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Nuscale - Dhrs and ECCS Logic Changes, PM-0219-64563, Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 02/19/2019
Office of New Reactors
Shared Package
ML19053A590 List:
Download: ML19053A518 (14)


L0-0219-64591 Enclosure 1:

"DHRS and ECCS Logic Changes," PM-0219-64563, Revision 0 I

NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Office 541.360-0500 Fax 541.207.3928

NuScale Noriproprietary DHRS and ECCS Logic Changes Brian Arnholt l&C Supervisor Ross Snuggerud Operations Supervisor Ben Bristol Safety Analysis Supervisor 2/19/2019 PM-0219-64563 Revision: O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

Mti!J.~.~~-~r Template#: 0000-21727-F01 RS

DHRS and ECCS MPS Changes

  • Existing DHRS signal split into two signals

- DHRS actuation

- Secondary System Isolation (SSI)

  • Minimal impact to safety analysis
  • Some Technical Specifications changes
  • Conforming changes required throughout DCA
  • No change to Module Protection System (MPS) architecture 2

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Decay Heat Removal System M a in M a in S team S team MSI V M S IV Containme nt Ins ul ated In s ul a ted V e s s el Insula ted In su lated Rea ctor Non insulated Non insulated Pres sure Non insulated Non insulated Passive Pass ive Condenser Conde n ser Core Reactor Pool 3

PM -0219-64563

  • ~! NUSCALE .

Po w** l u , ull h,madh , a Revision : O Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC .

Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

Operational Insights.

  • NuScale operation and safety philosophy are unique

- The module protection system ensures that passive cooling is in service or available in all required modes

- Operators are not expected to override safety signals (can not override DHRS)

- Interlocks are designed to remove actuation signals when plant conditions no longer require automatic protective actions

  • DHRS during startup (Current Design)

- With the existing design, the low superheat signal cannot be cleared during initial plant startup preventing closure of the DHRS actuation valves and preventing heatup on module heating system 4

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

w  !'!~.~"~l~ht Template#: 0000-21727-F01 RS

Operational Insights

  • Secondary System Isolation Actuation (New \Design)

- New Secondary System Isolation (SSI) signal isolates Main Steam and Feedwater to the Steam Generators through an automatic protective action .

. - SSI signals are a subset of the current DHRS actuation signals.

Allows for a reduction in the current number of DHRS actuation signals (13 to 4)

- New configuration bypasses SSI low superheat actuation when one steam generator isolated by a closed feedwater isolation ~valve and less than 15% reactor power

  • Ensures passive cooling, allows operator control during startup
  • Revised DHRS actuation signals and add S,SI signals

- Allows for additional operator maneuverability of the plant at low power/shutdown conditions within the safety analysis 5

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

  • M~!;l.~.f-~1r Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

Safety Analysis Impacts

  • Most events not impacted by DHRS logic changes
  • Cooldown events that trip on SG overfill or inventory loss conditions will not immediately actuate DHRS upon SSI

- - Increase in FW Flow transient will trip the reactor and isolate the SGs on low superheat but does not actuate DHRS until high steam pressure reached

- Steam Line Breakwill isolate the SGs on low steam pressure but does not actuate DHRS until high RCS temperature or steam pressure signals are reached

  • Small delays in DHRS actuation are not expected to impact safety analysis margins 6

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

.M!!!J,~"f.~hr Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

Licensing Chapter 15 Impacts


  • Chapter 15 Impact

- No impact on MCHFR because reactor trip signals are unaffected

- Small effect on primary and secondary pressure margins for some

  • events

- Event descriptions will have changes in the timing of DHRS and Secondary System Isolation signals (i.e~, sequence of events

. -tables will have separate entries)

~ Section 15.1 Primary Cooldown events will have some timing delay between Secondary System Isolation and DHRS actuation*

- Little impact on reactivity and heatup events (DHRS and Secondary System Isolation actuations occur simultaneously) 7 PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

w t:l.!J.?.fl~b.§ Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

l&C Impacts

  • No changes to MPS architecture or fundamental design
  • ESF Function Changes

- New ESF function for Seconda~y System Isolation (SSI)

  • Adds new operating bypass
  • Adds new manual actuation switches for SSI actuation
  • FW isolation valve position switches are re-classified as safety-related to support operating bypass logic

- Simplify automatic DHRS actuation ,

  • Many events requiring SG isolation do not need DHRS cooling
  • 13 signals reduced to 4 signals 8

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

W!!!J.~.~~-~r Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

ECCS Actuation on RPV Level

  • Safety analysis only credits automatic ECCS actuation on High Containment (CNV) Water Level (no change) *.
  • Removal, of uncredited ECCS actuation on RPV level has no impact on risk*

(core damage frequency or large e*arly release frequency)

  • ECCS automatic actuation occurs on High Containment Water Level or Low AC Voltage after 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 9

PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

N~!:l.~.~-~-~r Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

Licensing Impacts

  • Part 4 Technical Specifications
  • Advanced Sensor Technical Report* (TR-0316-22048)
  • Instrument Setpoint Methodology Technical Report (TR-0616-49121)

. .

  • Changes will be included in DCA Revision 3 (August 2019) 10 PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

N~!J.~£~.~r Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5

Technical Specification Impacts

  • No new Technical Specifications

- New MPS function

- SSI ESF function and associated operating bypasses will require some renumbering and bases descriptive changes.

  • Technical Specifications Changes

- Substantive changes are in LCOs

  • 3.3.1 MPS Instrumentation,
  • 3.3.3 ESFAS Logic and Actuation,
  • 3.3.4 Manual Actuation Functions, and
  • 3.5.2 DHRS

- Bases updates to the above areas, and in LCOs

M~!,l.?Ii!!:f Template#: 0000-21727-F01 RS


  • DHRS signal needs to be modified to support plant operations
  • Existing DHRS signal split into two signals

- DHRS actuation

- Secondary System Isolation

  • Remove uncredited ECCS actuation on RPV Level
  • Minimal impact to safety analysis
  • Introduces no new Technical Specifications, but does require some Technical Specifications *changes
  • Conforming ch~nges required throughout DCA
  • No change to MPS architecture 12 PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

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Portland Office Richland Office 6650 SW Redwood Lane, 1933 Jadwin Ave., Suite 130 Suite 210 Richland, WA 99354 Portland, OR 97224 541.360.0500 971.371.1592 Arlington Office .

Corvallis Office 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1110 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 . Arlington, VA 22201 Corvallis, OR 97330 541.360.0500 London Office 1st Floor Portland House Rockville Office Bressenden Place 11333 Woodglen Ave., Suite 205 London SW1 E 5BH .

Rockville, MD 20852 United Kingdom 301.770.0472 . +44 (0) 2079 321700 Charlotte Office 2815 Coliseum Centre Drive, Suite 230 Charlotte, NC 28217 980.349.4804

}I Twitter: @NuScale_Power NUSCALE' P.o we r for a 11 humankind 13 PM-0219-64563 Revision: 0 Copyright 2019 by NuScale Power, LLC.

w ~!:l,?f!.~f Template#: 0000-21727-F01 R5