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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Cable Pulling Problems Initially Reported on 810108.Potentially Damaged Cables in Contact W/Sharp Edges & ty-wraps Which Indented Cable Jacket.Next Rept to Be Sent by 810828
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1981
From: Wells D
To: James Keppler
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, EF2-49-967, NUDOCS 8105060319
Download: ML20003H554 (1)


O Detroit go - 3 Edison LJ -

April 30, 1981 EF2-49,967 Mr. James G. Keppler, Director Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccx: mission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137


Interim Report of 10GR50.55(e) Item on Cable Pulling Problers (#38).

Dear Mr. Keppler:

The final report on the Cable Pulling probless cannot be suhnitted to you by April 30, 1981, as scheduled. This additional iterim report is to provide you with the current status of the evaluation of this problem.

This item was originally reported to Mr. R. Knop of NRC-Region III by Detroit Edison's Mr. T.A. Alessi, Director-Project Quality Assurance on January 8,1981.

At that time, it had been determined that there was a problem with cable da: rage due to cable pul, ling operations.

The potentia 11v da: raged cables as reported, were in contact with sharp edges and ty-wraps which indented cable jackets. This problem is being investigated by Construction, Project Quality Assurance and the Edison Research Departrent to ascertain whether there actually has been darage done to the affected cable.:.

The investigation has not been cmpleted at this time.

Another report on this item, either interim or final, is scheduled to be sent to you on or before August 28, 1981. If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. H.A. Walker, Supervisor-Const1uction Quality Assurance.

Very truly yours, k



WlM Donald A. Wells, Manager

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Quality Assurance


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h 0g IO8/g h I!r.VictorStello,Jr., Director D


E Office of Inspection and Enforcement

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Division of Reactor Inspection Programs i

U.S. Naclear Regulatory Ccr: mission 1,

$O Washingtm, D.C. 20555 y

Mr. Bruce Little, Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Re Tulatory Ccrmission Resident Inspectors Office 6450 North Dixie Highway Newport, Michigan 48166 N

8105060 6'4
