ML110460123 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point |
Issue date: | 02/04/2011 |
From: | Vogle R Entergy Nuclear Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2011-0181, FOIA/PA-2011-0262 IP-EP-210, Rev 8 | |
Download: ML110460123 (40) | |
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IP-EP-210 REV.8
I&~~ ~.7, a IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUAUTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-21 0 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page I of 38 Central Control Room Prepared by: Robert Vogle ri-rlnt Name inýý Approval: Brian Sullivan tFnnt Name
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-,pI~ate Effective Date: February 4, 2011 This procedure excluded from further Ll- 100 reviews.
IP-EP-210 (CCR) R8.doc
PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 38 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ................................................................................ 3 2.0 R EF E R E N C E S .............................................................................................................. 3 3 .0 DE F INITIO NS ............................................................................................................... 3 4.0 R ESPO NS IBILITIES ................................................................................................. 3 5.0 D ETA ILS ........... ......................................................................................... 5 6.0 INTERFAC ES ........................................................................................................ 5 7 .0 R E C O R D S .................................................................................................................... 6 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT ................................................................... 6 9.0 ATTAC HM ENTS .................................................................................................... 6 9.1 SHIFT MANAGER/POM (EMERGENCY DIRECTOR) CHECKLIST .................................. 7 9.2 SHIFT MANAGER'S RESPONSE TO AN EMERGENCY AT THE OTHER UNIT CHECKLIST ...... 19 9.3 CCR OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ......................................................... 22 9.4 CCR DIRECT-LINE COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ............................. 28 9.5 CCR HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIAN CHECKLIST .................................................... 30 9.6 CCR WATCH CHEMIST CHECKLIST ..................................................................... 34 9.7 CCR ADMIN SUPPORT CHECKLIST ....................................................................... 35
- IPEC NON-QUAUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 Eflte EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 38 Central Control Room 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To describe emergency response activities and operations of the Central Control Room (CCR) 1.2 To provide guidance for the response to emergencies declared at Unit 2 and Unit 3
2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 2.2 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 2.3 IP-EP-61 0, Emergency Termination and Recovery 2.4 IP-EP-340, Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System (MIDAS) 3.0 DEFINITIONS None 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Emergency Director has the sole authority and responsibility for the classification and declaration of any emergency, approving offsite notifications and the making of protective action recommendations for the general public.
These responsibilities may not be delegated. The Shift Manager in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.
4.2 Following initial declaration of an emergency, the Shift Manager (SM) shall designate a CCR offsite communicator. An on-shift Operations staff member (NPO) normally performs this function for both Units. Any other Operations staff member may be assigned to perform this function as a back up.
4.3 The Shift Manager SHALL, upon assuming the role of Emergency Director, continue to perform the duties of Emergency Director until properly relieved by either the on-call Emergency Director in the (A)EOF or by another qualified Emergency Director such as the Plant Operations Manager (POM).
4.4 The Shift Managers SHALL confer with each other for any event or condition which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both Units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager SHALL classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with this procedure, IP-EP-210, Central Control Room.
4.5 The Shift Manager SHALL ensure that notifications of offsite authorities are initiated within 15 minutes of declaration of any emergency classification, classification upgrade or protective action recommendation being formulated.
4.6 The Shift Manager SHALL direct the mobilization of the IPEC Emergency Response Organization (ERO) and activation of the emergency response facilities (TSC, OSC, EOF and JIC) upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.
- IPEC NON-QUAUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 Entergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 38 4.7 For events classified as Unusual Events, the Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director has the ability to activate ERO callout for support as needed.
4.8 The Shift Manager is responsible for the performance of Dose Assessment calculations until such time as the (A)EOF is activated.
4.9 The Shift Manager/Plant Operations Manager (POM) SHALL establish and maintain accountability of all Operating Shift staff under the Shift Manager's control upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency or higher classification.
4.10 Until such time as the (A)EOF is activated, the Shift Manager/Plant Operations Manager SHALL assess the offsite consequences of any radiological release and, if appropriate, formulate offsite protective action recommendations. In all cases should a General Emergency be declared, protective action recommendations SHALL be formulated, approved and communicated to offsite authorities in accordance with implementing procedures.
4.9 For events classified as Unusual Events, The Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director SHALL terminate the emergency and enter into recovery in accordance with implementing procedures. For all emergencies classified at the Alert level or higher, emergency termination and entry into the recovery phase SHALL be at the discretion of the On-Call Emergency Director in the (A)EOF.
4.10 The CCR Health Physics Technician is responsible for monitoring Control Room habitability and establishment of Control Room contamination controls.
4.11 The CCR Offsite Communicator SHALL perform duties in the Control Room (or alternate CCR if uninhabitable) under the Shift Manager's direction. These duties SHALL entail notifying the off-site authorities of an event at IPEC by utilizing the notification checklists (Forms EP-3, 4 or 5). Duties will also include use of RECS, radio, telephones and other communication equipment to pass along directions and recommendations as appropriate from the Shift Manager.
The CCR Communicator shall also remain ready to supply updates to the off-site authorities and support the Shift Manager (Emergency Director) with any other notifications or communications, as needed.
4.12 The CCR Direct-Line Communicator is responsible for providing clear and concise communications between the CCR and other emergency response facilities.
4.13 The CCR Admin Support person is responsible for assisting in the performance of CCR setup, second shift scheduling and faxing/record keeping.
IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-21 0 Revision 8 Entergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 38 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 The Shift Manager (SM)/Plant Operations Manager (POM) SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist.
5.2 For an emergency at the other Unit the Shift Manager (SM) SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, Shift Manager Response to an emergency at the Other Unit Checklist.
5.3 The CCR Offsite Communicator SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3, CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist.
5.4 The Direct-Line Communicator SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, CCR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist.
5.5 The CCR Health Physics Technician SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5, CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist.
5.6 The CCR Watch Chemist SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, CCR Watch Chemist Checklist.
5.7 The CCR Admin Support person SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, CCR Admin Support Checklist.
6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-1 15, Emergency Plan Forms 6.2 IP-EP-1 20, Emergency Classification 6.3 IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment 6.4 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.5 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 6.6. IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System MEANS) 6.7 IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery 6.8. IP-EP-340, Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System (MIDAS)
- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 L4Wtergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 38 7.0 RECORDS All Logs, Completed Forms and other records generated during an actual emergency shall be considered quality records and maintained for the life of the plant.
8.0 REOUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE None 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist 9.2 Shift Manager's Response to an Emergency at Other Unit Checklist 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist 9.4 CCR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist
. 9.5 CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist 9.6 CCR Watch Chemist Checklist 9.7 CCR Admin Support Checklist
- E rh IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page Z of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 1 of 12 NOTE:
This Attachment should not be entered by the Shift Manager if a natural or man-made catastrophic event has occurred and there is a loss of one of the Central Control Rooms. Procedure, O-AOP-SEC-4 should be entered to support decision making by the SM.
1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes A. IF at any time during the implementation of this procedure the SM is relieved by the POM or the ED in the (A)EOF, turnover SHALL be completed in accordance with section 2.5.
Authority to classify and declare an emergency is reserved solely for the Emergency Director and may not be delegated. The SM in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.
The Unit 2 & Unit 3 Shift Managers SHALL confer with each other for any event or condition which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of Site Emergency Director in accordance with this procedure IP-EP-210, Central Control Room.
1.1 If ERDS is not functional, obtain additional resources from the unaffected Unit to complete Forms 31 AB,C or 42 A,B,C. Once completed this Information is to be given to the TSC to be faxed to the NRC within 60 minutes.
1.2 Classification of the Emergency A. Classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emergency Classification".
The 15 minute clock for initiation of notification to State and Local authorities starts at this point.
B. Declare the emergency and announce classification of the event to the Control Room.
- IPEC NON-QUALIY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 8 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 2 of 12 NOTE:
Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguard Instructions to protect the safety of site employees and the integrity of plant equipment.
Site access and egress will be controlled per Security procedures.
Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. Confer with the Non-affected Unit's Shift Manager.
- 1. Inform other Unit's Shift Manager of the classification.
- 2. Determine if the emergency could possibly affect both Units. IF agreed that both Units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 SM SHALL classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of Emergency Director (ED)
- 3. At an Alert or higher classification, refer to IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite for site assembly guidance.
D. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.
1.3 Mobilization A. IF site access is a concern or adverse onsite conditions exist, THEN consider mobilization of the ERO to either primary or backup locations, or suspending initial mobilization or assembly.
- 1. IF suspending mobilization or assembly is considered:
- a. Insure NO PA announcements are made directing assembly or mobilization.
- b. Instruct NOT to sound the Assembly Alarm.
- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 6EMeV, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 9 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 3 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes NOTE:
IP-EP-430 Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite provides guidance for the suspension of personnel assembly and accountability under certain conditions.
B. IF personnel assembly is not suspended, THEN sound the site assembly alarms at both Units for 10 seconds and make the following announcements three (3) times.
"Attention all personnel, a (Alert / Site Area Emergency / General Emergency) has been declared. All Essential Personnel report to your assigned Emergency Response Facility. All other personnel report to the Energy Education Center or the Generation Support Building."
1.4 Notification/Mobilization - Unusual Event(Use Form EP-3)
- 1. Notification of State and local authorities SHALL be initiated within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.
- 2. Notification of initial and upgrade SHALL be made to the NRC within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of the emergency declaration.
A. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct an individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.
B. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I"(Form EP-1)
C. Email and Fax (or direct Emailing/Faxing) of completed Part I Form (Form EP-1) to Offsite Authorities.
D. Direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to confirm receipt of Part I Form by Offsite Authorities using Form EP-3 (Start at Step 5 on Checklist)
E. Notify/Mobilize the Emergency Response Organization as follows (Step 16 of NUE Notification Checklist Form EP-3)
- 1. If based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment, the Emergency Response Organization should be activated, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope A, "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope, as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
- lerg IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift ManagerlPOM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 4 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont)
- 2. If based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment, the Emergency Response Organization should be called and notified only, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope B, "iPEC ERO Event Notification" envelope, as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
- 3. If based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director's) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to security event, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope C, "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
- 4. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director's) judgment, the Technical Support Center/Operations Support Center only should be activated, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope D "IPEC TSC/OSC Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
5.IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director's) judgment, the Technical Support Center/Operations Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility only should be activated, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope E, "IPEC TSC/OSC/EOF Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
1.5 Notification/Mobilization - Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency (Use Form EP-4)
- 1. Once the EOF is activated, turnover command and control to the EOF in an expeditious manner and the EOF can then perform all offsite communications.
- 2. The following steps are for initial classification at the Alert level or higher.
- 3. Notification of State and local authorities SHALL be initiated within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.
- 4. Initial and Upgrade notifications to the NRC SHALL be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of the emergency declaration.
- IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-210 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 5 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes A. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct another individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.
B. Complete (or have completed) and sign a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I (Form EP-1)
C. Email and fax (or direct Emailing/faxing) of completed Part I Form to Offsite Authorities.
D. Direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to confirm receipt of Part I Form by Offsite Authorities using (Form EP-4).
E. Notify/Mobilize the Emergency Response Organization as follows:
- 1. IF, based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director's) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to security event, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope C, "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on (Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist'.
- 2. IF, based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director's) judgment, the Emergency Response Organization should be activated, THEN perform or direct an available individual to use Envelope A, "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (Form EP-3)
"Control Room NUE Notification Checklist".
ý'-Enery EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 6 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes 1.6 Establish Personnel Accountability NOTES:
The Shift Manager may call for accountability to be completed any time due to hazards in the plant such as fire, toxic gas, high radiation levels, earthquake etc.
Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguards Instructions, to protect the safety of site personnel during security events. During security events, accountability may be suspended until conditions can be established for safe site access.
A. IF a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared, and personnel accountability has not already been established, THEN initiate site personnel accountability per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
B. Have all Control Room personnel (including CR HP Technician and CCR Watch Chemist) swipe their security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
C. Have the Control Room Admin Support person or designee record the names, badge numbers and locations of any watch personnel located in the field on an Accountability Roster, (Form EP-47) and forward roster to the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO).
D. IF any individuals are missing, THEN direct available personnel and Security to conduct search and rescue operations to locate the missing individuals as conditions allow.
1.7 Assess Any Radiological Release A. IF any indications exist of abnormal radiological release as a result of the emergency, THEN assess offsite consequences in accordance with IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment.
- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 7 of 12 B. IF dose assessment results indicate offsite consequences in excess of the EPA Protective Action Guidelines THEN evaluate the need to modify the General Emergency PARs per IP-EP-41 0, Protective Action Recommendations.
2.0 Interim Responsibility/Activity NOTE:
IF while performing the Interim Responsibility/Activity steps as Emergency Director, you are relieved of Emergency Director duties by the On-Call ED, THEN exit this section and enter the Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Shift Manager/POM) section at step 3.0.
2.1 Re-Classify the Emergency if Necessary A. IF plant conditions change or other events occur which may warrant upgrade of the emergency classification, THEN re-classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emergency Classification".
B. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.
C. Declare the emergency and announce the classification to Control Room personnel.
D. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (Form EP-1).
E. Email and Fax (or direct Emailing/faxing) of completed Part I Form to Offsite Authorities F. Direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to confirm receipt of Part I Form by Offsite Authorities using "Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist" (Form EP-5).
2.2 Establish Radiological Controls and Maintain Onsite Personnel Safety A. Keep Security informed of emergency classification, plant status and any radioactive release, which may affect Security Personnel.
B. Once established, maintain personnel accountability.
- Entery EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 8 of 12 Interim Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. IF the potential for abnormal radiological conditions in-plant or onsite exists, THEN:
- 1. Direct the CCR Health Physics Technician to establish radiological controls for the Control Room and initiate habitability monitoring for the Control Room.
- 2. Evaluate the need to relocate personnel offsite per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
- 3. Authorize emergency exposure, if necessary, using Emergency Exposure Authorization Form (Form EP-6).
2.3 Perform Periodic Update Notifications A. Periodic update notifications to offsite authorities should be made approximately every 30 minutes or more frequently when plant conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies. For each update notification, complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (Form EP-1).
B. Email and fax completed Part I Form to Offsite Authorities.
C. IF there has been a radiological release to the environment, THEN complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Data Form Part II (Form EP-2).
D. For periodic update notifications during Unusual Event, direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to confirm receipt of update notifications using "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (Form EP-3)
E. For periodic update notifications during an Alert or higher classification, direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to confirm receipt of update notifications using "Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist (Form EP-5).
IPEC NoN-QuALrTy RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMEN'nNG PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 9 of 12 Interim Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes 2.4 Terminate the Emergency (Unusual Event Only)
A. When conditions warrant termination of the Unusual Event, enter IP-EP-610 Emergency Termination & Recovery and terminate the emergency per section 5.1 "Transition and Recovery Following an Unusual Event."
B. Exit this section after termination of the emergency and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.
2.5 Turnover Emergency Director Responsibilities NOTE:
For Unusual Events, the Shift Manager will normally maintain the Emergency Director responsibilities until the classification is terminated per IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination & Recovery. For Alert and higher classifications, the Plant Operations Manager (POM) will relieve the Shift Manager of Emergency Director duties in the Control Room. The On-Call Emergency Director in the (A)EOF at his discretion may assume Emergency Director duties directly from the Shift Manager via telephone turnover.
A. Provide a status briefing to the POM upon his arrival in the Control Room. The POM will request status on all of the information specified on an Essential Information Checklist.
(Form EP-9).
B. Provide copies of all completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data forms to the POM.
C. Resume duties as Shift Manager and proceed to step 3.0 in the Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Shift Manager/POM) section.
2.6 Turnover Emergency Director Responsibilities cont.
A. IF the POM is relieving the SM of ED responsibilities, THEN the POM SHALL continue those responsibilities where the SM left off, AND the SM shall resume Shift Manager responsibilities.
B. IF the ED in (A)EOF is relieving the POM of ED responsibilities, THEN after turnover, the POM SHALL proceed to or continue in Section 3.0 of this procedure.
~Entey EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift ManagerlPOM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 10 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. IF the ED in (A)EOF is relieving the SM of ED responsibilities, THEN after turnover, the SM SHALL proceed to or continue in Section 3.0 of this procedure.
D. After turnover to the EOF, the SM SHALL resume Shift Manager responsibilities and the POM SHALL proceed to or continue in Section 3.0 of this procedure.
3.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Provide Backup Plant Data to the TSC A. IF the MRP-DAS is out of service THEN request the TSC to send an individual to the CCR to record plant data on Forms EP-57, 58 and 59 for Unit 3 and Forms EP-53, 54, and 55 for Unit 2 as needed and to fax the forms to the TSC on a periodic basis or as plant status and conditions change.
3.2 Direct Entry Into Severe Accident Management A. IF plant conditions warrant the transition to Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG), THEN inform Emergency Plant Manager to have the TSC SAMG Evaluators ready to take over Severe Accident Management.
3.3 Evaluate Emergency Action Levels.
A. Continue to evaluate current plant condition and events relative to the emergency action levels as specified in IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification.
B. Make recommendations to the Emergency Director for upgrading of the emergency classification as appropriate.
3.4 Maintain Communications with the Emergency Director.
A. Keep the Emergency Director informed of current plant status and planned operations.
B. Discuss tasks and procedures the Control Room is currently performing and review priorities on a regular basis.
- IPEC NoN-OuAuTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8
- 'Entery EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMEN'iNG PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 17 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 11 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. IMMEDIATELY inform the Emergency Director of any plant condition or event that has the potential to change the emergency classification or affect radiological release status.
3.5 Coordinate In-Plant team activities with Operations Team Leader/OSC Manager NOTE:
Once the OSC is activated, the dispatch of personnel into the field for emergency operations is controlled from the OSC. Communications and directions can be provided to the teams from the Control Room, however, the OSC must retain team control for personnel safety and continuous accountability.
A. Once the OSC is activated, coordinate the dispatch and control of NPOs assigned to perform in plant operations with the Operations Team Leader (OPSTL) located in the OSC.
OPSTL telephone # located in Emergency Telephone Directory (ETD). Utilize the CCR Direct Line Communicator to coordinate this activity (Use Form EP-56)
B. For operations teams already dispatched and in the field prior to the OSC being activated, coordinate the transfer of team control to the OSC with the Operations Team Leader.
C. Direct requests for in-plant operational support IMMEDIATELY to the Operations Team Leader in the OSC to facilitate prompt response to Control Room needs.
D. Re-enforce Control Room priorities and needs with the OSC Team Leader if in-plant team support is not being provided in a timely and effective manner.
3.6 Request Technical Support as Needed to Mitigate the Emergency.
A. Request the TSC Manager to provide forward-looking technical support as needed to assist the Control Room staff in responding to the emergency.
0E/ir* IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-210 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 18 of 38 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 12 of 12 Closeout Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes B. Provide the TSC Manager with periodic briefs on current mitigation strategies and emergency procedures currently being implemented.
3.7 Exit to Recovery Phase A. Upon notification from the Emergency Director that the emergency has been terminated, exit this section and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.
4.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 4.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.
4.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.
C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.
4.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 SEnterjy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 19 of 38 Attachment 9.2 SM Response to an Emergency at Other Unit Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 NOTE:
This Attachment should not be entered by the Shift Manager if a natural or man-made catastrophic event has occurred and there is a loss of one of the Central Control Rooms. Procedure, 0-AOP-SEC-4 should be entered to support decision making by the SM.
1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Notification of the Emergency NOTE:
Shift Managers SHALL confer with each other for any event or condition which may affect both Units such as security or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with this procedure, IP-EP-210, Central Control Room.
A. Upon notification from other Unit's Control Room that an event has been declared announce the information to Control Room personnel.
1.2 Notification of ERO Personnel A. UNUSUAL EVENT
- 1. Make a PA announcement providing information regarding the event and any additional information as required restricting access to areas affected by the emergency.
- 1. Sound the Site Assembly Alarm for (10) seconds (coordinate sounding of the assembly alarm with other Unit CCR) and make the following announcement (3) times over the public address system:
E IPEC NON-QUAUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 Enter. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 20 of 38 Attachment 9.2 SM Response to an Emergency at Other Unit Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes "Attention all personnel, Attention all personnel, an (Alert / Site Area Emergency / General Emergency) has been declared at All essential personnel report to your assigned Emergency Response Facility. All other personnel report to either the Energy Education Center or the Generation Support Building."
- 2. IF a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency is declared THEN refer to IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite in parallel with this procedure.
- 3. Direct all CCR staff, including the CCR HP Technician and CCR Watch Chemist, to swipe their security badge through the CCR accountability card reader
- 4. IF dose assessment results indicate offsite consequences in excess of the EPA Protective Action Guidelines THEN evaluate the need to modify the General Emergency PARs per IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.
- 5. Upon request from the Emergency Director, provide a Shift HP Technician to support response.
2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Provide Support to Opposing Unit as Requested A. Upon request from the Emergency Director, provide personnel, equipment and resources available to you.
2.2 Provide updates to personnel with Information provided by the Emergency Director A. When information is provided to you, use the public address system to disseminate that information to the personnel on Site.
IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 21 of 38 Attachment 9.2 SM Response to an Emergency at Other Unit Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 2.3 Evaluate Emergency Action Levels A. Continue to evaluate current plant condition and events relative to the Emergency Action Levels as specified in IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification and make recommendations for upgrade, if appropriate, to the Emergency Director.
3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.
3.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.
C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
a IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 22 of 38 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 6 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Offsite Communicator NOTE:
- 1. Notification of State and local authorities SHALL be initiated within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.
- 2. Notification to NRC SHALL be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of the emergency declaration.
A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR Offsite Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the effected Unit's Control Room.
B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
C. Inform the Shift Manager (Emergency Director) and the Control Room staff that you have assumed the duties of CCR Offsite Communicator.
D. IF making the initial notification for a Notification of Unusual Event classification, THEN, proceed to step 1.2.
E. IF making the initial notification for an Alert or higher classification, THEN, proceed to step 1.4.
F. IF making a periodic update of the NUE, THEN proceed to step 2.1 G. IF making a periodic update of the AlertISAEGE, THEN proceed to step 2.2 H. IF making an upgrade classification, THEN proceed to step 2.3 1.2 Perform Confirmation of Receipt of Initial UNUSUAL EVENT Notifications (Use Form EP-3)
A. Obtain the completed and signed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.
B. Verify SM has sent electronic Fax and email of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I to State/Counties/EOF.
C. Using, "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (Form EP-
- 3) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Unusual Event.
r IPEC NON-QUAuTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 23 of 38 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 6 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. Using, "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (Form EP-
- 3) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minuets of the declaration of the Unusual Event.
D. IF plant condition/emergency classification change prior to initiating notification:
- a. Disregard previous classification and continue notification with highest current classification.
- a. Follow-up notification shall include details of all conditions/emergency classifications.
E. IF plant condition/emergency classification changes while performing notification, THEN continue notification and state at the end the following "Changes in plant conditions indicate a potential for escalating the Emergency Classification. A completed Part I will be transmitted within 15 minutes."
1.3 Support Shift Manager (Emergency Director) with other notifications.
A. Determine if notification of ERO has been completed.
B. If ERO notification has not been completed request direction from Shift Manager (Emergency Director) if Emergency Response Organization mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only.
C. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the Control Room NUE Notification Checklist (Form EP-3) 1.4 Perform confirmation of receipt of Initial ALERTISAE/GE Notifications (Use Form EP-4)
Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist (Form EP-4) is used only once. After notifications are complete using this form, all subsequent upgrade and update notifications shall be made using an Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Checklist (Form EP-5)
- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 24 of 38 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 3 of 6 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes A. Obtain the completed and signed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.
B. Verify that SM has sent Fax and email of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I to State/Counties/EOF.
C. Using "Control Room Initial Notification Checklist Alert/SAE/GE (Form EP-4), start the initial roll call to State and Counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Alert, SAE or GE D. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (Form EP-4 Checklist).
E. IF plant condition/emergency classification change prior to initiating notification:
- a. Disregard previous classification and continue notification with highest current classification.
- b. Follow-up notification shall include details of all conditions/emergency classifications.
F. IF plant condition/emergency classification changes while performing notification, THEN continue notification and state at the end the following "Changes in plant conditions indicate a potential for escalating the Emergency Classification. A completed Part I will be transmitted within 15 minutes."
1.5 Support Shift Manager (Emergency Director) with other notifications A. Determine if notification of ERO has been completed.
B. Determine if personnel assembly is being suspended from the Emergency Director.
C. IF ERO notification has not been completed, request direction from Shift Manager (Emergency Director) and initiate notification of personnel located in the Protected Area, and the Emergency Response Organization.
D. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (Form EP-4 Checklist).
- EntiW IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QuAMTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-21 0 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 25 of 38 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 4 of 6 2.0 Continuous ResponslbilitylActivity 2.1 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - UNUSUAL EVENT (Use Form EP-3)
Periodic Update Notifications to offsite authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.
A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager. Review the form to ensure all required information is completed, including Emergency Director's signature.
B. Verify Fax and email of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I to State/Counties/EOF.
C. Using Control Room NUE Notification Checklist (Form EP-3) perform ONLY the circled items, to make the periodic update notifications.
D. Fax, or have CCR Admin Support Fax, copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 to State/Counties/EOF
, IPEC NON-QUAuTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMEROENCYPLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENEPNG PROCEDURE REFERENCE U SE IPage 2_6 of 3.8 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 5 of 6 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes 2.2 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - Alert/SAE/GE (Use Form EP-5)
Periodic Update Notifications to off site authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.
A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (Form EP-1) (Part II if a radiological release has occurred or is in progress) from the Emergency Director.
Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Emergency Director's signature.
B. Verify that SM has sent Fax and email of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I to State/Counties/EOF.
C. Using an Upgrade/Update Alert/SAE/GE Checklist (Form EP-5) start the roll call to State and Counties.
D. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (Form EP-5 Checklist).
2.3 IF the Emergency Classification is Upgraded, THEN Perform Upgrade Notifications (Use Form EP-5)
A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (Form EP-1) from the Emergency Director.
Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Emergency Director's signature.
B. Verify that SM has sent Fax and email of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I to State/Counties/EOF.
, r IPEC NoN-QuAulTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 27 of 38 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 6 of 6 C. Using an Upgrade/Update Alert/SAE/GE Checklist (Form EP-5) start the roll call to State and Counties within 15 minutes of upgrade of the emergency classification.
D. Fax, or have CCR Admin Support fax, copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 to the State/Counties/EOF, if required.
E. Support Shift Manager, as needed, with the remaining notifications as specified on the Checklist.
3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitylActivity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized In the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation the CR Offsite Communicators generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
S IPEC NoN-QuALiTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 28 of 38 Attachment 9.4 CCR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 2 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR Direct-Line Communicator A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR Direct-Line Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.
B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CCR Direct-Line Communicator.
D. IF not already established THEN establish an open line of communications over the Direct Line:
- 1. TSC
- 2. EOF
- 3. AEOF (if activated)
E. Inform the Shift Manager that you have established communications with the TSC/OSC and (A)EOF.
IPEC NON-QUAUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 29 of 38 Attachment 9.4 CCR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes 2.1 Maintain Communications with the TSC, OSC and (A)EOF NOTE:
The primary responsibility of the CCR Direct Line Communicator is to provide an open line of communication between the CCR and TSC; however, the Technical Advisor to the Emergency Director in the EOF will periodically monitor the communications line or will request information from the CCR and TSC.
A. Transmit information as requested by the TSC, OSC and EOF.
B. Notify the OSC Operations Team Leader of teams (NPO's, Chemists etc.) that have been dispatched from the CCR.
C. Support Shift Manager (ED) or POM if in place, with coordination of dispatching and controlling of NPOs assigned to perform in-plant operations with the Operations Team Leader (OPSTL) located in the OSC.
D. Use an ERO Log Sheet (Form EP-1 0) to maintain a log.
- 1. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CR Direct-Line Communicator
- 2. Log significant communications pertaining to plant operations and emergency events.
3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation that was generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation..
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
- IPEC NON-QUALUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 30 of 38 Attachment 9.5 CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Health Physics Technician A. IF the declared emergency is an Alert or higher, THEN first contact the Control Point and obtain a list of personnel still in RCA B. IMMEDIATELY provide list of individuals still in the RCA to the Shift Manager.
C. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
- 0. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of the CCR Health Physics Technician.
1.2 Establish Initial CCR Radiological Protection A. Evaluate the need and make a recommendation to establish radiological access control for the Control Room
- 1. Ask the Shift Manager if there is potential for abnormal radiological conditions outside of the RCA.
- 2. Evaluate PRM-ARM instrumentation.
B. Place a TLD and dosimeter on the computer terminal by the RO's desk.
C. Issue TLDs and dosimeters to persons who are dispatched from the CCR, if necessary.
- IPEC NON-QUAUTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 Energy EMERGENCYPLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 31 of 3.88 Attachment 9.5 CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Initial ResponsibilitVlActivitv (cont) Notes D. IF conditions warrant, or the Shift Manager directs, that Control Room radiological controls be established, THEN:
- 1. Set up step off pad (SOP) requiring shoe check and frisker at the CR entrance.
- 2. Post rear door with "NO ENTRY/EXIT' signs.
- 4. Set up MS-2/SPA-3 and BC-4 and perform periodic contamination surveys on both sides of the SOP
- 5. Perform periodic (hourly or as directed) airborne contamination checks with HD-28B or equivalent.
- 6. Record results on applicable forms and survey maps.
2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Provide Radiological Protection NOTE:
The actions and responsibilities listed in this procedure are intended to assist the CCR Health Physics Technician in the performance of his/her duties. While some items are performed once, others are repeated over the duration of the event.
A. Provide radiological support, such as issuance of dosimetry, determination of respiratory and protective clothing requirements, and performance of radiological surveys for the following activities, as directed by the Shift Manager:
- 1. Search and rescue
- 2. Repair and corrective actions
Attachment 9.5 CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont) Notes
- 3. Response to fires by Fire Brigade (includes survey
/decontamination of Fire Department personnel and equipment)
- 4. Personnel and equipment decontamination
- 5. As requested by the Shift Manager B. Conduct outside surveys as requested by the Shift Manager C. Provide Radiological Support for Personnel Medical Emergencies
- 1. Upon notification that a personnel medical emergency has occurred onsite, report to the scene with survey instrument(s).
- 2. Support Medical response as necessary.
2.2 Use ERO Log Sheet(s) (Form EP-1 0) to maintain a log.
A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CCR Health Physics Technician.
B. Log significant communications pertaining to personnel radiological conditions and actions.
C. Log any other significant information pertaining to actions taken as duty of CCR Health Physics Technician. (i.e.,
surveys completed, dosimetry issuance, A/S results, etc.)
- Enier, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 33 of 38 Attachment 9.5 CCR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity Notes 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized In the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation that was generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation..
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
/ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 34 of 38 Attachment 9.6 CCR Watch Chemist Checklist Sheet 1 of 1 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR Watch Chemist A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR Watch Chemist role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.
B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CCR Watch Chemist.
1.2 Assist the Shift Manager/Plant Operations Manager with Emergency Planning duties as requested.
2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity 2.1 Use ERO Log Sheet(s) (Form EP-1 0) to maintain a log A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CCR Watch Chemist.
B. Log significant communications pertaining to radiological releases and emergency events.
3.0 Closeout Responsibilitly/Activity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.
IPEC NON-QUAurY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENRPNG PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 2a of 38 Attachment 9.7 CCR Admin Support Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR Admin Support A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR Admin Support role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.
B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.
C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CCR Admin Support Staff.
1.2 Assist the Plant Operations Manager (POM) with CCR set-up A. Distribute Position SDecific Binders to the followina:
- 1. SM/POM
- 2. CCR Communicator
- 3. Direct-Line Communicator
- 5. CCR Watch Chemist
- 6. CCR Admin Support B. Plug in phones and headsets, if needed.
C. Verify the IPEC 10-mile Wind Sector Map in-place.
D. Verify appropriate emergency classification signs in place (NUE, Alert, SAE, GE).
E. Set up and test fax machines F. Notify SM/POM (ED) that CCR setup is complete.
i* IPEC NON-QUAuiTY RELATED IP-EP-210 Revision 8 nte EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 38 Attachment 9.7 CCR Admin Support Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Notes 1.3 Assist with accountability A. Have all CCR staff personnel (including CCR HP Techs and CCR Watch Chemist) swipe their security badge through the CCR Accountability card reader.
B. Using (Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, generate a list of individuals that are in your facility, Record badge numbers.
C. Using (Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, record the names, badge numbers and locations of any watch personnel located in the field and forward roster to the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO).
2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Assist with maintaining accountability A. Using (Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, record the names, badge numbers and locations of any individuals as they enter/exit the control room.
2.2 Assist POM in scheduling second shift A. Rosters of trained personnel are located in the Emergency Telephone Directory B. Call office extensions, beepers and home numbers as necessary to identify and schedule second shift relief.
Complete CCR staffing from Form EP-63.
2.3 Fax forms, when completed, to off-site agencies and emergency facilities NOTES:
- 2. When the EOF assumes responsibility for offsite notifications, discontinue faxing Part I and Part II forms to offsite agencies.
O firy IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALrry, RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-210 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 37 of 38 Attachment 9.7 CCR Admin Support Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes A. "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I "General Information Instructions" (Form EP-1)
- 1. NYS/County Warning Points
- 2. NYS/County EOCs
- 1. NYS/County EOCs
- 3. JIC C. When the (A)EOF assumes responsibility for offsite notifications, discontinue faxing Part I and Part IIforms to offsite agencies. IF MRP-DAS is not operational THEN fax the following completed forms to the TSC and (A)EOF:
2.4 Receive faxes from the EOF/AEOF, when activated A. Form EP-1 "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I "General Information Instructions" (Form EP-1)
B. Form EP-2 "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part II "Radiological Assessment Data" (Form EP-2) 3.0 Closeout ResoonsibilitvlActivity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations
- E,/ y IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUAuTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-210 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 38 of 38 Attachment 9.7 CCR Admin Support Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes 3.2 Review all documentation generated during the emergency:
A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.
B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.
3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.