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Rev 0 to Power Uprate Startup Test Rept for Cycle 13
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1997
Shared Package
ML20136H365 List:
NUDOCS 9703190126
Download: ML20136H377 (33)


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l 9703190126 970311 PDR ADOCK 05000333 P PDR 1

l . Attachment 11 James A. FitzP: trick Nuclear Paw:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1




l The JAF Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 is submitted to the NRC in accordance I with requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.1.a. This report summarizes the startup testing performed following implementation of power uprate during RFO12. Power Uprate was implemented per Amendment 239 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-59 which authorized increasing reactor thermal power from 2436 to 2536 MWt, an increase of 4.1% of the original rated thermal power.

l The Reactor Mode Switch was placed in the startup position on 7 Dec 1996. The final synchronization to the grid was on 12 Dec 1996. The plant was manually scrammed due to an EHC leak on Turbine Bypass Valve 4 on 15 Dec 1996. The plant was back online on 19 Dec 1996.

Power ascension was placed on hold at 96% power (old 100%) from 23 Dec 1996 to 2 Jan 1997.

After a rod pattern change on 2 Jan 1997, testing resumed and was completed on 8 Jan 1996.

l Power Uprate Startup Test results were presented to and approved by both PORC and the Plant Manager on 10 Jan 1996. (See Attachment 1, Startup for Cycle 13, Gross Core Thermal Power and Generator Power)

Seven new procedures combined with many existing procedures were used during power ascension testing. No unusual online adjustmen,s were required for the following plant systems:

Electrohydraulic Control (EHC) - Pressure Regulation, Feedwater Level Control, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI). All systems performed in a stable manner during both plant startup and transient testing. The plant is operating satisfactorily at power uprate conditions.

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' . Attachment 11 l James A. FitzPatrick Nucl:ar P wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1


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1.0 Purpose / Program Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 4 2.0 Summary of Power Uprate Startup Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l

l 3.0 Testing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.0 Summary of Test Program and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

- 4.1 Acceptance Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 l 4.2 Evaluation of Original Plant Startup Tests Which Do l Not Need to be Performed as a Result of Power Uprate ....... 6 4.3 Initial Startup Tests Required for Power Uprate . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.4 Additional Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

List of Tables Table 1 Test Condition .................................. 22 l Table 2 Initial Startup Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Table 3 Tests to be Performed for Power Uprate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Table 4 Current Procedures Correlation to Startup Tests . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Table 5 Startup Test Condition Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 l List of Flaures
Figure 1 General Sequencing of Power Uprate Testing ............. 30 l 1 l Attachments i l

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Attachment 1 Startup for Cycle 13, Gross Core Thermal Power and G enera tor Po wer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Attachment 2 Total Steam Flow versus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 l Attachment 3 Total Steam Flow versus ........................... 33  !

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. Attachment il James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Pawer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1.0 PURPOSE / PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Modification F196-045 implemented power uprate at JAF. JAF Power Uprate Startup Test Report summarizes the testing performed following implementation of power uprate during Refueling Outage 12 (RF012). Reactor thermal power was increased from 2436 MWt to 2536 MWt, an increase of 4.1 % over the original reactor thermal power. The I scope of required testing has been determined by General Electric Nuclear Energy (GE) on a generic basis in License Topical Reports and by NYPA on a plant-specific basis. Note broad definitions of the words " test" and " testing" are used throughout this report, consistent with the terminology used at the time of initial plant startup and in the speneric licensing documents associated with the uprate, and include data collection activities which do not, in and of themselves, involve the manipulation of plant equipment and controls.

In November 1996 a License condition was added to JAFNPP Operating License as Section 2.E, which requires the licensee to follow a staetup testing program as described in GE Licensing Topical Report NEDC-31897P-A. Testing was committed to in JAFP-96-0391 for l MSIVs, HPCI and RCIC. This report is prepared in accordance with regulatory requirements. l POT MISC-08A, Power Uprate Startup Testing *, directed the startup testing program. It i included administrative hold points at 96, 98 and 100% for both PORC and Plant Manager i review and approval. l 2.0



The reactor mode switch was placed in STARTUP at 2300 on 7 Dec 1996. The unit was I synchronized to the grid and RF012 ended on 12 Dec 1996 about 2200. At 0100 on 15  !

Dec 1996 the unit was shutdown via a manual scram due to EHC leak on Turbine Bypass Valve 4. The Unit was back online at about 050019 Dec 1996. Power Ascension testing was_placed on hold for the holidays at 96% power (old 100%) on 23 Dec 1996 until 2 Jan 1997. On 2 Jan 1997 a rod pattern adjustment was made to the final 100% rod pattern.

Power Ascension testing resumed after the rod pattom adjustment. The new reactor power of 2536 was first reach 5 Jan at about 1700. Testing was completed on 8 Jan and results presented to and accepted by both PORC and the Plant Manager on 10 Jan 1997.

The unit operates satisfactorily at uprate conditions. No online adjustments were required for Feedwater Level Control and EHC Pressure Control and both are operating extremely  ;

well. No unanticipated online adjustments were required for RCIC or HPCI Systems.

Recirculajon system flow instrumentation was calibrated at both 96 and 100%.  !

Recirculation MG Sets limits and stops were adjusted after power uprate testing was completed. All systems are performing in a stable manner. All power uprate startup tests were performed satisfactorily during the startup from RF012. No Level 1 acceptance criteria test failures occurred. All Level 2 criteria required for power uprate were met. One Level 2 criteria required by a HPCI surveillance test was not met. Engineering evaluated ,

this and determined that it was acceptable. I Data collected during the power ascension shows that the 4.1% increase in reactor power

! had very little effect on reactor water chemistry or radiological conditions throughout the ,

plant. The data also showed that there is adequate capacity in the EHC Pressure Regulator Controls to accommodate an increase in power (steam flow) after Feedwater LEFM is operating.


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, Attachment il James A. FitzPatrick Nuciou P w r Plant

, Power Uprete Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 l 3.0 TESTING REQUIREMENTS Section 13.7 of the UFSAR describes the preoperational testing performed during the initial l plant startup and power ascension. The results of that testing are described in General i Electric (GE) report NEDC-21212. The testing requirements for Power Uprate Startup '

Testing were developed based on review of Chapter 13.7 of UFSAR, the initial startup test l report, NEDC 21212, Section 10.3 of the plant specific safety analysis (NEDC-32016P 1), 1 l

and Sections 5.11.9 and L.2 of NEDC-31897P-A. Conditions were established for test '


Each of the initial startup tests listed in the UFSAR Chapter 13.7 and the initial plant startup report were evaluated for applicability to power uprate. Section 4.2 below l addresses the tests (numbered as designated in the Final Report Startup Test Program) not i required to be performed for power uprate and the reasons for each determination. Section

! 4.3 addresses the tests which were required to be performed for power uprate. A l description of the specific testing performed is included. Table 1 defines the plant l

conditions at which testing was performed. Table 2 identifies the initial Startup Tests and their applicability to power uprate. Table 3 summarizes the testing performed for power uprate and the test conditions for each test.




! Section 4.2 below contains a discussion of the original startup tests which did not need to be performed during startup from RO12. It should be noted a number of these initial plant startup tests are now routine plant startup tests following a refueling outage. The original stariap tests performed during the RO12 startup are identified in section 4.4. Except as I noted, power uprate testing was implemented through existing plant procedures.

1 i 4.1 Acceptance Criteria 1

A two-tiered approach was utilized to define the acceptance criteria for each test performed during the startup from RO12. The two criteria differentiate between " unexpected" test i l results which might or might not require postponement of power ascension until resolution i of the anomaly. This two tiered approach is directly analogous to that used during initial l preoperational testing.

A Level 1 criterion normally relates to the value of a process variable assigned in the design of the plant, component systems, or associated equipment. If a Level 1 criterion is not i

satisfied, the plant will be placed in a suitable hold condition until resolution is obtained and presented to PORC. Tests compatible with this hold condition may be continued.

Following resolution, applicable tests must be repeated to verify that the requirements of the Level 1 criterion are now satisfied.

A level 2 criterion is associated with expectations relating to the performance of systems.

If a Level 2 criterion is not satisfied, operating and testing plans would not necessarily be aftered. The Test Director will decide, in consultation with the Shift Manager, how to l continue testing and evaluate resolution of the test exception. Investigations of the i

measurements and of the analysis used for the prediction would be started, i

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. Attachment il James A. FitzP: trick Nucl:ar Pcwor Plant Powor Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13


4.2 Evaluation of Original Startup Tests Which Do Not Need to be Performed as a Result of Power Uprate The following tests are discussed in either the UFSAR or the initial startup report, or both, and were not performed during ths startup from RO12. As is evident in the discussion of individual tests, the majority of the initial startup tests which were not literally repeated for i power uprate, have, in fact, become integral parts of the normal plant startup procedures following a refueling outage. The tests which were neither explicitly repeated nor have been factored into existing plant procedures, represent activities logically performed during l and following initial core load and startup for which there are no reasons to repeat.  !

4.2.1 RSPTP-3 Fuel Loading i The purpose of this test was to load fuel safely and efficiently. Fuel loading is currently done per RAP-7.1.04B or RAP 7.1.04A. Power uprate has no effect on this evolution and 4 therefore no additional power uprate testing was required. I 4.2.2 RSPTP-6 SRM Performance and Control Rod Sequence The purpose of this test was to demonstrate that the operational sources, Source Range Monitor (SRM) instrumentation and rod withdrawal sequences, provided adequate 1 information to achieve criticality and then increase power in a safe and efficient manner. I Calibration of the SRM Trip funcuon is performed per ISP-72 and there is no need to '

orm additional power-uprate-specific testing. Control Rod Sequence is prepared and ded per RAP-7.3.32. Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) operability is demonstrated prior to startup per ST-20A, Based on the above cited plant procedures, there was no need to perform special power uprate testing in this area.

4.2.3 RSPTP-9 Water Level Test i

The purpose of this test was to check the calibration of the various water level indicators, '

to compare measured reference leg temperature with assumed reference leg value and to collect plant data. The increase in reactor power and pressure does not significantly affect  ;

assumed reference leg parameters. Reactor water level instrumentation was calibrated by l l&C during RO12 using instrument Surveillance Procedures. There was no need to perform additional testing for power uprate.

4.2.4 RSPTP-10 IRM Calibration The purpose of this test was to adjust the Intermediate Range Neutron Monitors (IRMs) to l obtain an optimum overlap with the SRM and Average Power Rangs Monitor (APRM) systems. Such overlap is assured through plant procedures OP-65, ST-5C and RAP-7.3.30.

Based on the above cited plant procedures, there was no need to perform additional testing for power uprate 4.2.5 RSPTP 13 Process Computer This test verified the performance of the procer.s computer under plant conditions. The process computer has been fully tested at plant operating conditions. The functions of the process computer are not changed due to power uprate. Hence, there was no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.


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. Attachment it James A. Fit: Patrick Nuclear Pswer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 l

4.2.6 RSPTP 16 Selected Process Temperatures This test established the minimum recirculation pump speed that ensures adequate mixing in the lower plenum. It assured that the measured bottom head drain temperature corresponds to bottom head coolant temperature during normal operation and collected data during recirc pump trips. Pump trips and measured drain temperature verification do not need to be repeated. Recirc loop and vessel temperature stratification limits are defined within Technical Specifications. ST-26K is used to verify differential temperature limits are met. There was no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

  • 4.2.7 RSPTP 17 System Expansion l

I This test verified that reactor drywell pipe'ng and major equipment were unrestramed with i regard to thermal expansion. A detailed, plant-specific analysis was performed by SWEC for uprate conditions with results showing that the piping systems are acceptable for power l uprate. Based on the above cited analysis, there was no need to perform power uprate-l specific testing in this area.

l 4.2.8 RSPTP 18 Core Power Distribution /TIP Reproducibility The purposes of this test were to confirm the reproducibility of the TIP system readings, to l determine the core power distribution in three dimensions and to determine core power j symmetry. Reproducibility of the TIP system was used to declare the system operable in

' the original startup. Since TIP system has been maintained operable and power uprate does l nothing to change TIP operability this portion of the test was not performed.

l The second and third purposes were tested per Section 4.3.9.

! 4.2.9 RSPTP 20 Steam Production This test demonstrated that the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) provided sufficient +

steam of acceptable quality to satisfy all applicable warranties. This was the initial warranty run and is not applicable to power uprate.

4.2.10 RSPTP-21 Flux Response to Rods This test demonstrated the ability of the core local power-reactivity feedback mechanism with regard to small perturbations in reactivity caused by rod movement. This is demonstrated during normal plant startup and operation by the performance of RAP-7.3.8, and ST-20C. Based on the above cited plant procedures, there was no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

4.2.11 RSPTP-23 Feedwater System The portion of this test that adjusts the feedwater control system for acceptable reactor water level control was performed as described in Section 4.3.12.

The objective of the loss of Feedwater Heating test was to demonstrate adequate response to a loss of feedwater heating. The original test closed remote manual valves (31XST-99 and 31XST-101) to isolate extraction steam to the high pressure heaters and resulted in a 38*F temperature drop compared to 80*F assumed in Technical Specifications and FSAR.

Based on the uprate heat balance equations and that a 80*F temperature drop due to loss of feedwater heating is considered in analysis supporting the Core Operating Limits Report for each cycle, this test did not need to be performed for power uprate.


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Attachment 11 l

l James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear P wer Plant  !

Power Uprete Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 l

1' The feedwater pump trip to demonstrate the capability of the automatic core flow runback I feature to prevent icw water level scram was not performed. This test is recommended by i GE if the plant owner desires to insure that the transient from the uprated conditions 1 conforms with the plant procedures and training. Most plants have not done this test  !

based on plant history which has proven the runback capability to avoid a scram, if a j feedwater pump trip ever occurs from uprated conditions, data will be available for analysis

from EPIC. Currently this test would be more important for assurance of availability than I

for safety. Tripping the feedwater pump would subject the plant to an unnecessary transient if performed, therefore the test was not performed for power uprate.

! 4.2.12 RSPTP 24 Bypass Valves i

i This test demonstrated the ability of the pressure regulator to minimize reactor pressure i

disturbance during an abrupt change in reactor steam flow and to show that a bypass valve can be functionally tested at rated power without causing a scram,.

4 Turbine bypass system is designed to pass at least 25% rated steam flow at rated steam l pressure or 2,617,500 lb/hr. The increased steam pressure to the turbine bypass valves for '

1 power uprate will increase total bypass flow to 2,741,000 lb/hr. Bypass valves were 1 shown to have sufficient margin to pass 25% of uprate steam flow. Existing steam turbine ,

capacity is satisfactory for normal and transient bypass operation at uprate conditions. The '

i small increase in pressure due to power uprate is within the original design for the turbine ]

system so this testing was not required. i 1

4.2.13 RSPTP-25 Main Steam isolation Valves )

The purposes of this test were; i 1. To functionally check the Main Steam Line Isolation Valves (MSIVs) for proper  !

3 operation at selected power levels.

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2. To determine reactor transient behavior during and following simultaneous full  !

closure of all MSIVs and following full closure of one valve. J

3. To determine isolation valve closure timo.  !

i 4. To determine the maximum power at which a single valve may be closed without a l reactor scram. i j Large transient testing performed at high power during the Initial Startup demonstrated the

adequacy for protection for these large transients. Analysis has shown (NEDC-32016P-1) that for these transients at uprate conditions the change in plant performance is small, i therefore testing the plant's response to full closure of the MSIVs at uprate power level was not required.

. MSIV functional checks, determination for the valve closure times and maximum power one MSIV may be closed were performed. See Section 4.4.13 for details.

4.2.14 RSPTP-26 Relief Valves

! This test verified proper operation of the dual purpose relief / safety valves including their l

. capacity and verification of their leaktightness following operation. The valve capacity is i

}. not affected by uprate. The setpoints for these valves were increased for uprate. The new I i setpoints were set and tested at Wyle Laboratories. Functional testing is currently done per

. ST-22B Power uprate will not affect the performance of ST-22B; therefore, there is no j need for power uprate-specific testing.

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. . Attachment il 1

James A. Fit P:tricic Nuclear Psw:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1

4.2.15 RSPTP-27 Turbine Trip and Generator Load Reject i This test demonstrated the response of the reactor and its control systems to protective


trips in the turbine and generator. Large transient testing performed at high power during i the Initial Startup demonstrated the adequacy for protection for these large transients.

Analysis has shown (section 7.3 of NEDC 32016-P-1) that for theta transients at uprate

. conditions the change in unit performance is small, thus this severe transient testing of the i unit's response to turbine and generator trips at uprate conditions is not warranted and was not performed.

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i 4.2.16 RSPTP-28 Shutdown From Outside the Control Room i This test demonstrated that the reactor can be brought from a normal initial steady-state j power level to the point where cooldown is initiated and under control from outside the i control room. Power uprate does not change the capability to shut down from outside the

, control room, therefore, a repeat of this test was not required.

2 l 4.2.17 RSPTP-30 Recirculation System l This test determined the transient response during recirculation pump trips, flow  !

coastdown, and pump restarts. Power Uprete did not increase Recirculation flow or affect i the ability of the recirculation system to respond acceptably to these transients as '

l demonstrated during the initial Startup Test Program. This portion of startup test was not required for power uprate. Another objective of this test was to obtain recirculation system  !

performance data. This testing is described in Section 4.3.16. '

4.2.18 RSPTP 31 Loss of Turbine Generator and Off-Site Power .

The objectives of this test were to demonstrate proper performance of the reactor and the plant electrical equipment and systems and to verify that safety systems initiate and function properly without manual assistance during the loss of turbine-generator and all offsite power transient. Power uprate did not change the ability of the electrical systems to function properly during a loss of main turbine-generator and offsite power. The ability of

. HPCI and RCIC to function properly at uprate conditions was demonstrated (see Sections 4.3.7 and 4.3.8 below) during the power ascension to uprate conditions.

Based on the above, there was no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

4.2.19 RSPTP-32 Recirculation MG Set Speed Control This test determined the speed control characteristics of the Recirc MG sets, obtained acceptable speed control system performance, and determined maximum allowable pump speed. Power uprate is not changing 100% Recirc flow. The effects of uprate on Recirc MG sets, speed control, and maximum pump speed have been shown to be within already tested design criteria (NEDC-32016-P-1) there was no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

4.2.20 RSPTP-34 Vibration Measurements This test determined the mechanical integrity of the system to flow induced vibration and to verify the accuracy of the analytical vibration model. Analysis performed by SWEC showed that the not impact from power uprate is small and considered negligible. Based on the above cited analysis, there is no need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

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Attachment il James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear P4wer Plant 3 Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 l 4

i i 4.2.21 RSPTP-70 Reactor Water Cleanup i

. 1 This test demonstrated operability of the Reactor Water Cleanup System. As no changes are being made to the RWCU system due to power Uprate, it was not necessary to repeat this test. I 4


4.2.22 RSPTP-71 Residual Heat Removal System This test demonstrated the ability of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System to remove i residual and decay heat from the nuclear system. This allows refueling and nuclear system '

servicing to be performed. Initial Startup Test verified RHR Heat Exchanger capacity.

! Power uprate does not change RHR operating pressures or licensing or design flow rates.

! Regulatory Guide 1.139, requires the plant to reach cold shutdown within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Per section 3.9 of NEDC-32016-P-1, prior to power uprate the plant could reach cold shutdown

in 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br /> with only one RHR loop and a service water temperature of 82'F.  ;

Operationally, power uprate will add about one half hout to normal plant cooldown. This  !

- did not affect any startup test criteria. Based on the above cited analysis, there was no 1

need to perform power uprate-specific testing in this area.

1 4.3 initial Startup Tests Required for Power Uprate j The correlation between existing plant procedures which were used to affect power uprate testing and the initial plant startup tests is shown in Table 4. Conditions for each particular test are given in Table 5. The general sequence in which the tests were performed is shown in Figure 1.

! 4.3.1 RSPTP 1 Chemical and Radiochemical The primary objective of this test is to maintain control and knowledge about the quality of

] the reactor coolant chemistry. Chemical and radiochemical samples were taken as directed

by RES-SO-22, RES Department Power Uprate Testing. RES-SO-22 directed when and what sections of the following plant procedures were performed:

i e RES-SO-16, RES Department Guidelines for Start-up, Shutdown and Scram

' e SP-01.02, Reactor Water Sampling and Analysis I

e SP-01.06, Gaseous Effluent Sampling and Analysis e PSP-23, Steam Jet Air Ejector and Recombiner Effluent Sampling and Analysis e RT-01.02, Feedwater and Condensate Sampling and Analysis Testing was at the original 100% power level and at the uprate 100% power level (104%

, of original level) to establish a new baseline.

Level 1 Criteria

- Per SP-01.02, SP-01.06 and PSP-23 Level 2 Criteria I Per SP-01.02, SP-01.06 and PSP-23 i

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. Attachment il James A. FitaP: trick Nuclear Pr. wor Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1

RESULTS All acceptance criteria were met. ,

Parameter Actual Data 96% Actual Data 100%

17.26 scfm Hydrogen 18.52 scfm l

Hydrogen Primary Conductivity 0.098 0.094 l RWCU Inlet I pmhos/cm Primary Chloride ppb 0.6 < 0. 5 Feedwater Conductivity 0.057 0.057 pmhos/cm l

Hotwell Conductivity 0.054 0.054 l

pmhos/cm Hotwell Chloride ppb <1 < 0.5 Stack Release Rate l Gaseous 0.47 0.105 l lodine / Particulate 9.13E-6 5.158E-6 pCi/sec SJAE Inlet Release Rate 786 714 l pCi/sec Recombiner Outlet 345 367 Release Rate pCi/sec Offgas Rad Monitor A/B 17.1/15.6 19.1/16.4 Dose Rate mr/hr 4.3.2 RSPTP 2 Radiation Measurements and Shielding integrity Checks l

This test measures radiation levels at selected locations and power conditions to assess the impact of power uprate on actual plant area dose rates. Radiation levels were measured at various locations in the plant at 75%,96% and at 100% power uprate to establish new baseline data.

RES-SO-22, RES Department Power Uprate Testing directed what surveys would be done in conjunction with RP-OPS-08.01, Routine Surveys and Inspections'. Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor setpoint will be adjusted and Offgas Radiation Monitor Setpoint will be adjusted as necessary in accordance with existing procedures and administrative controls.

Level 1 Criteria l

l Radiation doses of plant origin and occupancy times of personnel in radiation zones shall be controlled consistent with the guidelines of The Standard for Protection Against Radiation outlined in 10CFR20.

Level 2 Criteria None 4

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. Attachment il James A. Fit P: trick Nuclear Paw:t Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 RESULU Radiation surveys were taken at 75,96 and 100%. The radiation data were taken at normal water chemistry conditions. The dose rates were the same as those experienced at the original power levels, No postings were changed as a result of achieving 100% power uprate. Radiation dose rates remain within the standards for protection against radiation outlined in 10CFR20.

4.3.3 RSPTP-4 Full Core Shutdown Margin This test demonstrates that the reactor will be subcritical throughout the fuel cycle with any single control rod fully withdrawn. Shutdown margin demonstration was performed per RAP-7.3.9.

Level 1 Criteria Shutdown margin is Greater Than or Equal To 0.38% (delta K)/ K + R.

Level 2 Criteria None RESULTS For Cycle 13 R is equal to 0.01%(delta k)/k therefore SDM must be GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.39% Ak/k. Shutdown margin was performed per RAP-7.3.9 by insequence control rod withdrawal method. Shutdown margin was determined to be 1.66% Ak/k, which satisfied level 1 acceptance criterion.

4.3.4 RSPTP-5 Control Rod Drive System This testing demonstrates that the control rods meet Technical Specification requirements for scram times. Scram Timing was performed per RAP-7.4.1.

Level 1 Criteria Per RAP 7.4.1 Level 2 Criteria None 1 RESULTS Scram time testing was performed below 40% power per RAP-7.4.1. All acceptance criteria were met. Results of average scram insertion times are tabulated below.

Notch Position Actual Average Scram Acceptance Criteria insertion Time (seconds) 46 0.281 0.338 38 0.690 0.923 24 1.432 1.992 04 2.548 3.554 4

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. Attachment il James A. FitzP: trick Nuclear P wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 All control rods inserted 90% in LESS THAN 7.00 seconds. All average scram insertion times for the three fastest operable control rods of all groups of four control rods in a two-by-two array was not GREATER THAN:

Control Rod Notch Average Scram insertion Position Observed Time (seconds) 46 0.361 I 38 0.977 24 2.112 04 3.764 i 4.3.5 RSPTP-11 LPRM Calibration The purpose of this test is to calibrate the local power range monitors (LPRMs). The LPRM channels were calibrated to make the LPRM readings proportional to the neutron flux in the narrow-narrow water gap at the chamber elevation. This was performed per RAP-7.4.3 at l 50% and 100% power, t

Level 1 Criteria Per RAP-7.4.3 Level 2 Criteria None RESULTS Though not required for power uprate, Reactor Engineers performed RAP-7.4.3 at 50%

power. First performance failed to meet the acceptance criteria. l&C made adjustments and RAP-7.4.3 was successfully performed. RAP-7.4.3 was performed at 100% power for uprate and all acceptance criteria were met. All operable LPRM strings had a LPRM GAF l value BETWEEN 0.85 and 1.15.

I 4.3.6 RSPTP-12 APRM Calibration The purpose of this test is to calibrate the Average Power Range Monitors (APRMs). Each i APRM channel reading was adjusted to be consistent with the core thermal power as l determined from the heat balance. This calibration was performed per ST-SD when j directed by RAP-07.3.30 Cycle Startup Reactor Physics Test Program.

Level 1 Criteria APRMs are correctly set to calculated APRM setting.

Level 2 Criteria None RESULTS l

l ST-50 was performed for power uprate at 25%, 50%, 75%, 96%, 98% and 100% power.

At each power level ST-5D was cornpleted satisfactorily and no problems occurred during the tests.

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. Attachment il James A. Fit P: trick Nuclear P wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 4.3.7 RSPTP 14 RCIC System The purpose of this test is to verify the proper operation of the RCIC System over the required range of reactor pressures and provide baseline data for future surveillance testing.

Prior to RCIC testing the following were performed:

1. Proop testing of RCIC MOD M1-94-031 (SIL 377) for RCIC Startup Transient j improvement '

l 2. Needed setpoint changes completed and the appropriate MCM-8 setpoint change I documentation completed.

3. Recalibrated the turbine controls for the new turbine rated speed (SIL 351).

Prior to exceeding 150 psig, as part of the normal plant startup, ST-240 and TST-57 were performed. RCIC operability at (approximately) 1000 psi was verified through performance l of ST 24J. At the full uprated conditions, a cold quick start (TST-58) was performed to demonstrate proper RCIC response at full uprate pressure and establish new IST baselines at uprate conditions. Also, steam flow data was collected per SIL 475 for later differential pressure calibration for high steam flow trip.

j I

Level 1 Criteria l The average pump discharge flow shall be equal to or greater than 100% rated flow l

1. i within 30 seconds from initiation at any reactor pressure between 150 psig and  ;


2. The RCIC turbine shall not trip or isolate during auto or manual start tests. l 1
3. With the pump discharge pressure between 250 psig and 1235 psig the RCIC flow rate shall be at least 400 gpm.

Level 2 Criteria

1. The analog trip unit for the RCIC steam supply line high flow isolation trip was adjusted to actuate at s 300% of the maximum required steady state steam flow.

This setpoint has been revised to reflect both uprate conditions and the 24 month operating cycle. Note: This setpoint is explicitly tied to the High Energy Line Break analysis for the plant. l RESULTS TST-57 and 58 contained normal ST renuirements with the addition of modification testing of MOD M1-94-031 which changed 13MOV-131 to improve RCIC startup transient. At 150 psig both ST-240 and TST-57 were performed. ST 240 verified the RCIC turbine overspeed trip (5870 and 5854 rpm). TST-57 verified RCIC came to speed in 13.64 seconds and provided 410 gpm. Preop testing data for 13MOV-131 data was also collected. All acceptance criteria were satisfied.

At 1000 psig testing ST-24J was performed. It verified that RCIC provided rated flow, 400gpm in 8.67 seconds. All acceptance criteria were satisfied.


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i . Attachment il James A. FitzP: trick Nuclear P:wer Plant Power Uprote Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 At full uprate conditions, a cold quick start was performed per TST 58. TST 58 also included VOTES testing of the new 13MOV 131. RCIC provided rated flow,400 ppm, in 8.41 seconds. RCIC turbine did not trip or isolate during any RCIC testing. All acceptance criteria were satisfied.

l 4.3.8 RSPTP 15 HPCI System l

The purpose of this test is to verify the proper operation of the HPCI System over the

! required range of reactor pressures and provide baseline data for future surveillance testing.

l Prior to HPCI testing, setpoint changes were completed and the appropriate MCM-8 l setpoint change documentation was complete, j Prior to exceeding 150 psig, as part of the normal plant startup, ST-4K and ST-4N, was l performed. HPCI operability at (approximately) 1000 psi was verified through performance of ST-4N. At the full uprated conditions, a cold quick start was performed per ST-4P, to demonstrate proper HPCI response at full uprate pressure and establish new IST baselines l st uprate conditions. Also, steam flow data was collected per Sil 475 for later differential pressure calibration for high steam flow trip. After HPCI was running, small step disturbances in speed and flow were input to demonstrate HPCI control system stability.

l Level 1 Criteria

1. The average pump discharge flow shall be equal to or greater than 100% rated flow i' within 30 seconds from initiation at any reactor pressure between 150 psig and rated.
2. The HPCI turbine shall not trip or isolate during start tests.
3. With the pump discharge pressure between 250 psig and 1250 psig the HPCI flow  !

rate shall be at least 4250 gpm. i Level 2 Criteria

1. The analog trip unit for the HPCI steam supply line high flow isolation trip was adjusted to actuate at s 300% of the maximum required steady state steam flow.

, This setpoint has been revised to reflect both uprate conditions and the 24 month j operating cycle. Note: This setpoint is explicitly tied to the High Energy Line Break i

analysis for the plant.


At 150 psig ST-4K verified HPCI overspeed trip (5152, 5170 and 5150 rpm). ST-4N showed that HPCI provided 4400gpm in 28.54 seconds. All acceptance criteria were satisfied.

1 At 1000 psig ST-4N showed that HPCI provided 4400 gpm in 23.33 seconds. All l acceptance criteria were satisfied.

At full uprate conditions ST-4P was performed and HPCI provided 4350 gpm in 19.17 seconds. All Level 1 acceptance criteria were satisfied. While performing step changes during ST-4P HPCI failed to meet the Level 2 criteria that the HPCI flow control system I proportional band is 500 to 600. Actual average number was 496. This was analyzed by engineering and was acceptable.

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. Attachment II ,

James A. FitzP: trick Nuclear P wer Plarit I

, Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1

4.3.9 RSPTP 18 Core Power Distribution /TIP Reproducibility The purposes of this test are:

1. To confirm the reproducibility of the TIP system readings.
2. To determine the core power distribution in three dimensions.
3. To determine core power symmetry.

Reproducibility of the TIP system was used to declare the system operable in the original startup. Since TIP system has been maintained operable and power uprate does nothing to chance TIP operability this portion of the test was not performed. Purposes 2 and 3 were tested for power uprate by both RAP-7.3.5 and RAP-7.3.14 at 100% uprate power.

Level 1 Criteria None Level 2 Criteria Per RAP-7.3.14 and RAP-7.3.5 l 1

RESULTS RAP-7.3.14, Traversing incore Probe System *, was performed successfully at 100% power and all acceptance criteria were met successfully. RAP-7.3.5, Core Power Symmetry Analysis' was performed at 100% power. All symmetric bundle powers were less than 10% different (largest actual difference being 7.72%), thus all acceptance criteria were met satisfactorily.

4.3.10 RSPTP 19 Core Performance Evaluation i This test evaluates core thermal power and core performance parameters. Measurements of core thermal power and core performance parameters were performed with the same methods previously used. Core thermal power and performance parameters were measured I near 90% and 100% of current power rating, along the constant rod pattern line intended I to be used for the increase to uprate power.

Demonstration of fuel thermal margins were performed prior to and during power ascension at 96% uprate,98% uprate and finally at 100% uprate. Fuel thermal margins were determined at the noted power levels per ST-SE. Reactor Engineering estimated (predicted) thermal margins at the next test point (power level). The predicted margins were compared to the measured margins after each change in power by Reactor Engineering. ,

Level 1 Criteria l Per ST SE and as determined by Reactor Engineers Level 2 Criteria As determined by Reactor Engineering Analysis Page 16 of 33

l Attachment il James A. FitzP trick Nuclear P:wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 i i


All acceptance criteria were satisfied.  !

Parameter Level 1 86 % 90 % 92 % 94 % 96 % 98 % 100 %

Criteria CTP CTP CTP CTP CTP CTP CTP CTP s2536 2189 2297 2325 2385 2430 2484 2535 MWt MFLCPR s 1.0 0.861 0.87 0.87 0.880 0.888 0.882 0.889 1 0 i MAPRAT $ 1.0 0.791 0.83 0.84 0.871 0.885 0.916 0.885 0 9 MFLPD s 1.0 0.835 0.87 0.89 0.922 0.937 0.865 0.939 7 8 )

l Decrease in MFLCPR and MFLPD between 96% and 98% CTP was a function of recirculation flow instrumentation calibration performed at 96% CTP.

l 4.3.11 RSPTP-22 Pressure Regulator This test (TST 56) performs the following:

1. Confirms the adequacy of settings for pressure controlloop by analysis of the  !

transient re ponse in the reactor pressure control system by means of the induced j pressure changes. l

2. Demonstrates that other affected parameters are within acceptable limits during pressure regulator induced transient maneuvers.

l l 3. Demonstrates the control capability of the backup pressure regulator via simulated l failure of controlling pressure regulator.

The ranges of a number of main control panel gages were changed and EHC was modified per MOD M1-95-123. All modifications were installed before testing. During the outage all the cards in the pressure regulator system (these include the pressure amplifier card, the steam line fundamental resonance compensator card and the steam line third harmonic resonance compensator card) were pre-installation tested and dynamic calibrations performed. The turbine EHC system was tuned (SIL 589 Rev.1).

I At approximate power levels of 20%,65%, and 96% of uprate power the following step L inputs were made to the pressure regulator (with a pressure setpoint bias of 3 psi):

1. -2 psi
2. + 2 psi

! 3. 5 psi L 4. + 5 psi

! 5. -10 psi

6. + 10 psi When this testing was complete for one pressure regulator, transfer was made to the other pressure regulator, and the steps were repeated.

j At ~20%, simulated failure of each pressure regulator, while in control, was performed to demonstrate the backup pressure regulator capability (first failure was done with a 1 psi l bias, then a second test was performed at the normal bias of 3 psi).

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Attachment il James A. Fit: Patrick Nuclear P: wor Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 3

I Total steam flow and pressure regulator output data was taken in increments of 2% power i from 20% power through the power ascension to 100% uprate power.

Level 1 Criteria

1. Decay ratio of less than 1.0 for each process variable that exhibited oscillatory response to pressure regulator changes. l
2. The backup pressure regulator shall take over pressure control with a stable response upon the simulated failure of the primary pressure regulator.

Level 2 Cnteria

1. Decay ratio is less than 0.25 for each variable that exhibits oscillatory response when the plant is above the lower limit of the Master Flow Controller. (65% and 96% CTP tests only)
2. The deadband and delay were such that all steady-state cycles produced variations that were not larger than 0.5% of rated steam flow as measured at the main generator output.
3. Plant shall not scram during the simulated failure of controlling pressure regulator.
4. The pressure peak (or new steady state value if no pressure peak occurs) following a
  • 10 psi pressure setpoint change occurred in less than 10 seconds.

RESULTS At 20% power simulated failover of each pressure regulator was performed. The first attempt at failing regulator B failed because of a faulty NORM /FAlltoggle switch. After the B regulator test card was replaced the failovers proceeded. All acceptance criteria were met.

Pressure step changes of 2, 5 and 10 psi were performed at 20%,65% and 96% CTP. No signs of divergence or oscillations were observed. Decay ratios were all below 0.25, response times were all less than 10 seconds and steady-state cycles were all less than 0.5% of rated steam flow.

JAF has not implemented LEFM for more accurate feedwater flow measurements. it is estimated that LEFM may increase power by 2%. At current 2536 MWT the Turbine ,

Control valves have the capacity to handle the power increase. This was verified during the  !

TCV linearity data collection and verification. The variation in the slope to the curve plotted on linear graph paper (pressure regulator output versus total steam flow) showed that the incremental regulation is within the criteria specified by GE. Attachments 1 and 2 are graphs of turbine control valve linearity.

4.3.12 RSPTP-23 Feedwater System  ;

1 This test, (TST-55) demonstrated that the Feedwater system has been adjusted to provide acceptable reactor water level control at uprate condition. Reactor water level setpoint changes of 1 % and 3 inches were used to evaluate the feedwater control system settings.

Level setpoint changes were performed at 86%, 96%, 98% and 100% uprate power levels.-

Level 1 Criteria Decay ratio of less than 1.0 for each process variable that exhibited oscillatory response.

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. t Attachment 11 James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear PJwer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 Level 2 Criteria

1. Decay ratio is less than 0.25 for each variable that exhibits an oscillatory response when the plant is above the lower limit of the Master Level Controller.
2. Following a 3 inch level step change, the time from step change until the water level peaked occurred in less than 35 seconds without changes in feedwater flow greater than 25% of rated flow.

RESULTS Level step changes, TST-55, were performed at 86,96,98 and 100% CTP. All acceptance criteria were met. JAF operates in single element control. All decay ratios were less than 0.25. Longest time from step change to water level peak was 13.6 seconds and the greatest change in rated feedwater flow was 16.5 %.

At 96% power TST-55 was performed twice. The first time an EPIC low condensate booster suction pressure alarm (nominal 100 psig setpoint) came in while doing the 3" level increase. A concern was raised about how close pressure came to the low suction pressure trip (25 psig). Recorders were installed by a temporary modification to monitor condensate parameters. TST-55 was then performed again (recorders were left in at higher levels also). Condensate booster pump suction pressure dropped to about 104 psig, with the alarm coming in at about 106 psig. During testing at higher powers the EPIC alarm came in for a few seconds but condensate booster pump suction pressure never went below 100 psig.

4.3.13 RSPTP-25 Main Steam isolation Valves The purposes of this test to be performed for power uprate are:

1. To functionally check the Main Steam Line Isolation Valves (MSIVs) for proper operation.


2. To determine isolation valve closure time.

l ST-1B was performed at approximately 70% uprate power.

Level 1 Criteria Per ST-01B Level 2 Criteria None j IEEULII All acceptance criteria were met.

4.3.14 RSPTP-30 Recirculation System This test collected recirculation system performance data. (See Section 4.3.17 for those test portions not needing to be done for uprate) Recirculation system performance data was gathered during other tests. A complete calibration of the installed recirculation system flow instrumentation is part of RSPTP-35 Recirculation System Flow Calibration, see Section 4.3.16 below.

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. 5 Attachment 11 James A. FitzPttrick Nuclear P:wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 4.3.15 RSPTP-33 Main Turbine Stop Valves Section 8.1 of ST 1E, individual valve testing, was performed at 100% initial power (96%

uprate). Since this test is now scheduled and performed quarterly concurrent with other testing that requires a downpower, ST-1E was not performed at 98 or 100%. If in the future performance at higher powers is desired testing will be done to demonstrate the feasibility of testing at higher powers.

Level 1 Criteria None Level 2 Criteria

1. Peak neutron fhn is at least 5% below scram trip setting and peak vessel pressure remains at least 10 psig below the high pressure scram setting.
2. Peak steam flow in the main steam lines remain 10% below high flow isolation trip setting.
3. Per ST-1E Section 10.2.1 RESULTS ST-1E section 8.1 was performed at 96% CTP. All acceptance criteria were met.

4.3.16 RSPTP-35, Recirculation System Flow This test performed a complete calibration of the installed recirculation system flow instrurnentation. ISP-63-1 was performed during the refuel outage. IMP-2.3.3 was performed as scheduled prior to the outage.

RAP-7.3.7, Core Flow Evaluation and Indication Calibration, and RAP-7.3.29, Determination of Rated Recirculation Flow were performed at 100% power. All acceptance criteria were 4


Level 1 Criteria Per RAP-7.3.7 and RAP 7.3.29 Level 2 Criteria None RESULTS RAP-7.3.7, Core Flow Evaluation and Indication Calibration, and RAP-7.3.29, Determination of Rated Recirculation Flow were performed at 100% powe' They were also performed at 96% CTP. All acceptance criteria were met.

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. ; Attachment 11 James A. FitaP: trick Nucl:ar Psw:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 i

f 4.4 Additional Tests j 4.4.1 Steady State Data Collection A set of steady state primary plant data was collected as a baseline for extrapolation when the plant reaches approximately 86% power for primary plant parameters (other data i started at 90%). Additional sets of steady state plant data was taken for extrapolation at i' 100% original wer (96% uprate power). Reactor power was increased in approximately 2% (50 MWt) roments from the original 100% power (96 % Uprate) up to 100 % uprate 4 power. At each incremental power level, additional sets of steady state data were taken and extrapolated to the 100% uprate power level. The final set of steady state data was 4

taken when 100% uprate power is achieved (once 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after reaching 100% and again 4 j days later). The data collection and plant monitoring was governed by TST-59.

l RESULTS TST-59 was performed from 20% to 100% CTP. All data was analyzed and accepted before increasing power to 98%, before increasing power to 100% and to continue i operation at 100%. After all the plant personnel reviews, the data was presented to PORC

and the Plant Manager. q

) 4.4.2 Turbine Control Valve Testing l I

! ST-1L was performed twice at 86% uprate power. During the first performance, while 1 closing TCV-1, 2% bypass valves opened. Upon evaluation, it was determined that TCV-4

'. was being limited by a load set of 850 MWe. This had been changed independent of power 2

uprate. A procedure change was done to change load set to 915. The test was performed

, again. This time only BPV-1 partially opened. All Level 1 criteria were met, TCVs opened j and closed as needed and all required annunciators came in. There were no Level 2 criteria, i

1 4.4.3 Recirc Pump Vibration Monitoring i

i Due to the increased vibrations experienced by Susquehanna after their power uprate (with

! increased recire flow), the NRC is requiring uprate plants to monitor recirc pump vibration

during power ascension. We did this as part of TST-59 using the installed vibration monitoring panel. This test is part of the License Condition submitted in JPN-96-043.

RESULTS l: Data was taken as part of TST-59 at power levels Of 86, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98 and 100%.

Data was analyzed and determined to be satisfactory at each level by Performance Engineering.



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, 3 Attachment 11 James A. FitaP: trick Nuclear P w:r Plant  !

Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1



1 < 86%

l 2 86-87% (note 2) 3 95-96% (note 3) l 4 97-98 %

5 99-100% (note 4) l 1 l NOTES: 1. Reactor core flow can be any flow within the authorized region of the l power / flow map that will produce the required power level. l

2. Original 90% power is equal to 86.45% uprate power.
3. Original 100% power is equal to 96.06% uprate power.
4. 100% uprate power is equal to 2536 MWt. l j i

! l s


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.t Attachment it James A. FitzPctrick Nuclear Pcw:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13



I RSPTP-1 Chemical and Radiochemical Yes

RSPTP-2 Radiation Measurements Yes j RSPTP-3 Fuel Loading No i 4 i RSPTP-4 Shutdown Margin Yes l RSPTP-5 Control Rod Drive System Yes l

j RSPTP-6 SRM Performance and Control Rod Sequence No l RSPTP-9 Water Level Test No


! RSPTP 10 IRM Calibration No RSPTP-11 LPRM Calibration Yes )

f- RSPTP-12 APRM Calibration Yes RSPTP-13 Process Computer No

}- RSPTP-14 RCIC System Yes j j RSPTP-15 HPCI System Yes j RSPTP-16 Selected Process Temperatures No RSPTP-17 System Expansion No RSPTP-18 Core Power Distribution Yes(1) I

I j RSPTP-19 Core Thermal Performance Yes RSPTP 20 Steam Production No RSPTP-21 Flux Response to Rods No j RSPTP-22 Pressure Regulator Yes(1) i RSPTP-23 Feedwater System Yes (1)

RSPTP-24 Bypass Valves No i

NOTE 1: Only some of the test is required for power uprate testing.


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, g Attachment ll James A. Fit:P: trick Nucl:ar Paw;r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 l


! INITIAL STARTUP TEST REQUIRED FOR j TEST # UPRATE RSPTP-25 MSIVs Yes (1) f RSPTP-26 Relief Valves No RSPTP-27 Turbine Trip and Generator Load Rejection No RSPTP-28 Shutdown From Outside the Control Room No RSPTP-30 Recirculation System Yes (1)

RSPTP-31 Loss of Turbine Generator and Off-site Power No j RSPTP-32 Recire MG Set Speed control No I RSPTP-33 Main Turbine Stop Valves Yes RSPTP-34 Vibration Measurements No RSPTP-35 Recirculation System Flow YES  !

RSPTP-70 RWCU System No RSPTP-71 RHR System No NOTE 1: Only some of the test is required for power uprate testing.

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. . t Attachment il

! James A. Fit:P trick Nuclear Pcw:r Plant

! Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 1 1 1  !



1 2 3 4 5 l 1 Chemical & Radiochemical X X I

2 Radiation Measurements X X 1

4 Shutdown Marain X 5 CRD Scram Timino X j

11 LPRM Calibration X i 12 APRM Calibration X X X X X 14 RCIC (150#) X

} 14 RCIC (> 920#) X

14 RCIC Cold Quick Start X
15 HPCI (150#) X 1

l 15 HPCI Stability (Uprate Pressure) X l 15 HPCI (> 920#) X l 15 HPCl Cold Quick Start x 18 Core Power Distribution X 19 Core Performance X X X 22 Pressure Regulator X X 23 Feedwater Level Control X X X X 25 MSIVs X 30 Recirculation System X 33 Main Turbine Stop Valve X 35 Recirculation System Flow X N/A TCV ST-1L X N/A Steady State Data Collection X X X X X Page 25 of 33

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. . Attachment il l James A. Fit:Pctrick Nuclear P wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 TABLE 4 CURRENT PROCEDURES CORRELATION WITH STARTUP TESTS 4


l RSPTP 1 SP-01.02 i SP-10.06 i SP-03.05 RT-01.02 l

i RSPTP-2 RP-OPS-08.01

RSPTP-4 RAP-7.3.9
RSPTP 5 RAP 7.4.1 i

i RSPTP 11 RAP-7.4.3 i

RSPTP-12 ST-5D l

RSPTP-14 ST-240 TST 57 ST-24J at > 920#

TST-58 RSPTP 15 ST-4K ST-4N at > 920#)

ST-4 P RSPTP-18 RAP-7.3.5 l RAP-7.3.14 RSPTP 19 ST-SE RSPTP-22 TST 56 RSPTP-23 TST 55 RSPTP 25 ST-018 RSPTP-33 ST-1E Section 8.1 RSPTP 30 and RSPTP 35 ISP-63-1 IMP 2.3.3 (as scheduled Non-outage)

RAP 7.3.7 RAP-7.3.29 Page 26 of 33 ,


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. 1 Attachment il James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear P w:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 TABLE 5 Page 1 of 3 STARTUP TEST CONDITION DETAILS RSPTP-1 Chemical and Radiochemical Action Test Condition

1. Reactor Water Chemistry, Radiochemistry, 3. 2436 MWt and Offgas Monitoring 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP 2 Radiation Measursments Action Test Condition
1. Monitor Radiation Levels 3. 2436 MWt and Offgas Monitoring 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP-4 Full Core Shutdown Margin Action Test Condition
1. Demonstrate Shutdown Margin 1. Prior to mode Switch in RUN RSPTP-5 Conirol Rod Drive System Action Test Condition
1. Scram Times 1. < 40% power RSPTP-11 LPRM Calibration Action Test Condition
1. Calibrate LPRM System 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP-12 APRM Calibration Action Test Condition
1. Calibrate APRM System 1. 25% power
1. 50% power
1. 75% power

, 3. 2436 MWt

4. 98% power
5. 2536 MWt i

i l

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. i Attachment il James A. FitzP: trick Nuclear P wer Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 3


RSP1P-14 RCIC System 4

Action Test Condition

1. Flow Test and turbine overspeed 1.150 psig
2. System Operability 1. >920 psig 1 3. Cold Quick Start 5. 2536 MWt f RSPTP-15 HPCI Action Test Condition i 1. Flow Test and turbine overspeed 1.150 psig
2. System Operability 1. > 920 psig
3. Cold Quick Start 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP-18 Core Power Distribution /TIP Reproducibility j Action Test Condition
1. Determine Core Power Distribution 1. 50% power and Symmetry 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP-19 Core Performance Evaluation
Action Test Condition f 1. Determine Core Thermal Power 3. 2436 MWt and Core Performance Parameters 4. 98% power  !

! 5. 2536 MWt RSPTP-22 Pressure Regulator l Action Test Condition

1. Steps changes in pressure 1. ~ 20% power
1. 65% power
3. 96% power
2. Simulated failure of pressure regulator 1. ~20% power RSPTP 23 Feedwater System Action Test Condition
1. Steps changes in setpoint 2. 86% power
3. 2436 MWt
4. 98% power
5. 2536 MWt Page 28 of 33


. / Attachment ll James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear P:w:r Plant Power Uprate Startup Test Repost for Cycle 13 I


l RSPTP-25 Main Steam isolation Valves l

i Action Test Condition j l

1. Determine MSIV closure times 1. s 70% power '

RSPTP-33 Main Turbine Stop Valves j Action Test Condition i

1. Individually Close Turbine Stop Valves 10% 3. 2436 MWt RSPTP-35 Recirculation System Flow Action Test Condition
1. Calibrate Core Flow 5. 2536 MWt Steady State Data Collection l

Action Inst Condition

1. Take Data and Extrapolate Primary Data to Next 1. 20 %-86 %

Test Condition 2, 86%/90% power

3. 2436 MWt
4. 98% power j
5. 2536 MWt '

Main Turbine Control Valves Action Test Condition

1. Individually Close Turbine Control Valves 2. 86 %

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James A. FitrPatrick Nuclear Power Plant

  • Power Uprete Startup Test Report for Cycle 13 FIGURE 1 POWER UPRATE STARTUP TESTING i

98 %

E ~1 96 % r TST-55 Feedwater TST-56 EHC ST-SD APRMs Level Control


86 % Pressure Regulator Startup Test + + '

Startup Test + + ST-SE Core Performance RAP-7.4.3 LPRMs TST 55 Feedwater ST-5D APRMs 80 - Level Control TST-55 Feedwater ST-SD APRMs E% Startup Test + + ST-5E Core Level Control Startup Test + + RAP-7.3.14, 7.3.5 O ST-01B MStV (< 70%) Performance ST-1L TCV Testing Core Power Dict ST-SD APRM TST-59 Power h ~

RAP-7.3'5 Rad Surveys Uprate Monitoring ST-5E Core

  • TST-59 Power Core Power Dist Uprate Monitoring Chemical and Data Collection Performance us TST-56 EHC Pressure [

Regulator Startup Test + + and Data SP-01.02 Rad Surveys  ;

[o 60 - Collection SP-01.06 PSP-23

~ RT-01.02 TST-58 RCIC ,

g w ST-4P HPCI TST-55 Feedwater h


Level Control RAP-7.3.7, 7.3.29 g

R AP-7.4.1 Startup Scram Times ST-5D APRM TestTest + + Recire o RAP-7.3.14, 7.3.5 b (<40%)

g E~ Core Power Dist/TIP TST-59 Power Uprate Monitoring TST-59 Power Uprate Monitoring and Data and Data Collection Collection

- Chemical -

ST-5D APRM SP-01.02 ST-1E Stop Viv TST-56 EHC Pressure sp.01.06 i Regulator Startup Test PSP-23 ST-24 Q, RT-01.02 20 - TST-57 (Reg failover) + +  ;

ST-4N,4K HPCI HPCI ST-4N, RCIC ST-24J (about

(< 150 psil 100MWel RAP-7.3.9 Shutdown Margin p p (prior to RUN) PORC Review PORC Review Approval Test Plant Mgr Auth Plant Mgr Auth Results }


+ + Not normally in Power Ascension Testing t

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