ML18151A398 | |
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Site: | Surry ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/13/1999 |
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ML18151A400 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9908170062 | |
Download: ML18151A398 (141) | |
Surry Power Station Unit 2 Inservice Inspections Abstract of Examinations
9908170006C~ i;&~A~a1 PDR AD PDR Q
FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules Page 1 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
- 1. Owner _ __,v..,,jr""gi"'*o:u.iaa..F,:.]..:e"'ct""ri"'c.aaowd... P"'o"'""'er._._c..
omwi>p*,unL¥y-S.nOwO,.,o_,_n"'o111rowiaL11iauio:1...Bol1J1Y:u.d_, G,.,,..]enill...<cAu))..,enu,....,Y'-'A:>....,<,.23"'0.t1.6wD'---------------
(Name and Address of Owner)
- 2. Plant ___
su_rry--=-P'--o_w_er_S_tat_i_on,_.:._5_5_70_H---'og,,_Is~Jan_d_R_d..:..., _su_rry....::..:...,_V_A_23_8_8_3 ____________________ _
(Name and Address of Plant) 2 NA
- 3. Plant Unit __________ 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) ________ _
S. Commercial Service Date QS/QJ/73
- 6. National Board Number for Unit _..i:<..1:1..... ___________
- 7. Components Inspected Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or.
National Appurtenance or Installer Serial No.
Province No.
Board No.
Seal Water lnj.
Commercial Filters NA NA NA Filter 2-CH-FL-4A Coiporation Steam Generator Westinghouse, 2972 VA58227 6818 2-RC-E-lB Tamna Division Steam Generator Westinghouse, 2973 VA.58228 6819 2-RC-E-lC Tampa Division Pressurizer Westinghouse, 1071 VA58225 6816 2-RC-E-2 Tampa Division Reactor Coolant Westinghouse 4-618J776G02 NA NA Pumn 2-RC-P-lA Reactor Vessel Rotterdam...
147-1 VA58224 30679 2-RC-R-l RHR Heat Exchanger Atlas Industrial Manufacturing 892 VA58234 742 2-RH-E-lA Company RHRPump Ingersoll Rand 0967-64 NA NA
?.lH-f.P.1.1 Class 1&2 Piping Stone & Webster Eng, Colp.
NA NA NA Southwest Fabricating Class 1&2 Component Southwest Fabricating NA NA NA
.Sun11orts Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 8'h in. x 11 in.
(2) information iii items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This form (E00029) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300.
FORM NIS-1 (Back)
- 8. Examination Dates ----+Hl1J1r~J-1-.l 1.,,9'+7------ to 0503199
- 9. Inspection Period Identification __
s_eco_nd_P_en_*o_d_(o_s_1_1o_l_97_-_o_5f_l_OI_O_l_) --------------------
- 10. Inspection Interval Identification _
_,.Thir""" d....,,,In,,,terv=a""l..i.:C0"-'5"-/""10"'/9"-4.:...-~0""5/...,_l.,,,0/~0....:.4},._ ___________________ _
- 11. Applicable Edition of Section XI --49'~------- Addenda ----NeHe>---------
- 12. Date/Revision of Inspection Plan ___
1_21_1_8!_9_8_R_e_v1S_* _io_n_l_O _______________________ _
- 13. Abstract of Examinations and Tests. Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan.
See Attachment 1, Abstract of Examinations Performed See Attachment 1, Abstract of System Pressure Tests
- 14. Abstract of Results of Examinations and Tests.
See Attachment 1, Examination Summary, Page 2
- 15. Abstract of Corrective Measures.
See Attachment 1, Examination Summary, Page 2 We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct, b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code,Section XI, and c) corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
NA NA Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) ----------- Expiration Date -------~~---
V_ir=guu_* _*a_E_l_ect._&_P_ow_er_C_o_. ------- By !JJ &0111?-r,k Owner 19 _9_9 __ Signed CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province* of Virginia and employed by H.S.B.I. & I. Co.
of lfmtfind; Cr have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period JQ(3] 191 to 05/23192
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tests and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the Inspection Plan and as required by the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
Date 9?
Introduction Examination Summary Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station Unit2 1999 Refueling Outage 3rd Interval, 2nd Period Page 2of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 This report covers Inservice examinations and tests of Class 1 and Class 2 components, piping and component supports that were conducted at Surry Power Station Unit 1 from October 31, 1997 through May 23, 1999. The examinations were conducted to meet the requirements of ASME Section XI, 1989 Edition, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Examination procedures were approved prior to the performance of the examinations.
Certification documents relative to personnel; equipment and materials were reviewed and determined to be satisfactory.
Inspections, witnessing and surveillance of the examinations and related activities were conducted by personnel from the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, One State Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06102 (Mr. RA Smith), and Surry technical staff.
- Some of the arrangements and details of the piping systems and components were designed and fabricated before the access and examination requirements of AS:ME Section XI of the 1989 Code could be applied.. Consequently, some examinations are limited or not practical due io geometric configuration or accessibility. Generally, these limitations exist at fitting to fitting joints, such as elbow to tee, elbow to valve, reducer to valve, and where integrally welded attachments, lugs and supports preclude access to some part of the examination area. These limitations sometimes preclude ultrasonic coupling or access for the required scan length or surface examination.
Examinations Examinations were conducted to review as much of the examination zones as was practical within geometric, metallurgical and.physical limitations.. When 100% of the required ultrasonic examination volume could not be examined, the examination method was evaluated and alternate beam angles or volumetric techniques were considered in an attempt to achieve the maximum examination volume. In the case of surface examinations where full coverage could not be achieved, alternative methods were considered and employed when possible to achieve maximum Page 1 of2
Page 3 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 allowable coverage. When alternative methods would not increase the examination coverage, an alternate component was considered for examination.
Results Numerous reportable indications were detected in weld 2-06, Steam Generator "B" Girth Weld, during ultrasonic examination. These indications were previously detected in 1985 and evaluated to the 1980 Edition of ASME Section XI. The reporting level for obtaining flaw dimensions in the 1980 Edition of Section XI was 50% DAC. The current Code (1989) reporting level is 20%
of DAC which renders larger dimensions for the above indications. Therefore, all indications reported as a result of this examination were also dimensioned at 50% DAC and compared to the 1985 results. The comparison showed essentially no change in the indications at 50% DAC since 1985. Furthermore, all indications reported as unacceptable per the requirements of the 1989 edition of Section XI were submitted to Engineering Mechanics for evaluation. The evaluation by Engineering Mechanics ( documented on Engineering Transmittal CEM-99-0012, Rev. 1) found all indications acceptable in accordance with IWB-3600 in the 1989 edition of Section XI.
No other examinations of components, piping and component supports identified reportable conditions.
Evaluation Analyses None required or performed.
Statement of Interval Status Virginia Electric and Power Company have completed 48 percent of the Second Period examinations and 60.8 percent of the 3rd interval examinations.
Page 2 of2
Page 4of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 VIRGINIA POWER
- ~ilf
- J.;ering Transmittal To:
Mr. Earnest Throckmorton, Corporate ISi/NOE From: Javid I. Refai, Corporate Engineering Mechanics Date: May 11, 1999 QA Category: SR ET CEM-99-0012, REV.1 EVALUATION OF FLAW INDICATION IDENTIFIED ON WELD# 6 OF STEAM GENERATOR '8' DURING SPRING 1999 REFUELING OUTAGE SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 2 Source Document E-mail request from Mr. Dan Jensen to Dr. K. K. Dwivedy for evaluation of indications on weld# 6 of I Ll Steam Generator 'B', SPS 2, dated 05/11/99 (attachment-2)
[1] ASME Section XI, IWB-3600, 1989 Edition
[2] Westinghouse Steam Generators Girth Weld No. 6 Repair Report WCAP-10916
The purpose of this Engineering Transmittal is to document the evaluation of the ultrasonic data from the re-examination of sev§ln (7) subsurface indications found in weld number 6 of Surry Power Station, Unit 2, Steam Generator 'B' during spring 1999 outage.
In Rev. O of this Engineering Transmittal, indications # 7 was labeled as 4.25. In this Revision the 1~
labeling is corrected.
The weld number 6 of the Surry Unit 2 Steam Generator 'B' was ultrasonically re-examined during the sprir:ig 1999 outage. The flaws identified by the ultrasonic measurement data were compared with the code generic acceptable indications. Seven of those indications exceeded the allowables of Table IWC-3510-1 of the ASME Code Section XI 1989 edition. All seven indications are -isolated flaws (see attachment-1 ). The attached calculation shows that the flaws are subsurface flaws. The remaining indications of these examinations have amplitude less than 20% DAC requiring no evaluation.
The seven. indications exceeding the generic acceptance criteria were evaluated using the flaw evaluation charts documented in the Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916 (Ref. 2). The *flaw evaluation charts in Ref. 2 were developed by examining the crack growth of different sizes of embedded flaws in weld # 6, when subjected to all specifiE!d loading conditions. The method used in WCAP-1-0916 meets the requirements of Ref. 1. The charts identified the acceptable sizes of flaws with respect to their location in the wall for 10, 20 and 30 years of service. The acceptability of the identified indication is determined by comparing the indication with the acceptable flaw in the chart for the same location.
ET CEM-99-0012, REV. 1 Page 2 of 2 Page 5 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.:'50-281 The attached (attachment 1) calculation shows the comparison of the seven indications identified during ultrasonic examination with the acceptable flaw sizes in the charts of the Ref. 2. The results show that the indications are acceptable for at least 30 years of service.
The seven embedded indications identified in the weld 6 of the Surry Unit 2 SG-B are acceptable for atleast 30 years of service without loss of structural integrity of the Steam Generator 'B'.
Prepared by: J. ~-
- Jul qt
- (*
Javid I. Refai
- f. K. 1J1.t.Ji.ve7:
5 91 Keshab K. Dwivedy Reviewed by:
Approved by: /V
~5-//-~:J Mark F. Walker D Activity Screening Checklist 12J PRC reviewed, no impact 12J CDS reviewed, no impact Additional Attachments or or or D Safety Evaluation included as Attachment D PRC and PRCS included as Attachment D CDS included as Attachment
[1] Calculation of Weld evaluations ( 6 Pages)
[2] E-mail request from Mr. Dan Jensen to Dr. K. K. Dwivedy for evaluation of indications on weld# 6 of I Lr Steam Generator 'B', SPS 2, dated 05/11/99 {2 Pages)
Copy to:
Mr. G. T. Bischof - IN3NW Mr. D. R. Dodson - IN3NE Mr. D. L. Jenson - IN3NE Mr. S. W. Semmes - SPS Records Manageme~t CEM ET file
Surrv Unit 2 S1eam Generdor B, Weld 2-06
- --- ---- -------~-*~-~~~-----------------.
- 2 Plot of indications #1, #2, and #3 with 45 degree angle and indicatioo #6 wlh 60 degree angle.
})._ft.,~ S-5-11
. --lt:i~.. 71~--- -----*- :.,.. ".'"*
ATTACHMENT 1. ET. CEM 99-0012. RE\\". 1 Page 7 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Evaluation of flaw indications on weld 6 of S/G-B of SPS unit 2 identified during Spring 1999 Outage:
Table-I Indications in SG B - Weld# 6 16' 3**
.126 3.85
.644 1.02:-
16" I JS' 3
.700 2.00
.. 175 3.85 9.1
.700 1.05
- - f *"'
i 4:'i 16' OS' 4
.175 1.75
.100 3.85 4.5
.925 I. I 0
.2Sti *I I
4:'i 19" 6.5"'
.233 2.00
.117 3.85 6.1
.212 I
I 45 19* 9_25**
.262 3.25
.081 3.85 6.8
.114 I.676 I 60 16"7" 7
.146 4.25
.03 3.85 3.8 1.23 1.376
.357 I. I I
- All measurements taken at 209c DAC drop points.
Per ASME Section XI IW A-3300. for Embedded flaw S :? 0.4a 8:? 1.4a Indication #
1.4a 0
Remark 1
0.449 1.137 2
0.531 1.023 3
0.490 1.050 4
0.245 1.100 8 > 1.4a 5
0.326 0.816 6
0.372 0.439 7
0.204 1.376 Flaw 1:
all = 0.26 use 0.33 alt = 0.083 2alt = 0.166 < 0.25 8/t = 0.295 Per Fig G.5.1 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916, Page G-45) OK Flaw 2:
all=0.126 use0.166 alt= 0.098 2alt = 0.196 < 0.25 8/t = 0.266 Per Fig G.5.2 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916, Page G-46) OK
. Flaw 3:
all = 0.175 use 0.33 alt = 0.091 2alt = 0.182 < 0.25 8/t = 0.273 Per Fig G.5.1 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916, Page G-45)
. 1~
ATTACHMENT 1. ET. CEM 99-0012. RE\\'. 1 Flaw 4:
a/I = 0.1 use 0. I alt= 0.045 2a/t = 0.09 < 0.25 8/t = 0.286 Per Fig G.5.3 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916. Page G-47) OK Flaw 5:
all= 0.117 use 0.166 alt= 0.061 2alt = 0.122 < 0.25 8/t = 0.212 Per Fig G.5.2 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916. Page G-46) OK Flaw 6:
all = 0.081 use 0.1 alt = 0.068 2a/t = 0.136 < 0.25 8/t = 0.114 Per Fig G.5.3 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916, Page G-47) OK Flaw 7:
a/I = 0.03 use 0.1 alt= 0.038 2a/t = 0.076 < 0.25 8/t = 0.357 Per Fig G.5.3 (Westinghouse Report WCAP-10916. Page G-47) OK Attachment 1 Page 8 of39 Serial No.: 99-382.
Docket No.: 50-281
0.13 Q.12 0.,,
0.10 0.09 0.08 J
0.07 0.06 0.05 o.o, D 03 0 02 0.01 0
ATIACH\\1EST 1. ET. CE\\11.)Q.OOI:. REY.I u,.,,,oel:
- A80V'E THIS LINE AIU NOT AUOWAILE.1~::i:)1.::.A.T10\\.l 20 years
30 years
- !14:P I c..t, ~,o N
- -. j 0
1 **-:
ARE ACCEPTABLE PEA CRITERIA OF IWI 3600 AS LONCi AS !!'°C.25 Embecaed Flaw Evaluation Chart for Flaws with 1n Aspect Ra:10 la/!) of 0.333 for 10. 20 and 30 years of F1t1gue Crack Growtn Attachment 1 Page 9 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: S0.281
I A TI AC'H'.\\lEST l. ET. CD1 9Q-001.:'.. RE\\.J
- r.
..,.,,,cr1J.:1 '
I j;. *.;.. ;:..
~-------,aws wnH.!..
- i,,fDl"-4 "fie.J 4
ZO years
~.:;;--T".'.:"'"~~~'fi-.,...-,:~A,.,..;~?f~~~;;;..;r-, 30 ~ars AU EMIIEOOEO FLAWS CON THIS SIDE OF DEMARKATION LINE)
~RE ACCEPTABLE PER CRITERIA OF IWI 3600 i* ::_::-_.!,. _
,7.......;.,~...;;..;-:--:-...;.....,...,+..:l:..4',;a.!.:.:::;::.-+,:.J.......;'!...:J' t
i * ~ I "
- i.
- u. 5-2
..,.*. ***; *,: 'j C.CS C. 1 D C. 15 D.2D D.25 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE ff-1 Embedoed Flaw Evaluation Chart for F'laws w1th an Asi,ec:t Rat10 (1/l) cf 0.1667 fer 10, ZO 1nd 30 years of Fatigue Crac:lr. Gr"Dliith Attachment 1 Page 10 cf39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
C>.07 C.06 0.05 c.o, ::.: l.
0 c:z c.c, A ITACH\\1E:'\\T l. ET. CE\\! 1,11,1.001:. RE\\. j r
- . ":: *===
.,.., ____.,;.._.,_FLAWS WITM.!.,
I'*::,:::::!::c,j. '*i:.::
0 ~----::-:'.-..;....;.;;.;,1.,;,;1......;:_.....1....:.....:l:..;.-*::.:*i;.;;***J.* _*.:.*..l.....;..J C
C.05 C.10 c.n C.20 D.25 DISTANCE F"OM SU"FACE.I, tr*
F::;-.::.~ G.5-3 Embedded Flaw Evaluation Chart for Flaws w1th an Asoect Ratio (a/ll of 0.10 for 10, 20, and 30 years of Fatigue Crac~ Growth
[This cnart' also applies for flaws w1th aspect ratio less tnan 0.10)
Page 11 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
/, Keshab Dwivedy 05/11/99 02:23.PM To:
Changes tor ET CEM-99-0012, Rev. 1
Forwarded by.Keshab Dwivedy/NUCNANCPOWER on 05/11/99 02:22 PM---------------------------
DanJensen 05/11/99 02:18 PM To:
Changes for ET CEM-99-0012, Rev. 1 See attached table for required changes, for Flaw 6, change the 'Y' value to.67.6 and for Ind# 4.25, change the Ind# to 7. Please call Dave Dodson @ Ext. 3203 if you have any questions.
Thank You! Indications in SG B weld 6.dc Attachment 1 Page 12 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
- Location Ind#
2d a
I a/I t
(start) 16* 5**
.321 I 1.25
.26 3.85 I 8,
)6" 8'"
.379 3.00
.126 3.85 I 9.8 16' 11.5" 3
.350 2.00
.. 175 3.85 9.1 16" OS' 4
.175 1.75
.100 3.85 4.5 19' 6.5" 5
.233 2.00
.117 3.85 6.1 19' 9_-,5**
.262 3.25
.081 3.85 I 6.8 16' T' 7
.146 4.25
.03 3.85 3.8
- All measurements taken ::it 20% DAC drop points.
s A (a+s)
Alt I.816 I I. i:, i I.295 I.6-+-1 i
I.700 !
1.05 I.27~
.925 I I.IO I.28b
.583 I
.81 t1 i.212
.!Ti !
.-139 I. 1 1-1 1.23 I 1.37(::,
I.. ~57 Page 13 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 y
Ant;Je I
-15 I
..!5 I
I 4°'
i.67(, '
I i
Abstract of Examinations Performed IWB, IWC and IWF Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks 11548-WMKS-OlOOGl 1-02 14"-WFPD-117-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-OlOOGl 1-03 14"-WFPD-117-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-OlOOGl 1-04 14"-WFPD-117-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-010101 1-01 30"-SHP-102-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT/MT 4/26/99 11548-WMKS-OlOlDl 1-02 30"-SHP-102-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT/MT 4/26/99 11548-WMKS-OlOlGl 1-02 14"-WFPD-113-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-OlOlGl 1-03 14"-WFPD-113-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-O 101 Gl 1-04 14"-WFPD-113-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 l 1548-WMKS-0102Gl 1-02 14"-WFPD-109-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-0102Gl 1-03 14 "-WFPD-109-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 l 1548-WMKS-0102Gl 1-04 14"-WFPD-109-601 2
C-F-2 C5.51 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-0102Gl HOOl-1 14"-WFPD-109-601 2
C-C C3.20 Surface 4/22/99 11548-WMKS-0102Gl HOOl-2 14 "-WFPD-109-601 2
C-C C3.20 Surface 4/22/99 l 1548-WMKS-0102Gl HOOl-3 14"-WFPD-109-601 2
C-C C3.20 Surface 4/22/99 l 1548-WMKS-0102Gl HOOl-4 14"-WFPD-109-601 2
C-C C3.20 Surface 4/22/99 11548-WMKS-0117Bl 2-03 12"-RH-112-602 2
C-F-1 C5.ll UT/PT 5/7/99 OC/l-Ol>
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks 11548-WMKS-O 117B 1 2-RH-H009B 10"-RH-117-1502 1
F-A Fl.10 VT-3 4/20/99 A
l 1548-WMKS-Ol 18A2 2-WAPD-H025 6"-WAPD-150-601 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/20/99 I 1548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-01 6"-SI-249-1502 2
C-F-1 C5.ll UT/PT 4/22/99 11548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-SI-H006A 6"-SI-249-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-SI-H008 6"-SI-249-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/23/99 l 1548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-SI-HOIO 6"-SI-249-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/23/99 l 1548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-S1-H014A 6"-SI-249-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/23/99 I 1548-WMKS-0122Hl 2-SI-H017 6"-SI-249-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/20/99 l 1548-WMKS-0122Kl-1 2-SI-H002 6"-SI-248-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-OI22Kl-1 2-SI-H006 6"-SI-248-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-O 122Kl-2 2-SI-H013 2"-SI-281-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/20/98 11548-WMKS-0122Kl-2 2-SI-H015 2"-SI-281-1502 1
F-A Fl.10 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-0122Ll 2-Sl-109 12"-RC-322-1502 1
B-G-2 B7.70 VT-I 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-0122Ll 2-SI-H007 12"-SI-245-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 5/5/99 11548-WMKS-O 122L 1 2-SI-HOOSA 12 "-SI-245-1502 1
F-A Fl.10 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-0122Ll 2-S1-H008BB 12"-SI-245-1502 I
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/20/99 l 1548-WMKS-0123NIZ 0-02 12"-RS-107-153 2
C-F-1 C5.11 UT/PT 4/24/99 l 1548-WMKS-0125Al 1-09 4"-RC-314-1502 I
B-J B9.11 UT/PT 5/6/99 C:,(/l"tJ)>.
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Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks 11548-WMKS-0125Al 1-10 4"-RC-314-1502 1
B-J B9.ll UT/PT 5/6/99 I 1548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H006 4"-RC-315-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/21/99 A
11548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H009 4"-RC-314-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/23/99 A
I 1548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-HOIO 4"-RC-315-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/23/99 A
l 1548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H018 4"-RC-315-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H031 4"-RC-314-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H032 4"-RC-315-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/20/99 l 1548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H036 4"-RC-314-1502 I
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H037A 4"-RC-314-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/21/99 l 1548-WMKS-0125Al 2-RC-H037B 4"-RC-314-1502 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/21/99 l 1548-WMKS-0127J3Z 2-S1-H016 2"-SI-275-1502 2
F-A Fl.20 VT-3 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H003 3 "-CH-379-1503 1
F-A Fl.10 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H004 3"-CH-379-1503 I
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H005 3"-CH-379-1503 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H007A 3"-CH-379-1503 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/27/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H007B 3"-CH-379-1503 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/27/99 11548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-HOll 3"-CH-379-1503 1
F-A Fl.IO VT-3 4/23/99 1 i 548-WMKS-CH-9 2-CH-H017 3"-CH-379-1503 1
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks l 1548-WMKS-CH-FL-4A 1-01 2-CH-FL-4A 2
C-A Cl.20 UT 4/8/98 l 1548-WMKS-RC-12Zl 2-RC-H003 2"-RC-355-1502 1
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 l 1548-WMKS-RC-12Z2 2-RC-HOOl 2"-RC-498-1502 I
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 l 1548-WMKS-RC-12Z5 Flange "A" I "-CH-397-1502 1
B-G-2 B7.50 VT-I 4/20/99 1*
11548-WMKS-RC-9 1-0lDM 12"-RC-310-2501R 1
B-F B5.40 UT/PT 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-lA.2 2-RC-HOOl 2-RC-HOOl 1
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IA.2 2-RC-H002 2-RC-H002 2
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IB. l 2-06 2-RC-E-IB 2
C-A Cl.IO UT 5/4/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IB.1 2-08 2-RC-E-IB 2
C-A Cl.20 UT 4/27/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IB.2 2-RC-2-02CNIR 2-RC-E-IB 2
C-B C2.22 UT 4/27/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IB.2 2-RC-2-02DNIR 2-RC-E-IB 2
C-B C2.22 UT 4/21/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-IC.2 2-10 2-RC-E-IC 2
C-B C2.21 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 12NIR 2-RC-E-2 1
B-D B3.120 UT 4/25/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 13NIR 2-RC-E-2 1
B-D 83.120 UT 4/23/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 2-RC-HOOl 2-RC-HOOl
. 1 F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 2-RC-H002 2-RC-H002 1
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 2-RC-H003 2-RC-H003 1
F-A Fl.40 VT-3 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 BOLTING 2-RC-E-2 1
B-G-2 B7.20 VT-I 4/20/99 C,Cl)"tl)>
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks 11548-WMKS-RC-E-2 HOOI-2 2-RC-E-2 I
B-K BIO.IO Surface 5/4/99 11548-WMKS-RC-P-IA.2 FLANGE 2-RC-P-IA I
B-G-1 B6.190 Vf-1 4/20/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.2 2-RC-R-l 2-RC-R-l I
NA NA Vf-2 4/25/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.2 CRDM Housing Weld 2-RC-R-l I
B-E B4.12 Vf-2 5/23/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-21 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30
'UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-22 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-23 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-24 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-25 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-26 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-27 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-28 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-29 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-30 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.3 Stud-31 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 I UT/MT 4/29199 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-32 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-33 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-34 2-RC-R-l
. I B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 Page 5 of 10 C,(ll"'O),
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-35 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-36 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-37 2-RC-R~I 1
B-G-I B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-38 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.30 UT/MT.
4/30/99 l I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-39 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-I B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-l.3 Stud-40 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-I B6.30 UT/MT 4/30/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-I.4 CCW-21 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-22 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-23 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 1 I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-24 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-25 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-26 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-27 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-28 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-29 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-30 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-31 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CCW-32 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 CC/l"lll>
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks I I548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-33 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-34 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-35 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 1 I548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-36 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/28/99 I*
11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-37 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-I B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-38 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-39 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CCW-40 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-21 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-I B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 t 1548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-22 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-23 2-RC-R-1 I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 l I548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-24 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-25 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-26 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-27 2-RC-R-l I
B-G~l B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-28 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-29 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-I B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-30 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 OCIJ'U)>
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Drawing Mark No.
Line No.
ISi Class Category Item Method Exam Date Remarks 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-31 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-32 2-RC-R-1 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-33 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 I 1548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-34 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-35 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 CVW-36 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-37 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-38 2-RC-R-I 1
B-G-I B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-39 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-I 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 CVW-40 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.50 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-21 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-1 4/29/99 li 1548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-22 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-1 4/29/99 1 I548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-23 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-24 2-RC-R-l I
B-G-I B6.10 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-25 2-RC-R-I I
B-G-I B6.10 VT-I 4/29/99 I I548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-26 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-27 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-1 4/29/99 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-28 2-RC-R-l 1
B-G-1 B6.10 VT-1 4/29/99 C en "Dl>
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Drawing Mark No.
11548-WMKS-RC-R-L4 NUT-29 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-30 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-31 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-32 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-33 11548-WMKS-RC-R-l.4 NUT-34 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-35 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-36 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-37 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-38 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-39 11548-WMKS-RC-R-1.4 NUT-40 11548-WMKS-RH-E-IA 2-RH-HOOI 11548-WMKS-RH-E-IA 2-RH-H002 11548-WMKS-RH-P-IA 2-RH-H030A 11548-WMKS-RH-P-IA 2-RH-H030B" 11548-WMKS-RH-P-IA 2-RH-H030C 11548-WMKS-SI-35 1-24 Line No.
2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 *
- 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RC-R-1 2-RH-E-IA 2-RH-E-IA 2-RH-P-IA 2-RH-P-IA 2-RH-P-IA 2"-SI-274-1502 ISi Class Category 1
1 I
I 1
1 1
I 1
1 I
1 2
2 2
2 2
2 Page 9 of IO B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1 B-G-1
.F-A F-A F-A F-A F-A C-F-1 Item B6.I0 B6.10 B6.IO B6.I0 B6.10 B6.10 B6.IO
- B6.10 B6.I0 B6.10 B6.I0 B6.I0 Fl.40 Fl.40 Fl.40 Fl.40 Fl.40 C5.30 Method Exam Date VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-I VT-3 VT-3 VT-3 VT-3 VT-3 PT 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/28/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/29/99 4/20/99 4/20/99 4/20/99 4/20/99 4/20/99 5/6/99 Remarks
- 11548-WMKS-Sl-35 11548-WMKS-SI-5 Remarks:
Mark No.
1-47 2-S1-H005 Line No.
2"-SI-271-1503 10"-Sl-363-153 No partials with 10% or greater reduction in coverage were performed.
ISi Class 2
2 A-reexamination due to corrective measures taken during previous examination.
Page 10 of 10 Category C-F-1 F-A Item C5.30 Fl.20 Method PT VT-3 Exam Date 5/6/99 4/23/99 Remarks
Abstract of Examinations Performed System Pressure Test Program Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-064A-l-l A,B & C SIG MAIN S1EAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.10 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-l-l A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-l-l A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-2-l A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.70 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-2-1 A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.70 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-2-I A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26/98 2-SPM-064A-3-1 A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198 2-SPM-064A-3-l A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.10 1/26/98 2-SPM-064A-3-1 A,B & C SIG MAIN SIBAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.70 1/26/98 2-SPM-064A-4-l MAIN STEAM LINES TO AUX FEED WA IBR 2
C-H C7.70 1/26/98 C:,Cll"tJ}>
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-064B-1-1 A,B & C SIG MAIN STEAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.70 1/26198 2-SPM-064B-l-l A,B & C SIG MAIN STEAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198 2-SPM-064B-l-2 A,B & C SIG MAIN STEAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.70 1/26198 2-SPM-064B-l-2 A,B & C SI(! MAIN STEAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198
C-H C7.70 1/27198 2-SPM-064B-l-3 A,B & C SIG MAIN STEAM OUTSIDE CTMT 2
C-H C7.30 1/26198 2-SPM-068A-l-4 AUX. FEEDWATERHEADERS 2
C-H C7.70 4/18199 2-SPM-068A-l-4 AUX. FEEDWATERHEADERS 2
C-H C7.70 5/21/99 2-SPM-082A-2-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5123199 2-SPM-082A-2-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5123199 2-SPM-082A-2-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P Bl5.5 5123199 2-SPM-082A-2-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5123199 2-SPM-082A-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5123199 2-SPM-082A-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P Bl5.5 5/23199 2-SPM-082A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5/23199 ccn-u>
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-082A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
C-H C7.70 4/24/99 2-SPM-082A-2-8 Area boundeFI by 2-SS-:TV-206A and 2-SS-TV-206B 2
C-H C7.70 5/23/99 2-SPM-082A-2-8 Area bounded by 2-SS-TV-206A and 2-SS-TV-206B 2
C-H C7.30 5/23/99 2-SPM-082A-2-9 Area bounded by 2-SS-TV-202A and 2-SS-TV-202B 2
C-H C7.30 5/23/99 2-SPM-082A-2-9 Area bounded by 2-SS-TV-202A and 2-SS-TV-202B 2
C-H C7.30 5/21/99 2-SPM-083B-3-l PRIMARY VENT POT VENT 2
C-H C7.30 5/21/99 2-SPM-083B-3-l PRIMARY VENT POT VENT 2
C-H C7.70 5/1/99 og, ;,y~
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-0848-2-4 OSRS 118 11 TRAIN PENETRATION PIPING 2
C-H C7.70 5/15/99 2-SPM-0848-2-4 OSRS 118 11 TRAIN PENETRATION PIPING 2
C-H C7.30 5/15/99 2-SPM-0848-2-5 OSRS "A" TRAIN PENETRATION PIPING 2
C-H C7.70 5/15/99 2-SPM-0848-2-5 OSRS "A" TRAIN PENETRATION PIPING 2
C-H C7.30 5/15/99 I
C-H C7.70 5/3/99 2-SPM-085A-l-4 LEAKAGE MONITORING 2
C-H C7.70 5/3/99 2-SPM-085A-l-4 LEAKAGE MONITORING 2
C-H C7.30 5/3/99 2-SPM-086A-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
8-P 815.6 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P Bl5.3 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
8-P 815.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-l-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 CJ en -u >
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-086A-1-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-1-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-1-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-I REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P B15.3 5/23/99 I
2-SPM-086A-2-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-I REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P 815.6 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.3 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.3 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.3 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.3 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-2-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.6 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P Bl5.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.3 5/23/99 CJ CJ) "C )>
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Zone Description Class CategorJ Item Date 2-SPM-086A-3-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.l 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P BI5.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086A-3-6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.2 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086B-l-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 OCll"'tll>
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPMc0868-l-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086C-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P 815.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086C-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
8-P 815.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086C-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P 815.7 5/23/99 I
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-086C-2-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-086C-2-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P 815.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-087A-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-087A-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
8-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-087 A-1-2 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PIPING 2
C-H C7.30 4/24/99 2-SPM-087A-l-3 2-RH-P-IA 2
C-H C7.70 5/16/99 2-SPM-087A-l-3 2-RH-P-lA 2
C-H C7.50 5/16/99 2-SPM-087A-l-3 2-RH-P-lA 2
C-H C7.30 5/16/99 2-SPM-087 A-1-3 2-RH-P-lA 2
C-H C7.10 5/16/99 2-SPM-087A-l-4 2-RH-P-lB 2
C-H C7.10 4/24/99 2-SPM-087A-l-4 2-RH-P-lB 2
C-H C7.70 4/24/99 2-SPM-087A-l-4 2-RH-P-lB 2
C-H C7.30 4/24/99 2-SPM-087A-l-4 2-RH-P-lB 2
C-H C7.50 4/24/99 OCll"Dl>
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-087 A-2-1 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PIPING 2
C-H C7.10 4/24/99 2-SPM-087 A-2-1 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL PIPING 2
C-H C7.70 4/24/99 2-SPM-087 A-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 I
.B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-087 A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-087 A-2-4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-1-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-1-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM l
B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-1-6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P B15.4 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-l-6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-2-8 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.6 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-2-8 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-088C-2-8 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23/99
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-089A-l-l LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "IA" 2
C-H C7.70 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-l-l LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "IA" 2
C-H C7.50 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-l-l LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "IA" 2
C-H C7.30 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-l-2 LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "lB" 2
C-H C7.70 4/16/99 1*
C-H C7.50 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-l-2 LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "IB" 2
C-H C7.70 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-2-3 LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "IA" 2
C-H C7.30 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-2-4 LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "lB" 2
C-H C7.30 4/16/99 2-SPM-089A-2-4 LOW HEAD SAFETY INJECTION PUMP "lB" 2
C-H C7.30 5/21/99 2-SPM-089B-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
B-P Bl5.7 5/23/99 2-SPM-089B-l-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P Bl5.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-089B-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P Bl5.5 5/23/99 2-SPM-089B-l-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
C-H C7.30 5/21/99 o en -o >
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Zone Description Class Category Item Date 2-SPM-089B-l-8 NITROGEN SUPPLY TO SAFETY INJECTION ACCUMULATORS 2
C-H C7.70 5/21199 2-SPM-089B l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P B15.5 5/23199 2-SPM-089B-2-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM I
8-P B15.7 5123199 2-SPM-0898-2-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P 815.5 5123199 I*
B-P 815.7 5123199 2-SPM-0898-3-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
B-P 815.7 5123199 2-SPM-0898-3-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P 815.5 5123199 2-SPM-089B-3-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
8-P B15.5 5123199 2-SPM-089B-3-3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM B-P B15.7 5123199 2-SPM-0898-4-1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 8-P B15.5 5123199 2-SPM-089B-4-l REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1
C-H C7.30 5121/99 2-SPM-124A-2-l
C-H C7.70 5/21/99 CJC/)"U)>
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Zone 2-SPM-124A-3-l 2-SPM-124A-3-l Remarks:
No partials performed.
Description "C" SIG RECIRCULATION AND TRANSFER "C" SIG RECIRCULATION AND TRANSFER No-rejectable items. All exams were satisfactory.
Page 11 of 11 Class 2
2 Category Item C-H C7.70 C-H C7.30 Date 5/21/99 5/21/99
Abstract of Examinations Snubber Program Page 35 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 During the Unit 2Refueling Outage in April 1999, the following activities were performed to implement the snubber program:
Functional Test Program: a total of 24 snubbers were selected for functional testing including 20 hydraulic snubbers, 3 mechanical snubbers and one large bore snubber.
No failure was found.
Seal Replacement Program: a total of 18 hydraulic snubbers were selected for seal replacement. These snubbers were replaced with a rebuilt snubber or a new snubber.
Visual Inspection Program: all snubbers were inspected in accordance with surveillance procedure 2-NPT-PR-002" Snubber Visual Inspection".
Abstract of Examinations Eddy Current Examinations Of Nonferromagnetic Steam Generator Tubing Examination Scope Page 36 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Inservice examination was performed on Steam Generator (S/G) "A". A total of3334 tubes were inspected with a bobbin probe over their full length as follows:
- 1.
3053 tubes, tube end hot through tube end cold;
- 2. - 94 tubes, 7th hot leg support through tube end cold;
- 3.
187 tubes, 7th cold leg support through tube end cold;
- 4.
281 tubes 7th hot leg support through tube end hot;
- 5.
187 tubes 7th hot leg support through 6th leg cold support.
The inspections also consisted of the following:
- 1. 670 tubes hot leg top of tubesheet, rotating pancake coil (RPC) testing to detect cracking;
- 2. 19 tubes row 1 U-bend RPC testing to detect cracking; In addition, 7 tubes were ultrasonic tested (UT}for charactemation of pit-like signals.
Plugged Tubes Tubes Plugged in S/G "A" Steam generator "A" had seven (7) plugged tubes at the beginning of the inspection. Eight (8) tubes were plugged as a result of this inspection.
Eight (8) tubes were plugged based on the review of the current inspection data and evaluations required by the S/G Program Plan (SPS-SGMIPP-001, Rev 2.). Indications of the following categories were evaluated and associated plugging recommendation for each category stated and performed. It was assumed that the.
operating interval for this generator would be three cycles (Approx. 48.2 EFPM).
The following seven (7) tubes containing PIT indications were plugged in steam generator "A" based upon the total NDE sizing uncertainty associated with sizing PIT indications and supplemental UT inspection results Tube Location R4C43
. R4 C45
-R.6 C38 R7C36 R7C49 R7 C57 R9C51 Date Plugged 05/03/99 05/03/99 05/03/99 05/03/99 05/03/99 05/03/99'.
05/03/99 Page 1 of4
Page 37 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 The following one (1) tube was indicated to have a significant ding impression at the C/L tubesheet to the point it would not pass the standard 720 Bobbin probe or RPC probe. The tube did pass a 680 Bobbin and was assigned the "restricted tube"(R.ST) designation and preventatively plugged.
Tube Location Rl C36 Tubes Plugged in S/G "C" Date Plugged 05/03/99 During a 1996 inspection ofUnif2 SIG "C", a PIT indication measuring 26%through wall was detected in tube R25 C 13. The indication was left in service based upon the sizing requirements that existed at the time and the inactive nature of the degradation mechanism as determined by prior assessments of similar indications in S/G "A" in 1995. A condition assessment evaluation was performed for the indication identified at R25 Cl3 based on current Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines taking into account the recently applied findings relative to the high NDE uncertainty. The NDE uncertainty with respect to sizing pitting is unusually large owing to the mixing of copper deposits with the flaws in the qualification sample set (ETSS # 96005). Based upon the above, the following tube was plugged in S/G "C".
Tube Location R25 C13 Date Plugged 05/04/99 Other Inspection Results A VB Indications (Indications at Antivibration Bars):
Per Current Plant Technical Specification Plugging Limit(> 40%)
None Reported Tubes with indications < 40%
R25 C57 AV2 16 16 1.5 % /-Cvcle R26 C9 AV4 14 15
. 1.3% I Cvcle R26 C86 AV3 24 19 2.2 %/Cvcle R29 C70 AV2 13 7
1.2 %/ Cvcle R31 Cl3 AV4 12 10 1.1 %/ Cycle R36 C62 AV2 21 13 1.9 %! Cycle
- AV4.
19 8
1.7 %/Cvcle R38 C72 AV4 26 17 2.4 %/ Cycle R40 C49 AVl 13 9
1.2 %/Cycle AV3 12 7
1.1 %/ Cvcle R40 C65 AV2 23 20 2.1 %/Cvcle RECENT GROWTH***
(%TW PER CYCLE) 0 (Negative) 1.7 %/ Cvcle 2.0 %/Cvcle 0.7 %/ Cvcle 2.7 %/ Cycle 3.7 %/Cvcle 3.0 %/Cvcle 1.3 %/ Cycle 1.7 %/Cvcle 1.0 %/Cvcle Note: None of the above tubes require plu.gging due to indicated past growth or projected growth that would approach structural integrity limits.
Bobbin Non - Quantifiable Indications{NOl's):
None - All were resolved with history review or RPC per the Analysis Guidelines Page 2 of4
Rotatin2 Pancake Coil{RPC) Indications:
- H/L Top ofTubesheet (20% random program plus past indications)
None - All were resolved per Analysis Guidelines
- Row U bend (20% random program, no prior indications)*
None - All were resolved per Analysis Guidelines Summary and Conclusion Page 38 of39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Overall condition assessments have been performed and included in the Surry Steam Generator Monitoring and Inspection Program Plan. Performance criteria have been established in the Surry Steam Generator Monitoring and Inspection Program Plan. The inspection performed on the "A" steam generator was consistent with the Program Plan and the results formed the basis of the condition monitoring and operational assessment performed for this outage.
Condition Monitoring and Operational Assessment of the steam generator tube bundles are performed to verify that the condition of the tubes, as reflected in the inspection results, is in compliance with plant licensing basis. Defects detected are evaluated to confirm that the Reg. Guide 1.121 margins against leakage and burst were not exceeded at the end of this operating cycle using the Bounding Assessment Method. The results of the Condition Monitoring evaluation are used as a basis for an Operational Assessment, which demonstrates prospectively that the anticipated performance of the steam generators will not exceed the Reg. Guide 1.121 margins against leakage and tube burst during the ensuing operating period.
The two (2) degradation mechanisms identified to date is wear at A VB intersections and the. recently confirmed free span pitting. Neither of these mechanisms is considered "Active" based on industry guidelines. Acceptable tube integrity at the end of the current operating cycle is demonstrated in this report and condition monitoring and operational assessment requirements on burst pressure and accident condition leak rates are satisfied for all degradation mechanisms found in the inspection. This condition monitoring and operational assessment for tube integrity follows the requirements of the Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines draft of Dec 1998 (GC-107621) and the requirements ofNEI 97-06. All indications found were beJow their associated structural limits including 3 delta P burst pressure margins for free span pits. The total potential past cycle leakage at steam line break (SLB) is estimated to be zero for the free span pits.
The condition of the Surry Unit 2 steam generators, as indicated by the results of the Condition Monitoring evaluation, satisfy the requirements of Reg. Guide 1.121 with respect to structural and leakage integrity margin. Evaluation of each of the observed tube degradation mechanisms showed no or low progression rates over the last operating interval of 44.2 EFPM. Projection of degradation rates for the next planned operating interval of 4~.2 1;<:FPM for the "A" steam generator does not indicate that conditions exceeding structural and leakage margin requirements would occur before the end of that next planned operating interval. Thus, the Operational Assessment requirements are satisfied.
Confirmation on pit indications in "A" steam generator prompted the entry and plugging of the one previously called pit indication on "C" steam generator. No other findings from the balance of the eddy current results on "A" steam generator required any expansion of testing to other steam generators. The results of this inspection were consistent with previous eddy current results on SIG "B" and S/G "C~No indications were reported during this inspection that were significant to tube integrity.
Page 3 of4
Glossary of Terms R, C-row, column; tube identifier numbers, an X-Y coordinate system PIT-pit indications C/L-cold leg H/L-hotleg A VB-antivibrational bar EFPM-effective full power months Page 4 of4 Page 39 of 39 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
Surry Power Station Unit 2 Inservice Inspections Repairs and Replacements Abstract of Examinations NIS-2 Forms
Abstract of Examinations Performed Repair and Replacements Page 1 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Repair and replacements completed for Unit 2 from October 31, 1997 through May 23, 1999 were performed in accordance with Section XI of the AS:ME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1989 Edition.
The following paragraphs and the attached NIS-2 forms represent those repairs and replacements performed on Class 1 and Class 2 systems:
RR# 97-176, replace carbon steel pipe caps on main steam piping, 2-MS-DCP-93-038 under work order 00370313-01, completed on 5/20/99.
RR# 97-225, replace seal cooler 2-CH-E-7C under work order 00370925-01, completed on 7/31/99.
RR# 98-016, replace valve 2-DA-TV-200A under work order 00385303-02, completed on 3/5/98.
- RR# 98-082, replace studs and nuts on check valve 2-CS-45 under work order 00388989-01, completed on 2/2/99.
RR# 98-166, replace valve 2-DA-TV-200B under work order 00400412-02, completed on 12/16/98.
RR# 99-004, replace bonnet and diaphram on valve 2-CH-2lunder work order 00400886-01, completed on 4/30/99.
RR# 99-006, replace trim assembly, studs and nuts on valve 2-CH-FCV-2460B under work order 00358379-01, completed on 5/1/99.
RR#- 99-013, replace check valve 2-MS-182 and piping, under work order 00371543-03, completed on 5/10/99.
RR# 99-014, replace check valve 2-MS-178 and piping, under work order 00371543-02, completed on 5/7/99.
RR# 99-015, replace check valve 2-MS-176 and piping under work order 00371543-01, completed on 5/8/99.
RR# 99-018, replace studs and nuts on valve 2-RC-SV-2551A under work order 00393422-01, completed on 5/21/99.
RR# 99-019, replace studs and nuts on valve 2-RC-SV-2551B under work order 00393423-01, completed on 5/11/99.
RR# 99-020, replace_studs and nuts on valve 2-RC-SV-2551C under work order 00393424-01, completed on 5/11/99.
RR# 99-030, relocate recirculation line on 2-SI-P-lA, replace 2" check valve 2-Sl-61 under work order 00402200-03, completed on 5/13/99.
RR# 99-031, relocate recirculation line on 2-SI-P-lB, replace 2" check valve 2-Sl-53 under work order 00402200-04, completed on 5/7/99.
Page 2 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 RR# 99-033, replace studs and nuts on valve 2-FW-41 under work order 00391667-01, completed 4/28/99.
RR# 99-037, replace 14" pipe 2-FW-PPS-82 under work order 00391844-08, completed 5/11/99.
RR# 99-043, replace check valve 2-SI-79 under work order 00409274-02, completed 5/5/99.
RR# 99-044, overhaul valve 2-RC-HCV-2557C under work order 00409291-01, completed 5/8/99.
RR# 99-045, replace studs and nuts on valve 2-RC-HCV-2557B under work order 00409292-01, completed 5/7/99.
RR# 99-051, replace valve 2-CH-11 under work order 00409204-01, completed 4/30/99.
RR# 99-054, replace nozzle on 2-MS-SV-202A under work order 00396116-02 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-057; replace disc in valve 2-MS-SV-201A under work order 00396116-01 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-058, machine nozzle on 2-MS-SV-201C under work order 00396116-06 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-059, replace disc in valve 2-MS-SV-204A under work order 00396116-04 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-061, replace disc in valve 2-MS-SV-201B under work order 00396116-11 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-062, replace valve 2-SA-81 under work order 00409810-01 completed on 5/20/99.
RR# 99-063, replace snubber brackets on 2-FW-HSS-l and 2-FW-HSS-2 under work order 00409866-01 completed on 5/10/99.
RR# 99-064, replace val\\_'e 2-SI-103 under work order 00398894-16 completed on 5/10/99.
RR# 99-068, replace pipe and valve 2-S1-MOV-2869A under work order 00409287-05 completed on 5/20/99.
RR# 99-070, pipe and check valve 2-IA-864 under work order 00403411-04 completed on 5/15/99.
RR# 99-071, replace flange 2-SA-81 under work order 00410891-01 completed on 5/21/99.
RR# 99-075; replace snubber 2-RC-MSS-lA for maintenance under work order 00396052-01 completed on 5/9/99.
RR# 99-076, replace snubber 2-BD-HSS-6A for maintenance under work order 00409354-01 completed 011 4/24/99.
RR# 99-077, replace snubber 2-RC-HSS-106 for maintenance under work order 00396044-01 completed on 4/23/99.
RR# 99-078, replace snubber 2-FW-HSS-140 for maintenance under work order 00396036-01 completed on 4/24/99.
RR# 99-079, replace snubber 2-FW-HSS-143 for maintenance under work order 00396062-01 completed on 4/24/99.
Page 3 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 RR# 99-080, replace snubber 2-RC-HSS-102 for maintenance under work order 00396043-01 completed on 4/24/99.
RR# 99-081, replace snubber 2-RC-HSS-113 for maintenance under work order 00396068-01 completed on 4/24/99.
RR# 99-082, replace snubber 2-BD-HSS-7B for maintenance under work order 00396057-01 completed on 4/22/99.
RR# 99-083, replace snubber 2-MS-HSS-IB for maintenance under work order 00396037-01 completed on 4/22/99.
Page 4 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By-Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date ____________
_:J:..::uc..:n.::.e-=2c..:.4.,_, -'-19::.:9=9 Sheet ----- of_.----'--------
Unit: ---=2;__ _____________ _
R/R 97-176 W.0.#00370313-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____..:._N.::c/A'-'-----
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________
....cN...c/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System.:..:M.:..::a:;.;in~Stc.::e:..::a::..:.m'---------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Nam!!of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 3" Pipe cap Hub Inc.
NIA 02-MS-DCP N/A Replacement No 803a74270 038 3" Pipe Cap Energy & Process Heat#
N/A 02-MS-DCP N/A Replacement No Corp.
8866369 038
- 7. Description of Work Installed Carbon Steel Caps N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#CNT451336 (Pipe Cap) P.O.#CNT482733 (Pipe Cap)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------,
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to ba attachad CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement -
conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or rapl-mant Type Code Symbol Stamp _____ N=-A~------------------------------
- '?"Z' :*d-,-,-__
1 9
_9'_y' __
~ror~i:re.111nae, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding e valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia end employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
hi': i/~ the components* described Z tG
, and state that I
to the best of my knawledge and belief, the Owner hes perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective m_g_asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations end corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,-neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage ore loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. a~
C---, -T)~
Va. 883
1--.-........ -...... ~_,.
......._...-"-=;..._----Commissions _____________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Dete-_____
__.:Z....,,,-/....;:CP:;;..__19 f 9
Page 5 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric and Power Co.
Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, Va. 23060 Addre11 Surry Power Station
- 2. Plant _____________________ _
Name 5570 Hog Island Rd., Surry, Va. 23883 Addr1111 Virginia Power
- 3. Work Performed bY---------,-,---------
Neme Same as above Addre11 Date_9_/_2_5_/_9_B ___________
Unit _T_w_o ______ __,-=r::::,,-.-._=------
?t ;o" z. S'"
j2;ilP..,74¥t W0#8iii7181-0l, RR#97-225 Repair Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc.
NA Type Code Symbol Stamp __________ _
Authorization No. __ N_A ____________
Expiration Date __ ~~-----------
- 4. Identification of System ____
c_h_a_r"'g_in......_ ________________________________ _
- 5. (al Applicable Construction Code B31.i 19~Edition,_NA
_______ Addenda, N-l through N-1:tode_*Case (bl Applicable Edition of Section*XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19_,e.... 9'---
- 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
No, Identification Built or ReplllC1~ment or Nol BW/IP Part#
Seal Cooler Inte-""'ti o......,,.,
7n1 ns7'>
?-~u_.,_7c NA Reolacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replace seal cooler.
- 8. Tests Conducted:*
- **Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure jg]
Other O Pressure ______ psi Test Temp,
° F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1 l size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 REPRINT 12/91
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
PO# CNT-561241
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to ba attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _____________________________ _
CertificQ_ate of 1
A"1uthor~ization No. ____ N_A ___________ Expiration Datecdc N_A ___________ _
I r
,("° Signed~ /~ fS'_ tt:...~,,a1L&te, Date-----.'--'"""'--------. 19 5J.L Owner o O er's Deslgnea, Tltle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia
- and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
r-_~r=-----ha? msp9cted the components described in this Owner's Report during the period I I to f'/,:?- z,L?r;;-
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this.certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correcti;e measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection./7~,~--
____._CL{1-""'-'_W.__'""""""' '--"~f'--,-"---~----Commissions ______________________ _
I nspecto~
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
,~,9 19 /f'r{
Page 6 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1_ Owner Virginia Electric and Power Co.
Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, Va. 23060 Addre11 Surry Power Station
- 2. Plent-----------:-,------------
Name 5570 Hog Island Rd., Surry, Va. 23883 Addre11 Virginia Power
- 3. Work Performed bY----------,.,---------,-
Neme Same as above Addr1111 Date_4_/_1_4_/_9_B ____________ _
1 1
Sheet _____ of _____________
Two Unit ___________________ _
W0#:00385303-02, RR#98-016 Repelr Organization P.O. No., Job No., et!=.
NO Type Code Symbol Stamp ___________ _
Authorization No. __
N_A ___________ _
Expiration Date ___ N~A~-----------
- 4. Identification of System ____
v_e_n_t_a_nd_D_* r_-a_i_n_sv~-s_t_e_m ___________________________ _
- 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code 831
- 1 19_55 __ Edition,_N_A ______ Addenda, N-l through N-1Code Case (bl Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19_8~9 __
- 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufectu rer Serial No.
Identification Built or Replacement or No)
Valve Croc:bv NA NA 2 -DA-TV-2 OOP.
NA Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replace valve. Code Case N-522 applieo.
- 8. Tests Conducted: - Hydrostatic
- Pneumatic D{J. Nominal Operating Pressure D Other D Pressure 16 psi Test Temp.,fl'ld;,'1111' ° F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1 l size is 8% in. x 11 In., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered end the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 REPRINT 12/91
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
Replacement valve was a rebuilt valve. Rebuild
- 9. Remarks_---------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Work Order was 303718-03.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the 'report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _____________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A __________ _
/} /'
e Signed<AL~
WL ;t.Sf e::,,dnvH,1.-
0wnerorOer's Designee, Title Date--,_~4-11'--'~'~~-1..,(,._ ___
,, 19 9J" CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigne~ holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of irginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
ha! in::=~ the components described in this Owner's Report during the period
- 2..
- J to
'1 {i i,f!L"::::::i..
, and, state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
1/J~ ~,./
Va. 883
b-..... {A.,,....;,-~-,..-+-~--------Commissions ____________________ _
~ em~
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ___
_,_t/+-'//c........,'i<---19 9 ere
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner
- Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date May 5. 1999 Page 7 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd. Glen Allen VA 23060 Sheet-"'-,----
of __ ~--------
- Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By.Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 4. Identification of System Containment Spray System. Class 2 Unit: ~2'-----------------
R/R 98-082 Work Order 388989-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N=/A~----
Authorization No.
NIA-Expiration Date ________ __,_N"'"/~A'-----
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI '831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 N-7 Code Case (b} Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Slimmer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of CompQnents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I
ASME Code National I
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built or Replacement or No)
W Rod Threaded Mackson Inc.
N/A 2-CS-45 1998 Replacement No A7116J WNut Mackson Inc.
NIA 2-CS-45 1998 Replacement No 706443
- 7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts during check valve inspection.
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Other0 Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81 /2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 !Back)
- 9. Remarks _
__._P.,_,...... (...c?-----.fl="--=6'--'N-'T __
'i:.c'-'=-.,.7_,,:...-~-a_~(_Y,_z __ _N~v-=+~s=----e.,<'l-"".. ~J_,___1!-=z.=--
'__,.,d~v"'~-'-'!>c........<.) _______ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the repon are correct and this replac;c:mc:ot conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____ --'N=A-=-----------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No, ___..;N:..:..:..A-=------------ Expiration Date -----"N:.,.A..,_ __________ _
19 99 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nat,onal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State of orProv,nceof Virginia andemp/oyedby HSBI and I Co.
H3rtford, Ct.
- !,~~9 the components described
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.
By s1gn1ng this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or_ implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propenv damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspect~~l
__ _.~-=--.-~~~--~~-----------Comm,ss,ons __ _.}6'--'ti=-'--' --~-"-~-.:::.3::_ ____________ _
Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ____
'1-1-?-~d_/ ___
19 '77
Page 8 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed.By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 4. Identification of System Vents and Drains System. Class 2 Date April 26, 1999 Sheet of __ ~--------
Unit: ---"2~----------------
R/R 98-166 Work Order 400412-02 Repair Organization P.0. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N~/A....,_ ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date. ________ __,_N"""/'""'A'-----
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 N-7 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.filL_Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built or Replacement or No) 2" Ball Valve Crosby N96162-00-0010 N/A 2-DA-TV-200B 1996 Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced valve. Valve failed to fully stroke.
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure*
D Other[]
Pressure ---'4=6 ____ psi Test Temp. Ambient OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _?..:...:.*....:aG:...:.--~--(=/v:.=.:.T_={;-'2.""Z-c...:2.=-C!...a..c..3 ______________________ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this xeplaceJPent conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
...cN..c.cAc..c.... ______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___
...cN""A'-"--__________ Expiration Date -----=Na.::A=-=------------
Signed P,~J A)~
- r :S'X E"'); l'\\eer Ownr or Ownr'sD~signee, Title Date Apri I 2 G.
, 19 9~
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
hze /9'ected the components described
,i ~ I 9
and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of anV kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
...... Q~~*~~----~-*-------Commissions ______ V_a_._8_8_3 ___________ _
insi,.. c ~
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ___
<,--+-/-=-;J-___ / _____ 19 n 7
Page 9 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed.By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 4. Identification of System Chemical and Volume Control Date June 18, 1999 of __________ _
2 R/R 99-004 W.0.#00400886-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/A ____ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced,
.(Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Valve Bonnet &
ITT Engineered Heat #83894-7 N/A 02-CH-21 N/A Replacement No Diaphragm Valves r~a1r
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _______
y.,,_e.,,.B... o,..,n..,n.,.e..._t...,&.... D..,_.,ia~12,,
... a~gm......,....
) _____________ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed CJ.L /_ --./ f 0:
Ow~esignee, Title Date----1~-.k-=:.!~I."°.,..-----, 19 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
:r---,1.:;;a,.,..-----hBIIJ?~d the components described
- in this Owner's Report during the period--------""~--'-'c.+--L-..L.-to ZO,LY7
_, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
a ?/)"".
Va. 883
---T---?-t---':Y.._.,._-+-~'-~~--,..--------Commissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
Page 10 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name*
5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 4. Identification of System Chemical and Volume Control System. Class 2 Date May 18, 1999 Sheet _1~---
of __ ~--------
Unit: ~2~----------------
R/R 99-006 Work Order 358379-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
_,_N.,,./,_,A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A~----
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, ~N~-1~N~-7~ ____ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Trim Assembly (Plug Copes-Vulcan, Inc.
97-1 N/A 2-CH-FCV-2460B 1997
- Replacement No and Cage) 1 Ya" Hex Head Nuts Mackson Inc.
N/A 2-CH-FCV-2460B 1998 Replacement No 18023.JO 1 Ya" Threaded Rod Mackson Inc.
N/A 2-CH-FCV-2460B 1998 Replacement No 11863
- 7. Description of Work ~R~e~la=c~e~d~. ----------------------------------
- 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrost?ticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Othei[J Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbe,red and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back) 9 R P. 0 *°.s
~NT 1.-( '91 <i!;O 2.3'2. (111u-!-s) emarks -'-*-;;..* _::.__.;::_-'-----'--=-=--'---'--cc.==-="-~.;....a.--------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached 6NI '/.ft,7 Q1So 1<12) tqq (rut)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this rcplasc:meot conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____ ""'N""A""'--------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ -=N-"A"'-----------Expiration Date ___ ~N~A~-----------
, 19 '7?
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
- __
- __ H_a_r_t_f_o_r_d_, _C_t_. --------::---r-:---r,;=.::::------have ins~ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period----~-+~--,,-......~----to Tj:i.t?'P9
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Fur;thermore, neither*the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
__ ~~--~"
___._* ____ commissions _______
v_a_._8_8_3 ___________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ____
-'--'1.....,i._.?-_1 ___ 19 9 9 I
Page 11 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date _____________
J"-'u=n'-"e--'2C....4'-'-,--'1.c..99~9 Sheet -----
of ___ 2 ________ _
Unit: ---"2'-----------------
15 ~
R/R 99-1,'5W.0.#00371543-03 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/_A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _M_a_in_S_te_a_m _________________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Na111e of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
/Sv Hex Nut Mackson Inc.
Heat#33863PE NIA 02-MS-~
NIA Replacement No I f,'v
Studs Mackson Inc.
Heat#M62898 NIA 02-MS-~
I,' NIA Replacement No
/8-Z.... I
~ 'Ii:,..
Check Valve Enertech SIN's 10824 NIA 02-MS-1-rfl
-,l NIA Replacement No Thru 10828 1f2, Pipe Flange Dubose Nat.
-%5'f8o-NIA 02-MS-1~
NIA Replacement No Energy Service 8C\\~8
3" Elbow Dubose Nat.
NIA 02-MS-1+6-N/A Replacement No Energy Service
~7.. "2.l-;,_LIO
- .J w
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic O Nominal Operating Pressure OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of ttiis form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0.#45013946 (Nut) P.O.#NT558078 (Studs) P.O.# CNT566425(Check Valve)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------'
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached P.O.#NT576I04( Pipe Flange) P.O.# NT577181 (Elbow)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that.the statements made in are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repeir or replecement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______ N_A--------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No, ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date --__,... N_A __________ _
Signet:l ~,J
,.Is.;;- /µg,uune.
Date _
___.,~;;:.__.,_..,.; ____
, 19--"'-F""f_
Owner ~Daalgnee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned; holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler end Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia
- and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
have in,ected the components described 7 / "6 J /
end state that I
to the best of my krwwledge end belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective m,gesures described in this Owner's Report in eccordilnce with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Date
Page 12 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Date _____________
J_u_n_e_2_4~, _19_9_9 of 2
Sheet --=2=----- -----------
- Unit:
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name
~ -;:?~
R/R 99-JaW.0.#00371543-03 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No.* etc.
- 3. Work Performed By* Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp -----'-'N'--/A-'-----
Authorization No.
N/A 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date _________
- 4. Identification of System_M_a_in_S_te_a_m _______________________________
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition-of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
l~entification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) tfsZ.-~..
3" Pipe Mackson Inc.
Heat #405328 NIA 02-MS-'ri'& 1 I'"'.
N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherD Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#NT575132 (3" Pipe)
- 9. Remarks---------------------------------------------~
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cenifv* that the statements made in the repon are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N;;..;;.A _____________________________ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia nd employed by HSBI and I Co*
Hartford, Ct.
~--r~7;:,o=----h~ inspect' the components described in this Owner's Repon during the period '
to Z,L ~ /?
, and state that to the best of my k1U1Wledge and belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective m,!l.asures described*in this Owner's Repon in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this cenificate neither the Inspector nor !lis employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Repon. Funhermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propeny damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ~
C::::-::~ 77A",,
8 8 3
+---,,4"-"............ --~-*
--"'(!U/'""---...,. ____ commissions ___ ~~-----------::-------
ector'i Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date zl ct,e99
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Page 13 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Date _____________
- Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By* Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Sheet of 2
Unit: _2_---,, ____________ _
14 ii1)
R/R 99-j.a"'W.0#00371543-02 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----""'Nc.c./A-'-----
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date ________
-'-N-'-/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System.:.:.M:..::a:.:.:cin'-S:=:.t=-=e-=a:..:.m'-----------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.filL Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1"16 Hex Nut Mackson Heat#33863PE NIA 02-MS-t'i'e-NIA Replacement No
,-,e Studs Mackson Heat#M62898 NIA 02-MS-4-+e t:-
NIA Replacement No
/7B '~ ~
Check Valve Enertech S/N's 10824 N/A 02-MS-'l'i'& ~ f~
N/A Replacement No Thru 10828 1'.
ns Pipe Flange Dubose Nat.
N/A 02-MS-+i'6 N/A Replacement No Energy Service
1'1'o 3' Elbow Dubose Nat, 1~0 N/A 02-MS-+:i'&
N/A Replacement No
-YZ.."l-1 \\'-IC,
- 7.
- Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure Other[] Pressure psi.
Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0#45013946(Nut) P.O#NT558078(Studs) P.O#NT566425(Check Valve)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturar's Data Reports to be attached P.O.#NT576104(Pipe Flange) P.O.#NT577181(Elbow)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section x I.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed Q £ /_ 'A4,/.:Z-Sf Own~aslgnee, Title Date--.... ~-M.=.,.--------* 19 f'9' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing. a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of V1rg1n1a nd employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
have !:::::-.!Qe components described in this Owner's Report during the period to Z1L...::f:21ft'z.
, and state that to the best of my knawledge and belief, the Owner has perfo1JZ1ed examinations and taken corrective m.!l.asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any. warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
............. 1_<£ia_-
__ _.iA
..... ~'-"'---* ___ commissions ______ v_a_._8_ 8_3 ___________ _
1;;;(ector'1 Signature National Board, State, Province, end Endorsements Date
Page 14of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date _____________
J_u_n_e_2_4~, _1_99_9 Sheet 2
of 2
2 -----------------
1 L./ ~
R/R 99-~W.0.#00371543-02 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp -----'-N"-'-/A-'-----
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration,Date ________
...;N...;../_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System.:.:M.:..:a:;.;.;inc.;....;:;S.:..:te;.:; ______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
,,s ~
r,a, 3" Pipe Mackson Inc.
Heat#405328 N/A 02-MS-+i'& 1 l1W"T N/A
. Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies *
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure Other[] Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may*be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) eacti sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
. I
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#NT575132 (3" Pipe)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------'
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Raporu to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement confonns to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repelr or replecement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed (l ~
Ow~a Dnlgnee, Title Date ___
..,.l,._,._;:....,2-=...;9' _____, 19 ?f CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned; holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period
,,,2 / 17 h '7 to
the components described
?'. ~
, and state that to the best of my knawledge and belief, the Owner has perfoi;Jlled examinations and taken corrective m_gasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any mann11r for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
~-1--"""l__, ____,~_*_,__
............. __ r _____ commissions ______ v_a_._8_8_3 __________ _
~ector'i Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endor111ments Date z/c(,sL7 I
Page 15 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed s*y Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date ____________
....cJ;.cu""n..:;.e-=2=2.,_...;..;19::..;9=9 Sheet_'--__ _ of __ '""2'---------
Unit:.....;;:2 ____ '------------
R/R 99-15 W.0.#00371543-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date _________
N_I_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System:.:M.:.:a°"in..;..;..:;.S.:.:te-=a;;.;.m'---------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda s:
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Hex Nut Mackson.Inc.
Heal#33863PE NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No Studs Mackson.Inc.
Heal#M62898 NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No Check Valve Enertech SIN"s 10824 NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No thru 10828
Pipe Flange Dubose Nat.
ii5'f80" NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No Energy Service B'i'lB~
3" Elbow Dubose Nat.
NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No Energy Service
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic:D Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherD Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F -
NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of
_ sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0#45013946 (NUT) P.O.#NT5SS078 (Studs) P.0.#566425 (Check Valve)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to ba attached P.O.#NT576104 (Pipe Flange) P.O.#NT577181 (Elbow)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or raplacemant Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A ________________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
~nTo wr's Bnienae, Title Date __,_,£-..( _______,
19 ~
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing. a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by*
HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
Ce,/?~ed the components described Z ~.
, and state that to the best of my kn&Wledge and belief, the Owner has pertoi;,ried examinations and taken corrective m.!l.asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
l/J ~
Va. 883
___ comniissions _____________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ______
7_/_c:f,-'---_1~ ~ 9
Page 16 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed ByVirginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date _____________
J_u_n_e_2_2~, 1_9_9_9 Sheet --'2'----
of. __ -"2'----------
2 -----------------
R/R 99-15 W.0.#00371543-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp -----'--N""/A-'-----
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ --'N-'-/-'-A'-----
- 4. Identification of System _M_a_in_S_te_a_m'-------------------------------'---
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Nam.eof Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Re~lacement or No) 3" Pipe Mackson.Inc.
Heat #405328 NIA 02-MS-176 NIA Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used. provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#NT575132 (3"Pipe)
- 9. Remarks-----,--------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No, ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed(} ~
L)_ ~, IS'f Own~ib"esignee, Title
~te--~~~-,-----,1992 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing. a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
h/~~ed the components described
~ r.
I and state that to the best of my knswledge and belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective mgasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
- .....,.....,/7)--:,,,f,=i,6'_"""-.....;.~.L.....,1<.~...;..;:;_
.. ____ commissions ______ v_a_. _8_8_3 ___________ _
l~m1ture National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 1-$/fT,s,_
Page 17 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date June 18, 1999 She~
~ -----------
2 ------------------
R/R 99-018 W.0.#00393422-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/A ____ _
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date ________ --'-N-"-/A'---'-----
- 4. Identification of System _R_e_a_ct_o_r_C_o_o_la_n_t _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Cade National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial Na.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
C Hex Nut Mackson Heat #29329MY NIA 02-RC-SV-2551A N/A Replacement Na Stud Mackson Heat#21220 N/A 02-RC-SV-2551A N/A Replacement Na
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Hex Nut and Studs
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Othe,O Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks ______
APPlicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp,--_____
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signe~~~n=.;;: 4ev~U Date_--'~-~c.....a"'-"'-------, 19 a CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned1 hol~ing. a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of V1rg1n1a and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
h/:nsP.ected the components described Z to,/£'?
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
'/J ~ *;tJ/~
Va. 883
.....,_..., _...1:22,.L.....,._-¥-vvt/
____ '--v_v_"-'
__ commissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 7/(p 1979 I
Page 18 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed _By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date _____________
J_u_n_e_1~8~, _1_9_99 Sheet -----
of __ -'---------
2 ------------------
R/R 99-019 W.0.#00393423-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N~/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _R_e_a_ct_o_r_C_o_o_la_n_t _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Hex Nut Mackson Heat #29329MY NIA 02-RC-SV-2551 B N/A Replacement No Stud Mackson Heal#21220 N/A 02-RC-SV-2551 B N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Hex Nut and Studs
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D
'Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches. or drawings may be used. provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _______
P_._O_#N_T_46_7_6_5_0(N;__u...:.t)_R_e_l._#2_2_4"-, P_._o_.#4_67_6_5_0..:....(S_tu_d_s_) R_el_.2_2_5 _______ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
s*oed~~"":l:.£r c'~
D"'--..,~-~-'-F-------, 19 99 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
~-T:;::--:=:-----ha'? in~ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period------~"'--1--'---,,__........,..__to 7 f" /9 7
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this
- o,p,cdoo. &, ~*
Inspector's Signature Va. 883 Commissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endoraements Date
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP_LACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date May 18. 1999 Page 19 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen, VA 23060 Sheet_.,__ __ _ of __ _,_ _______ _
- Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: __.,2=----------------'---
Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry, VA 23883 R/R 99-020 Work Order 393424-01 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Type Code Symbol Stamp ____.,_N.::.c/A'-'-----
Name Authorization No.
N/A 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen, VA 23060 Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A~---
- 4. Identification of System Reactor Coolant System. Class 1
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Ill 1968 Edition, N/A Addenda, "'"'N'"'"/A~ _____ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 191ill__Edition
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 %" Hex Head Nuts Mackson Heat#
N/A 2-RC-SV-2551C 1998 Replacement Yes 60344 1 %" Threaded Rod Mackson Heat#
N/A 2-RC-SV-2551 C 1998 Replacement Yes 21220
- 7. Description of Work Replaced inlet studs and as a good maintenance practice. Valve was removed for testing.
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81'2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Rema,rks _ _,P._.-"l'.\\'-'.'---.,r--"f __
""-1!,_AJ;.._r_* --'L/-=~'-"7---"(,_s-_o __ ~_e_f _2_2._l.(~_(_..,_a_4_s'-)------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Date Reports to be attached jlvT /./b7 ~S6 le.el 2..2S" (,-o.,I)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the
- ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____..:N:;;A:.:..-------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ___.:N"'A:.:.. __________ Expiration Date ----=N'-"A:.:.. __________ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct*
h}e inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 2tf/r /f7 to
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's.Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
+-a-""':::::;lt:2~4-.>.'-~---~-'-----*-* ____ commissions _______
v_a_._8_8_3 ___________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
,r-/,;,., I -,e ? z r
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Date July 6, 1999 Sheet of 3
Page 20 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Unit:
2 ------------------
R/R 99-030 W.0.# 00402200-03 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
.c....N_/A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________
---'N""/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _S_a_fe_ty~ln~je_c_t_io_n _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2" Pipe Cap Dubose Heat#A11885 NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 2" Pipe Dubose Heat# 441067 NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 2' Elbow Alloy Stainless Heat# 97262 NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No Products Co.
2" Elbow Alloy Stainless Heat# 97262 NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No Products Co.
2" Check Valve Flowserve Corp.
NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No E-154A-2-1
- 7. Description of Work Implement DCP-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 1Back)
- 9. Remarks--------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer'* Data Raportl to be anachad P.O.#SSY406435(2"Pipe Cap)P.0.#45011365(2"Pipe)P.0.#SSY355986(Elbow)
P.O#SSY389192(2"Elbow) P.0.#45011762(Valve Disc)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the nnemenu made In the report are coffl!Ct and this :replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or repl-nt Type Code Symbol Stamp _____ N:::.,A:__ _____________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No.
NA Expiration Date ___
...;N:..:;A:..:_ _________ _
Sign£1~!&-4L gT 4(vyU4 Owner or ~Dwtg,-, Title 2 ?,?_
99 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding II valid commiaion iaued by the National Board of Boiler and Pnmure v... 1 Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period hi'.,in~ the components described Z /?
and stllltl! that to the best of my k~ledge and belief, the Owner h* perfooned examinations and taken comictive m.JIIIUl'lls described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the lnspectc,r nor his employer makes any -rramv, expn,ued or implied, concerning the examinations and coffl!Ctiw measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shell be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or II Ion of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
~c.ML=,.4""-"-'-.1:.~;....&.~.....;;-* ___ eommiaions ______
v_a_. __
8_8_3 __________ _
I nspectc,r'1 Signature National Board, Stna, Province, and Endonamant1 Date
Page 21 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382
- Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 6, 1999 Sheet ---"2"-----
of -----------
3 Unit:
2 ------------------
R/R 99-030 W.0.#00402200-03 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No,, etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N_/A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________
--'N_/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _S_a_fe_ty~ln~je_c_t_io_n ____________________________ ~---
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced,
. (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2"Tee Tioga Pipe Supply Heat #41714 NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 2" Branch Tioga Pipe Supply Trace Number NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 611ZNA 10" Elbow*
Dubose Nat.
Trace Number NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No Energy Services 13217 2" Elbow Frischkom,lnc.
Heat Code NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 21 2" Elbow Frischkbm, Inc.
Heat Code NIA 2-SI-P-1A NIA Replacement No 22
- 7. Description of Work Implement Dcp-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: *'HydrostaticO Pneumatic *o Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure ____
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 1Back)
- 9. Remarks ___
-!..P.:..!:.0~.#~4!=5:.!!0.!.:13~5:....:.7~5(!...!1.!!.0'...!'E:!!lb!:::o:!.!w:!J)~P..;;.O~.#!::S~SY.!.3~4!.l7~6~33:::.1(.::.2'_' !::El~b:,:;:,ow=)P_;;.O=::_.:.!!.#~C~SY~34~ll..=5~6~3(L=2'-"-=E"'-'lb~o~wu.) ___ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Dau R*poru to b* attached P.0.#45013477('Elbow) P.0.#45013477(2" Branch)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacament conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
rapair or repl-ment Type Code Symbol Stamp, _____
..;,N..;,A;;._ _____________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ N=A;;._ __________ Expiration Date ___...;;.N..;,A.;;_ _________ _
Signed ri2 ~ /,
~ < ;z;sz--
Own*r or Ow~gnee, Tltl*
bw4'e:~ Date __.._?.L 19 99 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure \\/elll!I Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
in this-Owner's Report during the period
& inKed the components de11erlbed c:?';
/ ;z..
, and state that to the best of my k~ledge and belief, the Owner hes perfoo:ned examinations and taken comiCtive m_g_aures described in this Owner's Report in nccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprnsed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for eny personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this i_n_sp_ect--io_"_*-----/'/.
..... -...-'//
__ 9fitt_.._.
..... t".._-___ Commiaions_'""."'"--:--~'.""'""V_a""."'"'.~8-8..,3'.""'""....,..----,-------
National Board, Stata, Province, and Endonements Date 7/(.?-,9 Tl
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 6, 1999 Page 22 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Sheet _3'------
of __ -'3'---------
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Unit: _2 _______________ _
R/R 99-030 W.0.#00402200-03 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
.:....:N"-/A..:..... __ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_I_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _S_ai_e_ty~ln~je_c_ti_on ______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components*
ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 10" Flange Hub Inc.
Heat#92205 N/A 2-Sl-p-1A N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Implemented DCP-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: -Hydros_taticD Pneumatic D *Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numb~red and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer'* Dau Raporu to be anached P.0.#SSYI 93275(1 O"Flange)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the mrtemenu made in the report ere correct and this replae-nt conforms to the ruin of the ASME Code,Section XI.
rapatr or rapl-nt Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
- .;N;;;.A;;._ _____________________________ _
N_A __________ Expiration one ___.,.N_A _________ _
Signed~~~:u.,,f.!!.~:::;::c;:+/-::z::,_;::::::.....~~-.a;;;;.,d:::1,i~Q::.a:::;.__ Date __ _.2~~
..... L.-.=:......---. 19 9J7 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commiaion iaued by the National Board of Boiler and Praaure V111111I Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia nnd employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period h~ in£, the components. describad u:i-
. end state that to the best of my krwwledge and belief, the Owner has perfolJlllld examinations and taken corrective m.,!lasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the lnspectar nor his employer makes any wamrntv, expreued or implied, concerning the examinations and correctiw meuures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a 1011 of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
Va. 883
+--~,.,...:...,..1-.c-~*'J.¥<.,._ ___ Commiaions_....,....-----,---------------....,,,...------
1 u
National Board, State, Province, and Endonemanta Date
) /;rl-,e9/
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Date July 2, 1999 Sheet 1
of 3
Page 23 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Address
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: _..c;2'""* ----------------
Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 R/R 99-031 W.0.# 00402200-04 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed *sy Virginia Electric & Power Company Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_IA ___ _
Name Authorization No.
NIA 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date ________..;N;.:;/"-A'-----
- 4. Identification of System"'"S-'-a""'fe"""ty.__ln._je"""ct-'-io"'-n------------,---------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition. NIA Addenda. N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
- "J-!
2" Pipe Cap Dubose Heat#A11885 NIA 2-S1-P-1B NIA Replacement No 2" Pipe Dubose Heat# 441067 NIA 2-SI-P-1B NIA Replacement No 2" Elbow Alloy Stainless Heat# 97262 NIA 2-Sl-P-1B NIA Replacement No Products Co.
2" Elbow Alloy Stainless Heat#97262 NIA 2-Sl-P-1B N/A
. Replacement No Products Co.
2" Check Valve Flowserve Corp.
NIA 2-S1-P-1B NIA Replacement No E-154A-2-1
- 7. Description of Work Implement DCP-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used. provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remerks--------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufactun1r'1 Data Reports to be ariachact P.O.#SSY406435(2"Pipe Cap)P.0.#45011365(2"Pipe)P.O.#SSY355986(Elbow)
P.O#SSY389192(2"Elbow) P.0.#4501 l 762(Valve Disc)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or rapl-ment Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
- .N;;.A;..... _____________________________ _
__ __;N
__ A;..... __________ Expiration Date ____
N.,..A __________ _
Signed~~~..L.t.;~~~==;;~~~-~~~--'~Zt.::.:tt::!~~Date __ __.,?_*+-~-...2--
_______, 19 9P CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing. a valid commiaion iaued by the National Board of Boiler and Pl'IIISUre Veael Inspectors and the State.
or Province of V1rg1n1a e11d employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford Ct.
hays inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to Z ~(7 7
, end state that to the best of my k1141Wledge end belief, the Owner has perfo~d examinetions end teken corrective m,!lnsures described in this Owner's Report in nccordiince with the requirement, of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificnte neither the Inspector nor his employer mekes any warranty, expl'IISled or implied, concerning the examinations end corrective meuures described in this Owner's Report.. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any menner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Va. 883 Commiaions---------------------
National Board, State, Province, and Enaonement1 Date z/(~,s ??
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Date July 2, 1999 Sheet 2
of 3
Page 24 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 Address Unit:
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 R/R 99-031 W.0.#00402200-04 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By. Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp ____....:.N.;.../'-A'------
Authorization No.
NIA 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date ________
__;_N.;.../_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System..cS""a"'fec.cty,__ln_,_je.;'-n--------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Comp_onents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2'Tee Tioga Pipe Supply Heat#41714 NIA 2-SI-P-18 NIA Replacement No 2' Branch noga Pipe Supply Trace Number NIA 2-Sl-P-1B NIA Replacement No 611ZNA 10' Elbow Dubose Nat.
Trace Number NIA 2-Sl-P-1B NIA Replacement No Energy Services 13217 2' Elbow Frischkom,lnc.
Heat Code NIA 2-SI-P-18 NIA Replacement No 21 2' Elbow Frischkorn, Inc.
Heat Code NIA 2-SI-P-1B NIA Replacement No 22
- 7. Description of Work Implement Dcp-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: Hydros~aticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure Othei[J Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- s. Remarks ___
.....!...P:.!:.0~.#:.::,:4~5~0.!.:13::.:5:..!.7.::.!5(1.!.l!!..O'..!'E::!.lb~o:!.!w!..i.)~P...:.:.O~.:!!#!::!.SS~Y~3:!:4~7~6~33~(=-2'_' E~l~b~ow!!.)eP...:.:.O~*:!!#.:::::C!::!.SY~34~1""5~63:a.1{.::.2'_'.!a<E"-"lb~o~w-'-) __ _
APPiicabie Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached P.0.#45013477('Elbow) P.0.#45013477(2" Branch)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or raplacemant Type Code Symbol Stamp, _____ ::.:N::.A=----------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No, ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N-,-A __________ _
Signed Q ~-,d ~d~
< _25..z=,::Svq,,N'&d Date---<<-,r-ir....-----, 19.ff Owner orO~~l11nee, Tltle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
:-c--------------------;,-:--:-~~::::----h~ in:9::cted the components described in this-Owner's Report during the period _______ _,__.,._.,........,__.._to ~~LL.L
, and state that to the best of my knewledge and belief, the Owner has perfO!Jlled examinations and taken corrective 111.!tasures described in this Owner's Report in accordinca with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
?/Jc-;;),A,,r;// ~
Va. 883
(::;;{__ I ~";;ommissions~-----:-:---::----,------~
lnsp or's lgnature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsaments Date
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric.& Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date July 2, 1999 Sheet 3
Page 25 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: -"2---------------
Name R/R 99-031 W.0.#00402200-04 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed*By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Authorization No.
N/A 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date _________
N:...;/;.;..'A.:...... __ _
- 4. Identification of System_S_a_fe_ty_ln~je_ct_i_o_n ______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
ldentificati~n Built Or Replacement or No}
10" Flange Hub Inc.
Heat#92205 NIA 2-SI-P-1B NIA Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Implemented DCP-98-053 N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherD Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
'l.., l
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manuta~urer'1 Data Reportl to be attached P.0.#SSYI 93275(1 O"Flange)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statemenu made in the nport are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or repi-mant Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A ________________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No, ___
N_A ___________ Expimion Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signeda >!' Li '_dL _:z?:r Ow~Dftlgnee, Title 4
Date ___
........... L{Z
....... _____, 1s_9......_9 __
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing_ a valid commiaion iaued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Veael Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
..,,..-=~=-=----~ inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to 7;~<</
, and state that to the best of my knewledge and belief, the Owner has perfo[Jlled examinations and taken corrective m.§asures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the nquirement1 of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expreued or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectiona. 1/)~
Va. 883
__ ~-1'-
........_"'-"--------Commissions _____________________ _
~IP~ignnura National Board, Stata, Provine*, and EndorMment1 Date
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date May 6, 1999 Sheet_.,__ __ _
Page 26 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: ---=2'----------~-------
Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 R/R 99-033 Work Order 391667-01 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N~/~A~---
Authorization No.
NIA 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A,__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System Feedwater System. Class 2
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 N-7 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.!ill__Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built or Replacement or No) 1" Rod Threaded Mackson Inc.
N/A 2-FW-41 1998 Replacement No 12560 1" Nuts Mackson Inc.
N/A 2-FW-41 1998 Replacement No 16935JL
- 7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts due to body to bonnet leak.
- 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrost~ticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81'2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks -~P.~. Q~. _'llll>~-'~Bl!f_l/~~~1~~~&"<\\~~~'~9-,$~~(~n~u~+~s~}------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be anached
~NI S,lb ~bl l,o.,\\ )'
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replac;emeot conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______ N_A __________________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ---~N~A~ ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A ___________ _
CERTIFICATE OF IN.SERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel orProv1nceof '/irginia andemployedby HSBI and I Co.
19 'H Inspectors and the State of Hart:ford, Ct.
have ::ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period
- /,,/9p to J°L6.L.ff
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, cor;icern1ng the exarr11nat1ons and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable 1n any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
--~~~-W~~* _@~~-~4
..... ~,i&~(~ ________ Commissions __ ~V.~'-'~-i!-~~-~'i~-ll~-------------
1 nspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ____ ~n~~<;,.~*./.__~(;~*-__ 19 ff
Page 27 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performe.d,BY. Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date June 18, 1999 Sheet of __ -'----------
Unit: ---"2'----------------
R/R 99-037 W.0.#00391844-08 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/_A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N~/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _F~ee_d_w_a_t_e_r _________________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19l!§L Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Comp_onents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 14" Pipe Energy & Process Heat#7K278 NIA 2-FW-PPS-82 N/A Replacement No Corp.
- 7. Description of Work Replaced 14" Pipe N-416-1 Code Case applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D
- Nominal Operating Pressure OtherD Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks ________
P_.0_._#4_5_0_1_4_0_59_('""1_4'_'P_i=-pe""'") ____________________ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Date Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
0 ve in~cted the components described
? '/ ;z_/', ?
and state that I
to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
-~c::-) __ ~7;/,,,.__,.,
C Va. 883
ommissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
Page 28 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed-By* Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date ____________,,_1.:...:9:...:9=9 Sheet -----
of __ -'--------~
2 -----------------
R/R 99-043 W.0.#409274-02 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date NIA
- 4. Identification of System-=S-=at=-.::ec.:.ty'--"-ln""je:...:ctc::i.=.conc:,_ _____________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19_!!g_ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
l_dentification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component_
. Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Check Valve Velan,lnc.
-ear4 o, e:,re N/A 02-Sl-79 NIA Replacement
-ll~'C. No q1~~
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D
'Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
j FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#CNT539932(Check Valve)
- 9. Remarks-------------------------------------------......:.------
Applicable Manufacturer's Date Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed ~n~gnee, £. 5;f &tz/;6:{~
Date---,fP~,L:--.,.4-r,4~...,,,,..f---, 19 g f CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
hr (#ected the components described Z ~ 1
, and state that.
to the best of my knswledge and belief, the Owner has perfol?"ed examinations and taken corrective m_g.asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
- _ _(;ff,. 1 Va. 883
... ~-"'""'
...... -..-*-.:~
............. -~~----Commissions _______ "-----------------
1 nspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date_~7-(
4o ___ 19~
Page 29 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed f?y.Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date _____________
~heet of __________ _
Unit:....c.2 _______________ _
R/R 99-044 W.0.#00409291-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No.* etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/A ____ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_/A ____ _
- 4. Identification of System _R_e_a_ct_o_r_C_o_o_la_n_t_S~y_st_e_m ____________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Comp_onents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement cir No)
Hex Nut Mackson Inc.
Heat # 29329MY NIA 2-RC-HCV-2557C NIA Replacement No TrimAssy.
Westinghouse 138120 NIA 2-RC-HCV-2557C NIA Replacement No (plug)
Studs Mackson Inc.
Heat# 21220 NIA 2-RC-HCV-2557C NIA Replacement No Valve Bonnet Public Service Heat Serial #
NIA 2-RC-HCV-2557C NIA Replacement No Electric & Gas Co.
- 7. Description of Work _O_v_e_r_ha_u_l_e_d_V_a_lv_e _______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may. be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet. and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#NT467650 (Nut) P.0.#SNT 266782 (Trim Assy.-Plug)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------'---,-----
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be anached P.O.#NT467650 (Stud) P.O.# 45016251( Valve Bonnet)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or repl!5cement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____..:N..:A:..:...-------------------------------
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signe,q~'2',-IL4Cl~~~L......:::Tj_~-<%":.4-__.~~~;.:G~--* Date. ~
, _19 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned,-holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia
- and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
~ve;Jnspected the components described 7, ~ 7' "1'
, and state that in thjs Owner's Repi;,rt during the period "1'. /; I to to the best of ~Y k~ledge and belief, the* Owner has p~rio~ed examinations and taken correctiv~ m..!l.asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance*with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed ~r implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
V') C°':'.
- 77 Va. 883 l4- * ~Commissions ___________
I ctor's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date'-------.7~/-='='--19 r 7
Page 30 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd. Glen Allen VA 23060 Address Date June 18, 1999 Sheet of" Unit: _2 _______________ _
R/R 99-045 W.0.#00409292-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_I_A ___ _
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date ________
__cN_l.c..A.;___ ___ _
- 4. Identification of System '-R-"'e-'-a-'-ct-'o_r_C_o-'-o-"'la-'-n"-t-'-S.,_y-'-st-'-e'-'m'------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Sjamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Hex Nut Mackson Heat #8998982 NIA 02-RC-HCV-2557B.
NIA Replacement No Studs Mackson Heat#70213 NIA 02-RC-HCV-2557b NIA Replacement No
- 7. Description.of Wor~_R_e~p_l_ac_e_d_H_ex_N_u_t ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Other0 Pressure psi Test Temp. _______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size js 8112 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _______
P_.O_#NT 4_67_6_5_0(N.,__u"""'t)_P_._0_.#4_6_98_2_8...:..(S_tu_d_s..:....) _____________ _
Applicable Manufacturer's Dat!J Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report ;1re correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
- .g'l;;*..----Date __ "_k.=,.4'------, 19 f.$'
~~~er's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignedr holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the,State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
=-+:::--:--t,..,,.~---hav7 inJn~d the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ______........ ___..,..__~to 7/7 /'-z... 7
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
f.-~/'°A"""'7---1c,/J,,...._...,.~~---...,."'*"'-------Commissions ______ v_a_._B_B_3 ___________ _
~r's Signature Natio_nal Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
Page 31 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address
- 4. Identification of System Chemical & Volume Control Date July 12. 1999 Sheet _ _,__ __ _
of __ _,_ _______ _
Unit: ---=2,..._ ______________ _
R/R 99-051 W.0.# 00409204-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N~/A_,__ __ _
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A~---
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2" Valve Bonnet ITI Industries Serial#
N/A 02-CH-11 NIA Replacement No (Grinnel Valve) 618070-1-1
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Grinne1 Valve
- 8. Tests Conducted:. Hydrostatic~ Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size js 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 *on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
', !~*
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
APPiicabie Manutacturer's Dau Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the natements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or raplacamant Type Code Symbol Stemp ______ N_A--------------------------------
Certif~:~==*--~--N-:__-----------Expiration D11te ____
N7A ___________ _
Sign/lttL_ ~25:L L.J~&e Date ____
- .,...bJ_ ______, 19 ff Owner or wnar's Dnlg.,.., Title
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing. e valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pre1St.1re Veael lnwectors end the State or Province of Virginia end employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period ____....,.'7t_,.'f._.?"--4<+-/~1?-'.. ?'---to
~e J~ed the components described
, end state that to the best of my knawledge end belief, the Owner hes perfo[Jlled examinations and taken corrective m.§esures described in this Owner's RepQrt in eccordence with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any werrentv, expressed or implied,' concerning the examinations end corrective me111ures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage ore loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4,.-r,.,.. 1-t:...._~
Va. 883
Ktor's Signature National Board, Stata, Province, and EndorNmenu Date Page 32 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date June 18, 1999 Sheet of Unit: --"2'-----------------
R/R 99-054 W.0.#00396116-02 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_/A ____ _
- 4. Identification of System _M_a_in_S_te_a_m _____________ ~--------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13.
Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Nozzle Dresser ACR41 Thru NIA 02-ms-sv-202A NIA Replacement No Industries.Inc Acr48
- 7. Description of Work-'R-'-e~p_la_c'--e_d_N_o_zz_le _______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 *on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks -------~Pw,..,,0<.&J.J..#CN""""-'T.... 5<.l,0,._3'""0"'2..... 1.;.)...
N,.,,o.... z.... z... )e,_ ____________________ _
Applicable Ma~ufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______ N_A_*--------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Sign~d ~~
,tJ ~
_::z::-~ ~,A/~A.,
~wd~sDeslgnee, Title Date __ __.w_.,6_.2-=..,...f/----, 19 9 q CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing, a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
....,...,1'=-=--"""'...------haye i~pected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to L;/7,/9 9
,, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed* examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
4.~// C-, --=fl/\\.-,,
Va. 8 8 3
..... -~.,.......,.._..
________ Commissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ______ 7-t-!~) __ 19 99
Page 33 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company "Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date June 18, 1999 Sheet--'-----
of -----------
Unit: ---..::2'-----------------
R/R 99-057 W.0.#00396116-01
- Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N....,_/A ___ _
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date _________
N_/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System.:..:M.;.;;"--=S"'te::.:a::.:.m:..;_ ____________.;__ ___________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda: N-1 through N-13
- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
- Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Valve Disc Dresser ACY22 N/A 02-MS-SV-201A N/A Replacement No Industries.Inc
- 7. Description of Work _R_e~p_la_ce_d_V_a_l_v_e_D_is_c ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F
.NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0.#CNT562210(Valve Disc)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No, ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Sign~d Q~ iJ... fS'7 Own~nea, Title Date--n,"'h'-=z.,_.f'-------, 19 9?
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
/z&.7'.ted the components described 7
, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.4 7//~
=-"'f--!(..4._,...ea.+-_._~-.,,.-~.a..::'---------Commissions ______________________ _
m;pector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ____ ~:Z~*.,.../~7~_19 f7 I
Page 34 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. WorkPerformed*By Virginia.Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date June 9, 1999 Sheet -----
of __
9 o~ *~0 1--~~
R/R 9$-058 Work Order 396116..e+
't'9t'l9'R.epair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A
- Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date _________
N_IA ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _M_a_in_S_t_e_a_m~, _C_la_s_s_2 _______________ --:--------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of
.Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced,
- (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built or Replacement or No)
Safety Valve Dresser N/A NIA 2-MS-SV-201C NA Repair Yes
- 7. Description ofWork_M_a_c_h_in_e_n_o_zz_le_. ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtheC) Pressure -----
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may' be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in.~ 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in.the report are correct and this repair
'conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement NA Type Code Symbol StamP--------------------------------------
- ~g~::c/,lf A~ta?°J No~---J'._N_~--c-W__,Mt:f.
~_,(,_,, ___ Expi::::n_D_a..,,:e.,,_J;,,:~v~k:~~~:~A~~~~~~~~~~-.-,-
9 1
9 9
~~ignee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignep_, hoh;!ing a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State Virginia HSBI and I Co.
or Province of and employed by of Hartford, Ct.
.....,.---:=-t--:--J-;==-~----haviy insp)lli~ the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to t, II D/'7
, and state that I
I to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personaf injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
"1// C:::::::-::-
~ -J..j..,,..
- Va. 8 8 3 l..,(", ~
Commissions ______________________ _
spector'sSignature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ___ li~!~0_1~ 7' ?7 7
Page 35 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date _____________
J_u--'n""'e'--'-30""','-1_9_9-'-9 Sheet ~--
v/11fl R/R 99-e&t W.0.#00396116-04 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No.., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/_A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ____.,--____
N_/_A ____ _
- 4. Identification of System "-M"-a_in_S_te_a""'m"---------------------'-----------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Editiori of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacem!:!nt or No) 9~1,l4f 6" Valve Disc Dreeser Industries See Back Sheet N/A 02-MS-SV-~
NIA Replacement
- No zo~pJ
- 7. Description of WorkReplaced Safety Valve
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Othei[] Pressure psi Test i:emp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0.#555590(4" Valve Disc)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be anached Sena! Number's One Of Ifie Followmg ACX51,ACX52,ASX53,ACX54 ACX93 ACX94 ACX95 ACY06,ABD79,ACX6 l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No.
NA Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed/} ~*71_~ :Ts£ ~q,;_~ Date_~~_,_z_/~----,19-1-7..... 9:_
(g/Own~~nee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
h:7'. i~cted the components described Z
, end state that
to the best of my knswledge and bel.ief, the Owner has perfo(Pled examinations and taken corrective m~asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
...... '-~-'---.,_,"--'
........ -* ____ commissions ______ v_a_._B_B_3 ___________ _
Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 7/h 19 99
Page 36 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company
- Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date ___________
---'J_u..;,,;n.c:.e...;:3..;;;0..:.., -'-19~9c....c.9 Sheet--'--
of 7 J.
Unit: ___ 2'-----------------
R/R 99-061 W.0.#00396116-11 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
N_/~_A ___
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date ________ --'N-"/-=-A'-----
- 4. Identification of System_M_a_in_S_t_e_a_m _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, NIA Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components
- ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of
- Nameof Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement, >* or No) 4" Valve Disc Dreeser Industries See Back Sheet N/A 02-MS-SV-201 B N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of WorkReplaced Safety Valve
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.0.#555590(4" Valve Pisc)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Sena! Number's One Of Ifie Followmg ACX51,ACX52,ASX53,ACX54 ACX93 ACX94 ACX95 ACY06,ABD79,ACX6 l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
..:N.::A:..:... ______________________________ _
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A __________ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State
~r Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
ha~~ tnJQ,ected the components described
, and state that to the best of my knswledge and belief, the Owner has perfo[lned examinations and taken corrective m_gasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
Va. 883
- ~Commissions-------------------
lnsp~ ~re National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
~z(h 19 f'z I
- I J
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 12. 1999 Page 37 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet_.,__ __ _
of __ ~--------
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Unit:--=2=------------------
R/R 99-062 Work Order#00409810-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N""/A.,__ __ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A~---
- 4. Identification of System =S~e~rv~ic=e~A~ir _________________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2" Copper Tubing Va.Power N/A N/A 02-SA-81 N/A Replacement No 2" Coupling Hajoca Corp.
N/A N/A 02-SA-81 N/A Replacement No 2" Globe Valve Powell Valves N/A N/A 02-SA-81 N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure Other[]
Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in.; (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks -----~P:...:..0:::::::.::.#:.!:NT:..!..::5:::32:=;0~5~7~(2:.,'..!:'C~o~ppt:.:e::!.r...!T:..::u~bm~* ~gt..;) P~-~0:.:.:.#4:.....:..::::5~0!.:ll:.::6:.:::5~1 (~2:....."C::::.O::!:ll:::P::..:;lm~* :.c:a.g)l---------
Applicable Manut*~urer'a Data Flapona to be attached P.O.#NT464070(2"Globe Valve)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statamenu made in the report ere correct end this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacament Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N:.;:.A;__ _____________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A--------~--Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
/..UZ: hd#~
Date---,.~2 +-k4'/,2~--.19 (~
5w.;;;:~-. Tltl*
IT i.......__ _ _ _ _ _ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION, I the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pl'lllll.lre Ve1111I Inspectors and.the State
~r Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
.--....,..,...-=----hevy in~~ the components dascriblld in this Owner's Report during the period
,;/t",/99 to Wt'ffl:
, and 1t11t11 that to the best of my knawladge end blllief, the Owner hes perfooried examinations end taken corrective m.!lllSUres describlld in this Owner's Repqrt in eccordilnce with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any W111T11ntv, exprnsed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective meuures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer mall be liable in any manner tor any personal injury or property damage or II lou of any kind arising from or connected with this i_n_sp_ect-io_n*--,~ /?_~l2a,.,,:::,..q,--,c:::;,,c;..,.~u~:....;....---Commiuions _____
v_a_._a_a_3 ________ _
~11ttl7fd National Board, State, Province, and Endonemants Date
Page 38 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code'Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd. Glen Allen VA 23060 Address Date July 1, 1999 Sheet of -----------
2 ------------------
R/R 99-063 W.0.409866-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N-"/Ac._;_ ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
- 4. Identification of _________________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Snubber Brackets NIA NIA NIA 2-FW-HSS-1 And NIA Replacement No 2-FW-HSS-2
( Modification)
- 7. Description of Work _M_o_d_ify~B_r_a_c_ke_t_s _______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Other[] 'Pressure psi Test Temp.
°F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
None FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks------------------~-----------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be anached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the, rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
, repair or raplacamant Type Code Symbol Stemp ______
N_A ________________________________ _
Expiration Date----,...-N_A ___________ _
SignedJl:!J.~..!:L.~~~~:=:-:---=-f-.~'-"::.=--....c.....a.:..i.u:~=-.:..""--Date ___,~4.,.Z..<..,;;L=------, 19--'-9_.9'. __
I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors end the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I,CO*
of Hartford, Ct.
h0'~~ed the components described 7
"r'7 and state that
I to the best of my knawledge and belief, the Owner has perfO!Jl!Bd examinations and taken corrective m.!lasures described in this Owner's R,eport in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from ot connected with this inspection. /~~-
Va. 883
_____.., ____,..........,.......................... _______ commissions ______________________ _
io,.; Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endor1111ments Date
Page 39 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performetl *sy Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd. Glen Allen VA 23060 Address Date June 17, 1999 Sheet of*
2 ------------------
R/R 99-064 W.O. #00398894-16 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N--/'---A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_/_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System _S.c..a_fe_ty~ln~je_c'"'t""io __ n _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13.
Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components National Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Globe Valve Velan Inc.
971026 N/A h'-*111,*I
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Globe Valve, 4-44& Code Case applies
)~.1,lr/p; Other Identification 02-Sl-*-103-Valve
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure Year Built NIA OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F
--ASME Code
- Repaired, Stamped
- Replaced, (Yes Or Replacement or No)
Replacement No NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numb'ered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.# 45015881 (Globe Valve)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No, ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed /) 'I{. d - ~,.{, <' :Z:£7'"
~ner or~slgnee, Title Date ___
6'-'d""'/,"""~------, 19_...... ef_
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler end Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State.
or Province of Virginia end employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
ha0 i6 e'2}ed the components described G~ ~
, end state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfot;Pled examinations and taken corrective m~asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
Va. 883
_______ __,.._..,.._la
..............._ __ v __
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date
Page 40 of51 Serial No.:-99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen, VA 23060 Address Date ______________
J.:;_un"-e=-=2cc.5,,_1'"'9'""'9""'9 Sheet of Unit:
2 ------------------
R/R 99-068 W.0.#00409287-05 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N_/~A ___ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date _________
N_I_A ___ _
- 4. Identification of System -=Sc.=:a:.:..:fe:..:tyL-'-'ln""je.c..c::..:tc..:io"-n'---------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19~ Edition with Sµmmer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Gate Valve Velan Inc.
962102-1& 2 N/A 02-SI-MOV-2B69A-N/A Replacement No Valve 3" Pipe Dubose Nat.
38740 N/A 02-SI-MOV-2869A-N/A Replacement No Energy Services Valve
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Gate Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of tl)is form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#NT520097(Gate Valve) P.O.#NT476451(3" Pipe)
- 9. Remarks ____________________...__ ________________________ _
Applicable Manufacturer'& Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A _______________________________ _
__ L4
__ J&:_~-~--,
_&_Expi::::_n_D_a-te----... W~-k~-~~~~:~A~~~~~~~~~-. -
~nlidro~e. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
hA inspected the components described
"? (, ffL
, a~d state that to the best of my knswledge and belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective mga~ures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
+-/?/--,"t-17{)_,,,..s_... ~
,.,... ~~
... -..... ____ commissions ______ v_a_._8_8_ 3 ___________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date. ___
__,7<--+-->/re_1s7 /
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 12. 1999 Page 41 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet_.,___ __ _ of __ _,_ _______ _
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: ___,,2,__ _______________ _
Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry, VA 23883 R/R 99-070 Work Order 00403411-04 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By. Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp ___
__.N'""/-'-A:.....,... __
Authorization No.
N/A 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date ________... N'""/"-A.,___ __ _
- 4. Identification of System ='n=s=tr~u~m~e~n=t~A=ir __________ -:------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19!ffi.._Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2" Copper Tubing Va.Power NIA N/A 02-IA-864 N/A Replacement No 2" Check Valve Frischkorn, Inc.
N/A NIA 02-IA-864 NIA Repla~ement
- No 2" Adapter Va.Power NIA NIA 02-IA-864 NIA Replacement No 2"Tee Va.Power NIA NIA 02-IA-864 NIA Replacement No 2x1 Reducer Hub, l_nc.
NIA NIA 02-IA-864.
NIA Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Check Valve N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D. Nominal Operating Pressure OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81'2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheer, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)'
- 9. Remarks ______
......:_P~.O~.#N::.!.:.T~5::.:3::2:.::0=.57.:...-..:.l!:(2:_"....:T:.:u:.=b.=in:i.g~) :..P:.:.O:..::.#::..:NT~54:....:..::8.::.56;::,;l:_-..:.;l (i::2:...."C;:;,;.;e-'-)-------
APPlicable ManutllCUINr'a Data Repona m be anactled P.O.#CSY3 l 0307-2(2"Adapter) P.O.#SY397977-3(Tee)
P.O.#CSY245706-1(2xl Reaucer)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cenify that the 1tatemenu made in the repon are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
,-pair or rapl-mant Type Code Symbol Stamp _____ N;.;;.A;_,, _________________.__ ____________ _
Cenificate of Authorization No, ___
N_A ___________ Expimion Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed(}_~/._ -.-1 j Jg' ~<~~
Ow~lgnN, Title
0ate, __.c,2~£~...,., _____,
I the undersigned, holding a valid commiaion iaued bV the National Board of Boiler and P-re V-1 lnspecto11 and the State
~r Province of Virginia and emplovl!d by HSBI and I Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
...,...--~=-------~~ in~ed the components described in this Owner's Repon during the period
.,.:aim to
, and state that
to the best of my knawledge and belief, tha Owner has perfooned axmninations end taken corrective ffl.lUUres described In this Owner's RepQn in accordance with the n,quiremenu of the ASME Code,Section XI, By signing this cenificete neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any -l'Tllnty, axprnad or implied, concerning the examinations end corrective masuns described in this Owner's Repon. Funhennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any penonel injury or propeny damage ore loa of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
~- *. "77-Va. 883
"'=..._,1,~_.-~"""-'--'~~~----Commiaions_":":" ___ ~---.,.......-...,,..----....,,..------
lr'a ~ National Board, State, Province, and Endonementl Date
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 12. 1999 Page 42 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet of __ ~--------
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Unit: ~2~---------------
R/R 99-071 Work Order#00410891-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ ~N~/A~----
- 4. Identification of System.,,S,.,,e""'rv,...ic~e"--'-'A"-'-ir _________________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.!ill_Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 2" Pipe flange Va.Power N/A N/A 02-SA-81 NIA Replacement No 2" Copper Tubing Va.Power N/A N/A 02-SA-81 N/A Replacement No 2Tubing Coupling Hajoca N/A N/A 02-SA-81 N/A Re~lacement No
- 7. Description of Work Replaced Flange N-416-1 Code Case Applies
- 8. Tests Conducted:. HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure OtherO Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _______
P_.O_.#_NT_5_46_8_4_l...;..(2_"_F_lan......,;:;g_e)_P_._o_.#_NT_5_3_20_5_7....;.(2_'_' T_u_b_in...:g::.;..) _________ _
Applicable Manutaciu,.r'a Data Rapons to be attachad P.0.#45011651(2" Coupling)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the stlltemenu made in the report are correct and this replacement confonns to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
rapalr or,-placemant Type Code Symbol Stamp ______ N_A----------.,----------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N,."-._A __________ _
Signed().,L L_,th flf L'<<~<<.tP~
Date __....,;~z_; _______,
19 ff Ow~a DftiDftN, Title "7
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Preuure V111M1I lnsPBctors 11nd the State or Province of Virginia end employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period ______ i"'i_.6
... ~._l_/ ___ f_'._/ __ to fte ~ted the components described
- Z '/ ~
, and state that to the best of my krwwledge and belief, the Owner has perforJned examinations end taken corrective "'.!lasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shell be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or II loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
- z,/('-1 19 Z7
- I j /
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 15. 1999 Page 43 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet of __ ~--------
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: ~2~----------------
.Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry, VA 23883 R/R 99-075 Work Order 00396052-01 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Authorization No.
NIA 5000 Dominion Blvd. Glen Allen VA 23060 Expiration Date ________ ~N~l.,_A,__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System.wR..,,e,,.ac~t.,.o"-r..,,C,,,o"'o""la,,_n"-t _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda.
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No)
Mechanical Snubber Anchor/Darling Ind.
Serial #910 N/A 2-RC-MSS-1 A N/A Replacement No With Flanged End &
Industries T.LP
- 7. Description of Work ~R~e=p=la=c~e=d~S~n=u=b=be=r ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size'is 81h in. x 11 in,, (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks ______
.......,:P:...*:..:O...:..# __ C:..S:..Y:..:..19:...6:..:0..:.3_7....::(;...M_e_c;;;;.ba;;;;n;;;;.ic;;.;al;;;;..;;;S.;;;;nu.;;;.b;;..;b;..;e.;;;.r):....._ ___________
Applicable Manuu,cturer's Data Raporu to be attachad CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mede in the report ere correct end this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or repl-mant Type Code Symbol Stamp, _____
..:N:..:.A:..:... _______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A __________ _
S;gn£l~w,T£>1 Date----,,<'-";?-+,~---+-...,:::
_______, 19.....,c;.z'...,i,<:J'......._
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing_ a valid commission issued bV the National Board of Boiler end_Pre:rure Veael Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia end employed bV HSBI and Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
hav7 in~ the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to 2(% 6,t::,::::Z....
, end stete that to the best of my knewledge end belief, the Owner hes perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective m_ilasures described in this Owner's Report in eccordillnce with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expntll8d or implied, concerning the examinations end corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property dem11911 or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
Page 44 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_.,_ __ _
of __ -'--------~
Unit: ---=2=-------------------
R/R 99-076 Work Order 00409354-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N~/A.,_ __ _
Authorization No.
N/ A Expiration Date ________ ~N=/~A~---
- 4. Identification of System =B=lo~w=d=o~w~n~---------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Buil)
Or Replacement or No) 1 Y,x5"Hyd. Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial #30362 N/A 2-BD-HSS-6A N/A Replacement No r,,,u.. ~
.io 1 Y~
- 7. Description of Work...,R_,,e"'p'""la,,,c..,e~d,_*"""s"'n"'u"'b""be""'r ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: ~ydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- P.O.#Ssy108947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------
Applicable Manutacturer'1 Data Reports to b* attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct end this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
replilr or replecement Type Code Symbol St~mp, ______ N_A-------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ___.;.N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed Q.,!.7,d_.,,,,.L/ JS.:z-,e{,;,.v~
Date _
_,2y,~........,..c;-+/_. ---,
- I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia end employed by HSBI and I. Co.
of Hartford, Ct.
in this Owner's Report during the period
. to have ~ct~the components described
- z;
, and state that to the best of my knawledge and belief, the Owner hes perfol'.JZled examinations and taken corrective m.,!lllsures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective me111ures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from qr connected with this inspection.
. ~o I ~
Commissions b~Slgneture
--N-.-t-lo_n_e_l_B_o_*_rd_, -s,-11-t-e,_P_r_o_v_ln_c_e_, -.n-d ___ E_n_d_o_nem
____ n_t_1_
Va. 883 Date
. 7;/lb 19 99
Page 45 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_.,__ __ _ of __ _,_ _______ _
Unit: ____.2~----------------
R/R 99-077 Work Order 00396044-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----"'"'N""'/A..,__ __ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ ~N~/~A~----
- 4. Identification of System ~R=e=a=ct=o~r~Cc.:o=o=la=n~t _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 W'x5"Hyd. Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial#30362 N/A 2-RC-HSS-106 N/A Replacement No "T,,,,2t,(
- 7. Description of Work..,R_,,e,,.p'-"la,,,c""'e=d,__,.S""'n=ub~b,,_,e""'r ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. x 11 in.: (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#Ssy108947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks---------------------------------------------""""
Applicable Menutacturer's Date Reporu to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
rapalr or raplacamant Type Code Symbol Stamp ______
N_A ______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___ N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed(i}£~A < 55::£" L-11£;~
Owner or~1'1:S"e~nae, Title Date _ ___.2....... ~
......... C------. 1s_._9"""9 __
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hol~ing_ a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
---:--'"------------------::::;-;--;~;:::::72.:~';--have in,ie_cted ~
components described in this Owner's Report during the period to z('/~/'z::9 *, and state that to the best of my k118Wledge and belief, the Owner has perfoi;pied examinations and taken corrective m.§asures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
7// ~
Va. 883
~- ~
National Board, State, Province, end Endorsements Date
FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 15. 1999 Page 46 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet--'-----
of __ _,_ _______ ~
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Unit: _2,__ _______________ _
Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 R/R 99-078 Work Order 00396036-01 Address Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Type Code Symbol Stamp ---~N~/~A~---
Name Authorization No.
N/A 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Expiration Date ________
__._N.,,_/'-'A.__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System ~F=ee=d=w~a=t=e~r ----------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 Yi'x5"Hyd. Snubber Grinnell CorP.
Serial#30362 N/A 2-FW-HSS-140 N/A Replacement No t';q~.,
1A :>Yb
- 7. Description of Work ~R~e=p=la=c~e~d~S~n=u=b=be=r ______________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
- OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 % in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#Ssyl08947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks-------------------...:..--------------------------,
Applicable Manutacturar'a Date Reports to be etuched CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the SME Cod Se
- XI repeir or replecement A
e, ct1on Type Code Symbol Stamp _____
N:.::.;A:.._ _________.;.._ ___________________ _
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A __________ _
Signe1cl..i~~.:L_f!i~~~L--...:l,;;..;u~~~~~~~~LDate ___.. 2....,t
.........e::.... C _____, 19 £!
- I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford I Ct*
have i911?ec~ the components described in this Owner's Report during the period to 7//6L'99
, and state that to the best of my kn11Wledge and belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective mjlasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
./'°'/'./) ~
Va. 883
......... _~...,._-
.............. ~
........ ----Commissions---------------------
lnapector'a Signature Netional Boerd, State, Province, end Endorsements Date ____
?j..........,.~--'b--. 19 P9-.
FORM NIS~2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 1. Owner Virginia Electric & Power Company Name Date July 15. 1999 Page 47 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Sheet_.,__ __ _
of __ _,_ _______ _
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Unit: ___.2~----------------
R/R 99-079 Work Order 00396062-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ----~N~/A.,__ __ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________ ~N=/~A~---
- 4. Identification of System.,_F-=e-=-ed=-w'-'"a=t=e.,_r _____ ~-----------------~----------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19.!lli__Edition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 W'x5"Hyd. Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial #30362 N/A 2-FW-HSS-143 N/A Replacement No
. r:::b
- 1..
- 7. Description of Work ~R~e=p=la=c~e~d~S~n=u=b=be=r-------------------------------
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtheO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#Ssyl08947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks------------------------------------------------
Applicable Menutactu,.r's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report ere correct and this *replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
rapalr or replacament Type Code Symbol Stemp _____
_:N.;:A:.;:_ ______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____
N_A ___________ _
Signed /1...f:_ L/ "'~--< 2 6
~ero!O~lgnee, Title c'
?+A-"6t-ze Date---.-t'+/---t. *..,.C------,,s_9"-'j'_
- I, the undersigned; holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia nd employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
hav~spe&:'. the components described Z6.
- 7
, and state that to the best of my k118Wledge and belief, the Owner has perfoi;Jlled examinations and taken corrective m.§Bsures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
?/") ~-
~A Va. 883
.M ~ ~
Commissions ______________________ _
National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date z//b,sfz l
Page 48 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_..__ __ _
of __ _,_ _______ _
Unit: __.2=-----------------
R/R 99-080 Work Order 00396043-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
- Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
.,_,N"-'IA:,__ __
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date. ________
__.N.,,/,_,A,__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System !..R,,.e,,.a""ct,,,o"-r""'C""o"'"ol,,,a..... nt,__ ___________________ _;_ _________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdltion with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Sena! No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 Yi'x5"~yd. Snubber Gnnnell Corp.
Senal#30362 N/A 2-RC-HSS-102 N/A Replacement No
-rN4 C
- 7. Description of Work _.R....,e,..p..,la..,c._.e.,.d.....:S.....
nu,.,b,..b._.e.,_r _____________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtheO Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ____ _;__°F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in.: (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#Ssy108947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks----------------------------------------------'-
Applicable Manutacturer's D11't11 Rai:,orts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the stlltemenu made in tlfe report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stemp _____
..:N..:A:..:.... ______________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No.
NA Expiration Date ___...,N_A __________ _
Signed /7_ ~~- ~* :TJ'££@//~
Date __ '-"?Z
........ /~:J"----,19*-. -"-9'.L..f_
I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the.State or Province of Virginia and employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
::;:~~~;;:::;:-----have j/l~ect~ the components described_
in this Owner's-Report during the period to 7,//~/9'7
, and state that to the best of my kll8Wledge and belief, the Owner has perfo[JZled examinations and taken corrective mysures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
/'?fl ~
Va. 883
~,"'-,.,c......,Y...:;.::....:.. -~.c....,c..£...::;.;...
_____ Commissions _____________________ _
Inspect~ Si~
Nationel Boerd, State, Province, and Endonements Date 7/(6,efz 7
Page 49 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_.,__ __ _ of __
Unit: ---=2,.._ _______________ _
R/R 99-081 Work Order 00396068-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____ N~/~A'--:-----
Authorization No.
NIA Expiration Date. ________
__,_N.,,_/""A.__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System ~R=e=a=ct=o~r=C=o=o=la=n~t _______________________________ _
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 Yi'x5"Hyd. Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial#30362 NIA 2-RC-HSS-113 NIA Replacement
?17.i' P.t.
- 7. Description of Work~R~e=p~la=c=e=d~S~n=u=b=be=r~------------------------------
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressur~
D OtherO Pressure_____
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size' is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet,,and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is*recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
FORM NIS-2 (Back)
P.O.#Ssyl08947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks_---------------------------------------------
Applicable Manufacturer's Deta Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIAN~E We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair qr replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp, _____.:.N=A-=-------------------------------
Certificate of Authorization No. ____
N_A ___________ Expiration Date ____ N_A __________ _
Signed t] U - './..:1$ f Owneror~f~~;,,_, Title 4~q#/~ef,£,
.... -----, 1s-f....._9_
I, the-undersigned, hol~ing. a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia and employed by
. HSBI and _I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
~-------------=-,,'-:-=-=-------have i~ec:: the components described in this Owner's Report during the period _____...._,,_....._-+...._........ __ to 7 //6,,{99
, and state that to the t:,est of my k1111Wledge *and belief, the Owner has perfo~ed examinations and taken corrective m_gasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
'?/? ~
Va. 883 0
, ~
National Board, State, Province, and Endonements Date
Page 50 of51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road, Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_..,__ __ _
of __ -'-----------
Unit: __,,2,..._ ______________ _
R/R 99-082 Work Order 00396057-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ___ __,N.,,_/,_,A'------
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date ________
__.N..,./.,_A,..._ __ _
- 4. Identification of System =B=lo=w=d=o'""w"'n'---------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda.'
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year *
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement or No) 1 W' Hyd.. Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial#30362 N/A 2-BD-HSS-7B N/A Replacement No
- 7. Description of Work _,R_,,e.,.p..,,la..,c..,,e"'d'--"'S.,_,_nu,.,b,.,b..,,e.,_r _____________________________ _
- 8. Tests Conducted: ~ydrostaticO Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
OtherO Pressure psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
P.O.#Ssyl08947 (Hyd.Snubber)
- 9. Remarks_---------------------------------------------
Applicable M~nutacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE.
We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair"or replacement Type Code Symbol St~mp _____
=....:..NA;:._ ____________________________ _
Certificate of Authorization No. ___
- .N;;;.A;
- ._ __________ Expiration Date ____ N-',~A __________ _
Signed(J.,tf' g ~ :::Z:-if L..e"-v4~,
Date __
..... 4...,.~
.... -<-----,19 9'/
Ow~aDntgnee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned1 hol~ing_ a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia a!ld employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
=---r-...,-,:::::-=:-::=-----hav7. inlP_9Ct~ the components described
, in this Owner's Report during the period-----'-+----+-_._...... __ to 7//6,Lf::z:..
, and state that to the best of my_ knewledge and belief, the Owner has perfo1JZ1ed examinations and taken corrective m_!lasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures dascribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or i:onnected with this inspection.
,,.-7,/? ~
Va. 883
........ ~----'-""'""'"'"""'---------Commissions _____________________ _
National Board, State, Province, end Endorsements Date
Page 51 of 51 Serial No.: 99-382 Docket No.: 50-281 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPOAT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
- 2. Plant Surry Power Station Name 5570 Hog Island Road. Surry. VA 23883 Address
- 3. Work Performed By Virginia Electric & Power Company Name 5000 Dominion Blvd.* Glen Allen. VA 23060 Address Date July 15. 1999 Sheet_.,__ __ _ of __ _._ _______ _
Unit: _.,2~----------------
R/R 99-083 Work Order 00396037-01 Repair Organization P.O. No. Job No., etc.
Type Code Symbol Stamp ____
,.,N!..!.!A:,__ __ _
Authorization No.
N/A Expiration Date. ________
__,_N.!!./,.,A,__ __ _
- 4. Identification of System "'M,,,a.,,incweS:.,,te.,a"'m"-----------------------------------
- 5.
(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI 831.1 1955 Edition, N/A
- Addenda, N-1 through N-13 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19filLEdition with Summer 1983 Addenda
- 6.
Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National
- Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year
- Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No.
Identification Built Or Replacement of No)
Hydraulic Snubber Grinnell Corp.
Serial# 30939 N/A 02-MS-HSS-1 B N/A Replacement No OR C::o,fol i! 'lnOAn
- 7. Description of Work "'R,._,e!<lp.,.1,,,_ac"'e"'d.__,,S"'"n"'u"'b""be"'r'--------------------------------
- 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostaticD Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure D
Othe,O Pressure ____ _
psi Test Temp. ______ °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in.'..(2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
- 1.
,'---,. i FORM NIS-2 (Back)
- 9. Remarks _______
P...:..0.:....:.:.;.#.:.S.:..:sy:....:2...:.0.:..00:....:l:....:1_4..;.(H~yd:..:....:S..::n..::ub.:...b.:...e.;.;r):....... ________________
Applicable Menu1.1cturer'1 Date Reporu to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cenify that the statements made in the n,pon ere correct end this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
repair or repl-ment Type Code Symbol Stemp _____
..;:N.;;A;.:;_ ______________________________ _
N_A ___________ Expiretion Date ____ N_A __________ _
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding e valid commiasion iasued by the National Board of Boiler end Pl'l!llllre Ve1SBI Inspectors and the State or Province of Virginia nd employed by HSBI and I Co*
of Hartford, Ct.
h11V3i-_, in:::,'!St, the components described in this Owner's Aepon during the period to 4"/~~ -
, end state that to the best of my knawledge end belief, the Owner hes perfooned examinations and taken corrective m.!lasures described in this Owner's Aep_Qn in eccordimce with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the llllPl!Ctor nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the examinations and corrective me11ures described in this Owner's Aepon. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propeny damage or II lo1S of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
1 -fi,/\\../
Va. 883
____...,,_ ___,.,... ___ ~_\\..,.__,_
.... ______ Commiuions_...,.... __
...,.... __________ -=-------
- ,;; S ~
National Board, State, Provine*. and Endonemanu Date 7 /lb 19 79 7