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Provides Proposed Schedule for Meeting Requirements of ATWS Rule & Brief Description of Tentative Design Being Considered to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.62(c)(1)
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1985
From: Corbin McNeil
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8510220068
Download: ML18092A848 (2)


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Public Service Electric and Gas Company Corbin A. McNeill, Jr. Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box236, Han cocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609 339-4800 Vice President -

Nuclear October 11, 1985 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Licensing Washington, D. c. 20555 Attention: Mr. Steven A. Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch, No. 1 Gentlemen:


EVENTS FOR LIGHT-WATER COOLED NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS" SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 On June 1, 1984, the Commission approved publication of 10 CFR 50.62, regarding the reduction of risk from anticipated transients without scram (ATWS} events for light-water cooled nuclear power plants. Section 50.62(d} requires each licensee to develop and submit (by October 13, 1985} to the Director of the Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation a proposed schedule for meeting the requirements of the rule. The purpose of this letter is to provide a proposed schedule for meeting the requirements of the ATWS rule and to provide a brief description of the tentative design being considered to meet the requirements of Section 50.62(c}(l} as it applies to both Salem Units.

Section 50.62(c}(l} of the Code of Federal Regulations requires each pressurized water reactor (PWR} to have equipment from sensor output to final actuation device, that is diverse from the reactor trip system, to automatically initiate the auxiliary feedwater system and to initiate a turbine trip under conditions indicative of an ATWS. In a letter from L. D. Butterfield to

c. o. Thomas, dated July 25, 1985 (OG-156}, the Westinghouse Owner's Group (WOG} submitted Topical Report WCAP-10858, "AMSAC Generic Design Package", which describes three conceptual designs that meet this requirement at Westinghouse - designed PWR's.

PSE&G is a member of the WOG and participated in the development of the Topical Report.

8510220068 851011 '.I PDR ADOCK 05000272

Mr. Steven A. Varga 10-11-85 PSE&G has tentatively decided to use the conceptual design presented in Section 3.0 of WCAP-10858, "Functional Requirements, ATWS Mitigating System Actuation Circuitry" (Logic 1: AMSAC Actuation on Low Steam Generator Water Level). In summary, this logic would actuate a turbine trip and auxiliary feedwater flow upon sensing that the steam generator inventory is below the low-low level setpoint. The logic would sense conditions indicative of an ATWS event when a loss of heat sink has occurred but will not actuate until after the reactor protection signals should have been generated.

Our final selection depends on the design being approved as described in WCAP-10858.

The proposed schedule for implementation of the ATWS rule is based in part upon the completion of the Staff's review of the WOG's AMSAC generic design package. A period of approximately eighteen months will be necessary following receipt of the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) which approves the design to allow for detailed design of the system (six months) and procurement of materials (12 months). This is provided that the Staff does not require a plant-specific design review prior to implementation at each Salem Unit. PSE&G intends to submit a description of the final design and final implementation schedule within six months of receipt of the SER.

The system would be installed during the first scheduled refueling outage for each Salem Unit after this eighteen month period. Note that this schedule will put the final imple-mentation beyond the date required in Section 50.62(d).

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, C Mr. Donald C. Fischer Licensing Project Manager Mr. Thomas J. Kenny Senior Resident Inspector