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ML20029E20611 May 1994LER 93-025-01:on 931205,Loop a MSIVs Exceeded TS Leakage Limit.Caused by Failure of Fastner Locking Devices.Seating Surface of Main Disc in MSIV 1A Machined & Successfully Pass LLRT on 940116.W/940511 Ltr
ML17352B2501 October 1993LER 93-014-00:on 930902,discovered That IRM 11 & APRM Both in Bypassed Condition W/O Half Scram Being Inserted Due to Work Practices.Irm 11 Taken Out of Bypassed Condition & Individual Involved counselled.W/931001 LtrHalf scram
ML17352B2511 October 1993LER 93-019-00:on 930903,RHR Pump 1A Inadvertently Started Due to Personnel Error.Pump Immediately Secured & Individual Involved Counselled on Importance of self-check.W/931001 Ltr
ML20046A18021 July 1993LER 92-007-00:on 930624,Toxic Gas Analyzer Inoperable Due to Personnel Error Caused by Lack of Procedural Adherence. Isolated CR Ventilation,Restarted Sample Pump & Restored CR Ventilation Sys to Outside Air suction.W/930721 Ltr
ML20045H57813 July 1993LER 93-013-00:on 930613,internal Electrical Fault within Main Power Transformer Tripped & Caused Reactor Scram & Unexpected Group I Isolation.Caused by Turbine Stop Valve Closure.Transformer replaced.W/930713 Ltr
ML20045G7299 July 1993LER 93-005-00:on 930609,numerous Alarms Received in CR, Including HPCI Turbine Rupture Disc High Pressure Alarm. Caused by Ruptured Disk,Releasing Steam/Water Mixture. Test Will Be Conducted on Rupture disks.W/930709 LtrNuclear Accident Reporting System
ML20045G0952 July 1993LER 93-011-00:on 930602,HPCI Declared Inoperable in Order to Perform Qcos 2300-13.Caused by MSC Stem & Stem Gear Being Scored & Worn from Age Causing Excessive Friction.C/As Include Disassembling Gearbox Every 10 yrs.W/930702 Ltr
ML20045F33230 June 1993LER 93-012-00:on 930601,U-2 DG Cooling Water Pump Inoperable Due to Inadequate lubrication.U-2 DG Cooling Water Pump replaced.W/930630 Ltr
ML20045F32528 June 1993LER 93-007-01:on 930307,B Loop MSIV Exceeded TS Leakage Limits for Containment Isolation Valves Caused by Damaged Flexitalic Bonnet Gasket.Replaced Bonnet Gasket & Valve Successfully Retested (WR Q061987).W/930622 Ltr
ML20044E61714 May 1993LER 93-006-00:on 930420,Unit 2 Nso Inadvertently Started Unit 1 DG When Attempting to Start Shared (1/2) Dg.Caused by Personnel Error.Unit 1 DG Shut Down & 1/2 DG Started & Loaded successfully.W/930514 Ltr
ML20044C9517 May 1993LER 93-009-00:on 930408,technician Discovered That Estimate of Sample Flow for U2 Reactor Bldg Vent Sampler Flow Rate Monitor Not Calculated.Caused by Personnel Error.Technician counseled.W/930428 LtrMissed surveillance
ML20024G68119 April 1991LER 91-008-00:on 910322,reactor Bldg Ventilation Isolation Occurred.Caused by Lightning Strike.Control Room Vents Reset & Toxic Gas Sample Point a Selected.Addl Trips Associated W/ Lightning Strike Immediately reset.W/910418 Ltr
ML20029C1248 March 1991LER 91-005-01:on 910131,1/2 B Standby Gas Treatment Sys Autostart During RPS B Power Swap Due to an Inadequate Procedure.Nso Reset 1/2 Scram & 1/2 Groups II & III isolations.W/910306 Ltr
ML20029B5908 March 1991LER 91-004-00:on 910211,standby Liquid Control Sys of Unit 1 & 2 Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Mod Testing.Engineering Dept Evaluating Data & Temporary Procedure 6589 Generated. W/910308 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML20028H78423 January 1991LER 90-032-00:on 901224,1/2A Diesel Fire Pump Taken out-of- Svc on 901217 & Not Returned to Svc Before Seven Day Time Allotment Expired.Caused by Mgt Deficiency.Fire Pump Successfully Tested & Returned to svc.W/910123 Ltr
ML20028H68321 January 1991LER 90-034-00:on 901223,high Chlorine Concentration Caused Control Room Ventilation Manual Isolation & ESF Actuation. Caused by Instrument Error Code & Misinterpretation of Analyzer Indication.Flow reduced.W/910121 Ltr
ML20028G91428 September 1990LER 90-018-00:on 900829,plant Outside Design Spec for Electrical Separation Criteria for Two Redundant Safety Sys. Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review During Leads installation.W/900928 LtrFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML20044B24012 July 1990LER 90-012-00:on 900612,control Room Ventilation Emergency Air Filtration Unit Declared Inoperable.Caused by Heater Malfunction.Work Request initiated.W/900712 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML20044B00911 July 1990LER 90-011-00:on 900611,diesel Fire Pump 1/2 a Out of Svc for Period Exceeding 7 Days Reporting Criteria,To Install New Suction Line.Caused by Required Maint Work.Repairs Completed & Pump Tested & Returned to svc.W/900711 Ltr
ML20043H48321 June 1990LER 90-010-00:on 900522,while Returning RWCU Sys to Svc, Nonregenerative HX High Temp Alarm Received,Challenging ESF Logic & Causing Group III Isolation.Caused by Leaking RWCU Check Valves.Work Requests issued.W/900621 Ltr
ML20043H29318 June 1990LER 90-009-00:on 900518,determined That Various Containment Vols Not Leak Rate Tested Due to Recent 10CFR50,App J Interpretation Re Licensing Design Criteria.Mod M4-1(2)-89-167 initiated.W/900618 LtrLoop seal
Packing leak
Local Leak Rate Testing
Integrated leak rate test
ML20043H95213 June 1990LER 90-016-01:on 900411,motor Control Ctr Relay 28/29-5 Setpoint Drift Occurred,Resulting in Analyzed Plant Condition.Caused by Utilizing Wrong Relay & Inadequate Review of GE Svc Info Ltr.Relay replaced.W/900613 LtrUnanalyzed Condition
Stroke time
Fuel cladding
ML20043E9127 June 1990LER 90-006-00:on 900508,Unit 2 RCIC Declared Inoperable Due to Unstable Operation of RCIC Pump Flow Controller.Caused by Proportional Band of Controller Being Set to Respond to Changes in Flow Too Quickly.Flow controlled.W/900607 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML20043F2341 June 1990LER 90-001-01:on 891208,seven Pathways Not Included in Type B & C Local Leak Rate Test Program.Caused by Misinterpretation of 10CFR50,App J Requirements.Required Vents & Test Taps Will Be installed.W/900601 LtrSquib
ML20043F2161 June 1990LER 89-024-01:on 891214,main Turbine Unexpectedly Tripped Following Isolation of Reactor Water Level Switch (Lits). Caused by Channel B Lits Having Been Previously Replaced W/ Switch That Operated Reverse function.W/900601 LtrFeedwater Controller Failure
ML20042E49917 April 1990LER 90-007-00:on 900318,ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Mgt Deficiency in Not Providing Sufficient Guidance for Review of Work Package After Scope Changed.New Work Package Preparation Procedures initiated.W/900417 Ltr
ML20012C72315 March 1990LER 90-004-00:on 900213,loss of Emergency Bus 23-1 Occurred Due to Shorted Conductor Cable While Performing Wiring Verification.Caused by Personnel Error & Improper Installation.Electric Power Supplies recovered.W/900315 Ltr
ML20012C71715 March 1990LER 90-003-00:on 900213,unit Diesel Generator Tripped on Overspeed Upon Manual Startup for Testing.Caused by Misadjustment of Diesel Generator Governor.Diesel Generator Equipment Reset & Governor adjusted.W/900315 Ltr
ML20012B2935 March 1990LER 90-002-00:on 900204,determined That Only Reactor Bldg Differential Pressure of 0.24-inch Water Vacuum Could Be Obtained,In Violation of Tech Spec Required 0.25 Inch.Caused by Testing Deficiency.Leak Paths sealed.W/900305 LtrShutdown Margin
ML20012B2965 March 1990LER 90-003-00:on 900205,determined That Leakage Rate for HPCI Sys Steam Exhaust Check Valve Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Excessive Leakage.Check Valve Replaced W/ Mission Check Valve W/Carbon Steel springs.W/900305 LtrLocal Leak Rate Testing
ML20011E18230 January 1990LER 90-002-00:on 900102,during Annual Water Sprinkler Sys Valve Position Insp,Discovered That Valve 2-4199-072 Not Cycled Per Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement 4.12.Caused by Procedural Deficiency.Procedure to Be revised.W/900130 LtrHigh Radiation Area
ML19354D94315 January 1990LER 89-025-00:on 891220,determined That Reactor Bldg Overhead Auxiliary Hook May Have Contacted Side of New Fuel Bundle on 891214,causing Extensive Damage.Caused by Personnel Error.Bundle Shipped Back to GE.W/900115 Ltr
ML19354D94815 January 1990LER 89-023-00:on 891219,identified Deficient Temporary Procedures Which Altered Intent of Original Procedure QAP 1100-7.Caused by Mgt Oversight in Preparation of Tech Spec Change.Temporary Procedures revised.W/900115 Ltr
ML20005F5888 January 1990LER 90-001-00:on 891208,seven Pathways Not Included in Type B & C Local Leak Rate Testing Program.Caused by Misinterpretation of 10CFR50,App J Testing Requirements.Mod of Sys to Be Performed as necessary.W/900108 LtrSquib
ML20005G0232 January 1990LER 88-020-01:on 880619,improper Valving Sequence Occurred Which Resulted in Various ESF Actuations.Caused by Inadequate Equipment out-of-svc Procedure.Procedure Revised & Training Lesson Plan developed.W/900102 Ltr
ML20005E45328 December 1989LER 89-022-00:on 891128,HPCI Declared Inoperable Following Unexpected Actuation of HPCI Pump Room Deluge Sys.Actuation Caused Dc Sys Grounds Due to Moisture Intrusion in Electrical Equipment.Equipment dried.W/891228 LtrSafe Shutdown
Fire Watch
ML20005D95522 December 1989LER 89-021-00:on 891124,HPCI Deluge Sys Functional Test Not Completed within Tech Spec Interval of 6 Months.Caused by Mgt Deficiency & Insufficient Procedure.Procedures Revised to Better Control Tech Specs.W/891222 LtrFire Watch
ML19351A63915 December 1989LER 89-020-00:on 891117,full Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Simultaneous Loss of Power to 1A & 1B 24/48-volt Distribution Panels During Panel Transfer.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Trained Re event.W/891215 Ltr
ML19332E7585 December 1989LER 89-019-00:on 891105,half Group II & III Isolation Occurred While Performing Valve Flow Check Surveillance. Caused by Leaky Isolation Valve on Transmitter.Surveillance Methods Will Be Reviewed & Procedures revised.W/891205 LtrHydrostatic
ML19332C75820 November 1989LER 89-017-00:on 891022,discovered That 6-month Functional Test Procedure Qos 500-3 Re Functional Test for Reactor Protection Sys Electrical Assemblies Not Completed in Required Time.Caused by Mgt deficiency.W/891120 LtrHalf scram
ML19327C0709 November 1989LER 89-018-00:on 891012,notification Given of Potential Single Failure of Diesel Generator Voltage Regulator That Could Result in Loss of All But One ECCS Loop.Caused by Design Deficiency.New Procedure developed.W/891109 Ltr
ML19327C0954 November 1989LER 89-005-00:on 891012,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Turbine Stop Valve Closure.Caused by Personnel Error in That Work Analyst Overlooked Removal of Two Connections on Limit Switch.Maint Workers Immediately counseled.W/891104 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML19327C2631 November 1989LER 87-009-01:on 870801,reactor Scram Occurred from Turbine Generator Load Mismatch Due to Generator Trip.Caused by Electrical Fault in Main Transformer C Phase Windings.Main Transformer Replaced w/spare.W/891103 LtrScram Discharge Volume
ML19325E82630 October 1989LER 87-012-01:on 870918,while Performing Qos 1600-1, Vacuum Breaker 2-1601-33E Remained Open After Testing.Caused by Binding in Test Cylinder Portion of Vacuum Breaker. Nuclear Work Requests completed.W/891030 Ltr
ML19325E59224 October 1989LER 87-017-01:on 870805,Group IV Isolation Received Which Resulted in Closure of HPCI Steam Supply Valves.Caused by Failed HPCI Steamline Differential Pressure Transmitter Due to Loss of Oil in Sensing cell.W/891024 Ltr
ML19325E59724 October 1989LER 88-003-01:on 880301,while Performing RCIC Monthly Test, RCIC Pump Could Only Achieve 400 Gpm Against Discharge Pressure of 500 Psig.Caused by Failed Hydraulic Actuator on Turbine Governor Valve.Actuator replaced.W/891024 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML19327B79018 October 1989LER 89-016-00:on 890921,during Transfer of New Fuel,Fuel Assembly Released from Refueling Grapple & Fell Upon Spent Fuel Racks.Caused by Personnel Error & Procedural Deficiency.Fuel Handling Procedures Revised
ML19327B04916 October 1989LER 89-015-00:on 890916,during Transfer,Loss of Power to Off Gas Monitor a Caused Contacts to Open Giving Upscale Radiation Signal,Thus Starting Off Gas Timer.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Off Gas Sys reset.W/891016 Ltr
ML19325C5342 October 1989LER 89-014-00:on 890910,determined That Combined Leakage Rate from All Penetrations & Valves Exceeded Tech Spec Limit.Root Cause Unknown.No Corrective Action Taken. Supplemental Rept Will Be issued.W/891002 Ltr
ML18052B55424 August 1987LER 87-015-00:on 870731,capacitor Failed on 1B Reactor Bldg & Refuel Floor Radiation Monitors Resulting in Safety Feature Actuation.Caused by Normal Aging.Capacitor replaced.W/870825 Ltr