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Summary Technical Report of Primary Containment Leak Rate Testing
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1974
Commonwealth Edison Co
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML17252B051 (238)



                                                                                       I .
                                                                        ~ij~!~!O.ry Docket File *



                            . \ 'PRIMARY CONTAI1'C.1ENT LEAK ' C'l RATE TESTING e-** *-.**~* ***. , '    J
  • RETU.F"J rrn -;-,* ** -.~ :::, ' ~
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TABLE OF CONTENT Summary 1 Section 1 . Prilnary ContaLunent Leak Rate Test Chronolgy 2 Analysis 5 Conclusion 7 Section 2. :uocal*Leak Rate Tests Mai:'ch, 1974 to June, 1974 9 sec,tion 3 Locat Leak Rate Tests AuguElt*, 1970 to March;* 1974

  • 12 Attachments.

Tables 1 through 12 Figures 1 through 8 . . .. Appendix A Data Sheets - Hourly Leak r-ates

                . Appendix :B Hourly Le.ak *Rate Calculation
                .. Append.ix c calculated Free Vol.Urttes and Weighting Factors for Unit 3
                                *Primary Containment .
                 . Appendix D New Temperature Calculations Using Volume Weighting Appendix E ':Error Analysis * *     *.


                  .. @DENDYM *TO 



           ~fter completion of the above work, it became apparent that several

. additions and/o0r cc:t"rections to the report were justified. First, a review of ANSI N45.4;.1972 rev38led. that the least*sqU&res fitting of the data in the report could hsve been in ~rr. An interpretation of the guide can be made to linear least*(l(lu&rea fit the b..-;urly data of the leak rate test; while this report used linear least*aquareo fits of the total leakage data. In a test where uniform:.ileakage occuro, the results will be the same, bowev$r, this was not the caae in this particular test. Thus, linear least squaree fits to the hourly leak rAte data were made and cc:mapared to the numbers reported. In five of six cases, the fits of the hourly data gave lower leak rate. This informa-tion was not used, however, because the fits obtained did not made physical sense (in on& case, t~ leakage was negativ("). Thus, the numbers *reported are viewea as ftilf illing the intent of the guide and accurate reflections of the leakages .encom1tered iil the Dresden 3 ILRT. Secondly, the original 7.5 hours of data taken on May 29, 1974*was linear least equares fitted. The leak rate obtained from the fit was 0.0655 1/hour which is very close to, yet below the limiting leak rate Lp of l.61/day or 0.0667 '1/hour. Tl\us although the leak rate reported for this part of the test is alterad, none of the conclusions in the report reached is changed.

v I*




TESTING FERFoRMED FROM g..;24-70 TO 6=5-7~ . . As reqi.lired by Sect.ion 6.b.B.J.c oi' the Technical Specifications of . DPR 2) and Regulstory Guiali> 1.16, a SU11?!!1Bl"y t.echnical report has been prepared describing the :tntegrated leak !'ate test c~nducted on the Dresden U:riit 3 primary containment frOln May 26, 1974-to June l,; 1974. As required by the U:riit 3

  • Technical Specifications, this report contains the results of all the local .

leak rate* tests eirice the last rel'ort. This covers a period !"ran Augiist 24,

  • 1970 to June 5j1 1974.

This report is divided into t::"~.e. sections: Section 1

  • ThS results of the Iritegrated Isak Rate Test at 48 psig Section 2 The results of the Local Isak Rate Tests jlerf'ornied d\lring Unit 3' s secOnd p8.rt;:tal rerUeling outage.
  • Section 3 The results of all the local *leak rate tests
                                    . done prior to 3-1-74, including local leak rate tests done during Unit 3 1 a first partial,;
                                    . refueling outage. . * *
  • Summary
            *Sporatic local leak rate testing took place on* Dresden Unit 3 primary containment penetrations throughout cycles 1 and 2. This testing was centered on: 1) Certain outages - When certaiii penetrations were opened to allow access
  • during an out~, local leak rate testing. was perf'onned arter resealing the penetration; 2) . Certain incidents "'.' Arter partial pressurization of-the drywall on December 8,' 1971, all electrical and bellows *penetrations were tested; and,
. 3) Certain types of' .valves - Fram April, 1972, the rubber seated butterfly valves on Unit 3 haw been local leak tested every three months.

Complete local leak rate testing of all of Unit 3' s testable penetra-tions was conduciied during both the first and second partial re:t'ueling outages of the u:riit *..Ourlllg the first partial refueling outage from March 3, 1973 to May 26, 1973, major probl~ areas .included: 1) Feedwater Check Valves,

2) Main Steam Isolation Valves, 3} the ~actor Head Cooling Check Valve,.*
4) the Personnel Air lock, and 5) Electrical Penetrations.

Out of a tOtal of 100 tests which were done, eight tests were above the. Technical ~pecif'ications Limit of 5% Lto for an individual valve on. pene-tration.

  • 1 of 15:

v Puring Unit .3's second partial refueling outage, no ~al leak rate tests ware demo. Ot these, five tests were ab0\1'8 the Technical Speciticaticms

  • limit of 5% Lt.o for an indivi.dual valve on* penetration. Problem 81"988 were
1) Feedwater mtec)c Valves, 2) Main steam Isolation Valves, .3) Rubber-8eated Butterfly, JT.8lw~, 4) Drywell.Equipnent Drain Sump Discharge Valves am 5)

DryWell J:\'le'Umatic Air Su~ Valves. The l>rywell Piieumatic Air Su~ Isola- . t-iV!"' Valves waro. leak rate teated for the ti.rat time d\lring the Q\ltage. In Sdditic>n, ~wrs.l modificatiohs to the p~ ware. initia~ Which will result in more complete locat leak rate te*sting in* the future*

  • A Ull1.t .3 Integr~ted Leak Rate Teet was run f'l"om May 26 to June 1, 1974. The calculated leak rate for the priJnaey containment was 0.28)~ per day which is "tSall within the allowable limit ( of 1~2% per day. An Induced lSakagg Test was run immadiat.83'1 after the II.RT and the calculated leak rate reflected vel91 c]4seq the additio!lal leakage induced *.. Thie ILT verified, the l.Rak rate caleulated in the *IIRT.
  • sECTIOM_!

Unit 3 ~ Cm3~:lll!St}.cu11s Rate Test*=&T 26*, l974~qne l, l2J4 CHRONOLOOY At th~ .end of Unit Jls second partial .refueling outage, a primary containment le&k rate test was conducted as required by Section 4. 7 .A of ttie Technical Specif'icati0n8 of License DRP-25. The .test Was conducted *in two parts: *

a. ~ 24 hOur ireesure drop test at 48 psig.

b ~ * . A.* 4 hour pressure drop test* with a calibrated, induc6d le&kaged at 48 psig. *

               .Follc.wing pressurization mi prior to the test beginning, sufficient time *was allotted to a11oii i l l temperatures to stabilize. Calculation or all leak rates incl.Uded correction for any changes in temperature and humidity throughout the test. Actual ~ll pressure. was convertecl to dry air pressure by SUbt.raetiri8 the
  • OUCUl 8:ie4. VBJ)Ol" pressure I which was baSed*. on . tein~ratuN and hum:ldit7 masureniants. *
  • a.. ZJt Hgur Term Pri019 to Mq 2J,, 1974, work on the Integrated Leak Rate Test (II.RT) included, calibration Of the instrumentation to be used in the test and the writing or procedures far the test. F:lgures,1 and 2 show the location or each thermocouple and mmddity seDSQl" in priJnaey ccmt.ainmsnt. For this test, Tempera-ture Imicators ('IE*s) 1-10 and 13-2J, ware u&ed. Theee are all of the TE*s in Unit .3 ~ ccmtainmant, the renudning ~'s 81"9 spares. ('IE-8 milfunctioned short~ after the test began and was not used in the calculatiens). Table 1

. lists each 'IE jJi the primaey cont~nt. as wall as its position and the equip-ment the 'lE norm&lly services. *Humidity *sensors (DP 1 sJ .1-6 *re used. in the . . test to measure thei H20 vapor pressure in the ~ containment. 2 of 15

On May 26, 1974 the. IIRT was started the final, successful local leak rate tests. Operations, f'ollmdng the approved procedures lined up a valves a8 shmm in Table_ 2. Caution carda were placed on every valve listed. _ -- This task was wccessf'Ulq camp.lated bY 0600 *hours on ~ 27, 1974 and. initial_ pressurization "W.S begun *

                . ShOi"tlif after ~sSurizatiari began, it was noted that the air-operated (AO) va.i-va~ 'Which ware to vent tha reactor wssal to the deywell were closed. _

These valws fP.iJAd ~losed_ when the drywall pneumatic air supply was valves out-of'-e9rvica for the IIRT ~ Preee\il"iz:lng we secured anci the Jri.mary *containment

  . was wnted to allow a ~:U ~nt.ry to O!l3D two manual bypass valves. At the.
  • same time, minor leaks iD two tr'i-us to ~11 vacuum: bre&kWs1 Which wre de*

tected ls~, wre repa:lNd. PreeWrisdilg the ~ containmant we started, again, at 0300 hours_ an Ma;y 2s. By 1600 hcvs cm lih7 28, the ~ll pressUre was at 49.9 psig am at 1700 hOul"s priassUridq the prlmary ccmta.i.mnent was stopped am the ccmtain-ment was allowed to cams *to equilibrium~ The criWria for IIRT initiation was _ 4 hOU1"8 a, an average ~U temperature. ch~ of less than 0.5°F /hour whieh-m~ came last. These Criteria ~re stipulated to assure ]'rlmary coataininent equilibrium betcU-e test :tid.Uaticm.

  • A.t 0100 *hOUJ"s on Mq 29, the data taking was st_arted. Appendix A has s&mples .of all data sheets used during the test as wll as an explanation of the calculations nwle on the data to giw the information in each column of data
     -sheets 5 and 6. . Data taldng continued until 0830 hours on May 29 when the IIRT was suepemf3d beoatiee of apparent excessive leakage .f'rom the ccmt.ainment. An exhau~ive cheiek of drywall and torus penetrations foUDd 3 leaks. These were:
1) torUs to cheywall vacutim breaker. l.601-32B was observed to be lsaldng thi-ough

.e th8 packing cm. one *arm* -* RePai.r~ ware* made and the. lBak stopped; 2) the drywell head ~ was'ob*"94 to b8 lBaldng in one quadrant. no repairs could be made *9D this ~ak; a* 3) a relief valve for the drywell Jl1$UJiiatie control to the drywall ooolBr dampers was venting to the reactor building.*_ This relief valve has a set -*point of 25 paig am was venting from the drywll through _* - .

  • leak(s) in the drywall *coolers to the raactor building Via the cooler's ]118uma-tic air su.~,. Mmmil isolation valwa at the ~11 :penetrations of the
  • pneU:matio air 3Upply ere closed to Stop this leak... . . .

_ By _0030 hours cm -Ma.7 30, repairs "81"e campleted and data taking was resumed. *TM ftist hom-q lir>skaae rates obtained showed a high but not excessive a leakage rate. **As rasult ful'ther chacldng of primary cOnta:lnment penetratians was umertak,811 am, at abOut 0900 boars cm Ma1.' 30 another leak was f'oum. This leakage path wail through an electrical conduit which contained the teleJiione _ line to the P,rsaDal access _lock.

  • The inner pers9Jmal door was left opeii tor

_this test and the entire parsomtel .access lock was pressurized to 48 psig. A leakage path WB8 created --~ some packing in the e lsctrical ccn:hd.t was blown out by the high pres6ure ~ This . leak path would not usually be present since n~, the :l.Jmer personnel door is shut and would eeal tightly upon being pressurized.* The_ leak wae. repaired by 1030--*hours on May 30 and the decision was maie-to.reidti&iize.th9 data t8ldng with the lOJOhour& reading as the new start point of the test.

  • 3 of 1$.

IlEl.ta taking continued normally until 1030 hours on May 31, 1974.

  • Data tak~n at t~is time shows that the temperatures of the 8 TE's in the upper part of the drywel:J., rose by approximately l0°F in the period rrOm 0930 hours to 1030 hours. This localized temperature increase greatly increased the cal-

.. culated leak rate for this one hour period. Possible couses of thls temperature ,jump are:

1. R'lpid increase in th~ reactor -water level. Since the reactor
1.~eastil is vented in the upper part of the drywell, any rapid water lev~l µ would. force hot .* huniid' air into the upper part of the drywall. A check of the control room charts showed .
                     ~eaet~r water i~vel to be d~creasinp slowly during the test.
2. Reacto.r water temperature reached boiling point for water at the test.pressure. This would .force a steam and air mixture from the reactor \ressel to the upper pa.rt of the d~ll. The check
  • of cc>ntrol. room ch!l.rts showed the renctor water temper;j,ture to vary frQm 245°F ~o 250°r 1uring the test~ The boiling point of water at 48 psig is about ?.';2°F.
            *3.      The    fanEf   in the upper' part of the drywall malfunctioned in some way.      Fans were the drywall and torus for this test.
                     *rhe ptirpOse of t.hese fans was to circulated t.he air in the prlma~r containment. This prevents,. at least pq.rtially; of the air .in the primary containment and helps reduce the temperature differences. in the different areas of the drywell and torus~. A check of the electrical circuits.for the primary contaihmerit. faris shoWed that appeared to be operating i+ormally.
  • This was. later. verified* after the end of.* the test when a.11 fans useci for the test were observed to be lipright and *rune- *
                   . tioning normally..                        . ..
4. The alignrilent of the fans in the upper pa.rt of the drywoll changed.
                   *One of the two fans located* in the upper' part of the drywall was tilted.upward to allow some circulation through the drywellhead.
                   *If, for any reason, these fans were to be tilted differently, some temperature increase would result in those TE 1 s in the upper.

levels of the drywall. This temperature increase Would be larger for the*se Particular TE' s* than for the total volume because they

                . arel.Ocated near the.reactor vessel 'Which is the heat source for
                   . the uj;per levels of the. dr:'.rwell. Tu addition, temperature stratification in the dr:ywE311 should accelerate with upper dry-well le~ls shOwing the larp:est temperature increases. Both of
                    .these effects occurred and, although the *new fan tilt was not Visually verified;. >this is. the* most likely explanation for the observed conditions. *                         *
  • In spite of the single lar8e leak rate that was. cnlcc1UJ.ted from the 0930-1030 hours data, the leak rate was not. excessive. Thus there was 0;1 :".leecf to re-initialize the 24 hour test once a.gain. However, in order to reestablish a consistant hourly leak rnte prior to the induced leakage test) data t~king was extended for 5 hours beyond the end of the 24 hour test.

4 of 15

Finally, e.t i530 hours on Ma:v 31, 1974, data. takirig was termin~ted and preparations were tnade for the induced leakage test.

b. -Induced Leakage Test (ILT)

After the 24 hour test was terminated; a. calibrated leakage of

.0.-.1 scfm was induced in the Unit 3 primary containment. .This test was perform<; . .; c.s. specified in_ ANSI 45.4-1972. At 1700 h<) on May 31, data ta.king wa.c started and, 7 hours later, at 2400 hours the test was terndnated. * .No co)""plics.+.ions. occurred during* .

the c-.Ourse of this test. Anal~rsis All of the data which was tE1keri over the int.erval from May 28 to June 1 is presented in Appendix A*. In addition, all of the !'real tim~" calculations made during the test are included. These calculations show an averar:e'laa.k rate for the 24 hours from 1030 hours f:L:ty 30 to 1030 hours May: 31 to be o. 04?1.i.% of total contained. It also shows that the average hourly lea.le* rate for :the 7 hours of t.he induced leakage test to be 0.0797%/hour: 'The_se resui.t~ the .test end.

  • me not least-st~ll.:.'1.~d fitted or otherwise used after A review of the method of analysis used for the "real time" calculations showed certain ~culational improvements which, if made would result. iri the calculated:.test conditions more clOsely approximating the average condit.ions
  • iri the' primary containment.* Primacy* concern was
  • centeredori the large single hour leakage occurring between 0930 hours and 1030 *ho'lirs on Ma~~ 31; This large leakage Wa.s calculated because there were a large number of. thermocouples in the relatively small volume of the upper level of the.dryweU. Since all of the drywell ternperatur3s were averaged together, the average 'temperature increase in the drywell was calculated to be rauc:h h:j.gher than it actually was-.. In this case; 42% .

of the thermocouples ware located in 21% of the volume of the drywell. . Thus of the thennocouples on the upper level of the drywell received 2 times the weight that i t should have. The re'liiaining drywell thermo-

  • couples were, in the same manner, under-weighted.* By volume weightinr, each of the thermocouples, a more real avarage temperature for the primary containment can. be obtained *. By the.same reasoning, volume weighting of the H20 vapor pressure #lcul.Ated w:i.11 result in the more accur~te ave:ra.~e vapor pressure than if the vapor pressures .1ust avera.r:,ed.

In order to volume weight the test data, the primary containment total volume and occupied volumes were calculated and compared to.FSAR numhe:rs (Since the torus was always considered as one volume, the FSAR number was corrected to reflect the orus water* level during .the test). The primary containment was divided 7 volumes, 6 volumes in the drywell with the torus being the*7th voltime. This was done because the drywell temperatures showed the greate~t-variability dUrinr, the test. By comparison the torus was a stable, urichangirig environment. Boundaries between the drywall volumes were generally chosen to correspond to physical boundaries to the m0vement of air (floo~ gratirigs) and to reriect the physical location of. the. thermocouples. Figure 3 shows the volume botmdaries used. It also shows how the drywalls' free and o~cupied volumes were _idealized to aid in cal-culation *. A:PI:>sridix C contains. the calculations that were done to obtain 5 of 15

the free volumei;; and volume fractions which were then us~d to v0lume weight the :tr.RT data. --

  • Using the ca.lcula.ted volume tractions, the* temperature and vapor pressure data, -which wa,s used to calculate leak rates for the ILRT was*

volume weir;hted. Nelt leak rates were then ca.lc1ilated based on this ~~lume weirr,hted data.. In a-ppendix D, the fir~:;t two pa.r;es show the ca.lcula.tional<'~ 11sed to volume *weir;ht the test data. and the remaininr: paP,es contain the 1*e,rised ca.lc111ated results including the revised'. h.ouriy leak. rate. Fi!;,i.ires 4,

  • 5 ~ Eihr:l 6 present the revised tempera. ture; pressure a.nd lea.k r1.l.t~ data. for May J0-)1 iri graphical form. *
  • The r.evisod total leakage 'Was then fitted using the computer code POLY. Four cases were run, owing, in part, to the.amount of data collected and the length of the test. Details of the foU.r cases as well as ihe fit for each case contained in the following table: .* * * -

t-*-CA_S_E_-+_:I:.;.;;N.:..:TE=tt..:..:V~'A~-=L-*~--~-----_j_DtJR.A TION c c 1

  • from 00 O hrs 2 from 1230----'-'"'-~"""--.=..:.c<..;:......:.:.::-=--~F=--=::L..~~-+-~~..!...L....!.-.-+:~:!..!...!~---1 from l ?0:::..:0::......1o~~="'-'~~~~...u.i...2-..~fU----L-OD~+:=1.1..a..1.l...l..J~-_µJ...Llbl:l~--I 4 Crom lJ. 0 where: Co c.nd Cl are least sqlta.res.fits to the equation:
             *y.= co*+ Ci~ i.a.*a straight line where:      Y =the total. leakage (%)

a.nd *x  ::=the time (hours)'

  • The official. l~akage for the 24 hour test is obtained 9y takirig *.

21, times the Ci Va.lue for case 2 or, L .,..,, 24. x C1 . .

                      =    24x 0.;0llS3%/hour
                      =    o~ 233.9% for '24 hours This value compared favorable with the.Technical Specification.limit (sect.ion 4.7.A.b.:2) Lt, 0         of  1.2% f.or resumption.of power operation.
  *The    24 hour test. *starts at 1230 hours.. on May 31 instead of the. aforementioned 1030 hours on Ma3r 31. The reason for this change is as follows: The last disturbance to the Unit 3 contatiunent occurred at about 1030 hours on May 31, 1974. 'I'his disturbance was the plugging of a leak (mentioned previously).

All data taken prior to 1030 hours was therefore not used. In.addition the 1030 hours data was not used because the plugging of the lea.k occurred too near the time when was obtained. Thus, the first data. that was acceptable for uee was the UJO hours data a.hd the first acceptable leakage rate was calculated using the 1230 hours data.

                                                              ~  of 15

The verification test (ILT) was run with an induced leakage of 0.040%/hour. TW.e gives nominal leak rate of 0.05183%/hour. The leak ra.te from the squares fit is C1 of case #J.or 0.0664%/hour, which is .. well.within the accuracy of rne~surements. A closer look at the data shows that the leak rate .ca.lcUlated for the last 5 hours of data takin~ before the ILT was significantly diffe:rent frl1m the 2!; hour test leak rate~ The reason for this difference was app; tempe ...19.ture stagnation followinp; the la.rge temperature increase in the upper level3 of ~~he drywall (discussed earlier). Since the temperature stagnation would have continued throughout the iLT, *a. more reievent

  • comparison can be *made by co~ring the lee.k *rate from the "last 5 hours" (case 4) with the induced leakage ~.dded in to the calculated leak rate during the ILT. C1 from case4 is 0.02689%/hour which p.:ives a projected leak rate of 0.06689%/hour when the* induced leak rate is added in. This.

compares very favorably to the calculated induced leak rate of 0.06'649%/hour ( LR = O. 00040%/ho 11r). This more meaningful* comparison is closer as expected~ Finally, an. error analysis was p-formed to. determine the* uncert- . ainty in the calculated leak rates. Appendix E shows the detailed analysis that was done. This analysis showed an uncertainty in the .calculated leak rate of 0.1176% which is. very close to 10 times the hourly leak rate for the 24 hour. teat,. A renew of the test dg_ta shewed all calculated leak rates hut one to tall Within ~ 0."1176%/hour of the_ calculated average . hourly..leak rates or,. 97; 8% o'l *the data.. This me.ets the confidence level of 95% expec~ed"

                *conclusions The -primary contadnrnent is performing its .function at .present as shown by the ILRT results. .'J.'he calculated leakage over a 24 hour period was o~ 2839%. Thie leakage is a.bout 18% of Lp; .the maxi.mum a.llm-ra.ble leak ..

rate and is about .;24% of Lt 0 , which is the allowable operational leak rate. Although there We:i-e a.number of problems which qccurred during the 24 hour test; these problems *ha ire been dealt successfuily. . Specifically, these problems ware:

           . 1. Initial excessive leakaJ?;e: Although the initial. leakage was thought to be* excessive and the II.RT was suspended for 16 hours to find the source of the leakage, the average leakar;e was l. 51%/daY* which, although it is la*rger then .Lt, 0 , is less then Lp, the maximum allowable leak rate. Additionally, recalculation of the hourly leak rates obtained during this periodusihg the vQ'.J,.Ul'lle weighted temperatures and vapor pressures gives an.average leakage of 1.04%/day>~ wliich is less than Lt, and Lp.


2. Four leaks were found after local leak rate testing was complete: A re*iiew o.f these leaks showed the followirir,: a) Torus vacuum breaker leak - this vacuum breaker Wa.s leak tested approximately 24 hours nefore the ILR'r l)ega.n and had a very low leak rate of 0.038 scfh, Apparentlya. leak developed through the chevron p.RCking in one arm.of this vacuum breaker during or .shortly after pressurlzation.
  • This leak was repaired and the valve did not leak appreciabl;r during the remainder of the test. Althoi1gh other vacuum breakers had larger leak rates when the local
    ~-Obtained by* ad.ding the hourly leak rf3.tes dividing by 6. 5 and multiplying by     24.
  ~:K-Obtained by adding the hourly leak rates dividing by 7. 5 and multiplying by        .24.

7 of 15


leak rate testing was done, none leaked ;;ignlflcantly during the test and this Is considered an Isolated Incident. b) Drywell head flahge leak - the drywell head flange was leak tested about 3 days before the start of the ILRT and a sinall leak rate (1.10 scfh)was .calculated. This leak rate apparently i.ncrea-sed ~ignlflcantly when the containment was.pressurized. This increase can be.explained by realizing that a tremendous upward force .is created on the di-ywell head by increasing the drywell pressure to 48 psig. This force will tend to lift the drywell head up and increase any leak rate pr~sent during local leak rate testing. Attempted repairs did not appreciably lessen the leakage from thi-.s source. c) Leak through the drywell pneumatic air sup,oly from the drywell coolers - this leak was not detect_ed during local leak rate testingl:?ecause the penetrations as they exist are untestable. HONever, a legitimate purpose of the ILRT is to detect such leaks and :repair themas needed. In this case the drywell pneumatic air supply to the drywell coolers was valved out-of-service. The leakage fronithis source then stopped. d) Leak through the electrical conduit containing the te.lephone line to the personnel access lock - during normal .operation the leakage from this source would be greatly reduced or liminated. For the. ILRTonly,the inner pe1.-onnel.access door was left open. Th1s was do~e to 1eak t~st the outer ptrs0nnel access door at 48 psig. (possibly for the first time). Th¢ detection.and repair of this leak showed that this procedure change was needed. This lea~ was not detected

  • during local leak rate. testing the* test for the personnel access lock is performed at io psig and this' pressure* was probably riot enough to create the necessary leakage ~ath. * *
3. S.udden change in temperature in the upper levels of the drywel 1:

A probable cause _for this .temperature increase has been found. Although this tempera_ture increase came at the end of an al ready too evemtful 24 hour and prolonged data taki.n9 for 5 hours*, it did not significantly alter the calculated leak rate for this test. The primary effect on test results was the temperature. stagnation which occurred when the fan's orientation changed. *This stagnation affected the induced feakage test resu.lts as was shown in the analysis section of this report.

              ~h~ in~~~ed leakage test was successfully run. A calibrated leak rate of o~o4%/~our was induced in the primary cciniainment. The least squares fit gave an average leak rate of o.o6649%/h6lir which is an increase.

of 0.05466%/hour due to the induced leakage. This calculated leak rate is well within t~e talculatlonal uncertainty for this test. As pointed out previously, a more meaningful comparison can be made by use of the leak r:ate data from the 5 hours immediatly after the large temperature increase in the upper levels of the drywell. Superimposing a leak rate of 0.04%/hour on the hourly leak rate from these 5 hours gives an expected leak rate of 0.06689%/hour *. This compares very favorably* with the measured leak rate of 0.06649%/hour~ *

  • Finally every effort was.made to comply with ANSI Standard 45.4-1972. Volume weighting faqors were calculated and appl led to al 1 relev~nt d~ta and the resultant leak rates were least squar~s fitted using a 8 of 15

v computer code.

  • An induced leakage test wa.s successfully run and a calculational error analysis Wa.s performed.

Corrections from Local Leak Rate Tests . Aa explained in Section 2, the results of some of the local leak rate test3 were above the limits a.s stated in the Technical Specifications. T>~ valves inwlved Were repaired prior U>*the start of the integrated leak rate te~t.. ry~his requires the addition of 3261. 84 scfh to the integrated leak

  • .rate test to* obtei.n the "as found integrated leak rate. Another prob) em arises since a. number of leaks were round and repaired dur:ing the integrated leak ra.te. Furthermore, all of the leaks found and repaired during t.he inter:ra.ted leak rate test ~~ept one were affected hy work done during. the 011tari:e. This exception is the leakap:e through the drywel;I. coolers and the dr:,rwell pneum6tic air supply lines t.o the coolers. All that can be said with certainty ahQut the !'as found" integrated leak rate is that it is between 6.727%/day and 7.483%/da.y. This "as found" integrated leak rate exceeds the Technical Sj>ecificatioris limit o.f 1.6%/d&y.
  • Section 2 Unit 3 Primary* Containment I.Deal,* Leak Rate. Tests from* March, 1974 to June, 1974
          . During,its second, partial refueling outage:, local leak testing was performed on the Dresden Unit 3 primary containment penetrations. As requ.ired by the Technical SpecificatiOn Section 4. 7 .-A ."2. e, the tests included:

bo.lted double. gsdketed seals, testab),.e penetrations., testable isolation valves (as listed in Table 3.?.l of the Tecl1nical Specifications), main steam isolation nlves and the personnel air lock *.* In addition. the testable isolation \*alves listed in the FASR, Table 5;.2.4, were tested with the exceP-t,ion of valves in those lines which. attach to .the torus rin~ he,~der. Leakage measurement was.based on pressure*decay*at.pressures specified in the Technical Specifications except in the case of the bellows seals we~e flow tests were used. A total of 110 first tests* were conducted during the program and

  • a t~tal*of 40 retests were ,conducted. The results of all the tests Were w:l thin the Technical SpecificatiOn. Liniits .* With the following exceptions:

L . Feedwater Check Valves Initial testing of the feedwate check valves showed that all four valves had excessive leak *rates~: Inspection of the valve internals subsequent to leak testing.. revealed. . l these valves to be missing.. their 1 0 1 rinr:s. which cause the valves to seal at low j:>ressures. Although thsse valves had larr;e leak rates at the low test pressure of 48 psig .* they were still functional. The valves were desir...ned to deal under a* high differential pressure condition. In event of a.n accid,ent', such as a pipe break, the valves would experience this hir::h differential pressure in con.junction With a wa.ter*seal on the seating surfaces.. thereby allowine each valve to preform . its 'intended function. Tha missing* 1 0' rings were installed ~ing Unit 3s' re.fueling outa.V:,e. 'I"r.ey were. made of a silicone .based rubber called I Silastic I .. This material is rated for a iria.x:f.irrum temperature of 450°F and is. used in water 9.of 15

environments *. Ho:w'ever, the 450°F temperature rating i~ for an air environ-ment.

  • In .a water envionment, at the teniperature of the feedwater system .

(-340°F), this type of 1 0 1 ring dissociated irito sand and c11rboii dio.xide. . . Thus; the . 1 0 r rings were completely missing. * ** *

  • Repairs of the feedWater check valves included installing new 1 0 1 rings of. a carbon-fluoride ~ompound called 'Viton'. This ma'.terialwill*

w:'+hstand radiation as Well as withstand the environmental conditions<Of the J5C :i<' water. to which it Will be subjected. Otherrepa:irs included 0 machining~ spare valw 1 s seat rine; to accept a Viton* '0' ring and lapping one valve bod:r seating surfa.ce. After repairs, the valves were reinstalled and retestedJ axhibiting leakage rates well 'Within Technical Specifications. Sho"m below the le8.kage ri-i.te for each valve before and after repair:

                              *              (scfh)                        . (scfh)
 . Valve No.                            Initial Lea.kae;e       .Leakage After Repairs 220-58A                                 12,250                 0.835 220-62A                                .2017                   9. 900 .

220.:.58B . 1207: 9Jl.. 0 220-62B 7135.U.l 3.276

2.* Steam* Isolation Valves Main steam line 1 B1 showed intial leakage of 34.7 scfh which is considerably in excess of the. Technical Specifications limit of 11. 5 scfh for one. valvtl. As*~.. ,result~ both MSIV 203-lB and 203-2B were inspected
  • and re pa.ired. during the outage*. Repa.1rs included cle13-nins and la. pping * ..

the valve seat ari.db~ck sf38.t and cleaning other interri.als for valve 203.-2B. No maJor repairs were in~cated or undertaken on this valve *

  • MSiv 203-lB, however~ received "!Ore extensive repairs. Upon inspection of t.he valve parts*, the disc stellite seating was found to be cracked. Six cracks completely cross the stellite surface and one crack approx:tma.tely one-half the distance across the stellite surface were observed. The main disc stellite seating was replaced. Additional repairs included lapping the valve seat and cleaning all valve parts. Upon reassembly of these val*res, 'B'
  • inain* steam lirie was lE!ak tested~ This test indicated
   'that there Wti.s zero leakage through 203-lB and 203-2B quring the hour long test. *                                                                              *
3. Pressure Suppression Butterfl? Valves 1601-23 and 1601-24
                 *Durlng the quarterly testing of .the rubber seated butterfly valves and prior to the start of .the refueling outage, both of these valves eXhibited leakage rat~s corisiderably in excess of the Technical Specification limit. As a consequence these valves 'Were- bllnd*-flar.:ed dur:i.n~. the eye le
 *and remained blind fla~ed until the unit.shutdoWll for refueling. After the Olltage began, these.valves (1601-2,) and lf.01-24) were removed to the maintenence shop. Additionally, valves 1~01-22 and 1601-AO which are rubber seated lrntterfJ..y valves were removed and ta.ken to the maintenance shop~    All of* these valves were leak tested on a special test s{and with a representative of the valve manufacturer in attendance. Three of the four valves t.ested satisfactorily, with onl.y the lf01-2h valve showing leakar;e. at all seating positions. This valve was* sent back to the manuf~ctti.rer,'* for re-rubberfug. *                 '
10. of 15

If I

             . *After re-installation of.the valws, local leak rate testing indicated that excessive leakage was still occurring through the 1601-23* .

valve. This Yalve was reimved and replaced by a spare valve *. This Valve was then sent back to the manufacturer for re-rubbering.

4. Isolation Valves
       .          Total leakage *through these two valves was 25.99. scfh initially.

Althoup;h this leak rat.e ie withiri techriica.l specification limits, both valves were. rem0ved and repaired. Repairs included lapping the valve surfa.::es and c1eii.*:iing of the valve iriternals. Leakage after

re.pairs was 5.59 scfh, well \l"*'cthiit the TAch *. Spec. limit.

5~ ll Pneumatie Air Su ly Valves 4722 and unnumbe:r:-ed)

  • Leakage through these ~lves was 12.67.sefh. It was determined that most oi' the leakage_ 'Was* through +.Jie check valve seat. This valve

' was removed 9.nd a new ~heck valve Was inst~.lled. After repairs the leak rate Was reduced to 2. 61 scfh.. . . 1.'he total leakage for all pellows seal penetrations ~s 0,0 scfh. Information :received froni the manufacturer indicated that the zero indication onthe bellow seal test station r.epreserited zero leakage. Th;1s recalibration of these gauges and subsequent leak testing shoWed these stations to have 2:ero now. . . The totaJ. le~ge. fo:r:- all. <io.ubl.e. gasketed vra.s .~. 623 scfh of 14. 7% of the Tech Speif.liinit. IndiViaual leak rates fo~ each penetration

  .are P,iveri in Table 3.
The total: ie8kage from all testahle penetrations and isolation valves, after* necessary r.epa.irs, was 79.44 scfh or 43.9% of the allowable leakage. IndiVidual 16'3.k. rates for the eiectrica.l penetrations,. testable isolB.tion valves and per:3orinel door, and MsIV 1 s are listed in Tables. 4, * .  :

5 ' and 6 .respectively. . . . . ' ~

                *.Finally:; Appendi.X*F through j give the .initial and final test results for each test run during the.outage.


           .      The primary containment is functioning satisfactorily.

Review of the "as found" dB.ta showed excessive.leakage to be occurring only through the feedwater penetrations. This review shows

  . 'Double Gasketed Seals' leaking at 29.617 scfh or 50.4% of the limit and
    'Testable IBolation Valves and Other Testable Penetrations' (excepting the feechra.ter penetrations)~ be.leaking at 115.2ll scfh or 65.4% of
  • the. limit .*.
  • The feedwa:ter. check valves were leaking at 18.J times the licen'se umit~ These valves have been dis'cussed previously iri this rep6rt; * * . .

As: in. _the preVious Dresden 3 outage in Spring 1973, the feedwater *

, Check valve.S and rubber**~:ea~ed I butterfly I . valves Continue* to be ma,iOr 11.of 15.

problem area. The modification to the feedwa.ter check valves should help to reduce the future leakage through these valves. Most~ of the  : I rubber seated "butterfly" valves have performed satisfactorily since their modification. The.two valves which cont.inue to be problems have been returned to the manufacturer for re-rubbering. The station is a.waiting an analysis from the ma.hufacturer concerning the cause bf leakage of these two valves before taking further corrective action.

  • Several medifications were completed during the outa.~e and this allowed additioru:.l lea.!: t9sts _to be performed. Additional modifications -

hiive been apj:>rovedand will be installed during the next refueling.outage * . This wi-11 allow local leak rate testing o.f additional penetrations and single valves wl)ich have been unt ~stable in t.he. past.. - Section 3 Unit 3 Primary.Containment Local Leak Rate Testing from 8/24/70 to 3,71/73 * - - *- - A. Perlod from S/24/70 to 3/1/73 *

                . In the period from the pre....operational integrated leak rate test until the first* partial refueling outage; local leak rate testing was done spora.tically with a total of 87 local leak rate tests being done~ Until December of 1971 local leak rate testing was done on double gasketed seals of penetrations *which were opened during outages. In December, 1971 the primary containme~ was pressurized to 2o psig as .the result of the safety valve lifting fol.µ,wirig *a scram. -Following the pa.rtiai. pressurization of the primaryconta.inrn9nt, local leak.rate testing                       was  done on all possibly affected penetration: including all electrical and bellows ssJ.l penetration, and a sample of torus *vacuitm .breakers. Additionally several isolatipn valves a.nd dou"Qle ga.sketed seals 'Were local leak rate. tested. *AU tests were well within the' Technical Specifications .limits.

_ In. April .1972, -all of the torus to drywell vacuum breakers were leak tested and a quarterly program for loca~ leak testin~*of -rubber-seated butterfly valves was started. Most of the leak rate.testing from that point unt:i..l the Unit 3 first partial refueling outage was dt!.e to the commitment to leak test the nibber~eated butterfly valves on a quarterly ha.sis. Table 7 contains the* r~fllul.t of ail local lea_k rate tests done- on the Unit 3 primary containmer.t fron1 th~_ end *of the prE!-Operationa.l testing until the start of t.he units*. first Pa.rtli+ refueling outage. Appendix K contains the data_ sheet - fetr

                           . these tests.

B. _ !lr~t Partial ~efueling Outage 3/1/73 to 6/1/73 During the first partial refueling outage, local leak rate testing was performed on the Unl.t 3 pririla.ry containment. As required by the

  • Technical Specifications Section 4. 7.A.2.e., .the tests included the bolted *double gasketed seals,*testable penetrations, testable isolation valve.s (as listed in Table 3. 7.1 of the Technical .SpecifiCations), the inain steA.m isolation: valves and the personnel air lock. In addition,
  • the testable isCllation valves listed in the FSAR, Table 5.2.4, were tested, with the exception of .valves in those lines which attach to the torus ring header. Leakage measurement was based on pressure decay at pressures specified i:h the Technical Specifications except in the case
       .                      .           .                                    I         .   .

of the. bellow

            . .             -    . and  -

the . 1'A" feedwater line check valves ' *where flow tests we?"e used~ 12 of 15

v The results of all tests were well withi~ Technical SpeCifications linli ts, with *t.he following exceptions.:

1. , Feedwater Check Valves Initial testing of the feedwater check valves showed all four valves to ha-.;re excessive leak rates. Inspection of the valve internals
 ;.,*,:*.-.a.led numerous pits and cracks on the valve seats and disc$. *However, it was 1et~i-mined that the majority of the leakap,e through these valves was past th~ *sea+. ring to valve body seal ring. This metal seal ring is designed to seal tiz,htly With a 1000 psi differential aoross the valve. Ob-viously, the leak test ;:u-essure o.f 4J3 psig is not adequate to prevent leakage .

via this path. Consequentl**, PJ!.rt of the valve repair involved replacing . the metal. seal ring with a 11 Silastic" silicone rubber 11 0 11 ring which confortns

.to applicable standards and is rated at a maximum temperature -of 450°F *. The rest of the iia.tve repair consisted of remachining the valve disc and seat ring to the manufacturer's recommended dimensions, 18.pping the valve body_

seating surface and ~placing the valve disc bushings and pins. Also, it was necessary to ~eplice.thedisc and seat ring in valve 220-62B, as machining did riot .remova .all-the, cracks** ~n the* seating *surfaces.,* After repairs, the valves.were .reinstalled .and i-etested, exhibiting leak rates well.within Technical Specifications limits, as shown as folloWs: 1" Valve No. **.Initial Leakage (scfh) Leakage After Repair (scfh)

*220-5SA                                   4295.7 .                            20.0 220-62A                                   .1941.6                              o.o 220-5,3B.                                   144.7 ..                           6.06*

220-62B 3136. 6 11.0 As previously mentioned. these valves nesigimrl to seal under a hlr,h differential ~ssure condition:. rn ari accident: eituation*, suc_h *as . a pipe break~ the ~lves Would experience {his high differer.tial pre~sure

  • iri con.iunction with a. water "seal ori *the seating surfaces-, thereby allowing.

the valyes to parform the1~ intended function. *

2. Main St*eam Isolation Valves Main Steam Isolation Valws (MSIV) 203-2B and 203-2C showed .

initial leak ra.:tes of *29 and 49 scfh, respectively~ These leakages are considerabl;r in excess of. the Technical Specifications limit of ll. 5 scfh for one valve~ However, leakage ttirouf:',h the inboard MSIV 1 s (203-lB and . 203-lC) were well wi.thin limits and :would have been the limiting leak rates in ~ny accident situation *

                  .Raj:>air of valves 203~B and 203-2C was affected by refinishing the valve sea.ts under the supervisionof the manufacturer's technical representative. Leak tests subsequent to valve repairs showed leakage through the valves to be.Well within Technical Specifications limits.

The final leak rate,s f9r all M3IV' s are. listed in: Table :tv. 3 *.* . RSactor Head Coolinp, Check Valve 205-2...:7 The first *1eak rat*e test of Reactor Head Cooling check valve 205-2-7 reve,q,led a leak.rate through the valve of 254 scfh or 865% of the allowable limit for one valve. The valve disc was removed and lapped *

                                              . 13 .of 15

Subsequent to repair, the valve exhibited a leakage of only 0.3 scfh or 1.0% of the e.llowable limit. ,,. Although leakage throur:h valve 205-2-7 was considerably in excess of Technical Specifications limits. motor operA.ted valve 205-2-4, which is immed:)..ately downstrea.m bf the check valve. exhibited no measurable* leakage a.nd 'Was the' lii'li:fting ieak rate' for this c.orita.inment penetration.

4. *Personnel Air Lock In accordance with Technical Specifications, the personnel air. lock was 'leak teste~ at a. pr~ssure of 10 psig arid showed an initial leak rate (extrapolated to 4S psig) of 53 scfh or iSO% of the limit. .

Essentially !:i.11 of. this* leakage was determined to' be via the operating* .11 handwhf.)el shn,ft

  • packing* glands* . A ret~st of the air lock; after tightening
  • _qf_J.he_..m.ckin~:.. .:showed no.111~~sur~bl:, __!_eaJ<age.:,__ .' * * . _*--* .. _ . _ -*
  • Electrical *Penetrations Fi* electrical penetrations exhibited marginal leak rates.

Even though leakage* through the penetrations was Within alloWa.ble limits and the majority of le8.kage was verified to be into the ctrywell rather than into the Reactor Buildinp,, it was deemed prudent to repc-~ir the penetra-tions. The repair was performed by contractor personnel under the direction of a General Electric technical r~presentatiiie and consfat"!d of coating the interior surfaces of the penetrations with a: epoxy sealant. The repair procedure worked very well as evidenced by the data below: PenetrA.tion - Serial # Initial Leakage (scfh) Leakage After Re~ir(scfh) X-202BB. 5,808,962 15.588 0.285 X-204A None 26.117 2~009 X-204N 5,B08,964 24.326 1.081 X-204Q 5,808,965 18.859 0.180 X-205B 5,S08,966 24.978 0.32S Th~ fact that these leaky penetrations have consecutive serial numbers seel'ils comething mo~e than coincidental. However, the technical representative could offer no explanation for this oddity. Due to a long history of problems associated with the Pressure Suppression system 'rubber seated "butterfly" valves, seven of these valves were'returned to the factory during the outage for modification, even *. though they were not leaking excessively. The modification consisteci of replacing the Buna-N rubber seat With one made of 11 EPT 1' rubber which has

  • a*higher .temperature rating and is less subject to cracking. The valves 14 of 15
     \I involved were l601...;21,- 23, 24, 5 6, 63 , 20A and 20B~
  • After reinstalla tion, all the valves had 1eak rates well within limits.

Tha total leakage for all bellows seal penetrations was 8.1 scfh or 4. 5% of the allowable limi. t. . This fip:ure is highly inflated, however, since the mirdmUill sensitivity of the installed bellows seal flow* test stations is 2. 7

  • scfh.
  • Therefore, a.n:v actna.l lea.ka{;e between zero *measurable
*am.'; 2-.7 scfh considereda.s 2~7 sc.fh. All three stations shol-ied.

leakage uf less than minimum sensitivity. Ple.ns to either modify the stations and test.procedures so that individua.lpressure drc)p tests.can be .Performed on the bellowa s~als or recalibrate the flow mete: 3 SO that G. more accurate leak' rate may be determined *

            . The total leakage for all double l!,asketed seals was 2.37 scfh or 4.0% or the llinit. Iridividual leak rates for the seals are given .in
  • Talbe B~

Total leakage,. after necessary r:ipa.irs, from all testable penetrat~ons and isolation 'Valves was. 93.6 scfh or 53% .of allowable *. Individual leak rates for'the electrical penetrations, testable.isolation valves and NS.IV's .are tabu~ted in Talbes 9, 10, and 11 respectively. Appendix L has the individual test data sheets.

  • Conclusion It may b6 concluded from the .above that the primary containment is functioning .satisfactorily. As previously noted, the penetrations and isolation valves displaying excessive leakage would ha:,e performed adequately under accident conditions or would have experienced less than indicated due to double seals or double valving. *The modifications to the feectwater check valves and rubher se.ated "butterfly valves should greatly red~c~ any futtire problems in these areas, and routine maintenance on the perison~el air lock should greatly enhance its perforrM.n:ce.
  • Many sy8tems are not adequately designed for efficient local leak testing in that they do not have adequate draining facilities or are not testable in the direction of flow under accident conditions.

These systems should be'the subject of modifications to j_mprove their testability. *In ad~Uion, experience gained in this and previous outages

 .is being us~d to generate local. °leak rate *test procedtires, set up some sort of guicielinGs* or tiinetable for the.tests, and review test methods SO that
  • primary cont.ainnient te'stirl.g ca.,i be more efficient and. accurate in the fut tire.. * ,.' ~ ~ .
c. Period from 6/1/73 to 3/15/74 Local leak rate testing between the first and second refueling outages of Unit 3 was limited to the quarterly testing of rubber-seated butterfly valves and the testing of a torus vacuum breaker and the equipment
  • hatch.
  • Table 12 has the results of all the tests done during this period and Appe.ndix M ha.s the individual test data sheets.

15*of 15

v _TABLE 1 *


_ DRESDEN III __ DRYWELL EN\TJRONI*~ITAL T8'~P.r..iATURE HONITOR DIDICATOR 5741 INS'i'RtJ?.'.:El~T RACK 2253-4S - INDICATOR POINT SERVICE__ APPROX ELEV_- APPROX. AZil'.ATH-0 1 Torus E'lvirorm.ent _ 71 Above <J. 0 2 Torus Envirr.mment - 2' Above <J. . *90° 3 Torus Environment 7' Above ~ 180°

4. - - Return Air :rniet To 505' - 6" 45° DI7Well Cooler JB 5 Return Air Irilet To- - 505' -6" - 00 Dryweli Cooler 3C 6 Torus Environment * *2' Above _-<J. .270° 7 Return Air Inlet To 505' 6" 21oc>.

i>zoywell Cooler JE 8- Return Ai~ Inlet To 517' 8"  : *45°* Drywell Cooler 'JF _

9. Return Air Inlet To s11* 8" 110° Drywell Cooler jG e 10 Mairi Steam Safety and -542' 4" - 45° Relief Valve A -

ll Spare - 12 _-

                                                                                - 0 l3        Refuel Bellows and                        588* 0" -               350 Bulkhead A 14        Refuel Bel:lews a.rxi                     588* 0"              '110° Bulkhead B -

15 Refuel Bellows arid 58s 1 0" 225° Bulkhead c' - 16 Return* Air* Froin Rx 589' 2 1/2" 45° Vessel Head *A 17 -Return Ai1* From Rx - 589' 2 1/2" -225° Vessel HeadB-1----*-- - -

                                      ~EI        .(cont)

I"NDICATOR APPROX* APPROX POINT SERVICE ELEV AZIHATH --8 Inlet Annulus Bio-Shield A or 531' 6" 15° 19 L., Annulus Of* 531' 6" .. 60° Bio-Shield B 0 20 Iillet Annul11s Of 531' 6" 290 Bio;..shield C 21 Outlet .Anrluius Of 569 1 . 0" 00 Bio-Shield A 22 Outlet Annulus *Of . 569* 0"*. 45° Bio;..shield 3 23 * .Outlet Annulus Of*.

  • 569 1 0" **225°.

Bio-Shield C 24 Neutron Cables Below 521' )" 00 Bottom Head A

                                                                    . : I 25
  • Neutron Cables BeloW 521 1 3" 135° .1 I

Bottom Hero B .(

26. Neutron*~ables Below 521' 3" 225°.

Bottom Head C. ** e 27 thru 40 Sp.ire i



                                                            ..         . 38-1600-S-XIV INTEGRATED PRIMARY CONTAINMENT                 Revi.sion 0 LEAK RATE TEST - 2/3 (Continued)                 Apri 1 1974 P&I D .          Valve Number          Valve Position Verification M-12(345)          2(3)-203-5006                  closed .*

M-1?(345) 2(3)-203,..5018 Closed H-12(345) A0-2 (3) .;.203*1 C Closed H-12(345) Au--.2 (3)-io3-2c Closed M-12 (345) 2 (3)-203-500C *Closed M-12(345) 2(3)-203-SOlC. Closed . M-12(345) A0-2 (3)-203- I 0 Closed* M-12(345) A0-2 (3) ..:203-20* Closed M-12 (345) 2(3)-203-5000 . Closed H-12(345) 2(3)-203-5010 Close.d H- )2 (345) . M0-2 (3) -220-1 Closed H*'12 (345) M9-2(3)-220-2 Closed . M-12(345) * "10-2 {3)-220'."' 3 Open M-12(345)

  • MO-i(J)-220-4 Clcsed
  • H-12 (345) 2(3)-220-5 Closed H-12 (345) 2(3r-220.:.11A Open H-12(345) 2(3)-220-12A Open*

H-12 (345) i ( 3)-220-118 Open H-12 (345) 2(3)-220-128 Open H-12 (345) 2 (3)-220-11 c. Open H-12(345) 2(3>..;,220-12c *Open* H~l2(345) 2 ( 3) .;.220-11 0 Open* H-12(345) 2(3)-220-120

  • Operi H-12 {345) 2 (3)..;.3008A-500 Open M'."' 12°(345) 2(3)-30088-500 Open H-12(345) 2(3)-3ooac-500 Open H-12(345) . 2(3)-30080,-500 Open H-12 (345) 2(3)-220;.92 Open H-14(347) 2(3)-220,-tOJA Closed M-14(347) 2.(3)-3212A Closed H-14(347) M0-2 (3)-3205A Closed
. M-14(347)            2(3)-220-1038                  Closed H-14(347)      . 2 (3)-2i0-86A                    Open H-14(347)          2(3)-32128                     Closed H-14(347)           M0-2 (3) -:-32058              ,Closed H-14(347)           i (3)-3204A-500                Closed M-14(347)           2 (3)-3204a*-500               Closed
  • H-14 (347) 2(3)-2i0-868 Open
 . H~ 14 ( 34 7)
  • 2(3)-220-87A
  • Open H-14(j47) 2(3);...220-878 Open M-20(353) M0-2(3)-3702 Closed H-20(353) Mo-2(3)-3703 Closed
. H-20(J5.3)           Mo-2 0).;;,3706                 Closed

. M,-25(356) A0-2 (3) -1601-2 I Closed H-25(356) A0-2(3)-1601,-22 Closed H-25(356) A0:-:2 (3)- I 601-23 C1.osed H-25(356) A0-2(3).:.1601-24 Closed 5 of 25


  • LEAK RAtE TEST - 2/3 (Continued) *April . 1974' P&ID Valve Number Valve Position Veri fi cat ion M-25(356) A0-2(3):-l601:-55 Closed M-25 (356) A0-2 ( 3) .;.1601-56 .* closed M*25 (356) . A0-2(3)-1601-57 Closed
  . M-25( 356)       A0-2(3)-1601-58                    Closed M-25(356) . A0-2(3)-1601*59*                       Closed M-25(356)       A0-2(3)*1601-60                    Closed M-25(356)       A0-2(3)-1601"'.'61                 Closed M-25(j56)       A0-2(3)-1661.:.62                  Closed M-25(356)       A0-2(3)-1601-63                  *Closed
  . M-25(356)        A0-2(3)-J60J-10A*                  Closed H-25(356)       A0-2(3)-J601-20B                   Closed H-25(356)
  • 2 ( 3) .:.160 l_;4A *.*Closed H-25(356) 2(3)-1601"".4B Closed 1'1-25(356) . 2(3)-1601-'+c CloseJ H-25(356) . 2(3)-1601-40 Closed M-25 (356) 2(3)-a502-501(500> *Closed H-25(3S6) 2 (3)-8507-500' . C1osed.

t-1-25(356) 2 (3)-8507-50 l Closed* H-25(356) 2 ( 3)-8507-502 . Closed H.. 25 (356) 2 (3)-8507-503

  • Closed M-25(356) 2 (3)-8507.;.504 Closed M-25(356) 2 (3)-8507-505 ..* Closed M-25(356) 2(3)-8507:-506 Closed H-25(356) *2 (3)-8507-507 Closed
 . H-25(356)         2(3).;.8507-508
  • Closed H-25(356) 2 (3)-8507-509 Closed H-25( 356) 2(3)-8507-510* Closed H-25 ( 356) 2(3)-8507-511. Closed H-25(356) 2(3)-8507-512
  • Closed H-25( 356) 2(3)-8507-513 Closed H-25( 356) 2.(3)-8507-514 *. Closed H-25( 356) 2(3)-8507-515
  • Closed M-25(356) 2 (3)-850T-5 J6 Closed H-25(356) FCV*2(3)-9205A Closed H-25(356) FCV-2(3)-92058 Closed M-25( 356) rcv.:.2(3)-92ci6A Closed H-25(356) . FCl/-2(3):-9206B Closed M-25(356) FCV-2(3)-8501-5A Closed H-25{)56) FCV-2 (3) ".'8501-5B Clo.sed M-25(356) FCV-2(3)-8501-3A Closed*

M-25(356) ~cv-2(3)-8561-3~ Closed H-25(.356) FCV:-2(3)-8501.-lA Closed* M-25(356) FCV-2(3)-8501-lB

  • Closed
   . M-26 ( 357)
  • A0-2(3)-220-44
  • Closed M-26(357) A0-2(3)-220"'.'45 . Cl.osed M-26 (357) i(J)-220-50. . . .

Open . e H-26 (357) 2 ( 3)-220-42 . M-26 (357) * . M0-2(3)-205-2-4 H-26 (357) 2(3)-205-2-5 Closed Closed Closed 6 of 25 'k

v 38-1600.-S-.X IV f*NTEGAATED PRIMARY CONTAINMENT Revision 0. * "'.' ,l_ LEAK RATE TEST - 2/3 (Cond nued) . April 1974

  • P&I 0 . * .-Va 1ve Number . Va Ive Position Ver i fi cat ion
 . M..;26(357)    ** .. 2 (3)-220-53
  • Open M-26'~357) *. 2(3)-263-2-10. Open M-26(357)
  • 2(3):...263~2-J2A . . Open M-26(357) 2(3):...263-2..;14A . *Open ..

M..;26(357) 2(3),;.263-2~16A open

  • H-26(357) *' 2(3)-263-2*18A Open H-26(3~7) . 2(3)-263-41A . . Open M-26(357) 2(3)-263..;2-J08 *Open H-26(357) * ._ 2(3)-263-2-3oc . Open H-26(357) . . 2(3):...263-2 ... 300 *.Open H-26 ( 357} . 2 (3)-263~i-30E . Open M-26(357) . 2(3)-26~.:.2-30G* Open
  • H-26 (357) .* * .2 (3)..;263..:2..;j'ot.f. * . OpP.n ti... 26(357) 2(3)...:263-2-30J Open
  • H;..26 (357) 2(3),;.26}*2.::.30K dpen H:26(357) 2(3)-263-2-22A Open H-26 (357) .* 2 ( 3}-26-J-2-228 . Open*

H-26(357) . 2(3)~263*2-iiA 'Open* H-26(357) 2(3)~263-2-218.

  • Ope.n*
   ~-26(357)               2(3)-263:...2~24                       Open H..,26(357).           2(3) ... 26j.:.2..,i6                  Open*.

H-26(357) .

  • i(3)~220-668. Open
  • H..;26 (357} 2 (3) ... i20"".66A .. Open H-26(357) 2(3)~22d;..66D Open
   .H-26( 357) ..* 2 {3)-i20-66C.                             *Open

.. H-~6 (357) . 2 (3) *220-15A *. Open Hr-26 (357) 2 ( 3) ~220:... 16A Open*

  • H-26 (357) 2 (3)-262..;i-3A . Open.
    ~-26(357)              2(j) ... 262-2.:.4~                    Open H-26 (357)             2(3)-220:...13A .                      Op eh iot:-26(357)           i(3)-220-14A                           Open*

H-26(357) 2(3)-263:...i-128 Open H-26(357). 2(3)-263..;2-148 Open*

    ~-26(357)              2(3)-263-2-168                         Open H-26(357)              2(3)..,263*2..;188 .*                  Open H-26(357)              2(j)~263-~18 .                         Open H-26(357)              2(3)-i63-i..,30H.                      Open H~26(357)              2(3)-263..;2~30N                       Open H.:.26 (357)           2 (3) ,;.263-2.:.*30P                  Open -

M-26(357) 2(3)-263-2-JOR Open* H-26(357)

  • 2(3) ... 263..;2..;3or Open H..;26(J57)
  • 2(3);...263-2-30U. Open M-26(357)
  • 2.(3)..;263:...2-3ov Open
    '1-26(357)             i(3)-263-2-3ow
  • Open.


  • 2(3)-263-2-22C Open M~26(357) 2(3):...263-2-220 Open M..;26(357) 2{3)-263"".2-2lC Ope*n M-26(35j) 2(3)-263-2..,210 Open M~26(357) * ~(3)-263~2-32 Open H"".26(357) 2(3).:.220..;66E Open
                                                 ' 7 of is
         '                                      TABLE 2 PAGE 4 38-1600-S-XIV INTEGRATED PRIMARY CONTAINMENT              ion 0 *
  • LEAK RATE TEST -: 2/J (Conti n'ued) April 1974 P&ID Valve Number Valve Position Verification ,...

M-26(357) ~(3)-220-66P Open M-::~ ( 357) .2 ( 3)-:220-66G Open *i

                                                                                                   . 1*.

M-26(351) 2(3)-220-66H Open M-26(357)  ?(3)-~20-15B Open t t I. M-26(j57) i{3)~220-168 . . . Operi I,*... M:..26(357} 2(3)-i6i-2~3~, . Open


M-26(357) 2(3)-262-2-48

  • Open t M-26(357) 2(3)-2.20-138 Operi .*I*

M-26(357) 2(3)-220-148

  • Open 1..

M-26(357) *. 2(3)-220-46 . Open* i :. M-26(357) 2(3)-220-47 Open ~~,: f.. r~; M-27(358) ...

  • i'10~2(3)-.1402.;.3A
  • C;,y;ed r:.\

M-27(358) HO~i{J}-1402;38 close.a t::* tc,; H-27(358) *. *. M0-2{3)-1402-4A . Closed *

  • M-2 7(358) .

H-27(358) k-27(358) M0-2 (3)-1402-48 M0-:2(3}-:1402-25A M0~2{3)~1402-2~8

  • Closed Closed Closed rI*..

H-27(358) M0;...2(3)-1402.;.38A

  • Closed I' '.

M-27(358) M0-20)*1402*388 Closed ' M-i7(358) .

  • 2 (3);..1.402-lOA closed
  • M-27(3~8) * . 2(3)-1402~1~8 Closed M-27(358} 2(3)-1402-J2A
  • Closed 1'1~27(358) * *. 2 (3)-1402-:328. Closed

. H-i8(359) M0-2 (3)-.130 l-1 Closed H-28(359} . M0-2 ( 3)- i 30.1-2 Closed M-28(359}* M0-2(3)-1301-3. Closed M;..28(359} .M0-2 ( 3) - I jo 1-4.

  • Closed M-28(359) 2(3)-1301-21 . . Open *

. M-28(359} 2(3)-1301-22 Open

  • M-28(359) i(J)-: 130 I ~2 7 *Open M-28(359) 2(3)-1301-:28 ... Open
*. M-28(359)           2 (3)-1)02:..500* . .               Open*

H-28(359.) 2(~):..1302:..501 ~ . Open H-29(360) M0-2(3)...;1501-28.A

  • Open (02 *.test) ; *.

Closed(b3 test) .:, ' . M.;.i9(360) Closed(D2 te~t}; Open(D3 test) H-29(360) *. M0-2(3)-l50l-:27A ... Closed . M-29 (360) *

  • M0.;.2 ( 3):..1501..:2 78 c1osed M-29 {360) M0-2 (3) :...1501 *22A C1osed M-29(360) Mb-~(3)-1501-Z28 Closed M-29 (360) M0-2(3)~1501-19A Closed M-29(360) M0-2(3)-1501-:20A Closed M-29(360) M0~2(3)-1501-19B Closed M-29(360). ~0-2(3)-1501-20B Closed H-29 (360). M0:..2(3)-1501-J.3A Closed M-29 (360) M0-:2(3)-1501~138 Closed 8 f o 25

1f PACES 3S-1600-s-x1v* INTEGRATED PRIMARY CONTAINMENT Revis ion 0 LEAK RATE TEST - 213 (Conti riued) Apri J 1974 P&ID .Valve Number Valve Position Verification i M-29(360) H0.;.2(3)-1501-5A C1o.sed i M-2~ (360) MO-i (3)-1501.:.5B Closed . '. i M-29(360) M0-2(3)-1501-5C Closed M-29(360) h0-2(3)-1501-50 Clos¢d M-29 (360), 2(3)-1501-]0A Closed* M*i9(360) 2(3)-1501-]0B Closed M-29 ( 360) 2{3)-1501-73A Closed M-29(360) 2(3)-1501-738 Closed M-29(360) 2(3).;.150l-23A C1osed

. M-29(360)       . 2(3)-1501-238                        Closed M-30 (361)        M0;.2(3)-1201.;. J
  • C1osed M*30(361) . M0-2(3)-1201-2
  • C1osed M-30(361) M0*2(3)-1201-3 Closed H-30(361) . M0:-2(3)-120)~7 ..
  • Closed H-30(361)
  • i (3):-: 1io1-3i* C1osed

. H-30 (361) 2(3):..1201-95.* Closed . M-32 ( 363) M0-2(3)-1001-IA

  • Closed.**

M-32 (363) M-32 (363)

                  . ~O-Z(3)-10cil-1B * *.
                    .M0-2(3.)-1oo1-SA Closed*

ciosed* I.

   "1-32 C363) ..
  • Mo-2(3)-1001-50. *. C1osed M-32 (36J) 2 (3)-1 OO.l-45A . Closed M-32 (363) . 2(3)-1001-458 Closed
 . M-32 (363)        2(3)-lOOl-47A *.*                   C1osed .

M-32 (363) 2 ( 3) -100 1-418' Closed M-32 (363) M0-2(3)-IOd1-2A Closed M-32 (363) M0-2(3)-1001-28 C1osed M-32 (363) r~o-i ( 3)...; 1oo1-2c C1osed* M-32(363) 2{3)-1001-90A. C1osed

. M-32 (363)         2(3):-1001-91A.                  *Closed M-32 (363)        2(3)-1001-908'                      C1osed M-32 (363)        2(3)-1001-918                       C16sed M-32 (363)        2 (3)-1001 .:.9oc
  • C1osed M-32 (363) 2(3)-1001-91C C1osed:

M-32(363) 1(3)-1001-14A Closed M-32 (363) :l (3) -1001-148 Closed . H-32(363) 2 (3) -1 OCH :..4 lA Open

  • M-32 (363) . 2(3)-1001'"'.42A : Ii" Open,"'
                          . * .
  • cs I &h~ "2-, D1v M-33 { 364) 2(3)-1101-31 C1osed M-34 (365) . i(J)-0301-94 ' Open M-34(365) 2(3)-6301-96 Closed
 *M-35(366)          2 (3) -4327-SOO                     Closed
   *See Section*o.3. Not~~

9 of 25


  • Apri 1 1974 P&ID
  • Valve Number Valve Position Verification *
  • M*37(367) . 2 (3)-4722 Closed M-37(367) . 2(3)-4741-208 Closed M-37(367) 2(3)-4741-20C. .Open
   . M-j7(367)         . 2(J)-1601-4B - *.*                . Open .
                           . Testing Urilt.2 .*
  • M-38(368) 2-4609-501 - Closed 1'\-38(368) . 2.-4630.-500*. Closed
  • H-38(368) Col. *j8K . Open Uri Lt 3 .
  . H-38 (j68)             3-4640-500 *p1 us *
                     . . . 4" Manua 1 .upstream              Closed M-38(368) . *Col. 44J .                           . Open M-39 (369)            A0-2(3)-2001-3                    Closed H-39 (369) .          A0-2(3)-2001-4                    Closed H*39(369)             A0*2(3)-2001-5                    Closed H-39 (369)            Ao-2(3)-2001~6                    Closed
  . H-39 (36§)             AO-Z(3)-2061-l05                  Closed
    *M-39(369)            *Ao-2H)-2'001-106                  Closed .

M-49 DOP Injection *Open

  • H-51 (374)
  • M0.~2(3)-2301*4 Closed H-51 (374) . M0-2(3)-230 r.:.5 Closed M-51 (374) 2(3)-2301"".16 Closed M-51 (374) M0-2(3),..2301..;.8 Closed.

M-51 (374) 2(3h-2301-i8. closed*. H~5l(374)

  • M0*2(J)-2301.:.35 Closed H~51 (374) M*0-2 (3)""2301 ~36 Closed M-51 (374) 2(3)-2301-37 *.. Close.d
  • M-51 (374) 2(3)-2301-93 Closed M.-51 ( 374) 2(3)-2301--24 Open M-51 (374) 2 (J) ".'2301.*25 Open M-51 (374) M0-2 ( 3)-230*1-14. close*
               *Th is valve ch¢d~ 1 i st w.i 11 plit the sys~ems in the fol lowi n.9 c0n<l i ti ons: . * .**

Main Steam I so l'ated, Drained, Vented Reactor* Feed Isolated, Drained, Vented *,

                *Reccw fressur~ Supp~ession Isolated Isolated,     Ve rited                                  .I i' Head Cooling                        Isolated Core Spray                          Isolated
                *Isolation Condenser*
  • LPC!

Reactor Cleanup Shutdown Coo 1 in~ , I so lated, Isolated Isolated Isolated, Drained, Vented Vented

                                                                                                        .. er ,,I
                                                                                                              *l Clean Demineral 1zed                Isolated                                                 '.f Drywe 11 Floor and                                                                         .. ' ~
                                                                                                            . :~:

Equ fp. Ora ins* Isolated, Vented }*

  • , *HPCI *Isolated 10 of ?t:;

Double Qasketed Seal i..eak Rates

  • P aration Leak Rate scfh x-100
  • Equipment Hatch 0.170 x-102 Dl'ive Removal Hatch
  • 0
  ][*l36A                   TIP Moriitor *.1.\abe                                 o.o.88 X~l36B                    TlP ~itoi: Tube                                       0.088 X*l36c                    TIP Monti~ Tube                                     . 0.088 X*l36D.                   TIP MOnitor :..~be                                    0.088 X*l36E                    TIP Monitor TUbe                                      0.088

. X.. l36P . TIP Monitor 1.\abe . . 9.123 X*lli DryweU Head Manhole 0 Drywell Head nange . 1.10 X*306A Tor\is Access Hatch *(Bast) 0.088 . X*306B Torus Access Hatch (West) 0

*X-313A                     T\'\rus Construction Drain.(~.qst)                    0
  • Torus Cc>ns.tructicm Drain (Weat). 0
. l601-32A.              **torus vacu~*:ar-eaker
  • 0.053 1601-32B . Torus Vacuum Breaker l.122 1601"".32C Torus.Vac\aum Breaker 0.549 1601-320 . Torus Vacuum Bi:e8ker 0.299 l601-32E Torus vac~1JmBre&ker 0.246 .

1601*32F Torus Vaeuum Bre8k~r. 1.730 l601-33A l601*.33B 1601*33C l601*33D 1601*33! l60i..;33p Torus Vacuum Brellker Torus Vacuum Breaker

                         . Torus Vacuum Breaker
  • TorUs VaCWm* Breaker
                            '?Orus ' Vacumai' Breaker Torus vacuUID Bre&ker 1.08.8 0.702 0.018 0.106 0.087 0.702
Shear Lug *inspect ion Hatch .#1 0 Shear Lug Inspection Hatch 12 9 Shear Lug Inspection Hatch 13 0 Shear Lug Inspection Hatch 14 0 Shear Lug ;IDspection Batch IS 0
                           .Shear    Lug Inspection Batch       #6                0
                           .Shear :Lug :1n.-pection Hatch       17 .              0 Sb.ear. * i#.Sp&'C,~~on Hatch  18
  • 0 total. 8.623 Limit ;,. 58. 763 scfh
  • l of LWt ... 14.7l
  • TABLE 4 Electrical Penetration Leak Rates
  • Peneti:at ion No eek Rate scfh
  • X*200C .. 1.* 715 .
  . X*201B                                           *o~346 X*202u                                            0 X*202BB
  • 0 X~202D- . *. 0.695.
 . X,;.20211                                          0 x-202J                                            0 X*202N                                            2..085 X~202Q                                            0 X-202.S          ;

6.951 x-202w 3.475*

.. X..;203B                                           0
 . x-2o4A                                             3.475
  • X*204E 0 X*204H . *5~~()8 X*204L .* 5.160 X*204M * ' 2~-750 X'.*207N* . 1.990 '

x-204Q 4.820 X*204S .. . 2. 750 X*205B 0 total .. 42.120

 . Li~it ~- 176,28.8 scfh.
. 't of .*Limit  0 24.0 ~ * ..


                                                                    . 'i
                            .. ,                                        i l
                                                                      . l

v TABLE'~* .

                              . . . Primaiy. S;tsteili ISolat:ioil Valves and Other                                                                                                                   ~stable Penetration~*

Maximum Leaka~ Leak

  • fram .Penetrat_.

Penetration . Valves. Tested . .s stem Rate** scfh . *sc*fb: :.:* :..* X*l4? 2@5-2*4/205*2~7 Rx Cooli'1g 0.996/3~84 0.996 X*l06 .220-~ ,2.20-2 **.*.Main Steam Li~ Drain * . 9.* 151 4.576 X*l22 * . 220-44,220~*45 PrimBry sample

  • o .*.* 0 -

X;;.107A 220~58A/220.;.64!A

  • reedwater
  • o. 835 /9. 9o
  • 0.835 X-107B .. 220~5SB/220-62B. *. leedwater O/l.276 * . *o X-138 301*94,301 CRD Return o.580 0.290 X*lllA .
  • 1001-lA,1001'!'.lB . . * * ~*11tdown coaling *o 0 X-lllB"'\ 1001*2A,1001~~~.1091.ii..2¢1~,/:::-. .

x-113.J 1201~1,12oi~2:,12(>1~3~ ." ciean-up . 8.133 4.067 X-108 1301..;1,1301-2 *. ** . Isolation Condense.r 0 0 x-109 1301-3,1301.;4 *

  • Isolation C:ond~nser *O 0 X*l99A 1402-*24A,i402.-25A . . . *. Cote ' 0.248 0.124 x.;.310A 1402-4A;l402;;..M,1402!936A.;:. *...Core Spr4Y. (} 0 .

X*l99B . 1402-24.B,li+02-2SB. *.. _ . - . . Core .Spray 0.35.5 .* 0.178 X*3iOB 1402.;.4B,1402;;.8B.;i402.;36B.

  • eor:tt** Spray - " . o.'. .* 0

. X*lSOA 150l-27A/1S01-28A . LPcl . . 24.98/0' *.. 0 X*311A ..

  • 150l~l8A,lSOl*l9A.<. LPCI 0.471 0.236 x..:*310A .* ..* . l.501-~:o.A91501~3.8A> . ' ; - L,!cl .. :0 . . *.*., 0 x-1'161 1501~22.t\;l.501~*26A~:fi>Oi~sA ; "' ...LptI *.. . 2.185 .. h093 X~lSOB. 1501*2~7B/l50l*2SB. ' . LPCI * * . ' 2~347/0 ' 0 . .

X*J31B 1501~18B;lSOl*l9B *'

  • L:PCI .. 2.924 1.46.2 X-310B *. 15Ql~20B;lSOl-3~B .. . . *-~-*- LPCI 0 *o X*l. . *.*. 1501..-_22i$,l,S01~26*:a;~()t)l~5:8'.'-~ _.: LPCI. .*. . . 2*.217 hl09 x-126..) .1601;.;21,1691*22;~6-01~ss ... ..suppression 2~413
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~*.    . ..


. x~304                    1601*56                         aso*2~soo*                      . * **.           *.                     * *                     * ......
   ~=~~                    1601-s7:16oi~58,160~~s9
  • N2 Iriet'ting. ** *. 0.178 0.089
                        . 1601-2:3/1601'."24,1601;;;60 .*                                                                                                                                                                  17.417/4.723                  . 4.* 723 .

X.*1251_: X-ll8j . 1601*61,1601-62,1601~63 . . ... X*304 .. *.. 1601~20A,l601 .. 31A * . Suppression o. . 0 X*304 1601-2os*~16oi~311J ...*~ .,~ppr~a*Si:on *. * .* . .. 1.81 . 0.91 x~f18> 2001*5~2001 . . , DW Equip' I>rn- S~ DiSch 5.59 *

  • 2.79 ..

X*ll7 . 200i*lOS,200i.;.10.6 DW nc>or Dtn *sump Disch 0.435 0;,217 X*USA . 2)Ql*4~239i*5 .. * *

                                                                                                                         ' _.
  • ilre1 : . . -* O o x;.;317A 2J01*74,23Q_l.;.45 . BPCI l*.242 . .0.621
  *X-312 . * .*          . 2301-71 '                     , 2301:.34
                                                                                                                                ; HPCI                                                                               . 0 .*                        .. 0 x~12L                   4n2,check                                           *                                          *
  • Instrument Air . : 2.61. i~3()

X*l39D . x-**. 4720;4721 9207A/92078

                                                                                   .. .                                       ..     =-~~i":~A~mple *                                                                     *g*307/l.104                  *. *~.307

8 ...... Lr;*oc****_.sam_.k~

                                                                                                                                                                                      .*.* P. . . ~~. e_:. *.

x~*: .

  • 9208A/920-8B ** * .*.
                                   ..                                                                                          .....                        . .A1                                             *         . J.716/2.962                       1. 716 x-lot **                ' . .
                                        -":. ' .... : *,., .... ~-.

u:i ,.,._ 1 - *. *.*~2~953:.. . * .* : .* 6,426 .

            '* :                                                                 .' ..       ~  ..... .                            **;:: ; , .         * "~ '** ,, ..      r * :         '       ' .                                       'tC)t~-1 .,.: 35~~72 scfh
                                                                                                                *. *:.* '  . *~ ::. :.'

i.iJDit. .,. 176 288' scf'h

  '1> (,£ Lililit .* .* 20.~* *
                                                                  ,   I  :

TABLE 6 MBin Steam Isolation Valve Leak Rates Maximum Leakage

  • Val.Ve No~ *Leak. Rate ** * * £ Panetrat.ton. *9 203-2.A 0.614 0.614 203-2B O.;O o.o 203-2C 0.408 . 0~408 203.;.2D 0.212 . . .0.272.

. 203-lA 5.849

. 203.;,iB                                                               o.o 20l*lC                                                            . 1.410 203*1D                                                                9.624
                                                                                *    .*    ..* t~tal .le&kaie
  • 1.294 acfh total.* leakage @
  • 48 psi .
  • 2 .044 scfh Limit -
  • _176.; 288 SC
  '%. of Limi.t - l
  • 2'%.

I'* TABLE 7 Date* Penetration* Description Leak Rate* ~scfh) . 3/12/71 Drywall Head 0.0105 . 3/12/71 . X-i37 *Drywell *Head .Manhole

  • 0.00109

.. 3/16/71 .. . X-1C2* . cR:D Removal :H8,tch 0.0015

  '6/22/71                      *'*'        Drywell Head ..                        0.0069 .

6/22/71. X-102 . cR:b Rerilova.l .Hatch I . 0.0045

  • J
 .6/24/71        X-202~                  .* Elec. Penet.                           0;047 6/30/71       X-30nB                     Torus.Access.Hatch W                 . 0~065.

6/30/71 X-.J06A: Torus .A r.cess Hatch E '* 0.665 . 9/1/71 .X-102 :.

  • Giili t

Removal .Hatch 0.0177 9/1/71 X~.306A . .Torµs Acc~ss Haf,ch (E) 0.0647 9/'J/71 .X-100 F.quipment Hatch ..0.050a9

. 9/17171        x-100 .*                   F.q~iprnent     Ha.tch                 0.07.3.
                                           *Pel-sgnn~l .Acces:s.                                9*

.. :11/2R/71 Hatch . 26.77 . X-102 *. CRD Rembvai 'H&~ch .. 0 X-.107-A ~1iows 0 X-111;;..A* Bellows 0 x-.105 A, B, C, & D Bellows 0 12/23/71

  • 2301-34 to !Solatiori .33
              . 2301-71                     Valves
. 12,123/71      2301-45 to                 Isolation                              1.21
               '2301...;74                 :Valves 12/24/71      X-J06B                      11 0 11 ring*                          o*

12/23/71 X-306A 11 0 11 rinp; 12/23/71 1601-32A & B Shaft Seai

  • 0 12/23/71 1601-33.D Shaft Seal. 0 12/23./71 X-100 "0" ring .003 12/23/71 X-101 Gasket 0

TABLE 7 (Cont'd) Da.te

  • Penatra.tion


Leak Rate cs*cfh)

 . 12/11/71          X.-200C .                  Electrical                  0.701
   *12/11/71         X~05B                  . Electrica.l                   5.42 .

12/11/71 . X-203B Electrical *O 12/11/71 X-204E Electrical 0 12/11/71 .. X-204H:*: . Electrical . 0.113

.* 12/11/71          x~~mu                      Electrical                 _0~11.3 12/11/71 :*. X-202W                   *Electrical                  0.282 12/10/71.        X-.")Q2F ..*         .
  • El.e.ctrical 0
**12/io/71          x..202n                *
  • EJ.ectrical *
  • b 12/10/71 .. X~02N  :
                                              *Electrical                   0.282
  . 12/10/71
  • X-202Q Electrical 0.057 12/11/71
                   .x-202s X~02B X~04S Electrical*

Electrical . Electrical 1.70 0.028 2.98 12/11/71 .X-204Q Electrical 5.88* 12/11/71 *X404N Electrical 2.07

   *12/ll/7i*       X-204M                      Electrical                  0.92 12/11/71        X-2041              ,      Electrical                   1.15
                                  "           ~;* .    .  .   ..

12/13/71 . x:.:.io2J 'Electrical 0.057 12/11/71 .X~02BB . Electrical 7.92 X-201B Electrical o.o 12/23/71 X-204Q Electrical ~.25 12;.'23/71 X...202BB Electrical 9.74 12/24/71 1601-3JA *. Torus Vacuum Breaker 0 4/18/72. 1601-JJA Torils Vacutim Breaker .070 . 4/18/72 . i60l-J3B Torus Vacuum BreB.ker* .o e

TABLE 7 (Cont'd) e , DA.ta 4/14/72 Penetration. 160i-33C

                                                 *Description Torus Vacuum Breaker Leak Rate (scfh)
                                                                             .007 4/18/T2        1601-JJD'             .Torus Vacuum Breaker              ~029 4/16/72
  • 1AD:i.~33E Torus Vacuum .Breaker .OOJ5 4/18/72 1601.:.JJF Torus . .Va.cuum Breaker .915 4/19/7.2 *160l-32A Torus Vacuum Breaker .055 4/19/72 l60l-32B Torus Vacuum.Breaker .* OJJ
         -           1601~32C              To!-i1s .Vaculim Breaker          .019 1601-J2D *            .Torus Vacuuni Breaker             .o
 .. '4/20/72.      '1601-~2E'              Torus Vacuum Breaker              .o 160l~J2F             *T.orus Vacutirn Breaker           .oa 4/19/72        1601...21 22 : .       Pressiire Suppession          23.8 s.nd 56 .  ' '

4/19/72 1601-23,24, Pressure SupJ>essiori . 14.0J 60,61,62,63".; e 4/19/72 160l-20A Pressure Suppession 17.78 4/19/72 1601-20B Pressure Suppession 14.63. 5/7/72 x. .101 .Equipment .Hatch .* 0.0147 5/7/72. 160i-J2F *Torus Vacuum Breaker 0 7/19/72 l.601-23 '24; 60., ?ressureSupp:ression. 1$.4 61~62_,63 . 7/19/72. 1601-20A Pressure Suppression A4.4 7/19/72* *.*I60i~oJ3:** **J>ressure Suppression 201.1 7/19/72 **100i-20A .. . . Pressure Suppression 0.081 7/19/74 .

  • 1601.;;;.20B . Pressure Suppression 0.655 7/19/72 i..601-21,22,56 sure Suppression. 14. 7 10/25/72 1601-21,22,56 Pressure Suppression 40~75 10/25/72 1601-23,24,60 Pressure Suppression 3.83 61,62,63

TABLE*?- (Cont'd)_ - -- Date 10/25/72 10/25/7'L Penetration 1601-20A - 1601-20B Description

                                                . Pressure Suppression Pressure Suppression

_Leak Rate (scfh) 0.50


10/25/72 1601-2l,22,56 Pressure Suppression 129.9 10/27/72 1601-21,56 Pressure Suppression 32~2B 10/27/7'2. 1601-20B *Pressure Suppression 7.557 11/20/72 160l-32A Torus Vacuum-Breaker 0.0345 11/20/72 1601-JJA Torus Breaker 0.0518 11/20/72. - . 16Gl-32F .*.. Torus Vacuur:: Breaker - 0.0690 - 11/20/72 1601-JJD Torus Breaker 0 li/20/72 l601-33B Torus Vacuum Breaker 0 1/26/73 1601-20B Pressure Suppre.ssion  ?? 1/26/73 160l-20A Pressure Suppression  ?? 1/27/73 _160l-20B - - Pressure Suppression 0

   *l/29/73     .160l-20A                        Pr6ssure Supj,ression         3.12'
  --1/26/73       l?iOl-23 ,24,60,:              Pressure Suppression          2.27
                - 61,62,63 -.
                                                                                                                    . ~-


                                                                                                                        ~* ..

OOUBLE GASKETED SEALS. LEAK RATES* Penetration . Le&k*. Rate (scfh) .* X-100 ~uipm~nt Hatch o.o x~102 Drive R~va! Hatch o.o X""'.136A TIP Monitor Tube* a.o. X:.:.lJ()B TIP Moirl. t~~ Tub.e a.o .** X-136C TIP 1-bnitor *Tube 0.016. x.,;136D TIP Monitor Tube o.o

  • X-136E TIP Monitor*. Tube* .. ,, .. a.o X-136F TIP Monitor Tube o.a
   . x.-137     DryWell Ji*d. Marihole . **                                                           a.a.

Drywell Head Flange . .o.o X-306A *

  • Torus Acces~ Hatch .(East:) o~o
    .X-J06B. Torus . P_ccess t:Iatch
                                                        .(West) .   .
                                                                      .*                             'O.O X""'.'313A Torus Constructic:>:ri Drain (Fast)                                                   o.o X-313B     Torus Construction                       Drain (Wes~,)
  • 6.o .

1601-32A Torus 0.192 16al-32B *.Torus Vacuum *Bf;eaker

  • 0.314
                                                          **    1.

1601-32C Torus V~cuum Br~a.ker . .. ' o.245 i60l-.32DTorus .Vacuum Breaker *.. a.262

   . 1601-32E Toru.s Vacuuni sre~er.                                                                  a.155 16al-32F Torus.Vacuum :Breaker                                                                   0.192,.
  • *. 1601-33A . Torus Vacuum Brf:ia.ker .* .

a.014 1601~33B Torus Vacuuin Breaker o~a 160l-33C To~s Vacuum . 0.103

                                                   . TABLE 8 OOUBLE GASICE'l'EP SEALS LEAK RATES (Cont'd) * .

Penetration . . Leak Rate (scfh) 1601-Jju Torus Vacutirn Breaker o.o

  • 1601-)JE*Torus Va;uumiZeaker o~o 1601-JJF Torus Vacuum Breaker . 0.084 Shear Lug Inspection Hatch #1 o.o Shear Lug Inspecti,on Hatch #2 0~101 Shear Lug Ins:Pection. Hatch. #J 0.118 Shear Lug In~pection Hatch #4 0.135 Shear Lug ins-Pectiori. Hatch #5 0.084 .
        . . Shear Lug Inspection*. Hat'ch #6                                 0~118
          . Shear Lur. Irlspection Hatch       #'7                           0.101 Shear L'L'.g Inspection l!atch .#8                              0.135 Total-    2.369 Limit - 58.763 scfh
            %of   Limit .;,. 4~0%




Penetration No. *r..eak Rate (scfh) X-200C 1.627

  • X-201:8. o.o X-202B o.o X-202BB 0.285
  • X-202D . o.o C-202F .. o~o X-202J o.o X-202N 1.095 .

X-202Q * . o~o .. *. X-202S 1.673 X-202W 1.673 X~OJB 9.0 X-204A 2~009

    .* X-204E                                                                      o.o '

X-204H . 4.723

  • 4~629 .

X"'.'204M * * :2.451 X-204N 1.081

  • X-204Q .0.180
 *. X-2048.                                                                       3~006   .

X-205B 0.329 Total 24~761 Limit = 176.2<<38 scfh

      % of**. Limit .:.. 14%.


  • Leak Rate (sc.fh) .
. 205-2-'..                                          Reactor. Head CoOling .:         o.o 205-2-7                                           Reactor Head*Cooling             0.256 .
. 220-1 & 220-2
  • Primary Steam prain . 11~923 220-44 & 220-45 . Primary .sa.inple o.o .
. 220;..57A & 220-58A
  • Feedwater 20.0 * =\:*

. 220-57B & 220-58B .* Feedwater 6.057 + 220-57A & 220-62A Feedwater o.o *.t 220-57B & 220-62B . *.

  • FeedWa.ter 11.0 +

301-94 & 301-99

  • CRD Return
  • O.O*

1001-lA, lOOl~lB, 100i-2A:,


. . . . & . 1001-20.. . Shutdown Coolin(S

  • o.o
*. 1201-1,- .120i..;.2 & 1201-3                      Cleanup                        . 4.321 1301"."l & 1301~
  • Isolation Condenser
  • 1.557 1301-3 & 1301-4 . Isolatio~ Condenser . 1~309 1402-4.A , *. 1402-BA ,

1402-24A & 1402-36A Core Spray o.o, 1402-4B, . 1J~02.J3B, l402-24B & 1402-36B Core.Spray 0.830 1402-24.A & 1402..;.25A Core Spray 0.162 1402-24B & l.402-25B Core Spray o.o 1501-27A & 150l-28A LPCI 9.411 1501-27B &.1501-28B LPCI 0.106 1501-18A & 1501-19A LPCI o. 723. 1501-lSB & 1501-.l9B LPCI o.o 15.0l-20A & 1501-J~A LPCI o.o

TABLE 10 PRIMARY SY5'i'EM ISOLATION VALVE IF.AK RATES:. (Cont'd) Vaives Tested 1501-20u & 1501-JBB IJ>CI '* .: ... ( 1601-21, 1601-22' 1601..;;51, . 1601-55, 8t 8502-500 . Suppression 4.312 *.

         . 1601~57, 1601-~g & 1601~59                                                                Suppression                              0.230 1601-20A, & 1601-JlA                                                                      Suppression                              0.814 .                                 . ,** ...

l601-20B.& 160l.-31B *Suppression o~o.

        . 1601-23 ' 1601.;;24' 1601-60' '                                                                                                                                        ,*.
       . 1601..;.61,. 1601-62 & 1601..;63 ' .                                                 * : Supj>re~sion                                1.758                                  ,,,-

2001-5 & 2001-6 * *. aa:aWB.ste 5.268 ... -~* 2001.-105 & 2001-l06 .* . Radwa~te. 0.473 .


2301-4.& 2301-5 , HPCI . o.o

       *. 2:301-;4 *. & 2301-4'5 *.                                           *"   .              .. HPCl .                                   2.440 *..                                     .' ..

- .*. 2301-71 & ?301-34* .

  • HPCI o.Sl+o '. . . '*:*
      . *9207A                                                                                       Drywall Air SamPl,.e .                   o.o ,*

9207B . Drywell Air. Sample* 00.022 9208A. *: J)rywell Air Sample

  • 0.212
     *.* 9208B- *. .                     . . ..      *......                                   .*. *~ri Air '$amp1e *.
  • o.283'*

Total . 53.307

          .t.iniit         = 176.288         ~cfh . *.
                                                                                                                                                     .* J . . .,
          %of Limit = 30.2%

Limit for

                           .      one vs.lve
                                                        =. 29.381  ~ .... .. scfh
  • Flow test .,
  • t Smee thereare two \ralves :1.i(series ~ each: ~f these penetrations,
           . *. only .

the l.Owest* . leak.' Jfa~e. ~s; added. to the tot~.

                                                              ~ *-          .                . .      .        .
                                                                                                                                                                                .* 1.
                                                          '!'ABLE 11 MAIN S~M IS.OLATION VALvE        LEAK  RATES* . *
  • Valve No *. Leak Rate. (scfh) *
".,. ~*
    **203-lA                                               *, .            *l.203
    *203~.                                                                  1.018 203-1~


  • 4.847 203-lG
  • 20.3-2C . 1.615
   . 20.3-lD.                                                               6.4*5                              ' . .       .::~ ..

20.3~0 . o.o Total . ** _15.133 *

   . . for one valve _;= .11 ~ 5 .scfh..
                                               '* .~-: .
  • *. % oi Limit = .s.5% , ,*:'
     **    Since there are*4 sets of twa valves in series, onl,ythe lowest.leak rate of the tw6 is added to :the total because. it is the. liniiting leak rate.

TABLE 12 *, ... *

  • Date 9/21/73 9/23/73
                                      .I>enetra tion
                       . 1601-23,,24,60,61,62,6J Description Torus .Vacuum Breaker Pressure.Suppression Leak Rate {scfh) 0.373 2.297                       .

9/23/73 **.i60l-2!.*~2~;54 . *. Pressure .Suppression 5.267.

      . 9/23/73             1601-20D .                                                              *. Presstire Suppression*
  • L396 9/23/73 *1601-20A Pressure.Suppression 1.613 10/16/73 X-101 F.quipment- Hatch .0 11/19/73 1601..21,22~56. Pressure Suppr~ssiori 4. 252 .
  . 11/19/73                1601-20A                                                                   Pressur~            Suppression                   7.220 11/19/73               1601-2oi3.                                                                 Pressure S1.ippression                            3.517
  . 11/20/73                1601-23, 24 ~ 60, 6.1,                      6~, 63 ',;                     Pressure.Suppression                           435.29
                         *. 160l~J~ 60; 61; 62, 6) li/21/73.                                                                                    . I'ressure Suppi:-essfon                           254.12
                                                                                                                                                                    *. *' .i;~       i'*:

11/24/738 1601~3 ,61;62,63 ... Pressure Suppression. **243.s1** - 11/27/73* l/20i74

    . 1/23/74
                       .. 1601.:..60, 1601-2J,60,6~,62,6J 61,' . 62,
  • 1601~ 61 ,62'. ' 6J ...

63 .. * *. Pressure Suppression Pressure Pressure Suppression Suppression

                                                                                                                                ..*   ~ ..

4.69 234S.2 16.62 . 2/13/74 .1601~0,61,62,~3 . . Pressure Suppression 11.06 . ~ .

  . .* 2/lJ/74        . 1601.;.20A
                                                 . :* .                                                Pressµre Suppression                              9.?J.
      . 2/13/74        . 1601~1,22,56 .                                                                Pressure*.suppression                           . 4.152
 . *. 2/14/74 *     ***.160l~O~_*. *.                                : ~   *... '_: *. *..  .         .P?-essure
                                                                                                                        *. ,Su~pressi~n
                                                                                                                                ....             .   . )*33 ..
                                                                     ; ~.
                                                                                                                                                                         * *  ~.;
  • t *
                ..~. . .. .

~. t.*

                                                                                                                                                                          .L *:                  . *.*.                                 ..... , .*.    ,*_.~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *t**** .
. *:r:


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          *. *DATA SHEETS USED ...
   . .* .AND. CJ.LcULA~loHS MADE .


            . ..       Data was .taken on a hourly basis and the information recorded on sheets 1, 2, 3, 4 and the first three columns of sheet 5. Sample data sheets are shown at the ~ of this appeftdix. Sheets 1-*and 2 were then used to .calculate the H20 vapor referring to various graphs
       .ai\d tables.-* All th~. g~aphs ~c:l *tables used ai-e also fourid at the end of thi' appendix. ?lie calculations perfotmed*0n sheets l 8nd 2*are self explanatory a Shee~s
  • 3 and 4 coilta:tn onliy data from the Dresden 3 environmental temi'erature ~nitc~. 'lhe location of each thermocouple in the primary con~

taUunent is shown in table l, also found at the end of this appendix. Sh~ts 5 and 6 information which has -*been calculated f~om sheets 1-4 ,(with th$ ,exception of co~~s. 1-3 on. sheet 5). Show

      . be law 1,8 .the :i.cformatioa,~ 'c.0nta:lned in each -column. _and its methOcl of
       . calculation.

Column 1 HCrux-. Column 2 Ambient temperature

  • temperature' of Hg man0meter(°F).

Col\Jmn 3 .*Mercury elevatl0n in ff8 manoDIBter m -0.000100452 x column 2. + 1~003224621 * (f ipre 3). * *

      *co1umn'4        correction tact~r for.Hg unom$ter ... -o.oooioo4s2 x column sure (Dim.of Hg at o0 c) iacolumn 3. x column 4.
  • . i_,

Column 5 Total absolute: pressure in vessel *including water vapor. pressure . (mm of Hg at OoC) .. coluinn 3. column 4. x Column 6 Average temperature of torus (OF) - 1/4 x T! readings. Column *7

  • Average tGperature of drywell (°F) .. l/20 x TE readings *..

Column 8 . Average temperature of c~t.aimiie~t volume (OF) a 0.557 x column 7 ~ + 9.443 x column 6. Column 9 Water vapor pressure in torus (nm of Hg). Read from the* table of temperatures and pressures at saturation shown 0n page 17. *. 'temperature Tl defined below is to be used to enter the table: *

  • n a ~oluinn 6 ** (C<TE*2)*(DP-5))+CCTE*6)*(DP*6)) )
                          .'             .  .                .     . "   2 .         .        .

Col\Jmn 10 Water vapor pressure in drywell (mm of Hg). Column li Average watervvapor pressure in the total containment volume (mat of Hg) ... 0.557 x column 10. + 0.443 x column 9. Column 12 Dry *air pressW-e (absolute) in the total containment vol.ume at te\DP~rature column 8. (mm of Hg @ OoC) = column 5.

  • column 11.

Column 13 Hourly indication of leakage rate (percent) L,

                                ** , .* '(Cofom.'8i** @ previou8 hour .+ OR)x(column 12. @ current hour) )               *
                  * * '% ""*:;Cl ~....(columi:*s.
                                            **** * >, ~
                                                                            * +* oa.)x(columli r2.
                                                                                                      @ previous hour) lOP
                                                               ....i: .'

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l I

            .9.                                             e                                                      e Sheet 3                                                                  ..


  • TE.;.7 . TE-9*

Hour 0000 TE-I TE-2 .. TE-3 JE-4 TE-5 TE-6 TE-8 .TE-10 TE-13 . TE* I4 I r-



010.0 7' *-i 0200 . " .


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  • j H0Uftl.YT~)1P~RATUR~ f\EAD!N~S (CQl"ttfn~ed)
    • 1 Hour TE-15
  • n:-f6 TE-17 . TE-18 -TE~ 19 . TE-20 . TE.,;21 . TE*22 TE-23 .TE-24 TE-25 TE-26
 \                                           0000 0100
                                                                                                                                         ..           ~;:

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         *9:                                                         Sheet *5

1* 2. 3. ,. . ..

s. .. 6 *... ]. -*
                          . Mercury Ambient   Elevation in      Correction*     Total Absolute          Average             Average Hour Temperature Hg Manometer.      Factor for     .*.Pressure In        Temperature         Temperature
              . (Of)         {:m1 Htl}   H(,j Manometf?r *vessel *(mm HQ) . of Torus (OF}         of Drywe 11 (OF).._
    '0000        ..                    '
     *.0100 0200 0300     ..
      *osoo                                                                           *'

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     . 1600 1700                                                                  I 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300                                                                                                                        VJ CX>


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Sheet 6 HOURLY TABULATION DATA (Continued) 1* 8. 9. 10* 11

  • 12. 13.

Average Tern- Water* Vap.or.

  • Dry Air Pres-
                                .perature of        Water Vapor      Water Vapor        Pressure In      sur*e     (Absolute)    .Leakage If our       Cori ta lnment * . Pressure In      Pressure* In         Tota 1 *Cori-  In Total Volume          Rate (%)

Volume (OF) . (mm Hq) Drvwt: li fom 1-iq) ta?ninent {mm Hq). 0000 01.00 0200

                   *0300                                                                           .*
                    .Moo                                              ..

0500  ; 0600 .. 0700  ; 0800 0900

                   .1000 l.100 1200                                                                                        *-*

1300 ~ 1*400

  • 1500
                  . 1600                                                                                                  ...


                     .1 tl.00 1900 2000
                  *2200 2300
                                                                                        -                                                               ""'co.


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- .. !I. - . ' ...

TI - ~- - 'i 114 llBlifdU. BLEMENT TO DEW POINT TEMPERATURES Degrees Fahrenheit Tl - s-~4*6. IT~CBI.. 'ELEMENT DEW POINT DEU POINT

                                  -17.7 DEWCEL . - DEW.


                                                                                                                                      -DEWCEL ELEMENT DEW POINT
                       -=*                           71.                                        47.7                          81.8        2i6

l~.7 11~.3

  -27.5                22         -17.0               72              l .3          117         48.4               167        82.4
   -27.0     ~.1       ~~*        .,.16/f
                                                     ?'3             17.0           118 .       49.l               168        83.0 21~

21 11 .l 116.9

   -26       ~.o                                      71+             ~*7           119          49.8              169        ~*7         219      11~.7          *' 1.
  -25        - .3      25         -15.0              75                  .3         120          50~5              170             .3     220      11 .5         __ ]
    -24      -47.7     26         -14.1              76              19.o           i2l          51.2              171        85.0        221     *119,3         '
   -23       -47.0     27         -13~7.             77              19.7.          122         51.9               172                    222      120.2
            -45.7 .

28 29

                                  -12.3 78 79 20.3.

21.0 123

                                                                                 . 124 52~6 53.2 17~

17 8g.6

                                                                                                                            . 8 .2 86.8 223 224 121.0 121.8
                                                                                                                                                               .. ' l
                                                                                                                                                                 ,-      J
  -20       -45.0      30         -u.1                80             21.7     I     125         53.9               175        87.4.       225      122.6
  -1~       ..ii.4.3   31         -ll.O               81              22~3 .        126.        54.6              176.        88.0        226      123.4      .  ..... ,
            -43.7      32         -10.3               82             23*~0      . 127'.                            177      . 88.6                 124.2
  -17       -43.0                 - 9.7            .*~                              l2S 55.3 56.0..          . 178.       89.2 227 228                  : ,l
                       ~                                            .~7 125.0
. -16       -42.3                 - 9~0                                  :3         129         56.7               179.  .. *89.8        .229      125.8
.:15 -41.7 35 - 8~3 85 25.0 130 57.4 180 90.4 230 126.6
  -14        -41.0     36         -1.1                86             ~*1            131         58.1               181        91.0.       231      127.4
                                  -1 .. a
                                  - 6.J ..
                                  - s:r
                                                    .87 88 89 27.0
                                                                 . 27.7.
                                                                         .3.        132 133 134 58.8
                                                                                           . 59.4
                                                                                                             .. 183 182 184*

91.6 92.1 92.7 232 233 234 128.2 129.0 129.8

   -10       -38.3                - 5,0 .             90             28.3           135         60.8               185        93.3        235*   . 130.6
I -n.1 41 - 4.3 91 29,0* 136 61.5 186 236 131.4
           .-"Sl_~O    li2.       - 3.7             *92.             29.7        . 13~          62.2               l8r      *~J            23~     132.2         *._: .
I  :..36.3
             -35.7     Zl'*     . - 3.0.
                                  .;. 2.:i .
                                                   .  §l.             3().3 31.0 ..


                                                                                 *i~.        .

62.9 M*5 188 189 95.0 95.6 23 22~90. 133.0 133.7

    - 5.     -35.0     45                             95             31.7                          .2              190         96.2                134. 5
  ---2"3     -34.3     46         - 1.0                                             141         64.9.              191        96.8        241      l3g* 3
l49*. * - 0.3 142 6i.6.
                                                                                                   .3 192         r:ri.4     242      13 .1
 .- l'
                                  + 1.0 95.47 .32.0
                                                                                    'i~         6
                                                                                                *66.9 . 194 193        98.0
                                                                                                                              .99*,7       ~~

136. 8 131. 6 0 ~31.7 50 + 1.1*-, 145 67 .6. 195 . 99.~ 245 138. 3

  +1         -3i.O     51           . 2.3         . 96            ; 32~4            146       . 68.3               196*     100.0 .;      ?.46     139. l
  +2                                   3.0                                                                         197 -* 100.7                          g i~
           *.-30.3                                  *~**              3~.2                      69.0
52. *.

139. 3 .o 140.

             -29.7                    .,.7                                                      69.7               198      101.5
  • i5 -29.0
             -28.3     55
                                  . **.  *3 5.0
                                                  . :99 100
                                                                   . 34.7.
                                                                  .. 35.5.

149 150 70~3 11.0 199

                                                                                                                . 200 102.2 103.0
                                                                                                                                         .249 250 141 . 4 142. 2 6     -27.7
             -27.0 516
                       ;               i-1         101
                                          .3 . . i02*
                                                                      )6.3 37.l 151
                                                                                 . ~.52 71.4.

72 . . 201 103.t 202 . 104.5 ~~ 146, 0 149. 8 10 11 9

             -24.3 I


                                    . 1.0 7.7
8~3 9.'?

i~ 105

                                                            .. 40.9.


                                                                    *38.6 .. i~

39.4. 40.2 155 156

                                                                                          . 73.l

75.1 20~ 20 205 206 105.2. lo6.o lo6.8 107 .5 265 270 275

                                                                                                                                          ~80 153. 6 157. 4 161. 3 165. l    :J 12                62 l~
  • N 15
           . -22.3
           . -21.7 u
                      '65 9."( .


                                  *12.0 .



109 uo

                                                             .* .. 41.7 42.4.


                                                                                  .15 159 l6o 75.8 76.4 77.l 77.8 207 208 209 210 .

lo8.3 109.0. 109.* 8 110.6 16 -21.0 66 12.3 ill. 44.0 161 78~5. 211.* 111.'4. -*~ Br 13.0 il.2 . 44.7 ' 162 212 112.2 ll 19

           . -19.*7    68*.         13.7'         *iii      . .*.~*5** ' *2         i63
                                                                                  *164 79.l
                                                                                           ** . 79~8               21~      113.0 * .

20 .':~3:03 6') 10. 14'.3: . 11 *.

                                    ). .o         115 '. . 46:9; .. 165 00.4 81.l *'

21 . 215 11~.8 . 11 .6:

                                                                                                        ....  .~
  • lJ1 t.v'1 l~ 0 e ':'<Qi I TI-~--'Hli (*t:]
 *n 5-4ia Page 2

e JlildCE:t. Bimlltilr TO DEW POiNT TEMPERATURES r.- Degrees Pahrenhe1 t TI

                                                                                                           .. - S"-:1l A       f]


                                                                                       *ELEMENT .POINT 81.8 ELEMENT POINT

_ _J

                                                                           . 4 .4                    82.4 49.1 .*.               83.0 49.8                   ~*7                          *. 1 50~5                      .3 51.2                   85,0
                                                                                                                                 -' .l


                                                                            . 52,6 53,2                   86.8
  • 1 1 r- J 53,9 87.4.

54,6 88.o ...... , 55.3 . 88.6  : ,l

                                                                        *. 56.0                      89.2 56.7                  *59,8 57.4               .. 90.4                        ~ ~~.. ~~

58.1 91.0. 58.8 59.4

                                                                            *6o.1 60.8 91.6 92.1 92.7

93,3 ~ 61.5 62.2 62.9

                                                                                                     ~:4                        *_:
                                                                          . ~*5                      95,6
                                                                                 .2                  96.2                 5

64.9. e '.6g.6. 6 3

                                                                            *66:9 67.6 96.8 97 .4 98.o 98.7 8

6  !.:..::: 99.~ 3

                                                                           . 68,3                  100.0
  • 69.0 100.7 ~*

69.7. 70~3 *. 101.5 * *-= 102.2 4 71.0 103.0 2 11.4.

72. . .

10~.t 10 .5 . 0 8


73.1 105.2 6. 7~,7 lo6.o 4 7 -~ io6.8 3  ;._::- 75.1 107.5 l .J'

                                                                      .. - 75.8                    108.. 3 76.4                 109.0                        ;!:'

77 .l. 109.. 8 11.a 110.6

                                                                            .78~5                  111:4                        ..._

79.l 112.2

                                                                           . 79.8                  113.0.
                                                                           '.80,4                  11~.8 ..

_3 70 5 .5 9 5 *. 81.l .* 5 11 .6


e l'..:

                                                                                                                                                         ,.,,,. Jl °'      .
                                                                                                                                                                        - ~. ~'
                                                                                                                                                                         .  ~-


                   ~ fouJMl.f1\.            steam ~s.ble:a.
                 . pielll and expand rt.oat ai.r.

Dew-point. apparatus can either. e0ol a ~ace O:!' com-(2) Hygrometers* measure relative humidity, often by tho change U.. dirnen1oi:.-na of. a hygrosc.opic material auch aa human hair, wood, or J:llpa'; ~ ins~mcnta are s;mple and i_nexpensive but require frequen~ ca.libr~tion. Tiie eledrieal raiisbnce .qf .an el~trolytic film can also be _Wied aa an 1ndicat1on of. ftlativebumidity. (3) The wet--an<1 dry-bulb paychrometeria widely used. Humid-f.f meauremente -~ air flowing iJi ducts r:.n be made with peychrometers that use mt.reU17..m-glass thermometers. thermc>couples, or resistADCe \.hermometers. _ Humid-

                 . f!f 111~ .of s.till air .can be made with sling psycbrometeni or aspirati~n
                   ~mometers. P'sychrQmetnc:
  • wet-bulb temperatures must be corrected to obtain
                   ~wet-bulb temperatureS. or there must be" adequate air motion the .
                   .m-bulb thermometer, 800 to 900 fpm (with duct walls at ai.i tempera, to ensure a proper balani:e* hf:ltween r~tion and. eonveciion. (Carrier and :\-lackey, T.rani .
                   .tSJIB, 1937,*p. 33,) (4) Cheniiciil aiWyaia by the use of dessicants such a.s sulphi.lric.

ttid. pllosphonu pentoxide,* liihiun1 chloride, Qr silica* gel can be. ~ed as primary

                   ~of humidity me~ent. * *                                                                                                           .

Ta1ile 1 gives the pressure-tempeiature relations fo.r &!ti:.:.-.:.ted water vapor over fttl:r ar ice. Table L. Vapar ~ of Water in ID. Hg-~ 3111' (Ice below 33 F) (P:om. W-- Dl Keya, "Tbermodyuamic Propertiee ol Steam"') I 0 I 1. J 4 S 6 d*~~

                      -Cl       O.OOJ9                                                                      .~..


                      -JO       0.0071       (i.0067 0.006J               o.ooS&.. o.ooss O.OOSI. 0.0048                        0.004, . 0.0041
                      -I>       0.0116       O.Ot19
  • 0.0111 0.0106 0.0100 0.0094 0.0089 0.0084' 0:0079 0.007S
                      -*        a.ow         o.olOs* :0.01~               0.01&1. o_ .op6 0.0167_ o.01s.a 0.0149 0.0141 o.01nI
                      - *       .. . *. . o.~J58* o.oil9,              o.osu .     ~.010s ~~ 1.0.0246 1
                      +o        0.0>11       o.oJ~ .. o;o419 .o;.0441' 1 *_o.:'046s             o.0489      *o.os._14 o.os41 o:os69* 10.0598
  • o.0619 0.0661 o.069' * *o;o7JO', o.0767 0.0806 0.0847 o.oaa9 .o.09H 0.0~80
                       *JO      0.103        3.lil8       O*.llJ          0.119,. ...0.114      0.1)0         0.137     0.143      O.ISO    0 *. 157 I
                         ,,. 0.1~            0.111       o.*eo            o.1aa.- 1 o.196.      0.204 .       0.111_ 0.110         0.229 .o.2la
                          <be u ideal gas. in B~.per pound of dry air, is the .sum of the enthalpy of 1 lbof dry..


                 .':&ad~ enthalpy ~ t.,he                        w:    lij of stee.m mixed ~ith that ~: . The specifi~ '.lltbalpy ..
                        .<fr)- azr (above 0 F) 18 A. \"! 0.2~il (up to 130 F, the spee1fic hee.t .of dry 1ur.1S 0.240; *

ll. higher temi>eraturti:S~ it. iii. :~et): .. The

                                                                                          . specific enths.lpy. of  low-pre8sure
                                                                                                                            .        .      ..-steam


                                                      . Pfeuure of aqueous ,.;,.por over wal<>r in mm of Hg f01" ternperatureo from
                                                   .,.-* 15.8 to 100°C. Values for fractiooal. degrees between :io and 89
                                                                                                                                                       *1.g obtained b~*int.erpolation.

Temp. 0.0 0.2 0.4 . 0.6 0.8 Temp . 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8.

          *c                                                                                         *c
        -15          l  .~;;;:,         I .414         J .300         1.368               1.34t1        42       61:50        62.. 14         62.80         fl3.4f\  64.12 I     : . r,34       1.511           i.485.             1.460"                                                                                  _,.,              mm
        .,-14       1.5GO                                                                                43      64.80        65.48           66.16         66.86    67.56
        -13         1. G!Jl             1. ti65        1. 637         1. 611 .            1.585
  • 44 68.26 68.97 69.69 70.41 71.14
        -12         I .8:i4             1.804          1. 776         1. 748              1.720
        -11         1. !l87
  • l .1!55 1. 924 1. 893. 1.863 415 71.88 . 72.62 73.36. 74. JZ. 74.88 100 7GO.
        -10         2.149               2.116          2. 084         2.0.1'":            2.018 46 47 75.65 79.00 76.-tJ 80.41 11:21 81.23 78.00 82.05 78.80 82.87 m

103. 71D .IJ su.m 8U.U

        -    !)     2.32G               2.289          2. 2.54        2. 219              2.184          48,     83.71        84.56          8S.42          86.28    87.H               llM       871.0ll
       -     8      2.!il4              2.475          2.437          2.399               2.J62          49      88.02        38.90          89.79         190.69    91.,59             1~        Q.111
       -     7    . 2.711>              2.674          2.633          2.593               2)i53                                                                                         106       1117.92
       - 6          2.931               2.887          2.843          2.800               2.757          &O     92.51         93.5           94.4           95.3     96.. 3              107      llilUl(I 100.1.                       1Q8     IOIM.C2 5.1     97,20 *,     98.2         . 99.1.                  101. J           . l()!l    11138.m
        -    5      3.163              3.115           3.069          3.022.           . 2.976.          52    102.09      *103.1           104.1
  • lOS.1 - 100.2
        -    4;     :L410              .3.359          3.309          3.259               3:211          53    107.. 20. 108.2           109.3.         ll0.4    111.4               110. 1074.58 3.673               3.620         3 .561        . 3.514               3.461                                                                                          111 1111.211
        -    3                                                                                           54    112.51       113.6           114.7         *1'15.8   116.9               112 *1148.74
       - 2.         3.9.56              3:808 -        3 .841         3. 785              3.730                                                                             .t          11a 1181.a
       ,... 1      .4.258               4.196          4.135          4.075               4.016          55 . 118.04        119.1           i20.3          121.5    122.6      !         114 1221.2:1
                                                                                                         ~ . 123.80         125:0           126.2          127.4    128.6      I         115
       - 0 0

4.579 4.579 4.513 4.647 4.448 4.715 4.385 4.785 4.320 4.850 _/)7 -l::!".82

                                                                                                    . 58 136. 08
                                                                                                       '-.'ill 142. 60
                                                                                                                          . 131.0 137.3 ..

143.9. 132.3 138.5 145.2 133.5 139.9



                                                                                                                                                                            .I           lUI 117 118 119 1318.94 lW.llS 1397.U 1442.a i           1      4.926               4.998          5.070          5.144               5.219                                                                               .,1

.l 2 5.294 5.370 *. 5.147 5.525 5.605 60 J49.38 150.7 152.1 153.5 155.0 . . 120 1489.M 5.766

  • 5,848. 5.931 6.015 160.8 162.3  ; 121 1636 .*

3 .5.685 61

  • 156.43 157.8 159.3 t.* 4 6.101 6.187.. 6.274 6.363 6.453. 62 63 lf>3.77 171.38 165.2 172.9 166.8 174.5 168.3 176.1 169.8 177.7.

i i l .. 122 123 124. 11188.0I 1638.31 1Cl81.81

                                                       ~:~~ . t~<.
                                                   .:.122.                                                                                                 184.2 15     6.543 .            6.635                                              6.917         64. 179.31       180.9           182.5                   185.8             . 125     17411.91 6      7.013               7.111                                             7.411                                                                                        . 126 1191.12 7      7.513               7.617.                      .1:828 *.             7:936         66     187.54 _. 189.2           190.9          192.6    194.3      !         127. l.SS0.83 8      8.045               8.155.         8.267.       . 8.380.             .8.494       -66      106.09-      197.8           199.5*         201.3    203.1
  • 128 UIOr.83 206;8 208.6 210.5 212.3 I. 129 ltle.J.I 8.609 8.727. 8.845 8.965 . 9.086. 67 204.96
           .9                                                                                           68 1   214.17       216.0           218.0          219.9    221.8      ~         130    211115.H 10 11 9.209 9.844 9.333 ' . 9.458.

9.976 10.109 9.li85 10.244

                                                                                        . 9. 714
                                                                                     . ici.380
                                                                                                    -69        223.73       225.7           227.7          229.7    231.7 241.8 t

131 132 133 2DS1.*~

                                                                                                                                                                                               !U0.42 mo.CM 70     233.7        23.").7         237.7          239.7 10.~l*. 1L085                                                                                                              22Sll. 74 10.658       10. 799 .

f. 12 10.518 248.2 250.3 252.4 la4. 71 243.9 246.0 13 11 :2:3i ff.379.. ll .528 11 . 680 11 . 833 72 254.6 256.8 2!i\J.O 261.2 263.. 4 1as nu,i. 14 11.987 12:144 *. 12.302 12.462 12.624 73 268.0 270.2 . 272.6 274.8 136. 2HIS~ 74 265.-7 277.2 279.4 281.8 28*~.2 286.6 I . 137 2481U* I J3 .121 13. 290 13 .461 138 !MOJI< 115 12.788 i2.9.53 16 13.634 *. 13.8 13:987 14,166 14.347 75 289.1 291.5 294.0 2!HJ.4 298.8 139 ~-* 17 l:i.s.10* 14.715 14.903 15.092 .* ll>.284 7G* 301 A 3():3.8 306.4 . 308.9 311.4 140 2710.9: 15,871 16.*071 16.272 77 314, 1 316.6 *319.2 322.0 324.6 lU 2788.~ 18 15.477 15.673 I . 142 2861.fl 330.0 332.8 3:J5.6 338.2 19 16.477

                            .         16.681'      16.894           11.105             17.arn           78     327 .3                                                          '
  • 14:1 211C8.fll 20 17.5J5 17.753 1 17.974 lts.197 18.~..!

79 341.0 343.8 <:46.6 349.4 352.2 I 1.. 31~ .* 21 . 18.650 18.880 . 19.113 19.349*; : l~.587 80 355.1 358.0 361.0 363.8 366.8 145 31JG.7' 22 19.827 20.070 W.316 20.565" 20.815 81 aG9. 7 372.6 375.6 378.8 381.S 146

                                                                                                                                                                                        . \47

32511.3: 23 21.068 . . 21.324 2i .583 21;845 22.110 82 384.9 388.0 391.2 394.4 397.4 1'8 338:!.~

24. 22.377 22.648. *. 22.922. 23.198. *23.476 83 400.6 403.8 407.0 410.2 413.6 149 30&..>

84 416.8 420.2 423.6 426.8 430.2 150 3570:CI 25 23.756 24.039 .* 24.326 24.617 24.912 85 433.6 437.0 440.4 444.0 447.5

  • 151 31i117. QI 25.509. 25.812. 26.il7. 26.426. l~ 3"111.111 26 25.209 86 450.9 454.4 458.0 461.6 465.2 153 JllDll. 81 27 26.739 27 .05.5 27.374 . 27.696 28.021 472.4 476.0. 479.8 483.4 154 JllJ0.2 28.349. 28.GBO 29.015 29.3.54 29.697 87 468. 7 28 88. 487.1 491.0 494.7 498 . .5 502.2 30.043 30.392 30.745 31. 102 31.461 155 G5.8 29 89 506.1 510,0 513~9 517.8 521.8 156 .4183.8
                                                                                                                                                                                      . 157     USD.2 541.95 30 31 31.824
                .33.695 32.191       '32.561 34.082. 34.. 471 32.934 . 33.. 312 34.864 .. 35.261 90.
                                                                                                      *91 525.76.

546.05 529.77 550.18 533.80

                                                                                                                                          . 554.35 5.37.86 5.'i8.53 562.75                ~    ::;.

32 35.663 36.068 36.477* 36.891 31.308 92 566.99 . 571.26 57.'i.55 579.87 584.22 160 41588.o

         . 33     37.7W              38.155        38.584          39.018               39.457          9:S    588.60       593.00          .597.43        001.89   OOG.3S                161   t7U.3:

34 39.~98 40.344 .41 :251 41 . 710 615.44 620.01 624.61 629.24 1112 '816. 9. 40:79.6 .. 94 610.90 163 :iODO.O 652.82 164 612&.9 35 42.175 42.644. 4;3.. 117 43:595 44,078 95 5:~3.90 G38.S9 643.30 MB.05 46,050 46.556 91) 6fJ7. 6i ()f,:? .*4;, 61>7.31 672.20 677 .12 16~ 5236.1* 3fi 44.563 45.054 45.549 702. Ii 97 68'.:!.07 f,.'<7.04 G!l2. O.'i 697.10  :~ 5.l80.8i 37 38 39 47.067 49.692

                . 52.442 47.582 50.231 .

53.009 48.102 50.774 53.580

48. 627 51.323.

54.156. 49.157 51.879

                                                                                    . 54. 737 98 99 707.27 733.24 71:.? :40.

738:53 717.r.G i43.S.5. 722.75 7-19.20. 727.fl~ 754.55  ! 168 169


l51!18. 0 40 55.324 55.91 56.51 57.11 57.72 too 71i0.00

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APPENDIX B . . . .* , *.** DAf:A TAKEN . . ...... * .

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    • TE*18 TE .. 19 . TE*20 . TE-2 l . TE ... 22 TE-23. TE-2lf TE-25 TE-26 r-
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    • TE-24 TE-25 TE-26
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    CX> I '.C)> ro <1' '° - * ~lL.- /<.J?.~.t?/4/t;~ /~.l<E,J,1 o!V 1-MtF /~&>~4_ -* -* 0 -111 -0 *O I (/) I (I \.0 :J *i. ....., .i::-o < '~ .J \ 38-1600-S-XIV .*INTEGRATED PRIMARY CONTAl.NMENT Revision 0 LEAK RATE TEST (Continued) April 1974 '° *N I L&.I -~ Cl> ~ c c -u en 0 .z" 0 c( L&.I a:: L&.I e a:: ~ L&.I '0 ~ Cl \: ei c \,, I.., 1:: a 'J a \"' ~ 1_,. C:: ~ ~ I r< N N N M ~ N ['I ,.; ,;._ ,.__, ~ ""' -:::;. M ~ :::i,:: L&.I ~) ~ !3 ~ ~ ~ L&.I '<: <:> () <:: <.:i (., ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' * * " ',,,~ I;:, <;.: ' ' <:: ~ 0 a:: ~ ~' ~ ~ c Cl l" \_,. C ,. ~ \.., c.i ~ G <.;:; c::. ..,.. ~ 0 MMH~~~N~N~~M~~~~~~~
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    ..-**** ~- .i - .. , ' *  ! .. - . . . r . *~ j . ~f$-j.,-:ff-21 of 25 **~~*** HOURLY TEMPERATURE READINGS (Contlnue.d) Hour TE-15 TE-16 TE-17 TE-18 TE-19 TE-20
    • TE-21 TE-22. TE-23 TE-24 TE**25 . TE-26
    .. -*'i.....::..=..=..::_+....J..A~~.a-J...L~&:.+,~~~+--'-1'.:~~""""~~.J.-'~"'""""14---'-~U!...J--.U..:...~~~....._,~~L:..-+;-~~~-"~~ .~ *~:..::..::.~L...:;~-'-..L:i.~-4..L.1.;..L:..~.....<.J~J::.."""~J-ll.-1-'.f.U~4-.L..J..::....J.'4--t...:.~-'+.-L..~~_,L;~-'-1...-L~~~~....::....f ~i--:....;...:....:_+~==.:,,..:.__,_..t-;1."""'-.J-i---'--""-'-'--+-"""'.....__~.:;....i;"-1~~......."""""';.;;;+--"-'""""'.-...-+-.....-.C.OL-+.____,_,_-+-~-.U~ 0 *~~ i--:.~.:_+..L..;...=..:..=:...-'- ......,1:;4.lit:-l-'-c....&.."""6-+-"'-'~.....C.. .:.J.-=~"""-1 '-"'"4-"'-<::..s.l.-"'-._~ "-+..J.<o:....;.-".d..-4-...c-'C"'""~-'----""--+-...-..~~ i-;.:;;.:;~~~-+-.L.:L.'"-"'-+.L%..m..""-+~~~~~u.....+-"'~.L.:=..-+-.LJ.~:..+-~~,.c;r-4-c~~--L~~......_:~~+-'-=~ i--:.~.:_+~~./.-_,_L.:..~"-~~~~~'-S-<tL..+-4~~:::;..+..J-~'-"'-4--'-..l....l:."""-._~"""-'"-+-""-'~~~.._...ui;.~;......+........,i:;...:-...&..:--+-'-=-~.:._j -::i: n )> N '*L.....:...::..:...~~t....::;'-=-~::...L..~,.;;_..L.L.."'-"'U...~"-lr:::.L.:..::....~~'-'"'-+~~..:.:;.........-'-"-"'""""".._~&.1.o'-4---~_...--~'-........-.~_......~~ 0
    ;JO ~i--:..::....:...~_._,""..::;_4-'~:=.!==---;.....'-'-'-"'-+-....,,,_.......,__+-"..,&r;..l'-""'llc:;...+-'-..............4-....._.. ..L..."4--'-UJ.~+~~~;..+-L.:::::."'-.....,.;....llUl~--f--f.....:..;..~~ V'I M -*n *' ~---4~~---4-..,;.~ ........~~"""'--+---~--+"-~L..-:;.-+-.i"'-'""'""'-+-....-'"'""""-+-'-'-~~.-4.4641o'-1-"'~.;;...;...._._..:...;;~~+-'-"-'=....w:-l :I 0 c: z -i ~ i-:...:...::..~-L.t.~,,:_-+-..u.-4.~µ...~~-+..L...s.~~~-"'-"~~_...x.J.""""4-~:..:;J,...M.,.._....~u....:;..+.....:...~:..L...+-..l..:..~'-4-~~---+-~.a...a~ (ti Q. )> -Jt-.,~~,-LJ-~~~~~~-+-'-~'-+-~'""-4-'-1'J..L.~~~-l-'-~~~~+-4~"+- ~~)JOO ........~.-,;~ z
    m ~ I 00 z * -i
      • ~ 1500 I 00 1700 1800 1900 2000
    \N 2100 CX> 2200 I J>  ::u - "C ft> C7' 2300 ., < 0 -111 -* o* I -* VI -0 I ,.,,..,..... ~ ~:::>. ....., x l'~' I ( .\. . * ~-o c:: N ~. ~ \:~. .~Y 9* e e .J HOURLY TEMPERATURE READINGS Hour
    • TE-1 TE-2 . . TE-3 TE-4 TE*5 TE;..6 TE-7. TE-8 TE-9 TE .. 10 TE-13 TE-14
    ,-1--111 ,,, _ r-0000 7 .,, 0 7 9'. 0 ?9,0 ts-.' . ~~o 7B,~ ~-S-:5" 9 '**/) J f.) " . ('" J t. 7. <~ /(,S",J' ):> z 0100 \ J " ITI -t 0200 I  ::0 ):> C). *~ 0300 I -t ITI ):>. -t 0400 -I 0 ITI N 0500 \ j ITI Vl .,, 0 0600 \ I -t ::0 0 -+i 0700 * \ I '$. N 0800 \ I N  ::0 tJ'I 0900 \ I VJ n 1000 1 ..-...o nz 1100 .0
    -t ):> 1200 rt - .,...z 1300 I \
    J C
    ~ ITI 1400 I \ 11>.Z Q. -t 1500 1600 \ f 1700 \ moo \ 1900 \ 2000 - \ 2100 \ \N 00 2200 1 I 2)00 I i ):> "O (1) '° °'- ., < 0 -* "-* 0 - VI I -* Vl -O I ~ \. \.D ::J "*~ ' .t- 0 - ~ / ~~ 'i -*** e e
    ".j .;*i HOURLY TEMPERATURE READ.IN(;S (Continued)
    r Hour TE*IS TE*l6 TE .. 17 TE.; 18 . TE-19 TE-20. .TE*21
    • TE*22. TE*23 TE*24 TE*25 TE.;.26 r-
    \ 0000 0100 .0200 1119~~ 1-St. ~ /~ 9 0 97: &' "'* /) 9~1 J~3 0 }~i'.l'J /~? 0 9-/1,? Y:~n 9<". t> £! z ""-i . 0300* ~*~ *0400 ~ -fO *N 0500 ITI V) "'ti 0600 -f :;o 0 0700 -:x .. ...... nl:>> N o-Soo 0 :;o
    V1 0900 f"'t IOOO - -*n
    J 0
    .. c z 1100
    • 1200 IJOO i
    *, --n> -f a..}:>> z 3:. m 1400 z. -f *~ 1500 f6oo 1700 1800 1900 . 2000 *. 2100 .2200 - >::a - ""00 I 2300 l "O ~* °'. ., < 0 *J -111 -0 \J) :J -- -* 0I (/) x I ~*~* ::/;. ~O< LI
    • t.
    1 I * * - i HOURLY TABULATION DATA 1* 2. 3. . Lj. 5. 6. . 7. - Mercury .Ambient *Elevation in Correct I on Total Absolute Average Average Hour ** Temperature Hg Manometer Factor for Pressure In Temperature Temperature (OF) . {ITlll Hq) Hq Manometer Vessel (mm Hq) of Torus (OF) of DrvWel I (OF) 0000 0100 ~'? 3.2. 77. 0 Q91Y'9 '3'2. '- 0. 2 9 79'. "7 J t) ~  ? 0200 r.- . ~1 ?27~.2 . 99 'I y -; ?-S'RJ. !lo 1f0 () !Ot'. 2 ITI - ~z 0300 '5/i < 2 7 J 9 . 99 '19 "?"1<7'2-t> .
    • I"!:>. L. 10t. /_ .,... -t
    .Olf_OO ~ ~ "?"2 7? <' 9911'7 ..,-.2 ~L eL.. of'. C) <.,.- / ::;JL.. c;- ~*~ 0500 '157.i' 3' 2 70~ 2. 99'W 3 2~< ~2 * <f.CJV Jt!J'2.9 -t $! 0600 -g 3. ~. 72t.e.o . f1'V9 '? 2-~/. 3? . -'i .n tJ! /!)7 .CJ m-t . ,,, . C) .. 0]00 Ofil50. q 3 .,_ 4f J '1 5 2L ?2~~ ~ v 0 991/9 Y-91/~ 7.., ~, ~'Y ~"" ¥7. 7-5.' ~,:; ~ .. ~ /') "1* Jn? / J') 7 D / -t ITI Vl .,, -i ;ia 0 . 090.0 - I :X )"' 1000 ....., ;ia 1100 w n 1200 -o nz .1300 -t *1LiOO - 0
    J )"'
    1500 . . -* z*
    J :x cm 1600 z 1700 1800
    -~ Q. -t 1900 i 2000 <?ti~ . "? "2'77 /"\ . I 9 91J-0 ,z~o,t:,? "B'ID I Ob  ? 2100 ~ 2200 'f?51.~ <'{j 9 . . "?2-7'- 0 , .,_ 7!1-; r;- . 9 <;I 11.g . , 9Jl'i( . ' 2-S'~. 9.g , 72~7.~7 ~o "S 0 / 7' / () IO(;.. (, 3 s-2300 ;c,, cc. * -;? ? 7  ? :i. "7 'I ~ *. 99V'6_ 3 2 ~7 3 J f 9' J ~ )"' ;Q - "O ~ ~* I C1' ., < 0 -* -* 0 - VI I -* Vl -.... 0 I \.0 :J >< ~o < e*
    • HOURLY TABULATION DATA 1* 2. 3. 4. 5 *. 6. 7. *-
    Mercury Ambient Elevation in Correct Ion Total Absolute Average Average .Hour Temperature Hg Manometer Factor for Pressure in Temperature Temperature (OF) (nm Hq) HQ Manometer . Vesse I *(nm Hq) of Torus (OF) of
    • Orvwe 1' (°F) 0000 <Z "? "7 ~2 73' '8 9qV<:/ ~2. S"" {,., 7 fl 9 t:' "2. /l'J 6 'i, I
    0100 <93 t. 7 "i. 7¥. 0 99~ '3 i..~7 ~6 fl() 0 Jp/, 3 0200 *:;H,¥  ?:2/$. .? .9~~~ ~ 2.Y-,t. L~ "li!)~/ /D '7. L
    0300 "iJ"l. ~ ~2":73 / .9<>-11? ~ 2 rt., Y/ ~n r1 I 07. 'f .
    0400 'f1 ~- J ?272 I/ 9'ql,I(>  ? 2. c;S"". 7/ .'i't1 0 /07 ';- 0500 'is ..., ~ ?2 7o, 9 q9V9 ~.:;1-5"¥ 2.2- ?9. ~ I,. .7 {. 0600 13',? .3270. y 99119 ":t'2S'"l 72- q6;i. /'17. 9. 0700 '1! 7 2.  ? 2.t.?.9 <7<?V9 :r > ~-5, ~2- 'fie:>. / I())', f' 0800 "B.:1. .: 2 Lt?. D ~n ~ .:J- ,-7 "Jo -;? 9. J. /{)7.t. 0900 "i '3 2- .";l ., "- K . ...- ., 9//9 ~"2.....-J.<{< 7'9- ~ ,ll""J7.*"7 1000 'i'J'.) 3 .2,,(,!S / 19'9Jly 3~)/, '11 7?',,,,.. / o ~.o 1100 11'V o J'2b-&.r
    • 9"f'Y<lf 3 ~r/, s-o '7'?._9 I &fi... JI 1200 $ t/,)... Ji.~-;; r .,..qv~ 3 2-S-J. SC' ,_£*, () ID" "7 1300 1? ~ I/ ... 2. 7/ 0 c;ol,/7 ~ '2. <- -1 L ~ ;i-;P J ~ ,,9 ..,
    1400 'iV.S-  ? 2 "7/ p 99'/7 . 2' 2. ~" . .,.- I. ~?. ~ j 09. ~ 1500 ~Y-~ ~ :> 72, y '9?/17 "? 2T .,- *n J.. ~~o / 1/0 J 1600 '{:/, s- 32 7/~ Q'?Y.7 ~~~I.I+' I. '1/0 0 J/O,/ 1700 s- o
    • 1800
    ~~ ~l/.C 3272 2 ""?2'J'? II 991/7 r9f7 ~ ~ 2 ,-11 -;;_:,-t.. ~b v-.- .f>o ~c ~- 1/0, /II./ ~ 1900 ~+-'-~ ~ ,_ 7'2-. J .'f'f'417  ; ~ !': tJ ~9 . 'jO,) //(J; 7' 2000 ~ti, J ~ 2 72. D 99Wi' ~2--~'il// "1 () t. JI/.(/ . 2100 ... 4'1.J  ? 2. ;7 'Z. ,.7_ .. 9 9._ V$ ~ 2 .,-s:_ L., 'SI' o, ~ 1 JI. ii 2200 i' 'I, 0 ~.27'10 9911~ .* °:?2-!>-6 9~ "jJ' o. <'" JI~ J 2300 'fl ii, 0 . ~2.7,,,-1/ 9 9.Jkl 32- '>'i1 37 '{.O,) 1j2...~ w 00 . I )> ~ - ,, . CD O'\ ., < 0 _.VI-* 0I -
    • CJ)
    -O I \.0 ::J >< .t-0 - ** HOURLY TABULATION DATA . .s. .t 5-JJ-7 y 1* 2. 3.
    • 5. 7.
    Mercury Ambient Elevation in Correction Total Absolute Average Average .Hour Temperature Hg Manometer Factor for Temperature Temperature (OF rrm H H of Torus Of of Dr e 11 OF (/: r- .. )> *Z ;JC;. -I m s~ ,,, -I ~ m -to VI "'O ) -I ;;g ~ I  ::r )> It' N  ;;g w
    • n
    ~ -o 0 nz -I ~ ....:I -* z -)>
    I  ::r c m
    ~*~ \N CX> I )> ;;g ..... ., < (1) °' 0 -* -* 0 - VI I
    _,,..D... ,,. -0 \0 :I .t-0 (/) I -;f.. ,.' ~ fl--.....).,; * *~*J'J .. ~ *'L....... .* -~ HOURLY TABULATION DATA .. -71/ {:;-/ . 1* 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Mercury Ambient Elevation in Correction Total Absolute Average Average Hour Tem'perature Hg Manometer Factor for P-ressure In Temperature Temperature . (OF). (mm Hq) HQ Manometer Vesse 1 (mm Hq) of Torus (OF) of Drvwe 1 I (°F). .0000 0100 fJJ,) 3 2 Y5i 7 99r'~. J)J/. i; 7 9. f i' 1/9. r" ... r- . 0200 ...., ~ ~.Z OJOO 0400 "'*~ ~~ 0500 .... ~.... 0600 ...., ) 0700 0800 -lo Vl -0 -f :xi 0900 I 3: . l> 1000 N;x:J . 1100 1200 -o n n*z I JOO 1400 - - 0
    J N
    -f ~ 1500 . -* z
    J 3:
    c rrl 1600 1700 1800 -~ z 0.. .... 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 '-'> CX> I . -~:xi - "O ~ O'\ .., < 0 -* -* 0 - VI -O -** I (/) I \.0. :::J >< -'=" 0 < **** . ~ . - . .# HOURLY TABULATION DATA 1* 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 1. Mercury .. Ambient Elevation ln Correct ton Total Absol.ute Average . Average Hour Temperature
    • Hg Manometer Factor for . Pressure ln Temperature Temperature
    . (Of). (rrm HQ) HQ Manometer
    • Vesse.1 '(nm HQ) of Torus (OF) of Drvwe 1 '. (OF).
    0000 'OJ,) . 32 vs, 7 99 Y'f. J )JI. i/ 7 Y. f~ 1/9. ~~ .0100 r- . 0200 .~.Z fT1 - 0300 ,. ,.: -I 0400 ~Cl. "" . 0500 -I~ . *'.0600* .., ... ITI -I ITI *0700 -f o ITI Vl "'O 0800 -f ;o ., 0900 I ::X . )> 1 1000 N ;o I 1100 ........ -< w n .1.200 - o n*z lJOO 1400 - 0 -f ~ ,..::J-
    • Z 1500 .  ::J c
    x l"Tl*
    1600 1700. 1800 -lb 0.. -f z 1900 2000 2100 .. .. 2200 2300 w. 00 I *~ ;o*- "O "lb ., < "°' 0 - * -
    • 0I
    -111 -0 -** (/) I . ;~_ ~
    ...~ ,. .;..",. ...\
    \D ::J ~O< )( *:f*'-Jr)* ~ 1*"'-l** . . "f\-*J" J ** ,; .e -e- .. -~* ""'. *, ( HOURLY TABULATION DATA (Continued) ~ ~ .- I* 9. .10. 11. 12. 13
    • Average Tem-. Water V.1por Ory Al r Pres-
    . perature of Water Vapor Pressure In sure (Absolute) leakage Hour Containment Pressure In Tota 1 Con- In Total Volume Rate (%) Vo 1ume. (°F) Torus (mm H ) 0000
    • 0100 0200 r '
    t m-l> z 0300  ;;;><; -4 l'T1 0400 ~ Cl 0500 -4 ~ .f'Tl -4 0 00 "":'lo l'T1 0700 l'T1 . . I/) "'tJ 0800 -f :;o 0900 I :J: ):> 1000 N
    0 1100 ""'* n 1200 -o nz 1300 0 -4 1 00
    i l>
    . _.. :z --
    x 1500  ::J c l'T1
    1. 00 z (D
    Q. -4 1700 1 00 \ 1900 .\ 2000 2100 2200 2300* uJ 'O> I f- ..If/.../... /,A1<&.'\' ):> *;:o - "O (D <7' ., <' 0 ,: ~* . -* -* 0 - VI 'I -0 -* en I I \D ::J ......, x r \. ~O< l . -; . ( HOURLY TABULATION DATA (Continued) .. -/_;.l'f I* 8. 9. 10. II* 12. 13. Average Tern- Wate-r Vapor Dry Al r Pres- .perature of Water Vapor Water .Vapor Pressure In sure (Absolute) Leakage liour Containment Pressure In Pressure In T-::>tal Con- t n Total Volume Rate (%) Volume (°F) Torus (mm Hg) Drvwe 11 (mm Hq) tainment (ITlllJ Hq) 0000 lo/, 9"i 49, 3<l-r <~.Z~I 3 3 9S- 3/97 <g.t, C) 9 J 0100 t 0200 ,.., r 0300 )>Z  ;;i<;-f,.., t 0400 0500 0600 s,.., ,.., C) ~ -f 0700 I - -f 0 rn Vl .,, 0800 .....  :::0 0900 I :i: )> 1000 N  :::0 1100 -- VJ n . 1200 .;.....o n z 1300 0
    -f 1400. rt*- 1500 -*.Z
    I c l'.T1
    J: '.
    1600 a.. ~ (D 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 't 2200 " ~*:. 2300 w 00 c )> "O Cb C1'
    < 0 -I ~\: *\ 0 Ill I \D :::J -....i 0 (/) x I > r:: ~o < ~~ .. i .. APPENDIX C . CALCULATED PREE VOLUMES AND WEIGHTING FACTORS ..*. . FOR THE uNIT j PRIMARY CONTAINMENT.* .. CALCULATION OF PREE VOLUMES AND W£.IqHTING P'ACTORS TORUS 'l'he free volume of the torus from the FSJUl is 117,245 ft 3 *
    • This free volume was calculated assuming a water height in the torus* of
    -1.5 inches. For the ILRT, the water height was -3.0 inches, which will add free volume to the torus. 'l'his additional free volume can be calculated fr~: . . ' where: v ... the added free volume of the torus. h = the height change of the water in feet. R the major radius.of the torus in feet. 111 r - the minor diam9ter of the .torus in feet and, v = 1,284 ft3 'l'hus' the torus volume for the test was: 118 ,5.29 f t3. DRYWEIJ. Since the drywell was sp~it µpinto* 6*s~parate volumes for the calcula!:itJnEI, one can only use the FASR numbers for t~e drywell vol~s as a comparison* to the vol~s calculated. *To start*with, drywell was* idealized into easily calculatible vol\JDle& (ooe figure 3).
    • i'hese volumes were: a sphe.:e and a number of right circular cylinders. The total volume of these components was calculated to be:
    • v ... 203,449 ft3 this compared with the FSAR volumia of the drywell of:
    v CJ 198,440 ft3 which is good agreement.
    • Calculation of the shaded areas in Figure 3 save the occupied volume of the dJ'}'Well.
    • This Occupied volume was:
    OV a 45,966 ft3 this, again, was compared .to the FSAR number. .?he FSA& number for the . occupied volume of. the drywell .is*: ov CJ 40,204 ft3 This is only fair <:omparison~. However' a poosib~e reascm fo-t ~~1:8 difference is: The occupied volt.ime in the FSAR 1B for acoident analyqio arid .:~::s c set of assumptions which were not necesoarUy true fo-t thia test. Examples are: 1) The water height in the i~ 63Aaboye zero or at elevation 577'10" where as*the FSAR assumption on water height is unknown. 2) Drywell internals, such as pumps, piping, valves, etc. are not included in this occupied volume, as the author has no way to estimate the total volume occupied by An assumption is.made, theref0re, that the distribution of such equipment in the drywell is proportiC>dl to the ratios of the free volu~s calculated. This assumption eltminates this component from the 0Vdrywell calculation. This assumption also has the effect of raising the free volume total in the drywell as compared with the torus. 'l'his has a c.onservative effect on the leakage calculated since the drywell temperatures are more likely to change and have greater change than those in the torus. The free volW112 of each of the sis regions shown in figure 3 was then calculated. Volume formuli used were: l) volume of a sphere: v- == 4/3 tr r3
    2) volume of a right circular cylinder:
    V =1fr2h and 3) volume of a spherical segment: V .,. 1/3 ft h2 (3r-h) 'l'he free volU111Ss calculated are: Free Volume Ul = 10,869 ft3 Free Volume 12 = .20,292 ft3 Free Volume 13 a 13,555 ft3 Pt-ee Volume *4 m 25,908 ft3 Free Volume #5 "" 46,411 ft3 Free Volume U6 ""* 32,351 ft3 And the total .free volume is: rv Cl 157 ,431 ft 'l'his cOl!JPares to the previously calculated free vol~ of:
    • FV a v - ov . . 157 ,4K:\ ftj; and, P'V (JSAR) "" 1S8,236 ft3 The agreement between FSAR and calculation is very good.
    'l'he volume weighting factors may now be calculated~ and, VF(l) = 0.0406 VF(2) = 0.0757 . VF(3) = O.OS06 VF(4) = 0.0967 VP (S) = 0. 1732 VF(6) cs 0.1208 VP'(to:rus) .. 0.4424 NOTE: In the calculation of the free voluma of volumes 1 and 2, the pressure vessel was considered occupied voluut9 even.though the pressure vessel was vented to the drywell for the test. This assumption can and should be made for the following reasons:
    1. Not muO.h circulation is expected through the approximately 25 feet of 2 inch line used to vent the pressure v~ssel to the drywell.
    2. Temperature can be assumed to be fairly constant in this volume since the vessel flange and reactor water temperatures remained nearly constant throughout the test.
    3. Vapor pressure can be be constant since there was .
    sufficient time for an equilibrium condition to be e$tabUshed in the pressure vessel above the water.
    4. No sensors are available in this volume.
    The volume weighting factors shown were used to recalculate the ILRT data. ~-~ .. APPENDIX D NEW 'rEMPERA'J:URE CALCULAl'IONS.MAJ>E ,. AND CALCULATED RESULTS OF THE*D.RT USINGVOLuME WEIGHTING OF ALL.PER?ENENT DATA ~ " ,_*'~, . J '7' 7 ., - 0 / ..;'?_/. ..5 1
    • d4'..:7..{. '?A fl" . /" 7 0 /\
    h -::::
    • d /./.:?_L.. ' '?rr ~ s //y o_.L..
    e ) VDJ. I ~2.* ~JI~- T/YhP. = . 3 y' ( V()L I re~P.) -f. 'r1 ( v~ J,. 2 r&hP.)
    • V!/::Z.y (. Tolf¥5)
    - 8N . A 116'. 7 Allt/11~1/r reJ?P. --
    • Ol/o' (. V11l- I )
    • 0 '?S-7 .( VOL 2.)
    *O SD ' f. V'1 J. J ) *
    • tJ '1~ 7 ( Vot. 'I)
    • I'? '!J Z. (. VtJL f°) * .*
    ,t . 12 0 'I ( r/()J-') _:_____ :~..!L~.d UJ~.1'.'..L. It..,~~ 0 l, 1,  ?,_!-'~'-""~"~ 1 l_,_J.=. "i<-. :9_,_f~l.=.JO/,:L.;l:. . O'-?L- +l..!..1.!,J.f....c;h:..;:'<_i_ii_ _...I_*_:_9_!'1._:_*~_,..-7 1 I '1 i. yt) I 1 , . I 0 o, 2.0: I 0 e:7' J 71?+---+-' _ : __________ _!" )-~, J'6 J .,_ V'!t J/~, S"~ JO~- i i J OP,11 10'!.J...<. "l'h, ~" )J~ 9~ /('/, ?9117'. 7'-., I l 9 ¥. ~ 2 . . o 100 rro. 7~ n 2 N 117.£ZJ_~ ~I 101).n .1ob. 'f}_~;q~"'::..:.'-~=J-+-__,-+.<1_,_1"""9.'-c-'-/-4-L1-=..01u:.,'-r'lir:....+.l..:..."'..:...Y,<....:9-=o:_._I===-------~_!_r_._7_( 1 <?~ov 9.?,~ 1J1./].-J)/.d l1(iV.J,;cJOJ7 /0l),t.;l'iJ,,9p 11/~&'2. /O/,cSj" ~Y,99'1 j 9'/.'°DJ

    di JD <go, 1 ~ n i. , 11 7. r o I~ o y, ? 9, 1 oo ' ? / oo 'f oi 7. o_'?-+-1---+.LJ.11.-'"l.....,1'""'9~1'-o.u.1. ~'~9:. . 'lu. . . :cg-.:. -?_. l_ ___;_i..!9'-'l:...:.*_;;':_s_-_

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    U!QKllTANTY IH 'THE MEASUREMENT OF DRESDEN 3 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE Per ANSI Standard 4~.4-1972, the computation of the leak rate is by the equation: L, . ('t) .... where L, ('t) = Primary Containment leak rate, ('%.)

                       =    Average Primary Containment Air Temperature at previous hourly reading
                       = Average Primary Containment Air Temperature at current hourly reading                                *
                       ... Dry Air Pressure in Primary C6ntainment at previoµs hourly reading m    Dry Air' Pressure in Primary Containment at current hourly reading The standard deviation, 0-(L), in the calculated value of the leak rate is *determined from the variance:

    ~:o (L~ 2 a ( ~ ;l v£P1f + ij ;2 o£P2~

                 + (     }¥fTi~ 2+ (~2~T2~

    now, ~L .. -,nP2 = l*

                      , aP1         T2P1 2      'P1
                         ~     m    *IL. -;;; *!*
                        "aP2         'f2P1          P1 ti    Ill  -!2.,_ "';;    -!*
                        ?Jn           T2P1          T2
                           'aL     ""IJl2.~ !+
                          'l> T2      T2P1         T2 and G~o r<L3 2              a (  ~ C7"2 (P1)    + (})..2 (P2)                      '!.t'-..*
                                              +(*~*      2
    • T r (T1) 2 i Tll2
                                                                 '    2 0-2 (T2) and since TI. . .,. 1'2 a T and P1   = P2 .,. P, the terms of this equati911 can be combined to g17e:

    1 1000- (L) *. 2 ... 2 Fl ,.2. (P)

                                             + rti   ~. (T)

    For* the integrated test P = 3206 mm of Hg and *T = 5540F and one

    e. now has to now calculate the variance of the average primary containment temperature and the dry air pressure in the primary containment.

    A.* - Calculation of v 2 <Ti T is calculated as. follows: where, VF1-6 .. Volume weighting factor for the 6 drywell volumes. VF7 = Volume weighting factor for the torus volume. TAVE ,1-~ J_Average temperature in each volume of the primary containment. or, TAVE , i "' ~ 'lJc . I f +/- Ck N where, 'lk;i a The temperature reading of the.Kth thermocouple in volume i. ck,i = A correction constant based on the calibration of thermocouple K.

                  *N           = 'nle number of thermocolJples used in volume     i.

    Now tr' 'l (T) ts calculated from: a- 2 (T)=(1 ~ : AVE, l q-(T AVE, 1

                                                           )\ 2 + .***


                           *. +(ftAVE,7f"(TAVB,1>)2 Where,'     }i       =*        .

    1 TAVEJFi ' and,

                                                         .r<T1,1>)2    +
                                                          ,,-crN,1~ 2 where,       ~TAVE 1 f      .. !

    () TK, i N And, i f the assumption that each thermocouple in voitime i records, approximatel~. the same temperatu~e, i.e., T1,1 -=-. T2,l-::; T3,i*** then, cr(T1,i)

    • trCT~ ~) ...... ar(TN,i) and, a2 (TAVE, i) "" { N) (N r2- (TJ<, i~
                               .. rltric,1>


    Now each temperature has a readability of +/-(>.SOR and, assuining an accuracy of +/- o.soa for each thermocouple*:

                       ~2,(TAVE,l.)     a O.lQOOR o-2(TAVE,2)      = 0.167°R
    • o-2 (TAVE, 3 ) .. o.soa o-2(TAVE 4) a 0.1670R cr2(TAVE,5)
    • 0.1250R q-2(TAVE
                              .    ,6)  = 0.1670R cr2<TAVE,7) "' 0.1250R' using now, cl<'T) "'  {VF1 0-(TAVE,1))2 + * * * + (VF7tr(TAVE,7))2 and using the VF1's developed in Appendix C, c:r2{T)  = (0.04062xo.1000R) + (0.07572x0.1670R)
                   + (o.oso62xo.soooa) + (0.09672x0.1670R)
                   + (0.17322x0.1250R) + (0.120S2x0.1670R)
                   + (0.44242xo.12s 0R) i le

    ! -~ B. a:2(i') a 0.0346°R. Calculation of r2CP)* Poa~ AIR is calculated from: PDRY AIR "' PA x CF - Py where: PA

    • PABSOLUTE = the containment volume. absolute pressuce as read frum an absolute manometer.
    \*               CF "" a correction factor applied to the manometer reading to obtain I                         the true absolute pressure.

    I iI I Py "" P1120 VAPOR = Partial pressure of the .water vapor iJl the primary

    • containment.


          *Now, iI I.

    I. II I* , I I I. i

          *each thermocouple is only. accurate, uncalibrated to :.t140~, however, the .
           .calibration constants were* found before the test and applied to the data~
            '!be error referred to is for the electrical and mechanical components* of I. the therm0couple to temperature indicator system.                  .


    1. Calculation of ,-2(PA) e For manometer (JM50Gl30BV2B) used in the test.:


    • 0-3302mm *of Hg Certified Accuracy .. +/- O.lOmiR of Hg and, assuming the reac:lability of
    • 5DID of Hg) .

    then, cr2(PA) * (0.1) 2 + (0.5)2 er i(PA) = 0.260

    2. Calculati911 of r2 (Py)

    The H20 vapor pressure in the pr~rycontainment was calculated in 3 different ways:

    a. For volumes l and 2 and volumes 3 and 4, two General Eastern instruments which were read o.ut in volts were used.
    • Conversion to relative humidity was by ~ans of a graph based on the calibration of the instruments.
    b. For volumes 5 and 6, two Taylor inst~nts ~ere read mit directly in relative humidity (RH).
    • c. For volume 7, two Foxboro Dewcels were read in .ohms.

    Conversion to vapor pressure was done in two steps. A table of ohms us wet bulb temperature was us~. l'h(lll, knowing the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures, and using

                                      .another table, the H20 bapor pressure was obtained.

    There are two contributions to the total error for these measure-ments. 'l'be first contribution is from the instrument error and readability . of the instruments used in the test. Data f0r each.:.instt"\lment is given

    • as follows:

    AVERAGE VOLUME . INSTRUMENT UADING l & 2 Gen Eastern #3 ~2 60V .04mm 3 & 4 .57mm 5 &6 .63mm 5 & 6 .63mm 7 .ossmm 7 .055DIJD then,njl"." 0.1032 + 4.04 2 ... l6.332m.D2

                       <Tl&I+ = 0.0312 + 1.572 .. 2;.466mm2 0'"'~&6 .. q=2(#1) +[:2(#2)           3,697 + 3.697            -  '}
                                             .2 *         ""            4       .. 1.84~

    r3 a q-2 (#5)

                                              + (1'2 (#6) 22          a 3.205x10-3x2
                                                              .       4
                                ... o..001s1ann

    f""2(Py(I)) a (0.11632~16.332) + (0.14732x2.466) + (0.26992xl.849)

                                    + (0.44242xo.00151)
    • and, f/9 2 (Py(l)) '"' 0.409mm2
                   'l'he second contribution to the error in. th~ ca1culati!Jnof th4!

    H20 vapor pressure includes the readability and instrument error in the temperature measurement: rr*om section A of this appendix,cr2(TIC) .. 0.5oe.. Using the equation: O'" 2 (TAVE) "' (V~):2~Ta.:.>> + (VP2~ (f"'(TA~,VOL 1&2) .,. 0.288°.R ... 0.518~* cr(TAVE,V()L.J6t4) .. 0.362°B. .. 0,239mm*

              ~(TAVE VoL S6'6)                  m   0, 2680&
    • O, 298iain*
                          . t (j (TAVE,VOL 7~ *.
    • 0.353°B. *. 0.113iima*


              ~2(Py(T)) .. (0.1163x0~518)2 + (O.l473xQ,239)2
                         *          + (0.2699x0.289)2              + (0,4424lC()eil3)2
              .q:2(py(T))           a    0,0135mm2*

    and the tota.l error in the H20. vapor* pressure is: ** (/"'2 (PV) . 111 ~ (Py(l)) * +,2 (Py(T))

                                .. 0,4225um2             *      .

    Now, sin~er2CPA) and 12<Pv> are known, (1"2(p) ... cr2 ,.i(PA) +,:Z(P ) . . ..

                      **    .,. (0.99492xC..26) + X.4225 0-:Zci> ... 0,680mn              of Hg2 error in the leak rate. . can noW be calculated from:
               ~l               (L;i 2        2            .      2 .             .
    • LiOO.. er- j "' i2
                                              ~2-0"" 2 c'i> + ?v  2.
                                           .. 3230 2 o.626 + 5542 o.o3460Jl m  10200 X fo*7 + 2.255 X 10~7
                                           .. 3.455 x 10~7
        '~ ..

    l 100 q-(L) .... 5.88 x io-4

    • at average conditions of the volumes involved.
                                          ,, ri. <~>
    • o~ossn.

    2f1L)':"* O.U.76%.

                                 *and the -leak** rate for the 24 hoUr
    • test was:

    L a 24x0.01183 + 0.1176%.

    • *** t
    .** t L ~ Q,2839 +/- 0,11761 unR1NC1s: *: Top,tcal Report -BN-TQ~l (rev i) ; -*' * *. .
             *,                    * *       : , T@:sting Criterl.f for. lnteatated'~e IAte>testw.*of
    • Pr.1ery *concatament**scructuras';fot'.:.'.'NUCl'ear,POW'ei"PU!nts;
               '                                      Cranston, G.V., November 1972.                                                                                                       * *                   *   *
     ~*-**          <. ~-*.J<>*:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . -*.'l J.*'     I
                                                                                                                                                                            \'t,' ' *
     *";,y      I
                                                                                                                                                                           **- ~
                 *'                                                                                                                                              - .;      ~
                                                                                                                                                                                          . ~*
                                                                                                                                                                                  .. ' t*
           ~-:  :*-                                                                                                                                                                              '>.'*;
          ~k~~-~~::::.::_;~r~ .
                                                        * * <*;,(  *
                                                                  .~/~~ ~. ~:;~*? ~-*~r:~~~~(:,:\@¥'1... t:l't&.'i i-~i li' il .

    al: - ......_ ' -"*'*.-~:1 .J,:i;~~..:~*t_'.:;?._,..:;.,:*.-
