ML24108A053 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 02/29/2024 |
From: | Public Commenter Public Commenter |
References | |
89FR4631 | |
Download: ML24108A053 (5) | |
Patricia K. <>
Thursday, February 29, 2024 6:20 PM To:
[External_Sender] NRC: SHUT DOWN DIABLO. Do not relicense Diablo Canyon Power Plant Attachments:
email to NRC Feb. 2024.docx
Federal Register Notice:
89FR4631 Comment Number:
51 Mail Envelope Properties (3C1B9D80-D033-4A22-A95A-61AEFFFFAEF1)
[External_Sender] NRC: SHUT DOWN DIABLO. Do not relicense Diablo Canyon Power Plant Sent Date:
2/29/2024 6:19:53 PM Received Date:
2/29/2024 6:20:13 PM From:
Patricia K.
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"DiabloCanyonEnvironmental.Resource" <>
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2/29/2024 6:20:13 PM email to NRC Feb. 2024.docx 17769 Options Priority:
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TO: Members of the NRC From: Patricia Kohlen, 359 Los Cerros Dr., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405. Tel: 805-441-4754 Date: February 29, 2024 RE: Public safety Hazard increased If Diablo Canyon is relicensed for one more minute As a resident of this county since 1976 I have made my life in this community, investing in raising my family here, in serving as a teacher and in buying property and creating a home. All of this investing in the community is in jeopardy for another 5 years because of the recent CPUC vote to extend the license of both Diablo Canyon reactors and, if the NRC has its way, for another 20 years. A natural or man-made disaster at Diablo would render this area uninhabitable. This is totally disastrous to residents of SLO County and completely unnecessary. The burden of the storage of existing spent fuel is enough. Why add more danger with an antiquated plant running past its licensing date, and adding more spent fuel to be contained on site?
What an outrage that three members of the California Public Utilities Committee (CPUC) voted on 12/14/23 to extend the license of both Diablo Canyon reactors (DCPP) for another five years - until 2030. This vote ignored all safety concerns and even the application by PG& E in 2015 to decommission both of its nuclear reactors. This application to retire DCPP was approved by the CPUC on January 11, 2018. However, after receiving a windfall of money from the State (Gov. Newsom) which the Federal government is going to reimburse the State, PG & E reapplied to continue operation at the plant.
As a stakeholder in this community since the 1970s I did not buy into living in an environment that has spent nuclear storage stored in vulnerable containers forever.
Indeed, the spent fuel accumulated for the past almost 40 years since Diablo went online in the mid 80s, was supposed to be shipped out to a permanent Federal depository, however, NO community wants this built in THEIR community and so the spent-waste fuel remains here in SLO County. We dont want it either.
- p. 1 of 3
When one purchases a piece of real estate in SLO County there is a disclosure on the selling contract that specifies the Natural Hazard Zone Disclosure. This information is usually provided by the Title Company. Many homes in SLO County are in the Seismic/Geologic Hazard Zone and the disclosure states: the severity of a geologic hazard depends on the underlying geology, slope, proximity to earthquake faults, and soil type in the area. Many cities and counties require geologic studies before any significant construction if a property is in or near a geologic hazard known to them and certain types of construction may be prohibited. Sadly, none of the parties reviewing the permit application to construct Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant paid much attention to this - and notably not all of the 4 earthquake faults were known back when this application was first written in the mid 1960s. The most recent fault, the Shoreline fault, was discovered in 2008 and is located less than 1,000 yards from the Diablo Canyon plants Even one of the local hospitals, Sierra Vista, which was built in the 1950s is having extensive remediation work done to attempt to bring it up to date for a seismic event. This hospital does not store radiation in tanks on site. However, authorities have deemed it unsafe as is. So is Diablo but no one is doing anything about it.
The NRC, concluded after its review of the Fukushima accident, that no seismic upgrades were necessary because the health and safety due to the public were acceptable. No, they are not. No, they are not acceptable to my family. No, I have lived with this unacceptable risk for 40 years and it is NOT acceptable for one day longer than the previously agreed decommissioning dates of 2024 for Unit One and 2025 for Unit Two.
In addition, I recently asked the question at the 12/13/23 meeting of the local CPUC representatives, about how most of the residents, and especially those living within a 6 miles radius of the plant of SLO County can all be expected to evacuate using the proposed routes. The Office of Emergency Planning has printed a map showing the ways out of San Luis Obispo -going north and south. There are only two roads north: Hwy 1 is currently closed for repairs and over the Grade, Hwy 101, which backs up on a weekly basis - and that is without panicked drivers in their cars trying to escape a radiation leak. Hwy 101 south and Hwy 227 are at a standstill on a DAILY basis around 5 pm when commuters are returning home. All suggested exit routes, both north and south, lead to: Monitoring, decontamination, & reception Center. Who will be there to staff these decontamination centers? One of the board members at the referenced recent CPUC meeting here in SLO on 12/13/23
replied that this issue needed to be discussed and at least an hour should be set aside for that. Will this discussion be too late? Has the NRC had this discussion?
Has the NRC even looked at the proposed evacuation plans?
The NRC will soon decide whether to relicense this plant for an additional 20 years.
Wake up members of the NRC. Look at the evidence; look at the facts and why hasnt the embrittlement of one of the reactors been addressed? Why are you endangering the lives, livelihood, health, and quite possibly rendering this part of the central coast of California uninhabitable? Would you want your grandchildren to live here?