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Responds to Equipment Qualification Branch Questions CS 270.3,CS 270.10,CS 270.11 & 270.13.Responses Will Be Incorporated Into PSAR Amend 69,scheduled for 820528
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 05/17/1982
From: Longenecker J
To: Check P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
HQ:S:82:031, HQ:S:82:31, NUDOCS 8205190210
Download: ML20052G980 (6)



Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20545 Docket No. 50-537 HQ:S:82:031 MAY 171982 Mr. Paul S. Check, Director CRBR Program Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Check:



1) Letter, P. S. Check to J. R. Longenecker, "CRBRP Request for Additional Information," dated March 9,1982
2) Letter, P. S. Check to J. R. Longenecker, "CRBRP Request for Additional Information," dated March 11, 1982 This letter formally responds to your request for additional information contained in the referenced letters.

reclosed are responses to questions CS 270.3, CS 270.10, CS 270.11, and CS 270.13 in the area of equipment qualification. These responses will also be incorporated into the PSAR Amendment 69, scheduled for May 28.

Sincerely, J n R. Longene r, Manager Licensing & Environmental Coordination Office of Nuclear Energy Enclosure cc: Service List Standard Distribution Licensing Distribution 98!

8205190210 820517 DR ADOCK 05000537 PDR

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Ouestion f'O70.3 i

NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan Section 3.11 requires environmental  !

quellfication of mechanical as well as electrical equipment. Expl ain in i detall how you intend to comply with the requirements for the environmental qualification of mechanical equipment.  ;

Pronosed Resnonse to NRC Ouestion CS270.3 (

As required by CRBRP Design Criterion 5, safety-related mechanical equipment Is dosigned f or the external envf ronmental conditions associated wIth normal i '

j operation, operational occurrences and postulated accidents. These. external environments and the Internal environments form the basis for the Design Cod,e Requirements ( ASE, etc.). Furthermore, the safety-related mechanical .

equipment must meet the applicable requirements of the Active Pump and Valve Operability Program (Section 3.9) and the Selsmic Design Criteria (Section i i 3.10).  ;

in addition, sodium aerosols have been recognized to be a unique environment for CRBRP equipment. Safety-related mechanical equipment wIII be required to ,

perform its safety function within its specification requirements in the t applicable severe or non-severe sodium aerosol environments. Sodium aerosol environments within cells where sodium aerosols originate or within cells that directly ingest significant quantitles of sodium aerosols are specified as

" severe sodium aerosol environments." Extremely low sodium aerosol environments in air filled cells, other than those in which the aerosols  ;

originate, are classified as "non-severe sodium aerosol environments." For safety-related mechanical equipment exposed to severe sodium aerosol environments, testing of prototypic equipment is the preferred method of performance vorIfIcation. Analysis wIII be performed onty when extensive experience or testing exists to support the verification. For safety-related mechanical equipment exposed to non-severe sodium aerosol enviroiments, l 2

analysis and/or past operating experience is the preferred method of '

performance verification.

These elaments of safety-related mechanlcal equipment design are utiiIzed to ,

ensure that this equipment will perform its safety function in the presence of [

external accident environments. The external environments determined to be  !

applicable for each safety-related mechanical component (sodlum aerosol,  !

pressure, temperature, radiation, and/or humidity) are design requirements contained in the Equipment Specifications for those components.

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! I QCS270.3-1 i

' Amend. 69 May 1982 82-0287

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Page 1 (82-0287)'[8/i2]#54~~~

Ouestion CS270.10 The equipment qualification progran at CRBR involves several parties, the Department of Energy, Project Management Corporation, and various vendors.

When the plant is f ully licensed and operational, it will be turned over to the plant operator. It is essential for the operator of the plant to maintain all relevant documentation on equipment qualification in an auditable manner at a central location. Regarding equipment qualification the details of the Interactions of the organizations and locations of the central file should be provided by anending appropriate sections of the PSAR.


CRBRP will maintain all relevant documentation on equipment quellfication in an auditable manner at a central Iocation. The documentation requirements for Class IE equipment cualification are described in Reference B as specified in PSAR Section 3.11.2, " Qualification Tests and Analyses." The overall system for collection, storage, and maintenance of this documentation is descrioed in PSAR Chapter 17, Appendix A, paragraph 17.1, " Quality Assurance Records:

Owner implementation," and paragraph 17.2, " Quality Assurance Records:

Requirements of Ofher Participants." Briefly stated, this quality records management system specifies that the environmental qualification data packages are to be deciared as Iifettme quality records by each responsible participant and are to be transmitted to the Project Office for collection, storage, and maintenance by the ' owner at the Owners Level lil Quality Records Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Pursuant to the CRBRP Project implementation of the records storage requirements of ANSI N45.2.9, a duplicate file of these records is to be maintained for security purposes at the regional federal records center established for the CRBRP Project.

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l QCS270.10-1 Amend. 69 l

May 1982 L -

YCge 2 (UL-U261) LOluJgd Ouestion CS270.11 Recognizing that margins to be used in developing the required seismic and dynamic loadings are to be in accordance with the requirements of IEEE Stendard 344-1975, provide en amendment that addresses (a) how the input loeding specified in the purchase specification will be verified against the final design values, and (b) what method will be used to establish the total margin consisting of an input envelope over a number of similar equipment, dif f erences between the initial input and final design input, and the test input versus the required input.


(a) The input loading specified in the purchase specification is in itself a controlled design data. Verification against the final design values is assured by the established Design Control procedures. These procedures are part of the Project QA Program, which is described in detall in the CRBRP PSAR Chapter 17.

(b) Where en input envelope over a number of similar equipment is used, the adequacy of cargin is established by assuring the minimum value case satisfies the requirement. As in (a) above, such an input envelope will be in itself a controlled design data. Verifications of the Initial input against the final design input and of the test input versus the required input are assured by a combination of established procedures including: Design Control Procedures, Test Control Procedures, end Procurement Document Control Procedures under the Project QA Program as described in PSAR Chapter 17.

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l QCS270.11-1 Atend. 69

! May 1982 W6fM/

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4 Page 3 (824287)T8/22]i34 Question f'O70.13 Some equipoent exporiences hIgh temperatures. Material behavior under the j ef fects of high temperature during normal operation can go from the linear to  !

the non-linear region. Thus, normal operating loads superimposed with seismic  ;

and dynamic loads are likely to produce non-linear responses in equipment. i l Discuss in detall in the amendment the non-linear analysis procedures to be i

used for equipment quellfication. In the case of seismic analysis to account .

for the non-linear effects indicate how the nonuniqueness of seismic time

. history will be considered. Indicate what method or criteria will be used, including reduction of allowable stresses beyond those that are established  :

for pressure boundary integrity, to account for the effects of material l non-linearity at high temperatures and creep to ensure equipment operability.


PSAR Section 3.7 and Appendix 3.7-A describes the requirements, load  !

combinations and analysis methods for seismic analysis. The non-linear l

! material response and analysis methodology utilized is described in  !

RDT F9-4T and RDT F9-5T (if this standard is applied to the specific j component). For Illustrative purposes, a detailed response is provided for i the permanent reactor internals.  !

t Permanent reactor internals are designed to the appropriate ASME criteria

( ASE - 111, including CC N-47) with additional restrictions to assure l component operability. The operability requirements are particularly critical for components related to reactor shutdown, such as the control rods and interfacing equipment, in general, these restrictions include an upgrade of j the seismic events to more stringent requirements such as evaluating the OBE i as ASME Normal (Service Condition A) and the SSE as ASME Emergency (Service  !

Condition C), as well as detailed studies to evaluate the acceptable control  :

rod insertion time. Normally, the OBE would be evaluated to Upset (Service i Condition B) and SSE to Faultsd (Service Condition D) limits.

1 In general, seismic and thermal stresses are not critical at the same l locations due to the different nature of the loading conditions. Seismic events are most significant for thin sections when primary stresses and i 1 stability are critical. Thermal stresses are generally most significant at l thick sections where the thermal Inertia of the component produces large  !

thermal stresses. A typical situation where the thermal and seismic stresses l

, are both important would be the Intersection of thin and thick sections. The seismic stresses in this section may be significant by themselves while the l thermal stresses may also be sIgnifIcant due to the dif feronce in thermal j response of the two sections at the discontinuity. In these situations, the i

. following general procedures apply. l (1) One OBE event is combined with the worst upset event at the most  !

critical time in the upset event. Four OBE events are combined with j the worst normal operating condition.

(2) The SSE event is combined with most adverse normal operating i condition.

l (3) In these situations, there is generally one stress component (or ef fective stress / strain is used) that is highly predominate relative l

QCS270.13-1 Amend. 69 May 1982


ecge 4 (cz-UzuD LU/24.lco to the other components. The thermal and seismic eye.nts are l conservatively cabined to maximize these critical stress components.

(4) The requirements of RDT F9-5T regarding bilinear stress strain curves and 10th cycle kinematic hardening are imposed in the analysis.

The ef fects of this load combination may be stated f or three separate cases.

In:all cases, the total increased creep and f atigue damage due to this loading combination is generally relatively small due to the limited number of events considered.

2 Case 1: Structure does not yield The loading combination produces larger primary plus secondary and f atigue stress ranges than either event acting alone, but does not result in a residual stress. Thus the f atigue damage is increased, but the creep damage is not af fected by the load combination.

Case 2: Structure yields only during loading The loading combination produces larger primary plus secondary and f atigue stress ranges than either event acting alone, and results in a residual stress that may produce creep damage in the structure.

The residual stress and resultant creep damage Increment is dependent en the maximum strain produced by the' loading combination.

Case 3: Structures yield during loading and unloading This loading combination produces a larger primary plus secondary and f atigue stress and strain range than either event alone and results in a residual stress that contributes to creep damage at elevated steady state temperatures. This residual stress is somewhat dependent upon the total strain in the event combination because of the bilinearized stress strain curve (and resultant variations in yield stress and plastic modulus) approach specified by RDT F9-5T.

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QCS270.13-2 Amend. 69 i May 1982 l