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Change Rept 11 to Application for Amend to License DPR-4 Re Replacement of Oscillator Probe
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1963
From: Neidig R
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 7567, NUDOCS 9110160191
Download: ML20085D457 (7)

















Applicant hereby submits Change Report #11 in compliance ilh paragraph 3(B)(1) of License DPR-h. This change pertains to the replacement of an oscillator probe which was described on page 8 of Addendur, No.1 to the Safeguards Report for Phase 1 of the Saxton Nue: ear Experimental Corporation five-year Research and Development Program. Page 8 and Figure VI of Addendum No. 1 as revised on November 7,1963, are attached to this Change Report #11.



R. E. Neidin Attest President (S E A L)


R. E. Sypher Secretary Sworn and subscribed to before me this 12th day of November 1963.

/s/ Martin A. Kohr Notary Public (S E A L)

Muhlenberg Township, Berks County My Comission Expires Feb. h,1966 9110160191 910424 PDR FOIA LEKOK91 - 17 PDR

-. n n -,



i November 7, 1963 Docket No. 50-lh6 DPK-h Change Heport #11 t


Description of Chance The oscillator probe described on page 6 and shown in Figure VI of Addendum No.1 to the Safeguards Report for Phase 1 of the SNEC five-year Research and Dev31opment Progran will be replaced with one of a dif ferent design in the near future.

The following changes will be made in the designs (a) Replacement of the Ag-In-Cd absorber sections with hafnium. '

I (b) Substitution of Type 30h stainless steel in place of the alominum alloy for the movable tube.

(c) Addition of high speed steel sleeve bearings between the stationary and movable tubes.

(d) Use of a helium atmosphere instead of air inside the thimble [

and absor ber assembly.


Purpose of Change The original oscillator probe seized and became inoperable after a short period of operation.

It is believed that the probe temperature is i

too high for the materials used in the original probe.

The design changes described above are intended tos (a) Eliminate probe deformation. -

(b) Reduce the maximum probe temperature. ~

i i -

(c) Preclude any scaling of the probe components.

f (d) Reduce any tendency of the sliding parts to gall, f


Operating Procedure l

The operating procedure, reactivity values, and safeguards enalyses l

as stated in Addendum No.1 to the Safeguards Report are not altered by this


h. Conclusion

It is our conclusion that this change does not involve a change in the Technical Specifications or-any unreviewed safety question and that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by this change.


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d SA}TGtlARDS Edloffr Feli l'11ASC 1 Ol' r

SAXTOll llVCifAlt EXITitllillTAl, CORI'ORATIUlf FIVM-D:AH ltESEAllC11 AllD D8VEIAllWilT l'fuXiltAM ADDEllDUM NO.1 a [j '

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Itclilace Phde U rnd Figure 6 b/ tlac httached.

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l 8.

l (v) Neutron senaltive thermocoaple type detectoro which operate on the } rinciple of differential heatind of two identical n11oy ctri,s containind uranium of different enriclunents.

(vi) bbvable proven, conointin6 of any of t he above detectora provided with flexible enblen.

Snnpleb of each type of equipment purchuced from n variety of manufacturers will be tested in sufficient nuna>cro to provide statistically runningful data.

The thiobleu are fabricated from Type 316 octurdens, annettled otninleus steel tubing, with welded Tyle 30k ctuinlesu steet end plu n.

Fach u

tube ic eddy-current tested for materini defecto and cub,Jected to e f(8 0 pui 3

externul hydrostatic tent pressure.

The thimble cluuter in cupported in the cot e redion by type 304 sininleco cteel Grid plates and in aurrounded by a perforated channel nimilar to those or the 9-rod fuel orbaonembly. Svetions of Zirculoy-2, forming an annujar filler of about 0.093-in wrd1 thicknees, are inserted in the enannel surrounding the tube cluoter to reduce the water cross section and thuu prevent undeutrable flux penking. The thlinbles extend upward throudh a uupport tube to the edui ter port and are eenled to the ndupter eeni plud by bracing. The entire subnecembly; muy be removed or 1rn.erted through the adapter port without removind the vennel head.

r The 1/2-in. central thimble will normally be used for the rod oscillator. A t. ketch of the oscillator probe 10 shown in Figure 6.

It conciots of two concentric tubea to which are affixed opaced ulceves of hnfnium absorber. A chruice in the degree of chado. ring of the inner abuorber bando by the outor bandc, broudht about by vertical motion of the inner tube, producen a chttnge in the reactivity worth of the probe. An electrodynnante drive oyotem outnide the reactor is used to produce this motion. The nominni j

reactivity input of which the oyotem is capable is ex}ceted to be 2 x 10-4 A k/k.

If measurement s indicate the attual worth to greater than 5 x 10.h. k/k, the t

maximum ctroke of the oocillator drive will be limited to obtain a value lens than 5 x 10.h ak/k. A renetivity change or this magnitude does not toencurably uffect the control of the reactor.

t Decause of the minor reactivity effect of the oscillntor and the nuoence of hen', or floulon product generating materials generally, there is no nuc. ear safety problem nonociuted with operation of the hodow tube subnauembly.


Thermal and llydraulie Deuicu The principal enleulated thermal and hydraulic parametera relating to the oleration of the tent fuel cubacoemblica and the peak values reprenenting the normal fuel are listed in Table II-2.

The values given are baced on the reactor operating conditiona corresponding to the maximum power level of 23.$ int with enentien1 shim.

In Section III of the Phane 1 Shreguards Report, a considerable body of experimental information vac cited in support of o;crutlnd a 72-rod Chanced:

November 7, 1963

4 4

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Outer, Tube Inner Tube 0 500 in. 0.D.

s 0.250 in. 0.D.

m 0.065 in. Wall 0.065 in. Wall 304 Stainless Steel 30L Stainicon Steel 4{




b y'

x Learin6 3 i ';


0 3k8 in. 0.D.

s\\ L_



0.047 in. Wall

  • -~

8 M_

Hi h 8 Peed Steel


y B


18 75 in. Centers s'J


'e is f


Stationary Absorber


f I



0.499~in. 0.D.

A 0.040 in. Wall



'D "_

Hafnium W-~


w-m Oscillating Absorber I

1.6 in. Iong 0 335 in. 0.D.

3 2 in, centers 0.040 in. Wall Hafnium f

i 1.6 in. Long j

3 2 in. Centers l


i N




.,c. N xN.


~g"77 Mg-Spacer 0 312 in. 0.D.


.:.l v

.s J'

O.030 in. Van

[C Bearing

'r 304 Stainless Steel 0 3k8 in. 0.t.

~N O.047 in. Wall j-

% l


0.698 in. Long 111gh Speed Steel 3 2 in, centers w


0 902 in. Long 3 2 in. Centere


i ~

~" fN I


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November 7,1963 1

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Leater ".'.ornblith, Jr., Arct. Director for Ecactora, Divicion of Corpliance,110 pd 31 my

.A James P. O'Ecilly, F.ccctor Inspr.c tor nogion I, Division of Complianco CCTJ103IO;I, TICot;"O*r?t2101: CC;:0;:.E;il;iG (00:

!!. S.

C.WA;t*J.11 REPORT G7 OCT0Zn 29,19G3 r I:13PCCPIC;I FI?OnT 0;i@.WICli D?.TOD G3FID;CR 30,1003)

The findings frca tuo recent inspectionn indicato the pocaibility of gen:ral probic::.: vith localized corrosion.

It oppocro to thic 1:.cyceter thn ccncider ble 'd:C at-tencion has bcon paid alrear*y to ctrc:s cnd c..brittic-c.cnt probler.3.

2:.rcCorc, with no intention of mini-mising the ccrioucnr. s of theco probicca, it is felt that Cc,9110tco stuff attention chcald be focused on crcvice un'l galvanic corrc ica probicr..a in order to rectorc balknco to the overcil correcion picture.

It is rccc:..

nd:0 that : a :I ycur tc:hnical staff r cr.ber cr'.drce: hirecif to c.o prc;sraticn of cn in-fore.ativo p;;.;r c.. the cubjcet of cerrosion, with particular ccccc.tien to protectivo syste.s and pos-cibic it..licatcr.:

f futuro failurca.

Ouch topics no the alle. tin, cro ccncidered rctacatbic cnd of toro th:n scncral in=, cen to field inspectora s


r 1.

The pact c::pc riencon of t'cilitics.

This chould includo, if pc:cibic, Ecval, Army caf. Air Fc co cmpcri:.nces.

l 2.

The rolichility of c:nivo protectiv:. devices (volta;cs, ccurco r..:tal, location, etc.).

t l


h cffectc of r.oro,m ssivo protectivo devices such cs:

painting, pisting,. protectivo celu-tiens of cerrocion inhibiterc - includi..;



l COMPLIANCE O'REILLY prr 10/31/63


,m,,., -



,,-+,.. - - -,.. - -


2 4


Tho necccsity for poriodic chtchs and roc-c:cacaded frequencies.

(0::cavation for in-(

cpection of undercreand inctallatienc?

Lagging rce. oval?).


The offcets of tc:.peraturc, huridity, c::ygen


concentraticnc, etc.


The colecticn of metalo, stelding ctatorial, etc.


trast to icoh for, there, and it. ten.

3. -- Cpecific references that cro applicablo to field probic.c and are availabic.

If thic broad rcccnn.cnCatica 10 c:.cigt.;2 to your technical sta!! for detailed ctudy, cdditic..:.1 cugscctionu could bo brovided if dccired.

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