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LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled, ACRS Presentation Chapter 8 Overview, for Use During a Public Meeting on June 6, 2018
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 06/01/2018
From: Wike J
Document Control Desk, Office of New Reactors
Download: ML18156A126 (26)




      • POWER LE L0-0518-60242 June 1, 2018 Docket No.52-048 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


NuScale Power, LLC Submittal of Presentation Materials Entitled , "ACRS Presentation Chapter 8 Overview," for Use During a Public Meeting on June 6, 2018 The purpose of this submittal is to provide presentation materials for use during the upcoming Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) NuScale Subcommittee meeting on the safety evaluation for Chapter 8, Electrical Power, of the NuScale design certification application .

Enclosure 1 is the nonproprietary presentation entitled "ACRS Presentation Chapter 8 Overview."

This letter makes no regulatory commitments and no revisions to any existing regulatory commitments .

If you have any questions, please contact Paul lnfanger at 541-452-7351 or at .

Manager, Licensing NuScale Power, LLC Distribution : Frank Akstulewicz, NRC, OWFN-8H4A Michael Snodderly, NRC, TWFN-2E26 Gregory Cranston , NRC, OWFN-8G9A Samuel Lee, NRC, OWFN-8G9A Omid Tabatabai. NRC, TWFN-8G9A Enclosure 1: ACRS Presentation Chapter 8 Overview, PM-0618-60190-NP NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd ., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541 .360-0500 Fax 541.207.3928

.:~--~*.. N USCATULE

      • *** POWER L0-0518-60242 :

ACRS Presentation Chapter 8 Overview, PM-0618-60190-NP NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd ., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541 .360-0500 Fax 541 .207.3928

NuScale Nonproprietary ACRS Presentation

____Chapter 8 Overview Ted Hough Electrical Design Kent Welter Nuclear Safety Jeff Ehlers Electrical Design Paul lnfanger Licensing June 6, 2018 PM-061 8-60 190-N P  :*

  • NUSCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. **;. .: POWER-Template # : 0000-21727-F01 R3


  • AAPS - alternate AC power supply
  • AC - alternating current
  • BOG - backup diesel generator
  • BPSS - backup power supply system
  • CFDS - containment flooding and drain system
  • COA - condition of applicability
  • CHWS - chilled water system
  • CNV - containment vessel
  • CVCS - chemical and volume control system
  • CW - circulating water
  • DC - direct current
  • DCA - design certification application
  • EONS - normal DC power system
  • EDSS - highly reliable DC power system
  • EHVS - electrical high voltage system 2

PM -06 18-60 190-NP Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.


  • ELVS - electrical low voltage system

. EMVS - electrical medium voltage system

  • FSAR - final safety analysis report
  • HP- horsepower
  • LTR - licensing topical report
  • MCR - main control room
  • MCS - module control system
  • MPS - module protection system
  • MPT - main power transformer
  • MS - module specific
  • NMS - neutron monitoring system
  • OPS - operations
  • PCS - plant control system
  • PLS - plant lighting system
  • PPS - plant protection system
  • PZR - pressurizer 3

PM-06 18-60190-NP Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC .


  • RAI - request for additional information
  • RG - regulatory guide
  • SBO - station blackout
  • SDIS - safety display and indication system
  • SER - safety evaluation report
  • SPS - security power system
  • SST - station service transformers
  • TG - turbine generator
  • UAT - unit auxiliary transformer
  • VRLA- valve regulated lead acid 4

PM-06 18-60190-NP Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.


  • Provide an overview and highlights of the electrical systems pertinent to Chapter 8 of the NuScale DCA

- design basis

- off-site power

- on-site power (AC)

- on-site power (DC)

- station blackout

- FSAR Table 8.3-9

  • TR-0815-16497 "Conditions of Applicab ility"
  • TR-0815-16497 "NRC additional conditions" 5

PM -06 18-60 190-NP *:* NUSCAL E Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. ,:- POWl:R-r emplate #: 0000-21 727-F01 R3

Starting Point

  • Key influences in the overall electrical design

- nuclear safety and regulatory requ irements

- Fukushima electrical insights/dependence on power

- the robust, inherently safe module concept

- our plant mechanical design emphasizes simplicity

- design electrical systems that compliment the simplicity

- 12X factor, electrical impact regarding viability and economics 6

PM-0618-60190-N P Revision: 0 Copyright 201 8 by NuScale Power, LLC.

Design Basis

  • Safety-related components "fail-safe" on a loss of electrical power

- solenoids (de-energized) - valves close/open depending on function

- breakers (RT + PZR) - open

  • Safety-related systems rely on natural passive mechanisms based on fundamental physical and thermodynamic principles
  • Based upon the application of Safety Classification of Passive Nuclear Power Plant Electrical Systems, TR-0815-16497, the following are key electrical design features:

- AC and DC electrical distribution systems are classified as non-Class 1E

- highly reliable DC power system (EDSS) has augmented design ,

qualification, and QA provisions

- MCR emergency lighting and PAM B&C variables powered by EDSS

- power sources are not required to support safety-related functions

- design supports exemption to GDC 17 and 18 7

PM-0618-60190-N P *:* NUSCALE Revision : 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. .:* Pow~R-Te mp1a1e # : 0000-21727-FO1 R3

Overall Electrical Design The Grid/ Load BPSS 8Pli (AAPS 13.8kV) (B0Gs480V) 8 PM-0618-60190-NP *: NUSCALE Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC . .:**POWER-remp1ate #: 0000-21727-F01 R3

Overall Single-Line Drawing


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PM-0618-60190-NP .::. ' : NUSCALE Revision : O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. -:.  :- POWE::R-Temp1 ate # : 0000-21727-F01 R3

Off-Site Power System

  • The off-site power system includes the switchyard and one or more connections to a transmission grid, micro-grid, or dedicated service load.

- COLA Item (8.2-1) to describe the site-specific switchyard layout and design including off-site power connections

  • The passive design of the NuScale power plant does not rely on AC power and does not require an off-site power system to mitigate design-basis events.
  • On a loss of off-site power the plant is designed to transition to "island mode" with house load powered from the designated TG unit.

10 PM-0618-60 190-NP *:* *. NUSCALE Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. *.:. ** POWE::R-Template #: 0000-21727-F01 R3

On-Site AC Power

  • Use of standardized industrial AC electrical distribution equipment
  • Support online electrical bus outages with multiple modules in service (e.g., transformer capacities, short circuit ratings, etc.) _
  • Electrical distribution levels

- EHVS - 13.8kV (main generators, MPTs, buses)

- one generator can power entire 12-module house load

- normal AC power source to on-site loads

- EMVS-4160V (UATs, buses)

- supports large shared plant loads (CW, sew, CHWS) 11 PM -0618-60190-NP *:* NUSCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.  :* POWE::R-remp1ate #: 0000-21727-F01 R3

On-Site AC Power

  • ELVS - 480V (SSTs, buses)

- station service transformers (main-tie-main configuration)

  • module-specific and lower HP shared loads
  • PLS - 480V, 277V, 208V, and 120V

- plant lighting loads and misc. power panel loads

  • BPSS

- auto start on loss of all AC to 13.BkV buses (30-second time delay), manually loaded

  • backup diesel generators (BDGs - 480V)

- support selected plant loads (battery chargers, control room ventilation ,

eves pumps, eFDS pumps) 12 PM-0618-60190-NP ~ . NUSCALE Revision : O Copyright 201 8 by NuScale Power, LLC. . POWl::R-Te mp1ate #: 0000-217 27-F01 R3

On-Site AC Power

  • BPSS

- auxiliary AC power source (AAPS - 13.8kV)

  • support permanent nonsafety loads when normal AC not available
  • 13.8kV so OPS can distribute power as needed

- portable generator connection (480V)



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13 PM-0618-60190-NP *. NUSCALE Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. .:° POWE::R-Temp1ate #: 0000-21727-F01 R3

On-Site DC Power

  • EDSS (highly reliable DC power system)

- augmented design requirements

- augmented QA requirements

- Class 1E isolation - performed by the MPS and NMS power supply components (i.e. , DC-DC converters)

- VRLA batteries

- battery duty cycle

  • EDSS MS Channel A & D - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (ECCS Hold Mode)
  • EDSS MS Channel B & C - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (PAM Support)
  • EDSS-C Division I & II - 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (PAM Support) 14 PM -0618-60190-N P Revision: O Copyright 20 18 by NuScale Power, LLC.

On-Site DC Power

  • EDSS-125V EDSS-MS Channel A

- EDSS-MS (module specific)

  • power to MPS and NMS
  • 4-channel system to support 4-channel MPS and NMS

- EDSS-C (common)

  • shared common loads (PPS, MCR emergency lights, SDIS) 1
  • 11<<Uf11 .u::aur ,r.c~ * - - * - - *- - ' - -
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15 PM -0618-60190-N P Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.

On-Site DC Power

  • EONS - 250 VOC,125 VOC, and 208 VAC

- VRLA batteries and 40-minute battery duty cycle

- supports nonsafety loads/functions related to investment protection and power generation, for example:

  • electrical distribution control power
  • TG emergency lube oil pumps 16 PM-06 18-60 190-NP *: NUSCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC . t PoWER-Temp1ate # : 0000-21727-F0 1 R3

Station Blackout

- station blackout (72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> coping duration)

- SBO analysis includes all 12 modules operating at 100% prior to the event

- all safety functions achieved and maintained for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> without reliance on AC power or operator action (reactor trip, decay heat removal system , emergency core cooling system)

- core cooling and containment integrity maintained without AC power

- sensitivity case demonstrates core cooling and containment integrity maintained without DC power as well

- EDSS available to support PAM 17 PM -0618-60190-NP *: NUSCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. ." POWER-Template # : 0000-21727-F01 R3

Station Blackout (RPV Level) 40 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 35 ECCS actuation


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (hr) 18 PM-0618-60190-N P *. NUSCAL E Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. .:* POWE::R-Temp1ate #: 0000-21727-F01 R3

Station Blackout (RPV Pressure) 2500 I I I I I I I 2000 - -


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19 PM-0618-60190-N P Revision: 0 Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.

Station Blackout {CNV Pressure) 40 I I I I I I I 35 - *. -

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0 10 20 30 40 50 '60 70 Time (hr) 20 PM-0618-60190-NP atei*** NUSCALE Revision: 0 Copyright 201 8 by NuScale Power, LLC.'!. POWER-remp1ate #: 0000-21727-F0 1 R3

Electrical Topical Report Evaluation

  • NuScale received NRC eRAI No. 9359 on 1/29/18 requesting the addition of a table to the FSAR providing a cross reference for the "conditions of applicability" provided in the LTR and the "five conditions" identified in the associated SER
  • Nu Scale responded to the RAI on 3/27/18 with the addition of Table 8.3-9 (addresses COAs and SER conditions) and Table 8.3-10 (addresses augmented design provisions), which provide the required FSAR cross references for the LTR and associated SER

- as a resu lt of the FSAR cross reference evaluation , numerous conforming changes were made to the Tier 2 FSAR to enhance validation 21 PM-06 18-60 190-NP *:* *. NUSCAL E Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC . **.;. -~* POWER-Template # : 0000-21727-F01 R3

Table 8.3-9 FSAR Cross Reference Table 8.3-9: FSAR Cross Reference for the Conditions of Applicability and NBC SER Limitations and Cond itions for TR-0815-1 6 497-P-A Table 3-1 Sectron I


FSAR Sections that Demonst rat e Condition is Satisfied

,~rndi112a ~umbec I

.L Design Basis Event Assumptions

. 15 Q Q 6 ~ and 15 Q 4 !Z2 bom stabilized 1::ondition DBE end state wi!bout opecatoc act;ons ceguiced>

. 15 Q Q 6 5 !DBE aaal:i:sis in,ludes IQss Qf ele1::tci1::al P!lwec> I

. B4 2 (SBQ Loss Qf A' and DC PQlOr'.ec foe Z2 b!lYC ducatjQn)

Ii" La.. . 3 2 4 CCBQS dQes nQt cel:i: Qn electci,al c.owecl

. 8.4.2 (SBO reactor trig}

1.b. . {Shutdown cagabilitv does not rel:i: on electrical QQWer}

. 15.6 {Decrease in inventoQ:' event anal~ses do not rel~ on electri~al Rower or credit active injection sources)

. B4 2 !SBQ does D!lt cel:i: Qn eleoa,al c.owec foe sbutd!lwn oc ;nventQQ! 1::ontc!lll

.Ll:... . 5: 4 3 1 (Pl:lBS functiQn does nQt cel:i: on electch:al c.owerl

. 6 3 l (ECCS functi!ln does not ceJ:i: on electa,al power}

. 15 ao6 3 (DBE anal:i:sis does not ,cedit elect:ri,al c.owec file Pl::IBS oc E,,s functions}

. !able l 5 0-2 !able l 5 0:3 !able l 5 0::1 (Euel and ,ace a"eptaa,e ,citeaa 1::onficm rnce rnolinal

. B4 2 (SBQ ,ace 1::oolina celies on Pl:lBS and E,,s1 1.d. . {CNV isolation function does not rell on electrical QQWer}

. 8.4.3 {SBO containment integri!l! does not rell on electrical i;iower}

- 1.e. . 6.2.1, 6.2.2, and (Passive CNTS and UHS design does not include active ESF heat removal and combustible gas control s~stems)

. !able l 5 Q-2 (DBEtbecmal b:i:dcauli, a"eptan,e ,c;tec;a 1::onficm 1::onta;nment peak pcessuce macainl

. B4 3 (~o ,cedit foe active ESE beat cemoval foe 1::Qntainment inteacit:i: ;n SBQ anal:i:sisl il. . 6 5 3 (Acti:i:e fissiQn pcoduct cemQval s:i:stems ace not ceguicedl

. Iable l 5 0-l 2 (DBA cadi!lloai,al i::onseguen,es sbow guidelines maintained>


- . 5.2.2. 1 (Ovemressure i;irotection Slstem does not rell on electrical QQwer} -

. 8.4.2 (SBO RPV i;iressure margin}

. Table 15.0-2 (DBE thermal hldraulic anallses confi rm margin to RCS i;iressure

-- acceptance criteria) 22 PM-06 18-60 190-NP *:* N U SCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. .:: PO Wl::R~

Template #: 0000-2 1727-F0 1 R3


  • The electrical distribution system supports the application of Safety Classification of Passive Nuclear Power Plant Electrical Systems,TR-0815-16497
  • The electrical distribution system is not required to support any safety-related function or manual operator action (no RG 1.97 Type A variables), and thus is classified as non-Class 1E
  • Backup power sources (BDGs, AAPS) are available for asset protection , designated plant loads, and black start
  • The electrical distribution system has flexibility to support bus outages with multiple modules in service
  • The design supports exemption to GDC 17 and 18 23 PM-0618-60190-NP *;* *:* NUSCALE Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC. ...:. .:* POWE::R..

Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R3

Portland Office Richland Office 6650 SW Redwood Lane, 1933 Jadwin Ave., Suite 130 Suite 210 Richland, WA 99354 Portland, OR 97224 541 .360.0500 971 .371 .1592 Arlington Office Corvallis Office 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1110 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 Corvallis, OR 97330 541 .360.0500 London Office 1st Floor Portland House Rockville Office Bressenden Place 11333 WoodglenAve ., Suite 205 London SW1 E 5BH Rockville, MD 20852 United Kingdom 301 . 770.0472 +44 (0) 2079 321700 Charlotte Office 2815 Coliseum Centre Drive, Suite 230 Charlotte, NC 28217 980.349.4804 http://www. nuscalepower. com "JI Twitter: @NuScale_Power

.::.*:*.. N USCALE

-~. -~* POWER' 24 PM-06 18-601 90-NP Revision: O Copyright 2018 by NuScale Power, LLC.