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Advanced Technical Training Program for Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant.
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1986
Shared Package
ML18030B375 List:
JPN-86-23, PROC-860515, NUDOCS 8605200346
Download: ML19302A518 (39)



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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Orcanization -

New York Power A,uthority 1.4 racility

- James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power ~Plant (JAniPP)

P.O. Box 41 -

Lycoming, New York 13093 .

1.3 Scoce Prepare and deliver a college accredited Advanced Technical Training Program for non-degreed Senior Reactor Operators that n.eets or .

exceeds: SECY B4-355, dated July 3. 1984, NRC final policy state-ment for Engineering Expertise On Shift. JATNPP outlines in Section 3 the program necessary_to mee_t NRC requirenents. The instruction shall be on site during nor=al working hours. -


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2.1 Develonnent .

The program v'ill be developed in accordance with the specifications contained in Section 3. ' Deviation from these specifications vill require the prior approval of the JADiPP Training 'Superinteradent or .

his representative. -

2.2 Supervision ,

~ ~

The program vill be conducted under the general supervision of the

- - - JAFNPP Training Coordinator. The Training Coordinator shall review for approval the contents of~1essen plans. student handouts,' audio - .

visual aids, evaluation technique's and test prior to their use in -

the progra=.


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The vendor shall prepare an) teach a con:prehensive, applied fundamentals -

course. This training shall be directed. toward providing the academic



training which when combined'with technica.1 and on-the-job triining, vill prepare non-degreed Sen.ior Re:ctor Operators for the dual role of

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3.1 Pecernftion for Prior Achievement Proposals shall recocnize life experience and prior training of persons holding a .c'irrut SRO license for a mini =um of forty (40)-

semester hours. Twenty-six (26) shall be for fundamentals and fourteen (14) electives. Review by PONSI presently reco:= ends thirty-two (32) lower division credits for JAFNFP fundamentals alone, see Attachment I.

3.2 Procram Seocence . .

. The sequence should follow the. general outline and approximate times given in Section 5. The reference to algebra and nuclear physics reviev vill be condu~cted by JAFNPP Instructors. , .- .

3.3 Procram Content .. .

The Advanced Technical. training program ~co= prises 13 courses which total 540 centact hours of instructica and 540 hours0.00625 days <br />0.15 hours <br />8.928571e-4 weeks <br />2.0547e-4 months <br /> of structured

. self-study, The following synopses identify the subjects covered in each course.


-CONTACT HOURS DIFTERENTIAL CALCULUS . . . ..... . . . . . . . 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> INTEGRAL CALCULUS . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . - 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> ADVANCED REACTOR PHYSICS, ... . . . . . . . . . 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />


. . MATERIALS STUDY COURSE . .... ....... 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> .

FRACTURE. MECHANICS .............. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> .

CORROSION CHDilSTT.Y . . ... ........ 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . 40 hour4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />,s ELECTRIC CENERATION AND TRANSMISSION ..... 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> -

THETZODYNAMICS.I . ....... .......

40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> THEF30 DYNAMICS II . - .. . .......... ,

40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> .



HEAT TRANSFER , .- . .- . -........... 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> -

FLUID MECHANICS . ..... . .-.. . . . ,... . . . .40 Ecurs~.

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- . . HUMAN BEHAVIOR . ~ . ~. .. . . . . 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> 540. heurs , -

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3.3.1 Differential Celeulus


Designed to develop skill in problem solving which -

involves.use of derivatives and functional notation.

provide the cather.atical basis for further technical -

studies and develop ::enfidence in solving current physical problems applicable to nuclear power plants and the industry.

  • ALGEPRA including an extension of basic algebraic concepts - -

and techniques of problem solving learned in mathematics course (s) of. operator license programs to include the


concepts and technfeues i=portant to calculus, vector algebra, and ce= plex functions. ,

  • TRIGONOMETRY including an extension of basic .

trigenometry learned in' operator license training to ,

include specific trigenc=etric relationships i=portant to calculus including the fundamental identities, trigo-onometric formulas, and trigono=etric laws. - -

  • CEOMETRY including the graphing and manipulation of .

specific algeb_raic f. unctions, an analysis of their pro-perties, and their relation to physical properties of -

materials and design of equipment. - . . .

  • SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in'cluding functional notation and' canipulatien, algebraic functions, algebraic series, ,

transcendental functions, and the . relation of algebraic ~


  • - ~

series to physical problems.



  • DIFFERENTIATION including the concept and technique of ~

dif f erentiation, specific for=ulas, geonetrical 16ter- .

pretations, and the application of differentiatten t.o the solution of proble=s. .


  • SPECIAL AFPLICATIONS of differential calculus to problem

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solving in physical science and application to

- - -- nuclear power plants. -


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3.3.2 Inte..:1 Calculus Designed to provide fundamental knowledce of the concepts ~ ' -

and techniques of calculus and develop skill and pro- -

ficiency in solving problems necessary to effective learning in advanced technical courses.

  • INTEGRATION introduction to'the cencept of integration.

.inte,cration fortulas, geometric interpretations, and the "

application of the indefinite integral to problem solying. . -


  • DEFINITE INTEGRALS including practice in solving definite integrals, geometrical interpretation, and the application of definite integrals in the solution to -

engineering and scientif1c pr,oble=s. .

  • MULTIPLEIN[EGRALSir.cludingtechnicuesofsolving multiple integrals, and their applicarich to the solution of problems. . .
  • APPLICATIONS including an application of integral calculus to special problems in nuclear reactor engineering and .

design, t}iernedynamics, area integrals on xy, PV and TS -

coordinates. Entropy as integral (dO/T), special problems in heat transfer, fluid flow, and analysis. . .

  • DIFTERI1*TIAL EOUATIONS introduction to ordinary and partial differential' equations, their application to .

physica1 problems, and techniques of solutics. . ,

  • SPECIAL TECHNIOUIS an introduction to Laplace transforms and Fourier analysis and their application to problem

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3.3.3 Advanced Reacter Phvstes

. Designed to expand the student's knowledce of the basic physics o'f nuclear reactors by detailed development of' cencepts such as spatial dependence of neutron fluxes, neutron losses in the high energy range, effects of

. heterogeneous arrangements of, reactor materials, temeer-ature. coefficients of reactivity, reactor poisons, core lifetime, kinetic behavior of neutron populations and reactor power oscillations. . -

NEUTRON DITTUSION including the analytical treatment of the diffusion equation, physical meaning and ceasurecent of parameters such as the diffusiou length, neutron flux shapes in various reactor regionsz leakage from the' reactor, criticality conditions aad suberitical cultipli-cation. ,


  • NEUTRON SLONING-DOL'N including .he physics of kinetic'

. energy loss by elastic collisir ns, the moderating p:eper-ties of various caterials, the concept of the Termi Age and its meaning in terms oY 3 eakage losses of fasr. neu-trons, absorption losses during slowing down and the ~

(absorption) resonance es' cape probability, the fast effect and the. physical basis'of the thermalization precess.,


  • RINETIC 5EHAVICR OT REACTORS including an in-depth dis-cussion of the ef f.ects of pro =pt and delayed neu~trons. -

methods for, calculation of the time-dependence, of the neutron flux after a step change in reactivity, the

" prompt jump," the stable reactor period and reactor power ~

oscillations. . .

SPECIAL TOPICS including,fissic.. product poisoning,-

. equilibrium concentrations of tenon and samarium for'

. various neutron flux levels. " dead-tice " fuel burn-up, .

poison burn-out, chemical sh1=s, an,d core lifetime.

-- -* MULTI-REGION REACTOR THEORY including the calculation of , ~

all of the important parameters of~ reflected reactors by ~

means of culti-group methods, heterogeneous fuel-moderator-coolant core arrays, neutron density in the vicinity - -

of contr.ol rods and control rod worth. - - -

  • TEMPERATURE ETTECTS ON CRITICALITY including calculatio.ns -

~ ~ of the-reactivity under various conditions, ef fects of ~

,. changes of material d,ensit* s'on neutron leakage and .

resonance absorption, anc 1ppler effects on thernal.. . -

. . - neutron cross sections anc rn the resonance escape .

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3.3.4 MATERIALS STUDY COURSE An introduction to terminology, fundamental properties a'nd ,

concepts,~ methods of fabrication and testing ,the cause's and prevention of failure in =etals, cera=fes, plastics, elastomers, lubricants, velding =aterials, and coatings used in nuclear power industry with special emphasis on failure case histories of mate' rials in nuclear power plants. .

  • INTRODUCTION su==ary of course, identificat' ion of objec-

. tive and the relation of.cbjectives to generic failure '

case histories.

  • EETALLIC MATERIALS including the mechanical behavior of metals, families of ferrous and non-ferrous eetals, carbon


and lov allev steels for castings, low and =edium-alloy steels, stainless steels, high-temperature high-strength alloys for castings, copper, aluminum, refractory metals.

precious metals, environmental and service conditions. -

effect of enviroceent on materials selected for use in the reactor pressure vessel arid primary systems, service piping, codes and s.tandards,and selected exseples of eetal -



  • TLASTICS AND ELASTCMERS including an introduction to the '

molecular structure of plastics, physical ~ properties and characteristics.of, plastics, applications of plastics and .

similar materials, the compatibility-of, plastics vi;h,


other materials and eperating cceditions, ce==en causes of performance failure of plastics, codes and standards, and ~ -

case histories of failures. . .

  • CERAMICS including an intrc'ductich to cerc=ic ratr

, materials, fabricatien of ceramics, physical propertits, physical structure, ceramic equilibrium phase, structural .

- ~

imperfections, codes and standards, and case history of

  • failures with e=phasis on fuels.


  • SPECIAL MATERIALS introduction to basic properties and characteristics and failure modes of lubricants, hydraulic fluids, protective coatings, and welding materials used in nuclear power plants with e=phasis uper! case histories of


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. - Designed to familiarir.e the student with the fundamental -

concepts-of fracture mechanics, representative _ case histories of failures, and develop skill in analyzing component designs for potential failures and faile~d materials to determine reasens for failure.

  • CRYST L STRUCTURE including an introduc' ion to crystal lattice structures, crystal defects, and t.icrostructure
  • with special applicatiot, to metallic materials and cera=ics. .
  • MECHANICAL' PROPERTIES OF METALS including fundamental concepts of stress and strain, stress-strain diagrams, elasticity, and safety fj a r's with emphasis on metals used in reactor primary system cempenents, and service piping. .-
  • THERMAL PROPERTIES OF METALS including concepts of t'emper-ature expansion, heat transfer, thermal stress, and creep with e=phasis on temperature transients in power plants.


  • FRACTUREMECFNICSi$cludingastudy of the fracture mechanism and fracture mode and an,acalysi,s of co= men . .

f ailure cases- in coreponents. ,

  • METHODS OF TESTING. includinc a review of mater 1als- testing .

procrams such as drop veight testing; Charpv V-notch ,

impect tests, and Charpv transition curves.

  • NEUTRON DAMAGE including a study of the ef fect of ne'utron

- - - radiation on the preperties of steels, such as nil- -

- . ductility te=perature, faiTure ca'se histories dub to

. neutron irradiation, and ' design considerations in nuc-lear

- power plants. .

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3.3.6 CCRROSION CH_L.M._' STRY Designed to familiarize the student with the basic princi-ples underlying corresion of metals, the ef fect of

  • corrosion, methods of prevention in design, use, and ,

storage e' caterials, and failure case histories in generic power plants. ,

,*_ CENER L AITACR corrosion as introduction to c1.assification of corrosion processes. Corrosion in pove; plants .


operating under high pressure, stress and t'e=perature conditions. - Introduction to various specielized types of corrosion ,significant in causing compenent failures.

  • ELECTROCHEMICAL CORROSION as based on chemical attack, but modified as 4,n electrical phe'nocenen in which the retal atoms have an electrical charge as iens. Action of ions with an electric petential to cause the themical transfer-r.ation of the material. Calvanic theory. -
  • STAINLESS STEELS replacing ordinary steels in teeting the corrosion resistances required in high-pressure high-temperature nuclear..pover plants. Stainless steels as

- more resistant to the usual corrosion processes but subject to their own particular dif ficulties, including '

stress corrosion cracking and passivity re' duction under ~

specific ucusual conditions.


  • SPECIAI' CORROSION ' PROCESSES -including .crevics ,,on.

stagnant corrosion, pitting, leaching, caustic embrittle-ment, chloride, stress cerrosion, stress fatirue, blistering, intergranular corros'icn, veld decay, tempera- -

ture sensitivity, filiform corrosion, biological. attack.

  • ~ ** -

- etc... ,

. *' EROSION including the abrasive ef fect resulting from high .

flow rates and resulting in erosion,' icpingement,-

cavitation, fretting, etc...

  • NUCLEAR FRESSITE VI'SSEL /TD TUBING' corrosier classified by' ~

type of equipment and frequency of occurrence. General -

corrosion in boiling vater reactors, stress corrosion cracking in boiling water reactors, depting in tube

. bundles,~etc.- ~ Failure case histeries, methods of pre-vention. ~ .

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3.3.7 COMPUTER TECENOLOCY s Designed to develop faniliarity with the basics of computer-science including programming languages, hardware and software syste=s, and applied ce=puter logic in order -

to develop skill in using computer programs to solve

- cocplex engineering proble=s applicable to nuclear power '


  • PROGRAM LANGUAGES including a review of FORTRAN IV and
  • EASIC with emphasis placed upon input / output, progra logic, arrays, subprogrcr.s, =edeling techniques, co= plex arithmetic, and double precision operations.
  • CENERAL COMPL'TER TECCOLOGY including the theory of .

digital devices and the desigh of basic logic circuits to solve problems encountered in the nuclear indust y, number systems, digital arithmetic Ecolean algebra, zad i reduction techniques.

  • COMPUTER SYSTDtS including analog and digital computers, large scale computer syste s, einicomputers, =icro- ~

computers, =icroprocessocs, and time-share systems. , _


  • DIGITAL SYSTEMS including advanced digital circuit design, - ~

. complex d.igital devices and computers, input / output, devices, rando=-access storage devices, sequential logic, and advanced ' integrated circuit syste=s. - .

  • PROBLEM 56L'VING including the solution of problems appli-cable to the nuclear industry by developing algorithms and utilizing " hands-on" experience in implementing programs

. - . for data assimilation and handling, instrument data .

interpretation, radiation transport, fluid flow,' and heat ~

. transfer.


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Designed to develop understanding of the principles of electric generation and transmission and the use of instrumentation in nuclear power plants.- ,

  • EASIC ELECTRIC CENERATION including r. review of electric fields, current flow.-Coulombs Law, Potential, conduc-tors, insulators, semi-conductors, resistance, .

resistivity Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Law, circuits, motors -

and generators.

  • PLANT CENERATION including a review o'f generator arrange-cent, mult'iphase generators, generator, rating, voltage, efficiency, rotor and stator construction, cooling .

systems, excitation systems. and parallel operatien. .

  • STATION ELECTRIC CIRCUITS including familiarization with

'* bus arrangements, basic generator connections, control-

. power connections, switching equipment, circuit breakers,-

plant transformers, power-transforming rating, losses, and officiency, and instrument transfor=ers.

' ~

  • ELECTRIC TRANSMISSIbN including investigation of prcblems -

- associated with the transmission of electrical energy, load-flow studies, and fault analysis including load -

variatics, centralize.d control, power transmission, high tension lines, and,eransformers. . .

~ __


  • INSTRI.*KENTATION including a study of principles of con-trolling plant, system variables, insuring reliability, and providing for the automated control of nuclear power stations by understanding the basic operation of.~ temper- .

ature instruments, flow transmitt'ers, pressure r:easuring

. devices, level indicators, various electrical ceters, and radiation eenitors. .

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', . s 3.3.9 TEERM0 DYNAMICS I Thefir$t course in thermodynamics covers basic concepts in energy flow and the mathzmatical aspects o.f its trans- ~~

formation. Thereugh discussien of the exact nature of the different kinds of energy serve as a vital introduction to

. the general energy equation as applied to ncn-flev and steady flev processes. Special thermodynanic properties


such as enthalpy, entropy, etc... are introd ced in order .

to understand the proper application of the " laws" of ,



  • DIMENSIONS. ITITS, t 'D FROPERTIES including a review of


the basic units of length, area, voluce, mass and force that underlie the units and cencepts of pressure. -

t enpe ra tur e , ,he a t and v,o rk. ~ - -


  • CAS LAVS 12cluding the relatiens between' pressures, volumes and temperatures for ideal gases leading to the ~ ~

. properties of vapors such as steam.


  • NON-FLOW PROCESS including ~a study of the non-flow energy -

equation inter-relating heat energy, pressure energy, verk


, energy, and enthalpy. _


  • FLOW PROCESSES including flow processes which involve ~the" general energy equation applied to steady-flow and nen-steady flow preces,sec. The various kinds of energy- -

-pottnrial energy, kinetic energy; internal. energy _ f. lev energy, etc....are ext. mined.


  • INTR,0 DUCTION iO CYCLES as successive thernodynami.cs'

. . . processes that form a closed loop or cycle that transfor=s -

heat energy into work energy,. We'rk energy as t'r'ansfor=ed

  • by a turbine into electrical energy. The concept of-entropy as necest.arv in the application of the laws of .

thermodynamics for the understanding of the energy trans-formations. - -

, ~


  • CARNOT CYC'E introduced as the most efficient cycle for


deternination of the available energy that can be trann-for=ed to energv output. Unavailable energy rejected from the plant -es hese to the atmosphere er. to cooling vate,r.

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. s 3.3.10 THr.U.0 DYNAMICS II Application of the energy principles developed in the first course of thermodynamics to determine th_e perfor ~

cance of the ccmponents of equipment in the actual power plant.

  • k'ATER AND STEAM including the basic properties of water and steam as a working medium of vital importance in understanding the thermodynamic energy transformatin g . _
  • SATURATION PROPERTIES defining the pressure-temperaturc relationship that establishes the conditions determining whether the liquid vater phase. the vapor steam phase, or two-phase conditions are present. _ .
  • REACTCR POL *ER PtediT EOUEFMENT. including a study of the reactor as a. source of heat energy, vacer hecte es, ste am generator *, superheaters, turbines, and cendensers. . .
  • EASIC STEAM TURBINE thernodynamics of the simple Rankine steam cycle involving boile~r generation of st.eam and condenser cooling. - -
  • FEErk'ATER HEATINC involving the thermodynamics and

- economica of improvin'g basic steam cycle performance b'y regenerative feedwater heating. Effect of sterm s*rper-

~ * '

heating. .

  • CONDENSER THERMODYNAMIt*S involved in condensing steam througn heat rejection to river and-seawater and to the atmosphere by cooling towers. Atmosphera cooling.tdver

- . psychometrics are also studied. - ,

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3.3.11 EEAT TRANSTER A study of heat transfer in terms of conduction, con- - --

vection,.and radiation. Actual heat transfer as a combination of two or more of these modes. F1'uid flow and *

  • overall heat transfer.
  • BASIC OUANTITIES including a review of notation, units, definitions, conversion, heat and temperature effects, ~


physical properties, viscosity effects, and fluid flow -


  • CONDUCTION examined in terms of electrical analogy: heat flow, temperature decrease as potential, thereal resis- ..

tance, and thermal conductivity. -

  • CONVECTION inclu' ding nat' ural laminar stream-line, forced turbulent, co.rrelation by Reynolds, Nusselt and other *

.. dimensionless number parameters.-

  • RADIATION including a study of the Stefan-Boltzman law, emissivity, absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, angle factors rarea. cosine law, black and gray bodies, parallel planes, and other configurations. -


  • OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER including thermal resistances,,ot*all kinds,'ther=al resista.nce in series and itf parallel, cavities, shapes, materials, log mean temperature differ- .

ence (LMTD.) . and heat exchangers. --

  • 50TLING TWO-PRASE HEAT TRANSTER including a study of boiling phenomena, saturation, pressure , temperature -

. . . re7 tonshf es, pressure to prevent boiling, burn-'-out, and '

. ot' r high ..est-flux phenomena. . .

  • ' COEENSATION ccesidered as boiling in a reverse direction.

Modification _of pressure-temperature relations due to less sensitive operation than the high pfessure-te=perature relationships of boiling. .

  • APPLICATION to heat trinsfer from reactor fuel pins to coolant including the properties, characteristics of fuel and -fuel c.ladding and the ef fects of heat transfer.

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  • APPLICATION to. heat transfer in boiling water reactors, .
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3.3.12 TLUID MECHINICS Study of fluid flow as a function of pressure dif feren--

tials. Single phase flows, two phase flows involving .

liquids and vapers. Fluid mechanics med fl.ti dynamics governed by ther odynamic energy relationships and thermal

- properties. Secondary e.ffc6 re- M ing from inclusion of heat flow.


  • FLUID TLOW EASIC TRINCIPLES including ceasurement units.

Properties of pressure. density, and specific volume." -

- Continuity ep ation. . General energy equation.

  • IDEAL FL'alb ROW without friction. Insic analysis si=pli-ficatiot.~E,~ sidering friction as absent' or minimal. .

Static, dynamic and total pressure. Eernoulli equation..

Hydrostatic jet 'equatiori. Bernoulli head equation. ,

  • ACTUALFLUIDhLOWfrictioneffectssuperimposedonthe.

flow of ideal fluids. Friction resulting in heating and the necessity for examining fluid properties. Viscosity.

- Reynolds nueber, head ecuations with system losses. Fluid h a ==c r. ... .

  • FLUID FLOW MEASUREMENT based on pressure drop, volume flev as a function of pressure drop and'pressur'e drop as a -

measure of flow quantities. Venturis, flow nozzles, and orifice meters. Flov ceasurement by other than pressure ,

drop. - - -- -

  • TLUID FLOW PUMPS including ideal input to pump. pump ef ficiency, pump cavitation, types of pu, cps, pu=p laws. *

- - pump operating point, and pumps in parallel. -

FLUID FLOW IN TUR3INES based'on applicatiens of the'sacond

  • . law of ;; herr.odynamics. Single and multistage turbiner.. ~

Nozzles. Mollier diagram. Convergent and convergent-diverEent nozzles. Ejectors.

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3.3.13 HUl'.AN BEHAVICR (

_ A study of the basic principles of psychology necessary to ~

understand and assess personality traits and how -

individuals perform on teams and under e=ergency cendi- ,


  • BASIC. PRINCIPLES of psychology in study areas such as personality, abnormal be'"cvier, intelligence. learning.

sensation and perception including terminology used in ,

professional cor.=unication.

  • PERSONALITY TRAITS including a study of concepts and principles in normal and abnormal behavior which will develop an understanding of patterns of intellectual and behavioral development in individuals; allow recognition-and logical assessment of dev,iations from normal behacier. .

neurotic and. psychotic reactions; develo~p an understanding

- of organic, genetic, and environmentnl influences on

. personality; and provide a method of idertifying specific-personality traits and predicting behavior under specific

  • circumstances. .


  • SOCIALTRAITSastudyofthebehaviorofindividualsin
  • group settings includihg cooperation. Jeadership, inter ,

. group and intra-group relations which will develop.. skill in recognizing leader-ship and identifying' individuals who cannot work cooperatively with teams. - .

  • APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY in the industrial setting with emphasis

! on methods or. selecting personnel.. aptitudes, classifi-


cation and evaluation of personnel. understandinE.and

. . interpretation of e=ployee attitudes. morale and

  • motivation, understanding influerice of verk conifitions and envirenments, and an introduction to methods of testing

. and screening of job applicants. ,

-. . ~

  • APPLICATIONS inclu' ding an analysis"of the impact of


personal and social traits upon individual and group ,

performance in selected accidents'which vill develop skill -

in assessing potential personal failures under conditions of stress.

~_ ~

  • ~


. e 4.0 PROCRAM PRESU'TATION/ DOCUMENTATION Program presentation shall as a minimum include the following:

4.1 Course Format and Duratien ," ,

4.1.1 Concepts vill be presented in a lecture and/or discussion formal; . Handouts, reference matericls, and audio-visual aids shall be used to review and reinforce cencepts.


4.1.2 Nominal course length shall be seven (7) months.

4.2 Course Materials -

Lesson plans, handouts and visual aids will be professional in


appearance and contain'information specific to the ccurse curriculum snd site where applicable. Each lesson plan shall contain:

n. - -

. Title and identificatien number

b. A list of reference from which material was drawn or which may

. be used by instructors to prepare for lessen delivery

c. A list of visual sids and other material required to teach the lesson
d. The objectives of the lessen . .

4.3 Examinations and Quieres - . .

Quizzes will be administered periodically through'out the course. A final examination vill be administered at the conclusion of the course. The following criteria apply to all exami. nations and -

. . . quieres given in this course: ,

a. Each question vill be assigned a ' point value and each -

examination vill display a tot'al point value. .

An answer key vill be prepared for each i;uiz and examination .

~ ~


  • -- which vill centain either the eini=um acceptable answer.or the specific reference conta'ining the answer. -

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4.4 Reports and Evaluations Results of each quiz 2nd e camination vill be reported infor= ally to the

  • Tining Coordinator as the course proceeds. At the completibn of the course, a for=al reper will be forwarded to the JATNPP Training Coordinator containing a course su==ary and each student's

. final grade. This report should be accomp:nied by certificates of co=pletion. The following documents will form the cour - record and vill beenme the property cf the New York Power Authority.

a. Course schedule

. b. Daily attendance and grade sheets


c. Copies of certificates
d. Copies of examihations and quizzes administered- - - ,
e. Copies of examination and quiz answer keys
f. Oncies of lesson p,lans, student ha'ndouts and visual aids .
g. Stucec* reports and/or evaluations- .

. 4.5 Number of Students Enrollment will not exceed twenty (20) students.


4.6 Student Entry Criteria Students enrolled in ;kis program shall he.e nuclear power pl' ant experience through the Secdo_r Reactor Operator level or personnel -

designated by their Department Head who would benefit from eart. ions

' ~

of this course.

. . 4.7 Location and Tacilities The course vill be taught at the Ja'nes A. TitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Lycoming, New York. The materials listed belov vill be pro- .

vided by the Authority.:

a. Overhead projector .


b. .16MM motion picture project,or -
c. Carousel slide projector .
d. Xeregraphic capability
e. Student notebooks and consumables ~
f. Lessen plans.from sitilar instruction ,

4.8 Schedule - -

The vendor shall aEree to a schedule vhich vill complete-the work by' Wa r+h- o f - c a l end a r sy e,a r 4,9 8 6. The specific schedule vill be estab - '

- [fzef./ lished through mutual agreement between the vend'or's representative


. - and the JATNPP Trainfug. Coordinator. ,

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4.9 Instructor Oualifications instructor (s) shall have sufficient knowledge and experience to support the requirenents established by part 3.0 of this document'.

Resumes are to be provided for the review of the Training ,

Coordinator as a part of any proposal for this work.

e o e r, n.*t ICL't.lH SEOUESCE .

Curriculum sequence shall be in accordance with Attachment II.


6.0 PROPOSALS - . J Proposals shall be fixed price.or not to exc'eed. Cost shall include -

travel living exnenses. student enrollment. transcripts, reference text.

cor=unications ,nd program preparation.

- The institution / bidder shall provide in writing. certification that the '

overall program satisfies the technical portions of a Bachelor Degree in Nuclear Industrial Operations or Nuclear technology.

. Additionally, the proposals shall* state the following:


n. The institution holds Middle States accreditation. , .
b. A transcript shal.l be '1 issued by the institutions - - . .

registrar's office. .

c. Letter grades shall be issued vice pass / fail.
d. The institutions shall be appreved to instruct within New York
  • State. - .


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Attachment I The University of the State of New York -

The. State Educa. tier. Department ---'

'~ -

. Credit RecoErnended .for .. . .

. Courses Offered by . - . - .



. . . Review conducted under the supervision of the New York.Rce,cnts Prog-rim on , ~

.Noncellegia t e Sponso red Ins truction. Cultural Education Center. Empire State -



Pla:2 Albanv. Nee York .12220. ..

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The New York Power Authority was created when Governor Trankiin D. Roosevelt signed the Power Authority Act of 1931 which established a State authority to operate as a nonprofit, publ4-benefit utilits. The financing and construction of the generating and transmission facilit'es are accomplished without the use of State funding or taxes, and.conpleted projects are operated and maintained by revenues obtained by the sale of power. Tha goal,s of the New York Power Authority are to provide low-cost energy to the State's consumers, meet the energy challenges of today and tomorrow, and develop innovative, efficient sources of energy ~, while operating in the safest possible manner. .

The generation and transmissitn of~ electricity from the Power Authority's .


hydro, fossil, and nuc' ear stations, and imports from Canada provide one-c.hird of the electricity cousumed in Ne,w York SCate. As a wholesale power- supplier, . -

electricity is sold to the State's municipal _ electric systems and rural coopera-cives; public agencies in the New York City metropolitan area; and to th.e State's s'eveti major private utilitias for resale to cus. comers.without profit;and to ,

designated industri'es. Thus, the New York Pc wer Authority is the nation's largest non-Pederal public power organization,. .

~ ~ '

The Power Authority of fers a variety of training and educational ' activities .

to its employees. Programs include management, administrative skills, pro-


fessional development, ,and technica$-craft areas. The training +raff draigns

~ ~

pregrams to meet the requirements of the technical staf f, and acts as an in-house consultant to support co rpo ra te "goa'I s .' .- . . ..

Source of official.studett retc o r'd s ; Manager - Training Services. New York *

. , Powe r A,u t ho,r i t y , 12 3 tit,in S t re u White Plains, New York 10601.

6 -

e g

1. Adult Education Philosechy -
2. Curriculum Develooment -
3. Methods and Media
4. Testing .

(Principles and Techniques of Instruction) - -

. Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant. Buchanan ,NY; James A.

FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY. .

Length: 1. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (1 week). .

2. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (1 week). . .
3. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (1 week'). . .

"' ~

4. 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (1 week). -

Dates: August 1982-P re s e nt . - - -

Objective: To provide participants.w'ich a background in acult education .

philosophy., curriculum development, methods and media, and' test construction analysis. -

' Instruction: Ef fective coer.unica tion; philosophies and theories of, adult learning; instructibnal systems design; cask analysis; learning objectives; ,

- . training program evaluation; the effcetive instructor; instructional aids and methods; types of tests and test items;* test validity and reliability.' ~

Credit recommendation: In the upper division bacctlaureate category,

~ ~

3 semester hours in Educational Methods (9/84). ~. NOTE: . Cou'rses 1, 2, 3, and 4 must all be completed to receive credic. . .

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  • Alcebra/Trironometry (MAT 111/121) -* -- -

(Technical Mathematics I)

. .cton: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY; James A.



FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY.

80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> (4 weeks).


Dates: January 1984--Present. .

Objective: To provide partii:i;iants with the fundamental knowledge nd problem-solving techniques of algebra and trigonometry. . .

Instruction: Algebraic expressions and fundamental operations; factoring of algebraic expressions; quadratiz: equations; linear equations; angles and .


angle measurement; trigonometric functionsi trigonometric identities; ex- . - .

~ ponents and radicals; complex' numbers, exponentials, and logaH chms; in-

- ~. .

equalities; progressions; sistems of simultaneous equations: -

f Credit recommendation: In the lower division baccalaureate / associate degree category, 6 semester hours in College Algebra / Trigonometry or- .


Technical Mathematics (9/84). -

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Apolled Electricity (EEM 112) . . . .

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY; James A.

Tit: Patrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY.

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). -

Dates: January 1984--Pres'ent. - -


Objective: To provide participants with an understanding of the basic -

fundamentals of electric circuits. .

Instruction: Electric charge'; electric current; direct current-circuits; voltage sources; network analysis; magnetism; electromagnetic induction;

' capacitance; capacitance in DC circuits; AC a:id DC generation; alternating ,,

. voltage and current; transformers; alternating current circuits. No 1aboratory experience is iceluded. ,

Credit recommendation:. In the loser division baccalaureate / associate - .

degree category, 2 semester hours in Applied Electricity (9/84).

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Atomic Phystes. Nuclear Physics, and Reactor Core Fundamentals (NET 217, 227, 237)

(Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory) ,

Location: Indian Poinc #3 Nuclear Power Flant, Buchanan,._NY; James.A. ,

FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant,- Oswego, NY. .

Length: 120 hours0.00139 days <br />0.0333 hours <br />1.984127e-4 weeks <br />4.566e-5 months <br /> (6 weeks). . /

Dates: January 1984--Present. ,

Objective: To provide participants with a knowledge of'the basic

~ ~

principles of nuclear physics and nuclear reactor theory.

Instruction: Basic nuclear theory; nuclea'r interactions; radioactivity; -

neutron physics; the fission process; nuclear reaction rates; reactivity; reactivity coefficients and e.ontrol rod worth; fission product poisons:-

reactor kinetics; suberitical multiplication; reactor _ heat-up and powe'r .

range operation. .

Credit recommendation: In the lower division baccalaureate / associate ,

degree category, 5 semester hours in Nuclear Ingineering Technology; or ~ .

in the upeer division baccalaureate category, 3 semester hours in Nucl. ear

. Engineering Technology..(9/84). .

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  • Calculus (MAT 131) ... . . . . .. _ . . _ . _ . .. .. . _. . _.

(Technical Mathematics II) -

Location: Indian Pofnt #3 Nuclear Power Plant. Buchanan. NY; James A.

Fit-Patrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY. * *

. Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks)". * *


Dates: January 1984--Present.


Objwetive: To provide participants ith an introduction to the basic


concepts of calculus and analytic geometry.

Instruction: Plane analytic geometry; derivacives with applications; basic concepts of integration with, app 1,ication's; series arpansions; deri-

. vatives of special functions; fundamentals of diffe: 'ial equations.


Credit recommendation 'In the lower. division baccalaureate / assoc' face 2 gree category, 3 semester-hours in Technical Mathematics.(9/84.).,

. . . .= -

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e .

Cor-outer Aeolications (CA 331) . . . _ . . - . - -

Location: Various New York Power Authority locations throughout New York State. .

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (1 week). - ~

Dates: January 1984-Pres ~ent. * -

Objective: To provide participants with an overview of the IBM PC and COMPAQ computer systeras and applications of related software.


Instruction: Architecture of a microcomputer; binary representation of numbers; DOS operating system; vord processing with HULTIMATE; data base management with DATAFLEX; LOTUS 1-2-3 electron'ic spreadsheet.

, Credit recoe:menda tion : In the lower division baccalaureate / associate


degree category, 1 semester hour in Busihe,ss Administration or Engineefing Technology (9/84)'. .


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Curriculum Development  %


Refer to Adult Education Philosophy. . .


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4 Pluid Mechanics (MET 214) ... .. .. . . ...

Location: Indian Poinc #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY; James A.

m -o:: rick Nuclear Power Plant. Oswego, NY.

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). - -

Dates: January 1984--Pres'ent. * -

Objective: To provide partit.ipants with a basic knowledg'e of the ,

principles of fluid mechanics as applied to. power plant systems.

Instruction: Introduction to fluid mechanics; bouyancy'and Archimedes' Principle; continuity equations; Bernoulli's Equation and its application-to orifices, tubes, and nezzles; types of valves.

Credit recer:rne nda tion: In the lower division baccalaureate / associate degree category, I semester hour in Engineering Technology (9/.84). -

9 . . ,

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General Chemistry (CHT 101) . . , ,

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan.Nh;JamesA.

PittPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego. NY.

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). - -

.' Dates: January 1984--Present.

Objective: To provide participants with an understanding of the ba, sic fundamentals of applied chemistry -


Instruction: Chemistry and inatter; structure of the atom; periodic cla'ssification of the elements; chemical formulas and types of bonding; Lewis structures and the mole concept; chemical equations; stoichiometry; gas laws; liquids, solids, and solutions; acids and bases; oxidation .

reduction and types of cells." No laborato,ry experience is included.

Credit recommendation:. In the lower division'baccalauteate/ associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Applied Chemistry (9/84).

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Health Pbvsic: (NET 121)

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY; Ja'mes A.

[itzPatrickNuclearPower. Plant. Oswego, NY.

i.ength: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). . -

Dates: January 1984--Present. .

Objective: To provide paiticipants with an introduction lo health -

physics. .. .

Instruction: Modes of radioactive decay; transformation kinetics; interaction of radiation with matter; radiation dosimetry (external).

No laboratory experience is included. -

. Credit recer::me nda t ion: In the lower division baccalaureate / associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Engineering Technology oc Nuclear-Science (9/8L). ,

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Heat Transfer (H228) .. . . ... .. . . ...

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power PI.nt, Buchanan,'NY: Jaiaes A.


  • Patrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY.

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). .


Dates: January 1984--Present. -


Objective: To provide participants with a basic knowl-edgs of the .

principles of heat transfer required for an .under' standing of the heat -

transfer processes in a power plant. .

Instruction: Basic mechanisms of heat transfer; heat exchangers; .

boiling heat transfer; B'=R thermal hydraulics;-thermal limits; fuel thermal performance; component thermal stress. No. laboratory experience is included.

Credit recommendacion:. In the lower dis alon baccalaureate / associate


degree category, I semester hour in Engineering Technology (9/84). .

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Materials Science / Nuclear !!aterials (NET 320) .

Location: Indian Foint #3 Welear Power Plant. Euchanan. NY; James A.

FitzPatrick Nuclear Power riant. Orwego, NY.

Length: 40 hcurs (2 weeks). _

Dates. January 1985-Pr.esent. To provide participants with a isnowledge of the basic

  • fundamentals of materials science.

Instruction: Atomic interactions and order in microstructures; . .

classification of crystalline materials; imper (ection in materials; cocoon engineering materials; stress and strain'; mechanical properties of matter; .


mechanisms of deformation and fracture; creep phenomenon; testing of . .

toughness; ef fects of radiation on materf als; regulaccry f racture ,, ,

toughness requirements; alloys; corrosion; nuclear fuel and fuel claddrhg; brittle fracture and the reactor vessel; heat-up and cool-down consider-icions; pressurized thermal shock; welding meta 11urgy.and techniques" .

Credit s ecommeinda tion s In the lower division baccalaureate / associate

- . degree category. : :smester hours in Materials Science (*/84).

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Methods and Media ,

N .

Refer to Adult Education Philosophy. ,

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livelcar Plant Instrumentation (NET 211')

(Radiation Detection and Process ' Control Instrumentation) ,

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant. Buchanan, NY; James A.

-d 9 Nu:ler.r Power" Plant, Oswego, NY. -

Length: 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> (4 weeks).

Dates: January 1984--Present.

  • Objective: To provide participants with a knowledge of the principles of radiation detection and proce's's control instrumentation.

Instruction: Interaction of radiation with matter; gas-filled' radiation detectors; gas amplificatio.- - acron detection; scintillation detectors; basic instrumentation for pressure, levej and..denstty, flow, temperature, pH, and con-ductivity measurement; feedback systems; process centrol . .

Credit recommendation: .In the lower division baccalaureate / associate

- ~. .


degree category, 2 semester-hours in Engineering- Technelegy*(9/84). , .

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. .e P5vsics I (122) .. - .. .

(Technical Physics 1) -


Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY; James A.

Ficuatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Oswego, NY. .

. Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). - .

Dates: January 1984-Pr'esent. . .-

Objective: To provide participants with a k'nowledge and understanding '

of the fundamentals of technical. physics in the field of mechanics.

. Instruction: Units of measurement; motion; force and motion; vectors; equilibrium; work, energy, and power; momentum;" circular motion; rotational

. motion; mechanical advantage; mechanical pr.operties of materials. This is

. an algebra-based course, and no 4aboratory experience is included. -

Credit recommendations,in the lowe r division t,ac. gal,aur.eate /asser.iate -

degree category, 2 semester hours in College Physics or Technical Physics ~

t .

(9/84). -


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TestInc Refer to Adult Education Philosophy. .

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Thermodynamics O!ET 222) , _

Location: Indian Point #3 Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan..Y;JabesA.

FitzPatrick Nuclear Power -Plant. Oswego, NY.

Length: 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> (2 weeks). *

  • Dates: January 1984--Preient. -

Objective: Toprovideparticipantswithabasicknowled[eofthe .


principles of thermodynamics, with applications for power plant systems.

Instruction: Fundamental t!ie'rmodynamic units; properties of a system; forms of energy; first law of thermodynamics; second law of thermodynaraics; phases of matter; energy transfer properties cif water and steam; behavior of_

. gases; nucicar power plant cycles; thermodyn.uic cycle ar:tlysis.

Credit recocrac nda t ion: 'in the lower _ division baccalaureate / associate degree category, I seraester. hour in Engineering Technology 49/84]. .

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