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Change Request 19 to Tech Specs & Amend 17 to License DPR-4, Authorizing Receipt,Possession & Use of Plutonium as Fuel in Partial Loading of Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1965
From: Bovier R
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110210098
Download: ML20085E665 (6)


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Licence DPit-4


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chance Requect llo.19 to Technical Specifications h.p

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_, / and Amendment 11o.17 to Operating License

1. Applicant hereby outnito Chance !!equest 110 19 to the Saxton Technical Specifications as provided for in 10 Crit $0.$9.

2 To support the requented change Applicant autnite the SAFalVARDS REPORT FOR SAXTotl REACT 0ft PARTIAL P111T0!lIUl4 Cone II, dated March 1965.

3. Applicant outnito Amendment !!o.17 to Operating License to allow Caxton to receive, possess, and use plutonium no fuel in a partial loading of the Saxton Reactor.

SAXT0li HUCLY.All EFERIlEllTAL CORPCitATION (S E A L) Dy__ /s/ R. F. DOVIElt Vice President i Atteett

/s/ R. E. Sypher Secretary Sworn and subscribed to before me this ?nd day of April , 1965 (S E A L)

/s/ Charles J. Ausel llotary Public Muhlinberg Township, berka County My Commission Expires Oct. lb, 1966


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Technical Specifications '

' Change hequest No.19 I Page 1 of h pages l l

1. Description of C: ante linke the fcDowing addition to the Saxton Technical Specifications:

Supolement No. 3 to Technical Specificatiens incorporating changes apolicable to Partial Plutonium Core During the operation of the Saxton Reactor with part of the core containing f

' plutonium enriched fuel, the Technical Specifications shall be changed as .

indicated below. Except to the extent as changed, all of the remaining pro-visions of the Technical Specifications shall remain in effect.

Chance Section F.2

2. 141xed natural uranium-plutonium dioxide enriched initially to a nominni 6.6 w/o PuC2 shall be used in the central nine fuel assemblies and uranium dioxide (UO2) enriched initially to a nominal 5.7 w/o U-235 shall be used in the remaining assemblies, except that the test fuel assemblies listed in Change No. Ih to the Technical Specifications or

- other changes that have been approved by the Atomic Energy Commission may be inserted in the reactor. In test fuel assemblies the fuel rods as described may be replaced with regular fuel rods, that is, enriched to a nominal 5.7 vfo U-235 and constructed as described in  !

Technical Specification F.3 Chance Section F.3

3. The fuel assemblies shall be supplied as follows:

a .1. General


Plutonium fuel assemblies Each main plutonium fueled assembly shall have a total overall length of 50.23 inches with a nominal fuel length of 36.6 inches and shall approximate a 5.386 inch square in cross section.

The fuel rods shall be composed of a combination of two cladding types and two fuel typea. The fuel shall be either cylindrical

' ceramic pellets or vibration compacted loose oxide powder. The cladding shall be either Type 3014 stainless steel or Zircaloy-h.

The rods shall be arranged in a square lattice with an initial 0.5B0 inch center-to-center distance.

The ceramic pellets shall have the following initial dimensions in the respective cladding:

Zircaloy-h { Diameter-0337hin.-(nominal)

! Ler;th - 0 3660 in. (nominal)

Stainless steel { Diameter - 0 3558 in. (nominal)

! Length - 0.3660 in. (nominal) i

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svue.= ove sv us DPH-b rsehnical Specifications

  • Change hequest No.19 Page 2 of b pages One end of each pellet sh611 be initially dished. The total i

pellet column tolerance shall be 0.163 inches initially. The

-sximun initial moisture content of the pellet column shall not exceed 30 ppm on a weight basis. The maximum initial nitrogen centent of the pellet column shall not exceed 100 ppm on a weight basis.

The vibration compacted lonse oxide fuel shall have a total column tolerance of 0.188 inches initially. The maximum initial moisture content of the loose oxide fuel column shall be 100 ppm on a weight basis. The maximum initial nitrogen content of the loose oxide fuel column shall be 100 ppm on a weight basis.

The initial clad inside diameter shall have the following dinensions:

Zircalo/-b 0 3hh5 in. (nominal)

Stainless steel 0 3610 in. (nominal) j The initial diametral clearance for the pelletized fuel shall bei Zircaloy-L 0.0071 in. (nominsl)

Stainless steel 0.0052 in. (nominal)

The claddinC shall have the following wall thickness initially:

Zircaloy-b 0.0233 in. (nominal)

Stainless steel 0.0150 in. (nominal)

The gap between the pellet column and the internal plug end shall esntain sintered aluminum oxide (A103) 2 discs to provide the follewing minimum end gaps initially:

Pelletized 0.609 Vibration compacted. 0.78h The fuel rods shall be initially hermetically scaled with end plugs welded to the tubing. The end plugs shall be Zircaloy or stainless steel depending on the tubing to which they are welded.

a.2. General Description Uranium fuel asserablies Each main uranium fueled assembly shall have a total overall length of 50.25 inches with a nominal fuel length of 36.6 inches and shall approximate a 5 3B6 inch square in cross section.

The fuel rods shall be composed of stainless steel tubes which contain uranium dioxide fuel in the form of cylindrical ceramic

.w.n n o . w-m Libh Technical Specifications Change hequest No. 19 Page 3 of h pages pelle ts. The rods shalf be arranged in a square lattice with an initial 0.560 inch center-to-center distance. The pellets

" shall have the following initial dimensions:

Diameter (ncminal) 0.357 inches Length (nominal) 0.732 inches Core I design 0.600 inches Core 11 design The ends of each pellet shall be dished initially. The total pellet column tolerance shall be 0.366 inches initially for Core I design rods and 0.300 inches initially for Core II design rods. The initial clad inside diameter shall be 0 3611 ,

0.0005 inches. The diametral clearance between clad I.D. and pellet 0.D. shall be initially 0.00h i 0.001 inches. i The gap between pellet stack sind internal plug end shall contain sintered aluminum oxide (Al 230 ) circular hollow discs, to i provide a minimum of .612 inch end gap on Core II design fuel and .17h inch end gap on Core I design fuel. The initial moisture content of the pellet stack shall not exceed 75 ppm cn a weight basis. The fuel rod ends shall be initially hermetically sealed with end plugs welded to the tubing.

Those fuel rods which require no further Welding shall be clad with 0.015 inch wall of Type 30h welded stainless steel 10% cold-worked with a LOO ppm raximum cobalt content. The end plugs chall be Type 30h L or308 stainless steel. Those fuel rods which require subsequent brazing shall be composed of 0.028 inch wall of Type 3h8 modified carbon, annealed stainless steel with a 500 ppm maximum cobalt content. The end plugs shall be Type 30h or 30h L st%inless steel.

Change Section N.h.e and in Supplement No.1 to Technical Specifications, pages 3 and b, chance section labeled " Change Section N.h.e" to read Section N.h.e (1) The steady state reactor power level shall not exceed the following rod control or chemical shim (boric acid solution)_ control 23.5 M4t (2) Maximum number of fuel assemblies in core 21 (3) Maximum fuel burnup (fuel assemblies) 30,000!WD/MTU Maximum fuel burnup (control rod followers and L assemblies) 50,000 MdD/MTU (b) Maximum heat flux (steady state 23 5 Mdt) 553,700 Btu /hr ft 2 (5) Average heat flux 156,700 Btu /hr ft2 l

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Docket No. 50-lh6 DPR-h Technical Specifications Change heouest No.19

  • Page h of L pages (6) Minimum steady state DNB ratio (W-2 correlation) 2.62 1

(7) Maximum fuel clad temperature (at nominal pressure) 6h2 F (8) Maximum fuel specific power a) Unspiked fuel assembly 16.0 kw/ft b) h-rod spiked subassembly 20.0 kw/ft (9) Averace power density 63 5 kw/ liter (10) Under credible accident conditions as described in the Core II Safeguards Report, the minimum DNB ratio in any channel except the closed h-rod subassembly is not expected to be less than  ;

1.35 (by the W-2 correlation). If a loss of flow accident should occur, the h-rod assembly will be examined or an analysis nade based on actual flow coastdown characteristics to demonstrate that no deformation occurred.

(11) The design maximum void coefficient of reactivity at operating temperature -

0.0020/% void (12) The design maximum temperatura reactivity defect (:Sid clean te hot clean) 0.113 (13) Fbderator temperature coeffics . . f re-activity shall not be more than a) Berated at 80 F +1.0 x 10 'f/F b) Borated at 530 F -2.0 x 10*'/ F U 0 c) Unberated at 530 F .

3.5 x 10~" / F In Supplement No.1 to Technical Specificaticas, page 5, delete sectLon labeled

  • Add Item U.3.b.(7)."
2. Purpose of Change l

To allow the operation of the Saxton Reactor with part of the core loaded with plutonium enriched fuel, i

l 3 Screty Considerations Significant safety considerations which were not described or implicit in the Final Safeguards Report are submitted in the Safeguards Report for the Saxton Reactor Partial Plutonium Core II dated March 1965

h. Health and Safety, It is our conclusion that the health and cafety of the public will not be endangered by this change.


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Applicatien for Reactor Construction Permit and Operating License DOCKET No. 50-1L6 Amendment No. 17 Saxton hereby requests that Section 2B of Operating License DPR-b be amended to read as fo11cws:

B. Fursuant to the Act and Title 10 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 70 "Special Nuclear Materials," to receive, possess, .ad use at any one time 130 kilograms of contained Uranium-235 and 25 kilograms of contained Plutonf,um-239 as fuel for the operation of the reactor.

The purpose of this change is to permit the receipt, on-site storage, and irradiation at Saxton of nine fuel assemblics using Pu-239 as tha fissile material, s

To support the requested change Saxton hereby submits the SAFEGUARIE REPORT FOR THE SAXTON REACTOR PARTIAL PLUTONIUM CORE II.





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