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Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition'S Reply to NRC Staff'S and Nextera'S Opposition to the Supplement to Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to File a New Contention Concerning NextEra Energy Seabroo
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/2012
From: Shadis R
Friends of the Coast, New England Coalition
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 23659, 50-443-LR, ASLBP 10-906-02-LR-BD01
Download: ML12298A111 (19)



NextEra Energy Seabrook, L.L.C. ) Docket No. 50-443-LR (Seabrook Station, Unit 1) )

) October 23, 2012 FRIENDS OF THE COAST AND NEW ENGLAND COALITIONS REPLY TO NRC STAFFS AND NEXT ERAS OPPOSITION TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO FRIENDS OF THE COAST AND NEW ENGLAND COALITIONS MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE A NEW CONTENTION CONCERNING NEXTERA ENERGY SEABROOKS AMENDMENT OF ITS AGING MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR SAFETY-RELATED CONCRETE STRUCTURES I. INTRODUCTION Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition (Friends/NEC) respectfully request that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel convened in the above captioned matter accept the following brief reply to NRC Staffs and NextEras Opposition to the Friends/NEC Supplement, (October 16, 2012) which supplement Friends/NEC filed September 21, 2002 in support of Friends NECs Petition for Leave to File a New Contention Concerning NextEra Energy Seabrooks Amendment of Its Aging Management Plan for Safety-Related Structures, (ASR Contention) filed August 27, 2012.

Friends/NEC believes that this Reply is necessitated by the unanticipated and complete mischaracterization of Friends/NECs filings, both the ASR Contention and the Supplement.

It is clear to Friends/NEC that NRC Staff and NextEra would have little real argument if the did not preface their arguments by redefining the submitted contention, as well as character, the premise, and the evidential basis materials in Friends/NECs filings.

As a matter of simple fairness, if on a comparison reading of the parties filings, the Board agrees that Friends/NECs filings have been falsely characterized, the Board should deny NRC Staff and NextEras opposition motions and promptly admit both the ASR Contention and the Supplement.

II. DISCUSSION NRC Staff and NextEra open their 40 and 24 page oppositions characterizing the Friends/NEC Supplement as an Amended Contention. Friends/NEC introduced the Supplement with the plea to be allowed to add newly released material information that could add to or supplement basis for the contention. All NRC Staff and NextEra argument as to the criteria for filing a new or amended contention is to no avail because the Friends/NEC Supplement in no way changed the contention In its Motion for Leave to File a New Contention, Friends/NEC asserted that the NextEra Energy Seabrook License Renewal Application Structures Monitoring Program Supplement-Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring, (dated May 16, 2012) fails to demonstrate that the effects of aging on structures and components subject to an aging management review (AMR) are adequately managed so that the intended function(s) will be maintained consistent with the current licensing basis (CLB) for the period of extended operation.

Friends/NEC said further that the ASR monitoring program failed in two ways:

(1) First-The proposed ASR Structures Monitoring Program is not a functional ,effective

tool for [an] AMP [aging management program], and Second; NextEra has not developed reliable inventory and analysis on which to base an ASR monitoring program or aging management program for Affected Concrete Structures.

That is the ASR Contention in its entirety.

It is not changed or amended.

Timeliness-NRC timeliness criteria are intended to move the proceeding along in a purposeful way. NECs filings have been timely by the proceeding schedule and under regulation.

issues They are in no way even tainted by timeliness unless the board adopts NRC Staff and NextEras view that basis, in this case largely predicated on new material, revelations by NRC Staff in an ACRS Meeting, can not be supported or supplemented by information that is either not recent or which, though purposeful semantic gyrations, resembles.

This later overarching character , information previously available, and possibly qualified as evidentiary fodder for hearing, is a little hard to avoid as the alkali-silica reaction has been documented since the 1930s and concrete has been around since Roman times, certainly some museum holds a tablet complaining about concrete gone slimy rotten before its time.

If NRC reinforces the narrow, cribbed interpretation on new and timely information proposed by NRC Staff and NextEra in order to further void citizen hearing rights, it will be just that much more difficult to distinguish the guiding principles of NRC in providing a fair hearing from those Third Reich railway officials who concerned themselves, not with the rights of the passengers, but only if the trains ran on time.

Friends NEC has attached a selected list of relevant ASR-related documents dating from March 4th through October 20th . They are all drawn from ADAMS. By the criteria of NRC Staff and NextEra , Friends/NEC cannot find that any one of them would be acceptale as basis for a new contention; as as to timeliness or to subject.

III. CONCLUSION For all of the Reasons stated above and for its obvious value in further explaining Friends/NECs basis for its proposed new contention, Friends/NEC respectfully requests that the Board reject the NRC Staff and Next Era oppositions and admit the the ASR Contention Supplement and consider its representations in weighing admission of the proposed new contention.

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

Raymond Shadis Representative for Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition Post Office Box 98 Edgecomb, Maine 04556 Phone: (207) 882-7801 E-mail:



NextEra Energy, LLC ) Docket Nos. 50-443


(Seabrook Station, Unit 1) ) ASLBP No. 10-906-02-LR-BD01 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing REPLY TO NRC STAFF AND NEXTERAS OPPOSITION TO FRIENDS OF THE COAST AND NEW ENGLAND COALITIONS MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE A NEW CONTENTION CONCERNING NEXTERA ENERGY SEABROOKS AMENDMENT OF ITS AGING MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR SAFETY-RELATED CONCRETE STRUCTURES dated September 21, 2012, has been served upon the following by the Electronic Information Exchange, this 23rd day of October, 2012:

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

Raymond Shadis Representative for Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition Post Office Box 98 Edgecomb, Maine 04556 Phone: (207) 882-7801 E-mail:

ADAMS ASR DOCUMENTS MARCH 4 -OCTOBER 20, 2012 NextEra's Answer Opposing FOTC/NECâ'S Contention Supplement.

ML12290A858 10/17/2012 08:39 AM EDT 10/16/2012 191.52 Kb NRC Staff's Answer to Intervenors' Supplement to Motion for Leave to File a New Contention Concerning Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12290A266 10/17/2012 08:38 AM EDT 10/16/2012 180.32 Kb Transcripts of the ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Meeting on September 19, 2012 (OPEN).

ML122830433 10/10/2012 09:44 AM EDT 09/19/2012 3.03 Mb Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition's Opposition to NextEra's Motion to Stike FOTC/NEC'S Corrected Contention.

ML12283A945 10/10/2012 09:43 AM EDT 10/09/2012 127.5 Kb G20120665/LTR-12-0481/EDATS: RegionI-2012-0282, Region I response to letter from Town of Merrimac Regarding Seabrook ASR Issue.

ML12276A047 10/09/2012 09:43 AM EDT 09/28/2012 151.36 Kb Nextera's Motion to Strike FOTC/NEC's Corrected Contention.

ML12275A475 10/02/2012 12:55 PM EDT 10/01/2012 93.95 Kb Friends of the Coast & New England Coalition's Reply to NRC Staff's Answer & to NextEra's Answer to Intervenors' Motion for Leave to File New Contention Concerning Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12273A008 10/02/2012 08:50 AM EDT 09/28/2012 183.29 Kb Transcript of ACRS PLR Subcommittee July 10, 2010 Proceedings in Rockville, MD.

ML12273A007 10/02/2012 08:49 AM EDT 09/28/2012 8.08 Mb 2012/09/12 Areva EPR DC - DRAFT Response to U.S. EPR Design Certification Application RAI No. 547 (6499, 6359), FSAR Ch. 3 - NEW PHASE 4 RAI - Question 3.7.2-77 ML12256A976 10/02/2012 08:44 AM EDT

09/12/2012 211.8 Kb Friends/NEC Exhibit Three: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station, License Renewal Application - Set 19.

ML12265A393 09/28/2012 02:52 PM EDT 09/14/2012 720.08 Kb Friends/NEC Exhibit Two: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station, License Renewal Application - Set 19.

ML12265A396 09/28/2012 02:52 PM EDT 09/21/2012 720.08 Kb Friends/NEC Exhibit 4: Union of Concerned Scientists Requests that NextEra Begin a Systematic Conditional Assessment During Seabrook's Refueling.

ML12265A398 09/28/2012 02:52 PM EDT 09/13/2012 104.27 Kb Corrections & Supplement to Friends of the Coast & New England Coalition Petition for Leave to File A New Contention.

ML12265A397 09/28/2012 02:51 PM EDT 09/21/2012 98.87 Kb Friend/NEC Exhibit One: Request for Deviation From Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix to Provide Increased Oversight of Alkali-Silica Reaction Issue at Seabrook.

ML12265A395 09/28/2012 02:51 PM EDT 09/05/2012 288.97 Kb Supplement to Friends of the Coast & New England Coalition's Motion for Leave to File New Contention re NextEra Energy Seabrook's Amendment of its Aging Management Program for Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12265A394 09/28/2012 02:51 PM EDT 09/21/2012 182.03 Kb 2012/08/24 Seabrook LR - Seabrook draft RAIs ML12263A483 09/28/2012 11:00 AM EDT 08/24/2012 117.53 Kb Corrected Friends/NEC Exhibit 2, Seabrook Alkali-Silica Reaction Issue Technical Team Charter.

ML12270A060 09/27/2012 04:32 PM EDT 09/26/2012 698.84 Kb Correction to Supplement to Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition Petition for leave to File a New Contention Regarding NextEra Energy Seabrook License Renewal Application Structures Monitoring Program Supplement-Alkali-Silica Reaction.....

ML12270A061 09/27/2012 04:15 PM EDT 09/26/2012 63.44 Kb Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition's Motion (with September 19, 2012) Corrections for Leave to File a New Contention Concerning Nextera Energy Seabrook's Amendment of its Aging Management Program for Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12265A410 09/24/2012 10:32 AM EDT 09/21/2012 191.15 Kb NRC Staff's Answer to Intervenors' Motion for Leave to File New Contention Concerning Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12265A384 09/24/2012 08:46 AM EDT 09/21/2012 209.61 Kb NextEra Answer Opposing Admission of Contention Concerning Alkali-Silica Reaction.

ML12265A135 09/21/2012 12:00 PM EDT 09/21/2012 325.09 Kb G20120615/Ltr-12-0441/EDATS:SECY-2012-0418 - NRC Response to Town of Ipswich re: Safety Concerns Regarding Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

ML12256B044 09/20/2012 09:30 AM EDT 09/12/2012 142.73 Kb Press Release-I-12-036: NRC to Increase Oversight of Concrete Degradation Reviews Involving Seabrook.

ML12258A391 09/18/2012 03:42 PM EDT 09/14/2012 123.23 Kb Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station, License Renewal Application -Set 19.

ML12250A707 09/17/2012 08:39 AM EDT 09/14/2012 571.28 Kb Seabrook Station, Unit 1, Deviation From The Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix.

ML12258A042 09/14/2012 10:54 AM EDT 09/12/2012 124.96 Kb Seabrook Working ASR Team Charter.

ML121250588 09/14/2012 08:22 AM EDT 07/09/2012 678.58 Kb Request for Deviation from the Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix to Provide Increased Oversight of the Alkali-Silica Reaction Issue at Seabrook.

ML12242A370 09/14/2012 08:22 AM EDT 09/05/2012 140.25 Kb J. Folk Ltr. re: June 12, 2012 Onsite Observation Report for the Savannah River Site F-Tank Farm Closure.

ML12191A210 09/12/2012 08:10 AM EDT 09/05/2012 113.91 Kb Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan 2012 - Seabrook Station Unit 1 (Report 05000443/2012006).

ML12248A087 09/06/2012 08:07 AM EDT 09/04/2012 147.76 Kb Task Order No. 018 Under Contract No. NRC-03-08-071.

ML12237A122 08/31/2012 08:37 AM EDT 08/23/2012 490.09 Kb 2012/07/31 Fermi COL - AUDIT


APRIL 2012 FOR THE FERMI 3 COMBINED LICENSE APPLICATION SEISMIC ANALYSIS ML12237A346 08/29/2012 12:52 PM EDT 07/31/2012 176.32 Kb Friends of the Coast and New England Coalition Transmittal of Petition Seeking Leave to File a New Contention.

ML12241A063 08/28/2012 11:47 AM EDT 08/27/2012 62.85 Kb Friends of The Coast And New England Coalition's Motion For Leave To File A New Contention Concerning NextEra Energy Seabrook's Amendment of Its Aging Management Program For Safety-Related Concrete Structures.

ML12241A061 08/28/2012 11:47 AM EDT 08/27/2012 177.92 Kb Memo re: Summary of NextEra Energy Seabrook Drop In Visit and Slides, August 22, 2012.

ML12236A385 08/24/2012 09:42 AM EDT 08/23/2012 2.32 Mb G20120615/LTR-12-0441/EDATS: SECY-2012-0418 - Ltr William M. Craft, Charles D. Surpitski, Patrick J.

McNally, Shirley A. Berry, and Nishan D. Mootaflan, re: Safety Concerns Regarding Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

ML12233A314 08/20/2012 01:35 PM EDT 08/06/2012 187.08 Kb 2012/07/06 Seabrook LR - RE: NextEra Seabrook ACRS slides

ML12199A300 08/01/2012 08:57 AM EDT 07/06/2012 2.17 Mb 2012/07/11 Areva EPR DC - Response to U.S. EPR Design Certification Application RAI No. 547 (6499, 6359), FSAR Ch. 3 - NEW PHASE 4 RAI ML12194A320 08/01/2012 08:57 AM EDT 07/11/2012 187.35 Kb 2012/07/06 Seabrook LR - NextEra Seabrook ACRS slides ML12199A295 08/01/2012 08:57 AM EDT 07/06/2012 27.78 Mb 2012/07/06 Seabrook LR - RE: Head table Additions ML12199A313 08/01/2012 08:55 AM EDT 07/06/2012 185.62 Kb Seismic Analysis Regulatory Audit Summary for the Fermi, Unit 3 Combined License Application.

ML12207A471 07/27/2012 01:33 PM EDT 07/27/2012 154.84 Kb Transcript of the ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Meeting, July 10, 2012 (Open), Page 1-179.

ML122070401 07/26/2012 08:52 AM EDT 07/10/2012 8.08 Mb Seabrook, Supplement to Actions for Resolution of Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Issues.

ML12131A479 07/17/2012 08:38 AM EDT 05/10/2012 293.67 Kb 041912, Telecon Summary Between NRC and NextEra Seabrook (TAC No. ME4028).

ML12164A759 07/11/2012 08:23 AM EDT 07/03/2012 139.29 Kb NRC Staff Hearing File Update 3 in the Matter of Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC.

ML12187A073 07/06/2012 04:48 PM EDT 07/05/2012 94.29 Kb G20120372/EDATS:SECY-2012-0273/LTR 12-0244 NRC Response to Town of Salisbury regarding concerns of concrete degradation at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

ML121780354 07/06/2012 09:28 AM EDT 06/26/2012

152.62 Kb Seabrook Station - Response to Confirmatory Action Letter 1-2012-002, Information Related to Concrete Degradation Issues.

ML12179A281 07/06/2012 09:27 AM EDT 06/21/2012 61.72 Kb ASR at Seabrook Station, Shear and LAP Splice Testing.

ML12179A282 07/06/2012 09:25 AM EDT 03/15/2012 4.08 Mb 2012/06/15 Areva EPR DC - U.S. EPR Design Certification Application RAI No. 547 (6499, 6359), FSAR Ch.

3 - NEW PHASE 4 RAI ML12167A002 07/05/2012 09:23 AM EDT 06/15/2012 103.45 Kb Seabrook, Unit 1, Supplement #25 License Renewal Application.

ML12178A405 07/05/2012 08:51 AM EDT 06/19/2012 2.8 Mb Seabrook - Response to Confirmatory Action Letter.

ML12171A277 06/27/2012 08:39 AM EDT 06/08/2012 592.39 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to W. Raymond, Region I, et al;


Report Bolded for Key Points to be Made in Exit Meeting.

ML12174A107 06/26/2012 08:51 AM EDT 01/19/2012 1.32 Mb E-mail from Bill Raymond, Region I to Rich Conte, Region I;


TIA Summary & CAL.

ML12174A043 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 01/05/2012 188.6 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to S. Chaudhary, Region I, et al;


Seabrook ASR Report Standalone.

ML12174A106 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 01/23/2012 1.38 Mb Seabrook Concrete Degradation - Region I Engineering Branch No. 1 (EB 1); Seabrook Concrete Degradation & Implications to Part 50 & 54, September 8, 2011, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

ML12174A058 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 06/04/2012 450.48 Kb

From Rich Conte, Region I to Chris Miller, Region I;


re: Seabrook Concrete Inspection Strategy-DJR, PRW, R. Conte, A. Burritt.

ML12174A041 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 12/09/2011 63.89 Kb E-mail re/Draft Seabrook Report.

ML12174A103 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 01/19/2012 114.15 Kb Region 1 Comments on Draft TIA for Seabrook ASR Issue.

ML12174A033 06/26/2012 08:50 AM EDT 06/04/2012 208.22 Kb Seabrook Concrete Degradation - Region I Engineering Branch No. 1 (EB 1); Seabrook Concrete Degradation & Implications to Part 50 & 54, December 20 2011, 2:00 pm, w/Handwritten Notes.

ML12174A087 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 12/20/2011 323.98 Kb E-mail from G. Thomas, NRR to A. Sheikh, NRR, et al;


Predecisional - Official Use Only:

Preliminary Draft Response for Comment reg. Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Issue at Seabrook.

ML12174A052 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 12/20/2011 904.07 Kb FOIA/PA-2012-0119 - Resp 4 - Final.

ML12174A109 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 06/04/2012 293.26 Kb Draft letter from C. Miller, Region I to P. Freeman, Site Vice President, North Region, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, Seabrook Station - NRC Inspection Report 05000443-11-010.

ML12174A232 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/20/2012 1.37 Mb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to H. Cruz, NRR, et al;


Comments on Seabrook TIA Consolidated for Region I RE: TIA Status Report.

ML12174A086 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/13/2012 94.69 Kb E-mail from C. Miller, Region I to R. Conte, Region I, et al;


RE: For Your Review - Revised Public Meeting Notice - Seabrook ASR - January 19, 2012.

ML12174A104 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 12/06/2011 88.71 Kb

E-mail from G. Thomas, NRR to M. Murphy, NRR;


RE: Seabrook SR Exit.

ML12174A105 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/22/2012 90.13 Kb E-mail from D. Morey, NRR to R. Conte, Region I, et al;


RE: Counterproposal from Seabrook on ASR Meeting.

ML12174A051 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 11/17/2011 96.46 Kb E-mail from A. Burritt, Region I to W. Raymond, Region I, et al, Seabrook concrete Inspection Timeline.

ML12174A233 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 12/16/2011 77.69 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to R. Conte, Region I, et al, RE: NRC Exit Meeting -ASR PI&R Sample Inspection.

ML12174A236 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/19/2012 117.62 Kb E-mail from G. Thomas, NRR to H. Cruz, NRR;


FW: Briefing Materials for Tomorrow's Call at 2:00 pm on Seabrook ASR.

ML12174A076 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 12/20/2011 108.06 Kb Email from George Thomas, NRR to Bill Raymond, Region I, re: Follow on Information Request for TIA REG Seabrook ASR.

ML12174A035 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 10/21/2011 158.66 Kb Draft letter from D. Roberts, Region I to J. Jolicoeur, NRR, Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction.

ML12174A235 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 06/30/2011 611.25 Kb E-mail from Bill Raymond, Region I to Art Burritt, Region I, Seabrook Proposed Presentation for MR Violation.

ML12174A034 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 03/08/2011 586.83 Kb E-mail from B. Miller, NRR to H. Cruz, NRR;


FW: Seabrook ASR TIA Draft 7 GT Comments 8 11.

ML12174A084 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/12/2012 81.8 Kb

E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to A. Burritt, Region I, et al;


SBK ASR Standalone Report.

ML12174A083 06/26/2012 08:49 AM EDT 01/06/2012 1.04 Mb Strategy Meeting Seabrook ASR 10:00am 12/9/11; Seabrook Concrete Degradation.

ML12174A042 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 12/09/2011 320.28 Kb Preliminary Draft Response to Request for Technical Assistance for Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction Degradation of Concrete.

ML12174A046 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 06/04/2012 647.9 Kb E-mail from Rich Conte, Region I to Chris Miller, Region I;


re: Region I Comments on Seabrook TIA.

ML12174A044 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 01/12/2012 223.48 Kb Draft letter from D. Roberts, Region I to J. Jolicoeur, NRR;


Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction.

ML12174A234 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 06/30/2011 711.31 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to A. Burritt, Region I, et al;


Counterproposal from Seabrook on ASR Meeting.

ML12174A050 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 11/17/2011 154.32 Kb E-mail from H. Cruz, NRR to J. Jolicoeur, NRR, FW: NRC Exit Meeting -ASR PI&R Sample Inspection.

ML12174A032 06/26/2012 08:48 AM EDT 01/23/2012 126.12 Kb Seabrook Station - NextEra Energy Seabrook License Renewal Application, Structures Monitoring Program Supplement-Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Monitoring.

ML12142A323 05/22/2012 12:39 PM EDT 05/16/2012 3.38 Mb 04/26/2012 Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the NRC's Annual Assessment of NextEra's Safety Performance at Seabrook in 2011.

ML12142A042 05/22/2012 08:54 AM EDT 05/21/2012 101.75 Kb

Confirmatory Action Letter, Seabrook Station, Unit 1 - Information Related to Concrete Degradation Issues.

ML12125A172 05/17/2012 02:29 PM EDT 05/16/2012 399.15 Kb Press Release-I-12-025: NRC Issues Confirmatory Action Letter on Commitments to Address Seabrook Nuclear Plant Concrete Degradation.

ML12138A219 05/17/2012 02:28 PM EDT 05/17/2012 82.27 Kb NRC-AERB Bilateral Meeting Slide Presentation (NRO/DE), AERB, India - May 16-17, 2012.

ML12132A344 05/14/2012 09:26 AM EDT 05/11/2012 5.26 Mb Comment (30) of William R. Harris on behalf of Foundation for Resilient Societies on Draft Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Relicensing of Seabrook, Unit 1, for the term April 1, 2030 through March 31, 2050.

ML12125A263 05/14/2012 09:04 AM EDT 04/29/2012 3.5 Mb Seabrook AAM ROP-12 Slides-Safety Performance & Alkali-Silica Reaction - r9 Revised Format.

ML12131A431 05/11/2012 08:55 AM EDT 05/10/2012 5.22 Mb G20120104/LTR 12-0237/EDATS: SECY-2012-0177 Region I Response Letter to J. Fiorentini, Mayor of Haverhill, re: Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

ML12123A686 05/08/2012 08:35 AM EDT 04/30/2012 151.05 Kb G20120202/LTR-12-0115/EDATS: SECY-2012-0141 - Response letter Thomas F. O'Brien re: Relicensing of Seabrook.

ML12094A099 05/08/2012 08:33 AM EDT 04/30/2012 173.81 Kb SECY-12-0068 - Weekly Information Report - Week Ending 4/27/12 ML12123A702 05/07/2012 09:38 AM EDT 05/04/2012 99.15 Kb April 23, 2012, Summary of Meeting Regarding Degradation on Seabrook Station, Unit 1.

ML121220109 05/07/2012 09:38 AM EDT 05/04/2012 517.58 Kb

2012/05/03 - - NRC Public Blog March-April 2012 ML12124A412 05/04/2012 08:32 AM EDT 05/03/2012 2.54 Mb NRC Staff Transmittal of Seabrook License Renewal Hearing File and Mandatory Disclosures, Hearing File Index, Update 1 - May 3, 2012.

ML12124A164 05/03/2012 02:43 PM EDT 05/03/2012 104.84 Kb 04/25/12 Acknowledgement Ltr to A. Knowles, T. Atwood, R. Cushing re Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Found in Concrete at the Seabrook Station Facility.

ML12118A122 05/03/2012 08:57 AM EDT 04/25/2012 45.46 Kb Draft Report for Comment: Issuance of Draft Report on Identification and Prioritization of the Technical Information Needs Affecting Potential Regulation of Extended Storage and Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

ML120580143 05/02/2012 04:32 PM EDT 05/02/2012 777.91 Kb Seabrook Station - Response to Request for Additional Information NextEra Energy Seabrook License Renewal Application Supplemental Response - (RAI) Follow-up B.2.1.31-1 Item 1.

ML12110A407 04/27/2012 08:53 AM EDT 04/18/2012 226.7 Kb Impact of Akali Silica Reaction on Seabrook Concrete Structures.

ML121160422 04/26/2012 09:04 AM EDT 04/23/2012 17.56 Mb Press Release - Statement by No More Fukushimas! at the NRC ASR Meeting Held on April 23, 2012 in Rockville, MD.

ML121160467 04/26/2012 09:04 AM EDT 04/23/2012 86.86 Kb Structural Assessment of Seabrook Station - Role of Concrete Material Testing.

ML121160414 04/26/2012 09:03 AM EDT 04/23/2012 21.02 Mb Structural Assessment of Seabrook Station - Role of Concrete Material Testing.

ML121160349 04/25/2012 04:32 PM EDT 04/23/2012 28.68 Mb

Document Title Accession Number Date Added Document Date Size Detailed Questions for Seabrook ASR Public Meeting on April 23, 2012.

ML121160333 04/25/2012 04:29 PM EDT 04/23/2012 71.88 Kb Updated: 4/26/2012 - Seabrook Notice of Public Meeting No.12-013 with NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC.

ML12111A199 04/20/2012 03:56 PM EDT 04/20/2012 87.03 Kb Seabrook Station, Unit 1 - Information Request During the Public Meeting Related to Alkali-Silica Reaction Concrete Degradation Issues, Scheduled for April 23, 2012.

ML121040102 04/18/2012 08:40 AM EDT 04/17/2012 98.79 Kb E-mail concerning Seabrook ASR discussion - internal to NRC staff.

ML12102A249 04/13/2012 09:03 AM EDT 04/05/2012 133.59 Kb E-mail concerning FW: 2:00-3:00 Executive Brief on Seabrook ASR.

ML12102A257 04/13/2012 09:02 AM EDT 04/05/2012 76.86 Kb FOIA/PA-2012-0119 - Resp 3 - Partial.

ML12102A261 04/13/2012 09:00 AM EDT 04/05/2012 257.4 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to H. Cruz, NRR;


RE: Comments on Seabrook TIA Consolidated for Region 1 RE: TIA Status Report.

ML12102A244 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 01/17/2012 124.46 Kb E-mail from P. Hiland, NRR to M. Cheok, NRR;


FW; Predecisional - Official use Only: Preliminary Draft Responsive for Comment reg. Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) issue at Seabrook.

ML12102A240 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/21/2011 127.16 Kb

E-mail from M. Murphy, NRR to M. Martin Murphy, NRR;


FW: Status on the ASR Project at Seabrook.

ML12102A231 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 11/01/2011 206.65 Kb E-mail from M. Galloway, NRR to R. Conte, Region I;


RE: Predecisional - Official Use Only:

Preliminary Draft Responsive for Comment Reg. Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Issue at Seabrook.

ML12102A241 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/21/2011 130.02 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to R. Auluck, NRR;


FW: NRC Conference Call - ASR at Seabrook Station.

ML12102A251 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 11/16/2011 106.28 Kb E-mail from E. Miller, NRR to J. Lamb, NRR;


FW: New Letter in from C-10. (Attachment publicly available in ADAMS at ML12020A186.

ML12102A258 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/27/2011 145.09 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to J. Lamb, NRR;


RE: For Your Review - Draft Meeting Notice -

Seabrook ASR.

ML12102A237 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/02/2011 222.26 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to M. Khanna, NRR;


TIA for Seabrook ASR.

ML12102A230 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 08/11/2011 91.66 Kb E-mail from A. Sheikh, NRR to G. Thomas, Region I, et al;


RE: Items Identified in Today's Meeting Relevant to Seabrook.

ML12102A236 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 11/30/2011 131.69 Kb E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to M. Galloway, NRR;


TIA - Status RE: Brief Summary of Seabrook ASR Call Today.

ML12102A246 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 08/26/2011 113.6 Kb E-mail from G. Thomas, NRR to H. Cruz, NRR;


RE: Predecisional - Official Use Only: Preliminary Draft Responsive for Comment Reg. Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Issue at Seabrook.

ML12102A243 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 01/13/2012 113.03 Kb

E-mail from R. Conte, Region I to J. Lamb, NRR, et al;


RE: FW: Seabrook Public Meeting Regarding ASR.

ML12102A239 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/14/2011 36.17 Kb E-mail from R. Nelson, NRR to J. Jolicoeur, NRR;


RE: Query: Save the Date 12/30/11 for 1 or 2 or 3PM FW: Time for Executive Brief for an hour on 12/18-20/11, preferred 12/20/11 1, 2, or 3 PM - Seabrook ASR.

ML12102A256 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 12/12/2011 89.69 Kb E-mail from H. Cruz, NRR to M. Murphy, NRR;


RE: Comment on Seabrook TIA Consolidated for Region I RE: TIA Status Report.

ML12102A245 04/13/2012 08:57 AM EDT 01/23/2012 138.73 Kb