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First Quarter Rept of Completed Changes,Tests & Experiments Per 10CFR50.59 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station. with
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1999
From: Heffley J
JMHLTR:#99-0050, JMHLTR:#99-50, NUDOCS 9904290178
Download: ML20206B190 (16)



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Dresden GencrJtiDKMJ1 ion esm sonh nresacn Road Morrh, !!. 60150 Tri sis 9 u 2Wu April 22,1999 JMHLTR: #99-0050 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3 Facility Operating License No. DPR 2, DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket No. 50-01. 50-237 and 50-249 Subject.

1999 First Quarter 10 CFR 50.59 Report Enclosed is the first quarter Report of completed Changes, Tests, and Experiments per 10 CFR 5019 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station. These evaluations correspond to the conditions identified in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) for determining whether a proposed change, test, or experiment shall be determined to involve an unreviewed safety question.

If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Dale Ambler,


Dresden Station Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 942-2920, ext. 3800.

Respectfully, Si Vice Pres ent resden Nucle er Station Enclosure cc:

Regional Administrator-Region lli NRC Senior Resident inspector - Dresden Nuclear Power Station r

9904290178 990331 7

I PDR ADOCK 05000010 R


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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1997-03-166 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 96-099


Reactor Recirc Pump MG Set Scoop Tube



This safety evaluation will address the practice of electrically locking the Reactor Recirculation Fump f.1G Set Scoop Tube. The procedure to perform this task is DOP 0202-12.

UFSAR changes are proposed to reflect use of the scoop tube lockout procedure as needed for testing and maintenance. Associated procedure changes to DOP 0202-12, DGP 02-03 and DAN 002(3)-4 G-4 & G-8 add precautions and provisions related to the need to reset she scoop tube lockout or tnp the pump under runback situations for reactor recirc (RR) system cavitation protection.

UFSAR changes to: - clanfy the actual values associated with RR

  • minimum pump speed",15.2.7 correct Fig. nurnbers associated willi Loss of Norma' :'N transient response and reflect the 15 second time delay on the associated RR runback 6 l.1.3.2 - eliminate out-of-date discussion of a 2nd RR start-up technique with the react.. t natural cire.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1997-03-192 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DFPS 4123-08


Fire Water System Flow Test Desenption: The proposed activity associated with this evaluation involves changos to Dresden Procedure DFPS 4123-08 (Fire Water System Flow Test). The changes to DFPS 4123-08 revise the acceptance enteria to reflect limiting values of yard loop pressure drop rather than a Irniting value of Hazen-Wilhams C-factor. A single limiting C-Factor for the Lnderground pipe is no longer used in the new FP system hydraulic design basis analysis. The hmiting values of pressure drop have been determined in calculation DRE97-0072, Rev. 3 and are based on the as-built configuration of the underground fire main (pipe equivalent length per calculation DRE97-0061) and tne underground main C-Factors used in the new design basis hydrauhc evaluation of the FP water supply system, calculation DRE97-0256. Also, the procedure is being revised to be consistent with the test methodology successfully used in 4

special procedures SPil-97-03-20 (including enhar cements noted in PIF #D1998-04271) and SPil-9710-01.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-01-054 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number. E12-2-97-217


Service Water Radiation Monitor t



Modify the U2 Service Water Radiation Monitor (SWRM) sample line at the 48" Service Water (SW) discharge header. The design changes are summarized as:

A second sample scoop tube shall be installed on the discharge header to capture additional discharge samples. The scoop tube shall be located to ensure capture of the Containment Cooling Service Water (CCSE). Presently, when CCSW is operating, the low sample flow alarm activates. This occurs due to CCSW bypassing the caisting sample scoop tube and in the process diverting system discharges away from the sample scoop tube.

A sample collection tank for the new and existing scoop tubes will be installed. The collection tank will provide two primary functions: First the collection tank will permit suspended solids in the SW to settle from the sample prior to the radiation monitor detector bowl. Secondly, the collection will permit de-aeration of entrained air from the sample via a vent / trap.

. A branch line from the Domestic Water System shall be provided to permit periodic flushing of the collection tank and backflushing of the scoop tubes.

. The drain line from the SWRM will be re-routed from the Turbine Building Floor Drain System to the SW Discharge Header. This will prevent an input to the Radwaste System which contains organic material.

- The existing and new sampie scoop tubes shall be redesigned to eliminate stress concentration points which have contributed to flaw propagation and failure of the existing scoop tube. In addition the scoop tube material shall be revised from carbon steel to stainless steel for increased corrosion resistance.

- A Chemistry sample point shall be installed downstream of the collector tank to enhance the ability to manually sample the SW discharge.

The Electrical and instrumentation and Control (l&C) portions of the SWRM System are not s'fected by this design change.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-02-098 Type of Safety Evaluat on:

Modifcation Evaluation Reference Number:


Removal of MSLRM Scram & Isolation Function Description. The proposed activity is removal of the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor (MSLRM) high scram and the Main Steam Line Tunnel Radiation high input to the Main Steam Line Isolation function _ lhis 10CFR50 59 Safety Evaluation is being issued to revise the original Safety Evaluation (1997-03-212) to provide clanfication of the required setpoints for the MSLRM high rad alarm and the mechanical vacuum pump tnp. The original safety evaluation was issued prior to receipt of NRC approval of the License Amendment Package requesting the removal of the scram and isolation function from the MSLRMs. This Safety Evaluation also incorporates the evaluation of the License Amendment performed by the NRC.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Repo;t Safety Evaluation Nurnber 1998-02 132 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 98-021


UFSAR Table 8.3-1



Revise UFSAR Table 8.3-1 " Auxiliary Electrical System Equipment Listin;;" to match design drawings.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-02-138 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number: M12-3-97-007


Supply Water to the Service Water Header



This design change installs approximately 15 feet of piping with associated valves, fittings, and localinstrumentation to allow the Containment Cooling Service Water System to supply water to the Service Waer header that supplies cooling water to the High Pressure Coolant injection and the A and E Low Pressure Coolant injection room coolers.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1998-03-188 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800236


Replacement of Fibrous insulation in Unit 3 Drywell Desenption: DCN 001249S of DCP 9300236 provides for the replacement, in whole or in part, of fibrous insulation (typically NUK0N brand) on pipes, valves, supports or other components with Reflective Metallic insulation. The DCP also addresses the reinstallation of missing insulation if necessary.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-190H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Alt 111-05-98


Drywell Flow Recorder / Integrators Desenption: This is to support the installation of upgraded Drywell-Flow Record / Integrators per DCP 9800149, " Spare" Recorder / Integrators will be installed temporarily in the loop.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exrst.

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p-i 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-197,R1 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number. M12-3-97-006





The existing RWCU leak detection system monitors five areas that contain high energy RWCU piping and provides an alarm upon high temperature detection. This modification will modify the existing RWOU leak detection system by upgrading the safety classification to safety-related and making electncal changes to initiate the RWCU isolation logic upon receipt of a high temperature signal which is indicative of a break in the system. This will consist of replacing the existing Acromag panels with new qualified panels and transferring the outputs of these panels into the existing RWCU inboard and outboard isolation relays.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-211H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-98-206


Upgrade HPCI Lines Desenption: Upgrade HPCI lines, 3-2378-1/2",3-2379-1/2",3-23di-1/2"" & 3-2324-1"-L, to safety related criteria by installing a pipe support on line 3-2324-1"-L and two new clip supports on line 3-2379-1/2".

Validation of previous safety evaluation 1997-01-077 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-215 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference. Number: M12-3-96-003


Upgrade Ground Differential Relay Scheme of UAT 31 Protection System



The modification will upgrade the ground differential relay scheme of the UAT 31 protection system by utilizing CO-2 relays. The existing ground fault protection system is configured with a resistive neutral ground on the low side windings of the UAT and is capable of sensing large magnitude faults and initiating a UAT trip and fault isolation. The modification will install CO-2 relays which will increase the sensitivity of the fault detection scheme for the UAT. The increased protective sensitivity will result in the detection and interruption of faults sooner than the existing system. Rapid detection and interruption of fault conditions will result in an improved protection system reliability.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-216H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Alt 11-21-98


Drywell Equipment and Floor Drain Recorders



Install Temp Alt 11-2198 to support upgrade of Drywell Equipment and Floor Drain Recorders per DCP 9800148.

Validation of previous Safety Evaluation 1998-01-077 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety questior' did not exist.

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I 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01


Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-232,R1 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number: DCP No. 9800307


Sphere Lock Up / Ventilation System Retirement



In accordance with Dresden Unit i Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report,

" Systems no longer required will be secured and isolated as necessary to prepare the unit for SAFSTOR dormancy." The proposed plant change will place the ventilation systems in an isolated cond tion and the Sphere in a secured condition. The Unit 1 Turbine Building and Sphere Ventilation Systems have been permanently removed from service, and documented under Safety Evaluation 1996-01-093.

The integnty of electricalinsulation on electncal components and cables has degraded through aging, exposure to heat, and exposure to radiation. To achieve a passively safe condition, all existing cables must be de-energized. De-energizing the Unit 1 Reactor Enclosure (Sphere) will reduce the nsk of fire and improve personnel safety. New power i

and control circuits will be installed in the Sphere to support operation of Sphere essential loads. Heating and lighting will also be installed to support operation of these loads.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did aot exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-234,R1 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Refereace Number: Increase in Totallodine Released


Standby Gas Treatment increate Total lodine Released



This Safety Evaluation was cancelled per C. DeLaHoz 10-13-98. This safety evaluation addresses fuel that is not currently loaded in either Dresden unit, coupled with high burnup rates ( 36000 mwd /MTU) associated with the end of 24 month burnup cycle.

Rev.1 was completed 12/30/98.

It was discovered (PIF #D1998-03024 dated 4/29/98) that the iodine release from the pnmary containment post LOCA was higher than what is stated in UFSAR section 6 5.3.2.G. Per calculation prepared by Nuclear Fuel Services (BSA-M-98-01 Rev. 0) submitted to Dresden with NDIT #NFS-98-098, the total lodine released from pnmary containment post LOCA which includes 1-127 and 1-129 with Siemens Fuel and 36,000 mwd /MTU burn up rate (end of 24 month burn up cycle) is 3301 grams when no suppression pool scrubbing is considered.

UFSAR section 6.5 3.2.G states that the SBGTS carbon bed capacity is approximately 200 grams of iodine. An operability determination (98-024 dated 5/6/98) was completed and determined that the SBGT is operable but degraded. This 50 59 evaluation is being prepared to address the SBGTS effectiveness with 'he increase in total iodine released from the primary containment post LOCA from 200 grams to 3300 grams. Dresden approval of this Safety Evaluation will resolve the outstanding issue identified in the operability determination (98-024 dated 5/6/98).


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question dirl not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1998-03-237H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temo Alt 11-34-98


Rx Recire Speed Control Arm Mechanical Clamp Desenption: Lockout 2A Reactor Recirculation Motor Generator Speed control arm with a mechanical clamp.

Validation of previous Ssfety Evaluation 1997-03166.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report l

l Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-242H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Alt lll-14-98


Core Spray Valves



The scope of tr.; kmp Alt is to install a freeze seal on line 3-1425A-2"-L to temporarily isolate valves 3-1402-34B, 368. 36B1 so that they can be repaired or replaced as required.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-243 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-98-201


'D' Feedwater Heater Repair



This design change will change the routing o'the reference leg of the D Feedwater (FW)

Hester Level Switches, LS 3-3541-5%,B,C. Currently, the reference leg for these switches comes off piping directly off the 4" standpipe of the shell side of the heater. A portion of this piping will be cut and capped and new piping will be added to connect the reference leg of these level switches to the reference leg of the heater level transmitters, LT 3-3541-4A,B,C and 3-3541-31A,B,C. The reference leg for these instruments is downstream of the condensing pot. In addition, instrument root valves will be added to the reference and variable legs of LS 3-3541-55A,B.C.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-244 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800332


SDC Permanent Spool Pieces



Currently, during refuel outages, spool pieces are connected from the Fuel Pool Cooling (FPC) system to the Shutdown Cooling (SDC) system pump suctions and heat exchanger outlets in order to align SDC in the fuel pool cooling assist mode. Once assisted fuel pool cooling is no longer needed, the spect pieces are removed and blind flanges installed. This modification will design and install spool pieces that will permanently remain at these connections. Each spool piece will consist of a high pressure spectacle flange (which consists of a blind and full bore spectacle), a low pressure isolation valve, and a low pressure flange.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-247 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DMP 0200-17, Rev.17


Reactor Shield Blocks



Change the prerequisite for removing shield blocks to allow removal of first two layers while criticalin Mode 1 (Power Operation), but below 50% power. Change the prerequisite for removing the tast layer of blocks when the reactor is scrammed /subentical for at least one hour in Mode 3 (Hot Shutdown) or Mode 4 (Cold Shutdown) with main turbine secured.

Prerequisites and cautions are added to ensure conservat,ve conditions that maintain Primary Containment integrity with respect to missile protection.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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,P 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-252H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number Temp Alt 111-16-98


ISI Cable Routing during D3R15 Outage



To support ISI activities during D3R15, ISI cables will be routed through an existing spare pipe penetration located on the west wall of the Unit 3 Reactor Building. Secondary containment and fire barrier requirements will be maintained by the installation of an approved seal in the pipe penetration.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-01-073 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-255 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: SPl 98-12-038


24 Fuel Assembly Relocation - Unit 1



The proposed activity is to permanently relocate twenty-four (24) spent fuel assembles from the Unit 1 Fuel Transfer Pool to the Unit 1 Fuel Storage Pool. In order to store the fuel assemblies in the Storage Pool, the two (2) Fuel Rack Baskets that are currently holding the fuel assemblies will be moved as well. The baskets with twelve (12) fuel assembles each will be relocated to the Northem area of the S'.orage Pool.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-257 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-97-217 Addendum


Control Rod Drive Hydraulic Piping Relief Valve Desenption: This activity was previously evaluated via Safety Evaluation Tracking No. 1997-03-215. That evaluation stated that the new relief valve was a Primary Containment isolation Valve and revisions to UFSAR Table 6 2-9 and DATR Table 3/4.18 were required as a result of that designation. The addition of valve 3-0399-587 per Exempt Change E12-3-95-238 has relocated the isolation boundary. RV 3-0399-600 is no longer designated as a PCIV. This safety evaluation will supersede the previous safety evaluation tracked by 1997-03-215. All references to the new RV being a PCIV are therefore ehminated. DFL 97-094 is cancelled and superseded by DFL 98-053 The proposed activity is to install a relief valve on CRDHS sine 3-0390-3/4"-A. This hne connects CRDHS to the Reactor Recirculation System. The location of the relief valve will be inside the drywell between penetration X-139C and isolation valve 3-220-112A. In support of this new relief valve, and additional pipe support will be added to the piping system inside the drywell.

This activity also includes a safety classification change for the section of piping associated with the relief valve from valves 3 0220-112A & 2-0220-1128 to drywell side on containment penetration X-139C. The piping is currently safety class 2 and will change to safety related no class.

I Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-269H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-97-211, Addendum #1


Reactor Recire Sample Bypass Line



The proposed change installs a bypass line around reactor recirc sample hne inboard containment isolation valve A03-220-44. Installed in the bypass line will be a spring-cneck valve and a manual valve. A test tap will also be installed upstream of the inboard isolation valve A03-220-44.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-02-113 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist, Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-270H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-97-212


Bypass Line Around RWCU inboard Containment isolation Valves



The proposed change is to install a bypass line around RWCU inboard containment isolation valves AO3-1201-01 and -01A. Installed in the bypass line will be a spring-check valve and a manual valve. A test tap will also be installed downstream of check valve 3-1299-285 to facilitate testing per Appendix J.

Vahdation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-02-114.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-271H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Alt lll-37 98


Service Water Line



Perform double freeze seal on line 3-3908-8"-0 to isolate line so that valves 3-3908-B/C-500 can be replaced.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-02-106.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-277 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DEOP / SAMG Changes


DEOP / SAMG Changes



Revise Dresden Emergency Operating Procedures and implement Severe Accident Management Guidelines and Technical Support Guidelines. Implement the site specific procedures which reflect the BWROG generic guidance prepared to support the industry initiative for Severe Accident Management. The generic product is the Emergency Procedure Guideline / Severe Accident Guideline (EPG/ SAG) revision 1. These procedures direct the method to flood the pnmary containment to recover core / core debns submergence for long term cooling. The strategies provide an integrated approach to parameter control based on the primary factors that could impact the usability of a particular strategy. Implementation of the EPG/ SAG is an NRC commitment.

t Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01

' Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number. 1998-04-281H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DATR Table 3/4.18.2


Primary Containment iso'ation Valves Desenption. Revise table 3/4.18.2 to include Primary Containment isolation Valves 3-1099-29, 3-3799-277, and 3-4399-915. D3R14 Exempt Changes E12-3-97-207. E12-3-97-213, & E12-3-97-216 installed relief valves within the boundanes of the existing PCIVs associated with their applicable containment penetrations. Since a potential bypass path to primary containment was created by the addition of these valves, they are therefore functioning as PCIVs.

Dresden is required to include all PCIVs in the DATRs.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluations 1997-02-094,1997-02-095, & 1997-02-112 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Number: 1998-04-283 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800303


Unit 3 HPCI



Revise the control circuit for HPCI Auxiliary Oil Pump (AOP) 3-2303 AOP. The existing design does not allow the HPCl AOP to be secured (stopped / tripped) from the Control Room. As a result, current procedures require station personnel to enter the Reactor Building and trip the HPCI AOP at MCC 3A (CUB B01) when the 250 VDC battery chargers are not available. This is allowed since the HPCI AOP is not required to operate once HPCI Turbine reaches 2000 RPM. Entering the Reactor Building following a Design Basis Accident (DBA)is a major personnel safety concem due to the potential high radiation levels. This design change will allow the HPCI AOP to be secured by the control switch from the Control Room while the LOCA signalis present.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04 284H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modifcation Evaluation Reference Number: M12-3-96-003


Inservice Test Procedure



The subject special procedure will be a post modification test of Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT) 31 protective relaying Modifcation M12-3-96-003 to ensure that the existing and modified relay protection systems are capable of performing as designed without spurious operation. Modification M12-3-96-003 willinstall ground differential ABB type CO 2 relays, auxiliary Current Trs asformers (cts) and recorifigure bus cts which provide input to the subject relays. The protective relays provide a fault detection and protection scheme for the UAT.

The testing will be performed in the AEER at Panels 903-29,903-60 and 903-74. The testing will be performed with the UAT supplying suffeient load tot he respective 4kV SWGR bus in order to adequately excite the cts feeding the protective relays.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-02-126.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01

' Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-288H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 98-12-041


Feedwater Tuning



Perform Feedwater tuning at 9.5 Mlb/hr and 9.75 Mlb/hr feed flow. This tuning was evaluated under onginal safety analysis but was never performed.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-02-126 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-289 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800443


Install Check Valve



Install check valve in 1st stage Leak-Off line of Unit 3 Main Turbine Pypass Valves. The proposed change does not affect any accidents or equipment important to safety.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04 292H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DIP 1500-01, Rev. 2


LPCI Loop Selection Defeat Procedure



Current procedure etiows LPCI Loop A to be selected when Loop B is out of service for maintenance. Ti*ds at tivity is a procedure change which adds new Attachments 3 and 4.

These new Attachrr,nts allow Loop B to be selected when Loop A is out of service for maintenance. So, the procedure has been updated to require venfication signatures as required by current configuration control procedures.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1996-03-194 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-293H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800435 Tdle:

Remove Unit 3 RTD's



Remove existing Main Steam line temperature transmitters, replace existing temperature transmitters for the Unit 3 Recirc and Feedwater loops, and replace the Feedwater Temperature elements.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-01-044 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01

' Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number 1999-01-001H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800330


Unit 3 HPCI Drain Line Supports



This DCP modifes four existing pipe supports and adds three new pipe supports to Unit 3 HPCI Drain Line 3-2323-1"-L. It also modifes two existing supports on FP Line 2/3-4133-6"-0.

It also ados two new supports, removes one existing, and venfes one on hnes 3-2324-1"-L and 3-2309-2"-L.

' Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-01-077.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.


l Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-002 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 99-007


Administrative Control of RPS Shorting Links Desenption: Revise the UFSA.i to include the requirement to remove the Reactor Protection System (RPS) 3 shorting links (which enables a non-coincident Neutron Monitoring System (NMS) scram)

I when performing Shutdown Margin Demonstrations (requiring multiple rods to be withdrawn) with the vessel head removed or de-tensioned. This action provides additional protection against revtivity excursions in addition to that which the intermediate Range Monito s (IRM) alone provius. In addition, the revision will delete the requirement to remove the shorting hnks pnor to any single control rod withdrawal unless adequate shutdown margin has been demonstrated and the "one-rod-out" refueling position interlock has been demonstrated operable Revise the Source Range Monitor (SRM) and IRM detector locations when ful!y inserted relative to core center, anu when fully withdrawn relative to core bottom.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-005 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: UFSAR Section d


Delete unnecessary Information Desenption: Subchannel information provided in UFSAR paragraph D is specific to Unit 2. Unit 3 configuration is equivalent, but different. The information provided is not necessary.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number. 1999-01007H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DEOP 500-05, Rev. 07


Attemate Insertion of Control Rods



Changed ARI reset timer value in Note prior to step G.3 b from 39 to 49 seconds.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-04-286.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-008,R1 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800432 Tnle:

Addition of Steam Line Resonance Compensator (SLRC) Circuit Boards to EHC System



This unge will add two SLRC circuit boards to the Eiectro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) System.

To allow use of these new cards, the existing primary and secondary pressure amplifers will also be upgraded. The effect of the proposed activity is to improve the response of tiie EHC System to pressure oacillations in the main steam piping.,


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1999-01-011 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DIS 700-32


APRM & RBM Rod Out Blocks



Revise Dresden Instrument Surveillance (DIS) 0700-32, APRM and RBM Downscale Rod Out Block Prestartup Functional Test, to include steps allowing testing to occur during Control Rod Drive (CRD) testing. The revision includes provisions to defeat the functions associated with one of the two channels of rod out block circuitry. This allows testing of the Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) and Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Downscale rod out blocks in the affected rod out block logic circuit while still enabling the Refuel Mode One-Rod-Permissive interlock and the other rod out blocks (except the Tirner Malfunction Rod Select Block ) to be sctive from the other logic string.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-012 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: Core Spray " Simple" Clamp


Core Spray Bumper Clamp



This Safety Evaluation is being performed to allow the installation of the Core Spray " Simple" clamp on the 80 degree down-comer on Unit 3 during D3R15.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-013 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Alt Ill-07-99


Torus Backup Levelindication



The Temporary Mod installs poly-flow tubing at the high side test connection to the Torus level transmitter LT 3-1641-5B to provide an alternate means of determining torus water level.

The tubing will be run from the test connection to a nearby ladder, and vertically up the ladder to approximately the level of the top of the torus. The tubing will then be connected to the Torus air volume at the Torus level transmitter LT 3-1642-5B low side test connection.

The tubing will be securely attar:hed to the side of the ladder. Level scaling on the tube will be provided to match and identify actual torus water level. It will be monitored by Operations to ensure there are now water leaks and it remains secure.


This evaluation determined that an unrevewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report I

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-015 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: FSAR 11.1.8 L


Turbine Building Floor Drains Desenption: Add a statement to Section 11.1.8 of the UFSAR discussing the areas on the Unit 2/3 Turbine Building that have floor drains that are routed to the Waste Water Treatment System.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-017H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: Letter NFM.BSA:98-123


UFSAR Changes for LOCA-ECCS Update Desenption: The UFSAR is being updated to reflect changes to the LOCA-ECCS analysis, which were submitted to the NRC per 10CFR50 46. The changes address LPCI mode of injection. ADS permissive and HPCI delivery.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1999-01-018H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: Letter NFM.BSS:99-021


D3C16 Reload Licensing Report Desenption: 50.59 safety evaluation was prepared by NFM to support D3C16 operation with ATRIUM-98 offset fuel. In addition, the 50.59 safety evalustion addresses changes to the UFSAR and Tech Spec Bases 3/4 6.F (submitted to the site per Letter NFM BSS:99-001).


A new Tech Spec, Tech Spec revision, or License Amendment is required.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01 020 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Nuclear Work Request Evaluation Reference Number: WR 990011541, DCP9900024 Title.

Unit 3 Dryer Hold Down Mechanism



Remove one of four Reactor Dryer Hold Down Assemblies. This change reduces the amount of Dryer upward motion restraining capability during blowdown accidents.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-023H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number-SPI-99-02-004


SPI 99-02-004 Feedwater Control System Tuning - At Power



The tuning will be conducted by operating the system in automatic and manual control modes, and introducing level setpoint step changes. The response is recorded by the Bailey Engineering Work Station. The response will be evaluated and the control function adjusted as determined by test personnel, within the range allowed by the procedure.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-02-126 Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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F, 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-025H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 99-011


UFSAR Table 3.11 Environmental Parameter Changes for HPCI Room Desenption: Safety water has been restored to the Unit 3 room coolers (see MOD M12-3-97-007). The environmental parameters for accident conditions should be revised for Unit 3 Zone 6 (HPCI Room) to reflect the lower temperatures in the HPCI room under a postulated accident due to the availability of the room coolers.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-02-144 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-026H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 98-023


UFSAR Sections and



DFL 98-023 was submitted to revise the UFSAR to support changes made to the QA Topical Report (rev. 66). The QA Topical Report change addressed the Comed independent Review Process. The functions of Technical Review and Control (TR&C) and Onsite Review and investigative Function (OffSR&lF) are replaced with Independent Technical Review (ITR) and Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC). Offsite Review and Investigative Function (OffSR&lF)is replaced by the Nuclear Safety Review Board (NSRB). The DFL changed all specific to the existing review functions to the new review functions.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-02-155 Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-028 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DOP 2000-81 & 2000-82 Title Unit 1 Radwaste Discharge to River from Tanker Truck (With/ Without Effluent Monitor)



Procedures DOP 2000-81 and 2000-82 are being issued to allow for an alternate method of discharging processed hquid radwaste from Dresden Unit 1 through the Unit 2/3 Radwaste System into the Unit 2/3 Discharge Canal. Procedure DOP 2000-81, specifies requirements for discharge from a Tanker Truck through the Unit 2/3 Radwaste System to the River with the Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitor operable. Procedure DOP 2000-82 specifies requirements for discharge from a Tanker Truck through the Unit 2/3 Radwaste System to the River without the Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitor operable.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-029 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 99-010 Tith Leak Detection System UFSAR Change



This revision will correct statements in the UFSAR regarding the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) leak detection systems so they agree with the current plant configuration. This change will have no effect on plant operation during normal or accident conditions, and no other plant documents require revision as a result of this activity Result:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist 14 of 15 b....


10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-01 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-030 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Nuclear Work Request Evaluation Reference Numoar: WR 98013119M5, DCP


Torus to Rx Bldg. Vacuum Breaker



Piping misalignment in the Reactor Building-to-Torus (Suppression Chamber ) Vacuum Relef System on Unit 3 requires addition of an alignnent plate in the relef outboard piping. This plate acts as an onfice with an inside diameter of 18.5".

The effect of this activity is the change in UFSAR Table 6.2-1 desenbing the Reactor Building to Suppression Chamber (Torus) Vacuum Breaker as having a vert :ssa of 313 square inches. A vent area of 313 square inches correlates to an internal oiameter of 20". Actual Unit 2 and 3 internal pipe diameters are 19.25". Addition of this onfice plate will reduce this vent area further, in addition, the structural support & nonsafety piping integnty for the Unit 3 Reactui Building to Torus Relef System is changed due to the addition of this slignrnent plate Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01 031 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure l

Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 98-12-039 j


U-3 Presaute Regulation System Special Test Procedure spi-98-12-039 Desenption: This special procedure will test the response and operation of the main turbine EHC system


1) by introducing step changes in the set pressure,2) by failing the controlling pressure i

regulator to the backup regulator, and tuning the filter on the two new Steam Line Resonance Compensator (SLRC) circuit boards installed into the Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) System per DCP 9800432.

Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-034 Type of Safety Evriustion:

Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: TALT 111-09-99, DCP 9900047


Turbine Vibration Monitoring Equipment



This Temp Alt installs BNC connectors / banana plug test leads to the turbine supervisory l

instrument cabinet to allow for turbine vibration monitoring equipment to be connected. Th6 monitontig equipment does not cause any trips to the system. Huwever. dunng installation 4

and removal of this temporary modification, the turbine vibration inp signal will be dubled.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question cd not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-035H Type of Safety Evaluation:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 99-03-005 Tetle:

Uriit 3 Voltage Regulator DC Error Detector Tuning Desenptics The proposed activity is a Special Procedure (SP) for Post Modification Testing The modification to be testcd replaced the Unit 3 generator voltage regulator.

Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1998-04-253 Result:

This evaluation deterrnined that an unreviewed safety question did not eust.

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