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Proposed Tech Specs Replacing License Condition 2.C.(5) Re Solid State Logic Modules W/New Requirement
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1990
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20066B738 List:
NUDOCS 9101080312
Download: ML20066B739 (3)



,e Ref: LCR 90-07 ATTACllMENT 2 INSERT AND MARKED-IIP PAGE 9101080312 901228 ADOCK0500gPg4 DR

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(41 Inservice inspection (Section 6.6, SER: Sections and 6.6.3, 55ER No. Si a.

PSE&G shall submit an inservice inspection program in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) for staff review by October 11, 1986.


Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) and for the reasons set forth in Sections and 6.6.3 of SSER No. 5, the relief identified in the PSE&G submittal dated November 18, 1985, as INSERT 1 revised by the submittal dated January P0,1986, requesting relief from certain requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(gl for the preservice inspection program, is granted.



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Fuel Storace and Handlino (Section 9.1, SSED No Si a.

No more than a total of three (31 fuel assemblies shall be out of approved shipping containers or fuel assembly storage racks or the reactor at any one time, b.

The above three (3) fuel assemblies as a aroup shall maintain a minimum edge-to-edge spacina of twelve (121 inches from the shipping container array and the storace rack array, Fresh fuel assemblies, when stored in their shipping con-c.

tainers, shall be stacked no more than three (3) containers high.

(71 Fire Protection (Section-,-SSER No. 5: Section 9.5.1, SSER No. 6)

PSE&G shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection proaram as. described in the Final-Safety Analysis Report for the facility through Amendment No. 15 and as described in its submittal dated May 13, 1986, and as approved in the SER dated October 1984 (and Supplements 1 through 6) sub.iect to the.following provislon:

PSE&G may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Comission only.if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

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Solid State Locic Modules PSE&G shall continue, f or the life of the plant, a reliability program to monitor the performance of the Dailey 862 SSLMa installed at Hope l

Creek Generating Station.

This program should obtain reliability data, l

failure characteristica, and root cause of failure of both safety-related and non-natety-related Bailey 862 SSLMa. The resulto of the reliability program shall be maintained on-alte and made available to the NRC upon request."

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