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LER 90-002-00:on 900102,during Annual Water Sprinkler Sys Valve Position Insp,Discovered That Valve 2-4199-072 Not Cycled Per Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement 4.12.Caused by Procedural Deficiency.Procedure to Be revised.W/900130 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1990
From: Bax R, Smith E
LER-90-002, RLB-90-032, NUDOCS 9002090003
Download: ML20011E182 (4)


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  • oued Cities Nuclear Power Station 22710 306 Avenue North ooreove,ilunone ett42 Tenophom 300/464 2241 RLB-90-032 January 30. 1990 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington. OC 20555


Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Docket Number 50-265, DPR-30, Unit Two Enclosed is Licensee Event Report (LER) 90-02, Revision 00, for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station.

This report is submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B): The Licensee shall report any operation or condition prohibited by the piant's Technical Specification.


. QUAD CITIES NUCLEAR POWER STATION dk R. L. Bax Station Manager RLB/MJB/eb Enclosure cc: R. Stols R. Higgins INPO Records Center NRC Region III

.2572H 9002090003 900130 PDR ADOCK 05000265 /l S PDC


F. Arm Rev 2.0 Facility name (1) Docket Number (2) Pane f31  ;

. u tittas unit Teen . , , _ 1 $1ofofof21&l1 1 leflcl3 fttle (4)

Mitted Tae41 cal taarif ttatian Fire Valve turveillante. valve not cycled due to nratadure inadenuaev.

Event hate (1) LtR n'

  • ar (61 H Renart, gate (7) Other Facilities Involved FBI f Month Day Year Year $eguential, /// Revision Month Day Year _ Facility Names oncket werf t)

=~ r ##/// r of si of 01 of I I of 1 of 2 el e el o oIo12 o1o o1I slo el o el 11 of of of I I THis REPORT !$ $UtM!Tito PutsuANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10CFR .

f ehark one or amore of the f ellowinal (111 4 20.402(b) 20.40$(c)

_. 50.73(a)(2)(iv) 73.71(b)

POWER 20.40b(a)(1)(1) 50.36(c)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) _ 73.71(c)

Ltytt 20.405(a)(1)(ii) 50.36(c)(2) . 50.73(a)(2)(vii) Other (specify lion ol7l2 20.405(a)(1)(iii) .K. 50.73L4)(2)(1) _ 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A) in Abstract

////////////////////////// 20.405(a)(1)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(ii) 50.73(a)(2)(v111)(B) below and in

////////////////////////// 20.405(a)(1)(v) 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 50.73(a)(2)(x) Text)

LittMitt CONTACT FOR THis LER (121 Name fittPHONE NUMBER AREA c00t

[. Hayden Smith. Technical itaff. Ext. 2116- 3Iole 61 11 41 -l 21 21 di t0MPLETE ONE LINE FOR [ACH COM DN N F AILURt otstR1Rto IN TfL11 EQQRT (13)

CAU$t $Y5ftM COMPOWENT MANUFAC- REPORTABLE CAU$t $Y$ TEM COMPONENT MANUFAC- REPORTA8Lt fuRER TO NPRo1 TURER TO NPRDS I l l I I I I N I I I I I I I I l l I I I I I l ! I I I I SUPPLEMthfAL REPORT ExPttito f 14) tapected Month I oav i Year Submission lYet (If vet. cannlette EXPT [TED $URMIS$10N Daft) X l No ah (W g lg lg ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces. i.e. approximately fif teen sirgle-spect typewritten lines) (16)


At 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> on January 2, 1990, Unit Two was in the RUN mode at 72 percent rated core thermal power. During review of QOS 4100-S12 Annual Suppression Systems Valve Operability Checklist, the Operating Engineer discovered that the procedure had not been completed within the Technical Specification time requirements. An in-line sprinkler system valve, 2-4199-72, had not been hand cycled to verify operability, thereby not complying with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.12. The Shift Engineer then instructed Operating personnel to cycle valve 2-4199-72.

This event occurred due to a procedural inadequacy. The associated procedure will be revised to ensure that this surveillance is completed on the required equipment within the required time limits. This report is submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

l 2520H

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,, tierstrr EVEnf atpaaf f LEtt TEXT tamfimuATIfW Farm tev 2.0 f FACILITY NADE (1) DOCKET NUMBin (2) _1ER.NLDRER.f61 Pana f M

, . vear ff; se. vent m

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/// /// =~r a citiet unit Yun o I E l e I e i o 1 21 61 i e10 - oIo12 - oI o 012 0F ois itxt Energy Industry Identification system (E!!s) codes are identified in the text as (XX)


General Electric - Bolling Water Reactor - 2511 MWt rated core thermal power.

EVENT IDENTIFICATION: Missed Technical Specification Fire Valve Surveillance, valve ,

not cycled due to procedure inadequacy.


Unit: Two Event Date: January 2, 1990 Event Time:- 1300 ,

Reactor Mode: 4 Mode Name: RUN Power Level: 72% i This report was initiated by Deviation Report D-4-2-90-002 RUN Mode (4) - In this position the reactor system pressure is at or above 825 service (excluding the 15% high flux scram). ~


At 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> on January 2, 1990, Quad Cities Unit Two was in the RUN mode at 72 3 percent core thermal power. During a review of 005 4100-2, Annual Water Sprinkler '

System Valve Position Inspection, and associated checklist QOS 4100-S12, Annual

  • Suppression Systems Valve Operability Checklist, the Operating Engineer (OE) -

discovered that valve (ISV) 2-4199-072 was not cycled in accordance with Technical Specification surveillance requirement 4.12. Valve 2-4199-72 (72) was last cycled. -

on April 20, 1988, and was required to be cycled before April 20, 1989. There was no outage report initiated.

After discovery of the Incomplete survelliance, Operating personnel cycled the valve on January 2, 1990 to verify its operability. '


This report is being submitted in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B) which requires that the licensee report any operation or condition prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications, The cause of this event is procedural deficiency. QOS 4100-2 and associated checklist QOS 4100-S12 did not clearly require certain High Radiation area valves be inspected. The checklist stated that these valves did not have to be inspected then the applicable unit is in operation. For "ALARA" purposes, the surveillance

-checklist also stated that these valves should be tested while the unit is not operating, The Operating department interpreted this to read that the valves listed did not have to be cycled at all to complete the surveillance and checklist. However, all i valves with the exception of in-line isolation valve 72 had been cycled within the

required time limit.

Isolation valve 72 is an in-line valve locatec an the wet pipe fire suppression sprinkler system [KP] located in the Low Press m Heater Bay (LPHB). Besides being '

I in a High Radiation area, it is located in an extremely difficult place to reach.

L 2s20H

i' tiramur tvtui atPoet f Ltti Ytrf comTtmuATION Fara Ray 2.0

'F5C!1!TY hant (1) DOCKit NuetR (2) Ltt muMata fE1 PAna ts) ,

Year //p sequential Revision i l/j/l/  ;


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r jjj m+r j nuam estiam unit Two o l E l o I o I o I fl El E eio - o1o12 - oI o 013 or 013 ;

firi Energy Industry Identtf tcation system (ttts) cooes are identified in the text as [XX) ,


The safety of the plant and the public were not affected by this event. Per  !

Technical Specification 4.12.B.I.d. each Fire Suppression System shall be demonstrated operable at least once per year by cycling each testable yklve in the '

flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.  !

Valve 72 is chain-locked in the open position and there is an additional valve '

located downstream that provides redundant isolation capabilities should valve 72 have been inoperable. The isolation valve was cycled as required by Technical Specification and found to be operable, thereby, proving that the fire suppression ,

system was fully operable and would have been able to perform its intended function  ;

in the event of a fire.



The immediate corrective action was to cycle the valve 2-4199-072. This was completed on January 2, 1990.

As further corrective action, 005 4100-2 and checklist QOS 4100-S12 will be revised to clearly designate that all valves are to be cycled within the appropriate time, regardless of the location or mode of operation. (NTS 2652009000201)


l Previously, LER 254/88-15 (Missed Fire Protection Valve Surveillance) was written due to a missed Technical Specification Surveillance. However, the cause of LER ,

88/15 was not similar to the event discussed in this report. Therefore the corrective actions described in this LER are considered sufficient.


No component failures were involved with this event.
