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Comment (19) E-mail Regarding Diablo Canyon Lr EIS Scoping
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2024
From: Public Commenter
Public Commenter
Download: ML24047A098 (2)



Ron Pomerantz <>


Thursday, February 15, 2024 8:31 PM To:



[External_Sender] Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant License renewal application Good day Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners (NRC) and staff.

As the name of your Commission says, your job is supposed to be to regulate ("control or supervise) the nuclear industry. Having followed the Commissions actions over many years, your priority appears, however, to promote the nuclear industry rather than regulate it. If the NRC regulated the industry, many nuclear power plants would not be operating. Case in point is Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.

It should never have received an operating license due to nearby active seismic faults and major construction errors. When you rely on the corporation that wants to operate the nuclear plant do you really believe theyll give you objective information? Your job is to carefully scrutinize what your given.

This certainly hasnt seemed to be the case.

Now, after nearly 40 years of problem operations, PG&E is asking for a 20-year operating license extension. This is after PG&E, California State, IBEW, and environmental organizations all contractually agreed in 2016 to have Diablo completely shut down by 2025. The earthquake faults havent gone away; rather, more active faults have been found close by. Embrittlement hasnt stopped, instead has accumulated and gotten worse. The cooling system continues environmental destruction unabated. The nuclear waste is stored on-site in old storage containers, and more will accumulate daily without adequate storage on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. Diablo Canyon is similar in risk to Fukushima. Need I say more.

The plant operator, PG&E, is a convicted felon with a history of safety violations with their operation of their natural gas system and electricity operations. They have responsibility for major conflagrations causing more than 100 deaths and property destruction of over 23,000 home and businesses since 2017 due to their faulty electrical transmission system. Before you permit Diablo Canyon to keep operating you must be assured PG&E is capable of safely operating Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and the aforementioned major issues are fixed beyond a shadow of doubt. Theres no way they can be remedied by the time the operating license for Unit 1 expires this year. I certainly would expect you would not allow this plant to operate without a certified license attesting that everything is in ship shape.

Its with great cynicism I write to the NRC, a fully captured agency. Thus far, good fortune has prevented a major accident at Diablo Canyon. Good luck is not a way to make life and death decisions. Hopefully your integrity and conscience will be your ultimate guide when deciding the Diablo Canyons fate after analyzing the science and all the problems with extending the license of Diablo Canyon.

Sincerely, Ron Pomerantz

Federal Register Notice:

89FR4631 Comment Number:

19 Mail Envelope Properties (2D4441BF-EA94-4C99-9D9D-1C58E5F05AC9)


[External_Sender] Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant License renewal application Sent Date:

2/15/2024 8:31:25 PM Received Date:

2/15/2024 9:02:19 PM From:

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