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Monthly Operating Repts for June 1992 for Surry Unit 1. W/920713 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1992
From: Negron M, Stewart W
92-459, NUDOCS 9207170100
Download: ML18152A533 (21)


_._ --' 1 e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 July 13, 1992 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.92-459 Attention: Document Control Desk NO/RPC:vlh Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:


. SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of June 1992.

Very truly yours, C)P~

ftv- W. L. Stewart Senior Vice President - Nuclear Enclosure cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.

Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch -_

NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station r- 9207170100 920630____'\

l kn_R. ADOCK 05oo~B~o i



- Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 2of 20 Section Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 ............................................*............................................................ 3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 ......................................................................................................... 4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1.................................................................................... 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 .................................................................................... 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1.............................................................................................. 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2.............................................................................................. 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 1 ......................................................................................... 9 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 2 ......................................................................................... 9 Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval. .............................................................................. 1O Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval ........................................... 15 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval ...................................................................... 17 Chemistry Report ............................................................................................................................. 18 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 1 ................................................................................................................... 19 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 2 ................................................................................................................... 19 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications ................................................................................................... 20

- OPERATING DATA REPORT e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 3 of 20 Docket No.: 50-280 Date: 07-07-92 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459 1 . Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 1

2. Reporting Period: ...............................*.......... June 1992
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted; If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YID Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 720.0 4367.0 171143.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 720.0 2723.8 110958.0
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0.0 0.0 3774.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 720.0 2668.6 108908.8
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... . 0.0 0.0 3736.2
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 1757284.0 5923128.2 253039804.9
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 587245.0 1988825.0 82504013.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 558184.0 1885437.0 78259503.0
19. Unit Service Factor ...*............................... 100.0% 61.1% 63.6%
20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. . 100.0% 61.1% 65.8%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 99.3% 55.3% 59.0%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 98.4% 54.8% 58.0%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 0.0% 6.3% 19.0%
24. Shutdowns Schedule Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period Estimated Date of Start-up:
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


- OPERATING DATA REPORT e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 4of 20 Docket No.: 50-281 Date: 07-07-92 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 2
2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . June 1992
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):

1o. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YTD Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period .*........................ 720.0 4367.0 168023.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 720.0 4367.0 109575.1
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0.0 0.0 328.1
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 720.0 4367.0 107827.9
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... . 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 1738128.6 10569917.3 251448599.4
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 571450.0 3515625.0 81949474.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 542322.0 3344095.0 77708033.0
19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 100.0% 100.0% 64.2%
20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. . 100.0% 100.0% 64.2%.
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 96.4% 98.0% 59.3%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 95.6% 97.2% 58.7%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 0.0% 0.0% 14.8%
24. Shutdowns Schedule Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period Estimated Date of Start-up:
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):



- Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 5 of 20 (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: June 1992 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1

-~ .

Date: 07-07-92 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Telephone: (804) 365-2145 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx No entries for this reporting period.

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 6 of 20 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: June 1992 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 07-07-92 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Telephone: (804) 365-2145 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 920612 s 0 B 4 NIA SJ RV Unit power was reduced to 80%

to remove the "8" feedwater heater train from service in

. order to repair a relief valve (2-CN-RV-2128).

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 7of 20 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 07-07-92 Completed by: M.A. Negron Telephone: (804) 365-2795 Month: June 1992 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe-Net) Day (MWe- Net) 1 780 17 775 2 782 18 774 3 781 19 774 4 .. 780 20 774 5 780 21 776 6 779 22 777 7 778 23 776 8 776 24 775 9 775 25 774 10 774 26 768 11 775 27 771 12 775 28 773 13 774 29 772 14 775 30 771 15 773 31 16 774 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 8 of 20 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 07-07-92 Completed by: M.A. Negron Telephone: (804) 365-2795 Month: June 1992 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe- Net) Day (MWe- Net) 1 770 17 763 2 770 18 762 3 767 19 761

4. 769 20 754 5 768 21 758 6 764 22 768 7 757 23 767 8 754 24 767 9 763 25 765 10 762 26 763 11 761 27 756 12 757 28 758 13 591 29 759 14 666 30 757 15 759 31 16 761 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 9 of 20


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 Listed below in chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.

UNIT ONE 06-01-92 0000 This reporting period started with the Unit operating at 100% power, 820 MWe.

06-30-92 2400 This reporting period ended with the Unit operating at 100% power, 810 MWe.

UNIT TWO 06-01-92 0000 This reporting period started with the Unit operating at 100% power, 815 MWe.

06-12-92 2200 Started ramp down to remove the "8" Feedwater Heater Train from service in order to repair a relief valve (2-CN-RV-2128).

2354 Stopped ramp at 80% power, 670 MWe.

06-14-92 0927 Started power increase; 80% power, 625 MWe.

1733 Unit at 100% power, 800 MWe.

06-30-92 2400 This reporting period ended with the Unit operating at 100% power, 795 MWe.

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 10of 20 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 JCO C-92-002 Justification For Continued Operation 03-31 -92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-075)

This Justification For Continued Operation (JCO) assessed the acceptability of manual operator action (through annunciator response procedures) in lieu of automatic equipment functions to ensure the operation of radiation monitoring systems in the event of a loss of power.

The assessment concluded that the actions required to mitigate a loss of power to the radiation monitoring system can be satisfactorily accomplished through the actions contained in the annunciator response procedures. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

TM S2-92-006 Temporary Modification 06-03-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-124)

This Temporary Modification (TM) installed a device to block open secondary plant drain system level control valve, 2-SD-LCV-203A, to facilitate the repair of instrument air leaks.

This TM does not affect the capability of the secondary system to provide normal feedwater to the steam generators. Furthermore, it was determined that excessive cooldown accidents due to feedwater malfunctions remain bounding for this activity. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

SE-92-126 Safety Evaluation 06-04-92 This Safety Evaluation was performed to determine the acceptability of current and proposed procedures which permit administrative control of the emergency diesel generator air start system cross-connect valves O-EG-15, 1-EG-15, and 2-EG-15 in order to maintain the air start bottle banks pressurized using a single compressor.

The evaluation concluded that this method of pressurizing the air start bottle banks enhances EDG reliability and that the procedural requirements are adequate to ensure the EDG can remain operable while the subject valves are being administratively controlled. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 11 of 20 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992


SE-92-127 Safety. Evaluation 06-04-92 This Safety Evaluation was performed to determine the acceptability and limitations for administratively controlling fire pump recirculation valves 1-FP-36 or 1-FP-37 to allow fire protection water to be used for miscellaneous purposes.

It was determined that use of fire protection in accordance with the controls specified in the procedures will ensure adequate fire suppression water capacity is maintained within the bounds of Technical Specifications and the Appendix R report. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan, Fire Contingency Action procedures, and Pre Fire-Plans (area specific fire fighting guidance) are not affected by this activity. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

DR S-92-0930 Deviation Report 06-11-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-130)

This Safety Evaluation was performed to evaluate Deviation Report S-92-0930 concerning the installation of a mechanical jumper between condensate polishing valves 1-CP-0320 and 2-CP-0600. This modification was made to enable make-up seal water to enter the low pressure side of the condensate polishing instrument air compressor, 2-CP-C-1, since normal make-up is inadequate during periods of heavy loading.

This modification will be used on a temporary basis while water usage is* high (as a result of leakage from 2-CP-C-1 ). This change affects the nonsafety-related condensate polishing system and does not affect safety-related systems. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question was not created.

TM S 1-92-030 Temporary Modification 06-12-92 (Safety Evaluation No. 92-91)

This Temporary Modification (TM) installed a mechanical jumper between Unit 2 bearing cooling system valve, 2-BC-303, and Unit 1 ventilation system valve, 1-VS-567, to provide a make-up water supply to the chilled water system loop "C". This configuration allows chilled water loop "A" to be isolated and drained so that piping connections associated with the implementation of Design Change Package 90-07-3 can be made.

The appropriate Technical Specification limiting conditions for operation will be adhered to while this TM is in place and a flood watch will be posted in mechanical equipment room number 3 when the jumper is being used.

Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 12 of 20 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992


TM S2-92-007 Temporary Modification 06-12-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-133)

This Temporary Modification installed a mechanical jumper from safety injection system valve, 2-Sl-231, located downstream of the accumulator vent containment isolation valves, to gaseous vent system valve, 2-VG-9, which leads to the overhead gas system. This TM is necessary to vent the pressurizer relief tank (PRT) as a result of the failure of the PRT sample system trip valve, 2-SS-TV-204A.

The mechanical jumper (hose) is rated for system pressure and allows PRT gases to vent to the overhead gas system which is designed for processing, holding, and monitoring radioactive gases. The configuration includes the

-- * *** accumulator vent containment trip valves, which receive the same containment isolation signals as the normal line-up through the PRT sample system trip valve. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

TM S2-92-008 Temporary Modification 06-14-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-134)

This Temporary Modification installed a mechanical jumper from Unit 2 safety injection system valve, 2-Sl-233, located upstream of the accumulator vent containment isolation valves, to gaseous vent system valve, 2-VG-5, located upstream of the primary drains transfer tank containment isolation valves.

This TM is necessary to vent the pressurizer relief tank (PRT) as a result of the failure of the PRT sample system trip valve, 2-SS-TV-204A.

The mechanical jumper (hose) is rated for system pressure and allows PRT gases to vent to the overhead gas system which is designed for processing, holding, and monitoring radioactive gases. The configuration includes the primary drains tank vent containment trip valves, which receive the same containment isolation signals as the normal line-up through the PRT sample system trip valve. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

TM S2-92-009 Temporary Modification 06-16-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-135)

This Temporary Modification installed a tube from the Unit 2 pressurizer cubicle ventilation column to the vicinity of a leaking pressurizer safety valve.

This TM directs cooling air towards the valve in order to lower the valve temperature and reduce seat leakage.

An evaluation of this TM determined that the valve body temperature change is small and has a negligible effect on the valve loop seals. The safety valves will remain operable and the setpoints will not be impacted. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 13 of 20 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992


DR S-92-1067 Deviation Report 06-19-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-137)

This Safety Evaluation was performed to evaluate Deviation Report S-92-1067 concerning the use of a flood watch in the Units 1 and 2 turbine buildings. In the event of a loss of off-site power, the flood watch is tasked with notifying the main control room if a turbine building flooding event is occurring.

The evaluation determined that the identification of a flood source and the manual actions required in the main control room can be accomplished within the allowed operator response time. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

SE~92-138 Safety Evaluation 06-19-92 This Safety Evaluation was performed to evaluate the addition of portable air blowers in the Unit 2 pressurizer cubicle. The blowers will be installed to improve air circulation in the pressurizer cubicle space to lower ambient temperatures. The lower ambient temperatures reduce the pressurizer valve body temperatures to assist in maintaining a loop seal, minimizing leakage past the valve seats.

The evaluation determined that the valve body temperature change is small and has a negligible effect on the valve. The safety valves will remain operable and the setpoints will not be impacted. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

FS 90-12 UFSAR Change 06-25-92 (Safety Evaluation 92-141)

The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Section 8.5, "Emergency Power Station" was revised to clarify the heat tracing description and to remove setpoint information.

The change is administrative in nature and provides clarification only. No procedures are affected and no physical modifications are involved. Therefore an unreviewed safety question is not created.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 14of 20 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992


TM S2-92-010 Temporary Modification 06-25-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-142)

This Temporary Modification (TM) installed a device to block open Unit 2 secondary plant drain system level control valve, 2-SD-LCV-202A, to facilitate the repair of instrument air leaks. This configuration will enable the repairs to be made without diverting the discharge of the first point feedwater heater to the condenser, which would result in a loss in plant efficiency.

This TM does not affect the capability of the secondary system to provide normal feedwater to the steam generators. Furthermore, it was determined that excessive cooldown accidents due to feedwater malfunctions remain bounding for this activity. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question was not

  • created.

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 15of 20 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 1-0P-50.1 Operating Procedures 06-04-92 1-0P-50.2 (Safety Evaluation No.92-128)

Operating Procedures 1-0P-50.1, " Removal of Bearing Cooling Water From Service," and 1-0P-50.2, "Placing Bearing Cooling Water In Service," were revised to provide instructions for installing a piping jumper from the domestic water system to the central chilled water system as a source of make-up water while the Unit 1 bearing cooling water system is out of service for maintenance. The piping arrangement was reviewed to ensure that the domestic water system would not be contaminated by the bearing cooling system water.

This change does not impact safety-related systems. The cross-connect capability between the nonsafety-related central chillers and the safety-

. * *- related chillers is presently isolated and a continuous fire watch is posted to ensure a fire does not affect the safety-related chillers. Therefore, the Appendix R back-up capability assumed for the central chillers is not considered in the accident analyses and an unreviewed safety question is not created.

O-TOP-4053 Temporary Operating Procedure 06-11-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-131)

Temporary Operating Procedure (TOP) O-TOP-4053, "Control Room And Relay Room Ventilation System Operation During Chilled Water Loop A Tie-Ins For DCP 90-07-3", was developed to permit two control room envelope air conditioning system chillers to be operated in parallel to a single chilled water loop. This mode of operation is required to allow chilled water loop "A" to be isolated and drained so that piping connections associated with the implementation of Design Change Package 90-07-3 can be made.

During the performance of this TOP, two of the three chillers will be operable and the appropriate Technical Specification limiting conditions for operation will be observed. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

2-0PT-CT-201 Operations Periodic Test Procedure 06-17-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-136)

Operations Periodic Test Procedure 2-0PT-CT-201, "Containment Isolation Valve Local Leak Rate Testing (Type C Containment Testing)" was revised

("one-time only" change) to provide instructions for Type C testing of Unit 2 safety injection system trip valve 2-SI-TV-201 B.

Containment integrity was maintained during the performance of this procedure by safety injection system valve, 2-Sl-313, and safety injection system trip valve, 2-SI-TV-201 A, which had its leads lifted to prevent inadvertent opening. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question was not created.



TM S1-92-031 Temporary Modification 06-23-92 1-IPT-CC-RC-T-432 Instrument Periodic Test Procedures 1-IPT-FT-RC-T-432 (Safety Evaluation No.92-140)

This Temporary Modification (TM) changed the Unit 1 reactor coolant system loop "C" hot leg average temperature (Th-avg) summator to calculate Th-avg by averaging the data from 2 resistance temperature devices (RTD) rather than

3. This change is necessary since one of the RTDs and its corresponding spare have become unreliable. Instrument Periodic Test Procedures 1-IPT-CC-RC-T-432, "Delta T and TAVG Protection Set Ill Loop T-432 Channel Calibration" and 1-IPT-FT-RC-T-432, "Delta T and TAVG Protection Set Ill Loop T-432 Functional Test" were temporarily revised to address the TM.

This change has a small effect on the temperature input to the protection system. However, the small change is within the uncertainties of the channel statistical allowance and the Safety Analysis. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question was not created.

2-PT-18.1 Operations Periodic Test Procedure 06-30-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-143)

Unit 2 Operations Periodic Test Procedure 2-PT-18.1, "LHSI Pump Test" was revised ("one-time only" change) to permit the use of temporary transmitters to enable the measurement of Low Head Safety Injection Pump pressure during the few seconds following pump start.

The use of the temporary safety-related transmitter does not affect the operation of the subject pump or the ability of the safety injection system to perform its required safety function. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question is not created.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 17of 20 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 ST-301 Auxlllary Ventllatlon Filter Train Test 06-03-92 (Safety Evaluation No.92-125)

This special test was performed to collect data with the ventilation system aligned in a safety features mode with four charging pump cubicles dampers open. The test results indicated that operation of the ventilation system with four dampers open does not impact the performance of the system in the safety features mode.

The motor operated dampers (MODs) were maintained open during the test by removing fuses located in the control room. Electricians were stationed to immediately replace the fuses and restore power to the MODs, at the direction of the shift supervisor. The time required to perform this manual action is bounded by the ventilation system refueling mode analysis. Operating fan bearing temperatures were also monitored closely to ensure fan operability

  • was maintained during the test. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question was not created.

I e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 18 of 20 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analysis Max. Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg.

Gross Radioact., µ.Ci/ml 3.60E-1 1.84E-1 2.68E-1 2.43E-1 1.42E-1 1.90E-1 Susoended Solids, oom < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Gross Tritium, µ.Ci/ml 4.HE-1 2.49E-1 3.26E-1 6.22E-1 5.25E-1 5.73E-1 1131, µ.Ci/ml 1.25E-3 4.30E-4 5.83E-4 1.18E-3 2.26E-4 3.99E-4 113111133 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.09 Hydrogen, cc/kg 43.8 28.7 35.0 39.3 22.2 33.2 Lithium, oom 2.34 2.06 2.18 2.32 2.06 2.16 Boron - 10, oom* 237.7 231.3 234.3 144.4 126.4 135.5 Oxygen, (DO), oom < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Chloride oom 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.005 < 0.001 0.002 pH at 25 degree Celsius 6.46 6.26 6.38 6.84 6.61 6.72


. e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 92-06 Page 19 of 20 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: June 1992 New or Spent Number for New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Number Received per Shipment Number Number Enrichment Cask Activity No Fuel Stored or Received in June, 1992