ML15289A398 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 08/30/2015 |
From: | Gloege W P - No Known Affiliation |
To: | Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch |
References | |
80FR37664 00076, NRC-2009-0552 | |
Download: ML15289A398 (2) | |
9/1/2El15 NRC-2 0 09-0 552-D RAFT-0070.html f \ 1 ' ' \ J \ \ PUBLIC SUBMISSION Do c k et: NRC-2009-0552 As o f: 9/1/15 4: 57 PM Received:
August 30 , 2015 S tatu s: Pending_Post T rackin g No. ljz-8ku6-a6c5 C omm e nt s Du e: August 31 , 2015 S ubmi ss ion Ty p e: Web Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal ofDiablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant License C omm e n t O n: NRC-2009-0552-0026 Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement D o c um e n t: NRC-2009-05 52-DRAFT-0070 Comment on FR Doc# 2015-15921 N a me: William P Gloege Ad dre ss: Submitter Information 1130 E. Clark Ave., 150-223 Santa Maria , CA , 93455 E m ail: oflibertysons 37??jL General C omment I l *-....) :::...:.'.)
_., ,, , .. , -The Diablo Canyon Power Plant has served the area for 30 years this month. The plant is an environmental gift to San Luis Obispo County and the whole section of the California Coastal area. This area is noted for cleaner , clearer air. This is because Diablo Canyon emits no smoke , no soot , no ozone to endanger health of citizens compared to coal, oil and gas plants. Diab lo Canyon generates base load power of two billion , three hundred million watts of power , day and night , sun or no sun , wind or no wind. This keeps our great State going with tremendous power we want to run our homes , businesses and industry. Yet it inflicts no health damaging pollutants to harm fauna or flora. The Port San Luis Commercial Fisherman's Association reports catches of fish , squid , shrimp , mussels are increasing significantl y over the last ten years. This is undoubtedly due to the clean environment enabled by a large power plant that emits none of the deadly pollutants of conventional fossil fuel plants found elsewhere. The Union of Concerned Scientists prepared a document titled , "The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuel s that tells of the unseen health and environmental damage done by conventional power plants and other sources using fossil fuel for power. They reported , " ... some energy costs are not included in consumer utility bills , nor are they paid for by companies that produce or sell energy. These file: l//C:/Users/CAG/Downloads/NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html
--. 1/3 9/1/2015 NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html include human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning of coal and oil; damage to land from coal mining and to miners from black lung disease; environmental degradation caused b y global warming , acid rain , and water pollution; and national securi ty costs , such as protecting foreign sources of oil. "Man y of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence. These impacts include global warming , air quality deterioration , oil spills [as with the recent large spill at Refugio Beach near Santa Barbara] and acid rain." Diablo Can y on power plant and all such plants using the clean power from the nucleus of the atom avoid all these serious , costl y, dangerous threats to our citizens and to our environment.
In August of 2011 Scientific American wrote about the health care burden o f using fossil fuels. " Burning fossil fuels releases significant quantities of carbon dioxide , aggravating climate change." Climate change is responsible today for the serious drought in California and the West according to an article on the front page of the New York Times , August 21 , 2015. Atomic power avoids all these negative impacts on the environment and on human health. We urge the NRC to do all in its power to see California and the United States switches to this clean , safe , pro environment power source at the earliest possible time. The fate o f the planet and all life on it , very much including human life , depends on making this change at the earliest possible time and the NRC is in a vital position to facilitate and speed this change. Regarding the safety to humans of using power o f the atom , the US Navy made a 100% commitment to use of atomic power for all its large vessels such as submarines and air craft carriers (crew of over 6 , 000 on some carriers) starting in 1955. Since that time an estimated 100 , 000 crew have rotated through duty on these ships , working , sleeping and eating immediatel y near very powerful reactors. In all that time not one crew has been harmed b y radiation or an y other effect of the reactors. Follow up studies of these crew shows no health impacts after leaving service. The full commitment of our US Navy to the power of the atom and the 100% s uccess flowing from that commitmen t proves this power source is safe for people as it is good for the en v ironment.
The Scientific American a rticl e "The Human Cost o f Ener gy , Fossil fuels exact th e bigges t toll in terms of lives lost" (8/1 6/l l) lists this health burden exacted b y burning fossil fuels (mean numb e r o f cases per y ear): Pneumonia hospital admissions
-4 ,0 4 0 , Cardiovascular ills (hospital admissions) -9,72 0, Premature Deaths -3 0, 10 0, Acute bronchiti s case s -59 , 0 00 , Asthma atta cks -60 3 , 000 , Lost workd ays -5 , 13 0 , 0 0 0. T hese illnesses and deaths are caused b y l emissions of smoke , soot , ozon e , in the form of tin y particulate matter resulting from burning fossil fuel s. Diablo Can y on's 2 , 30 0 Megawatts ar e produced free of these deadl y wast e particles that go into the air and then into our lungs. Wast e from Diablo Can y on ener gy production is securel y and carefull y stored in thic k concrete cas ks th at ar e further encased in stainles s steel. This w aste has a l 00% perfec t s af e ty record of ne v er h ar min g a s in g le human in th e 60+ y ea rs o f atom powe r us e. Diablo Can y on will soon furnish desalinated w ater to locall y to bene fit health and en v ironment.
file:///C:/U ser s/C AG/D ownloads/NR C-200 9-055 2-D R AFT-0070.hlml 213 9/1/2 0 15 NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html In conclusion , regarding environmental damage there is no comparison between these two base load power sources for producing electricity. file:///C:/Use r s/CAG/Downloads/NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070
.html 3/3 9/1/2El15 NRC-2 0 09-0 552-D RAFT-0070.html f \ 1 ' ' \ J \ \ PUBLIC SUBMISSION Do c k et: NRC-2009-0552 As o f: 9/1/15 4: 57 PM Received:
August 30 , 2015 S tatu s: Pending_Post T rackin g No. ljz-8ku6-a6c5 C omm e nt s Du e: August 31 , 2015 S ubmi ss ion Ty p e: Web Notice of Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal ofDiablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant License C omm e n t O n: NRC-2009-0552-0026 Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement D o c um e n t: NRC-2009-05 52-DRAFT-0070 Comment on FR Doc# 2015-15921 N a me: William P Gloege Ad dre ss: Submitter Information 1130 E. Clark Ave., 150-223 Santa Maria , CA , 93455 E m ail: oflibertysons 37??jL General C omment I l *-....) :::...:.'.)
_., ,, , .. , -The Diablo Canyon Power Plant has served the area for 30 years this month. The plant is an environmental gift to San Luis Obispo County and the whole section of the California Coastal area. This area is noted for cleaner , clearer air. This is because Diablo Canyon emits no smoke , no soot , no ozone to endanger health of citizens compared to coal, oil and gas plants. Diab lo Canyon generates base load power of two billion , three hundred million watts of power , day and night , sun or no sun , wind or no wind. This keeps our great State going with tremendous power we want to run our homes , businesses and industry. Yet it inflicts no health damaging pollutants to harm fauna or flora. The Port San Luis Commercial Fisherman's Association reports catches of fish , squid , shrimp , mussels are increasing significantl y over the last ten years. This is undoubtedly due to the clean environment enabled by a large power plant that emits none of the deadly pollutants of conventional fossil fuel plants found elsewhere. The Union of Concerned Scientists prepared a document titled , "The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuel s that tells of the unseen health and environmental damage done by conventional power plants and other sources using fossil fuel for power. They reported , " ... some energy costs are not included in consumer utility bills , nor are they paid for by companies that produce or sell energy. These file: l//C:/Users/CAG/Downloads/NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html
--. 1/3 9/1/2015 NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html include human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning of coal and oil; damage to land from coal mining and to miners from black lung disease; environmental degradation caused b y global warming , acid rain , and water pollution; and national securi ty costs , such as protecting foreign sources of oil. "Man y of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence. These impacts include global warming , air quality deterioration , oil spills [as with the recent large spill at Refugio Beach near Santa Barbara] and acid rain." Diablo Can y on power plant and all such plants using the clean power from the nucleus of the atom avoid all these serious , costl y, dangerous threats to our citizens and to our environment.
In August of 2011 Scientific American wrote about the health care burden o f using fossil fuels. " Burning fossil fuels releases significant quantities of carbon dioxide , aggravating climate change." Climate change is responsible today for the serious drought in California and the West according to an article on the front page of the New York Times , August 21 , 2015. Atomic power avoids all these negative impacts on the environment and on human health. We urge the NRC to do all in its power to see California and the United States switches to this clean , safe , pro environment power source at the earliest possible time. The fate o f the planet and all life on it , very much including human life , depends on making this change at the earliest possible time and the NRC is in a vital position to facilitate and speed this change. Regarding the safety to humans of using power o f the atom , the US Navy made a 100% commitment to use of atomic power for all its large vessels such as submarines and air craft carriers (crew of over 6 , 000 on some carriers) starting in 1955. Since that time an estimated 100 , 000 crew have rotated through duty on these ships , working , sleeping and eating immediatel y near very powerful reactors. In all that time not one crew has been harmed b y radiation or an y other effect of the reactors. Follow up studies of these crew shows no health impacts after leaving service. The full commitment of our US Navy to the power of the atom and the 100% s uccess flowing from that commitmen t proves this power source is safe for people as it is good for the en v ironment.
The Scientific American a rticl e "The Human Cost o f Ener gy , Fossil fuels exact th e bigges t toll in terms of lives lost" (8/1 6/l l) lists this health burden exacted b y burning fossil fuels (mean numb e r o f cases per y ear): Pneumonia hospital admissions
-4 ,0 4 0 , Cardiovascular ills (hospital admissions) -9,72 0, Premature Deaths -3 0, 10 0, Acute bronchiti s case s -59 , 0 00 , Asthma atta cks -60 3 , 000 , Lost workd ays -5 , 13 0 , 0 0 0. T hese illnesses and deaths are caused b y l emissions of smoke , soot , ozon e , in the form of tin y particulate matter resulting from burning fossil fuel s. Diablo Can y on's 2 , 30 0 Megawatts ar e produced free of these deadl y wast e particles that go into the air and then into our lungs. Wast e from Diablo Can y on ener gy production is securel y and carefull y stored in thic k concrete cas ks th at ar e further encased in stainles s steel. This w aste has a l 00% perfec t s af e ty record of ne v er h ar min g a s in g le human in th e 60+ y ea rs o f atom powe r us e. Diablo Can y on will soon furnish desalinated w ater to locall y to bene fit health and en v ironment.
file:///C:/U ser s/C AG/D ownloads/NR C-200 9-055 2-D R AFT-0070.hlml 213 9/1/2 0 15 NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070.html In conclusion , regarding environmental damage there is no comparison between these two base load power sources for producing electricity. file:///C:/Use r s/CAG/Downloads/NRC-2009-0552-DRAFT-0070
.html 3/3