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Fourth Quarter Rept of Completed Changes,Tests & Experiments Per 10CFR50.59
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1997
From: Heffley J
JMHLTR-#98-0012, JMHLTR-#98-12, NUDOCS 9801220215
Download: ML20198P702 (20)


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WW) North DrrAkm Itmd Mort b.11. (di s',o ia w.9 u mo January 15,1998 JM11LTR: #98-0012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A*ITN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


1997 Fourth Quarter 10 CFR 50.59 Report Dresden Nuclear Power Station Docket Nos. 504)l0,50-237, and 50 249 Enclosed is the fourth quarter Report of completed changes, tests, and experiments per 10 CFR 50.59 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station. These evaluations correspond to the conditions identified in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) for determining whether a proposed change, test, or experiment shall be determined to involve an unreviewed safety question.

If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Frank Spangenberg, Dresden Station Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 942-2920, ext. 3800.


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Vice Presid t Dresden Station Enclosure cc:

A. Bill Beach, Regional Administrator, Region 111 fg3


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M. A. Ring, Branch Chief, DRP, Region III J. F. Stang, Project Manager, NRR t-Senior Resident inspector, Dresden Office of Nuclear Facility Safety - IDNS


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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04

'Safet Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluaton Number; 1997 01 077 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Exempt Change


Evaluation Reference Number; E12 3 97 201 f


HPCI Gland Seal Leak Off & Oland Seal Exhaust Fan Lines Desenption: This modificaten will.


s Modify / evaluate the HPCI Oland Seal Leak Ofl(GSLO) and & HPCI Gland Seal Exhaust Fan (GSEF) hnes.

b insulate these hnes to reduce heat input into the HPCI toom to preclude premature i

equipment failure due to exposure to elevated temperatures.


c. Perform a computer analysis of the existing pipes
  • routings to ensure the hnes are l

adequate to function under safety-related loading conditions. New pipe supports for both the t

OSLO and OSEF hnes shah be des 6gned and installed in order to meet safety-related subsystem requirements

d. Reclassify the HPCI Oland Seal equipment as safety related.

This modification will not upgrade to safety related the 3 inch hne downstream of the GSLO exhauster. The reason that this piping win not be upgraded is because sealleakage from equipment operating as designed will be routed to the Standby Oas Treatment System, either daractly or as part of the generehred secondary containment effluent should a postulated break downstream of the GSLO ext.auster occur. The leakage release rate is preserved and the release path to the environment is preserved Additionally, since this 3-inch line is downstream of the gland seal condenser, the non condensibles have been cooled.

Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

i Safety Evaluation Number. 1997 02 101 Type of Safety Evaluation FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 97-042


RPS MG Set Desenption: Presently, the UFSAR lists the feed for RPS MG set 3A as being 480 vac MCC 38-2. In actushty, the 3A RPS MG set is connected to 480vac MCC 38-3 This change evaluates the difference in the connection, and the correction of the UFSAR to match the as built condition.


This evaluation detemuned that an unreviewed safety question did not exist Safety Evaluation Number; 1997 02 103 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12 3 97 219 Title'

'B' LPCI Pump Suction Paping Tee Desenption. The purpose of reinforcing the tee and branch hne is to satisfy the structural anatysis of the piping The or6ginal structural analysis of this piping system required that this tee must be i

reinforced in order to withstand all normal and accident forces. Upon calculation reviews and

- plant inspecton of the p6 ping It was identified that the too fitting was not actually romforced as was required by the pipmg analysis This change restores the '8" LPCI suction piping tee to its intended state. The branch hne reinforcement willlower pipe stress anticipated for increased torus Post-LOCA terrreratures.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist, 1 of 19 i


,10 CF,R 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Sajoty Evaluation Su_m_ mary _ Report __

Safety Evaluaton Number. 1997-02 109 Type of Safety Evaluation Exempt Change Evaluation Reforence Numter. E12496-207 Title Security Lighting. Rev i to 1997 02 097 Descripton The proposed activity removes and replaces the underground fire protection east yard loop header from the Una 2/3 Cribhouse along the north and east boundanes of the plant to the Administration Duliding at the south side of the plant Exempt Change E12 0 E208 replaced approximately 200 fset of the east yard loop near the SDO Duilding in 1996 This modificaton, E12496 207, win continue the pipe replacement effort begun in 1996 via E12 0-96-208 The remaining existing 84nch cement asbestos (Transite) and steel piping will be replaced with 12-inch diameter (where physically possible) PVC piping using ductile iron /coment hned fittings, mechan 6caljoints and thrust restraints Where not physically possible to install 1(inch piping,84nch pipe will be used Most vatves and hydrants within the replaced piping scope will be replaced with tighter shut off (mechanicaljoint type resihent seat (,ete) vatves and dry barrel type fire hydrants. However, PlV 2/3-4199-196 and hydrant FH-2 will not be replaced Additional valves will be instehed in the fire protection main yard loop to provide Greater sectionshring and flexibikty/capabihty. The fire protection water suppty to the Unit i Offgas Duilding hose stations will be deleted The exempt change will improve the hydraulic performance of the underground fire main yard loop and willimprove the performance of the staton's fire suppression systems To allow excavation of the fire protection main yard loop north of Unit 1, Security Light Poles 17900-PL14,17900-PLi$,17900-PL16 and their associated lights will be relocated Minimum hghting levels per NUREG/CR 1327,

  • Security L6ghting Planning Document for Nuclear fixed $ste Facihtes", will be maintained aner relocation of the light poles and their associated hghts Result This evaluation determined that an unrevewed safety question did not exist

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Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997 02 127 Type of Safety Evaluston.

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number. E12 3 97 223 Title' LPCI Heat Exchanger [lypass Line Do6cnpton The proposed change is to install shear pins in the Concrete Espansion Anchor baseplate for the lateral brace of pipe support M-341411 located on the 3B-1503 LPCI HX bypass hne 3-153418"-D Result This evaluation determined that an unrevewed safety quest on did riot exist Safety Evaluation Number 1997-02 141 Type of Safety Evaluation-Temporay Alteration Evaluaten Reference Number. Temp Alt 11-16 97 Title Unit 2 Desel Fire Pump Unavailable Descnpton-During removal and replacement of the FP underground siipply line from the Unit 1 Crib House to the FP main yard loop, the Unit i Diesel Fire Pump (DFP) will be unavailable to suppty water to the main yard loop Compensatory actions are planned for this activity per DATR 3131 and 3151. These actions include fire watches in the plant based on the results of calculation DRE96-0155, Rev 1. Also, a supplemental fire hose for the Uni 1 Crib t

House wiu be provided.

Result This evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Summary Report j

Saloty Evaluston Numter: 199742 142 Type of Safety Evaluation' Exempt Change

. i Evaluation Reference Numter: E124 97 206 Tale:

lime Delay Relay in Shutdown Cookng Pwn) Control Circuits Descripton: The exempt change will install a time delay relay in each of the three Shutdown Coohng pump control circuits (purres: 3A 1002,381002, and 3C.1002) Once the time delay relay has toen installed in the specific loop of the Shutdown Coohng system, testmg shall be performed pror to relay installaton on the other loops. Testing shall demonstrate that tre design has toen met and the system is operational, The time delay will be utifired between a Shutdown Cookng system low suction pressure detection and the resultant pump trip s6gnal The j

proposed change will reduce the number of spurious inps which have been encountered during Shutdown Coolmg pump starts.

Result This evaluation determined that an unrevowed safety question did not emet.

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Safety Evaluaton Numter. 1997 03 175 Type of $sfety Evaluation-Set Point Changes Evaluaton Reference Numter: SPC 2497-058 DCP 9700196 Title-.

Add Equipment to Appendia R Descripton: This activity will allow the desel driven isolation Condenser Makeup Pumps 2/3-43122 A and 2/3 43122 B, with sucton from the Clean Dominerehred Water Storage Tank (14300-1105B), to be credited as a source of isolation condenser makeup dunng a fire. The i

proposed changes include-

1) Incorporating the desel driven isolation Condenser Makeup Pumps and associated equipment, used to prov6de isolation condenser shell side makeup, into the Dresden j

10CFR$0 Appendix R Safe Shutdown Report, Fire Hazards Analysis, and DATR's;

2) Changing equipenent classification to upgrade the affected equipment for use as Appendix R Safe Shutdown equipment; 4
3) Changing the minimum level in the Clean Dominerahred Water Storage Tank to prov6de l*

sufficent water volume in the tank for makeup to the isolation condenser, via the isolation

-- condenser makeup pumps, dunng a fire;

4) Revising kpphcable staten procedures to reflect the changes.


This evaluation determined that an unrevowed safety question did not exist.

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.10 CFR 50.69 Quarter: 199744 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluaton Nurntor 1997 03 176 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Inodicaton Evaluston Reference Number:

T sile-Unit 1 Rad *aste Facihty isolaton Descripton This modocation loolates U-1 redweste storage tanks from service and reroutes their Influents to operable tanks / sumps, isolates piping, tanks, and pumps that are no longer in u6e. reroutet exeting piping to prov6de a"e'r ate flow paths which will be necessary after the redweste tanks are temoved from serv 6ce; isolates the Redweste f acinny from the fire protecton yard loop, provides a cross tie from the instrument alt system to thc servios air s/ stem in the Chernacal Cleaning Building because the normal service air supply from the Redweste Facihty is teing isolated, and revises controt, instrumentation, and alarm c6tcults that intoiface with the Redweste Builder.g and must remain operable so that all cables that enter the Rad *ast' Building can be spared and determmated The modicaton also pmydes an ahomete ear source for the Reactor Enclosure Drain Tank (REDTs levelinstruments so that they can be isolated from the staten instrument air system, The instrument air system to the Sphere which provdes the normal source of instrument air to these instruments, 6e being i

isolated by this modifcaton.

l Result 1his evaluaton detemitd that an unreviewed safety question did not exmt Safety Evaluation Number < 1997-03 177 Type of Safety Evaluation.

Muddcaton f

Evaluation Reference Number: M12 2 97-003 I

Title' U2 Zme injection System Description-This change moddes the exsting Z6nC injection Process (ZIP) system, which is part of the feedwater &nd Condensate System This moddcation installs a tap off the B Foodwater Pump dscharge and routes 21/2" piping frnm the top to the inlet header of the Zinc skid This w6tl make the Unit 2 system similar to the design on Unit 3.

Result This evaluation cetermined that an unreviewed safety question did not eunt.

i Safety Evaluation Number: 1997 03 185 Type of Safety Evaluation Esempt Change Evalustson Reference Number; P12-2 94 294 Titie-U2 Core Spray Sectonal Replacement Contingency t

Desenption. Core Spray Sectonal Replacement (CSSR) will replace sections of the Core Spray System's pipmg m the reactor vessel between and including the slip fit just above the shroud and down to the thermal sleeve that is welded to the outside of the shroud wall, Result This evaluation determined that an unrevewod safety question did not exist, i

afety Evaluaton Numter 1997 03-187 Type of Safety Evaluaton*

Moddestion Evaluation Reference Number: M12 3-88 0678, Add #3 t


Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Descr6pton' This addendum is being issued with regards to the Main asam Line Radiation Monitors

- (MSLRM) High Radiaton alarm and tnp setpoints for Unit 3 This addendum is boog issued to authonte the change for the alarm eN inp setpoints as a result of installaton of the bydrogen addibon system. Since the MSLRM alarm and trip setpoints have been removed from the Techncal Speedcations due to a recent heensing aubmittal, revising these setpoints will not require a L6 censing Amendment as specded in the previous 6afety evaluation Result-The evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety queston did not erst


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10 CFft 50.59 Quarter: 1997 04 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997 03 188 Type of Safety Evaluato i.

Modificaten I

f Evaluation Reference Number: M12 3 88467D j'


Supply UnN 2 Generator Hydrogen and Hydrogen Addition Systems Description. This change instalis approximately five feet of piping to to pipe hnes 2 334101 1/2* U and 2 333771* A together outside by transformer 21. the Unit 2 aux transformer. Pipe hne 2 33410-1 1/2* U was run under modification M12 3 86 067C snd provided a cross to from the Unit 3 Hydrogen supply over to Unit 2. This piping is routed outs 6de along tne north well of the Unit 2 and 3 Turtsine Building Pipe hne 2 333771* A is the cunent supply hne to the Unit 2 i

Hydrogen systems. In additon, this ECN instans a restncling onfice en pipe hne 2 6301 1"-U, the Generator Hydrogen supply kne.


This evaluation determined that an unrevowed safety question did not exist.

f Safety E aluston Number. 1997 03 204 Type of Safety Evaluaten:

Modificaton Evaluaton Reference Number; M12-0 97 0010 Title Aux Electric Equipment Room & Aux Computer Room New NC Unit Descripton: This evaluation addresses the installation of Partial Modification M12 0-97-001 C and DCN 00130E which provides the des 6gn requirements for the relocation of the power source of the new AEER/ACR NC unit instoned under Partial Modification M12 0 97 001 A Th:s non.

safety telated work activity will move the power source from the shared breaker in cubicle 4D to a dedicated breaker that will be instehed in cubicle 70 of switchgear 25 This will require 3

en outage of the switchgear to install a new breaker for the spare cubicle.

The work activites required are the preparation of cubicle 7D in Switchgear 25 to accept a new breaker, d* connection of the new AEERIACR NC system to the new breaker in 7D.

Partel modification M12 0 97 001 A needs to be completed and the appropnate procedures need to be revoed to ensure proper completion of this new AEER/ACR NC power instahation.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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.10 CFR 50.59 Ouarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation _ Summary Report _

r.afety Evaluston Number. 1997 03-200 1ype of Safety Evaluahon-Modificatbn Evalunten fiefeience Number M12 2 96-002 Title VAR Runback Relay Description The modification will 6nstall en additional VAR Runback relay and associated relays in panets 902 29 and 2252-6 Also, a relay and associated winng for the static de-excitation circuit rad a new alarm point in the control room for a pro t ip woming of a negattve sequence condition wW be added by the modification These relays will be mounted on a subtanelin panel 2252-6 The VAR Runback relay will be mounted in par'el 907 29 The modi %aten will upgrade the main generator reverse power relay scheme in order to recogntre and counteract reverse power conditons. The relay upgrade willimprove the existing generator protective system response to h6gh Volt Ampere Reactive (VAR) conditions High VAR conditions may be exponenced 6mmediately following a turbine generator tnp af the field SActation is not removed. The new relay to be added by the modification willinterlock the generator exciter and voltage regulator in ordet to minimae a high VAR condition following a generator inp. The static de excitation portion of the modification willinclude the installation of a relay which will reto the exciter attemator fWild upon a top 66gnal to the field circud breaker. The modificaton will also utilge the exsting negative sequence relay to provide 4 (pre-tnp) negative 8equenur current detecton alarm lhe increased protective sensitivity will result in the detection and mitigation of high VAR and reverse power conditons sooner than the existing system Rapid detection and interrupton of high VAR and reverse power conditions will result in improved equipmt nt reliability.

Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety ques' ion did not exist Safety Evaluation Number. 1997-03-201 Type of Safety Evaluation:

M4 $fication Evaluation Reference L' umber: M12 2 96-003 Title Unit Auxiliary Transformer Fault Protection Desenption The modification will upgrade the Dround dafterential relay scheme of the UAT 21 protecten system by utilging CO-2 re'ays The existing ground favit nrotection system is configured with a resistive neutral grcund on the low side windings of the UAT. The existing system 6s capable of sensing large magnitude faultr. and initiating a UAT inp and fault isolaton The moddication willinstall 00 2 relays which willincrease the sensitivity of the fault detecten scheme for the UAT The increased protective sensitivity will result m the detection and intetruption of f ault conditions will result in an improved orotection system reliability.

The modification willinstall a new retay panel (902 74)in the Auxiliary Elecincal Equipment Room ( AEER). T he new relay panel will have a qualified mounting (seismic) to the AEER floor The protective relays and auxiliary current transformers to be utilged by the modification will be 6nstalled in the new panel Field winng will be routed between panels 902-74 and 902 29 In the AEtiR The existing Current Transformers (cts) located at the feed cubicles of Switchgear groups 21,22,23 and 24 will also be utilged for the modificaston l

Result This evaluabon determin*d that an unreviewed safety quest on did not exist.

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997 04 Safety Eyaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997 03 208 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Moddcaten 4

t Evaluaton Reference Number M12 2 964104 Title' RaseNe Auxlhay Transformer Fault Protection Desenpton The moddca' son wdl upgrade the ground differential relay scheme of the RAT 22 protectk.n system by utikring CO-2 and CO 7 protective relays. The existmg ground fault protodiun system is configured with a reelstive neutral ground on the li.,* side windings of the RAT, The 3

existing system es capable of sensing large magnitude fauts and insteting a RAT trip and fault i

isolation The moddication wiH install CO-2 and CO 7 rolsys win increase the sensibvity of the fault detecton scheme for the RAT. The increased protective sensitMty wdl result in t

the detecton and inte:!vption of faults sooner than the existing system Rapid detection and interrupton of fault conditions wiH result it, improved equipment rehability.

l The moddcaton wdl utdtre reley Panel 902 74 located in the Auxlhary Electreal Equiptrent Room (AEER). This panel (902-74) wiH be installed under Moddcaton M12 2 96-003. The j

protecirve relays and auxlhary current transformers to be utdiren by the moddcation win be installed in the panel Field winng wlH be routed tetween panels 902 74 and 902-2g in the AEER. The existing Current Transformers located at the feed cubicles of Switchgear grourt l

21,22,23 and 24 win also be utdited for tM modacation.

Result The evaluation determmed that an unreviewed safety queston $d not ex at.

l Safety Evaluston Number. 1997 03 209 Type of Safety Evaluston.

Moddcaten Evaluatiun Reference Number: M12 2 96 006, DCN 001140M Title' Torus Penetratons 40 ECCS Pump Suchon Ring Header Desenption. The modrhcaten to the Torus penetrations gomg to the ECCS pump suction nn0 header is required in order to support the installation of the new ECCS pump sucten stromers. The new strainers will be bolted to the flanges of the exist ng penetration piping and will be supported by the flange and piping The larger strainers result in hcreased loads on the penetrations, which have been evaluated as part of this Design Change Package The evaluston of the adequacy of the penetration and flange are documented in calculatons DRE97 0007 and DRL97 001g. The evaluat' ns include appleable sesmc and pool o

hydrodynamic loads and demonstrate that aH spphcable UFSAR acceptance hmets are met.

Dresden Station committed to installation of larger suchon attainers in their inter 6m response to NRC Bulletin 96-03 and their request for de enal of full NRC Bulletm 96-03 comphance.

r Result Thss evaluation ditermmed that an unreviewed safety question did not exst.

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10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997 04 i

Septy Evaluation Summary. Report Sabty Evaluaton Numter. 1997-03 210 Type of So4ty EvaluateN Modificaton Fralueton Referera Nurnter: M12 2 96406, DCN 00ii41M j

j Title Replace ECOS Sucten Strainers Descreen-DCN 001141M of DCP 9600317 replaces the ECCS suction strainers. Tie four existing i

passive F.CCS sucten strainers wiu be replaced with four larger passive strainers that have a differerst shape. The new larger strainnra have a atacked dek configuration, which createst a


larger strainer surface stes. Each of the new strainers has a surface area of approrrnately i18 sq ft, compared to the approximately 4 6 s4 ft. of surface area for each of the old strainers. As a tesoft clthe piping reantlyses, several macellaneous modifica' worm wiil also be oorformed.


l several snutbers and a spnng can will be inspected ar.d rtset, W required 6nrus manway ladder and catwalk railing is to be rernoved and reinstalled several sman bore socket welds wlH to contoured to lower the SIF (Stress Intensification j

Factor) t The ECCS sucuon strainers in Unit 3 were replaced similar to the above in April / May of 1997 under DCP 69600318.

Result This evaluston determst'ed that an unrevewed safety queston did not ernt.

3 Safety Evalusten Number. 1997 03-211 Type of Stafety Evaluation.

FSAR Change Evatuston Reference Number: DF L 97-088 l

Title Stat 6on Securdy Plan Rev. 66 UFSAR Crange Description Reyme pending change DFL 97 081 wh6ch revises UFSAR 13 6 to reflect change in Securty Plan Securtly Plan revised organiration titles and structure.

Result This evaluation determined that an unrevowed safety question did not exist Sekty Evatusi6on humter. 1997-03 213 Type of Safety Evaluation.

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Numter. E12 2 97 215 Title.

CRD Penetraton X 144, NRC GL 96-06 q

Description The change wlH replace the existing (pool pece located on line 10308 4* downstream of valve 2 030174. The new spool piece willinclede a circular blank plate at one end and wiu fit d'rectly totween the new and esisting flanges on the pipe.

Result This evaluston determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist, Safety Evaluston Number. 1997 03 214 Type of Safetv Evaluation:

Exempt Change r

Evaluation Reference Number: E12-2 97 216 litie.

CRO Penetraton X 1390, NRC 01. 96-06 e

Desripton The proposed chan9e is to Install a relef valve on CRDHS hne 2 0390 3/4" A The hne connects CRDHS to the Reactor Recirculaton System. The location of the retet valve will be insxle the dryweX between penetts%n X 139B and isolation vatve 2 22011?A in support of the new relef vatve an additonal pipe support will be added to the system and up to two Q) thermal expansion loops win be added to the piping inside the drywell.

Result T his evaluaton determined that an vi evewed safety question did not exist.

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997 04 Safyty Evaluation Summary, Report Cafety Evaluaton Numter; 1997-03 215 Type of Safety Evaluntion:

Exempt Change i

Evaluaton Reference Number: E12 3-97 217 Tnle:

CRD Penetration X 1390, NRC GL 96-06 f

Descripton The proposed change is to install a rehef vaNo on CRD Hydrauhc System Ene 3-0390 3!4* A Ths Ice conneds CRDHS to the Reactor Recarculation System. The location of the relet t

valve wdl be inside the drywell between petetration X 139C and tantation valve 3 220112A.

In support of the new relef valve en edd#tional pape support wl!! be acidad to the system and up to two (2) thermpi expans6on loops wdt be added to the piping inside the drywell t

Result The evaluaton detemuned that an unreviewed safety queston did not ernt.

Safety Evaluation Number; 1997 03-216 Type of Safety Evaluation.

Exempt Change i

Evaluation Reference Number: E12-2 97 208 Tnia:

Domin Penetration X 119 NRC GL 96-06 Descripton The proposed change is intended to permanentty <esolve issues leertsfed dunng the evaluahon of NRC Generic Letter 9406,' Assurance of Equipment Operability and Containment intognty Dunng Design-Bass Accident Conditions.* Generic tetter 96-06 4dentifed the potential for thermally hiuced overpresourization and subsequent rupture of isolated water fdied piping sections in containment. This condition could lead to a breach of t

drywell sidegrity via bypass leakage. Foe the Deminershed Water Makeup System, the potential exsts that followtng a LOCA, the piping between the three closed containmtnt isolation vetves at penetratot X 119 (valves 2 4327 $00,2-4327 502, and 21916 $00) may pressunze des to containment heahng If this piping were to rupture, the containment furscton of itm drywell would be bypassed lhe additon of a relef valve Will provide a reI@f path for the thermal expansion of fMd trapped 6n this secten of piping.


This evaluation determined that an unrevewed safety question did not exst.

Safety Evaluston Narnber. 1997 03-217 Type of Safety Evaluaton-Exempt Change Evaluston Reference Number: E12 2-97 213


SDC Penetration X 111 A/B, NRC GL 06-06 Descripton. The proposed change is intended to permanently resolve issues identifed dunng the evaluation of NRC Generic Letter 96 06,' Assurance of Equipment Operabikty and Containment integrtty Dunng Design-Bass Accadent Conditions." Generic Letter 08 06 6dentifed the potential for thermally induced overpressutuation and subsequent rupture of isolated water filled piping sections in containment, This condition could lead to a t, reach of drywellintegnty via bypass kNAage. For the Reactor Shutdown Coohng System (SDCS) the potential entsts that following a LOCA, the piping which maker up the SDCS suction header (penetrabons X 111A and X 1118) between vanes 21001 1 A,2-1001 18,2-10012A,21001 2B, and 2100120, may pressurtre due to containrrmnt heating. If this piping were to rupture, the containment function of the drywsJ would be bypassed and the SDCS would not be available for use The addition of a relef valve within the piping that is solated by these $

valves will provide a relef path for the thermal expansion of flaid trapped in this sednn of popmg, preventing pipe ruptuto due to overpressure.


This evatuston determined tt=t an unrevewed safety question did not exist.

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997 04


Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluation Number: 19g7 03 218 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Miscellaneous Evaluaton Reference Numter. DCP 9600318 DCN 001049M Title.

Reinforce Torus Penetratons to ECCS Pump Sueton Ring Header Deswipton DCN 001049M of DCP 9600318 reinforces the Torus penetratons X 303A/B/C/D, to the Emergency Core Cookng Systems (ECCS) pump sucten nng header. The reinforcement win i

entall welding to the existing penetration support legs, pads, and nozzle sleeves. There will i

be no changes or welds to the ASME code pressure boundary. The instatisten of the new strainers will be performed per this same DCP, during the refuehng outage, and is evaluated under a separate 60 69.

The modificshon to the Torus penetrations going to the ECCS pump sucten ring header is j

required in order to support the installation of the new ECCS pump suction ring header sucten 6 trainers The new strainers win be bolted to the flanges of the existing penetration piping and wiu be supported by the flange and piping. The larger strainers result in increased loads on the penetrations, which have been evaluated As part of this Design Change Package. The evaluation of the adequacy of the penetrat6pn and flange are documented in calculations DRE97-007 and DRE 97-0019. The evaluations include oppheable seismic and pool hydrodynamic loads and demonstrate that all apphcable UFSAR acceptance hmits are tret Dresden station committed to installaton of larger suction strainers in their interim response to NRC Bulletin 9643 and their request for deferral of fun NRC Bulletin 9643 comphance.

Result This evaluaton ootermined that an unreviewed safety queston did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1997 03 219 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Miscellaneous Evaluation Reference Number DCP 9600M8. DCN 001050M Title-New Torus ECCS Ring Header Suction Strainers Descripton This 60 59 addresses the part of the DCP which will instan the new Torus ECCS nng header suction strainers The four existing passive ECCS suvien strainers will be replaced with four larger passive strainers that have a di ferent shape The new larger strainers have a stacked 8

disk confguraton, which creates a larger strainer surface area. Each of the new strainers has a surface area of epproximately 134 sq ft., which is compared to the surface area of each of the old strainers, at approximately 4.5 sq fL The purpose in performing this modifcation ts to increase the surface area of the strainers and thus increase the flow area of the strainer. NRC Bulletin 9643, " Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Sucten Strainers by Debers in Bnihng Water Reactors", describes ECCS surton strainer clogging events and required responses to satisfy the Bulletin. This i

modifcaton will addrssa at least a porton of the actions required by the bulletin, but at this time it is not assumed that the modifcahon or the associated 60 5g will disposition su kssues associated with Bulletin 96-03. Corvphance with 96-03 wn! be fulty addressed. separate from this modifcation, to ensure full comphance with the requirements of the NRC bulletin.

Structural qualifcaton of the strainers and flange botting is documented in calculatons 1

DRE97 0016 and DRE97 0019. which ccaciude that the new configuration meets 'he appleable UFSAR allowable stress hmits for allload combinatens, including pool hydrodynamic and seismic hads.

j Result.

This evaluahon determined that an unreviewed sa ety questen did not exist r

l l

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10 CFR 60.69 Quarter: 1997 04 4

Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safe *y Evaluston Number. 1997 04-220 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Exempt Change Fvaluaton Referena Number: E12-2 97 211 j

Tat Reactor Recarc Sample Line inboard Contamment isolaton Valve Bypass L6ne Deecnption: - The proposed change is to instan a bypass ime around reactor rec 6fculaton sample line,

i inboard containment isolation vaNo A0 2 0220-44. Installed in the bypass ime wiu be a l

spnng check valve and a manuelisolaton vane, A test correcten wth double vatve solation is also added.


Result This evoluston determined that an unrevowed safety question did not exist.

l Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997 04 221 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change f

r Evaluation Referenoa Number: E12 2 97 212 Talo Reactor Water Cleanup System Supply Line I



The propeded change is to install a bypass line around reactor water cleanup system supply line snboard containment isolation vanes. Installed in the bypass line wiH be a spnng check veNe and O manual isolaton valve. A test connecten wnh double valve icolaton es also tseing > stalled.

a Result:

The evaluaton detemuned that an unrevowed safety question did not exist.


i Safety Evaluaten Number. 1997-04 222

' Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number: E12 2 97 201 Tnte-Reclassify HPCI Gland Seal System from Non-Safety Aelated to Safety Related Desenpton: Perform exempt change E12-2 97 201 to reclassify the High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI) Gland Seel system from no+ safety related to safety related The exempt enange i


. Perform a computer analysm ci the Gland Seal Leakoff (OSLO) and Gland Steam Exhauster Fan tOSEF) subsyt. tem pipirg to ensure they meet the UFSAR loading entens for safety related piping i

Retoute a portion of Line 2 23111+1/2" LX between the Gland Seal Condenser hotwou and valve 2 2399-60 to maintain thermal stresses within code allowable values.

l I

  • Design and instaH new pipe supports for both subsystems in order to meet the safety related requirements.

. Reclassify the HPCI Gland Seal sq Jipment as safety related.

i i

Note: This exempt change wiu not upgrade to safety related the 3 inch pipe downstream of


- the GSEF enhasister (2 2320 3"-LX). The dscharge of the exhauster fan is routed directly to l

the Stanoby Gas Treatment (SBOT) or, should a postulated boak of the fan downstream l

ppmg occur, the dscharge is touted to SBOT as part of ti.e general secondary containment I

atmosphere, ' Additionany, since this 3 inch line is downstream of the Gland Seal Condenser, the non condensable gases have been cooled, thus will not significantly contnbute to the room heat load..

ResuR-The evaluaton determened that ar' unreviewed safety question did not exst i

t 11 of 19 a ---


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10 CFlt 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Summary Rep _ ort Safe *y Evaluaton Number: 1997-04 224 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Procedure Evaluator Reference Number: OSEP Program & Annes Title-GSEP Program & Annes Rev,97-DRE3 Descripton: The GSEP Manual anc' GSEP Ar" tex has t,een revive. In 6dditon to mov6ng generic items from Annes 'o the GSEP Manual, the merowave party line telechones etid circuits are to j

P removed from it'e lechnical Support Center and Emergency Operatons Facdtty.

j Result'

' e evaluelen deterntned that an unrevewen safety question dd not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Number. 1997 04 223 Type of Safety E lustion:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: OFL 97 098


Targed Rock /Electromate Rerwf Valve Setpoints Desenption: Revee presrste controller setpoints, increase setpoint tolerances and revise the UFSAR to f

reflect the Target Rock /Electromat6c Relef Valve serpoints specifed in Dresden Techncal Specifcations.


This evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety question dd not exst.

Safety Evaluation Nu **r: 1997-04 229 Type of Safe 4 Evaluston:

Modifcaton Evaluaton Reference Number; M12497 001A


Install AEER/ACR HVAC Desenpton' The evaluaton addresses the work required to snstall the new AEER/ACR IIVAC hstalled unoor Parisal Modification M12 0 97 001 A and or6ginally evaluated under Safety Evalum a 1997 03-178 The evaluation completely supersedes Safety Evaluston 1997-03178 and provides for the overall activites associated with the 6nstallation of subject partal modifcation The new HVAC has been sized to provide additional coolin9 for the ACR and I

the required cooling to the AEER dunng normal operatiort The ;voposed actrv6tes for this addendum 6nclude:

. Acceptance of new 6nstallation

- Acceptanon of AEER/ACR coohng systems for normal operaten and exa#ng AEER systems for accdent scenarios md additior, of ACR heat loads

. Repair the fire damper gap found on the south side of the AEER wall Resutt:

This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question dd not exist i

t Safety Evaluaten Numter. 1997-04 230 Type of Safety Evaluston:

Exempt Change Evaluaten Reference Number; E12-2-95 ?29 i


CRD System Hydro Supply to Rectre Pumps Descripton: The proposed modifcaton inv het adding a manually operated, normally closed gate valvo downstream of valve 2 0399.606.


This evaluation determined that an unrevewed safety question dd not esist.

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluaton Number. 1997 04 231 Type of Safety Evaluaten.

Exempt Change Evahaton Reference Numbet E12-2 96-218


Instrument Air Iso W. S



The proposed modificuon involves adding two il2-inch globe vatves, piping, and a threaded pipe cap (test tap) to the instrument air system between valves 2-1601-48 and 2-4722.


This ovaluation determined that an unreviewed safety queston dd not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number. 1997 M 2?2 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluaton Reference Number: E12 2 96-219


Exhaust Drain Check Valve and Stop Check Valve Desenption: The proposed modification extends the HPCI turbine drain ; Sturn pipe, hne 2-2309-2"-L.

below the post LOCA water level.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety queston $d not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number. 1997 44 233 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluaton Reference Number M12-2-97-007 Title.

CCSW to Supply Water to SW Header Desenption. This design change installs approximately 15 feet of piping with aseociated vatves, ftttings, and local instrumentation to allow the Containment Cooling Service Water (CCSW) System to supply water to the Service Water (SW) header that supplies coohng water to the High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI) and the A and B Low Pressure Coolant injection (LPCI) room coolers.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number 1997-04-234 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number M12-0-97-001-A


Removal of Aux Com Rm from C.R. Emer. Zone Desenption. Removal of the Auxiliary Computer Room (ACR) from the Control Room Emergency Zone.

This will be performed by the removal of a section of the ACR supply and retum ducting to the q

Control Room HVAC system, the closure and electncat disconnect of damper 2/3-5741-054D l

and the removal of smoke detector CDA 6 that provided a Control Room Purge Interlock between the ACR and the Control Room Emer9ency Zone. The mechanical and electncal disconnects have been performed under Modfication M12 0-97-001-A. The removal of the ACR from the Control Room Emergency Zone isolates the two areas from each other.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

h J

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Symmary Report Safety Evaluaton Numbe' '997 05235 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 96-113


Corru all MR Referei. es to CRD Charging & Drive Water Pressures Desenpton: The ch anges to the UFSAR will restore consistency between the UFSAR references to CRD charghg and drive water pressures and the correspond;ng values used from the original systr,m design specifications and current operating procedures. Spectcally, CRD charging wate f pressure will be changed from *approximately 1400 psig" to 1380-1510 psig, and drive water differential pressure will be changed from

  • bout 250 psig* to nominalay 250 280 pal.

This Safety Evaluaten represents e revision to the Safety Evaluation previously reported as Safety Evaluation Number 1996-04 244.


Thss evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1997-04-236 Type of Safety Evaluatlon:

FSAR Cha%e Evaluation Reference Number-DFL 97109


250 Vdc Battery Desenption: 1.) Change the basis for the 250 Vdc battery 4-hour capacity as described in UFSAR Paragraph

2.) Change the 250 Vdc battery charger ac power source connections as desenbed in UFSAR Paragraph 8 3 2.1.1.

3.) Change the basis for the 125 Vdc battery 4-hour capacity as described in UFSAR Paragraph 8 3 2.2.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question dai not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1997-04-237 Type of Safety Evaluatica:

Modification Evaluation Reference Number: M12 2-97-005


RWCU Leak Detecten System Desenpton' The existing RWCU leali detection system monitors five areas that contain RWCU piping and

.provirjes an alarm upon high temperature detection. This modificaten will modify the existing RWCU leak detection system by upgrading the safety classification to safety related and making electrical changes to initiate the RWCU isolation logic upon receipt of a high temperature signal which is indicative of a break in the system. This wiil consist of replacing the existmg Acromag panels with qualified pnnels and transfemng the outputs of these panels into the existing RWCU hboard and outboard isolation relays.

Resutt-This evaluatiun determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Number-1997-04-239 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 97111


Revise UFSAR For Main Steam Flow Restnctors Desenption' Revise the UFSAR and EWCS Data Sheets to reflect the replacement of the Unit 2 Main Steam Flow Restnctors. installed via Modificatron M12-2 72 71 in 1972.


This evaluation determined tnat an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

14 of 19 l

10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation S_ummary Report Safety Evaluation b'.r bet. 1997 04-240 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

FSAR Change Evaluaton Reference Number: DFL97112 Tele Service Air Compressors Descripton Revise UFEAR secton, paragraph 5 as follows: "The sparging air compressor aftercoolers, the instrument air compressors, the Unit 2 service air compressor, and reactor feedwater pump oil coolers have temperature control valves on the coohng water inlet knes which control the coolitig water flow through these components, maintaining proper temperatures The Unit 3 service air compressor has a solenod vatve which opens automatically when the compressor is started. The cooling water fhv ts adjusted with a manual vatve on the cooling water outlet hne, for component temperature controt".


This evaluation determined tnat an unreviewed safety quesdon did not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Number. 1997-04 241 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 97116 Title CCSW Pump Vault Coolers - UFSAR Desenpton Revise Section 9 2.1.3 to remove the sentences that desenbe the difference between Unit 2 and Unit 3 CCSW vault fan requirements. This change adds wording to property address both Units' fans.


This evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number: 1997-04-242 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Number: DOP 2300-M1/E1 Title' Change HPCI Subsystem Standby Operating Mode Desenption-The HPCI subsystem standby operating mode will be changed such that the pump suctions for both units will be aligned to both CSTs simultaneously. Additionally, the HPCI test return knes will enter both tanks. The present configuration has the HPCI pumps shgned to the 2/3A CST only, Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question dd not exist.

Safety Evaluation Number'. 1997-04-243 Type of Safety Ewluation:

FSAR Change Evaluaton Reference Number DFL 97115


Standby Liquid Control Pump indication Lights



Change the UFSAR description of the SBLC pump indication hghts to correctly desenbe the location of red and green hghts.


This evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

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l 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Summary Re2 ort Safety Evaluation Number 1997-04 244 Type of Safety Evaluahon:

Modrfication Evaluahon Reference Numbet M12 2 72 85


CCSWVault Flood Protechon -



This UFSAR change more accurately reflects the changes that were done to the plant i

contained in Mods M12 2-72 65 and M12 3-72111. The mods had a safety evaluaton

. performed on them in 1975. The 1975 safety evaluation did not result in any unreviewed safety question or reduction in the margin of safety.


. Resutt:

This evaluaton determined that an unreviewed safety queston dd not exist.

Safety Evaluation Numbet 1997-04-246 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Temporay Alteration Evaluation Reference Numbet 116-15-97 Title.

Unit 3 Reactor Building Ventilation

' Desenption:. 'l he 3-5703-15A U3 RB to RWCU NRHX Room DPT has failed, which causes the dP Controller (DPC) to mispositen the RB HVAC d.mpers The DPC will be connected to a Temporary Manual Air Regulator The local operator will adjust the Temporary Manual Air

- Regulator. A Tom:)orary Inchned Manometer will be connected between the two sensing hnes normally used by the DPT. The operator will use this manometer to determine where to adjust the Temporary Manual Air Regulator to maintain the required area dP.

Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Numbet 1997 Ce-248 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Modificaten Evaluation Reference Number: M12 2-96-006


Reinforce Torus Penetrations

. Desenption: Tta purpose of this Safety Evaluaton is to address the enange from the previous Safety Evaluation (1997-03-209), specifically the revision to allow the welding of the reinforcement while the unit is on kne. DCN 001140M of DCP 9600317 reinforces the Torus penetrations. X-303A/B/C/D, to the Emergency Core Cooiing Systems (ECCS) pump suction nng header.

The reinforcement will entail welding stiffener plates between the existing penetraten support legs and nozzle sleeve on the outside of the torus. There will be no changes or welds to the ASME Code pressure boundary. The installation of the new strainers will be performed per this same DCP, during the refuehng outage, and is evaluated under a separate 50.59. This 50.59 evaluation only covers the installation of the perntration stiffener plates.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Safety Evaluation Numbet 1997 04-250 Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 97-122 Title.

- CCSW Pump Design Desenphon: The UFSAR is being revised tmM CCSW pump design specifications.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety quest;on did not exist.

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.i 10 CFR 60.59 Quarter: 1997-04

- Safety Evaluation Summary _ Report Safety Evaluaton Numbet 1997 04-251-Type of Safety Evaluaten:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Numbet E12 2 96-233


DG Air Start Pressure Switches Descripton: The onginal DG sit start pressure switches were replaced with switches which dnft and leak e

due to operaton above their pressure rating. This change replaces those switches with ones i

4 better suited to the system operating pressure. The new design also adds a solenoid valve because the new pressure switches are unavailable with a mechanical unloader, Result.

The evaluaten determined that an unreviewed safety riuesten did not exist.

Safety Evaluston Numbet 1997-04-253 Type of Safety Evaluaton:

Procedure Evaluation Reference Numbet RWMSb,003 & RWMST100S D


Installaton of Revision to Sequence Transfer Program Desenpton: The proposed activity is to install a revision to the sequence transfer program, as was previously installed at Quad Cities. The code was revised to run on a UNIX platform due to the planned retirement of the PRIME computer.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

Sa:ety Evaluation Numbet 1997 04 255 Type of Safety Evaluat on:

Exempt Change i

Evaluation Reference Numbet E12-2 95-234


DW Equip Drain Sump Pump Discharge Vatve Desenpton: The proposed modification involves adding a manually operated, normally open gate valve (block valve) and a tap line with two 1/2-inch manually operated test valves (normally closed globe test valves)in series and piping with a threaded pipe cap to the drywell equipment drain sump discharge pipe hne 2 2005-3"-LX. The installation of gate valve and test tap is inside the drywell.

Result This evaluation determined that an unreviewed sa'ety question did not sxist.

Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997-04-266 Type of Safety Evaluation:

Exempt Change Evaluation Reference Number E12-2-97 200


Drywell Floor Drain Sump Pump Discharge Valve Desenpton: The proposed modification involves adding a manually operated, normally open gate valve (block valve) and a tap line with two 1/2-inch manually operated test valves (normally closed globe test valves)in seres and piping with a (nreaded pipe cap to the drywell floor drain sump

- discharge pipe hne 2 20013"-LX. The installation of gate valve and test tap is inside the

drywell, Result.

This evaluation determined that en unreviewed safety question did not exist.

a 17 of 19

I 10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safety Evaluation Summary Report Sa'ety Evaluaton Number-1997-04 259 Trpe of Safety Evaluaton:

Set Point Changes Evaluation Reference Number: 3-96-125 Title DIS 1400-01 Description Rescahng of Transmitter >1459-A to account for static head shift charactenstic of Rosemount Transmitters Change '; calibraton setpoint to be consistent with rescaling.

Actual rocess setpoint remains unc.. eged.

Hesult This evaluat6on determined that an unrevewed safety question dd not exist.

Safety Evaluaton Number: 1997 04-260H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluston Reference Number: DFL 97-054 Title-ATRtVM-9B UFSAR Change for Source Term & Radiological Consequences Descnption Change the UFSAR to reflect the source term based on ATRIUM-9B fuel (new fuel design).

These changes are based on document NFS BSS 97 034, which contains the revised UFSAR pages and supporting 50 59 safety evaluation.


This evaluaten determined that an unreviewed safety queston did not exist.

Safety Evaluat on Number: 1997 04-261H Type of Safety Evaluation FSAR Change Evaluaton Reference Number: DFL 97-063 Title D3C15 Reload Licensing Package Desenption D3C15 reload docuraents D3C15 COLR and UFSAR changes for the transition to ATRIUM-90 fuel. The apphcable documents are provided in NFS BSS97-060,"On-Site and Off. Site Rev' w of the Dresden Unit 3 Cycle 15 (D3C15) Reload Licensing Package", dated June 6, e

1097, Based on comments provded by the site, the NFS SER,50 59 safety evalua' ion, and D3C15 COLR were revised. New documents were transmitted via NFS BSS97-073,

" Transmittal of Revisions to D3C15 Reload Package", dated June 11,1997.

Result A new Technical Specification, revision, or other License Amendment is required.

Safety Evaluation Number. 1997 04 262H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluation Reference Number: DFL 97 062 Title Coastdown Analysis Descript on The proposed change is the implementaten of a new coastdown anaiyse provided by Semens Power Corporation (SPC) for ATRIUM-98 fuel. This coastdown analysis allows FOR operaton up to 15% over equilibnum xenon coastdown power level.


This evaluation determined that an unreviewed safety queston did not exist,

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.10 CFR 50.59 Quarter: 1997-04 Safe _ty Evaluation Summary Report Safety Evaluston Number. 1997 04-263H Type of Safety Evaluation:

FSAR Change Evaluaton Reference Number DFL 97-060 Title Semens LOCA Analysis Desenpton. The UFSAR markups, which describe the Siemens LOCA results, as provided in Attachment B of NFS BSA.97-078," Revised Transmrttal of 50 59 and UFSAR Markups for Dresden Unit 3 Cycle 15 ATRIUM 9B and 9x9-2 LOCA Anahsis", dated June 3,1997. These changes are necessary to support the implementaten of "Dresden LOCA-ECCS Analysis MAPLHGR Limits for ATRIUM-9B and 9x9-2 Fuel,' EMF-97-031(P), Revision 1 for Unit 2 and Revision 0 for Unit 3 w*iich were performed to address instrument uncertainties and various leakages (e g, access hole cover, bottom head drain, core shroud weld cracks, etc ) in addition, increased reactor feedwater temperature, increased steam flow rate, increased jet-pump bolted joint leakages, and reduced core spray flow (5300 gpm, Unit 2 only ) are addressed in these reports.


A new Technical Specification, revision, or other License Amendment is required.

Safety Evaluaton Number: 19974264H Type of Safety Evaluat on; Procedure Evaluation Reference Number-D2C15 New LOCA Analysis


D2C15 New LOCA Analysis of Record COLR Desenption Revised COLR for new MAPLHGRs per the new LOCA Analysis of record.


This evaluat.on determined that an unreviewed safety question dd not exist.

P End of Report 19 of 19

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