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Summary Report of the Investigatory Work Performed on Dresden 3 Control Rod Drive Collet Housing Cracks
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/1975
Commonwealth Edison Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC/RGN-III
LER 75-031-00
Download: ML17252B041 (170)






I. Introduction The intent of th1s report is to append Dresden Abnormal Occurrence 50-249/1975-31 concerning control rod drive collet housing cracks to provide a summary of the investigation and analysis- work performed subsequent to the discovery of the cracks during routine drive maintenance. The details of .the discovery were reported by B.B. Stephenson to J.G. Keppler, NRC Region III, by letter of July J, 1975. Appended to this report are the following reference documents:. Appendix I Letter of B.B. Stephenson to J.G. Keppler dated July .3, 1975, Abnormal Occurence. 50-249/1975-.31 Appendix II Liquid Penetrant "Maps" of Affected Collet Housings and Miscellaneous Figures Appendix III Control Rod Drive Collet Retainer Tube Cracking Investigation by General Electric Appendix IV Commonwealth Edison Company Operational Analysis Department (OAD) Report on Argonne National Lab

         "                        Metallographic.Investigation Appendix V              Letter of W.E. Berry (Battelle Columbus. Laboratories) to D .P. Galle dated Jul~ 18, 1975 Appendix VI             Thermal Stress Analysis of C.ollet Retaining Tube in CBD Assembly by Sargent & Lundy Engine~rs.

Appendix VII General Electric Company SIL 139 This summary report and 1 ts appendicies are intena:ed as a final discussion of our- investigatory efforts and, althcugh.the

          *NBc will be kept notified of significant developments, none are anticipated as our emphasis will now be directed to corrective actions *
               .  ' .    . " . . ~,  . . . .... ' ..

II. Extent of the Problem All drives overhauled since the discovery of the cracks in the collet housing midway through the drive maintenance program have been inspected by the liquid penetrant methodo As of this writing, of the 108 drives that have been rebuilt this outage, 65 have been liquid penetrant inspected, with 21-l- cracked collet housings detected. Appendix II to this report contains liquid penetrant "maps" of 2.3 of ttte 24 cracked housings found on Dresden J as well as a table indicating* the drive location in the core and number of scrams the drive has experienced. The 24th drive, number 1328 was not mapped at the site but is discussed in General Electric' s report (.Appendix III). Also attached is a cutaway view of the control rocl drive assembly and a sk.etch of the collet housing showing the change in section on the I.D. and typical crack locations on the O~D.

                                     - 2 III. Failure Theory The control rod drive collet housing is cooled.during normal reactor operation by an upward flow of cooling water from _

an orj,fice in the flange at the base of the dr1 ve and reaches a steady state temperature of about ~50°F~ During a scram, the upward water flow reverses as *,reactor water is drawn down around the collet housing to a series of ports in the flange where it is channeled into the under-pist,cm area of the drive where reactor pressure assists in scramming the drive. The reactor water drawn down around the outside of the collet housing is at 545°F. However, at the same time, ~s the drive is inserted the water trapped in the driv~ is forced upward along the inside of the

  • collet housing.(250"-'F), out *through the flow holes in the housing and down along the outside, mixing some distance downstream with the reactor water.

o" Consequently, the housing metal temperature is 05iginally 250 F and then suddenly is subjected to temperatures of 545 F between the flow holes in the housing, but the area directly under the flow holes is maintained at 2500F by the displaced water in the drive. A discussion of the stresses imposed by this high temperature differential is presented in Section IV.D of this

    ~summary report based upon finite element stress analysis by Sargent & Lundy Engineers and in Appendix III where General. -*

Electric 1 s stress analysis is contained. IV. Investigation & Analyse§ A. General Electric Company Three Dresden J drives were sent to GE for metallurgical evaluation, two with cracks and. one without cracks- *. Additionally, one housing from Dresden 2 had been pr~viously shipped to GE for other reasons.* Thus, counting the two* test drives, a total of six drives hatre been' studied. GE's

         .investigation and report (Appendix III) concludes that the
        . cracking is intergranular in nature, ranges from 25 mils*
  • deep in the test.drives to 40 mils deep in the Dresden 3 dr1 ves (versus 100 mils wall thickness in the t.hin section of the collet housing), is present only between the flow holes:in the housing and not directly beneath the holes, and is the .result of thermal stesses on the housing created by temperature differentials during a scram. Further, the cracks appeared to have arrested (or at least are propagating extremely slowly) in the area under the flow holes 0 These.

observations and tQe fact that over 3000 drives are operating and a total severence of the cod.let housing has never occurred have led GE to conclude that th~ potential for failure, although existent, is negligible. Working stresses on the

         'housings are so low that only 4% of the material is required to maintain the integrity of the housing while typical cracks appear to arrest leaving more than 50% of the original area.
                                  - J -
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IV. Investigation & Analyses B. Argonne National Laboratory A total of three drives, each somewhat unique to the representative drives sent to GE, were examined at ANL and, while the detailed results of their investigation are given 1n Appendix IV, the significant departures from typical cracks observed are summarily described as follows:

1. Drive #857 contained a crack extending 90 mils into the housing, approximately twice as deep as any other crack examined.
2. Drive #759 contained three discontinuous liquid penetrant indications (one crack between each flow hole). Upon further examination, it was determined that the cracks were longer than originally anticipated and that in one instance, two of the cracks actually joined*beneath one of the flow holes. This is the only housing exhibiting cracking below a flow hole and longer than the liquid penetrant test disclos~d.

The crack under the flow hole is approximately 25*mils deep but is very tightly closed, representing attack of only one grain boundary in width as contrasted to* typical cracks of a width at the surface such that grains are missing. *

  • J. Drive #20 was examined because two penetrant indications were detected near the change in section which were longitudinally oriented versus the*typical circumferential.

orientation. Metallographic analysis has demonstrated.' '* these indications to be intergranular attack originating from scratches on the surface and, as* a result, are* unrelated to the circumferential cracking. Essentially, the ANL work confirmed the GE metallographic investigation excepting that apparent atypical cracks were discovered at ANL with respect to depth and circumferential coverage_.

c. Battelle Columbus Laboratories Although collet housings were not sent to Battelle for their
         ~analysis,    Mr. Warren Berry has been retained by Edison as* a technical consultant to oversee the work performed by General Electric and Argonne and concurs with their metallurgical findings. Mr. Berry's July 18, 1975 letter to D .P. Galle has been incorporated into this report as Appendix V.

IV. Investigation & Analyses D. Sargent & Lundy Engineers Sargent & Lundy has -examined the st-ress fields in the collet housing during scrams. The analysis to date is attached -(Appendix VI) and indicates a distribution of stress that exists when the collet tube material has responded to the flow field imposed by hot reactor water interacting with cooler water exhausting through the collet housing flow holes. Flow and temperature data from GE a.nd Station experience were used as parameters. The outer skin in the area between the flow holes is differentially heated sufficiently to cause yielding in compression during a scram. After a scram, the collet tube material comes to a nearly even temperature, leaving this outer skin material in tension during normal operation. Tensile forces act on the area under the hole during scrams but are relieved or replaced by compression durifl_g normal* . operation. The areas* between the holes, particularly near the change in section and close to the interface between the hot and cooler flow may be expected to be

  • particularly vulnerable to intergranular attack dur1ng normal* *operation by virtue of the residue.l tensile.;*

stresses. The area beneath the holes does see short duration tensile stresses but should be very lightly stressed or in compression during normal operationso. V. Safety Evaluatio~

                                                                             . f.
           .    .        A true evaluation of the safety significance or**

these cracks cannot purely be obtained from a review of the. crack morphology and analytical work performed; an integrated .1 review of subjective but substantial evidence is also required due to t.he rather limited sample available. Over JOOO drives of similar design are in operation with no collet housing failures to date. With the exception of the apparently atypical drives examined at Argonne, cracks have not been observed in the area directly below the flow holes or with a depth in excess of 40% of the wall thickness. The mechanical forces on the collet. housing are greatest during normal drive

           *withdrawal when a tensile stress of approximately 600 psi is created. Less than 4% of the cross-sectional area of the housing is required to sustain these stresses and maintain the integrity and operability of the a.rive mechanism. GE has performed a test of a drive with a failed collet housing and has demonstrated that a completlytseparated housing will prevent rod movement. Consequently, any postulated failure
           *of the colle-t housing will be detected during the weekly drive surveillanceo Further, the two GE test drives have experienced greater than 2000 and 4000 respectively compared to the design life of 600 scrams. Collectively, these facts give assurance that, although we have seen deep
  • .. .5
v. Safety Evaiuation (cont'd) cracks 1n portions of one drive and shallow, tight cracks below the flow holes in anot})er drive, propagation of cracks leading to a total circumf erent1al severance of the collet housing is an extremely slow process and the probability of cracks progressing to complete failure is remote. Further, in the unlikely event that failure should occur, a surveil-lance procedure (Paragraph 4~J.A.2 of the Dresden 2 & J Technical Spec1f 1cation) is already in place to detect such a failure and prevent the occurrence of e. safety significant event.

VI. Conclusions & Recommendations We have concluded that crack propagation to the point of total severance of the collet housing is a very remote, improbable event. However, even if drive failures do occur, they will be obvious during the surveillance originally established in the Technical Specifications to detect inoperable drives. This specification (J.J.A.2) further limits the number of inoperable drives during power operation to eight to ensure prompt detection of a generic

    " failure. As a result, we are confident that the retur*h. -to service of Dresden 3 with 112 uninspected drives is justified.

Further, we believe the reuse of cracked drives in. the reactor is also justified subject to meeting an appropriat*e acceptance criteria. General Electric Service Information Letter (SIL) 139 is attached as Appendix VII and contains GE's recommended criteria for acceptance of cracked drives. We have not had the opportunity to fully assess their recommendation in the light of all of our independent investigatory acttons. into the collet housing cracks and, as yet, neithen concur nor dispute GE's criteria. As a result, and due to the ava1lability of spares, no cracked housings are being reused on Dresden 3 th1~ outage.

  • GE SIL 139 also contains several other recommendations that we feel are prudent; namely:
               - 1. Ensure surveillance records verify testing per the Tech Specs.
2. If a*cRD fails to respond to an insert signal, yerify that hydraulic pressures are applied to
                     'the drive. If the drive will not insert with normal drive pressure (280 to JOO pslg),

electrically disarm and hydraulically isolate the drive. Scramming a CRD with a separated collet housing would result in unnecessary drive damage.

  • I,* .. 6 ...

Y,_; ** l i ' J. All CRD's removed for any reason shouid be examined by the liquid penetrant method for collet housing cracks. Documentation of the liquid penetrant examination should be maintained.

4. To reduce the severity of thermal cycles, CRD temperatures should be allowed to stabilize for about three minutes following.withdrawal for a hot test scram.
5. Do not cool a hot CRD (indicated temperature greater than* 250'-F) by giving it repeated drive signals. After checking for possible discharge scram valve leakage, the drive should be left hot and scheduled for maintenance at the next refueling.

In conclusion, we believe that our investigatory work has been adequate in scope to identify the source and *nature of the cracks in the CRD collet housings. Our present action plan is to pursue corrective measures with GE to eliminate the propensity for stress corrosion cracking originated by significant .. ' 11 thermal stresses. While we do not presently have a sch~dule for . . the development 9f a modification, we will provide one* f.'or your info1~mation as it becomes available. - Further invest.igatory irnrk .. _ is not planned or relevant un.less it directly.1mpa'Cts on corrective: action assessment. *

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Commomvcnllh Edison One First N.:ition:11 PlilZil. Chicago. Illinois XciCircss-F icpfy-iO:-rosf-6i1icc *n-.:i'x -i61 Chicago, Illinois 60690 BBS Ltr. #409-75 Dresden Nuclear Power Station F..* R. #1 Morris, Illinois 60450 July 3, 1975 Mr. Ja~es G. Keppler, Regional Director Directorate of Hegulatory Operation-Region III U. S. Nuclear ReeuJ,atory Commission . 799 Roosevelt Road

  • Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 '?.



1) Regulatory Guide 1. 16 Rev. 1 Appendix A *
2) Notification." of Region III of U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comminsion Telephone: .Mr.* P. Jo!mson, 0800 hours on June 27, 1975 Telegram: Mr. J. Keppler, 1145 hours on Ju."lc 27, 1975
3) Drawing Number Report Number: 50-249/1975-31 Report Date: *July 3, 1975 Occurrence Date: June 26, 1975 Facility:* Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Morris, Illinois 60450 IDENTIFICATION OF OCCUR..ttENCE On June 26, 1975 cracks were discovered on the collet housings of control rod drives 984, 883, 1032, 1099.

CONDITIONS PRIOR TO OCCUR.c\ENCE Unit-3 was shut dovm in a refUeline outage. DESCRIPI'ION OF OCCURRENCE . At approximately 0900 hours on June 26, 1975, while overhauling control rod .drive 984,.a maintenance foreinan noticed a crack in the collet housing short tube.

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'11he crack was detectable visually, a."'ld was confirmed by means of a dye pcnctrant
  • test. Commonwealth Edison's Operational Analysis Department (OAD) was contacted to evaluate the crack en t/984~ as well as examine con~rol rod drivce 883, 1032, and 1099, which were available for scrutiny* A Level II inspector confirmed that cracks were present in the collet*housing of each of the four control* rod drive mechanisms. In each case, the cracks occurrcq_j.n t:ie coll~t housing short-tube below the water ports, in the area of increased wall thickness.

General Electric's Nuclear Energy Division was also contacted on June 26, 1975. GE examined.their test control rod drive mechanisms for cracks similar to those experienced on Unit-3. Cracks were found that. were nearly identical to those on the four control rod drives. A problem evaluation has been established b:y- GE to study this problem and determine all possible effects. Between June 27 and 30, 1975, several more control rod drive mechanisms were examined for cracks :in the coll et housing area. As of June 30, GE Level I r inspectors have examined 18 mechanisms using the dye penetrant test. Of these 18 mechanisms, 11 have displayed some indication of.cracking. DESIGNATION OF APPAilENT. CAUSE OF OCCURRENCE General Electric has observed similar cracks on test drive mechan.isns that have been- scram-cycled* 2000 times, and more severe cracking on rnechanisr:,s scr<l!-n-cycled more than hooo times. GE was aware that cracking had occill*red, but asstuned the problem was associated with the abnormally high number of scrar:1 cycles . performed. There. was no indication that cracking would develop i*.j thin the eXl)ected

  • lifetime limit of 200. SC!'a!CS. The cause of the crack:! ng appears to be related. to . :t t:rr.pc::raturc c:;clen. ~he dri '"._"~ expz~ien~CS d~ir~g a rc2..Ctor SC;;'~~. ~\l ter:1atcly,

. if cooling water is lost. or restricted, a thermal cycle will occur when the . drive. is operated with normal drive flow. At present, General Electric, the Oper-ational Analysis Depart~ent, and Argon.~e National Laboratory are conducting independent metallurgical studies todetermirie the cause. of the*cracking. It has not been* . definitely determined that the-cracks are due to thermal stress. ANALYSIS OF OCCUP.REl,!CE As demonstrated by 2000 and 4000 scram cycle tests conducted by GE, the probability of a total collet housing failure is quite remote. The .collet. housing is not a pressure barrier, but.acts as a restraint to contain the collet assembly, experiencini:; a force of approximately 600 psi, during withdrawal;. and considerably less during scrams and insertions. This stress is vastly less than the yield strength.of the collet housing metal. If the collet housing were to fail, the possibility exists that the collet. barrel arid sprint; could jam the collet fincers, reducing the scrar.: speed or preventing the drive from beine inserted. However, the probability of a number of drives :failinG simultaneously is extremely unlikely. Should such an imp1".!l.lsible failt.lre occur, highly *. localized core damage could result from abnormal rod patterns and power levels. The standby liquid control system would be available to reduce reactivity and main-tain the reactor in n

  • sl1utdown condition.
  • All radioactivity would. be. contained either within the reactor vessel or the standby gas treatment system. There would be no danger to plnnt personnel or the public.

[mmediate corrective action has been to initiate analyses of the cracked material. Future actions will be the outcome of the studies now in progress. New housing assemblies have been received to replace the cracked assemblies. A follow-up report will be submitted as soon as a definitive ca1se can be established. FAILURE DATA There have been no. knoYm failures of collet housings to date. The control rod drive mechanism is manufactured by the General Electric Company. This drive mechanism is the*same type used on all boiling water reactors manufactured by General Electric since 1967. BBS:smp File/NRC

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  • No P .T. Map Available. Drive Evaluated In General Electric Report.


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