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Advises That NRC Expects Licensees Ref NUMARC Program Re Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers Will Review Results & Inform NRC of Actions Necessary & Schedule for Restoring Operability within 30 Days of Program Completion
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/1993
From: Milano P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Richard Anderson
GL-92-08, GL-92-8, TAC-M85526, TAC-M85527, NUDOCS 9311160078
Download: ML20059K495 (4)



1 f.p u%), UNITED STATES




November 9, 1993 Docket Nos. 50-324 and 50-325 Mr. R. A. Anderson Vice President Brunswick Nuclear Project Carolina Power & Light Company Post Office Box 10429 Southport, North Carolina 28461

Dear Mr. Anderson:




By letter dated April 16, 1993, Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) provided a response to Generic letter (GL) 92-08 for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 (BSEP). The response stated that the qualification of the Thermo-Lag fire barriers installed at BSEP were based on the vendor's testing and installation program.

Although Thermo-Lag barriers were evaluated and may have been considered qualified, the results of recent tests and inspections indicate that further sctions are now Thermo-Lag necessary to address fire endurance and ampacity derating of barriers. The CP&L response stated that appropriate actions to resolve these concerns were being developed through an industry program coordinated by NUMARC, and that CP&L would review the guidance and testing provided through the industry program to determine the appropriate corrective actions required to resolve this issue at BSEP. Compensatory measures _for inoperable barriers are in place and will remain in place until the fire barriers can be declared operable. Although the response to GL 92-08 stated that CP&L would notify the NRC prior to returning these installations to service, be it did not provide a schedule by which the corrective actions would completed.

l In the response to GL 92-08, CP&L indicated that the actions necessary to restore the operability of these barriers would be based on the results of the NUMARC program.

The NRC staff expects that licensees referencing the NUMARC program will review the results and, within 30 days after the completion of the program, inform the NRC of the actions necessary and the schedule for restoring the operability of these fire barriers. In accordance with the reporting requirements of GL 92-08, you are also to confirm in writing, completion of the corrective actions.

1 NRCru CB m R COPY l

I 9311160078 931109 PDR ADDCK 05000324 P

tW P PDR [d

I l

Mr. R. A. Anderson  !

The information requested by this letter is within the scope of the overall l burden estimate in Generic Letter 92-08, which was an average of 300 person-  !

hours for each addressee's response. This request is covered by Office of .

Management and Budget Clearance Number 3150-0011, which expires June 30, 1994. '

If you have any questions, please contact me at 301-504-1457. l Sincerely, ,


sVvG' i

,/' -

Patrick D. Milano, Project Manager  !

Project Directorate 11-1  !

Division of Reactor Projects - I/II l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '


See next page i




i l

8 .

! Mr. R. A. Anderson Brunswick Steam Electric Plant

' Carolina Power & Light Company Units I and 2 cc:

Mr. Mark S. Calvert Karen E. Long i Associate General Counsel Assistant Attorney General Carolina Power & Light Company State of North Carolina

. Post Office Box 1551 Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602


Mr. Kelly Holden, Chairman Mr. Robert P. Gruber t

Board of Commissioners Executive Director Post Office Box 249 Public Staff - NCUC

! Southport, North Carolina 28422 Post Office Box 29520 i Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0520 3 Resident Inspector

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. H. W. Habermeyer, Jr.

Star Route 1, Post Office Box 208 Vice President '

Southport, North Carolina 28461 Nuclear Services Department Carolina Power & Light Company Regional Administrator, Region II Post Office Box 1551 - Mail OHS 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 101 Marietta St., N.W., Ste. 2900 l

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. Dayne H. Brown, Director '

Division of Radiation Protection j N.C. Department of Environmental,

, Commerce and Natural Resources i

i Post Office Box 27687

Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687  !

l Mr. J. M. Brown i

Plant Manager - Unit 1 Carolina Power & Light Company i Brunswick Steam Electric Plant '

Post Office Box 10429 Southport, North Carolina 28461 ,

i Public Service Commission l

State of South Carolina i Post Office Drawer 11649 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 '

Mr. C. C. Warren  !

Plant Manager - Unit 2 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant ,

i Post Office Box 10429 '

Southport, North Carolina 28461 t

l 1

  • l l

r .

. November 9, 1993 Mr. R. A. Anderson The information requested by this letter is within the scope of the overall burden estimate in Generic Letter 92-08, which was an average of 300 person-hours for each addressee's response. This request is covered by Office of Management and Budget Clearance Number 3150-0011, which expires June 30, 1994.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 301-504-1457.

Sincerely, 1

Original Signed by: Singh Bajwa  !

Patrick D. Milano, Project Manager Project Directorate II-1 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II  :

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l i


See next page I

i DISTRIBUTION-Docket File C. McCracken E. Merschoff, Region II i NRC & Local PDRs C. Berlinger J. Johnson, Region II l l PD2-1 Reading File P. Madden H. Christensen, Region II l l S. Varga P. Milano R. Carroll, Region II '

l J. Wiggins W. Dean OGC i

G. Lainas P. Anderson ACRS (10)

S. Bajwa oA / ^ , Ib n 0FFICE LA:P h k JM:PD2-1 PM:PD3-h C:hPtI C:dLBhI D: PD2-Le NAME PAndhsYn PMildb WDea f CMcCracken CBehinger SBaj b '-

DATE 10/11/93 10/r1/93 10AJ/93 1[/ //93 l$/ 3/93 l$/7/93 i 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l DOCUMENT NAME: G:\BRUNSWIC\BR85526.LTR l

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