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Notice of Violation from Insp on 900613-0731.Violation Noted:Documented Instructions for Activities Affecting Quality Prescribed in Equipment Outage Checklists Inappropriate to Circumstances in Listed Cases
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1990
From: Shafer W
Shared Package
ML17202U806 List:
50-237-90-17, 50-249-90-17, NUDOCS 9009040008
Download: ML17202U807 (1)



  • commonwealth Edison Company
  • Dresden Nuclear Station
  • App.end ix NOTICE OF V10LATION Docket No. 50-237 Docket Nb. 50-249 As a result of the inspection conducted on June *13, through July 31, 1990,
  • and in accordance with the General Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions, (IO CFR Part 2, Appendix C), (1990) the following violation was identified:

IO CFR'50, Appendix.B, Criterion V, as implemented by (ommonwealth.Edison Company's Quality Assurance Program, requires that activities.affecting quality be. prescribed by documented instructions, procedures or drawings of a type appropriate to the circumstances.

Contrary to the above, documented instructions for activities affecting quality prescribed in equipment outage checklists were inappropriate to

the circumstances in the following cases:

Outage number 111-460 i~plemented on February 4, 1990 failed to recognize all consequences of a fuse removal, resulting in an unexpected group II primary containment isolation, standby gas treatment system automatic initiation and reactor building ventilation system isolation.


Outage number II-412 implemented on June 11, 1990 prescribed the closure.

of incorrect valves, resulting in an unexpected recirculation pump trip.


Outage number 11-421 implemented on June 13, 1990 failed to recognize all consequences of opening a breaker, resulting in an unexpected half group II primary containment *isolation signal.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I).


Pursuant to the provisions of IO CFR 2.201, you are required to.submit to this office within thirty days of the date of this Notice a written statement or explanation in reply, inclu.ding for each violation:

(1) the corrective steps that have been taken and the results achieved; (2) the corrective steps that will oe taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the d~te when full compliance will be achieved.

Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good caus~ shown.


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