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Ro:On 710706,during Startup Testing Program,Level & Temp Limits Exceeded Tech Specs After Completion of HPCI Sys Hot Functioning Testing.Caused by Extended Operation Since HPCI Turbine Would Not Properly Engage Turning Gear
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/1971
From: Hoyt H
To: Morris P
Shared Package
ML20085L879 List:
NUDOCS 8311030334
Download: ML20085L885 (2)


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80-8y 9 Commomvealth Edison Company ONE l~ 1 FI S T NAT40NAL P L A'2 A *

CHICAGO, IL. L I N O l G A&hess tenly te; POST orflCE 80X 767
  • C H I C A G O, ILLINOl& 40690 Dresden Nuclear Power Station R. R. 81 E' orris, Illinois
60450, July 14, 1971 J



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A Dr. Peter A. Morris, Director

S Division of Ecact or Licensing


, (S U. S. Atonic Energy Co:caission g

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Unshington, D. C.



License DPR-25, Dresden IIuclear Power Station Unit 3 Sections 6.6. A.1 and 6.6.B.2 of tha Technical Spe_cifications Deav b. Liorris:

This ac to eport a conaition relating to primry containment suppression chamber tter level and temperature, which occurred during the startup Lesting p > gram. The level and temperature limits defined by Section 3.7.A.1 of he iachnical Specifications were exceeded.

Incident Description ar 1 IntT.ediate Action Unit 3 was li the initial heating phase of the Startup Test Program at a reactor p: 3ssure of 152 psig. After completion of High-Pressure Coolant Injection (HFCI) System hot functional testing and preliminary startup to:ts at 0735 hours0.00851 days <br />0.204 hours <br />0.00122 weeks <br />2.796675e-4 months <br /> on July'6, 1971, the suppression chamber water volume e: ceeded che maximum of 115,615 cubic feet by approximately 1900 cubie feet. This total volume corresponds to a level indication of 2.5 inchc a higher than the maximum limits corresponding to the Technical Spccifications.-

y The level rise was due to the extended operation, approximtely 13.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, of the Hi OI System. This extended duration was incurred because the HPCI turbine would not engage its turning gear properly following operation and had to be kept in operation to prevent damage to the shaft' em e ;Ylll Y

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i~r. : cter A arria, Dircator (., July 14.1971 a r c t,


a 3owerin of ',he su;3rcssion cha aec level n.> by purnpiry tort.s cater to the contl( n er not.we'll.

The wr.ter u;a return x to withir, specifiention li:.d t.u b.y 1230 hours0.0142 days <br />0.342 hours <br />0.00203 weeks <br />4.68015e-4 months <br /> of th.

3," e iay.

At 22:'O hours on July 6, durinq dall/ uurveillanec, the suppros;;lon eb 19er 'Jater ' onrcrcture b:/1 rcnchai l~i3*?.

('p cification 1.c.dt is 95'F witurd.

'ihe icevica da"'s suricillance 6ctn indiented

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cooma n-was no, In:,.1r.tvon, unt s.l ear,y on tn,e i

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L.oal.uf was accomplishea. t,y ucing wo Lo..

.Tess w ooc mnt ang.ecc,lon u,N,.d, a,;/ stem pumps, circulating tnrough r

th-LFG Cooln.nt host. exchr aprs.

The tctperature was returnsd to wit,hin linlto at 0630 hours0.00729 days <br />0.175 hours <br />0.00104 weeks <br />2.39715e-4 months <br /> on July 7 Corrective Action Currently, the I ritary contcinuent sup; r-cion chanber untar le vcu incunciation la set to citra at the maximum ana rM an:.1 linits of the Technical l'pacificatio ;s.

The ala..- set, pointo will me. set to clnra approxit; A57 ft> prior to rc aching ir.aximum and rc.inir.a.t.. levels to allow for appropriave corrective tot sures.

At present, the only indicati,n of suppression chanber temperature is a temperature recorder u.,h no audible i.enns of warning of c:ainent problem.

An annunciator is eing designed int,o the system to alarm at about 90 F.

Pe new annunci tor will alert the operator of high water temperature before it reaches specification limits.

Sincerely, i(-(\\- l 1

% GM II. K. Hoyt Superintendent, HE!!:ls w=-me+so.

as g

1 MEMO ROUTE SLIP l See me about this.

For conch For action.

Mwen A EC-93 (Rev. May14. 1947)'

Note and return.


For si esture.

For information.

t 70 (Name and unit)

Imr ALS REMAans J. G. Keppler CO:HQ I

oATE TO (Name and untt)


St' TO (Name and unit)


{i FROM (Name and unit)

REMARKS D. M. Hunnicutt Attached is the original of a letter from Conanonwealth Edison CO:III r

dated 7-12-71, in lieu of telegram, reporting HPCI failure to i:

start on 7-10 at Dresden 3.




epj-g3, 7-14-71

.. a '.* u x Copy sent PDR j


U. E WR%MM MMn% WFW w.7-N22M7.:

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