (REPRI5E*lTATIVE

- U OF 2 PCR IalT) muring nonnal operations the &snister and filter urtits (prefilters, charcoal train.

filters and }G:PA filters) are not installed in later date when the filter and demister are installed.Taken from Refere .

2.0-35 Dev. 1 - 7/83 GU@D GUIE, LMIT 1 .


1 3.0 RADIrver:TCAL DNIRCPHENTAL MONTIORING Sanpling locations as required in section 3/4.12.1 of the Radiolo-i gical Effluent 'Nchnical Specification are described in Table 3.0-1 l3 thtough 3.0-3 and shown on maps in Figures 3.0-1 through 3.0-4.


- ;. . . ". L i {

~ . . . .

.i-l 6

l 3-GRAND GU2 ,IMIT 1 3.0-1 pev. 1 - 7/83

, - , . , . . - - . . , , , , , , , . + . , ,

,,,- ..w. -

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TABLE 3.0-1 (tur) > AIR SAMPLER MMIICN SITES . . _ . _ _ . - - . _ _

, I

~ ' . , , [,_.[

AIR N R l ly{ },',

i 3.0-3 SoutNest of GGNS at the Port Gibson City Bar..

  • AS-1 PG (Sector G Radius 5 miles) 3.0-2 North Northeast of GGNS, on Hwy 61 South a:: ss AS-2 61N from the Yokena Church. Approximately 20 miles  !;

frsa GGNS. (Sector B Radius 13 miles) 3.0-2 North Northeast of Gals on Hwy 61 south at the

  • AS-3 61 VA Vicksburg Airport. (Sector B Radius 18 miles) 3.0-1 iSoutNest of GCNS. Gladjo.ywy=rty on Waterloo
  • AS-4 (UCE Road.- (Sector L Radius .9 miles)

I 3.0-1 South'of GGNS behind MP&L tras.ning' center

  • 1
  • AS-5'N building. (Sector J Radius .5 miles) 3.0-1 Northeast of GGNS, South of Grand Gulf Road.

AS-6 RS (Sectcr C Radius .8 miles) l l

  • AS-7 MT 3.0-1 North of GGNS. Iccated next to the net tower and met tower control building. (Sector A Radius .8 miles) 3.0-1 East of GGNS, located at Maggie Jackson's AS-8 rn trailer on Waterloo Road near the Eastern Site Boundary. (Sector E Radius .5 miles) 3.0-1 North of GQis, located in Grand Gulf Militar.-

AS-9 GCEP Park. (Sector A Radius 1*5 miles) .

West NortNest of GGNS, located at Newe11 ton, l AS-10 NLT 3.0-3

' Iouisiana. (Sector P Radius 12.5 miles) l 3.0-3 West SoutNest of GGNS, located at St. Joseph, AS-11 STJ l

Imuisiana. (Sector M Radius 13.0 miles)


  • M.nical Specification requiretants

' Fran Grand Gulf Nuclear Ctation's Annual Radiological Dwizomental Operating Report, 1982.

  • l 3.0-2 Rev.1 - 7/83 GRNO GXF,12f1T 1 .

__J----______.____ - . . . - , - - - - - - . . . ._y--..wm, _ . . . - -



, i 'J 7 . '

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TABLE 3.0-2

, - MIsm AN5n_!s mi WIICN SITES awr PAGE 1 of 2 -


Ficure 3.0-3 Iccated Southwest of GG;S.

Alecrn State L%iversity*

(Sector K Radius 10.5 miles) 3.0-3 Iccated Southeast of GG;5.

Rost:0 Johnson fam (Sector G Radius 9 miles) 3.0-3 Iccated in Icuisiana West Hazetta Warren fam NortNest of GGNS. (Sector N Mum 8.5 miles)

' CISTERN 1CCER 3.0-4 located . east of GGSS'at the

1. Trimble Cistern
  • Trimble Tenant House. (Secur E 1

Radius .5 miles)

Willis Ciste:n* 3.0-3 Iocated at the C.E. Willis house

2. East Northeast of CC;S across frczn the Shiloh Baptist Church.

(Sector D Radius 6 miles)

GRoaO %~n 3.0-4 PCRT GIBSO; WE:1 - Taken at Port

1. PGC l* Gibson City Water lift Station.

(Sector G Radius 5.0 miles) 3.0-4 GRAND GUIE MILITARY PARK - Taken

2. GGMIWELL frcan faucet at the Grand Gulf Military Park. (Sector A Radius 1.7 miles)

'IRIMBLE house faucet. (Sector E TRINE:1* 3.0-4 3 Radius 0.7 miles) 3.0-3 Taken frcan faucet at the bath

4. IAKE BRUIN house in Iake Bruin State Park, louisiana. (Sector M Radius 9.9 miles)
  • Technical Specification requirertents Frtrn Grand Gulf Nuclear Station's Annual Radiological Dwircrsrental Operating Report, 1982.

3.0-3 Dev.1 - 7/83 GRAND GUIF,IMIT 1



',  :, TABLE 3.0-2 (CChTINUID)

Page 2 of 2 SURfA~E %RTER Figure Upstream

  • 3.0-4 500-1500 yards upstream of the 02:5 outfall to allcw adequate nuxing of the Mississippi and Big Black Rivers. (Sector C)

I Downstream

  • 3.0-4 1500 yards dcunstree of GG;5 outfall, near the nest scmthern radial well. (Sector N)

Discharge Basin

  • 3.0-4 West of GGNS, 0.5 miles, l


< Broad.Imaf Vegetation

  • 3.0-4 / South of GGNS in the MPC., garde.

Tsar 'the' training- omnter, er South Sout] west in Glodjo garden, or areas adjacent to these gardens. (Sector J, 0.4 miles) m Iake Cimihnrne Willis galden 1 l

(Sector E, 3.0 miles)

Nelson Truck Faz2n (Sector I, 4.5 miles)

FISH SAMPLES 3.0-4 Dcunstream of the discharge Catfish

1 3.0-4 Upstream of Discharge Point uninfluenced by Plant operations.


  • 3.0-4 Collected serniannually during the low water periods of the Tidal Basin - sanples taken

- downstream of the outfall in the vicinity of the boat landing near Hamilitaan lake cutlet and

- in the Barge slip. -(sector N and Q, 2 miles)

  • Technical Specification requirenants -

( Frczn Grand Gulf Wclear Station's Annual Radiological Dvirormental Operating poport, 1982.

GRAle GHE,1381T 1 3.0-3a ,mev. 1 - 7/83

e l

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TABLE 3.0-3 TID IOCATICES Page 1 of 6



  • Nr-01


REA Pole-East of Entry Gate at Lake Claiborne 3.0-3 E 3.5 WO2 REA Pole Left of Entry Gate Windsor Ruins 3.0-3 L 7.0 M-03 REA Pole-East Side Iky 61 P.G. Country Club entra'.x:e 3.0-3 H 7.0 M-04 MPEL Pole-Wy 547 North Side Between Twin Power Poles G 7.5 M-05 150 yards North of Wy 18 Apprunmately 5 riles East of U.S. 61 3.0-3 F '9.0

! M-06 REA Pole-East of Willows Beyond its Church MS 1%91 462 E 8.0

  • M-07 Port Gibson City Barn AS-1 3.0-3 G 5.5 M-06 West Side Big Black River 3 South Entrance 3.0-3 C 8.5
  • M-09 Cak Tree Ha xjer-South Waner Tully Camp 3.0-3 D 3.5
  • W10 Entra:xa Gate Gra.M Gulf Military Park 3.0-1 R 1.5 M-11 INy 613 miles North of Big Black River at Twin Tcwer 3.0-3 C 10.5 M-12 by 61 at AS-2-61 North l Yokena 3.0-2 B 13.0 i

l l

M-13 Hwy 61 ImTourneau Hill West Side of Road 3.0-2 B 15.0

  • M-14 Hwy 61 AS-3-61VA at Casket (CDUROL) Canpany 3.0-2 5 18.0 l
  • 'hchnical Specification reqairements Fran Grand Q21f Nuclear Station's Annual Radiological Ihviwaa.tal Operating Report, 1982.

9 GRMD GUIE, IMIT 1 3.0-4 Dev.1 - 7/83

I GC# l . , . . .

...-..1 O


TID 10CATICNS Page 2 of 6

. TID NO. IOCATICE FIGURE SIE'IOR MILE M-15 Barge Slip (South edge) 3.0-1 P 1.5

  • H-16 AS-7 MET 'Ibe.r 3.0-1 A 1.0 M-17 AS-6-RS Grand Gulf Road 3.0-1 C 0.5
  • M-18 Railroad Crossing Eastern Site Boundart 3.0-1 F 0.5 M-19 Behind Burn Pit on Fence at Eastern Site Boundarf 3.0-1 E 0.5 M ~>
  • Eastem Site Bccxitn.f Behind E.1.:n Pit (Pme) 3.0-1 F .0.5 M-21 AS-5 'It Training Center 3.0-1 J 0.5 M-22 South of RR Entrance Crossing 100 Yards on West Side 3.0-1 G 0.5 M-23 County Road / Heavy Haul Road O

i 50 Yards North on Pcwer Pole 3.0-1 0 0.5 1 4

M-24 1.1pper Grand Gulf Imdi..g 3.0-1 R 2.C

  • M-25 Har.ilton Iake Ik:st launch 3.0-1 N 1.0 M-26 Har.ilton Lake C12tfall 3.0-1 N 1.0
  • M-27 South Point Site Boundary 200 Yards along Pr % 7 Line 3.0-1 M 1.0
  • M-28 AS-4-G1cdjo Residence Glodjo 3.0-1 L 1.0 l M-29 In sharp curve of Waterloo Road to Waterloo Plantation 3.0-1 K 1.5
  • M-30 Arnold Acres Trailer Park Entrance 3.0-1 J 1.0 M-31 Duplicate TID Installed at -

designated Site Ntrber - -

  • Technical Specification requ2.rer:ents Fran Grand Gulf Nuclear Station's Annual Radiological Yhviramental Operating Report,1992.

O GRAND GUIE,IMIT 1 3.0-5 Rev. 1 - 7/83


' .. . .e _ m.

! f




. IDCATICN M-32 Duplicate TID Installed at -

designated Site Nurnber - -

  • M-33 Newe11 ton,Iouisiana Water

'Ibwer 3.0-3 P 12.0 2

  • M-34 Primary Invee at End of Country Ibad at Point ,

Pleasant, Icuisiana 3.0-3 R 7.5

  • M-35 Mor landing - Iake Yucatan 3.0-3 Q 8.0
  • -M-36 Curve on 608 Point Nearest ,

< GCES, at Power Pole 3.0-3 P 5.0 M-37 Winter Quarters Hcre 3.0-3 N 7.5 1

  • M-38 Iake Bruin Sta*a Park Second Pole 3.0-3 M 9.0
  • M-39 St. Joseph, Ionisiana, Aux.

Water Tank 3.0-3 M 12.0

  • M-00 Maintained in lead shield -

during the exposure period - -

  • M-40 International Paper Road, Approximately 5 miles frcr. Site 3.0-3 M. 5.0
  • M-41 Heavy Haul Ibad - J Pipe on Concrete Block 3.0-1 P 1.0
  • M-42 Heavy Haul Road North Iron Gate 3.0-1 Q 1.0
  • M.-4 3 Gin Iake Entrance 3.0-1 R 1.2
  • M-44 Truck Bypass on Grand Gulf Road 3.0-1 C 0.5
  • W45 Visitor Center Gate East Side 3.0-1 D 0.5 j
  • Technical Specification requirennts Fran Grand Gulf Nuclear Station's Annual Radiological Envircreantal operating Report, 1982.

1 GRNO GUIE, INIT 1 3.0-6 Rev.1 - 7/83

- .e. - - , _ . , . - - , , , . - , , + , . .


- .j

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  • TID 10C;CICNS .


~Page 4 of 6 i


  • M-46 Power Pole Across fran Grand 1.0 Gulf / Waterloo roads intersection 3.0-1 E
  • M-47 Bridge 0.6 miles past Rodney Road / Greenwood Road intersection 5.0 North Side 3.0-3 L
  • M-48 Property Fence 0.4 miles 3.0-3 K 5.0 on Greenced Road on West Side Fork in Weathers Road 3.0-3 H 4.5
  • M-49 Big Black River Boat Ianding B 5.0
  • M-50 I

-* M-51 ' Power ~ Pole 0.5 miles on Gravel 5.0 Road to Big Black on West Side 3.0-3 C

  • M-52 Power Pole-Waterloo Road 1.0 Marked with White Paint 3.0-1 K
  • M-53 Arnold Acres Property Feru:e 9

1 3.0-1 H 1.0 Past Trailer Park 3.0-1 G 1.0-

  • M-54 Bottm of curve A. Told Acres
  • M-55 Behind Bonner's Beauty Shcp at MSBH Air Sanple 3.0-3 D 5.0
  • M-56 Hwy 61 South at "All Creatures Veterinary Hospital" 3.0-3 G 5.0
  • M-57 Hwy 61 North Behind the Weloczne to Port Gibson sign 3.0-3 F 4.5 i
  • M-58 Big Bayou Pierre Bridge l 3.0-3 E 5.0 Southwest End l
  • M-59 Off levee at Winter Quarters 5.1 Hunting Carp 3.0-3 N
  • 'NK:hnical Specification requirenants l

l Frm Grard Gulf Riclear Station's Annual Radiological Env6..adtl .

I Cperating Report, 1982.

O GPAND GRE, IMIT 1 3.0-6a Rev. 1 - 7/83 i

  • I l

r 8, !i.l -

  • TABLE 3.0-3 (CCN1"INUED)

.' i TID 10CATICES Page 5 of 6 j i


l M-61 Protected area fence by the Not vehicle entrance gate Stom P Chrite M-62 Protected area fence North- " "

east corner MP&L parking lot N parking lot M-63 Pro

  • W area fence riddle * "

MP&L parking lot N M-64 Pro + M area fence South- " "

east corner MP&L parking M M.-65 M protected area : fence " "

behind MP&L warehouse L M-66 South protected area fence "

across frcra cooling tower "

x 1 3/ M-67 South protected area fence " "

Nest end North fe:x:e J M-68 East protec+M area fence " "

across frcn chlorination tank H W69 East protected area fence near " "

electric Buss G M-70 North fence behind turbine b1dg. F M-71 166' level on Unit 2 side of " "

plant turbine b1dg. C M-72 166' level turbine bldg. " "

Unit 2 side B M-73 Corner of fence outside control " y "


  • 'hechnical Specification requirments Frcn Grand Gulf Nuclear Station's Annual Radiologierl Envim,,g,tal )

operating Report, 1982.

l GRAlc CU1F, LMIT 1 3.0-6b Rev. 1 - 7/83 1

V '

" ' ~ ' * ..

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Page 6 of 6 FIGURE SECKR MILE TID NO. . 10CATICE Midway of North fence ~ Not 86-74 P Onsite Shown M-75 Corner in fence in front " A of Maintenance Shop i

A M-76 Southeast corner SSW Basins M-77 Protected area fence beside " R maintenance shop Outside vault in Adrin. Bldg. Q M-78 i Wall in Central Records Q

M-79 ,

M-B0 Wall in Central Records old "

Q library location

'1 M-81 Inside Adrtin. Bldg. , 2nd floor, * "

northeast wall Q Tech Sup;crt Area Q M-82

%ch Support Secretary Q M-33 P

M-84 Security Island M-85 Botating duplicate

  • M-86 Bechtel Gate North Site 3.0-1 B 0.5 Boundary
  • M-87 Intersecticm of W' Boad 3.0-3 J 4.5

& trans-ission line

  • Technical Specification reg.irenents Frczn Grand Gulf Naclear Station's Annual Radiological Envirorrental Operating Report, 1982.

3.0-6c pey, 1 - 7/83 GRAtt GUIE, UNIT 1 .

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. - . . j PRCCESS CXNTROL PROGRN4 (PCP) " ', *,'I (a ---- - - - - '

( m I m m CNs/ w


1. 'Ihc Grand Gulf Badwaste Solidification Systan provides for the solidification and packaging of radioactive wastes to ensure meeting the requirernents of 10TR Part 20 and 10CFR Part 71 prior to ship-ment of radioactive wastes frcrn the site. Various types of radio-active wastes; e.g., filter sludges, spent zesins:of eva p tor bottms, etc. are mixed with Portland omnent and conditioning additives to produce a nonolithic solid without free liquid.
2. The Grand Gulf Technical Specification in section defines the frequency of sanpling of batches of radwaste and the additional sarpling requiratents which are invoked if either a solidification batch or a representative test sanple fails to solidify.
3. Until such tire that changes to the perranent plarit radvaste solidi-fication systen based on contractor hm.c4ations can be atm-pleted, a ts:porary radwaste. solidification systen and attendent services will be performed by a contractor with equipnent and netho-dology as reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Begulatory Comis-l sion. 'Ihe contractor and his process cxmtrol program shall folicw

- the required sanpling frequencies and processing restrictions as specified for Grand Gulf. 'Ihis PCP describes the classification of wastes, waste pretreatment and solidification and defines the 9 required verification of solidification which is free fran liquid.

l i


GRMC GUT, LNIT 1 1 nev. 1 - 5/83


.1 ,,


( l. 'The Grand Gulf radwaste streams to be solidified have been classified into nine generic categories as follows:

Stream 41 - Waste Surge Tanks or Cbndensate Phase Separator Tanks (condensate filter backwash)

Stream #2 - PHCU Phase Separator Tanks (RWCU and FPCC filter de.ineralizer backwash)

Stream 63 - Liquid Radwaste Floor Drain Filter (Mx)

Stream 44 - Liquid Radwaste Equignent Filter (hx)

Stream 45 zmesins H-OI frcn Cbndensate and Liquid Radwaste

Stream;86 - Evaporator Bottcms frcn Resin Regeneration Strert i7 - Evaporator Bottcrs frcra miscellaneous chemicals Stream f 8 - Evaporator Bottms frcr. Floor Drain Wastes Stream 49 - Future 9 2. If the sar.pling program indicates a trend in specific generic type constituents beyond the specified limits originally established, the Process Control Program will be nodified to assure contirning pro-duction of acceptable solidified wastes as follows
a. New specific generic types will be established with appropriate changes to the proportion of solidification agent (s).
1. These new specific generic types will be tested in a manner similar to the original test program.
b. Wsts will be conducted to detezmine the acceptable chrges in i

the specified limits for existing generic types based on the l

analysis trends.

t .

_, GRNO GUIE. IMIT 1 2 Rev. 1 - 5/83

F _

'. '.!LY i

'*.1. -

C. _

Canditionina of specifi>: Batches of Waste t Conditiening Waste Holding Tank contents for solidification as a specific generic type will consist of adjusting the water content of the slurry to

.within the solids / liquid specified limits and pH to within the pH speci-fled limits for the particular waste. In the event that the specific activity of the waste exM the limits for maximzn activity which ca .

be safely processed by the contractor in the tarporary rad.aste solidifi-cation systs, the contents of the Waste Holding Tank will be diluted per directions frczn the Chenistry/Fadiation Control Superintendent, or his designee, t:ntil the specific activity of the waste has beenWM to a level which can be safety processed in the. solidification systs.

1. b Solid ras aste syst s will be operated in accordance with Ce s operating procedures in a manner which will pemit segregation of waste inputs into generic batches. With proper segregation, the only parameters that are variable are pH and percent solids.

Classified wastes will be conditioned to adjust the pH and solid /

liquid content within specified limits and then solidified as a batch with no fur *her additions of solids or liquids into the respective Waste Holding Tank (s) until the batch is otrpletely processed.

2. Waste Holding Tanks A cnd B should be normally used only to collect 1

rachiaste equipv.nt drain filter and floor drain filter discharges (rW) respectively. Liquid additicms may be from the Condensate and Refueling Water Storage and Transfer Systs (Cm3T) or regen-t I

' erant evaporator bottans.

9 GRMc GUIE, UNIT 1 3 Rev. 1 - 5/83


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.. t

3. Waste Holding Tank C should nomally be used for spent resin dis-charges and filter and filter /dmin (r+) sludge with liauid additicns fmn regenerant evaporator battans or CNST.


4. Evaporator bottans should normally be processed through waste tarA C.
5. Peactor Water Cleanup Systan (mCU) filter /derin sludge (Ecodex) is, typically, apprcximately one hundred tines higher in specific acti-vity than other sludges processed and should be segregated frcn other wastes and handled with extra care. PHCU filter /dernineralizer

, sludge in - 11y g ocessed through Maste. Holding. Tank C.

a. 'Ibe operator will detez:nine which specific generic batch the waste input represents (using rnethodology specified in section D) and select the corresponding generic batch position before starting the solidification process.
a. 'Ihe operator is not authorized to " adjust" the individual process purp speed settings without specific authorization frz.

the Charistry/ Radiation Control Superintendent, or his designee.

b. If the waste input cannot be classified into a specific gereric batch using Section D, a sa:ple of the waste input will be ottained and analyzed. Process selection is then made using Section E.

~1. Batches should be processed frcn the Waste Holding Tank expedi-tiously so as to eliminate potential cross-contednation with an unanalyzed batch.

1 9

GRMc anE, WIT 1 4 Rev. 1 - 5/83


S. Radwaste filter sludge as transferred to the Waste Holding Tank may

( have an excess of solids and therefore need liquid mMad to prepare it for solidification as generic stream 13 or 44 (20% or 274 1

. solids).

a. With the agitator CET, add regenerant evaporator bottms (preferred source) or condensate and refueling water until there is an observable change in tank level.

NorE: This will assure that the filter sludge is sufficiently wet to prevent agitator cuerload.

b. Turn Ct; agitator and add liquid .to obtain:a 20% or'_27% by.

weight mixture. -

c. Start the agitator at least 30 minutes prior to solidifying to assure a hcs:ogeneous mixture.
9. PWCU and FPCC filter /derrin sludge as transferred to the Waste Holding Tank will have an excess arrount of water which nust be reduced to prepare it for solidification as generic batch 42.
a. Transfer sludge from phase separators until the level in the Waste Holding Tank is in accordance with approved operating procedures.
b. A11cw contents to settle for at least four hours, then decant excess liquid to the PHCU phase separator until the decant p=p trips.

NOTE: This will leave approximately 1" of free standing water above the sludge. l l c. Start the agitator and add liquid fr a the regenerant  !

I evaporator bottms (preferred source) or condensate and l

refueling water to obtain a 27% by weight mixture.

GRAND GUIF, IMIT 1 5 Dev. 1 - 5/83

.- l

d. Start the agitator at least 30 minutes prior to solidifying to

( assure a h.uw.ecas mixture.

p 10. Spent resin beads as transferred to the Waste Holding Tank have an excess arrount of water which nust be r=&wl to prepare it for solidification as generic stream 45.

a. Transfer resin frczn the spent resin tank until the level in the Waste Holding Tank is in accordance with approved operating procedures.
b. Allcw contents to settle for at least 30 stinutes, then decant excess liquid to the PHCU hT ane separator until the decant prp

. trips.

c. 'Ibe rixture is now ready to process wie approxirately 25% by weight of solids.
d. Start the agitator at least 30 minutes prior to solidifying to assure a hcxtogencas mixture.
11. Pegenerant evapcratcr bottms as transferred frczn the evaporater tott m s tank may be @ 1 (after pH adjust: ment) to filter, demineralizer, or filter /dsrineralizer sludges to. adjust liriuid content as required for specific generic batches or may be solidified directly (i.e., without ocarbining with any additional water as a generic batch.)
12. Evaporator bott4rs as transferred to the Waste Holding Tank will be solidified directly as generic waste stream 46, 47, or 98.

D. . Classifying Waste Holding Tank Contents Into Specific Generic Batches

1. A knowledge of the sources of sludge and segregation of specific types of waste inputs is essential.


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6 Dev. 1 - 5/83


2. '1he operator will detamine frcan the Water Treat 2nent/Radwaste LW the type and volme of waste to be transferred to the Waste Holding Tank. Typical inputs will be:
a. Spent resin tank contents; bead resin fra the ocndensate


cleanup daredneralizer or rackaste (i.e., floor drain or agaipent drain) deineralizers.

b. Filter sludge frcrn the condensate cleanup filter; (rMav) .
c. Filter sludge frm the PWCC and FPCC filter /dendneralizers; (r M ,x).
d. Filter sludge frczn radwaste (i.e., floor drain or equipent drain) filters; FMax.
e. Evaporator bottms frcin regeneration.of resin will no= rally be 25% sodium sulphate with trace ancents of other dissolved solids and suspended solids.
f. Evaporator bottms frtrn floor drains will normally be 25% to 50% suspended solids with dissolved solids significantly belcw saturation.
g. Evaporator bottms frcrn miscellaneous cherical waste will no= ally contain dissolved solids from water treatznent cheicals (scxiim nitrate, TSP), pH neutralizers (H2SO4 or NaCH), miscellaneous laboratory wastes and trace ancunts of suspended solids.

- 3. If the operator can not obtain adequate infonration frcrn the inline instruments (pH, conductivity, and radioactivity) to classify the waste as a specific generic type designated for solidification, a grab sarple wil'1 be taken, analyzed a.*d classified. If the batch does not fall within the specified limits for any of the specified

. generic types, processing will be in accordance with Section E.

GRAND GUIF,1 NIT 1 7 Rev. 1 - 5/83


r *

.o...' _

4. A sanpling g, e will be established to ascertain that the various individual batches are within established specified limits for


Plant chemistry will perfom sanple specific generic batches.


- analysis as follows:

l NOI'E:

'Ibe sanple shall be analyzed for pH, conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), silica or presence of oil or grease to detem.ine if its constituents are similar to the original specific generic type or may be solidified in the laboratory using the proportions of solidifying agents specified 'for the original ~ specific generic type.

m. If any sample indicates an off-standard batch (i.e., outside the specified limits for the specific gereric type), the sacpling fregaency will be increased to a higher rate.
b. Sa ples will be analyzed frcrn sach batch of miscellane::us chemical evaporator bottms to assure the batch is within the specified limits for the generic type.

E. Mjustment/Conditiening of Unclassified Batches of Waste Mjustnent/ conditioning of unclassified batches of waste (i.e., wastes not classified as a generic batch).

1. If a batch of waste cannot be identified as a specific generic batch designated in C.8 through 12, a grab sanple of the rixture will be obtained ani the folicwing steps will be perfomed:

a, '!he chemist will analyze the test sanple for activity, pH, conductivity, 'Iss, silica, and presence of oil or grease.

b. With the abcne data, the operator will adjust the waste to within the specified limits of a generic batch.

i 8 Rev. 1 - 5/83 Que Gott, UNIT 1 A

l y __

{ l..E, '__ f, - l

c. A sanple of the batch will be mixed with curient ard sodium


silicate according to ratios specified for that generic batch and verified to solidify after a 30 minute curing tine with no

. free water.  !

d. If the batch is not solidifiable using any of the specific f generic batch feed rates available, the operator will receive guidance frm the Chenistry/ Radiation Control Superintendent, or his designee.

i F. Samlina for Verificatien of Solidification Systen I Tor batches'of: specific generic wastes processed waing to J


-Section C above, (other than e'very tanth or twentieth batch) no effluent sagling for verification of solidification is regaired since these have been proven to be solidifiable in the preopera-ticral test program and this process control program.

2. For batches of unclassified wastes processed according to Section E above, a grab sa:ple will be obtained and analyzed to detardne if its constituents are within the specified parameters of a generic type.
3. If the test sagle of unclassified waste fails to fall within the specified limits for a generic type of waste, the following shall be done in empliance with A1APA philosophy:
a. Effluent will be collected in three 500ml plastic beakers.
b. Three proportions of solidifying agents, specified by the Chartistry/Fadiation Control Superintendent, or his designee, will be added to the three test sanples.
c. The three test sanples will be allowed to cure.

9 GRM D GU 2 , UNIT 1 9 IWV. 1 - 5/83 e

is a solid d.

The cured product will be split to verify the unss l g with definite shape and no free wter. best product, e.

The test sanple proportions used to produce the l Superinten-as detemined by the Omistry/ Radiation controfied dent, will be used for solidification of the unclassi a ste.

G. Interfaces: te inputs frcn 1.

The Radwaste Solidification Systern receives wt was the following:

Equipment train Filter - (D001) ,


i b.

Floor Drain Filter (D003)., l r

c. Evaporator Bottms Tanks (A014 A and B)
d. Spent Besin TarA (A007) e.

PHCU Phase separator Tanks (A010 A and B)

Waste Surge Tanks (A002 A and B)  ;

f. ,


Condensate Phase Separatcr TarAs (A016,A and B) l Support Systarns include:


a. Padwaste Luilding ventilation b.

Condensate and Refueling waste Storage

c. Liquid Radwasta
d. Equipwnt and Floor Drains
e. Instrument Air
f. Service Air
g. 125V DC
h. 480V DC 9 Rev. 1 - 5/83 10

-- r w v . UtGT 1

- - - - - - - . . . ._.- - _ - _ ~_ . -


  • i. 120/20BV DC ,.i..


, ). M Ihead Crane

k. Portable Imad Shieldi:q identified in para-H. _e=rable Solidification Systern E:tuirsent reg. tired is graph G.1 and in the ocntractor's 'Ibpical Report as approved by the PSPC.

I. W .inistrative controls:

1. W.inistrative procedares will require that:
a. Directions for extensive or otr: plex jobs where relia.u:e on nurcry cannot be trusted shall require the written procedure to

-be pat. and referred .to directly.

b. Directives shall include appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative criteria for verifying that the specified activities have been satisfactorily accmplished.

J. Sa clina and Process Para:m+ars:

1. 'Ihis section will establish the program of sampling, analysis, and verification of solidification, which is necessary to insure complete solidification of each type of radioactive waste.
2. 'Ibe miniman supling requireraent for verification of solidification is every tenth batch of each type of waste except for floor a:xi equipr:ent filter sludges which will be required to have one representative sarple at least every twentieth batch.

- 3. 'Ibe representative test specimen will be obtained for verification l

of solidification frtzn the first five (5) batches of each generic stream after the plant startup to obtain operational characteristics of process paraneters.

1 11 Dev. 1 - 5/83 GRAND CU1F, UtGT 1

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4. Verificaticn of solidification is as follows:

( a. Three test saples (500ml) will be taken in plastic beakers.

b. 'the design r% dons of solidifying agents will be m&*M to all test sa ples.
c. 'hst sanples will be allowed to cure. The cured product will be split to verify the mass is a solid with definite shape and no free water.
d. All test sa ples must pass solidification tests. If seple fails test, retest as per Section F.
5. Upon verification of solidification of a specific generic classifi-

' cation of waste, the process parameters and specified limits'will be

' logged on the operator's' work sheet. The mounts of Portland cement and other required additives (e.g., acid / caustic for pH adjust =ent, etc.) as logged will subsequently be used for that generic classifi-cation of waste.

K. Packaging Procedures The total contained activity, external dose rate and physical form of solidified waste will be verified to be within limits prior to ship ent.

1. Containers will be sarpled for surface activity 'and decantednated, as recessary, prior to storage in otrpliance with AIARA philosophy.
2. 'the curie content of each container will be estimated frcn the followiny parmeters:
a. Type of waste contained (corrosion products, fission products or mixed).
b. Mid plane, centerline container dose rate.

9 GtMD GUIF, UtnT 1 12 Ihrv. 1 - 5/83

- a


. c. Density of material in container. - .- ,

  • *l [ g

== 3 I

d. Gec.Wic configuration. E--- .--

l l

' e. Correction factor (C).

3. An isotopic analysis will be perfomed on every tenth batch of waste


input to the solidificatico systan to ensure classified waste is I

within specified Ihnits.

a. Tbtal activity in a container will be calculated frcrt the isotopic analysis. I
b. The calculated activity will be ccripared to the estimated activity.
c. The correction factor (C) will be adjusted, as necessary, to assure that the estimated activity is greater.than or equal to the calculated activity.
4. Plant operating pIccedures shall be provided and followed to assure that the requirerents of 49CFR Parts 100 to 199, " Transportation",

10cR20, and 10CFR70 are met.

t GRADE) REF, UNIT 1 13 Dev. 1 - 5/83
