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Letter Regarding an Occurrence on 05/11/1973 When a Leak Was Apparent in Valve 204B Which Is Located in the Charging Line to Loop 21 - Indian Point Unit No. 2
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1973
From: Caldwell W
Con Edison, Consolidated Edison Co of New York
To: O'Reilly J
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML17252A865 (2)


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.,,/~Ed~ Consolidmc~ Edif.'On Compar1v rri New York, Inc.

4 lfvif\Q Place. New Vork, NY 10003 May 14, 1973 James P. 0 1 Reilly, Director

.Regulatory Operations, Region 1 u.s. Atomic Energy commi£sion 970 Broad Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 Re: Indian Point Unit No. 2 ABC Doc-ket No. 50-247 Facility Operating License DPR-26 Dear Mr. O'Reillys In .accordance with the requirerne.nts. of Technical Specification 6.6.l.B, we wish to inform you of an abnormal occurrence which

  • was identified on May 11, 1973 at ~230 hours. - During pressuriza-tion preparatory. to*starting reactor coolant pumps for the per-

.. formance of a hydrostatic leak test of the Reactor Coolant System, prior to initial criticality, a leak was apparent. in Valve Number 204B which is located in the charging line to Loop 21. Subsequent investigation ind.icated that the leakage was apparently due to a I defect in the area of the stud holes permitting reactor coolant to seep into two of the stud holes and from there into c.ontainment atmosphere.

Since the leak was due to an apparent defect, the valve is being replaced .. The replacement valve meets all of the requirements of.

codes and :;itandards applicable to the design and procurement of equipment as outlined in the -Indian Point Unit. No. 2 FSAR. After replecelT'ent of the valve, the required hydrostatic test of the re-actor coolant system will be performed to ins\lre its integrity.

The valve that is bein9 removed from the reactor coolant. system boundary will be subjected to a.metalurgical examination in order to determine the exact cause of the leakage and the need for any additional action.

In accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification

6. 2., appropriate notification of the Station Manager, the _Manager of the-Nuclear Power Generation Department, and the Chairman of
  • the Nuclear Facilities Safety Committee has taken place. Mr. A.

Fasano of your office was also notified on May 12, 1973 of the occurrence.

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The* safE-ty implications of the occurrence. were* slight. since, a) the leakage was minute and well within the makeup capabilit~{ of the eves, b) the plant was in cold shutdown condition, and c . )

leakage was into the. containment. atmosphere and there.fore if the leaking fluid had been radioactive, which it wa£ not, it would have been detected and contcdned with no exposure to the health and safety of the public.

The required written .cepo:rt. will be oubmit.ted within t:en (10) days.

~1r~ trul~., ~ou~s:.

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