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Notice of Violation from Insp on 930712-16.Violation Noted: Licensee Granted 80 Individuals Unescorted Access W/O FBI Fingerprint Check Being Conducted & Failed to re-fingerprint 12 Individuals Deemed non-classifiable by FBI
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1993
Shared Package
ML20056E294 List:
50-327-93-34, 50-328-93-34, NUDOCS 9308230149
Download: ML20056E295 (2)



ENCLOSURE 1 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tennessee Valley Authority Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328 r

Sequoyah License Nos. OPR-77 and DPR-79 During an NRC inspection conducted on July 12-16, 1993, a violation of NRC requirements was identified.

In accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," the violation is listed below:

10 CFR 73.57(b)(7), states, "The licensee shall review the information received from the Attorney General and consider it in making a determination for granting unescorted access to the individual or access to Safeguards Information."

10 CFR 73.57(b)(8), states in part, "A licensee shall use the i

l information obtained as part of a criminal history records check solely l

for the purpose of determining an individual's suitability for l

unescorted access to the nuclear power facility or access to Safeguards Information."

10 CFR 73.57(d)(1), states in part, " Procedures for processing of fingerprint checks for the purpose of complying with this section, licensees shall submit one completed, legible standard fingerprint card..."

Contrary to the above, the licensee granted 80 individuals unescorted access without a FBI fingerprint check being cond%i,ad. Additionally, the licensee failed to re-fingerprint 12 individuals' after their fingerprints were deemed non-classifiable by the FBI on two occasions.

This is a Severity Level IV (Supplement III).

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Tennessee Valley Authority is hereby required to submit a written statement or explanation to the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C.

20555 with a copy to the Regional Administrator, Region II, a copy to the NRC Resident Inspector, Sequoyah within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice of Violation (Notice). This reply should be clearly marked as a " Reply to a Notice of Violation" and should include for each violation:

(1) the reason for the violation, or, if contested, the basis for i

disputing the violation, (2) the corrective steps that have been taken and the results achieved, (3) the corrective steps that will be taken to avoid further violations, and (4) the date when full compliance will be achieved.

If an adequate reply is not received within the time specified in this Notice, an order or Demand for Information may be issued as to why the license should not Y $ $b$27 f




Tennessee Valley Authority 2

Docket Nos.: 50-327 and 50-328 Sequoyah License Nos.: DPR-77 and DPR-79 be modified, suspended, or revoked, or why such other action as may be proper should not be taken. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the response time.

Dated at Atlanta, Georgia this/29 day of August 1993 i



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