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Proposed Tech Specs 15.3.0,15.3.14,15.3.7 & 15.4.6 Re Change Request 166
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1994
Shared Package
ML20070F087 List:
NUDOCS 9407180171
Download: ML20070F096 (3)



i Rov. 2 i


7.2.3 Site Accentance Testiner Site Acceptance testing will be completed per ANSI /IEEE Std 387-1984 section 6.3


i and Reg. Guide 1.9 Rev.

3^ as follows:


Start Test 2.

Load-Run Test 3.

Fast-Ste.rt Tant


i 4.

Loss-of-Offsite-Power (LOOP) Test 5.

Safety-Injection-Actuation-Signal (SIAS) Test 6.

Combined SIAS and LOOP Test 7.

Single Load Rejection Test' s

i 8.

Full Lead Rejection Test 9.

Endurance and Margin Test" 10.

Hot Restart Test 11.

Synchonizing Test 12.

Protective Trb. <$ ass Test l

C 13.

Test Mode' Change ~0verfTest 14.

Redundant Unit Test i



Compliance to Reg. Guide

'.9 Fev. 3 is for the factory and site acceptance testing section only.

Reg. Guide 1.9 Rev. 2 is used for other portions of this work as outlined in Appendix D of this Design Summary.


These tests were successfully accomplished at the factory as indicated earlier.

However, Wisconsin Electric will also perform l

these tests during the site acceptance testing.


_ This ' test cannot be "accomplishedEas~ outlinedfin'. Reg Guide'X9 R0v 3 i

because of ; the design !cf. the control _ ' scheme.

This.r test F will~ : be performed to. test the funetion'of the.controlfscheme aa designed.

9407180171 94C711


PDR ADOCK 05000266 P

POR PBNP.WPF 109 June 22, 1994

Th e" bu s [t i e-bre ake fs'pec i fi c a t i on s' h a've"p ro vi s i on sith a t' t he; req u i red " red U nd sn t' decay heat remov61}:for. the shutdown unit:and the required; redundant. shared engineered safeth feat'ures fore th'e?other unit"are. operable. Thef specification that'appliesonlyito:thedefueledcondition'does~'not.have:thelprovisionifor?the


requiredcredundant0d.ecay heat removalcforLthe? shutdown unit, citi has?provisi.oni foe verifying lthena'dequafytof-a ' single train of. spentyfuel pool coolingsindleu{off the consideration. of decay; heat removal, for_a reactor;inicold l shutdown #

The Point Beach DC electrical system has been modified so that each of the four main DC distribution buses, which are shared between the two units, has its own power supplies consisting of a safety-related station battery (DOS, D06, D105, D106) and a battery charger.

In addition to these bus-specific power supplies, a swing safety-related battery (D305) is inetsited which is capable of being conr.ected to any one of the four main C4 distribution buses.

Swing battery t

chargers are also provided. Under cormal circumstances, one battery and one battery charger are connected in each main DC distribution bus.

The battery charger normally shall be in service on each battery so that the batteries will always be at full charge in anticipation of a loss-of-AC power incident. Under unusual circumstances, two of the five safety-related batteries may be out of service for a limited period of time provided one of the two out-of-service batteries is returned to service within the time periods specified in Specification 15.3.7.B.I.hi..

These limiting conditions for operation ensure that adequate DC power will always be available for starting the emergency generators and other emergency uses.

The einergsncyidiesel;generatofsjaFe thef souFcesTofistandbylemergshcyfpowed The support systems necessary to be operable to ensure the operability of the emergency diesel generators (EDGs) are the EDG starting air system, EDG fuel oil system, EDG ventilat'on system, and EDG DC control power. Thelstind6f[~emefgency powe"r supply [ fort 4160 Volt and? associated"480TVolt1 safeguards bus consistsfor;is


operable l EDG,lincluding all reqJired support systems;'and anloperable! output brea.kerjtoithatL4160. Volt Lsafeguards bus. '


The LCOs' for theEstandby:smsrsency power supplies require the? redun' dint?stindby emergency; power supplies to beistarted within'24. hours:of: entry intoithese LCOs'.1


If the.' standby emergency power supply LC0~ is exited within:24t h'ours,Dthen starting of the redundant standby. emergency powerisupplies is not.~ required k:)lf.thelLCOLwas entered due to La standby,' emergency power supplylfailure'and..the:LC0fwaslexited within 24. hours, then an evaluation iaust bejompleted within 24~ hours of:entri into the that the)redundantTstandby poser; supplies areinotfsusceptib1d to1a common-cause failure or" the tredundant: standby emergency l power supplies must be started tolproveLthat'acommoncauselfailuredoes;not.existLwithinf24l hours.of entry into;thejlCO.

The EDG starting air system is considered operable when 1) all three starting air i

bottles in each bank are operable, 2) the starting air banks can be maintained at a minimum pressure of 165 psig, 3) the air bank crossconnect valve is shut unless i

Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.3.7-7 Unit 2 - Amendment No.


hank pressures are being equalized and an operator is statt..i at the valve

.aring pressure equalization, and 4) all four starting air motors and their associated valves and relays are operable.

The EDG fuel oil system is considered operable when 1) 11,000 gal. of fuel oil is initially available in the emergency fuel oil.fstorage tank Mich[supplie.s to the diesel generators [Because the EDGs consume approximately 205 gallons of fuel per hour when fully loaded, the 11,000 gallon fuel supply in the emergency fuel tank provides sufficient fuel to operate one EDG at design load for more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.], 2) the EDG day tank for;ithat}EDG ;is;operabis and f6KG;0f[isd[G2 2[thj I

0 associated motor-operated fill valve are is operable, 3) for G-Ol[and;Gs02r at least one of the two base-mounted sump tank fuel oil transfer pumps is operable, and 4) the fuel oil transfer pump ' y; stem associated with the EDG is operable.

s However, both the fuel oil transfer pump: and-the4r :::cciatc 3

are system is allowed to be out of service for four hours for.p pipi 9.and valve:

G01 and;GIO2 due to a combined four-hour supply of fuel oil in the diesel base and day tanks which do not require a fuel oil transfer pump for flow to the associated EDG. Thelf651;:@l tFansfEFsystem1 s #al l ossd Vbs"66 tiolf[s;e FVi c eJfoF%o]Qu Fs[fo r[ G!0F an'd : G-04 due;to aitwo-hourj supplylof,! inf thej day.jtank. The pumps tran{ferbystem may be out of service for longer than four heues peri 6ds if an appropriate alternate source of fuel is made available to the diesel generators.

The EDG ventilation system is considered operable when diesel room temperature can be maintained $120'F with the diesel engine operating at full load. Temperature will be maintained $120 'F if 1) all gravity-operated louvers are operable, and

2) both diesel room exhaust fans are operable M forlG-Ollihd]GE02i one diesel room exhaust fan is operable and outside air temperature is 580'F.

Normal DC control power must energize all DC circuits for the associated EDG to be operable. -The following DC cireu-it cre requvred to be powered for the ::cciated ECC te be cencidered operable +

0 01 Circuit 0._02 918 20 Start 2 015 20 914-01 Centrcl 014-M D-12 11 St+et 1 01' 11 O!2 13 a.nnunc-4+ter Dl' 14 D11 28 Field Flash D13 28 Thel 6rigina[AEC Safei)TEValuationTfoFPBNPlstitesOO6s'itsif0b1}sf6ragi@apaQly islsufficient-forfajminimum :of seven. days

  • operation'of{the requiped safety feature l loads which)isj accep. table."j - Therefors,ito satisfilthisire'quirementEst least:34,500 gallons ofj fuelfoil will be maintained availableTforf thelemergenci di.esel generatorsfat PointiBeach at;all; times.when:EDG;operabilitylisirequiredj i

Unit 1 - Amendment No.

15.3.7-8 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

