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Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1997 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.W/980113 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1997
From: Christian D, Marshall G, Mason D
98-027, 98-27, NUDOCS 9801210211
Download: ML18153A352 (18)


e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMP.ANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.98-027 Attention: Document Control Desk SPS Lic/JDK RO Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC J,ND POWER COMPANY SURRY P0\1\/ER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT The Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of Deicember *1997 is provided in the attachment.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us.

Very trul:r yours,


D. A. Cl1ristian, Station Manager Surry Power Station Attachment Commitments made by this letter: None cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, S. \N.

Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

eSurry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 1 of 17 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT REPORT No. 97-12 Approved: ~~~ Station Manager I* I'S . . -,'IS Date

Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 2 of 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 ..................................................................................................................... 3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 ................. ,................................................................................................... 4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1 ............................................................................................ 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 ............................................................................................ 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1 ........................................................................................................ 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2 ........................................ : ............................................................... 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit Nos. 1 and 2 ........................................................................................ 9 Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRG Approval ....................................................................................... 10 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRG Approval ............................................. 12 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRG Approval ............................................................................. 13 Chemistry Report .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Fuel Handling - Unit Nos. 1 and 2 .............................................................. :....................................................... 15 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................. 17

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 3 of 17 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-280 Date: 01/05/98 Completed By: D. K. Mason Telephone: (757) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: ...... :................................................. . Surry Unit 1
2. Reporting Period: ............................................... . December, 1997
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ....................... .. 2546
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... .. 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. .. 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): .. . 840
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... . 801
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings {Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Year-To-Date Cumulative

11. Hours in Reporting Period 744.0 8760.0 219384.0
12. Hours Reactor Was Critical 744.0 7191.1 154025.8
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 3774.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line 744.0 7068.5 151599.5
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 3736.2
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1894162.9 17609571.8 356245015.6
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 634447.0 5842936.0 116815754.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 614197.0 5640472.0 111234221.0
19. Unit Service Factor 100.0% 80.7% 69.1%
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0% 80.7% 70.8%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 103.1% 80.4% 65.2%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 104.8% 81.7% 64.3%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0% 3.9% 14.8%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 4 of 17 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-281 Date: 01/05/98 Completed By: D. K. Mason Telephone: (757) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: ......................................................... Surry Unit 2
2. Reporting Period: ............................................... . December, 1997

.::,. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ........................ . 2546

4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ....................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): .................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): .. . 840
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... . 801
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Pow,2r Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Year-To-Date Cumulative

11. Hours in Reporting Period 744.0 8760.0 216264.0
12. Hours Reactor Was Critical 710.8 8074.7 151150.3
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 328.1
14. Hours Generator On-Line 705.8 8035.6 149133.4
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1684576.2 20059310.5 351533567.3
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 564360.0 6674809.0 115125608.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 546098.0 6451272.0 109643151 .0
19. Unit Service Factor 94.9% 91.7% 69.0%
20. Unit Availability Factor 94.9% 91.7% 69.0%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 91.6% 91.9% 64.9%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 93.1% 93.5% 64.3%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 5.1% 1.3% 11.9%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 5 of 17 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: DECEMBER, 1997 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01/05/98 Completed by: G. N. Marshall Telephone: (757) 365-2465 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER No. System Component Cause & Corrective Action Date Type Hours Reason Shutting Code Code to Prevent Recurrence Down Rx None During the Reporting Period (1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source for Licensee Event Report (LER) File {NUREG 0161)


- Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 6 of 17 (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: DECEMBER, 1997 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01/05/98 Completed by: G. N. Marshall Telephone: (757) 365-2465 (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER No. System Component Cause & Corrective Action Date Type Hours Reason Shutting Code Code to Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 12/2/97 F 38.2 A 97-004 SB ZI Invalid Main Steam Trip Valve (MSTV) indication resulted in manual trip.

MSTV actuator arm was relocated closer to the valve position bar to provide additional overlap.

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source for Licensee.Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 7 of 17 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01/05/98 Completed by: J. D. Kilmer Telephone: (757) 365-2792 MONTH: DECEMBER, 1997 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe - Net) Day (MWe - Net) 824 17 825 2 811 18 826 3 824 19 827 4 825 20 828 5 825 21 828 6 825 22 828 7 827 23 826 8 828 24 826 9 828 25 827 10 828 26 826 11 828 27 825 12 828 28 825 13 828 29 824 14 828 30 821 15 827 31 821

-is 827 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 8 of 17 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01/05/98 Completed by: John D. Kilmer Telephone: (757) 365-2792 MONTH: DECEMBER, 1997 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe - Net} Day (MWe - Net}

1 831 17 827 2 327 18 828 3 0 19 827 4 214 20 826 5 216 21 827 6 482 22 828 7 827 23 828 8 827 24 826 9 828 25 827 10 828 26 825 11 827 27 826 12 828 28 826 13 828 29 827 14 828 30 829

  • ,5 828 31 830 16 827 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, !ist the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 9 of 17


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.


12/01/97 0000 Unit 1 starts the month at 100% / 854 MWe.

12/31/97 2400 Unit 1 finishes the month at 100% / 854 MWe.


12/01/97 0000 Unit 2 starts the month at 100% / 854 MWe.

12/02/97 0930 Manual reactor trip due to the "A" Main Steam Trip Valve indicating intermediate position.

12/03/97 1744 Commence reactor startup.

1843 Reactor critical.

2342 Unit on line and Starting power increase.

12/04/97 0021 Stop power increase at 30% / 220 MWe.

12/06/97 0926 Start power increase.

2223 Stop power increase at 100% / 850 MWe.

12/31/97 2400 Unit 2 finishes the month at 100% / 855 MWe.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 10 of 17 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 Appendix R Report Technical Report 12/01/97 (Safety Evaluation No.97-154)

This evaluation is being performed to assess the annual update of the Surry 10CFR50 Appendix R Report for 1997. It incorporates previously approved Design Change Packages completed during 1996 through September 1997, as well as information concerning other station changes as they pertain to Appendix R. Engineering evaluations were revised to address changes to fire doors. Changes to Appendix R exemption requests were performed to reflect current plant configurations.

The level of fire protection for the station is not being diminished, and the changes will not adversely affect the capacity to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

TM S1-97-020 Temporary Modification 12/05/97 (Safety Evaluation No.97-156)

This Temporary Modification (TM) installs a jumper hose to provide an alternate water supply (Fish Screens system) to the Low Level Intake Structure Vacuum Priming (VP) system until the normal well water supply pump is returned to service.

This TM will enable the non-safety-related VP system to operate normally with the alternate water supply. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

SE 97-0081 f>afety Evaluation 12/17/97 Safety Evaluation 97-0081 was performed for the Surry ISFSI Safety Analysis Report. The.

TN-32 cask Topical Safety Analysis Report drawing 1049-70-2, rev. 2 shows a 30 degree angle for the trunnion. This is the weld prep angle for the trunnion to the gamma shield shell. The fabrication drawings show a 45 to 50 degree trunnion weld prep angle. The increase in the weld prep angle allows better access to perform the weld. The 45 to 50 degree angle has been used on all TN-32 trunnions, and was initiated at the start of the TN-32 purchase order. The ISFSI SAR will be amended to note the actual weld prep angle.

Changing a trunnion weld prep angle from 30 degrees to 45 - 50 degrees has no impact on the structural functions of the trunnions. The trunnion analyses presented in Chapter 3 of the TN-32 TSAR are not affected by the change in weld prep angle. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

DCP 93-072 Design Change Package 12/22/97 (Safety Evaluation 96-131)

Design Change Package (DCP)93-072, removes the motor and bearing temperature sensors from the trip circuitry of the 555 ton chiller and uses them for indication only.

The 555 ton containment cooling chillers are non-safety related, and activation of the other safety cutouts will still automatically trip the chillers. This modification does not aiter any safety related components and will eliminate spurious trips thereby reducing operator distractions and challenges. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

1 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 11 of 17 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 JCO C-93-001 Rev. 3 Justification For Continued Operation 12/23/97 (Safety Evaluation No.97-160)

This Safey Evaluation provides approval of an extension to the Justification for Continued Operation (JCO) C-93-001, Rev 3 until completion of Design Change Package 96-024 to achieve full compliance with Appendix R. Compensatory measures are in place to provide an hourly fire watch in the Unit 2 Emergency Switch Gear Room (ESGR) with operable Robert Shaw detection and Halon suppression systems. Should either of these systems become inoperable, a continuous fire watch would be initiated. The compensatory measure will remain in effect until the closeout of the JCO.

The compensatory measures currently in effect provides a level of protection necessary for safe shutdown and is allowed by NRC regulations. The compensatory measure will remain in effect until compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R can be met as described in the UFSAR. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 12 of 17 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 CAL-817 Calibration Procedure 12/01/97 PT-26.GV Instrumentation Periodic Test Procedure IMP-C-RM-36 Instrument Maintenance Procedure O-IPM-RM-G-001 Instrument Preventive Maintenance Procedures O-IPM-RM-G-002 (Safety Evaluation No.96-075 Rev 1)

O-IPM-RM-G-003 Calibration Procedure CAL-817, "Model 942 Log Ratemeter Scintillation Detector Source Calibration," Instrumentation Periodic Test Procedure PT-26.SV, "Victoreen Radiation Monitoring Equipment Background, Heat Trace, Flow Fault Checks and Filter Replacement," Instrument Maintenance Procedure IMP-C-RM-36, "Checking, Repairing or Replacing a Component in the Radiation Monitoring System, and Instrument Preventive Maintenance Procedures O-IPM-RM-G-001, "Digital Ratemeter Model 9428 Process Monitor Calibration," O-IPM-RM-G-002, "9458 Series Area Monitor Ratemeter and Detector Calibration," and O-IPM-RM-G-003, "Model 943-5 GM Tube Detector Calibration," were revised to provide instructions to install/remove temporary modifications in the main control room radiation monitor cabinets to prevent various control functions from occurring while the digital ratemeters are removed from service for testing, repair, or calibration.

These activities will not alter the performance characteristics of any safety related systems or components. Only one ratemeter, that involves a control function, will be removed from service at a time. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

ARP 1C-D7 .Annunciator Response Procedure 12/17/97 1-CAL-442 Calibration Procedure 1-FT-36 instrumentation Periodic Test Procedure (Safety Evaluation No.96-095 Rev. 7)

Annunciator Response Procedure 1C-D7, "Pressurizer Power Relief Line Hi Temp,"

Calibration Procedure 1-CAL-442, "T-1-463 Pressurizer Power Relief Line Temperature,"

and Instrumentation Periodic Test Procedure 1-PT-36, "Instrument Surveillance," were revised to change the PORV high tailpipe temperature alarm setpoint from 220 °F to 225 °F. The alarm setpoint is set to correspond to Tsat for the normal operating pressure in the Pressurizer Relief Tank (PRT). Since Temporary Modification S1-97-15 allows 0peration of the PRT on continuous vent to the Overhead Gas System which operates at pressures higher than the PRT, the PORV tailpipe temperature setpoint needs to be raised to match the new operating conditions.

This change involves an improvement in the monitoring of tailpipe temperature by clearing alarm 1C-D7, PRZR PWR RELIEF LINE HI TEMP and re-establishing this annunciator as a tool in the diagnosis of increased PORV leakage. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 13 of 17 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID Nor REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL l\t'IIONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 None During the Reporting Period

e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 14 of 17 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analvsis Max. Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg.

Gross Radioactivity, µCi/ml 3.85E-1 2.52E-1 3.14E-1 2.07E-1 9.56E-2 1.51 E-1 Suspended Solids, ppm so.010 so.010 so.010 so.010  ::;0,010  ::;0.010 Gross Tritium, 1,tCi/ml 6.40E-1 5.96E-1 6.24E-1 4.29E-1 2.48E-1 3.29E-1 1131 , 1-iCi/m! 3.93E-3 5.46E-4 1.62E-3 1.14E-4 1.17E-5 5.65E-5 113111133 0.60 0.09 0.26 0.11 0.07 0.09 Hydrogen, cc/kQ 31.7 29.3 30.3 38.1 32.7 35.8 Lithium, ppm 2.33 2.06 2.19 2.94 2.11 2.37 Boron - 10, ppm* 175.8 158.0 167.4 325.9 237.2 268.1 Oxygen, (DO), pprn s0.005 s0.005 s0.005  ::;0.005  ::;0,005  ::;0.005 Chloride, oom 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003 pH at 25 deqre0 Celsius 6.77 6.67 6.72 6.49 6.26 6.38


  • t!urry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 15 of 17 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 New Fuel Number of New or Spent Shipment or Date Stored Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Cask No. or Received per Shipment Number Number Enrichment Cask Activity DRY STORAGE CASK TN 32-05 12/16/97 32 OP3 LM05YE 3.6070 N/A OP4 LM05Y8 3.6070 OS3 LMOES1 3.5897 OS5 LMOESA 3.6022 OS7 LMOET4 3.5993 1P3 LM05XE 3.6070 1S1 LMOESN 3.5994 1S6 LMOESQ 3.5962 1S7 LMOESX 3.5983 1S8 LMOES2 3.5927 2P5 LM05YQ 3.6070 2P9 LM05YO 3.6070 2SO LMOERN 3.6018 2S3 LMOESE 3.5992 2S4 LMOES7 3.5952 2S5 LMOET2 3.5923 2S6 LMOESM 3.5985 2S7 LMOES4 3.5965 3P3 LM05YA 3.6070 3P9 LM05XL 3.6070 3SO LMOES5 3.6015 3S3 LMOET9 3.6014 3S8 LMOERT 3.5876 3S9 LMOERW 3.5975 4P7. LM09PF 3.6070 4S1 LMOESB 3.6006

e tlurry Monthly Operating Report No. 97-12 Page 16 of 17 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTHNEAR: DECEMBER, 1997 New Fuel Number of New or Spent Shipment or Date Stored Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Cask No. or Received per Shipment Number Number Enrichment Cask Activity 483 LMOERS 3.5815 N/A 488 LMOESH 3.5986 5P6 LM09PD 3.6070 580 LMOESF 3.5924 6PO LM05YK 3.6070 6P1 LM05Y2 3.6070