MONTHYEARML20216H4981999-09-24024 September 1999 Amend 209 to License PDR-16,revising Surveillance Frequency for Verifying Operability of Motor Operated Isolation Valves & Condensate Makeup Valves in IC TS 4.8.A.1 & Bases Page from Once Per Month to Once Per Three Months ML20195C8051999-06-0202 June 1999 Amend 208 to License DPR-16,modifying Safety Limits & Surveillances of LPRM & APRM Systems & Related Bases Pages to Ensure APRM Channels Respond within Necessary Range & Accuracy & to Verify Channel Operability ML20206U9451999-05-18018 May 1999 Amend 207 to License DPR-16,deleting Organizational Chart & Related Refs from App B Environ TS & Revises Appearance of Format of Environ TS ML20206P0731999-05-12012 May 1999 Amend 205 to License DPR-16,removing Restriction on Sale or Lease of Property within Exclusion Area & Replaces Restriction with Requirement to Retain Complete Authority to Determine & Maintain Sufficient Control of Activities ML20205A7241999-03-17017 March 1999 Amend 204 to License DPR-16,revising TS 3.4.A.10.e & 3.5.a.2.e to Incorporate Condensate Storage Tank Level of Greater than 35 Feet ML20196E2571998-11-30030 November 1998 Amend 203 to License DPR-16,modifying Spec 6.2.2(a) to Provide Some Flexibility to Accomodate Unexpected Absense of on-duty Shift Crew Members ML20155G9841998-11-0505 November 1998 Amend 202 to License DPR-16,establishing That Existing Safety Limit Min Critical Power Ratio Contained in TS 2.1.A, Applicable for Next Operating Cycle,(Cycle 17) ML20154M6081998-10-15015 October 1998 Amend 200 to License DPR-16,revising TS 4.5.A.1 Such That First Type a Test Required by Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Will Be Performed During Refueling Outage 18 Rather than Refueling Outage 17 ML20154L3151998-10-14014 October 1998 Amend 199 to License DPR-16,removing Requirements for ADS Function of Emvr to Be Operable During Reactor Vessel Pressure Testing ML20154B4261998-10-0101 October 1998 Amend 198 to License DPR-16,deleting Table 3.5.2 Which Lists Automatic Primary Containment Isolation Valves.In Addition, Amend Clarifies Applicability of Action Statement Which Applies to Several Limiting Conditions for Operation ML20151U8371998-09-0808 September 1998 Amend 197 to License DPR-16,reducing Scope of Previous Amend Request Dtd 960222.Amend Retains Provision to Delete Requirement That Biennial EDG Insp Be Performed During Shutdown & Permits Skipping Diesel Starting Battery Test ML20237B7291998-08-13013 August 1998 Amend 196 to License DPR-16,deleting Table 3.5.2 Which Lists Automatic Primary Ci Valves & Clarifying Applicability of Action Statement Which Applies to Several Limiting Conditions for Operation in Section 3.5 ML20236K7221998-07-0707 July 1998 Errata to Pp 2-3.7 of Amend 195 to License DPR-16.Footnote Correction 871130 Was Omitted ML20248L1551998-06-0404 June 1998 Amend 195 to License DPR-16,clarifies Sections of TSs Which Have Demonstrated to Be Unclear or Conflicting as Result of Licensee Review ML20197B0081998-02-11011 February 1998 Errata to Amend 194 to License DPR-16.Date of Issuance 980211 Was Inadvertently Omitted from Page 2 of Amend. License Amend Number 194 Was Inadvertently Omitted from Page 3 of Revised Operating License,In Paragraph 2.C.(2) ML20198Q4251998-01-14014 January 1998 Amend 194 to License DPR-16,revising Plant Operating License & TS to Reflect Registered Trade Name of Gpu Energy from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Gpu Nuclear,Inc ML20202B7401997-11-26026 November 1997 Amend 193 to License DPR-16,extending Instrumentation Surveillances for Condenser Low Vacuum,High Temp Main Steamline Tunnel,Recirculation Flow & Reactor Coolant Leakage ML20140H7641997-05-0808 May 1997 Amend 191 to License DPR-16,updating TSs to Reflect Implementation of Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation ML20137X0981997-04-14014 April 1997 Amend 190 to License DPR-16,modifying TS by Replacing Description of Existing Permissive Interlock from AC Voltage to Core Spray Booster Pump Differential Pressure Permissive Greater than 21.2 Psid ML20137D5861997-03-24024 March 1997 Amend 189 to License DPR-16 Changing TSs to Delete Surveillance 4.7.B.4.d & Adds Clarifying Phrase While on a Float Charge... Where Appropriate ML20136D5911997-03-0606 March 1997 Amend 188 to License DPR-16,updating pressure-temperature Limits Up to 22,27 & 32 Effective Full Power Years ML20117G8051996-09-0303 September 1996 Amend 186 to License DPR-16,changing TS to Allow Implementation of 10CFR50,App J,Option B ML20115F4091996-07-15015 July 1996 Amend 185 to License DPR-16,adding TS 4.0.1 & 4.0.2 & Associated Bases to Clarify SR Applicability & Allow Max Period of 24 H to Complete SR ML20117K5311996-06-0404 June 1996 Amend 184 to License DPR-16,changing TS 3.1-5 & 3.1-16 to Indicate 40 Percent of Rated Reactor Thermal Power as Anticipatory Reactor Scram Bypass Setpoint on Turbine Trip or Generator Load Rejection ML20100Q3971996-03-0404 March 1996 Amend 183 to License DPR-16,revising Submittal Date for Annual Exposure Data Rept Bringing Oyster Creek Into Conformance w/10CFR20.2206 & Relaxing Overly Restrictive Administrative Requirement ML20092A2931995-09-0606 September 1995 Amend 182 to License DPR-16,revising Snubber Visual Insp Interval to Match Schedule Developed by NRC Staff for Use w/24-month Refueling Interval.Schedule Documented in GL 90-09 ML20087D0441995-08-0707 August 1995 Amend 181 to License DPR-16,revises TS Section 6.5.3, Audits, by Removing Specified Frequency for Interval Audits ML20087J2741995-05-0101 May 1995 Amend 180 to License DPR-16,revising TS Section to Delete Requirement to Render Determinations in Writing W/ Regard to Whether or Not Activities Listed in TS & Constitute Unreviewed Safety Question ML20081G9661995-03-21021 March 1995 Amend 178 to License DPR-16,changing TS Section 1.6,3.2.A, 3.9.f.5 & 4.2.A ML20078S8361995-02-21021 February 1995 Amend 177 to License DPR-16,revising TS 2.3.D to Change Setpoints Reactor High Pressure,Relief Valve Initiation by Increasing Setpoint Value for Each of Electromatic Relief Valves in ADS ML20078M9421994-12-0101 December 1994 Amend 175 to License DPR-16,deleting TS Section 2.3.0 & Associated Bases & Thereby Removing Limiting Safety Sys Setting for High Recirculation Flow Reactor Scram Based on Max Attainable Recirculation Flow Analysis ML20078L8141994-11-28028 November 1994 Amend 173 to License DPR-16,revising License Condition Re Plan for Long Range Planning Program ML20076H7261994-10-19019 October 1994 Amend 172 to License DPR-16,updating & Clarifying Surveillance Requirements for Control Rod Exercising & Standby Liquid Control Pump Operability Testing,In Line W/Gl 93-05 ML20076G4871994-10-11011 October 1994 Amend 171 to License DPR-16,revising TSs 3.1 & 4.1 for Protective Instrumentation,Associated Bases & Tables to Increase Test Intervals & Add Allowable out-of Svc Times ML20073G0921994-09-27027 September 1994 Amend 170 to License DPR-16,revising TS 3.4.B.1 to Be Consistent W/Tss 1.39 & 4.3.D ML20065B2951994-03-28028 March 1994 Corrected Amend 168 to License DPR-16,clarifying Requirements for Maintaning Secondary Containment Integrity ML20063M2231994-03-0707 March 1994 Amend 168 to License DPR-16,revising TSs to Clarify Requirements for Maint Secondary Containment Integrity When One or More Reactor Bldg Ventilation Supply & Exhaust Valves Declared Inoperable ML20062M2761993-12-21021 December 1993 Amend 167 to License DPR-16,deleting Requirements to Demonstrate by Testing,That Redundant Sys/Component Operable When Sys/Component Declared Inoperable ML20058L7231993-12-13013 December 1993 Amend 166 to License DPR-16,deleting Portions of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Radiological Effluent Tss & Relocates to Controlled Programs in Accordance w/890131 NRC GL 89-01 ML20057A9201993-09-16016 September 1993 Amend 165 to License DPR-16,revising TS 5.2.A & Bases to Change Current Containment Drywell Design Pressure ML20045A4361993-06-0707 June 1993 Amend 164 to License DPR-16,reducing Setpoint on Ninth (Highest) Safety Valve from 1230 to 1221 Psig ML20097H1021992-06-15015 June 1992 Corrected Amend 158 to License DPR-16,correcting Pages 3.13-3 & 3.13-4 to Incorporate Previously Issued Changes ML20096G6791992-05-12012 May 1992 Amend 158 to License DPR-16,revising TS to Permit No Limitation on Number of Inoperable Position Indicators for Nine ASME Code Safety Valves During Power Operation ML20086U2321991-12-27027 December 1991 Amend 156 to License DPR-16,revising TS 4.2.A & 4.2.C.1 to Delete Restriction That Refueling Outage Interval Not to Exceed 20 Months ML20083D8271991-09-18018 September 1991 Amend 155 to License DPR-16,revising Tech Specs,Table 4.15.2,items 2.a & 3.a Re Channel Functional Test Requirements for Main Stack & Turbine Bldg Vent Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Sys ML20082U3141991-09-12012 September 1991 Amend 154 to License DPR-16,adding TS 4.3.I Which Requires Inservice Insp Program for Piping to Be Performed,Per Generic Ltr 88-01 ML20082Q4781991-09-0505 September 1991 Amend 153 to License DPR-16,revising Tech Specs 3.4.A.3, 3.4.A.4,3.4.D.2 & Associated Bases to Incorporate 10CFR50.46 LOCA Analysis ML20081M6271991-07-0202 July 1991 Corrected Amend 152 to License DPR-16,consisting of Tech Spec Page 3.1-4 Re High Drywell Pressure Trip Setting ML20081L9471991-07-0202 July 1991 Full-term License DPR-16 Issued to Gpu & Jersey Central Power & Light Co ML20066K5971991-02-21021 February 1991 Amend 148 to License DPR-16,allowing Draining of Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank for Purpose of Internal Insp During Periods of Cold Shutdown or Refueling 1999-09-24
MONTHYEARML20216H4981999-09-24024 September 1999 Amend 209 to License PDR-16,revising Surveillance Frequency for Verifying Operability of Motor Operated Isolation Valves & Condensate Makeup Valves in IC TS 4.8.A.1 & Bases Page from Once Per Month to Once Per Three Months ML20209E0891999-07-0707 July 1999 TS Change Request 269 for License DPR-16,changing Component Surveillance Frequencies to Indicate Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20212H5281999-06-18018 June 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,modifying TSs to Reflect Installation of Addl SFP Storage Racks.Proprietary & non-proprietary Version of Rev 4 to HI-981983,encl. Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(1) ML20195D0631999-06-0303 June 1999 TS Change Request 226 to License DPR-16,permitting Plant Operation with Three Operable Recirculation Loops ML20195C8051999-06-0202 June 1999 Amend 208 to License DPR-16,modifying Safety Limits & Surveillances of LPRM & APRM Systems & Related Bases Pages to Ensure APRM Channels Respond within Necessary Range & Accuracy & to Verify Channel Operability ML20206U9451999-05-18018 May 1999 Amend 207 to License DPR-16,deleting Organizational Chart & Related Refs from App B Environ TS & Revises Appearance of Format of Environ TS ML20206P0731999-05-12012 May 1999 Amend 205 to License DPR-16,removing Restriction on Sale or Lease of Property within Exclusion Area & Replaces Restriction with Requirement to Retain Complete Authority to Determine & Maintain Sufficient Control of Activities ML20206H9541999-04-28028 April 1999 LAR 251 for License DPR-16,requesting Approval to Handle Loads Up to & Including 45 Tons in Reactor Bldg During Power Operations ML20205P8481999-04-15015 April 1999 TS Change Request 267 to License DPR-16,modifying Number of Items in Sections 2 & 3 of Ts,Expanding Two Definitions in Section 1 & Modifying Bases Statements in Sections 2,3 & 4 ML20205A7241999-03-17017 March 1999 Amend 204 to License DPR-16,revising TS 3.4.A.10.e & 3.5.a.2.e to Incorporate Condensate Storage Tank Level of Greater than 35 Feet ML20198K0581998-12-23023 December 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-16 Changing TS Pages 3.8.2 & 4.8-1 to Specify Surveillance Frequency of Once Per Three Months ML20196E2571998-11-30030 November 1998 Amend 203 to License DPR-16,modifying Spec 6.2.2(a) to Provide Some Flexibility to Accomodate Unexpected Absense of on-duty Shift Crew Members ML20195C6451998-11-10010 November 1998 TS Change Request 264 to License DPR-16,revising TS 5.1.A by Removing Restriction on Sale or Lease of Property within Exclusion Area ML20155J7141998-11-0505 November 1998 TS Change Request 266 to License DPR-16,modifying Safety Limits & Surveillances of LPRM & APRM Sys & Related Bases to Ensure APRM Channels Respond within Necessary Range & Accuracy & to Verify Channel Operability ML20155G9841998-11-0505 November 1998 Amend 202 to License DPR-16,establishing That Existing Safety Limit Min Critical Power Ratio Contained in TS 2.1.A, Applicable for Next Operating Cycle,(Cycle 17) ML20154M6081998-10-15015 October 1998 Amend 200 to License DPR-16,revising TS 4.5.A.1 Such That First Type a Test Required by Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Will Be Performed During Refueling Outage 18 Rather than Refueling Outage 17 ML20154L3151998-10-14014 October 1998 Amend 199 to License DPR-16,removing Requirements for ADS Function of Emvr to Be Operable During Reactor Vessel Pressure Testing ML20154B4261998-10-0101 October 1998 Amend 198 to License DPR-16,deleting Table 3.5.2 Which Lists Automatic Primary Containment Isolation Valves.In Addition, Amend Clarifies Applicability of Action Statement Which Applies to Several Limiting Conditions for Operation ML20153H1391998-09-19019 September 1998 LAR 263 to License DPR-16,revising TS Section 5.4.8 of Plant Ufsar,Incorporating Use of Freeze Seal as Temporary Part of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary ML20151U8371998-09-0808 September 1998 Amend 197 to License DPR-16,reducing Scope of Previous Amend Request Dtd 960222.Amend Retains Provision to Delete Requirement That Biennial EDG Insp Be Performed During Shutdown & Permits Skipping Diesel Starting Battery Test ML20151V5051998-09-0303 September 1998 TS Change Request 259 to License DPR-16,requesting TS 3.4.A.10.e & 3.5.A.2.e,contained in App a of Facility License,Be Revised to Incorporate Condensate Storage Tank Level Limit of Greater than 35 Feet ML20237D9551998-08-21021 August 1998 TS Change Request 255 to License DPR-16,removing Requirement for ADS Function of EMRV to Be Operable During Rv Pressure Testing & Correcting Note H of Table 3.1.1 as Noted ML20237B7291998-08-13013 August 1998 Amend 196 to License DPR-16,deleting Table 3.5.2 Which Lists Automatic Primary Ci Valves & Clarifying Applicability of Action Statement Which Applies to Several Limiting Conditions for Operation in Section 3.5 ML20236T1141998-07-23023 July 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,changing TS Contained in App a to Establish That Existing SLMCPR Contained in TS 2.1.A Is Applicable for Next Operating Cycle (Cycle 17) ML20236T4751998-07-21021 July 1998 TS Change Request 257 to License DPR-16,making Several Changes to Section 6 of Tech Specs & Make Other Changes of Administrative Nature ML20236T4951998-07-21021 July 1998 TS Change Request 256 to License DPR-16,permitting Alternative to Requirement to Perform Control Rod Drive Scram Time Testing W/Reactor Pressurized Prior to Resuming Power Operation.W/Certificate of Svc ML20236K7221998-07-0707 July 1998 Errata to Pp 2-3.7 of Amend 195 to License DPR-16.Footnote Correction 871130 Was Omitted ML20236H1981998-06-29029 June 1998 Rev 1 to TS Change Request 230 to License DPR-16,deleting Requirements That Biennial EDG Insp & Station Battery Capacity Tests Be Done While Plant Is Shutdown & Increasing Per Cent of Rated Power to Be Reached During Diesel Testing ML20248L1551998-06-0404 June 1998 Amend 195 to License DPR-16,clarifies Sections of TSs Which Have Demonstrated to Be Unclear or Conflicting as Result of Licensee Review ML20248K2781998-05-28028 May 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,requesting That TS 4.5.A.1 Be Revised Such That First Type a Test Required by Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Be Performed During Refueling Outage 18R ML20197B0081998-02-11011 February 1998 Errata to Amend 194 to License DPR-16.Date of Issuance 980211 Was Inadvertently Omitted from Page 2 of Amend. License Amend Number 194 Was Inadvertently Omitted from Page 3 of Revised Operating License,In Paragraph 2.C.(2) ML20198Q4251998-01-14014 January 1998 Amend 194 to License DPR-16,revising Plant Operating License & TS to Reflect Registered Trade Name of Gpu Energy from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Gpu Nuclear,Inc ML20197G2691997-12-23023 December 1997 Rev 1 to TS Change Request 253 for License DPR-16,reflecting Change in Trade Name of Owner & Operator of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20197J2431997-12-10010 December 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,consisting of TS Change Request 171,modifying TS Pages 2.3-6,2.3-7,3.1-11, 3.1-14,3.1-16,3.4-8,3.8-2,3.8-3,4.3-1,4.5-13 & 6-1 ML20202B7401997-11-26026 November 1997 Amend 193 to License DPR-16,extending Instrumentation Surveillances for Condenser Low Vacuum,High Temp Main Steamline Tunnel,Recirculation Flow & Reactor Coolant Leakage ML20198P3491997-10-30030 October 1997 Proposed Amended Page 4 for LAR 252,reflecting Latest Rev Levels of Plant Security Contingency Plan & Security Training & Qualification Plan ML20217H8741997-10-10010 October 1997 TS Change Request 253 to License DPR-16,changing Trade Name of Owner & Operator of Plant ML20140H7641997-05-0808 May 1997 Amend 191 to License DPR-16,updating TSs to Reflect Implementation of Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation ML20137X0981997-04-14014 April 1997 Amend 190 to License DPR-16,modifying TS by Replacing Description of Existing Permissive Interlock from AC Voltage to Core Spray Booster Pump Differential Pressure Permissive Greater than 21.2 Psid ML20137D5861997-03-24024 March 1997 Amend 189 to License DPR-16 Changing TSs to Delete Surveillance 4.7.B.4.d & Adds Clarifying Phrase While on a Float Charge... Where Appropriate ML20136D5911997-03-0606 March 1997 Amend 188 to License DPR-16,updating pressure-temperature Limits Up to 22,27 & 32 Effective Full Power Years ML20135C1521996-11-27027 November 1996 TS Change Request 224 to License DPR-61,inserting Page 8 of No Significant Hazards Determination Inadvertently Omitted ML20135C1911996-11-27027 November 1996 TS Change Request 232 to License DPR-16,changing Pages 4.7-1,4.7-2,4.7-3 & 4.7-4 Re Surveillances for Station Batteries ML20129K3371996-11-12012 November 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,consisting of Change Request 224,implementing Revised 10CFR20, Stds for Protection Against Radiation Effective 910620 ML20134H0391996-10-31031 October 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,requesting Deletion of Tech Spec Table 3.5.2 Which Lists Automatic Primary Containment Isolation Valves ML20129A5501996-10-10010 October 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,revising Addl Group of Surveillances Where Justification Completed Following Receipt of Amend 144 ML20129C0611996-10-10010 October 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,clarifying Functional Requirement to Provide Interlock Permissive Which Ensures Source of Cooling Water Available Via Core Spray Sys Prior to Depressurization ML20134F4061996-10-0404 October 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,revising TS 2.1.A to Reflect Change in SLMCPR & TS 3.10.C Revising Operating CPR Limit for Stability ML20117G8051996-09-0303 September 1996 Amend 186 to License DPR-16,changing TS to Allow Implementation of 10CFR50,App J,Option B ML20117E6951996-08-23023 August 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-16,consisting of TS Change Request,Proposing New pressure-temp Limits Up to 22, 27 & 32 EFPY Based on Predicted Nilductility Adjusted Ref Temp for Corresponding EFPY of Operation 1999-09-24
[Table view] |
MSRfGoq k
The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found that:
The application for amendment by GPU Nuclear Corporation, et al.
(the licensee) dated June 26, 1995, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Comission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Comission; C.
There is reasonable assurance (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Comission's regulations; D.
The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the comon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E.
The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
9509080 h 0 00 219 PDR AD PDR P
Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and o=ragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 is hereby an. ended to read as follows:
Technical Soecifications
The Technical Specifications contained in Appendices A and B, as revised through Amendment No.182, are hereby incorporated in the license. GPU Nuclear Corporation shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
This license amendment is effective as of the date of issuance.
C PhillipY.McKee, Director Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance:
September 6, 1995 1
l ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO.182 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-16 OOCKET NO. 50-219 Replace the following pages of the Appendix A, Technical Specifications, with the attached pages as indicated. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the areas of change.
Remove Insert 4.5-9 4.5-9 4.5-15 4.5-15 4.5-18 4.5-19
9 Q.
Shock _Suppressors (Snubbers)
As used in this specification, " type of snubber" shall mean snubbers of the same design and manufacturer, irrespective of capacity.
Each snubber shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the following inspection program:
Visuallnspections Snubbers are categorized as inaccessible or accessible during reactor operation.
Each of the categories (inaccessible and accessible) may be inspected independently according to the schedule determined by Table 4.5-1. The visual inspection interval for each type of snubber shall be determined based upon the criteria provided in Table 4.5-1.
VisualInspection Acceptance Criteria 4
Visual inspections shall verify that: (1) that there are no visible indications of damage or impaired OPERABILITY; (2) attachments to the foundation or supporting structure are functional; and (3) fasteners for the attachment of the snubber to the component and to the snubber anchorage are functional. Snubbers which appear inoperable as a result of visual inspections shall be classified as i
unacceptable and may be reclassified as acceptable for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection interval, providing that: (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; and (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested in the as-found condition and determined OPERABLE per Specification 4.5.Q.d or 4.5.Q.e. A review and evaluation shall be performed and documented to justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber, if continued operation cannot be justified, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the ACTION requirements shall be met.
Functional Tests At least once every 24 months, a representative sample (10% of the total of each type of snubber in use in the plant) shall be functionally tested either in place or in a bench test. For each snubber that OYSTER CREEK 4.5-9 Amendment No.: 141. 182
developed at the Savannah River laboratory which were described in the Ninth AEC Cleaning Conference.o High efficiency particulate filters are installed before and after the charcoal filters to minimize potential releases of particulates to the environment and to prevent clogging of the iodine filters. An efficiency of 99% is adequate to retain particulates that may be released to the reactor building following an accident. This will be demonstrated by testing with DOP at testing medium.
If laboratory tests for the adsorber material in one circuit of the Standby Gas Treatment System are unacceptable, all adsorber maarial in that circuit shall be replaced with adsorbent qualified according to Regulatory Guide 1.52. Any HEPA filters found defective shall be replaced with those qualified with Regulatory Position C.3.d of Regulatory Guide 1.52.
The snubber inspection frequency is based upon the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous irepection, the total population or category size for each snubber type, and the previous inspection interval. A snubber is considered unacceptable if it fails to satisfy the acceptance criteria of the visual inspection. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly.
However, that decision must be made and documented before any inspection and used as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category, if continued operation cannot be justified with an unacceptable snubber, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the applicable action requirements met. To determine the next surveillance interval, the snubber may be reclassified as acceptable if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by the performance of a functional test and if it satisfies the acceptance criteria for functional testing.
The next visua! inspection interval may be twice, the same, or reduced by as much as two-thirds of the previous inspection interval. This interval depends on the number of unacceptable snubbers found in proportion to the size of the population or category for each type of snubber included in the previous inspection. Table 4. 5-1 establishes the length of the next visual inspection interval.
To further increase the assurance of snubber reliability, functional tests should be performed once cach refueling cycle. These tests will include stroking of the snubbers to verify proper piston movement, lock-up and bleed. Ten percent represents an adequate sample for such tests. Observed failures of these samples require testing of additional units.
After the containment oxygen concentration has been reduced to meet the specification iaitially, the containment atmosphere is maintained above atmospheric pressure by the primary containment inening system. This system supplies nitrogen makeup to the containment so that the very slight leakage from the containment is replaced by nitrogen, further reducing the oxygen concentration. In addition, the oxygen concentration is continuously recorded and high oxygen concentration is annunciated. Therefore, a weekly check of oxygen concentration is adequate. This system also provides the capability for determining if there is gross leakage from the containment.
- D.R. MuhSbier. "In Place Nondestructive Leak Test for lodine Adsorbers," Proceedings of the Ninth AEC Air Cleaning Conference, USAEC Report CONF-660904,1966 OYSTER CREEK 4.5-15 Amendment No.:100,182
TABLE 4.5-1 SNUBBER VISUAL INSPECTION INTERVAL Page I of 2 NUMBER OF UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBERS Population Column A Column B Column C or Category Extend Interval Repeat Interval Reduce Interval (Notes L2)
(Notes 3.6)
(Notes 4.6)
(Notes 5.6) 1 0
0 1
80 0
0 2
100 0
1 4
Note 1:
The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population or category size shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly. However, the decision on how to categorize the snubbers must be made and documented before any inspection and shall use that decision as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.
Note 2:
Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissable. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.
Note 3:
If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number I
in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval but not greater than 48 months.
Note 4:
If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column B but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.
l i
182 OYSTFR CREEK 4.5-18 A4 endment No.:
1 I
.m m _.
s i
Note 5:
If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval. However, if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval shall be reduced proportionally by interpolation, that is, the previous interval shall be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of the difference between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Column B and C.
r Note 6:
Each inspection interval shall be subject to the limitations of Technical Specification 1.24.
l 4
i l
f f
OYSTER CREEK 4.5-19 Amendment No.:182