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Final Deficiency Rept Re Pipe Support Beam Attachments (Struts) Initially Reported 801113.Matl Coordination Group Directed to Terminate Releasing Brackets to Field,Effective 820219.New M-146 Brackets Will Be Used
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/1982
From: Wells D
To: Keppler D
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, EF2-57152, NUDOCS 8204050296
Download: ML20050B406 (2)




~ hl Donald A. Wells 9.* yay OwVn Avnce f31M 237 M 1 2000 Se Edison m=cond Avenue March 24, 1989 c0 1g EF2-57152 eN

'g Mr. James G. Keppler, Director D

Region III 4PgQpID



U U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g


799 Roosevelt Road b,,

' M Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 1


Dear Mr. Keppler:

\\ /



Final Report of 10CFR50.55(e) Item on Pipe Support Beam Attachments (Struts) (#33)

This is Detroit Edison's final report on the Pipe Su mort Beam Attachments (Struts) problem at the Fermi 2 Site.

On October 27, 1981, Detroit Edison transmitted to you what was considered to be Detroit Edison's final report on the Pipe Support Beam Attachments (Struts) problem. Since that time, investigation of the problem has revealed that the problem involved additional sizes of beam attachments other than the Size 6 and Size 8 struts originally reported. The problem was originally reported to Mr. P. A. Barrett of NRC Region III by Detroit Edison's Mr. H. A. Walker, Supervisor-Construction Quality Assurance, on November 13, 1980.

In order to avoid any potential problems associated with the Power Piping l

HS-142 Beam Attachments, due to ceitsin combinations of load and load application angles (when installed), the Material Coordination group has been directed to terminate releasing these brackets to the field effective February 19, 1982.

In lieu of the HS-142 brackets, the new M-146 brackets will be used. Recent stock inventory dated February 18, 1982, indicated an adequate supply of the M-146 brackets available. Henceforth, orders to Power Piping for beam attachemnts will specify the M-146 only.

Regarding the (97) HS-142 beam attachments currently listed as available stock material, they are to be removed from stock and placed in a holding basket or crate tagged DO NOT USE.

Upon completion of this, storage of these items should be in the Quonset Building near Laydown Ares 4.

Stone and Webster Site Design Group has been directed also to use the M-146 Beam Attachments on all new design releases effective February 19, 1982.

If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. H. A.

Walker, Supervisor-Construction Quality Assurance.

Very truly yours,


, s HAW:mb MAR 2 6 1982 82040502 % 820324

  1. O PDR ADOCK 05000341 S


f Mr. James G. Keppler March 24, 1982 Page Two EF2-57152 cc:

Mr. Richard DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Division of Reactor Inspection Programs U. S. Nucleat Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Bruce Little, Resident Inspector U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6450 North Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 L