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Integrated Performance Improvement Plan, Revision 5, Page 74 Through Page 137
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Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/2013
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13172A342 (64)


FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments uriginal ueliveraile:

xeactor I-rotection System (RPS) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised tme action statement to clanty the purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Reactor Protection System (RPS) and identify actions to restore the svstem.Revised Deliverable:

Reactor Protection System (RPS) Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report 74 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments uriginal Action: compiete me ,steam Generator System (SGS) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Steam Generator System (SGS) and identify actions to restore the svstem.uriginal Deiveraoie:

steam uenerator System (SGS) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report lKevised the action statement to cianty tne purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Deliverable:

Steam Generator System (SGS) Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report Original Action: Complete the Structures System (STR) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Original Deliverable:

Structures System Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised the action statement to clarify the purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Structures System (STR) and identify actions to restore the system.Revised Deliverable:

Structures System (STR)Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report a m 75 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments unginal AcTion: ý-ompiere Tne i uroine Plant Cooling System (TPC) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Turbine Plant Cooling System (TPC) and identify actions to restore the system.unginai ueiiveraDle:

luroine rianT uooiing System (TPC) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Kevisea Tne action sTatemenT TO clarimy Tne purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Deliverable:

Turbine Plant Cooling System (TPC) Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report 76 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments Original Action: Complete the Waste Disposal System (WDS) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Waste Disposal System (WDS) and identify actions to r~cf+--r +ký c-,ec+rvýi, lyirlul VvUY,11 uispubui , ybltrfII (WDS) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report I Vtv'U UrKr ýlIUltflrfll IQu[ lUllty Irlýpurpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Deliverable:

Waste Disposal System (WDS) Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report e uriginai Action: ý,ompieTe me vents and Drains (VD) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report. This will include Sanitary and Storm Drains uriginai ueiiveraoie:

vents ana urains System (VD) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised the action statement to clarify the purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Vents and Drains System (VDS) and identify actions to restore the system. This will include Sanitary and Storm Drains.Revised Deliverable:

Vents and Drains System(VD)

Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report 77 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments Original Action: Complete trie Meteorological Monitoring Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report Revised Action: Assess the effects of the flood on the Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS) and identify octions to restore the svstem.Original DeliveraDie:

Meteorological Monitoring System (MM) Flooding Recovery System Health Assessment report lKevisea the action statement to clanty tne purpose of the initial System Health Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to specify the startup system health report.Revised Deliverable:

Meteorological Monitoring System (MM) Flooding Recovery Start Up System Health Assessment report 78 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.2 System Health Assessments 221Shor-Tr Acin (Pio To RS >1*Original Action: Complete the Original Deliverable:

Communications Revised the action statement to clarify the Communications Systems Flooding System (CM) Flooding Recovery System purpose of the initial System Health Recovery System Health Assessment Health Assessment Report Assessments.

Revised the deliverable to report specify the startup system health report.Revised Deliverable:

Communications Revised Action: Assess the effects of System (CM) Flooding Recovery Start Up the flood on the Communications System Health Assessment Report Systems (COM) and identify actions to restore the s stem. _79 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration FOCUS AREA: Plant Systems and Equipment ACTION PLAN: Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 2.3 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flooding conditions may have wetted and degraded plant electric motors.OBJECTIVE:

Restore all wetted electric motors to a functional status.Complete maintenance work documents uriginal Action: iaKe oil sampie Trom bearing housings.Revised Action: Take oil sample from bearing housings.CW-1A-M CW- 1 B-M CW-1C-M Revised action to include only the affected equipment tag numbers per results of action 2.3.1 .1..1. a 80 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration unginal Action: Keturbish motor it water contamination is present in oil.Replace motor in whole is an additional option.Uriginal Deliverable:

Completed maintenance work documents.

Purchase order will be needed for Vendor support.Vendor to provide motor refurbishment report. A new motor can be used if available[his action is being moved to Short-lerm Action (Prior to Critical) Work has been completed but PMT requires running of the Circ Water pumps. Operating procedures do not require these pumps to be in operation prior to plant heatup.81 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration Original Action: Evaluate visual inspection results for possible actions (removal of moisture, cleaning, refurbishment of motor)Revised Action: Evaluate visual inspection results for possible actions (removal of moisture, cleaning, refurbishment of motor)CW-1A-M CW- 1 B-M Condition reports and/or Work Request will be generated for actions needed based on visual inspection results Revised action to include only the affected equipment tag numbers per results of action Action: It Static lest results are SAT, motor can be started.Maintenance oversight of initial run.Vibration data to be taken during initial run Original eliveralDie:

uompleted maintenance work documents This action is being moved to Short-Term Action (Prior to Critical) Work requires running of the Circ Water pumps.Operating procedures do not require these pumps to be in operation prior to plant heatup.Revised Deliverable:

None Revised Action: None Revied Ation Non 82 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration LJrllJgrln uellverUate: -ormpieiea maintenance work documents.

Purchase order will be needed for Vendor support.Vendor to provide motor refurbishment report. A new motor can be used if available Iotor UrlU puMPrp ussemILly Ko Ut repIUCeU instead.83 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration unrginna ACiTon: Kemove aegraaeO motor Revised Action: Remove degraded motor pump assembly DW-69-M'...ompleieu muiriieriurice WorK aocumreru s KUeviseU Uc;Ionr IU IFlCIUUe Uriy wne affected equipment tag numbers per results of action Action: Post Maintenance Testing of motor t-ompieieu mumrieriorice WO[K UO(curITeriis Revised action to include only the affected equipment tag numbers per results of action Action: Post Maintenance Testing of motor pump assembly.DW-69-M DW-70-M 84 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration Original Action: If bearings are in good condition and motor is visibly in good condition, Static Test Motor (resistive balance, megger, PI).Completed maintenance work documents.

The testing can be done from the termination box at the motor or from the MCC if the feeder cables to the motor have been found acceptable (Reference Underground Cable Assessment Plan)Moved from Revised action to include only the affected equipment tag numbers per results of action Action: If bearings are in good condition and motor is visibly in good condition, Static Test Motor (resistive balance, megger, PI).CW-1A-M CW-1 B-M CW-1C-M 85 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 2.3 Wetted Motor Damage Assessment and Restoration 86 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.1 Engineering Program Reviews FOCUS AREA: Long Term Equipment Reliability ACTION PLAN: Engineering Program Reviews ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 3.1 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Review all Engineering Programs and determine if flood recovery plans are needed for each program.OBJECTIVE:

Ensure all site restoration issues associated with Engineering Programs are included in Site Restoration Plan.Document justification of no flood I Written justification for each program not recovery plan for each program that I requiring a flood recovery plan screened out as not needina one I 87 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.1 Engineering Program Reviews 88 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.2 Underground Cable Assessment FOCUS AREA: Long Term Equipment Reliability ACTION PLAN: Underground Cable Assessment ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 3.2 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flooded cable manholes and vaults have subjected cables to conditions which may have impacted cable function and/or reliability.


Assess impact of submergence on Safety Related and Important to Safety/Production Cables within the Maintenance Rule Scope to assure a reasonable expectation of continued operability/functionality.

test Maintenance Rule Low Voltage Original Deliverable:

Test Shielded or Power Cables subjected to Unshielded Low Voltage by AC Megger.wetting/submergence Revised Deliverable:

Completed Work Order(s) and Test Analysis Report Deliverable was changed to "Completed Work Order(s) and Test Analysis Report" 89 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.2 Underground Cable Assessment unginal: inspect mannoies ana vauiTs for damage and integrity of water seals at penetrations Acuon was cnangeu TO ereIove IrligyrIiy of water seals at penetrations" as this scope is included in action Revised: Inspect Manholes and Vaults for structural inteQrity.

90 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.2 Underground Cable Assessment nrgY~r nui ic or: resng Iflgo0 contingency cables installed after replacement (if needed)uriginui Uellveruote:

Testing report 1-10Se aue To ine compierion O caaole testing with no cable replacement required.Inspect Manhole interiors and remove mud/debris 91 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.3 Underground Piping and Tanks Assessment FOCUS AREA: Long Term Equipment Reliability ACTION PLAN: Underground Piping and Tanks Assessment ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 3.3 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flooding conditions and temporary mitigation measures may have degraded underground piping and tanks.OBJECTIVE:

Restore all station underground piping and tanks to functional status.92 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 3.3 Underground Piping and Tanks Assessment 93 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment FOCUS AREA: Design and Licensing Basis ACTION PLAN: Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 4.1 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flooding may have negatively affected the functionality of existing structures.

urlginal ACTion: zeiecT ana assemole analysis teams Kevisea acTion TO more accurateiy reTrecT scope Revised Action: Assemble OPPD and HDR project management and assessment teams 94 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment Develop level 2 schedule I Draft Level 2 schedule.I Close by consolidating into action rriory i proposai uinginai ueIIveraQIe:

ueTaoiea scope ana fee proposal for priority 1 structures.

Revised Deliverable:

Detailed scope and cehgwhi dIa nrnnewnl fnr nrir~rihi 1 cfrt tifi ire Revised deliveable to more accurately reflect its content No changes I No changes 7 -r T ; / t¸,r'leuie brlru/tuule UUlUUube I UUIU stoff Ubte- briure:UUvie Uy urlu r I No changes lKeview aata Tor eacn structure ana LIST OT aata gaps.ir4,nfif/

eq~n rrincI I No changes Original Action: Inspect structures I Original Deliverable:

Field reports Close by consolidation into action 4.1 .1 .16 l(Create report of findings)

I n: None e: [Nol 95 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment M 96 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment Suiose Dy consoIIaotion fnTo acTion 4. 1. I.Z6 (Create report of findings)97 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment u'.ginrau

/Mc.Ionr Remediation of the Turbine Building and Class I Structure void.u'ngyinu uei.veruuie

  • Completed remediation of the Turbine Building and Class I structure void (if required).

Ktýwl~U uU;o I I IIU U;Krlw ug IUWrtIf U I Geotechnical/Structural Assessment Report may show that this work is not required.Revised Action: Remediation of the Turbine Building and Class 1 Structure void if required.98 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment 11-MOMM. NT SM

  • t0 =9* Sf Verify no geotechnical or structural Complete OPPD owner acceptance review New action impact to site structures (except TB of Geotechnical/Structural Assessment and Class 1) and equipment as a Report.result of the 2011 flood.99 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment Review findings and Meetings and documentation No changes recommendations with OPPD and document results ___________________________________

Reports aznd Submittals:_________________


Assemble final summary report Original Deliverable:

Final summary report Deliverable was changed to clarify which reflecting OPPD owner review comments revision of the report is intended.Revised Deliverable:

Final summary report Revision 3 reflecting OPPD owner review comments Establish long-term monitoring Long-term monitoring plan No changes activities Remediation of the loose soils area Completed remediation of loose soil areas New action under the Turbine Building and Class 1 under the Turbine Building and Class I structures if re uired. structures as required.Attachment A Plant & Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment Priority 1 -Structures That Must Be Assessed Prior to Plant Restart Class 1 Structures" Intake Structure" Auxiliary Building" Containment Non-Class 1 Structures Inside Protected Area" Rad Waste Building" Technical Support Center 100 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment

  • Security Building* Turbine Building* Security BBREs* South Switchyard
  • Transformers (T1, TIA1, TlA2, TIA3, and T1A4)* 161 kV Structures
  • Condensate Storage Tank* Underground Utilities* Raw Water Piping* Fire Protection System Piping* Underground Cable Duct to Intake Structure Non-Class 1 Structures Outside Protected Area" ISFSI (Dry Fuel Storage)* OSGS (Old Steam Generator Storage Building)* Switchvard
  • 161 kV Building* 345 kV Building (west)* 345 kV Building (east)* Transformers
  • 161kV Structures
  • 345 kV Structures Met Tower Condensate Storage Tank Demineralized Water Storage Tank and Pump House Underground Cable Duct From the Switchyard to Plant 0 0 0 U 101 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.1 Plant and Facility Geotechnical and Structural Assessment Priority 2 -Structures That Do Not Directly Support Plant Operation Non-Class 1 Structures Inside Protected Area* New Warehouse" Chemistry/Radiation Protection Building" -Maintenance Shop* Maintenance Fabrication Shop Non-Class 1 Structures Outside Protected Area" Maintenance Storage Building* Old Warehouse* Training Center" Administrative Building" Hazardous Material Storage Building" Maintenance Garage" Tertiary Building" Spare Transformer Pads" Shooting Range" Parking Lots" Outdoor Concrete Slabs and Driveways* Sewage Lagoons 102 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.2 External Flooding Barrier Configuration FOCUS AREA: Design and Licensing Basis ACTION PLAN: External Flooding Barrier Configuration ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 4.2 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flood barriers may have been affected during the 2011 flooding event or outage activities that would prevent the barriers from performing their intended function.

This issue will also address the final configuration of any flood mitiqation devices installed to address the 2011 floodinq event.OBJECTIVE:

Verify that the current configuration of external flood barriers is adequate to protect critical assets required to implement protective actions as described in AOP-1, Acts of Nature.Deliverable changed to delete training discussion.

This is an inherent part of the procedure revision process.103 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.2 External Flooding Barrier Configuration Original Action: Perform walkdown of all flood mitigation devices (i.e., berms, sandbags, HESCO barriers) to determine if each device is to be removed or is to remain Revised Action: None Original Deliverable:

List at flood mitigation devices and configuration disposition; Engineering Changes to be initiated as necessary to address final desired configuration Close by consolidation into action (Initiate actions to remove non-permanent configuration changes)Revised Deliverable:

None I I I II I Identify flood barriers which will not have adequate qualification basis before leavina Cold Shutdown.I Burns & McDonnell report.I No changes 104 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.2 External Flooding Barrier Configuration 105 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.2 External Flooding Barrier Configuration m., ISSuuu ior lloou corirroi measures maT have been determined to be permanent 106 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.3 Station Design Configuration Control FOCUS AREA: Design and Licensing Basis ACTION PLAN: Station Design Configuration Control ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 4.3 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Various configuration changes have occurred as part of flood mitigation.

Tracking of configuration changes will continue throughout the flooding event to ensure that configuration control is maintained.

Decisions will need to be made following the flooding regarding the final configuration required.

In some instances, (e.g. earthen berm in the switchyard), it may be beneficial to leave the flood mitigation devices in place as permanent fixtures.OBJECTIVE:

Establish final plant configuration following the 2011 Flooding event.Initiate actions to remove non-permanent configuration changes I vork documents/condition reports have been initiated for removal of non-permanent changqes.107 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 4.3 Station Design Configuration Control rernorm ý;K zu 1-6366 waIK-aown TO verify restoration of non-permanent configuration changes.I f.ompieflon ana aocumenTaTIon OT WalK-down results in CR 2011-8566 108 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.1 Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status FOCUS AREA: Emergency Planning ACTION PLAN: Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 5.1 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Flooding conditions and power cut offs have made sirens 1, 69, 75, 76, 135, 143, 257, 259, and 260 non-functional.


Restore flood affected sirens to functional status.109 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.1 Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status Original ueliverable:

written approval by FEMA or a FEMA approved plan for restoration based on infrastructure or resident restoration Action not required; all sirens were accessible for repair and have been restored under (Based on siren inspection procure replacement siren heads, poles, electronic, and power supplies).

Original Action: Install solar charging kits on the affected sirens unginal ueiverable:

Keport OT equipment installed Revised Deliverable:

None I ;losea -I-IMA has proviaea guidance tnat solar chargers are an enhancement, not required, and do not require a design report chanae.110 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.1 Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status Conduct a tull siren test atter sirens I Emergency mlanning lest (EPI-3J, Alert have been restore to functional status Notification Complete Cycle Test.uriginai MCiion: r-sciuisri prioui rles wim Communications, T&D, Mid-America Power, and counties for restoring AC power to sirens Revised Action: None Un.giryuIn ueIveruore.

1w.. power resiorca 10 all sirens Revised Deliverable:

None..CuiOrl 10ui riecuco, uii zlrenls reuiurot.

Im action (Based on siren inspection procure replacement siren heads, poles, electronic, and power supplies) and tested in (Conduct a full siren test after sirens have been restore to functional status).il FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.2 Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status FOCUS AREA: Emergency Planning ACTION PLAN: Field Monitoring and Post Accident Environmental Monitoring ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 5.2 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Performing fielding monitoring and environmental sampling in flood affected sectors or through roads closed by floodinq.OBJECTIVE:

Be able to assess and determine if Protective Action Recommendations are adequate for affected sectors.I Plan was reviewed by peers and is jNo changes stationed at Protective Measure Emergency I Response stations [112 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.2 Return Alert Notification Sirens To Functional Status Discuss the use of fly-over sampling of Documented discussion of fly-over sampling No changes flood affects area of the EPZ with the of flood affected area of the EPZ with the Directors of Radiological Health at the Directors of Radiological Health at the State State of Nebraska and Iowa of Nebraska and Iowa 113 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster FOCUS AREA: Emergency Planning ACTION PLAN: Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 5.3 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Assess the capabilities of the offsite emergency response to respond to a radiological emergency.


FEMA to issue a letter of Reasonable Assurance to the NRC to allow Fort Calhoun to go critical.114 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster iertorm normal communications testing Original ueiiveraoie:

iertorm normal testing per EPT-5 and EPT-6. Last was completed 7/28/2011 (EPT-5 & EPT-6) satisfactory.

Test results will support EPDM-20 documentation EPT-5 & 6 are monthly tests were completed last on 7/28/11.lemovea status intormation Revised Deliverable:

Perform normal testing oer EPT-5 and EPT-6.Original Action: Ensure effluent radiation monitors are functional Revised Action: None Original Deliverable:

Verify that the effluent radiation monitors have been repaired, calibrated, and are functional.

Results will support EPDM-20 documentation.

Write work orders and contingencies if not functional.

As of 8/29/11, all effluent (process) monitors are operational and calibrated.

No action required, radiation monitors were not affected by flooding.Revised Deliverable:

None a -- --115 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster 116 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster Closed by consolidation to new action (Obtain Statement of Reasonable Assurance from FEMA). Actions to are areas of interest from the FEMA Disaster Initiated Review checklist for developing the Statement of Reasonable Assurance Closed by consolidation to new action (Obtain Statement of Reasonable Assurance from FEMA). Actions to are areas of interest from the FEMA Disaster Initiated Review checklist for developing the Statement of Reasonable Assurance.

117 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster Closed Dy consolidation to new action (Obtain Statement of Reasonable Assurance from FEMA). Actions to are areas of interest from the FEMA Disaster Initiated Review checklist for developing the Statement of Reasonable Closed by consolidation to new action (Obtain Statement of Reasonable Assurance from FEMA). Actions to are areas of interest from the FEMA Disaster Initiated Review checklist for developing the Statement of Reasonable Assurance.

118 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.3 Assessment of Offsite Emergency Response Following a Natural Disaster unginai ACTion: ueveiop a report wirn uriginai ueiiveraoie:

teport Wim supporting the supporting documentation that documentation.

can be used to assist the states in writing a letter of certification to FEMA Revised Deliverable:

None Region IV i;iosea oy consoiiaation To new action (Obtain Statement of Reasonable Assurance from FEMA).119 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.4 Onsite Facility and Equipment Restoration FOCUS AREA: Emergency Planning ACTION PLAN: Onsite Facility and Equipment Restoration ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 5.4 ISSUE DEFINITION:

Assess the capabilities of the onsite emergency response facilities and equipment for a radiological emergency.


Restore onsite facilities and equipment.

Dates are based on expected river elevations when water is no longer on-site.Conduct and document flooding event J No changes critique, including major procedures used to address and mitigate flooding 120 FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 5.4 Onsite Facility and Equipment Restoration Return TSC Toilets and Potable water J Services restored to service I 121 FRP APPENDIX B -REMOVED FLOODING RECOVERY ACTION PLANS 122 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions FOCUS AREA: Site Restoration ACTION PLAN: Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions ACTION PLAN NUMBER: 1.3 ISSUE DEFINITION:

A fire that occurred on June 7, 2011, rendered bus 1 B4A inoperable.

In addition, cables in the cable tray immediately above 1 B4A were damaged by heat. Fire by-products and Halon discharge into the switchgear I room has left many pieces of equipment coated with debris and they must be properly cleaned or otherwise I dispositioned.


Restore bus 1B4A to an operable status within design basis. Correct any identified extent of condition associated with the fire Root Cause Analysis.

Restore all affected cables to operable condition within design basis. Assure the equipment and the switchgear room, itself, is returned to an acceptably clean condition.

ine venaor, NLI, is reouiiaing me ioaa center unaer mneir wA program.Before the plant accepts the load center from NLI, appropriate dedication documentation must be provided 123 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions Report from EPRI that provides conclusions to the subject cables 124 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions 125 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions Return ot the equipment located in the switchgear room to pre-tire conditions as required by the technical requirements supplied by System Engineering 126 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions Completed testing that demonstrates that all cables located in the tray above the 1 B4A load center have been properly re-terminated 127 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions I All temporary modifications that have been installed after the fire event have been restored to normal conditions and the operational requirements 128 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus I B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions Implement the Maintenance Barna Repair or adjustment of items required by the extent of condition.

As a requirements minimum, the bus stabs will be cleaned to remove built up lubricant.

supplied by System Additional items may be specified by System Engineering.

Engineering regarding the Closed to specific Actions, & extent of condition.

At this time it is known that the minimum required for the extent of condition will be to clean the bus stabs for the main and bus tie breakers for five load centers ( 1B4A not required due to new bus)Additional actions may be required.129 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions 130 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan 1.3 Bus 1 B4A Restoration and Extent of Condition Actions Re-align NLI breaker cradles so finger to bus stab engagement is in the silver plated contact surface, obtain acceptable as left DLRO readings under WOs listed in Al 25 System Engineering Ilu nrisures mai ine current carrying ringers ThaT connecT Tne oreaKer craaie To the bus work are properly engaged on the silver-plated portion of the bus.131 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 I&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment FOCUS AREA: Long Term EquipmentReliabi-ty ACTION PLAN: _ I-&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment ACTION PLAN NUMBER: i 3.4 ISSUE DEFINITION:

A few power supplies in the FCS Reactor Protection System (RPS) have failed. Some failures are due to age related failure mechanisms, including some equipment that was installed beyond the vendor or other established recommended service life. This same issue applies to Safety Related (CQE) -includes FID 1 & 2-power supplies in other systems.OBJECTIVE:

Ensure safety-related (CQE) power supplies do not fail while in service by implementation of an effective equipment reliability strategy.

Replace CQE power supplies that are beyond their established service life.Develop a strong technical basis for all CQE power supplies that support the equipment reliability strategies for these power supplies.132 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 l&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment Word or Excel document with a summary ot historical pertormance by manufacturer and model and FCS component identification number for CQE power supplies 133 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 I&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment 134 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 I&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment Determine the Engineering Ravi Tella Excel list with manufacturer and model number and recommended service recommended Programs lives for each CQE power supply service life for CQE power supplies based on analyses performed earlier in this action plan These service lives will be based on: (1)manufacturer and model, (2) qualified life testing, (3)vendor recommendations and communication with vendors, (4)remnant life based on stress testing of removed power supplies, (5) industry and FCS specific historical performance and (6)actual duty cycle and service condition where these power supplies are installed

_, 135 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 I&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment Cocument ah faiue Engineering Ravi Tella EordelnorExcel documents weithFiurte tmoes based replacmnalsi oftrachg moesased efeplcnts Programs powe bsupli eiigtesstmadpatipcso alr fta power supplies This strategy and basis will provide the tasks to be performed and the basis for the scope and frequency of those tasks. This action is being completed before start up to ensure each power supply has been analyzed and a recommended service life defined I 136 Removed FCS Flooding Recovery Action Plan -3.4 I&C Power Supply Service Life Assessment 137