ML20209J348 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Dresden, 05000001 |
Issue date: | 06/30/1999 |
To: | |
References | |
JMHLTR-#99-0081, JMHLTR-#99-81, NUDOCS 9907210175 | |
Download: ML20209J348 (7) | |
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Dresden Generating $tation 65(K) North Dresden Road Morrn, IL 60 450 i
m aisx>u eno July 14,1999 JMHLTR: #99-0081 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3 Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-2, DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-01. 50-237 and 50-249
1999 Second Quarter 10 CFR 50.59 Report Enclosed is the 1999 second quarter report of completed Changes, Tests, and Experiments per 10 CFR 50.59 (b)(2) for Dresden Nuclear Power Station. These evaluations correspond to the conditions identified in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) for determining whether a proposed change, test, or experiment shall be determined to involve an unroviewed safety question.
Should there be any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. D. F. Ambler at (815) 942-2920, ext. 3800.
Respectfully, f
Heffl Si Vice Pre e
resden Nuclear Power Station Enclosure cc:
Regional Administrator-Region til NRC Senior Resident inspector - Dresden Nuclear Power Station
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I 9907210175 990630 PDR ADOCK 05000001 y
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l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number; 1998-01-013 Type of Safoty Evaluation:
Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 98-01-016
U3 Hydrogen Addition Mod Startup Test
This modification test will perform the following for the newly installed Hydrogen Addition System (HAS).
1.) Ensure the correct line-up (mechanical and electrical) for the startup of the system.
2.) Determine and set the delay times for oxygen injection starting and stopping 3 ) Startup the HAS at SSCFM and trip at low injection rate.
4.) Startup the HAS and ramp up to 85 SCFM hydrogen injection.
S.) Determine and set the maximum hydrogen injection rate at full power.
6.) Perform an automatic shutdown of the HAS at full power.
7.) Observe operation of the HAS during the following evolutions:
Condenter Flow Reversal-Condensate Pump Swap - Unit Load Drop 8 ) Turnover the system for continuous HAS operation.
This test will put the hydrogen / oxygen injection system in service This testing procedure will be in effect until confidence in the system is achieved and then turned over to the Operations department.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-01-089H Type of Safety Evaluation:
Modification Evaluation Reference Number: M12-3-97-005
Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor
Remove the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor (MSLRM) scram and the Main Steam Line Tunnel Radiation high input to the Main Steam Line Isolation Function for Dresden Unit 3.
Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1997-03-212 Result:
The need for a new Technical Specification, Revision or License Amendment was identified.
1 Safety Evaluation Number; 1998-02-140 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12-3-97-228 Title.
Hydraulic Power Unit for Main Turbine Generator EHC System
This exempt change willinstall two manualisolation valves in series, install a new pressure indicator, relocate two supply lines, one drain line, and the sensing line connections to four pressure switches on the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) for the Main Turbino Jenerator EHC System. During construction the relocated supply lines will be plugged to facilitate flushing Result:
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist, i
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J 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Report
Saiety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-199 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: DCP 9800200, NWR 980060534
Unit 1 Fuel Building Overhead Crane
The proposed activity is to modify the Overhead Crane (75 ton, K-125) located in the Unit i Fuel Building. The modification will remove the crane cab and relocate controls in the cab to a new pendant controller. Tne following activities are proposed:
- 1. Removal of the crane cab
- 2. IrStallation of a new pendant control reel
- 3. Re;ocation of the disconnect switch and lighting transformer from the crane cab to the crane's bridge
- 4. Mounting a new interposing relay panel on the bridge
- 5. Rewiring of the crane's control circuits for the bridge, trolley, main hofst and auxiliary hoist to allow control functions to be performed by the pendant.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-206 Type of Safety Evaluation.
FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 9? 029
Reactor Head Stud Evaluation
An analysis of the fatigue usage factor for the reactor head studs has been performed by General Electric which concludes that the reactor closure head studs will reach fatigue usage factors of 0.79 for D2 and 0.74 for D3 after 40 years of operation. Thisjustifies continued operation without replacing the studs.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-229 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Nuclear Work Request Evaluation Reference Number: WR 980013165, DCP 9800240
LPCl/ Core Spray Suction Dp Transmitters
Reuse P&lD M-35 and DOP 0040-M2 (Unit 2 only) to reflect the existence of the 1/2 inch valves, piping and dP transmitters on the CST piping to the LPCI and Core Spray pumps.
3 Also, valves will be locked closed and all equipment tagged as retired in place.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
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1 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Report l
Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-03-239H Type of Safety Evaluation:
Modification 1
Evaluation Reference Number: M12-2-96-002
Main Generator Reverse Power Relay Scheme
The original scope of Modification M12-2-96-002 consisted of three independent design changes to the main generator reverse power relay scheme as follows:
- 1. Installation of a volt amperes reactive (VAR) detection relay and various auxiliary relays in the 902-29 and 2252-6 panels, respectively, to detect high VARs in the event of a turbine generator trip and/or reactor scram and " runback" (reduce) the generator excitation to minimize VARs.
- 2. Installation of a static de-excitation relay in Panel 2252-6 which zeros the exciter attemator field upon a trip signal to the generator field circuit breaker.
- 3. Installation of a new alarm point in the control room from the existing negative sequence relay for a pre-trip waming of a negative sequence condition.
The revision to the modification is being made to allow the equipment installed for the VAR Runback function (item 1) to be permanently disabled and abandoned in place Valtdation of previous safety evaluation 1997-03-206 Result:
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
f Safety Evaluation Number: 1998-04-246 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Prc.cedure Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 98-10-030, Rev. O Title.
SJAE/Recombiner Train 'B'
This Special Test is to determine the location of upstream recombination.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-003 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Miscellaneous Evaluation Peference Number: DCP 9900005
One Half Condenser Isolation at Power Operation Desenption: Modify the U3 Condenser to permit one-half condenser isolation during power operation. The modifications are summarized as follows:
- 1) Install level indcation on the East and West Condenser Waterbox. These indicators shall permit water level monitoring in support of opening the access hatches.
- 2) Install a valve, spool piece and hose connection on the existing abandoned-in-place Hypoctorite tap upstream and downstream of the 3-4402 Circulating Water Isolation valves (eight locations). These connections will permit the installation of a hose to support de-watenng of the Circulating Water inlet / outlet piping
- 3) Modify the Condenser Waterbox vent piping to permit independent venting of the North and South Condenser sections.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01 019 T pe of Safety Evaluation:
Procedure S
Evaluation Reference Number: SPI 98-09-051, Rev. 02
Processing of Tanks T-102A/B Through Vendor Ultra-Filtration Processing System Desenption: Special Procedure and Safety Evaluation revised to allow transfer of process effluent into portable tanker for transport to Unit i Fuel Building where the water will be pumped into the Unit 1 Fuel Storage Pool, OR for transport to Unit 2/3 liquid redwaste discharge path for discharge to river. Water meets specs for re-use in Fuel Storage Pool and for discharge to the environment.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-039 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Modification Evaluation Reference Number: DCPs 9800220 & 9800402 Title.
Tie-in 345 kV Switchyard 125-V Batteries & Disconnect Station 125-V Battery FeeJs Desenption: Two 125-V battery systems were installed in the 345 kV switchyard relay house in late 1995 under T&D/ Planning Worl' Order 111442. The batteries are installed and are on float charge, however, they were never connected to the 345 kV Switchyard 125 Vdc distnbution system. DCPs 9800220 and 9800402 will tie these batteries into the 345 kV Switchyard Distnbution Systems 1 and 2 and disconnect the plant feeds from the Turbine Building 125-V Distribution Panels 2A-1 and 3A-2.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-01-040 Type of Safety Evaluation:
Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number: Amendment 12 of the FPR and
Fire Protection Report (FPR) & Fire Prot. Program Documentattion Pkg. (FPPDP) Update
The proposed activity is a documentation char,ge to update the Dresden FPR and FPPDP.
Amendment 12 of the FPR and the FPPDP incorporates the following-
- 1. Operations Authorized Plant Design Changes (DCPs) between July 1,1996 and December 1
- 2. Design inputs, editorial changes, and configuration management enhancements that originated after the 1996 FPR/FPPDP update (Amendment 11).
- 3. Changes to the FPR per NDIT No. SO40-DH-0512 " Isolation Condenser Makeup Pump Appendix R Safe Shutdown Analysis".
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number:
1999-02-049 Type of Safety Evaluation:
FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 99-022
Feedwater Nozzle inspection l
Desenption: The four feedwater nozzles were examined durir'g D2R15 and D3R15 by General Electnc using an automated ultrasonic inspection method and procedures meeting the intent of ASME Section XI Appendix Vll. As a result, the liquid penentrant inspection (LPT) required in Table 2 of NUREG 0619 is not nececsary. The UFSAR in paragraphs 3.9.5 and 5.31 commits Drescen to follow this requirement. However, the NRC has approved the use of an autot ated UT inspection performed to procedures meeting ASME Section XI Appendix Vill as an a t arnate to the LPT required in the NUREG. The station will also prepare a submittal to the NRC to update the NUREG 0619 commitment.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number:
1999-02-052H Type of Safety Evaluation:
Modification Evaluation Reference Number: M12-3-96-006
Proposed Solution identified in PIF D1399-01197 Desenption: This Validation is solely to implement the " Proposed Soludon" identified in PlF D1999-01197, That PIF identified that Safety Evaluation 1997-02-140 did not address changes that were being made to piping stresses, even though that Evaluahon is listed as the supporting documentation. This Validation willindicate that Safety Evaluation #1997-02-140 is also applicable to the changes that were being made to piping stresses. The analysis was completed at the time the Safety Evaluation was completed, and the physical changes were implemented by ECN 001049M.
Validation of Previous safety Evaluation 1997-02-140 Result:
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number:1999-02-054H Type of Safety Evaluation:
Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DOP 2000-82
Unit 1 Radwaste Discharge to River from Tanker Truck
A Tank Truck of processed Unit i Radwaste Effluent will be transferred to Unit 2/3 Radwaste yard where its contents will be pumped through temporary hoses / valves to the U2/3 Radwaste Systems. The water will be either discharged through the U2/3 Radwaste Discharge flowpath to the River (with or without use of the Liquid Effluent Rad Monitor, depending on the activity) OR transferred to U2/3 Radwaste Tanks for holdup prior to discharge. The water may also be used as U2/3 Condensate Makeup, depending on the quality of the chemistry parameters.
Validation of Previous Safety Evaluation 1999-01-028 Result:
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
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i 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1999-02 Safety Evaluation Summary Repart Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-02-062 Type of Safety Evaluation.
Temporary Alteration Evaluation Reference Number: Temp Modification 11-07-99 l
Safety Evaluation for the installation of Temporary Modification 11-07-99.
Description. Temporary modification willinstall bypass instrument air lines around solenoid valves XSV-2/3-5741-053B and 054 This Temp Alt will enable the Control Room HVAC System to perform design functions for normal habitability requirements, pressurization, and toxic gas isolation.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Safety Evaluation Number: 1999-02-065 Type of Safety Evaluation:
FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Numbel: DFL 99-025
Revise the UFSAR to Match Changes to the GESP
Eliminate references to the Mazon EOF and replace them with the Downers Grove EOF l
which will be used in its place..
This evaluation determined that an unr sviewed safety question did not exist.
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Safety Evaluation Number:
1999-02-085 Type of Safety Evaluation:
FSAR Change
Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 99-028
Delete Table ? 3-5 and the reference l
Desenption: The proposed changes of the UFSAR are the deletion of Table 8.3-5 and reference to the Table in Section 8.31.6 3.3. The effect of the change will be removal of the information that could be a potential source of discrepancies, since it F iot complete in the Table and is controlled by design drawings.
This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
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