MONTHYEARIR 07200051/20244022024-11-20020 November 2024 NRC Independent Spent Fuel Storage Security Inspection Report No. 07200051/2024402 (Public) ML24240A1692024-09-18018 September 2024 Cy 2023 Summary of Decommissioning Trust Fund Status IR 05000003/20240022024-08-0606 August 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000003/2024002, 05000247/2024002, 05000286/2024002 PNP 2024-030, Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 02024-08-0202 August 2024 Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 0 ML24171A0122024-06-18018 June 2024 Reply to a Notice of Violation EA-24-037 ML24156A1162024-06-0404 June 2024 Correction - Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML24151A6482024-06-0303 June 2024 Changes in Reactor Decommissioning Branch Project Management Assignments for Some Decommissioning Facilities IR 05000003/20240052024-05-21021 May 2024 And 3 - NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024005, 05000247/2024005, 05000286/2024005, 07200051/2024001, and Notice of Violation ML24128A0632024-05-0707 May 2024 Submittal of 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report L-24-009, HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 20232024-04-29029 April 2024 HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 2023 ML24116A2412024-04-25025 April 2024 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report ML24114A2282024-04-23023 April 2024 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report L-24-007, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)2024-03-29029 March 2024 Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI) IR 05000003/20240012024-03-20020 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2024001, 05000247/2024001, and 05000286/2024001 (Cover Letter Only) ML24080A1722024-03-20020 March 2024 Reply to a Notice of Violation EA-2024-010 ML24045A0882024-02-22022 February 2024 Correction to the Technical Specifications to Reflect Appropriate Pages Removed and Retained by Previous License Amendments ML24053A0642024-02-22022 February 2024 2023 Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Report and Fatigue Management Program Data Report IR 05000003/20230042024-02-22022 February 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2023004, 05000247/2023004, 05000286/2023004, and 07200051/2023004 and Notice of Violation ML24011A1982024-01-12012 January 2024 ISFSI, Notice of Organization Change for Site Vice President ML23342A1082024-01-0909 January 2024 – Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan ML23353A1742023-12-19019 December 2023 ISFSI, Emergency Plan, Revision 23-04 L-23-019, Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.152023-12-18018 December 2023 Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.15 ML23326A1322023-12-0505 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 67, 300 & 276 to Implement the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Only Emergency Plan ML23339A0442023-12-0505 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 68, 301 and 277 Regarding Changes to Implement the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Physical Security Plan ML23338A2262023-12-0404 December 2023 Signed Amendment No. 27 to Indemnity Agreement No. B-19 ML23356A0212023-12-0101 December 2023 American Nuclear Insurers, Secondary Financial Protection (SFP) Program ML23242A2772023-11-30030 November 2023 NRC Letter Issuance - IP LAR for Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Licenses and PDTS to Reflect Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel from SFPs ML23338A0482023-11-30030 November 2023 ISFSI, Report of Changes to Physical Security, Training and Qualification, Safeguards Contingency Plan, and ISFSI Security Program, Revision 28 ML22339A1572023-11-27027 November 2023 Letter - Indian Point - Ea/Fonsi Request for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E IR 05000003/20230032023-11-21021 November 2023 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000003/2023003, 05000247/2023003, 05000286/2023003, and 07200051/2023003 ML23100A1252023-11-17017 November 2023 Letter and Enclosure 1 - Issuance Indian Point Energy Center Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemption for Offsite Primary and Secondary Liability Insurance Indemnity Agreement ML23050A0032023-11-17017 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Indian Point Unit 2 License Amendment Request to Modify Tech Specs for Staffing Requirements Following Spent Fuel Transfer to Dry Storage ML23100A1172023-11-17017 November 2023 NRC Response - Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Letter with Enclosures Regarding Changes to Remove the Cyber Security Plan License Condition ML23100A1432023-11-16016 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemption Concerning Onsite Property Damage Insurance (Docket Nos. 50-003, 50-247, 50-286) L-23-012, Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point2023-11-13013 November 2023 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point ML23064A0002023-11-13013 November 2023 NRC Issuance for Approval-Indian Point EC Units 1, 2 and 3 Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme Amendments ML23306A0992023-11-0202 November 2023 And Indian Point Energy Center, Notification of Changes in Schedule in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(7) ML23063A1432023-11-0101 November 2023 Letter - Issuance Holtec Request for Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements of 10 CFR 50.47 and Part 50 ML23292A0262023-10-19019 October 2023 LTR-23-0211-RI Thomas Congdon, Executive Deputy, Department of Public Service, Chair, Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, Letter Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Inspection and Office of the Inspector General Report-RI ML23289A1582023-10-16016 October 2023 Decommissioning International - Registration of Spent Fuel Casks and Notification of Permanent Removal of All Indian Point Unit 3 Spent Fuel Assemblies from the Spent Fuel Pit ML23270A0082023-09-27027 September 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks ML23237A5712023-09-22022 September 2023 09-22-2023 Letter to Dwaine Perry, Chief, Ramapo Munsee Nation, from Chair Hanson, Responds to Letter Regarding Opposition of the Release and Dumping of Radioactive Waste from Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Into the Hudson River ML23242A2182023-09-12012 September 2023 IPEC – NRC Response to the Town of New Windsor, Ny Board Certified Motion Letter Regarding Treated Water Release from IP Site (Dockets 50-003, 50-247, 50-286) ML23250A0812023-09-0707 September 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks ML23255A0142023-08-31031 August 2023 LTR-23-0211 Thomas Congdon, Executive Deputy, Department of Public Service, Chair, Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, Letter Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Inspection and Office of the Inspector General Report IR 05000003/20230022023-08-22022 August 2023 NRC Inspection Report 05000003/2023002, 05000247/2023002, 05000286/2023002, and 07200051/2023002 ML23227A1852023-08-15015 August 2023 Request for a Revised Approval Date Regarding the Indian Point Energy Center Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme ML23222A1442023-08-10010 August 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks ML23208A1642023-07-26026 July 2023 Village of Croton-on-Hudson New York Letter Dated 7-26-23 Re Holtec Wastewater ML23200A0422023-07-19019 July 2023 Registration of Spent Fuel Casks 2024-09-18
[Table view] Category:Licensee Event Report (LER)
MONTHYEAR05000247/LER-2018-003-01, Loss of Safety Function Due to Valve SWN-6 Actuator Failure During Service Water Header Swap2020-02-0707 February 2020 Loss of Safety Function Due to Valve SWN-6 Actuator Failure During Service Water Header Swap NL-18-039, LER 2018-001-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2 Re Penetration Indications Discovered During Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspection2018-05-21021 May 2018 LER 2018-001-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2 Re Penetration Indications Discovered During Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspection 05000286/LER-2017-0042017-12-20020 December 2017 Reactor Trip Due to Main Generator Loss of Field, LER 17-004-00 for Indian Point Unit 3, Regarding Reactor Trip Due to Main Generator Loss of Field ML17252A8662017-09-0909 September 2017 Letter Regarding a 04/26/1977 Occurrence Concerning Failure of Number 22 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve to Close to a Manual Signal Initiated by the Control Room Operator - Indian Point Unit No. 2 NL-17-107, LER 15-001-02 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate fo2017-08-29029 August 2017 LER 15-001-02 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for 05000247/LER-2015-0012017-08-29029 August 2017 Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size that Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Containment, LER 15-001-02 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size that Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Containment 05000286/LER-2017-0032017-08-29029 August 2017 Condensate Storage Tank Declared Inoperable Per Technical Specification, LER 17-003-00 for Indian Point, Unit 3, Regarding Condensate Storage Tank Declared Inoperable Per Technical Specification 05000247/LER-2017-0032017-08-23023 August 2017 Technical Specification Violation of Section 3.3.1 RPS Instrumentation, LER 17-003-00 for Indian Point Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification Violation of Section 3.3.1 RPS Instrumentation 05000247/LER-2017-0022017-08-22022 August 2017 Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Indication Inoperable for Longer Than the Allowed Technical Specification Completion Time Due to Failure of Complete Restoration Following Calibration, LER 17-002-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2 Regarding Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Indication Inoperable for Longer Than the Allowed Technical Specification Completion Time Due to Failure of Complete Restoration Following Calibration 05000247/LER-2017-0012017-08-22022 August 2017 Manual Reactor Trip Due to Decreasing Steam Generator Levels Caused By Main Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine Low Pressure Governor Valves Failed Closed, LER 17-001-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2 Regarding Manual Reactor Trip Due to Decreasing Steam Generator Levels Caused By Main Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine Low Pressure Governor Valves Failed Closed 05000286/LER-2017-0022017-08-0909 August 2017 Manual Isolation of Chemical and Volume Control System Normal Letdown to Stop a Valve Leak Resulted in an Exceedance of Technical Specification 3.4.9 Condition A Limit for Pressurizer Level, LER 17-002-00 for Indian Point, Unit 3 re Manual Isolation of Chemical and Volume Control System Normal letdown to Stop a Valve Leak Resulted in an Exceedance of Technical Specification 3.4.9 Condition A Limit for Pressurizer Level 05000286/LER-2017-0012017-07-13013 July 2017 Single Flow Barrier Access Point Found Unbolted, LER 17-001-00 for Indian Point, Unit 3 Regarding Single Flow Barrier Access Point Found Unbolted 05000247/LER-2016-0022017-02-28028 February 2017 Automatic Actuation of Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) Due to 480 VAC Bus Undervoltage Condition and Loss of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) While in Cold Shutdown, LER 16-002-01 for Indian Point, Unit 2 Regarding Automatic Actuation of Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) Due to 480 VAC Bus Undervoltage Condition and Loss of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) While in Cold Shutdown 05000247/LER-2016-0102017-02-28028 February 2017 Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Through Wall Defect in a Service Water Supply Pipe Elbow to the 24, Fan Cooler Unit, LER 16-010-01 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Through Wall Defect in a Service Water Supply Pipe Elbow to the 24 Fan Cooler Unit NL-16-108, LER 15-001-01 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Conta2016-09-29029 September 2016 LER 15-001-01 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Contai 05000286/LER-2015-0052016-09-14014 September 2016 Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip Caused by the Trip of 345kV Main Generator Output Breaker 3 due to a Failure of South Ring Bus 345kV Breaker 5, LER 15-005-01 for Indian Point 3 RE: Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip Caused by the Trip of 345kV Main Generator output Breaker 3 due to a Failure of South Ring Bus 345kV Breaker 5 05000286/LER-2015-0042016-09-14014 September 2016 Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip Caused by a Failure of the 31 Main Transformer, LER 15-004-01 for Indian Point Unit No. 3 Regarding Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip Caused by a Failure of the 31 Main Transformer 05000286/LER-2015-0072016-09-0606 September 2016 Manual Reactor Trip Due to Decreasing Steam Generator Water Levels Caused by a Miss- Wired Circuit Board in the Main Feedwater Pump Speed Control System, LER 2015-007-01 for Indian Point, Unit 3 Regarding Manual Reactor Trip Due to Decreasing Steam Generator Water Level Caused by a Miss-Wired Circuit Board in the Main Feedwater Pump Speed Control System 05000286/LER-2015-0062016-08-0808 August 2016 Technical SpecificatiOn Prohibited Condition Due to Two Pressurizer Code Safety Valves Discovered Outside their As-Found Lift Setpoint Test Acceptance Criteria, LER 15-006-01 for Indian Point Unit No. 3 Regarding Technical Specification Prohibited Condition Due to Two Pressurizer Code Safety Valves Discovered Outside Their As-Found Lift Setpoint Test Acceptance Criteria 05000286/LER-2014-0042016-08-0101 August 2016 Automatic Reactor Trip as a Result of Meeting the Trip Logic for Over Temperature Delta Temperature during Reactor Protection System Pressurizer Pressure Calibration, LER 14-004-01 for Indian Point Unit 3, Regarding Automatic Reactor Trip as a Result of Meeting the Trip Logic for Over Temperature Delta Temperature During Reactor Protection System Pressurizer Pressure Calibration 05000247/LER-2016-0042016-05-31031 May 2016 Unanalyzed Condition due to Degraded Reactor Baffle-Former Bolts, LER 16-004-00 for Indian Point 2 re Unanalyzed Condition Due to Degraded Reactor Baffle-Former Bolts 05000247/LER-2016-0052016-05-25025 May 2016 Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to a Surveillance Requirement Never Performed for Testing the Trip of the Main Boiler Feedwater Pumps, LER 16-005-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to a Surveillance Requirement Never Performed for Testing the Trip of the Main Boiler Feedwater Pumps 05000247/LER-2016-0012016-05-0202 May 2016 Technical Specification Prohibited Condition Caused by One Main Steam Safety Valve Outside Its As-Found Lift Set Point Test Acceptance Criteria, LER 16-001-00 for Indian Point 2 RE: Technical Specification Prohibited Condition Caused by One Main Steam Safety Valve Outside Its As-Found Lift Set Point Test Acceptance Criteria 05000247/LER-2015-0042016-02-18018 February 2016 Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Flawed Elbow on the 21 Fan Cooler Unit Service Water Motor Cooling Return Pipe, LER 15-004-00 for Indian Point 2 Regarding Safety System Functional Failure Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Flawed Elbow on the 21 Fan Cooler Unit Service Water Motor Cooling Return Pipe 05000286/LER-2015-0082016-02-11011 February 2016 Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip as a Result of a Fault on 345 kV Feeder W96 Tower Lines Caused by Pre-Existing Degraded Insulator, LER 15-008-00 for Indian Point, Unit 3, Regarding Automatic Reactor Trip Due to a Turbine-Generator Trip as a Result of a Fault on 345 kV Feeder W96 Tower Lines Caused by Bird Streaming 05000247/LER-2015-0032016-02-0303 February 2016 Manual Reactor Trip Due to Indications of Multiple Dropped Control Rods Caused by Loss of Control Rod Power Due to a Power Supply Failure, LER 15-003-00 for Indian Point, Unit 2, Regarding Manual Reactor Trip Due to Indications of Multiple Dropped Control Rods Caused by Loss of Control Rod Power Due to a Power Supply Failure NL-15-124, LER 15-001-00 for Indian Point 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Cont2015-10-0909 October 2015 LER 15-001-00 for Indian Point 2, Regarding Technical Specification (TS) Prohibited Condition Due to an Inoperable Containment Caused by a Service Water Pipe Leak with a Flaw Size That Results in Exceeding the Allowed Leakage Rate for Conta NL-13-166, Report on Inoperable Gross Failed Fuel Detector2013-12-20020 December 2013 Report on Inoperable Gross Failed Fuel Detector NL-13-038, Event Report for Discovery of a Condition That Prevented Immediate Protective Actions to Avoid Exposures to Radiation from Byproduct Material2013-02-19019 February 2013 Event Report for Discovery of a Condition That Prevented Immediate Protective Actions to Avoid Exposures to Radiation from Byproduct Material NL-12-060, Submittal of Report on Inoperable Gross Failed Fuel Detector2012-04-26026 April 2012 Submittal of Report on Inoperable Gross Failed Fuel Detector ML1101906402010-11-0909 November 2010 Event Notification Report; Subject: Power Reactor Indian Point Unit 2 NL-09-108, Submittal of Report on Inoperable Core Exit Thermocouples2009-08-10010 August 2009 Submittal of Report on Inoperable Core Exit Thermocouples ML0509600412004-12-17017 December 2004 Final Precursor Analysis - IP-2 Grid Loop ML0509600512004-12-17017 December 2004 Final Precursor Analysis - IP-3 Grid Loop NL-03-136, LER 03-03-00 for Indian Point Unit 3 Regarding Automatic Turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Due to Fault in 345kV Generator Output Breaker 32003-08-21021 August 2003 LER 03-03-00 for Indian Point Unit 3 Regarding Automatic Turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Due to Fault in 345kV Generator Output Breaker 3 ML0209104352002-03-19019 March 2002 LER 98-001-01 for Indian Point Unit 3 Re Potential Failure or Inadvertent Operation of Fire Protection Systems, Caused by Personnel Error in Design ML17252A8951979-05-25025 May 1979 Letter Reporting a 05/18/1973 Occurrence of a Pressure Transient within the Reactor Coolant System Due to the Closure of Certain Air Operated Valves in the Reactor Coolant Letdown System - Indian Point Unit 2 ML17252A8461974-02-19019 February 1974 Letter Regarding Performance of a Surveillance Test PT-M2 Reactor Coolant Temperature Analog Channel Functional Test - Delta T Overtemperature and T Overpower - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8481974-02-19019 February 1974 Letter Regarding a February 1, 1974 Occurrence Where Both Door of the 80 Foot Elevation Personnel Air Lock to the Containment Building Were Inadvertently Open at the Same Time for a Period of About Thirty Seconds - Indian Point Unit. 2 ML17252A8471974-02-0808 February 1974 Letter Regarding an Occurrence on 1/25/1974 at the Indian Point Unit No. 2 Reactor Was Brought Critical in Preparation for Placing the Plant Back in Service Following Completion of Repairs Associated with No. 22 Steam Generator Feedwater Li ML17252A8491974-02-0606 February 1974 Letter Regarding an Occurrence Where Both Doors of the 80 Foot Elevation Personnel Air Lock to the Containment Building Were Inadvertently Opened at the Same Time for About Thirty Seconds - Indian Point Unit 2 ML17252A8501974-02-0505 February 1974 Letter Regarding an Occurrence Where a Slight Reactor Coolant System Pressure Transient Was Experienced in the Course of Placing a Reactor Coolant Pump in Service - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8511974-02-0101 February 1974 Letter Regarding an Inspection of All Bergen-Paterson Hydraulic Shock and Sway Arrestors (Snubbers) Located in the Vapor Containment Was Performed and Two Did Not Meet the Established Criterion for Operability - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8521974-01-31031 January 1974 Letter Regarding an Occurrence Where the Reactor Was Brought Critical Preparatory to Placing the Plant Back in Service Following Completion of Repairs Associated with the 11/13/1973 Feedwater Line Break Incident - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8591974-01-28028 January 1974 Letter Regarding an Occurrence 01/23/1974 Where a Slight Reactor Coolant System Pressure Transient Above the Technical Specifications Limit Was Experienced in the Course of Placing a Reactor Coolant Pump in Service - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8721974-01-18018 January 1974 Letter Regarding Analysis of Results of Monthly Periodic Surveillance Test PT-M11 (Steam Line Pressure Analog Channel Function Test) Indicated That One of the Low Steam Line Pressure Bistables Associated with High Steam - Indian Point Unit ML17252A8761973-12-28028 December 1973 Letter Regarding 12/17/1973 Analysis of the Results of Periodic Tests and Calibration Checks Relating to Pressurizer Level Indicated a Setpoint Drift - Indian Point Unit 2 ML17252A8771973-12-18018 December 1973 Letter Regarding a 12/17/1973 Analysis of Results of Periodic Tests and Calibration Checks Relating to Pressurizer Level Indicated a Setting for One of the Bistables Was Above the Technical Spec. Limit - Indian Point Unit 2 ML17252A8791973-12-0303 December 1973 Letter Regarding a 11/18/1973 Occurrence Relating to the Discovery of the Erroneous Setting for 1 of the Bistables Associated with Low Pressurizer Safety Injection Required by the Technical Specifications - Indian Point Unit No. 2 ML17252A8781973-11-30030 November 1973 Letter Providing Supplemental Information Concerning the 11/13/1973 Incident at Indian Point Unit No. 2 2020-02-07
[Table view] |
Entergy Nuclear Northeast Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Indian Point Energy Center IEn tergy P.O. Box 308 Buchanan, NY 10511 Tel 914 736 8001 Fax 914 736 8012 Robert J. Barrett Vice President, Operations Indian Point 3 March 19, 2002 IPN-02-017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop O-P1-17 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-286 License No. DPR-64 Licensee Event Report # 98-001-01 Potential Failure or Inadvertent Operation of Fire Protection Systems, Caused by Personnel Error In Design, Could Cause a Loss of Cable Spreading Room Cooling Placing the Plant Outside Design Basis
Dear Sir:
The attached revision to Licensee Event Report (LER)98-001 is submitted to complete the assessment of safety significance. The LER has also been editorially revised (e.g., revised to indicate that corrective actions are complete). A bar in the margin indicates changes.
There are no new commitments made in this submittal.
Very tr I5
. - Robe lJ.a et
- ic V resident, Operations In ian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant cc: See next page
Docket No. 50-286 IPN-02-017 Page 2 of 2 cc: Mr. Hubert J. Miller Regional Administrator Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406-1415 INPO Record Center 700 Galleria Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5957 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspectors' Office Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 337 Buchanan, NY 10511 Mr. Paul Eddy NYS Department of Public Service 3 Empire Plaza Albany, NY 12223
NRC FORM 366 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY APPROVED BY OMB NO. 3150-0104 EXPIRES 6-30-2001 (1-2001) COMMISSION Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory information collection request: 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br />. Reported lessons learned are incorporated into the licensing process and fed back to industry. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the Records LICENSEEc EVENIT REPORT (lE eManagement Branch (T-6 E6), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC LICENSEE-_w EVENT l REPORT \ } 20555-0001, or by internet e-mail to bis1Qnrc.9ov, and to the Desk Officer, Office of (Sereverse for required number of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NE OB-1 0202 (3150-0104), Office of Management and (See haraoters r each block) Budget, Washington, DC 2050 Ifa means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
- nn A n~renn i. nnt rmn ,irPd In racnnnrl ta tha infnrmnfinn rnilprtinn FACILITY NAME (1 DOCKET NUMBER f2l PAGE (31 Indian Point 3 05000 286 OF
_ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 Potential Failure or Inadvertent Operation of Fire Protection Systems, Caused by Personnel Error In Design, Could Cause a Loss of Cable Spreading Room Coolina. Placina the Plant Outside Desian Basis EVENT DATE (5) LER NUMBER (6) REPORT DATE (7) OTHER FACILITIES INVOLVED (8)
YEAR SEQUENTIAL FACILITY NAME DOCKET NUMBER NUMBER REV MO DAY YEAR NO MO DAY YEAR 05000 FACILIT Y NAME DOCKET NUMBER 02 25 98 98 01 01 03 19 02 _ n0nn OPERATING _ THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR 6: (Chpck nil that -annlvl (111 MODE (9) N 20.2201 (b) 20.2203(a)(3)(ii) _ 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B) 50.73(a)(2)(ix)(A)
POWER _ 20.2201 (d) 20.2203(a)(4) _ 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 50.73(a)(2)(x)
LEVEL (10) 100 20.2203(a)(1) 50.36©(1)(i)(A) 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) 73.71(a)(4) 20.2203(a)(2)(i) 50.365(1 )Ii = 50.73(a)(2)(v)(A) = 73.71(a)(5) 20.2203(a)(2)(ii) ____
50.36©(2) 50.73(a)(2)(v)(B) - OTER Specify in Abstract below or in 20.2203(a)(2)(iii) 50.46(a)(3)(ii) 50.73(a)(2)(v)(C) NRC Form 366A 20.2203(a)(2)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(i)(A) 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) 20.220i(a)(2)(v) 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) 50.73(a)(2)(vii) 20.2203(a)(2)(vi) __ 50.73(a)(2)(i)(C) __ 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A) 20.2203(a)(3)(i) 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A) 50.73(a)L2)(viii)(B)
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l l l SUBMISSION l_ __l ARSTRACT (I imit tn 140n CnqrRA I A ::nnrnximAtPlv 1S cinnlp-nn pdrltvnpwritthn linpsl (11 RI On February 25, 1998, with the plant at 100% power, Operations found that the plant was outside its design basis because a loss of ventilation to the cable spreading room could result from a failure of the cable spreading room C02 fire suppression system, a failure of the electrical tunnel fire detection system, or a design basis event (loss of offsite power or safety injection). This condition could have adversely affected the operation of safety-related systems and/or components located in the room. This event was caused by human error during the design process. Immediate corrective action was taken to post a fire watch, disable the C02 control circuitry interlock (affects fire dampers), and restrain the fire door from automatically shutting. This event was identified as part of the extent of condition for LER 97-010 and was reported to the NRC as a one hour report. Corrective actions included modifying the fire protection system, clarifying the design criteria, and assessing past event evaluations. There is no significant effect on public health and safety from postulated events.
NRC FORM 366 (1-2001)
_ NUMBER I NUMBER Indian Point 3 105000286 98 -- 001 -- 01 2 OF 6 NARRATIVE (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
DESCRIPTION OF EVENT Note: The Energy Industry Identification System Codes are identified in the brackets { }
On February 25, 1998, with the plant at 100 percent power, Operations found that the plant was outside its design basis because a loss of ventilation to the cable spreading room (CSR) could result from a failure of the CSR C02 fire suppression system {LW}, a failure of the electrical tunnel (ET) fire detection system, or a design basis event (loss of offsite power or safety injection). The CSR ventilation fans {FAN} are not safety-related, so the CSR depends upon the ET ventilation system to maintain the temperature of the CSR within equipment design limits during design basis events. This event was identified as part of the extent of condition for LER 97-010 and was reported to the NRC as a one hour report. Immediate corrective action was taken to correct the as found condition by posting a fire watch and by assuring that no failure could cause loss of ventilation (the fire door separating the CSR and ET was restrained open and the C02 control circuitry interlock that would shut the fire dampers was de-energized).
The Design and Analysis Group identified the potential for loss of CSR ventilation due to a fire protection system failure while evaluating the extent of condition for LER 97-010. The evaluation determined that a failure or inadvertent operation of the CSR C02 fire suppression system detectors or circuitry due to a seismic event or a single relay failure could actuate the C02 system which could shut down CSR exhaust fans, 31, 32, could shut down battery room exhaust fans 1, 2, and could close louver L-320, fire dampers FP-DF-10, FP-DF-11, FP-DF-12, FP-DF-13, FP-DF-50, and fire door FDR-30-CB.
These actuations isolate the CSR from the ET and from outside air. The evaluation also determined that a failure or inadvertent operation of the ET smoke detection system (detectors and circuitry are not seismically designed or single failure proof) or loss of power could cause Fire Door FDR-30-CB to close which would isolate the ET fans from the CSR during design basis events.
The fire protection system was designed to meet the requirements of Branch Technical Position (BTP) APCSB 9.5-1 (May 1, 1976) and Appendix A to BTP APCSB 9.5-1 (August 23, 1976) which stated: Postulated fires or fire protection system failures need not be considered concurrent with other plant accidents or the most severe natural phenomena; Failure or inadvertent operation of the fire suppression system should not incapacitate safety-related systems or components. To apply these criteria, the fire protection system design should have considered the consequential effects of the plant accidents and severe natural phenomena in order to preclude failure and, when electrically interconnected with a safety system, should have considered the affects of single failure.
YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER INUMBER Indian Point 3 .05000286 98 - 001 - 01 3 OF 6 NARRATIVE (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
During normal operation, the failure or inadvertent operation of the ET fire detection system or the CSR C02 fire suppression system would be annunciated in the control room (CR) by non safety-related alarms associated with the Fire Display Control Panel. A loss of Battery Room ventilation would also be annunciated for the CSR event. The alarm response procedures do not specify the restoration of ventilation but the off normal procedure used to respond to plant fires identifies detailed procedures for restoration of ventilation. Modification MMP 94-03-055 CBHV installed a safety- related room high temperature alarm and the associated alarm response procedure (ARP-13) was revised to restore ventilation following investigation of an alarm. ARP-13 was found to provide inadequate guidance for restoring ventilation. This guidance is no longer required to address the single failures or consequential failures of this event due to the corrective actions already taken.
A failure or inadvertent operation of the ET fire detection system or CSR fire suppression system could occur as a consequence of a seismic event (this was assumed because the detectors and circuitry of these systems are not seismically qualified), or as a consequence of a design basis event (the fire door would shut on loss of offsite power or load stripping due to SI). The CSR fire suppression system could actuate as a consequence of a single failure postulated during a design basis event (this was assumed because of the C02 system is electrically connected to the ventilation system so the effects of a single failure of the fire protection system must also be considered in ventilation system design basis events).
The cable spreading room contains safety-related equipment and non safety-related equipment in the following plant systems: 125VDC, 125VAC, reactor protection, pressurizer pressure control and rod control. A loss of ventilation could adversely affect the operation of this equipment.
This event was not identified while evaluating other ventilation system design deficiencies. This event was identified as part of the extent of condition for LER 97-010. Past engineering evaluations did not identify the events reported in this LER or LER 97-010. The reasons were evaluated and corrective action was identified and initiated. The related LERs are 93-048,94-006, 95-003,95-006 and 95-020. LER 93- 048 reported single failures that could cause loss of ventilation. The engineering evaluation for the event did not look at the fire protection relay because it was outside the ventilation system boundary. LER 94-006 identified single electrical failures in the control room ventilation system. LER 95-003 reported that a single failure of fire protection system relay could cause loss of ventilation in the switchgear room and the lower cable tunnel. LER 95-006 reported that the Appendix R analysis did not adequately consider the effects of a fire induced loss of ventilation due to inadvertent C02 or ventilation system operation in the cable spreading room, switchgear room, and emergency diesel generator cells. LER 95-006 reported that the initial C02 modification classified portions of the C02 system as Category I since the areas they protect contains safety-related systems. The LER also noted that the subsequent evaluation and upgrade of components of the CSR did not identify the reported failure modes. The corrective action upgraded procedures but did not address the potential failure identified here or in LER 97-010. LER 95-020 summarized the issues from the Appendix R reanalysis.
IYEAR I SEQUENTIALI REVISION l NUMBER NUMBER Indian Point 3 05000286 98 - 001 - 01 4 OF 6 l NARRATIVE (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
CAUSE OF THE EVENT This event was caused by human error during the design process. As reported in LER 95-006, this error occurred during the evaluation and subsequent upgrade of components to safety-related in the cable spreading room ventilation system. The error was due to a lack of understanding and inadequate documentation of the ventilation and fire protection system design bases.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS The following corrective actions have been performed in order to address the deficiencies identified during the investigation of this event and to prevent recurrence:
On February 25, 1998 a fire watch was posted; the C02 control circuitry interlock with the control circuitry of the fire dampers was disabled and the fire door was restrained from automatically shutting.
Modification MMP 97-03-400 FP C02 modified the fire protection system so that ventilation for the CSR would not be lost as a consequence of a design basis event or due to a single failure.
Clarified and documented the design basis of the fire protection and the ventilation systems to clearly identify the design criteria in this LER.
The safety significance of this event is in this LER update.
ANALYSIS OF THE EVENT This event was reportable under 10 CFR 50.73 (a) (2) (ii) (B). A failure or inadvertent operation of the CSR C02 suppression system or ET fire detection system as well as design basis events (loss of offsite power and safety injection) could result in a loss of ventilation required to support the continued operational environment of safety related equipment in the CSR. This could have placed the plant outside its design basis.
Similar events (failure of a fire suppression system adversely affecting safety-related systems/components) were reported in LERs93-048, 94-006,95-003, 95-006,95-020 and 97-010.
YEAR I SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER NUMBER Indian Point 3 05000286 98 -- 001 -- 01 5 OF 6 NARRATIVE (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE This event did not have a significant effect on the health and safety of the public. No event has occurred which resulted in the consequential loss of the CSR ventilation system so there has been no actual effect on public health and safety.
The potential for individual ventilation system to be unavailable has been previously evaluated and found to have no significant effect on public health and safety. Based on the following, it was concluded that the consequential effects of common cause events would not have had a significant effect on public health and safety.
Plant ventilation systems have been affected by the design interface with the fire protection system as well as by the provisions for electrical power to the ventilation systems. The operation of the cable spreading room (CSR), switchgear room (SR) and emergency diesel generator (EDG) ventilation systems is challenged due to the issues identified in this LER as well as LERs93-048, 95-003,95-006, and 97-010. LER 93-048 reported that MCC 39, supporting both SR fans, stripped from EDG due to a loss of offsite power (LOOP), with or without a coincident safety injection (SI) signal, and the fans had non-seismic instrumentation. LER 95-003 reported a single, non safety, fire protection relay that could affect both SR fans. LER 95-006 reported a failure to consider spurious or fire induced loss of ventilation in the CSR, SR, and EDG cells. LER 97-10 reported that a common cause failure (e.g., seismic event) could cause the C02 system to actuate on all three diesels with the consequential loss of EDG cooling. This LER reported that CSR cooling could be lost due to a single fire protection relay failure, a seismic event or a LOOP.
The safety significance of the deficiencies was considered in each of the referenced LERs. The potential for a common cause event to affect all of the systems was not considered. This potential is as follows:
- For a LOOP, the LERs identify that the SR ventilation fans would have been stripped and the CSR would have been isolated from the cable tunnel fans, their source of cooling, as a consequence. The use of operator action to mitigate the loss of SR fans was discussed in LER 93-048. The isolation of the CSR from the electrical tunnel as a consequence of the event would have been indicated in the CR by an out of position light and, after 90 seconds, an audible alarm. Operator action to open the door between the electrical tunnel and CSR would be practical because the alarms would identify the need for this action to the control room operators. The LOOP would not have an affect on the EDG ventilation.
- A postulated seismic event could cause a consequential loss of ventilation in the SR, CSR and EDG cells. The LERs identify the potential for failure of non-safety equipment to cause a loss of ventilation in the SR, CSR and EDG cells due to the fact that the C02 (or fire protection) circuitry was not designed to withstand a seismic event. Also, the seismic event could cause a NRC FORM 366A (1-2001)
YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER NUMBER Indian Point 3 105000286 98 -- 001 -- 01 6 OF 6 NARRATIVE (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
LOOP (this is plant design basis) with consequential loss of the SR and CSR ventilation. The loss of SR and CSR due to LOOP is discussed above and LER 97-010 assessed the use of operator action to re-establish EDG ventilation.
The loss of ventilation in the SR, CSR and EDG cells is not an expected consequence of a seismic event. The design earthquake for Indian Point 3 (i.e., 0.15g ground acceleration with a 15 second duration) is of low intensity compared to that used to design most plants. Under this type earthquake it is unlikely that offsite power would have been lost or that multiple failures of ventilation would occur. This conclusion is reached based on the work done to address Unresolved Safety Issue A-46, "Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Plants." NUREG 1030, "Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power Plants, Unresolved Safety Issue A-46," provides the technical bases for resolution. That NUREG documents the demonstrated ability of power plants to operate through an earthquake and the continued availability of offsite power. Relay chatter is an issue of concern so it would be reasonable to assume that some of the ventilation systems would be lost but this would be within the scope of events already evaluated.
- A design basis tornado (DBT) is postulated to cause a consequential loss of offsite power that would render SR and CSR ventilation inoperable. The DBT could also cause damage resulting in inadvertent operation of the fire protection relays in the turbine building and administration building (not designed for the DBT) that would result in loss of SR, CSR and EDG ventilation. The probability that a tornado would cause the loss of offsite power is low and the loss of SR and SR ventilation was discussed above. The probability of tornado is low and the further probability that it would cause inadvertent relay actuation in the three systems without destroying them is considered limited. Although the probability of damage to the relays was not estimated, the risk associated with tornado events is not high. The IP3 examination of external events (IP3 Report IP3-RPT-UNSPEC-02182, "IP3 Examination of External Events," September 1997) found the probability of any tornado striking IP3 to be 1.59E-4/year.
The frequency of a tornado classified as F3 or higher (i.e., wind speeds in excess of 153 mph) is 2.23E-6/year. For tornados with wind speeds in excess of 180 mph, the frequency decreases to 8.62E-7/year. For the design basis tornado (DBT), which has a 300 mph wind speed, the frequency decreases to 1.02E-9/year.
- A high energy line break (HELB) that trips the turbine is postulated to cause a consequential loss of offsite power that would render SR and CSR ventilation inoperable. A HELB in the turbine building which trips the turbine could also cause damage to the fire protection system relays in the turbine building that would result in loss of EDG ventilation. This sequence of events is not considered probable for this assessment. A turbine trip does not normally cause a loss of offsite power because the grid is normally in a stable condition. Therefore the SR and CSR ventilation would remain in operation. A HELB in the turbine building is considered an unlikely event due to programs that assess erosion corrosion and regular assessment of piping.