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Lake Norman:1987 Summary Maint Monitoring Program,Mcguire Nuclear Station:Npdes NC0024392
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, NUDOCS 9111110075
Download: ML20079N086 (99)


7 --

.Y LAKE NORMAN: 1987 $UMMARY Maintenance Monitoring Program, McGuire Nuclear Station: NPDES No. NC0024392 DUKE POWER COMPANY Production Environmental Services, TTC/ASC Route 4, Box 531

- Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 May, 1988 9111110075 071231 PDR NUREC 1437 C PDR



PAGE INTRODUCTION 3 WATER CHEMISTRY 4 Methods and Materials 4 Results and Discussion 5 Literature Cited 15 Tables 16 Figures 27 PHYTOPLANKTON 42 Methods and Materials 42 Results and Discussion 43 Sumary 46 Literature Cited 48 Tables 49 Figures 56 ZOOPLANKTON 60 Methods and Materials 60

-Results and Discussion 61 Sumary 64 Literature Cited 66 Tables 67 Figures 70 FISHERIES 71 Methods,and Materials 71 Results and Discussion 73 Sumary 76 Future Studies 77 l Literature Cited 78 l Tables 79 Figures 84 l


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-c .

1-INTRODUCTION In 1985, Duke Power Company (DPC) wrapped up many years of intensive -

environmental-monitoring efforts on Lake Norman, with the completion of the 316(a) Demonstration for McGuire Nuclear Station. Subsequently, the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) approved the 316(a)-

Demonstration and concluded that the existing thermal limits are sufficient to protect the aquatic environment of Lake Norman. To continue oversight of Lake Norman after completion of the successful 316(a) program, FcGuire's NPDES *

. permit (No. NC0024392), Part III.v. , effective 30 March 1987, required DPC to

' implement a Lake Norman maintenance monitoring program; said program was thereafter designed by DPC in consultation with State personnel, and was approved by DEM on 8 July 1987 (Appendix 1). -

The objective of the maintenance monitoring program is to maintain a degree of continuity with the historic data base, for key biological and physicochemical parameters, while broadening the ongoing program to lake-wide monitoring, thereby increasing its value (to both OPC and DEM) for whole-lake management, rather than _ focussing' solely on point-source _ assessment. The maintenance monitoring program was also designed with the flexibility to address areas of special concern to OPC - and DEM, as environmental - conditions and/or lake -

management needs change. This annual report summarizes those aspects of the Lake Norman Maintenance Monitoring Program that were conducted in 1987. f L

Subsequent annual reports will continue to summarize study results on a calendar year basis.

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LAKE NORMAN WATER CHEMISTRY INTRODUCTION This chapter of the report covers.the water chemistry portion of the 1987 monitoring program. The objectives are to:

1) maintain continuity at critical locations with Lake Norman's historic data base,
2) detect any significant future impacts from Duke's operations,
3) document any long-term natural changes in the chemistry of Lake Norman which might affect plant operations, ,
4) characterize the reservoir-wide thermal and dissolved oxygen regimes of Lake Norman, and
5) compare, where appropriate, these data to other impoundments in the' Southeast.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The complete water chemistry monitoring program, including specific variables, locations, depths, and frequencies, is outlined in Tables 1 and 2.

Sampling locations are identified in Figure 1. The specific chemical metho-dologies, along with the appropriate references, are presented in Table 3.

Data were analyzed using two approaches. The first was similar to that used in the 316a report where the reservoir was partitioned into mixing, back-ground, and discharge zones, and comparisons were made among Preoperational and Operational years. The discharge zone is Location 4.0; the mixing zone includes Locations 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5; the background zone includes Locations 8.0, 11.0, 15.0.



- The Preoperational_ period in this report extends from 1977 through 1981. The Operational' years include:-

1)- .the first~ full year of 2 unit operations at MNS, September 1983

. through August'1984, and

-2)- all of 1987.

The second approach, used principally for temperature and dissolved oxygen data, emphasized a much broader lake-wide. investigation for 1987 and encompassed the. plotting of month!y isotheres and isopleths,'the determina-tion of.the hypolimnetic oxygen deficit, and the calculation of specific

' quantitative' thermal parameters such as the maximum heat content and the

-Birgean heat b'udget.


Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Historic Comparisons

-Temperature'and dissolved oxygen-data collected in 1987 were generally at or q within-the historic ranges observed for each of the specified zones--in Lake -i Norman (Figures 2, 3,-4, 5, 6). The thermal exceptions to this -in the mixing and backgrounql zores were observed in winter (January and/or February) and summer (June,-July, August), occurred predominately in the upper 12 m, and

-ranged from 0.2 to 3.0*C warmer than historic data (Figures 2 and-3). At tne.

discharge location, temperatures exceeded historic ranges only in August when the teniperature was 5.7*r warmer than the previous high for that month of 30.6'C measured in 1983 (Figure 4).

5 p

e Dissolved oxygen data in 1987 exhibited a similar pattern in the mixing and background zones except that the major differences from historic date occurred principally during the summer and were slightly more pronounced, and covered-a larger portion of the water column in the mixing zone then in tho background zone. The largest differences from historic data in both the mixing and background zone occurred in the metalimnion and ranged from 0.1 to 2.2 mg/1. The dissolved oxygen data at the discharge location were similar to the temperature data in that only in Augu .ewas the 1987 data outside the historic range. The August 1987 dissolved oxygen concentration was 3.9 mg/l which was 2.3 mg/l lower than measured in 1983.

Reservoir-Wide Comparisons The monthly reservoir-wide temperature and dissolved oxygen date for 1987 ari

. presented in Figures 7 and 8. For the most part, the temporal and spatial distributional patterns of both temperature and dissolysd oxygen are similar to other cooling impoundments and hydropower reservoirs in the Southeast.

During the winter cooling and mixing period, vertical rather than horizontal homogeneity in temperature predominated, with the shallower uplake ' riverine' zone exhibiting slightly cooler temperatures than the deeper downlake

' lacustrine' zone (Figure 7). These longitudinal differences in temperatures were clearly' illustrated in January and February. As is the case in other reservoirs, the principal factors influencing this gradient in Lake Norman are morphometric (depth) differences within the reservoir and advective inputs from upstream.


.. }

As more heat was gained at the water's surface during the day than was lost at night, signalling the beginning of the lake's heating period, buoyancy forces ' smoothed out' the horizontal differences in temperature while enhancing the vertical. Because the lake was at a period of vertical

' instability' during these times (e.g. , March, April), warming occurred throughout the water column. Eventually, differential heating at the surface lead to the formation of the classical epilimnion, metalimnion, and 9

hypolimnion zones that were clearly identifiable in July. In contrast to most natural lakes, but not unlike many reservoirs in the Southeast, a distinct thermotline within the metalimnion was not observed in Lake Nurman in 1987. Rather, the metalimnion was more or less continuous with respect to

- vertical density differences within the lower water column, and even showed signs of merging with the hypolimnion in August.

Cooling of the water column began in early September as illustrated by decreases in surface temperatures compared to August data. Concurrent with decreases in surface temperatures were an increase in the depth of the epiliranion (caused by convective mirdng) and a disruption of the horizontal homogeneity in epilimnion temperatures (caused by reservoir-wide differential heating and cooling, and advoctive inputs from upstream). Continuation of these differential vertical and horizontal processes lead to even more pronounced thermal dif ferences within the reservoir.

For example, by October the uplake riverine zone had already ' turned over' while the downlake lacustrine zone was still strongly stratified. Not until early December was Lake Norman completely mixed vertically throughout the reservoir.


l l

Distributional patterns of dissolved oxygen in 1987 were similar to but not identical to temperature (Figure 8). Generally, dissolve'd oxygen concentra-tions were greatest during the winter cooling and mixing period when biological respiratien was at a minimum and atmospheric reaeration was at a maximum. The highest reservoir concentrations of dissolved oxygen occurred in March when the reservoir also exhibited its lowest mean temperature of 6.7'C (Figure 7).

Unlike the thermal regime, no major longitudinal differences existed in dissolved oxygen within the reservoir during the winter. Not until the lake became stratified, thereby isolating the metalimnion and hypolimnion from atmospheric reaeration, were uplake-to-downlake gradients in dissolved oxygen observed. Longitudinal gradients in metalimnatic and hypolianetic dissolved oxygen in 1987 were first observed in June, although it is known from historic data that such differences are usually detected in early May. (In 1987, no dissolved oxygen data during May were collected due to instrument malfunction.) Differential dissolved oxygen depletion and eventual anoxia


were first observed in the transitional zone (Locations 15 through 62) where hypolimnotic volume is small, water column and sediment organic matter high, and advective mixing minimal. A metalianetic oxygen minimum, also known as a negative heterograde oxygen profile, was also first observed in June in the transitional zone. By August, the complete hypolimnion throughout the reservoir below elevation 219 m was anoxic. This represents approximately

'20% of the entire volume of the lake at full pond.

Reaeration of the water column started in September concommitantly witn the cooling and mixing of tne reservoir. Decreasing air temperatures cooled the 8

_ . . _ . , , , . . - , _ . - . - _ - . . . . . . . . - - - . ,J

surface waters resulting in a convective deepening, aided by wind-induced mixing, of the epilianion. As the oxygenated epilimnion eroded progressively deeper into the water column, the width of tne anexic zone decreased.

Longitudinal differences in reaeration were also observed and apparently were related to differential mixing caused by McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) and Marshall Steam Station (MSS), upstream advective inputs, and horizontal gradients in photosynthesis (Table 1 Plankton section). Reaeration was complete, reservoir-wide, by early November.

Heat and Dissolved Oxygen Calculations Table 4 presents some common quantitative limnological calculations for the thermal environment in Lake Norman. Few comparable calculations exist in the literature for reservoirs, but these data are generally within the 'ballpark

of those presented by Hutchinson (1957) for natural lakes at similar latitudes throughout the world.

5 Table)fpresentsthe1987arealhypolimneticoxygendeficit(AH00)forLake Norman compared to similar estimates for 18 TVA reservoirs. The data illustrate that Lake Norman exhibits an AH00 that is similar to other 3 Southeastern reservoirs of comparable depth, chlorophyll a status, and secchi depth. -

Al ka linity Mean total alkalinity values in Lake Norman during 1987 ranged from 12 to 16 mg-CACO 3/1 (Table 6). February 1987 mean values were at or above the maximum values observed during the corresponding months of the Preoperational Period.

August 1987 mean values did not exceed the corresponding maximum values 9

. ~. _ _ _ . . ._ . - .

e observed except in the bottom waters of the mixing zone. Both February and August 1987 sean alkalinity values were also above the mean values observed during the First Year MNS Operational Phase. The higher alkalinity values in 1987 were observed throughout thc lake and are probably not related to MNS operations. During the Preoperational and First Year Operational Periods, bicarbonate represented the major anion (followed by chloride) in the discharge and background zones (Figure 9). In the discharge and background zones in 1987, and in the mixing zone during all time periods, bicarbonate was approximately equal to chloride.


February mean pH values in Lake Norman during 1987 ranged from 7.3 to 7.5, with little difference between the zones (Table 6). The February pH values '

in_each zone exceeded the corresponding maximum Preoperational values and the mean First Year Operational values, except in the surface waters of the mixing zone. As with alkalinity, the higher February pH values were observed throughout the lake and are probably not related to MNS operations.

August mean pH values during 1987 ranged from 6.4 to 7.9 and were within the corresponding ranges observed during the Preoperational Period at all zones and depths. The August 1987 pH values in the surface waters of the discharge and mixireg zones (6.5, 6.9 respectively) were lower than the corresponding '

means of the Preoperational Period and, in the mixing zone, correspond more closely to subsurface pH values. The lower surface pH values at the discharge and mixing zones during summer (stratified conditions) probably result from the withdrawal _ of hypolimnetic, lower pH water by MNS's upper and/or lower level intakes, and subsequent discharge to the surface waters.

As during the Preoperational Period, the greatest range of pH values

_ _10 _ __ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

throughout the lake was observed in the surface waters during August at all lake zones, probably due to variations in algal uptake of CO2 '

Conductivity Mean conductivity values in Lake Norman during 1987 ranged from 52 to 65 umho/cm, with higher values observed in the discharge and mixing zones, and slightly lower salues observed upstream in the background zone (Table 6).

Mean 1987 values exceeded corresponding maximum Preoperational values at all zones and depths by 12 to 22 umho/cm in February and 5 to 12 umho/cm in August. The greatest difference between maximum Preoperational values and 1987 values was observed in the discharge and mixing zones. The low lake levels during the drought in 1986 and 1987 may have been partly responsible for the high conductivity values (as in Lake Wylie). However, conductivit?

as well as chloride appear to be increasing slightly over time throughout the lake, but especially in the more populated and rapidly growing lower end (Figure 10).

Turbidity Mean turbidity values ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 NTU in the surface waters of Lake Norman in 1987 with little variability between zones (Table 6). Mean surface values in 1987 were at or below the corresponding minimum Preopera-tional values and mean First Year Operational values at all zones. Mean turbidity values in the bottom waters were also below corresponding minimum Preoperational values except in A. gust in the mixing zone. The high turbidity (16.0 NTU) in August 19E7 in the bottom waters of the mixing : ore were similar to the corresponding First Year Operatienal turbidity value (7.2 NTU), and is probably associated with the slight turb'alence caused by tne witndrawal of hypolimnetic water by MNS's lower level intacts.


e Nutrients Mean nitrate plus nitrite and ammonia concentrations throughout Lake Norman in 1987 were generally comparable to corresponding Preoperational values (Table 7). In 1987, the mean nitrate plus nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.099 to 0.34 mg-N/1, and mean ammonia concentrations ranged from 0.023 to 0.046 og N/l (except 0.30 mg-N/l in the background zone, bottom, August).

Man orthophosphate concentrations in 1987 in each Zone were near the 9 responding maximum Preoperetional values in February, and were at or below the detections limit of 0.005 mg-P/l in August (Table 7). Mean total phosphorus concentrations in 1981 in each zone were within the corresponding Preoperational range in February and slightly higher than the corresponding maximus Preoperational values in August (Table 7). The slight differences

. ~

noted between 1987 and Preoperational nutrient concentrations occurred throughout the lake and are probtbly not associated with MS operations.

Silica and Chloride Mean silica concentrations throughout Lake Norman in 1987 ranged from 2.5 to 4.4 mg-Si/1 and were generally within the corresponding Preoperational ranges (Table 7). Mean chloride concentrations in August 1987 in the discharge zone and surface waters of the mixing zone were within the corresponding Preopera-tional ranges'(Table 7). All other mean chloride concentrations in 1987 were considerably higher in each zone than corresponding maximum Preoperational values. Mean 1987 chloride concentratioas ranged from 7.7 to 8.0 mg-C1/1 in February, and from 5.2 to 5.4 mg-C1/1 in August. The high chloride concen-trations in 1987 occurred throughout Lake Norman and followed a pattern I

similar to that observed with conductivity, possibly reflecting population growth in the watershed (Figure 11).

l 12


s l

Minerals Lodium is the desinant cation in all zones and time periods in Lake Norman, followed by calcium (Figure 9). Mean sodium concentratio6s in Lake Norman during 1987 ranged fros 7.6 to 8.0 mg-Na/1 in February and from 4.8 to 5.0 mg-Na/l in August (Table 8). The August 1987 mean sodium concentrctions in all zonks were generally comparable to corresponding Preoperational values and slightly F'gher than First Year Operational means. The February 1987  ;

sodium values throughout the lake were considerstly higher than the corre-sponding maximum Preoperational values and First Year Operational means, and higher than sodium concentrations observed during any other months from 1977 through 1987. A similar observation was made with potassium concentrations.

Mean potassium concentrations throughout the lake in 1987 ranged from 1.7 to 1.8 mg r/l ir '.Jruary and from 1.4 to 1.5 mg K/1 in August (Table 8).

~ust 1987 potassium concentrations were comparable to Preoperational and ,

t ;t Year Operational values. February 1987 potassium concentrations were slightly higher than corresponding maximum Preoperational values and First Year Operati0nal means. The cause of the high concentrations of sodium and potassium in February 1987 is not readily apparent, but since the observation was made throughout the reservoir it is probably not associated with MNS ,

rarettion?. ,

Mean calcium and magnesium concentrations in 1987 in all zones and depths were comparable to corresponding Preoperational values and slightly higher than First Year Operational means (Table 8). Mean iron concentrations-in 1987 were comparable or lower tnan corresponding Preoperational values throughout the lake (Table 8). Mean m:nganese concentrations in 1987 were comparable to corresponding Preoperational values in February, and slightij 13

higher than corrasponding maximum Preoperational values in August in the discharge Zone, and in the bottom waters of the mixing and background Zones (Table 8). The higher manganese concentrations in the bottom waters of the mixing and background zones were comparable to First Year Operational means.

1 14

LITERATURE CITED Higgins, J. M. and B. R. Kim. 1981. Phosphorus retention models for Tennessee Valley Authority reservoirs. Water Resour. Res., 17:571 576.

Higgins, J. H.. W. L. Poppe, and M. L. 1vanski. 1981. Eutrophication analysis of TVA reservoirs. In: Surface Water impoundments. H. G.

Stefan Ed. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., NY, pp. 404-412.

Hutchinson, G. E. 1957. A Treatise on Limnology, Volume I. Geography, Physics and Chemistry. John Tilvy & Sons, NY.

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Tabis 3. CutsiCit uitstel fillillt e(Thel llfilllC( H(llitill00 tilltfl08 11511 Allsliettp. telst (lettf eestist lettelies le 6.l is I te ( 4.) og*(4Cil l*'

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Coefeettete. spettlet festtistere seesestalef 4 teseill I se64 + 4e

eiltel elettrete CeHet Ateelt ellefilisellefiles*filett seletties i 1.65100s 4 H! eg Co I*'

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Retteties Attelt estelistilti delett se ptlin  ! lege 9.He ag*4g l*'

besteesse it n et esistieellCP*disest islettin i 9.5% use, l.HI eg to l**

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l(fillbCli .

t. Acetitee $ H itti for Illtiot hetetilli, leeral lui el AlfB tellets. Telete 11.01 94ter. Alft.

(astee. W IHI,

1. letted littli (Hiteeteltti ff elettles lleelt. Belledt tot sleestal stelplit al seter est otties.

lasitcometal Beesterial est Itplatt interstert. Cassielste. Die. till.

3, flatei llelse lesite'estiti Pf stetteet 49estf. Ettlets let flesitti selittis el etter tid esitel.

(toefte m atal lesitorieg ses legeeft talerstert. Castiesell. ON.i 1919.

4. 56 let llitel (Besteestelli etetetties lleelt. Bellets f or sleettti teettlig el ettet led settes lstilseMellt Desittliel see lessert islettlef t. Cittietote. ON. till 18

Table 4. Heat content for the th6Fr.a) regime in Lake Nerman in 1987 Maximum areal test content 27.44*/ 9' Maximum nyoolime.4 tic (below 11.5r.) 14.830 g. aral neat content

-2 Rirgean neat budget 20.474 g. Epilmnion (above 11.5m) heating rate 0.146'C. day" Hypolimnion (below 11.5m) heating rate 0.082'C day .


lable S. A comparison of areal hypolianetic oxygen deficits (AHOD), summer chlorophyll & (chl 4),


secchi depth (50), and mean depths of Lake Norman and 18 TVA reservoirs.

l Secchi Depth Mean AllOD Summer Chi &

Depth (m)

Heservoir (mJ.ce-2. day-I) ( J.t-I) (m) 5.0 3.0 10.25 <

Lake Norman 0.053 IVA 8 Mainstem 9.I 1.0 5.0 t

Kentucky 0.012 0.9 6.5 n,

0.010 3.9 Pickwick 5.9 1.4 12.3 Wilson 0.028 -- 5.3 0.012 4.4 Wheelee 4.8 1.1 5.3 Guntersville 0.007 1.I 6.8

/ 0.016 2.8 Nitkajack 3.0 1.1 5.0 Chickasauga 0.008 -1.0 7.3 0.012 6.2 7.3 Watts 84r 5.9 0.9 fort London 0.023 t

Tributary 2.7 9.5 i

Chatuge 0.041 5.5 13.9 10.9 1.7 l Cherokee 0.078 1.6 10.7 isouglas 0.046 6.3 37.8 4.1 2.6 Fontana 0.113 2.4 20.2 Hiwassee 0.061 5.0 16.3 2.I 3.9 Norris 0.058 2.6 23.4 0.070 6.5 14.9 j South Itaiston 6.1 2.4 l tems ford 0.059 2.7 24.5 j

watauga 0.066 2.9

. . - - - - _ . . - ~

11a t a t .s kx te t v om lin g.j isi, et a l .

i t'780), and Higgins arid Kiin (l')81) .

o lable 6. Lake Norman phyeetochemecal parameters for Descharge (Loc. 4). Meneng (Loc. and Backstound (Loc. S.11.15) Zones for Preoperational (89FT-1981) and Operateenal (9/83-8/84) Pareeds. and ISST.


ZONE (depth) --------------------

FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY AUGUST PERSOD DISCHARGE (surface) 4.4 29.1 12.0 T.5 40 1 48.4 P R E -OP E ll A l l ON AL mean range 2.3-5.9 26.2-30 2 Il 1-12.6 6.6-8 3 3T-43 37-46 mean 18.2 30.6 10 T 6 2 53 51 OPERA 180NAL mean 14 9 36.3 II 0 3.9 65 54 1981 MIXING tsurface) 4.5 28.0 11.9 F S 40 1 42 0 PRE-OPERAllONAL mean T 6-8.1 37-43 38-46 eange 2.5-5.9 24.1-30.0 ll.0-12.T

$ 29.6 10.T T3 -

50.7 OPERAisONAL mean 12.0 mean 10.9 30 2 10.9 6.3 64 5 53.5 1981 MIXING lbottom) 4 4 13 8 11.8 0.5 39 5 44.9 PRE-OPERAllONAL mean 36-43 43-48 sange 3.1-5.8 13.0-85.5 10_9-12.4 0.1-1.1 mean 6 3 15.3 10.8 0 0 -

59 0 OPERAisONAL 0.0 C2.1 60.0 mean 6.T 13.4 11.0 193T BACKGROUND (surfacel 5.4 28.5 11.6 T.S 42.4 42.8 PRE-OPERATIONAL mean 38-48 40-47 sange 3.5-8.6 26.5-30.8 10.9-12.1 T.3-1.6 mean 6.2 29.T 11.3 S.O -

52.0 OPERATIONAL 82.T 52.0 mean- S.4 29.4 11.0 S.8 198T BACMGROUND (bottom) 4 1 14 3 II.a 0 2 41 3 46.6 PHE-optHAllONAL mean 12 1-85.9 to S- 84. 8 0 0-0 9 36-4F 44-53 eenge 3 6-6 0 mean 5 4 14 2 11.2 0 0 - 62 3 OPlHAllONAL 58.0 mean 5 8 ~14 3 10.9 0 0 59 0 1981

Lehe Nosmen.physacochemscal pavemelets los Descharge (toc 43 M meng 1ebte 6 cent (Loc, and Background (Loc. 8.11.15) Zones for Preoperetsonal (19T1-1981) and Operessonal (9/83-8/44) Persods. sad 198T.

TURBIDlIY (NTUI pH ALMALINITY (MG-CACO 3FL ZONE (depth) --------------------


_-----_-- ---------- to I 48.3 12.1 3.T

  • 8 T.3 PHL-OVERAtIONAL mean 6.6-l.0 6.4-8 5 8 0-82 0 10.0-12.5 range 4.0-34.5 2.0-5.0 T.0 T o it 0 11.0 mean 5 3 OPEHAVIONAL 1.3 4.5 13 0 12.0 mean 3 2 198T MIX 4NG (surface)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to o st t 10.4 3.4 6.9 T 5 l

PRE-OPERAllONAL mean 6.T-T.3 6.9-8 5 S.0-12.0 g.8-.2.4 range 4.3-28.1 2.8-3.S T.0 T.4 11.0 It O mean 4.3 2.2 su OPERATIONAL 1.5 T,3 6.9 13.0 12.0 N 1987 mesa 2.5 MtXING (bottom)

- - ------- ------- 6.3 10.9 12 0 19.8 1.0 6.8 PRE-OPERAllONAL mean T.0-T.0 6 2-T 3 6 0-6.5 9.3-12 0 12 0-82.0 range 12.1-28.8 10.8 13.0 IT 2 6.6 S.6 OPERAllONAL moon 6.8 S.5 13.0 16 0 mean 3 3 14.0 T.5 1987 8ACKGROUND (surfacel

__- -- -_-- ------- T.4 10.4 ti.T l 19.1 T 3 6 8 PRE-OPERATIONAL mean 2.5-23.2 6.6-T.0 6.8-8.4 S.0-12.0 10 T-12.3 l range 5.T-55.2 10.3 11.3 5.3 T.1 T T OPERATIONAL mean 9.0 12.0 2.0 1.4 T 9 12.5 8987 mson 4.5 t 1

l BACKGAOUND (bottoms

.... ------- 82.3 6.6 6.3 to T 26 6 5.3 P84E - OPf H A f t ON AL mean 6 2-T,0 6 0-6 4 10.0-12 0 12 3~12 3 eange 8 0-40 5 5 3-5 3 to J 13,1 20.0 6 5' 6 6 OPtHAllONAL mean iI o 12 0 85 0 5 0 T.4 6 4 39st mean 5 5 8 g !

-- " e

.. - . .- - - - - . . . . . - .. .=_ -_ ---__~ _- . _ ._- - . - --_ - _ _ -

e i

a a e

4 e e 5 e a e O e o O i O I N I O 8 O O e O I M i N eO 4 e eC e *O e  % ~= e, 4 I OOO= e OOO= O0-O e OO== O ==

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  • a e 3 4 = a = =
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a e a e e a e v i N e N i f M s=

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- i e = < a 3 i == < 0 e o. < e Q 4 m ( O a = 4 >

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% g 1 2

  • W- == 8 8 w = 4 W = i O 8 W = C I == =

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  • e owi- e z am -e z am = a z sei<t E A* < $ =


s- N4 i oe 4 O= o I i a O= 2e a om e e e a, Q= 0 i s 23 1

Table 7 coni Lnhe Nosman nulesents (en mg/l) for Descharge (Loc 43. Meaeng (toc _ l.2.3.4 5.5.6.F.5). and Background (Loc- 8.11.15) Zones los Pseopetaleonel (19FF-IS8!) and Operat+onal (9/83-8/84) Persods, and 198T.

ORTHO-PHOSPHATE SALICA CHLORIDE ZONE (depth) --------------------


Pi4E-OPERAllONAL mean 0.006 0.005 3 9 3 1 4 1 4.2 tange0.005-0.008 -

3 4-4.5 2.6-3.6 3 T-4.8 3.6-5.4 OPERAllONAL mean 0.005 0.005 4 4 3 F 4 1 4.3 1981 mean 0.010 0.005 3 9 3 0 8.0 5 3 MixtNG (surlace)

PRE-OPERATIONAL mean 0.00T 0.005 3.9 2.9 4 0 4 2 tange0.005-0.Oli -

3.3-4 5 2.3-3.6 3 5-4.8 3 4-5.T tu mean 0.005 0.005 4.4 3.T 4 T 4.0 a OPERAllONAL 1987 mean 0.012 0 005 3 9 2.8 T9 5.2 MIXING (bottom) 0.038 0.005 3.9 3.8 4.5 4.5 PRE-OPERATIONAL mean tange0.005-0.Oll -

3.T-4.2 3.1-3.1 4.4-4.5 4 5-4.5 mean 0.005 0.005 4.4 4.4 4 7 4 3 OPERATIONAL mean 0.010 0 005 3.9 3.T TT 5 4 1987 BACKGROUND (surface 3 0.00T 0.005 4.2 3.5 4.4 4.0 PRE-OPERATIONAL mean ~

tange0.005-0.010 -

3.8-4.T 2.T-3.9 3.T-5.0 3.3-5.0 mean 0.009 0.005 4.4 4.0 4.2 4.2 OPERATIONAL mean 0.010 0.005 4.1 2 5 T.s 5.2 1987 BACr. GROUND (bottom) 0 009 0 005 4.2 3.1 4 i 4 4 PRE -OPE R A l lON AL mean eangeo 006-0 012 -

4 0 - 44 4 4 5-4 9 -

mean 0 007 0.005 4.4 4 4 4 1 4.2 OPERAllONAL E.8 mean -s . O l t 0.005 4.4 3 8 5 4 1981

  • j' Table 4. Lake Norman menerals (an og/l) for Descharge (Loc. 4). Meaeng l (Loc. and Background (Loc. 4.11.15) Zones for 4-Preopetaleonel (19FT-1981) and Operateenal (9/83-8/44) Pereods. and ISST.
CALCluM MAGNESIUM SODIUM I ZONE (depth) -------------------- -------------------- --------------------


tange 2.4-2.4 2.2-2.T 3.1-5.2 1,0-1.2

i. OPERATIONAL mese 2.4 2.5 1.0 8I 4 8 3 5 1987 mean 2.8 2.7 i 3  ?,2 8 0 4.8 l MIXING (surface)

. PRE-OPERATIONAL mean 2.T 2 5 1.1 1.0 4 0 5 I venge 2.4-2.8 2.5-2.T -

1.0-1.2 y OPERATIONAL mean 2 4 2.6 10 1 1 -

3 5 194F mean 2.8 2.6 1.3 1 2 8 0 4.8 J

MIXING (bollom) j PRE-OPERAllONAL mean 2.1 -

1.1 -

3.T _

! range - - - - - -

l' OPERATIONAL mean 2 4 3.0 1.0 1.2 4 8 3 6 19st mean 2 4 3.2 1.3 1.3 4.0 5 0 I

BACKGROUND (surface) 3 PRE-OPERAllONAL mean 2.F 2.6 1.2 1,1 4.1 4 I sange 2.3-2.9 2.3-3.0 1.1-1.2 0 . 9 - 1. 3 1 CPERATIONAL mean 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.1 4.8 3 5 j 198T mean 2.4 2.4 1.2 1.2 T.T 4.5 i

BACKGROUND (bottnm) 2.. ________________-___

s PHf-OPfRAllONAL mean 2 8 -

1.1 - - _

aenge - -

OPtHAllONAt mean 2 5 3 0 1 0 1 2 4 1 3.6 1981 mesa 2 8 3 2 8,2 3 3 1. 6 5.0

4 4

Table 8 cont. Lake Normen menerale (an mg/l) for Descharge (Loc. 43 Meaeng (Loc. 5), and Sackground (Loc 3.'11.!5) Zones for Preoperational (1977-1931) and Operaleones (9/83-8184) Persods, and 198T.

POTASSIUM IROM MANGAMESE ZONE (depth) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -

PERIOD FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY AUGUST FEBRUARY AUGUST I ---------- ------------ -------------.-------------------------------------.--------___

DISCHARGE tsurface) i PRE-OPERATIONAL mean 1.5 1.5 0.T 0.2 0.03 0.04 range 0.2-1.8 0 1-0 4 0 01 0,05 0 04-0.90 CPERAldONAL mean 1.4 1.4 0.1 0.1 0 02 0.02 1987 mean I.S 1.4 0.1 0 1 0.02 0 12

.i MaXING (surfoce3 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.03 0 o PRE-OPERATIONAL mean range 0.2-1.1 0.0-0.4 0.02-0.05 0 08-0.It 0.02 0.02 "j OPERAllONAL mean - 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.05 19st mean 1.T l.4 0.1 i

MIXtNG (bollom) 0.9 -

0.9 0.6 0.05 0.44 PRE-OPERATIONAL mean range - - - -

0.04-0.05 -

mean 1.4 1.5 0.1 0.T 0 02 I i OPERATIONAL 1.2 mean 1.4 1.4 0.1 0.4 0.02 1987 SACKGROUND (surface) mA E 1.6 0.8 0.2 0.04 0.09

PkkI6PER TibN 1.5 0.02-0.0T 0.03-0.15 range - -

0.3-2.0 0.1-0.5 mean 1.0 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.12 OPERATIONAL mean IT 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.03 193T 4

1 1

BACMGROUND (bottom) 1.9 0 2 0 05 0.4r 1 Pl4E-OPEAAllONAL mean - -

0 04-0 06 eange - -

1 6-f.3 - -

mean 4 1.6 0.1 0 1 0.03 1.3 1

O l*L H A l l O N A L -

mean 1T 3.5 0.2 0.5 0.02 3 4 .


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_, _ . . - _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _______.______._.._.m. Figure 9. Ionic composition f or Discharge (Loc. 4), Mixing (Loc. 1,2,3,4.5,5,6,7.5), and Background (Loc. 8,11,15) Zones during Freoperational Period (1977-1981), 1984, and 1987. UttA

                                          *;                                                   O!SCHARCE                                                          gn
  • E=
                                           ,,,                                                                                                                    eo,m s-300 250 2:,<




                                              ,cc o


                                              .:                                                                                                                            8'A6 400 1,0 300 ill, E             lb                 .-

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                                                 . .!@t                  IS$                                      .

p '"\ .js ;"U 6 "" j1 ;"U 1 "" y C" 39

Figure 10. Specific conductance values for Discharge (Loc. 4), Mixing (Loc. 1,2,3,4.5,$,6,7.5), and Background (Loc. 8,11,15) Zones. CDCUCTivlff (uw we/ce) 100 -

                                               ,a   .

O!SCHARGE 90 - 70 - so - 50


so - 30 20 - 10 o sen as7e is7s inao sees trea ases isse isse asas aser 100~- MIXING s so - no - 70 - 60 - 50 - 4o - m' . zo - 10 - 1977 1978 1979 19ec 1941 Iget 1943- 1964 1985 1988 1987 ion - BACKCRCUNO so . so - 70 -

                                                 . I.

a0 b . 20 ,L I 10 ,7

E 1977 ;i?8 ;i?S ;it: 1581 1942 ;ial 1944 1981 1948 1987
                                                                                                                                 ;j fDR                          -

_ . . _ . ~ _. . . _ . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ __ . . . _;7....._.... _ . _ 4 ligure 11. Chloride concentrations for Discharge (Loc. 4), Mising.(Loc. L', 2,3,4.5,5,6,7.5), and Background (Loc. 8,11,15) Zones. os.ontos v i) 10 - O!SCHARGE 9 e - 7 . e . S r 4 .\ 3

w. g .

f 1 1 0 1977 1978 1979 1980 l001 1982 1983 1984 1985 IGN IM 10 g . MIXING s - 7r 6 i SL 4 3h t-2L i li 1977 1978 1979 1960 1901 1982 1983 1984 1945 1948 1947

                              ' to    -

e .' BACKGROUND e - 7 - N 8 -

                                 -5 4k   ,

3 l 2 r C 1h 3 1977 ;1*a ;i?5 1580 ;ist 1942 1903 ;384 ;30$ ;996 1947 YEAR 41

PHYTOPLANKTON INTRODUCTION Previous studies on Lake Norman have reported considerable spatial and temporal variability in phytoplankton standing crops and taxonomic composition (Duke Power Company 1976, 1985; Menhinick and Jenson 1974; Podriguez 1982). Rodriguez (1982) classified the lake as oligo-mesotrophic based - on phytoplankton abundance. distribu', ion, and taxonomic composition. The objectives _ of the Lake Norman Maintenance Monitoring Program are to:

1. Describe quarterly patterns of phytoplankton star.dtng crop and species composition throughout Lake Norman, and
2. Comoare phytoplankton data collected during this study (August ana November 1987) with historical data collecttd during these months.

METHOOS AND MATERIALS Quarterly phytoplankton sampling was initiated in August 1987 at Locations 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 9.5, 11.0, 13.0, 15.9, and 69.0 (Chemistry, Figure 1). Duplicate composites of grabs taken f rom 0. 3, 4. 0, and 8. 0 m (i . e. , the euphotic zone) were collected at all locations, with the exception of Location 69.0 where grabs from 0.3, 3.0, and 6.0 m were composited due to the shallow depth at that location. Sampling was conducted on 4 August anc 5 42

November 1987. Standing crop (density and biovolume) and taxonomic composi-tion were determined for samples collected at Lecations 2.0, 5.0, 9.5, 11.0, and 15.9; while chlorophyll concentrations were determined for samples from all locations. Field sampling metnods, and laboratory methods used for chlorophyll, standing crop, and taxonnic composition determinations were reported in Rodriguez (1982). 9 Chlorophyll data for August and November 1987 were compared with historical data from these months of previous years since 1975. Density and biovolume data for this study were not compared to data prior to 197ti due to signtficant changes in sample analysis after 1977. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Standing Crop Phytoplankton chlorophyll a values in Augm.1987 demonstrated a tr6nd of incraasing concentrations from downlake to uplake locations, showing over a two-fold increase from Location 2.0 to Location 69.0 (Table 1; Figura 1) This same trend was even more pronounced in November 1987, with an approximate five-fold increase in chlorophyll concentration from Location 2.0 to Location 69.0 (Table 2: Figure 1) Phytoplankton densities' followed this trend in August and November; however, the magnitude of increase was much greater in August than in November (Tables 1 and 2; Figure 1). Similar trenas were observed in previous Duke Power studies; however, the mean censity at l l 43

1 Location 15.9 in August 1987 was approximately two times higter than the previous maximum (Table 1; Figures 2 and 3), 7 Phytoplankton standing crop values in August and Noverrher 1987 were generally n within ranges of those observed during these months of previous years (Figures 2 and 3). At Location 2. 0 in November 1987, the chlorophyll concentration was somewhat lower than in previous Novembers, while the biovolume was considerably higher. At Locations 11.0 and 15.9, no specific trends of densities and biovolumes could be identified in August due to extreme variability among these parneters during previous yests. Both of these locations showed a trend toward increasing densities and biovolumes during November when compart d to past years; however, this trend was not reflected in the chlorophyll data. No trends could be identified at Incations 9.5 and 69.0 due to the paucity of historical data from these locations, Community Composition Ten classes comprising 67 genera and 129 species of phytoplankton were observed in samples collected on Lake Norman in August and November 1987. The distribution of species within classes was as follows: Chlorophyceae, 68; Bacillariophyceae, 28; Chrysophyceae, 8; Haptophyceae and Xanthoobyceae, 1-4 each; Cryptophyceae, 4; Euglenophyceae, 1; Dinophyceae, 6: anc Chloromonadophyceae, 2 (Table 3). Eighteen taxa were identified during this study which were not recorded during previous studies (Duke Power Company 1976, 1985; Menhinick and Jensen 1974; Rodriguez 1982). 44

l The major classes during August, in terms of density, were the Chlorophyceae (green algae), the Bacillariophyceae (diatoms), and the Cryptophyceae (cryptophytes). During November, these same classes were also most important; however, the diatoms and cryptophytes had much higher relative abundance values. In terms of biovolume, the Dinophyceae (dinoflagellates) dominated August samples, although they seldom accounted for more than 5.0% of the total density at any location. Diatoms were dominant in November Similar taxonomic distribution was observed during August and November of the preoperational and operational periods (Table 4). No algae were recorded as

                                                                                 " ur.(nown s"                  during this study. These organisms have since been identified primarily as members of the Chrysophyceae (i.e. , Erkinia) or detachea cells from green algal colonies such as Dictyosphearium. Some of the larger unidentified                    flagellates have since been identified as members of th Chloromonadophyceae.

During August, the most abundant species observed were Cosmarium asphearosporum v. strigosum, a small desmid, and Dictyosphearium pulchellum, a colonial green alga from which many detached cells were counted. These detached cells resemble what had previously been described as coccoid greens, unknown coccoids, or Nannochloris spp., Dictyosphearium accounted for approximately 40% of the total phytoplankton densities at Locations 9.5 anc 11.0 during August. Rodriguez (1982) reported that during the summer, tne period of peak green algal abundance, the major components of this class were small coccoid greens and small members of the genus Cosmarium. During NovemDer 1987, when diatoms were most abundant, the major species obser ea was Malosira ambigua, a filamentous centrate not previously reported. Dr. : W. Rt:imer of the Philadelphia Academy of Science, Duke Power Company's d'r - 45

b 3 taxonomy consultant, has confirmed this identification and indicated that it had previously been identified as M. italica and M. italica v. tennuissima (Pers. Comm.), both of which were reported as major components of diatom assemblages during previous studies (Rodriguz 1982). Cryptophytes, which were also abundant in November 1987, were dominated by Rhodomonas minuta. This -taxon was also identified as the most abundant cryptophyte during previous years (Rodriguez 1982). SUPNARY Phytoplankton sampling was conducted at Locations 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 9.5, 11.0, 13.0,15.9, and 69.0 on Lake Norman in August and November 1987. Chlorophyli analyses. wers performed at all locatior,s, while standing crops and taxonomic composition were determined at Locations 2.0, 5.0, 9. 5,- 11. 0, and 15.9. Phytoplankton standing crops generally showed a trend of increasing values from downlake to uplake locations. This trend was .lso observed- during previous- studies on Lake Norman. Phytoplankton standing ~ crop values during August and November 1987 were generally within ranges of those observed during these months of previous years, except that a trend of increasing densities and biovulumes was observed at Locations 11.0 and 15.9 in November, and the de,nsity and biovolume at Location 15.9 in August 1987 were-approximately 100% and 25% higher, respectively, than the previously observed maxima. This trend was not observed among chlorophyll samples. 46


           -Phytoplankton taxonomic composition during August and November 1987 was                        ,

generally similar to that observed during previous studies, with green algae, diatoes, and cryptophytes among tile most abundant forms, while dinoflagellates have always dominated phytoplankton biovolumes in August, Major species observed during August and November 1987 were usually- similar to those' observed during previous years. Most except-ions were due to recent identifications of unknowns and new taxonomic information on previously identified. species, n e I h-47

LITERATURE CITED , Duke Power Company. McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, Environmental Report, Operating License Stage 6th rev. Volume 2. Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. 1976. Ouke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station, 316(a) Demonstration. Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. 1985. s Menhinick, E. F. and L. D. Jense- Slankton populations, p. 120-138. I n t. . O. Jensen u. ) Environmental responses to thermal discharges'~f rom Marshall 5:eam Station, Lake Norman, North Carolina. Electric Power Research Institute, Cooling Water Discharge Research Project (RP-49) Report No.11. schns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 235 p.;.1974. Rodriguez, M. S. Phytoplankton, p. 154-260 In J. E. Hogan , and W. D. Adair (eds.). Lake Noman summary, Technical Report DUKEPWR/82-02. Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. 460 p. ; 1982. k 48 J

            -Table 1   Phytoplankten chlorophyll a_ (mg/m8),L total density (units /ml) and bio-volume (mm8/m3), as well as major class densities and biovolumes and percent composition-(in parenthesis) at each location for samples col-lected on 4 August 1987.

Locations Parameter 2.0 5.0 8. 0 _ 9.5 11.0 13.0 15.9 69.0 Chlorophyll 3.42 ~ 4.12 4.24 4.56 4.52 5.43 6.84 7.84 Total-density 1,854 1,620_ NS 3,967 6,187 NS 14,230 NS Chlorophyceae 918 752 3,280 5,015 7.873 (49.8) (46.7): (82.7 (81.0) (55.2)


Bacillar- 515 332 308 527 2,840 tophyceae (27.8) (19.8) (7.8) (8.5) (20.0) Chrysophyceae 107 136- 65 130 452 (5.4) (8.4)_ (1.6) (2.1) (3.2) 207 142 296 742 k - Cryptophyceae -213-(ll.5) (12.9) (3.6) (4.3) .(5.2) , Myxophyceae 47 130 148 124 2,069-(2.6) (8.1)- (3.7) (2.0) (14.5)

  • 53 65 24 95 258 (2.9) (4.0) (0.6) (1.5) (1.8)

Total biovolume 1,197 1,821 969 3,330 5,199 Chlorophyceae 208 _ 318 383 710 1,186 (17.4) (18.0) (39.8) (21.6) (22.8) Bacillar- 311 221 163 388 1,296 yophyceae (25.4) (10.1) (16.7): (11.6) (24.9) Chrysophyceae . 46 37 14 24 83

                                 -(3.8) (2.1)                       (1.4)        (0.7)           (1.6)                 ,

Cryptophyceae 97 139 66 286 369 (7.9) (7.8) (6.8) (8.6) (7.1) 10 17 28 359 564 Myxophyceae (O.8) (1,0)- (2.8)- (10.7) (10.8) 525 1,089 315 1,564 1,701 Others

                               -(44.7) (61.1)                      (32.4) (46.8)                (32.7)                 3 NS = Parameter not sampled.
              * = Includes primarily.the Dinophyceae, which were found at.all locations; and the Chloromonadophyceae, which were found at Location 11.0.




Table 2_ = Phytoplankton chlorophyll _ a (mg/m8),. total density (units /ml) and bio-volume -(mm8/m8), _ as_ well as major class densities and biovolumes and

                      - percent' composition (in parenthesis) at each-location for samples col-lected on 5 November 1987.

Locations Parameter 1 2. 0 5. 0 8.0 9.5 11.0 13.0 15.9 69.0 Chlorophyll- 1.98 2.34 3.15 2.70 3.71 3.92 7.34 10.16  ;

Total-density _ 1,354 1,719 NS 1,816' 2,223 NS 3,824 NS Chlorophyceae 234 309 260 789 1.300 (34.0)

(17.7) . (14.8) (9.7 (35.4) Cacillar - 699 486 799 498 374 , L,.nt.yce ae -(52.6) (29.4) (46.6) (22.4) (9.8)- Chrysophyceae 55 196 124 247 980 (4.2) (11.9) (7.2) (11.1) (25.6) Cryptophyceae 260-_ 576 444 419 637 . _(19.8) (24.8) (20.9) (18.9) (16.7)


Myxophyceae 55 75 118 228 429 (1.8) (4.5) (6.9) (10.3) (11.2) Others

  • 51 75 66 42 104 (3.9) (4.5) (3.7) (2.0) (2.7)

Total biovolume 2,168 1,640 2,544 2,053 1,537 Chlorophyceae 57 -69 56 188 254 (9.8) (10.9) (2.2) (9.1) (16.7)

          . Bacillar-              1,939 1,248               2,108           1,075-                  464 yophyceae               (60.3) (37.1)              (82.9) (52.4)                       (30.1)

Chrysophyceae 8 33 22 32 205

                                   '(1.3) (4.8)                 (0.9)         a(1.6)              (13.3)
 -         Cryptophyceae                 87     191               173           160                   187 (15.2) (30.1)               (6.8)         (7.8)               (12.1)

Myxophyceae_ -28 39 16 399 85 (4.8) (6.2) (0.6) (19.4) _ (5.6) Others 49 69 169 199 342 (8.5) (10.8) (6.6) (9.7) (22.1) NS = Parameter not sampled.

             * = Dinophyceae and Haptophyceae at all locations; Xanthophyceae at' Locations 11.0, 15.9; Euglenophyceae at 1.ocations 5.0,
     -*            15.9; Chloromonadophyceae at Locations 15.9.


Page 1 of 4 Table 3 Phytoplankton taxa identified from Lake Norman samples collected on 4 August and 5 November 1987 (": taxon not recorded in previous Lake Norman studies). CHLOROPHYCEAE Actinastrum hantzschii Lagerheim Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs A. falcatus v. mirabilis (West & West) G, 5. Wes*, K, falcatus v. tumidus K. spiralis (Turner) Lemmerman

  • Carteria frizschii Takeda Chlamydomonas spp. Ehrenberg Chlorogonium spp. Ehrenberg Closteriopsis longissima v. tropica West & West Closterium Incurvum Brebisson Coelastrum camoricum Archer
  • Cosmarium angulosum v. concinnum (Rabenhorst) West & West C. asphearosporum v. strigosum Norstedt
  • E. contractum Kirchner
  • f. polygonum (Naegeli) Archer-
  • C. tenue Archer
  • E, tinctum Lundell *
f. spp. Corda Crucigenia crucifera (Wolle) Collins C. tetrapeuia (Kircnner) West & West Dictyosphearium ehrenbergianum Neageli
0. pulcheila wood Elakatothrix gelatinosa Wille Franceia droescheri (Lemmerman) G. H. Smith CT6encystis planktonica (West & West) Lemmerman G. gigas (Kuetzing) Lagerheim
5. spp. Neageli dolenkinia paucispina West & West G. radiata (Chodat) Wille Kirchneriella suesolitaria G. S. West K. spp. Schmidle
    * [agerheimia ciliata (Lagerheim) Chodat L. lonaiseta_(Lemmermaa) Printz L. suesala Lemmerman Resostigma viride Lauterborn Micractinium pusilium Fresenius Mougiotta alongatum (Agardh) Wittrock Neobrocytium agardhianum Neageli Oocystis parva West & West Pandorina charkowiensis Korshikov Pediastrum otradiatum Meyen P. duplex Meyen P. tetras v. tetroadon (Corda) Ralfs Planktospheara gelatinosa G. M. Smith
Scenedesmus abundans (Airchner) Chodat 5,. abundans v. asymetrica ($hroeder) G. M. Smith l



Page 2 of 4 Table 3

  • 5 abundans y, brevicauda G. M. Smith '
5. acuminatus (Lagerheim) Chodat 5 armatus v. bicaudatus (Gugliell-Printz) Chodat
5. bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim
5. bijuga v. alterans (Reinsch) Hansgirg
5. denticulatus Lagerh6im
5. dimorphus (Turpin) Kuetzing 5 incrassulatus
5. quadricauda (Turpin) Brebisson 5elenastrum minutum-(Neageli) Collins S. westii G. M. Smith 5phearocystis schroeteri Chodat Sphearozosma granulata Roy & Bliss Staurastrum americanum (West & West) G. M. Scith

'g_ S. apiculatum Brebisson

   " 5. brevispinum Brebisson
     . 5. curvatum v. elongatum G. M. Smith
  • 5. cuspidatum Brecisson
5. dejectus Brebisson
5. megacanthua Lundell 5.
5. garadoxum v. cingulum West & West ,
   ' 5. paradoxum   v. parvum su'bcruciatum  Cooke W. West
                               & Wille
5. tetracerum Ralfs
  • 5. turgescens Denot
     'Tetraedron caudatum 9 corda 0 hansgirg T. minimum (A. Braun) Hansgirg Truebaria setigera (Archer) G. M. Smith SACILLARIOPHYCEAE Achnanthes microcephala (Kuetzing) Grunow C spp. Bory Ittheya zachariasi J. Brun Cocconsis placentula Ehrenberg Cyclotella pseudostelligera C stelligera (Cleve) Van Huerck Tragilaria crotonensis Kitton
  • Frustulia rhomecides (Ehrenberg) DeToni
  • Melosira ambi42ua (Grunow) 0. Muller M. distans (E1renberg) Kuetzing R. granulata v. angusthsima Mueller R. italica (Ehrencerg) Kuetzing R. spp. Agardh Hitzschia agnita Hustedt N. holsatica Huste",

R. palea (Kuetzinq' W. Smith a N. sublinearit Hustedt R.spp. Hass'aTi _Rhipsnienia spp. Ehrenberg 52

Page 3 of 4 Table 3 Skeletonese potemos (Weber) Hasle Stephanodiscus spp. Ehrenberg Synedra acus Kuetzing S. planktonica Ehrenberg-

3. rumpens Kuttzing
3. ulna-(Nitzsch) Ehrenberg I, spp. Ehrenberg Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngby) Kuetzing T. flocculosa (Roth) Kuetzing CHRYSOPHYCEAE Chromulina spp, Cienkowski Dinobryon bavaricum Imhof
  • Erkinia subaecuiciliata Skuja Kepnyrion ruci-klaustri Conrad Mallomonas tonsurata Teiling M. spp. Party Uchromonas spp. Wyssetzki Synura spinosa Korshikov HAPTOPHYCE4E ,,

Chrysoce y 3 parva Lackey XANTHOPHYCEAE Dichotomococcus spp. Korshikpv CRYPTOPHYCEAE Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg C. ovatz Ehrencerg C. r_eflexa Skuja Rhodomonas minuta Skuja MYX0PHYCEAE Acmerellus qu'adriduplicatum Brebisson Anabaena wisconsinense Prescott

  • Chroococcus limneticus Lemmerman
  • C. minor Kuetzing
  • f. spp. Neageli 1.yngb3a spp. Agardh
   + Microcystis aeruginosa Kuetzing Oscillatoria geminata Meneghini
  • 0. limnatica Lemmerman Waphidiopsis curvata Fritsch & Rich 53

Page 4 of 4 Table 3 EUGLENOPHYCEAE Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg DINOPHYCEAE Ceratium hirundinella (Hueller) Schrank Glenodinium borgei G. palustre Schilling Peridinium inconspicuum Lemmerman P. pusillum (Pennaro) Lemmerman F. wisconsinense Eddy CHLOROMONADOPHYCEAE ,

  • Gonyostomum latum Iwanoff G. spp. Deising
     +=  .Not recorded from previous studies, but blooms have been observed uplake outside monitored areas.                                                                 ,


Table 4 List of algal classes observed in samples collected on Lake Norman and their percent composition during part of the preoperational period . ( August 1978-1981 and November 1978-1980), the operational period (August 1982-1984 and November 1981-1983), and August / November 1987. TAXON Density Percent Composition August Novemoer 78-81 82-84 1987 78-80 81-83 1987 Chlorophyceae 58.7 44.0 66.3 24.3 27.7 28.3 Bacillariophyceae 9.6 25.4 15.4 41.0 22.4 22.9 Chrysophyceae 3.2 5.0 3.7 2.3 9.4 16.3 Haptophyceae 0.3 0 0 1.1 0 2.1 Xanthophyceae 0 0.1 0 0. 6 0. 2 0.1 Cryptophyceae 11.5 10.6 7.0 19.7 23.5 21.1 Myxophyceae 6.5 2. 7 5.6 3.2 7. 6 8.3 Euglenophyceae 0.4 0 0 <0.1 0.2 0.1. Dinophyceae 3.4 2.5 2.1 1.1 0.8 0.3 Chloromonadophyceae 0 0 <0.1 0 0 0.3 Unknowns 6.5 9.8 0 6.6 8.2 0 Biovolume Percent Composition Chlorophyceae 11.2 10.8 20.2 6.0 6.9 12.3 Bacillariophyceae 8.6 7. 7 15.3 49.4 34.2 46.2 Chrysophyceae 1. 3 2.6 1. 7 2.2 13.2 5.9 Haptophyceae O.1 0 0 0.4 0 0.3 Xantophyceae 0 <0.1 0 <0.1 0.1 < 0.1 Cryptophyceae 6.6 3.8 8.1 25.9 15.5 13.6 Myxophyceae 11.5 3.3 6.7 1.9 7.8 12.0 Euglenophyceae 1. 8 0 0 0.2 4.6 0. 7 Dinophyceae 57.8 70.2 47.6 12.8 '4.7

                                                                     .         5.2 Chloromonadophyceae          0         0       0.4          0         0    3. 7 l    Unknowns             . 1.1       1.5           0       1.2      2.9        0 i                                               55

9 LOC ATIONS 20 50 80 35 110 110 15 9 69.0 12

                               --- a awaust "g    10    -           ----a woviusan                                          '.

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                                           'N-    ....        ....        ,


      >      1 m

0 - 0 10 20 30 40 Distance from Cowan's Ford Oom (km) Figure 1 ?nytoplankten standing crop values at Lake Norman sampling loc 3:1cns during August and NovemDer 1987, 56

LOCatiCN 20 5 to ) V_

                                                       ' CC ATICN 50 se     .

A~ E s - a -


et J

        .J c     ,s                                        LCC ATICN. 50 a               .

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                               ..     .,    ,,  n     is     o         ts tv   ,    ei    s) is  e Aug AT                                NC'< E uBE9 Figure 2 Phytoplankton cnlorcchyll 1 cancentrations from eutnotic ::re c rraesite sa"ples collected at Lake Nor1an locations in Aucus' and '; o,emter of each year, , hen saroling aas conducted,          fr--

1973 '.0 1M7. 57

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                                                                .LOCA?iCN M O 3
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82 - l \ V . f.*# ' j

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                            ;                               i 3  .                 . ,,...***..                                                           .
                                                                                                                     ........,,......,,..J                               '

( - 0 C s'- 1941 1943 19453 1947 1941 1943 1945 1947 1979 1979 AUGUST NOVEMBER Figure 3 Phytoplankton densities anc Diovolumes from euphotic zone conDosite samples collected at Locations 2.0. 5.0. 11.0 and 15.9 on Lake Norman for each year, wnen sampling was con-ductec, from 1975 to 1987. 59

                      . . _ _ ~ . _           _  _      _ . . _    _  _     _ _.         .          . _ . _ .

i ZOOPLANKTON 1 INTRODUCTION Previous studies on Lake Norman have found that zooplankton demonstrate a bimodal. seasonal distribution with peaks occurring in spring and fall. Considerable spatial and year to year variability was also observed (Duke Power Company 1976,1985, Hamme 1982, Menhinick and Jensen 1974). The objectives of the Lake Normar. Maintenance monitoring study were to:

1. Describe quarterly patterns of zooplankton standing crops at selected-t locations on Lake Norman, and 4
2. Compare zooplankton data collected during this study (August and November 1987) with historical data collected during these months.

4 METHODS AND MATERIALS Quarterly Iooplankton sampling was initiated in August 1987 at Locations 2.0,

5. 0, 9. 5, 11. 0, ano 15. 9 (Chemistry, Figure 1). Duplicate 10 m to surface a": '

bottom to surface net tows were taken at these locations. Sampling was cor-ducted -on 4 August and 5 November 1987. Field and laboratory methods fP zooplankton standing crop analysis were reported in Hamme (1982). 60

1 RESULTS ANO DISCUSSION Standing Crop Zooplarkton densities in August and November 1987 were usually higher among 10 m to surf ace samples than among bottom to surf ace samples. This was also the case during previous years; however, Location 2.0 showed higher densities among bottom to surface samples in November 1987, 1979, and 1980 (Table 1; Figure 1). Hamme (1982) reported that zooplankton were capable of caintaining their positions in the water column as a response to the high light gradient, which subsequently accounted for higher phytopiankton standing crops in the upper strata. Zooplankton standing crops were generally higher in November 1987 than in August 1987. Secondary seasonal peaks of zooplankton densitios were often observed in the fall during previous years (Hame 1982). During August 1987, Location 5.0 had the highest zooplankton standing crops, while location 2.0 had the lowest densities. Among 10 m to surface- samples in November 1987, Locations 9.5 and 15.9 had densities of over 100 X 103/m3 , while Location 2.0 once again had.the lowest densities. Among bottom to surface samples in Novem-ber 1987, Locaticn 9.5 had the highest standing crop, while the lowest density occurred at Location 5.0 (Table 1). Zooplankton standing crops in August and November 1987 were generally within ranges of those observed during these months of previous years, with the exception that Location 2.0 in November 1987 had the lowest 10 m to surface and t.ottom to surface densities thus far observed at that location. This location has also shown considerable year to year variability among zooplankton standing crops. No trends could te , 61

 ' identified at Locations 9.5 and 11.0 due to the paucity of historical data from these locations (Figure 1).

Community Composition Forty-three zooplankton taxa were identified in samples collected on Lake Norman in August and November 1987. One taxon., Holopedium amazonicum, had not been recorded-in evious studies (Duke Power Company. 1976, 1985; Hamme 1982; Menhinick and Jenson 1974). The Rotifera usually dominated zcoplankton assemblages during this study, followed in importance by the Copepoda and the Cladocera (Tables 1 and 2). This was also the case during August and November , of previous years. Copepods were dominatec by innature forms during both August and November 1987, . and adults seldom accouned for more than 10% of copepod densities. Copepods were far less' important during August .1987 than in :revious years.' Their relative abundance was highest at Location 2.0 (Tables 1 and 2). Tropocyclops and Mesocyclops dominated aduit populations at most locations during August 4 1987. Copepods had a higher relative abundance in November 1987 than in previous years,' and they dominated zooplankton assemblages in bottom to surfe:e samplos at Locations 2.0 and 11.0. Tropocyclops and Diaptomus dominated adult populations at most locations in November. The four taxa listed above were also identified among the most aoundant adult copepods by Hamme (1982). I Cladoceran relative abundance in- August 1987 was similar to tnat observed in August of previous years. The highest proportions of cladocerans in August Os7 62

. ,., . ~ _ . - - . . ._ . . - _ . . - . - - .-. - - were observed at Location 2.0 (Tables 1 and 2). Bossina and Bossinopsis were the most abundant cladocerans at all locations in. August 1987, Ouring November 1987, cladoceren relative abundance was higher than that observed during previous years, and cladocerans accounted for over 20% of the total densities among ' samples collected at Location 2.0, Bosmina usually dominated cladoceran populations at Lake Norman locations during November 1987. Hamme (1982) found that Bossina dominated cladoceran populations during both August and November of previous years. Bosminopsis was not reported as a dominant cladoceran prior to plant operations; -however, it's abundance increased considerably during the operational study of 1983-1984 (Duke Power Company 1985). Rotifers dominated zooplankton assemblages at most locations during August and November 1987 (Table 1). During August 1987, the Rotifera average'd approximately 20% higher in relative abundance than during Augusts of previous years, while in November '1987 rotifers averaged approximately 18% less than during previous Novembers (Table 2). During August 1987, rotifers' were most abundant in samples collected at Location 5.0 and least abundant at Location 2.0. In November 1987,. rotifers had the highest relative abundance at Location 15.9, with lowest values . again observed at Location o.0, Hamme (1987) found that highest rotifer densities generally occurred at uplake locations. Dominant rotifer taxa at most locations in August 1987 were Ptygura and Trichocera, conochilus was dominant at Location 15.9. During Novemtrr 1987, major taxa at most locations were. Polyarthra and Keratella. These same taxa were among the , n)ost abundant rotifers observed during previous years (Hamme 1982). 63

SU M RY Zooplankton densities were generally higher among it a to surface samples than among bottom to surface samples during this study, as during previous studies, due to responses to higher light intensities and algal standing crops in the upper strata. Zooplankton standing crops were higher in November 1987 than in August 1987. In past studies, secondary zooplankton peaks were often observed in the fall,. with minima occurring during summer months. Zooplankton densities in August and November 1987 were generally within ranges of those observed during previous years; however, considerable year to year variability in zooplankton standing crops was observed at most locations.

 ~ Rotifers generally dominated zooplankton standing crops during this study, as during previous years; however, their relative abundance during August 1987 was higher than in past years, while relative abundance in November 1987 was lower than in- past years. Major rotifer taxa were Ptyqura and Trichocera in August 1987, and Polyarthra -and Keratella in November 1987. The Copepoda were of less importance among zooplankton assemblages during August 1987 than during previous Augusts, but were more. important among November 1987 assemblages than in previous Novembers. Copepods dominated zooplankton assemblages (bottom to surface) at Locations 2.0 and 11.0 in November 1987.            Major taxa during this study were Tropocyclops in August and November, Mesocyclops in August, anc Diaptomus in November.       Cladoceran relative abundance in November 1987 was higher than in previous Novembers.           Spatially, the highest relative abundace values for cladocerans were observed at Location 2.0.           Bosmina and Bosminoos's were the most abundant cladocerans observed ouring this study.                 With tre exception of variations       in relative abundance values, overall           trencs r 64

I consunity composition -during this study were generally similar to those of  ! previous studies (i.e. , Ro'.ifera dominant, followed in importance- by copepods and cladocerans). Most of the mejor genera identified during this study were also listed as most abundant during previous yesrs, with the exception of 4 Bossinopsis, which demonstrated higher relative abundance values among cladocerans in August 1987 than during Augusts of preoptrational years, I4

J i

65 _ __ . _ . ., ._ , , .. ~~ ..

LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, Environmental Report, Operating License Stage. 6th rev. Volume 2. Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. 1976. Duke Power Con.pany. McGuire Nuclear Station, 316(a)- Demonstration. Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. 1985. Hamme, R. E. Zooplankton, p. 323-353. In J. E. Hogan and W. D. Adair (eds.).-Lake Norman summary, Technical Report DUKEPWR/82/02. Duke Power Company,_ Charlotte, NC. 460 p.; 1982. Menhinick, E. F. and L. D. Jensen, Plankton populations, p. 120-138. In L. D. Jensen (ed.). Environmental responses to thermal discharges from Marshall Steam Station, Lake Norman, North Carolina. Electric Power Research Institute, Cooling Water Discharge Research .- Project (RP-49) Report No.11. Johns- Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 235 p.; 1974. 66

                                                                     .    .-. .    ~.


      ' Table 1 Total zooplankton densities (no./m ), densities of major zooplank--

ton taxenomic groups, and percent composition (in parenthesis) of major taxa in 10 m to surface (10-5) and bottom to surface (8-S) not tow samples collected on . Lake Norman in August and November 1987. Sample Locations Date Type Taxon _ 2.0 5. 0 ' 9. 5 _ 11.0 15.9 08/04/87 10-5 COPEP90A 3.4 6.3 3.2 3.5 8.0 (12.6) (6.8) (5.0) (7.8) (10.J) CLAD 0CERA 4.8 2. 3 5. 4 4.0 6.8 (17.9) (2.5) (8.3) (8.9) (8.8) ROTIFERA 18.7 84.2 56.5 37.7 63.1 (69.5) (90.7) (86.7) (83.3) (80.9) TOTAL 26.9 92.8 65.1 45.2 78.0 8-5 COPEP00A 3. 6 4.5 1. 8 2.0 5.4 (depth [m] (21.0) (7.8) (5.5) (6.4) (12.7) of tow for each- CLA00CERA 2.9 1.4 3.2 2.1 2.4

                . location:             (16.8)      (2.3)    (9.5)      (6.9)    (5.61 2.0=29 5.0=18    ROTIFERA     10.8      52.5'    28.6       27.0     34.6 9.5=20               (62.1)    (89.9)    (85.0)      86.71   (81.6) 11.0=25)    TOTAL        17.3      58.4     33.7         .      42.4 l      11/05/87   10-5        COPEPODA     16.1      16.4     26.0       28.8     15.9 (31.9)    (?.5. 9 ) (25.8)     (41.8)   (15,8)

CLA00CERA 12.1 7.4 3.6 6.3 2.4 (24.0) (11.7) (3.6) (9.2) (2.3) ROTIFERA 22.3 39.5 71.2 33.8 82.0 o (44.2) (62.3) (70.61 (49.0) (81.8) TOTAL 59.5 63.3 100.7 68.9 100.3 8-5 COPEP00A ~T5.8 19.8 18.4 37.7 13.8 (depth [a] (53.0) (36.9) (23.1) (56.1) (21.2) i of tow l for each CLA00CERA 13.8 7.3 2.0 7.2 1. 6 location: (20.5) (13.6) (2.5) (10.8) (2.4) 2.0=30 5.0=19 ROTIFERA 17.9 26.6 58.9 22.2 49.8 9.5=21 (26.5) (49.5) (74.1) (33.1) (76.4) 11.0=25 15.9=20) INSECTA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.01 TOTAL 67.5 53.7 79.5 67.1 65.2 t 67

Page 1 of 2 Table 2 Zooplankton taxa identified from sarples collected on Lake Norman on 4 August and 5 November 1987, and density percent composition of major

              -taxonomic groups during certain years of the preoperational period (August 1978-81 and November 1978-80) and the operational period (Asgust 1982-84 and November 1981-83) compared with those of August aid November 1987 (*= taxon not recorded in previous Lake Norman studies).

August November 78-81 82-84 1987 78-80 81-E3 1987 COPEP00A P 'Tl"I T.3 'TJ~'7 E TI 9 Cyclops-thomasi 5, A.- Forbes C. spp. Fischer Diaptomus bergel Marsh D. mississippiensis Marsh

5. pallidus Herick
5. spp. Marsh <

Resocyclops edax (S. A. Forbes) M. spp. Sars Tropocyclops prasinus (Fischer) T. spp. Kiefer falanoid copepodites Cyclopoid copepodites Nauplii , CLA00CERA 8.0 12.3 7. 2 3. 2 6.4 8.9 Bosmina lonairostris (0, F. Muller) B. spp. Baird Hosminopsis deitersi Richad Ceriodaphnia spp. Dana y Oaphnia asciaua Scourfield D parvt.a Fordyce

5. spp. Hullen Diaphanosoma spp. Fischer
  • Holopedium amatonicum Stingelin H. spp. 5tingelin T1yocryptus sordidus (Lieven)

ROTIFERA 64.0 65.4 84.2 77.1 67.1 59.2 Anuraeopsis spp. Lauterborne Asolanenna spp. Gosse Brachionus caudata Barrois and Daday B. havanaensis Rousselet

5. patulus 0. F. Muller follotneca spp. Harring Conocniloides spp. Hlava Conocnilus unicornis (Rousselet)

Hexarthra spp. Schmada Kellicatia bostonensis (Rousselet) Keratella spp. Bory de St. Vincent Lecane spp. Nitzsch { 68

Page 2 of 2 Table 2 Honostyla stenroost (Meissener) P;ososome IrbhCAtus (levander) ~ Polyarthra[uryptera(Weirreijski) P. vulgaris Carlin Etygura spp. Ehrenberg 5 nch,aeta spp. Ehrenberg r etc ara ,cppucina (Weireijski) T. cyline ca (Imhof)

 ,I,. spp. 'Lamirk INSEC7A                                                    0 0.2    0 0 0  <0.1 Chaoborus spp. Lichtenstein 4


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1, 8

                                                                     .::stics is e v             .
                                                              ,o  .. ..                  n w .                                    w. a,
r. ...
                                                       ..:sst                                                             soit% n Figure 1 Zooplankton densities from 10 m to rurface and bott:-

to surface samples collected at Locations 2.0, 5.2. . and 15.9 on Lake Norman in August and November of u .- year, when sampliag was conducted, from 1978 to 19;" 70


.                                                                                                                                I FISHERIES                                                                                                       ,

INTRODUCTION The objectives of the fish mor.itoring program for Lake Norman during 1987 were  ; i to ottermine striped bass habitat lake-wide and to note any occurrence of fish mortalities. Monitoring of striped bass habitat lake-wide has beest an on going program since 1984. In addition, a special study to document size and age - structure, food habits, and condition of striped bass from Lake Norman was conducted d : ring 1986 and 1987. During 1987, the status of the above studies ' was reviewed with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), as required in the NPOES permit for McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS). The need for further studies was also discussed. . MATERIALS AND METHODS Required studies Water temperature ano dissolved oxygen concentration profiles taken lake-wide during 1987 (Chemistry Chapter) wert used to determine habitat available for adult striped bass in Lake Norman. Water with a temperature 126*C and a dis-solved oxygen concentration >2 mg*1-1 was considered suitable habitat for adult striped bass in Lake Norman. During habitat surveys, the main channel of Lake Norman was searched for dead and moribund fish. Additional searches for stressed fish were also conducted in MNS mixing zone on 27, 28, 29, and 31 July and 1 through 6, 10, 12, 18, 21, and 25 August and lake-wide on 30 July and 7, 13, and 20 August. Dead and moribund fish were identified. Dead and moribund striped bass were measured (nearest mm total length) and scales and otoliths were removed for age and growth analyses, if fish were not badly decomposed. 71


1 i l Special Studies l i l Data on size and age structure, spatial distribution, food habits, and condition of striped bass caught at five tournaments were collected with the cooperation of the Lake Norman Striper Swiper Club, and Striper Magazine. Two-day tournaments were conducted on Lake Norman on 27 and 28 April 1986, 10 l and 11 August 1986, 28 and 29 February 1987, 26 and 27 April 1987, and 1 and 2 August 1987. Tournaments started at 0600h and ended at 1200t, the next day. { Anglers were asked to give the general location of capture, which was assigned a zone number (Figure 1). A total of four striped bass (two each day) could be weighed-in per entrant. Each fish was weighed (g) and #9asured (nearest mm total length). The carcasses were frozen or kept on ice until processed. Scales, otoliths, and stomachs were removed, gall bladders examined, and sex ' determined for each striped bass processed. A scale sample was removed from the region posterior co the margin of the I depressed pectoral fin and below the lateral line of striped bass. Acetate  ; impressiens of scales were magnified at 40x with an Eberbach scale projector and annuli counted. Otoliths were removed, sectioned, and mounted on glass slides; annuli were counted while viewing through a stereomicroscope at 8-20x magnification. - Stomach contents . Pe removed, and organisms were identified to the lowest practicable taxon, .ounted, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg - These data from each tournament were summarized as percent wet weight of total Stomach contents. 72

The condition of the gall bladder of striped bass collected from tournaments was used as an indicatnr of Stress. A dit, tended gall bladder (completely filled with bile) indicates reduced capability for digestion (Coutant 1985) and is considered an indication of stress. A flaccid gall bladder is an indication of no stress. Condition factor (Carlander 1969) of each striped bass was also calculated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Required Studies, Adequate habitat for striped bass in Lake Norman occurred lake-wide from January through June and September through December 1987. As the lake stratified, depletion of suitable habitat for adult striped bass (water with a temperature <26'C and a dissolved oxygen concentration >2 mg l *) occured in the main channel of Lake Norman from 23 July-through 27 August 1987 (Figure 2), Reduction of suitable habitat for adult striped bass normally occurs to some degree each summer in Lake Norman (Duke Power Company 1985), and appears to be typical of habitat reduction in southeastern reservoirs (Coutant 1985). A minor die-off of striped bass and yellow perch was associated with the reduction of cool water habitat during 1987. Fifteen striped bass m:rtalities


were documented from 21 July through 5 August 1987. Fourteen of these fish were found in or near the mixing zone of MNS (zone 1) and one fish was found uplake (zone 6). During this period, dead and moribund yellow perch were also notrd, with the majority (several hundred) found in zone 3 on 31 July. A minor dia-off of striped bass (41 fish) also occurred during the summer of 1986 pd 73 L_ --m._

was associated with depletion of suitable habitat lake-wide. During the summer of 1984 and 1985, no striped bass mortalities were reported and suitable habitat was available lake wide throughout both summers. Minor die-offs of striped bass and yellow perch have also occurred in Lake Norman during other years when cool water habitat was reduced (Duke Power Company 1985). These die-offs of fish also occurred primarily downlake before and during the operation of MNS. Periodic die-offs of striped bass in other reservoirs have been associated with reduction of suitable habitat for larger individuals during the summer (Mullis 1984; Coutant 1985). Special Studies A total of 189 striped bass was collected from five fishing tournaments (Table 1), Their ages rano*d from three to eleven years. Three and four year old striped bass were ne primary catch during 1986 (Table 1) Ouring April and August 1987, four was the modal age and more older striped 6 .ss were collected than in 1986. During February 1937, the modal age was five. Total length of striped bass caught ranged from 477 to 909 mm (Table 1). Considerable overlap of total length of striped bass among ages was evident and is common among older fish (Cariander 1969). Twenty-nine of the striped bass found dead or moribund during 1986 and 1987 were aged (Table 2). Ages ranged from three to eleven years old, which was similar to that af tournament fish. Total length of dead or moribund striped bass ranged from 530 to 822 mm. 74

t i I If reported capture locations of striped bass during tournaments reflect their  ; t spatial distribution, then temporal changes in distribution of striped bass in  ! Lake Norman is quite evident (Table 3). The only striped bass caught during February 1987 came from zone 4 in or near the discharge of Marshall Steam i i Station. During April 1986 and 1987, the majority of striped bass were caught in zono 5. During August 1986 and 1987, catches of striped bass were distributed among zones 1, 3, and 6. l Striped bass collected from tournaments were almost entirely piscivorous, feeding most heavily on shad Dorosoma spp. (Table 4). Threadfin shad, f Dorosoma potenense, was by far the most important component of the diet of striped bass during February 1987. During April 1986 and 1987, the diet of I striped bass consisted of a wide variety of prey that included gizzard shad,  ; Dorosoma cepedianum. During August 1986 and 1987, striped bass also consumed a variety of prey. ' The occurrence of distended gall bladders in striped bass caught by tournament i fishermen indicated reduced capability for digestion of food to some degree during April and August (fable 5). Only flaccid gall bladders'were noted in February 1987. The mean condition factor of striped bass was also highest during February, followed by that during April and August, respectively (Table 5). Mean condition factors of striped bass were similar between years for April and August.- Thus, stress on striped bass may occur to some degree from spring through-summer. This would hinder striped bass from reaching their maximum growth potential as has been hypothesized for other reserviors (Coutant i 1985). 75

i I J


Suitable habi*at for adult striped bass in Lake Norman was deplettd lake-wide for one month during 1987 (23 July through 27 August). The reduction of cool j water habitat was associated with a minor die-off of adult striped bass and 3 yellow perch. Although the operation of MNS may have contributed to reduction of summer habitat for adult striped bass and yellow 9erch, the impact on these two species appears minimal. Despite a more severe reduction of cool water I habitat during 1987 than during past years, fewer dead and moribund striped bass and yellow perch were noted during 1987 than during other years when suitable habitat was also depleted. Fishermen continued to catch striped bass in and near the mixing zune during August 1987. Ages of dead or moria;nd striped bass were within the range of striped bass collected from fishing tournaments.

                                            <                                                                                                                                     t 4

t 76 y - , - - -

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i l l l l FUTURE STUDIES  !

1. Striped Bass  ;

i t

  • Csntinue habitat monitoring l
  • Continue surveys of striped bass tournament catches *
  • Continue age / growth  !

Assist NCWRC with initiation of fishermen diaries

2. Largemouth Bass
  • Periodic lake-wide sampling to determine an index of abundance of  ;

largemouth bass (number per 100 m of shoreline-electrofished). A lake-wide sample is scheduled for April /May 1989. Age / growth analyses will be done in conjunction with periodic sampling for largemouth bass.

3. Fish-community-standing stock (cove rotenone samples are scheduled for August 1988).
4. Periodic creel surveys to determine fishermen pressure, success, and
  • harvest of sport-fish (a cooperative creel survey by NCWRC and OPC is scheduled from December 1989 through November-1990)s 77
        . _ . _ _ . . _ - . ~ . _ . - , . ~ . . _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . .

LITERATURE CITED Carlander, K. D. Handbook of freshwater fishery biology. The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. 1969. Coutant C. C. Striped bass, temperature, and dissolved oxygen: a speculative hypothesis for environmental risk. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 114: 31-61. 1985. Duke Power Company. McGuire Nuclear Station 316(a) demonstration. Duke Powei Company, Charlotte, North Carolina. 1985. Mullis, T. Stripers in hot water. Wildlife in North Carolina. 48(6): 8- 3. ., 1984. 4 6 78


Table 1. Age, nuember, and size (range and mean total length) on straped bass caught by anglers in tournaments during Apral and August 1986 and l~ebruary, Apral, and August 1987 at Lake Nosman, North Carolina.

                         ,                    1986                                 1987 i

Age Niamber Tota 1 1.c n gt !s (mas) N aber Total Lengt h (mm) Montla Caught Range _ Mean Caught H.ange Mean F cl.: u.s y 3 NOT SAMPLED 2 585-585 585 4 2 613-615 bl4 5 581 - 15 ~l 647 5 6 2 640-770 los 8 1 747 4 519-533 529 3 471-481 481 Apra1 2 3 15 470-625 555 3 588-608 596 2 4 II 584-681 629 21 551-663 601 3 675-685 680 9 591-718 666 5 6 6 647-812 738 7 613-862 725 0 862 7 8 0 3 658-835 175 9 I 653 0 O I 709 II 7 490-520 520 1 582 August 2 13 498-655 556 2 621-633 627 3 600-730 661 20 550-679 612 4 23 5 4 613-140 706 8 618-803 717 6 1 $70 3 674-815 767 2 660-850 155 1 824 7 3 770-841 804 8 0 6 1 909 to 5

l i i }: b t .. t t. I j Table 2. Age, number, and size (range and mean total length) of dead or moribend { I striped bass fewed durang 1986 and 1987 at. Lake Norman, North Carolina. l I 1986 1981 l Age Number Total Length (mm) Humber Total Length (mm) j Processed Range Mean Processed Range Meae I-l 3 I 5/6 1 1

4 5 602-719 658 0 t i
4. 2 608-647 5 628 cn 3 530-682 615 I
o  !


l. 6- 3 820-842 828 5 60il-717 651
g. 7 7 682-915 815 0  ;

I } 8 1 682 1 822  ! e  ; j Jl I 690 0 - ! l 4 .i. 3 2 I

  • l I

i i


i . _ , . . - - ~ . . I



i i' Table 3., Number of striped bass caught by anglers in tournaments during April and August 1986 and February, April, and August 1987 at each zone within Lake llorean, alorth ! Carolina. i i l Zone February Apr i k _ August' i 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987, i 1 i 1 0 0 0 II. It i-2 0 2 6 4 0 ! co


{ 3 0 0 3 21 9 i-4 12 1 3 0 0

5 0 18 30 1- 0
6 0 4 0 II' 19 il 0 6

Mo zone 0 2 0 1 1 i i i 4 I. s

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_ , _ , = _ ..- . , . . ...._._; - - _ _ . - . _ _ _ , , . _ , . _ _ .

    -     _ _ . .. .m.

i i 1 i I { ' Table 4. Percent (by weight. g) of food items'en stomachs of striped bass caught by anglera in tournaecnts during 1986 and 1987 at I.ake ' Normee, North Carolina. i Months

Food Item ~2 N p'ri! 10 August 28 February 26 April I August l 1986 1986 1987 1987_ _1987 t
                                    - ~ -invertebrates i

Aquatie i Crusterea 3 [ Cambaridac renains H.I Inserte 1  : Oberonoeidae larvae <0.1 licxagenia nymphs (0.1 0.9 0.3 Odonata nymphs 0.4 ' Aquatac Vertebrates g Dorosoma cepedianne 73.8 76.2 31.2 [

Ikarosoeu pctenense 28.1 34.3 99.3 2.1 34.0 Catostomidae- 9.5  !

Norone chrysops 8.2 i I.ePosi 5. SPE. 27 f, Perca i1avescens 64.3 0.2 10.7 [ Unidentified iish 0.2 0.4 0.7 8.4 15.6 Organic debris 0.9 0.5


Number of stomachs 44 50

                                                                                                                                                           ~t 12       48        33 Pescent of stomachs empty                       38.6       50.0                  8.3     47.9       33.3                              i Total weight'of food (g) _ 625.3220 242.3482                                   492.2416 606.7733   351.2311 f

i 1 . L w I' i  ! l -

 ,    -                                                    . - . , .           __   _ _ _ . _      .    ~ _          ._         .. _ ._ -. . . _ _ _ .   .

Table 5. Condition (1 f laccid, % with sosse bile, or 1 fully distended) of gall bladder and acan condition factor, (kt!), of striped bass caught by anglers in tournaecats during 1986 and 1987 at 1,4ke Norman, North Carolina. April August February April August 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 Condition of Gall Bladder o, Flaccad (1) 38.5 16.0 100.0 37.5 20.5 Some bile (1) 41.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 17.9 i Dastended (%) 20.5 84.0 0.0 47.9 61.5 Number of striped bass examined 39 50 12 48 39 kti 1.15 1.04 1.37 1.16 1.04 Number of striped bass examined 35 47 12 48 39 4

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                                    #0 K1(0 METERS o     2      &     a    a COWANS FORO HYORDELECTRtc I       <


                                                  \                               l McGutRG NUCLEAR STATION I

Figure 1. Lake Norman, N. C. , with sampling zones and generating statices.  ! S4

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  • l Appendix 1. P!;e 1 of 12.

NPDf5 Environmental Monitoring Program for Lake Norman 1 This document outlines the ongoing. long tors monitoring program for Lake Norman in addition to a number of special areas of Concern that will be add *essed ir the future, This approach is designed to address the late ecosystem as a =nole; however, for convenience, the following subjectZoology areas are presented separately, with respect to their stated oojectives: (phytoplankton and zooplankton), Fisneries, Physical parameters (temperature and oxygen), and Water Chemistry (nutrient and elemental analyses). The attached program seeks to:

1. Maintain links of continuity with the lake's historic data base, to be a01e to cetect any significant future impacts from Oune's coerations, and
2. Address the key biological and physicochemical parameters at selected, critical monitoring locations, while taking a broacer.

lake wide approacn overall. Data collected uncer this program will be summarized anraally, and all monitoring results shall be available on request, per the 14cGuire Nuclear Station NPOES Permit Specification. Zoology Maintenance Monitoring Program: Ongoing Ia. Obfact i vas te

1. To monitor tre cuantity and ouality of the planktivorous base of food chain, for use as fiseeries support data, to compare to cata cotainoa prior to McGuire operation, and to examine reservoir agiaq in the piecmont (in conjunction witn data obtained from otner piecmont reservoirs).
2. To monitor the trophic status of Lake Norman, and
3. To monitor algal bloom conditions in Lake Norman (Micrecystis et al.), as related to continued lakesnore cavelopment and clart operation, gggggg: (Objectives 1 and 2)

Frecuency: Quarterly (FoDruary, April, august, November) Coptos Root *:stes parameters:

                                                                         -                   1 secchi ceptn 0.3, 4, B m comoosite           2 cnloroobyll                                          0.3, 4,         3 m composite   2 seston (dry and asn free dry .eignt)                 J 3, 4,         B-m comoosite   2 TKN                                                  0.3, 4, S S :omposite           2 phytoplankton density and taxonomic compos 1 tion                             *;m      to sur' ace,           I zooplantton censity and taxonomic                    .

composition cottom to surface 88

Appendti 1. Page 2 of 12 t.ocations: 2, 5, 8, 9.5, 11, 13, 15.9, 69 for chlorophyll, seston, TKM, secchi depth. 2, 5, 9.5, 11, 15.9 for phytoplankton and reoplannten taxonomic composition.- ggggg - (Objective 3) Annual survey cocumenting the extent and chloroonyll levels of t*e Microcystis Oloom commonly observed in late summer and fall on Lane Norman. Additional surveys if warranted by bloom Conditions. Annual #acort Annual reports ould contain all data, plus a sumary description of ~e phytoplankton and zooplannten communities and the trophic status of '.sae Norman. Zoology Special Stuotes: To be scheduled as manpower permits Ib.

1. Impact of plankton production on populations of threadfin shed Threadfin shad represent an important ic* age base for striped bass.

It would be useful to_ determine to what degree the dynamics of . threacfin shad pcDulations are dependent on the availability of, plankton as a food source. This study, to be carried out 5 ss cocoeratively witn the Fisheries Subunit, would relate threadffe population parameters measured in take Norman and other piecmoat reservoirs to plankton production.

2. Impact of algal production / decomposition on hypolimnetic cuygen depletion rates.

Oxygen is one of the critical frctors limiting striped eass nact tat during summer and f al' . The rate at which oxygen is deolatec ' :m the nypolimnion is dependent to some extent Inon lakes,the amount of segaa': phytoplanat:a suostrate available for decomposition. *- 5 typt: ally provide the majority of this organic substrate. study would assess the f actors controlling the rate of caygem depletion in the hypolimnion of Lake Norman, and would oe I cooperative effort involving the Zeology and Special Gre;ects sucunits.

3. Potential for internal nutrient loading to contricute to al;al proolems.

Steraal nutrient loading can reoresent a tajor factor c:etr :. t, to algal olccm oreolems, particularly aren nyDolimnetic .aters e - *. recircolated to tre surface. The eatent to wnich internal as t 5 leading tay, now or in the future, ce a proulam in Lane Nor-a- i ununown. Deec+ction of an impact on .ater cuali ty the to '".s eeutres taat the following Questions ce e44mineo: loacing pnosonorws regenerated as oissolvea inorga-1c chosonate 89

Appendix 1. Page 3 of 12. from the sediments in significant amounts in Lake (bleavellable) Norman under anoxic conditions, or does the presence of clays or a lack of sufficient organic svestrate prevent this; and (2) if phospherus in hypolimnetic waters is largely associated witn clay particles, does this represent a potential load to the Dioavailacle phosphorus pool, or is clay adsorced phosphorus not available to any great extent for algal uptake? This study, to be carried out cooperatively witn the Program Chemistry subunit, would adcress trese questions.

4. Micrecystis dynamics Near-bloom :oncentrations of Microcystig have been observed periodically on Late Norman since 1974 This study would assess t e factors contr10uting to these conditions. It would involve a fair:j cetailed examination of Microcystis dynamics , hydrodynh'ics , anc nutrient leading on Lake Norman.

II. Fisheries Monitoring Program obiectivat: To develop and imolement a sampling progras designed to ensure snat Duke Power Company (OPC) power plant operations do not acversely af fect the long-term environmental health of tFe Lake Norman fish community. Primary fishery concerns for Lake Norman:

1. Continuity Of a fisnery database consistent with the existieg s"

! datacase for Lane Norman

2. Striced cass and other sport fish popula ins
3. Threacfin snac and other forage fish pes .ations 4 Fish cie-offs
5. Increasec fisning pressure iia. Required Monitoring of Lake Norman Fisheries: Ongoing
1. as coscriend in Section III, water temocrature and dissolved :n;ea consentration profiles will ee taken lake wide to monitor str':e:

Dass nacitat in Lake Norman. A cooperative work schacuie it0 1 subunits of PES is planned for 1967. During these surveys. t e sein enannel of Lake Norman will De searcned for fisn mortal t'es t, The fish subunit will ee responsiele for upcates on the availac l of suitacle acult stripec cass namitat from June enrougn Septe-:er 90

Appendix 1. Page 4 of 12.

          !!b. Fisheries s pcial studies,          ariable schedule 1,     A cooperative program between OPC and NCWRC will maintain continuity of the fishery catabase on Lake Norman. The goal in design of this program is '., provide information that will meet the mutual interests of OPC and NCWRC in a cost ef fective manner, and to incorporate the flesibility to change sampling programs to best meet these mutual interests.

Based on discussions in early December 1946 between OPC and NCWRC, the major egnesis of thin program should Os on continued coIIection of information aoout the sport fish and forage fism populations in take Norman. The infoNietton co'tected on sport /isn and forage fish ces.lations will be used as an indicator of the environmental he a l t.' of the Lake Norman fish communi ty. If warranted, routine fish monitoring programs similar to that of tre i McGuire Nuclear Station 316(a) demonstration or design of other special studies to address concerns could be initiated. We will schedule periodic reviews (i.e. , biennus11y) of the status of these fisheries studies, as well as the status of power plant operations en Lake Norman, with NCWRC to formulate plans based on eAisting netQs. One sampling technicue that has provided important information on the soort fisn populations of 1.ake Norman is the creel survey. Past creel surveys conducted Jy OPC on Lake Norman (19771978 and 1981-1982) have provided estiri*es on fishing pressure, success, and harvest of striped bass, largi .suth bass, crappie, and catfish - lake wice and in the vicinity of power plants. This information has been useful to OPC and NCWRC for assessment of power plant effects and input for fish management decisions. Joint planning, fundteg. and implementation of creel surveys on Lake Normen similar to tnose conducted in past years is suggested. In addition, collection of information on other parameters about selected sport fish species could ce incorporated into the : reel surveys (i.e., condition, s1:e structure, age composition, growth rate). One year or seasonal creel s arveys could be conducted intermittently (i.e. , every three years) and possibly starting in March 1944. Following completion of l l eacn creel survey, a summary report would be written and the orogret l reviewed. The cost and lacor requirements for the creel surveys j will depend on specific objectives of the creel survey ara coordination with the NCWRC.

2. Striped bass is a sport fish of primary concern in Lake 'dorman -

Through the cooperation' of striced bass clues and organizatters with OPC, more information on striped bass from Lake Nc* man .i? 1 be co11ected. Documentation of size (total length and .eignt). age / growth, food haoits, and condition of striped cass .eigree '- at four tournaments is planned in 1987 (one tournament in eats l season). The age composition of striped cass harvested will :e ( compared with numoers of striped eass fingerlings stocted annuaj The conc't' r af l _in Lake Norman, to assess stocting survival rates. the gall claccer will es useo as an inoicator of stress in a:.' : ., l l stripad cass (a distenced gall Diaoder indtcates reduced cicac-for cigestion of fooo). 1 91

r . Appendix 1. Page 5 of 12. 3. Thresdfin shad is a forage fish of primary importance in Lake Norman. Midwater trawling has been the most effective technidue for monitaring population parameters of threadfin shad in Lake Norman. Continued collection of threadfin shad population parameters is planned, However, to be most beneficial, these studies snould te interrelated with studies that address th3 dynamics of the plankti-vorous food Dase of Lake Norman; Project COjectives and priorities " will be discussed furtner with NCVRC.

     !!!, Physical Parameters (Temocrature and Dissolved oxygen)


1. Quantify the reservoir wide seasonal and spatial availability o' striped cass habitat (defined as that layer of water with tempera-tures 1 26.0 'C and dissolved oxygen levels t 2.0 mg L'8).
2. Characterize the neating/ cooling and deoxygenation / reoxygenation regimes tnroughout tne reservoir.
3. Compare and contrast data from the above with similar data from otner cooling impouncments and hydropower reservoirs in the southeast.

11thSd1 , Sampling

             -      monthly samoling at 1-m intervals from surf ace to bottom at is locations througnout the reservoir (Figure 1). Data will :e collected with a Hydrolan Surveyor, on a monthly basis, except for weekly sampling in July and August.

Data Analysis and Computations a) Width of striped bass habitat on a reservoir wide scale, for t e time oeriod covering June - Septemeer. b) Eoilimnion and hypolimnion (acove & telow 11 m, respectively) neating rates during the stratified period, Maximum heat content of the lake and hypolimnion. The Birgean es; c) budget for the entire water column and nypolimnion will also :e calculated, d) Area and volumetric hypolimnatic oxygen depletion rates will te calculated for tne stratified period, e) Montnly

  • servoir nioth iscoleths and isotneems.

92 I - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • Appendix 1. Page 6 of 12.

IV. Water Chemistry Monitoring Program for Lake Norman rainctivas: 1. To maintain continuity at critical locations with Lake Norman's historic data base. 2. To detect any significant future impacts from Duke's operations. 3. To document any lof.g-term natural changes in the chemistry of Lane Norman wnich mignt af f ect Diant operations. 5 =11no Schedule: The water chemistry maintenance monitoring program (including variables, De sample locations, depths, and frequency) is outlined in Table 1. is hydrolab eonitoring program (monthly temperature and dissolved osygen) a joint project between Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences ano is outlined in Table 2. Methods: Outlined in Table 3 si - rv Raeorts/Uedaten: . Annual reports summarizing the current year's date: 5 year reports sunsaarizing all available (relevant) data. 93

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x N._N's. Appendix 1. Page 7 of 12. O f 3 W i /

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  .                                                                                                                                                                                                  l ADpendix 1                       Page 8 of 12.

Water Chemistry Maintenance Monf toring Program for I.ake Normari. Table 1.

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Appendix 1. Page 9 of 12.

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o ig Appendix *. Page 10 of 12. Table 3.

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s V Appendix 1. Page 11 of 12. Ot.xa POWEM COMPANY PO SOXJ is9 CHAMLOTTE. N C. 2s242 um

    % cm rece esfMC88 ivne staesse July 2, 1987 Mr. Steve W. Tedda' Departmet -' Natu:           -

nosources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh N. C. 27611


McGuire Nuclear Station Fevised NPDES Permit Lake Norman Maintenance Monitoring Program File: MC-702.15 .

Dear Mr. Tedder:

Enclosed is the finalized LakeI.I,arman Maintenance Monitert.g Program as required by Part Sectian V of the rev :.s ed NPDES' permit. This crogram incorporates the comments received frem in your Av il 29, 1987 letter. Should you have any additional comments or recommendatiens prior ~ to approval, plasse contact John Carter (704) 373-5763. Your final approval in writing would be appreciated. W.A. Haller, Manager Nuclear Technical Services

                      \JSC Attach.ents xc:   Cale Cvercash M.C. McIntosh R.W. Bostian MC-2002.03-08 MC-2002.02-01 bei  D.A. Braatz              J.C. Painter T.W. Yocurs              D.W. Phillips W.3. Adair               J.S. Carter J.R. Mendricks            Staff

AppOnd1x 1. Page 12 of 12. ,

  • o Ae -
f State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Dmuon of Ermronmental wnagemem
                        !!: Nonh Sahsbury $cmt
  • Raleigh. North Carchna 27611 R bul 'A h James C Mamn. Covemor July e, ise7 omeo, S nomas Rhodes. Secmary Mr. W. A. Hal;er, .w.anage r Nuclear Technical services Duke Pover Compar.y P.O. Box 33189 Charlotte, N.C. 29242 PE: McGuire Nuclear Station
  • Moritoring Program, Water ?Jality  ;

NPLES No. NC0024392 Mecklenburg County Cear Mr. Haller I would itke to thank you for the prompt summittal of the study plan designed to implement the maintenance monitoring program on Lake Norman. Part III, Section V of the sub3ect permit required the preparation and s :- . mittal of this plan. The staf f of the Water Qual',ty Section has evaluated the preposed -;r and concurs -tth components as presented. Therefore, the submitted 'J:IS Environe. ental Monitoring Progran for Lake Norman is hereby approved by - ;s offLce.

                                                                                                          ' 9; h If there are any questions, please contact Steve Tedder at 733-5083.'                                                                                     /

S t. nee r e ly . /

                                                                          ,;                      !j     .(

f '- P. Paul WL;rs cc: Steve Tedde r . Rex Cleascn

                                                                                                              ~O 99                                                           -

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