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Informs NRC That Util Will Respond to NRC Prior to 791201.Info Covers Use of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Main Steam & Reactor Recirculation Lines
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 01/02/1979
From: Shorb E
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7901100290
Download: ML19259A779 (1)


N Northern Indiana Public Service IIompang General Offees l 5265 Hohman Avmue l Hammond. Indana 46325 l Td: 853-5200 (219)

E.M.ssone January 2, 1979 SENIOR VICE PRESiOENT-OPER ATIONS Mr. S. A. Varga, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Project Management U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D, C.

20013 RE:

Bailly Generating Station Nuclear 1 - Docket 50-367 Northern Indiana Public Service Company's March 15, 1978 letter stated that a response to your February 24, 1978 letter regarding the use of austenitic stainless steel in the main steam and reactor recirculation lines would be submitted in December, 1978. Due to construction delays and the resultant unavailability of contractors to provide costs, we bave not been able to evcluate the available alterna-tive s.

Also, new techniques are becoming available to minimize or alleviate this problem that require evaluation before a decision is made on Bailly.

We anticipate that the requisite information will become available with-in the next year. Therefore, Northern Indiana Public Service Company will submit the response to your February 24, 1978 letter prior to December 1, 1979. This will e!!ow ample time to resolve this matter before utilization of any affected equipment.

As noted in our March 15, 1978 letter, the response with respect to other austenitic stainless steel piping will be submitted in the FSAR.

Very truly yours, EMS:cg s W


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