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Proposed Tech Specs Re Reporting Requirements for Reactor Trip Sys Response Time & Limiting Condition for Operation & Surveillance Requirements for RCS
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1990
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18095A213 List:
NUDOCS 9005240266
Download: ML18095A214 (135)



INOEX OEFINITtONS SECTION l.O OEFIHITIONS DEFINED T'ERMS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • ACTION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,
  • AXIAL FLUX CIFF!REHCE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 04.ANNIL CALIBRATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • CM.A'ftNEL Oif ECX * ** * * , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 04.AHNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • CONTAIHIE.NT INTEGRITY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • CONTllOLL!D LEAKAGE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • CORE ALT!RATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • COS! EQUIVAL!HT I*lll * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!'*AV~.IG! OISINT!GRATION EMERGY * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • FREQUENCY NOTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * *
  • GASEOUS RA.OW.ASTE TR£A MHT SYSTEM. * * * * * * * * * * *
  • IOENTIFIED WUGE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

~EMSER(S) 0, TME PUILIC. * * * * * * * * *****



  • OPERAIILIT'f * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • OPERATIONAL MODE * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • PHYSICS TESTS * * * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • PRESSURE BOUMOAAY L!AXAG!. * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • PROCESS CONTllOL PROGRAM (PCS) ** * * * **

PURGE*PURGING * * * * * * * * * * * * * .- * * * *

  • QUAORAltT POWER TILT RATIO * * * * * * * * * * * ****

UT!D THERMAL PQW!R * * * * * * * * * * * * *


REPdRTAIL! tees11eses-. . ... . . ... . . ...

SHU.TOO* MARGIN. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • SITt BOUMOM Y * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • SOLIDIFICATION * * * * * *********

SOURC! Ot!CX * * * * * * * * * *

  • iMERMAL POliER * *
  • UNIOENTIFIEO LEAKAGE * * * * * * * * * * * *

. .. .. .. .. l-7 UNRESTllICT!O AREA ********* l-7 7


'IEMTING ************** ...... ...






S.J.L!!-4 * '.JNIT l Amendment .Ile. *~


6.1 RESPONSIBILITY .................. 6-1 6.2 ORGANIZATION Onsite and Offsite Organizations 6-1 Facility Staff . . . . . . . . 6-1 Shift Technical Advisor .. . 6-$ 7 6.3 FACILITY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 6-17 6.4 TRAINING . . . . 6-f 7 6.5 REVIEW ANO AUDIT 6.5.1 STATION OPERATIONS REVIEW COfittITTEE Function . . . . 6-i t Composition . . . 6-1'9 Alternates . . . 6-19 Meeting Frequency 6-AI Quorum . . . . . 6-3W Responsibilities 6-$9

~Review Process . 6-110

"":" Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-t 10 G,../ e?'3J" RecordiJ.. . . . ~* . . . . . -;-.....__ .. . .

d "'

6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY R IEW ftND /h.JD1 I *. c:::::-----------

      • *~-** * -* 6-i 10 6~10 6-~ //

6-!a- ,,

eview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9<<" '~

di ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-J.a ,._.

n-Site SafetY. Review Groupl'.$'i~). 6-.H' 13 Responsibilities 6-.H i Authority .* 6~1'1 SALEM - UNIT 1 XVIII Amendment No.




  • 6 - l.4tr 15" 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION .
  • 6-~ ;2.5""

6.12 KIGB RADIATION AREA . . .......... .


  • SALEM - UNIT l XIX Amendment No.
  • ~

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~AOIOACitVE L!~!Tt~G CCl'fOirto~

L:OUIO  :~FlUE~T ~ONtiOR:~G :~Si~!.!~~~T~i:ON

?OR OPERATION rhe r1dto1cttve lfqufd tfflutnt :nonftoring fnstrumtnt*tfon e~*nnels sn°"" tn T*ble 3.3*12 sft111 bt OPERA81.! wfth their *l*n11/trfp stt~otncs sec ::

ensul"9 Chit the lfmtts of Sptc1f1cac1on art not exceeded. iht 111n11/trio s1toofnts of these cn1nnels snail 01 dtttrmfntd tn 1ccord1nc1 *i:~


APPLICABILITY: At 111 times *


1. With 1 r1d101cttv1 11Qu1d 1ff1u1nt rnonftorfng fnstl"Ulllntatton cn1nn1l 111"'/trfp setpofnt l1ss cans1rv1t1~ than r1qutrtd tiy tftt 1bov1 sotc1f1~t1on, *fthout d1l11 suspend the rtle1s1 of r1dfo1ctfv1 ltqutd 1ff'1uents 1110nttartd b1 the 1ffectld ch1nnel or dtel*"'I the channel tnoperablt or cn1nge tft1 setpotnt so ft ts 1ccept1bly cans1rv1tf vt.
b. Wftft less tft1n tl'le 11tnh1U11 nUllOtr of r1dia1ctht 11Qu1d 1fflu1nt 1110nttorfng fnst~tatton ~1nn1ls OP!RABL!, t1k1 the ACTtON rfta-n tn T1bl1 3.3*12. Exe...: best 1ffo~s to 1"9tura tit* fnstl"Wl9nt to og1r1bl1 status *1tfttn 30 d11s and, ff unsucc1ssful, 1xpl1tn tn the next semt-1nnu1l r1dto1cttv1 effluent 1"1l11s1 rtport .ny tftt fnop1r1btlfty *IS not corl"ee'tld tn 1 t1mely 1111nner.
c. rhe prov1 sfons of SD1C1ftc1tton1 3.0.l~ (f9.t.9i> .,.. not appltcablt.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIR~NTS Eacft r1dfo1cttve ltqutd eff1utnt 111Qnftor1ng tnstrwntntatfon channel shill ~t dt111anstr1tld OP!RABLE tly p1rfor"'lftlnc1 of tfte 04ANNE1. CHECX, SOURC!

CHECX, OIANNEl. CA&.ISAATtON, and CMANN!l. FUNCTIONAL iiST op1r1tfons at thl frtqu1nci1s sfta.n tn Table '*3*12.

_,AV" 3/4 3-Sa ~m1ndm1nt No. ~*


  • LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION T~e rad101ctive gaseous effluent r,w,nitoring instrunwnt1tion cnannels snown 1n Table 3.3*13 snail be O?E~ABLE with their 11ar'l'l/tr1p setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Sptc1f1cat1on 3.ll.2.l 1rt not txcttdtd. T~t 1l1rm/trip setpoints of tntst d'lanntls sn111 bl dtttrmintd in 1ccord1nc1 witn tnt


APPLICABILITY: As snown 1n i1bl~ 3.3-13 ACTION:

a. W1trt a radioactive gaseous tff1uent "'On1tor1ng instrumentation d'lanntl 11ar"lll/trip Htpoint less constrv1t1vt tn1n required by the above spec1f1cat1on, witnout ahy suspend trt* ,..1111* of rad1oacthe gaseous tfflutnts mon1tert4i by .tP'te 1fftcttd cP't1nn1l or dtcl1rt .

tht d'l1nntl inoperable or d'l1ng1 tP'tt sttpoint so it is 1cc1pt1bly cons1rv1tiv1.

b. W1 trt 1ess tP't1n the nrt n1 n1111 nulllber of r1d101ct 1¥9 gueou s effluent monitoring instru1"tent1tion crt1nn1ls OPERABLE, take tr'lt ACTION shown in Table 3.3-13. Exert best efforts to return tht 1nstruNnt to operable status -

w1tP't1n 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain in tht ntlt stmi*annu1l ratt101ctht effluent rtltHt repol"'t .ny tnt 1noper1b111ty was not corrtcttd in 1 t11111ly manner.

c. Th1 provisions of Sptc1fications 3.0.3~~
  • " ' 9 .. are not appl1c1bl1.
  • r SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each r1d101ctiv1 gaseous tfflutnt rran1tor1ng instr\11111nt1t1on cn1nn1l sn111 bt demanstr1t1d OPERABLE by per1'ortn1nc1 of tftl CHANNEL CHECK, SOURC( CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, AND CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations It tnt frequtncits shown in Tablt 4.3-ll.


  • UNIT 1 3/4 3-64 AmendJ!lent No. r.!J;


c. Results of steam generator tube ins~ections which fa11 into Category C*3 IAG r"!wire p~m?; RQtificatieA af tile Ce1P.1RissieA sRal1 ~. ~eportlci ~wrsw*Rt ;; Spec:ifiG*tieR &.9.l pri;r ta res~tiaA ;f plaAt eparatiaA. The wri tteA rellei,,us ef t11'fs n,ser~.~shall provide a description of investigations conducted ta datl rmi ne cause of the tube df!9rada ti on and corr!c:ti ve rr.easurss taken :o prevent recurrence.

Sha.// i:Je e lktk~ tee/ f?:.r rejbr~f;;;/,~1--y fJttf"~u",,-f ~

toe F'R. S-o. 7 'J. C(.nol. 1oc.FR oo. 7 5. T/.e e V4/t.<.a. f-i'o;1 :5 hcd/

kc documt!?nfpJ. al)o{


...£~-:. ~.

SAL~M - UiHT I 3/4 !-1!


  • Action Required Noni ne11111 NIA
  • Action Required NIA Rc1ul1 N/A
  • Action llequiu:d N/A I

S 111b111 per

s. 0.

C-2 Phag d1lccll111 h1ba1 C-1 Noni NIA NII\

ind liupccl *1ddi1lon1I .Plug delc:calvc 111bc1 C-l None lS

, 1ubc1 In 1hl1 S. G.


. . C-2 *nd ln111ecl 1ddllloml 4S aullet In 1hl1 S. G.

C-1 Plug dc:lcclive h1be1 Pcrlorm 1c1lon lor C-l C-J remh of Uni um11le Perlorm acalon lor C-l N/A C-J rc1ul1 ol lb11 NIA C-J lnq1ccl *II tubes In All ollw 1hl1 S. G.* plug de* S. G.1111 None NIA NIA

. Ice live 111he1 il*ttl ; C-1 ln111ecl JS t11he1 Ir Som* S. G.1 Prrlorm *ctlon for Hth olhcr 5, O. NIA N/A C-2 but no C-1 re111l1 ol second

    • lcllalonal 11mplct P1a1Apl~o1Ulcatlo, to NflC ..1111n11*nl to ...,._

S. G. 111 C-J lmpccl *II 111hc1 In i~c.Ftt5o:r~ S. G. 11 C-J e.ic:h S. G. and 1J1ug t<rid ioci=P. 50. n, dclcctlvc 1ubc:1.

s t1pf/icA~le.J "-- 1'1 e11t111 inot1lk1tlon "NIA N/A

  • - tmc punuanl

~~UlliiUHliett 6:9:-t-S

  • l ~ % Where N h the nmnhcr ol lleam uencralon In 1he tmil. ind 11 Is lhe nmnher ol alcnm gcncu1011 l1111*cc:1rd n d111 ln!J 1111 l11111e:c:1lo11
  • Alternate ncLJon may ho used ln accordance with parngroph (See next page) J

REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM S?EC!F!C ~CTI'IIiY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.S Tht spte1f1c activity of tht primary coolant sn111 bt limittd to:

a.  !. 1.0 ~Cf/gr1111 COSE EQUIVALENT I-131, and
b.  !. 1001!' ~cf /gr~


li!OOES 1, 2 and 3*

(~i~ Ute Ull!ii"'ie Hlh'Hy ef ... , ~Pfo1u*y FA"101; > 1.d :Ci/9JPa~

~ BEISE ES"I'01LfH1 I 131 191111~ "Ni!t.1" !lit a11ei*.. :.e1e li111U (l9cle1.  !

\ a"d ee tht lef'e eit' eh 11,.1) 9lile'R,. e" i"fgl:IP'k 3. 4 1: e19e1*1e;e,.

. i "'*Y H .. C~FIWI fep w* :; 48 ~"' ii!P'l\'1Cilsl eRU 91i1tP'U11111 liAQtl"

. tt.111 ei111tW111Hil'IHS 5;i.11 .. u IMHli 1Q lilt?Hft'e e, !ftl_tal'lie'!

/tac.1 )'Hiily ;.1,.CiA9 ti** n ** lilNYishAS ef tlilUi,ieUie .. _.) al"9 "" ilillilliHlalt!:.../,...-- .-

'..11th th1 sotcific activity of the primp,*y coola11t > 1.0 :.Cf/gram DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 for mart than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> durin9 ont con-tinuous t1rnt interval or exceeding tn1 lfmit lint snc*n on

=~i~~ ~*~;~:.i~* in at least HOT STANDBY with ravg < soo*F

~t: With th1 specific activity of the primary coolant > 1001r

~Cf/gram, b* in at ltast HOT STANDBY with Tavg < Sao*F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

li!OOES 1, Z, 3, 4 and 5

a. W1tn the specific activity of tht primary coolant> 1.0 ~c119~am COSE EQUIVA!.ENT I-131 or> 1001r ~Cf/gram, perform the sampling and analysis requirements of item 4a of Table 4.4-2 until tne

~~itn Eit~~=i5~!;:~m~;;i~~:~~~5;~~~;µ~:~;~~

t avg -> soosF.

SALEM *. UNIT 1 3/4 4-20


l. i:luei;P jaEl~flF' 1:1 i 5 :;i=y &tiFii Rg 4i ~EIWIRS simi 919 te tl"le
  1. i,.91 Hfllt'le iA wAiei'I ti'l1 li1111t was exeeeies,
2.  ;'wel Clwi=i:iwra Cly ~;r1 regi;R,
  • 3. Glea" ~I' fle~ i'ti!tel"y 3t!:l"til'I~ ~8 i'let11"3* l'riel" to the firH H111rall i A will i ;Fi CAI 1i 111t was eiteeeiei,
4. Hi1tel"y ef de gassir1~ e~e,.ae1el'IS1 if a"Y* stal"tir1~ 48 Jole~rs i;i=1'QF' g; tRI fiF'U u111,1e ;,. \fAiei'I ti'le li111H wu exceeded,
  • ~**:. . ..
Tl1e ti111e d~F"ati ;R wt
  • .eR tAe sraesi fh 1;*ti \'hy ;f tRe

~f.*i1ilr"iy*,,JC~lu'~ 1xq1:~~~ LQ i.Cf/9rart1 ccc-r rQ~'{'!,0.LiMT r l1i.

.SU!'tVEILLANCE REQUIRFMEW15 4.4..8 ""nie specific activity of the primary coolant shall be deter.nined to be\n:.t~e.1.im1ts by perfof"mc?nce of the sampling and analysis program .~*f~T~bl i 4". 4-*4.

SALEM - UNIT 1 3/4 4-21

-..~;_~~' -~::_:;,~g? ~*.


  • CONiA !NME;ri SYS'!'t1-!S
3. 5. 1. 5 Tht struc:tura.1 i ntl'9ri t:t of t.'i* i::nu f nman: sha 1 i :e  :::a i :'!ta i .iei:

at a level c:cnsist1n: wit.~ the ac:c:1p:anc:1 crit!ria fn S~ac1~ii:a:ii:n ~.:. 1.:.

APPL!~SIL!'i?:  :~c:~ i. '* 3 !~a 4-.


~1th :r.e St?"UC:-:ural int19rity of tl':a i::r.:!ir.:::t.~t ~:~ i::r.f::-::~~; :: :~~

abcrie l"~fl"e!!tntl, l"!StQI"! the St?""JC°t'JI"!; fn:.t';l"~'::t t: *,.;1:!'!~n t!':i ii::-:~:!

~l"iQI'" to fnC:l'"HSin; tl':* ~9!'!'::1" C.:ci !."It StS:im* :e:;er1::.;r9 !::*:1 zi::'~ .

.;..s.1.5.1 C~n:a!~er?: Su~!ces ~,,, s-::--.1c::.6r1l i,-:-:!';r-~:-/ -:~:.~a SA;:s!*:

ae:ass1~le tnt1ncr and !Xt!ricr s1Jrl!c:as of ::.":e c::ntair:::eri~. t~:i:.::~r::

tha 1 fner ;:la:!, sl'la11 !:e dat!~inK :l.lrin; t!'!a shut:c-.. n ~~r !!.::: 7'1;a- ..:.

..... ___ ,, . ,.... *~.a1cs.-1

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~ri or :: ~::1 7'.1!!1 ;:. :::-:"!! ~ ~!~~ 1a:~.a;a ~a-:! :1I: !: *:a~~ f"! r.: -!9*-* -** *  :..--2.-~:--

~h!nt;1s ~ r: a~;a::-!r.c~ er- =~~!?9 1b:-:c.~!: *::-;*r-?:1 :~ ::-: .

..s.1.:.2 ~!~'!~S Any !C~i:~~1 ~1';!9!~!':~::-: *:f :~! :::-::!~~~r:~ I-:~*.;:~*.::-:

~IUC:N -:1?.il"'i r:; ;.~1 al:ave l"!q~ t l'"1d i ns:.c~i sna. ii ~I/ F'¥.1CFtU '?! ?."!!

    • - ~.:. * ... "* S!':!1~  :~:: * .:!

a ~ascrii:tien af ~* c::iaitior: of tl'l1 c:nc::-*:!, :i':t ins:e tha taleranas an :racking, and :ha i::r"c:i*1i ac:icn ~le

~::: :-* ...........--=- '

.,,. .... =--*

e For fe{"'r-t~,*/; 1-y pursueud -ft>

toc.~R. 50.7-;;.. a.;io/ toe.FR. t)0.7 3. 71,e er.ti!~"'k,.,,

'ijho.{( be do-c-u,riR11fd cvio(




LIMITING COHOITtON FOR OPERATION 3.ll.l.2 The dose or dose coaa1tmtnt to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from rad1oac!1ve

~ter11ls in 11qu1d effluents released, f~om e1ch l"'eactor unit, to UNRESTRICTEO AREAS (s** Ffgur1 S.l-3) shall b1 111111ttd:

a. Curing 1ny calendar quarter to 1HS .than or equ11 to l. S mrems to the tot1l body and ta 11ss than or equal to 5 mr111S to any organ, and
b. Ourtng any calendar y11r to 11ss than or equal to 3 mrtms to th1 total body and ta less than or equ1l to lO 1111"tftll to 1ny org1n.

APPLICABILITY: At 111 times.


1. Wfth the c1lculated dose frOll the r1l11s1 of radioactive 1111t1rtals ;n ltqu1d effluents exceeding any of the above li~1ts, '$'I*~ 1'---i:r---

Mtnei*i Seer* hWC i:irepar1 and subll1t to the Ccmr1ss1on wftl'lfn 30 d1ys, i:iur1u1nt ta Specification 5.9.2, a Special Repo~ th1t fd1nt1f11s the caust(s) for excuding the 11111t(s) and dtffnts th* carr1ct1'1t actions that hut been Uken ta l"'educ* the l"'eltHH and th* i:irop~s1d corrective actions ta be t1ken to assure that subsequent r1l1as1s ~;11 be in c~tt1nct with th* abovt li111ts.

b. TI'lt provisions of Sp1cific1tion 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 art not appltcablt.

SURVEILLANCE REOUtREMEHTS 4.ll.l.Z Cumulative dost cantrfbut1ons frOlll 11qu1d effluents shill 01 determined in 1ccardanc1 with the ODCM at least once i:ier 31 days.


  • UNIT l 3/4 11-S Amendment No. ~

LIMITt~G co*NotT!OM 1QR OPE~ATtON 3.ll.l.3 Th* 11qufd radw1st1 trettmlnt syst1111 shill b* used to reduc1 the rad101ctiv* 1111t1ri1ls 11qufd w1sc1s prior ta th*fr d1sch1r9* when the projected cumul1civ1 doses du* co th* lfqufd tff1u1nt frcm 11dt r11ctor co UMRESTil!CT!O AR£AS (se. Figul"'I 5.1*3) 1xc1ed 0.375 mrt11 to th* tat1l body or 1.25 mren t~ any or91n during 1ny c1ltnd1r qu11"'C1r.

APPLICAStLIT'r: At 111 tilli.s.



1nd fn IXCISS of Chi IDOVI l111fcs, <la tin e l I I...

With tht rad101ct1ve 11qyfd .. st1 b*fng d1sch1r99d without tr11tlft9nt e , , Bn;: tf-l:ll"'IOil"'I 1nd subnrt t co Che Coani ss 1on wt thf n 30 days, punu1nt to SpfN!1f1cat1on 4.9.Z1 a Sp*c11l Rtport th1t 1nclud*s t~* following tnfor"'lllt1on:

1. bp,lanatfon of why 11qu1d rad"lst1 _.s b*tng dfsch1rged *111tl'lout tr11tll9nt 1 1d*nt1f1c1ttan of Ut1 tnoo*rabl* equipment or subsystlllS, 1nd tn. 1"'11san for the tnop*r&Dtltty *
2. Actfan(s} tlklft to l"'IStOt"e the tnoperabl* equ1pt19t1t :a OP!~ABL:

st1tus, 1"4

3. Sua111ry d*scr1ptfon of 1cttan(s) tlktn to prevtnt 1 rwcurr1nc1.
b. iht provisions of Spec1f1cit1an 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 11"'1 not app11cao11.


£,11.1.J Oas*s due to 11qufd rel11s1s shall bt i:iroJtctld. 1t l11st onct per 31

~ays in acco~anc:a *fth th* OQQit.

s.:.1..~~ * !J ~ir r l J/£ u-o .J.mendmen t ~o. r


~t~ITt~G* COMOIT!ON FOR OPERATtON 3.11.%.% ~. air dose due ta noble ~1$ts released in gaseous 1ff1u1nts, ~~=m

    • en 1"9iCtar untt, f~ tn* s1te &rtiS &t iftd beyond tn* SITt SOUMOAaY (Stl Ft~,.. 5.l-3) snalt b* limttld ca tn* fallowing:
1. Our1ng 1ny calend1r Quart1~: ~1ss tn1n or equal co 5 ~rad far 9&n1111 radhtion and less cnan ar equ1l ta 10 mrad for eeu radhcian ind,

~. Our1ng iftY cal1nd1r year: Liss thin or equal ta 10 111rad for ~

rad1at1on &nd less tnan or equal ta 20 1111"14 for bet1 r1011c1on.

APP~!~Stt.ITY: At ill t1199S.


1. ~ftn tne calculatlG afr dose fl"al rad1o.c:t1ve noble ~s*s in gaseous tff1uents ucHdf n9 iftY of th* ibov* 11181 ts, eta I! ;a Cr I i1 ue'f!V--

Xiflf' Had or.aal"'I 1nd suO.ft ca tn* Cc-inion *itfttn 30 days, oursu1nc ta Soec1r1cacton 5.9.%, 1 Soec11l Reoori CJ't&t td1nt1fies :~e cause(s) for ucHdfncJ the ltstc(s) 1nd d*ftnes cne cari-.C"ttve 1c!ton~

cnu .,av* t:ieen cuen ta reduct tn* l"'tlHse ind cne prooost4 corr1~t *1e ac-tions tab* tllcen ta assu,.. tri1c subsequent l'"9le1ses *ill ~* t~

como 1t anca *1 en tri* acove 11 m1 u.

a. Th1 orovtsions of Soec1ftcac1ons .l.0.3 1nd 3.0.4 are not aoolic1at1.

S1JR 'IE Il.f....\HCE ~EIJU IR!M!Nl'S

~.Ll.Z.Z Cwnul1ttve dose cancrtbut1ons for t"* curl'"9nt caltnd&r

url"lnt cilenc.r 1*1r sn1ll b* 4etel"!llint4 in accoroanc1 *itn crie Quar~1r ace~ ! t 1no leas:

onc1 oer ll d1ys.


    • RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS COSE - tO~IME-131, TRITIUM, ANO RAOIONUCLIOES IN PART!CULAT! FORM LIMITING CONOITION FOR OPERATION 3.ll.2.3 Th* dase ta a MEMBER OF THE PU8LIC fra1 1odine-l3l, frQll tr1t1um, and from all rad1onuc:11des 1n ~rticulate for!I with h1lf-liv1s greater than a days 1n 91s1aus tff1uents.re111std, from each r11c:tar un1t, frC111 the sitt ta areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see F1-gure S.l-3) shill be limited to the fol 1awing:
  • a. Curing 1ny c1l1ndir qu1rt1r: thin or equ1l ta 7. S mrtmS to any org1n 1nd,
b. Curing 1ny ~l1nd1r y11r: Less thin or equ1l ta 15 rnrtmS ta any organ.




a. With th* ~lc:ulatld ~ dast fran th1 rel11s1 of 1adine-l3l, tritium, and rad1onuc:11des in p1rticul1t1 far'lll with h1lf.liv1s grtat1r thin a dlys, in gaseous 1ff1utnts uc:HdinCJ 1ny of th1 1bov1 limits, .--pfttf?

9 NP

  • t1g1HsMM hi!M t:;> prep1re 1nd sublrft ta th* Com1ss..1on ._.;thin 30 dlys, pursU1nt ta Specif1~tion 5.9.2, 1 Speci1l Report th&t 1d1ntif1ts the c:1us1(s) for exc:..d1nCJ the 11m1t and d1f1nts th1 correct1vt actions th1t !Yve Dien tlken to r-educ:1 the rel11s1 and the proposed carrectiv1 ac:tions to be taken to assure th1t subsequent rtl11s1~ will bl 1n CQ11Plianc:1 with the 1bove 11mits.
o. The provisions af Spec1f1c:at1ons 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 1r* not app11c:ao11.

SURV(ILl.ANCE REOUIREMEMTS 4.ll.2.3 Cumulative das1 contributions for th* current calendar ~uarter and c:urrtnt ~ltnd&r y11r for iodin1-l3l, tritium, and rad1onuc11d1s in particulat1 form with h&lf-lives greater than 8 d1ys shill 01 d1t1rmintd in accardanc:1 wit~

tht ooc.~ at least one:* per 31 d1ys.

S).L:'.M - Ui'HT l 3/4 ll-13 Amendment No. ~



~EAT'MEMT SYST!14 si'lat1 be used to rt<luc:e rad1o*c:the rut1rhl s tn gaseous *,.,as'!a gr1 or to tl'lei r di scl'large ...nen ti'le i;IM2je<:ttd gaseous affluent *1 r doses due :o gaseous eff1uent ,..111ses, fl"'elll tl'I* sit1 ta *rw1s *t &nd beyond tne Sti!

BQUNOARY (SH F1gurw 5.l*llii.UC:ltd 0.525 111r1d f'or gUinl radhtton ind l.25 :'!1r!d for aeu* radht1on tn 1ny c:ilendar ~1rt1r. The VEMTtl.IAitON EXHAUST ~EJ.~ENi SYSTD4 sl'l1ll be ustd to reduc1 rad101ciiv1 1111t1r11ls tn g1s1ous w1st1 i;irior :~

tl'letr d1sc:n1rg1 wnen the i:iroJ1~td doses du* to gaseous 1fflu1nt ,..leases, fr'm eacl'I re1c:tar unit, fra1 tl'le site ta 1nias it and'll StTt !OUND.2iRY (stt Figurw 5.1*3) 'jfQUld uc:1td 1.875 llU"'tm ta any arg1n tn any c:illndar ~u1:"1!1r.

A.?PLICABILITl: At all t11119S.


    • ~itl'I g1s1ous -..st1 being d1sc:l'larged *itl'laut t.-..c:nent and tn excess o~

tl'le *bove 111111ts, di? 1 'W 01

  • 4 I a H FMdl QWT{ i:ll".*01rw and sul:lll1t ta tl'le C0111isston witl'lin 30 days, pu1"1u1nt ta Soec:ificat1on 5.9.Z, 1 Spect1l Ripa~ tl'lat ~nc:ludes tl'I* f'alla-ing tnfaf"'l!Wt1an:
l. Exol1n1tion of why gaseous ra~st* 'dAS being dtscl'larged witl'lou!

tre1tment, identification of ury tnaper1bl1 1quip111nt or subsystlllS, *nd tl'le M11son far tl'le tnapera~111ty,

2. Ac:tian(s) tillft to restar"t tl'I* 1nopera~l1 O?ERABL! st1tus, ind
3. S~ry desc:rtgtton of ac:tian(s) taken to prevent a r"tc:urrtnc1.

~. The provisions of Spec1f1cations73.0.4 are nat apoliciole.

Q.0.3 ~0 SUR 'IE !Ll.)1'C! ~EOU I~E14!!'tTS

~.ll.2.4 Oasis due to gaseous r~leases frt'llll the s1t1 sl'lall 01 gM2;1e~!d !i:

19as~ Olltl per 31 days in !C:cordanc:e ~itn tl'le ooc.~.

.:.mendme!'I i: 'lo . @

  • SOLID RAOIOACTIVE WASTE LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPE~ATION 3.ll.3. Th* solfd radWast1 syst1111 sl'lall b9 used fn acc:orrlance *itl'I a ~OCESS CONTilOL PROGRAM to proc:1ss ... t radillactfvt wastl to l!Ht snipping and our1al ground r1quire119nts.

APl't.ICABILITY: At all tf119s.


a. Wfth tn. provisions of tl'lt PROCESS CONTROL PROGRN4 not satisfied, suspend sl'lfp119nts of defectfvely pmc:essed or defectfv*ly p1ck~ge<1 so 1fd radioac:t f ve wastes fro111 tl'lt s i ti. * *
b. Tl'lt provisions of Spec:fffcations 3.0.3 and 3.0.4'Cift* txi;&.~re nnt appl fc:1ble.



4.11.l. Th* PROCESS CONTROt. PROGRAM shall b9 used to verify the SOLIOIFICAT!ON

,, f at 1Hst one representatf ve test sp*cf1111n fm111. 1t least tftry tenth batch of Heh tyl)9 of W9t radfoactfve wasu (1.g.-; filt*r slud91s, spe~

evaporator bottolllS, barf c 1ci d so 1utfons, ind sodf u111 su 1fate so 1ut1o ns).

a. If any test specfl!9n fails to verify SOLIDIFICATION, th* SOLIDIFICATION" of the 01td'I under test shill be suspended unt11 suc:h tffl'll as add1t1on1l t*St sp*cill9nS can be obtained, altern1tfve SOLIDIFICATION p1ra1111ters c1n be d*ter~1ned fn 1cc:ard1nct with tl'le PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, 1nd I SUDS9quent t1st verfffts SOLIDIFICATION. SOLIDIFICATION of the 01td'I 111ay then be resull9d usfng tl'le alternative SOLIOIFCAT!ON para1111ters ct.Url'ri nett by th* PROCESS CONTilOL PROGRAM.
b. If the fn1t111 Ust speci1111n front a b1tcn of waste hfls to verify SOLIDlFlCATtON, the PROCESS CONTMOt. PROGRAM sl't111 i:irovide for tne c:allection 1nd testing of r1pres4ntattve test sp*c11111ns from eacl'I cansecut1 ... b1tct1 of the san type of W9t wute until at least three c:ansecutfv. fn1tfal test specf1TWns derranstrate SOLIOIFICATIOM. Tne PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall be J1ad1fftd as requ1re<t, as pro vi tied in Spec1ffcatfon 6.ll, to assure SOLIDIFICATION of subsequent batches of waste.


  • UNIT l 3/4 U-17 Amendment No. ~

~AOCOACT!VE ~=LUEMTS 3/4.ll.' TOTAL OOS£ LIMtT!~G COHCtTtON FOR OPtRATtON 3.ll.4 Th* annual (calencUr y*ar) dase or dase caimtic:nent co any ~EM8E~ CF ~~£ PUBLtC, du* ta r.le1s1s af rad1o*ct1v1ty and rad1attan, from urn11um fuel cyclt sau~es s"111 0* ltmicld ta less cnan cir equal co 25 mrt111S to tn* c~t1l oady or any ci~1n (ucapt tJ'tt tfty~1d, 'llft1cn sn11l a. 1h11tK co less cn*n or equal :o 75 llU"llftS ) * .

~Pl.tCABtLtTI: i\t all ctmes

-..\CTtON:a. Wien en. calcul1cld dosas frt111 en. rtltase af rad1a1ct1vt tftittr1a1s 1~

liqutd or ~seous tfflu*nts excte41ng ~tc1 CJ!* limits of Spec1f1cacion 1 3.ll.l.2b, 3.11.z.21, 3.11.Z.Zb, 3.11.Z.31, or l.11.2.Jb,

~1lcul1t1ans snauld tie inadt including d11"tct rad1&t1on contr1out1ons fl"QI Cit* l"tactor units 1nd frQI outside storage tanxs co dtttl"'!ll1nt wftttl'ler tl'I*..... 1t 111 u of tl'l1s Spec1f1"t1 on hi"* Deen txcffded. t f sucn 1s cne case dial.....! 1 11 tiH" i uc RGtiJ:>, ortoar9 1nd sua*1C co.

Cl'I* CClllll'tss1on witl'ltn 30 dl1s, 11Ul'"1u1nt ca Spec1ftcatton 5.9.Z, &

Scute1a1 R1po~ tn&e defines tnt corf"tct1"9 aC:tatt ca IN uatn* co 1"tduc1 suasequent rt 1uses co prt¥ent l'"tClrl"tftca of excHd1 ng tne 11:1ov* 1i mi ts and tncludts tnt scitedult for 1cntt¥fng confor'lftlnct w1tn tne 1aov9" limits. T1'11s Spectcal Report, as defined tn 10 CFR Part Z0.405c, snal1 tnclua. an analysis tl'llt .esc1111c1t en. rad1at1on 1xpoturt (dost) :o a

~Ei"90 OF '"4£ PIJILIC fl"'Oll uran1ua fuel cyclt sou~ts. including al 1 tf'fluent l'ltl'lways and d11"t<'t rad1atton, for en. "l11T<Ur yur cnac tncluaas tftt rel11s1(s) ca¥ertd tiy tl'l1s rtport. tt sn111 also dtsc~~=*

ltv*ls of rad1atton and concentractons of rad1oactiv* 1111c1rtal involved, and cn1 ~us1 of :lte exposurt ltv*ls or canc1ncr1cians. :~

1 ~1st1tn1tld dost(s) axclld:I cne aao119 11*its, ind if :ne rtltts1 l!J ~on~ton rttul ttng tn vt olation of 40 CFR Pare l90 l'IH not 11 rucy ~""

corl""tCtld, Cl'lt Sotc1*1 ~*Dort sl'l1ll include a r1quese for a ~arianc1 ;~

acco~anc:a *itn cne l'l"Ovis1ons of' 40 CFR Pare 190. Suemieeal of :~*

1"900rt ts constd1rtd 1 ct"-lY r~uesc, and a v1rianc:a is graneK ~ntil se1ff actian on cnt rtqutst is c~l1c1.

3.:-L~~ * ~~I~-:'" l J/4 Ll- L8 ~mencment *10~ ~

  • 3/4. lZ 3/4.l2.l RAOtOLOGICAL

~ONtTORtNG EMVtRONME~TAL ~CN!iORING PROGRAM LIMtT!NG COHOtT!OH ~R OPERAT!ON 3.l2.l. The radiological envfranrnental monitoring program shall be conducted as spe\:ifitd in Tabl1 3.l2-l.

APPLICABILITY: At all ti1111s.


a. With the radfolagical environmental rnanitorii~ g~~a;ill not being _t:L ducttd as spec:Hftd 1n Table 3.l2-l,dit" 1-41 =- = !..fHn!H 51idO

~r.pare and submit to th* COllll1ssfon, in the Annual

~?1c:al Envfron..ntal Operating Report required by Spec1f1cat1an l!) o~'*4*~* a d9scrfpt1an of the r.asons for nat conducting th* pr1:2gram as requ4rtd and thl plans for preventing 1 recurr.nc1.

b. W1th th* 11v1l of r1d1a1c:tiv1ty as thl r.sult of plant eff1u1nts fn an environmental SllllPlfng llildiwa at 1 spec1f11d location exc1ed1ng th*

,..parting 11vels af T1bl1 3.12*2 when averaged over any calendar

~uart1r, dli*' 0 1 I ltc1ns .. E'ent kipdr::P'pr1par1 &nd subllit to the CQallission *ithin 30 days, pursuant to Spec:1f1catton 5.9.%, .-special Repart that ident1fi1s th* caus1(s) for txctld1ng th* 1illl1t(s) and deffn1s th* corr1ctfve actions to be taken to ,..duc:a rad1oact1ve -

eff1u1nts SQ that th* pat1ntfal annual dose to- I MMER OF THE PUBLIC ts less than th* c1l1nd1r year 11nrtts of Spec:fffcatfons 3.ll.l.2, J.11.2.2, and 3.ll.2.3. When mo.-. thin on1 of th* r1dfonucltd1s tn Table 3.12*2 ar. d1t1cttd fn th* sa~11ng 1111dfU11, this report shall oe sublll1 tttd if:

conc1ntr1tfon (1) conc1ntratfon (2)

- - - - - - - - ****l_l. 0 reporting 11v1l (1) *reporting 11v1l (2)

When rad1onuc11dts oth1r than those. 1n Table 3.12*2 are d1t1ctld and are th* result of plant 1ff1uents, this report shall bl submitted ff th*

potential annual dase to a lllllllC1r af th* publtc ts equal to ar 9r1at1r S).LS:?1 - UN tT l Amendment No. ~

  • t*zt*t *ta*! 10 s;~J~nb&.I aw; o; iutn5Jnd paztttui
  • ~ 11'~' pur ~~00 aw; ui PliJ~,.as suo~;1,01 aw; IC.IJ t*zt*t *tQt~ o; ;utn,JnC p;:,111c' -c: i11ws s11D11ts 6u~.1o;~ucmi lt;ulllllUOJiAua l~i.o1o~ptJ *LU t"Zl"t "llQf~~lddt ~u Lit t*o*t put t*o*t SUOJ;l,tJJ,.DS JO suois~AC.ld ILU, *p
  • (s)uoin)Cl

,..u a&,f; 6ui>>*L>*J liOQO al(: .1011 *tQn put (s)a.rn6~J pes~Aa.i t

/ *JOCIJ *w; u~ *P"L~Ul *~ocs*~ *st*1*~ ;uan~-3 aAJ~IO~PI~ llftUUIJ.llllS

lte&i al,l4 ui 111111ns ;ua.
>ttCSLI 6u~uinoo .IOJ (s)11o~;nc1 Mu ai.;; put A1CS1rts ,o *~JUQtUtAtun *&§ 10 asnt' aw; ~~;uapi *:tr.6*;

uo~;"u~,.dS o; iu*n'-"'!!iw WDCi*ti 511" i HilllliH * '::.11'11 "&"" *

  • 91.16o.ld 6u~.1c;JuC1111 aw; W:OJ,il pe;11ap *a uaw; ~- *tQtUIAtun ..,..,. HtdllH &r.>JW- llC.IJ suo~;t)Ol

'~'~,.ds *'U *5~rp Ot UJW;~~ 1St.16e.1d 6u~.1o;~uC111 i1;u111UOJJAUI 11:>~601c~p1J aw; o; 19W4 ppr put s11dllls iut11111~11aa.i 6u*u*1iao .101 suo~;t)Ol ~Ji;uap~ 't*z1*t *tQt! ~ PIJJnba.I suo~;~ot *tdllts *w; 10 IJO~ JO *uo lllOJJ *tQttitAtun s11CS111s *1q1;a6aA AJllL &fSLIJ .10 ~li~ w;~~ .,

  • .ioCSlti 6UJ4t.lld0 ll)UlllUC.l~AUJ l"~60tDJPI~

[tnuu~ *~; ui P*Q~.l~SIP put pt;..IOdLI IQ lllWS uoi;ip~ *w; *;utAI Ut

~'ns u1 'JIAl-O~ ~siu*nLJJ* ;ut1d JO ;1nsa.i aw; ;ou s~ ~JA~;:>to~ptJ JC llUL pa.inSHl&I *wi JJ Pl.IJftbLI ;ou s~ ;.JOCllJ SJ&/J. *r-z*n*t

~ue *z*z*11*c *z*1*tt*t suoi;r'lJJ~dS 1c siis~1 .1t1l .1rpua1r' aw; urw; (p,;uo~) :wo1~~r N01~Y~3d0 UC~ NOl~lOWOj 9~l~1Wli 0 0

- WY~O~d 9~l~O~lWOloi t ?i t/t



r l*I

.;c c:


z Report Ing Levels Airborne Particulate ftsh Htlk food Products W*ter (pCt/kg. wet)

An*lysh (pCl/l) or Gases (pCt/al) (pCt/Kg. wet) (pCt/l) ll-1 2 x 10*(*)

Hu-54 l x 101 l x ao*

f e-59 4 x to2 I x 10*

Co-58 I x ,101 l x 104 Co-6P l x 102 I IC 10*

Zn-65 l x *102 2 x 10*

Zr-Hb-95 4 x ao2 2 (b) 0.9 l I x to2 1-111 10 I IC 101 60 I x aol Cs-114 10


3 20 2 IC 101 10 2 x aol ID

J Cs-Ill 50

~ l x 102 ID

J llc1-La-140 2 x 102 rt

---* 0.. .


0 (11) for drinking water sa.ples. Thh 15'10 CFR Part 141 value * .:r+ flo oln,,.,,e;,'1'1/ wQfer ,~ftwQ.y.

tlaf~e /.1 UI

  • O e,,5f5 1 Cl. o.P 3x /0 I{ f' C.; 1'1P.Y 6e U5r.c/.
  • *TABLE 4.12-1



-t Water Atrborne Parttculate Ftsh Htlk food Products ... Sediment

  • An.ilysts (pCl/I) or Gases (pCt/*l) (pCtJKg, wet) (pCt/I) (pCt4Kg. _wet) (pct /Kg. dry)

!)fOSS betca 4 l x 10-2 -

11-l 2ootF 1 c,

Mn-54 J5 130 fe-59 JO 260 Co-!itl. 60 15 130 ln-65 10 260 Zr-Hb'-95 Ha p~

I-Ill 1 x rn-2 l liO 5 x rn-2 llO 15 60

.. ~

150 Cs.-11, 15


3 ID

l Cs-131 18 6 x rn-2 150 18 80 100

~ I ID

> llca-La-140 15 15 rt ' --


---*----- ~*



rABLE 4.12-l (Cont'd) rABLE NOrAnON

  • a R uired detection capabi11t1es for thermo 1uminescen.* t dosimeter-1 used for J e~~ironmental measurements are given iri Regulatory Guide 4.13, Rev *.1 , u 1'i 1977.

o rne L~O 1s defined in rable 4.ll-l.

c Lt.[) /;,-- dr;,,:. i4*(\J t<Jq:hr ~r11/le~ . .r-F no c/r,1-1,~1,-flj ~le,- fq -/14/a)/

ex,-5 n, ,; ;. */qlqe o-F BOoo p C;/_t /Y1a.y i:Je G<~e/_

J l L'() H.r droM4,*,,J W" I-er """'"" p les

  • I"-F fl o af'r,y, ~ 'ft:J w~ f,;,r f"+"""'"Y eo's h "- v../,,p "'F 10 f c,,; I£ ~"Y 6e u,:c=/.

3/4 12-10

~~OIOLOGICAL !NVIRONMENTAL ~ONITORI~G 3/~.l2.2 LANO USE C£NSUS L~~ITtNG CONOIT!ON FOR OPERATION 3.lZ.2. A land us1 census snall 0. canduct1d and shall fdentHy w1tl'l1n a C:1*ta:ic1 o~ 9 ~= {! ::11e:) :~e 1oc.:tfol'! tn eacl'I of tl'le l6 meua~1=;~~a1 s~~~!°s of!~* ! m'lllc animal,. tl'le nurtst resfdenct and Cl'te "Hrtst garden* of' gr11t1r cn1n 50 1112 (500 ft') proaucing braid luf ve99ucfon. (For 1l1v1t1d r"tlHSH as def1* 1n Reguh=ry Guidi l.lll, R1v1sion l, July l977, the l ana USI census Sl'llll llSO fdl~ffy within I dfstanct 01' 5 km (3 milts) tne locat~ons in 11dt of tnt U mt1arologic1l sec=rs of all milk ani,.ls and 111 ~rdans of' grt1t1r cnan 50 m2 prodUcing broa.d luf 'llgatat1on. - .

APPlICABILITY: At 111 t1119s.


a. W1tn a land use cansus fdenti1'y1ng a 1ocat1on(s) tn1t yields a cal.cul atld daSI or daSI calllll"ft1111nt gruttr tl'lan the vatu1s currently o.1n9 al cuht1d in Spec1ff atfon 4.ll.2.3, dfi 111-. ' ' 1 th'"'" huc "t2

......9 **Mm 1dent11'y the ,,.. loc1t1on(s) in the next Set1111nnu1l R1dfo1cth*

Effluent Release it.part, pur1111nt ta Spec1ffc1tion 5.9.l.ll_. ,..-_""'

. -~

b. W1tl'I 1 land use census fdent11'yfng 1 locat1on(s) tnat yields-*-*

c1lculatld daSI or daSI ca1111itnwnt (viaf'tne SI . . upasu,.. p1tnw1y) 20 p1rcent grHttr tl'l1n at 1 1ocat1an fro11 wfticl'I Slll'C21H .,., curl'"tntlT 0.1ng obCiined fn 1ccard1nca with Speciffc1t1on 3.12.l. add the new 1ocat1on(s) = tne radfolog1ca1 1nviron1119nt1l r.an1torfng progra~ within 30 days. The s111Plfng locat1on{s), excluding ene cantrol station location, l'laving tne calculated dOse or das* ca111111taant(s) (vii cne SIN 1xi:iasurt p1tnw1y) 111y o. delttld from tn1s nanftorfng program 1fttr>it1Jctot1er 3~of tne y11r fn wn1cl'I conducted. n 'i1; .- enp land use census was

was r t Ruart *R.iursuant to

@- Spec11'1c1tion 8. : *

  • 1de~1fy cne new 1ocu1on(s) fn tl'le next S1nrt1nnu1t Rad101ciht Eff1uent RelHse Report ana alsa 1nc1udm fn en*

report* rtv1Sld f'1gurt(s) lftd table for tl'I* OQCM reflecting cne new locuion(s).

c. The provfs1ons of Spec1ficat1ons 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 1,.. not 1pplfc1ol1.

~~id Inly oe luf V191ution S1P.1Dling of at lHst tl'lrM d1f1'1r1m: kinds of ve99tat1on perfor1"1d at tne SITE BOUNOAAY fn Heh of a.a d11'f1r1nt dirtctfon s1c-:Ol"S wien cne nigl'ltst prtdicttd 0/0 fn lftu of the gar~en census. Speciffc:atfons far oroadluf ve91caefon Simpl fng in Tablt 3.l2*l.4c shill oe followed. 1ncluaing f

analysis of cant~l suipl u.


  • UNIT l 3/4 l2-ll .Amendment No. ~

~AO tCt.OG tCAL !NV I~OMMEN1'.\1. ."10M [ iO~ ! ~G (



3/4.l.Z.Z i..,.\~O USE C!~SUS (Cant'd) 'i 1'


SURV!It.J..)~C! ~EOUt~~!~TS



~.lZ.Z Th* l*nd us1 "sus shili ~* conducted .:ur1n9 :~t ;~~i~g )cci~n *:

ltu: onc1 ~*r lZ 111Gn~l'ls usin9 el'!u 1n1'orNti~ :."tit *ill =ir~vt.:1 :."11 :es:


results, sucn *say a daar*C0*4aor sul"'Vty, **rial sur~*Y* or=>< c=nsul:in~ l~cll agr1c~ltu~ 1utl'!or1t11s. Th* results of th* l1nd us1 census Shill 01 incl~c*~ <

tn ~*Annual Rad1o1091c1l Env1~ntal Operating R100,..i: ;Nrsuanc co (

Spec1f1c&t1an S.9.t.te- I


.@ )

3/4. LZ*LZ

    • ~).0 tOLCG rc~L. *::NV I~ONME~nL ."'ON !':"OR r~G 3/4.LZ.3.








3.lZ.3 ~11e1t5i5 5lii11 ~* ~trf"r:n~ on :-ad1.:ic-:h; ::!.::;:-~ah ~:.;:::i~~d .:: ~:--; :~

an :narlit::1Jra:::""J s.:n ?:-:;:-!.'!! *..,l'ticn ~u ett!'! !Ccr:v9~ ~Y :.~t * ss'-:" .

.lPPL!C~BILITY: At all times *

..2.CT!OH: .

Wfth analyses not oeing gtrformed as r-equirtd acove, rtgort en*

car~ct1ve act1ans taken ta gr*v*nt a r1cur~1nc1 ta tne Commission fn the Annual ~id1o1091c*a1 Envfronmental Ogerltfng ~tpor-t pur"suant to Spec1f1cat1on 5.9.l.~

o. The grov1s1ons of Spec~cat1ons 3.0.3 and l.0.4. ar* not applicaol1.

SURVEILl.AHC! REOUIRE!"ENTS 4.12.3 A summ.ry of tne r1sults obtafntd as ga~ of tnt above requfr*d I tnterlabol"atory ~moar1san Program and in acca,.~1nc1 wt:M tne CCC~ snall oe \!

fneludld in tne Annual Radfalogfcal Environmental Operating Regor't pursuan~:~

So1c1ficae1on 5.9.1'(1) p 3/.i lZ-LJ .J.men0nen t .'lo. ~

Wastage-type defects are unl f kely with proper chemistry tr'!atrnen-.

  • of the secondar)' coolant. However, even if a defect shou1d develop in service, it will be found during sche<iuled inservic; steam generator tube examinations. Plugging. will be required for all tubes with impel'"iecticns exceeding the plugging limit of 40S of the tube nominal wail thickness.

Steam generator tube inspections of operating plants nave demonstrated the capability to reliably detect de9ra¢ation that has penetrated 20: of the original tube wall thickness."o( -h.r ref'Orn..b1ldy .,.....;;"---:--:--;-

Whenever the l'esults of any.steam generator tubing inservice he Qrp/;,;,t.,/p spection fall into CatS9ory C-3 these results '"'ill be Sec)t0r1s oF to the Commi ss 1on pursuant to . - i=R. - 0 . 7d.

i=ilarrt epel"atieA. S"ch cases ...,111 se considered l:l;t the Ca~issiaA aR s we .5 ttX-FR.5'0.

Gasa-tiy-c.ue basis ana may-rest;Jl t ;,. a req~ireme"t fol" ana1ysi ! , 1aeel"atsry - - - -

iximiR&tians, tasta, *aclct'ftional eday GuP-reAt 1ns~eetisA, aAEI revisieA gf tt:le TeGhn1cal S?ecif1;ati;Rs,_ if Reeessary.

3I 4. 4. 6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSiCM LE."il<AGE 3/4.4.6,l LE."il<AGE omcrrort SYSi!MS The RCS leakaqe detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the Reactor Cooiant Pressure Boundary. inese detection systems are consistent with the reconmendations of RequlaQry Guide l .45, "Reactcr Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Oetaction Systems", May 1973.

  • 3/ OPERAT!ONAL Lt~KAGE rndustry experience has shewn tl'lat .,.,;,11e a limited amount of 1eakage is expected from the RCS, the unidentified portion of this leakage can :e l"'educed to a threshold value of less than 1 GPM. This thresno1d 'laii.;e is suff!ciently low to ensure early detection of additional leakage.

The 10 G~M !OENT!F!EO LEAKAGE limitation pl"'evides a11owanc; fol"' a 1imi ted amount of 1eakage from known sources whose pl"'esence wi 11 root interfere with the detection of UNIOENi!F!EO LEAKAGE oy the leakage detection systams .

  • I SAL~M UN Ii 1 a 3/4 4-3

. ~


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6.1 RES;lQNSIBr:..:-* 1 6.1.1 The General Manager - Sa em Ooerations sraii be ~esccns':"e *:r :.e**~

facility operation and shall de egate, in writing, tre success;on t~ :i's responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 the Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, or during his absence from :~e control room a designated individual, shall be responsible for tne contro1 room command function. A management directive to this effect. signed by :~e Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, shall be reissued to a11 station personnel on an annual basis.

6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation a~c corporate management, resoectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuc1ear

  • ower plant.
a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, ana job descriptions for key personnel positions, or .in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Salem Updated Final Safety Analysis Report and updated in accor~arce with 10 CFR S0.7l(e).
b. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those ons~:e activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c. The Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall taKe a";

measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the a*a":

to ensure nuclear safety.

d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carr1 out health physics and quality assurance functions may report :J :-e appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organi zati ona 1 freedom to ensure their independence from operat' *;


6.2.2 ~ACILITY STAFF The facility organization shall be subject to the following:

a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum sni*:

crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1; SALEM - UN IT 1 6-1 Amendment No. 99


_..FA.. .,C....I=LI-..TY

............. .....r_r (continued)

ST.....A ~ lo r::

b. At least one licens~tor shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, at least one licensed Senior Reactor Operator shall be in the control room area at all times
e. A ~ealt~ paysiss teehaieiaa* shall he ea site whee f~el is iB t~e reaetar.

ALL CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by a licensed Senior Reactor Operator who has no other concurrent responsibilities durinq this operation c(~. A site Fire Briqade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite at all times*. The Fire Brigade shall not include 4 members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit or any personnel required for other essential functions durinq ~ fire emergency.

The amount of overtime worked by plant staff members performinq safety-related functions must be limited in accordance with the NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12). ,

The Operations Manager, Operating Engineer, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, and Nuclear Shift Supervisor shall each hold a senior reactor operator license. The Nuclear Control Operators shall hold reactor operator licenses.

  • The heal~a paysies teehaieiaa aaa Fire Brigade composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in orda:

to accommodate unexpected absence of the aealta paysies teehai;iiR aRQ/~r Fire Brigade members provided immediate action is taken to restore the aealth physies teehaieiaa aaQ/or Fire Brigade to within the minimum requirements .

  • SALEK - UNIT l 6-la Amendment No. 99


SALEM - UNIT 1 6-2 Amendment No. 99


  • SALEM - UNIT 1 . 6-3 Amendment No. 99


  • POSITION WITH UNIT 2 IN MODES 5 OR 6 OR OE-FUELED NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED TO FILL POSITION MODES 1, 2' 3 & 4 MODES 5 & 6 SNSS la la SRO lb none STA lb none NCO 2 le EO/UO 3 2 Maintenance Electrician 1 none (a..ol. Pro. Technieitu-1 I a. ( t!l, .e WITH UNIT 2 IN MODES 1, 2, 3 OR 4 POSITION NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED TO FILL POSITION.

MODES 1, 2' 3 & 4 MODES 5 & 6 SNSS la la SRO lb none lb STA none NCO 2d 1 EO/UO 3a 1 Maintenance Electrician 1 none W. Pr-o. ~e~11:0.10.,., I a. I a..

!I Individual may fill the same position on Unit 2

~/ Individual who fulfills the STA requirement may fill the same position on Unit 2. The STA, if a licensed SRO, may concurrently fill the SRO position on one unit; the other unit also requires a qualified SRO on shift.

s/ Ont of the two required individuals may fill the position on Unit 2, such that there are a total of three EO/U0 1 s for both units.

g/ One of the three required individuals may fill the same position of Unit 2, such that there are a total of five EO/U0 1 s for both units.

~/ !Jo f ~""/t'j .-F /oof/, rea.~fo;s Q.fe k-Fw.e/t?c/.

SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No. ~*

SNSS - Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor with a Senior Reactor Operator i License on both units. .......


SRO Individual with a Senior Reactor Operator License on both units (normally, a Nuclear Shift Supervisor ).

NCO Nuclear Control Operator with a Reactor Operator License on {

both units.

STA Shift Technical Advisor (if licensed as SRO, may be assigned I

I duties as a Nuclear Shift Supervisor).

EO/UO- Equipment Operator or Utility Operator.

Except for the Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, the Shift Crew Composition may be one less than the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-l for a period of time 1

not to exceed Z hours in order to accommodate the unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members provided that immediate action is taken to restore the Shift Crew Composition to within the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-1.

This provision does not permit any shift crew position ta be unmanned upon shift change due to an oncoming shift crewperson*s being late or absent.

During any absence of the Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor from the Control l Room area while th*e unit is in any MODE, an individual with a valid SRO (

License shall be designated to assume the Control Room conmand function. ~

SALEM - UN IT 1 6-f' Amendment No. ~

AOMtN!S~ArtVE CONTROLS 6.2.3 SH!FT rECHN!CAL ~OV!SOR 6.2.3.l rne Shift r~chnical Advisor shall serve in an advisory capaci~y ~ :."'e Shift Supervisor on matters pertaining to the engineering aspects assuring safe operation of the unit. The Shift Technical Advisor shall nave a 8ad1elor's Degree ~r equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in pl ant design and resi;ianse and analysis of the pl ant for transients and acci dent.s.

6.3 FACILITY STAFF CUALIFtCATtONS 6.3.l Each rremher of the facility staff shall ITl!et or exceed the nnnimum qualifications of ANSI l'H8.l-l97l for ca~arable positions and tl'!e suppielT'l!ntal requirer.wtnts *specified in Sections A and C of Enclosure l of the Maren 28, 1980 NRC letter to all licensees. except f"r tlitt Radiation Protection El'l~if'IUI' wno shall rreet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide l.8, S~ptember 1975.

-tk inJ;..,:kc./ Jes19nqfe4 Q.~ /(/o,11a. ~f 6.4 rRAUHNG 6.4.l A retraining and replacenl!nt training program for the facility staff shall be coordinated by ~ad1 functional level t'9nager (Oepartl'llent Head) at the facility and maintaine<i under the direction <if the Manager - Nuclear Training and shalT ITl!et or excee~ the requirements and recairmendations of Sections.= of ANSI ~lS.l-1971 and Appe"di~ *~* a~ 10 CFR ?art 55.aAd t~e !~pplerrE"ial r1quir1a.iiu spe,Hila iR se,'ticuis ~ u1ca c; af iA~leun*e ~ ef tl=ie MaPE:A 28, 19!!9

~RC leUel" es all liee,.sees, aFIG sl!lall ;n,lud* 1'im:ilhr'fnti;r:f witl:i *rtlevaAG iAdwstPy a~eratieAal eM~eP1eAGea 5.4.2 A t~aining program for tne Fire Brigade shall be maintained under the direction of tne Mana99r - *

  • and shal 1 ireet or exceed tne requirements of Section 27 o F?~ Code*l975, except for Fire Sriga~tt training sessions wnich shall be held at least quarterly.

$; k Profecfitl,,

SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No

  • J/'

ADMI~ISTR,,~TIVE CONTROLS 6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.l STATION OPERATIONS REVIBJ COMMITTEE CSORC) fUNCTION 6.5.l.l The Station Operations Review Committee shall function to advise :he General Manager

  • Salem Operations on operational matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) shall be composed of:

~EE ,r'tJt;eer TO ~. S:/. ~

Gftail!'lllafti CeAaral MaAagar Sale* QperatieRe Kemee¥ Ml& Viee ~aai'Aiaft: Aas;, CaAaral MaAasar ialam Qparatie~s Memeei!' 1u1:a Viee Ga&in1aR: Maift;aRaRaa 14aAasal' ltemeer and 'Hee Chairman. Operaeiilt Manager Uemeer a*ui IJi:ee G)!.aiFRl&Ri Tuiu~hal MaAasar Mamear* Q~ara;iAS iASiAaar Maaear: I & G eRgiftee!'

Mama al': Seftie!' Httelear Shi£~ St:tpet u her Ma&n: Tu'M!tiaal: iRgi11zans (Gr0cepa !:l<<eals}

Memee*: MaiACaRaR~a iASiAaar Kamlaer* Raaiaeieft Pi!'eeeeeiefl eflgifteer Memee*: Gfi11111i&Ho/ iASiAau*

Memleer: Ma1tagn* OR iiuca iafe;y lil1wiaw

&c '*F.' __ . >>r ; * *

  • sr *, 'f4' ; , f'7ul 1 aft ;

ALTERNATES Se~ "I:(l.}t;£12T To ~. ~-.;. 3 All aleerftaee memeer9 shall ee aeeeineee ift Wi!'iEiRe 9v EAe SORG CaaiJrmaA.

a. Viee CRai1=11eR aRall Ga members of Statiog manaRement
b. Me mere than ei.e alte?"l"lates te members shall eartiei'l:laee as oee~.z*

11e..aess iR iQit.C aQt;i.*ritia& at aAlr oo* me*t'na

    • Alta;;aat* a;r11oiRteea t-'ill o;a,ly rep;-ereat tbeir ra&;>e£tiire lieaarimliA=
a. i:'.l<ee'Pfta'Ces fer 111emeH'S will fl:e& 111ai.e ~ pai'u ef ~aa vetsiR:g ei1o1eP.tiil Lzb*n tbe members che alternate represents is also present.

!:lli,,ETING fREOUENCY The SORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the SORC Chairman or his designated alternate.

QUORUM The minimum quorum of the SORC necessary for the performance of che SORC responsibility and authority provisions of these technical specificacions shall consist of the Chairman or his designated alternate and five members including alternates.

SE'E X'IJ~EQt TO 6'.5'./.~


  • UNIT 1 6*/'i Amendment No. 62

INSERT TO SECTION Chairman: General Manager - Salem Operations Member and Vice Chairman: Maintenance Manager Member and Vice Chairman: Operations Manager Member and Vice Chairman: Technical Manager Member: Radiation Protection/Chemistry Manager Member: Radiation Protection Engineer Member: Chemistry Engineer Member: Maintenance Engineers Member: Operating Engineers Member: Technical Engineers (Group Heads)

Member: Onsite Safety Review Engineer INSERT TO SECTION ALTERNATES Alternates:

a. Alternates shall be appointed by the SORC Chairman in writing.
b. Only designated Vice Chairmen may act as Chairman of a SORC meeting in the absence of the General Manager -

Salem Operations.

c. Alternates shall only represent their respective departments.
d. The Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SNSS) may act as an alternate for the Operations Manager or an Operating Engineer. The SNSS may also act as an alternate when the Operations Manager is acting as Chairman.


a. No more than two members or one member and one alternate from any :individual department will make up part of the voting quorum.
b. If the Chairman for a meeting is a Vice Chairman, then up to two additional members from the same department (or one member and one alternate) may be part of the voting quorum.

.. '

  • I * ~ The Station Ocerations Review Committee snall :e res:c~s*:*! -*~*

a. Review of: (1) Station Administrative Procedures ana c~arges :Rere~

and (2) Newly created orocedures or cnanges to exis:irg orocea~res l{,;r~ a.. 1oc.Fl<.S"<>*5"'1 that invglvi i iignificant safety issue as described in Sec:~cr e11a/ucd1ori

b. Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
c. Review of all proposed changes to Appendix "A" Technical Specifications.
d. Review of all proposed changes or modifications to olant systems :r eQuipment that affect nuclear safety.
e. Review of the safety evaluations that have been completed unde~ :~e provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.

f .. Investigation of all violations of *the Technical Specifications including the ~Fe~aratiGA and farwarding ef reports covering evaluation and reconrnendations to prevent recurrence te tAe Vice PPesident and Gl"\4ef..Nucloar Officer and the General ManageP -

Nuclear Safety Review.

g. Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS.

h . . Review of facility operations to detect potential nuclear safety hazards .

  • i.


Performance of special reviews, investigations or analyses ana reports tnereon as reauested by the General Manager - Salem Operations.eP General Manager Nuclear Saf~ty Review.

the Facility Security Plan and implementing procedures a~~

gf reca111111ended changes ta the GeAu*al Manager = ~J1:1el ear

~~~~~Aw..._'1, Or 1'(/VO/re a... pofe,,,fl~ ofec/"eq,~(!' il'I eFfecflVt!'1et; of" +l.e p/cv1, fer /OC.F'R. S"a.S°'f (p),

k. Review of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures 1----a-n_d.,... s 1:i1 em i tta 1 e.f. ~~ll!m4~HHl'--f'.~MH~~~""*"-ttf!~""*+-fll'tAil'ff~-

p,i.w..~~~~~11-+~"'l-@J~ / or tn'll'o/ve ~ f 0 f"e11fiQ( ecrease ;.,,, e t eFf:ec.f,verie>> a./: H.e pl~~, Per 1oc Flt f)o.S"'{ (-s

1. Review of the Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures and suemittal ef reeemmended c~a"ges te t"e Ge"eral Ma"a~er Nuclear Safety Review.
m. Review of all unclanned on-site releases of *1dioactivi~y to tne environs including the preparation of reports covertng evaiuation.

~ecommendations and disposition of the corrective action to creve~:

recurrence and the farwardir:ig of these re:Joru to -the 1Jke Presiae 0 :

aRe 01i ef Ngcl ear--Qffi'ff? ana""'Re C:fllc:r~ M~\I' Nu~l aP ~af@-1;.;j.


SALEM - UNIT 1 6-8 Amendment No. 99



SORC REVIEW PROCESS A technical review and control system *utilizing qualified reviewers shall function to perform the periodic or routine review of procedures and changes thereto. Details of this technical review process are provided in Section 6.5.3.

AUTHORITY The Station Operations Review Committee shall:

("io/,*u "f,ifJ_)

Pro,,;J~ a. aaae ... efta to the General Manager - Salem Operations~'written approval reCJJwttr1 fin/.. fi# f or disapproval of items considered under (a) ea~e~!R (e~

above. r--------"';'-iQI(/)

{),./;~ /111,.ru*-' .__..

b. Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and the General Manager
  • uclear Safety Reuiew of disagreement between the SORC and the General Manager
  • Salem Operations; however, the General Manager
  • Salem Operations shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.

RECORDS A-'R iEPdlln The Station Operations Review Committee shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the Vice President and Chief.Nuclear Officer, the General Manager *tNuclear Safety Aezriew and the *tOff Siee Re1ie11. TiQ.** /!L A~ ,. 11 71 CtJv.~l~ar S"~~FJ l:; - ry rr-*** ~' "'"'.J 6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEY.6~0 AV~/T F1.JNCTION

<; e~ ) 6. 5. 2 .1 The Nuclear Safety 11.fwiew Department ~ shall function to provide


...,, the independent safety review program and audit of designated activities .

FtOKPos III ON ..... .--*71 S~w.

1 N all consist of the General Manager - Nuclear the Manager - On-Sit fety Review Croup (SRG), who is supp ed by at least four dedicated, full-time e ~ers located on-site, and e Manf!ger Off*Site Review Group (OSR) who is s~ted by at lea our dedicated, full-time engineers located off-site .

  • The-~ sta s all possess experience and competence in the general areas lis' *n Section The General Manager
  • and Managers shall dete~ine w ~ddition technical experts should assist

. reviews in . o f comp 1ex pr ems . "'

. ~

"Nuclear Department is located on Artificial Islan "te, erms "on-site" and "off-site" convey the distinction between inside and outside the station fence, respectively SALEM - UNIT 1 6-¥ I 0 Amendment No.

INSERT 1 TO SECTION 6.5.2 COMPOSITION The Nuclear Safety Department, under the cognizance of the General Manager - Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety, shall consist of the Manager - Nuclear Safety, the Offsite Safety Review staff (OSR) and the Onsite Safety Review Group (SRG) . The OSR staff and the SRG each consist of at least four dedicated, full-time engineers.

The Manager - Nuclear Safety and the Offsite Safety Review staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in Section 4.7 of ANS 3.1 - 1981 and shall be guided by the provisions for independent review described in Section 4.3 of ANSI Nl8.7 - 1976 (ANS 3.2).

The Offsite Safety Review staff shall generally possess experience and competence in the areas listed in Section A system of qualified reviewers from other technical organizations may be used to augment OSR staff expertise in the disciplines of Section, where appropriate. Such qualified reviewers shall meet the same qualification requirements as the Offsite Safety Review Staff, and shall not have been involved with performance of the original work*

The Onsite Safety Review Group staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in Section 4.4 of ANS 3.1 - 1981.

  • j * .: .. ... .. ' :.

NSR shall ut*

  • ea system of quaiifiea "e'liewers .:ram ot'"le'" :-:

organizations ta ent its expertise in tne aisc~oi ine Such Qualified reviewer hall meet the same ouaii~* tion reoui"eme~~s ~s  :~?

NSR staff, and will not have involved oerformance of tne or';~~a work.

The Manager nd Staff sha oualifications describ n Section 4.7 of ANS 81) and shall by the provision r independent review described in ion Nl8.7 (1976 S 3.2). The Manager - On Site Review and sta e Qualifications described in. Section 4.4 of ANS 3.1 lor o'fltu f:ec.J...11,'ct:r I e~perf-5 I ConsultantsJsnall be utilized as dete'rmir:ied ey the General !>1anagec -

Nuel ea1 Safety Review te *J'l"evi ae e><'3el"t aevi ee te the NSR. ~Y Me M.."/&.r ~-Fefy _+o -H.e < 11ecef.s.t:iry, OFF~ITEfREVIEW ~ {os~) ~

- }: ;,£ ff The &ff-Site Review Greu!' @OSRl).M hal function to provide indepencen:

review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:

a. Nuclear Power Plant Operations
b. Nuclear Engineering
c. Chemistry and Radiochemistry
d. Metallurgy
e. Instrumentation and Control
f. Radiological Safety
g. Mechanical Engineering
h. Electrical Engineering i . Quality Assurance j . Nondestructive Testing
k. Emergency Preparedness P~e OSR shall alse f1;,1AetieA te examiAe '3laF1t a'3eratiAg eharaeteristics. *.-:

issuaAees, iAdustry adviseries, LiceAsee 6veAt ~e~erts, aAd other sa~rces which may iAdieate areas for im~reviAg ~laAt safety.

SALEM - UN IT 1 6-9a Amendment No. 99


~; The OS~l review:

'11t'1 a~afety ~valuations for;

.i-r  !-changes to procedures, equipment, or systems; andj"

~ /./rests or ex~ments completed under the provisions of Sectitffl

~50.59 ._(Q' C~ to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question; / -'-- . ~

ario4 n!""'5T'J or,.110

b. Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or system:.- that involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in *eQlSiMl{i0.5~ CFR:::>

a, i11FQfUa&a&i lSa&lS& Qr anJ1eE'i&1eRis eRat iR':l'ah*e a"' l:tRl!'a"iawaa safe;:;r

~W8&lSiQA a& aeiiRaa iR Seaiiea §Q,§g, lQ~i=R.

Cp. Proposed changes to Technical Specifications or to the Operating Licensej ti,~. Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance; e~. Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety;

  • lL*

All recognized indications of an~anticipated deficienc:r in some aspect of design or operation of safety telated structures, systems or componentsr +/. .. +- eo"'llll'a.~fYc.f 11u.e..l.-r s~y~*

Reports and meeting minutes of the Station Operations Review Commi


3 $ Qff Audits of facility activities ~re re~~ires ee be performed under the cognizan~ ofeestt ~ list!e& laalev: 71,~, tt.t.Jt:f,'-1-s sf.. ti e11~-p*u:

!!i,O,.i t+*_

a. The conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per 12 months.
b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entire facility staff at least once* per 12 months.
c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems, or method of operation chat affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
d. The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of Appendix ~~OCFR50, at least once per 24 months. C.:&

SALEM - UNIT 1 . 6-N J~ Amendment No.


e. The Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.
f. The Facility Security Plan and implementing procedures at least once

- per 12 months.

Qi.1.0/; !-"I ,4s.,;.,,r1111~~ 411tf

g. Any other area facility operation considered appropriate by the General Manager
  • Nuclear Safety Re:ie~ or the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.
h. The Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.
i. ""'
C\~Reepe!!:eleft! fire protection and loss prevention program i~p~me,,f.fio~

ia&paa;igR aRa awdig &Rall ea pe~fel!'tlle& at least once per 12 months utilizing eithe~ualified offsite licensee or an outside fire protection ~

An i:RspeegiaR aRa awsU.; gf ;:Ra fi;:e px:otas;tig'A ?Ad lgu px:amni,r;ig;i PH8Hill &Rall 'Be pHf:H=aea ay a EtWaHf:i:' Q!!tsi ~tfirebconsul tant t least once per 36 months. @_ol.tpcnd.1ttJ.) _ ro:;;;c~;o;;) ~t...ll he J

. t. The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results 1.1.i-;/;~~.1 thereof at least once per 12 months.

~y r;c1,,., t I The above audits ~ be conducte~ by the N~elear Quality Assurance Department or an independent consult~~teQ=t:e§, Audit 5aiwlgs aft6 ragg11m1snuia;hRi1 shall be reviewed by . '~ o~R r+arF;J

~ INserf~

~ ONdSITE SAFETY REVIEW GROUP_.lu4') The O~ite Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide: the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities :o improve plant safety; the evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activities; and a_dvice to management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.

The SRG shall make recommendations for revised procedures, equipment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station/ corporate management.



6,5.2.5.l The SRG shall be responsible for:

a. Review of selected plant operating characteristics, NRG issuances, industry advisories, and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information that may indicate areas for improving plant safety.
b. Review of selected facility features, equipment, and systems, SALEM
  • UNIT 1 Amendment No,

INSERT 2 TO SECTION 6.5.2 RECORDS AND REPORTS Records of OSR activities shall be maintained.

Reports of reviews and audits shall be prepared and distributed as indicated below:

a. The results of reviews performed pursuant to Section shall be reported to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer at least monthly.
b. Audit reports prepared pursuant to Section shall be forwarded by the auditing organization to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited (1) within 30 days after completion of the audit for those audits conducted by the Quality Assurance Department, anq (2) within 60 days after completion of the audit for those audits conducted by an independent consultant.


c. Review of selected procedures and plant activities including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
d. Surveillance of selected plant operations and maintenance activities to provide independent verification* that they are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced to as low as reasonably achievable.

1!$7 AYIHORI~_. tJ.., lt10..r ~+efr Oe,-r+m?f} ~shall report to and advise the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer on those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and

9,3.~.7 aeeezraa ef NSR aeeivieiea shall ee pzrepazrea aaa maineai&ed. Re,eees of raiawa a~ul aw.dies s\:lall ae BistriS\:leeEl as felletc.*e 1 a j aepazrea ef re*i'ietc."a eftee11t11aaaea 'ey SeeeiH\ '. §. 2. '-. l aeeve. !lftall ee 11rapa*ea 1 ~prQ"tQ aAd fQP11a*aea 'We 'WA& uiae P!'esiaefte al'tli Chief N1:1elea!' Offiee!', wiel\in l'- aa, s £ellewiri:g eempleeien ef ehe re o ieW"'.

a I .wale zrepn*;e 8A88mpaseaa ay aaaci.eR ' 5 I~ 4 I~ alaa"a I &Rall 'ea I

£etwarded ee el\e Viee Presiaefte and Eiftie£ N~elear Offieer afta ee eAe 11aaage11aRC pui.deA& H&fl&A&i.lal.e fer ;ea anaa w* ui:li:liA JO da,s a£eer eelll!JleeieR ef ehe a~&i;,

6.5.3 IECttNICAL REVIEW AND CONIROL ACTIVITIES Programs required by Technical Specification 6.8 and other procedures which affect nuclear safety as determined by the General Manager - Salem Operations, other than editorial or typographical changes shall be reviewed as follows:

PROCEDURE REL\TED DOCYMENIS Procedures, Program and changes thereto shall be reviewed as follows:

a. Each newly created procedure, program or change thereto shall be independently reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the subject area other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program or procedure change, but who may be from the same organization as the individual/group which prepared the procedure or procedure change. Procedures other than Station Administrative procedures will be approved by the appropriate Station Department Manager or by the Assiaeane General Manager - Salem Operations. Each Station Department Manager shall be responsible for a predesignated class of procedures. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall approve Station Administrative Procedures, Security Plan implementing procedures and Emergency Plan implementing procedures.
  • Not responsible for sign-off function
  • SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No.


b. On-the-spot changes to procedures which clearly do not change the intent of the approved procedures shall be approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator License. Revisions to procedures- which may involve a change in intent of the approved procedures, shall be reviewed in accordance with Section above.
c. Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with item 6.S.3.2a above shall be approved by the SORG Chairman and designated as Station Qualified Reviewers. A system of Station Qualified Reviewers, each of whom shall possess qualifications that meet or exceed the requirements of Section 4.4 of ANSI Nl8.l - 1971, shall be maintained by the SORC Chairman. Each review shall include a written determination of whether or not additional cross-disciplinary review is necessary. If deemed necessary, such review shall be performed by the appropriate designated review personnel.

rmines that the documents involved

<4M~ia-iA-+Ji~.-....e~,._-&9~-&¥~~~~. the documents shall be forwarded for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is involved, Pursuant to 10CFRS0.59, NRC approval of items involving unreviewed safety questions or Technical Specification changes shall be obtained prior to implementation.

NON*PROCEPURE RE1ATED DOCUHENIS Tests or experiments, changes to Technical Specifications, and changes to equipment or systems shall be forwarded for SORC review and als0 to I""'"""-.....~~ for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is involved. The results of reviews will be provided -to SORC.

Recommendations for approval are made by SORC to the General Manager

  • Salem Operations. Pursuant to 10CFRS0.59, NRC approval of items involving unreviewed safety questions or requiring Technical Specification changes shall be obtained prior to implementation.
  • RECORDS &'C gEPOP.TS Written records of reviews performed in accordance with it~6.S.3.2a above, including recommendations for approval or disapproval, shall be maintained. Copies shall be provided to the General Manager
  • Salem Operations, SORC, and/or NRC as necessary when their reviews are required.

t-4. on s +.Fr SALEM

  • UNIT 1 Amendment No.


a. The Commission shall be notified and/or a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10CFR Part 50, and
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the SORC and the resultant Licensee Event Report submitted to and the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer. ~' ~R ~"'f.,FF_


6. 7. l The following actions sh.all be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:
a. The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour.
b. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within one hour. The Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and General Manager -rNuclear Safety Re;iew shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Ct:'u.f.*~r 11.* * ,.,.,, ~.,.(,[)
c. A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the SORC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence. *

~./,*(.,, ~,.,..II<, tbf/

d. The Safety Limit Violation Report shal be s mit;ed~t~

Commission, the General Manager - uclear Safe~~and the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer within 14 da the violation*.






SALEM - UNIT 1 6-~ , , Amendment No.

ADMINISIRATIVE CONJROLS 6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below:

a. The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix* "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978.
b. Refueling operations.
c. Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.
d. Security Plan implementation.
e. Emergency Plan implementation.
f. Fire Protection Program implementation.
g. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM implementation.
i. Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring.

6.8.2 *Each procedure and administrative policy of 6.8.l above, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, as appropriate, prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

6.8.3 On-the-spot changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:

a. The intent of the*original procedure is not altered.
b. The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.
c. The change is documented and receives the same level of review and approval as the original procedure under Specification within 14 days of implementation.

SALEM - UNIT 1 . Amendment No. ol2-

APMINISIRATIVE CONIRQLS 6.8.4 'nle following programs shall be maintained:

a. Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment A program to reduce leakage from those portions of systems outside containment that could contain highly radioactive- fluids during a serious transient or accident to as low as practical levels. The systems include (recirculation spray, safety injection, chemical and volume control, gas stripper, recombiners, ... ). The program shall include the following:

(i) Preventative maintenance and periodic visual inspection requirements, and (ii) Integrated leak test requirements for each system at refueling cycle intervals or less.

b. In-Plant Radiation Monitoring A program which will ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in areas under accident conditions. This program shall include the following:

(i) Training of personnel, (ii) Procedures for monitoring, and (iii) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analyses equipment.

c. Secondary Yater Chemistry A program for monitoring of secondary water chemistry to inhibit steam generator tube degradation. This program shall include:

(i) Identification of a sampling schedule for the critical variables and the control points for these variables, (ii) Identification of the procedures used-to measure the values of the critical variables, (iii) Identification of process sampling points, including monitoring at the discharge of the condensate pumps for evidence of condenser in-leakage.

(iv) Procedures for the recording and management of data, (v) Procedures defining corrective actions for off-control-point chemistry conditions, (vi) A procedure identifying (a) the authority responsible for the interpretation of the data, and (b) the sequence and timing of administrative events required to-initiate corrective action.


  • UNIT 1 Amendment No. ~


d. Backup Method for Determining Subcooling Margin A program which will ensure the capability to accurately monitor the Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin. This program shall include the following:

(i) Training of personnel, and (ii) Procedures for monitoring

  • Postaccident Samplin&

A program* which will ensure the capability to obtain and analyze reactor coolant, radioactive iodines and particulates in plant gaseous effluents, and containment atmosphere samples under accident conditions. The program shall include the following:

(i) Training of personnel (ii) Procedures for sampling and analysis, (iii) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.

  • It is acceptable if the licensee maintains details of the program in plant operation manuals.

SALEM - UNIT 1 Amendment No. 67

ADMINIS!RATIVE CONTROLS 6.9 REPORTING REOU!REMENIS ROUTINE REPQRTS Mij! REP0Rl'Af3LE 0CURRE!fGES 6.9.l In addition to the applicable reporting requirements of Title 10, Code

/.:~of Federal Regulations, the following reports shall be submitted to the

~Administrator~t*e~9££iee ei Inspeeeien ana En£ereement unless otherwise

  • note . ) G4./o rr n /J /' .1 c).:;,. n I ..l 1uc...Gtq.r l<et'fc.rory r_.o...-..r1*S!>,o,,,, wo.. .,.,,,t?,,

i ,,... * - /l f STMIUP REPORT

  • eo,,,f-ro( 0~"7,,,,*n7f0 , , , (J.C. CW.SSS', ,.,,;fl.

a... co f-o ~e

  • A summary report of plant startup and power escalation testing shall be submitted following (1) receipt of an operating license, (2) amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3) installation of fuel that has different design or has been manufactured by a different fuel supplier, and (4) modifications that may have significantly altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the plant. The startup report shall address each of the tests identified in the FSAR and shall include a description of measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained during the test program and a comparison of these values with design predictions and specifications. Any corrective actions that were required to obtain satisfactory operation shall also be described. Any additional specific details required in license conditi*ons based on other commitments shall be included in this report. Startup reports shall be submitted within (1) 90 days following completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following resumption or

. commencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial criticality, whichever is earliest. If the Startup Report does not cover all three events (i.e., initial criticality, completion of startup test-program, and resumption or commencement of commercial power operation), supplementary reports shall be submitted at least every three months until all three events have been completed.

ANNUAL REPORTS~ Annual reports covering the activities of the unit as described below for the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to March 1 of each year. T-fte i:fthial Hpne sl=laH ee sl:t911ieua pdn ee Mana l ef eAe yau "

fellewing i:ftieial e~ieiealiey.*

~'"') _ _,,,...9-....___ _

~(f}'A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station.

SALEM - UNIT 1 . Amendment No 67


Reports -~equired on an annual basis shall include:

A tabula~io~on an annual basis of the number of station, utility and other personnel (i nc.l udi ng contractors) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem/yr and tht.1~ associated man rem exposure according to work and job functions,~.g., reactor operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance

{describe maintenance), waste processing, and refueling. The dose

+herrno {u(Yli nesce11.J. assignment t~ various duty functions may be estimates based on pocket m r f11111 lilaEige measurements .. *Small exposures totalling Jos,'mefer less than 2oi of the individual total dose need not be accounted for.

In the aggregate, at least 80% of the total whole body dose received from external sources shall be assigned to spec1f1c major work functions.

b. The-complete results of steam generator tube fnservice inspections per.formed during the report pcri od (reference. Spec.1 ff cat.1 on 4.4.S.5.b). .

it ~EE r{\)SER/;r..

MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience, including documentation of all cl1allenges to the PORVs or safety valves, shall be submitted on a monthl basis to the D1reete~. Off1ee of Management Informa*

~iH+--~il--l"~[jfillfll--,~~~hr u** Nuc ear egu atory omm ss on, Washington. D. C.

20555, with a copy , no later than the 15th of

  • each month following the calendar month covered by the report.


+o +Ii~ USl\Jg,c. /kl,,,.;nrsfr"-for1 £ ;011 I 6.9.l.7 The REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES af SpeeifieatiOAS aAEi b@lm~,

including cgrractive act1oR& and measures to pre¥ent reGurreAee, shall ae reported ta the NRC. SijpplemeAtal reports may be required to fully_aaser1;e..

fi"al reselijt1en of eee~rrenee. IA ease af earreeted or supplementil repgrts, i 1i Gansee event report sl!tal 1 tie ir::o~l eteG and reference snal l be 111ada to tf:la original report date.

PROMPT NOTIFICAT!OH WITII WRITTEN FOLLOWUP i.9.t.8 The types of e*veAts listeEi ae1aw s~all ae reported witniA 24 no1:1rs ay telepAone iAd confirmed by tlllgrapl:I, mailgram, gr hcsmill fransiiiiuign to tl'Hi AelmiRistrater ef t"e Reg1o"a1 Office, or h;s designate "o later than the f;rst wQ rl< i ng day fel le*#i ng the e,*eAt, wi ti'! a wri tteR fall aw1:113 re pert wi tA 1A H elay s.

The wirtteA fe1lewijp rej!1ert snail 1Aelt1de, as a miAi1111:1111, a ea11113leteEi eopy af a 11eensee e't*ent repon! form. Information i:irovided o" the Hcensee e*e"t re!'ort farm shall be supplemeAteEi, as neeaea, ay additional RarPative fllaterial t~

proviele eo11113iete expla"atia" ef tAe ef re1:Jmsta"ees !1:Jrre1:1"di"g tAe eveAta

~ct)fh1s tabulation supplements the requirements of section 20.407 of 10 CFR Part 20.

6-16 Amendment No. ~


c. The results of any specific activity analyses in which the primary coolant exceeded the limits of Specification 3.4.8. The following
  • information shall be included: (1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radioiodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while the limit was exceeded and results of one analysis after the radioiodine activity was reduced to less than the limit. Each result should include date and time of sampling and the radioiodine concentrations; (3) Clean-up system flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the I-131 concentration and one other radioiodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady state level; and (5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded the radioiodine limit.


a. Failure of the reactor protection system or other systems subject t limiting safety system settings to initiate the required protectiv function by the time a monitored parameter reaches the setpoint specified as the limiting safety system setting in the technic specifications or failure to complete the required protective function.

Operation of the unit or affected syst~ms when any operation subject to a limiting condition for operatic conservative than the least conservative aspect of th limiting condition for operation established in the technica specifications.

c. rmal degradation discovered in fuel cladding ure boundary, or primary containment.
d. Reacti ty anomalies involving disagreement of react ity balance under steady state c ditions during power operation eater than or equal to 1% de a k/k; a calculated reactivity lance indicating a SHUTDO MARGIN less conservative than specifie in the technical speci cations; short-term reactivity incr ases that correspon to a reactor period of less than 5 seconds o if subcritical an unplanned reactivity insertion of more than 0.5% lta k/k; currence of any unplanned criticality.
e. or more components which prevents or e fulfillment of the functional ed to cope with accidents analyzed in
  • f.


Personnel error or ocedural i dequacy which prevents or could prevent, by itsel , the fulfillm t of the functional reqUirements of systems requi ed to cope with a idents analyzed in the SAR.

Conditions ar sing from natural or ma made events that, as a direct result of t systems, event require unit shutdo , operation of safety other protective measures re ired by technical specifi tions.

h. Error. discovered in the transient or acciden analyses or in the me ods used for such analyses as described in e safety analysis r ort or in the bases for the technical specifi tions that have or ould have permitted reactor operation in a manner ess conservative than assumed in the analyses.

Performance of structures, systems, or components that remedial action or corrective measures to prevent operat n in a manner less conservative than assumed in the accident anal es in the safety analysis report or technical specifications bases or discovery during unit life of conditions not specifically con 'dered in the safety analysis report or technical specifications that require remedial action or corrective measures to prevent the existence or development of an unsafe condition.

SALEM ~NIT 1 -6 17


j. Offsite releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents that exceed the limits of Specification or 3.11.2.l.

Exceeding the limits in Specification or for storage of radioactive materials in the listed tanks. The writ follow-up report shall include a schedule and a description ctivities planned and/or taken to reduce the contents to w* hin the s cified limits. The type of events listed below shall be the subject f written reports to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corrmission, Document C trol Desk, Washington, D.C. 20 5, with a copy to the Regional Adminis ator of the Regional Office withi thirty days of occurrence of the av t. The written report shall include, a minimum, a completed copy of a icensee event report form. Information rovided on the licensee event eport form shall be supplemented, as needed, additional narrative mater* 1 to provide complete explanation of the circums nces surrounding .the even .

a. Reactor protection stem or engineered fety feature instrument settings which are fo nd to be less co ervative than those established by the tee ical specific ions but which do not prevent the fulfillment of the nctional re irements of affected systems.
b. Conditions leading to oper ion i a degraded mode permitted by a limiting condition for opera ion or plant shutdown required by a limiting condition for operat
c. Observed inadequacies in the imp mentation of administrative or procedural controls which reate to cause reduction of degree of redundancy provided in re tor prot ction systems or engineered safety feature systems.
d. Abnormal degradation systems other t n those specified in 6.9.l.8.c above desi ned to contain ctive material resulting from the fission p cess.
e. An unplanned off. ite releases of l) more tha 1 curie of radioactive material in li id effluents, 2) more than 150 curies of noble gas in gaseous ef uents. The report of an unplanne offsite release of radioactive terial shall include the following 'nformation.
l. and equipment
2. unplanned release.

prevent recurrence.

Consequences of the unplanned release.

6-18 Amendment No.


(1)~ Routine Radiological Environmental Operating Reports covering the I operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted I prior to May 1 of each year.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports sh~ll include surrmaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period~

including a comparison with preoperational studies with operational controls (as appropriate), and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment.

The reports shall also include the results of land use censuses required by Specification 3.12.2. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include the results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all measurements taken during the period pursuant to the Table and Figures in the environmental radiation section of the OOCM; as well as surrmarized and tabulated results of locations specified in these analyses and measurements in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results.

The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a su 1 r report. on~ "'"~rofl

~t1er; .,

1" 4C4


itltl$ n~r +I,, <;-i;/E 80tl.AIDlll?.'f c:uia' Q. .s;,~r.~

a(.-s-fu,,j. /en:::af,*oi115, Q.(( .

The reports shal a so inc ude the following: a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program; at least two legible map~~

..a..c~fH~S3:1::::tiiiiw~~iiEiii~keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of one reactor; the results of license*

participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program, required by Specification 3.12.1; and discussion of all analyses in which the LLD required by Table 4.12-1 was not achievable.


~ Routine Radioactive Effluent Release Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous six months of operation shall be submitted within 60 days after January'! and July 1 of each year.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a sW1111ary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21. "Measuring, Evaluating, and

  • A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal shou~d combine those sections that are conman to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

~I" lie* of oobllliooio" with

~e~ePt, tRe 1i&8Rlle Ras tRe t~e A""""l;f~diologieol

~ti;R E"*iro"me"tol 0p~

PetiiRiRg tRi& SYlllll&F) af '!~W1Ped

s::::::~~ta eR site 0

R a file at aRall be provided to tRe NRf::

Amendment No. ~


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluen.ts from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Pla~,"

Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof. s The Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an annual su11111ary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year. This annual su11111ary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing of magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (if measured),

or in the form of joint fr~ncy distributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability. This same report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or ~tation during the previous calendar year. This same report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY (Figure 5.1-3) during the report period.

All assumptions used in making these assessments (i.e., specific activity, exposure time and location) shall be included in these reports; The meteorological conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents (as determined by samplil'.1g frequency and measurement) shall be used for determining the gaseous pathway doses. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted 60 days after January 1 of each year shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources {including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation) for the previous calendar year to. show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation. Acceptable methods for calculating the -dose contribution from liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1977.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include the following information for each class of solid waste (as defined by 10 ~Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period:

a. Container volume,
b. Total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or c.


Principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),


d. Source of waste and processing employed {e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, evaporator bottoms),
  • 'CJ In lieu of submission with the first half year Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.

SALEM - UNIT 1 *. 6-}a'J.'?; Amendment No. F'


Type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and

f. Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldfh'yde).

The Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a list of descriptio~f unplanned releases fra111 the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactiv~ materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the re?orting period.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include any changes made during the reporting p*riod to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) and to the*OFFSITE DOSE.CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)~ as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census pursuant to Specification 3.12.2.

U.S. Ni.11;./ear R.e~uk'7:.ry C:owil'l1'~~ion.1 SPECIAL REPORTS Ooc.ut1'1efft Co,,frol r:Jes~, tJa.r;/,,'17.J"k" O.c. ~o S-5"5'"; wl#i a. co ~ fl,-'

6.9.2 Special reports shal 1 be submitted to the Admi~n1f!srtt:rraattioiir~~~=Ri!Gl~~____;,__.

Office within the time period specified for each report.  ;,.......__ _ _ _____,

VS NR..C 6.10 RECORD RETENTION In addition to the applicable record retention requirement's of Title lQ., Code of Federal Regulations, the following records shall be ret,.ined for at least the minimum period indicated. @;>

6.10.l The following records shall be retained for at least five years:

a. Records and logs of unit operatio~ covering time interval at each p-ower level.
b. Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair and replacement of principal items of equipment related to nuclear safety. IEVENTS!
c. ~ REPORTABLE OCCURRENfcs submitted to the Conwnission.
d. Records of surveillance activities, inspections and calibrations required by these Technical Specifications.
e. OE~~~~~ J. .
a. Records of ~...t&P----te1*s aAd e~srimeA~s.
f. Records of changes made to Operating Procedures required by Specification 6.8.l.
g. Records of radioactive shipments.
  • h. Records of sealed source and fission detector leak tests and results.
i. Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record.

-~ '<ecorcl;-;;-r-revier...JS P~meJ FOr ~tl.~es m~ -fb froc.eelutes ot re~let.J!;' o~

. and e.,rper;m1ru1+s/ ~ur~ua..-ir To tOGFR..oo.5q, SALEM - UN T l - l Amendrnen.t No. 59

INSERT TO SECTION 6.9.1 RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR LIMIT REPORT The Fxy limits for Rated Thermal Power (F~~P) for all core planes containing bank "D" control rods and all unrodded core planes, and the plot of predicted heat flux hot channel factor times relative power (F~*PREL) vs. Axial Core Height with the limit envelope shall be provided to the NRC Document Control Desk with copies to the Regional Administrator and the Resident Inspector. The Report shall be provided to the Commission upon issuance (i.e., no later than coincident with the first application of the new Fxy l~mits).

In addition, in the event that the limit should change, requiring a new submittal or submittal of an amended Peaking Factor Limit Report, it will be submitted upon issuance *

  • Any information needed to support F~~P will be by request from the NRC and need not be included in this report.

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6 .10. 2 The* following records shall be re.tained for the-*-duration of the Unit Operating License:

  • a. .. Records and drawing changes reflecting unit design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Reper~ J p11rsucv,f fo- JOC rR S-o. 5'9 \
b. Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers and assembly burnup histories.
c. Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.
d. Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environs.
e. Records of transient or operational cycles for those facility componenes- identified in Table 5.7-1. *
f. Records of reactor tests and experiments.
g. Records of training and qualification for current members of the plant staff.
h. Records of in-service inspections performed pursuant to these-iv Technical Specifications. .,
i. Records of Quality Assurance activities required by the QA Manual.
  • .. [bt L-_EiED}i---------."l...
j. &aQorda of reviews perfarmed far ehanges ~cie te preee&ti:res er eq.aipment er ~eviews af tests and experiinents pu-:rsuant te lQ CFR SO* 59
  • a..:: h>1itle5 oF 05 {(_ (a~ meet:N]s of" ;+.s Preclec.e~5,,r1 -ti.e f\J'"'c/ee...r
k. Records of-L'meetings of the~ and Rev:ew Boa.r-o(


1. Records for Environmental Qualification which are covered under the provisions of Paragraph 6.16.
m. Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.
n. Records of secondary water sampling and water quality.
o. Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program which would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date. This should include procedures effective at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed.

SALEM -- UNIT 1 6-22 Amendment N o . ,

AOMINISiRATIVE CONTROLS 6.ll RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM Procedures for personnel r~iation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.


.1 l+I:: ~;:A::o:h~:ontrol device" o-iw. lann si gna 1' required by paragraph 20.203(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 20, each hig~r~diation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 100 mrem/hr but less than 1000 mrem/hr shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a High Radiation Area and entrance -~

thereto shall be controlled by issuance of a Radiation Exposure Permit~ny ~

individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the* ~ose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them.
c. A health physics qualified individual (i.e., qualified in radiation protection procedures) with a radiation* dose rate monitoring device who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the f~c;1;ty Meal~ft Ph~s;eist ;A ti'!@

Radiation Work Permit.

6.12.2 In addition to the requirements of 6.12.1, areas accessible to personnel

~ with radiation levels*such that a major portion of the body could receive in one hour a dose greater than 1000 mrem shall be provided with locked doors to Nu~~~* revent unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative contra o t e en or Shift Supervisor on duty and/or Senior Supervisor - Radiation Protection. Doors shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved Radiation Wo~ Permit which shall specify the dose rate levels in the i111nediate work area and the maximum allowable stay tf;ne for individuals in that area. For individual areas accessible to personnel with radiation levels such that a major portion of t~e body could receive in one hour k T1i;~ 1'5 no.rmc..!ly h..F;/leo/ 4<;; ~ {eve( Q.:t "'- a/.-r;~Ace oF 18 :.-iche<;

Fro,.,, the Source °'r;6!e surFo..c.e.

@..- Personnel or personnel* escorted by shall be exempt om the R~P issuance requirement

  • their dssigned ra tion protection duties, provi ed they are other*.ot1se following plant radia *on protection procedures or entry i~to high radiation areas.


£acl~flort frofecf;,,..,

6-23 Amendment No. 59

APMINISIRATIVE CONIROLS a dose in excess of 1000 mre~hat are located within large areas, such as P\lR containment, where no enclosure exists for purposes of locking, and no enclosure can be reasonable constructed around the individual areas, then that area shall be roped off, conspicuously posted and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device. In lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote (such as use of closed circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities within the area.

6.13 PROCESS CONIROL PROGRAM (PCP) 6.13.1 The PCP shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.

6.13.2 Licensee initiated changes to the PCP:

1. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change(s) was made. This submittal shall contain:
a. Sufficiently detailed information to totally support the rationale for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information;
b. A determination that the change did not reduce the overall conformance of the solidified waste product to existing criteria for solid wastes; and
c. Documentation of the fact that the change has b6en reviewed and found acceptable by the SORC .
2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the SORG.

6.14 OFFSITE DOSE CALCYIATIQN MANUAL CODCHl 6.14.l The ODCM shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.

6.14.2 Licensee initiated changes to the ODCM:

l. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the change(s) was made. Thi~ submittal shall contain:
a. Sufficiently detailed information to totally support the rationale for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information. Information submitted should consist of a package of those pages of the ODCM to be changed with each page numbered and provided with an approval and date box, together with appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the* change(s);

a.Meas~Eemeftt made at 18" fiom souzce 0£ radieae~ioit,.

SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No. g


b. A determination that the change will not reduce the accuracy or reliability of dose calculations or setpoint determination; and
c. Documentation of the fact that the change has been reviewed and found acceptable by the SORC.
2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance-by the SORC.

6.15 MAJOR. CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE LIQUID, GASEOUS AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS 6.15.1 Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste system (liquid, gaseous and solid):

1. Shall bt reported to the Commission in th~AR for the period in which tht evaluation was reviewed by (SORC). The discussion of each chang~ sha 11 contain: o.f ~ e."4 11 ,
a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the dtterminatio could l!f'cF~;iiiii~0.59; b.

be made in accordance with Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information;

c. A detailed description of tht equiP1119nt, components and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems;
d. An evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous if.fluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously predicted in th* license application and amendments thereto;
e. An evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum exposures to individual in the unrestricted area and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license application and amendments thereto;
f. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials, in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste, to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes are to be made;
g. An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change; and
h. Documentation of tht fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the (SORC).
2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the SORC.

Amendment No.~


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.16 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION 6.16.1 8y Al la;a, ;RaR J~ae 4g, 19e2ila11 safety-related electrical equipment in the facility shall be qualified in accor~ance with the provisions of:

Division of Operating Reactors "Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class lE Electrical Equipment in Operating_ Reactors" (DOR Guidelines); or, NUREG-0588 "Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment," December 1979. Copies of these documents are attached to Order for Modification of Licen~e No.

OPR-70 dated October 24, 1980. 5

~ -~A.JI 6.16.2 8y '" laieP ~har. Becen1be1 1, l!IC:;1tomplete and auditable records flttt9't be available and maintained at a central location which describe the environmental qualification method used for all safety-related electrical equipment in sufficient detail to document the degree of compliance with the DOR Guidelines or NUREG-0588. The1eaf,eP 1 /Such records should be updated and maintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or otherwise further qualified.

  • SALEM - UNIT l Amendment No. 59


rnou 0!1t!HTtONS

CT!ON !ill l.O O!!'!NtTtONS 0II' IJllD T!Rl'5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • l*l ACTtQll e e e e. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 0 e e e I I I 1*1 Al IA "-UX 01Fml1CCI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 1*1 04MllL c..&. llltATt QI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*l OtAllllll. atlCI * * *. I * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * ; * *
  • 1*1 OtAllllL l'UNCT?ONM. TIST' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 1*1 CQNTAl~ IlfT!GAlTY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*Z CONTl'GllJ.ID LIAIAll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*Z CCII AL TDATt ON * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*Z OOSI IQUIVALDT I*lll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*Z f*AYDMI OEStNT'!GAATtOI EROGT * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*l E1'11NIDID sum ,-UTUQ Rl!PONSI TtlC * * * * * * * * *
  • l*l FllElUlllCT NOTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -. t .. l WIOUS ll'OWASTI iRIAM!1' SYST9'. * * * * * * . * * * * * *
  • IDOTt,t!D LWJiGI * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*l

-1.3 f

omtTI OOSI CA&.CULATtOI MIVIJAL ~OCCM) * * * * * * * * * *

  • M!JlllO( S) al M PUil.IC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • O'O.ll lLlT'Y * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l.4 l-4 1*4 r-Ol'OATIONAL ltXJI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l.4 PHYSICS T!STS , * * * * * * , * *. * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 1*5 ll"IS3Ultl !CUNOMT LJMMI. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*S lt"OC!SS CONT'ROL PROliRM ( PO) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • ltUAU-'Ul&l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • OUAOIMT POWll Ttl.T RATIO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*S l*S l*S f

RATID TMIJUllAL POWll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • l-5

@Et.Jlj ~!AC'TCI iRI' SYST!M RllPORSI TUC * * * * * * * * * * , ** i-a RIJHJifilCI

  • 01 111~* * * , * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 1-a SlllTDGlll MAllIJI. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • l*'

Sl'T'I IGUNDMY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • SCI.ID l'tCATIOR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • saia Otla * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • ST.--JllD TIST' W tS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • T'HDML PfJWIJI * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * *
  • l*'




l-7 f

UNtDOTt,IID L.£AICAQI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

.. .. l-7 u*lmtCT!D AAIA ** * * ** * * * * * *

  • vmtunON DHAUST' n!A'!MT s1snM * * * * * * * * * * *
  • VEN'TINI * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * .. ... .

l-7 1*7 1*7 f

  • IJNtT Z I M!Mdnnt Ma. r



6.1 RESPONSIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6-1 6.2 ORGANIZATION Onsite and Offsite Organization 6-1 Facility Staff . . . . . . . .

Shift Technical Advisor .. . 6-1 6-,67 6.3 FACILITY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.4 TRAINING . . . .

  • I I I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 STATION OPERATIONS REVIEW COr-t1ITTEE Function . . . . 6-;f c;.

Composition . . . 6-1 g Alternates . . . 6-;f 'i Meeting Frequency 6-l' g.

Quorum . . . . . 6-3 8 Responsibilities 6-$ 9

~Review Process . 6-JJ 10 Authority . . . . 6-AIO

~Ml ~F-r§J RecordS- . . . . ; 6-g10 6.5.2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW Function . . . . . . 6-$ ,0 Composition . . . . . 6-8'10 Consultants . . . . . . . . 6-!& I/

s-Off~Site Review ~(gs~). 6-'6-11

~ev1 ew . . . . . . . . . .

udits . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6-,. ,~


--n-Si te Safety Review Group Cse~). 6-H-13 esponsibilities 6-N. I Authority . . 6-H-/'f

. . .. . . 6-13 f!.ec.orrfs . . . .

~nc.fio." _ _

~-II SALEM - UNIT 2 XVI II Amendment No.




    • AND SOLID VAST! TREATMENT SYSTEMS * * . * * * .- *
  • 6~ ~7 SALEM - UNIT 2 XIX Amendment No.

. OEFt~ti!OMS


t.%5 Th* RIACTOR TRIP SYSTEM RESPOftSI 1't:C sn.11 ti* tnt ti* 1nttrv1t f,.orn *ntn tne monitored p1r1111t1r excaeds 1ts ti-111 s.epoint &i tn* d'!Ann*l s*nsor 1Jnt11 lass of si1tion1,., 9r1pp.,. =11 voltat**


1.21 A RIPQRTAIU ti* .,,, of those ~and1t1ans IPK11'hct 1n 8114f1Ml14i!S l191lil ail l.t.1~-

"L Q~r.-..i7 ~ o. 73 'hi IOC. Fil pQ,. t- ~ ~

SMUTCCW1' ~GUI 1.21 SHUT120WR MAllIN snal 1 ~ U* tnsunuft.aus .aunt of .-.acth1ty by whic!I tJte ruc:ai- ts sulacr1t1cal or wauld tl9 suau1t1cal ,,.. tu 11,...*m: ~onct1i1an UJustnt 111 tllll lMt'ft rod clYSUr* (snutdaw &nG =nirol) arw fully 1nse~ld uc*t tor in. s1nt1* rod cll.lftll" u1111Dl1 of t11911ui ruc:htiy .o~l'I

.ntc!I ts asumd ca bll tul11 witl'ldrbft

  • sm SCUHO.UY t.%9 The sm IOUNDMY snall be U.t 11ne bilyCllG wn1d'I the l*nct ts not owned, fL.--

ltued, or ou1,.,.1sa cmtil"Qlltd b1 tne ltc.ns.. , IS sfta..n tn fftgure !.1-3, *n4

.ntdt dmf1nes =se achas1an ll"U IS WMI 1n '1guA 5.1*1.*

sot.ID I1!CATION t.lO SCT.IDt1'?CAT?Oll 111111 be ttt9 cattv*t"l1on of ..c 1"1d101C:h* wastes into

  • fam :I'll: .eu snt"1119 lftG tlur11l 9l"'QWIG ,,qui ,.._u.

SCURC! 04!CX t.l1 SCUICI Olla snall bl tn. qul tt1i1.,. ass.ssmm: of d'linnel ,.upc11sa ..,,;,,,,

i::. d'l.,.nel Mntor ts aposed _u & saura of tncrHHd r1cU01c:h1ey.

Si~Gm!a T!!T WtS t.lZ S)il.!.'1

  • UNtT Z Pimendlnant ~o.

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=*" plane r"'lffans u  ::a:Kl 1n Pll'Uftt of =" "91P't 1'~ t."19 Mn* of the tu11:

1. 1.awr c:orw rwt:i* frm as u 15!. 1nc1us1.,..
z. Upper ca" rqta frm IR to lOCI. tnclus1ve.


  • ZS llld 74.91
  • zs. tnc1us1ve.

l.. QI-tel plue rqtans at 17 .n

  • zs. 32.l
  • zs. 4t.4~
  • ZS,
4. C4rw pl- 1"911ans w1Wn !. ZS of c:o,.. he1gb't C!. tncn1s) u.t ia. ~ 4-nd pos1i1on of ih* blna *~* =atl"Ql rccts.

f* !Y11ut1nt tll9 lfflCU of 'rt ~ l'q (ll to ~*t'll'tn* tt 'Q (%)

11 wtW11 tu 118" .t11111"Wer 'rt acaea 'q*

4.Z.%.l Wlte 'q (?) 11 . .sured puMuut to spec1tfcat1an *.1a.2.z, u o.,*ral 1

,..sul"'M 'Q(l) stl&11 tie ~1nci fr"m a ;IGllet' d1rtr1bui1an *O ucl. 1ncnued ~

lS u ac:=unt fott 111nut1c:W"1nt tollranca lft4 fvt!!er hUMsed 117 !S to 1c:aunt far 11111surtllllfti UllC9rt11nt7.


  • UNIT Z l/4 z.7 Amendment No. *el'*

ltlD!OACTtV! l.tOUtO !F1LUENT ."4QNtTOIH~G !14ST~UMUtT'lr!ON 1.IMiitNG C0'40ti!ON ~QA OP!RATtON -

3.3.3.a The rad1ac:th* 11qu1d 1ff1uent man1tar'fn9 tnstMIMfttltfan ~1"" 1 1 s sna.n tn T11111 3.3-1% 1n111 b1 OP!RAIL! w1tit tfte1~ 1l11'111/tr1g 11tgo1"cs s*~ :~

1nsurt tit&e tit* 11.tu of S11ec:1f1cntan .,.. "°t ucaeclG. The 111,../tr1g setoo1nts of tnese cn1nne1s 1ft111 l2e detersinlG tn 1c:car~1nc1 *1th tne 0'1'SITI COSE CALCUl.ATtON IWCUAL (OCOt).

AP,~ICAIILIT't: *At 111. t1 ..s.


1. W1U 1 racUNt:ih* l1qu1d 1f1'1uent llaft1tor1"' tnst~&t1an cn1nnel 1l1l"ll/tr1 p sec;o1 nt l 1ss canservac he tn* 1"-.U1 l"M a, tne soec1f1cn1on. w1tnout d9h1 suspff4 tit* l"'tltase of l"ld1a.c:ih1 1 t quid
  • Do**

11'f1t.aeftU ...1tal"'td ~ the 1fttctM d'tannwl or dechl"'t tne cn1nnel tnoaeru11 ar cnut* tit* secpo1ni so tt ts 1CQt1C&Dl1 consernthe *

. b. Wftft lets titu tJle .tn1- ,,..aer at rad101t:ih* Hqu1d 1f1'1u1nt 11G111tor1"' tnstr.lftt&t1an cnunels OPOAl&.I. Uk* tft1 ACTION IMWt f" T11111 3.3-12. bare best efforts to l"'tCurn tile tnst,._.,,c to ooer10!

  • Stltul w1tn1n 30 da71 Ind. " WISUC:CHlfU1, t.Ql 11n tn t,,. ntxi 1-1
  • 1nnua l 1'1d1 ac:i he 11'1'1 uent l"'t 1 not COt'l"'ectM tn I t1*11 llllftftl ...
  • H* l"'tOV't wfly tit* t nopera 1111 t ty -. s
c. The g.-ow1s1ans of Soec1ttcn1ans l.0.3_.~ E9al+Gi1l"'t "ot 1ppltcilll1. ~ . 14cJt radtOlfth* 11qu1d 1ff11.1ent 111111t1tar1n9 tnst,....nucton ~1nn1l sn11l ~ d-.1tr1t1G OPG.UU a, l'tf"fO,.,...ftCI of tn* 04.UNIL OflCX, SOURCE Ol!Cl. OWllll. CAl.IIUTtOR. IM CWtNll. F'JNC'itO!UL TUi ao1r1t1ans It :..,.

f~enc111 sfta.t tn i11111 '*l*12.


  • UN t'T Z 3/4 3.53


LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Tne radioactive gaseous effluent rTt>nitori ng instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3-13 shall be OPERABLE with their 1hrm/trip setpoints stt to ensure that the limits of Specification art not exceeded. Tne alarm/trip setpoints of tnese Channels shall be dttennined in accordance witn tne


APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3-13 ACTION:

a. With 1 radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrurnenution Channel alarm/trip sttpotnt less conservative than required by the above specification, without dthy suspend the rel11se of radioactive gaseous
  • effluents monitored by the affec:tld channel or declare the channel tnaperable or change the sttpoint so ft is acceptably conservative.
b. With less than the minill\lm number of. r1dio1ct1.,. gaseous effluent rrcn1tor1ng instrumentation channels OF-E~ABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-13. Exert best efforts to return the instrument to operable status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain in the..t1ext semi *annual radioac:tht effluent rel11st report why the inoperabilfty was not c:orrtc:ttd in* timely manner.
c. TMe provisions of Specifications 3.0.3~~

6.'I l.iidf' ire not applfc:1bl1. ~

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS E1cn rad1oac:t1vt gas1ous effluent mon1tor1ng instru1111nt1t1on channel shill bt demonstrated OPERABLE by p1rfo1"111nc1 of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, ANO CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL. TEST operations at the frequenc:itS shown in Table 4.3-13.



  • UNIT 2 3/4 3.59 Amendment No. @


9. Preservice Inspection means an inspection of the full length of each tube in each steam generator performed by eddy current techniques prior to service establish a baseline condition of the tubing. This inspection shall be performed after the field hydrostatic test and prior to initial POWER OPERATION using the equipment and techniques expected to be used during subsequent inservice inspections.
b. The steam generator shall be determined OPERABLE after completing the corresponding actions (plug all tubes exceeding the plugging limit and all tubes containing through-wall cracks) required by Table 4.4-2. Reports

a. Following each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, the number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the Commission within 15 days .

.b. The complete results of the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be reported on an annual basis for the period in which the inspection was completed. This report shall include:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected.
2. Location and percent of wall-thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection.
3. Identification of tubes plugged.
c. Results of steam generator tube inspections which fall into Category C-3 aAd re~Yire prompt AetifieatioR of tAe CommissioR sAall be reported pYrsYaAt to SpeeifieatioA e.9.1 prior to res~mptioA of plaAt operatioA. T~e writteR followYp of t~is repor\~hall provide a description of investigations conducted to determin1! cause of the tube degradation and corrective measures taken to pre 1 ent recurrence.

S Aa.I/ be f-eJ -For re po r-fc.~;/,*1f pu~ua,, f ~

lOcFe. oO.(;J /OC/={2_ 6"0,75,. the el/q/ttqf1'0T)

S £..q I I be ol~u.me11 feo/i cv1.of SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 4-13

TABLE 4.4-2 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION 111 SAMPLE INSPECTION 2ND SAMPLE INSPECTION 3RD SAMPLE INSPECTION Sample Sia n...11 Ac1ion .Required Rosull Ac1ion Required Raull Action Required A minimum of C-1 None N/A N/A N/A N/A S Tubes per S. G.

C-2 Plug defeclive lubes C-1 Nones N/A N/A and inspec1 addi1kwil Plug defec1i11e lubes C-1 None 2S lub81 in lhia S. G. C-2 and impecl addi1ion11l C-2 Plug defoclive lube1 4S lubn in 1hi1 S. G.

. C-3 Perform .:lion for C-3 n1all1 of fir11 ample Petform Klion for C-3 C-J n11ul1 of firal N/A N/A ample C-3 lnapecl 11ll 1ubu in All Olher 1hi1 S. G., plug de* S. G.1 ** None N/A N/A fec1i11e lubes and C-1 inlf*l 2S lubes in Some S. G.1 P*form eclion for 8idt Ollwr s. G. N/A N/A C-2 bul no C-2 rnull of '8CORd addilionlll umple

~/;o1ifica1ion S. G. are 10 NRC punu;m1 C-3 10 ~ Addi1ion11I ln1pee1 all lubes in 6:9:1'-

10 r

c..PR 5o. 7'J. a.,J S. G. i1 C-J uch S. G. and plug defecliv* lubes.

~1'o1itica1ion N/A N/A

, o c.FR. FO. 7~ 4.-5 10 NRC pursuant

.:t.pp/.'CJ:tfole _J 10 8:9: S _ ~ 'X. Where N ii the number of slearn genera1ou in the unit, and n i1 Iha number of 11um gener111or1 in1pee1ed 3

n I.luring an in11>ec1ion

  • REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.9 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.9 Th* specific activity of th* primary c"ol<<nt shall be 1111it1d to:
1. L1s1 than or equal to 1.0 µCf/gram COSE EQUIVAL!M't I-131, and
b. Liss than or equal to 100/l µCf/gram((¥>""" a c fiv ?!:)

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


MODES 1, 2 and 3*:


v With th* specific activity of th* primary coolant Q@.111p ~

1.0 i.iC1/grm DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 for 11are than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> during one continuout ti .. interval or exc11d1ng th* li*it line shown on Figure 3.4-1, be in at least HOT STAHDBY with Tavg'dl~* 500°F wi th1 n 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. 4:::.:

With the specific activity of the primary coolant ~*1e1r !!!f!h~

100/l i.iCf/g~m, be in at least HOT STANDBY with Tav~tflll !MIA 500°F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. @

  • SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 4-23


MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:

a. With th* sp.cific: activity of the prfury coolant gruter than 1.0 1o1C1/g1"* DOSE EQUIVALEHT I*131 or greater than 100/! µCi/gru, p*rfol"ll th* sampling and an&1ys1s requireMnu of i t * ~ of Taal* 4.4-Z until th* sp.cific: ICtivit coolant 1 restored to w thin iu 1i*iu
1. hacter l'A*r 1ti s'HP)' s'UAi ftl 48 titeurs 191"1 el" \e tfl* fi s...-1* iA wtl11R UI* 11*1* was ~Cllili 1 l"S'
2. F-.1 llHIPRUll by MN NfiH,
3. 61..,...~ f1 ew "1 sta.-; IUA1 ~ 48 h~n l'f'i IP M lM f11"9t S. . 1.1 iA wRid \a* 11*1' wal Ut;Hdacl, HhUf'Y ef wgassiAg ll'll"ltieftl, if I~, SUA1ftf 48 f!IGWH 4.

pPioP '° ti* fiPI* .... 11 iA ......... VI* 1i*:f* .... Uet*li*i, aM-

4. 4. 9 The specific ac:tivfty of the prfury coolant shall be d*tel"llined to b1 (

within th* li*fu by JNl°fOl"lllnC* of the sampling and 111alys1s progrg of Table 4. 4*4.

SALEM - UNIT 2 31~ 4*24

  • CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 3.6. 1.6 The structural integrity of the containment shall be maintained at a level consistent with the acceptance criteria in Specification 4.6. 1.6.

APPLICABILITY: MODES *1, 2, 3 and 4.


With the structural integrity of the containment not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity to within the limits within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> .

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.6. 1.6. 1 Containment Surfaces The structural integrity of the exposed accessible 1nter1or and exterior surfaces of the containment, including the liner plate, shall be determined during the shutdown for each Type A containment leakage rate test (reference Specification 4.6. 1.2) by a visual inspection of these surfaces. This inspection shall be performed prior to the Type A contain-ment leakage rate test to verify no apparent changes in appearance or other abnormal degradation.

4.6. 1.6.2 Reports Any abnormal degradation of the containment structure detected during the above required inspections shall be .

  • * * * *
  • shall include a description of the condition of the concrete, the inspec ion procedure, the tolerances on cracking, and the corrective action taken.

SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 6-8


d. At least once per 10 years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously, during shutdown, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds. The diesel fuel oil storage and transfer system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by:
1. Verifying the level in each of the above required 20,ooo*gallon fuel storage tanks.
2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the 20,000 gallon storage tanks to the. day tanks.
b. At least once per 92 days by verffying that a sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required 20,000 gallon fuel storage tanks is wi'thin the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM 0975-68 I when checked for viscosity, water and sediment. Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall I

be reported to the Commission ursuant to Specification . . Reports of diesel generator failures sha l include the information re ommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory G ide 1.108, Revision 1, Augus 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nu lear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, he report shall be suppleme ted to include the additional information recommen ed in Regulatory Position C 3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision l, August 977.

£. 9. ~ w.-H,;,,

'30 c/a._ 5 SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 8-5

u,o tO.ACTt'IE EFF'..UENTS COSE LIMITING CONOITION FOR OPERATION The dose o,. dose c=-itmnt to 1 MEH!EJl 0' THE PUBLIC fl"Oll radio*ctfYt \1


111Ur11 ls f" 11 quid tft'l uents ,..1 .. sed' fl"'Qm Heh t"HC'tQt" un 1t' to UHR!STR I Ci[D ARW {sH Ftgu.-. 9.1-3) sl'l11l be t11rtttd:

1. Our1nt *"1 c1ltndl,. qu1rt1r to less thlft Of" equal to 1.5 1111". . to tl'le tHa 1 boGy Md to t ess tl'l1n o,. equ1 l to 5 .,... to Ut'/ Of"iln , Mel r I 1:1.


Our-1 ng Ut'/ "ltndlr 111r to less thlft o,. equa 1 to 3 111"91 to th* tot a 1 lftG to t 111 thlft o,. equal to 10 _._ to *"1 or~n.

APP~ICAltlIT"f: At all t1 ..s.


a. W1t!I tne
  • e1lc:ul1tld dasa frm tM ,..1111* of rad1a1C'Ch* 111ur1als fn 1fqu1cl effluents ac:tecl1ng Uf'/ of th* IDoq 1111'fts, ' 11 ae 1 e S *en111 c.,ae; HHS~ lll"9Glrt and to the Comrinton wtthtn 30 0

~,,, llUrtUn-i to Spec1f1c&t1on t.t.z, I Spec:t11 RIPO" that fdlfttffhs I the c&use(s) fa,. uclecl1ftCJ the 1181t(s) and daf1na tlle c:ort-K:ha I


ac:-:1 ans tnat ...... been ta.,. to t"tduce th* t"t 1auu Mel the propoUd co~1ft ac:-:tans to tie ta* to usu,.. that subsequani re huts wt 11 be t n c:mp t flnc:e wt tJt the IOG-f* 1t 111 ts. )

1:1. The gro¥1s1-ons at Spec:1f1~t1an 3.0.l and 3.0.4 .,.. not 1pptte1bl1.


1 Cuaullth* 4ose c:antribuitans frm ltqutd tft'luenu sn111 ti*

a1t11"!11nld 1n accaranc:e *ftlt th* OCCM at t11si anc1 ;er ll dlys.




  • UNIT Z 3/4 ll-5 Amendment Mo. r-

l.IOUID UCWAM T'R!AT'M!lfT LIMtTtNG COHOtTtON 'QI OPWTTON 3.11.1..1 T1le 11qufd l"IMSU tre1tmni sy1t* sn*ll be used to ~a tn1 r1df01cth* *t1r111s lfqufd w11t11 pr'far ta tltetr 41SW'"'9 ..n.,. the praJtc<:~

=-alit1v. dasa due to in. 11qufd 1t11uei ,,.. Helt rt1ao.- to UHRISTUC1'i0 ARIAS (SH ,1gu,.. S.1-3) tKHCt o.375 .... ta tn* ~1 boa, Of' 1.zs mn. to *n:t orpa dur'f 1'19 *ftJ a 1tnar quart1.-.

mi.twrLm: At 111 t1 ....


    • w1dl ti. l"ld1Mfth* ltqu1c1 bet"' <<1scn*m wiieaut e:.*tmftL,_

llM tn aass o1 tit* lioft HstUe!M l!il if i:H1111lti:§v1~ ilnt~

11,..,.,.. and sutstt to th* ca-tsstan wiihfn 30 dlf1, '"'""'ni ta Spec1'1cattan t.9.21 1 Special Report tllat tnclua. tit* fa11a.1nt tntarmn1an:

1. '1.1111uat1an o1 ""1 11qufd ra*su .a IMtnt d1sdll.,_ without, tanttf1catton d "" t...-r1bl1 tiQU1si-ni- or su11n-. and tJle ruson tr Ui t~raitltt.J.
z. Act'tan(s) Uk* ta rutof'I . . tnapenilt eQU1.-nt to OPWIL!

suiu, UIC& *

3. s.-,, ascrt,itan o1 ldtan(s) tatn to p,...,~ 1 recurnnca.
b. T1te J:ll"O"ffstans of Spte1f1cattan 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are "°' appltc~blt.

SURVUWNCI lt!OU?HMHfS 4.ll.1.3 Dos* due ta 11qutd l"'llHHt shall be praJICUd n lttst ona "" ll 4111 tn c=runca w1U

  • tne oeot. "


  • UNIT Z 3/4 u-~
  • NOBL!* GASES LIMtTtNS CONOtTtON 'QA OP!RATtON 3.11.z.z n,e 11r dos* dul ta nablt gases ,..111sld 111 g1s1aus tf,,utnts, from 11cn ,...aar unit, tl"Gll the s1ta 11"ffs g and ~and tne stn BCUNOAAY (stt

,fgure 5.1*3) snall b9 111ritad ta the ta11a.1ng:

1. Durt"9 1111 QlMdar qul"ttr: I.tu tltlft or equl ta S arid tor g_...

r1d11c1cm ana las.

. tn"'9 or equl ta 10 arad tar beU ract11t1on and,

b. Durtn9 1111 calendar yur: Lass ttlan or ~11 ta ta arid tor 911m1 r1d11t1an 4l'ld las CJ'IM or equl ta ZO mrl4 tor tteu rad1&C1on.

AP'LICAltLITT: At 111 t1..s.


1. W1ttl tMi Qlc:alatlld 11r dose fl"al rad1oaa1.,. noble psa 111 effluents ucttd1n9 llf1 of~* 1bo¥* Hstu, <SI! 11*4' 1 JKJ*n*ii L
  • _...9-1* r e HS Pretlll"'I and ta t!t1 c-tss1an *1t!t1n 30 n1t.

pursulftt ta SCl9C1t1caC1an S.9.2, I S,..:111 A~ t!'lat tdent1 f111 :J'lt QUH(S) tar ucttd1119 tM lfstt(s) - dlf1n* the =~h* ICCi-GftS tnai l'll'ft tlltft CM* ta l"'lduca - r"'tlHse and :J'I* Pf"GtlOlld =~ht 1a1 OM ta

  • US* ta ISSUl"'I tltlt sumeciutne rt 1HHS wi 11
  • 111

=-'f1anca with CM UO.* 11stcs. *

b. n,e pr'O'f1s1ons of Se1ec1f1cat1ans 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are nae *GGlf~1c11.

SUAV!ILLANC! R!QUIREM!NTS 4.11.Z.2 O..latht dose ~ontrtbu't1ons tor tne cur~ ultndlr quarter and currowm c:atenar 1..r sna11 be 41Ktl"ll'fntd tn acca..unca wtcn th* OCC4 at teut OftQ  !'... 31 * ~t.


  • UNIT 2 . 3/4 ll*lZ

~AOIOACT!VE £FFLUE~TS COSE * 'root~E-l3l, ~!TtUM, AHO RAOtONUCl.IOES !~ PART!CUl.A~ ~ORH 1.IMtT!NG CONDITION FOR OPERAT!ON 3.11.2.l The dose to a M!M!Elt*O' TM! PUILIC fl'"QI tod1ne*l31, frOlll tr1t1Ulll, 1nd f'i-GI all l"ld1onucltdes 1n p1.-.:1cut1t1 fo~ *1tl'I n1lf*ltves* gr11t1r titan a days tn gas1aus 1fftuents rwl11sed. fl'"QI 11dl r11ctor untt~ f!"Oll th* s1t1 to 1rt1s 1t and beyond th* SIT! BQUNOMY (Sff FtiU" 5.1-l) shill tie ttstud to CM fol 1a.tng:

1. Dul"1 ng lftJ cat 1t1dlr qu.-.:1r: I.1st thu or tcid 1 to 7. 5 * - to 1ny org1n and,
b. Oul"1ng *"1 cal1t1dlr year: \.ns th111 or ~1 ta 15 m.-- to"J or~1n.

AP,~ICAIILITY: At 111 t111e1.


1. W1tl'I ti'!* calcul1ud ~se f'rm tn* rwlease ~f tod1n .. u1. tr1t1WI, 11141 rad1onuc11d8s tn p1rt1cu11t1 f'orm -1th ltilf*lha g,..ltlr' t,,1n 8 dl7s, 1n faSeGUS 1fft uenis ucffd1 ng llf1 of tJ'I* IGG** t t st ts, t©'fii?I:=-

~ E 4 Hjiiffl Pl"ltN" Incl suUit ta tfte Ccimtsston w1tl'l1n 30 dlys, i:sursu1ni to Sp.c1f1 cat1 en s. 9 .2, 1 Sp.c111 Rlt'Ort- tl'l1t 1deftt1ft11 tne cause(s) for ucled1ng tM lfstt Incl defines t"* _

proposed cart"Kih* 1=1 ans to ti. ta* =

car.-.cihe 1=1an1 t111i l'llve been Uk* to reduce tlte ,..111se 1nd tl'l1 usu,.. tJ'l1t subsequent re 1llSU *111 tie f n =-91t lftCI *1 tit tne liGVI lt st ts *

b. TI'l1 prov1stons ot Spec1f1cat1ons 3.0.l and 3.0.4 .,.. not 1ooltc1al1.


,.ll.2.l Cuaallt1Y9 dose contr1but1ons far tJ'I* curl"eftt c1l11tdlr qu1.-.:1r and cur~ calenur yffr far todine-131, cr1t1WI, and t"ld1onucl1das 1n i:i1r"C1culau fol"!I w1 t1I n1lf*1 ha g,..1Ur tl'llft 8 dlyS S,,111 be dltll"!lrf ned f n ICCQr~nca wH!n

':l'I* ODOt at l 11si once per 31 dlys.

,.;. ... ~/



  • UNI1' 2 3/4 ll*ll

MOtOACTtV! EFFt.U£MTS WEOUS IUC\l.UT! Tl!ATH!HT 1.IMtTtMI CCNDtTtON 'OR OPWTtON T1t* IASIOUS ltADWAST'E Tl!AT>CMT SlStlJll 11td th* V1111'tLlATt01' EXHAUST TllATMl1CT S'fSTIM Wll tl9 llled U 1"9duca l'ld1aC:Che M&11"111s fn glSl<NS 14Stl 0

pr1ar u their d1sdl11"91 WI* t!l9 prajtciei pseaus tff11.1MC 111" data due ca 91seaus tffT1.1ent ,..1t1s.1, f!"Qm th* s1U u 1.-.a d Ind blyand u.1 SITI



SOJNOAAY (sH "fl" s.1-3).. ucMd .-N tor ~ raa1u1an and 1.zs **d tor i.ia raah&1an 1n lft1 calendar qul"'t1r. 111* .VIJITILIATlCll DHMJST TRIATMIMT S"fST'Dt shall

  • l&Hd u rffuai l"tcl10IC:Ch* *ur11l1 tn talffUS *ISU Dr1ar CQ ,...ctor 11111'. tl"Gll iM 11u co .,.... ai ~ ta.,_

ttl*il" d1sdllrge ....,. iJt9 praJeclld data du* u gu1au1 tff11.1eni ,..ltua, from tn* sm SCUlfOAl"f (sH

'fgurw S.1.3) "'!114 acaed' 1.179 .._ to llf1 arsu ta "'1 callftdar qu1,.ur.

A"UCAltt.m: A& 111 tt. . .

ACT'?Olh ..

    • W1t!I , . . . . . ...i. b91nt* dtsc!lart*I w1t!lout "'91'c.M&.;2'anct fn UCIH of

- lbow lfsttlW! JtM At I k l

  • l f i i'flii* Pemtp P,..,.l"'I lftd suimt& ca en. Camtu1on w1'211n 30 a,t, purtuut u S,.:1 ttc:i&1on
  • .t.2. 1 s,.c11l R9PGrl CJln tnchldel ille tollawfnt tnfo,..&1on:--
l. bllllld1* of ..., gaseoa ra*su ... be1nt d1scna.-gH *it~out, ta.rt1'1ca&1an of 1ff1 fnoperatllt equ1pmni or suiQn-. 1114 a.. ,..UGll tor ~ t """bt 1 t &J,
z. Ac:c1an(s) Ui* u l"ISUl"t t!l9 1nopenb11 equtpmni *11~

OPIRAIU suius, Md * * *

3. S.-17 c&acrtp&10ll of Ki1an(s) Uklll to pnven& 1 recurl"'tnc1.

ti. '"'* P"'f1s1w d Spectttcatton1 l.a.4 1" nu ..,11c:ia11.

2 Q.0.3 Qt1J) Oosa a. ta gistGUS 1"'91tHn fl'"al tn. s1&1 sn11l b* '1r"Gjecild 1&

t tu~ onca 1:1*r ll 4l1s f n 1c=arunc1 .1 tn tft* OCOI.

  • UNIT Z 3/4 11-14


  • 3.11.3. Th* solfd r"1ctw.st1 syst* Shill t:l* used .fn 1ccordlnc1 wfth 1 PROC!SS CONTROL PROGRM to Pl"QCISS ....t l"ld1aictf.v* WIStl to rneet snipping ind t:lul"1a1 ground r"equir"..,,ts.

APPlICABILITT: At 111 t11119s.


1. W1tlt t!t* prov1s1ons of th* PRQC!SS CONTROL PRQGR>>I net satisfied, suspancl sh1pmrtis a1' d8fect1ve11 prac1ssld or defecthel1 p1aiged sa11d rad1Cllci1ve w1st1S 1'ra1 tfttl s1t1.
b. Th* proY1s1ans of Sp.c11'1~t1or11*l~O.l Ind 3.0.~4


SURV!ILLAlfC! REQ!JtRMm 4,11.3. Th* PRGCCS COlflllGL , _ shall a ***

01' 1t lust an* '"",..seni1th* ian sp.:1w fl"'Cll it

  • S'"1 t11* sai.101FICAric*

t!ftt!t ~1' Hdl ty1'9 01' - l"ld1Cllci1.,. *Htl (** g.

  • t11 tar s 1udps. SP* 1"9S 1ns. f

.1v1par1tor tla~, bar1c 1c1d salut10fts, 1nd sad1um sul1'1t1 solut1ans).

1. tf 1111 tast sp.:111111 fails to ver11'y SOLIDtFtCAT!ON, th* SOLIOIF!CAi!ON of tM bltd'I unur ~*st SM11 b* SUSPeftdilG until sudl t1* H 1dd1t10111l test sp.:1-.ns e&n be obt11n9d, 1lt1rn1t1v* SOLIOtF!CAi!ON i:i1r-c1rs c.n be dlttrmf nlG fn 1ccordlnc:t w1tn th1 PROCESS CONTROL PROGllAM, Ind I subsequwit test ver11'ilS SOLIOIF!CATtON. SOLIOIF!CAi!ON of the bltdl ill1 tn., be , us1n9 th9 1lt1rn1t1v* SOLIDIFCAi!ON i:i1r-t1" dllttm "" b1 tft* PROC!Sl CQNT'Rat.. PROGRAM.
b. If tfte fn1t11l test sa.c11111tt 1'~ 1 bitch of llfltt* 1'111s co ver11'y SOLIOt,tCATtON, th* PROC!SS CONTROL PROGR.llt sn111 ~rovida for c"e co11tci1on &nd tast1ng of ,..o,..sent1t1v* east sp.c11111ns frQlll eacn cons~1v* b1te1'1 of cn1 11111 cyp* of ....i w1ste until 1c 111st cnree constcuth* .1n1c1*1 tast SCIK1119nS dltlonStl"IU SOLIOIF!CATtON. ihe PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM sn1ll t:le.mad11'11d IS l"tqu1red, IS ~rovfdld fM

- S;.c11'1c&t1on 5.13, to 1ssur1 SOLIDIFICATION of subsequ1nt ~1tcnes of w*Stl.


  • UNIT Z 3/4 ll-17 Am1ndm1nt No. ~


1.IMtTtNI CONOtTtON FOR OP!MTtON 3 .11.4 T?I* annual (a 1endlr year) dose or dasa ecast tmnt to any ME4BD OF iHE PUILIC, du* ta 1"9 ltlHS of l"'ld1 a.ct h1 ty 111d l"'ld1 at1 an, ,,._ urna 1um fue t ~c 1e sourus shall be 1181tld ta less thin or equ.1 to ZS . - - to th* total t:lady ar any orpn (uct,i ttt. enyro14, .tt1dt shalt 1:19 Hll'ttld ta 1111 thin or equal to 75 ..--).

APPUCAIIUT"t: A'C all times


a. W1tll in. ulcuhtld daset fl"al tn. rel1u* of rad1a.cth* *t*rhls 1" ttqu1d or gu.aus 1ff1uenu acffd1"' tw1u the 1111'tU of S11ec11'1cat1an l.11.1.21,,, l.11.2.211,, or, alcuh'C10ftl snauld 1:19 *
  • 1nclud1"' d11"'1d l"'ld1a'C10ft carrtr1but1ons from ~ reac:ur 11111u and fl"al ouU1d9 stor199 tll*s ta aternrt"'

ft'Cnet- t!le 1181U of tft1s Snc1f1cai1on }ta"~i..n uCHded. If su~

  • 1\ iM cued,. 11~

th* Cmmiss1on w1 1n ifi k1HM" l'flfl~A!i~ prepare lnci sublrit ta dlys, pursuld to S11.c1f1ut1Clft S.9.211 Sp.c111 RetlQrt tnu daf1na ~ ="9C°t1'f'9 1ct1Clft ta be U&111 to ,..c1uc1 sasequeni 1"91HHS ta prevent 1"9CH'1"Wlca of aCHd1"' en. nave 1tlll'tts IM tncll&Gel CM sdtedult for 1dt1e'11nt canfal"WlllU w1t!I ~ above l181U *.

  • 1'?111 SJ.:1ul R"20.-C, IS d9f1n9d in 10 en Part ZG.40!c, shat 1 1nchada 111 IM1ys1s thit nt1*'C* en. ract1at1an 1xoosun (dose) ta 1 MIMllR 01 ntl PUILIC fr9 uranium fuel cycle sourus, 1nclud1"~ 111 eff11.1Wtt pa~ Ind direct racH1t1on, far tft9 ullftdlr 111r tnu 1nch&G* CM 1"9111se(s) eaftnd bf t!lfs ,..a~ *. It shall also dascrt 01 llftls of radiation Incl COftClfttr1t1ons of rad1a.C:1V9 *t.r11l 1nah9d, and t!l9 cau11 of ta. a~asun levels o,. cancantrat1ons. If

~tn1*Ud das*(s) ucftds tn. 1baw limits, 111d ff en. r.h111

~1an rwult1"' 1n '11ol1t1a1i of 40 en Pare 190 Ml nest 11 r.1ay Offn

=1"1"'9CUd, the SCl9C111 Repart shall 1nchada 1 i-equ*st fa,. a v1r1 llta f n 1ccat'Ufta w1U - Pr'h1sfons of 40 en Pare 190. Subll'ttial of ~*

~ ts ~ans1d9nd 1 t1*ly i-equn't, arid 1 v1r11nca ts granted um11 staff c:1.on an en. requai ts =-tee..


  • UNIT 2 3/4 11*18 wndment ~Q. ~
  • 3/4.lZ ~AOIOLOGtCAL ENV!RONMENTAL MONtTORt~G 3/4.12.1 MONITORING P~OGRAM LIMITING COHOITtON FOR OP.ERATtOH 3.lZ.1. ,,,. rad1olog1c:a1 1nv1~n1111nt1l man1tor1ng program shall be conduct~ as so.c1f11d 1n T1ol1 3.12-1.

AP~LICASILITY: At 111 t1119s.


W1t!I t!I* r1diolo91ca1 tnv1rownul nmn1tor1"! p~9r* not b91n; 0

  • 1. _a.

c:onduc:Ucl u spec1f11d 1n T1ol1 l.12.1, M 'Ei* of 1 bi1e1n111 hJl'ICJ

  • .-crSti,;i IH"9'1,.. and submit ta the Com1u1on, 1R the Annu1l

~0!1cal Env1~nmnul O~*r1tin9 R*part r9qU1recl tly SpecH1elt1on

~ ~~,~~~* 1 desc:r1pt1on of t!I* ,..1sons for not ~nduc:t1n9 th* ~rogr111 IS ,..qu1 r9cl Incl th~ pl lftS for p,..vent1 "' I l"K\ll"ntlCI.

b. W1t!I ttll 11.,.1 of rad1~c:t1v1ty IS the l"etult of plant 1ff1u1nts 1n an 1nY1~*u1 ~11n9 md1um 1t 1 ~ec1f11d loc.at1on uc:ucUng tn1

,..,art1n9 levels of Table 3.12*2 -"* 1ftr1~ ov*r 1ny calen!Ur qu1rt1r,c;;:4:A 1th If ajirliliHIH hlH llt0art:;;,-p,..,.,.. illcl "Nblrit to :l'l1 CGllliss1an *1tn1n la a.,s, pu1"1U1nt ta S~1f1c:at1on 5.9.Z, 1 S£ec11l

~.,art tn1t 141ttt1f1es t!I* .cause(s) for uc:aed1ng tn* 1111'ft(s) 1nd def1na tM c:or1"9Ct1v* ac:t1ans to bl tu* to- reduc:. r14101ct1v1 1fflu1nis so tftlt tnl potential 111nu1l dose to I M!MIEJl 0, THE PUBLIC 1s 1111 than the c.al1t1dlr year limits of soec1f1c:at1ons 3.11.1.z, 3.11.z.z, and 3.11.Z.3. Wh.n .,,.. tn1n on* of tl'l* rad1onuc:11d*s 1n iablt 3.12*Z are d1tactld 1n the SllllP11ng medium, th1s report sn111 ot sua.1 ttlcl 1f:

c:anc1tttrat1on (1) c:onc:enirat1on (Z)

- - - - - - - - ..... *ll

  • 0 re~art1ng 11v*l (Z) r9'0rt1ng l*vel (1)

W~*n racl1anuc:ltdes other than tl'los1 1n Table 3.lZ*Z art d1t1ct1d 1nd 1rt tftl ruult of phni 1ff1ue-ts, cn11 rtQOrt sn11l bl suaartttld 11' t~*

gotlnt 11 l 111nu11 dase to 1 ,_..,.,. of tl'l* guo 11 c 1s equ1 l to ar gr.a ur S.-\L!.11

  • UNIT Z 3/4 lZ*l Amendment ~o. ~
  • 3/4.lZ ~AOIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONtiORI~G 3/4.lZ.l MCNtTORING PROGRAM LIMITtN6 CONOtTION FOR OP!RATtCN ACTION: (Ca~ d) 1 than the calenct.r ye1r 11*1ts of Spec1f1c:a~1ons 1.11.1.z, l.11.z.z. 1nd 1.11.2.l. Tlt1s l"'lpoi't 1s "°' requ1 red 1f tn* *uu~ ,..,,1 of rad1a.C:1v1ty.was nai thtl result of pl1ni eff1uants: hawe""* fn sucn u f'lwti, tJI* cond1 don sna 11 b9 l"'IPOrtad 111d clascr1 bed 1n ine Annua1 bd2o1oftcal lnY1 l"GMMU1 Oparat1nt Report *
c. Wii!I mlk or frub lttfy "4)9tablt 1111111111 unantllble fl"Cll one or *111a.-e of tJI* IUIPl* locatiOllS required bf Tltll1 3.12-1,* 1dwti1fl1 locations for o1Utn1"' repllc-.nt SUIP111 and &dd th* ta in. radto1og1ca1 enYil"QlmMUl mnttar1nt procJr.. wtthtn lG cSQs. nte spec1 t1c locations ,,.. .n1cn suples ..,.. unaYatl&J>>le _, th* be cteht9d t~

in. . . tur1nt progl"18. . * .A:: *

  • Gil --- - *----

.**--- - -- Irene haare iii-"rsuant ta Spect tie&t1or1 c1n111

~. tdMCifl1 tne cause o1the1111H11111:111ft1 of s-..111 and tn*

l..E/ - n* locattoa(s) for OllUtni"' ,...,11c..e s

  • l a tn the riut SmilftftUll bd1CllC:1ve ltf1uent Rehas1 Report. Include 111 tne_,..part 1 l"ft1sad ffguA(s) Inc& tiale for tn. OCOt ref1ect1ng tne n.ew 10Cd1on(s).
d. nte pra'l'ts1ans of  !~1f1cat1ans l.O.l lllCI l.Q.4 ire not 1pplic11:111.

4.U.1 nte rad1o1Qftca1 ...,1 ..e1.-,ul mn1tor1nt Slll01a shall tt. ca11 e<<9d pursuani to T1bl1 3.12*1 fl"'all the locations spec1f11d fn tne OOCM &ml sn1ll oe

  • n*l:tZM pW"1Uiftt ia the ,....1,._,.~ of T1bl1 4.12-1.


  • UNIT Z 3/4 12*Z


-t N --

WAler Atrbora* Partlcultt* fhll Hiik Food Produc:t1 bilyd1 CpCl/U or GHH CpCl/a ) CpCt/11. wet) c,c111) CpCl/lg, wet) 11-l 2

  • 104(1) ttn-H I
  • 101 j
  • 10* .

fa-59 4 1 10Z 1 .* 10*

C~-58 I

  • 101 l
  • 10*

Co-60 l 1 10Z I

  • 104 ln-65 l
  • 102 2
  • 10*

lr-Nb-95 *

  • 102 I-Ill .ft>) o.t J I x 102 lO 10 .I
  • 101 I x 101 Ci-114 Ci-llJ 50 *20 2 1l 101

'° JO 2* aol*

O*-h-140 2

  • 102 . l ** 102 a.. I

(*) for drink Any Wiler u,...IH. Tl*h h\io CH Part 141 valu.. I..F 110 dr1n~,'n-J wq.. fer /)~fl...J<ly e-ti'Sf5, C\. vtJr...e oF sx /0 '1 p C,*/.t ,-?'?Qy ~.e u>d.

F~r Jn,, t~~ .... ~ wt:<_-fe.r <;awif /et.. Tl~s kA.fer pct tliw<J,.y '2. y,;$ n I a_ yq/u

ro N


.,c 7-

!H 91 ot1-,1-*o .,

-8c 081 08 81 091 z-01

  • 9 81 lC*-SJ .,


091 09 ~1 Ot1 z-01

  • 9 91 Jt ~{I-SJ I z-OI


09 CB'91 I


  • ~

96-qN-Jl 09Z UC .,;9-u1 Ot1 91 09 *.... -OJ 09Z oc 6'_;-9:f Otl t.,;-UH


@r°l c-11 z-01

  • 1 * '1Dq SSOJfi (AJp "6:t/1Jd) '18" "6J/1Jd) t1/1Jd) (18" "6J/1Jd) ,,*/IJd) 18!'9 JO (1/IJd) s1sA1*uy spnpoJd pooJ 81' RJl1J'd 9UJOqJtY J91'ft


1U"9flJ9S 'f!IJ N

~(0~1J*NOHJJUO JO SllHll 1Jft01 Jiil llOJ SJn1YA HnHIXYH 1-z1** 11un

iABLE 4.l2*l (Cont'd)

'!'.S.SL! ~OT.IT!ON II 1 Requ1r1Q d*tlct1on ~pab11ft1ts for tl'llrmalwn1nescsnt. dos1meta~s ustd for i

1nv1ro111111ntai ineasurenents art given 1n R19Ul1tor-1 SYid1 4.l3. Rev. l, July I 1977.

b Th*

C LLO u.n 1s dlf'1ned 1n Table _4.11-1.

hr dr1r'l-1~1115 er 1'sh- 1 -1:/.e LbD v.Ja.-1-t!.r t;a111ples. rF

~ vt.tltLe vF so~o no f> C.*/f Jr;t11i*1n:; 4/Q. fer

<<7ay ~e f,/Sd_

f-t fl4M,y .

I d L. iD t=Or dnri tt"i "l"j J1!a.fer* s.:a1Y1ples. :rF no dr-.11-kir~ tJ,rr-~ . -

pa+li vcty e.x~s fs' a. 'l/ec '""e c; F I0 r C::.;. I .I ff71~r 4e ~ea~


  • IJN IT 2 3/4 U-10

RAOIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.lZ.Z LANO USE CENSUS LIMITt~G CONOIT!ON FOR OPERATION 3.12.2. A 1and us* c:ansus shall be c:cnductad and shall identify within a d1stanca of 8 km (5 miles) th* 1oc:ation fn e1ch of the 15 rntttora1ogic:al sectors of the nearest m1 lk animal,, the nearHt resfdenca and the nearest garden* of greater than 50 ml (500 ft') producing l:lro1d luf ve99tation. (For elevated reltas*s as defined fn Regulatory Gufde l.lll. Revision 1. July 1977, the land use cansus shall also fd1ntffy wfth1n 1 distance of 5 k~ (3 m11es) th* 1oc:at1ons fn each of the 15 11Wttoralogfeal sectors of 111 milk antrna1s and all gardens of greater than 50 m2 p.-.,du.c:i ng broad 1uf ve99t1tton. -

APP\.ICABILITY: At all times.


a. Wfth 1 land use c:ensus fd1nt1fyfng 1 location(s) that yields a ca 1cu lated da s* or da se = 1'1111 tmnt grHtll" than the v11 ues curl"tnt 1y being c:alc:uhtad in Specification 4.U.2.3. << "*" d a 'h'""' iY~
s:i *Hire. f dent1 fy the nw location (s) t n thl "9xt Sel'ri 1nnu11 Radioac:t h*

Efflue~t Rele1s* Repart. pursuant ta Specif1catfon 5.9.l.~

  • 1:1. With 1 11nd use cansus fdentffying 1 locatfon(s) that y1e1ds 1 c:alc:uhtad dase or dase =nlllftmat (via) the sam u~sure p1tl'IWay) 20 perctnt greattr than at a location fro111 which samples are currently l:lefng .obtained fn acc:crdanca with SpecH1c:ltfon 3.12.l. add the new location( s) to the radio lo gt cal envf ron.,.nta 1 nan1 tor1 ng pro gr a~ within 30 days. The Si'""11ng loc:at1on(s), 1xclud1ng the c:cntrol station location. ttaving the 10 ealcuhttd dast or dast =11Writ!T9nt(s) (via tne !1"9 u~sure pathway) may tie deleted from tl'lis nanftor1ng pragrarn afttr October 31 of tl'le yur tn whfc:h this land use cansus was conducted. suant to S ec1f1 * , identify the new 1oc:at1on(s) in the next Senriannual Radioactive Eff1uent R1le1s* Repart and also fnc:luae fn th*

r1part i revhtd f1 gure ( s) and tab 1t fnr the OOCM rt f1 ect i ng tne new li>cation(s).

c:. The provfs1ons of Specifications J.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applfcablt.

'!road luf ve99t1tfon Si'""ling of at least thrH different kinds of vegetation may be perforrrad at the SIT'E 80UNOAAY in each of t'IG different dfrtct1on sectors witn the 1'11gnest predicted 0/Qin lieu* of the garden cansus;.

Specifications fol" broadle1f vegetation sampling tn Tablt 3.l2-l.4c shall 1:11 followed, fnc:luding analysis of c:cntrol samples.


  • UN IT 2 3/4 12-ll Amendment No.~


SURVEILl.ANC! REOUIREMEMTS 4.1%.% The lana use c1nsus shall be canductad during th* graw1ng s11san 1t 111st anca per 1% 11anihs us1~t tlut tn1on111t1on tJ't1t will provide the best ruu lts' sudl u "'

  • daGl"*tQ-dQGI" su,..,11, HM I I SU,..,91. or by CCl'ISU 1t 1 "' l OCI 1 aqr1c:ultu.-. 111tnarU1a. T1'1* ruults of tJ'I* lane use ansus shal 1 be tncl ucad f n tn* Anma11 Rad1o1ot'fca1 !.nv1 1 Operat1"' Re~art punu~ ta Spec1f1cat1on a.9.1~. .



  • UNIT Z 3/~ 12-1%

.~AO IOLOGIC).L E:'IV r~ONMNnL ~N ITOR I ~G 3/4.12.J. I~T!~l.)80RATORY*CCMPARISON ?RO~AM L!MtT!l'IG CONOtTIO.N FOR OPVl.ATtON l.lZ.l An1lyses sn1tl be performed an rad101ctiv1 ~c1r11ls su;;lftf2 1s ~*rt of 1n tnurl 1bor1tary C*1r1 san Pr09rua wn1 ~ nu bHn *DDrt:ivtd 0y C~1ss1 on.

APP~Ie.lltLITY: At 111 t1mts.


1. W1tn 1Mlyses noi b9fng perfal"lft9d u rtqu1 r9d 1bave, ~or"": tl'lt carncth* 1ct1ons tlklft to prnent 1 rKUr~c* co th* CQllll'fssfon fn th* Ann~l R1d1olot1cal tnv1roftlll9nt1l Operating Rapa~ inarsuant to Spec1t1cat1on S.9.l.~
b. The pl"Qv1sfons of Spec1f1cat1ons 3.0.3 1nd 3.0.4. &r-9 not 1;plfc1blt.

4.12 .3 A s~ ry of tl'I* ,...u 1ts Obil 1ned II p1rt of tl'I* IDOYI ~u 1i-td tntarhbarua,,, Comur1son P1"129ru and 1n 1ccaranc1 w1th tl'lt OCOI sn1T1 ~*

fncluded 1n the Annu1l R1d1o1091cal Env1ront11nt1l Operating Rtpar1! pursuant to Siied f1 ca*1att 1.9 "1<J;"


  • Utttr 2 . 3/4 lZ*ll ..:imendment I-to.



event. The pen11t1es applied to F~H to account for Rod Sow (Ffgure 3.2-4) as a func:t1 on of bumup ar-9 consistent with those descr1bed 1n Hr. John F. Stal z 1 s (NRC) letter to T. M. Anderson (Westinghouse) dated Apr11 S, 1919 and w 8691 RH. l (part1a1 rod bow test data).*

When an Fqmeasul"ell9nt 1s taken, an allow&nca for both axper11119ntal error and 1111nufactur1ng tal1r1nca 1111st be 1111d1. An 1llawenca of SS 1s appropriate for a fu 11 care nap taJr. lft w1 th th* 1~c:ore detactar f1 ux 111pp1 ng sy st* and 1 Ji 1llaw1nca 1s appropr11t1 for 1111nufactur1ng tal1r1nc:1. When RCS flow r1t1 and F~K are 1111asured, no add1t1on1l allowanc:1s are n1e1ss1ry prior ta ~&r1son with the 111111 ts of Ff gure 3. z.3. "'9Hur-tmnt tN'1>rs of 3. SS for RCS toa 1 f1 ow r1.t1 and 4S for Fil hav.* ~en a11 owed for 1n det1rm1 n&t1 on of th* des 1gn ONBR

-YllUle The 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per1od1c surve111anc:. of 1nd1c:at1d RCS f1ow 1s suff1c1ent to detect

~~ f1ow degradation which could lead to operation outs1d1 th* acceptable

  • region of operation shCMt in Ff gur-9 3.2-3.

The radial peaking factor Fxy(z) 1s 11191sured p1r1od1ca11y ta provide assurance that th* hot c:h1nn1l factor, FQ(z), M!llll1ns wfth1n its 11m1t. The Fxy limit for RAT'ED THERMAL POWER (F~), as~v1ded 1n the Radial Peaking Factor L1m1t

~1 ' .

Report per spec1f1c:&t1on 5.9.1 1 wu dlt1rm1ned from. expectld power control rnaneuven over th* full range of bumup cond1t1ons 1n ttl* core.

3/4.2.4 OUADRAHT ?OWER T1LT RATIO The quadrant power t11t rat1o 11m1t assures that the radial power d1str1but1on Sit1sf1es the design values used 1n th* power capab111ty analysis.

Radial power d1str1but1on measurements are 1111d* dur1n9 startup test1~g and peri odi ca dur1 ~*9 power operat1 on.

SALE1'4 - UNIT 2 s 3/4 2-5 .amendment ~o. 19


-r/ie ct pp /Jc.q b /-.<

~!e-Trtt~rHHT-e~...+-~1-&F~J-P~ilBIS~*l-~-IH-a&i--ilfee'Pa:lin-&~--J Gee, f,..., 11.> 0 F I ()7 C. FR- S-o. 7 :J.

qnc{ ;oc.F(lSo.73.

3/4.4.7 .REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE 3/4.4.7. 1 LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEMS The RCS leakage detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary. These detection systems are consistent with the reconunendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45, 11 Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Systems, 11 May 1973.

3/ OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE Industry experience has shown that while a limited amount of leakage is expected from the RCS~ the unidentified portion of this leakage can be reduced to a threshold value of less than 1 GPM. This threshold value is sufficiently low to ensure early detection of additional leakage.

The 10 GPM IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE limitation provides allowance for a limited amount of leakage from known sources whose presence will not interfere with the detection of UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE by the leakage detection systems.

The CONTROLLED LEAKAGE limitation restricts operation when the total flow from the reactor coolant pump seals exceeds 40 GPM with valv~ 2CV71 fully closed at a nominal RCS pressure of 2230 psig. This limitation ensures that i-n the event of a LOCA, the safety injection flow will not be less than assumed in the accident analyses.

The surveillance requirements for RCS Pressure Isolation Valves provide added assurance of valve integrity thereby reducing the probability of gross valve failure and consequent intersystem LOCA. Leakage from the RCS Pressure Isolation Valves is IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and will be considered as a portion of the allowed limit.

SALEM - UNIT 2 B 3/4 4-4


Th* lf~itatfons on th* specific activity of th* primary ccolant ensure that th* ~sulting 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> doses at the site boundary will not exce*d an appropriately small fraction of Part 100 limits following a steam generator tuc* rupture accident in conjunction with an assum*d steady stat* primary*to-s1condary steam g*n*rator leakag* rate of 1.0 GPM. Th* valu*s for th* limits on sp.cific activity rtpres*nt interim limits based upon a parametric evaluation by th* NRC of typical sft8 locations. Th*s* valu*s al"9 cons*rvativ* in that sp*ciff c site param.t*rs of th* Salem sit*, such as sf ta boundary location and meteorological conditions, wire not consid*red in this *valuation. The NRC is finalizing sit. sp.cific criteria which will be us*d as the basis for th*

reevaluation of the sp.cific activity limits of this sit8. This reevaluation may result in high*r limits.


T~e ~'TIQN s~tllllAi ~ePl!littiAg ?QWER QPERATIQN ti eaAiiAijl fer li*itea ti11e p1rieas with th* ,sri*~* eaelani' s s,1Gifi; a&~h'it.y g'PHilP iRaA 1,_Q 1:1Si/gra11 GOSE EQl:II'JALSNT I*31_, l!l~t whn;n th* allowele H110 shewn an Figure 3.4*1, aeeawmeaat1s pe1sial1 iaaiA* s'ikiAg pReAa..AeA wRi;h 11a~ ;;;w~

fe 11 ewi Ag ehaAges i A lllER.YAL. ?OWER. QpePaii GA wi \A Sp Hi f1; aRi vi try 11*111 i I S:lCCHQiRg 1.Q p1Ci/gpg QQSi iQUI\<A&;iHT I-131 awt w;tMA tR* 1i11its 5ReWA GA Figure l.4=1 *usi Bl PesiPiCiiS t; R9 ~ape \AaA 8QO RGWPI ,.p yeiP (apppoxi-1Htaly lQX ef \Al WAit 1 1i YHPly ;p1ntiRg ti**) SiA;1 \Re.1;ihity lev1l1 al le\~ea 9y i:igwPe a. 4*1 iA;'PHH tnt 2 AEIUP tRyf"eia SHI at t)ile sitl BEll:IAGapY ay a faeteP ef 1:1p ta 20 fellawiAg a Jl&siwlatea si1111 g1AePat;p twae Pwptw~.

n1e P8JIGl'tiAg ef 6U11Whii\l8 ti** e*:ep §QQ AQWM iA iRY i llQR\A ;QRHCwtiv1 period witt:i g"PHtlP \RIA LO 1=1'i/gpa11 QQSE EQUI'JAbiKT I=l31 will allaw s1:1f1ieieAt ti~e far Seftllllissien aval1:1atieA ef &Ae ei,e!MlsiaAees JIPiGP ta PeaeAiRg \Ra

~ee ~e~r 1;m;t.

Reducing T to less than S00°F prevents the release of activity should a steam generat!~9tube rupture since the saturation pressure of the primary coolant is below th* lift pressure of the atmospheric staam rtlitf valves.

The surveillanc* requir1111nts provide adequate assurance that excessive specific activity levels in th1 primary coolant will be detected in sufficient time to take corrective action. Information obtained on iodine spiking will be used to assess the parameters associated with spiking phenomena. A reduction in frequency of isotopic analyses following power changes may be permissible if justified by the data obtained.

SALEM - UNIT Z B 3/4 4-6

APMINISIRATIVE CONTROLS 6,1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 The Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor or, during his absence from the Control Room, a designated individual responsible for the Control Room command function. A management directive to this effect, signed by the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

6,2 ORGAHIZATION 6,2.1 ONSITE AND OFFSITE ORGANIZAIIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Salem Updated Final Safety Analysis Report and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.7l(e).

b, The General Manager - Salem Operations shall be responsible for overall facility safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plants.

c. The Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plants to ensure nuclear safety. *
d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

6.2,2 FACILITY STAFF The facility organization shall be subject to the following:

a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.

SALEM - UNIT 2 6-1 Amendment No,


.:. ;.FA.:.;:C_IL::.:I-.:. TY.;. . . ; S. ;.;TA.-.F-..F (Conti nued) @°ea.e to U

b. At least one licensed~Operator shall be in the control room when
  • fuel is in the reactor. In addition, at least one licensed Senior Reactor Operator shall be in theitControl ~oom area at all times .

. A ~eal~~


~h)siee teehAieiaA* shall ~e &A si~e wh1A fwel is iA 'he*

Aj;.. CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by a lii censed Senior Reactor Oper.ator who has no other concurrent responsibilities during this operation.

A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite at all times*. The Fire Brigade shall not include 4 members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit or any personnel required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.

If .. The amount of overtime worked by plant staff members performing safety-related functions must be limited in accordance with the NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12).

The Operations Manager, Operating Engineer, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor~ and Nuclear Shift Supervisor..f'shall each hold a senior reactor operator license. The Nuclear Control Operators shall hold reactor operator licenses

  • SALEM - UNIT 2 Amendment No.



SALEM - UNIT 2 Amendment No.



  • POSITION WITH UNIT l IN MODES 5 OR 6 OR OE-FUELED NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED TO FILL POSITION MODES l, 2, 3 & 4 MODES 5 & 6 SNSS la SRO none STA none NCO le EO/UO 2 Maintenance Electrician none e'*,.1. frg, Tec.hoic:g t' IQ,' "2..

WITH UNIT l IN MODES l, 2, 3 OR 4 POSITION NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED TO FILL POSITION MODES l, 2, 3 & 4 MODES 5 & 6 SNSS la la SRO lb none STA lb none NCO 2d 1 EO/UO 3a 1 Maintenance Electrician l none eo.ot. Pro . T>c.h II i c: Q... I "'- I~

Individual may fill the same position on Unit 2 Individual who fulfills the STA requirement may fill the same position on Unit 2. The STA, if a licensed SRO, may concurrently fill the SRO position on* one unit; the other unit also requires a qualified SRO on shift.

s.l One of the two required individuals may fill the position on Unit 2, such that there are a total of three EO/UO's for both units.

!/ One of the three required individuals may fill the same position of Unit 2, such that there are a total of five EO/UO's for both units.

Al. f ,,~CJofPCI .-F hofl.. n?a c -!;,,.,; "'r~ ole.-£"feil


SALEM - UNIT 2 s-,4 F Amendment No. 33

TABLE 6.2-1 (Continued)

SNSS - Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor with a Senior Reactor Operator License on both units .

NCO* -

Individual with a Senior Reactor Operator License on both units (normally, a Nuclear Shift Supervisor ).

Nuclear Control Operator with'a Reactor Operator License on both units.

STA - Shift Technical Advisor (if licensed as SRO, may be assigned /

duties as a Nuclear Shift Supervisor). )

EO/UO- Equipment Operator or Utility Operator.

Except for the Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor, the Shift Crew Composition may ~

be one less than the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-1 for a period of time l not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to acco11111odate the unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members provided that inmed1ata action is taken to restore the Shift Crew Composition to within the minimum requirements of Table 6.2-1.

This provision does not permit any shift crew position to be unmanned upon shift change due to an oncoming shift crewperson's being late or absent.

During any absence of the Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor from the Control Room area while the unit is in any MOOE, an individual with a valid SRO License shall be designated to assume the Control Room co11111and function.

SALEM - UNIT 2 Amendment No. ~

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.2.3 SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR 6.2.3.l The Sh1ft Technical Advisor shall serve in* an advisory capacity to the hift Supervisor on matters pertaining to the engineering aspects assuring safe operation of the unit.

  • 6.2.3.Z The Shift Technical Advisor shall have a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents.
  • 6.3 FACILITY STAFF a,JALIFICATIONS 6.3.l Each rrernber of the facility staff shall rreet or exceed the rmnimum qualifications of ANSI NlS.l-1971 for ca~arable positions and the suppleriental requirements specified in Sections A and C of Enclosure 1 of the March 28, l980 NRC letter ta all licensees, except for1the Radiation Protection E"gi"ee~ who shal 1 1T1Ht or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide l.8, September l975.

1-t-~e 1nJ.Nirl.1.CA{ J* .;:sner.f*ol 4S-, /IJQ.11a.9er, 6.4 TRAINING 6.4.l A retraining and replacement training program for the facility staff shall be coordinated by each functional level Panager (Department Head) at the facility and maintained under the direction.of the Manager - Nuclear Training and shall naet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI rna~ l-1971 and A~pe,.e1" .. ,.. a' 10 CFR Part 55 aFla gAf! SYtallll en*u:ital raquirammnts specified iR SactiQRI A iAd c af EAGleSYFe 1 ef *Ae -aFeh ai, l98Q l!C~C letteP ta all lieensees, and shall h*el~ae faRfiliaPizatie,. witA l"ele*tant iAGYStFy epeFatieAal e~pePieneea 6.4.2 A tr-aining progra111 far the Fire Brigade shall be maintained under* the direction of the Manager - and shall ITl!et or exceed the requirements of Section 27 o FPA Code-1975, except for Fire Brigade training sessions wnich shall be held at least quarterly *

. S'1~e Pr-. t~"f;",;.

SALEM - UN.IT 2 6-6 Amendment No. 33

ADMINISTBATIVE CONTROLS 6.5 REV!EW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 STATION OPERAI!ONS REVIEW COMHITIEE <SORCl FUNCTION The Station Operations Review Committee shall function to.advise the General Manager - Salem Operations on operational matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) shall be composed of:

S~e t:AJS*ll.T To (i'. S: I.~


hsst. Gefte:ral Kaftage:r Salem 9~e~aeie~s Qperatiefts Matteger Mel!ISe!' aREl Viee GaaieaR: TeehRieal MaAager Operating Fng1ne*r Me111ee:r:


Meaiaer: tecbnical Engineer Me11iae!':


Mallia es:


ALTERNATES 6.S.1.3 All alternate members shall ee aippeiftteEl ift WE'itiRg ey £Re S9RG Gha:i:rman.

a. Viee Gft&i!'IBeR SR&ll ee memeeE'& ef SEatiea maaagemeR£1 b I Ne mere dt&ft 1:¥9 alte"raatie& £Iii 119GH'5 a~al.l paa:ti'1ipatlil a.& JtQtitl2j memeers bt S88:G aeei*:ities et efty efte 111eeti:Rg,
e. Alter-ftate appeifttees will eftl' re~resent ~eir respeetiue
  • aepartlleR~.

El. Alterttates feF mel!IBeFs will Ret make ~, peFt ef eae veeiRg ~werim11 when the mem9ers tfte alte~ftaee ~epresents is alse ~Fesent.

MEETING FREQUENCY 6.5.l.4 The SORC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the SORC Chairman or his designated alternate.

OUORUM The minimum quorum of the SORC necessary for the performance of the SORC responsibility and authority provisions of these technical specifications shall. consist of the Chairman or his designated alternate and five members including alternates. Sfe :!'1'1Si~i TO '* 5* J.S' SALEM - UNIT 2 6- t f Amendment No. 33

INSERT TO SECTION Chairman: General Manager - Salem Operations Member and Vice Chairman: Maintenance Manager Member and Vice Chairman: Operations Manager Member and Vice Chairman: Technical Manager Member: Radiation Protection/Chemistry Manager Member: Radiation Protection Engineer Member: Chemistry Engineer*

Member: Maintenance Engineers Member: Operating Engineers Member: Technical Engineers (Group Heads)

Member: Onsite Safety Review Engineer INSERT TO SECTION ALTERNATES Alternates:

a. Alternates shall be appointed by the SORC Chairman in writing.
b. Only designated Vice Chairmen may act as Chairman of a SORC meeting in the absence of the General Manager -

Salem Operations.

c. Alternates shall only represent their respective departments.
d. The Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SNSS) may act as an alternate for the Operations Manager or an Operating Engineer. The SNSS may also act as an alternate when the Operations Manager is acting as. Chairman.


a. No more than two members or one member and one alternate from any individual department will make up part of the voting quorum.
b. If the Chairman for a meeting is a Vice Chairman, then up to two additional members from the same department (or one member and one alternate) may be part of the voting quorum .

.:. : 'A : '~ : : - : .:. - : i :  : : \I -  : : - : The Station Ocerations Review Committee shall be rescor.s;~*e :~~*

a. Review of: (1) Station Administrative ~rocedures and cnanges :~ere~

r=:-=-:--=-::--:---:-::::;:;-~:--;;;;;--r.~~~a~n~dL,(2) Newly created procedures or changes to existing oroceoures reiuire 'l. 1ocFRf}o.@f that hwel*1e* a si~F1ifieaF1t safety iss1;;e as described in Section S"'- Fefy e11<1t/uaf~e>t'J 6

  • 5. 3. 2. d.
b. Review of all proposed tests and ~xperiments that affect nuclear safety.
c. Review of all proposed changes to Appendix "A" Technical


d. ,Review of all procosed changes or modifications to plant systems Jr equipment that.affect nuclear safety.
e. Review of the safety evaluations that have been completed unaer :re provisions of 10CFRS0.59.
f. Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications including the ~re~aratief'I aAa fePWaPaiAg ef reports covering evaluation and reconwnendations to prevent recurrence te t!ole 'Jiee.

PPesiaeAt aAa G"'ief NijeleaP QffieeP aAa t!ole GeAePal MaAageP N~eleaP Safety Review.

g. Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS.
h. Review of facility operations to detect potential nuclear safet; hazards.*
i. Performance of special reviews, investigations or analyses ana reports thereon as requested by* the General Manager - Salem Operations.SF GeAeral Maf'lager - N~elear Safety Review.

ct..tUIJ<?S Hie *e fo -ti.~ t j. Review of the Facility Security Plan* and implementing procedures ari::


re8"-N~ .._ /OcFR ~<>SCf Sq.f:ef e.1/-ci ft.ta. *hoY)

Review. , or lnvolv-e a... po~,,.d;f:t/ e.rea.c.~ ,*,,, tlie eFF'ec:f,-ve,,es5 oF -the plo./I/ jGer 10 c F= IC. 50. 5'°'/ lP ).

k. of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures

~L"-Hr...w..........~~~~1-W.W-."' J or ~nvr>/~e 0.. f~°feTJTiCt./ t2cr~e it? -fk2 e-Ffi?G ~/)6 of= t1ie pfa.,,, per 1oc1=/2 SC>.GLf {f).

l. Review of the Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures and swbmittal ef reeemmef'lded ehaAges ta the Gef'leral MaFlager Nuclear Safety Review.
m. Review of all unplanned on-site releases of radioactivity to the environs including the preparation of reports covering evaluation.

reconwnendations and disposition of the corrective action to oreve~:

recurrence aAa the ferwardi-~ these re~er'Ws t; the Vi e:ir-Rres' :e 0 :

if'ld Chief NijeleaP QffieeP aAd t!ole GeAePal MaAageP N~e,~ar Saf:t, Review.

  • SALEM - UNIT 2 6-8 Amendment No. 76



SORC REVIEW PROCESS A technical review and control system utilizing qualified reviewers shall function to perform the periodic or routine review of procedures and changes thereto. Details of this technical review process are provided in Section 6.5.3.

AUTHORITY The Station Operations Review Committee shall:

G_oi:c;J, S/

Pr-.aviole a. ReeeRUBeud to the General Manager - Salem Operationsiwritten approval r~e._..,,,..,J4 fl'o11 5 or disapproval of items considered under (a) th'!'e~gh (e)

{}.../ti- Au11r* q,,

b. Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and the General Manager - uclear Safety Review of disagreement between the SORC and the General Manager -

Salem Operations; however, the General Manager - Salem Operations shall hav~esponsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.. 1.1 above.

RECORDS 11.rJD R.EPollr5 The Station Operations Review Committee shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear O~ficer, . the General Mana~r *rNuclear Safety R~mhw and the anager - 0££ Site a.enew. /4u.li1't A."'~' q,,a//

6. 5. 2 NUCLEAR SAFETY REVIEW 11-NO AVDIT FUNCTION The Nuclear Safety Review Department~ shall function to provide the independent safety review program and audit of designated activities.


56~ .IAJl;H.T I ro S*cT1t1AJ £. ~. ~

6. S. 2. 2 HSR shall eeftsist ei t'Ae 6efl:e'!'ai MaBage'!' N't!elea'!' Saiee,' Elevie*1, t'Fte Ma1tage1* 9ft She Saiesy Rei.*iell CE'9Yll (SR.C), ".Jfie is SYlll'Bl'tea 'By at least fe1:2r Se&iaage&, f.u.11 t1me *~giR**~& lo£ated on-site, and the Manager Off~Site Revieu CE'BYJ' (QSR) *,,'fle is s~pf'e'!'Eee ey at lease fet:tr eeeieatee, fti:ll eime eAgi1111~ePs leeacefl eff site.* The OSR: 3ea££ ohall pe:s:se:s:s cxperieucc and:

eQlllpiCiRQi iR CRi gaReral areas liscea iR ieacie& 9,S,l,4, 'Ille CiRiral MaRa~a~

aRQ MaRagers &Rall aeEBRliRe WAeA aeaitienal eeehnieal eKf'e'!'e9 shet:tle 4:93t3E iR Feviews ef ee111pleK prQlille111&,

  • Sinee ehe Nt:telear 9epeFtmeAe is leeaeea en hFtifieial IslaAa site, thi ~eFftls "en sitse" aaEl "eff site" eeft'\'ey efte Sis'EiBetieR 'eet?Wee'R iAsiae ane e~esiae eae seaeieA feAee, respeetivel~.

SALEM - UNIT 2 6 -/f {C> Amendment No.

INSERT 1 TO SECTION 6.5.2 COMPOSITION The Nuclear Safety Department, under the cognizance of the General Manager - Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety, shall consist of the Manager - Nuclear Safety, the Offsite Safety Review staff (OSR) and the Onsite Safety Review Group (SRG) . The OSR staff and the SRG each consist of at least four dedicated, full-time engineers.

The Manager - Nuclear Safety and the Offsite Safety Review staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in Section 4.7 of ANS 3.1 - 1981 and shall be guided by the provisions for independent review described in Section 4.3 of ANSI Nl8.7 - 1976 (ANS 3. 2) .

The Offsite Safety Review staff shall generally possess experience and competence in the areas listed in Section A system of qualified reviewers from other technical organizations may be used to augment OSR staff expertise in the disciplines of Section, where appropriate. such qualified reviewers shall meet the same qualification requirements as the Offsite Safety Review Staff, and shall not

..tiave been involved with performance of the original work.

The-Onsite Safety Review Group staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in Section 4.4 of ANS 3.1 - 1981.

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS (continued) ze a system of qualified reviewers from other organizations to~nt its expertise in the disciplin Such qualified reviewers-~11 meet the same qual ation requirements as the NSR staff, and will not have~~volved performance of the-original work.

The Manager

  • w and Staff shall mee exceed the qualifications des in Section 4.7 of ANS 3.1(198 d shall be guided prov*
  • ns for independent review described in Section of ANSI
6) (ANS 3.2). The Manager - On Site Review and staff will the qualifications described in Section 4.4 of ANS 3.1 (1981).

CONSULIANIS Consultants hall be utilized as aeee.aiftea Nliel:ea!' ~afet;y R:evie*>> u pFeYiee enpere ach iee eo ehe liSR.

9' ehe General !1auager -

4)" ~;.~ tVC4c l~ar .,;, ~+y

('llFE.Ty I 0~11ar+~~ t +o Y.~~ f!lt'f.11 f- '"c.e~tol"y.

~FFlSII?REVIEW 6ftM (o~*)

~ ~<t: 5 . 2. 0 The Gt"f Site Renie .. Croup {o sR({J!!f~unc ti on to provide

~ review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:


a. Nuclear Power Plant Operations
b. Nuclear Engineering
c. Chemistry and Radiochemistry
d. Metallurgy
  • e. Instrumentation and Control
f. Radiological Safety
g. Mechanical Engineering
h. Electrical Engineering
i. Quality Assurance
j. Nondestructive Testing
k. Emergency Preparedness Tl:le OSR &ball aha fnP£tinA to ex8111i'Re plaati epeFaEil'lg eharaeeeriseies, NRG iaauaaQe&, i.aG.w.atli")' aQ1 isaries, LieeRsee Eu:ene Reports, and ucl1er soatces 1
  • ...*kiek 1Bay iFuUea~e aFeas f'e!' i1BpFe..,*b1:g *plar1:e sa£ee, .
  • SALEM - UNIT 2 6-~ t( Amendment No.


~ ~ The CSR shall review:


a.""Y/.;afety~valuations f~

,J:7 ("wChanges to procedures, equipment, or systemsjand

)1 ~ests di ~riments completed under the provisions of Sceeie" to verify that such actions did not constitute an unrev1ewed safety question; ~ 1 -'--- .L *

((!!*{}If r~ ~

  • f" <,rf>#r,..,,,,,
b. Proposed changes to procedures, equipment, or systems;Jt:hat involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in s~e~ieft~

g Pra~asaa tests ar ex~erime~ts that inwelue an tl'rl~euiewea 3a£eey

'i'l.lil&ti'1R as aefince in :Boo ticz:~

~4. Proposed changes to Technical Specifications or to the Operating License; c/ft. Violations of codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance; it. Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety; All REPORTABLE EVENTS;

  • hJ.

All recognized indications of an ~nanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of sa5i~Y Fila~ia structures, systems or componentsd"' fi..I ~o..111 4.;:F"'1!.~ """l""r s4rei'y/

Reports and meeting minutes of the Station Operations Review Committee.


6.5.2.~ Audits of facility activities that a*e re~~irea te be performed under the cogni~e of!.0SP., an lietea 'eele11: Tlt'S, 414,/,"-l-s ~/,../( ~nt:oM~*&f:

~._csRc fE) a .. The conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per 12 months.

b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entire facility staff at least once per 12 months.
c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
d. The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of AppendixtJB'~OCFRSO, at least once per 24 months. ~
  • SALEM - UNIT 2 6 - 'r6. {do. Amendment No.


e. The Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.
f. The Facility Security Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.

Qw./i ~'I 4u .. nuu:

  • ruir/
g. Any other area of facility operation considered appropriate by the General Manager - uclear Safety A:eview or the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.
h. The Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.


i. ~Rdeipendeftt fire protection and loss prevention program ;,.,.p/",_,,fo-f/o, inspee~'*R aR& a~di& 9ftall ee perfe!"lll:ed at least once per 12 months 4

. J . / utilizing either'Cqualified offsite licensee or an outside 111

~M#flf fire protection~ .;::*r~ pro ;o,, * ~ ~

IJ)- <"An itmp*e*i*n *""* of oho fl** P******i*n """

pregraai. &aall ae perfe'Ala& 8y a lt"aliiiaa outsid!';fire lee~~ onsultant t least once per 36 months. a!! ,p,,,!) s. /I h12.

i.<-f.; ;,. '!~ti j ~* The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months.

"""Y. 'JS4JfE6lT !-

The above audits ~be conducted by the helear Quality Assurance

_ Department or an independent consulta~*~!~irea. ~dit resttlts aue f /1a11S Q./lj H891BBftH!iel'la shall be reviewed by' _ r OSI sf.~,:!) F: r.o. I .. wJ,

~ . . 1' r1V~~QT~ re P"' r +-r;

~ ONSS!TE SAFETY REVIEW GROUP (Sll'l The On-Site Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide: the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; the evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activities; and advice to management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.

The SRG shall make recommendations for revised procedures, equipment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station/ corporate management.


~ The SRG shall be responsible for:

a. Review of selected plant operating characteristics, NRG issuances, industry advisories, and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information that may indicate areas for improving plant safety.
b. Review of selected facility features, equipment, and systems .
  • SALEM - UNIT 2 6 -l:'l'.1 I 3 Amendment No.

INSERT 2 TO SECTION 6.5.2 RECORDS AND REPORTS Records of OSR activities shall be maintained.

Reports of reviews and audits shall be prepared and distributed as indicated below:

a. The results of reviews performed pursuant to Section shall be reported to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer at least monthly.
b. Audit reports prepared pursuant to Section shall be forwarded by the auditing organization to the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited (1) within 30 days after completion of the audit for those audits conducted by the Quality Assurance Department, and (2) within 60 days after completion of the audit for those audits conducted by an independent consultant.


c. Review of selected procedures and plant activities including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operation~l analysis.
d. Surveillance of selected plant operations and maintenance activities to provide independent verification* that they are performed correctly and that human errors are reduced to as low as reasonably achievable.

-tffl'R=AUTHORI~ Mee 1~r ~F#fy ~P"'~v ~shall report to and advise the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer on those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and

i. §. 2. 7 Reeel!'as ef NSR ae61viUea shall 'ee p!'epa!'ea afta 111aiaeabted. Rep ens Qf l'&"i&WS &Ra awai,g5 SAall ee Eiis1:l'iS'tt1:8S 88 felle*,.*e i a Reports& gf reui1ms eaee11111aesea ey See&ie'R i. l I 2. 4. l aee*iJe' sP.all 'ee prepared, appro"ed a1ut fo1r111H*aeEi &e ehe Viee President and Chief N'ttelear Qffiees, HitsaiLR l'1 liay& follouii:is i:ompletioR of tae uuiau
a. Awai; repe5'1S& 8RB8111passaa ey See1:ieR aee~e. shall 'ee fep;1araea ee eae Vies Preaiaeae afta Qtiei N'tteleal!' Offieel!' and ee ehe 111aRasa11aRC pasitie1ta resl'ansilsle £er the azeas audited within JO aaye afeer eempleeiea ef ~he a'ttai~.

6.5.3 TECHNICAL REVIEY AND CONIRQL ACTIVII!ES Programs required by Technical Specification 6.8 and other procedures which affect nuclear safety as determined by the General Manager

  • Salem Operations, other than editorial or typographical changes shall be reviewed as follows:

PROCEDURE RELJ\TED DOCUMENTS Procedures, Program and changes thereto shall be reviewed as follows:

a. Each newly created procedure, program or change thereto shall be independently reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the subject area other than the individual who prepared the procedure, program or procedure change, but who may be from the same organization as the individual/group which prepared the procedure or procedure change. Procedures other than Station Administrative procedures will be approved by the appropriate Station Department Manager or by the A&sisGaa; General Manager
  • Salem Operations. Each Station Department Manager shall be responsible for a predesignated class of procedures. The General Manager - Salem Operations shall approve Station Administrative Procedures, Security Plan implementing procedures and Emergency Plan implementing procedures.
  • Not responsible for sign-off function SALEM - UNIT 2 6-tt 1r Amendment No.


b. On-the-spot changes to procedures which clearly do not change the intent of the approved procedures shall be approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator License. Revisions to procedures which may involve a change in intent of the approved procedures, shall be reviewed in accordance with Section above.
c. Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with item above shall be approved by the SORC Chairman and designated as Station Qualified Reviewers. A system of Station Qualified Reviewers, each of whom shall possess qualifications that meet or exceed the requirements of Section 4.4 of ANSI Nl8.l - 1971, shall be maintained by the SORC Chairman. Each review shall include a written determination of whether or not additional cross-disciplinary review is necessary. If deemed necessary, such review shall be performed by the appropriate designated review personnel.
d. If the Department ines that the documents involved refll :r~ '\ rot:FflGIJ.ffJ eeftti&4:fi---&i:i!fl~4e-et1~'9t!l~~-i-'99~~. the documents shall be forwarded

~.a F~ f..; ~~./,.,.fie,, for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is involved, Pursuant to 10CFR50.59, NRC approval of items involving unreviewed safety questions or Technical Specification changes shall be obtained prior to implementation.

NON-PROCEDURE RELATED DOCUMENIS Tests or experiments, changes 'to Technical Specifications, and changes to equipment or systems shall be forwarded for SORC review and also to NSR for an independent review to determine whether or not an unreviewed safety question is invo ve . e resu ts of reviews will be provided to SORG.

Recommendations for approval are made by SORC to the General Manager - Salem Operations. Pursuant to 10CFR50.59, NRC approval of items involving unreviewed safety questions or requiring Technical Specification changes shall be obtained prior to implementation.

RECORDS /IN() ~E~ Written records of reviews performed in accordance with i~ above, including recommendations for approval or disapproval, shall be maintained. Copies shall be provided to the General Manager - Salem Operations, SORC.~ and/or NRC as necessary when their reviews are required.


6.6 REPORIABLE EVENT ACTION 6.6.l The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:

a. The Commission shall be notified and/or a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10CFR Part 50, and
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the SORC and the resultant Licensee Event Report submitted to nd the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer. ~~ o~R ~T...ff' SALEM - UNIT 2 6-~ l5" Amendment No.

ADMIN!SIRATIVE CONTR.OLS 6,7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOI.ATION 6,7,l The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated:

a. The unit shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour,*
b. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible and in all cases within one hour. The Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer and General Manager - Nuclear Safety Rea.*iew shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. "Owal.'1-r ,4,,"r." a 11
c. A Safety Limit Violation Report shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the SORG. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation, -(2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence.
d. The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the General Manager - uclear Safety !le*1 iew and the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer within 14 days of the violation, SALEM - UNIT 2 6-~ lb Amendment No,

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained

,. covering the activities referenced below:

  • a.



The applicable procedures recoll'll1ended in Appendix 11 A11 of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978.

  • Refueling operations.

Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.

d. Security Plan implementation.
e. Emergency Plan implementation.
f. Fire Protection Program implementation.
g. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM implementation.
i. Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring.

6.8.2 Each procedure and administrative policy of 6.8.1 above, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with Specification or 6.5.3, as appropriate, prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

6.8.3 On-the-spot changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:

- a. The intent of the original procedure is not altered.

b. The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.
c. The change is documented and receives the same level of review and approval as the original procedure under Specification within 14 days of implementation.

s-rs r7 Amendment No. 33 SALEM - UNIT 2 j I j

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.8.4 The following programs shall be maintained:

a. Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment A program to reduce leakage from those portions of systems outside containment that could contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient or accident, to as low as practical levels. The systems include (recirculation spray, safety injection, chemical and volume control, gas stripper, recombiners, ... ). The program shall include the following: *

(i) Preventative maintenance and periodic visual inspection requirements, and (ii) Integrated leak test requirements for each system at refueling cycle intervals or less.

b. In-Plant Radiation Monitoring A program which will ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in areas under accident conditions. This program shall include the following:

{i) Training of personnel,

{ii) Procedures for monitoring, and

{iii) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analyses equipment.

c. Secondary Water Chemistry
  • A program for monitoring of secondary water chemistry to inhibit steam generator tube degradation. This program shall include:

{i) Identification ~fa sampling schedule for the critical variables and the control points for these variables,

{ii) Identification of the procedures used to measure the values of the critical variables,

{iii) Identification of process sampling points, including monitoring at the discharge of the condensate pumps for evidence of condenser in-leakage.

{iv) Procedures for the recording and management of data,

{v) Procedures defining corrective actions for off-control-point chemistry conditions,

{vi) A procedure identifying {a) the authority responsible for the interpretation of the data, and (b) the sequence and timing of administrative events required to initiate corrective action.

SALEM - UNIT 2 Amendment No. 28


d. Backup Method for Determining Subcooling Margin A program which will ensure the capability to accurately monitor the Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin. This program shall include the f o11 owing:

(i) Training of personnel, and

. (ii) Procedures for monitoring

e. Postaccident Sampling A program* which will ensure the capability to obtain and analyze reactor coolant, radioactive iodines and particulates in plant gaseous effluents, and containment atmosphere samples under accident conditions. The program shall include the following:

(i) Training of personnel (ii) Procedures for sampling and analysis, (iii) Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.

  • It is acceptable if the licensee maintains details of the program in plant operation manuals.

SALEM - UNIT 2 Amendment No. 42

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.9.1.l A sul?lllary report of plant startup and power escalation testing shall be submitted following (1) receipt of an operating license, (2) amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3) installation of fuel that has different design or has been manufactured by a different fuel supplier, and (4) modifications that may have significantly altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the plant. The startup report shall address each of the tests identified in the FSAR and shall include a description of measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained during the test program and a comparison of these values with design predictions and specifications. Any corrective actions that were required to obtain satisfactory operation shall also be described. Any additional specific details required in license conditions based on other corrmitments shall be included in this report. Startup reports shall be submitted within (1) 90 days following completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following resumption or corrmencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 months following initial criticality, whichever is earliest .. If the Startup Report does not cover all three events (i.e., initial criticality, completion of startup test programL

  • and resumption or corrmencement of corrmercial power operation), supplementary reports shall be submitted at least every three months until all three events have been completed.


Annual reports covering activities of the unit as described below previous calendar be submitted rior to March 1 of each

{i) . ._,. . . ,. .__,. . .,. ., . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . ,. .__

~~ A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station.


  • AOMINISTRAT!VE CONTROLS 6.9.l.5 Reports required on an annual basis shall inc:lude:
a. A tabulatio~on an annual basis of the number of station, utility and other p*rsonnel (inc:luding c:ontrac:tors) rec:eiving exposures greater than 100 mren/yr and their. assoc:1 ated man ren exposure ac:i:ordi ng to wor1' and job ~unc:tionsUe.g., reac:tor operation~ and surveillanc:e, 1ns*rvice 1nsp*c:t1on, routine maintenance, spec:1al ma1ntenanc:e (desc:r1b* ma1ntenanc:1). waste processing, and refueling. The dose

-f/rermo /u.,,,.*,.,e~f assi nment to various duty functions may be estimates based on poc:ket c((>6; rnll.fe r dos m9ter 0 or measurements. Small exposures totalling less than zoi o t

  • individual total dose need not be accounted for.

In th* aggregate, at least soi of the total whole body dose received frcm external sourc:es shall be assigned to specific: major work functions.

b. Th* ~l*tl results of s'te1111 gen*ratr;ir tube inserv1c:e i.nspec:t1ons P*rfonned during th* report period (reference Specification 4.4.5.S.b).

MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT 6.9.l.6 Rout1ne reports of op*rat1ng stat1st1c:s and shutdown exper1enc:e, including doc:umentat1on of all challenges to the PORVs or safety valves, shall be submi tte<1 on a manthl y bas 1s to the ~"ff~~,;--t;i~:i-et~~"la*'~~~~~~~...J tion and Pl"'elgram Aftalys1s 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ash1ngton, o.c.

20555, with a c:opy , no 1ater than the 15th of each month following th* calendar month covered the re ort.


+o +lie US wee.. Ak;11ismfbr, ~ iol\ I S.9.1.7 n.e REPORTABLE OC~AREMCES of S~eeifications S.9.l.8 a~e s.9.l.9 eeleoM, iRG1ijd1Ag cerreet1ve actions and n11asures to prevent rec~rrence, !hall be r*pGr-1:14 t; the ~AG. Sijpple1111nea1 reports mey be req~ired to f~11y descr;ee

  • f1~*l ~selijt1en ef oeeurrenee. In eil5e of corrected or supplemental reports, a licensee **ent rec:iart !hall be co""'leted and referenee SAall ee made te tAe eri gi Aal l"el!IOr1 sate.
  • PROMPT llOT!F!CAT!OH W!1H WRITT!?t FOLLOWl:JP i.9.l.8 The types ef events l1stea eelew silall ee ~pePtee 1t1itAiR 24 ne1.1rs tly t1lepRGAe and aenf1rmee ay t1l19rapA, ma11gra111, er faesmile transmiss1en te tAe AQlniR1strater ef tile Reg1QAi1 Qff1;1 1 er nis ~*sign*t1 RQ lit1r thin th* first wer'4(:1~g day follewil'!~ the event, *itil a *ritten followt1p re~cre ,;itl'li,, l~ day5:

Ibe w1rtUA fgll~1.ap ,..pgrt Shill 11!1;11.1Ge 1 Ha llRR111!Ym 1 a cempleteEi ;spy af 1 11 eensee ewent rec:iort form. Infonneti on provided en tl'le 11 censee eve,,t re;:iert fenn shalt ee suppl~nteEi, as "'1!e~ee, ey aGG1t1QAil ~*rrat1ve mat1ri1l tQ

~,.evi ae eell!Jll ete upl anat1 on ef tAe ci l"etl111stanees sijrl"e1;1nEii Ag tAe

  • eveAt. *

~This taoulation supplements the requirements of section 20.~07 of 10 CF~

?art zo.

SALE:M - UNIT Z 6-16 Amendment No. 28


  • c. The results of any specific activity analyses in which the primary coolant exceeded the limits of Specification 3.4.8. The following information shall be included: (1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radioiodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while the limit was exceeded and results of one analysis after the radioiodine activity was reduced to less than the limit. Each result should include date and time of sampling and the radioiodine concentrations; (3) Clean-up system flow history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the I-131 concentration and one other radioiodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady state level; and (5) 'nle time.duration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded the radioiodine limit.
1. Faf 1u.-. of the reactor proteafon syst1111 or oth1r systems subject lfartting saf1ty syst81 sittings ta 1n1t1at1 th* r9<1u1red protect1 1 functian by the t11119 1 man1tared p1r11111t1r r1a~1s the setpoint p1c1-f11d IS ttt* 11m1t1ng s1f1ty syst81 sitting 1n th* t1chn1cal s c1f1ca-
  • t1ons or failure ta camplet1 the .-.quired prot1ct1v1. , . funct1o
  • Operation of th* un1t or affectld systems wh1n 1ny par tr or opera-on subject to a liartting cond1t1on for operation is 1 s canserva-t~th&n .the 111st cons1rv1t1v1 aspect of the 11artt1 cand1 t1 on for ope tion established 1n th* t1Chrr1c1l spec1f1c1t1on *
c. Abna l ~gr1d1t1on d1scover9d 1n fuel boundary, or primary canU1nmnt.

claddfng,~ctar coolant

d. RHcth1ty n011111u 1nvah1ng d1s1grumnt th th* p~faed value of rt1ct1v1 bahnca under st11cty stat* co <!1*t1ons during i;ia-tr operation gre 1r th&n or tqUll to lS del k/1q a alcuhttd rue*

t1v1ty bahnc1 d1cat1ng 1 SHUTDOWN IN llss consernt1v1 than spec11'11d 1n the Khn1a1 specif1ati s; short*tll"lll 1"9act1vity*

1ncr11ses that cor pond to a 1"9act p1riod of less than S s.conds or, if suacritical, unphnned .-. ct1v1ty fnsertfOll of mare thin

. O.!S d*lU k/\i or oc rrenca of y unplanned critical fty.

1. Failure or ralfunct1on ant mart c~on1nts .tiich pnnnts or cauld pl"9vent, 1:11 itself, h fulfi11111nt of the functfon1l r-equ1,,-

11Mts of syst*(s) used to P* w1th acc1dents analyzed 1n the SAA.


g. Cond1tfons 1r1s1n f~ natural or ~~de 1v1nts that, as a dir!ct

.-.sult of the 1 nt ,..qu1,... unit shut , operation of safety syst-, or ot r protective 11111111.-.s u1 red by tachn1ca1 spec1 f1 catf o *

h. Er~rs d1 .,.~ in the trans11nt or acc1d t analyses ar 1n the mthads sed for such analyses as descr1b9d the safety analysis

~art r 1n the ti.s.s for the t1Chn1~1 spec1 1cat1ans that nave or cwt ?11'1111ttld rHctar operation 1n a man r less ~n111native th usumct 1n the 1n*lyses. *

1. T1r1'orm1nca 01' stl"Uctu.-.s, systllllS, or l"en.d1al action or ~ar~t1ve rntasuns to i:ir*vtn~ ope t1on 1n a ranner less cans1rv1t1v* th&n assumed 1n th* accident a alys1s 1n the s*1'1ty an1lysiS""'1JOr1: or tachnical specifications bases, or d1seavery during unit life of cand1t1ons nat specifically cons1de 1n the sa1'1ty analys1 s ,,port or tachn1 cal spec1f1cati ons that ~ i r9 renldial action or corr!Ctiv1 measures ta prevent the existe e development of an unsafe eond1t1on.
j. 01'1's1te 1"91uses of. radioactive materials 1n liquid and gaseous e'U1u-ents that exceed the limits of Specification 3.ll.l.l or 3.ll.Z.l.


  • UNIT Z S-17 Amendment No. ZS

S.9.l.9 The types a events listed belaw shall be the subjec of written r1par-ts ta the Admin1s rator af th* Regional Offic1 within 1rty ~ays of occurrence of th* event. Th* written repor-t shall include as a minimum, a ccnq,l1ted copy of a 11c1n ee event repor-t forna. Infonnat on provided on the 11c1ns.. event repor-t fol"l'll hall be supplem1nttd, as ne ed, by additional narrative nsateri~l to prov1 ~l1t1 explanation of e circumstances surrounding th* event. *

a. R1actor protection sys en or engineered afety feature instrument settings which are faun to bl less co ervativ1 than those estab-1i shed by th* technical s ecif1cat1o but which do not prevent the fulfillment of the funct1o 1 requi nts of affected systems.
b. a degraded mode permitted by a or plant shutdown required by a
c. ntation of administrative or of on systenss or engineered safety
d. Abnormal de9r1dat1o of systems other than those specified' in S.9.1;8.c abov* d igned to contain radioac ive materia1 resulting from the fission proc1ss.
e. of l) more than l urie of radioactive 1Ntt1rial in iquid effluents, 2) more than 150 cu ies of noble gas in gaseous ef uents. The report of an unplanned off ite release of radioacti e material shall include the follO'llling 1n rmat1on.
l. A escript1on of the event and equipment Cause(s) for the unplanned release.
  • Act 1ans taken to prevent recurrence.

Consequences of the unplanned release.



,;l._ UHIT 2 Amendment No. 28


I!J S.9.1~ Routine R1d1o109ic1l Env1~nmental Operating Reports covering the operation of th* unit during tn* previous calendar year shall be subm1tte<1 prior to May l of Heh ye1r.

Th* Annual Radiological Envi~n1n1ntal Operating R'lports shall include summaries, int1f1'ret1tions, and 1n analysis of trtnds of th* results of th* rad1olog1cal 1nv1~111111ntal surveill1nc1 activities far th* report period, .1ncludin9 a com-P*r1son *1th pteQperation*l studies wtth operat1on*l controls (as appropriat1) 1 and wttn prev1aus tnv1~nmnu1 surveil&nca reports, and 111 1ss.ssment of the oasel"'led 1111C11cts of th* pl&nt a.,erat1an on th* tnv1rcnant. Th* reports shal 1 also include en. results of land use c1nsuses requ11"'1d by Specification 3.12.2.

The Annual Rad1olog1cal Env1ranm.ntal Operating R9$1ol"ts shall 1nclud* th*

r.sults of 1n*lys1s of 111 l"ld1olog1cal 111v1~u1 suples and of 111 tUtn during th* per"'fod punuant to tne T1bl* and Figures in th* env1-ronmnul radiation sKt1an af th* ODOI; as ..11 u sumar1zld and tabulated re-sults of locations spec1f1td 1n these 1nalyses and muur. .nts 1n th* format of th* table 1n th* Radiological Assessmnt Branch Technical Pos1t1an, Rev1s1'on 1, '

Novlllil*r 1979. In th* ..,~ that sa.e 1nd1vidua1 results &r. not av111able for i

. I inclusion w1tn en. r.~l"'t, the ~rt shall be sublrttt9d noting and explaining

...-------- the reuons t'or th* ll'tss1ng results. Th* lltssing data shall be submitted as Otlfi' C.<*.,_,. ,*r,, ~ scan as possible 1n 1 suppl.-ntuy ~rt.

~*"~/;,.~ 111t:a-h~ Th* ~aru shall also include the 1'01lawin9: 1 sumary dls~r1pt1an of the M~--.r *+It" Si~ rad1oloqical enviranmnt.11 mnitc:iring 12ragr111; at lust twa legible maps** .....,.....

BOVfJ&JlfP.y,. Q~ ~*F1"9 111 **l1"9 hcai~GRI 1'119d ta 1 table g1v1ng dist1nc1s and d1 '"'ct1ons se o( t'~ th* anter11ne of one rHC:ar; the results of 11c1nsH 12artfc112ati on 1n th*

"' Go"' -ti Intarl aaaratary CCllP*ri san Pl"Qgr*. r.qui red by S~ec1 n c~t1 on 3.12. l: and d1 s-t:overi 11~ e c:uss1on of all 1n .n1cn th* LI.O required by Table 4.12-l was nat rr'lt>re ;/15 ~(It ach1 HID lt*

...'_"_e°'_l-_io_*_*;,_~_l_I_ SEMIAlU4UAL RADIOACTIVE EF'F'..UE!!T RELEASE REPORT*

r.;i S.9~l~ Routine Radi~c:1ve Eff1uent Release R1parts cc:ivering the operation of' l!J th* un t during the ?r9Yious six 111Qnths of oper1t1on shall oe subm1tt!d within SQ dlys 1ft1r J*nury l and July l af 11cn year.

Th*. Rad1oac:ive Eff1uent R1leasa Re~rts shall includ* a sUllllliry of the ~uant1-t1es of radioactiv* liquid and gaseous eff1uents and salid waste '"'leased from the unit 1s outlin9d in Regulatary Guide l.21. *~asur1ng, Evaluai1ng, and

  • A s1ngle suClllittal 1111y be made far 1 1111lti?l* unit station. The submittal should ca11aine tnos* sections that are connan to all units at th* station; however, t'or units with separate radw1st1 systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of' rad1oac:1ve 1111t1r1al fra11 each un1t *
  • -tn Heu Elf !tiBftlhSieft ... 1th *n* Al'll'ltt*l Ra*1eleg1eal 6A 1il"91'1Ml'IU1 9!i!el"U1"'9 1

Ret1eA. ~* 11 eel'ISH ~ ... ~l!I* lil~Ci lilA ;f ~Ui i:iil:lg :~11 ITJAaiey Qf raq"' i =lacted dry waste, evaporator bottoms),

gfn 1ieu of submi.ssion with the f1rst half year Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required 111!teorolog1cal data on s1te in a f11e that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.

SALEH - UNIT 2 6-20 Amendment*No. 36


e. Type of canta1ner (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and
f. So11d1f1cat1on agent or absorbent (e.g., clft!9nt, urea formald'inyde).

Th* Rad1oact1v* Effluent R1leas1 Reports shall include a list of d1scr1pt1o~f unplanned rel1as1s frca1 th* s1t* to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of rad1oact1v* matar1als 1n gaHous and 11qu1d effluents nad1 dur1ng th* report1ng p1r1od.

Th* Rad1a.ct1v* Effluent R1l1as1 Reports shall include any changes made dur1ng the reporting ~er1ad to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM {PC-) and to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATtOH MAHUAt. (OOCM), u well IS I 11 st1 ng of new 1ocat1 ans for dose calculat1ons and/or environlllfttal 1110n1toring 1dantif11d by th* land us* census pu1"1uant ta S~ecification 3.12.2.

'II- s;i;E r,,,se.'2.T,.... u. s. Nu.c/pq,.. e~" a. ry AflliSr>r'(]'r1; SPECIAL REPORTS Ckurl'! <h1+  !?-;:fro/ /Jes /<i1 i.Ja.sli*'°n J7bt?

0.C, ~05S5, v;ii, a... c:.o-fJy -/t> +lie


5.9.2 Special* reports shall be submitted to th* Administrator 9ff1A within th* t1* i:i1riad specified for 11ch r.port~*~-_..-=---:::::-.

j l)SrJ~C.

5.10 RECORO RETEMTtOH In addition to th* appl1cab11 record retention requirenents of T1tl1 10, Code of Federal Regulations, th* following recards shall be re~nld for at least th*

nrt ni lllUll i:i*r1 ad f ndi cited. /o..'

5.10.l Thi following shall be retained for It least f1v1 ye1r1:

Records and logs of unit op1r1t1on covering t1me 1ntlrva1 at Heh ?a-er

    • 11v1l.
b. Records and 1ogs of i:ir1 nc1pa1 1111 nttnanca act1 v1 ties, 1nspect1 ans, r.p11r and replac-nt of i:ir1nc1pa1 1t8111S of equf?ftllnt related to nuclHr Slfltyj EVENTS} .
c. ~ WORTABU OcalRREMGiS subm1 ttad ta th* Conni ss1 on.
d. Records of surv11111nca. act1v1t1es, 1nspect1ons and calibrations

[D5'LE"/£DI rwquil"'9d by tl'l1se Technical Spec11'1cat1ons.

i--,-._-1RecaP'U af rHdGf' tHts and lll1Hlr"1 ments *

r. Records of changes nad* to Op*rat1ng Procedures r-equ1r-ed by Spec1f1c~t1on 5.8.l.
g. Records of rad1oact1v* sn1pm*nts.
n. Recol"ds of s*aled saW"~* and f1ssion detector leax tests and Mtsults.
1. Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of r-ecol"d.

SALEM - UNIT 2 5-21 Amendment No. ZS


  • RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR LIMIT REPORT The Fxy limits for Rated Thermal Power (F~~P) for all core planes containing bank "D" control rods and all unrodded core planes, and the plot of predicted heat flux hot channel factor times relative power (F~*PREL) vs. Axial Core Height with the limit envelope shall be provided to the NRC Document Control Desk with copies to the Regional Administrator and the Resident Inspector. The Report shall be provided to the Commission upon issuance (i.e., no later than coincident with the first application of Fxy limits).

In addition, in the event that the limit should change, requiring a new submittal or submittal of an amended Peaking Factor Limit Report, it will be submitted upon issuance.

Any information needed to support F~~P will be by request from the NRC and need not be included in this report.

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.10.2 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the Unit Operating License:

a. Records and drawing changes reflecting unit design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis iocn~""b.sit J Repor1'f
b. Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers and assembly burnup histories.
c. Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation control areas.
d. Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environs.
e. Records of transient or operational cycles ,for those facility components identified in Table 5.7-1.
f. Records of reactor tests and experiments.
g. Records of training and qualification for current members of the plant staff.
h. Records of in-service inspections performed pursuant to these Technical Specifications.
1. Records of Quality Assurance activities require by the QA Manual.

IDEL E"TE"D }r----

j .

  • k.


Q.c.fMfies o+: os~(Q.

ol=' i+s

Records or"meeti ngs of the @ill and ~ll-flttttt. ~e 11 iet...J ~r-ol.

'--~~~~~~~~~~--Jo Records for Environmental Qualification which are covered under the provisions of Paragraph 2.C(7) and 2.C(S) of Facility Operating mec+:~

tie Nuc.le,.,.

License DPR-75.

m. Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers including the date at which the service life co11111ences and associa-ted installation and maintenance records.
n. Records of secondary water sampling and water quality.
o. Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program which would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date. This should include procedures effecttve at specified times and QA records showing that these procedures were followed *
  • SALEM - UNIT 2 6-22 Amendment No. 68
  • ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.11 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.

6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.12.1 In lieu of the "control device" "'~"alarm signal" required by paragraph 20.203(c)(2) of 10 CFR Part 20, each hi~ radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 100 mrem/hr but less than 1000 mrem/hr shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a High Radiation Area and entran~

thereto shall be controlled by issuance of a Radiation Exposure Permit*. Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device
  • c.

may be made after the- dose rate level in the area *has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them.

A health physics qualified individual (i.e., qualified in radiation protection procedures) with a radiation dose rate monitoring device who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the faeility MealtR P~ysi,ist iR t~a Radiation Work Permit.

6.12.2 In add.ition t~he requirements of 6.12.1, areas accessible to pers_onnel with radiation levels such that a major ,:ortion of the body could receive in one hour a dose greater than 1000 mrem shall be provided with locked doors to crevent. unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the IiV~leo.*f administrative control of the Senioi"'}Shift Supervisor on duty and/or Senior Supervisor - Radiation Protection. Doors shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved Radiation Work Permit which shall specify the dose rate ~evels in the inmediate worlc area and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area. For individual areas accessible to personnel with radiation levels such that a :najor portion of the body could receive in one hour K jt,,-s LS norl' ole-FMeJ a.s -t-he !eve.I a..f "'- clisfe>.,,.,c.e oF 18 ?nch.e5

.f're>IYl -ri-.e sour*c e or e~~; It, le s u iFQ.c.e. *

. ersonnel or personnel escorted by Health PAysies personnel s~all be exempt rom the R\tlP issuance r'!quiremen during the perfor:nance of

~eir assigned ra *ation protection duties, pro ided they are other#ise f~1lowing plant rad* tion protection procedur for entry into high radia:ion area S
  • R~ ta... ho"' f rc- fet:.-f io'1
  • ~.!.L~M - UNIT 2 6-23 Amendment No. 28
    • AOMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS a dose in excess of 1000 mrem~hat are located within large areas, such as

?WR containment, where na enclosure exists for purposes of loc:Xing, and no enclosure can be reasonable constructed around the individual areas, then that area shall b* n:iped off, conspicuously posted and a flashing lfght shall be activated as a warning device. In lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote (such as use of close<! circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide posftfve exposure control over the activities wfthfn the area.

6.1? PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 6.13.1 The PCP sh~ll be approved by the Commission prior to tmpJe1119ntation.

6.13.2 Licensee f n1tiated changes to th* PCP:

l. Shali be submitted to the Commission tn the Semiannual Radioactive Eff1uent Release Report far th* p*r1od,in which the change{s) was mad*. This submittal shall contain:
a. Sufficiently detailed 1nformat1an ta totally support the rationale far th* change without benefit af add1t1anal or supplemental 1nformat1 on;
b. A determination that th* chan99 did not reduce the overall conformance of the solfd1fied waste product to existing criteria for salfd wastes~ and *
c. Oacumentat1on of th~ fact that the change has been reviewed and found acceptable by th* SORC.  !
2. Shall becom. effective upon review and acceptance by the SORC.


i 6.14.l The OOCM shall b* approved by the Co11111ission prior to fmplementat1on.


_j 6.14.* 2 Licensee inftfated changes to the OOCM:

l. Shall be submitted to tn* Cannission fn the Semiannual Radioactive I Effluent Release Report for the period fn which the change{s) was made. This submittal shall contain:
a. Sufficiently detailed information to totally support the rationale for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information. Information submitted should consist of a pacxage of those pages of the OOC.~ to be changed with each page numbered and.

provided with an approval and date box, together with appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change(s);

  • --Measurement made at lS" from souri:e of radioactivit:t..!...


  • UNIT 2 s-24 Amendment No. 28


b. '

A d*terns1n1t1on that th* chanq* will nat reduce the accuracy or r*lfaat11ty of das* calculations or setpofnt ~t1nn1nat1on; and

c. Dacumentatfon of th* fact that th* change has O.en revi~ed and found 1cc1ptabl1 by th* SORC. *


2. Shall b.caine 1ffacttv. upon rtvitw and acceptance by the SORC.
  • .: MAJOR OfAHGES TO RADIOACTtVE LIQUID, GASEOUS AHO SOLID WAST!. TREATMENT sYst!Ms 5.15.1 L1cansee 1nitf1tldc111Jor e.hangas to th* radioactive waste system (lfqufd, gaseous *and so1fdJ: *

. . u .

  • l. Shall be ,..ported to th* Coawtssion tn th~SAR for th* period in whidt th* l'l&luat1on was ,..viftled by (SORC). Th* d1scussfon of each chang*,.-shall contain:
1. A sumary of th* 1v1luation that lid to th* d1t1r"llrfn1t1on could be 111d9 fn accol"'danca with l~~.59; ..

( b. Sufffct1nt d*t1flld fnfonnatfan to ta-tally support the reason for th* change w1thout.benef1t of add1t1ona1 or supplemtntal f nforNtfon;

c. A d*t1illd d9scrfpt1on of th* equipment, c~anents and processes involved and th* interfaces with oth*~ plant systems;

' ,_ d. An 1nluatton of tn. change, which shows th* pr9<11ctld releases of radfoactfve 1111tar111s tn liquid and ~secus 1ff1u*nts and/or quantity of solfd wast* that dfff1r fram those pr1v1ously p.-.Gfctld tn th* ltcans1 applfeatton and amendments thereto;

e. An evaluation of th* change, wn1ch shews th* exp*ctld ma;c1mwn exposures to f nd1v1chM1 tn th* unrestricted area and to the general population that differ frc1 thase previously estimated fn th* 11 cens1 app 11 cat1 on and Ullftdmentl thereto;
f. A campart son of th* pnd1 C"ttd 1"'11 eases of rad1 oac:-:1 ve rnaur1 a is, tn 11qu1d and ~seous effluents and tn salfd waste, to the actual

,..lHsu for .th* i:ier1od prior to wilen th* changes are to be made;

g. An estf~t* of the exposure to plant op*rat1ng i:iersonnel as a result of tJ'I* change: and
n. Oocurn.ntatton of the fact that tJ'I* change was r9v1ewed and found accai>tablt by the (SORC).
2. Shall become affective upon r-9view and acceptanca by the SORC.


  • Ul'HT 2 5-25 Amendment No. 28