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Application for Amend to License DPR-16,revising Addl Group of Surveillances Where Justification Completed Following Receipt of Amend 144
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/10/1996
From: Roche M
Shared Package
ML20129A524 List:
NUDOCS 9610220180
Download: ML20129A550 (10)


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OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 ,

Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 i

l This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of the Licensee's request to i

change the Appendix A Technical Specifications to Operating License No. DPR-16 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. As a part of this request, the proposed replacement pages for f Appendix A are also submitted. l GPU Nuclear Corporation Y b Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek

! Sworn and Subscribed to before me this ladday of bM,1996.

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! A Notary Public of New Jersey GERALDINE E. LEVtN NOTARIPtaLCOFHN

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  • Jc'9o 9610220100 961010 F PDR ADOCK 05000219 P PDR Hle No, WW4

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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA l NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION in the matter ) Docket No. 50-219 GPU Nuclear Corporation )

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This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications, filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Aho/ ,1996, has this day of /s//*/ ,1996, been served on the Major of l Lacey Township, Ocean County, New Jersey by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows: 1 The Honorable John Parker Mayor of tacey Township  !

818 West Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731 By b Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek i

lile No. 9fdl69

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GPU Nuclear ine

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NUCLEAR Forked River NJ 08731-0388 Tel 609-971-4000 October 10, 1996 6730-96-2157 1

The Honorable John Parker Mayor of Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, New Jersey 08731 Dear Mayor Parker-i


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Operating License No. DPR-16 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 Enclosed herewith is one copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 for the Oysu Creek Nuclear Generating Station Operating License.

This document was filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on !-(i*t /0, 1996.

Very emly yours, b

Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek l

MBR/gmg Attachment 2

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GPU Nuclear,Inc.

l g U.S Route #9 South or ed ve NJ 731-0388 Tel 609-9714000 October 10, 1996 6730-96-2157 a

i Mr. Kent Tosch, Chief t Bureau of Nuclear Engineering Department of Environmental Protection CN 411 >

Trenton, NJ 08625 I

Dear Mr. Tosch:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station l

Operating License No. DPR-16 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 1
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), please find enclosed a copy of the subject document which was
filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on $ch av ,1996.

i Very truly yours,  !

2 i

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, Michael B. Roche Vice President and Director Oyster Creek MBR/gmg Attachment hk No, ENdM9

.. / Oyster Creek Nuclecr Gen:rcting Strtian (OCNGS)

Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 1.0. PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CIIANGE REOUEST (TSCR)

GPUN requests that the following pages of the OCNGS Technical Specifications (Tech. Specs.) be replaced as indicated below:

Replace Pages: 4.1-4,4.1-5,4.1-7,4.3-2,4.4-1, and,4.5-4. These pages are attached to this change request.

2.0. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES License Amendment No.144 (dated 1/10/91) revised the Appendix A - Technical Specifications to implement a 24 month plant surveillance cycle. Part of the change revised certain TS surveillance intervals to specify a 20 month interval following the redefinition of the" refueling outage interval" to 24 months (TS 1.12). The surveillances which had not yet been fully evaluated for extension to 24 months were thus limited to a 20 month frequency (the refueling interval definition existing prior to License Amendment No.144). The purpose of TSCR 203 is to change the surveillance interval for the next group of surveillance frequency evaluations rwently completed.

3.0. DISCUSSION OF THE REASONS FOR CHANGE The following discussion provides justification for extending the interval for the surveillances in accordance with the guidance (where appropriate) contained in NRC Generic Letter 91-04, Enclosure 2. The TS instrumentation surveillances for

, extension are:

l T_ S Table item Description _ _ _

4.1.1 18 Condenser Low Vacuum ,

I 4.1.1 20 High Temperature Main Steamline Tunnel 4.1.1 25 Recirculation Flow 4.3.H 3 Reactor Coolant System Leakage l

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Oyster Creek Ntcle:r Guerating Stathn (OCNGS)

Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 .

In addition to the above instrumentation surve llances to be extended by this request, we hereby also request that the following equipment tests / operability checks be extended to conform with the 24 month refueling interval:

TS Item Description 4.1.2 13 Containment Vent & Purge Isolation 4.4.B 1 EMRV Valve Operability 4.5.F 5.b.(4) Drywell to Toms Leakrate Test SAFETY EVALUATION JUSTIFYING CliANGES:

All of the following instruments and equipment have had an evaluation performed to determine the effect of surveillance frequency change on their performance requirements. For all instruments, an error analysis was performed to calculate the maximum possible deviation between surveillance intervals. Except weie noted below, a statistical analysis (linear regression and t-distribution for confidence level) using historical calibration data was used to predict the deviation, for 30 months (24 months +/- 25%) with a 95% confidence level. In the case of equipment testing, the historical performance during past surveillances was evaluated for potential failures. Based on the results of the evaluations performed, changing the curveillance frequency from 20 n'onths to 24 months / refueling outage interval is acceptable.

Condenser Low Vacuum l TS Table 4.1.1, item 18, requires the calibration and test of the condenser low vacuum instrument channel once every 20 months. The channel consists of(4) four limit switches that monitor condenser vacuum and initiate a trip signal to the Reactor Protection System at a low vacuum. The Technical Specification limit for this setpoint is > 20 inches lig. Based on the statistical analysis of historical calibration data it is concluded that changing the calibration interval to 24 months (+/- 25%, or 30 months max.) will not impact upon existing as-found limits or the Technical Specification limit.


. . ,- Oyster Creek Nuclear Gener:tirg Stati:n (OCNGS)

. Operating License No. DPR-16

' I)ocket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 Iliuh Temperature Main Steamline Tunnel TS Table 4.1.1, item 20, requires the calibration of the main steamline tunnel instrumentation j channel once every 20 months. Two instrument channels provide high temperature monitoring in the main steamline tunnel to detect a main steamline break in this area and close

, the MSIVs. Each channel consists of two subchannels having four temperature sensors per subchannel. The circuit is arranged with a one out of two taken twice logic. The Technical Specification limit is a Trip Setting of < Ambient t mperature at Power + 50F. The evaluations performed show that the deviation ofinstrument setpoint due to drift over a 30 month period is very small indicating that temperature sensors will perform their required function of closing the MSIVs upon detection of a steam line break.

Recirculation trop Flow TS Table 4.1.1, item 25, requires the calibration of the recirculation flow monitoring system by application of a test pressure once every 20 months. The recirculation flow monitoring system consists of flow transmitters, summation logic, and the APRM flow units. The flow transmitters and control room electronics were replaced in refueling outage 15R; so no historical data is available. Therefore an instrument loop error calculation was performed based upon vendor specifications for the electronics (as provided for in GL 91-04). The results of the calculation show that with existing setpoints and the 30 month totalinstrument loop error considered all system functions will perform acceptably and are not adversely impacted by the extended calibration interval.

Reactor Coolant System Leakate TS 4.3.11., item 3, requires a channel calibration of the primary containment sump and equipment drain tank flow integrators once every 18 months. The two flow integrator channels consist of flow transmitters, signal converters, and combined square root integrator modules. In addition, each channel has a totalizer and indicator. The drywell floor sump is used to determine unidentified leak rates and the equipment drain tank flow provides the identified primary leak rates. The Technical Specification 3.3.D.1 limit is 5 gpm for imidentified leakage, and 25 gpm for totalleakage. Statistical analysis for the transmitter and flow integrator predicted the deviation for a 30 month surveillance interval as a significantly lower value compared to the acceptance criteria. Therefore,it is concluded that the instrument loop will perform its intended ftmetion for the extended surveillance interval.


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Oyster Creek Nucle:r Generating Stati:n (OCNGS) s, Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 i

Containment Vent & Purge Isolation  :

TS Table 4.1.2, iter . requires a trip system test of containment vent and purge isolation l once every 20 mont The sensors which trip the containment purge and isolation system  !

valves are calibrated m accordance with TS Table 4.1.1, item 29. The trip system logic is an electrical circuit consisting of test switches and solenoids. Test results for a five year period were reviewed and during this period there were no failures of the trip system to initiate and perform its intended function. Based upon the history of satisfactory test results, it is concluded that extending the surveillance interval to 24 mos. (+/- 25%, or 30 months) will have no adverse impact on the required function of the valves and therefore the extended intervalis acceptable.

EMRV Valve Operability TS 4.4.B., item 1, requires a demonstration of the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) valve operability at system operating pressure prior to exceeding 5% power following a refueling outage and on an interval not to exceed 20 months. A review of the valve operability tests performed over a five year period shows that there were no failures of a valve to operate when called upon using 20 month interval testing. Based upon its performance history an' extension of the periodic surveillance interval to 24 months (+/- 25%,  ;

or 30 months) should not compromise the ability of the valves to perform their intended safety function.

Drywell to Torus Leakrate Test TS 4.5.F., item 5.B.4, requires a dywell-to-torus leak rate test on a periodic interval not to exceed 20 months. The Torus to Drywell vacuum breaker valves perform the following functions: (a.) open to the full open position with a 0.5 psid force acting on face of the valve disk to assure that the 2.0 psid pressure between the dgwell and external environment is not exceeded; (b.) limits negative pressure differentials on the drywell; and, (c.) provides for primary containment integrity. A review of Leaktate Test history from 1977 to present was performed and the results indicate that there was no degradation over this time period. In j addition, a quarterly leak rate test has been performed at power since March 1990 pursuant to  ;

TS 3.5. A.5 and the acceptance criteria have been met repeatedly. These valves are also cycled 1 on a monthly basis to ensure operability as required by TS 4.5.F. Item 5.a. Basec' on the performance history above and the additional Technical Specification requirements, it is concluded that the extension of this test from 20 months to a refueling basis interval of 24 mos. (+/- 25%, or 30 months) is acceptable.


Oyster Cre:k Nuclar Genercting Stati:n (OCNGS)

Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 4.0 NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATIONS:

GPUN has determined that this Technical Specification Change Request involves no significant hazards consideration as defined by NRC in 10 CFR 50.92.

4.1 Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not involve a significant increase in the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The proposed amendment extends the period between successive refueling interval surveillance (s) to once every 24 months for those surveillance (s) evaluated herein. The proposed surveillance interval changes do not involve any change to the actual surveillance requirements, nor does it involve any change to the limits and restrictions on plant operations. The reliability of systems and components relied upon to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents previously evaluated is not degraded by the proposed change to the surveillance interval. Assurance of system and equipment availability is maintained. This change does not involve any change to system or equipment configuration. Therefore, this change does not increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident previously evaluated.


4.2 Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

The proposed amendment extends the period between successive refueling interval surveillance (s) to once every 24 months for those surveillance (s) evaluated herein. The proposed surveillance interval changes do not involve any change to the actual surveillance requirements, nor does it involve any change to the limits and restrictions on plant operation. This change does not involve any change to system or equipment configuration. Therefore, this change is unrelated to the possibility of creating a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

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. Oyster Creek Nuclear Ge er: ting Stcti:n (OCNGS)

Operating License No. DPR-16 Docket No. 50-219 Technical Specification Change Request No. 203 4.3 Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The proposed amendment extends the period between successive refueling interval surveillance (s) to once every 24 months (+/- 25%. or 30 months) for the surveillances evaluated herein. The proposed surveillance interval changes do not involve any change to the actual surveillance requirements, nor does it involve any change to the limits and restrictions on plant operation. The reliability of systems and components is not degraded by the proposed change to the surveillance interval. Assurance of system and equipment availability is maintained. Therefore, it is concluded that operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.


Implementation of this change can be made effective immediately upon receipt of the operating license amendment, as no plant modifications are necessary; however, it is requested that 60 days be allowed following receipt of the license amendment in order to rnake any required procedural or documentary changes.

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