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Letter Regarding Performance of a Surveillance Test PT-M2 Reactor Coolant Temperature Analog Channel Functional Test - Delta T Overtemperature and T Overpower - Indian Point Unit No. 2
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1974
From: Cobean W
Con Edison, Consolidated Edison Co of New York
To: O'Reilly J
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML17252A846 (2)


. ,, .- .

Gon~ofidai.ed Ed/sc.n Comps:;ny o~ NEiw York. ll:l~-:.

4 livircQ Pl!:'ce, N~w York,. NY 10003 February 19, 19?4

, ..I

' , Re~ Indian Point Unit. No. 2

. AEC T.:..lic~hc~t Hi;>. !?0-2~7 Opei:* JJiC.<~n~*~ Drf<*.. :26

,. A.0~ .. ~ .. 2 .. f3 Mr *. Jam.:s PL t)'Reilly, Director Ri!9ulutory C>p~r~tion~; 1 Rc.~*;i* I U. S., l-\t.<)l\i.ic; ~n~~~-g~> (:r-;i111mi~;f;jr,,r1 t;,~1 Park Avenue

  • ~ing of Pru&sia, P~nnsylvania* 1.9406 Dear u'H~illy; In acc:)rd.~nr:::i.:.~ h'i th t.hc~ rc;,:.:p;d n;:r.-,~nt:s of S~ctic1n 6 .12. 2a c1f thf-! 8p~*~:if.i0,C:ltJ.ons of l"acill. ty c:iperating License No.

DPR-25, thi:.t f(',.,l.l1)'"d.r1g r~pC'.Jl"C is eubmittedJ P<:-.rivdio sur.vt~i 1 lance t1..~st f'T . . M2, "Reactor Coolant 'l'ampernture 1U1~i1)1;J Ch~n.n.1~l F1,:inc:;t:.:i.c;.*r1al 'l':1et; - ~ 'l' Ovet:"ter.'lper~,tur*e an.d 'I' Ovt;*.r-poer", t11a8 p:.:t'fcrrne::l t">n Pr.:bri.1~rv 15/16, 1!7!4 Unit. Ho. 1 in the. c:)ld ~.=hut.down (;ond i. ti i)n~ TJ-.e limi.ting snf ety system Bet-

. t.$..t\g~ (Jf chann't;:lB :t.t and lV of the Lhrertemp'.?t'ut\.!re6..'I' R<:\~.<.':*tOI c

  • c.l'rip ircoi try were fi)una ti) b:~' be.11:'>\*: t.hFd:. t*,~~.:~uj i'.c:.:d by 'J'ech:ni cal Speeific~t.ior1 /..:LLB (4). Ch.snnel::; 1 and Ill w::re found tr> b2

<;prH'.~t.$:ny c:~:)L':i:'."(;!c;tly. cl*1a\w1~le .'i.1 and IV w~re recalitirat.1~:1.~. l.i.nd tested ~atisfactorily.

f,~~.f.'8t.).' ~ (~.i:st:lOi'1~l uf thie diec:cepancy are c.-:rnE:ideret.\ ~~). fght.

9f.tH.':;~'; t.h1;: rea.c*tor was in a cold shutdown c.0n.dit ii:m .~1.hQ. th:*~ ~:*c::w n1c:inin~f trip circ t.i:. Wt)'.lld hl.l\'<.:'l prwv.i.d1:.:d compl*.~te reactor pro-t-ection .-;.i;.:d.n:~t ~n (:~.~<':~! fl1.n! t.ilt t:ven if this had n!:-,t. b1:.1;1n caee. The 'ma:-~imum error fr:n:m::1 wl'.lt.l.lQ. h;:l'.*Q t'~:;ult.<"~'3 in the ac.**

turd l:'t:.uC:t!OY c-~11 e:x:cs<? t.J:-10 limit. by O. l.f>(lp in a1::-hie-\rin~~ ~n Q\'0r.t.0¢~'~r..-~t.\,i.r.'1.:AT t~ ip fcr:c ChL1l'1l'lt:: le iI L'tl'ld 1 V. .

in rtn <::..,f fo;:t. t.o dct"!.t'JllirH! the <.:ti.US~ of l:hese:a de\~ i*:->.tir:>n:; ='lnd p:n~

viou:5ly t.'1:.J:)i;.>:n.c::1~. or~~a 6f a eimilar nnture, our invc:~;t.$.gf.ltion intci t.hS.s as diacual3eri in our letter to Hr *.Jr)hn F. 0 1 r ..i::cn*y d~t~d J~nua~y 25, 19?4 is continuin9.

., ... ~.::...,,.

~r. Jl.*ntJ:si.)ny Fasano of your office waa notified of thia occ.ur-t'e-nce. b~l M~. ,:r(,,hr~ Ha}~e:p~ace: by 't~le:phcme CrTJ f'ebruriry l (\ r 197 4.

Vury truly you~s,