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TSD-14-015, Revision 0, Buried Piping Dose Modeling & Dcgls
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/2014
From: Decker R, Wojtkowiak D, Yetter R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML15344A344 List:
ZS-2015-0163 TSD-14-015, Rev. 0
Download: ML15344A392 (107)


ZionSolutions Technical Support Document TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGLs Revision 0 Originator: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/16/14__________

Robert F. Decker Reviewer: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/16/14__________

David L. Wojtkowiak Approval: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/17/14__________

Robert F. Yetter Page 1 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Summary of Changes in this Revision:

  • Rev. 0 -Initial issuance.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1. Buried Piping Radionuclides of Concern ...........................................................................5 2.2. Soil DCGLs ........................................................................................................................6 2.3. End State Buried Piping .....................................................................................................7
3. CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. Buried Piping Excavation Scenario ....................................................................................8 3.2. Buried Pipe Surface Activity Concentrations Corresponding to Soil DCGLs ...................9 3.3. Buried Pipe Surface Activity DCGL Calculations ...........................................................11 3.3.1. Buried Piping Area Factor Calculations ...........................................................................11 3.3.2. Buried Piping Initial DCGLs ............................................................................................12
4. IN SITU BURIED PIPING SCENARIO ..................................................................................... 14 4.1. Excavations and Buried Piping ........................................................................................16 4.2. Buried Piping Inventory (9.66 m3) Comparison to House Excavation (600 m3) Scenario .............................................................................................................17
5. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 18
6. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 19
7. ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 20 7.1. Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory .........................................................................21 7.2. Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions ..........................................28 7.3. Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations ..........................................29 7.4. Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for Specific Surface Areas ....................51 7.5. Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 m Length ........................................................................................................56 7.6. Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation ....................57 7.7. Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for ZSRP Buried Piping .......................67 7.8. Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report For Buried Piping In Situ Scenario ................................................................................................................89 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Soil DCGLs for 0.15 and 1 m Contaminated Zone Thickness .................................................7 Table 2 - Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping Corresponding to Surface Soil DCGL Concentrations ...................................................................................................11 Table 3 - Surface Soil Area Factors .......................................................................................................12 Table 4 - Area Factors for ROC Based on Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length ..................................13 Table 5 - Buried Piping Initial DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length ........14 Table 6 - Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory .....................15 Table 7 - Buried Piping In Situ Concentrations and Adjustment Factors ..............................................17 Table 8 - Buried Piping Inventory and Surface Soil DCGL ..................................................................17 Table 9 - Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length .................................18 Table 10 - Buried Piping DCGLs) for ROC and Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length .........................19 Page 3 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Buried Piping Excavation Scenario based on NUREG 1757, Vol. 2 Appendix J guidance. ...9 Figure 2 - Buried Piping Excavation Calculation Example ....................................................................10 Page 4 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Technical Support Document (TSD) is to establish the buried piping Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs), in units of disintegrations per minute per one hundred square centimeters (dpm/100 cm2), that are appropriate for evaluating the internal surfaces of buried piping associated with the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP). This TSD also examines the in situ dose due to potentially contaminated buried piping that would remain in the ground following excavation events.
2. DISCUSSION At ZSRP, section 8.5 of Exhibit C, Lease Agreement, titled Removal of Improvements; Site Restoration integral to the Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Asset Sale Agreement requires the demolition and removal of all on-site buildings, structures, and components to a depth of at least three feet below grade. Several minor structures such as the Switchyard, the ISFSI warehouse, the microwave tower, and the Sewage Lift Station, as well as all roadways and rail lines, will remain at license termination as requested by Exelon. The major structures that will remain at license termination are the basements of the Unit 1 Containment Building, Unit 2 Containment Building, Auxiliary Building, Turbine Building, Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF), the lower portion of the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP), the Fuel Transfer Canal, Crib House and Forebay, Unit 1 and Unit 2 Steam Tunnels and the Circulating Water Intake and Discharge Piping below the 588 foot elevation. All systems, components as well as all structures above the 588 foot elevation (with the exception of the minor structures previously noted) will be removed during the decommissioning process and disposed of as a waste stream.

A range of below ground piping will also remain at license termination. The piping will fall into one of three categories: buried, embedded and penetrations. Buried piping is below ground pipe located outside of structures and basements and buried in soil. Embedded piping is defined as piping that is located, or embedded, in the concrete basement floors. Penetrations are the portions of various systems piping remaining within building walls, floors, and ceilings after all systems and piping are removed from building interiors.

This TSD provides the method for calculating the dose to the Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG) from any remaining buried piping associated with the ZSRP and the corresponding DCGLs to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 20 Subpart E, (1). . TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model, calculates site-specific DCGLs for soils, (2). The list of radionuclides of concern (ROC) was evaluated using Reactor Buildings (Units 1 and 2), Auxiliary Building, and Turbine Building concrete core analysis data by evaluating the dose significance of each radionuclide in the end state model. The list of ROCs was evaluated in TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Basement Fill Model Source Term and Surrogate Ratios, (3).

2.1. Buried Piping Radionuclides of Concern The results of surface and subsurface soil characterization in the impacted area surrounding ZNPS indicate that there is minimal residual radioactivity in soil. Based on the characterization survey results to date, ZSRP does not anticipate the presence of significant soil contamination in any remaining subsurface soil that has not yet been characterized. In addition, based on process knowledge, minimal contamination is expected in any of the buried piping that ZSRP plans to Page 5 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 abandon in place. Consequently, due to the absence of any significant source term in soil or in buried piping, the suite of ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for the Auxiliary Building concrete was considered as a reasonably conservative mixture to apply to soils and buried piping for FSS planning and implementation.

To date, with the exception of some Turbine Building basement drains, samples from site piping systems have not been collected. The buried piping that is intended to remain is from support systems where process knowledge and historical operation surveys indicate an extremely low probability of residual contamination. ZSRP is currently using surface activity from structural concrete samples to represent the radionuclide mixture that will remain within buried piping.

Extensive concrete core samples were obtained from the Unit 1 and 2 Containments and the Auxiliary Building. These cores were obtained at locations with high contact dose rates and/or evidence of leaks/spills. They are therefore heavily biased toward locations with high concentrations of radionuclides in the concrete. Based upon the analysis, as described in TSD 14-019, it was determined that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134 and Cs-137 accounted for 99.4% of all dose in the contaminated concrete mixes, (3) The remaining radionuclides of concern from the original radionuclide suite were eliminated due to insignificant dose consequence. As the buried piping is further characterized during remediation and final status surveys (FSS), the radionuclide mixture found in actual piping measurements will be compared to the mixture developed in TSD-14-019 and used in this TSD. If the analytical results for those samples indicate that the buried piping mixture is incorrect or that additional radionuclides are significant, then DCGLs will be calculated for the conditions or additional radionuclides using the methods described in this TSD.

The survey of many inaccessible or not readily accessible areas including soils under structures, soils under concrete or asphalt coverings, the underlying concrete of the SFP and Transfer Canal, the interiors of embedded and/or buried pipe that may remain and the interior and exterior of both Containment domes. As currently inaccessible soils, structures and piping systems are made accessible and are surveyed, either by characterization or by Remedial Action Support Survey (RASS), the survey results will be reviewed to ensure that the suite of ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for buried piping based on the Auxiliary Building is applicable. If surveys indicate the presence of gamma-emitting radionuclides at concentrations greater than 50% of a DCGL in buried pipe, then the samples will be analyzed for the presence of HTD radionuclides. Based upon the analysis of radionuclide fractions and dose contribution in TSD 14-019 the dose contribution expected from HTD fractions is expected to be very low with even the most extreme HTD ratios.

2.2. Soil DCGLs Site-specific DCGLs were calculated for soil in TSD 14-010, (2). The only radionuclides observed above background in soil were Cs-137 and Co-60. The observed concentrations of these radionuclides in soil have not exceeded 1.1 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) Cs-137. Characterization surveys have identified positive results for both Co-60 and Cs-137 however, the observed concentrations have been small.

The Cs-137 concentrations observed in soil is consistent with world-wide fallout undisturbed soils.

The ZionSolutions, LLC July 2012 Report, Determination of Radionuclide Activity Concentrations in Soils in Non-Impacted Soils Adjacent to the Zion Nuclear Station, states: Based on the data presented, the upper confidence level of the mean of the Cs-137 activity concentrations in undisturbed surface soil in the vicinity of the Zion Nuclear Station is 0.31 pCi/g. Individual activity Page 6 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 concentrations as high as 0.74 pCi/g for Cs-137 in undisturbed surface soil would not be unexpected. The report also states that for subsurface soils: the only other radionuclide, with the exception of naturally occurring radionuclides, identified in the subsurface soil samples was Cs-137. Cs-137 was only identified in 5 out of 30 subsurface soil samples as compared to 26 out of 30 of the surface soil samples with a maximum concentration of 0.240.06 pCi/g.. While Co-60 was not positively identified in undisturbed soils the maximum surface concentration was 0.0290.188 pCi/g and the maximum subsurface concentration was reported as 0.0380.014 pCi/g.

Positive values for Co-60 have been observed in Class 1 and Class 2 survey areas indicating modest levels of Co-60 (<0.7 pCi/g) however, elevated regions of contamination have not been identified during characterization surveys.

Some land areas are currently inaccessible and will be sampled during the continuing characterization program but minimal soil contamination is expected. ZSRP will continue to evaluate soil ROC when collecting soil samples and will re-evaluate the need to update this TSD as required.

The site-specific soil DCGLs from Table 11 of TSD 14-010 (2) are reproduced below in Table 1.

Table 1 - Soil DCGLs for 0.15 and 1 m Contaminated Zone Thickness Soil DCGL (pCi/g)a Radionuclide 0.15 m Thickness 1.0 m Thickness Co-60 4.7 3.8 Cs-134 7.5 4.9 Cs-137 15.8 8.6 Ni-63 3995 848.6 Sr-90 14.4 1.9 a

Soil DCGLs from TSD 14-010 and reflect the values prior to radionuclide deselection, 2.3. End State Buried Piping Buried piping, with internal diameters ranging from one-inch to 42 inches (not including the Circulating Water Intakes and Discharge Pipes from Units 1 and 2 and 48 inch Service Water Headers), are expected to remain on site. The current buried piping inventory is provided as Attachment 1. The inventory will be updated, as necessary, with future findings. None of the buried piping listed in Attachment 1 is associated with systems involving reactor coolant and therefore, based on process knowledge, are not expected to be significantly contaminated, containing trivial or no residual radioactive material.

Embedded conduit is also listed in Attachment 1 for completeness. The conduit was installed during initial construction prior to the internal contamination of systems; therefore, the interior surface of conduit is not expected to be contaminated unless installation occurred after ZNPS startup. To this end, unless soil contamination is noted, the exterior and interior of the conduit or grounding cables will not be subjected to evaluation. The same applies to the interior and exterior of duct boxes. Underground electrical equipment vaults, electrical manholes, and associated components will be evaluated on a case by case basis with consideration given for contamination potential due to flooding or other mechanisms where contamination could have been introduced into the vault. Storm drains will also be evaluated on a case by case basis considering runoff flow paths Page 7 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 and regional topography relative to the contamination potential of the immediate area that could influence the drainage.

Since the end state for the ZSRP will leave a large open soil footprint with only backfilled building basement structures remaining, the residual activity left in the piping systems will be conservatively compared with the site-specific soil DCGLs developed in TSD 14-010 (2) . The following assumptions are made:

The integrity of all the buried piping is completely degraded in year zero, The activity internal to the buried piping is uniformly dispersed in a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the piping, The degraded piping/soil mix is excavated onto the surface soil and spread over a 0.15 meter (m) thickness, and The 0.15 m surface soil DCGL is applied to the exhumed media.

3. CALCULATIONS The guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev. 1, Appendix J (4) was used to develop the buried pipe excavation scenario and dose assessment methods. As a conservative assumption and consistent with dose assessment for soil and backfilled basements, the resident farmer critical group was used for the assessment. The buried piping dose assessment includes three major steps:

Develop excavation scenario.

Calculate the surface activity within the buried piping that corresponds to the soil DCGL assuming mixing in a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the pipe.

Calculate the Buried Piping DCGLs applying Area Factors corresponding to the surface area resulting from the spreading the excavated material over a thickness of 0.15 m.

3.1. Buried Piping Excavation Scenario NUREG-1757 assumes a 10 m by 20 m (200 m2) house with a 3.0 m deep basement is excavated by the resident farmer (4). Figure 1 provides a visualization of the excavation scenario as modified from Figure J.3 in NUREG-1757 to apply to the buried piping geometry. Details as to how this general scenario is applied to the buried piping dose assessment are provided in the following sections.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Figure 1 - Buried Piping Excavation Scenario based on NUREG 1757, Vol. 2 Appendix J guidance.

To follow the guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev 1, Appendix J, (4) inadvertent intrusion into the residual radioactivity within the buried piping by the resident farmer for house (or trench) construction would displace the soil and mix the volume of the contaminated soil (volume within buried piping) with the interspersing clean soil and spread the residual radioactivity from within the total excavated soil volume across the surface of the property (Figure 2). As per the NUREG-1757 guidance, this TSD assumes that the house will have a surface area of 200 square meters (m2) (10 x 20 m) but for the buried piping excavation scenario, the basement (which would be excavated to a depth of 3 meters (m) and the contaminated pipe and surrounding (uncontaminated) soil will not be heterogeneously mixed and spread on the surface of the remaining property. Using the most conservative hypothetical example, the residual radioactivity within the pipe volume will be spread out evenly over the remaining property at a depth of approximately 0.15 m. This will be calculated for a 20 m length of pipe and the various buried pipe internal diameters associated with the ZSRP.

3.2. Buried Pipe Surface Activity Concentrations Corresponding to Soil DCGLs As an intermediate step in the calculation of buried piping DCGLs, the site-specific, surface DCGL values from Table 1 were used to calculate the internal piping surface activity levels (in dpm/100 cm2) that would result in a concentration equal to the soil DCGL, assuming that the entire internal surface activity inventory is mixed with a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the pipe. The calculations were performed on the full range of buried piping diameters and the five ROC; Cs-137, Co-60, Cs-134, Ni-63 and Sr-90 (TSD 14-010, (2)). The calculations assumed:

the length of the pipe is 20 m (longest section for 10 m x 20 m house footprint),

the contamination is assumed to be heterogeneously mixed within the soil volume of the pipe, the soil concentration within the pipe will be converted to a surface activity value using the internal surface of the various diameter buried piping, area factors will be calculated for the various internal diameter buried piping associated with ZSRP Page 9 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 the contaminated soil within the pipe is spread evenly over the ground surface to a depth of 0.15 m and hence, the 0.15 m DCGLs from Table 1 was used.

Figure 2 represents an example of the assumed excavated buried piping scenario. For this example, the 0.15 m thickness DCGL for Cs-137 from Table 1 (15.8 pCi/g) is used. The calculated values for a 4-inch diameter pipe are demonstrated in the following equations:

Overburden layer of soil thickness (0.15 m) from buried piping excavation Clean Soil 1.0 m Buried Pipe 4 inch internal diameter 20 m Figure 2 - Buried Piping Excavation Calculation Example (1) Internal diameter of 4-inch pipe (d) = 4.026 inches = 10.23 cm = 0.1023 m (Attachment 2, Schedule 40 Pipe Dimensions), (5)

(2) Length of pipe (h) = 2000 cm = 20 m (3) Zion soil density = 1.8 g/cm3 = 1.8E+6 g/m3 (6)

(4) Volume of pipe = r2h = *(d/2)2*h = 0.1642 m3 = 1.64E+5 cm3 (5) Mass within pipe = Volume

  • Density = 2.96E+5 g (6) Concentration within pipe at DCGL for Cs-137 = 15.8 pCi/g
  • Mass in pipe = 4.67E+6 pCi (7) Convert concentration to dpm = 2.54E+6 pCi*2.22dpm/pCi = 1.04E+7 dpm (8) Surface Area within cylinder (not including the open ends) = 2rh = 2**(d/2)*h = 6.425 m2

= 6.425E+4 cm2 (9) Surface Activity = (Concentration in dpm/Surface Area in cm2)*100 (factor for 100 cm2 area) = 1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2 (this value italicized below in Table 2)

A list of the surface activity levels within each of the pipe diameters is provided in Table 2. The assumption is made that the contamination within the pipe is at the surface DCGL for each of the ROC. The spreadsheet containing the calculations for each applicable diameter of pipe is provided as Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 2 - Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping Corresponding to Surface Soil DCGL Concentrations Pipe Internal Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 Diameter (inches) dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 1.0 4.21E+03 1.25E+03 1.30E+03 1.06E+06 3.83E+03 1.25 5.53E+03 1.65E+03 2.63E+03 1.40E+06 5.04E+03 1.5 6.45E+03 1.92E+03 3.06E+03 1.63E+06 5.88E+03 2.0 8.29E+03 2.47E+03 3.93E+03 2.10E+06 7.55E+03 2.5 9.90E+03 2.94E+03 4.70E+03 2.51E+06 9.02E+03 3.0 1.23E+04 3.66E+03 5.84E+03 3.11E+06 1.12E+04 3.5 1.42E+04 4.23E+03 6.75E+03 3.60E+06 1.30E+04 4.0 1.61E+04 4.80E+03 7.66E+03 4.09E+06 1.47E+04 5.0 2.02E+04 6.02E+03 9.60E+03 5.12E+06 1.84E+04 6.0 2.43E+04 7.23E+03 1.15E+04 6.16E+06 2.22E+04 8.0 3.20E+04 9.52E+03 1.52E+04 8.10E+06 2.92E+04 10.0 4.02E+04 1.19E+04 1.91E+04 1.02E+07 3.66E+04 12.0 4.79E+04 1.42E+04 2.27E+04 1.21E+07 4.36E+04 14.0 5.26E+04 1.57E+04 2.50E+04 1.33E+07 4.80E+04 16.0 6.01E+04 1.79E+04 2.85E+04 1.52E+07 5.48E+04 18.0 6.77E+04 2.01E+04 3.21E+04 1.71E+07 6.17E+04 20.0 7.54E+04 2.24E+04 3.58E+04 1.91E+07 6.87E+04 24.0 9.07E+04 2.70E+04 4.31E+04 2.30E+07 8.27E+04 32.0 1.23E+05 3.65E+04 5.83E+04 3.11E+07 1.12E+05 34.0 1.31E+05 3.89E+04 6.21E+04 3.31E+07 1.19E+05 36.0 1.38E+05 4.11E+04 6.57E+04 3.50E+07 1.26E+05 42.0 1.62E+05 4.83E+04 7.71E+04 4.11E+07 1.48E+05 Note: This table is a summary of the results from Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations 3.3. Buried Pipe Surface Activity DCGL Calculations 3.3.1. Buried Piping Area Factor Calculations RESRAD was used to calculate generic Area Factors (AF) for surface soil at ZNPS. These AFs are presented in Table 3 of TSD 14-011, (7) and are reproduced as Table 3 below.

AFs specific to buried piping were calculated using the surface area of the excavated piping volume after spreading over a depth of 0.15 m. The AFs were determined for each pipe diameter by interpolation using the data in Table 4. A list of the AFs specific to buried piping is presented in Table 4; the full table is provided in Attachment 4. Using the 4-inch diameter buried pipe as the example, the AF for Cs-137 was calculated as follows:

(1) Volume of pipe = r2h = *(d/2)2*h = 0.1642 m3 (from Attachment 4, Buried Piping Surface Area Calculations)

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 (2) Divide the volume by the depth of the contamination to get the surface area =

0.1642 m3/0.15 m = 1.095 m2 Table 3 - Surface Soil Area Factors Area Factors for Radionuclides of Concern Area (m2)

Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 0.01 1.50E+03 1.23E+03 1.33E+03 3.31E+05 8.40E+04 0.03 4.98E+02 4.09E+02 4.42E+02 1.76E+05 3.03E+04 0.10 1.50E+02 1.23E+02 1.33E+02 6.92E+04 8.52E+03 0.30 4.98E+01 4.09E+01 4.42E+01 2.57E+04 2.88E+03 1 1.50E+01 1.23E+01 1.33E+01 8.06E+03 8.90E+02 3 6.46E+00 5.24E+00 5.73E+00 2.73E+03 3.13E+02 10 3.06E+00 2.47E+00 2.72E+00 8.23E+02 1.03E+02 30 2.10E+00 1.68E+00 1.86E+00 2.75E+02 4.02E+01 100 1.62E+00 1.29E+00 1.44E+00 8.26E+01 1.64E+01 300 1.46E+00 1.16E+00 1.30E+00 2.75E+01 6.14E+00 1,000 1.33E+00 1.08E+00 1.20E+00 8.26E+00 1.88E+00 3,000 1.26E+00 1.05E+00 1.16E+00 4.68E+00 1.72E+00 10,000 1.13E+00 1.02E+00 1.08E+00 1.86E+00 1.33E+00 64,500 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 Note: From TSD 14-011 (3) Using the data within Table 3, the new AF for a 4-inch diameter pipe at the Cs-137 DCGL is calculated by interpolation to be 1.395E+01 (See Table 4, italicized). Refer to Attachment 4 for interpolation calculations example.

3.3.2. Buried Piping Initial DCGLs The Initial DCGLs for the various pipe diameters can now be determined by multiplying the surface activity levels determined within the piping (Table 3) by the corresponding AF in Table 5. Again using the 4-inch pipe example, the derived DCGL for a 20 meter length section of pipe is calculated as follows:

(1) Surface activity corresponding to the 0.15 m soil DCGL for Cs-137 for a 4-inch pipe =

1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2 (from Table 2)

(2) Area Factor = 1.39E+01 (from Table 3)

(3) Derived Surface Activity DCGL = 1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2

  • 1.39E+01 =

2.25E+05 dpm/100 cm2 (italicized in Table 5)

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 4 - Area Factors for ROC Based on Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Surface Area for Soil Pipe Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 Spread with Depth of Diameter Area Area Area Area Area 0.15 m (in) Factors Factors Factors Factors Factors (m2) 1.0 0.074 2.02E+02 1.66E+02 1.79E+02 8.74E+04 6.50E+03 1.25 0.129 1.16E+02 9.53E+01 1.03E+02 5.50E+04 6.63E+03 1.5 0.175 8.54E+01 7.02E+01 7.58E+01 4.18E+04 4.91E+03 2.0 0.289 5.17E+01 4.25E+01 4.59E+01 2.65E+04 2.99E+03 2.5 0.412 3.63E+01 2.98E+01 3.22E+01 1.89E+04 2.12E+03 3.0 0.636 2.35E+01 1.93E+01 2.09E+01 1.25E+04 1.38E+03 3.5 0.850 1.76E+01 1.45E+01 1.56E+01 9.42E+03 1.04E+03 4.0 1.095 1.39E+01 1.15E+01 1.24E+01 7.37E+03 8.16E+02 5.0 1.720 9.88E+00 8.07E+00 8.76E+00 4.72E+03 5.31E+02 6.0 2.484 7.46E+00 6.07E+00 6.62E+00 3.29E+03 3.74E+02 8.0 4.301 5.17E+00 4.18E+00 4.58E+00 1.91E+03 2.24E+02 10.0 6.780 3.89E+00 3.15E+00 3.46E+00 1.21E+03 1.47E+02 12.0 9.624 3.13E+00 2.53E+00 2.79E+00 8.55E+02 1.07E+02 14.0 11.631 2.91E+00 2.34E+00 2.58E+00 7.08E+02 9.04E+01 16.0 15.194 2.65E+00 2.13E+00 2.35E+00 5.42E+02 7.20E+01 18.0 19.232 2.45E+00 1.96E+00 2.17E+00 4.29E+02 5.88E+01 20.0 23.897 2.27E+00 1.82E+00 2.01E+00 3.45E+02 4.89E+01 24.0 34.563 2.04E+00 1.63E+00 1.80E+00 2.39E+02 3.62E+01 32.0 63.329 1.79E+00 1.43E+00 1.59E+00 1.30E+02 2.31E+01 34.0 71.870 1.74E+00 1.39E+00 1.54E+00 1.15E+02 2.10E+01 36.0 80.374 1.70E+00 1.35E+00 1.51E+00 1.03E+02 1.93E+01 42.0 110.761 1.58E+00 1.28E+00 1.43E+00 7.46E+01 1.50E+01 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length The initial DCGLs for various pipe diameters and each of the ROC are provided in Table 5. The spreadsheet for all the derived DCGL and AF calculations is provided as Attachment 5.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 5 - Buried Piping Initial DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Pipe Initial DCGLs (dpm/100 cm2)

Diameter (in) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 1.0 8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05 9.29E+10 2.49E+07 1.25 6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05 7.71E+10 3.34E+07 1.5 5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05 6.83E+10 2.89E+07 2.0 4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05 5.57E+10 2.26E+07 2.5 3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05 4.74E+10 1.91E+07 3.0 2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05 3.88E+10 1.55E+07 3.5 2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05 3.39E+10 1.35E+07 4.0 2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04 3.01E+10 1.20E+07 5.0 2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04 2.42E+10 9.79E+06 6.0 1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04 2.02E+10 8.29E+06 8.0 1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04 1.54E+10 6.54E+06 10.0 1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04 1.23E+10 5.39E+06 12.0 1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04 1.04E+10 4.65E+06 14.0 1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04 9.43E+09 4.34E+06 16.0 1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04 8.26E+09 3.94E+06 18.0 1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04 7.34E+09 3.63E+06 20.0 1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04 6.59E+09 3.36E+06 24.0 1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04 5.48E+09 2.99E+06 32.0 2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04 4.05E+09 2.58E+06 34.0 2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04 3.80E+09 2.51E+06 36.0 2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04 3.60E+09 2.44E+06 42.0 2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05 3.06E+09 2.22E+06 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length

4. IN SITU BURIED PIPING SCENARIO Section 3 of this TSD describes the Buried Piping excavation scenario and provides the approach, considerations and calculations used to develop the Initial DCGLs for buried piping. Table 5 of this TSD provides the interior surface Initial DCGLs (in dpm/100 cm2) for different diameters of buried piping. As stated in section 3, the scenario assumes that the excavated piping instantaneously disintegrates and is mixed with a 0.15 meter thick column of soil. After excavation of a pipe the balance of the buried piping would remain in situ. The dose that could be associated from the remaining in situ piping is examined.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 6 - Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory Page 15 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 4.1. Excavations and Buried Piping This scenario includes the inventory of those piping systems having a potential for contamination.

The inventory of potentially contaminated buried piping anticipated to remain, as listed in Table 6, is assumed to be contaminated at the maximum Initial DCGL related to that diameter of piping and its expected length and associated area factor as noted in Table 6.

Table 6 provides the individual radionuclide inventory for Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ni-63 and Sr-90 associated with each section of piping that could remain as based on the current prospective contaminated buried piping inventory. Included in Table 6 are summations for the above radionuclides and the volume of potentially contaminated buried piping that could remain. The inventory is based on the pCi/g value found in Attachment 3 for the specific pipe diameter times the area factor found in Table 4 and the specific length of piping noted in Table 6.

The scenario also assumes that all the remaining potentially contaminated buried piping is conservatively located in one contiguous volume at one meter below the soil surface (a 1.0 m cap of clean native soil). The unsaturated zone is therefore at 1.6 m. The soil density is assumed to be 1.8 g/cm3. The total volume for the potentially contaminated buried piping expected to remain is 9.66 m3. It is conservatively assumed that all the prospective contaminated buried piping is then located in a region that is 9.66 m2 and 1m thick The Argonne National Laboratory developed software RESRAD V7.0 was used to determine the DCGLs associated with this scenario. The parameters used are provided in Attachment 6 and are based on the Soil DCGL determination found in TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model Dose Factors and Soil DCGLs and Calculation of Basement Fill Model Dose Factors (2). A sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the sensitive parameters associated with the presence of a 1 m cover which differs from the soil DCGL assumptions. The probabilistic input parameters, total dose summary, dose vs pathway, cumulative probability summary for total dose over pathways, and coefficient for peak all pathway dose for each repetition is provided in the Uncertainty Report provided in Attachment 7. The most sensitivity parameters were found to be the root depth for all examined radionuclides and this value which was 1.22 m for surface soil DCGLs was changed to 3.07 m for the buried piping scenario. The plant transfer factor for Sr-90 was also sensitive and positively correlated but this parameter was already set at the 75th percentile in the soil DCG: parameter set that was used.

The buried piping Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 were adjusted to address the in situ dose contribution since the dose form the excavation scenario and in situ scenario are additive.

Therefore, the Initial DCGL for the excavated buried piping (Table 5) must be adjusted such that the final DCGL represents a total dose of 25 mrem/yr considering both the excavation and in situ scenarios.

Table 7 presents the results of the RESRAD code runs for the potentially contaminated buried piping in situ scenario. The RESRAD Summary Report for the 9.66 m2 area (9.66 m3 region), is provided in Attachment 8. Table 7 provides the nuclides of interest specific concentrations based on the volume and area of the residual buried piping that could conservatively remain following the excavation scenario presented in section 3. Table 7 examines the potential buried piping in situ inventory for the radionuclides noted and provides the in situ inventory concentration in pCi/g. The Buried Piping Inventory concentration in pCi/g is multiplied by the RESRAD generated In Situ mrem/y per pCi/g value to obtain the in situ dose (column 6 of Table 7). A dose in the excess of 25 Page 16 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 mrem/y indicates that the Buried Piping Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 must be adjusted to account the In Situ Buried Piping Dose. The last column of Table 7, Buried Piping Adjustment Factors, presents the adjustment or correction factor that is used to reduce the Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 to ensure the soil DCGLs are not exceeded as based on the sum of the excavation and In Situ Buried Piping Scenarios.

Table 9 (Buried Piping Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length) provides the adjusted Final buried piping DCGLs. Note that the final DCGLs for Ni-63 and Sr-90 include an additional adjustment as described in section 4.2.

Table 7 - Buried Piping In Situ Concentrations and Adjustment Factors Buried Buried In Situ Buried Piping In Situ Piping Piping Nuclide mrem per Inventorya Dosec Inventoryb Adjustment pCi/g (pCi) (mrem/y)

(pCi/g) Factord BP and Adjustment Factors for 9.66 m3 and Length Parallel to Aquifer Flow of 3.5 m Co-60 8.309E-04 2.31E+08 1.33E+01 1.105E-02 1.00E+00 Cs-134 1.273E-03 4.85E+08 2.79E+01 3.552E-02 9.99E-01 Cs-137 1.011E-03 1.15E+09 6.61E+01 6.683E-02 9.97E-01 Ni-63 1.527E-05 1.01E+14 5.81E+06 8.872E+01 2.20E-01 Sr-90 2.815E-02 8.27E+10 4.76E+03 1.339E+02 1.57E-01 a

Buried Piping Inventory from Table 6 Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory b

Calculated by converting "Area of Contaminated Zone" from m3 to grams by multiplying by density of soil at 1.8 g/cm3 c

Calculated by multiplying the In situ mrem/pCi/g value by the pCi/g Buried Piping Inventory d

Calculated by dividing the annual dose rate of 25 mrem/yr by the annual dose rate plus the in situ dose rate (mrem/y) 4.2. Buried Piping Inventory (9.66 m3) Comparison to House Excavation (600 m3) Scenario As a final check, the Buried Piping Inventory from Table 7 was assumed to be excavated and mixed with the 600 m3 of soil excavated during the Resident Farmers house construction. The buried piping concentration in Table 8 is the In Situ Buried Piping Inventory (in pCi/g) (from column 4 of Table 7) multiplied by the ratio of the buried piping to the house excavation volumes. Where: (9.66 m3)/(600 m3) = 0.0161.

Table 8 - Buried Piping Inventory and Surface Soil DCGL Buried Inventory Buried Adjusted Surface Soil Piping adjusted by Piping Buried Piping DCGL Nuclide Inventory Excavation Adjustment Inventory (pCi/g)

(pCi/g) Ratio (0.0161) Factor (pCi/g) (See Table 1)

Co-60 1.33E+01 0.214 Not Used 0.214 4.7 Cs-134 2.79E+01 0.449 Not Used 0.449 7.5 Cs-137 6.61E+01 1.064 Not Used 1.064 15.8 Ni-63 5.81E+06 9.354E+04 2.20E-01 2.058E+04 3.995E+03 Sr-90 4.76E+03 76.64 1.57E-01 12.03 14.4 As can be seen in Table 8 (Column 5) the adjusted Buried Piping Inventory concentration for Ni-63 following adjustments based on Table 7 is greater than the surface soil DCGL. In order to address this condition the Ni-63 Initial DCGLs were further reduced by a factor of 5.15 (2.058E+04 pCi/g divided by 3.995E+3 pCi/g) which is the ratio of the Ni-63 adjusted buried piping inventory in Table 8, column 5 by the Ni-63 surface soil DCGL in Table 8, column 9. The calculation ensures Page 17 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 that the excavated concentrations will be at or below the DCGLs for all ROC. The 5.15 adjustment factor is included in the DCGLs reported in Table 9.

Table 9 - Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Pipe Final DCGL (dpm/100 cm2)

Diameter (in) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 1.0 8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05 3.96E+09 3.91E+06 1.25 6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05 3.29E+09 5.24E+06 1.5 5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05 2.92E+09 4.54E+06 2.0 4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05 2.38E+09 3.55E+06 2.5 3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05 2.02E+09 3.00E+06 3.0 2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05 1.66E+09 2.43E+06 3.5 2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05 1.45E+09 2.12E+06 4.0 2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04 1.28E+09 1.88E+06 5.0 2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04 1.03E+09 1.54E+06 6.0 1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04 8.62E+08 1.30E+06 8.0 1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04 6.57E+08 1.03E+06 10.0 1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04 5.25E+08 8.46E+05 12.0 1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04 4.44E+08 7.30E+05 14.0 1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04 4.02E+08 6.81E+05 16.0 1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04 3.53E+08 6.19E+05 18.0 1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04 3.13E+08 5.70E+05 20.0 1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04 2.81E+08 5.28E+05 24.0 1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04 2.34E+08 4.69E+05 32.0 2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04 1.73E+08 4.05E+05 34.0 2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04 1.62E+08 3.94E+05 36.0 2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04 1.54E+08 3.83E+05 42.0 2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05 1.31E+08 3.49E+05 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length

5. CONCLUSION Buried piping area factors and interior surface activity DCGLs for buried piping as found in Table 9 have been conservatively determined using methods that are consistent with NUREG 1757, Volume 2, Appendix J (4). Table 10 presents the most conservative buried piping DCGL values for each ROC and pipe diameter. These conservative DCGLs are intended to be used for the final surveys of all buried piping.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 10 - Buried Piping DCGLs) for ROC and Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length DCGL Pipe Diameter ROC (dpm/100 cm2) (inches)

Cs-137 1.50E+05 1.20E+01 C0-60 3.60E+04 1.20E+01 Cs-134 6.33E+04 1.20E+01 Ni-63 1.31E+08 4.20E+01 Sr-90 3.49E+05 4.20E+01 The above values are used in conjunction with the buried piping nuclide fractions to determine the buried piping DCGL and surrogate relationships.

1. 10 CFR 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation, Subpart ERadiological Criteria for License Termination
2. TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model Dose Factors and Soil DCGLs and Calculation of Basement Fill Model Dose Factors. Zion, Illinois : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.
3. TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Basement Fill Model Source Term and Surrogate Ratios. Zion, Illinois : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.
4. NUREG-1757 Vol. 2, Rev. 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, September 2006.
5. flow/steel-pipe-schedule-40.htm, [Online]
6. Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters in Support of Dose Modeling for the Zion Restoration Project, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Chicago, IL,September 2014, Reference No.054638, Revision 5, Report No. 3.
7. TSD 14-011, Soil DCGLs and Area Factors. Zion : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0

7. ATTACHMENTS 7.1. Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory 7.2. Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions 7.3. Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations 7.4. Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for Specific Surface Areas 7.5. Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 m Length 7.6. Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation 7.7. Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for ZSRP Buried Piping 7.8. Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report For Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Page 20 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m3 feet IRSF Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 1 0.025 185 56.388 4.50 0.029 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 3 0.076 185 56.388 13.49 0.257 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 3 0.076 185 56.388 13.49 0.257 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB Tank Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 130 39.624 3.16 0.020 ~587' 12112 grounding cable Unit 1 CST 1006 Tank to Crib House ground Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 130 39.624 3.16 0.020 ~587' 12103 grounding cable Unit 2 CST 1006 Tank to Crib House ground Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 71 21.641 1.73 0.011 ~587' 12113 grounding cable Unit 1 PWST 1006 Tank to M.H. #1D Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 71 21.641 1.73 0.011 ~587' 12103 grounding cable Unit 2 PWST 1006 Tank to M.H. #2D Lead clad 400MCM Fuel Oil Tank Berm 22E 1 0.025 125 38.100 3.04 0.019 ~587' 12203 grounding cable Sump 1006 Tank to M.H. #1D 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 200 60.960 193.08 33.036 586' 12112 Cable duct package Unit 1 CST 1009 CST to C-35 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 30 9.144 29.88 4.955 586' 12113 Cable duct package Unit 1 PWST 1009 PWST to M.H. #1D 22E 18 x 11.5 0.46 x 0.29 89 27.127 40.92 3.623 586' 12203 Cable duct package Fuel Oil Tank 1009 Fuel oil tank to M.H. # 1D 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 200 60.960 193.08 33.036 586' 12103 Cable duct package Unit 2 CST 1009 CST to C-5 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 30 9.144 29.88 4.955 586' 12103 Cable duct package Unit 2 PWST 1009 PWST to M.H. #2D Page 21 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Size Length Volume Elevation Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Crib House Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities M-100 /

Circulating water supply- 17 0.432 100 30.480 41.33 4.461 552' Crib House to Turbine M-105 / splits off to (2) 12' pipes feeding into 12204 Unit 1 Building M-272 turbine building after 100' M-100 /

Circulating water supply- 17 0.432 100 30.480 41.33 4.461 552' Crib House to Turbine M-105 / splits off to (2) 12' pipes feeding into 12204 Unit 1 Building M-272 turbine building after 100' Circ. Water supply drain - Drain located under circ water pipe 14 0.356 20 6.096 6.81 0.605 ~540' 12204 Unit 1 Crib House M-100 ~11' back from east end of 17' pipe Circ. Water supply drain - Drain located under circ water pipe 14 0.356 20 6.096 6.81 0.605 ~540' 12204 Unit 2 Crib House M-100 ~11' back from east end of 17' pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe to crib house 8 0.203 15 4.572 2.92 0.148 537' 12204 drain - Unit 1 Crib House B-478 west wall Circ. Water inlet pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe to crib house 8 0.203 15 4.572 2.92 0.148 537' 12204 drain - Unit 2 Crib House B-478 west wall Circ. Water discharge Circ. Water discharge tunnel to crib 8 0.203 142 43.282 27.62 1.403 537' 12204 tunnel drain - unit 1 Crib House B-478 house west wall Circ. Water discharge Circ. Water discharge tunnel to crib 8 0.203 142 43.282 27.62 1.403 537' 12204 tunnel drain - unit 2 Crib House B-478 house west wall Service water supply M-105 48 1.219 40 12.192 46.67 14.226 579' 12204 header - unit 1 Crib House sh.1&2 turbine building to crib house Service water supply M-105 48 1.219 40 12.192 46.67 14.226 579' 12204 header - unit 2 Crib House sh.1&2 turbine building to crib house Circ water intake to 16 0.406 150 45.720 58.34 5.928 558' 12204 forebay (X3) Crib House B-31 / B-7 connects to forebay from lake ice melting pipe to forebay B-31 / M- from discharge tunnel to forebay 12 0.305 65 19.812 18.96 1.445 558' 12204 - Unit 1 Forebay area 100 intake ice melting pipe to forebay B-31 / M- from discharge tunnel to forebay 12 0.305 65 19.812 18.96 1.445 558' 12204 - Unit 2 Forebay area 100 intake Ice melting pipe to B-31 / M- From 12' ice melt pipe to east side of 8 0.203 20 6.096 3.89 0.198 558' 12204 forebay - Unit 1 Forebay area 100 forebay Ice melting pipe to B-31 / M- From 12' ice melt pipe to east side of 8 0.203 20 6.096 3.89 0.198 558' 12204 forebay - Unit 2 Forebay area 100 forebay Page 22 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m3 feet Turbine Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities M-10 / M-138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' 12205 Circ water intake - unit 1 Turbine Building 780 Circ water intake from crib house M-10 / M-138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' 12205 Circ water intake - unit 1 Turbine Building 780 Circ water intake from crib house Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 1 Turbine Building M-780 discharge tunnel Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 1 Turbine Building M-780 discharge tunnel 12205 Circ water intake - unit 2 138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' Turbine Building M-15 Circ water intake from crib house 12205 Circ water intake - unit 2 138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' Turbine Building M-15 Circ water intake from crib house Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 2 Turbine Building M-15 discharge tunnel Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 2 Turbine Building M-15 discharge tunnel Aux Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 554.75' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 553.25' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 554.75' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 553.25' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water supply 48 1.219 60 18.288 70.01 21.340 549.67' 108 header Auxiliary Building M-102 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water supply 48 1.219 60 18.288 70.01 21.340 549.67' 108 header Auxiliary Building M-102 12105/12106/12107/12 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 108 Safety injection Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' Page 23 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments 2 3 inches m feet m m m feet 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 570' 108 Service water Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 570' 108 Fire protection Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 570' 108 Instrument air Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 569.33' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 569.33' 108 Service air Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569.33' 108 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569.33' 108 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 108 Safety injection Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 Page 24 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Aux Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12105/12106/12107/121 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2.5 0.064 20 6.096 1.22 0.019 570' 08 Waste disposal Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 570' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 569' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569' 08 Service water Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 569' 08 Service air Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Waste drain? Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-162 12105/12106/12107/121 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 570' 08 Feedwater Auxiliary Building M-162 12105/12106/12107/121 4 0.102 20 06.096 1.94 0.049 550' 08 Line with flange Auxiliary Building  ?

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TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Waste Water Treatment Facility Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12102 Force Main 8 0.203 80 24.384 15.56 0.790 586'-587' WWTF B-1003 from MH #3 to equalization tank drops down to 578' at eq, tank 12102 Sludge drying bed drain 6 0.152 47 14.326 6.86 0.261 588' WWTF B-1003 sump Fire sump discharge line 12102 & heater bay roof drain 6 0.152 53 16.154 7.73 0.295 578' WWTF B-1003 Runs to equalization tank & sump lines at 575' Forebay Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities WWTF discharge to 12204 8 0.203 342 104.242 66.51 3.379 586'9' forebay WWTF to forebay B-1005 WWTF north wall to north 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 1 8 0.203 25 7.620 4.86 0.247 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to forebay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 1 12 0.305 71 21.589 20.66 1.574 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to after bay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 2 8 0.203 25 7.620 4.86 0.247 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to forebay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 2 12 0.305 71 21.589 20.66 1.574 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to after bay Fuel Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12107 1CC080 - Unit 1 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1CC078 - Unit 1 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD148 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD147 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD149 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SI012 - Unit 1 24 0.610 4 1.219 2.33 0.356 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0DL100 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SF022 - Unit 1 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SF008 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0FP016 - Unit 1 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SW181 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0IA004 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD146 - Unit 1 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SA014 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12106 2CC080 - Unit 2 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2CC078 - Unit 2 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2AD148 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT Page 26 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet 12106 2AD147 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SI012 - Unit 2 24 0.610 4 1.219 2.33 0.356 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0SF012 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SF022 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SF008 - Unit 2 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0WD059 - Unit 2 2.5 0.064 4 1.219 0.24 0.004 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2DW014 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2AD146 - Unit 2 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SW243 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SA012 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2DW008 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0CT061 - Unit 2 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT feet meter m2 m3 Total 5375 1638.30 4846.64 3314.32 Note: If additional piping, not included in this inventory is discovered, this inventory will be updated and the new information evaluated and necessary adjustments will be performed.

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Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Dimensions Revision 0 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions ASME/ANSI B36.10/19 Diameter (Inches) Wall (inches)

Inches Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Thickness 1.0 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.25 1.38 1.66 0.14 1.5 1.61 1.9 0.145 2.0 2.067 2.375 0.154 2.5 2.469 2.875 0.203 3.0 3.068 3.5 0.216 3.5 3.548 4 0.226 4.0 4.026 4.5 0.237 5.0 5.047 5.563 0.258 6.0 6.065 6.625 0.28 8.0 7.981 8.625 0.322 10.0 10.02 10.75 0.365 12.0 11.938 12.75 0.406 14.0 13.124 14 0.438 16.0 15 16 0.5 18.0 16.876 18 0.562 20.0 18.812 20 0.594 24.0 22.624 24 0.688 32.0 30.624 32 0.688 34.0 32.624 34 0.688 36.0 34.5 36 0.75 42.0 40.5 42 0.75 Data from: Page 28 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 29 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 30 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 31 of 107

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TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 35 of 107

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TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 45 of 107

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TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 47 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 48 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 49 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 NOTE: The summary of these results is provided in Table 3: Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping with Various Internal Diameters Page 50 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 51 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 52 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 53 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 54 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Note: This is a compilation of data from Attachments 2 and 3 and Tables 2 through 5.

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Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Diameter Pipes at 20 Meters Length Revision 0 Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 Meters Length Surface Area Pipe Inside Inside Pipe Pipe for Soil Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 New DCGL (dpm/100 cm2)

Sr-90 Area Diameter Diameter Diameter Surface Volume Spread with Area Area Area Area Factors (in) (in) (cm) Area (m2) (m3) Depth of Factor Factors Factors Factors

.15m (m2) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 1.0 1.049 2.664 1.673 0.0111 0.074 2.02E+02 1.66E+02 1.79E+02 8.74E+04 6.50E+03 8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05 9.29E+10 2.49E+07 1.25 1.380 3.505 2.201 0.0193 0.129 1.16E+02 9.53E+01 1.03E+02 5.50E+04 6.63E+03 6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05 7.71E+10 3.34E+07 1.5 1.610 4.089 2.568 0.0263 0.175 8.54E+01 7.02E+01 7.58E+01 4.18E+04 4.91E+03 5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05 6.83E+10 2.89E+07 2.0 2.067 5.250 3.297 0.0433 0.289 5.17E+01 4.25E+01 4.59E+01 2.65E+04 2.99E+03 4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05 5.57E+10 2.26E+07 2.5 2.469 6.271 3.938 0.0617 0.412 3.63E+01 2.98E+01 3.22E+01 1.89E+04 2.12E+03 3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05 4.74E+10 1.91E+07 3.0 3.068 7.793 4.894 0.0953 0.636 2.35E+01 1.93E+01 2.09E+01 1.25E+04 1.38E+03 2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05 3.88E+10 1.55E+07 3.5 3.548 9.012 5.659 0.1275 0.850 1.76E+01 1.45E+01 1.56E+01 9.42E+03 1.04E+03 2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05 3.39E+10 1.35E+07 4.0 4.026 10.226 6.422 0.1642 1.095 1.39E+01 1.15E+01 1.24E+01 7.37E+03 8.16E+02 2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04 3.01E+10 1.20E+07 5.0 5.047 12.819 8.051 0.2580 1.720 9.88E+00 8.07E+00 8.76E+00 4.72E+03 5.31E+02 2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04 2.42E+10 9.79E+06 6.0 6.065 15.405 9.674 0.3726 2.484 7.46E+00 6.07E+00 6.62E+00 3.29E+03 3.74E+02 1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04 2.02E+10 8.29E+06 8.0 7.981 20.272 12.731 0.6452 4.301 5.17E+00 4.18E+00 4.58E+00 1.91E+03 2.24E+02 1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04 1.54E+10 6.54E+06 10.0 10.020 25.451 15.983 1.0170 6.780 3.89E+00 3.15E+00 3.46E+00 1.21E+03 1.47E+02 1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04 1.23E+10 5.39E+06 12.0 11.938 30.323 19.043 1.4435 9.624 3.13E+00 2.53E+00 2.79E+00 8.55E+02 1.07E+02 1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04 1.04E+10 4.65E+06 14.0 13.124 33.335 20.934 1.7446 11.631 2.91E+00 2.34E+00 2.58E+00 7.08E+02 9.04E+01 1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04 9.43E+09 4.34E+06 16.0 15.000 38.100 23.927 2.2790 15.194 2.65E+00 2.13E+00 2.35E+00 5.42E+02 7.20E+01 1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04 8.26E+09 3.94E+06 18.0 16.876 42.865 26.919 2.8847 19.232 2.45E+00 1.96E+00 2.17E+00 4.29E+02 5.88E+01 1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04 7.34E+09 3.63E+06 20.0 18.812 47.782 30.007 3.5846 23.897 2.27E+00 1.82E+00 2.01E+00 3.45E+02 4.89E+01 1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04 6.59E+09 3.36E+06 24.0 22.624 57.465 36.088 5.1845 34.563 2.04E+00 1.63E+00 1.80E+00 2.39E+02 3.62E+01 1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04 5.48E+09 2.99E+06 32.0 30.624 77.785 48.849 9.4993 63.329 1.79E+00 1.43E+00 1.59E+00 1.30E+02 2.31E+01 2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04 4.05E+09 2.58E+06 34.0 32.624 82.865 52.039 10.7806 71.870 1.74E+00 1.39E+00 1.54E+00 1.15E+02 2.10E+01 2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04 3.80E+09 2.51E+06 36.0 34.500 87.630 55.032 12.0561 80.374 1.70E+00 1.35E+00 1.51E+00 1.03E+02 1.93E+01 2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04 3.60E+09 2.44E+06 42.0 40.500 102.870 64.602 16.6141 110.761 1.58E+00 1.28E+00 1.43E+00 7.46E+01 1.50E+01 2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05 3.06E+09 2.22E+06 Page 56 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Soil Concentrations Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/y) 3 D 25 10 CFR 20.1402 NR NR NR NR Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g) P 2 D 1 Unit Value NR NR NR NR Distribution coefficients (contaminated, unsaturated, and saturated zones) (cm3/g)

Co-60 P 1 D 1161 TSD 14-0042 5.46 2.53 0.001 0.999 235 2

Cs-134 P 1 D 615 TSD 14-004 6.1 2.33 0.001 0.999 446 Cs-137 P 1 D 615 TSD 14-0042 6.1 2.33 0.001 0.999 446 Ni-63 P 1 D 62 TSD 14-0042 6.05 1.46 0.001 0.999 424 2

Sr-90 P 1 D 2.3 TSD 14-004 3.45 2.12 0.001 0.999 32 Initial concentration of radionuclides P 3 D 0 No existing groundwater NR NR NR NR present in groundwater (pCi/l) contamination Calculation Times Time since placement of material (y) P 3 D 0 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Time for calculations (y) P 3 D 0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Contaminated Zone Area of contaminated zone (m2) P 2 D 9.66 Estimated Volume of Buried NR NR NR NR Piping that will remain.

Thickness of contaminated zone (m) P 2 D 1.0 Contaminated Zone due to NR NR NR NR buried piping is assumed to be located 1 m below the surface cap and is 1 m thick.

Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) P 2 D 3.5 Diameter of 9.61, 20 and 40 m2 NR NR NR NR contaminated areas.

Does the initial contamination penetrate NA NA NA No No initial contamination in NA NA NA NA the water table? water table Contaminated fraction below water Pe 3e D 0 No initial contamination in NR NR NR NR table water table Cover and Contaminated Zone Hydrological Data Cover depth (m) P 2 D 1 Soil Cover is 1 m thick NR NR NR NR 3

Density of cover (g/cm ) P 1 D 1.8 Cover soil density assumes 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.51 same density of site soil From CRA Table 5.5 Cover erosion rate (m/y) P,B 2 D 0.0015 Median 5E-08 0.0007 0.005 0.2 0.0015 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Density of contaminated zone P 1 D 1.8 Site-specific average native 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.51 (g/cm3) sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.5.

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Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/y) P,B 2 D 0.0015 Median 5E-08 0.0007 0.005 0.2 0.0015 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Contaminated zone total porosity P 2 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.06 0.001 0.999 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Contaminated zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.4 Contaminated zone hydraulic P 2 D 2880 Site-specific value from CRA 786 17000 NA NA 3649 conductivity (m/y) Table 5.9 Contaminated zone b parameter P 2 D 0.97 Median -0.0253 0.216 NA NA 0.97 NUREG 6697 distribution for site soil type - sand Humidity in air (g/m3) P 3 D 7.2 Median 1.98 0.334 0.001 0.999 7.2 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Evapotranspiration coefficient P 2 D 0.625 Median 0.5 0.75 NR NR 0.625 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Average annual wind speed (m/s) P 2 D 4.2 Median 1.445 0.2419 1.4 13 4.2 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Precipitation (m/y) P 2 D 0.83 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.12 Irrigation (m/y) B 3 D 0.19 NUREG-5512, Vol. 3, Table 6- NR NR NR NR 18 (Illinois Average)

Irrigation mode B 3 D Overhead Overhead irrigation is common NR NR NR NR practice in U. S.

Runoff coefficient P 2 D 0.2 Site-specific value from CRA 0.1 0.8 NR NR 0.45 Section 5.10 Watershed area for nearby stream or P 3 D 1.0E+06 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR pond (m2)

Accuracy for water/soil computations - 3 D 1.00E-03 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Saturated Zone Hydrological Data Density of saturated zone (g/cm3) P 2 D 1.8 Site-specific average native 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.52 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.5.

Saturated zone total porosity P 1 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.0699 0.214 0.646 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Saturated zone effective porosity P 1 D 0.29 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.06 0.001 0.999 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.7 Saturated zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.4 Saturated zone hydraulic P 1 D 2880 Site-specific average from 786 17000 NA NA 3649 conductivity (m/y) CRA Table 5.9.

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Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Saturated zone hydraulic gradient P 2 D 0.0039 Site-specific average native -5.11 1.77 0.00007 0.5 0.006 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.10 Saturated zone b parameter P 2 D NA NUREG/CR-6697, Att. A, NR NR NR NR NR saturated zone b not active Table 2 because water table drop rate

=0 Water table drop rate (m/y) P 3 D 0 Well pumping rate assumed NR NR NR NR small relative to water table volume.

Well pump intake depth (m below water P 2 D 3.3 Mid-point of Shallow Aquifer NA NA NA NA table) CRA Table 5.1 Model: Non-dispersion (ND) or Mass- P 3 D ND Non-dispersion model used NR NR NR NR Balance (MB)

Well pumping rate (m3/y) P 2 D 2250 Calculated according to NR NR NR NR NR method described in NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 3.10 assuming 10,000m2 land area, Illinois specific irrigation rate and NUREG/CR-5512 vol. 3 livestock water intake rate Unsaturated Zone Hydrological Data Number of unsaturated zone strata P 3 D 1 One unsaturated zone NA NA NA NA Unsat. zone thickness (m) P 1 D Distance from ground surface NA NA NA NA 1.6 (591) to water table (579) =

(for 1.0 m contaminated zone 3.6 thickness) CRA Tables 5.1 and 5.2 For 1.0 m contaminated zone thickness unsaturated zone =

2.6 - 1.0 = 1.6 m Unsat. zone soil density (g/cm3) P 2 D 1.8 Site-specific value from CRA NA NA NA NA Table 5.5 Unsat. zone total porosity P 1 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.0699 0.214 0.646 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Unsat. zone effective porosity P 1 D 0.29 Site-specific average native 0.342 0.0705 0.124 0.56 0.342 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.7 Unsat. zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from NR NR NR NR CRA Table 5.4 Page 59 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Unsat. zone hydraulic conductivity P 2 D 2880 Site-specific average from -0.511 1.77 0.00007 0.5 0.006 (m/y) CRA Table 5.9.

Unsat. zone soil-specific b parameter P 2 D 0.97 Median -0.0253 0.216 0.501 1.90 0.97 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Sand soil type Occupancy Inhalation rate (m3/y) M,B 3 D 8400 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 33 NR NR NR NR Table 6.29

(=23 m3/d x 365 d/y)

Mass loading for inhalation (g/m3) P,B 2 D 2.35E-05 Median See See NUREG- See See NUREG- 2.35E-05 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C NUREG- 6697 NUREG- 6697 6697 Table Table 4.6-1 6697 Table Table 4.6-1 4.6-1 4.6-1 Exposure duration B 3 D 30 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR (Parameter not used in dose calculation)

Indoor dust filtration factor P,B 2 D 0.55 Median 0.15 0.95 0.55 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Shielding factor, external gamma P 2 D 0.40 75th Percentile -1.3 0.59 0.044 1 0.272 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Fraction of time spent indoors B 3 D 0.649 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) B 3 D 0.124 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 (outdoors +


Shape factor flag, external gamma P 3 D Circular Circular contaminated zone NR NR NR NR assumed for modeling purposes Ingestion, Dietary Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, grain M,B 2 D 112 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR consumption (kg/y) Table 6.87 (other vegetables +

fruits + grain)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 21.4 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Milk consumption (L/y) M,B 2 D 233 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 65.1 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 (beef + poultry)

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Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Fish consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 20.6 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Note: Aquatic Pathway inactive Other seafood consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 0.9 RESRAD Users Manual Table NR NR NR NR D.2 Note: Aquatic Pathway inactive Soil ingestion rate (g/y) M,B 2 D 18.3 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Drinking water intake (L/y) M,B 2 D 478 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Contamination fraction of drinking B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of household B,P 3 NA water (if used)

Contamination fraction of livestock B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of irrigation B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of aquatic food B,P 2 D NA Assumption that pond is NR NR NR NR constructed that intercepts contaminated water not credible at Zion site Contamination fraction of plant food B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Contamination fraction of meat B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Contamination fraction of milk B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Ingestion, Non-Dietary Livestock fodder intake for meat M 3 D 28.3 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR (kg/day) 6.87 (forage, grain and hay for beef cattle + poultry + layer hen)

Livestock fodder intake for milk M 3 D 65.2 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (kg/day) Table 6.87 (forage + grain +


Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) M 3 D 50.6 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 (beef cattle + poultry +

layer hen)

Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) M 3 D 60 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 Page 61 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Livestock soil intake (kg/day) M 3 D 0.5 RESRAD Users Manual, NR NR NR NR Appendix L Mass loading for foliar deposition P 3 D 4.00E-04 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (g/m3) Table 6.87, gardening Depth of soil mixing layer (m) P 2 D 0.15 for Surface Soil 25th Percentile 0 0.15 0.6 0.23 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 0.23 for Subsurface Soil Median NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Depth of roots (m) P 1 D 3.07 as opposed to surface soil 75th Percentile 0.3 4.0 2.15 at 1.22 m. Sensitivity analysis NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C for this scenario resulted in increased root depth of 3.07 Drinking water fraction from ground B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR water supplied from groundwater Household water fraction from ground B,P 3 NA water (if used)

Livestock water fraction from ground B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR water supplied from groundwater Irrigation fraction from ground water B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR supplied from groundwater Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy P 2 D 1.75 Median 0.56 0.48 0.001 0.999 1.75 (kg/m2) NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m2) P 3 D 2.89 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Wet weight crop yield for Fodder P 3 D 1.91 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (kg/m2) Table 6.87 (maximum of forage, grain and hay)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (y) P 3 D 0.25 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Growing Season for Leafy (y) P 3 D 0.12 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Growing Season for Fodder (y) P 3 D 0.082 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy P 3 D 0.1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Leafy P 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Fodder P 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Weathering Removal Constant for P 2 D 33 Median 5.1 18 84 33 Vegetation (1/y) NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Non-Leafy Table 6.87 Page 62 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 2 D 0.58 Median 0.06 0.67 0.95 0.58 Leafy NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Fodder Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Non-Leafy Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Leafy Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Fodder Table 6.87 Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain B 3 D 14 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Leafy vegetables B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Milk B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Meat and poultry B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 (holdup period for beef = 20d and poultry =1 day.

Lowest value used)

Fish B 3 D 7 RESRAD Users Manual Table NR NR NR NR D.6 Note: Aquatic pathway inactive in BFM Crustacea and mollusks B 3 D 7 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Note: Aquatic pathway inactive in BFM Well water B 3 D 1 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Surface water B 3 D 1 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Livestock fodder B 3 D 45 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Special Radionuclides (C-14)

C-12 concentration in water (g/cm3) P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR C-12 concentration in contaminated P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR soil (g/g)

Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Fraction of vegetation carbon from air P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil P 2 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (m)

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Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median C-14 evasion flux rate from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (1/sec)

C-12 evasion flux rate from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (1/sec)

Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed B 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Fraction of grain in milk cow feed B 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Dose Conversion Factors (Inhalation mrem/pCi)

Co-60 M 3 D 2.19E-04 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-134 M 3 D 4.62E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-137 M 3 D 3.19E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Ni-63 M 3 D 6.29E-06 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Sr-90 M 3 D 1.30E-03 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Dose Conversion Factors (Ingestion mrem/pCi)

Co-60 M 3 D 2.69E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-134 M 3 D 7.33E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-137 M 3 D 5.00E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Ni-63 M 3 D 5.77E-07 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Sr-90 M 3 D 1.42E-04 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Plant Transfer Factors (pCi/g plant)/(pCi/g soil)

Co-60 P 1 D 1.4E-01 75th Percentile -2.53 0.9 7.9E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-134 P 1 D 7.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.22 1.0 4.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 1 D 7.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.22 1.0 4.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 1 D 9.2E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.9 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 1 D 5.9E-01 75th Percentile -1.20 1.0 3.0E-01 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Meat Transfer Factors (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d)

Co-60 P 2 D 5.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.51 1.0 3.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Page 64 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Cs-134 P 2 D 6.5E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.4 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 2 D 6.5E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.4 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 2 D 9.2E-03 75th Percentile -5.30 0.9 5.03E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 2 D 1.3E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.4 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Milk Transfer Factors (pCi/L)/(pCi/d)

Co-60 P 2 D 3.2E-03 75th Percentile -6.21 0.7 2.0E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-134 P 2 D 1.4E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.5 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 2 D 1.4E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.5 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 2 D 3.2E-02 75th Percentile -3.91 0.7 2.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 2 D 2.8E-03 75th Percentile -6.21 0.5 2.0E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Bioaccumulation Factors for Fish ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L))

Co-60 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 5.7 1.1 3.0E+02 Cs-134 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 7.6 0.7 2.0E+03 Cs-137 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 7.6 0.7 2.0E+03 Ni-63 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01 Sr-90 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 4.1 1.1 6.0E+01 Bioaccumulation Factors for Crustacea/ Mollusks ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L))

Co-60 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Cs-134 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Cs-137 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Ni-63 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Sr-90 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Graphics Parameters Number of points 512 NR NR NR NR Spacing log RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Time integration parameters Maximum number of points for dose 17 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Page 65 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/

Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median User Preferences:

Use Line Draw Character Find peak pathway doses Notes:

a P = physical, B = behavioral, M = metabolic; (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.)

b 1 = high-priority parameter, 2 = medium-priority parameter, 3 = low-priority parameter (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.1) c D = deterministic, S = stochastic d

Distributions Statistical Parameters:

Lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation Bounded lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Truncated lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = lower quantile, 4 = upper quantile Bounded normal: 1 = mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Beta: 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum, 3 = P-value, 4 = Q-value Triangular: 1 = minimum, 2 = mode, 3 = maximum Uniform: 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum e

75th percentile for daughter because RESRAD uses same transfer factor for all isotopes of a given nuclide and one of the nuclides is on the ROC list.

1. NUREG/CR-6697, Development of Probabilistic RESRAD 6.0 and RESRAD-BUILD 3.0 Computer Codes, December 2000
2. Zion TSD 004, Recommended Values for the Distribution Coefficient (Kd) to be Used in Dose Assessments for Decommissioning the Zion Nuclear Power Plant, Draft June 2014
3. NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 3, Residual Radioactive Contamination From Decommissioning: Parameter Analysis, Draft Report for Comment, October 1999.
4. Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters in Support of Dose Modeling for the Zion Restoration Project, 054638 Report No. 3, January 14, 2014
5. Argonne National Laboratory, Users Manual for RESRAD Version 6, ANL/AED-4, July 2001 Page 66 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0

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Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 68 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 69 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 70 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 71 of 107

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Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 74 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 75 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 76 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 77 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 78 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 79 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 80 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 81 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 82 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 83 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 84 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 85 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 86 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 87 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 88 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 89 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 90 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 91 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0

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Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0

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Page 93 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 94 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 95 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 96 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0

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Page 97 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 98 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 99 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 100 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 101 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 102 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 103 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 104 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 105 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 106 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 107 of 107

ZionSolutions Technical Support Document TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGLs Revision 0 Originator: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/16/14__________ Robert F. Decker Reviewer: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/16/14__________ David L. Wojtkowiak Approval: (signature on file) _____________ Date: 12/17/14__________ Robert F. Yetter Page 1 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Summary of Changes in this Revision:

  • Rev. 0 -Initial issuance.

Page 2 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1. Buried Piping Radionuclides of Concern ...........................................................................5 2.2. Soil DCGLs ........................................................................................................................6 2.3. End State Buried Piping .....................................................................................................7
3. CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. Buried Piping Excavation Scenario ....................................................................................8 3.2. Buried Pipe Surface Activity Concentrations Corresponding to Soil DCGLs ...................9 3.3. Buried Pipe Surface Activity DCGL Calculations ...........................................................11 3.3.1. Buried Piping Area Factor Calculations ...........................................................................11 3.3.2. Buried Piping Initial DCGLs ............................................................................................12
4. IN SITU BURIED PIPING SCENARIO ..................................................................................... 14 4.1. Excavations and Buried Piping ........................................................................................16 4.2. Buried Piping Inventory (9.66 m3) Comparison to House Excavation (600 m3) Scenario .............................................................................................................17
5. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 18
6. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 19
7. ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 20 7.1. Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory .........................................................................21 7.2. Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions ..........................................28 7.3. Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations ..........................................29 7.4. Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for Specific Surface Areas ....................51 7.5. Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 m Length ........................................................................................................56 7.6. Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation ....................57 7.7. Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for ZSRP Buried Piping .......................67 7.8. Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report For Buried Piping In Situ Scenario ................................................................................................................89 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Soil DCGLs for 0.15 and 1 m Contaminated Zone Thickness .................................................7 Table 2 - Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping Corresponding to Surface Soil DCGL Concentrations ...................................................................................................11 Table 3 - Surface Soil Area Factors .......................................................................................................12 Table 4 - Area Factors for ROC Based on Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length ..................................13 Table 5 - Buried Piping Initial DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length ........14 Table 6 - Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory .....................15 Table 7 - Buried Piping In Situ Concentrations and Adjustment Factors ..............................................17 Table 8 - Buried Piping Inventory and Surface Soil DCGL ..................................................................17 Table 9 - Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length .................................18 Table 10 - Buried Piping DCGLs) for ROC and Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length .........................19 Page 3 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Buried Piping Excavation Scenario based on NUREG 1757, Vol. 2 Appendix J guidance. ...9 Figure 2 - Buried Piping Excavation Calculation Example ....................................................................10 Page 4 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Technical Support Document (TSD) is to establish the buried piping Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs), in units of disintegrations per minute per one hundred square centimeters (dpm/100 cm2), that are appropriate for evaluating the internal surfaces of buried piping associated with the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP). This TSD also examines the in situ dose due to potentially contaminated buried piping that would remain in the ground following excavation events.
2. DISCUSSION At ZSRP, section 8.5 of Exhibit C, Lease Agreement, titled Removal of Improvements; Site Restoration integral to the Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Asset Sale Agreement requires the demolition and removal of all on-site buildings, structures, and components to a depth of at least three feet below grade. Several minor structures such as the Switchyard, the ISFSI warehouse, the microwave tower, and the Sewage Lift Station, as well as all roadways and rail lines, will remain at license termination as requested by Exelon. The major structures that will remain at license termination are the basements of the Unit 1 Containment Building, Unit 2 Containment Building, Auxiliary Building, Turbine Building, Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF), the lower portion of the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP), the Fuel Transfer Canal, Crib House and Forebay, Unit 1 and Unit 2 Steam Tunnels and the Circulating Water Intake and Discharge Piping below the 588 foot elevation. All systems, components as well as all structures above the 588 foot elevation (with the exception of the minor structures previously noted) will be removed during the decommissioning process and disposed of as a waste stream.

A range of below ground piping will also remain at license termination. The piping will fall into one of three categories: buried, embedded and penetrations. Buried piping is below ground pipe located outside of structures and basements and buried in soil. Embedded piping is defined as piping that is located, or embedded, in the concrete basement floors. Penetrations are the portions of various systems piping remaining within building walls, floors, and ceilings after all systems and piping are removed from building interiors. This TSD provides the method for calculating the dose to the Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG) from any remaining buried piping associated with the ZSRP and the corresponding DCGLs to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 20 Subpart E, (1). . TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model, calculates site-specific DCGLs for soils, (2). The list of radionuclides of concern (ROC) was evaluated using Reactor Buildings (Units 1 and 2), Auxiliary Building, and Turbine Building concrete core analysis data by evaluating the dose significance of each radionuclide in the end state model. The list of ROCs was evaluated in TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Basement Fill Model Source Term and Surrogate Ratios, (3). 2.1. Buried Piping Radionuclides of Concern The results of surface and subsurface soil characterization in the impacted area surrounding ZNPS indicate that there is minimal residual radioactivity in soil. Based on the characterization survey results to date, ZSRP does not anticipate the presence of significant soil contamination in any remaining subsurface soil that has not yet been characterized. In addition, based on process knowledge, minimal contamination is expected in any of the buried piping that ZSRP plans to Page 5 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 abandon in place. Consequently, due to the absence of any significant source term in soil or in buried piping, the suite of ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for the Auxiliary Building concrete was considered as a reasonably conservative mixture to apply to soils and buried piping for FSS planning and implementation. To date, with the exception of some Turbine Building basement drains, samples from site piping systems have not been collected. The buried piping that is intended to remain is from support systems where process knowledge and historical operation surveys indicate an extremely low probability of residual contamination. ZSRP is currently using surface activity from structural concrete samples to represent the radionuclide mixture that will remain within buried piping. Extensive concrete core samples were obtained from the Unit 1 and 2 Containments and the Auxiliary Building. These cores were obtained at locations with high contact dose rates and/or evidence of leaks/spills. They are therefore heavily biased toward locations with high concentrations of radionuclides in the concrete. Based upon the analysis, as described in TSD 14-019, it was determined that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134 and Cs-137 accounted for 99.4% of all dose in the contaminated concrete mixes, (3) The remaining radionuclides of concern from the original radionuclide suite were eliminated due to insignificant dose consequence. As the buried piping is further characterized during remediation and final status surveys (FSS), the radionuclide mixture found in actual piping measurements will be compared to the mixture developed in TSD-14-019 and used in this TSD. If the analytical results for those samples indicate that the buried piping mixture is incorrect or that additional radionuclides are significant, then DCGLs will be calculated for the conditions or additional radionuclides using the methods described in this TSD. The survey of many inaccessible or not readily accessible areas including soils under structures, soils under concrete or asphalt coverings, the underlying concrete of the SFP and Transfer Canal, the interiors of embedded and/or buried pipe that may remain and the interior and exterior of both Containment domes. As currently inaccessible soils, structures and piping systems are made accessible and are surveyed, either by characterization or by Remedial Action Support Survey (RASS), the survey results will be reviewed to ensure that the suite of ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for buried piping based on the Auxiliary Building is applicable. If surveys indicate the presence of gamma-emitting radionuclides at concentrations greater than 50% of a DCGL in buried pipe, then the samples will be analyzed for the presence of HTD radionuclides. Based upon the analysis of radionuclide fractions and dose contribution in TSD 14-019 the dose contribution expected from HTD fractions is expected to be very low with even the most extreme HTD ratios. 2.2. Soil DCGLs Site-specific DCGLs were calculated for soil in TSD 14-010, (2). The only radionuclides observed above background in soil were Cs-137 and Co-60. The observed concentrations of these radionuclides in soil have not exceeded 1.1 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) Cs-137. Characterization surveys have identified positive results for both Co-60 and Cs-137 however, the observed concentrations have been small. The Cs-137 concentrations observed in soil is consistent with world-wide fallout undisturbed soils. The ZionSolutions, LLC July 2012 Report, Determination of Radionuclide Activity Concentrations in Soils in Non-Impacted Soils Adjacent to the Zion Nuclear Station, states: Based on the data presented, the upper confidence level of the mean of the Cs-137 activity concentrations in undisturbed surface soil in the vicinity of the Zion Nuclear Station is 0.31 pCi/g. Individual activity Page 6 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 concentrations as high as 0.74 pCi/g for Cs-137 in undisturbed surface soil would not be unexpected. The report also states that for subsurface soils: the only other radionuclide, with the exception of naturally occurring radionuclides, identified in the subsurface soil samples was Cs-137. Cs-137 was only identified in 5 out of 30 subsurface soil samples as compared to 26 out of 30 of the surface soil samples with a maximum concentration of 0.240.06 pCi/g.. While Co-60 was not positively identified in undisturbed soils the maximum surface concentration was 0.0290.188 pCi/g and the maximum subsurface concentration was reported as 0.0380.014 pCi/g. Positive values for Co-60 have been observed in Class 1 and Class 2 survey areas indicating modest levels of Co-60 (<0.7 pCi/g) however, elevated regions of contamination have not been identified during characterization surveys. Some land areas are currently inaccessible and will be sampled during the continuing characterization program but minimal soil contamination is expected. ZSRP will continue to evaluate soil ROC when collecting soil samples and will re-evaluate the need to update this TSD as required. The site-specific soil DCGLs from Table 11 of TSD 14-010 (2) are reproduced below in Table 1. Table 1 - Soil DCGLs for 0.15 and 1 m Contaminated Zone Thickness Soil DCGL (pCi/g)a Radionuclide 0.15 m Thickness 1.0 m Thickness Co-60 4.7 3.8 Cs-134 7.5 4.9 Cs-137 15.8 8.6 Ni-63 3995 848.6 Sr-90 14.4 1.9 a Soil DCGLs from TSD 14-010 and reflect the values prior to radionuclide deselection, 2.3. End State Buried Piping Buried piping, with internal diameters ranging from one-inch to 42 inches (not including the Circulating Water Intakes and Discharge Pipes from Units 1 and 2 and 48 inch Service Water Headers), are expected to remain on site. The current buried piping inventory is provided as Attachment 1. The inventory will be updated, as necessary, with future findings. None of the buried piping listed in Attachment 1 is associated with systems involving reactor coolant and therefore, based on process knowledge, are not expected to be significantly contaminated, containing trivial or no residual radioactive material. Embedded conduit is also listed in Attachment 1 for completeness. The conduit was installed during initial construction prior to the internal contamination of systems; therefore, the interior surface of conduit is not expected to be contaminated unless installation occurred after ZNPS startup. To this end, unless soil contamination is noted, the exterior and interior of the conduit or grounding cables will not be subjected to evaluation. The same applies to the interior and exterior of duct boxes. Underground electrical equipment vaults, electrical manholes, and associated components will be evaluated on a case by case basis with consideration given for contamination potential due to flooding or other mechanisms where contamination could have been introduced into the vault. Storm drains will also be evaluated on a case by case basis considering runoff flow paths Page 7 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 and regional topography relative to the contamination potential of the immediate area that could influence the drainage. Since the end state for the ZSRP will leave a large open soil footprint with only backfilled building basement structures remaining, the residual activity left in the piping systems will be conservatively compared with the site-specific soil DCGLs developed in TSD 14-010 (2) . The following assumptions are made: The integrity of all the buried piping is completely degraded in year zero, The activity internal to the buried piping is uniformly dispersed in a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the piping, The degraded piping/soil mix is excavated onto the surface soil and spread over a 0.15 meter (m) thickness, and The 0.15 m surface soil DCGL is applied to the exhumed media.

3. CALCULATIONS The guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev. 1, Appendix J (4) was used to develop the buried pipe excavation scenario and dose assessment methods. As a conservative assumption and consistent with dose assessment for soil and backfilled basements, the resident farmer critical group was used for the assessment. The buried piping dose assessment includes three major steps:

Develop excavation scenario. Calculate the surface activity within the buried piping that corresponds to the soil DCGL assuming mixing in a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the pipe. Calculate the Buried Piping DCGLs applying Area Factors corresponding to the surface area resulting from the spreading the excavated material over a thickness of 0.15 m. 3.1. Buried Piping Excavation Scenario NUREG-1757 assumes a 10 m by 20 m (200 m2) house with a 3.0 m deep basement is excavated by the resident farmer (4). Figure 1 provides a visualization of the excavation scenario as modified from Figure J.3 in NUREG-1757 to apply to the buried piping geometry. Details as to how this general scenario is applied to the buried piping dose assessment are provided in the following sections. Page 8 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Figure 1 - Buried Piping Excavation Scenario based on NUREG 1757, Vol. 2 Appendix J guidance. To follow the guidance in NUREG-1757, Vol. 2, Rev 1, Appendix J, (4) inadvertent intrusion into the residual radioactivity within the buried piping by the resident farmer for house (or trench) construction would displace the soil and mix the volume of the contaminated soil (volume within buried piping) with the interspersing clean soil and spread the residual radioactivity from within the total excavated soil volume across the surface of the property (Figure 2). As per the NUREG-1757 guidance, this TSD assumes that the house will have a surface area of 200 square meters (m2) (10 x 20 m) but for the buried piping excavation scenario, the basement (which would be excavated to a depth of 3 meters (m) and the contaminated pipe and surrounding (uncontaminated) soil will not be heterogeneously mixed and spread on the surface of the remaining property. Using the most conservative hypothetical example, the residual radioactivity within the pipe volume will be spread out evenly over the remaining property at a depth of approximately 0.15 m. This will be calculated for a 20 m length of pipe and the various buried pipe internal diameters associated with the ZSRP. 3.2. Buried Pipe Surface Activity Concentrations Corresponding to Soil DCGLs As an intermediate step in the calculation of buried piping DCGLs, the site-specific, surface DCGL values from Table 1 were used to calculate the internal piping surface activity levels (in dpm/100 cm2) that would result in a concentration equal to the soil DCGL, assuming that the entire internal surface activity inventory is mixed with a volume of soil equal to the internal volume of the pipe. The calculations were performed on the full range of buried piping diameters and the five ROC; Cs-137, Co-60, Cs-134, Ni-63 and Sr-90 (TSD 14-010, (2)). The calculations assumed: the length of the pipe is 20 m (longest section for 10 m x 20 m house footprint), the contamination is assumed to be heterogeneously mixed within the soil volume of the pipe, the soil concentration within the pipe will be converted to a surface activity value using the internal surface of the various diameter buried piping, area factors will be calculated for the various internal diameter buried piping associated with ZSRP Page 9 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 the contaminated soil within the pipe is spread evenly over the ground surface to a depth of 0.15 m and hence, the 0.15 m DCGLs from Table 1 was used. Figure 2 represents an example of the assumed excavated buried piping scenario. For this example, the 0.15 m thickness DCGL for Cs-137 from Table 1 (15.8 pCi/g) is used. The calculated values for a 4-inch diameter pipe are demonstrated in the following equations: Overburden layer of soil thickness (0.15 m) from buried piping excavation Clean Soil 1.0 m Buried Pipe 4 inch internal diameter 20 m Figure 2 - Buried Piping Excavation Calculation Example (1) Internal diameter of 4-inch pipe (d) = 4.026 inches = 10.23 cm = 0.1023 m (Attachment 2, Schedule 40 Pipe Dimensions), (5) (2) Length of pipe (h) = 2000 cm = 20 m (3) Zion soil density = 1.8 g/cm3 = 1.8E+6 g/m3 (6) (4) Volume of pipe = r2h = *(d/2)2*h = 0.1642 m3 = 1.64E+5 cm3 (5) Mass within pipe = Volume

  • Density = 2.96E+5 g (6) Concentration within pipe at DCGL for Cs-137 = 15.8 pCi/g
  • Mass in pipe = 4.67E+6 pCi (7) Convert concentration to dpm = 2.54E+6 pCi*2.22dpm/pCi = 1.04E+7 dpm (8) Surface Area within cylinder (not including the open ends) = 2rh = 2**(d/2)*h = 6.425 m2
        = 6.425E+4 cm2 (9) Surface Activity = (Concentration in dpm/Surface Area in cm2)*100 (factor for 100 cm2 area) = 1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2 (this value italicized below in Table 2)

A list of the surface activity levels within each of the pipe diameters is provided in Table 2. The assumption is made that the contamination within the pipe is at the surface DCGL for each of the ROC. The spreadsheet containing the calculations for each applicable diameter of pipe is provided as Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations. Page 10 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 2 - Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping Corresponding to Surface Soil DCGL Concentrations Pipe Internal Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 Diameter (inches) dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 dpm/100 cm2 1.0 4.21E+03 1.25E+03 1.30E+03 1.06E+06 3.83E+03 1.25 5.53E+03 1.65E+03 2.63E+03 1.40E+06 5.04E+03 1.5 6.45E+03 1.92E+03 3.06E+03 1.63E+06 5.88E+03 2.0 8.29E+03 2.47E+03 3.93E+03 2.10E+06 7.55E+03 2.5 9.90E+03 2.94E+03 4.70E+03 2.51E+06 9.02E+03 3.0 1.23E+04 3.66E+03 5.84E+03 3.11E+06 1.12E+04 3.5 1.42E+04 4.23E+03 6.75E+03 3.60E+06 1.30E+04 4.0 1.61E+04 4.80E+03 7.66E+03 4.09E+06 1.47E+04 5.0 2.02E+04 6.02E+03 9.60E+03 5.12E+06 1.84E+04 6.0 2.43E+04 7.23E+03 1.15E+04 6.16E+06 2.22E+04 8.0 3.20E+04 9.52E+03 1.52E+04 8.10E+06 2.92E+04 10.0 4.02E+04 1.19E+04 1.91E+04 1.02E+07 3.66E+04 12.0 4.79E+04 1.42E+04 2.27E+04 1.21E+07 4.36E+04 14.0 5.26E+04 1.57E+04 2.50E+04 1.33E+07 4.80E+04 16.0 6.01E+04 1.79E+04 2.85E+04 1.52E+07 5.48E+04 18.0 6.77E+04 2.01E+04 3.21E+04 1.71E+07 6.17E+04 20.0 7.54E+04 2.24E+04 3.58E+04 1.91E+07 6.87E+04 24.0 9.07E+04 2.70E+04 4.31E+04 2.30E+07 8.27E+04 32.0 1.23E+05 3.65E+04 5.83E+04 3.11E+07 1.12E+05 34.0 1.31E+05 3.89E+04 6.21E+04 3.31E+07 1.19E+05 36.0 1.38E+05 4.11E+04 6.57E+04 3.50E+07 1.26E+05 42.0 1.62E+05 4.83E+04 7.71E+04 4.11E+07 1.48E+05 Note: This table is a summary of the results from Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations 3.3. Buried Pipe Surface Activity DCGL Calculations 3.3.1. Buried Piping Area Factor Calculations RESRAD was used to calculate generic Area Factors (AF) for surface soil at ZNPS. These AFs are presented in Table 3 of TSD 14-011, (7) and are reproduced as Table 3 below. AFs specific to buried piping were calculated using the surface area of the excavated piping volume after spreading over a depth of 0.15 m. The AFs were determined for each pipe diameter by interpolation using the data in Table 4. A list of the AFs specific to buried piping is presented in Table 4; the full table is provided in Attachment 4. Using the 4-inch diameter buried pipe as the example, the AF for Cs-137 was calculated as follows: (1) Volume of pipe = r2h = *(d/2)2*h = 0.1642 m3 (from Attachment 4, Buried Piping Surface Area Calculations) Page 11 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 (2) Divide the volume by the depth of the contamination to get the surface area = 0.1642 m3/0.15 m = 1.095 m2 Table 3 - Surface Soil Area Factors Area Factors for Radionuclides of Concern Area (m2) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 0.01 1.50E+03 1.23E+03 1.33E+03 3.31E+05 8.40E+04 0.03 4.98E+02 4.09E+02 4.42E+02 1.76E+05 3.03E+04 0.10 1.50E+02 1.23E+02 1.33E+02 6.92E+04 8.52E+03 0.30 4.98E+01 4.09E+01 4.42E+01 2.57E+04 2.88E+03 1 1.50E+01 1.23E+01 1.33E+01 8.06E+03 8.90E+02 3 6.46E+00 5.24E+00 5.73E+00 2.73E+03 3.13E+02 10 3.06E+00 2.47E+00 2.72E+00 8.23E+02 1.03E+02 30 2.10E+00 1.68E+00 1.86E+00 2.75E+02 4.02E+01 100 1.62E+00 1.29E+00 1.44E+00 8.26E+01 1.64E+01 300 1.46E+00 1.16E+00 1.30E+00 2.75E+01 6.14E+00 1,000 1.33E+00 1.08E+00 1.20E+00 8.26E+00 1.88E+00 3,000 1.26E+00 1.05E+00 1.16E+00 4.68E+00 1.72E+00 10,000 1.13E+00 1.02E+00 1.08E+00 1.86E+00 1.33E+00 64,500 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 Note: From TSD 14-011 (3) Using the data within Table 3, the new AF for a 4-inch diameter pipe at the Cs-137 DCGL is calculated by interpolation to be 1.395E+01 (See Table 4, italicized). Refer to Attachment 4 for interpolation calculations example. 3.3.2. Buried Piping Initial DCGLs The Initial DCGLs for the various pipe diameters can now be determined by multiplying the surface activity levels determined within the piping (Table 3) by the corresponding AF in Table 5. Again using the 4-inch pipe example, the derived DCGL for a 20 meter length section of pipe is calculated as follows: (1) Surface activity corresponding to the 0.15 m soil DCGL for Cs-137 for a 4-inch pipe = 1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2 (from Table 2) (2) Area Factor = 1.39E+01 (from Table 3) (3) Derived Surface Activity DCGL = 1.614E+04 dpm/100 cm2

  • 1.39E+01 =

2.25E+05 dpm/100 cm2 (italicized in Table 5) Page 12 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 4 - Area Factors for ROC Based on Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Surface Area for Soil Pipe Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 Spread with Depth of Diameter Area Area Area Area Area 0.15 m (in) Factors Factors Factors Factors Factors (m2) 1.0 0.074 2.02E+02 1.66E+02 1.79E+02 8.74E+04 6.50E+03 1.25 0.129 1.16E+02 9.53E+01 1.03E+02 5.50E+04 6.63E+03 1.5 0.175 8.54E+01 7.02E+01 7.58E+01 4.18E+04 4.91E+03 2.0 0.289 5.17E+01 4.25E+01 4.59E+01 2.65E+04 2.99E+03 2.5 0.412 3.63E+01 2.98E+01 3.22E+01 1.89E+04 2.12E+03 3.0 0.636 2.35E+01 1.93E+01 2.09E+01 1.25E+04 1.38E+03 3.5 0.850 1.76E+01 1.45E+01 1.56E+01 9.42E+03 1.04E+03 4.0 1.095 1.39E+01 1.15E+01 1.24E+01 7.37E+03 8.16E+02 5.0 1.720 9.88E+00 8.07E+00 8.76E+00 4.72E+03 5.31E+02 6.0 2.484 7.46E+00 6.07E+00 6.62E+00 3.29E+03 3.74E+02 8.0 4.301 5.17E+00 4.18E+00 4.58E+00 1.91E+03 2.24E+02 10.0 6.780 3.89E+00 3.15E+00 3.46E+00 1.21E+03 1.47E+02 12.0 9.624 3.13E+00 2.53E+00 2.79E+00 8.55E+02 1.07E+02 14.0 11.631 2.91E+00 2.34E+00 2.58E+00 7.08E+02 9.04E+01 16.0 15.194 2.65E+00 2.13E+00 2.35E+00 5.42E+02 7.20E+01 18.0 19.232 2.45E+00 1.96E+00 2.17E+00 4.29E+02 5.88E+01 20.0 23.897 2.27E+00 1.82E+00 2.01E+00 3.45E+02 4.89E+01 24.0 34.563 2.04E+00 1.63E+00 1.80E+00 2.39E+02 3.62E+01 32.0 63.329 1.79E+00 1.43E+00 1.59E+00 1.30E+02 2.31E+01 34.0 71.870 1.74E+00 1.39E+00 1.54E+00 1.15E+02 2.10E+01 36.0 80.374 1.70E+00 1.35E+00 1.51E+00 1.03E+02 1.93E+01 42.0 110.761 1.58E+00 1.28E+00 1.43E+00 7.46E+01 1.50E+01 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length The initial DCGLs for various pipe diameters and each of the ROC are provided in Table 5. The spreadsheet for all the derived DCGL and AF calculations is provided as Attachment 5. Page 13 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 5 - Buried Piping Initial DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Pipe Initial DCGLs (dpm/100 cm2) Diameter (in) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 1.0 8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05 9.29E+10 2.49E+07 1.25 6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05 7.71E+10 3.34E+07 1.5 5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05 6.83E+10 2.89E+07 2.0 4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05 5.57E+10 2.26E+07 2.5 3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05 4.74E+10 1.91E+07 3.0 2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05 3.88E+10 1.55E+07 3.5 2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05 3.39E+10 1.35E+07 4.0 2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04 3.01E+10 1.20E+07 5.0 2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04 2.42E+10 9.79E+06 6.0 1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04 2.02E+10 8.29E+06 8.0 1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04 1.54E+10 6.54E+06 10.0 1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04 1.23E+10 5.39E+06 12.0 1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04 1.04E+10 4.65E+06 14.0 1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04 9.43E+09 4.34E+06 16.0 1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04 8.26E+09 3.94E+06 18.0 1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04 7.34E+09 3.63E+06 20.0 1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04 6.59E+09 3.36E+06 24.0 1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04 5.48E+09 2.99E+06 32.0 2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04 4.05E+09 2.58E+06 34.0 2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04 3.80E+09 2.51E+06 36.0 2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04 3.60E+09 2.44E+06 42.0 2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05 3.06E+09 2.22E+06 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length

4. IN SITU BURIED PIPING SCENARIO Section 3 of this TSD describes the Buried Piping excavation scenario and provides the approach, considerations and calculations used to develop the Initial DCGLs for buried piping. Table 5 of this TSD provides the interior surface Initial DCGLs (in dpm/100 cm2) for different diameters of buried piping. As stated in section 3, the scenario assumes that the excavated piping instantaneously disintegrates and is mixed with a 0.15 meter thick column of soil. After excavation of a pipe the balance of the buried piping would remain in situ. The dose that could be associated from the remaining in situ piping is examined.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Piping Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 6 - Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory Page 15 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 4.1. Excavations and Buried Piping This scenario includes the inventory of those piping systems having a potential for contamination. The inventory of potentially contaminated buried piping anticipated to remain, as listed in Table 6, is assumed to be contaminated at the maximum Initial DCGL related to that diameter of piping and its expected length and associated area factor as noted in Table 6. Table 6 provides the individual radionuclide inventory for Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ni-63 and Sr-90 associated with each section of piping that could remain as based on the current prospective contaminated buried piping inventory. Included in Table 6 are summations for the above radionuclides and the volume of potentially contaminated buried piping that could remain. The inventory is based on the pCi/g value found in Attachment 3 for the specific pipe diameter times the area factor found in Table 4 and the specific length of piping noted in Table 6. The scenario also assumes that all the remaining potentially contaminated buried piping is conservatively located in one contiguous volume at one meter below the soil surface (a 1.0 m cap of clean native soil). The unsaturated zone is therefore at 1.6 m. The soil density is assumed to be 1.8 g/cm3. The total volume for the potentially contaminated buried piping expected to remain is 9.66 m3. It is conservatively assumed that all the prospective contaminated buried piping is then located in a region that is 9.66 m2 and 1m thick The Argonne National Laboratory developed software RESRAD V7.0 was used to determine the DCGLs associated with this scenario. The parameters used are provided in Attachment 6 and are based on the Soil DCGL determination found in TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model Dose Factors and Soil DCGLs and Calculation of Basement Fill Model Dose Factors (2). A sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the sensitive parameters associated with the presence of a 1 m cover which differs from the soil DCGL assumptions. The probabilistic input parameters, total dose summary, dose vs pathway, cumulative probability summary for total dose over pathways, and coefficient for peak all pathway dose for each repetition is provided in the Uncertainty Report provided in Attachment 7. The most sensitivity parameters were found to be the root depth for all examined radionuclides and this value which was 1.22 m for surface soil DCGLs was changed to 3.07 m for the buried piping scenario. The plant transfer factor for Sr-90 was also sensitive and positively correlated but this parameter was already set at the 75th percentile in the soil DCG: parameter set that was used. The buried piping Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 were adjusted to address the in situ dose contribution since the dose form the excavation scenario and in situ scenario are additive. Therefore, the Initial DCGL for the excavated buried piping (Table 5) must be adjusted such that the final DCGL represents a total dose of 25 mrem/yr considering both the excavation and in situ scenarios. Table 7 presents the results of the RESRAD code runs for the potentially contaminated buried piping in situ scenario. The RESRAD Summary Report for the 9.66 m2 area (9.66 m3 region), is provided in Attachment 8. Table 7 provides the nuclides of interest specific concentrations based on the volume and area of the residual buried piping that could conservatively remain following the excavation scenario presented in section 3. Table 7 examines the potential buried piping in situ inventory for the radionuclides noted and provides the in situ inventory concentration in pCi/g. The Buried Piping Inventory concentration in pCi/g is multiplied by the RESRAD generated In Situ mrem/y per pCi/g value to obtain the in situ dose (column 6 of Table 7). A dose in the excess of 25 Page 16 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 mrem/y indicates that the Buried Piping Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 must be adjusted to account the In Situ Buried Piping Dose. The last column of Table 7, Buried Piping Adjustment Factors, presents the adjustment or correction factor that is used to reduce the Initial DCGLs found in Table 5 to ensure the soil DCGLs are not exceeded as based on the sum of the excavation and In Situ Buried Piping Scenarios. Table 9 (Buried Piping Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length) provides the adjusted Final buried piping DCGLs. Note that the final DCGLs for Ni-63 and Sr-90 include an additional adjustment as described in section 4.2. Table 7 - Buried Piping In Situ Concentrations and Adjustment Factors Buried Buried In Situ Buried Piping In Situ Piping Piping Nuclide mrem per Inventorya Dosec Inventoryb Adjustment pCi/g (pCi) (mrem/y) (pCi/g) Factord BP and Adjustment Factors for 9.66 m3 and Length Parallel to Aquifer Flow of 3.5 m Co-60 8.309E-04 2.31E+08 1.33E+01 1.105E-02 1.00E+00 Cs-134 1.273E-03 4.85E+08 2.79E+01 3.552E-02 9.99E-01 Cs-137 1.011E-03 1.15E+09 6.61E+01 6.683E-02 9.97E-01 Ni-63 1.527E-05 1.01E+14 5.81E+06 8.872E+01 2.20E-01 Sr-90 2.815E-02 8.27E+10 4.76E+03 1.339E+02 1.57E-01 a Buried Piping Inventory from Table 6 Potentially Contaminated Buried Piping Physical and Source Term Inventory b Calculated by converting "Area of Contaminated Zone" from m3 to grams by multiplying by density of soil at 1.8 g/cm3 c Calculated by multiplying the In situ mrem/pCi/g value by the pCi/g Buried Piping Inventory d Calculated by dividing the annual dose rate of 25 mrem/yr by the annual dose rate plus the in situ dose rate (mrem/y) 4.2. Buried Piping Inventory (9.66 m3) Comparison to House Excavation (600 m3) Scenario As a final check, the Buried Piping Inventory from Table 7 was assumed to be excavated and mixed with the 600 m3 of soil excavated during the Resident Farmers house construction. The buried piping concentration in Table 8 is the In Situ Buried Piping Inventory (in pCi/g) (from column 4 of Table 7) multiplied by the ratio of the buried piping to the house excavation volumes. Where: (9.66 m3)/(600 m3) = 0.0161. Table 8 - Buried Piping Inventory and Surface Soil DCGL Buried Inventory Buried Adjusted Surface Soil Piping adjusted by Piping Buried Piping DCGL Nuclide Inventory Excavation Adjustment Inventory (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Ratio (0.0161) Factor (pCi/g) (See Table 1) Co-60 1.33E+01 0.214 Not Used 0.214 4.7 Cs-134 2.79E+01 0.449 Not Used 0.449 7.5 Cs-137 6.61E+01 1.064 Not Used 1.064 15.8 Ni-63 5.81E+06 9.354E+04 2.20E-01 2.058E+04 3.995E+03 Sr-90 4.76E+03 76.64 1.57E-01 12.03 14.4 As can be seen in Table 8 (Column 5) the adjusted Buried Piping Inventory concentration for Ni-63 following adjustments based on Table 7 is greater than the surface soil DCGL. In order to address this condition the Ni-63 Initial DCGLs were further reduced by a factor of 5.15 (2.058E+04 pCi/g divided by 3.995E+3 pCi/g) which is the ratio of the Ni-63 adjusted buried piping inventory in Table 8, column 5 by the Ni-63 surface soil DCGL in Table 8, column 9. The calculation ensures Page 17 of 107

TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 that the excavated concentrations will be at or below the DCGLs for all ROC. The 5.15 adjustment factor is included in the DCGLs reported in Table 9. Table 9 - Final DCGLs for Various Buried Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length Pipe Final DCGL (dpm/100 cm2) Diameter (in) Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 Sr-90 1.0 8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05 3.96E+09 3.91E+06 1.25 6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05 3.29E+09 5.24E+06 1.5 5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05 2.92E+09 4.54E+06 2.0 4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05 2.38E+09 3.55E+06 2.5 3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05 2.02E+09 3.00E+06 3.0 2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05 1.66E+09 2.43E+06 3.5 2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05 1.45E+09 2.12E+06 4.0 2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04 1.28E+09 1.88E+06 5.0 2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04 1.03E+09 1.54E+06 6.0 1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04 8.62E+08 1.30E+06 8.0 1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04 6.57E+08 1.03E+06 10.0 1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04 5.25E+08 8.46E+05 12.0 1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04 4.44E+08 7.30E+05 14.0 1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04 4.02E+08 6.81E+05 16.0 1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04 3.53E+08 6.19E+05 18.0 1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04 3.13E+08 5.70E+05 20.0 1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04 2.81E+08 5.28E+05 24.0 1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04 2.34E+08 4.69E+05 32.0 2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04 1.73E+08 4.05E+05 34.0 2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04 1.62E+08 3.94E+05 36.0 2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04 1.54E+08 3.83E+05 42.0 2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05 1.31E+08 3.49E+05 Note: Refer to Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Pipes at 20 m Length

5. CONCLUSION Buried piping area factors and interior surface activity DCGLs for buried piping as found in Table 9 have been conservatively determined using methods that are consistent with NUREG 1757, Volume 2, Appendix J (4). Table 10 presents the most conservative buried piping DCGL values for each ROC and pipe diameter. These conservative DCGLs are intended to be used for the final surveys of all buried piping.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0 Table 10 - Buried Piping DCGLs) for ROC and Pipe Diameters at 20 Meters Length DCGL Pipe Diameter ROC (dpm/100 cm2) (inches) Cs-137 1.50E+05 1.20E+01 C0-60 3.60E+04 1.20E+01 Cs-134 6.33E+04 1.20E+01 Ni-63 1.31E+08 4.20E+01 Sr-90 3.49E+05 4.20E+01 The above values are used in conjunction with the buried piping nuclide fractions to determine the buried piping DCGL and surrogate relationships.

1. 10 CFR 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation, Subpart ERadiological Criteria for License Termination
2. TSD 14-010, RESRAD Dose Assessment for Basement Fill Model Dose Factors and Soil DCGLs and Calculation of Basement Fill Model Dose Factors. Zion, Illinois : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.
3. TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Basement Fill Model Source Term and Surrogate Ratios. Zion, Illinois : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.
4. NUREG-1757 Vol. 2, Rev. 1, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance Characterization, Survey, and Determination of Radiological Criteria, September 2006.
5. flow/steel-pipe-schedule-40.htm, [Online]
6. Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters in Support of Dose Modeling for the Zion Restoration Project, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Chicago, IL,September 2014, Reference No.054638, Revision 5, Report No. 3.
7. TSD 14-011, Soil DCGLs and Area Factors. Zion : ZionSolutions, LLC, 2014.

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TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGSs Revision 0

7. ATTACHMENTS 7.1. Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory 7.2. Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions 7.3. Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations 7.4. Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for Specific Surface Areas 7.5. Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 m Length 7.6. Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation 7.7. Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for ZSRP Buried Piping 7.8. Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report For Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Page 20 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m3 feet IRSF Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 1 0.025 185 56.388 4.50 0.029 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 3 0.076 185 56.388 13.49 0.257 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB 584', 22E 10202/12201 Embedded conduit 3 0.076 185 56.388 13.49 0.257 587'(TB) IRSF to TB 6506 follows mech. Piping to TB Tank Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 130 39.624 3.16 0.020 ~587' 12112 grounding cable Unit 1 CST 1006 Tank to Crib House ground Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 130 39.624 3.16 0.020 ~587' 12103 grounding cable Unit 2 CST 1006 Tank to Crib House ground Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 71 21.641 1.73 0.011 ~587' 12113 grounding cable Unit 1 PWST 1006 Tank to M.H. #1D Lead clad 400MCM 22E 1 0.025 71 21.641 1.73 0.011 ~587' 12103 grounding cable Unit 2 PWST 1006 Tank to M.H. #2D Lead clad 400MCM Fuel Oil Tank Berm 22E 1 0.025 125 38.100 3.04 0.019 ~587' 12203 grounding cable Sump 1006 Tank to M.H. #1D 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 200 60.960 193.08 33.036 586' 12112 Cable duct package Unit 1 CST 1009 CST to C-35 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 30 9.144 29.88 4.955 586' 12113 Cable duct package Unit 1 PWST 1009 PWST to M.H. #1D 22E 18 x 11.5 0.46 x 0.29 89 27.127 40.92 3.623 586' 12203 Cable duct package Fuel Oil Tank 1009 Fuel oil tank to M.H. # 1D 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 200 60.960 193.08 33.036 586' 12103 Cable duct package Unit 2 CST 1009 CST to C-5 22E 42 x 20 1.07 x 0.51 30 9.144 29.88 4.955 586' 12103 Cable duct package Unit 2 PWST 1009 PWST to M.H. #2D Page 21 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Size Length Volume Elevation Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Crib House Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities M-100 / Circulating water supply- 17 0.432 100 30.480 41.33 4.461 552' Crib House to Turbine M-105 / splits off to (2) 12' pipes feeding into 12204 Unit 1 Building M-272 turbine building after 100' M-100 / Circulating water supply- 17 0.432 100 30.480 41.33 4.461 552' Crib House to Turbine M-105 / splits off to (2) 12' pipes feeding into 12204 Unit 1 Building M-272 turbine building after 100' Circ. Water supply drain - Drain located under circ water pipe 14 0.356 20 6.096 6.81 0.605 ~540' 12204 Unit 1 Crib House M-100 ~11' back from east end of 17' pipe Circ. Water supply drain - Drain located under circ water pipe 14 0.356 20 6.096 6.81 0.605 ~540' 12204 Unit 2 Crib House M-100 ~11' back from east end of 17' pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe to crib house 8 0.203 15 4.572 2.92 0.148 537' 12204 drain - Unit 1 Crib House B-478 west wall Circ. Water inlet pipe Circ. Water inlet pipe to crib house 8 0.203 15 4.572 2.92 0.148 537' 12204 drain - Unit 2 Crib House B-478 west wall Circ. Water discharge Circ. Water discharge tunnel to crib 8 0.203 142 43.282 27.62 1.403 537' 12204 tunnel drain - unit 1 Crib House B-478 house west wall Circ. Water discharge Circ. Water discharge tunnel to crib 8 0.203 142 43.282 27.62 1.403 537' 12204 tunnel drain - unit 2 Crib House B-478 house west wall Service water supply M-105 48 1.219 40 12.192 46.67 14.226 579' 12204 header - unit 1 Crib House sh.1&2 turbine building to crib house Service water supply M-105 48 1.219 40 12.192 46.67 14.226 579' 12204 header - unit 2 Crib House sh.1&2 turbine building to crib house Circ water intake to 16 0.406 150 45.720 58.34 5.928 558' 12204 forebay (X3) Crib House B-31 / B-7 connects to forebay from lake ice melting pipe to forebay B-31 / M- from discharge tunnel to forebay 12 0.305 65 19.812 18.96 1.445 558' 12204 - Unit 1 Forebay area 100 intake ice melting pipe to forebay B-31 / M- from discharge tunnel to forebay 12 0.305 65 19.812 18.96 1.445 558' 12204 - Unit 2 Forebay area 100 intake Ice melting pipe to B-31 / M- From 12' ice melt pipe to east side of 8 0.203 20 6.096 3.89 0.198 558' 12204 forebay - Unit 1 Forebay area 100 forebay Ice melting pipe to B-31 / M- From 12' ice melt pipe to east side of 8 0.203 20 6.096 3.89 0.198 558' 12204 forebay - Unit 2 Forebay area 100 forebay Page 22 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m3 feet Turbine Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities M-10 / M-138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' 12205 Circ water intake - unit 1 Turbine Building 780 Circ water intake from crib house M-10 / M-138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' 12205 Circ water intake - unit 1 Turbine Building 780 Circ water intake from crib house Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 1 Turbine Building M-780 discharge tunnel Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 1 Turbine Building M-780 discharge tunnel 12205 Circ water intake - unit 2 138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' Turbine Building M-15 Circ water intake from crib house 12205 Circ water intake - unit 2 138 3.505 200 60.960 670.95 587.950 564' Turbine Building M-15 Circ water intake from crib house Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 2 Turbine Building M-15 discharge tunnel Circ water discharge - discharge from condenser to 144 3.658 60 18.288 210.04 192.056 564' 12205 unit 2 Turbine Building M-15 discharge tunnel Aux Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 554.75' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 553.25' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 554.75' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water to diesel M-102 goes into diesel gen bld on 12 0.305 45 13.716 13.13 1.000 553.25' 108 generator heat exchangers Auxiliary Building M-102 M-106 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water supply 48 1.219 60 18.288 70.01 21.340 549.67' 108 header Auxiliary Building M-102 12105/12106/12107/12 Service water supply 48 1.219 60 18.288 70.01 21.340 549.67' 108 header Auxiliary Building M-102 12105/12106/12107/12 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 108 Safety injection Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' Page 23 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments 2 3 inches m feet m m m feet 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 570' 108 Service water Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 570' 108 Fire protection Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 570' 108 Instrument air Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 569.33' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 569.33' 108 Service air Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569.33' 108 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section DD shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569.33' 108 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/12 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 108 Safety injection Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 10 0.254 20 6.096 4.86 0.309 570' 108 Component cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/12 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 108 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 Page 24 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Aux Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12105/12106/12107/121 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 571' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2.5 0.064 20 6.096 1.22 0.019 570' 08 Waste disposal Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 570' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-107 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 569' 08 Aerated drain Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569' 08 Service water Auxiliary Building M-107 584' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 2 0.051 20 6.096 0.97 0.012 569' 08 Spent fuel pit cooling Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 1.5 0.038 20 6.096 0.73 0.007 569' 08 Service air Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 M-107 section CC shows FB pen at 3 0.076 20 6.096 1.46 0.028 569' 08 Waste drain? Auxiliary Building M-107 583' 12105/12106/12107/121 24 0.610 20 6.096 11.67 1.778 570' 08 Demineralized water Auxiliary Building M-162 12105/12106/12107/121 4 0.102 20 6.096 1.94 0.049 570' 08 Feedwater Auxiliary Building M-162 12105/12106/12107/121 4 0.102 20 06.096 1.94 0.049 550' 08 Line with flange Auxiliary Building  ? Page 25 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet Waste Water Treatment Facility Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12102 Force Main 8 0.203 80 24.384 15.56 0.790 586'-587' WWTF B-1003 from MH #3 to equalization tank drops down to 578' at eq, tank 12102 Sludge drying bed drain 6 0.152 47 14.326 6.86 0.261 588' WWTF B-1003 sump Fire sump discharge line 12102 & heater bay roof drain 6 0.152 53 16.154 7.73 0.295 578' WWTF B-1003 Runs to equalization tank & sump lines at 575' Forebay Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities WWTF discharge to 12204 8 0.203 342 104.242 66.51 3.379 586'9' forebay WWTF to forebay B-1005 WWTF north wall to north 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 1 8 0.203 25 7.620 4.86 0.247 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to forebay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 1 12 0.305 71 21.589 20.66 1.574 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to after bay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 2 8 0.203 25 7.620 4.86 0.247 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to forebay 12204 Ice melting pipe - Unit 2 12 0.305 71 21.589 20.66 1.574 569' Forebay M-100 Discharge tunnel to after bay Fuel Building Area In-ground Pipes and Utilities 12107 1CC080 - Unit 1 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1CC078 - Unit 1 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD148 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD147 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD149 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SI012 - Unit 1 24 0.610 4 1.219 2.33 0.356 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0DL100 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SF022 - Unit 1 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SF008 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0FP016 - Unit 1 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SW181 - Unit 1 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 0IA004 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1AD146 - Unit 1 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12107 1SA014 - Unit 1 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 1 CTMT 12106 2CC080 - Unit 2 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2CC078 - Unit 2 10 0.254 4 1.219 0.97 0.062 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2AD148 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT Page 26 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 1 - Buried Piping Inventory Revision 0 Buried Piping Inventory Surface Size Length Volume Elevation Survey Unit/Area Pipe Description Area Structure/Location Dwg. # Comments inches m feet m m2 m 3 feet 12106 2AD147 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 572' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SI012 - Unit 2 24 0.610 4 1.219 2.33 0.356 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0SF012 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SF022 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SF008 - Unit 2 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0WD059 - Unit 2 2.5 0.064 4 1.219 0.24 0.004 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2DW014 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2AD146 - Unit 2 4 0.102 4 1.219 0.39 0.010 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SW243 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 570' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2SA012 - Unit 2 1.5 0.038 4 1.219 0.15 0.001 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 2DW008 - Unit 2 3 0.076 4 1.219 0.29 0.006 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT 12106 0CT061 - Unit 2 2 0.051 4 1.219 0.19 0.002 569' Fuel Building M-107 Fuel building to unit 2 CTMT feet meter m2 m3 Total 5375 1638.30 4846.64 3314.32 Note: If additional piping, not included in this inventory is discovered, this inventory will be updated and the new information evaluated and necessary adjustments will be performed. Page 27 of 107

Attachment 2 - Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Dimensions Revision 0 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Sizes & Dimensions ASME/ANSI B36.10/19 Diameter (Inches) Wall (inches) Inches Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Thickness 1.0 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.25 1.38 1.66 0.14 1.5 1.61 1.9 0.145 2.0 2.067 2.375 0.154 2.5 2.469 2.875 0.203 3.0 3.068 3.5 0.216 3.5 3.548 4 0.226 4.0 4.026 4.5 0.237 5.0 5.047 5.563 0.258 6.0 6.065 6.625 0.28 8.0 7.981 8.625 0.322 10.0 10.02 10.75 0.365 12.0 11.938 12.75 0.406 14.0 13.124 14 0.438 16.0 15 16 0.5 18.0 16.876 18 0.562 20.0 18.812 20 0.594 24.0 22.624 24 0.688 32.0 30.624 32 0.688 34.0 32.624 34 0.688 36.0 34.5 36 0.75 42.0 40.5 42 0.75 Data from: Page 28 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 29 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 30 of 107

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TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 Page 49 of 107

TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Attachment 3 - Buried Piping Surface Activity Calculations Revision 0 NOTE: The summary of these results is provided in Table 3: Summary of Surface Activity Levels for Buried Piping with Various Internal Diameters Page 50 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 51 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 52 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 53 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Page 54 of 107

Attachment 4 - Determination of Area Factors for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Specific Surface Areas Revision 0 Note: This is a compilation of data from Attachments 2 and 3 and Tables 2 through 5. Page 55 of 107

Attachment 5 - Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Diameter Pipes at 20 Meters Length Revision 0 Determination of Area Factors and DCGLs for Various Diameter Pipes at 20 Meters Length Surface Area Pipe Inside Inside Pipe Pipe for Soil Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-134 Ni-63 New DCGL (dpm/100 cm2) Sr-90 Area Diameter Diameter Diameter Surface Volume Spread with Area Area Area Area Factors (in) (in) (cm) Area (m2) (m3) Depth of Factor Factors Factors Factors

                                                      .15m (m2)                                                                      Cs-137    Co-60   Cs-134     Ni-63     Sr-90 1.0       1.049      2.664    1.673    0.0111         0.074      2.02E+02    1.66E+02    1.79E+02     8.74E+04      6.50E+03    8.50E+05 2.08E+05 2.34E+05  9.29E+10  2.49E+07 1.25       1.380      3.505    2.201    0.0193         0.129      1.16E+02    9.53E+01    1.03E+02     5.50E+04      6.63E+03    6.41E+05 1.57E+05 2.70E+05  7.71E+10  3.34E+07 1.5       1.610      4.089    2.568    0.0263         0.175      8.54E+01    7.02E+01    7.58E+01     4.18E+04      4.91E+03    5.51E+05 1.35E+05 2.32E+05  6.83E+10  2.89E+07 2.0       2.067      5.250    3.297    0.0433         0.289      5.17E+01    4.25E+01    4.59E+01     2.65E+04      2.99E+03    4.29E+05 1.05E+05 1.81E+05  5.57E+10  2.26E+07 2.5       2.469      6.271    3.938    0.0617         0.412      3.63E+01    2.98E+01    3.22E+01     1.89E+04      2.12E+03    3.59E+05 8.77E+04 1.51E+05  4.74E+10  1.91E+07 3.0       3.068      7.793    4.894    0.0953         0.636      2.35E+01    1.93E+01    2.09E+01     1.25E+04      1.38E+03    2.89E+05 7.07E+04 1.22E+05  3.88E+10  1.55E+07 3.5       3.548      9.012    5.659    0.1275         0.850      1.76E+01    1.45E+01    1.56E+01     9.42E+03      1.04E+03    2.50E+05 8.18E+04 1.05E+05  3.39E+10  1.35E+07 4.0       4.026      10.226   6.422    0.1642         1.095      1.39E+01    1.15E+01    1.24E+01     7.37E+03      8.16E+02    2.25E+05 5.50E+04 9.48E+04  3.01E+10  1.20E+07 5.0       5.047      12.819   8.051    0.2580         1.720      9.88E+00    8.07E+00    8.76E+00     4.72E+03      5.31E+02    2.00E+05 4.86E+04 8.42E+04  2.42E+10  9.79E+06 6.0       6.065      15.405   9.674    0.3726         2.484      7.46E+00    6.07E+00    6.62E+00     3.29E+03      3.74E+02    1.81E+05 4.39E+04 7.64E+04  2.02E+10  8.29E+06 8.0       7.981      20.272  12.731    0.6452         4.301      5.17E+00    4.18E+00    4.58E+00     1.91E+03      2.24E+02    1.65E+05 3.98E+04 6.96E+04  1.54E+10  6.54E+06 10.0       10.020     25.451  15.983    1.0170         6.780      3.89E+00    3.15E+00    3.46E+00     1.21E+03      1.47E+02    1.56E+05 3.76E+04 6.60E+04  1.23E+10  5.39E+06 12.0       11.938     30.323  19.043    1.4435         9.624      3.13E+00    2.53E+00    2.79E+00     8.55E+02      1.07E+02    1.50E+05 3.60E+04 6.33E+04  1.04E+10  4.65E+06 14.0       13.124     33.335  20.934    1.7446        11.631      2.91E+00    2.34E+00    2.58E+00     7.08E+02      9.04E+01    1.53E+05 3.67E+04 6.45E+04  9.43E+09  4.34E+06 16.0       15.000     38.100  23.927    2.2790        15.194      2.65E+00    2.13E+00    2.35E+00     5.42E+02      7.20E+01    1.59E+05 3.82E+04 6.72E+04  8.26E+09  3.94E+06 18.0       16.876     42.865  26.919    2.8847        19.232      2.45E+00    1.96E+00    2.17E+00     4.29E+02      5.88E+01    1.65E+05 3.95E+04 6.97E+04  7.34E+09  3.63E+06 20.0       18.812     47.782  30.007    3.5846        23.897      2.27E+00    1.82E+00    2.01E+00     3.45E+02      4.89E+01    1.71E+05 4.08E+04 7.20E+04  6.59E+09  3.36E+06 24.0       22.624     57.465  36.088    5.1845        34.563      2.04E+00    1.63E+00    1.80E+00     2.39E+02      3.62E+01    1.85E+05 4.39E+04 7.77E+04  5.48E+09  2.99E+06 32.0       30.624     77.785  48.849    9.4993        63.329      1.79E+00    1.43E+00    1.59E+00     1.30E+02      2.31E+01    2.19E+05 5.21E+04 9.25E+04  4.05E+09  2.58E+06 34.0       32.624     82.865  52.039   10.7806        71.870      1.74E+00    1.39E+00    1.54E+00     1.15E+02      2.10E+01    2.28E+05 5.40E+04 9.59E+04  3.80E+09  2.51E+06 36.0       34.500     87.630  55.032   12.0561        80.374      1.70E+00    1.35E+00    1.51E+00     1.03E+02      1.93E+01    2.35E+05 5.57E+04 9.90E+04  3.60E+09  2.44E+06 42.0       40.500    102.870  64.602   16.6141       110.761      1.58E+00    1.28E+00    1.43E+00     7.46E+01      1.50E+01    2.57E+05 6.17E+04 1.10E+05  3.06E+09  2.22E+06 Page 56 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Soil Concentrations Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/y) 3 D 25 10 CFR 20.1402 NR NR NR NR Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g) P 2 D 1 Unit Value NR NR NR NR Distribution coefficients (contaminated, unsaturated, and saturated zones) (cm3/g) Co-60 P 1 D 1161 TSD 14-0042 5.46 2.53 0.001 0.999 235 2 Cs-134 P 1 D 615 TSD 14-004 6.1 2.33 0.001 0.999 446 Cs-137 P 1 D 615 TSD 14-0042 6.1 2.33 0.001 0.999 446 Ni-63 P 1 D 62 TSD 14-0042 6.05 1.46 0.001 0.999 424 2 Sr-90 P 1 D 2.3 TSD 14-004 3.45 2.12 0.001 0.999 32 Initial concentration of radionuclides P 3 D 0 No existing groundwater NR NR NR NR present in groundwater (pCi/l) contamination Calculation Times Time since placement of material (y) P 3 D 0 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Time for calculations (y) P 3 D 0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Contaminated Zone Area of contaminated zone (m2) P 2 D 9.66 Estimated Volume of Buried NR NR NR NR Piping that will remain. Thickness of contaminated zone (m) P 2 D 1.0 Contaminated Zone due to NR NR NR NR buried piping is assumed to be located 1 m below the surface cap and is 1 m thick. Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) P 2 D 3.5 Diameter of 9.61, 20 and 40 m2 NR NR NR NR contaminated areas. Does the initial contamination penetrate NA NA NA No No initial contamination in NA NA NA NA the water table? water table Contaminated fraction below water Pe 3e D 0 No initial contamination in NR NR NR NR table water table Cover and Contaminated Zone Hydrological Data Cover depth (m) P 2 D 1 Soil Cover is 1 m thick NR NR NR NR 3 Density of cover (g/cm ) P 1 D 1.8 Cover soil density assumes 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.51 same density of site soil From CRA Table 5.5 Cover erosion rate (m/y) P,B 2 D 0.0015 Median 5E-08 0.0007 0.005 0.2 0.0015 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Density of contaminated zone P 1 D 1.8 Site-specific average native 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.51 (g/cm3) sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.5. Page 57 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/y) P,B 2 D 0.0015 Median 5E-08 0.0007 0.005 0.2 0.0015 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Contaminated zone total porosity P 2 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.06 0.001 0.999 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Contaminated zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.4 Contaminated zone hydraulic P 2 D 2880 Site-specific value from CRA 786 17000 NA NA 3649 conductivity (m/y) Table 5.9 Contaminated zone b parameter P 2 D 0.97 Median -0.0253 0.216 NA NA 0.97 NUREG 6697 distribution for site soil type - sand Humidity in air (g/m3) P 3 D 7.2 Median 1.98 0.334 0.001 0.999 7.2 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Evapotranspiration coefficient P 2 D 0.625 Median 0.5 0.75 NR NR 0.625 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Average annual wind speed (m/s) P 2 D 4.2 Median 1.445 0.2419 1.4 13 4.2 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Precipitation (m/y) P 2 D 0.83 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.12 Irrigation (m/y) B 3 D 0.19 NUREG-5512, Vol. 3, Table 6- NR NR NR NR 18 (Illinois Average) Irrigation mode B 3 D Overhead Overhead irrigation is common NR NR NR NR practice in U. S. Runoff coefficient P 2 D 0.2 Site-specific value from CRA 0.1 0.8 NR NR 0.45 Section 5.10 Watershed area for nearby stream or P 3 D 1.0E+06 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR pond (m2) Accuracy for water/soil computations - 3 D 1.00E-03 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Saturated Zone Hydrological Data Density of saturated zone (g/cm3) P 2 D 1.8 Site-specific average native 1.51 0.16 0.001 0.999 1.52 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.5. Saturated zone total porosity P 1 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.0699 0.214 0.646 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Saturated zone effective porosity P 1 D 0.29 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.06 0.001 0.999 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.7 Saturated zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from CRA NR NR NR NR Table 5.4 Saturated zone hydraulic P 1 D 2880 Site-specific average from 786 17000 NA NA 3649 conductivity (m/y) CRA Table 5.9. Page 58 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Saturated zone hydraulic gradient P 2 D 0.0039 Site-specific average native -5.11 1.77 0.00007 0.5 0.006 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.10 Saturated zone b parameter P 2 D NA NUREG/CR-6697, Att. A, NR NR NR NR NR saturated zone b not active Table 2 because water table drop rate

                                                                              =0 Water table drop rate (m/y)             P       3         D                     0              Well pumping rate assumed       NR           NR           NR        NR small relative to water table volume.

Well pump intake depth (m below water P 2 D 3.3 Mid-point of Shallow Aquifer NA NA NA NA table) CRA Table 5.1 Model: Non-dispersion (ND) or Mass- P 3 D ND Non-dispersion model used NR NR NR NR Balance (MB) Well pumping rate (m3/y) P 2 D 2250 Calculated according to NR NR NR NR NR method described in NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Section 3.10 assuming 10,000m2 land area, Illinois specific irrigation rate and NUREG/CR-5512 vol. 3 livestock water intake rate Unsaturated Zone Hydrological Data Number of unsaturated zone strata P 3 D 1 One unsaturated zone NA NA NA NA Unsat. zone thickness (m) P 1 D Distance from ground surface NA NA NA NA 1.6 (591) to water table (579) = (for 1.0 m contaminated zone 3.6 thickness) CRA Tables 5.1 and 5.2 For 1.0 m contaminated zone thickness unsaturated zone = 2.6 - 1.0 = 1.6 m Unsat. zone soil density (g/cm3) P 2 D 1.8 Site-specific value from CRA NA NA NA NA Table 5.5 Unsat. zone total porosity P 1 D 0.35 Site-specific average native 0.43 0.0699 0.214 0.646 0.43 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.6 Unsat. zone effective porosity P 1 D 0.29 Site-specific average native 0.342 0.0705 0.124 0.56 0.342 sand and disturbed sand from CRA Table 5.7 Unsat. zone field capacity P 3 D 0.066 Site-specific value from NR NR NR NR CRA Table 5.4 Page 59 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Unsat. zone hydraulic conductivity P 2 D 2880 Site-specific average from -0.511 1.77 0.00007 0.5 0.006 (m/y) CRA Table 5.9. Unsat. zone soil-specific b parameter P 2 D 0.97 Median -0.0253 0.216 0.501 1.90 0.97 NUREG/CR-6697 Att. C Sand soil type Occupancy Inhalation rate (m3/y) M,B 3 D 8400 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 33 NR NR NR NR Table 6.29 (=23 m3/d x 365 d/y) Mass loading for inhalation (g/m3) P,B 2 D 2.35E-05 Median See See NUREG- See See NUREG- 2.35E-05 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C NUREG- 6697 NUREG- 6697 6697 Table Table 4.6-1 6697 Table Table 4.6-1 4.6-1 4.6-1 Exposure duration B 3 D 30 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR (Parameter not used in dose calculation) Indoor dust filtration factor P,B 2 D 0.55 Median 0.15 0.95 0.55 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Shielding factor, external gamma P 2 D 0.40 75th Percentile -1.3 0.59 0.044 1 0.272 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Fraction of time spent indoors B 3 D 0.649 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) B 3 D 0.124 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 (outdoors + gardening) Shape factor flag, external gamma P 3 D Circular Circular contaminated zone NR NR NR NR assumed for modeling purposes Ingestion, Dietary Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, grain M,B 2 D 112 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR consumption (kg/y) Table 6.87 (other vegetables + fruits + grain) Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 21.4 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Milk consumption (L/y) M,B 2 D 233 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 65.1 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 (beef + poultry) Page 60 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Fish consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 20.6 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Note: Aquatic Pathway inactive Other seafood consumption (kg/y) M,B 3 D 0.9 RESRAD Users Manual Table NR NR NR NR D.2 Note: Aquatic Pathway inactive Soil ingestion rate (g/y) M,B 2 D 18.3 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Drinking water intake (L/y) M,B 2 D 478 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Contamination fraction of drinking B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of household B,P 3 NA water (if used) Contamination fraction of livestock B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of irrigation B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed NR NR NR NR water contaminated Contamination fraction of aquatic food B,P 2 D NA Assumption that pond is NR NR NR NR constructed that intercepts contaminated water not credible at Zion site Contamination fraction of plant food B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Contamination fraction of meat B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Contamination fraction of milk B,P 3 D -1 100% of food consumption rate NR NR NR NR from onsite source Ingestion, Non-Dietary Livestock fodder intake for meat M 3 D 28.3 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR (kg/day) 6.87 (forage, grain and hay for beef cattle + poultry + layer hen) Livestock fodder intake for milk M 3 D 65.2 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (kg/day) Table 6.87 (forage + grain + hay) Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) M 3 D 50.6 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 (beef cattle + poultry + layer hen) Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) M 3 D 60 NUREG/CR5512, Vol. 3 Table NR NR NR NR 6.87 Page 61 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Livestock soil intake (kg/day) M 3 D 0.5 RESRAD Users Manual, NR NR NR NR Appendix L Mass loading for foliar deposition P 3 D 4.00E-04 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (g/m3) Table 6.87, gardening Depth of soil mixing layer (m) P 2 D 0.15 for Surface Soil 25th Percentile 0 0.15 0.6 0.23 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 0.23 for Subsurface Soil Median NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Depth of roots (m) P 1 D 3.07 as opposed to surface soil 75th Percentile 0.3 4.0 2.15 at 1.22 m. Sensitivity analysis NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C for this scenario resulted in increased root depth of 3.07 Drinking water fraction from ground B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR water supplied from groundwater Household water fraction from ground B,P 3 NA water (if used) Livestock water fraction from ground B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR water supplied from groundwater Irrigation fraction from ground water B,P 3 D 1 All water assumed to be NR NR NR NR supplied from groundwater Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy P 2 D 1.75 Median 0.56 0.48 0.001 0.999 1.75 (kg/m2) NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m2) P 3 D 2.89 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Wet weight crop yield for Fodder P 3 D 1.91 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (kg/m2) Table 6.87 (maximum of forage, grain and hay) Growing Season for Non-Leafy (y) P 3 D 0.25 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Growing Season for Leafy (y) P 3 D 0.12 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Growing Season for Fodder (y) P 3 D 0.082 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy P 3 D 0.1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Leafy P 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Translocation Factor for Fodder P 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Weathering Removal Constant for P 2 D 33 Median 5.1 18 84 33 Vegetation (1/y) NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Non-Leafy Table 6.87 Page 62 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 2 D 0.58 Median 0.06 0.67 0.95 0.58 Leafy NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Fodder Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Non-Leafy Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Leafy Table 6.87 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for P 3 D 0.35 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Fodder Table 6.87 Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days): Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain B 3 D 14 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Leafy vegetables B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Milk B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 Meat and poultry B 3 D 1 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR Table 6.87 (holdup period for beef = 20d and poultry =1 day. Lowest value used) Fish B 3 D 7 RESRAD Users Manual Table NR NR NR NR D.6 Note: Aquatic pathway inactive in BFM Crustacea and mollusks B 3 D 7 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Note: Aquatic pathway inactive in BFM Well water B 3 D 1 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Surface water B 3 D 1 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Livestock fodder B 3 D 45 RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Table D.6 Special Radionuclides (C-14) C-12 concentration in water (g/cm3) P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR C-12 concentration in contaminated P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR soil (g/g) Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Fraction of vegetation carbon from air P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil P 2 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (m) Page 63 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median C-14 evasion flux rate from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (1/sec) C-12 evasion flux rate from soil P 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR (1/sec) Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed B 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Fraction of grain in milk cow feed B 3 D NA NA NR NR NR NR Dose Conversion Factors (Inhalation mrem/pCi) Co-60 M 3 D 2.19E-04 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-134 M 3 D 4.62E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-137 M 3 D 3.19E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Ni-63 M 3 D 6.29E-06 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Sr-90 M 3 D 1.30E-03 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Dose Conversion Factors (Ingestion mrem/pCi) Co-60 M 3 D 2.69E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-134 M 3 D 7.33E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Cs-137 M 3 D 5.00E-05 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Ni-63 M 3 D 5.77E-07 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Sr-90 M 3 D 1.42E-04 FGR11 NR NR NR NR Plant Transfer Factors (pCi/g plant)/(pCi/g soil) Co-60 P 1 D 1.4E-01 75th Percentile -2.53 0.9 7.9E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-134 P 1 D 7.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.22 1.0 4.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 1 D 7.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.22 1.0 4.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 1 D 9.2E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.9 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 1 D 5.9E-01 75th Percentile -1.20 1.0 3.0E-01 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Meat Transfer Factors (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) Co-60 P 2 D 5.8E-02 75th Percentile -3.51 1.0 3.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Page 64 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median Cs-134 P 2 D 6.5E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.4 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 2 D 6.5E-02 75th Percentile -3.00 0.4 5.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 2 D 9.2E-03 75th Percentile -5.30 0.9 5.03E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 2 D 1.3E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.4 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Milk Transfer Factors (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) Co-60 P 2 D 3.2E-03 75th Percentile -6.21 0.7 2.0E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-134 P 2 D 1.4E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.5 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Cs-137 P 2 D 1.4E-02 75th Percentile -4.61 0.5 1.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Ni-63 P 2 D 3.2E-02 75th Percentile -3.91 0.7 2.0E-02 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Sr-90 P 2 D 2.8E-03 75th Percentile -6.21 0.5 2.0E-03 NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C Bioaccumulation Factors for Fish ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L)) Co-60 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 5.7 1.1 3.0E+02 Cs-134 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 7.6 0.7 2.0E+03 Cs-137 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 7.6 0.7 2.0E+03 Ni-63 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01 Sr-90 P 2 NA Inactive NUREG/CR-6697, Att. C 4.1 1.1 6.0E+01 Bioaccumulation Factors for Crustacea/ Mollusks ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L)) Co-60 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Cs-134 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Cs-137 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Ni-63 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Sr-90 P 3 NA Inactive RESRAD Users Manual NR NR NR NR Appendix D Graphics Parameters Number of points 512 NR NR NR NR Spacing log RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Time integration parameters Maximum number of points for dose 17 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Page 65 of 107

Attachment 6 - RESRAD Parameters for ZSRP Buried TSD 14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Parameter (unit) Distribution's Statistical Parametersd Mean/ Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value Basis 102914 WCA 1600 hrs 1 2 3 4 Median User Preferences: Use Line Draw Character Find peak pathway doses Notes: a P = physical, B = behavioral, M = metabolic; (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.) b 1 = high-priority parameter, 2 = medium-priority parameter, 3 = low-priority parameter (see NUREG/CR-6697, Attachment B, Table 4.1) c D = deterministic, S = stochastic d Distributions Statistical Parameters: Lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation Bounded lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Truncated lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = lower quantile, 4 = upper quantile Bounded normal: 1 = mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Beta: 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum, 3 = P-value, 4 = Q-value Triangular: 1 = minimum, 2 = mode, 3 = maximum Uniform: 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum e 75th percentile for daughter because RESRAD uses same transfer factor for all isotopes of a given nuclide and one of the nuclides is on the ROC list.

1. NUREG/CR-6697, Development of Probabilistic RESRAD 6.0 and RESRAD-BUILD 3.0 Computer Codes, December 2000
2. Zion TSD 004, Recommended Values for the Distribution Coefficient (Kd) to be Used in Dose Assessments for Decommissioning the Zion Nuclear Power Plant, Draft June 2014
3. NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 3, Residual Radioactive Contamination From Decommissioning: Parameter Analysis, Draft Report for Comment, October 1999.
4. Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters in Support of Dose Modeling for the Zion Restoration Project, 054638 Report No. 3, January 14, 2014
5. Argonne National Laboratory, Users Manual for RESRAD Version 6, ANL/AED-4, July 2001 Page 66 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0

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Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 74 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 75 of 107

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Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 77 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 78 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 79 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 80 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 81 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 82 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 83 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 84 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 85 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 86 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 87 of 107

Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & Attachment 7 - RESRAD Sensitivity Analysis for TSD-14-015 DCGLs ZSRP Buried Piping Evaluation Revision 0 Page 88 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 89 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 90 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0 Page 91 of 107

Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0

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Attachment 8 - RESRAD Summary Report for TSD-14-015 Buried Pipe Dose Modeling & DCGLs Buried Piping In Situ Scenario Revision 0

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