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Summary of Review of Open Equipment Items for Palisades Nuclear Power Station.
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/1981
Shared Package
ML18046B116 List:
NUDOCS 8112020472
Download: ML18046B117 (28)



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OF REVIEW OF OPEN EQUIPMENT ITEMS FOR THE PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER STATiON FOR: Lawr*ence Livermore National Laboratory P. O. Box 5012 Livermore~ CA 94550

  • BY: Stevenson & Associates 3645 Warrensville Center Road Cleveland, Ohio 44122 DATE: November 9, 1981
1. ESSENTIAL SERVICE ~l.ATi::R PUMP This pump's seismic structural integrity has been determined as detailed in Reference 1. Its function2lity, in the event.of earthquake, has been addressed in Reference 2. We have not evaluated Reference 2 in detail since it has not been provided but based on discussions held during our meeting of 6 November 1981 it appears the seismic design adequacy of the ESW pump has been determined as sufficient both structurally and functionally.
2. AUXILIARY FEEDWATER PUMP The functional requirements of the auxiliary feedwater system is currently under evaluation and potential modification by Consumers Power. No additional information concerning the seismic functional adequacy of the auxiliary feedwater pumps and their drivers has been supplied.
3. DIESEL GENERATOR OIL STORAGE TANK The seismic adequacy of the tank, as shown in Figure* 1 attached, has been evaluated. Bechtel representatives stated the tank would be laterally restrained by means of grout between the tank's walls and the existing reinforced concrete walls adjacent to the tank. This would provide necessary seismic restraint and design adequacy except for the possible over stress of the tank bottom which is a stiffened flat plate supported by four steel columns due to fluid tank interaction moments on the tank bottom. This moment effect on the bottom should be evaluated. Otherwise the modified grouted tank appears O.K. for seismic design adequacy.
4. SAFETY INJECTION TANK The stresses in the tank and its support system have been evaluated in Draft Report Seismic Evaluation of Safety Injection Tank for Palisades Nuclear Plant) EDS Report No. 02-0660-1087 Rev. O, November 1981. The basic seismic input to this evaluation was the FSAR Palisades floor spectra at the appropriate height of the containment shell with one component of horizontal motion combined absolutely with the vertical component. The licensees should be asked to check a potentially critical item (e.g. from Table 6.l.E-3.-Long Hanger (Elem 457) for the NUREG/CR-1833 seismic input for two horizontal components of earthquake and one vertical component with resultant stresses combined on a SRSS basis. It is also recommended that when Bechtel completes its analysis of truss members supporting the tank that the_ limiting truss member be evaluated using NUREG/CR-1833 input and two components of horizontal seismic input motion.
5. MOTOR OPERATED VALVES To date the licensee has not presented any argument on which to base the seismic design adequacy (control and motor operated valves) having eccentric valve operators and their effect on piping less than 2-1/2 inches in diameter.

It was suggested at the meeting that the licensee might review the generic evaluation being performed by MPR on the small diameter piping for Oyster Creek station. Functional adequacy of valves, if required, also has not been addressed.

6. CONTRGL ROD DRIVE MECHANISM The Test Report, Palisades CROM Dynamic Analysis Report, TR-ESE-437 prepared by Construction Engineering, 7/6/81 was reviewed. This report indicates that a lateral support has been installed on the control drive mechanisms which tends to reduce the single cantilever column action of individual control rod drives to that of a multicolumn frame thereby converting large bending moments, in each drive mechanism at its support attachment to the vessel head, to axial loads. The TR-ESE-437 gives stress resultants which in the limit are at least an order of magnitude less than an earlier Combustion Engineering Analysis of the Control Rod Drives which is the basis of the NUREG/CR-1833 evaluation (Ref 59) o attached hereto. The licensees should be asked to re*concile the two report results.

As to operability of the CROM, the limiting case in Ref. TR-ESE-437 as shown on pg. 14 seems to be the relative deformation of the piston tube

. and rod. The relative motion case considered seems to be in phase motion of the rod and tube. It is recommended that out of phase motion as well be considered to insure no impact between the rod and piston tube, In the event this were to occur some evaluation of this contact should be included in the analysis to assure operability.

7. STEAM GENERATOR A report entitled "Seismic Design Evaluation of the Palisades f'lJclear Power Plant Unit 1 Main Components" prepared by Combustion Engineedrig Inc., July 1981 was reviewed. In our opinion this report resolves any potential concern regarding the steam generator and its support systems seismic design adequacy to carry the NUREG/CR-1833 SSE loading except that no evaluation of the steam generating tubing was presented. During the meeting a second document entitled "Palisades Plant, Steam Generating Tube Plugging Criteria", prepared by Combustion Engineering, 12 February 1976 which showed an SSE induced stress in the tubing of approximately 1.0 ksi was presented. On this basis, we conclude the Steam Generator is O.K.
8. REACTOR COOLANT PUMP In the report "Seismic Design Evaluation of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Main* Components" prepared by Combustion Engineering Inc.,

July 1981 the SSE induced stresses in the pump nozzles, body and support lugs were presented arid found to be adequate. Missing from the reference evaluation was any discussion of stress resultants in the structural steel frame support for the pump designed by Bechtel. In addition, there was no mention of stress resultants in shaft connecting the pump and motor and flywheel under SSE loading. Since this pump does not have an

  • upper lateral seismic restraint it is recommended that stress resultants in the the shaft and support frame be evaluated before structural integrity can be assured. In addition we have not evaluated functionality of the pump during or following .an earthquake.
9. 0 EACTOR VESSEL SUPPORTS AND INTERNALS In the report "Seismic Design Evaluation of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Main Compor.~nts" prepared by Combustion Engineering Inc.,

July 1981 the SSE induced stresses in the vessel nozzle, shell and supports were presented and found to be acceptable. On this basis the vessel and support system are O.K. However, no information was provided concerning core support structures. It was recommended that the detail calculations of at least one member of the core support system (e.g. the core support columns) be provided for detail review before SSE design adequacy could be determined.

10. BATTERY RACKS New battery racks to be purchased from C&D Batteries Division, Industrial Batteries and Chargers are intended for installation. The seismic qualification report prepared by Wyle Laboratories, December 1976 on the rods to be installed shows the rods are seismically adequate for the Palisades installation.
11. MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS, SWITCHGEAR, CONTROL ROOM PANELS AND TRANSFORMERS In response to I&E Bulletin 80-21 the licensee has reviewed and provided additional anchorage restraints to electrical components. These new anchorage restraints are designed based on the peak of existing Palisades floor spectra except in the control room where actual frequency characteristics were used hence are considered conservatively designed.

However, no general evaluation seems to have been made of the structural integrity of centers, switchgear and panels structure nor has there been any review to assure individual electrical devices within the cabinets and panels are securly anchored. It is recommended that at least a sample of control centers, switchgear and panels be evaluated for structural adequacy and a program be instituted to assure proper anchorage of electrical devices within the conrol centers, switch gear etc. No evaluation of functionality has been presented.

TABLE 6-7. Summary of conclusions.

ltem 8escription Conclusion and Recommendation l Essential service water pump OK for structural integrity and, apparently, OK for functionality.

2 Auxiliary feedwater pumps OK far structural integrity.

Functional integrity was not evaluated because of lack qf design detail.

3 Component cooling heat OK.

exchangers 4 Corrponent cooling surge OK.

tank 5 Diesel generator oil storage Additional review for possible tanks overstress on the tank bottom (which is a stiffened flat plate supported by four steel columns) due to fluid tank interaction, is required.

6 Boric acid storage tank OK.

7 Hydrazine tank OK.

8 Sodium hydroxide tank OK.

9 Safety injection tank Additional review for 3 (two horizontal and one vertical) seismic components required.

10 Motor-operated valves Insufficient data available for evaluation.

11 Control rad drive mechanism OK for structural integrity if two conflicting reports are reconciled.

Based an the calculations reviewed, active function cannot be assured, out-of-phase motion of rod and piston tube should be considered.

12 Pressurizer OK.

13 Steam generators OK.

14 Reactor coolant pumps Insufficient information provided to verify design adequacy.

15 Reactor vessel supports Vessel and supports OK. Core support and internals structures not verified due to lack of in information.

TP8LE Su".':rnary of conclusion~:. continued Item Description Conclusion and Recommendation 16 Battery racks OK.

17. Motor control center~ Anchorage OK. No information available to evaluate rack structural adequacy or electrical component functionality.

18 Switchgear Anchorage OK. No information available to evaluate switchgear rack structural adequacy or electrical component functionality.

19 Control room electrical Anchorage OK. No information available panels to evaluate structural adequacy or electrical functionality.

20 Transformers Anchorage OK. No information available to evaluate structural adequacy or electrical functionality.

21 Electrical cable raceways Cable tray support systems should be evaluated for seismic loads induced by 0.2-g SSE.


  • Response B.l Attachment8l-f Palisades SEP Seismic CR!l-1 Supports


CROM Calculations, 18 sheets The Attachment is a po,rtion of the sizing calculations for the CROM seismic supports.

The Attachment provides the sizing calculations from late 1967 showing the need for same kind of seismic support for the free standing mechanism, in order to limit the bending moment at the base of the vessel head nozzle, based on amplified 'g' values ratioed up from the 1967 Bechtel data (pages 1-5) * * . .

Pages. 74-80 show the calculation of the bending moments with a mow~nt restraint added 51 below the C.G. of the mechanism, based on .76g OBE 11 and l.35g SSE. Pages 81-85 show the stress evaluations of the parts of the seismic support based on the calculated moments. These calculations' were done in early 1969, and reflect a weight increase of the CROM from 1700 lb to 1888 lb plus 130 lb for the support pieces.

The last page in the Attach~~nt is a comparison done in late 1970 of the 1 9 1 loads that would be predicted on the basis of the revised 1969 Bechtel data, versus the 'g' loads chosen for design from the original 1967 Bechtel data. The comparison was done on the basis of the predicted natural frequency of the supported mechanism, and shows considerable margin. We believe there is additional unaccounted for margin in the fo1 lowing areas:

1. the SSE was taken to be twice the QBE; this does not give credit for the higher soil damping expected for the SSE
2. 2% damping of the CRlli' was assumed; C-E testing has indicated higher damping could be justified
3. noniinearities and friction in the seismic support hardware were neglected; these effects would tend to further reduce the predicted response *

. The seismic supports are defined on drawing 2966-E-2869 Rev 02~ , _ com.r of which has been provided. Co pi es of 3 portions of this* drawing are provided for information in the following calculation.

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