ML20076G487 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 10/11/1994 |
From: | Mckee P Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20076G489 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9410190361 | |
Download: ML20076G487 (29) | |
=3 p aa
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License No. DPR-16 1.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
The application for amendment by GPU Nuclear Corporation, et al.
(the licensee), dated May 12, 1994, as supplemented September 2, 1994, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic i
Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.
There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health 1
and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.
The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
1 9410190361 94:011 PDR ADOCK 05000219 P
- 2.
Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Iechnical Soecifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No.171, are hereby incorporated in the license. GPU Nuclear Corporation shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
This license amendment is effective as of the date of issuance, to be implemented within 90 days of issuance.
cKee, Director Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance:
October 11, 1994
I 3
Replace the following pages of the Appendix A Technical Specifications with the enclosed pages as indicated. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the areas of change.
Remove Insert 3.1-1 3.1-1 3.1-2 3.1-2 1
3.1-3 3.1-3 3.1-4 3.1-4 3.1-4a 3.1-5 3.1-5 3.1-6 3.1-6 3.1-7 3.1-7 3.1-8 3.1-8 3.1-9 3.1-9 3.1-10 3.1-10 3.1-11 3.1-11 3.1-12 3.1-12 3.1-13 3.1-13 3.1-14 3.1-14 3.1-15 3.1-15 3.1-16 3.1-16 3.1-17 3.1-17 3.1-18 3.1-18 3.1-19 3.1-19 4.1-1 4.1-1 4.1-2 4.1-2 4.1-3 4.1-3 4.1-4 4.1-4 4.1-5 4.1-5 4.1-6 4.1-6 4.1-7 4.1-7 4.1-8 4.1-9 4.1-10
3.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION Aeolicability: Applies to the operating status of plant instrumentation which performs a protective function.
To assure the OPERABILITY of protective instrumentation.
l Soecifications: A. The following operating requirements for plant protective instrumentation are given in Table 3.1.1:
The reactor mode in which a specified function must be GPERABLE including allowable bypass conditions.
l 2.
The minimum number of OPERABLE instrument channels per OPERABLE trip system.
The trip settings which initiate automatic protective action.
The action required when the limiting conditions for operation are not satisfied.
Failure of four chambers assigned to any one APRM shall make the APRM inoperable.
Failure of two chambers from one radial core location in any one APRM shall make that APRM inoperable.
Any two (2) LPRM assemblies which are input to the APRM system and are separated in distance by less than three (3) times the control rod pitch may not contain a combination of more than three (3) inoperable detectors (i.e., APRM channel failed or bypassed, or LPRM detectors failed or bypassed) out of the four (4)
detectors located in either the A and B, or the C and D levels.
A Travelling In-Core Probe (TIP) chamber may be used as an APRM input to meet the criteria of 3.1.B and 3.1.C.1, provided the TIP is positioned in close proximity to one of the failed LPRM's.
If the criteria of 3.1.B.2 or 3.1.C.1 cannot be met, POWER OPERATION may continue at up to rated power level provided a control rod withdrawal block is OPERATING or at power levels less than 61% of rated power until the TIP can be connected, positioned and satisfactorily tested, as long as Specification 3.1.B.1 and Table 3.1.1 are satisfied.
The plant protection system automatically initiates protective functions to prevent exceeding established limits.
In addition, other protective instrumentation is provided to initiate action which mitigates the consequences of accidents or terminates operator control.
This specification provides the limiting conditions for operation necessary to preserve the effectiveness of these
instrument systems.
l OYSTER CREEK 3.1-1 Amendment No.:
64, 171 5/24/75
Table 3.1.1 defines, for each function, the minimum number of OPERABLE instrument channels for an OPERABLE trip system for the various functions specified. There are usually two trip systems required or available for each function. The specified limiting conditions for operation apply for the indicated modes of operation. When the specified limiting condition cannot be met, the specified Actions Required shall be undertaken promptly to modify plant operation to the condition indicated in a normal manner. Conditions under which the specified plant instrumentation may be out-of-service are also defined in Table 3.1.1.
Except as noted in Table 3.1.1 an inoperable trip system will be l
placed in the tripped condition. A tripped trip system is considered OPERATING since by virtue of being tripped it is performing its required function. All sensors in the untripped trip system must be OPERABLE, except as follows:
The high temperature sensor system in the main steam line tunnel has eight sensors in each protection logic channel.
This multiplicity of sensors serving a duplicate function permits this system to operate for twenty month nominal intervals without l
calibration. Thus, if one of the temperature sensors causes a trip in one of the two trip systems, there are several cross checks that would verify if this were a real one.
If not, this sensor could be removed from service. However, a minimum of two of eight are required to be OPERABLE and only one of the two is l
required to accomplish a trip in a single trip system.
One APRM of the four in each trip system may be bypassed without tripping the trip system if core protection is maintained.
Core protection is maintained by the remaining three APRM's in each trip system as discussed in Section of the Updated FSAR. l 3.
One IRM channel in each of the two trip systems may be bypassed without compromising the effectiveness of the system. There are few possible sources of rapid reactivity input to the system in the low power low flow condition.
Effects of increasing pressure at zero or low void content are minor, cold water from sources available during startup is not much colder than that already in the system, temperature coefficients are small, and control rod patterns are constrained to be uniform by operating procedures backed up by the rod worth minimizer.
Worth of individual rods is very low in a uniform rod pattern. Thus, of all possible sources of reactivity input, uniform control rod withdrawal is the most probable cause of significant power rise. Because the flux distribution associated with uniform rod withdrawals does not involve high local peaks, and because several rods must be moved 1
to change power by a significant percentage of rated, the rate of l
power rise is very slow. Generally the heat flux is in near equilibrium with the fission rate.
In an assumed uniform rod withdrawal approach to the scram level, the rate of power rise is no more than five percent of rated per minute, and three OPERABLE l
IRM instruments in each trip system would be more than adequate to assure a scram before the power could exceed the safety limit.
In many cases, if properly located, a single OPERABLE IRM channel in l
each trip system would suffice.
0YSTER CREEK 3.1-2 Amendment No.:
3, 1 71 5/24/75
When required for surveillance' testing, a channel is made _
In order to be able to test its trip function to the final actuating device of its trip system, the trip system cannot i
already be tripped by some other means such as a mode switch, interlock, or manual trip. Therefore, there will be' times during the test that the channel is inoperable but not tripped.
For a two channel trip system,.this means that full reliance is being placed on the channel that is not being tested. A channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for required l'
surveillance without placing the' trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE channel in the same trip I system is monitoring that parameter.
Allowed outage times (A0T) to permit restoration of inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status are orovided in Table 3.1.1.
l A0Ts vary depending on type of function and the number of L inoperable channels per function.
If an inoperable channel cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the A0T, the channel or_the i
associated trip system must be placed in the tripped condition.
Placing the inoperable channel in trip (or the associated trip-system-in trip) conservatively compensates for the inoperability 7,
and allows operation to continue. Alternatively, if it-is not desired to place the channel (or trip system) in trip (e.g., as in the case where placing the inoperable channel _in trip would result in a full scram) the Action Required must be taken.
A0Ts discussed in 4 (6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for surveillance) and-5 (repair A0Ts in-Table 3.1.1, Notes nn, oo and pp) above have been determined in l
accordance with References I through 6 except for instrumentation in Table 3.1.1, Sections'M and N.
Note kk has been provided to specify a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> surveillance A0T for.those instruments.
Bypasses of inputs to a trip system other than the IRM and APRM I
bypasses are provided for meeting operational requirements listed in i
the. notes in Table 3.1.1.
Note 'a' allows the "high water levelLin scram discharge volume" scram trip to be bypassed in the refuel mode.
In order to reset the safety system'after a scram condition, it is i
necessary to drain the scram discharge volume to clear this scram input condition.
(This condition usually follows any scram,'no matter what the initial cause might have been.)
In order to do this, this particular scram function can be bypassed only in the refuel position.
4 Since all of the control rods are completely inserted following a_
scram, it is permissible to bypass this condition because a control i
rod block prevents withdrawal as long as the switch is in the bypass condition for this function.
The manual scram associated with moving the mode switch to shutdown is used merely to provide a mechanism whereby the reactor protection-system scram logic channels and the reactor manual control system can be energized.
The ability to reset a scram twenty (20) seconds after going into the SHUTDOWN MODE provides the beneficial function of-
relieving scram pressure from the control rod drives which will increase their expected lifetime.
-l i
OYSTER CREEK 3.1-3 Amendment No.: fd,Ild,171 2/4/77 r
~ *-
-To' permit' plant. operation to 'enerate adequate steam and pressure to g
establish turbine seals and condenser vacuum at relatively low reactor power, the main _ condenser vacuum trip is bypassed until 600 psig.
.This bypass.also applies to the main steam isolation valves for the same reason.
The action required.when the minimum instrument logic conditions'are
-not met is chosen so as to bring plant operation promptly to such a condition that the particular protection not required; or the plant-is placed in the. protection.or safe condition that the instrument initiates. This is accomplished in a normal manner without-subjecting the abnormal-operations conditions. The action and out-of-service requirements apply to all instrumentation within a particular function, e.g., if the requirements on any one of the ten-scram functions cannot be met then control rods shall be inserted.
The trip level settings not specified in Specification 2.3 have been-included in this specification.
The bases for these settings are discussed below.
The high drywell pressure trip 5. 3.5 psig. This trip will i
scram the reactor, initiate core spray, initiate primary containment isolation, initiate automatic depressurization in conjunction with low-low-low-reactor water level, initiate the standby gas treatment t
system and isolate the reactor building. The scram function shuts the core down during the loss-of-coolant accidents. A steam leak of about 15 gpm and a liquid leak of about 35 gpm from the primary system will cause drywell pressure to reach the scram ~ point; and, therefore, the scram provides protection for breaks greater than.the above.
High drywell pressure provides a second means of initiating the core spray to mitigate the consequences of loss-of-coolant accident.
Its trip setting of 13.5 psig initiates the core spray in time to provide adequate core cooling. The break size coverage of high drywell pressure was_ discussed above.
Low-low water level and high drywell pressure in addition to initiating core spray also causes isolation valve closure. These settings are adequate to cause ' isolation to minimize the offsite dose within required limits.
It is permissible to make the drywell pressure instrument channels inoperable during performance of the integrated primary containment leakage rate test provided the reactor is in the COLD SHUTDOWN l
condition. The reason for this is that the Engineered Safety Features, which are effective in case of a LOCA under these conditions, will still be effective because they will be activated (when the Engineered Safety Features system is required as identified in the technical specification of the system) by low-low reactor water level.*
4 OYSTER CREEK 3.1-4 Amendment No.: 79,Iff,IU,III,Idd, 171
- Correction:
The scraQ discharge volume has two separate instrument volumes utilized to detect water accumulation.
The high water level is based on the design that the water in the SDIV's,' as detected by either set of level instruments, shall not be allowed to exceed 29.0 gallons; thereby, permitting 137 control rods to scram. To provide further margin, an accumulation of not more than 14.0 gallons of water, as detected by either instrument volume, will result in a rod block and an alarm.- The accumulation of not more than 7.0 gallons of water, as detected in either instrument volume will result in an alarm.
Detailed analyses of transients have shown that sufficient protection is provided by other scrams below 45% power to permit bypassing of the turbine. trip and generator load rejection scrams. However, for operational convenience, 40% of. rated power has been chosen as the setpoint-below which these trips are bypassed.
This setpoint is coincident with bypass valve capacity.
A low condenser vacuum scram trip of 20 inches Hg has been provided to protect the main condenser in the event that vacuum is lost. A loss of condenser vacuum would cause the turbine ~ stop valves to close, resulting in a turbine trip transient.
The low condenser vacuum trip provides a reliable backup to the turbine trip. Thus, if there is a failure of the turbine trip on low vacuum, the reactor would automatically scram at 20 inches Hg.
The condenser is capable of receiving bypass steam until 7 inches Hg vacuum thereby mitigating the transient and providing a margin.
The settings to isolate the isolation condenser in the event of a break in the steam or condensate lines are based on the predicted maximum flows that these systems would experience during operation, thus permitting operation while affording protection in the event of a break.
The settirigs correspond to a flow rate of less than three times the 5
normal flow rate of 3.2X10 lb/hr. Upon initiation of the alternate shutdown panel, this function is bypassed to prevent spurious isolation due to fire induced circuit faults.
The setting of ten times the stack release limit for isolation of the air-ejector offgas line is to permit the operator to perform normal, immediate remedial action if the stack limit is exceeded. The time necessary for this action would be extremely short when considering the annual averaging which is allowed under 10 CFR 20.106, and, therefore, would produce insignificant effects on doses to the public.
OYSTER CREEK 3.1-5 Amendment No.: 7),J#,J52,J69,171
Four radiation monitors.are provided.which initiate isolation of the reactor building and operation of the standby gas treatment system. Two monitors are located in the ventilation ducts, one is located in the area of the refueling pool and one is located in the reactor vessel head storage area. The trip logic is basically a 1 out of 4 system. Any upscale trip will cause the desired action. Trip settings of 17 mr/hr in the duct and 100 mr/hr on the refueling floor are based upon initiating standby gas treatment system so as not to exceed allowed dose rates of 10 CFR 20 at the nearest site boundary.
5 The SRM upscale of 5 x 10 CPS initiates a rod block so that the chamber can be relocated to a lower flux area to maintain SRM capability ag power is increased to the IRM range. Full scale reading is 1 x 10 CPS.
This rod block is bypassed in IRM Ranges 8 and higher since a level of 5 5
x 10 CPS is reached and the SRM chamber is at its fully withdrawn position.
The SRM downscale rod block of 100 CPS prevents the instrument chamber from being withdrawn too far from the core during the period that it is required to monitor the neutron flux. This downscale rod block is also bypassed in IRM Ranges 8 and higher.
It is not required at this power level since good indication exists ig the Intermediate Range and the SRM will be reading approximately 5 x 10 CPS when using IRM Ranges 8 and higher.
The IRM downscale rod block in conjunction with the chamber full-in position and range switch setting, provides a rod block to assure that-the IRM is in its most sensitive condition before startup.
If the two-latter conditions are satisfied, control rod withdrawal may commence even if the IRM is not reading at least 5%. However, after a substantial neutron flux is obtained, the rod block' setting prevents the chamber from being withdrawn to an insensitive area of the core.
The APRM downscale setting of 2 2/150 full scale is provided in the RUN MODE to prevent control rod withdrawal without adequate neutron monitoring.
High flow in the main steamline is set at 120% of rated flow. At this setting the isolation valves close and in the event of a steam Hne break limit the loss of inventory so that fuel clad perforation does not occur. The 120% flow would correspond to the thermal. power so this would either indicate a line break or too high a power.
Temperature sensors are provided in the steam line tunnel to provide for closure of the main steamline isolation valves should a break or leak occur in this area of the plant. The trip is set at 50'F above ambient temperature at rated power. This setting will cause isolation to occur for main steamline breaks which result in a flow of a few pounds per minute or greater.
Isolation occurs soon enough to meet the criterion of no clad perforation.
0YSTER CREEK 3.1-6 Amendment No.: t,1, 171 01/5/71,11/5/71
i l
u The-low-low-low water level trip point is set at 4'8" above the top of the, active fuel and will prevent spurious operation of.the automatic relief system. The trip point established will initiate the automatic
- depressurization system in time to provide adequate core cooling.
Specification 3.1.B.1 defines the minimum numbe'r of APRM channel l
inputs' permit accurate average core power monitoring.
Specifications 3.1.B.2 and 3.1.C.1 further define the distribution of.
the OPERABLE chambers to provide monitoring of local power changes that might be caused by a single rod withdrawal. Any nearby, OPERABLE LPRM chamber can provide the required input for average core.
i monitoring. A Travelling Incore Probe or Probes can be used temporarily to provide APRM input (s) until LPRM replacement is' l
possible. Since APRM rod block protection is not required below 61%
of rated power, as discussed in Section 2.3, Limitino Safety System-Settinos, operation may continue below 61% as long as Specification j and the requirements of Table 3.1.1 are met.
In order to
- maintain reliability'of core monitoring in that quadrant where an APRM is inoperable, it is permitted to remove the OPERABLE APRM from
service for calibration and/or test provided that the same core protection is maintained by' alternate means.
In the rare event that Travelling In-core Probes (TIPS) are used to meet the requirements 3.1.B or 3.1.C, the licensee may perform an analysis of substitute LPRM inputs to the APRM system using spare (non-APRM input) LPRM detectors and change the APRM system as permitted by 10 CFR 50.59.
Under assumed loss-of-coolant accident conditions and certain loss-of.
offsite power conditions with no assumed loss-of-coolant accident, it is inadvisable to allow the simultaneous starting of emergency core cooling and heavy load auxiliary systems in order to minimize the voltage drop across the emergency buses and to protect against a potential diesel generator overload. The diesel generator load sequence time delay relays provide this protective function and are set accordingly. The repetitive accuracy rating of the timer 1
mechanism as well as parametric analyses to evaluate the maximum acceptable tolerances for the diesel loading sequence timers were considered in the establishment of the appropriate load sequencing.
Manual actuation can be accomplished by the operator and is considered appropriate only when the automatic load sequencing has been completed. This will prevent simultaneous starting of heavy load auxiliary systems and protect against the potential for diesel generator overload.
Also, the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water and Service Water pump l circuit breakers will trip whenever a loss-of-coolant accident condition exists. This is justified by Amendment 42 of the Licensing Application which determined that these pumps were not required during this accident condition.
Change: 6 OYSTER CREEK 3.1-7 Amendment No.: 9,I5,712,171.
01/4/80 T
v w-r u,,
-l Tha drywell high radiatien setpoint will ensure a timely closure of the large vent and purge isolation valves to prevent releases from exceeding ten percent of the dose guideline values allowed by 10 CFR 100. The containment vent.and purge isolation function is provided in response to NUREG 0737 Item II E.4.2.7.
NEDC-30851P-A, " Technical Specification Improvement Analyses for BWR Reactor Protection System."
NEDC-30936P-A, "BWR Owners' Group Technical Specification Improvement Methodology (With Demonstration for BWR ECCS Actuation Instrumentation)," Parts 1 and 2.
J (3)
NEDC-30851P-A, Supplement 1, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Control Rod Block Instrumentation."
NEDC-30851P-A, Supplement 2, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Isolation Instrumentation Common to RPS and ECCS Instrumentation."
NEDC-31677P-A, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Isolation Actuation Instrumentation."
GENE-770-06-1-A, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications."
OYSTER CREEK 3.1-8 Amendment No.: 116,171 49 t
TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip
[ tripped]
OPERABLE Action Function Srdag Shutdown Refuel Startup Enn Trio systems Trio svstem Reauired*
A. Scram L Manual Scram X
X 2
1 Insert control 2.
High Reactor X(s)
X 2
2(nn) rods
Pressure 3.
High Drywell 13.5 psig X(u)
X 2
2(an) l-Pressure 4.
I.ow Reactor X
2 2(nn) l Water Level 5.
- a. High Water s 29 gal.
X(z) 2 2(nn) l level in Scram Discharge Volume North Side
- b. High Water 129 gal.
X(z) 2 2(nn) l Level in Scram Discharge Volume South Side 6.
Low Condenser 2,20 in, hg.
X 1
-l Vacuum 7.
Average Power X(c,s)
X(c) 2 3(nn) l Range Monitor (APRM) 9.
Intermediate X(d)
X(d) 2 3(nn) l Range Monitor (IRM)
- 10. Main Steamline X(b,s)
X 2
4(nn) l Isolation Valve Closure
- 11. Turtine Trip X(j) 2 4(an) l Scram -
- 12. Generator Load X(j) 2 2(an) l Rejection Scram OYSTER CREEK 3.1-9 Change: 4,8 Amendment No.: 29,(4,79,II2,I3I, I(9,I62,I69,171
1 TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REOUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per i
[ tripped]
OPERABLE Action Function SGiling Shutdown Esfugl Startur Rim Trin Svue==
Trin Svue=
- B. Reactor Isolation Close main steam
- 1. low-Low Reactor X
'X X
X 2
2(oo) isolation l_
Water 12 vel valves and close
- 2. High Flow in
. 5120% rated X(s)
2 2(oo) isolation l
Main Steam-condenser line A vent valves, or PLACE IN
- 3. High Flow in 5120% rated X(s)
2 2(oo)
COLD SHUT-Main Steam-DOWN line B CONDITION 4 High Temp-SAmbient X(s)
2 2(oo) l erature in at Power +
Main Steam-50*F line Tunnel
- 5. law Pressure X(cc) X 2
in Main Steam-line
- 6. DELETED C. Isolation Condenser Initiation t
- 1. High Reactor X(s)
X(ll) X 2
- 2. Low-low
?_7'2" above X(s)
2 2(pp)
CONDITION Reactor TOP OF Water Level ACTIVE FUEL OYSTER CREEK 3.1-10 Amendment No.: 4)W,FW i
TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip
[ tripped]
OPERABLE Action Function Settir,g Shutdown Refuel StartuD Eun Trio Systems Trio System Reauired' D. Core Sorav Consider the respective
- 1. Low-1.ow Reactor X(t)
X 2
2(pp) core spray l
Water level loop inoperable,
- 2. High Drywell 13.5 psig X(t)
X 2(k) 2(k)(pp) and comply l'
Pressure with Spec. 3.4
- 3. Low Reactor 2 285 psig X(t)
X 2
2(pp) l Pressure (valve permissist)
F Containment Sorav l
Comply with Technical Specification 3.4 F. Primary Containment Isolation j
- 1. High Drywell 13.5 psig X(u)
X(u) X 2(k) 2(k)(oo)
Isolate l
Pressure containment or PLACE IN
- 2. Low-Low A 7'2" above X(u)
X(u) X 2
COLD SHUT-Reactor Water TOP OF DOWN Level ACTIVE FUEL CONDITION G. outornatic Deoressurization
- 1. High Drywell
< 3.5 psig X(v)
X 2(k) 2(k)(pp)
See note h I,
- 2. Low-1.ow-low 14'8' above X(v)
X 2
See note h Reactor Water TOP OF level ACTIVE FUEL
- 3. AC Voltage NA X(v)
X 2
Prevent auto {
depressur-ization on loss of AC power.
See note i 0YSTER CREEK 3.1-11 Amendment No.: 9,79,I12,160,171 Change 4; Correction:
TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip
[ tripped]
OPERABLE Action Function Settmg Shutdown Es.Cu:1 Startup Eun Trio Systems Trio System Reauired*
H. Isolation Condenser Isolation (See Note hh)
Isolate affected
- 1. High Flow 120 psig P X(s)
2 2(oo)
Steam Line Condenser, comply with
- 2. High Flow 127" P HA X(s)
2 2(oo)
Spec. 3.8 j
Condensate See note dd Iine L Offens System Isolation
- 1. High 12.1/E X(s)
1(ii) 2(ii)
See Notejj Radiation Ci/see In Offgas Line (c)
J. Reactor Buildine Isolation and Standby Gas Treatment System Initiation Isolate Reactor
- 1. High Radiation s 100 Mr/
1 1
Building l
Reactor Building Hr and Initiate Operating Floor Standby Gas Treatment
- 2. Reactor 517 Mr/Hr X(w)
1 1
System or Building Manual Ventilation Surveillance Exhaust for not more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />
- 3. High Drywell 13.5 psig X(u)
1(k) 2(k)
(total for Pressure all instru-ments under J) 4 Low-Low
.i> 72" above X X
1 2
in any 3Chiay Reactor Water TOP OF period Level ACTIVE FUEL 0YSTER CREEK 3.1-12 Amendment No., 72,//e,.M,dM,444171 Change: 4 1
Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE Trip
_ OPERATING Channels Per ltripped)
OPERABLE Action Function Setting shutdown Refuel Startun Elm Trin systems Trin system Recuired-K. Rod Block No control
- 1. SRM Upscale 15x10 cps X
X(1) 1 2
withdrawals 5
- 2. SRM Downscale 2.100 cps (f)
X X(I) 1 2
- 3. IRM Downscale 2.5/125 X
X 2
3 fullscale (g) 4.
APRM Upscale X(s)
2 3(c)
- 5. APRM Down-12/150 X
2 scale fullscale 3(c)
- 6. IRM Upscale 1108/125 X
X 2
3 fullscale
- 7. a) water level 514 gallons X(z)
X(z) 1 high saam 1 per discharge instrument volume North t olume b) water level 114 gallons X(z)
X(z) 1 high scram 1 per discharge instrument volume South volume L. Condenser Vacuum Pumn isolation DELETED 0YSTER CREEK 3.1-13 Amendment No.: M,fp),75,)$7,171
TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip
[ tripped]
OPERABLE Action Function Setting Shutdown Refuel Startup Bun Trio Systems Trio Svstem Required
- M. Diesel Gener-Time delay after ator Load energizaion of Sequence relay limin
- 1. CRD pump 60 see i 15%
2(m) 1(n)(kk). Consider the l Pump inoperable and comply with Spec. 3.4.D (see Note q)
- 2. Service 120 sec.115%
2(o) 2(p)(kk)
Consider the l Water (SK1A) pump Pump inoperabic (aa) 10 sec.115%
and comply (SK2A) within 7 (SK7A) days (See (SK8A)
Note q)
- 3. Reactor 166 Sec.115%
2(m) 1(n)(kk)
Consider the Building pump Closed inoperable Cooling and comply Water Pump within 7 (bb) days (See Note q)
N. Loss of Power
- a. 4.16KV X(ff)
X(ff) X(ff) 2 1(kk) l Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Loss of Voltage)
- b. 4.16 KV X(ff)
X(ff) X(ff) 2 3(kk)
See note ce l
Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Voltage) 0YSTER CREEK 3.1-14 Amendment No.: 4644,$d,$d,ldd 17I
~ TABLE 3.1.1 PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Reactor Modes Min. No. of Min. No. of in which Function OPERABLE or Instrument Must Be OPERABLE OPERATING Channels Per Trip
[ tripped]
Function Setting Shutdown Refuel Startup Run Trio Systems Trio Svstem Reauired*
O. Contziament Vent and Purce Isolation Isolate
- 1. Drywell High 174.6 R/hr X(u)
X 1
1 vent and Radiation purge path-ways or PLACE IN COLD SHUT--
DOWN CONDITION OYSTER CREEK 3.1-15 Amendment No.: ddd'171
.. -. - ~ _
TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D)
- Action required when minimum conditions for operation are not satisfied.
5 Also permissible to trip inoperable trip system. A channel may be i
placed in an inoperable status for up to six hours for required I
surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE instrument channel in the same trip.
system is monitoring that parameter.
I See Specification 2.3 for Limiting Safety System Settings.
a Notas:
Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for reactor protection system i
reset in REFUEL MODE.
Permissible to bypass below 800 psia in REFUEL and STARTUP MODES.
One (1) APRM in each OPERABLE trip system may be bypassed or inoperable i
provided the requirements of Specification 3.1.C'and 3.10.C are satisfied.
Two APRM's in the same quadrant shall not be concurrently bypassed except as l
noted below or permitted by note.
l Any one APRM may be removed from service for up to six hours for test or l
calibration without inserting trips in its trip system only if the. remaining
' OPERABLE APRM's meet the requirements of Specification 3.1.B.1 and no control l rods;are moved outward during the calibration or test. During this short period,'the requirements of Specifications 3.1.B.2, 3.1.C and 3.10.C need not be met.
The IRMs shall be inserted and OPERABLE until the APRMs are OPERABLE and l
reading at least 2/150. full scale.
i Offgas system isolation trip set at $2.1/E Ci/sec where-E = average gamma e.
energy from noble gas in offgas after holdup line (Mev). Air ejector isolation valve closure time delay'shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Unless SRM chambers are fully inserted.
Not applicable when IRM on lowest range.
One instrument channel in each trip system may be inoperable provided the circuit which it operates in the trip system is placed in a simulated tripped condition.
If repairs cannot be completed within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> the reactor ~shall be PLACED IN THE COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION.
If more than one instrument channel in any trip system becomes inoperable, the reactor shall be PLACED IN THE COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION. Relief valve controllers shall not be bypassed for more than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />'(total time for all controllers) in any 30-day period and only i
one relief valve controller may be bypassed at a time.
The interlock is not required during the start-up test program and l
demonstration of plant electrical output but shall be provided following these.
Not required below 40% of turbine rated steam flow.
OYSTER CREEK 3.1-16 Amendment No.: 75, 48, 110, 171
p g
i e
TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D) k.
All' four (4) drywell pressure instrument-channels may be made inoperable during the integrated primary containment leakage rate test (See Specification 4.5), provided that the plant is in the COLD SHUTDOWN condition and that no l
t work is performed on the reactor or its connected systems which could result in lowering ~ the reactor water level to less than 4'8" above the' TOP OF THE ACTIVE FUEL.
Bypass in IRM Ranges 8,9, and 10.
There is one time delay relay associated with each of two pumps.
j m.
One time delay rely per pump must be OPERABLE.
There are two time delay relays associated with each of two pumps.- One timer o.
per pump is for sequence starting (SKIA,~SK2A) and one timer per pump is for tripping the pump circuit breaker (SK7A, SK8A).
Two time delay relays per pump must be OPERABLE.
l q.
Manual initiation of affected component can be accomplished after the automatic load sequencing is completed.
Time delay starts after closing of containment spray pump circuit breaker, r.
These functions not required to be OPERABLE with the reactor temperature less-s.
than 212*F and the vessel head removed or vented or during REACTOR VESSEL PRESSURE TESTING.
These functions may be inoperable or bypassed when corresponding portions in the same core spray system logic train are inoperable per Specification 3.4.A.
l These functions not required to be OPERABLE when PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY l u.
is not required to be maintained.
These functions not required to be OPERABLE when the ADS is not required to be v.
These functions must be OPERABLE only when irradiated fuel is in the fuel pool w.
or reactor vessel and SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is required per Specification 3.5.B.
Deleted z.
-The bypass function to permit scram reset in the SHUTDOWN or REFUEL MODE with control rod block must be OPERABLE in this mode.
Pump circuit breakers will be tripped in 10 seconds 15% during a LOCA by relays SK7A and SK8A.
Pump circuit breakers will trip instantaneously during a LOCA.
Only applicable during STARTUP MODE while OPERATING in IRM range 10.
l cc.
If an isolation condenser inlet (steam side) isolation valve becomes or is made inoperable in the open position during the RUN MODE comply with l
Specification 3.8.E.
If an AC motor-operated outlet (condensate return) isolation valve becomes or is made inoperable in the open position during the 1
RUN MODE comply with Specification 3.8.F.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Min. No. of OPERABLE Instrument Channels per OPERABLE Trip System, operation may proceed until performance of the next required Channel Functional Test provided the inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
This function is not required to be OPERABLE when the associated safety bus is not required to be energized or fully OPERABLE as per applicable sections of the' e Technical Specifications.
Amendment No.: O f
72,80,f 68, fi6.171,44,80,N,
TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D) gg.
Deleted l
hh, The high flow trip function for "B" Isolation Condenser is bypassed upon initiation of the alternate shutdown panel. This prevents a spurious trip of the Isolation Condenser in the event of fire induced circuit damage.
Instrument shall be OPERABLE during main condenser air ejector operation i
except that a channel may be taken out-of-service for the purpose of a check, calibration, test, or maintenance without declaring it inoperable.
With no channel OPERABLE, main condenser offgas may be released to the environment for as long as 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> provided the stack radioactive noble gas monitor is OPERABLE.
Otherwise, be in at least SHUTDOWN CONDITION within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
One channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to two hours for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition.
This function not required to be OPERABLE with the reactor vessel head removed or unbolted.
" Instrument Channel" in this case refers to the bellte: which sense vacuum in mm.
each of the three condensers (A, B, and C), and " Trip System" refers to vacuum trip systems 1 and 2.
With one required channel inoperable in one Trip System, within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, nn.
restore the inoperable channel or place the inoperable channel and/or that Trip System in the trippeda condition.
With two or more required channels inoperable:
- 1. Within one hour, verify sufficient channels remain OPERABLE or tripped
- to maintain. trip capability, sad
- 2. Within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, place the inoperable channel (s) in one Trip System and/or that Trip Systema 4 in the tripped condition *, and
- 3. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, restore the inoperable chanr.els in the other Trip System to an OPERABLE status or trippedA.
Otherwise, take the Action Required.
An inoperable channel or Trip System need not be placed in the A
tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur.
In these cases, if the inoperable channel is not restored to OPERABLE status within the r? quired time, the Action Required shall be taken.
This action applies to that Trip System with the most inoperable AA channels; if both Trip Systems have the same number of inoperabla channels, the action can be applied to either Trip System.
0YSTER CREEK 3.1-18 Amendment No.: 91,fd8,Ilf,I$d,Idd'171
TABLE 3.1.1 (CONT'D)
With one required channel inoperable in gne Trip System, either oo.
- 1. Place the inoperable channel in the tripped condition within a.12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for parameters common to Scram Instrumentation, and
- b. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for parameters not common to Scram Instrumentation.
or 2.
Take the Action Required.
With one required channel inoperable in hath Trip Systems, 1.
Place the inoperable channel in one Trip System in the tripped condition within one hour, and 2.
- a. Place the inoperable channel in the remaining Trip System in the tripped condition within (1) 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for parameters common to Scram Instrumentation, and (2) 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for parameters not common to Scram Instrumentation.
- b. Take the Action Required.
With one or more required channels inoperable per Trip System:
For one channel inoperable, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> place the inoperable channel in the tripped condition or take the Action Required.
With more than one channel inoperable, take the Action Required.
0YSTER CREEK 3.1-19 Amendment No.: 171
Applies to the surveillance of the instrumentation that performs a safety function.
To specify the minimum frequency and type of surveillance to be applied to the safety instrumentation.
Instrumentation shall be checked, tested, and calibrated as indicated in Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 using the definitions l
given in Section 1.
Surveillance intervals are based on reliability analyses and have been determined in accordance with General Electric Licensing Topical Reports given in References I through 5.
The functions listed in Table 4.1.1 logically divide into three groups:
On-off sensors that provide a scram function or some other equally important function.
Analog devices coupled with a bi-stable trip that provides a scram function or some other vitally important function.
Devices which only serve a useful function during some c.
restricted mode of operation, such as startup or shutdown, or for which the only practical test is one that can be performed only at shutdown.
I Group (b) devices utilize an analog sensor followed by an amplifier and bi-stable trip circuit. The sensor and amplifier are active components and a failure would generally result in an upscale signal, a downscale signal, or no signal. These conditions are alarmed so a failure would not go undetected. The bi-stable portion does need to be tested in order to prove that it will assume its tripped state when required.
l Group (c) devices are active only during a given portion of the operational cycle.
For example, the IRH is inactive during full-power operation and active during startup.
Thus, the only test that is significant is the one performed just prior to shutdown and startup. The condenser Low Vacuum trip can only be tested during shutdown, and although it is connected into the reactor protection system, it is not required to protect the reactor. Testing at each REFUELING OUTAGE is adequate. The switches for the high l
temperature main steamline tunnel are not accessible during OYSTER CREEK 4.1-1 Amendment No. : 171
normal operation because of thGir location above the main steam lines.
Therefore, after initial calibration and in-place OPERABILITY checks, they will not be tested between I
refueling shutdowns.
Considering the physical arrangement of the piping which would allow a steam leak at any of the four sensing lochtions to affect the other locations, it is considered that the function is not jeopardized by limiting calibration and testing to refueling outages.
The logic of the instrument safety systems in Table 4.1.1 is such that testing the instrument channels also trips the trip system, verifying that it is OPERABLE. However, certain l
systems require coincident instrument channel trips to completely test their trip systems. Therefore, Table 4.1.2 specifies the minimum trip system test frequency for these tripped systems.
This assures that all trip systems for protective instrumentation are adequately Nsted, from sensors through the trip system.
IRM calibration is to be performed during reactor startup.
The calibration of the IRMs during startup will be significant since the IRMs will be relied on for neutron monitoring and reactor protection up to 38.4% of rated power during a reactor startup.
General Electric Licensing Topical Report NEDC-30851P-A (Reference 1), Section 5.7 indicates that the major contributor to reactor protection system unavailability is common cause failure of the automatic scram contactors.
Analysis showed a weekly test interval to be optimum for scram contactors. The test of the automatic scram contactors can be performed as part of the Channel Calibration or Test of Scram Functions or by use of the subchannel test switches.
NEDC-30851P-A, " Technical Specification Improvement Analyses for BWR Reactor Protection System."
NEDC-30936P-A, "BWR Owners' Group Technical Specification Improverrit Methodology (With Demonstration for BWR ECCS Actuatica instrumentation)," Parts 1 and 2.
NEDC-30851P-A, Supplement 1, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Control Rod Block Instrumentation."
NEDC-30851P-A, Supplement 2, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Isolation Instrumentation Common to RPS and ECCS Instrumentation."
NEDC-31677P-A, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Isolation Actuation Instrumentation."
TABLE 4.1.1 MINIMUM CHECK. CALIBRATION AND TEST FRE00ENCY FOR PROTECTIVE INSTRUMENTATIM Instrument Channel Check Calibrate Int Remarks (Anolies to Test and Calibration)
- 1. High Reactor Pressure 1/d Note 3 1/3 mo l
- 2. High Drywell Pressure (Scram)
N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of te' t
.l s
- 3. Low Reactor Water Level 1/d Note 3 1/3 mo j
- 4. Low-Low Water Level 1/d Note 3 1/3 mo j
- 5. High Water Level in Scram Discharge Volume a.
Digital N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By varying level in sensor columns b.
Analog N/A Note 3 1/3 ma l
- 6. Low-Low-Low Water Level N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of test l
- 7. High Flow in Main Steamline 1/d 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of test l
- 8. Low Pressure in Main Steamline N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of test l
- 9. High Drywell Pressure 1/d 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of test l
(Core Cooling) pressure
- 10. Main Steam Isolation Valve N/A N/A 1/3 mo By exercising valve (Scram)
- 11. APRM Level N/A I/3d N/A Output adjustment using operational type heat balance during POWER OPERATION APRM Scram Trips Note 2 1/3 mo 1/3 mo Using built-in calibration equipment during POWER OPERATION
- 12. APRM Rod Blocks Note 2 1/3 mo 1/3 mo Upscale and downscale
0YSTER CREEK 4.1-3 Amendment No.: s$,352 Change: 7 171
t TABLE 4.1.1 (cont'd)
Instrument Channel Check Calibrate Ig11 Remarks (Acolies to Test and Calibration) i
- 14. High Radiation in Reactor Building Operating Floor 1/s 1/3 mo 1/3 mo Using gamma source for Ventilation Exhaust 1/s 1/3 mo 1/3 mo calibration
- 15. High Radiation-on 1/3 mo 1/3 mo Using built-in calibration l Air Ejector Off-Gas equipment 1/s Channel Check 1/mo Source check 1/24 mo Calibration according to established station calibration procedures 1/24 mo Note a
- 16. IRM Level N/A Each N/A 1
startup IRM Scram Using built-in calibration equipment
- 17. IRM Blocks N/A Prior Prior Upscale and downscale to to startup startup and and shutdown shutdown
- 18. Condenser Low N/A 1/20 mo 1/20 mo Vacuum
- 19. Manual Scram Buttons N/A N/A 1/3 mo
- 20. High Temperature Main N/A 1/20 mo Each
_ Using heat source box-Steamline Tunnel refueling outage 1
4 I
OYSTER CREEK 4.1-4 Amendment No.: 14,468,44d,d84'171 Change: 7
TABLE 4.1.1 (cont'd)
Instrument Channel Check Calibrate Tg11 Remarks (ADDlies to Test and Calibration)
- 21. SRM Using built-in calibration equipment
- 22. Isolation Condenser High Flow N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of AP (Steam and Water) test pressure
- 23. Turbine Trip Scram N/A N/A 1/3 mo
- 24. Generator Load Rejection N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo Scram
- 25. Recirculation Loop Flow N/A 1/20 mo N/A By application of test pressure
- 26. Low Reactor Pressure Core N/A 1/3 mo 1/3 mo By application of test Spray Valve Permissive pressure
- 27. Scram Discharge Volume (RodBlock) a) Water level N/A Each re-1/3 mo Calibrate by varying level high fueling in sensor column outage b) Scram Trip N/A N/A Each re-bypass fueling outage
- 28. Loss of Power a) 4.16 KV 1/d 1/24 mo 1/mo i<
Emergency Bus i
Undervoltage (Loss of voltage) b)4.16KV 1/d 1/24 mo 1/mo l
Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Voltage) l 0YSTER CREEK 4.1-5 Amendment No.: A44171
TABLE 4.1.1 (cont'd)
Instrument Channel Check Calibrate Igjil Remarks (Anolies to Test i
and Calibration)
- 29. Drywell High
_N/A Each re-Each re-Radiation fueling fueling outage outage
- 30. Automatic Scram Contactors N/A N/A 1/wk Note 1 l
o Calibrate prior to startup and normal shutdown and thereafter check 1/s and test 1/wk until no longer required.
Leaend: N/A - Not Applicable; 1/s - Once per shift; 1/d - Once per day; 1/3d - Once per 3 days; 1/wk - Once per week; 1/mo - Once per month; 1/3 mo - Once every 3 months; 1/20 mo - Once every 20 months; 1/24 mo - Once every 24 months NOTE 1: Each automatic scram contactor is required to be tested at least once per week.
When not tested by other means, the weekly test can be performed by using the subchannel test switches.
NOTE 2: At least daily dur'ing reactor POWER OPERATION, the reactor neutron flux peaking
factor shall be estimated and flow-referenced APRM scram and rod block settings shall be adjusted, if necessary, as specified in Section 2.3 Specifications A.1 and A.2.
NOTE 3: Calibrate electronic bistable t' rips by injection of an external test current once i
per 3 months. Calibrate transmitters by application of test pressure once per 12 months.
e The following notes are only for Item 15 of Table 4.1.1:
A channel may be taken out of service for the purpose of a check, calibration, test or maintenance without declaring the channel to be inoperable.
The Channel Test shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if
any of the following conditions exists:
- 1) Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
- 2) Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
- 3) Instrument controls not set in operate mode.
- 4) Instrument electrical power loss.
OYSTER CREEK 4.1-6 Amendment No.: d,dd,Idd, lid,l4I, fy,171 Change: 5,7 I
TABLE 4.1.2 MINIMUM TEST FRE0VENCIES FOR TRIP SYSTEMS Trio Syst e Minimum Test Frecuency I) psal Channel (Scram)
Same at for respective instrun,entation in Table 4.1.1 2)
Rod Block Same as.for respective instrumentation in Table 4.1.1 3)
Automatic Deoressurization Each refueling outage each trip system, one at a time 5)
MSIV Closure, each closure Each refueling outage logic circuit independently (1 valve at a time) 6)
Core Soray, each trip 1/3 mo and each refueling outage system, one at a time 7)
Primary Containment Each refueling outage Isolatip_q, each closure, circuit independently (1 valve at a time) 8)
Refuelina Interlocks Prior to each refueling operation 9)
Isolation Condenser Actuation Each refueling outage and Isolation, each trip circuit independently (1 valve at a time)
- 10) Reactor Buildino Isolation Same as for respective and SGTS Initiation instrumentation in Table 4.1.1
- 11) Condenser Vacuum Pumo Prior to each startup Isolation
- 12) Air Eiector Offoas Line Each refueling outage Isolation
- 13) Containment Vent and Purae 1/20 mo Isolation l
0YSTER CREEK 4.1-7 Amendment No.:(08,116,f 44,Idd.171