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Local Leak Test Program.
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1980
Shared Package
ML19337A444 List:
PROC-800919, NUDOCS 8009260461
Download: ML19337A445 (13)


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1. Line is 1" or less in diameter, is equipped with at least one valve and a cap in series, and is under administrative control.

t 6

fA. Plug in test tap forms second barrier, and is under administrative control.

2. Line forms a closed, seismic qualified loop totally within the reactor building, whose 30 day water supply is assured via the torus or reactor vessel. No single active failure can preclude the continuous availability of a water seal.
3. Valves in line will remain open with system operating at a pressure greater than Pathroughou t the 30 day period, considering a possible single active failure.
4. Line is an instrument line of 1" or less that meets the requirements of regulatory guide 1.11, which provides a suitable basis to l

implement General Design Criteria 55 and 56.

5. Line is an instrument line of 1" or less forming a closed system within the containment with no interface with containment atmosphere, has no auto isolation, but remote manual isolation upon failure of line.  ;


6. Line is equipped with normally closed valves leak tight against i reactor system pressure, explosive charge to open valve under certain '

accident conditions. )

7. Valve tested in reverse direction. Previous contact with manufacturer indicate equivalent leakage in either direction.
8. Note: Feedwater System, Penetration X-9A and X-9B Currently installed check valves were not designed to, nor can they' meet current Appendix J test requirements. New l valves will be ordered and installed which will meet both feedwater system and Appendix J test requirements. During the interim period, existing motor operated valves in the feedwater system will be designated, in this content, as I containment isolation valves and will be leak tested to c ontainment isolation criteria.

l 800"*.60 W i/

VERMONT YANKEE - LOCAL LEAK TEST PROCRAM Sheet I of12 Containment System Reference Appendix J yy p, p,, First Second Penetration or Drawing Required gg,,

Size M wher Fun-tien M. rrA c r Teettne Testing

' 'E "

Va!ve (s) (in) Yatre (s) (in) *

    • 'EI "" *"J "*'"
  • Equipment Access B - Air or B X-1 Hatch C-191148 Nitrogen Air 4 i B - Air or B 16-19-13A 3/4 Strongback Req. for full X-2 Airlock C a Nitrogen Air 16-19-138 3/4 16-19-56 3/4 press tese. - Type I ex-emption on test Cenn.

valve 16-19-56 Drywell head B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on X-3 flange C-191175 Nitrogen Air test tap Drywell head B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on X-4 access hatch G-191148 Nitrogen Air test tap X-5 Chk.viv. covers B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on A thru H vent from torus G-191175 Nitrogen Air test tap Check valve B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on shaft seals G-191175 Nitrogen Air test tap CRD Removal B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on X-6 Hatch C-191148 Nitrogen Air test tap "A" Steam X-7A line G-191167 C - Air or C 2-86A 18 Type 1 exemption on Nitrogen Air 2-80A 18 2-83A 3/4 test conn. v1v. 2-83A "A' Steam B - Air or B Type IA exemption on line bellows Nitrogen Air test tap "B" Stes.a C - Air or C 2-868 18 Type 1 exemption on X-7b line C-191167 Nitrogen Air 2-808 18 2-835 3/4 test conn.wiv.2-835 "B" Steam B - Air or B Type 1A exemption on line bellows Nitrogen Air test tap "C" Steam C - Air or C 2-86C 18 Type i exemption on X-7C line G-191167 Nitrogen Air 2-80C 18 2-83C 3/4 test conn.viv.2-83C "C" Steam B - Air or B Type J A. exemption

!!ne bellows Nitrogen Air on test tap "D" Steam C - Air or C 2-86D 18 Type I exemptioa on X-7D line u-191167 Nitrogen Air 2-8DD 18 2-830 3/4 test conn.wiv.2-83D "D" Steam B - Air or b Type IA exemption on line bellows Nitrogen Air test tap Main steaa C - Air or C 2-77 3 Type I exemption on X-R drain C-191167 Nitrogen Air 2-74 3 2-75 3/4 test conn.wiv.2-75

e o VERMONT TANKEE - IDCAL LEAK TEST PROGRAM Sheet J of g Containment System Referet

  • Appendix J First Sceond Penetration or Drawing Required **'

Isolation 3g

  • l.cche r rum efnn  %-her Tenefna Valve (si h Isolation Valve (si

, f.xceptions and Comments X-9A - "A" Teedwater C-191157 C - Air or C 2 - 28A 16 2-27A 16 Exemption 8 C-191167 Nitrogen Air 2-94A 3/4 C-191169 Type 1 Exemption on se, V2-94A Exemption 8

X-98 "B" Feedwater G-191157 C C - Air or 2 - 288 16 2-96A 16 Exemption 8 G-191167 r Nitrogen g 2-948 3/4 G-191174 Type 1 Exemption on C-191178 Exemption V2-948 g

"X-10 RCIC Steam C-191167 C - Air or C 13 - 15 3 13-16 3- Type I exemption on test supply C-191174 Nitrogen Air 13-46A 3/4 conn. viv.13-46A 13-11)A/B 1 X-Il HPCI Steam G-191167 C - Air or C 23-16 10 Type 1 exemption on test supply C-191169 Nitrogen Air 23 - 15 10 23-27A 3/4 conn. viv.23-27A 23-160A/B 1

.X-12 RHR - Shut. G-191172 C - Air or 10 ,- 18 20 10-17 20 Type 2 exemption on cool. supply Nitrogen Exempt 10-84 3/4 system X-13A ~

LPCI C-191167 10 - 46B 24 C - Air or 10-788 3/4 Type 2 exemption Injection G-191172 Nitrogen Exempt on system X-135 10 - 46A 24 10-25A 24 10-78A 3/4 X-14 RWCU G-191167 C - Air or 12 - 15 4 12-18 4 Type 2 exemption on Suction C-191178 Nitrogen Exempt 12-16 3/4 system X-15 Spare C-191148 A - Air A None Air X-16A 14-138 8 14-128 8 Core 14-30B 2 C-191167 C - Air Type 2 exemption for Spray C-191168 or Exempt system X-16B 14-13A 8 14-12A 8 Nitrogen 14-30A 2

, X-17 RHR Head C-191167 C - Air or C 10-29 4 10-33 4 Type i exemption on Spray C-191172 Nitrogen Air 10-32 4 10-83 3/4 test conn.v1v.10-83 X-18 Drywell C-191177 C - Air or C 20-82 3 20-83 3 Type I exemption on test Floor Drain SH.! Nitrogen Air 20-79A 3/4 conn. viv.20-79A X-19 Drywell C-191177 C - Air or C 20-94 3 20-95 3 Type 1 exemption on test Equip. drain Sit.1 Nitrogen Air 20-92A 3/4 conn. viv.20-92A X-20 Spare C-191148 A - Air A - Air 6 None


Containment . System . Reference Appendix J First Second 3g W Prpe Penetration -or Drawing Required Is lation isolation Exceg ions and Comments Number Fun-tfon -Nurber Te t t f n e TMN Valve (s) Valve (s) gg X-21 Service Air C-191160 A - Air A - Air 72-37B 2 Welded cap outside drywell 2-898 2 Type I exemption on X-22 Inst. Air G-191160 C - Air or C - Air 72-89C 2 Nitrogen 72-152 f2 0 X-23 70-113 8 None Type 3 exemption for gny,t G-191159 C - Air or Exempt RBCG "Y'**"

X-14 Nitr Een 70-117 8 None Outlet X-25 Atmosphere C-191175 C - Air or C - Air 16-19-7A 18 16-19-7 Type I exemption on test Control & CAD VY-E-75-002 Nitrogen 16-19-6A 3 16-19-6 conn. v1vs. VG-12A & VG-17A 16-19-12A 1 VG-22A 1 Type 7 exemption on 16-19-6A VG-9A 1 VC-17A 1 and 16-19-7A X-26 Atmosphere C-191175 C - Air or C - Air 19-8 18 Type 1 exemption on test Control & CAD VY-E-75-002 Nitrogen 19-51/52 2 19-9 18 conn. viv. NG-19, 16-2G 30,20-228 1 19-23 6 AC-228.

- NC-13A/ B 1 - 16 19-53 1 Type 7 exemption on 16-19-8 20-30 3/4 - NG- il A/B 1

- NG-20-19 1 20-20 1

- AC-22B 1

~ ^ 3 None Type 4 testing exemption Core spray C-191267 C - Air or instr w nt C-191168- Nitrogen Exempt X-27B SL-27 1

  • ~ Core spray Exempt None Type 4 testing exemption C-191168 C - Air or Delta P Nitrogen SL-31B 1 X-27D X-27E Sb"37A I 11PCI Auto Is lati n G-191169 C - Air or Exempt None Type 4 testing exemption X-27F gL,37, g Signal Nitrogen X-28A RV Press & C-191267 C - Air or Exempt SL-19A 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Level Nitrogen X-285 SL-17A 1 Reactor C - Air X-28C . Vessel C-191267 or Exempt SL-15A 1 None Type 4"t7 sting exemption 1.evel Nitrogen X-28D SL-13A 1 X-28E SL-11 1 X-2RF RV Head C-191267 C - Air or Exempt SL-23 1 Type 4 testing exemption Leakage Nitrogen

YERMONT YANKEE - LOCAL LEAK TEST PROGRAM Sheet A sf , n Containment. System Reference Appendix J Pirst Second Penztration Drawing

  • gg or Required , Tsolation Isolation Exceptions and Comments
  • -her Fretten  %-A c r Testin- Valve (si )

Valve (si 4

X-29A SL-195 1 SL-295 1 X-298 f, C-191267 C - Air or Exempt None Level Nitrogen Type & testing exemption X-29C, SL-15B 1 X-29D S L-138 1 X- A Main Steam, C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-73A' None

" ^

1 Type 4 testing exemption X-30B It' S'" 8 8 I X-30C Main Steam C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-73C None Flow "B" 1 Type 4 testing exemption X-30D Nitrogen SL-73D 1 X-30E Recirc. Loop ^ C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-305A Pressure 1 None Type 4 testing exemption X-30F Nitrogen SL-3058 1 X-11A Recirc. Pump G-191167' C - Air or Exempt SL-62A None Delta P 1

Type 4 testing exemption X-31B Nitrogen S L-6,2B 1 X-31C Recirc. loop C-191167 , C - Air or Exempt SL-64A 1 None Flow Type 4 testing exemption X-31D Nitrogen SL-64B 1 X-3tE. .Recirc. Pump Seal Leak C-191167 C - Air or Exempt 1,L-2-7A None X-31F Detertion 1 Type 4 testing exemption Nitrogen SL-2-28A 1 X-32A Recirc. Pump C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-62C None Delta P 1 Type 4 testing exemption X-328 Nitrogen SL-62D 1 X-33A CRD C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-35 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Pressure Nitrogen

~ 8 HPCI C-191169 C - Air or Exempt SL-37C 3/4 None Type 4 testing X-33C Pressure Nitrogen SL-37D 3/4 -

X-33D Spare A - Air A - Air None None None X-33E RCIC C-191174 C - Air or Exempt SL-55C 3/4 None Type 4 testing exemption X-33F Pressure Nitrogen SL-SSD 3/4 X-34A Main Steam C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-73E I None Type 4 testing exemption

" E' E " 8~


VERMONT TANKEE - IECAL LEAK TEST FRCCRAM Sheet 5 cf 12 Conteinment System Reference Appendix J First Second Penttration or . Drawing Required P* Is lation Sl

  • S e 1g !sd at h Exceptions and Corments mWr h erinn MM e r Teu fa- T Vnive (si Valve (*) )


I" ' Exempt SL-73G None Type 4 testing exemption Main Steam C-191167 C - Air or 1 Flow "D" Nitrogen SL-73H I X-34D.

X-34E Recire. Loop G-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-94A 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Pressure Nitrogen SL-948 1 X-34F 1/2" tube / aype 2 A on test plug /

Tip Air Purge / Solenoid g3 C /B Exempt /3 Check 1/2a Type 4 testing exemption Flange Seal tha fIanne X-358 Spare B A None None Non-testable gasket X-35C Tip C - Air or Exempt /s Tip Ball 3/8" Tube / None Type 4 testing / Test IA on X-35D Tubes / Flange Valves li" Flange exemption / Test Plug Nitrogen / a X-35E X-36 sp,,, C-191170 A - Air or A Nitrogen Air X-37 CRD Insert C-191170 C - Air or Exempt 3-13-138 1 None Type 5 testing

  • Nitrogen 3-13-126 1 exemption 3-13-123 1 3-13-120 1 X-38 CRD Withdraw C-191170' C - Air or Exempt 3-13-127 1 None Type 5 testing Nitrogen 3-13-122 1 exemption 3-13-120 1

~ ~


Drywell C-191172 C - Air or Exempt Type 3 testing

-S Pray Nitrogen 10-31A 12 10-26A 12 ****PEI "

X-39B X-40A X-408 'I"' ^~ # ~ "" "* IE' *" 8 Pressure C-191175 Nitrogen exemption X-40C X-40D X-40XX Jet Pump C-191267 C - Air or Exempt SL-23-XX (48) - 1 None Type 4 testing (24 Prs) Delta P Nitrogen exempt terr-X-41 Rectrc. C-191167 C - Air or C - Air FCV-39 3/4 FCV-40 3/4 Type I exemption on Sample Nitrogen V2-41 3/4 test conn. viv. V2-41 X-42 Standby G-191167 C - Air or Exempt 11-17 1-1/2 11-16 1-1/2 Type 1 exemption on test Liq. Control C-191171 Nitrogen 11-36 1 conn. viv. Il-36A. Type C-191267 6 & 2 exemption on system


Containment System Reference Appendix J Penetration .or Drawing Required ,

P First Isolation Second isolation Exceptions and Comments

%mber Function mmber TMtfna Valve fs) Valve (s)


e X-43 X-44 Spares A - Air A - Air None None None X-45 X-46 X-47 Drywell air C-191160 C - Air or C - Air V-72-38A 2 V-72-38B 2 Type 1 exemption on test Comp. suction Nitrogen V-72-151 1 conn. viv. V72-151 X-48 No Penetration

~ ^ RCIC C-191174- C - Air or Exempt SL-55C 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Delta P Nitrogen SL-55D 1 X-498 X-49C Srv. Bellows C-191167 A - Air A - Air None None Type 4 testing exemption

.X-49D Pressure X-49E X-49F X-50A .

X-508 CAD VY-E-75-002 C - Air or C - Air VG-21 3/4 VC-23 3/4 Type i exemption on test Nitrogen VC-26 3/4 conn. viv. VC-21 X-50C X-500 Spare A - Air A - Air None None None X-51A SL-301C 1 X-SIB Loop SL-301C 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Selection C-191167 C - Air or Exempt X-Sic Instrument Nitrogen SL-30!F 1 X-51D SL-3018 1 X-51E Spare A - Air A - Air None None None X-51F Jet Pump C-191267 C - Air or Exempt SL-33 1 None Type 4 testing exemption Delta P Nitrogen X-52A SL-301A I None X-528 Loop C-191167 C - Air or Exempt SL-301E g Type 4 testing exemption Selection Nitrogen I"5E'""*"t X-52C SL-30!H I X-52D SL-301D 1

_ . 4 . . _ . _. _ _ _, __. . - . . . _ .


Containment- System Reference Appendix J First S***"d gp Size Size

.Penztration. or Drawing Required

  • I'EI'" I' I'*I"" Exceptions and Comments brnber Fuv efon Nde r Testina Testing Valve (s) (in) V31re (s) (in X-52E Dryvell C-191175 A - Air . A - Air None None Type 4 testing exemption I''"

X-5N X-9A "A" Feedwater C-191157 8 - Air or B - Air None None Type IA exemption on Bellows Nitrogen Test Plugs X-98 "B" Feedwater ' C-191157 8 - Air or .B - Air None Bellows None Type 1A exemption on Nitrogen Test Plugs X-Il HPCI steam c-191167 B - Air or B - Air None None Type lA exemption on Bellows .

Nitrogen Test Plug X-12 RHR Bellows C-191172 B - Air or B - Air None None Type 1A exemption on Nitrogen Test Plug X-13A LPCI B - Air or Type 1 A exemption on X-13B Bellows C-191167 Nitrogen B - Air None None Test Plug X-14 RWCU Suction C-191167 B - Air or B - Air None Type 1A exemption on Bellows Nitrogen Test Plug None "I A Core Spray

  • B-Airoh Type lA exemption on X-16B Bellows G-191167 Nitrogen B - Air None None Test Plugs aum

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ifERMONT YANKEE - ICL II.AK TEST PRCCRA,t' Sheet 1 of L Containment System Reference Appendix J First Sceond Penetration or Drawing Required

  • gg,,

%-he r runetton h her Testfn-Isolation Valve (si Isolation gg,) ExceMMs and hmnM V31vc (si 4

X-210A RitR .

Return G-191168 G-191169 C - Air 10-168 4"10-19D (" Type 2 testing or Exempt 10-348 10"10-19B 4" exemption .

G-191172 Nitrogen 14- SB 3"10-39B 12" C-191177 14-265 8"10-160 3/4" 23-62 4" 23-25 4" 20-319C 1 1/2" 20-319D 1 1/2" X-2108 RitR C-191172 C - Air Exempt 10-16A 4"10-19A 4" Type 2 testing Return C-191168 or 20-310A 1 1/2"10-19C 4" exemption C-191174 Nitrogen 20-310B 1 1/2" 13-27 2" .

G-191177 14-26A 8"10-39A 12" 14-5A 3" 13-29 2"10-34A 10" t

e I



. e, VERMONT YANEEE - 14 CAL 1.EAK Tr.ST PROGRAM sheet g og g Containment' System Reference Appendix J First Second Penetration or Drawing Required VY Proposes isolation

! solation

'** Exceptions and Comments

!*irbe r Funetten  % .ber Testin? es ng y,9vy gyg (M y,9vc gg On) ,,

X-211A , Torus C-191172 C - Air or Exempt Type 3 t*8 tin 8 Spray Nitrogen ****I ' "

X-2115 10-38A 4 10-39A 12

X-212 RCIC Turbine G-191174 C - Air or Exempt SSC-9 8 13-52A 8 Type 2 testing Exhaust Nitrogen 13-817 1 13-50 8 exemption 13-818 1

~ 20-400A 1 20-402A/401A 1 Type 1A exemption on Torus Dr .

.C-191175 C - Air or Exempt /B flange test plu s Type 2 Drain / Flange  ; Nitrogen /B 20-400B exemptiononvafve. s. -

X-?!35 1 20-401B/402B 1 Valven X-214 . Torus 5 - Air or B - Air Type 1A exemption on Electrical Nitrogen- test plugs X-215 TE-34 G-191175 A - Air or A - Air Not locally testable.

EfPrnoon I X-216 CAD VT-E-75-002 C - Air or Nitrogen C - Air 76-A 78-A 1

1 76-B 1 Type ! exemption on test conn. viv. 78-A j

i d

X-217 Torus C-191175 A- Air or A - Air None Type 4 testing Pressure Nitrogen exemption X-218 CAD & C-191175 C - Air or C - Air 16-19-6B 3- SB-6 14 Type 7 exemption on Atmosphere VY-E-75-002 Nitrogen 16-19-7B 18 SB-7 14 SB-6B & SB-7B Control ,

VC-12B 1 VC-17B 1 Type ! exemption on test VC- 98 1 VC-22B 1 conn. vivs. AC-2tA, AC-21A 1 VC-12B, VC-178 None

) X-219 Spare A - Air A - Air X-220 CAD VY-E-75-002 C - Air or C - Air VG-21 3/4 VC-23 3/4 Type 1 exemption on test (See: Nitrogen VC-26 3/4 conn. viv. VC-21 X30 A, B, C)

X-221 HpCI Turbine C-191169 C - Air or Exempt SSC-12 20 23-65 20 Type 2 testing Exhaust Nitrogen 23-842 1 23-843 1 exemption 23-63A 1 X-222 HpC1 Drain C-191169 C - Air or Exempt SSC-13 2 23-56 2 Type 2 testing pot Nitrogen 23-638 I exemption _

X-223 RCIC Drain C-191174 C - Air or Exempt SSC-10 2 13-38 2 Type 2 testing pot Nitrogen 52B 3/4 exemption

' ~

  • X-224A Exempt 10-206A Type 2 testing RHR C-191172 C - Air or uction m rogen 10- U A,C M exempdon X-224B 10-206B X-225 HpC1 C-191169 C - Air or Exempt 23-58 16 23-57 16 Type 2 testing Suction Nitrogen 23-53A 1 23-59A 1 exem-tion

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