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Change Rept 6 to Application for Amend to License DPR-4 Re Automatic Switching of 440 Volt Buses During Operation of Safety Injection Pump
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/1963
From: Meidig R
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 481, NUDOCS 9110150222
Download: ML20085D067 (3)


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1. Applicant hereby submits Change Report #6 in conpliance with paragraph 3(B)(1) of License DPR-h. Item K on pago 218.h A

of the Final Safeguards Report pertains to this change.

revised page 218.h dated January 15, 1963 is attached to this change report.


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/s/ H. E. Sypher Secretary 2

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Sworn and subscribed to before me this 18th day of i January 1963 (S E A L)

/s/MartinA.Kohr Notary Public Muhlenberg Toynship, Berks County My Ccenission Expires Feb. 4,1966 9110150222 910424 PDR FOIA DEVOR91-17 PDR v

.. 481

e January 13, 1963 s Docket No. 50-lh6 DPR-L Change Report #6

1. Description of Change The relaying for the hhD V buses No.1 and No. 2 in the Saxton Nuclear Plant has been changed so that the bus tie breaker does not open when the safety injection punps are started automatically or manually by initiating the safety injection systen. Iten K on page 218.h of the Saxton Final Safeguards Report has been revised to reflect this change in operation. A revised page 218.h, dated January 15, 1963, is attached to this Change Report.
2. Purpose of Change This change has been made in order to minimise the possibility of a loss of flow condition (tring power operation as a result of initiation of the safety injection pump system by a spurious instrumentation signal, operation error, or periodic testing of the safety injection system. Under the previous arrange-ment the hh0 V bus No. 2 is tripped by opening the bus tie breaker and then one safety injection pump is picked up on the bhD V bus No.1 through the 1,000 KVA station service transformer and the other safety injection pump is started from the hho V bus No. 2 on the 750 KvA standby transformer. The breaker for the main coolant pump, when connected to the hh0 V bus No. 2, in tripped during this operation and thereby causes a loss of flow condition.
3. Safety Considerations Tests were made in order to observe the startirg time for these pumps and the voltage drop for different conditions. It was found that the total starting time under the previous arrangement with the pumps started from separate buses was approximately four seconds plus operating time of the bus tie and emergency tie breakers. It took approximately eight seconds plus breaker operating time before both pumps were up to speed when the pumps were started sequentially as a result of the standby source of power not being available. The starting time for simultaneous starting of pumps as presently arranged required approximately five seconds.

Starting time for the pumps in the above test was determined by running-a trace of bus current on a Visicorder. These tests were conducted under plant conditions simulating operation at power with normal equipment in service and with bus voltages set on the low side. No plant equipment dropped out on low voltage during these tests,

h. Operating Procedures The safety injection system operating procedure has not been changed except for the automatic switching of the hh0 V buses as described above.

5 Conclusions It is our conclusion that this change does not involve a change in the Technical Specifications or any unreviewed safety question and that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by this change.

218.4 I. Ltergency 120-208 V Transfomer The emergency MO-120/208 Y transfomer is supplied through a circuit breaker on W O V Na No. 1. It is controued by a " Trip - Close" control switch located on the main control board and is,provided with indicating lights and alarm similar to the Lighting Das breaker, above.

J. RWDF Motor Control Center This control center, located in the control rocan of the vaste treatment plant, is supplied through a normally closed circuit breaker on MO V Bus No.1. The power center ca::iprises cctnbination motor starters with control switches located on the front of the control center, and in scue cases, also locally at the equircent.

K. S_nfety a Injection pumps Supply The circuit breakers serving the safety injection pumps vill have instantaneous series trip devices only on phases A and C. A series overload device on phase B vill sound an alarm for an overloe.d condition but vill not trip the circuit.

Control svitches for each pump are located on the main control console. Lov pressure in the main coolant system or lov pressure in the pressurizer vill start both pumps similt'ineously. Starting of these pumpc frcn a low preasure signal can be blocked by operation of a " Safety Injection Block" svitch on the control console. Closing of a contact in a flev inte-grating controller (FIC-21) vill stop the pumps.

Breaker position indicating lights are located on the control board with the control switches, and also at the svitchgear. If a aircuit breaker opens, with the control svitch in the " Start" position, or with n lov pressure c

condition existing, the " Safety Injection Off" annunciator point on the main l control board vill sound an alarm.


L. Battery Charger l

The battery charger M-G Set vill be operated whenever the inverter-l l

diverter is out of service, or in parallel vith the inverter-diverter whenever required by the total d-c load demand. An equilizer bus is provided for parallel operation.

The M-G Set is supplied through a circuit breaker on M O V Bus No. 2.

This breaker is controlled by c control switch on the main control board. This control circuit is supervised by an "Open - Close" selector switch on the local l control panel. Breaker position indicating lights are located on the control board and at the switchgear.

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l The generator contactor is controlled frce the main control boardj l but cannot be closed unless the MO V motor circuit breaker is closed. If the l motor breaker opens, the generator contactor vill open. Generator current, generator voltage and contactor position indication lights are located on the main control board and on the battery charger and inverter-diverter control cabinet.

Revised: 1/15/63

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