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LLC - ACRS Presentation Chapter 10 - Steam and Power Conversion System, PM-0219-64501, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 03/11/2019
Office of New Reactors
Download: ML19073A048 (27)


L0-0319-64787 :

"ACRS Presentation Chapter 10 - Steam and Power Conversion System," PM-0219-64501, Revision 1 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541.360-0500 Fax 541.207.3928

NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale FSAR Tier 2, Ch.

10 ACRS Presentation Zack Houghton, P.E.

Mechanical Design Engineering Manager March 21st, 2019 PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

N~!:'.~.~!.tr Template#: 0000-21727-F01 RS

Acronyms ABS: Auxiliary Boiler System MC: Main Condenser CARS: Condenser Air Removal System MS: Main Steam CFWS: Condensate and Feedwater System MSIBV: Main Steam Isolation Bypass Valve CNTS: Containment System MSIV: Main Steam Isolation Valve

  • COL: Combined Operating License MSS: Main Steam System CPS: Condensate Polishing System MSSV: Main Steam Safety Valve CWS: Circulating Water System NEI: Nuclear Energy Institute DCA: Design Certification Application NS: Non safety-related DHR HX: Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger NSAC: Nuclear Safety Analysis Center EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute PDC: Principal Design Criteria FAC: Flow-accelerated Corrosion RG: Regulatory Guide FW: Feedwater RIT: Radiation Indicating Transmitter FWRV: Feedwater Regulation Valve RT: Radiation Transmitter FWT : Feedwater Treatment System RXB: Reactor Building GDC: General Design Criteria SR: Safety-related HP: High Pressure SG: Steam generator IP: Intermediate Pressure TEWAC: Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooled ITAAC: Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance TG: Turbine generator Criteria TGS: Turbine Generator System LP: Low Pressure VFD: Variable Frequency Drive 2

PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Ch. 10 - Topics

  • 10.1 Summary description
  • 10.2 Turbine Generator
  • 10.4 Other Features of Steam and Power Conversion System 3

PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Ch. 10.1 Summar y Description

  • The NuScale steam and power conversion system is comprised of the following systems:

- Turbine generator system

- Main steam system

- Main condenser

- Condenser air removal system

- Turbine gland sealing system

- Turbine bypass system

- Circulating water system

- Condensate polishing system

- Condensate and feedwater system

- Auxiliary boiler system

- Feedwater treatment system 4

PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Ch. 10.1 Summary Description Figure 10.1-1: Power Conversion System Block Flow Diagram Removab le Turbine Spool Pieces Bypass Valve

'till Seismic Feedwater Seismic Anchor Localed at Exl FranRXB MSS MSS ...+.TGS ABS ans Val ves

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Spool Pieces "'f,. CFWS SG Condenser Air Removal Package s CNt TG LEGEND t Steam Gererator & Aux Boiler Containment System Main Steam System c::::::J Feedwater Pumps Gland Steam Condenser CFWS Condensate Pumps T urbi ne Genera tor System -

Condensate & FeedNater System - Nu Scale Power Cycle Block Flow Diagram Condenser Air Removal System c::::::J 5

PM-0219-64501 Re visi on: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Ch. 10.1 Summary Description II t' ~,----------------.

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6 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Power Island Layout Condenser 7

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Ch 10.2 Turbine generator system

  • Converts thermal energy from SG into rotational energy
  • Turbine control valves regulate steam flow from SG
  • Generator directly coupled with turbine
  • Vendor to be selected by COL applicant Component Parameter Value Rotor Single Turbine , 10 stage condensing Turbine RPM 3600 rpm Power Output 50MWe Generator Cooling Type TEWAC 8

PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyrig ht 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC .

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Missile Protection

  • Missile protection addressed in Section 3.5

- All essential equipment located inside the reactor or control buildings

- Barrier approach taken per RG 1.115 to credit reactor and control building walls as a missile barrier.

- No missile generation probability analysis or rotor integrity program credited

- Overspeed protection system similar in design to industry standard 9

PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Turbine Bypass

  • Turbine bypass system

- Capable of supplying 100°/o rated power steam flow to main condenser

- Minimized potential for main steam release or reactor trip on load rejection 10 PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC .

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10.3 Main Steam System

- Delivers steam from steam generators to:

  • Turbine generator
  • Gland seal regulator
  • Directly to condenser through bypass valve

- Provides means of dissipating residual and sensible heat generated by module during hot standby and cooldown operations by bypassing turbine to main condenser

- Transports extraction steam from turbine to feedwater heaters 11 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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10.3 Main Steam System

12 PM-02 19-64501 a!



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10.3 Main Steam System

  • Secondary steam isolations provided as backup to MSIVs

- Nonsafety-related

- Credited as backup protection for the safety-related isolations

- Periodically tested per the lnservice Testing Program

- Included within Technical Specifications


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10.4 Other Features

- Supplies FW at necessary temperature, pressure, and chemistry to steam generator

- Consists of:

  • Condensate storage tank
  • Three feedwater pumps (2x 50°10 capacity, 1 on standby)
  • Three condensate pumps (2x 50°10 capacity, 1 on standby)
  • Condensate polishing subsystem

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10.4 Other Features

  • Condensate and Feedwater System Boundary Removable Spool Pieces -,- 1 FromHP Herr CFWS t



CFWS Feed water Regulating Valves Heater CNTS . . L CFWS Condensate TG Polisher t Skids Condensate Feedwater Pumps Gland + Pumps CFWS Steam Condenser 15 PM-0219-645 01 Revi sion : 1 Copyrig ht 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

w ~!:'.~.f.~.L.f Temp late#: 0000-21727-F0 1 RS

10.4 Other Features

- Nonsafety-related

- Credited as backup protection for the safety-related isolations

- Periodically tested per the lnservice Testing Program

- Included within Technical Specifications 16 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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10.4 Other Features

- Full flow condensate polishing

- All volatile chemistry (amine to control pH, oxygen scavenger to control dissolved oxygen)

- Controls erosion and corrosion of CFWS components by monitoring and maintaining pH and dissolved oxygen levels

- Chemistry program based on current revision of the EPRI PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines and NEI 97-06 (Steam Generator Program) 17 PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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10.4 Other Features

- Provides cooling water to main condenser

- Two identical circulating water systems, each providing cooling water to six main condensers 18 PM-0219-64501 a! NUSCALe **

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  • uH h,moO'Hood Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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10.4 Other Features

  • Auxiliary boiler system (ABS)

- Supplies steam to systems when main steam is not available or not preferred

- High-pressure feeds module heatup system during startup

- Low-pressure feeds turbine gland seals, main condenser for deaeration, and condensate polishing regeneration system 19 PM-0219-64501 Revisi on: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC .

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Ch. 10 COL Items Item No. Description of COL Info Item 10.3-1 A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide a site-specific chemistry control program based on the latest revision of the Electric Power Research Institute Pressurized Water Reactor Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines and Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 97-06 at the time of the COL application.

10.3-2 A COL Applicant that references the Nu Scale Power Plant design certification will provide a description of the flow-accelerated corrosion monitoring program for the steam and power conversion systems based on Generic Letter 89-08 and the latest revision of the Electric Power Research Institute NSAC-202L at the time of the COL application.

10.4-1 A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will determine the size and number of new and spent resin tanks in the condensate polishing system.

10.4-2 A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the type of fuel supply for the auxiliary boilers.

10.4-3 A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide a secondary water chemistry analysis. This analysis will show that the size, materials, and capacity of the feedwater treatment system equipment and components satisfies the water quality requirements of the secondary water chemistry program described in Section 10.3.5, and that it is compatible with the chemicals used.

20 PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Open Items Item# Summary Description 8.3-1 Related to requested exemption from GDC/PDC 34, "Residual Heat Removal ," with respect to the system function of transferring residual and sensible heat from the reactor coolant system.

21 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Confirmatory Items (Cl)

RAI NRC Cl Summary Description Question#

10.3.6-1 Request to re-include text related to the FAC program into COL Item 10.3-10.03.06-5 10.3.6-3 2 and Section The DCA was revised as requested .

Request to revise FSAR Tier 2, Section 10.3.6 to only discuss the non-10.03.06-6 None safety related portions of the steam and power conversion systems. The DCA was revised as requested.

Request to revise the DCD to include justification describing how the 10.03.06-7 10.3.6-2 NuScale SG program meets NEI 97-6 and EPRI SG management program guidance. The DCA was revised as requested.

Request to explicitly include EPRI Action Levels for secondary water 10.04.06-7 None chemistry into COL Item 10.3-1. NuScale considered the COL item adequate as written .

Request to include additional discussion on the role of maintenance and Conference 10.4.7-1 operating procedures on minimizing the occurrence of water hammer. The Call DCA was revised as requested.

Request to remove Table 10.4-22 and specify that tanks are constructed Conference 10.4.11-1 of corrosion resistant materials compatible with chemicals used. The DCA Call was revised as requested .

22 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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  • Unresolved Closed Question# Summary Description 10.02-1 TGS - turbine overspeed trip setpoint, single failure criteria and protection against common cause failures 10.02-2 TGS - overspeed trip system diversity, defense-in-depth, trip logic, common components and impact of component failures 10.02.03-1 Request for ITAAC related to turbine rotor integrity/turbine missiles 10.02.03-2 Request for COL item related to a turbine inspection and testing program
  • Waiting for Response/Supplemental Question# Summary Description 10.04.07-3 Request for COL item to provide operating and maintenance procedures to address water hammer issues for the CFWS 10.02-3 TGS - two independent diverse emergency overspeed protection trip systems 23 PM-0219-64501 Revi sion: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.


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Portland Office Richland Office 6650 SW Redwood Lane, 1933 Jadwin Ave., Suite 130 Suite 210 Richland, WA 99354 Portland, OR 97224 541 . 360. 0500 971 .371 .1592 Arlington Office Corvallis Office 2300 Clarendon Blvd. , Suite 1110 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 Corvallis, OR 97330 541 .360. 0500 London Office 1st Floor Portland House Rockville Office Bressenden Place 11333 Woodglen Ave., Suite 205 London SW1E 5BH Rockville, MD 20852 United Kingdom 301. 770.0472 +44 (0) 2079 321700 Charlotte Office 2815 Coliseum Centre Drive, Suite 230 Charlotte, NC 28217 980. 349.4804 http://www.nusca/ W Twitter: @NuSca/e_ Power NUSCALE '

Powe r for a ll humankind 24 PM-0219-64501 Revision : 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Backup Slides 25 PM-0219-64501 Revision: 1 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Heat Balance Figure 10.1-2: Flow Diagram and Heat Balance Diagram at Rated Power for Steam and Power Conversion System Cycle M .1 pail, Adlia!II._,__..

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