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2008-03 - Final - Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/2008
From: Gody A
Division of Reactor Safety IV
To: Walsh K
Entergy Operations
Download: ML081200433 (312)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Date of Examination: 3/24/2008 Examination Level (circle one): RO / SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

A1 R, M Perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation Conduct of Operations 2.1.23 Ability to perform specific and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.(3.9)

A2 R, M Determine Time to SDC (Condenser Inventory)

Conduct of Operations 2.1.25 Ability to obtain and interpret station reference materials such as graphs, monographs and tables which contain performance data.(2.8)

Prepare an Equipment Tagout A3 R, M Equipment Control 2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.


A4 R, N Complete Pre-requisites for GDT Release Radiation Control 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.(2.7)

Not selected Emergency Plan NOTE: All items (5 total are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

(S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Date of Examination: 3/24/2008 Examination Level (circle one): RO / SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

A5 R, M Calculate Shutdown Margin with ONE Untrippable CEA Conduct of Operations 2.1.25 Ability to obtain and interpret station reference materials such as graphs, monographs and tables which contain performance data.(3.1)

A6 R, N Determine Event Notification Requirements 2.1.2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities during all Conduct of Operations modes of plant operation. (4.0)

A7 R, M Approve an Equipment Tagout 2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.

Equipment Control (3.8)

A8 P, R Approve liquid Release Permit 2.3.6 Knowledge of the requirements for reviewing and Radiation Control approving release permits.(3.1)

Determine Protective Action Recommendations A9 R, M 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action Emergency Plan recommendations. (4.0)

NOTE: All items (5 total are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

(S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

PERFORM A SHUTDOWN MARGIN CALCULATION JPM A1 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A1 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area CED Mode SURV Number 4 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin, Rev. 13 Plant Data Book NRC KA Number G-2.1.23 RO: 3.9, SRO: 4.0 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The Plant tripped 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> ago. Conditions prior to the trip were as follows:

100% power, Xenon equilibrium conditions 250 EFPD RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm Current plant conditions are as follows:

Mode 3 Tave 541 F RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm All CEAs are inserted Reactivity Bias Factor - 0.001 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin. Shutdown Margin Verification for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is not required for this task.

TERMINATING CUE RCS boron concentration meets Shutdown Margin requirement.

STANDARD Examinee determines Shutdown Margin boron concentration is acceptable.

TOOLS Plant Data Book Figures:

OP-903-090 Straight Edge and Calculator SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Loss of Shutdown Margin HUMAN INTERFACES SM/CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Provide items listed in Tools Section.

JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Perform OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin and record on Attachment 10.1.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Document current plant data on Attachment 10.1, Shutdown Margin Verification Work Sheet-CEAs Inserted.

CUES: Plant data values obtained from JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: Examinee records the following data on Attachment 10.1:

1. Current Date and Time
2. Mode 3
3. Burnup = 250 EFPD
4. RCS Boron =1000 ppm
5. Tave = 541 F
6. Duration of shutdown =28 hours
7. CEAs inserted SAT______UNSAT______
2. Determine current Xenon free Shutdown Margin Boron Concentration.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines 1050 (1040 to 1060) ppm from Figure, SDM Boron Concentration vs. Burnup and records on Att. 10.1.


3. Enter the Reactivity BIAS Factor found in the Reactor Engineering Book on Attachment 10.1.

CUES: BIAS Factor value obtained from JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee records Bias Factor of 0.001 on Att. 10.1.


4. Determine current HZP Inverse Boron Worth using current EFPD and PDB Figure 1.4.1, HZP Inverse Boron Worth vs. Burnup.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines HZP Inverse Boron Worth of 122 (121 to 123) and records on Att. 10.1.


JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Determine current Normalized Boron Worth from PDB Figure 1.4.2, Boron Worth Versus Moderator Temperature Normalized to 541°F.

CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Normalized Boron Worth of 1.00 from PDB Figure 1.4.2 and records on Att. 10.1.


6. Using the formula on Att. 10.1, Calculate the current Xenon Free Shutdown Margin Boron CRIT Concentration.

CUES: JPM Initial Conditions stated trip occurred from xenon equilibrium conditions.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines current Xenon Free Boron Concentration of 1050 (1040 to 1060) ppm and records on Att. 10.1.


7. If a Reactor Trip occurs during non-equilibrium Xenon conditions, then the RHOBAL Program from either section 7.6, RHOBAL Poison Transient, or Reactor Engineering shall be used to determine initial Xenon Worth.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines step does not apply to current conditions.


8. Determine current Xenon Reactivity Worth, for plant conditions recorded in step 7.1.2 using PDB Figure 1.6.3, Xenon Worth after Trip.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines current Xenon Reactivity Worth for plant conditions of

-2.10 (-2.0 to -2.2) % delta-Rho from Figure and records on Att. 10.1.

NOTE: Examinee should determine that JPM Initial Conditions stated Xenon equilibrium conditions and Xenon worth can be determined from Figure 1.6.3.


9. Determine current HZP Inverse Boron Worth, using current EFPD from PDB Figure 1.4.1, HZP Inverse Boron Worth vs. Burnup.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines HZP Inverse Worth of 122 (121 to 123) ppm from Figure 1.4.1 and records on Att. 10.1.


JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

10. Using RCS current RCS Tave, Determine current Normalized Boron Worth from PDB Figure 1.4.2, Boron Worth Versus Moderator Temperature Normalized to 541°F.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines current Normalized Boron Worth of 1.00 from Figure 1.4.2 and records on Att. 10.1.


11. Using formula on Attachment 10.1, Calculate Xenon Equivalent Boron Concentration. CRIT CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Xenon Equivalent Boron Concentration of -256 (-244 to -268) ppm and records on Att. 10.1.


12. Using formula on Attachment 10.1, Calculate Required Shutdown Margin Boron CRIT Concentration.

CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Required Shutdown Margin Boron Concentration of 794 (782 to 806) ppm and records on Att. 10.1.


13. If the RCS is on natural circulation and boron equalization is not possible, then multiply the CRIT Required Shutdown Margin Boron Concentration by 1.08 CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 2. Examinee determines step does not apply to current conditions.


14. Verify Shutdown Margin meets requirements of Technical Specifications by verifying current CRIT RCS Boron Concentration Required Shutdown Margin Boron Concentration.

CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines current RCS boron concentration of 1050 (1040 to 1060) is greater than Required Shutdown Margin boron concentration of 794 (782 to 806) and circles YES on Att. 10.1.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The Plant tripped 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> ago. Conditions prior to the trip were as follows:

100% power, Xenon equilibrium conditions 250 EFPD RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm Current plant conditions are as follows:

Mode 3 Tave 541 F RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm All CEAs are inserted Reactivity Bias Factor - 0.001 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin. Shutdown Margin Verification for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is not required for this task.

JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Current Date/time 3

250 1000 541 28 Inserted 1050 .001 122 1050 1.00 2.10 122 256 1.00 1050 -256 794 JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 1050 JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 122 JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 10 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 2.10 28 JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 11 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 12 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 13 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 14 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 15 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 16 of 17

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The Plant tripped 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> ago. Conditions prior to the trip were as follows:

100% power, Xenon equilibrium conditions 250 EFPD RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm Current plant conditions are as follows:

Mode 3 Tave 541 F RCS Boron Concentration -1000 ppm All CEAs are inserted Reactivity Bias Factor - 0.001 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin. Shutdown Margin Verification for the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is not required for this task.

JPM A1 Exam Submittal rev1 17 of 17

DETERMINE TIME TO SDC (Condensate Inventory)

JPM A2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A2 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area PPE Mode EMERG Number 5 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-902-004, Excess Steam Demand Recovery OP-902-009, Emergency Operating Procedure Standard Appendices, Rev. 301 Appendix 2-G, Feedwater For Sensible Heat Removal Appendix 2-J, Condensate Inventory Curve NO RCPs Operating NRC KA Number G-2.1.25 RO: 2.9, SRO: 3.1 E05-EK1.2 RO: 3.2, SRO: 3.8 E05-EA2.2 RO: 3.4, SRO: 4.2 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The plant tripped due to a Main Steam Line Break inside containment. All actions of OP-902-004 are complete up to starting a cooldown to SDC entry conditions. All RCPs are secured.

The following plant conditions exist:

The plant tripped one hour ago.

DWST Volume - 37%

CSP Volume - 55%

THOT - 520°F INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate time to place SDC in service based upon Condensate Inventory in accordance with OP-902-009, Attachment 2-G, Feedwater for Sensible Heat Removal.

TERMINATING CUE OP-902-009, Appendix 2-G completed calculating approximately 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> of time remaining to initiate SDC.

STANDARD Time to SDC calculated.


1. Calculator
2. Straight edge
3. Copy of OP-902-009 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Inability to achieve Cold Shutdown HUMAN INTERFACES None SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES None JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Perform OP-902-009, Appendix 2-G, Feedwater For Sensible Heat Removal.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Determine DWST volume:

DWST Volume = 5000 gal / % x ______ % - 58,000 gal = __________ gal CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee calculates DWST volume of 127,000 gallons.

(5000 gal./ % x 37% = 185,000 - 58,000 = 127,000)


2. Determine CSP volume:

CSP Volume = 2106 gal / % x ______ % - 53,000 gal = ____________ gal CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examine calculates CSP volume of 62,830 gallons.

(2106 gal./ % x 55% = 115,830 - 53,000)


3. Determine Total Feedwater volume:

Total Feedwater = DWST Volume + CSP Volume = _______________ gal CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee calculates Total Feedwater volume of 189,830 gallons.

(127,000 + 62,830)


4. Determine Available Feedwater volume.

Available Feedwater = Total Feedwater - Feedwater Required from Att. 2 -G.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Feedwater Required from Att. 2G of 30,500 gallons.

(Point of intersection between Initial THOT of 520°F and 350°F THOT curve)

2. Examinee calculates Available Feedwater volume of 159,330 gallons.

(189,830 - 30,500)

Acceptable Band of 158,830 to 159,830 based on curve interpolation.


JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Determine Maximum Time Remaining to Place Shutdown Cooling System in Service. CRIT CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure
1. Examinee determines Maximum Time Remaining of 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> from STANDARDS:

Attachment 2-J, Condensate Inventory Curve NO RCPs Operating based on Available Feedwater and 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after trip.

Acceptable band of 10.5 to 11.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> based on curve interpolation.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The plant tripped due to a Main Steam Line Break inside containment. All actions of OP-902-004 are complete up to starting a cooldown to SDC entry conditions. All RCPs are secured.

The following plant conditions exist:

The plant tripped one hour ago.

DWST Volume - 37%

CSP Volume - 55%

THOT - 520°F INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate time to place SDC in service based upon Condensate Inventory in accordance with OP-902-009, Attachment 2-G, Feedwater for Sensible Heat Removal.

JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 37 127,000 53 62,830 189,830 189,830 30,500 159,330 JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The plant tripped due to a Main Steam Line Break inside containment. All actions of OP-902-004 are complete up to starting a cooldown to SDC entry conditions. All RCPs are secured.

The following plant conditions exist:

The plant tripped one hour ago.

DWST Volume - 37%

CSP Volume - 55%

THOT - 520°F INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate time to place SDC in service based upon Condensate Inventory in accordance with OP-902-009, Attachment 2-G, Feedwater for Sensible Heat Removal.

JPM A2 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 8

PREPARE AN EQUIPMENT TAGOUT JPM A3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A3 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area PPA Mode ADMIN Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References EN-OP-102, Protective and Caution Tagging, Rev. 9 EN-OP-102-01, Protective and Caution Tagging Forms Checklist, Rev. 3 OP-100-014, Technical Specification Technical Requirements compliance Rev. 303 OP-002-003, Component cooling Water System Rev. 303 NRC KA Number G-2.2.13 RO: 3.6, SRO: 3.8 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A tagout has been prepared for Component Cooling Water Pump B for seal replacement and is ready for review.

INITIATING CUE The Work Management Center Supervisor requests you to perform a review of section 9.3 of the tagout to determine if the boundaries are adequate and it meets the General Tagout Standards of EN-OP-102.

TERMINATING CUE Tagout review completed.

STANDARD Tagout review completed and Examinee identifies three(3) of the following four(4) major errors on the tagout:

The control power knife switch in step 3 is for the A CCW pump instead of B.

The tagging sequence closes the suction valve CC-116B in step 4 before the discharge valve, CC-125B, is closed (step 5).

The Tagout does not list drain path from the suction side.

The casing vent valve, CC-1201B, tagged position is closed in step 8 and should be open for the vent path.


Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Perform the task in accordance with EN-OP-102.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Review tagout for adequacy and proper sequence. CRIT CUES: None STANDARDS: Examinee identifies three(3) of the following four(4) major errors on the tagout:

The control power knife switch in step 3 is for the A CCW pump instead of B.

The tagging sequence closes the suction valve CC-116B in step 4 before the discharge valve, CC-125B, is closed (step 5).

The Tagout does not list drain path from the suction side.

The casing vent valve, CC-1201B, tagged position is closed in step 8 and should be open for the vent path.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A tagout has been prepared for Component Cooling Water Pump B for seal replacement and is ready for review.

INITIATING CUE The Work Management Center Supervisor requests you to perform a review of section 9.3 of the tagout to determine if the boundaries are adequate and it meets the General Tagout Standards of EN-OP-102.

JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist ATTACHMENT 9.2 TAGOUT COVER SHEET Clearance: __MANUAL____________ Tagout: _XXXXXXXX___________

Component to be worked:




Replace CCW Pump B seal B424*709, G160*2 Placement Inst:

CCW Pump B will be Inoperable during maintenance. Align CCW Pump AB in place of CCW Pump B per OP-002-003. Enter TRM 3.7.3 CC-116B and CC-125B are locked valves.

Monitor CCW surge tank level while draining.

90 degree elbow required to drain from CC-118B When water level is below CC-121B and CC-124B remove the drain hose so they can be used as a vent path.


Motor heater is not de-energized on this tagout.

Restoration Inst:

Monitor surge tank level while refilling.

To refill slowly open CC-116B and vent from CC-1201B, CC-121B and CC-124B until filled.

Have I&C perform OP-002-003 Att 11.3 for CC-IPS-7031B and 7021B PMT: OPS: Enter TS 3.7.3 and cascading to align and perform OP-903-050 Attribute Description Attribute Value TS Impact? Yes, EOS #######

Comp measures reqd? No Locked components? Yes Fire Impairment? No Drain/vent rig reqd? Yes Scaffold reqd? No TS impact on Restoration? Yes- see restoration instructions.

Tagout hang time. 1 Tagout drain time. 1 Tagout Recovery time. 1 CVAS,Annulus,HVC,HVF or RCB Boundary Boundary not crossed 50.59 Evaluation No JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Work Order Number Description XXXXXXX-01 Replace pump mechanical seal per ER-W3-2005-0028-000 Status Description User Verification Date Prepared Prepared J. Fasola Today Technical Reviewed Reviewed Approved Approved Tags Verified Hung Tags Verified Hung Removal Approved Removal Approved Tags Verified Removed Tags Verified Removed JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 15


Tag Tag Equipment Place. Place. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Rest. Restoration Verif Verif emoval No. Equipment Location Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes Special *I have *I have reviewed Instruct 1-CC -PUMP -CC MPMP0001 B 1 reviewed and 1 and understand ion

  • COMPONENT COOLING understand all all special WATER PUMP B special instructions on

instructions on the tagout cover

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - - the tagout cover sheet and OPS sheet and OPS impact impact Statements Statements Special Instruct 1-CC -PUMP -CC MPMP0001 B 1
  • I have 8
  • Reminder: EOS ion
  • COMPONENT COOLING reviewed the must be updated WATER PUMP B EOS and the

EOS is open.

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - -

001 Danger 1-CC -C/S -CC ECS0001B1-C/S 2 OFF 7 OFF

  • RAB -+46 - - - -


Should be CCW pp B DC JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 15


  • RAB -+21 - -

Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement Place. Place. Rest. Restoration Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Configuration Verif Verif emoval No Equipment Location Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes 003 Danger 1-CC -CKTBRK-CC EBKR3B 8 4 RACKED 5 RACKED UP


  • RAB -+21 -212 -10A -K - -

Danger 004 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA116B 5 CLOSED This step 3 LOCKED OPEN

---------------- should be --------------------

  • CCW PUMP B SUCTION VALVE Reverse reversed Reverse operated
  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K- - operated with next handwheel handwheel step See restoration Instructions Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA125B 005 -------------------------------------------- 6 CLOSED This step 4 LOCKED OPEN
  • CCW PUMP B DISCHARGE ---------------- should be ----------------

ISOLATION Reverse done Reverse operated

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - - operated before handwheel handwheel previous step Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA124B 006 -------------------------------------------- 7 OPEN 2 CLOSED
  • CCW PUMP B DISCHARGE DRAIN JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 15


  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K- -

Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA121B 007 -------------------------------------------- 7 OPEN 2 CLOSED

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A - -

Danger 1-CC -VALVE-CC MVAAA1201B


  • RAB -+21 - - -

No Drain path is established on the suction side JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A tagout has been prepared for Component Cooling Water Pump B for seal replacement and is ready for review.

INITIATING CUE The Work Management Center Supervisor requests you to perform a review of section 9.3 of the tagout to determine if the boundaries are adequate and it meets the General Tagout Standards of EN-OP-102.

JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 10 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist ATTACHMENT 9.2 TAGOUT COVER SHEET Clearance: __MANUAL____________ Tagout: _XXXXXXXX___________

Component to be worked:




Replace CCW Pump B seal B424*709, G160*2 Placement Inst:

CCW Pump B will be Inoperable during maintenance. Align CCW Pump AB in place of CCW Pump B per OP-002-003. Enter TRM 3.7.3 CC-116B and CC-125B are locked valves.

Monitor CCW surge tank level while draining.

90 degree elbow required to drain from CC-118B When water level is below CC-121B and CC-124B remove the drain hose so they can be used as a vent path.


Motor heater is not de-energized on this tagout.

Restoration Inst:

Monitor surge tank level while refilling.

To refill slowly open CC-116B and vent from CC-1201B, CC-121B and CC-124B until filled.

Have I&C perform OP-002-003 Att 11.3 for CC-IPS-7031B and 7021B PMT: OPS: Enter TS 3.7.3 and cascading to align and perform OP-903-050 Attribute Description Attribute Value TS Impact? Yes, EOS #######

Comp measures reqd? No Locked components? Yes Fire Impairment? No Drain/vent rig reqd? Yes Scaffold reqd? No TS impact on Restoration? Yes- see restoration instructions.

Tagout hang time. 1 Tagout drain time. 1 Tagout Recovery time. 1 CVAS,Annulus,HVC,HVF or RCB Boundary Boundary not crossed 50.59 Evaluation No JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 11 of 15

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Work Order Number Description XXXXXXX-01 Replace pump mechanical seal per ER-W3-2005-0028-000 Status Description User Verification Date Prepared Prepared J. Fasola Today Technical Reviewed Reviewed Approved Approved Tags Verified Hung Tags Verified Hung Removal Approved Removal Approved Tags Verified Removed Tags Verified Removed JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 12 of 15

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout ATTACHMENT 9.3 TAGOUT TAGS SHEET CLEARANCE: ___MANUAL___________ TAGOUT: __XXXXXXXXXX______________

Tag Tag Equipment Place. Place. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Rest. Restoration Verif Verif emoval No. Equipment Location Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes Special *I have *I have reviewed Instruct 1-CC -PUMP -CC MPMP0001 B 1 reviewed and 1 and understand ion

  • COMPONENT COOLING understand all all special WATER PUMP B special instructions on

instructions on the tagout cover

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - - the tagout cover sheet and OPS sheet and OPS impact impact Statements Statements Special Instruct 1-CC -PUMP -CC MPMP0001 B 1
  • I have 8
  • Reminder: EOS ion
  • COMPONENT COOLING reviewed the must be updated WATER PUMP B EOS and the

EOS is open.

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - -

001 Danger 1-CC -C/S -CC ECS0001B1-C/S 2 OFF 7 OFF

  • RAB -+46 - - - -


  • CCW PUMP A DC CONTROL JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 13 of 15

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout POWER KNIFE SW

  • RAB -+21 - -

Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement Place. Place. Rest. Restoration Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Configuration Verif Verif emoval No Equipment Location Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes 003 Danger 1-CC -CKTBRK-CC EBKR3B 8 4 RACKED 5 RACKED UP


  • RAB -+21 -212 -10A -K - -


  • CCW PUMP B SUCTION VALVE Reverse Reverse operated
  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K- - operated handwheel handwheel See restoration Instructions Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA125B 005 -------------------------------------------- 6 CLOSED 4 LOCKED OPEN
  • CCW PUMP B DISCHARGE ---------------- ----------------

ISOLATION Reverse Reverse operated

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K - - operated handwheel handwheel Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA124B 006 -------------------------------------------- 7 OPEN 2 CLOSED
  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A -K- -

JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 14 of 15

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout Danger 1-CC -VALVE -CC MVAAA121B 007 -------------------------------------------- 7 OPEN 2 CLOSED

  • RAB -+21 -233 -7A - -

Danger 1-CC -VALVE-CC MVAAA1201B


  • RAB -+21 - - -

JPM A3 Exam Submittal rev1 15 of 15

COMPLETE PREREQUISITES FOR GDT RELEASE JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 JPM A4 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area GWM Mode NORM Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 10 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management, Rev. 14 NRC KA Number G-2.3.11 RO: 2.7, SRO: 3.2 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release all Gas Decay Tanks.
2. ONE RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 source check has been performed and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.

The following meteorological conditions exist:

1. 10 Meter Wind Speed 2.2 m/s
2. 10 Meter Wind Direction 320°
3. T/50m Reading 1.15 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify that proper meteorological conditions for a gaseous waste release exist in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management. Document your results on the appropriate attachment in OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management.

TERMINATING CUE Meteorological conditions verified per OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management, Attachment 11.5.

STANDARD Examinee determines gaseous waste release should be avoided.

TOOLS OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management, Attachment 11.5.


Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Perform OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management, Attachment 11.5.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Evaluate release for 10 Meter Wind Speed in accordance with Attachment 11.5. CRIT CUES: Cues provided in JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines 10 Meter Wind Speed within allowable limits of 0.67 m/s (Wind Speed) 3.35 m/s (exit bottom of decision box)


2. Evaluate release for 10 Meter Wind Direction in accordance with Attachment 11.5. CRIT CUES: Cues provided in JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines 10 Meter Wind Direction within limits of 68° Wind Direction 339° (exit to right of decision box).


3. Evaluate release for Stability class in accordance with Attachment 11.5. CRIT CUES: Cues provided in JPM Initial Conditions.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee refers to Pasquill Stability Classes chart and determines T/50m Reading is within Stability Class F (0.75 < T/50m 2.00).


4. Determine gaseous waste release restrictions based on meteorological conditions. CRIT CUES: Cues provided by JPM Initial Conditions.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines release should be avoided based on meteorological conditions in accordance with Attachment 11.5.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release all Gas Decay Tanks.
2. ONE RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 source check has been performed and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.

The following meteorological conditions exist:

1. 10 Meter Wind Speed 2.2 m/s
2. 10 Meter Wind Direction 320°
3. T/50m Reading 1.15 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify that proper meteorological conditions for a gaseous waste release exist in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management. Document your results on the appropriate attachment in OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management.

JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 2.2 m/s T/50m = 1.15 Stability class F Release should be avoided 320 JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 7

Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release all Gas Decay Tanks.
2. ONE RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 source check has been performed and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.

The following meteorological conditions exist:

1. 10 Meter Wind Speed 2.2 m/s
2. 10 Meter Wind Direction 320°
3. T/50m Reading 1.15 INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify that proper meteorological conditions for a gaseous waste release exist in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management. Document your results on the appropriate attachment in OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management.

JPM A4 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 7

CALCULATE SHUTDOWN MARGIN WITH ONE UNTRIPPABLE CEA JPM A5 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A5 Site W3 Job SRO System/Duty Area CED Mode SURV Number 4 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin, Rev. 13 Plant Data Book NRC KA Number G-2.1.25 RO: 2.9, SRO: 3.1 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is currently at 90% power with 250 EFPD.
2. CEA 23 has been determined to be untrippable.
3. No other CEA is inserted.

INITIATING CUE The SM directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin with one untrippable CEA.

TERMINATING CUE Emergency boron required.

STANDARD Shutdown Margin calculation completed.


1. Loss of Shutdown Margin
2. Technical Specification violation HUMAN INTERFACES SM SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Provide items listed in Tools Section JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key Perform OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin and document on Attachment 10.3.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Using current Cycle Burnup and 541°F temperature, determine Net Worth Worst Pair Stuck CRIT out (WPSO) from Figure 1.5.7.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Net Worst Pair Stuck out value as 5.8% (5.7 - 5.9)

K/K and records on Att. 10.3.


2. Determine Shutdown Margin required by COLR. CRIT CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines required Shutdown Margin required from COLR as 5.15% K/K and records on Att. 10.3.


3. Subtract Step from Step to determine Shutdown Margin Allowed Power CRIT Defect %DK/K.

CUES: Cues required for this step are contained in JPM Initial Conditions.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Shutdown Margin allowed Power Defect as 0.65%

(0.55 - 0.75) K/K and records on Att. 10.3.


4. Record current Reactor Power on Attachment 10.3.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee records 90% power on Att. 10.3.


5. Using results from step and Power Defect vs. Power Level, Figure 1.2.1, Determine CRIT Shutdown Margin Allowed Power Level.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions and procedure.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines Shutdown Margin allowed Power Level as 49%

(44 - 54) power and records on Att. 10.3.


JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key

6. Verify Shutdown Margin greater than or equal to that required by the COLR by verifying that CRIT current power level is less than or equal to the Shutdown Margin Allowed Power Level.

CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examine determines current power level is greater than Shutdown Margin allowed power level and circles NO on Att. 10.3.


7. If Shutdown Margin does not meet the requirements of Technical Specifications, then CRIT Commence Emergency Boration and go to OP-901-103, Emergency Boration.

CUES: When step is completed, inform Examinee that another operator will initiate emergency boration.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee recommends initiating emergency boration and entering OP-901-103.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is currently at 90% power with 250 EFPD.
2. CEA 23 has been determined to be untrippable.
3. No other CEA is inserted.

INITIATING CUE The SM directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin with one untrippable CEA.

JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Key 5.8 5.15 5.8 5.15 0.65 90 49 Recommend Emergency Boration JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Key 5.8 541 JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Key 6.5 49 JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Key JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Key JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 10 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure JPM A5 Examinee Handout Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is currently at 90% power with 250 EFPD.
2. CEA 23 has been determined to be untrippable.
3. No other CEA is inserted.

INITIATING CUE The SM directs you to perform a Shutdown Margin Calculation in accordance with OP-903-090, Shutdown Margin with one untrippable CEA.

JPM A5 Exam Submittal rev1 11 of 11

DETERMINE EVENT NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS JPM A6 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A6 Site W3 Job SRO System/Duty Area PPA Mode ADMIN Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References UNT-006-010, Event Notification and Reporting, Rev. 301 Technical Specification, Operational Leakage NRC KA Number G-2.1.2 RO: 3.0, SRO: 4.0 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 1 holding at 60% power during a startup following a mid-cycle outage.
2. Chemistry reports results for the following Technical Specification required surveillances:

Secondary Coolant Specific Activity 0.085 microcurie/gram Dose Equivalent Iodine Primary to Secondary Leak Rate SG #1 - 0.04 gallons per minute SG #2 - 0.06 gallons per minute INITIATING CUE You are directed to evaluate the given plant conditions to determine reportability requirements in accordance with Technical Specifications and UNT-006-010, Event Notification and Reporting. Document any reportability requirements on NRC Form 361, Event Notification Worksheet listing any reportable events in the Description Section. Use todays date and time for any chronological entries.

TERMINATING CUE NRC Form 361 completed for event notification.

STANDARD NRC Form 361 completed for a Non-Emergency event classification for a 4 Hr. T/S Required Shutdown based on exceeding Primary to Secondary Leak Rate.


1. Technical Specification violation
2. Event Reportability violation HUMAN INTERFACES None SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES None JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Perform Technical Specification determination of Chemistry surveillance results. Perform Event Reportability and document on NRC Form 361 in accordance with UNT-006-010.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Evaluate Chemistry Technical Specification surveillance results for compliance with T.S. CRIT, Operational Leakage and, Activity.

CUES: Cues provided in JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee evaluates Technical Specification surveillance results and determines that Primary to Secondary Leak Rate exceeds T.S. limit of 75 gallons per day for SG 2 (0.06 gpm x 1440 = 86.4 gpd).


2. Complete NRC Form 361, Event Notification Worksheet for event reportability. (critical CRIT items are bolded)

CUES: Cues provided by JPM Initial Conditions and procedure Provide Examinee a copy of Sample Event Notification Worksheet (NRC Form 361).

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines event reportability and documents on NRC Form 361, Event Notification Worksheet with the following entries:

NOTIFICATION TIME - current time FACILITY OR ORGANIZATION - Entergy UNIT - Waterford 3 NAME OF CALLER - Examinees Name CALL BACK # - This can be blank EVENT TIME & ZONE - Todays date & CST EVENT DATE - Todays date POWER/MODE BEFORE - 60%/Mode 1 POWER/MODE AFTER - 60%/Mode 1 EVENT CLASSIFICATIONS - checked for 50.72, Non-Emergency 4-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2) -checked for TS Required S/D (CRIT)

DESCRIPTION - wording to the effect of exceeding T.S. limit on Operational Leakage (> 75 gallons per day) (CRIT)


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 1 holding at 60% power during a startup following a mid-cycle outage.
2. Chemistry reports results for the following Technical Specification required surveillances:

Secondary Coolant Specific 0.085 microcurie/gram Dose Equivalent Iodine Activity Primary to Secondary Leak Rate SG #1 - 0.04 gallons per minute SG #2 - 0.06 gallons per minute INITIATING CUE You are directed to evaluate the given plant conditions to determine reportability requirements in accordance with Technical Specifications and UNT-006-010, Event Notification and Reporting.

Document any reportability requirements on NRC Form 361, Event Notification Worksheet listing any reportable events in the Description Section. Use todays date and time for any chronological entries.

JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 1 holding at 60% power during a startup following a mid-cycle outage.
2. Chemistry reports results for the following Technical Specification required surveillances:

Secondary Coolant Specific 0.085 microcurie/gram Dose Equivalent Activity Iodine Primary to Secondary Leak Rate SG #1 - 0.04 gallons per minute SG #2 - 0.06 gallons per minute INITIATING CUE You are directed to evaluate the given plant conditions to determine reportability requirements in accordance with Technical Specifications and UNT-006-010, Event Notification and Reporting. Document any reportability requirements on NRC Form 361, Event Notification Worksheet listing any reportable events in the Description Section. Use todays date and time for any chronological entries.

JPM A6 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 9

APPROVE AN EQUIPMENT TAGOUT JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 JPM A7 Site W3 Job SRO System/Duty Area PPA Mode ADMIN Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References EN-OP-102, Protective and Caution Tagging, Rev. 9 EN-OP-102-01, Protective and Caution Tagging Forms Checklist, Rev. 3 NRC KA Number G-2.2.13 RO: 4.1, SRO: 4.3 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS An equipment tagout has been prepared for HPSI Pump AB for a component outage which includes suction gasket replacement and seal cooler cleaning.

INITIATING CUE You are to conduct a review of the HPSI Pump AB tagout section 9.3 to determine if the boundaries are adequate and it meets the General Tagout Standards of EN-OP-102.

TERMINATING CUE Tagout review completed and at least 4 major errors identified.

STANDARD Tagout review completed and errors identified.

TOOLS EN-OP-102, Protective and Caution Tagging SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Damage to equipment or injury to plant personnel HUMAN INTERFACES None SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES None JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Perform the task in accordance with EN-OP-102.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Verify the clearance has been prepared to adequately provide personnel and plant safety for CRIT the work activities listed.

CUES: Provide Examinee with copy of clearance tagout.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee must find four(4) of four(4) major errors in the clearance tagout and should recognize the minor error.

MAJOR- incorrect sequence to rack down the breaker- knife switch for control power should be the step before.

MAJOR - incorrect sequence of valves operated - suction valve, SI 202A, closed before discharge paths, SI 212A and SI 212B.

MAJOR - Valve for suction path from the B train is not included, SI 202B CLOSED.

MAJOR - One drain path is tagged closed vs open, SI 2032AB.

MINOR - The AB Discharge to the B Train is specified as CLOSED vs LOCKED CLOSED, SI 212B (NOT Critical)


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY ATTACHMENT 9.2 TAGOUT COVER SHEET Clearance: __MANUAL____________ Tagout: _XXXXX____________




Replace HPSI Pump AB suction flange gasket B424-507, B424-508, G167-1 Placement Inst:

HPSI Pump AB will be INOPERABLE during maintenance. Refer to TS 3.5.2 Expected annunciator: M0810: HPSI Pump AB Trip/Trouble Hazards:

Ladder is required to access SI-2031AB and SI-2033AB Restoration Inst:

Enter TS 3.5.2 just prior to aligning HPSI AB to replace HPSI A.

Ensure no leaks exist at the flange during operation.

Attribute Description Attribute Value Tech Spec Impact? EOS 08-XXX Compensatory Actions reqd? None Locked Components? Yes Fire Protection Impairment? No Vent/Drain Rig reqd? Yes Scaffold Required? No Tech Spec Impact on System Restoration? Yes- see tagout detail Tagout Hang Time 2 Tagout Drain Time 1 Tagout Recovery Time 2 CVAS, Annulus, HVC, HVF or RCB Boundary Boundary is not crossed.

50.59 Screening Attached- Audit use only Work Order Number Description xxxxxxxx-xx Boric acid build-up on suction flange.

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY Status Description User Verification Date Prepared Prepared J. Doerame Today Technical Reviewed Reviewed J. Fasola Today Approved Approved Tags Verified Hung Tags Verified Hung Removal Approved Removal Approved Tags Verified Removed Tags Verified Removed JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 2 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY ATTACHMENT 9.3 TAGOUT TAGS SHEET CLEARANCE: ___MANUAL___________ TAGOUT: ________________

Tag Tag Equipment Place. Place. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Rest. Restoration Verif Verif emoval No. Equipment Location Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes Special *I have *I have reviewed Instruction 1-SI-Pump-SI MPMP0002 AB 1 reviewed and 1 and understand understand all all special special instructions on instructions on the tagout cover the tagout cover sheet and OPS sheet and OPS impact impact Statements Statements Special 1-SI-Pump-SI MPMP0002 AB

  • I have
  • Reminder: EOS Instruction 1 reviewed the 8 must be updated EOS and the EOS is open.

1-SI -CS -SI ECS0002AB-C/S 001 Danger ------------------------------------------ 2 STOP/NEUTRA 7 STOP/


  • RAB _+46 -304 - - -




  • RAB-+21 -212B-11A -J JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 2 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY Knife sw in the next step should precede this Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement Place. Place. Rest. Restoration Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq. Configuration Verif Verif emoval No Equipment Location Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes 1-SI -KNIFSW-SI EDISCAB#-

003 Danger KNIFSW 4 OPEN 6 OPEN

-- This step

  • HPSI PUMP AB DC should precede CONTROL POWER KNIFE racking the SWITCH breaker down
  • RAB-+21 - - - in step 3 004 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI 5 LOCKED 4 LOCKED MVAAA202A CLOSED CLOSED SI 202B, ------------------------------------------ ------------------

AB suction - Suction Open slowly ti from HPSI *HPSI PUMP AB SUCTION isolated fill IAW OP-903-B is FROM HPSI A ISOLATION before 026 missing

  • RAB35 - -9A -J - discharge-

-OPERATED FROM -15 steps 5 and 6 SAFEGUARD VALVE should have GALLERY preceded this step.

Place. Place. Rest. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Restoration Verif Verif emoval Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes No Equipment Location JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 2 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY 1-SI -VALVE -


-- Should be




  • RAB35 - -6A -K - -




009 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2032 10 CLOSED 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

  • Drain path

-- Should be open

  • RAB B15 -6A -J- -

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 2 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist KEY Place. Place. Rest. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Restoration Verif Verif emoval Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes No Equipment Location 010 Danger 1-SI -VALVE- SI MVAAA2031 10 OPEN 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

  • Vent path
  • RAB B15 -6A -J 011 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2033 10 OPEN 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

*Drain path

  • RAB B15 -6A -J - -

012 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2035 10 OPEN 2 AB ------------------ CLOSED

  • Drain path
  • RAB B15 -6A -J - -

SI-202B missing JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS An equipment tagout has been prepared for HPSI Pump AB for a component outage which includes suction gasket replacement and seal cooler cleaning.

INITIATING CUE You are to conduct a review of the HPSI Pump AB tagout section 9.3 to determine if the boundaries are adequate and it meets the General Tagout Standards of EN-OP-102.

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 10 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout ATTACHMENT 9.2 TAGOUT COVER SHEET Clearance: __MANUAL____________ Tagout: _XXXXX____________




Replace HPSI Pump AB suction flange gasket B424-507, B424-508, G167-1 Placement Inst:

HPSI Pump AB will be INOPERABLE during maintenance. Refer to TS 3.5.2 Expected annunciator: M0810: HPSI Pump AB Trip/Trouble Hazards:

Ladder is required to access SI-2031AB and SI-2033AB Restoration Inst:

Enter TS 3.5.2 just prior to aligning HPSI AB to replace HPSI A.

Ensure no leaks exist at the flange during operation.

Attribute Description Attribute Value Tech Spec Impact? EOS 08-XXX Compensatory Actions reqd? None Locked Components? Yes Fire Protection Impairment? No Vent/Drain Rig reqd? Yes Scaffold Required? No Tech Spec Impact on System Restoration? Yes- see tagout detail Tagout Hang Time 2 Tagout Drain Time 1 Tagout Recovery Time 2 CVAS, Annulus, HVC, HVF or RCB Boundary Boundary is not crossed.

50.59 Screening Attached- Audit use only Work Order Number Description xxxxxxxx-xx Boric acid build-up on suction flange.

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 11 of 16

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 6 OF 22 MANUAL Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout Status Description User Verification Date Prepared Prepared J. Doerame Today Technical Reviewed Reviewed J. Fasola Today Approved Approved Tags Verified Hung Tags Verified Hung Removal Approved Removal Approved Tags Verified Removed Tags Verified Removed JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 12 of 16

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout ATTACHMENT 9.3 TAGOUT TAGS SHEET CLEARANCE: ___MANUAL___________ TAGOUT: ________________

Tag Tag Equipment Place. Place. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Rest. Restoration Verif Verif emoval No. Equipment Location Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Seq. Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes Special *I have *I have reviewed Instruction 1-SI-Pump-SI MPMP0002 AB 1 reviewed and 1 and understand understand all all special special instructions on instructions on the tagout cover the tagout cover sheet and OPS sheet and OPS impact impact Statements Statements Special 1-SI-Pump-SI MPMP0002 AB

  • I have
  • Reminder: EOS Instruction 1 reviewed the 8 must be updated EOS and the EOS is open.

1-SI -CS -SI ECS0002AB-C/S 001 Danger ------------------------------------------ 2 STOP/NEUTRA 7 STOP/


  • RAB _+46 -304 - - -




  • RAB-+21 -212B-11A -J JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 13 of 16

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement Place. Place. Rest. Restoration Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq. Configuration Verif Verif emoval No Equipment Location Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes 1-SI -KNIFSW-SI EDISCAB#-

003 Danger KNIFSW 4 OPEN 6 OPEN

  • RAB-+21 - - -


- Open slowly ti

  • RAB35 - -9A -J -


  • RAB B15 -9A -K - -

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 14 of 16

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout Place. Place. Rest. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Restoration Verif Verif emoval Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes No Equipment Location 1-SI -VALVE -




  • RAB35 - -6A -K - -




009 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2032 10 CLOSED 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

  • Drain path
  • HPSI PUMP AB SUCTION VENT JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 15 of 16

NUCLEAR QUALITY RELATED EN-OP-102-01 REV. 2 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 7 OF 22 Protective and Caution Tagging Forms & Checklist Examinee Handout

  • RAB B15 -6A -J- -

Place. Place. Rest. Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Placement/R Tag Tag Equipment Place. Placement 1st Verif 2nd Verif Seq Restoration Verif Verif emoval Serial Type Equipment Description Seq Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Configuration Date/Time Date/Time Tag Notes No Equipment Location 010 Danger 1-SI -VALVE- SI MVAAA2031 10 OPEN 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

  • Vent path
  • RAB B15 -6A -J 011 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2033 10 OPEN 2 CLOSED AB ------------------

*Drain path

  • RAB B15 -6A -J - -

012 Danger 1-SI -VALVE -SI MVAAA2035 10 OPEN 2 AB ------------------ CLOSED

  • Drain path
  • RAB B15 -6A -J - -

JPM A7 Exam Submittal rev1 16 of 16

REVIEW AND APPROVE A LIQUID RELEASE PERMIT JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A8 Site W3 Job SRO System/Duty Area PPA Mode ADMIN Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-007-001, BORON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, rev 19 TRM 3.3.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION, NRC KA Number G-2.3.6 RO: 2.1, SRO: 3.1 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The Plant is in mode 3 with the following plant conditions:

1. CW Pumps A and B are running, C and D are secured.
2. The following CW Waterboxes are in service: A1, A2, and B1
3. BACT A is at 94% and is ready for release
4. The BMS Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0627, is Out of Service INITIATING CUE A liquid release of the A BACT to the Circulating Water System is planned for your shift. The Offgoing CRS has reviewed the release permit and asks you to perform a peer check to determine if all requirements for the release have been met. Review the A BACT release permit, OP-007-001 and any other requirements to determine what, if any, conditions are not met for this release. Document your answers in the answer box on this cue sheet.

TERMINATING CUE All plant requirements needed to discharge BACT A to CW have been determined.

STANDARD Determine that the following items are required to discharge BACT A:

Place Waterbox B2, C1, or C2 in service The permit calls for 3 CW pumps- a third pump needs to be started or the permit re-performed.

Obtain a second independent sample and release calculation from chemistry due to the BMS Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0627, being Out of Service TOOLS OP-007-001, BORON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, rev 19 TRM 3.3.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION LIQUID RELEASE PERMIT FOR THE A BACT SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Discharge radioactive material or chemicals to the Mississippi River that are outside state or federal allowances.


Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Determine if conditions are met for discharging BACT A to the river. CRIT CUES: Provided by Initial Conditions and procedure.

Examinee reviews OP-007-001, Boron Management and the Liquid STANDARDS:

Waste Permit and determines the following:

Waterbox B2, C1, or C2 must be in service The permit specifies 3 Circ Water Pumps and only two are running BMS Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0627, is Out of Service and actions required by TRM, Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring apply.


2. CRIT Determine TRM requirements for discharging BACT A to the river.

CUES: Provided by Initial Conditions and procedure.

Review TRM, Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring. The STANDARDS:

examinee must determine the following listed requirements are necessary and are not met:

Ensure 2 independent samples are analyzed by Chemistry Ensure 2 independent release calculations are performed by Chemistry Note: Examinee should also discuss that 2 NAOs must independently perform discharge valve lineup but it is not required yet.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 3 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 4 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 5 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 6 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 7 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 8 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 9 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The Plant is in mode 3 with the following plant conditions:

1. CW Pumps A and B are running, C and D are secured.
2. The following CW Waterboxes are in service: A1, A2, and B1
3. BACT A is at 94% and is ready for release
4. The BMS Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0627, is Out of Service INITIATING CUE A liquid release of the A BACT to the Circulating Water System is planned for your shift. The Offgoing CRS has reviewed the release permit and asks you to perform a peer check to determine if all requirements for the release have been met. Review the A BACT release permit, OP-007-001 and any other requirements to determine what, if any, conditions are not met for this release. Document your answers in the answer box on this cue sheet.

JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 10 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Liquid Waste Batch Release Permit Permit Number : LB 2008-010 Entergy Operations , Inc. Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit III Release Point (1) : Boric Acid Condensate Tank A Waste Volume  : 16,100.0 gal Maximum Waste Flow: 50.00 gpm Minimum Dilution Flow : 7.5.0000 e+05 (3 Circ Water Pumps) Total Gamma Conc. : 3.513e+06 uCi/ml Single Release Setpoint for PRM-IRE-0627: 8.00e+02uCi/ml Estimated Maximum Organ Dose : 0.0000 mrem for the Adult Gi-ilf Estimated Cumulative Maximum Organ Doses - including this release LB2008-010 31 Day Quarter -to - date Year - to -date Limit 0.06 mrem 1.5 mrem 3.00 mrem Organ Total Body Total Body Total Body 0.0007 mrem 0.0001 mrem 0.0001 mrem Special Conditions : Adjust PRM-IRE-0627 setpoint to 2.48e+02uCi/ml prior to release.

Return PRM-IRE-0627 setpoint to 8.00e+01 02uCi/ml after the release Prepared By (rmc ) Reviewed By: Approved By (CRS/SS)

_Chem Tech_1_______________ __Chem Tech 2_____________ _Chem Supv________________

Date: ___Today_____________ Date: ____Today______________ Date: ___Today________________

PRM-IRE-0627 Radiations Monitor Source Check:__________ Channel Check: ______________

Circ. Water Flowrate: ______________gpm Date Time Tank Level % Flow Integrator (gal)

Release START ____/ ______/_________ ____________ ____________________________

Release FINISH ____/ ______/ _________ ____________ _____________________________

Net min __________ ____________ ______________________________

________________ gal / _______________min = ____________ gpm = Average Waste Flow Rate (Flow Integrator) (Release time)

________________ gal / ______________ min = ______________ gpm = Average Waste Flow Rate (Plant Data Book) (Release time)

Radiation Monitor readings for PRM - IRE- 0647 10 min into release: ________________ uCi/ml After Flush : ____________________uCi/ml Remarks : _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Release Completed By: __________________________ Date / Time ________________________

Operations Release Reviewed By: ___________________________ Date / Time ________________________

CRS/SS Release Reviewed By: ___________________________ Date / Time _________________________

HP Foreman/ Designee JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 11 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT BATCH RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASE REQUEST FORM OPERATIONS RELEASE POINT Waste Condensate Tank A B Boric Acid Condensate Tank A B C D Laundry Tank A B Waste Tank A B ACCW Basin A B SGBD to Circ Water #1 #2 Date /Time Isolated ___Yesterday___________ Tank Volume __94______%

Date / Time Placed on Recirc _Yesterday____________

  1. Circulating Pumps Running ___3__________________ # Circulating Pumps Available __3______

Waterbox B2 or C1 must be in Operation SAT Unsat Rad waste Treatment System used YES No Action Statements Affecting Release_____NONE_______________________________________

3/21/08 _B. Tidoe________

Time / Date Operations CHEMISTRY Tank Volume Verified recirculation requirements have been satisfied prior to sampling for environmental analysis Recirculation time following tank neutralization has been satisfied prior to sampling for pH (if applicable )

Verified all required environmental analysis parameters are within specifications (analysis results attached)

Calculated EPA Maximum Discharge Rate:

(0.2 mg/L) x (750,000 Circ Water Flow) = 575 gpm EPA Maximum Discharge Rate = ( 261 mg/L Boron Conc )

1 Pump = 250,000 gpm 3 Pumps = 750,000 gpm 2 Pumps = 500,000 gpm 4 Pumps = 1,000,000 gpm Maximum Discharge Rate ______50 __ gpm (Lower EPS Max Discharge rate or LRP Max Waste Flow)

__Chem Tech 1_________ ________LB2008-010__

Chemistry Release Permit Number Approved by : _____Oper A. Shuns____________

Operations JPM A8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 12 of 12

DETERMINE PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM A9 Site W3 Job SRO System/Duty Area EPP Mode EMERG Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References EP-002-052, Protective Action Guidelines, Rev. 20 EP-002-010, Notifications and Communications NRC KA Number G-2.4.44 RO: 2.1, SRO: 4.0 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A LOCA has occurred with fuel failure.
2. A General Emergency was declared and the following initial GE PARs with a wind direction of 65 degrees were sent to the appropriate agencies:

0 - 2 Mile Response - Evacuate Areas A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - Evacuate Areas downwind, C2 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - Shelter all remaining areas inside 10 mile radius

3. An offsite release is currently in progress.

The following current plant data is related to the release:

Projected Dose Values Meterological Data 0 - 2 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 3.3 Rem 10 Meter Wind 5.6 m/s CDE Thyroid: 8.45 Rem Speed:

2 - 5 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 1.26 Rem Wind Direction: From 45 degrees CDE Thyroid: 4.88 Rem 5 - 10 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 0.725 Rem Delta T: (+) 1.9 CDE Thyroid: 2.7 Rem INITIATING CUE As the Emergency Coordinator you are directed to assess current plant conditions and update the PARs in accordance with EP-002-052, Protective Action Guidelines. Document the updated PARs on the State Notification form step #5.

TERMINATING CUE PARs determined based on data provided.

STANDARD PARs determined based on plant conditions and data provided.

TOOLS EP-002-010, Notifications and Communications, State Notification form SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Inappropriate PARs HUMAN INTERFACES None SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES Ability to determine affected areas and appropriate PARs INSTRUCTOR NOTES None JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 2 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Perform EP-002-052 and document on Att. 7.2. Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. When a release is occurring or the potential for a release exists, then continuously evaluate the need for Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) using Attachment 7.2 CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee selects Attachment 7.2 to evaluate PARs for release in progress.


2. Obtain the Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) and Committed Dose Equivalent (CDE) CRIT thyroid dose commitments calculated in accordance with EP-002-050 or EP-002-051 and complete the appropriate blanks at the top of each section of Attachment 7.2.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee enters TEDE and CDE values for 0- 2 Mile, 2 - 5 Mile, and 5 - 10 Mile Response Areas on Att. 7.2.

NOTE: Examinee must convert values from Rem to mRem.


3. Answer the questions in the decision boxes for each section of the worksheet to determine CRIT the PARs required for the 0 - 2 mile, 2 - 5 mile and 5 - 10 mile areas and check the appropriate box at the bottom of the worksheet.

CUES: None STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines PARs based on dose as follows:

0 - 2 Mile Response - Evacuate Areas A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - Evacuate Areas downwind 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - No Protective Action Recommendations SAT______UNSAT______

4. Obtain the direction from which the wind is blowing and determine the affected protective CRIT response areas using Attachment 7.3. Enter the affected protective response areas in the blanks provided.

CUES: Cues contained in JPM Initial Conditions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines the following affected protective response areas:

0 - 2 Mile Response - A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - C2,D2 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - None SAT______UNSAT______

JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 3 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Compares PARs based on dose to PARs required for General Emergency to determine CRIT need for modifications CUES: Cues contained in procedure Determines that initial PARs based on General Emergency still apply and an STANDARDS:

additional downwind area now needs to be included due to the wind shift . PARs are :

0 - 2 Mile Response - Evacuate Areas A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - Evacuate Areas downwind, C2, D2 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - Shelter all remaining areas inside 10 mile radius SAT______UNSAT______

End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 4 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A LOCA has occurred with fuel failure.
2. A General Emergency was declared and the following initial GE PARs with a wind direction of 65 degrees were sent to the appropriate agencies:

0 - 2 Mile Response - Evacuate Areas A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - Evacuate Areas downwind, C2 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - Shelter all remaining areas inside 10 mile radius

3. An offsite release is currently in progress.

The following current plant data is related to the release:

Projected Dose Values Meterological Data 0 - 2 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 3.3 Rem 10 Meter Wind 5.6 m/s CDE Thyroid: 8.45 Rem Speed:

2 - 5 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 1.26 Rem Wind Direction: From 45 degrees CDE Thyroid: 4.88 Rem 5 - 10 Mile Response Area: TEDE: 0.725 Rem Delta T: (+) 1.9 CDE Thyroid: 2.7 Rem INITIATING CUE As the Emergency Coordinator you are directed to assess current plant conditions and update the PARs in accordance with EP-002-052, Protective Action Guidelines. Document the updated PARs on the State Notification form step #5.

JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 5 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 6 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 7 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key 3300 1260 720 8450 4880 2700 X

X C2, D2 X All remaining areas in EPZ JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 8 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Key JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 9 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A LOCA has occurred with fuel failure.
2. A General Emergency was declared and the following initial GE PARs with a wind direction of 65 degrees were sent to the appropriate agencies:

0 - 2 Mile Response - Evacuate Areas A1, B1, C1, D1 2 - 5 Mile Response Area - Evacuate Areas downwind, C2 5 - 10 Mile Response Area - Shelter all remaining areas inside 10 mile radius

3. An offsite release is currently in progress.

The following current plant data is related to the release:

Projected Dose Values Meterological Data 0 - 2 Mile Response TEDE: 3.3 Rem 10 Meter Wind 5.6 m/s Area: CDE Thyroid: 8.45 Rem Speed:

2 - 5 Mile Response TEDE: 1.26 Rem Wind Direction: From 45 Area: CDE Thyroid: 4.88 Rem degrees 5 - 10 Mile Response TEDE: 0.725 Rem Delta T: (+) 1.9 Area: CDE Thyroid: 2.7 Rem INITIATING CUE As the Emergency Coordinator you are directed to assess current plant conditions and update the PARs in accordance with EP-002-052, Protective Action Guidelines. Document the updated PARs on the State Notification form step #5.

JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 10 of 11

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT JPM A9 Exam Submittal Rev 1 11 of 11

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Date of Examination: 3/24/2008 Exam Level (circle one): RO Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function S1 003-Start A Reactor Coolant Pump (Alternate Path) P,A,D,L,S 4-P S2 015-Perform NI Startup Channel Functional Test (RO ONLY) S,D,L 7 S3 064-Start and Load B EDG From CR S,M,A 6 S4 APE068-Perform BOP Immediate Actions On CR Evacuation S,M,A 8 S5 004-Blended Makeup To VCT Using Manual Mode S,D 1 S6 026-Align LPSI Pump To Replace Containment Spray Pump S,D,L 5 S7. 013-Verify SIAS Automatic Actions -Train A S, N, L, A 2 S8 071-Respond To Waste Gas Discharge High Activity N,S,A 9 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

P1 008-Restore Power to Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps R,L,D,E 8 During Control Room Evacuation and Loss of Offsite power P2 061-Reset EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed During CR L,D,E 4-S Evacuation With Fire P3 062-Transfer AB SUPS From Alternate To Normal Power N 6 Supply

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9/ 8/ 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1/ 1/ 1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1/ 1/ 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2/ 2/ 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3/ 3/ 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 1/ 1/ 1 (S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Date of Examination: 3/24/2008 Exam Level (circle one): SRO(I) Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function S1 003-Start A Reactor Coolant Pump (Alternate Path) P,A,D,L,S 4-P S3 064-Start and Load B EDG From CR S,M,A 6 S4 APE068-Perform BOP Immediate Actions On CR Evacuation S,M,A 8 S5 004-Blended Makeup To VCT Using Manual Mode S,D 1 S6 026-Align LPSI Pump To Replace Containment Spray Pump S,D,L 5 S7. 013-Verify SIAS Automatic Actions -Train A S, N, L, A 2 S8 071-Respond To Waste Gas Discharge High Activity N,S,A 9 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

P1 008-Restore Power to Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps R,L,D,E 8 During Control Room Evacuation and Loss of Offsite power P2 061-Reset EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed During CR L,D,E 4-S Evacuation With Fire P3 062-Transfer AB SUPS From Alternate To Normal Power N 6 Supply

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9/ 8/ 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1/ 1/ 1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1/ 1/ 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2/ 2/ 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3/ 3/ 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 1/ 1/ 1 (S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Date of Examination: 3/24/2008 Exam Level (circle one): SRO (U) Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function S1 003-Start A Reactor Coolant Pump (Alternate Path) P,A,D,L,S 4-P S7. 013-Verify SIAS Automatic Actions -Train A S, N, L, A 2 S8 071-Respond To Waste Gas Discharge High Activity N,S,A 9 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

P1 008-Restore Power to Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps R,L,D,E 8 During Control Room Evacuation and Loss of Offsite power P2 061-Reset EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed During CR L,D,E 4-S Evacuation With Fire

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9/ 8/ 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1/ 1/ 1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1/ 1/ 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2/ 2/ 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3/ 3/ 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 1/ 1/ 1 (S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

START A REACTOR COOLANT PUMP JPM S1 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM S1 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area RCP Mode NORM Number 1 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path YES References OP-001-002, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation Rev 015 NRC KA Number 4.2-015/17-AA1.23 RO: 3.1, SRO 3.1 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3, RCS pressure is 2250 psia, Tave is 545 F.
2. RCPs 1A, 1B, and 2B are running.
3. All OP-001-002 Initial Conditions are met.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to start RCP 2A in accordance with OP-001-002, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.


1. Desired RCP running
2. (ALT) RCP tripped.


1. Desired RCP running
2. (ALT) RCP tripped.

TOOLS None SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Damage to Reactor Coolant Pump HUMAN INTERFACES SM/CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC 99 with 3 RCPs running Clear PMC alarm screen Setup: Ensure RCP 2A vibration H-A8 annunciators cleared, HC-8 is expected Keys:

HI-SG 165-168.

CPC Trip B/P 153, 156, 159, 162 Laminate/Sheath OP-001-002 att 11.1 Insert Malfunction RC07C after starting RCP 2A JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. If at normal RCS Pressure, then verify CBO of 1.2 GPM to 1.8 GPM by monitoring CRIT applicable RCP mimic or applicable Plant Monitoring Computer (PMC) point in accordance with Attachment 11.2.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies CBO of 1.2 - 1.8 gpm on RCP mimic or PMC point per Attachment 11.2.


2. Verify proper upper oil reservoir level of 65% to 90% on applicable RCP mimic or CRIT applicable PMC point per Attachment 11.2, or by using local level indication.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies RCP oil reservoir level on RCP mimic or PMC point per Attachment 11.2.


3. Verify proper lower oil reservoir level of 65% to 90% on applicable RCP mimic or CRIT applicable PMC point in accordance with Attachment 11.2, or by using local level indication.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies RCP oil reservoir level on RCP mimic or PMC point per Attachment 11.2.


4. Verify CCW flow at CP-2 to Seal Water Cooler for RCP 2A by checking associated inlet and outlet valves indicate Open. (one common switch)

CC-666A, RCP 2A SEAL COOLER CCW INLET ISOLATION CC-680A, RCP 2A SEAL COOLER CCW OUTLET ISOLATION CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE: If Examinee requests check of CCW flow on local indicators, inform Examinee that SM does not require local verification.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies CC-666A and CC-680A control switch on CP-2 indicates Red light lit and Green light out.


JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Test all annunciators on panels CP-2 and CP-18 and verify all Reactor Coolant Pump alarms illuminate.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee tests and verifies alarms on panels CP-2 and CP-18 illuminate.


6. Verify RCP 2A High Vibration alarm is clear:


CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies RCP 2A vibration annunciator A-8 Cabinet H is clear.


7. Start RCP 2A Oil Lift Pump A or B for RCP to be started by placing associated control CRIT switch at CP-2 to ON.

Start time:_________

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and places RCP 2A Oil Lift Pump A or B control switch to ON.

2. Examinee verifies RCP 2A Oil Lift Pump breaker indication Red light lit and Green light out.


8. Verify proper High Pressure Oil Lift System pressure for RCP 2A by observing that applicable annunciator is clear:


CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE: Annunciator B7 may come in and clear STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies annunciator D-7 Cabinet H is clear.

Note: B-7, RCP 2A BRNG LIFT OIL PUMP A TROUBLE, may come in and clear.


9. Verify RCS pressure and temperature are within limits of attachment 11.1.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies RCS pressure and temperature limits are within limits of Attachment 11.1.

NOTE: Examinee may refer to operator aid posted on MCB.


JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

10. Verify a < 100 F differential temperature ( T) between RCS Cold Leg (TC) Temperature and Steam Generator Water Temperature prior to starting the first RCP on each RCS loop (1A or 1B on RCS Loop 1, 2A or 2B on RCS Loop 2) to provide low temperature overprotection and reactivity protection.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines step does not apply.


11. Refer to Attachment 11.3 while performing Steps 6.1.16 through 6.1.26.

CUES: Procedure provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and refers to Attachment 11.3 during performance of subsequent steps.


12. Verify the associated RCP Oil Lift pump operating at normal pressure for minimum of two minutes prior to starting RCP 2A.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines RCP Oil Lift pump at normal pressure by verifying annunciator D-7 Cabinet H is clear.

Note: Applicant should check the PMC alarm screen for oil lift pump start time.


13. Notify the SM/CRS prior to starting RCP 2A.

CUES: When notified acknowledge starting RCP 2A.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee requests and receives permission to start RCP 2A.


14. Place and hold RCP 2A control switch to START until pump starts. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places and holds RCP 2A control switch in Start position.
2. Examinee verifies RCP 2A breaker indication Red light lit and Green light out.
3. Examinee verifies RCP 2A motor current indication pegs high and returns to

~ 600 amps.


JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

15. If excessively high vibration, unusual noises, or sharp rates of bearing temperature rise CRIT occur for RCP 2A, then secure RCP 2A.

CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE: Insert malfunction RC07C after RCP 2A parameters stabilize.

NOTE: Examinee may respond to annunciator A-8 Cabinet H, RCP 2A Vibration Hi and attempt to reset high vibration.

NOTE: If Examinee recommends securing RCP based on high vibration indication, then Cue that CRS directs taking appropriate action.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places RCP 2A control switch to Stop.

2. Examinee verifies RCP 2A breaker indication Green light lit and Red light out.
3. Examinee verifies RCP 2A motor amps drop to zero.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3, RCS pressure is 2250 psia, Tave is 545 F.
2. RCPs 1A, 1B, and 2B are running.
3. All OP-001-002 Initial Conditions are met.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to start RCP 2A in accordance with OP-001-002, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.

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Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 13 of 14

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3, RCS pressure is 2250 psia, Tave is 545 F.
2. RCPs 1A, 1B, and 2B are running.
3. All OP-001-002 Initial Conditions are met.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to start RCP 2A in accordance with OP-001-002, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.

JPM S1 Exam Submittal rev1 14 of 14

PERFORM NI STARTUP CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST JPM S2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM S2 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area NI Mode NORM Number 1 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 25 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-903-101, Startup Channel Functional Test Channel 1 and 2 Rev. 007 NRC KA Number G-2.1.20 RO: 4.3, SRO: 4.2 3.7-015-A4.02 RO: 3.9, SRO: 3.9 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3
2. The ATC has been informed of alarms, printouts, and indications expected during the Startup Channel Functional test.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a functional test of Startup Channel 1 in accordance with OP-903-101, Startup Channel Functional Test Channel 1, Section 7.2.

TERMINATING CUE STANDARD Range checks satisfactorily completed for Startup Channel 1.


Laminate Attachment 10.1 for handout JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

Note: This procedure is normally performed with two operators. One operator performs all the switch manipulations and local verifications and the second operator verifies the remote alarms and indications. For this JPM the Examiner will provide cues as the second operator. The alarms that are cued will be verified clear by the Examinee on the restoration and at that time the examiner should have the Examinee locate the remote indicators that were cued.

START TIME_________

1. Momentarily depress local Trouble bistable lamp, verify Trouble bistable lamp is extinguished and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses and verifies Trouble bistable lamp is out.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


2. Place AUDIO COUNT CHANNEL SELECT switch (CP-2) to the channel not being tested. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies Audio Count Selector Switch to Channel 2.


3. Place OPERATE/TEST LOW/TEST HIGH switch in TEST LOW and document on CRIT Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places Operate/Test Low/Test High switch in TEST LOW position.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


4. Verify local Trouble bistable lamp is illuminated and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies/acknowledges local Trouble bistable lamp is lit.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Verify Control/Startup Channel 1 Trouble annunciator Alarms (M-3, Cabinet H) and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Cue the Examinee that Panel H, M-3 was received.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies Control/Startup Channel 1 Trouble annunciator alarms.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


6. Record the following Startup Channel 1 indications and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet:
  • Drawer local counts
  • Remote recorder ENI-IJR-0005 (0006)
  • Remote meter ENI-IJI-0005 (0006)

CUES: Cue the Examinee that the remote indications are the same as local.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee records data for local counts and initials step.

2. Examinee records counts from remote recorder & meter, and initials step and Attachment 10.1.

Note: Examinee may initial Att 10.1 after recording all indications.


7. Place OPERATE/TEST LOW/TEST HIGH switch to TEST-HIGH and document on CRIT Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places OPERATE/TEST LOW/TEST HIGH switch to TEST-HIGH position.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


8. Verify STARTUP CHANNEL 1 NEUTRON FLUX HIGH annunciator Alarms (K-3, Cabinet H) and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Cue the Examinee that Panel H, K-3 was received STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies STARTUP CHANNEL 1 NEUTRON FLUX HIGH annunciator alarms.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

9. Verify RCS Boron Channel 1 Dilution Hi annunciator Alarms (L-3, Cabinet G) and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Cue the Examinee that Panel G, L-3 was received STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies annunciator L-3, Cabinet G alarms.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


10. Record following Startup Channel 1 indications and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet:
  • Drawer local counts
  • Remote recorder ENI-IJR-0005 (0006)
  • Remote meter ENI-IJI-0005 (0006)

CUES: Cue the Examinee that the remote indications are the same as local.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee records data for local counts and initials step.

2. Examinee records counts from remote recorder & meter, and initials step on Attachment 10.1.


11. Place OPERATE/TEST LOW/TEST HIGH switch in OPERATE and document on CRIT Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places OPERATE/TEST LOW/TEST HIGH switch to OPERATE position.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


12. Momentarily depress local TROUBLE bistable lamp, verify TROUBLE bistable lamp is extinguished and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses and verifies TROUBLE bistable lamp is out.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

13. Verify CONTROL/STARTUP CHANNEL 1 TROUBLE annunciator (M-3, Cabinet H) is clear and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies annunciator M-3, Cabinet H clears.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


14. Verify STARTUP CHANNEL 1 NEUTRON FLUX HIGH annunciator (K-3, Cabinet H) is clear and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies annunciator K-3, Cabinet H clears.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


15. Verify RCS BORON CHANNEL 1 DILUTION HI annunciator (L-3, Cabinet G) is clear and document on Attachment 10.1, Startup Channel Functional Test Data Sheet.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies annunciator L-3, Cabinet G clears.

2. Examinee initials step on Attachment 10.1.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3
2. The ATC has been informed of alarms, printouts, and indications expected during the Startup Channel Functional test.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a functional test of Startup Channel 1 in accordance with OP-903-101, Startup Channel Functional Test Channel 1, Section 7.2.

JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3
2. The ATC has been informed of alarms, printouts, and indications expected during the Startup Channel Functional test.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to perform a functional test of Startup Channel 1 in accordance with OP-903-101, Startup Channel Functional Test Channel 1, Section 7.2.

JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 10 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout X

Shift Manager Today / 30 min ago ABC ABC ABC ABC 780 ABC JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 11 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout X

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Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout X

JPM S2 Exam Submittal rev1 13 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY START AND LOAD EDG B FROM CONTROL ROOM JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 JPM S3 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area EDG Mode NORM Number 3 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path YES References OP-009-002, Emergency Diesel Generator Rev. 302 OP-500-004, Control Room Cabinet D Rev. 019 NRC KA Number G-2.1.20 RO: 4.3, SRO: 4.2 3.6-064-A4.01 RO: 4.0, SRO: 4.3 3.6-064-A4.07 RO: 3.4, SRO: 3.4 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 1 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Emergency Diesel Generator B was started by MANUAL REMOTE to troubleshoot the governor circuitry.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B has been running at 600 rpm for 30 minutes.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator B CONTROL MODE is selected to the RTGB position.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to parallel Emergency Diesel Generator B to the B3 bus, load to 4.4 MW and 1 MVAR from the Control Room in accordance with OP-009-002, Section 6.4.


1. Emergency Diesel Generator B loaded to the specified MW and MVAR values
2. (ALT) Emergency Diesel Generator B shutdown STANDARD
1. EDG B synchronized and loaded
2. (ALT) EDG B tripped with no cooldown TOOLS
2. NAO SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC-121 Ensure no SIAS present Insert Annunciator Window D_H3 Cabinet D, EDG B Trouble when MW load = 1 MW Insert remote ED10B to trip EDG B if NAO ordered to trip diesel locally JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 2 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Verify Emergency Diesel Generator operating with voltage between 3920 - 4580 VAC.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee Adjusts EDG B voltage on CP-1 between 3920 - 4580. (If required)


2. Verify Emergency Diesel Generator operating with frequency between 58.8 - 61.2 Hz.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee adjusts EDG B frequency on CP-1 between 58.8 - 61.2 Hz.

2. (If required)


3. Verify Volt Regulator Mode Select (Sevr Manual/Auto) Switch is in Auto.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies EDG B VOLT REGULATOR MODE SELECT switch in AUTO.



STANDARDS: 1. Examinee checks Main Generator Voltage > 25.95 KV on CP-1 SAT______UNSAT______

JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 3 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. Position the Emergency Diesel Generator A(B) Synchronizer Switch (Man/Off/Auto Synch CRIT Switch) to Gen Man (Man).

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 2. Examinee obtains Key 209 for EDG B synchronizer switch from locker and inserts into EDG B Synchronizer switch.

3. Examinee positions Synchronizer switch to Gen Man position.
4. Examinee verifies Running and Incoming voltmeters energize and EDG B Synchroscope on CP-1 energizes. (Not Critical)


6. Verify proper voltage response using the Volt Adjust (Sevr Potentiometer Adjust).

CUES: Simulator provides cues Note; Verify Student tracking 5 minutes STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates EDG B Voltage Adjust switch on CP-1 to raise.

2. Examinee rotates EDG B Voltage Adjust switch on CP-1 to lower.
3. Examinee verifies proper EDG B voltage response on Incoming or Running voltmeters on CP-1.


7. Adjust Emergency Diesel Generator B voltage to slightly higher than system voltage. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates EDG B Voltage Adjust switch to obtain 3920-4580 VAC.
2. Examinee adjusts Incoming voltage slightly higher than Running voltage.


8. Verify proper frequency response using the Speed Adjust (Engine Speed Adjustment), then adjust engine speed until the Synchroscope is rotating slowly in the clockwise direction.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee adjusts EDG B Speed Adjust switch on CP-1 to raise.

2. Examinee adjusts EDG B Speed Adjust switch on CP-1 to lower.
3. Examinee verifies proper response by checking EDG B Frequency meters and Synchroscope response on CP-1.


JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 4 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

9. Adjust engine speed until Synchroscope rotating slowly in the clockwise direction. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates speed adjust switch on CP-1 to raise or lower to obtain desired rotation.
2. Examinee verifies EDG B on Synchroscope on CP-1 is rotating slowly in the clockwise direction.

NOTE: This step is CRITICAL if the Synchroscope is rotating in the counter-clockwise direction.


10. Verify Emergency Diesel Generator B Red Start Light Illuminated.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies EDG B Red Start light on CP-1 is lit.


11. Observing Synchroscope rotating slowly in the clockwise direction, Close the Diesel CRIT Generator output breaker at the 5 minutes to twelve position on the Synchroscope.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates EDG B output breaker control switch on CP-1 to Close at ~

the 12:00 position on EDG B Synchroscope.

2. Examinee verifies EDG B output breaker red Closed light on CP-1 is lit.


12. Immediately apply a small load, approximately 0.1 MW, to the Emergency Diesel CRIT Generator B using the Speed Adjust (Engine Speed Adjustment) Control Switch.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies a ~ 0.1 MW load on EDG B MW meter on CP-1.

NOTE: This step is CRITICAL if EDG load is less than 0.1 MW after closing the EDG output breaker.


13. Position the Emergency Diesel Generator B Synchronizer Switch (Man/Off/Auto Synch Switch) to Off.

CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE; Check 5 minutes not exceeded STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates EDG B Synchronizer switch on CP-1 to Off.


JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 5 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

14. Adjust the Volt Adjust to obtain 1 MVAR. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates Volt Adjust switch to obtain 1 MVAR on EDG B MVAR meter while verifying bus voltage does not exceed 4470 VAC.


15. Adjust Emergency Diesel Generator B real load (MW) as directed by the SM/CRS. CRIT CUES: As CRS, inform Examinee to adjust EDG B load to 1 MW and hold for 5 minutes.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates Speed Adjust switch to raise load at .5 MW/min.

2. Examinee verifies EDG B MW meter on CP-1 reads 1 - 1.2 MW.


16. Hold load at 1 MW for 5 minutes.

CUES: CUE Examinee that 5 minutes have elapsed.

Simulator NOTE: initiate event trigger 2Annunciator H-3 Cabinet D.

STANDARDS: None SAT______UNSAT______

17. (ALT) Perform Emergency Shutdown of EDG B. CRIT CUES: BOOTH When Examinee locates and refers to EDG B Trouble alarm procedure, REPORT as NAO that EDG has Turbo Lube oil Press Low reading 3 psig.

If necessary, CUE Examinee as CRS to perform appropriate actions STANDARDS: 1. Examinee references annunciator response for EDG B Trouble.

2. Examinee depresses EDG B Trip pushbutton on CP-1.
a. NOTE if Examinee directs NAO to pull overspeed trip lever insert malfunction EG10B and report that EDG B overspeed trip lever pulled.
3. Examinee verifies EDG B frequency meter on CP-1 pegged low and the Green light on EDG B Start switch on CP-1 is lit.
4. Examinee verifies output breaker open
5. Examinee may contact NAO to verify EDG B at 0 rpm.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 6 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Emergency Diesel Generator B was started by MANUAL REMOTE to troubleshoot the governor circuitry.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B has been running at 600 rpm for 30 minutes.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator B CONTROL MODE is selected to the RTGB position.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to parallel Emergency Diesel Generator B to the B3 bus, load to 4.4 MW and 1 MVAR from the Control Room in accordance with OP-009-002, Section 6.4.

JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 7 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 8 of 12

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Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 10 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 11 of 12

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Emergency Diesel Generator B was started by MANUAL REMOTE to troubleshoot the governor circuitry.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B has been running at 600 rpm for 30 minutes.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator B CONTROL MODE is selected to the RTGB position.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to parallel Emergency Diesel Generator B to the B3 bus, load to 4.4 MW and 1 MVAR from the Control Room in accordance with OP-009-002, Section 6.4.

JPM S3 Exam Submittal Rev. 1 12 of 12


Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 10 Min Time Critical Yes Critical Time 10 Min Alternate Path YES References OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room & Subsequent Plant Shutdown Rev. 015 NRC KA Number 4.2-A68-AK3.12 RO: 4.1, SRO: 4.5 4.2-A68-AA1.15 RO: 3.7, SRO: 3.7 4.2-A68-AA1.16 RO: 3.2, SRO: 3.3 Evaluation Methods PERFORM/SIMULATE Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 1 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The ATC has tripped the reactor from 100 percent.
2. A fire has occurred in Control Room Panel CP-7.
3. A Control Room Evacuation has been ordered.

INITIATING CUE NOTE: This JPM is Time Critical.

You are directed to perform the IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS as the BOP for Control Room Evacuation per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room & Subsequent Plant Shutdown.


2. Exiting Control Room for + 35 RAB.


1. Turbine not tripped - excessive cooldown
2. Generator not tripped - generator damage
3. ADV not closed- excessive cooldown HUMAN INTERFACES SM/CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC-121
1. verify Reactor tripped
2. (ALT) verify Generator Breaker B Fails to Open EG04B setup
3. (ALT) Fail setpoint for Atmospheric Dump Valve #1 low MS23A set to 900 event 4 inserted
4. This JPM must be done last when used in conjunction with other JPMs JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 2 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________ Begin Time Critical action

1. Verify Turbine trip:

Governor valves Closed Throttle valves Closed CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies all Governor and Throttle valves indicate Closed on CP-1,Turbine Mimic (Green CLOSED lights lit).


2. (ALT) Verify Generator trip:

Exciter Field Breaker Tripped Generator Breaker A Tripped Generator Breaker B Tripped CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. The Examinee attempts to verify all Generator breakers Open on CP-1.


3. (ALT) Manually open Generator Breaker B. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. The Examinee rotates Generator Breaker B control switch to TRIP position, verifies green OPEN light on, red CLOSED light off on CP-1.

NOTE: Examinee may attempt to open breaker by pushing Generator EMERG TRIP buttons SAT______UNSAT______

4. Reset Moisture Separator Reheater controls.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examine depresses MSR RESET pushbutton on CP-1.

2. Examine verifies red RESET light lit.
3. Examine verifies all four MSR valves green CLOSED lights lit.


JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 3 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

5. (ALT) IF EITHER of the following valves has spuriously Opened, THEN place the CRIT applicable controller(s) in MANUAL AND lower the output to zero:

MS-116A, SG 1 Atmospheric Dump MS-116B, SG 2 Atmospheric Dump CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee places MS-116A controller on CP-8 in MANUAL.

2. Examinee lowers MS-116A controller setpoint to 0%.
3. Examinee verifies MS-116B controller on CP-8 at 0%.


6. Close the following valves: CRIT MS-124A, Main Steam Isol Valve #1 CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates MS-124A control switch on CP-8 to CLOSE.
2. Examinee verifies MS-124A green CLOSED light lit, red OPEN light off on CP-8.


7. Close the following valves: CRIT MS-124B, Main Steam Isol Valve #2 CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee rotates MS-124B control switch on CP-8 to CLOSE.
2. Examinee verifies MS-124B green CLOSED light lit, red OPEN light off on CP-8.


8. Obtain Operations Security Key Ring AND proceed to RAB +35 Relay Room. CRIT CUES: Examinee has required keys.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates Security Keys from Shift Managers office and states will proceed to the +35 Relay Room.

NOTE: JPM may be terminated when Examinee states they will go to +35 Relay Room.


End of Task STOP TIME ________ End Time Critical actions.

JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 4 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The ATC has tripped the reactor from 100 percent.
2. A fire has occurred in Control Room Panel CP-7.
3. A Control Room Evacuation has been ordered.

INITIATING CUE NOTE: This JPM is Time Critical.

You are directed to perform the IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS as the BOP for Control Room Evacuation per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room & Subsequent Plant Shutdown.

JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 5 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 6 of 7

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The ATC has tripped the reactor from 100 percent.
2. A fire has occurred in Control Room Panel CP-7.
3. A Control Room Evacuation has been ordered.

INITIATING CUE NOTE: This JPM is Time Critical.

You are directed to perform the IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS as the BOP for Control Room Evacuation per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room & Subsequent Plant Shutdown.

JPM S4 Exam Submittal Rev 1 7 of 7

BLENDED MAKEUP TO VCT USING MANUAL MODE JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 JPM S5 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area CVC Mode NORM Number 25 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path No References OP-002-005, Chemical and Volume Control, Rev. 23 NRC KA Number 3.1-004-A4.07 RO: 3.9, SRO: 3.7 3.1-004-A4.12 RO: 3.8, SRO: 3.3 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3.
2. RCS Temperature is 543°F.
3. Current RCS boron concentration is 783 ppm.
4. BAMT A Concentration is 5850 ppm.
5. BAMT B Concentration is 5725 ppm.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate and perform a blended makeup to the VCT using Manual Mode in accordance with OP-002-005, Chemical and Volume Control. Raise level in the VCT by 5% using BAMT A as the boric acid source and a Primary Water flowrate of 100 GPM. Control PMU and Boric Acid Flow controllers in Manual. Show calculation results on Att. 11.5.

TERMINATING CUE The Makeup System has been returned to Standby conditions.


1. Blended makeup is complete and system returned to Standby conditions.

TOOLS OP-002-005, Att. 11.5.

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS N/A PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Loss of reactivity management HUMAN INTERFACES SM/CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC 121 Provide a blank copy of Attachment 11.5, Calculation of Boric Acid Flow Rate for VCT Blended Makeup.

JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 2 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Inform SM/CRS that this section is being performed.

CUES: The CRS has been informed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee communicates that he is commencing the ordered manual blend to the VCT.


2. At SM/CRS discretion, calculate the Boric Acid flow rate to be used on Attachment 11.5, Calculation of Boric Acid Flow Rate for VCT Blended Makeup.

CUES: Cue the Examinee that the CRS directs that the calculation be performed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee calculates a 15.5 gpm boric acid flowrate for the VCT blend and documents on Att. 11.5.


3. Note Boric Acid and Water Totalizer readings for use in verifying proper final blend ratio.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee notes the Boric Acid Totalizer and PMU Totalizer readings on CP-4 and enters readings on Att. 11.5.


4. Verify Direct Boration Valve, BAM-143, control switch in CLOSE.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates BAM-143 control switch on CP-4, verifies in CLOSE position and Green light is lit.


5. Verify Makeup Mode selector switch in MANUAL. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates Makeup Mode Selector Switch on CP-4, verifies in MANUAL position.


JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 3 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

6. Start the desired Boric Acid Makeup Pump (A). CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates Boric Acid Makeup Pump A control switch on CP-4 and places in the RUN position.
2. Examinee verifies the control switch Red light lit on CP-4
3. Examinee verifies the Boric Acid Header Pressure Lo Alarm on CP-4, Cabinet G remains clear. (NOT CRITICAL)


7. Open VCT Makeup Valve, CVC-510. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates CVC-510 control switch on CP-4 and momentarily places in the OPEN position.
2. Examinee verifies control switch Red light lit and Green light out.


8. If manual control of Boric Acid flow is desired, then perform the following: Verify Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, in Manual.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates BAM-IFIC-0210Y on CP-4 and verifies the Red MAN light lit and AUTO light out.


2. Examinee depresses BAM-IFIC-0210Y MAN pushbutton and verifies Red light lit and AUTO light out.


9. Adjust Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, output to > 3 GPM flow rate. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses BAM-IFIC-0210Y RAISE and LOWER pushbuttons as necessary to obtain flow rate recorded on Attachment 11.5 (15.5 + .5gpm).


10. Verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Intermediate or Open.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates BAM-141 indication on CP-4 and verifies Red light lit, or both Red and Green lights lit.


JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 4 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

11. Verify Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, in Manual.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates PMU-IFIC-0210X on CP-4 and verifies Red MAN light lit and AUTO light out.


2. Examinee depresses PMU-IFIC-0210X MAN pushbutton and verifies the Red light lit and AUTO light out.


12. Adjust Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, output to > 5 GPM flow CRIT rate.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses PMU-IFIC-0210Y RAISE and LOWER pushbuttons as necessary to obtain flow rate recorded on Attachment 11.5 (~100 gpm).


13. Verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Intermediate or Open.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates PMU-144 indication on CP-4 and verifies Red light lit, or both Red and Green lights lit.


14. Observe Primary Makeup water flow rate and Boric Acid flow rate for proper indications.

CUES: Simulator provides cues.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee monitors Boric Acid flowrate and totalizer for correspondence.

2. Examinee monitors Primary Water flowrate and totalizer for correspondence.


15. When desired makeup has been achieved, then perform the following: CRIT Verify Boric Acid and Water Totalizer readings reflect the desired blend ratio has been added.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies changes in totalizer values correspond to the calculated ratio (~6.45 to 1 plus or minus .2)


JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 5 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

16. Stop the operating Boric Acid Makeup Pump A. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates Boric Acid Makeup Pump A control switch on CP-4 and places in the STOP position.
2. Examinee verifies the control switch Green light lit on CP-4 SAT______UNSAT______
17. Close VCT Makeup Valve, CVC-510.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates CVC-510 control switch on CP-4 and momentarily places in the CLOSE position.

2. Examinee verifies control switch Green light lit and Red light out.


18. Verify Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, in Manual.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates PMU-IFIC-0210X on CP-4 and verifies Red MAN light lit and AUTO light out.


19. Verify both Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, output and setpoint CRIT potentiometer set to zero.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses PMU-IFIC-0210X LOWER pushbutton as necessary to obtain zero output on the controller.

2. Examinee verifies PMU-IFIC-0210X setpoint potentiometer set to zero.


20. Verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Closed.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates indication on CP-4 and verifies Green light lit and Red light out.


JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 6 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

21. Verify Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, in Manual.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates BAM-IFIC-0210Y on CP-4 and verifies Red MAN light lit and AUTO light out.


2. Examinee depresses BAM-IFIC-0210Y MAN pushbutton and verifies Red MAN light lit and AUTO light out.


22. Verify both Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, output and setpoint potentiometer CRIT set to zero.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee depresses BAM-IFIC-0210Y LOWER pushbutton as necessary to obtain zero output on the controller.

2. Examinee verifies BAM-IFIC-0210Y setpoint potentiometer set to zero.


23. Verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Closed.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates BAM-141 indication on CP-4 and verifies Green light lit and Red light out.


24. Make up to the VCT with 100 gallons of Primary Makeup water in accordance with Section 6.11, VCT Makeup Using Acid/Water Batches.

CUES: Cue Examinee that this completes the JPM , acknowledging that the flush step would normally be done.

STANDARDS: None SAT______UNSAT______

End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 7 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions To Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3.
2. RCS Temperature is 543°F.
3. Current RCS boron concentration is 783 ppm.
4. BAMT A Concentration is 5850 ppm.
5. BAMT B Concentration is 5725 ppm.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate and perform a blended makeup to the VCT using Manual Mode in accordance with OP-002-005, Chemical and Volume Control. Raise level in the VCT by 5% using BAMT A as the boric acid source and a Primary Water flowrate of 100 GPM. Control PMU and Boric Acid Flow controllers in Manual. Show calculation results on Att. 11.5.

JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 8 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 9 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 10 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 11 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 100 783 5850 783 100 15.5 5850 783 John Doe today Jane Doe today JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 12 of 13

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The plant is in Mode 3.
2. RCS Temperature is 543°F.
3. Current RCS boron concentration is 783 ppm.
4. BAMT A Concentration is 5850 ppm.
5. BAMT B Concentration is 5725 ppm.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to calculate and perform a blended makeup to the VCT using Manual Mode in accordance with OP-002-005, Chemical and Volume Control. Raise level in the VCT by 5% using BAMT A as the boric acid source and a Primary Water flowrate of 100 GPM. Control PMU and Boric Acid Flow controllers in Manual. Show calculation results on Att. 11.5.

JPM S5 Exam Submittal rev 1 13 of 13

ALIGN A LPSI PUMP TO REPLACE A CONTAINMENT SPRAY PUMP JPM S6 Exam Submittal Rev 1 RO JPM S6 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area SI Mode EMERG Number 1 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 10 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-902-009, Emergency Operating Procedure Standard Appendices, Attachment 28-A NRC KA Number 4.4-E09-EA1.1 RO: 4.2, SRO: 4.0 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. The CS pump B was OOS on a tagout prior to the event and the CS pump A failed in the event.
3. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
4. OP-902-008, Safety Function Recovery has been implemented.
5. The CRS has implemented containment temperature and pressure control continuing actions and has decided to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A.
6. The TSC concurs with the decision.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A in accordance with OP-902-009, Emergency Operating Procedure Standard Appendices, Attachment 28-A.

TERMINATING CUE Spray flow is established to containment using the selected LPSI pump.

STANDARD LPSI Pump A is aligned to CS with acceptable flow to containment.


1. Loss of containment integrity
2. Possible offsite dose
3. Damage to equipment HUMAN INTERFACES CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC-100 JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 2 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. Obtain TSC concurrence prior to performing this evolution.

CUES: TSC concurs as per JPM Initial Conditions.

STANDARDS: None SAT______UNSAT______

2. Verify LPSI Pump A control switch in OFF.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates LPSI Pump A control switch on CP-8 and verifies in Off.


3. Verify Containment Spray Pump A control switch in OFF.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates CS Pump A control switch on CP-8 and verifies in OFF.


4. Place SI-129A, LPSI FLOW CONTROL VALVE to AUTO. (Key 137) CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee obtains Key 137 from Key Locker.

2. Examinee locates SI-129A control switch on CP-8.
3. Examinee inserts Key, momentarily places control switch in AUTO, then releases the control switch to the MID POSITION.


5 Place SI-IFIC-0307, LPSI FLOW CONTROLLER HEADER 2A/2B in MAN. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates SI-IFIC-0307 controller on CP-8.

2. Examinee depresses controller pushbutton and verifies MAN White light lit.


JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 3 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 6 Adjust SI-IFIC-0307, LPSI FLOW CONTROLLER HEADER 2A/2B to 0% output. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates SI-IFIC-0307 on CP-8.

2. Examinee depresses controller Manual output decrease pushbutton until output reads 0%.


7. Verify the following valves Closed: CRIT SI-415A, SHUTDOWN TEMP CONTROL VALVE (Key 138)

CUES: Simulator provides cues.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates SI-415A control switch on CP-8 and verifies the analog valve position indicator reads 0%, and Green light lit and Red light out.


8. Verify the following valves Closed: CRIT SI-138A, LPSI FLOW CONTROL COLD LEG 2B CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates SI-138A control switch on CP-8, places to the more position to override SIAS and then back to less until the digital indicator reads 0%, or Green light lit and Red light out.


9. Verify the following valves Closed: CRIT SI-139A, LPSI FLOW CONTROL COLD LEG 2A CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates SI-138A control switch on CP-8, places to the more position to override SIAS and then back to less until the digital indicator reads 0%, or Green light lit and Red light out.


JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 4 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

10. Open SI-125A/SI-412A, SHDN HX A ISOL VALVES (Key 136) CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee obtains Key 136 from the Key Locker.
2. Examinee locates SI-125A/SI-412A control switch on CP-8, inserts key, and momentarily places control switch to Open and releases.
3. Examinee verifies SI-125A/SI-412A control switch Red lights lit and Green lights out.



CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates CS-125A control switch on CP-8.

2. Examinee verifies control switch Red light lit and Green light out.


12. Start LPSI Pump A. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates LPSI Pump A control switch on CP-8, momentarily places to Start, and verifies Red light lit and Green light out.
2. Examinee verifies LPSI Pump A discharge pressure indicator on CP-8 increases. (Not CRITICAL)
3. Examinee verifies current indication on CP-8 is steady and not pegged after starting current drops off. (Not CRITICAL)


13. Verify Containment Spray Header A flow.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates Containment Spray Header A flow indication on CP-8.

Note: Examinee may be looking for >1750 GPM flow but based on the lack of spray flow containment pressure may be inhibiting flow rate initially.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 5 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. The CS pump B was OOS on a tagout prior to the event and the CS pump A failed in the event.
3. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
4. OP-902-008, Safety Function Recovery has been implemented.
5. The CRS has implemented containment temperature and pressure control continuing actions and has decided to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A.
6. The TSC concurs with the decision.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A in accordance with OP-902-009, Emergency Operating Procedure Standard Appendices, Attachment 28-A.

JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 6 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 7 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 8 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. The CS pump B was OOS on a tagout prior to the event and the CS pump A failed in the event.
3. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
4. OP-902-008, Safety Function Recovery has been implemented.
5. The CRS has implemented containment temperature and pressure control continuing actions and has decided to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A.
6. The TSC concurs with the decision.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to align LPSI Pump A to replace CS Pump A in accordance with OP-902-009, Emergency Operating Procedure Standard Appendices, Attachment 28-A.

JPM S6 Exam Submittal rev 1 9 of 9

VERIFY SIAS AUTOMATIC ACTIONS - TRAIN A JPM S7 Exam Submittal Rev 1 RO JPM S7 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area SI Mode EMERG Number Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path YES References OP-902-009, Standard Appendices, Attachment 4-C, SIAS Automatic Actions, Rev. 301 NRC KA Number 3.2-013-A4.01 RO: 4.5, SRO: 4.8 4.4-A16-AA1.1 RO: 3.4, SRO: 3.6 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
3. OP-902-002, Loss of Coolant Accident Recovery has been implemented.
4. RCS cooldown and depressurization is in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify Train A SI automatic actions for CP-8, CP-4, and CP-1 in accordance with OP-902-009, Standard Appendices, Attachment 4-C, SIAS Automatic Actions.

TERMINATING CUE Train A SI automatic actions verified and complete.

STANDARD Train A SI automatic actions verified and complete.


CVC 510, VCT Makeup valve to open CC 501, CCW NNS Loop Supply Isol to Open BAM 126B, Boric Acid Makeup Pump B Recirc Valve to Open JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 2 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

NOTE: The term verify implies that if the component is not in the proper position then the operator is to place it there START TIME_________

1. Verify CP-8 Train A SI components and reposition as necessary.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies CP-8 Train A SI component positions:

SI0001A, LPSI Pump A - Start SI 139A, LPSI Flow Control Cold Leg 2A - Open SI 138A, LPSI Flow Control Cold Leg 2B - Open SI 0002A, HPSI Pump A - Start SI 225A, HPSI Cold Leg Injection 1A - Open SI 226A HPSI Cold Leg Injection 1B - Open SI 227A, HPSI Cold Leg Injection 2A - Open SI 228A, HPSI Cold Leg Injection 2B - Open SI 301, HPSI Hot Leg 1 Injection Drain - Close SI 602A, ESF Pumps Suction SI Sump - Close SI 106A, ESF Pumps Suction RWSP - Open SI 331A, Safety Injection Tank 1A Isolation - Open SI 332A, Safety Injection Tank 2A Isolation - Open SI 303A, Safety Injection Tank 1A Leakage Drain - Close SI 304A, Safety Injection Tank 2A Leakage Drain - Close SI 6011, LPSI A to RC Loop 2B Upstr Auto Vent Isol - Close SI 14023A, LPSI A to RC Loop 2B Upstr Auto Vent Contmt Isol - Close SI 14024A, LPSI A to RC Loop 2B Upstr Auto Vent Auto Isol - Close SAT______UNSAT______

2. (ALT Verify CP-8 Train A CCW components and reposition as necessary. CRIT


CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE: Components in Bold require repositioning to the required position.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies CP-8 Train A CCW component positions:

CC 0001A, CCW Pump A - Start CC 126A/114A, CCW Suct & Disch Header Tie Vlvs AB to A - Close CC 126B/114B, CCW Suct & Disch Header Tie Vlvs AB to B - Close CC 501, CCW NNS Loop Supply Isol - Close SAT______UNSAT______

JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 3 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

3. (ALT Verify CP-4 Train A components and reposition as necessary. CRIT


CUES: Simulator provides cues NOTE: Components in Bold require repositioning to the required position.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies CP-4 Train A component positions:

CVC 0001A, Charging Pump A - Start BAM 0001A, Boric Acid Pump A - Start BAM 0001B, Boric Acid Pump B - Start BAM 126A, Boric Acid Makeup Pump A Recirc Valve - Close BAM 126B, Boric Acid Makeup Pump B Recirc Valve - Close BAM 133, Emergency Boration Valve - Open CVC 510, VCT Makeup Valve - Close CVC 101, Cntmt Isol Valves Letdown Stop Valve - Close SAT______UNSAT______

4. Verify CP-1 Train A components and reposition as necessary.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies CP-1 Train A component positions:

EGA 0001A, Emergency Diesel Gen A - Start SAT______UNSAT______

End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 4 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR TRAINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
3. OP-902-002, Loss of Coolant Accident Recovery has been implemented.
4. RCS cooldown and depressurization is in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify Train A SI automatic actions for CP-8, CP-4, and CP-1 in accordance with OP-902-009, Standard Appendices, Attachment 4-C, SIAS Automatic Actions.

JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 5 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 6 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 7 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A large break LOCA has occurred.
2. All ESFAS actuations have occurred as required.
3. OP-902-002, Loss of Coolant Accident Recovery has been implemented.
4. RCS cooldown and depressurization is in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to verify Train A SI automatic actions for CP-8, CP-4, and CP-1 in accordance with OP-902-009, Standard Appendices, Attachment 4-C, SIAS Automatic Actions.

JPM S7 Exam Submittal rev 1 8 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY RESPOND TO WASTE GAS DISCHARGE HIGH ACTIVITY JPM S8 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM S8 Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area GWM Mode OFFNOR Number M

Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path YES References OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management Rev 300 OP-901-413, Waste Gas Discharge High Radiation Rev. 001 NRC KA Number 3.9-071-A4.05 RO: 2.6, SRO: 2.6 3.9-071-A3.03 RO: 3.6, SRO: 3.8 Evaluation Methods PERFORM Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 1 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release Gas Decay Tank A.
2. A RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 has been source checked satisfactorily and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.
4. OP-007-003, Attachment 11.4, Gas Decay Tank Discharge Checklist has been completed through Step 19.
5. The Waste Gas Discharge Flow Recorder is in service.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to discharge Gas Decay Tank A in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management beginning at Step 6.4.8.


1. The GDT has been discharged
2. THE GDT discharge has been terminated STANDARD The GDT has been released or terminated by manual actions after receipt of hi activity alarm.

TOOLS Approved Gaseous Waste Release Permit for release of all Gas Decay Tanks Attachment 11.4, Gas Decay Tank Discharge Checklist complete through Step 18.4.3.


2. NAO SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES Reset to IC 121 Sleeve procedures for use Initiate Hi radiation on PRM-IRE-0648 when waste gas flow has been established. RM02C trigger 5 JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 2 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

NOTE: Examinee may validate Meteorological conditions are within permissible limits Cue: Wind Speed 3.35 m/s

1. Open Waste Gas Discharge Flow Control Valve, GWM-309. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and places GWM-309 in Open position, verifies Red open light lit and Green closed light off.


2. If the Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 is operable and sample flow has risen to > 2 scfm as seen locally and documented on Attachment 11.4, then continue to throttle Open Waste Gas Discharge GWM-IFIT-0648 Outlet Isolation Valve, GWM-311, to establish desired flow within limit indicated on Gaseous Release Permit.

CUES: 1. When requested report flow is 10cfm

2. When requested, report as NAO that GWM-311 is throttled for desired flow in accordance with Gaseous Release Permit will inform CR when valve is opened.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee directs NAO to throttle GWM-311 to obtain required flow rate.


3 (ALT) Waste Gas Discharge High Activity alarm E-10 Cabinet G.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee recognizes and refers to E-10 Cabinet G alarm response procedure.

2. Examinee refers to OP-901-413, Waste Gas Discharge High Radiation.


4 (ALT) Verify Waste Gas Discharge Flow Control, GWM-309 closed. CRIT CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and places GWM-309 in Close position, verifies Green closed light lit and Red open light off.


JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 3 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY 5 Verify alarm valid by checking Waste Gas Discharge Radiation Monitor chart recorder GWM-IFRR-0648.

CUES: Simulator provides cues STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies alarm valid by checking GWM-IFRR-0648.

NOTE: Step may have been previously performed in response to previous Waste Gas Discharge High Activity alarm.


6. Isolate Gas Decay Tank being discharged by placing Charge/Release Control Switch on LCP-42 to OFF AND verify outlet valve closes.

CUES: 1. When directed by Examinee, report as NAO that CHARGE/RELEASE switch on LCP-43 is OFF and Gas Decay Tanks outlet valves are Closed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee directs NAO to isolate gas decay tanks at LCP-42 and verify outlet valve Closed.

End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 4 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release Gas Decay Tank A.
2. A RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 has been source checked satisfactorily and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.
4. OP-007-003, Attachment 11.4, Gas Decay Tank Discharge Checklist has been completed through Step 19.
5. The Waste Gas Discharge Flow Recorder is in service.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to discharge Gas Decay Tank A in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management beginning at Step 6.4.8.

JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 5 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 6 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 7 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 8 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 9 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 10 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 11 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure EXAMINEE HANDOUT Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A Gaseous Release Permit has been issued to release Gas Decay Tank A.
2. A RAB Exhaust Fan is running.
3. Gaseous Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor, PRM-IRE-0648 has been source checked satisfactorily and documented on the Gaseous Release Permit.
4. OP-007-003, Attachment 11.4, Gas Decay Tank Discharge Checklist has been completed through Step 19.
5. The Waste Gas Discharge Flow Recorder is in service.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to discharge Gas Decay Tank A in accordance with OP-007-003, Gaseous Waste Management beginning at Step 6.4.8.

JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 12 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout Shift Manger Today/ 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ago DEF ABC GB 2008-002 JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 13 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout ABC DEF ABC DEF 2.19 e+00 NA ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 14 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout ABC DEF DEF ABC ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC ABC DEF JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 15 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF ABC DEF DEF ABC JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 16 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 17 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout JPM S8 Exam Submittal rev 1 18 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout GB2008-002 A

50 2.19 e+00 1.19 e+00 3/23/08 3/23/08 3/23/08 Init Final Net Volume (cuft)

Press Press Press (net x 60.8) 172.5 _____ ______ ______

113.1 ______ ______ ______

170.0 ______ ______ ______

Operations 19 of 25 CRS/SS

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout A B C 172.5 psig 113.1 psig 172 psig A B C 3/23/08 08-002 172.5 7041 N/A N/A N/A N/A 172.5 7041 20 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout GDT A 23- Mar-2008 23-Nov-2006 15- Mar-2008 23- Mar-2008 23- Mar-2008 15- Nov-2006 21 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout GDT A 22 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout 23-mar-2008 23-Mar-2008 2006 2006 23-Mar-2008 23 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout 23-Mar-2008 24 of 25

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout 23-Mar-2008 25 of 25


Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 20 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-902-009, Appendix 20 Operation of DCT Sumps Pumps Rev 301 NRC KA Number G-2-4-11 RO: 3.4, SRO: 3.6 G-2-4-34 RO: 3.8, SRO: 3.6 4.2-A68-AK3.18 RO: 4.2, SRO: 4.5 Evaluation Methods SIMULATE Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A loss of offsite power occurred.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B is supplying power to the B Safety Busses.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator A failed to start.
4. EDG B Sequencer has timed out
5. A PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event is NOT in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to restore power to B Train Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps in accordance with OP-902-009, Appendix 20, Operation of DCT Sump Pumps.

TERMINATING CUE Power restored to B Train Dry Cooling Power Sump Pumps STANDARD Power restored to B Train Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps TOOLS None SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Possible flooding of DCT area HUMAN INTERFACES CRS SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES None JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. At MCC 314B, place the following switches to bypass: CRIT East Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pump B bypass switch West Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pump B bypass switch CUES: When Examinee locates and simulates placing the radiation monitor bypass switches to Bypass CUE that switches are in position selected by Examinee .

NOTE: Switches are located on respective pump breaker cubicles at MCC-314B in +1 FHB SWGR Room.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing East and West Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pump B bypass switches in Bypass position.


IF MCC 314B is energized AND the MCC 314B Safety to 2.

Nonsafety Tie, SSD-EBKR-314B- 2M, is Open, THEN perform the following:

CUES: Cues that breaker indicates OPEN.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee contacts CR and verifies EDG B Sequencer timed out.


3. Open ALL MCC-314B non-safety load breakers. CRIT CUES: When Examinee locates and simulates opening all non-safety-related bus load breakers on MCC-314B, CUE that breakers are Open.

NOTE: All breakers are to the LEFT side of the Safety to Non-Safety Tie Bkr STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing all non-safety-related bus load breakers on MCC-314B in Open position.


4. Close SSD-EBKR-314B-2M, MCC 314B Safety to Non-Safety Tie,. CRIT CUES: 1. If Examinee asks condition of Closing Spring Indicator, CUE that Indicator shows Charged.
2. When Examinee locates and simulates closing the safety to non-safety tie breaker by depressing CLOSE pushbutton or operating MANUAL Closing Spring Latch Lever, CUE that breaker is Closed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing MCC 314B Safety to Non-Safety Tie Breaker in Closed position.


JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Close the following supply breakers:

5. CRIT SP-EBKR-314B-4F West Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pump B.

CUES: When Examinee locates and simulates closing the West DCT sump pump breaker, CUE sound of Mechanical linkage closing and breaker indicates CLOSED.

If Examinee does not simulate closing then cue breaker is in position selected by examinee STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing West DCT Sump Pump B breaker in Closed position.


Close the following supply breakers:

6. CRIT SP-EBKR-314B-5F East Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pump B.

CUES: When Examinee locates and simulates closing the EAST DCT sump pump breaker, CUE sound of Mechanical linkage closing and breaker indicates CLOSED.

If Examinee does not simulate closing then cue breaker is in position selected by examinee STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing East DCT Sump Pump B breaker in Closed position.


IF a PMP event is in progress THEN align DCT Portable Sump Pump A(B) in accordance 7.

with OP-003-024, Sump Pump Operation.

CUES: Cues contained in initial conditions.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee determines that DCT portable Sump does not need to be aligned.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A loss of offsite power occurred.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B is supplying power to the B Safety Busses.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator A failed to start.
4. EDG B Sequencer has timed out
5. A PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event is NOT in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to restore power to B Train Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps in accordance with OP-902-009, Appendix 20, Operation of DCT Sump Pumps.

JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 9

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. A loss of offsite power occurred.
2. Emergency Diesel Generator B is supplying power to the B Safety Busses.
3. Emergency Diesel Generator A failed to start.
4. EDG B Sequencer has timed out
5. A PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) event is NOT in progress.

INITIATING CUE The CRS directs you to restore power to B Train Dry Cooling Tower Sump Pumps in accordance with OP-902-009, Appendix 20, Operation of DCT Sump Pumps.

JPM P1 Exam Submittal rev1 9 of 9


Site W3 Job RO System/Duty Area EFW Mode EMERG Number 1 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room and Subsequent Plant Shutdown Rev 015 NRC KA Number 3.4-061-A2.04 RO: 3.4, SRO: 3.8 3.4-061-K4.07 RO: 3.1, SRO: 3.3 4.2-068-AA1.02 RO: 4.3, SRO: 4.5 Evaluation Methods SIMULATE Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. The Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire in CP-2.
2. A mechanical overspeed trip of Emergency Feedwater Pump AB has occurred.
3. The Reactor has been shutdown for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
4. The AB AC busses have been deenergized per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room and Subsequent Plant Shutdown.
5. Power is deenergized to 3A Safety Bus and MS-407, EFW Pump AB Drip Pot to Normal Drain Bypass is failed open.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to reset the EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed Trip and reopen MS-416, EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve in accordance with OP-901-502, Subsection E1, Step 2.2. Step 2.2.1 has already been completed by the ATC.

TERMINATING CUE EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed Trip Device reset and EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve reopened STANDARD EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed Trip Mechanism reset TOOLS None SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS None PERFORMANCE CONSEQUENCES Loss of EFW pump capability HUMAN INTERFACES ATC SKILLS / KNOWLEDGES None INSTRUCTOR NOTES JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 2 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY NOTE: Components to be operated during this JPM are located on the -35 elevation near EFW pump AB.

Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. CLOSE the following:

MS-401A, EFW Pump AB Turbine Steam Supply From SG1 MS-401B, EFW Pump AB Turbine Steam Supply From SG2 CUES: When Examinee requests that Control Room close MS-401A & B, CUE that ATC reports MS-401A & B are Closed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee requests ATC to close MS-401A and MS-401B.


2. Verify the following Open:

MS-407, EFW Pump AB Drip Pot Normal Drain Bypass MS-408, EFWPT MS Supply Drip Pot Normal Drain Isolation NOTE MS-407 Label reads EFWPT MS Supply Drip Pot Normal Drain Bypass PAI requested CUES: When Examinee locates valves, CUE that valves are Open.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee verifies MS-407 and MS-408 are open by visual indication of limit switches MS-407.

Dial indicator on MS-408 SAT______UNSAT______

3. Throttle Open MS-409, EFWPT MS Supply Drip Pot Drain to EDT Sump as necessary to verify steam header depressurized.

CUES: When Examines locates and demonstrates throttling open valve, CUE that MS-409 is Open and no steam issuing to floor drain..

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee simulates opening MS-409 using manual Handwheel.

2. Examinee verifies steam header depressurized by determining no steam issuing to floor drain.


JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

4. Close the following: CRIT MS-409, EFWPT MS Supply Drip Pot Drain to EDT Sump MS-407, EFW Pump AB Drip Pot Normal Drain Bypass MS-416, EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve CUES: When Examinee locates and demonstrates closing valves, CUE that valves are Closed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee simulates closing MS-409 using local Handwheel.

2. Examinee simulates closing MS-407 using manual handwheel on valve actuator. Direction to close or open valve is indicated on handwheel.
3. Examinee simulates closing MS-416 by depressing motor declutch lever and turning the handwheel clockwise until handwheel travel stops. Examinee verifies latch arm on valve is positioned to accept latch.


5. Verify EFW Pump AB mechanical overspeed trip assembly is Reset. CRIT CUES: When Examinee demonstrates resetting mechanical overspeed trip assembly, CUE by visual indication that mechanical overspeed linkage is reset.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee simulates pushing connecting rod lever towards stop valve.

2. Examinee verifies tappet nut fully recessed in Overspeed Trip Mechanism.
3. Examinee verifies latch fully engaged with latch arm.
4. Examinee simulates releasing the connecting rod.
5. Examinee verifies latch remains engaged with latch arm.


6. Open MS-416, EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve. CRIT CUES: When Examinee demonstrates opening valve, CUE that MS-416 is Open.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee simulates opening MS-416 by depressing motor declutch lever and turning the handwheel counterclockwise until handwheel travel stops.

NOTE: Examinee may verify external open limit switch on valve is made up.


JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY

7. OPEN at least one of the following to start EFW Pump AB: CRIT MS-401A, EFW Pump AB Turbine Steam Supply From SG1 MS-401B, EFW Pump AB Turbine Steam Supply From SG2 CUES: When requested by Examinee, report as ATC that MS- 401A & B are open and EFW PUMP AB is running at normal speed.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee requests ATC to open MS-401A and/or MS-401B.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


6. The Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire in CP-2.
7. A mechanical overspeed trip of Emergency Feedwater Pump AB has occurred.
8. The Reactor has been shutdown for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
9. The AB AC busses have been deenergized per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room and Subsequent Plant Shutdown.
10. Power is deenergized to 3A Safety Bus and MS-407, EFW Pump AB Drip Pot to Normal Drain Bypass is failed open.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to reset the EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed Trip and reopen MS-416, EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve in accordance with OP-901-502, Subsection E1, Step 2.2. Step 2.2.1 has already been completed by the ATC.

JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout X


JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


11. The Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire in CP-2.
12. A mechanical overspeed trip of Emergency Feedwater Pump AB has occurred.
13. The Reactor has been shutdown for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
14. The AB AC busses have been deenergized per OP-901-502, Evacuation of Control Room and Subsequent Plant Shutdown.
15. Power is deenergized to 3A Safety Bus and MS-407, EFW Pump AB Drip Pot to Normal Drain Bypass is failed open.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to reset the EFW Pump AB Mechanical Overspeed Trip and reopen MS-416, EFW Pump AB Turbine Stop Valve in accordance with OP-901-502, Subsection E1, Step 2.2. Step 2.2.1 has already been completed by the ATC.

JPM P2 Exam Submittal rev1 8 of 8

TRANSFER AB SUPPS FROM ALTERNATE TO NORMAL POWER SUPPLY JPM P3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 JPM P3 Site W3 Job NAO System/Duty Area ID Mode NORM Number 2 Revision 1 Approval Estimated Time 15 Min Time Critical No Critical Time N/A Alternate Path NO References OP-006-005, Inverters and Distribution Rev. 300 NRC KA Number 3.6-062-K4.10 RO: 3.1, SRO: 3.5 3.6-062-A2.10 RO: 3.0, SRO: 3.3 3.6-062-A3.04 RO: 2.7, SRO: 2.9 Evaluation Methods SIMULATE Trainee Evaluator Observer Date Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. SUPS AB was placed on alternate source for Maintenance.
2. SUPS AB is ready to be transferred to the normal power supply.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to transfer SUPS AB from alternate to normal power supply in accordance with OP-006-005, Inverters and Distribution, Section 6.4.2.

TERMINATING CUE SUPS AB energized from normal power supply.

STANDARD SUPS AB energized from normal power supply.


Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Critical steps are denoted by CRIT.

START TIME_________

1. If SUPS AB Manual Bypass Switch is in SYNC DISCONNECT, then place Manual Bypass CRIT Switch to ALTERNATE SOURCE TO LOAD.

CUES: When Examinee locates SUPS AB Manual Bypass Switch, CUE that bypass switch is in SYNC DISCONNECT position.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates placing SUPS AB Manual Bypass Switch in ALTERNATE SOURCE TO LOAD position.


2. If SUPS AB inverter was isolated in accordance with step or section 8.3, then CRIT depress and hold Pre-charge pushbutton until the following are met:
  • Pre-charge light illuminates
  • DC Input voltage > 120 VDC CUES: If asked, CUE Examinee that inverter was previously isolated IAW OP-006-005 Step

When Examinee locates Pre-charge pushbutton, CUE that Pre-Charge light is lit.

When Examinee locates DC Input indication, CUE that Precharge voltage is approximately 125 VDC on DC Input Meter.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates depressing Pre-charge pushbutton until Pre-charge light lit.

2. Examinee locates and verifies DC Input voltage > 120 VDC on DC Input Meter.


3. Verify the following in SUPS AB: CRIT
  • SUPS AB Emergency Feeder (DC) (ID-EBKR-2572AB-1) On
  • Inverter Output frequency ~ 60 Hz (59.7 to 60.3 Hz)
  • SUPS AB Normal Feeder (ID-EBKR-2572AB-3) On
  • Rectifier DC Output voltage ~140 VDC (138.5 to 141.5 VDC)

CUES: When Examinee locates breakers and indications, CUE that:

SUPS AB Emergency Feeder breaker is On.

Inverter Output frequency is approximately 60 Hz.

SUPS AB Normal Feeder breaker is On.

Rectifier DC Output voltage is approximately 140 VDC.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates positioning breakers and verifying frequency and voltage within specified ranges.


JPM P3 Exam Submittal rev1 3 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY Verify SUPS AB In Sync light Illuminated, then place Manual Bypass Switch


CUES: When Examinee locates SUPS AB In Sync Light Illuminated, CUE that Inverter In Sync Light is lit.

Examinee locates and simulates placing Manual Bypass Switch STANDARDS:



5. Depress and release SUPS AB Inverter To Load pushbutton, then verify Inverter Supplying CRIT Load light Illuminated.

CUES: When Examinee Depresses and releases SUPS AB Inverter To Load pushbutton, CUE that Inverter Supplying Load light is lit.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and simulates depressing and releasing SUPS AB Inverter to Load pushbutton and verifies Inverter Supplying Load light lit.


6. Verify SUPS AB Static Switch Transfer To Bypass Source alarm Clears at local annunciator panel.

CUES: When Examinee locates SUPS AB Static Switch To Bypass Source alarm, CUE that alarm light is NOT illuminated.

STANDARDS: 1. Examinee locates and verifies SUPS AB Static Switch to Bypass Source alarm clear.


End of Task STOP TIME__________

JPM P3 Exam Submittal rev1 4 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure KEY INFORMATION FOR EXAMINEE Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. SUPS AB was placed on alternate source for Maintenance.
2. SUPS AB is ready to be transferred to the normal power supply.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to transfer SUPS AB from alternate to normal power supply in accordance with OP-006-005, Inverters and Distribution, Section 6.4.2.

JPM P3 Exam Submittal rev1 5 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM P3 Exam Submittal rev1 6 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout JPM P3 Exam Submittal rev1 7 of 8

Waterford 3 Job Performance Measure Examinee Handout Directions to Examinee:

I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. SUPS AB was placed on alternate source for Maintenance.
2. SUPS AB is ready to be transferred to the normal power supply.

INITIATING CUE The ATC directs you to transfer SUPS AB from alternate to normal power supply in accordance with OP-006-005, Inverters and Distribution, Section 6.4.2.

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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: ~60% power, MOC, AB buses aligned to B side.

A EFW pump OOS for seal replacement, A ACCW pump OOS for motor pm,.

Turnover: The A main feed pump outboard pump bearing vibration is elevated shortly after being placed in service and the crew is holding power while engineering evaluates.

Critical Task: Ensuring Reactivity control post trip by actions to initiate Diverse Trip.

Ensuring feedwater to at least one SG utilizing Auxiliary Feedwater.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 R - ATC 15 MW/MIN downpower to remove A Main feed pump from service due to high vibration.

N-BOP/SRO 2 FW26B I - BOP, Steam Generator Feedwater Flow instrument fails HIGH to SRO FWCS #2.

3 RD02A72 C - ALL Dropped Regulating group CEA, #72 and recovery.

TS - SRO 4 CV12A2 I - ATC, VCT level inst., CVC-ILT-0227, fails LOW.

SRO TS - SRO 5 FW03B M - ALL Second main feed pump trips, reactor fails to auto or manually RP01A-D trip. Diverse Scram successful.

RP02A-D 6 FW05 C - BOP, AB EFW pump trips on overspeed, B EFW pump fails to FW07B SRO start, manual start is also unsuccessful.


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Scenario No.: 2 OpTestNo.: NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: 0 -60% power, MOC, AB buses aligned to B side.

0 A EFW pump 00s for seal replacement, A ACCW pump 00s for motor pm,.

Turnover: 0 The Amain feed pump outboard pump bearing vibration is elevated shortly after being placed in service and the crew is holding power while engineering evaluates.

Critical Task: Ensuring Reactivity control post trip by actions to initiate Diverse Trip.

0 Ensuring feedwater to at least one SG utilizing - Auxiliary Feedwater.

Event I Malf. No. I Event Event No. I Description 1 R - ATC 15 MWlMlN downpower to remove A Main feed pump from service due to high vibration.

N-BOPBRO 2 FW26B I - BOP, Steam Generator Feedwater Flow instrument fails HIGH to SRO FWCS #2.

I RD02A72 C - ALL TS - SRO Dropped Regulating group CEA, #72 and recovery.

Second main feed pump trips, reactor fails to auto or manually trip. Diverse Scram successful.

A B EFW pump trips on overspeed, B EFW pump fails to start. manual start is also unsuccessful.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Waterford 3 2008 NRC Scenario #2 The crew assumes the shift at ~60% power with elevated vibrations on the A FWPT outboard pump bearing which had just been placed in service. A team consisting of Engineering, Maintenance and Operations Management are in the field evaluating. Shortly after turnover the crew will be directed by the Ops Manager to reduce power to 50% at 15 MW/MIN and take the A FWPT OOS. As the crew arrives at 55% the vibrations worsen on indications in the control room and the team reports from the field that local vibrations are excessive on A FWPT. The crew will then trip the A FWPT and verify feedwater control systems restore SG levels automatically.

When SG levels have stabilized the Feed Flow input to the FWCS #2 fails high requiring the BOP to take manual control of the #2 SG feedwater control.

After the plant is stabilized then a regulating group CEA drops into the core. OP-901-102, CEA or CEDMCS Malfunction is entered and the CEA can be recovered.

When the CEA has been recovered or during the recovery the VCT level instrument, CVC-ILT-0227, fails low, causing the charging pump suction to shift to the RWSP. The crew implements OP-901-113, Volume Control Tank Makeup Control Malfunction.

After the crew completes the actions for the VCT level instrument failure the B FWPT trips and the crew attempts a manual Rx trip which is unsuccessful and the crew must utilize the Diverse Reactor Trip. If the crew doesnt manually trip the auto trips are also not successful.

Post-trip the AB EFW pump trips on overspeed when started and the B EFW pump failed to auto start and manual start is also unsuccessful.

EOP flowpath is OP-902-000, STANDARD POST TRIP ACTIONS, OP-902-006, LOSS OF MAIN FEEDWATER RECOVERY. Feedwater recovery success path is aligning Auxiliary feedwater IAW App 32 of OP-902-009 Standard Appendices.

If NRC Lead Examiner asks SRO candidate(s) to determine Emergency Plan classification, the candidate should determine the following: No E-Plan call unless auto trip indicated first. If auto trip failed, then manual Diverse Reactor Trip was used, then the call would be Alert (SA3),

Failure of Reactor Protection System instrumentation to complete or initiate an automatic reactor trip once a Reactor Protection System setpoint has been exceeded and manual trip was successful.

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Scenario Notes:

1. Reset Simulator to IC-92.
2. Verify the following Scenario Malfunctions are loaded:
a. FW12A; FWPT A outbd brg vib : set to 3 (setup)
b. RP01A-D; RPS manual Switch fail set to TRUE; (setup)
c. RP02A-D; RPS Channel A-D auto trip fail ,set to TRUE; (setup)
d. FW26B; SG 2 Feed Flow fail High; set to 100, (5 second ramp) Event Trigger 2
e. RD02A72; CEA 72 dropped Set to TRUE; Event trigger 3
f. CV12A2; VCT Level transmitter 0227 fail lo set to TRUE Event Trigger 4
g. FW03B; FWPT overspeed trip set to TRUE 30 Event Trigger 5
h. FW05; EFW AB overspeed set to TRUE Event sec delay Trigger 6 tied to SG NR lvl


3. Verify the following overrides
a. DI-08A07S09-1 EFW Pump B CS fail to norm (setup)
4. Verify the following components
a. EFW Pump A
i. Breaker racked out (Red & Green lights out) ii. CS in OFF iii. Danger Tag on CS
b. Annunciators D-1 and E-1, Cabinet M, in alarm
c. ACCW Pump A
i. Breaker racked out (Red & Green lights out) ii. CS in OFF iii. Danger Tag on CS
5. Ensure Protected Train B sign is placed in SM office window.
6. Ensure FWPT A mimic displayed on SDS at CRS desk
7. Verify EOOS is 9.4 YELLOW
8. Complete the simulator setup checklist.

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 EVENT 1 - Power Reduction to 50 %

1. On Lead Examiner's cue call as OPS Manager and direct rapid downpower at 15Mw/min and remove A FWPT from service.
2. At approx 55 % modify FW12A to 5 and report as TGB watch vibs worsening recommend tripping A FWPT
3. If Woodlands called acknowledge power reduction to 50 percent
4. If called as TGB Watch to monitor equipment during down-power, report will monitor equipment.
5. If called as TGB watch to check FWPT A locally report excessive vibration felt locally.
6. If directed to trip FWPT A locally insert FW03A
7. If directed to place A FWPT in manual and null out speed meter insert FWR87 to local
8. If directed to Remove CDP to maintain DP insert FWR77 - 79 as necessary EVENT 2 - Feed Flow input to the FWCS #2 fails high
1. On Lead Examiner's cue, initiate Event Trigger 2.
2. If Work Week Manager or I&C is called, inform the caller that a work package will be assembled and a team will be sent to the Control Room.

Event 3 - CEA 72 drops into the core,

1. On Lead Examiner's cue, initiate Event Trigger 3.
2. IF called as I&C report no abnormal indications found and request permission to run traces on CEA 72
4. When permission given to run traces inform CR I&C ready to withdraw CEA 72
5. If called as RAB to go to CDMECS alley report nothing abnormal seen.
6. If called as I&C report nothing obvious wrong, need to take traces. After traces recommend CEA withdrawal.

Event 4 - VCT level instrument, CVC-ILT-0227, fails low.

1. When the CEA has been recovered or On Lead Examiners cue initiate Event Trigger 4.
2. If called as work week manager report will have a team sent to control room immediately Event 5 - B FWPT trips manual Reactor trip.
1. After the crew completes the actions for the VCT level instrument failure or On Lead Examiners cue initiate Event Trigger 5 Event 6 - AB EFW pump trips on overspeed B EFW pump failed to auto start.
1. Verify Event 6 inserted and times out when SG NR level < 27.4
2. If called as RCA watch to investigate EFW AB report overspeed trip linkage is broken.
3. If called to investigate EFW B report breaker open no visible damage Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 2 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Scenario Timeline:

Event Malfunction Severity Ramp Delay Trigger Time HH:MM:SS (Min) 1 0 NA NA NA 1 min Power Reduction to 50 %

2 FW26B 100 00:00:05 NA 2 15 min SG 2 SG2 Feed flow transmitter fail 3 RD02A72 TRUE N/A NA 3 25 min Dropped CEA 72 4 CCV12A2 TRUE N/A NA 4 35 min VCT level transmitter 0227 fails low 5 FW03B TRUE NA NA 5 45 min FWPT B overspeed trip 6 FW05 TRUE N/A 00:00:30 6 60 min EFW AB mechanical overspeed trip FW12A 3 N/A NA SETUP FWP A otbd vib multiplier RP01A-D TRUE N/A NA SETUP RPS manual pushbutton RP02 A-D TRUE N/A NA SETUP RPS Channel A,B,C,D auto trip failure FW07B TRUE N/A NA SETUP EFW B fail to auto start.


Event Procedure Description 1 OP-010-005, Rev. 302 Plant Shutdown, Attachment 9.1 and 9.9 OP-004-004, Rev. 15 Control Element Drive 2 OP-500-006, Rev. 13 Annunciator Response Procedure - Cabinet F OP-901-201, Rev. 03 Steam Generator Level Control System Malfunction 3 OP-500-008, Rev. 26 Annunciator Response Procedure - Cabinet H OP-901-102, Rev. 300 CEA or CEDMCS Malfunction 4 OP-500-007, Rev. 17 Annunciator Response Procedure - Cabinet G OP-901-113, Rev. 300 Volume Control Tank Makeup Control Malfunction 5,6,7 OP-902-000, Rev. 10 Standard Post Trip Actions OP-902-006, Rev. 12 Loss of Main Feedwater Recovery OP-902-009, Rev. 301 Standard Appendices, App. 32 - Establishing Main Feedwater Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL Rev. 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 6 of 27 Event


15 MW/MIN Downpower to Remove A Main Feed Pump From Service Due to HIGH Vibration.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

NOTE: Event #2 should not be run until after the downpower and when SG levels have recovered.

Report received from the Ops Manager shortly after turnover directing a 15 MW/MIN Downpower to remove the A Main Feed pump from service due to vibration issues Directs activities IAW OP-010-005, Plant Shutdown or OP-901-CRS 212, Rapid Plant Power Reduction ATC Begin RCS Boration by:

Set Boric Acid Makeup Batch Counter to volume of Boric Acid desired.

Verify Boric Acid Makeup Pumps selector switch aligned to desired Boric Acid Makeup Pump A(B).

Place Direct Boration Valve, BAM-143, control switch to AUTO Place Makeup Mode selector switch to BORATE.

Verify selected Boric Acid Makeup Pump A(B) Starts Verify Direct Boration Valve, BAM-143, Opens If manual control of Boric Acid flow is desired, then perform the following:

Verify Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, in Manual.

Adjust Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, output to >3 GPM flow rate If automatic control of Boric Acid flow is desired, then perform the following:

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15 MW/MIN Downpower to Remove A Main Feed Pump From Service Due to HIGH Vibration.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Place Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, in Auto.

Adjust Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, setpoint potentiometer to > 3 GPM flow rate Verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Intermediate or Open Observe Boric Acid flow rate for proper indication When Boric Acid Makeup Batch Counter has counted down to desired value, then verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Closed If additional boric acid addition is required and with SM/CRS permission, then perform the following:

Reset Boric Acid Makeup Batch Counter.

Verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Intermediate or Open.

Observe Boric Acid flow rate for proper indication.

When Boric Acid Makeup Batch Counter has counted down to desired value, then verify Boric Acid Makeup Control Valve, BAM-141, Closed.

OR Borate from the RWSP using one Charging Pump as follows:

Open RWSP to Charging Pumps Suction Isolation, CVC-507.

Close Volume Control Tank Outlet Isolation, CVC-183.

Perform Boron Equalization as follows:

Place available Pressurizer Pressure Backup Heater Control Switches to ON.

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15 MW/MIN Downpower to Remove A Main Feed Pump From Service Due to HIGH Vibration.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Reduce Pressurizer Spray Valve Controller (RC-IHIC-0100) setpoint potentiometer to establish spray flow and maintain RCS pressure 2250 PSIA (2175 - 2265).

Operate CEAs in accordance with OP-004-004, Control Element Drive, to maintain ASI using CEA Reg. Group 5, 6 or Group P Control Element Assemblies in accordance with OP-010-005, Plant Shutdown, Attachment 9.9, Axial Shape Control Guidelines. (ATTACHED)

Notify the Load Dispatcher (Woodlands) that a power reduction CRS is in progress Announce to Station Personnel over the Plant Paging System that a plant power reduction is in progress.

ATC Maintain RCS Cold Leg Temperature 536°F to 549°F.

BOP Commence Turbine load reduction by performing the following:

Depress LOAD RATE MW/MIN pushbutton.

Set selected rate in Display Demand Window. (Target will be 15)

Depress ENTER pushbutton.

Depress REFERENCE pushbutton.

Set desired load in Reference Demand Window.

Depress ENTER pushbutton.

Depress GO pushbutton.

When Condensate flow is <18,000 gpm, verify Gland Steam Condenser Bypass, CD-154, Closed (PMC PID D02404).

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15 MW/MIN Downpower to Remove A Main Feed Pump From Service Due to HIGH Vibration.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When Reactor Power is approximately 55%, then at SM/CRS discretion, remove one Main Feedwater Pump from service in accordance with OP-003-033, Main Feedwater.

Note: Vibration conditions worsen and reports from the field prompt the crew to trip the A FWPT.

ALL Stabilize power with Tave -Tref matched ATC Secure RCS Boration by:

Securing Direct Boration Verify Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, in Manual Verify both Boric Acid Flow controller, BAM-IFIC-0210Y, output and set point potentiometer set to zero.

Place Makeup Mode selector switch to MANUAL.

Verify Selected Boric Acid Makeup Pump A(B) Stops.

Verify Direct Boration Valve, BAM-143, Closed.

Place Direct Boration Valve, BAM-143, control switch to CLOSE.

OR Secure Borating from the RWSP as follows:

Open Volume Control Tank Outlet Isolation, CVC-183.

Close RWSP to Charging Pumps Suction Isolation, CVC-507.

BOP Depress the Hold button on the DEH Control panel.

When SG levels have stabilized and At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 2.

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Steam Generator Feedwater Flow instrument fails HIGH to FWCS #2.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

BOP Recognize and report:


SG 1 Steam/FW Flow Signal Dev (T-17)

SG 2 Steam/FW Flow Signal Dev (U-17)

SG 2 Level Hi/Lo (U-18)


FW-IFR-1121 Feedwater Failed High SG 2 levels lowering(all indicators)

Direct Implementation of OP-901-201, SG Level Control CRS Malfunction.

If actual S/G level rises to 87.7 or drops to 27.4% NR, verify CREW reactor trip and go to OP-902-000. (NOTE 87.7% NR if not bypassed.)

If actual S/G level rises to 81% NR verify high level override BOP has closed the MFW and startup control valves to that S/G.

BOP Stop any turbine load changes except to match Tave and Tref.

Places either, FW IHIC1121, Main Feedwater Regulating Valve BOP B Controller or the SG 2 Master Controller to Manual and restores Steam Generator level to 50 - 70% NR.

When conditions stabilize places controls back to auto as BOP allowed by the Note #3 of Att #1 of OP-901-201. (Note the crew may or may not opt to perform this action)

At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 3.

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Dropped Regulating Group CEA, #72 and Recovery Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

ATC Recognize and report:

Multiple alarms on Panels H, K and L. The event is diagnosed by the alarms associated with the CEA insertion, the CEA position indications and Reactor Power and RCS temperatures dropping.

POWER DEPENDENT INSERTION LIMIT H-8, Cab K PREPOWER DEPENDENT INSERTION LIMIT H-9, Cab K CEA GROUP MINOR DEVIATION M-8, Cab H CEA GROUP MAJOR DEVIATION N-8, Cab H CORE MIMIC ROD BOTTOM LIGHT CEAPDS indicates CEA insertion CEDMCS Panel indicates CEA insertion Directs actions IAW OP-901-102, CEA or CEDMCS CRS Malfunction If in Mode 1 and 2 CEAs DROP, Manually Trip Reactor and go ATC to OP-902-000.

ATC Place CEDMCS Mode select switch to OFF.

BOP Match Tref with Tave.

NOTE: Downpower not required from current power level.

CRS Enters TS for CEA misaligned >19 inches.

If PMC is Operable, then verify CEA Pulse Counter CRS/ATC indication is correct or enter the correct CEA position in the PMC database.

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Dropped Regulating Group CEA, #72 and Recovery Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Declare COLSS Inoperable and enter OP-901-501, CRS PMC or COLSS Inoperable and perform concurrently with this procedure due to COLSS being Inoperable Declare the CEA inoperable and has shutdown margin verified CRS acceptable within one hour using OP-903-090 if:

Any CEA is misaligned from its group by 7 and can not be aligned.

Monitor Core Power Distribution for compliance with Technical CRS/ATC Specifications for LPD, DNBR, AZ Tilt and ASI.

Enters TS 3.2.3b and verifies in < 30 minutes that COLSS is CRS/ATC detecting CEA misalignment if measured azimuthal power tilt is

> .03.

ATC Maintain ASI +/- .05 of ESI.

ATC Correct cause of dropped CEA.

Coordinates with I&C to obtain coil stack traces for troubleshooting by withdrawal and insertion of CEA # 72 IAW OP-004-004:

Select desired CEA to be inserted or withdrawn as follows:

o Position Individual CEA Selection switches to desired CEA o Position Group Select switch to group containing CEA Place Mode Select switch to MI and verify the following:

o MI light Illuminates o White lights Illuminates on Group Selection Matrix for group that contains the CEA to be moved o White selection light for individual CEA to be moved Illuminates Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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Dropped Regulating Group CEA, #72 and Recovery Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Operate CEA Manual Shim switch to WITHDRAW or INSERT CEA to desired height while monitoring the following:

o CEA Position Indicator for selected CEA is moving in desired direction.

o If Reactor is critical, then monitor the following:

Reactor Power Reactor Coolant System (RCS) temperature Axial Shape Index (ASI)

When desired set of moves have been completed, then place Mode Select switch to OFF.

NOTE: Investigation will reveal no faults and I&C will recommend CEA withdrawal.

Withdraw dropped CEA IAW OP-901-102, CEA or CEDMCS ATC Malfunction as follows:

Borate as necessary to prevent Reactor power from rising during CEA alignment Withdraw CEA in a slow, smooth manner at a rate not to exceed 15 inches per minute until aligned with rest of group At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 4.

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VCT Level Inst., CVC-ILT-0227, Fails LOW Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

ATC Recognize and report:


VCT LEVEL LO-LO (Panel G, B-3)

Enter OP-901-113, VCT Makeup Control Malfunction and direct CRS actions as follows.

Simultaneously secure ALL Charging Pumps AND close ATC LETDOWN STOP VALVE (CVC 101).

Operate Charging Pumps as necessary to maintain Pressurizer Level above minimum level for operation in accordance with Attachment 1, Pressurizer Level Versus Tave Curve.

BOP Match TAVG and TREF by adjusting Turbine Load.

CRS Initiate corrective action to repair level instrument.

Evaluate TS requirements for charging pumps.

When the lead pump (B) is secured it must be taken to hard off and the crew should enter TS

NOTE: If all pumps are taken to hard off and left there the crew should enter TS 3.0.3. The crew may discuss placing the switches in off momentarily as not affecting operability.

At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Events 5 & 6.

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Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

Reports feed pump failure based on feed pump trip alarm and BOP multiple feed related alarms.

CRS Directs Reactor trip (SG level may reach auto trip setpoint first.)

ATC Reports Reactor did not trip automatically if setpoints reached.

CRITCAL Attempts to manually trip the reactor using reactor trip TASK ATC/CRS pushbuttons unsuccessfully and then initiates the Diverse Rx Trip which is successful and then:

Verify Reactivity Control Check reactor power dropping on CP-2 or CP-7 Check startup rate is negative on CP-2 or CP-7 Check less than 2 CEAS not fully inserted using CEAC CRT on CP-2, or CEDMCS LEL Lights illuminated on CP-2, or CEA Rod Bottom Lights illuminated on CP-2 BOP/CRS Verify Maintenance Of Vital Auxiliaries Check the main turbine tripped by verifying all throttle and governor valves indicate green at Turbine Mimic on CP-1 Check the generator tripped by verifying green indication on both Generator Output Breakers and Exciter Field Breaker on CP-1 Check train A and B station loads are energized from offsite power by:

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Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Voltage available to A1, A2, A3 busses (PMC or CP-1) and feeder breakers from Startup Transformer A indicate red on CP-1 Voltage available to B1, B2, B3 busses (PMC or CP-1) and feeder breakers from Startup Transformer A indicate red on CP-1 A and B DC bus indicators on CP-1 Vital AC Instrument Bus Indicators on CP-7 (4 total)

ATC/CRS Verify RCS Inventory Control Check PZR level 7% to 60% and trending to 33% to 60%

on CP-2 Check Subcooling Margin greater than or equal to 28°on CP-2 ATC/CRS Verify RCS Pressure Control Checks PZR pressure between 1750 psia and 2300 psia (CP-2, CP-7, PMC or QSPDS) and trending to between 2125 and 2275 psia ATC/CRS Verify Core Heat Removal Check at least one RCP operating on CP-2, Operating loop delta-T less than 13°F, and RCS Subcooling (CP-2) greater than or equal to 28°F.

BOP/CRS Verify RCS Heat Removal Check at least one S/G is both 5-80% NR (CP-1 or CP-8) and Main Feedwater is available to restore level (Should observe and report no Main Feedwater is available) OR Verify EFW is available to restore level in at least one S/G within 50% - 70% NR [60% - 80% NR].

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Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EFAS-1 or EFAS-2 actuation occurred if < 27.4% NR (PPS ROM lights extinguished CP-7)

EFW pumps operating (CP-8) if EFAS-1 or 2 actuated CRITICAL If EFAS actuation has occurred then it should be TASK reported that the AB EFW and B EFW pumps are not running. Manual actions to start both pumps should be initiated- neither pump starts and operators should analyze Annunciators to determine the AB EFW pump has tripped on overspeed.


Verify RCS Tc (CP-2 or CP-7) is 530-550°F or CRS If Tc is > 550°F verify level is being restored to at least one S/G (CP-1 or CP-8) and verify SBCS (CP-1) or ADVS (CP-8) are maintaining RCS temp 530-550°F.

If Tc is < 530°F then verify feed flow (MFW-CP-1 or EFW-CP-8) is not excessive and verify SBCS or ADVs are restoring RCS Tc 530-550°F BOP/CRS Verify S/G pressure 885-1040 psia (CP-1 or CP-7) or If S/G press < 885 psia verify steam bypass valves and ADVs are closed.

If S/G press > 1040 psia verify SBCs or ADVs are restoring S/G press to < 1040 psia BOP/CRS Verify FWCS in Reactor Trip Override (CP-1)

Check Main Feed Reg Valves are closed, Startup Feed Reg Valves are 13-21% open, and Operating Feed Pumps are 3800 to 4000 rpm or Manually operate feedwater system to restore level in at least one S/G to 50-70% NR.

NOTE: Should report no Main feedwater available Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP/CRS Reset Moisture Separator Reheaters Check the Temp Control Valves closed (Reheat Control Panel CP-1)

BOP/CRS Verify Containment Isolation Check Containment pressure (CP-7 or CP-8) < 16.4 psia, Check that no Containment Area rad monitors (RMS CRT/CP-14/PMC) are in alarm or show an unexplained rise in activity, and Check that no steam plant rad monitors (RMS CRT/CP-14/PMC) alarm or show an unexplained rise in activity.

BOP/CRS Verify Containment Temperature And Pressure Control Verifying Containment Temperature (CP-18 or QSPDS) less than or equal to 120°F and Containment pressure is

< 16.4 psia CRS Direct Diagnostic Action If ANY Safety Function Acceptance Criteria are not met OR ANY contingency action was taken perform Diagnostics Flowchart OP-902-009, Appendix 1 Diagnoses into OP-902-006, Loss of Main Feedwater CRS Recovery, procedure.

CRS Confirm diagnosis Direct STA to perform safety function status check list Direct Chemistry to sample both SGs for activity.

CREW Announce the event using plant page Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 2 Event # 5&6 Page 19 of 27 Event


Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CRS Direct SM to refer to Emergency Plan CRS Implement Placekeeper and records time of Reactor Trip ATC/CRS Verify no more than two RCPs are operating Starts a lift pump and secures one pump in each loop IF ANY of the following conditions exist, THEN perform the ATC/CRS following:

IF MFW is lost for greater than 30 minutes AND ONE Motor Driven EFW pump is the only EFW pump available, THEN stop ALL RCPs.

IF ALL feedwater is lost, THEN stop ALL RCPs.

Verify CCW operation by checking a CCW pump (CP-8) is BOP/CRS operating for each energized 4 KV safety bus (CP-1)

BOP/CRS Conserve steam generator inventory:

Verify the following steam generator blowdown isolation valves are closed:





Verify the following steam generator sampling valves are closed:


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 2 Event # 5&6 Page 20 of 27 Event


Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SSL 8004B, SAMPLING ISOLATION SG 2 SSL 301B, SAMPLING ISOLATION MAIN STM LINE 2 BOP/ATC/ Replenish inventory in at least one steam generator by CRS performing ANY of the following:

Check emergency feedwater available to at least one steam generator If not already reported based on alarm response the BOP determines that no EFW is available- This requires tripping all RCPs.

IF EFW pump AB has tripped, THEN reset LOCALLY:

NOTE: The NAO will report that the mechanical linkage is broken.

CRITICAL REFER TO Appendix 32, "Establishing Main Feedwater" and TASK CRS/BOP restore main feedwater flow to at least one steam generator as follows:


FW-184A FW-184B Place the following controllers to "MAN" and set to minimum:

FW-IFIC-8202, AUX FEEDWATER FLOW FW-IHIC-1105, SG 1 STARTUP FW REG FW-IHIC-1106, SG 2 STARTUP FW REG Verify the following valves closed:

  • FW-170A, SG 1 MAIN FW REG ISOLATION FW-170B, SG 2 MAIN FW REG ISOLATION Verify the following valves open:

FW-163A, SG 1 STARTUP FW REG ISOLATION Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 2 Event # 5&6 Page 21 of 27 Event


Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior FW-163B, SG 2 STARTUP FW REG ISOLATION Start Auxiliary Feedwater Pump.

Adjust the following controllers to 5% output:

FW-IHIC-1105, SG 1 STARTUP FW REG FW-IHIC-1106, SG 2 STARTUP FW REG Adjust the following controllers and valve to achieve desired flow rates:

FW-IHIC-1105, SG 1 STARTUP FW REG FW-IHIC-1106, SG 2 STARTUP FW REG FW-IFIC-8202, AUX FEEDWATER FLOW AFW-125, AUXILIARY FEEDWATER PRESSURE RELIEF When feedwater is restored the scenario may be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner.

Verify ALL steam generators capable of steaming are being BOP/CRS maintained or restored to within the following level:

50% to 70% NR using MFW or EFW in auto or manual Verify RCS TC is less than 550°F and being controlled by ANY BOP/CRS of the following:

Steam bypass valves Atmospheric dump valves Maintain pressurizer level 33% to 60% by controlling charging ATC/CRS and letdown.

Maintain the RCS within the limits of Appendix 2A-D, "RCS ATC/CRS Pressure and Temperature Limits" by performing ANY of the following:

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 2 Event # 5&6 Page 22 of 27 Event


Second Main Feed Pump Trips, Reactor Fails to AUTO or MANUALLY TRIP Diverse Scram Successful; AB EFW Pump Trips on Overspeed, B EFW Pump FAILS to START, MANUAL START is Also Unsuccessful Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Control pressurizer heaters, and main or auxiliary pressurizer spray. REFER TO Appendix 25, "Restore Pressurizer Heater Control."

Adjust RCS cooldown rates.

Verify instrument air is available by performing ALL of the ATC/CRS following:

Check BOTH of the following are operating:

TCW pump CW pump Check instrument air pressure is greater than 95 psig.

Check IA 909, CNTMT ISOLATION INSTRUMENT AIR valve is open IF NO RCPs are operating, THEN check natural circulation flow ATC/CRS in at least one loop by ALL of the following:

RCS subcooling greater than or equal to 28°F based on representative CET temperature Loop T less than 58°F Hot and cold leg temperature constant or lowering TH and representative CET temperature T is less than 10°F This scenario is terminated.

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Event 1 OP-010-005, Plant Shutdown, Attachment 9.9 Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1


DATE 3/28/08

1. Prior to turnover, review Critical Parameters in allowable limits (Modes 1 and 2):



STEAM GENERATOR PRESSURE 860-1000 psia TAVG 544-582°F REACTOR POWER <100% (Mode 2 < 5%)

2. Simulator Specific Information Reactor Power 62%

EFPD 250 ESI -0.075 RCS Boron 1117 ppm BAMT A 5850 ppm BAMT B 5725 ppm

3. Complete independent Control Board Walkdown.

Technical Specifications and Technical Requirements Manual Actions T.S. Equipment/System Entered Action Exited EFW Pump A 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago Restore within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> 3.7.4 ACCW Pump A 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ago Cascading completed completed next 066 due in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> Restore within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> TRM Equipment/System Entered Action Exited None Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1


Surveillance Tests in progress:

None Equipment taken out of service:

EFW Pump A ACCW Pump A Equipment returned to service:

Maintenance in progress:

EFW Pump A has been OOS for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for seal replacement. It is expected to be returned for testing in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

ACCW Pump A was taken out of service 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ago for motor PMs. ACCW Pump A is expected to return in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Significant Events/Additional Items/Remarks/Equipment Out of Service:

Plant Safety Index is 9.4 Yellow. Protected Train is B. Subgroup 5 is selected for both RXC events.

Main Feed Pump A outboard pump bearing vibration is elevated shortly after being placed in service and the crew was holding power for engineering evaluation.

ASI control is in progress with Reg Group 6 CEAs. . Boron Equalization is in progress.

You are directed to maintain power at 60% while engineering evaluates FWPT A.

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

NRC Scenario 2 Turnover Sheet Examinee Handout 6.9 REACTIVITY BRIEF GUIDELINE (typical)

The Reactivity Brief should be conducted after shift turnover is complete, but before the Shift Meeting. The Control Room staff should be present for the Reactivity Brief. The brief should include, but is not limited to the following:

PMU Boric Acid MW Previous shift additions of PMU, Boric Acid, 2000 NA 122 and MWs [May be N/A]

Anticipated PMU, Boric Acid, and MW additions NA NA 328 this shift [May be N/A]

ASI profile compared to ESI including Xenon: steady converging diverging

[Include any actions necessary during shift and actions the previous shift took]

ASI Control using RG 6 in progress.

Volume Control Tank Blend Rate: 19 Gallons Boric Acid per 100 gallons PMU Jobs affecting reactivity this shift:

Hold Power at 60%

Saturday day shift and Saturday night shift:

Review Reactivity Control Worksheet provided by Reactor Engineering.

Review Reactivity Management Index, including recent contributing events.

Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

NRC Scenario 2 Turnover Sheet Examinee Handout 6.10 REACTIVITY ADDITION SHEET (typical)

Date Time Source Amount Comment (circle one) (gallons / MW) 3/28/2008 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 25 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 .5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 26 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 20 min ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 15 min ago BAM / PMU / MW 25 Power Escalation 3/28/2008 10 min ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power Escalation BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW Scenario 2 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Facility: WATERFORD 3 Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: 25% power, MOC, AB buses aligned to B side.

Turnover: Plant startup is in progress after being off-line for 2 days.

Critical Task: Preventing RCS repressurization by actions to stabilize RCS temperature using the non-ESD SG.

Isolating the SG with SG Tube Leak.

Emergency borate or actuate SIAS due to uncontrolled cooldown.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 R - ATC Raising power from 25%.

N - BOP, SRO 2 RX14A I - ATC, Controlling Pressurizer Pressure channel fails HIGH.

SRO 3 NI01F I - ATC, Safety Channel B ENI middle detector fails HIGH.

SRO TS - SRO 4 CC01A C - BOP, A CCW pump trip.

SRO TS - SRO 5 SG01A TS - SRO SGTL ramp from 0 - 15 gpm over 10 minutes on SG #1.

6 MS13A M - ALL ESDE on #1 SG outside containment, upstream of MSIV.

7 RP08H C - BOP, #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV fail to auto close on MSIS.


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Waterford 3 2008 NRC Scenario #3 The crew assumes the shift at 25% power during a plant startup from a short notice outage. The crew is to continue the startup to 100% using OP-010-004, Power Operations.

During the up-power the controlling Pressurizer Pressure channel fails high which will cause heater output to go to zero and the in-service spray valve(s) will open. Operators take action IAW OP-901-120, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction to select the operable channel and reset heaters.

After pressurizer pressure has been restored then there will be a failure of Safety Channel B ENI middle detector. Operators diagnose the failure and bypass appropriate channels IAW Technical Specifications.

When appropriate channels are bypassed there will then be a trip of the A CCW pump on overload. Restoration actions will be IAW OP-901-510, Component Cooling Water System Malfunction.

While CCW restoration actions are on-going there will be a steam generator tube leak ramp in from 0-15 gpm over ~10 minutes on the #1 SG. Once identified operator actions are IAW OP-901-202, Steam Generator Tube Leakage or High Activity when primary to secondary leakage is identified.

Once the crew determines the shutdown requirements of the tube leakage then an ESDE will be initiated on the #1 Steam Generator, outside containment but upstream of the MSIV. It will ramp in slowly requiring the operators to manually trip and address the uncontrolled cooldown by either Emergency boration or initiation of SIAS. The ESD will worsen after the crew trips and addresses the uncontrolled cooldown.

Post trip/MSIS the #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG FWIV fail to auto close due to a relay failure requiring manual closure.

EOP flowpath is OP 902-000, SPTAs to OP 902-008, Safety Function Recovery.

If NRC Lead Examiner asks SRO candidate(s) to determine Emergency Plan classification, the candidate should determine the following: Unusual Event (FU1) Loss of Containment due to CNB3, Primary-to-Secondary leakrate >10 gpm with non-isolable steam release from affected S/G to the environment.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Scenario Notes:

A. Reset Simulator to IC-93.

B. Verify the following Scenario Malfunctions are loaded:

1. RX14A; PZR Press channel 100X fail HI set to 100: Event Trigger 2
2. NI01F; Middle detector b safety channel B fail Hi set to 100 Event Trigger 3
3. CC01A; A CCW pump trip set to TRUE Event Trigger 4
4. SG01A; Steam Generator 1 tube leak , set to .6 , 10 min ramp Event Trigger 5
5. MS13A; Main Steam line A break outside ctmt set to 4 with 90 sec ramp Event Trigger 6
6. RP08H; K Relay 313 failed TRUE SETUP
7. RPO9H K relay 313 failed TRUE SETUP C. Ensure Protected Train B sign is placed in SM office window.

D. Ensure Hotwell level below Hi level alarm TKR03 at 36 inches E. Verify EOOS is 10 green F. Verify marked up copy of OP-10-004 through step 9.1.54 on CRS open on NPO desk G. Complete the simulator setup checklist.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 EVENT 1 - Power escalation to 100% %

1. On Lead Examiner's cue.

EVENT 2 - Controlling Pressurizer Pressure channel fails high

1. On Lead Examiner's cue, initiate Event Trigger 2.
2. If Work Week Manager or I&C is called, inform the caller that a work package will be assembled and a team will be sent to the Control Room.

EVENT 3 - Safety Channel B ENI middle detector

1. On Lead Examiner's cue, initiate Event Trigger 3.
2. If Work Week Manager or I&C is called, inform the caller that a work package will be assembled and a team will be sent to the Control Room.

Event 4 - A CCW pump trip.

1. On Lead Examiners cue, initiate Event Trigger 4.
2. If called as RAB watch to investigate CCW A breaker report OC flags all 3 phases.
3. If called as RCA watch to investigate CCW pump A report acrid smell and charring on motor vents but no fire present.

Event 5 - #1 SG tube leak.

1. On Lead Examiners cue initiate Event Trigger 5.
2. If called as Chemistry to Sample SG for activity report samples will be 30 minutes to take sample and analyze.
3. NOTE: If the CRS indicates a desire to trip the plant in response to the SGTL the Lead examiner will cue event 6.

Event 6 - ESDE #1 Steam Generator.

1. On Lead Examiners cue initiate Event Trigger 6.
2. if called as outside watch or TGB to look for steam leaks wait 3 minutes and report steam coming from west side MSIV area.
3. After the trip, on the Lead Examiners cue, raise the ESD from 4% to 10%.

Event 7 - #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV fail to auto close on MSIS

1. Verify MS-124B and FW-184 B fail to close. RP08H, RP09H true setup
2. If called to check steam still issuing from west side MSIV area after MSIVs closed report that steam is still issuing from break Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Scenario Timeline:

Event Malfunction Severity Ramp Delay Trigger Time HH:MM:SS (Min) 1 0 NA NA NA 1 min Power escalation to 100 %

2 RX14A 100 N/A NA 2 30 min Pressurizer press channel 100X fails high 3 NI01f 100 NA NA 3 45 min Middle detector B2 channel b fail 4 CC01A TRUE NA NA 4 55 min CCW Pump A trip 5 SG01A 0.6 00:10:00 NA 5 75 min SG 1 tube leak 6 MS13A 4 00:01:30 NA 6 85 min MS break outside ctmt upstream MSIV 7 RP08H, TRUE N/A 00:01:00 SETUP 95 min RP09H K313 Relay failure: MSIS Train A & B fail to close on MSIS Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario 3 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1


Event Procedure Description 1 OP-010-004 Power Operations.

OP-002-005 Chemical and Volume Control OP-005-005 Reheat Steam System OP-005-005 Reheat Steam System OP-005-007 Main Turbine and Generator OP-903-001 Technical Specification Surveillance Logs OP-003-031 Condensate Polisher/Backwash Treatment OP-003-034 Feed Heater Vents and Drains.

2 OP-901-120 Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunction TS 3.2.8. Technical Specifications 3 T.S 3.3.1 or 3.3.2 Technical Specifications OP-500-008 4.41, 4.51 OP-009-007 Plant Protection System 4 OP-500-011 Annunciator Response procedure Cabinet M B-2, E-2, F-2 OP-901-510 Component Cooling Water System Malfunction.

TS Technical Specifications 5 OP-901-202 SG Tube Leakage or High Activity when primary to secondary leakage OP-903-024 Reactor Coolant System Water Inventory Balance OP-901-212 Rapid Plant Power Reduction, TS Technical Specifications 6,7 OP-902-009 App 1 Diagnostics OP-902-000 Standard Post Trip Actions OP-902-008 Functional Recovery OP-902-009 App 32 "Blowdown a SG with Tube Leakage/Rupture OP-902-009 HR-2 RCS and Core Heat Removal Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 7 of 41 Event


Raising Power from 25%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

NOTE: Events 2 and 3 should be run during the up-power and event 4 should be run after the reactivity manipulation is satisfied.

CRS Directs activities IAW OP-010-004, Power Operations Commence power ascension by raising RCS Tavg. Maintain ATC RCS Tcold 541°F to 546°F during power increase Establish a Dilution IAW OP-002-005, Chemical and Volume Control at the rate required for the desired escalation rate as follows:

At SM/CRS discretion, calculate volume of Primary Makeup water to be added on Attachment 11.7, Calculation of Primary Makeup Water Volume for Direct Dilution or VCT Dilute Makeup Mode.

Set Primary Makeup Water Batch Counter to volume of Primary Makeup water desired.

Place Makeup Mode selector switch to DILUTE.

Open VCT Makeup Valve, CVC-510 If manual control of Primary Makeup Water flow is desired, then perform the following:

Verify Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, in Manual.

Adjust Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, output to > 5 GPM flow rate.

If automatic control of Primary Makeup Water flow is desired, then perform the following:

Place Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, in Auto.

Adjust Primary Makeup Water Flow controller, PMU-IFIC-0210X, setpoint potentiometer to > 5 GPM flow rate.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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Raising Power from 25%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Intermediate or Open.

Observe Primary Makeup water flow rate for proper indication.

When Primary Makeup Water Batch Counter has counted down to desired value, then verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Closed.

If continued dilution is required and with the CRS permission, then perform the following:

Reset Primary Makeup Water Batch Counter.

Verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Intermediate or Open.

Observe Primary Makeup water flow rate for proper indication.

When Primary Makeup Water Batch Counter has counted down to desired value, then verify Primary Makeup Water Control Valve, PMU-144, Closed When Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Tavg rises, then match /

Tavg and Tref by raising Turbine load in accordance with OP-BOP 005-007, Main Turbine and Generator. To change Load/Rate perform the following:

Depress LOAD/RATE MW/MIN pushbutton.

Depress appropriate numerical pushbuttons for desired load rate.

Depress ENTER pushbutton.

NOTE: Prior to changing Reference Demand, Main Turbine load must not be changing.

To change Main Turbine load, perform the following:

Depress REF pushbutton.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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Raising Power from 25%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Depress appropriate numerical pushbuttons for desired MW load.

Depress ENTER pushbutton.

Depress GO pushbutton.

Verify Turbine load change stops at the desired MW load.

Maintain ASI within its control band in accordance with ATC/CRS Attachment 9.4, Axial Shape Control Guidelines. (ATTACHED)

Prior to exceeding 30% power, verify Steam Generator /

CRS chemistry within limits of CE-002-001, Maintaining Steam Generator Chemistry.

Prior to exceeding 30% power, verify Tc is > 536°F and <

549°F / in accordance with OP-903-001, Technical CRS Specification Surveillance Logs, and Technical Specification 3.2.6.

Align Blowdown Flash Tank Vent to #4 Heaters by performing CRS the following:

Open BD Flash Tank to Heater 4, BD-120.

Close BD Flash Tank to Condenser, BD-119.

When Generator load exceeds 400 Mwe, then commence /

placing MSRs in service in accordance with Moisture Separator BOP/CRS Reheater Startup Section of OP-005-005, Reheat Steam System.

Verify Moisture Separator Reheater Startup Section of OP-005-005 has been completed When Main Turbine reaches 35% load (350 MW - 450 MW), then align MSR A and MSR B by performing following:

Close the following MSR drain valves:

MS-3253A MSR A Turbine End Low Power TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 10 of 41 Event


Raising Power from 25%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior MS-3253B MSR A Generator End Low Power TCV Inlet Drain to MSR Shell MS-3271A MSR A Turbine End Main TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell MS-3271B MSR A Generator End Main TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell MS-3281A MSR B Turbine End Main TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell MS-3281B MSR B Generator End TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell MS-3263A MSR B Turbine End Low Power TCV Inlet Drain To MSR Shell MS-3263B MSR B Generator End Low Power Inlet Drain to MSR Shell Open the following MSR Low Power TCV Isolation valves:

MS-3251A MSR A Turbine End Low Power TCV Isolation MS-3251B MSR A Generator End Low Power TCV Isolation MS-3261A MSR B Turbine End Low Power TCV Isolation MS-3261B MSR B Generator End Low Power TCV Isolation Depress the Ramp pushbutton on Reheater Control Panel and Verify the following valves begin to slowly ramp Open:

MS-3254A MSR A Turbine End Low Power TCV MS-3254B MSR A Generator End Low Power TCV MS-3264A MSR B Turbine End Low Power TCV MS-3264B MSR B Generator End Low Power TCV Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 11 of 41 Event


Raising Power from 25%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When required, then place additional Condensate Polishers in service to maintain system differential pressure in CRS accordance with OP-003-031, Condensate Polisher/Backwash Treatment.

Between 30% and 35% Power, verify IP and HP Feedwater Heaters in service in accordance with OP-003-034, Feed Heater Vents and Drains.

At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 2.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 12 of 41 Event


Controlling Pressurizer Pressure Channel FAILS HIGH Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

ATC/CRS Responds to alarms:



Observes indications:

Pressurizer pressure pegged high, as indicated on PRESSURIZER PRESSURE CHANNEL X/Y recorder (RC-IPR-0100)

Pressurizer pressure deviation as indicated on Pressurizer Pressure controller (RC-IPIC-0100)

Abnormal Pressurizer Spray Valve operation (opening)as indicated on Pressurizer Spray Valve controller (RC-IHIC-0100)

Abnormal Pressurizer Backup Heater operation (off) as indicated on BACKUP HEATER BANKS control switch indications Abnormal Pressurizer Proportional Heater operation as indicated on PROPORTIONAL HEATER CURRENT meter (minimum)

Takes actions IAW OP-901-120 Pressurizer Pressure Control CRS Malfunction Subsection E3 initially and then E1:

Place Pressurizer Spray Controller (RC-IHIC-0100) to ATC MAN and Adjust Pressurizer Spray Controller (RC-IHIC-0100) output to 0%.

Verify control channel instrument failure by checking PRESSURIZER PRESSURE CHANNEL X/Y recorder (RC-IPR-0100).

Transfer Pressurizer pressure control to operable channel (Y) using Pressurizer Pressure Channel Selector control switch.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 13 of 41 Event


Controlling Pressurizer Pressure Channel FAILS HIGH Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior IF Pressurizer Pressure control channel is failed high, THEN perform the following:

Transfer Pressurizer Lo Level Heater Cutout selector switch to the Operable Pressurizer Pressure control channel (Y).

Reset Proportional Heater Banks #1 & #2. (Places in ON)

Verify proper operation of Pressurizer Pressure controller (RC-IPIC-0100) AND Pressurizer Pressure controlling OR being restored to 2250 PSIA Continuous ATC/BOP/ Recognize and announce if Pressurizer Pressure exceeds CRS limits of TS 3.2.8. (2125 psig on low end)

CRS Refer to Technical Specification 3.2.8 CRS/ATC Place Pressurizer Spray Controller (RC-IHIC-0100) to AUTO.

At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 3.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 14 of 41 Event


Safety Channel B ENI Middle Detector FAILS HIGH Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

ATC Recognize and report indications of Failed Channel:









Trip and Pre-trip lights for PPC channel B Low DNBR and LPD EN-IJI-001B failed high CPC sensor failure light ATC/CRS Verify RPS/CPC function bistable respond as expected.

Trip and Pre-trip lights for PPC channel B Low DNBR and LPD Review actions required by Technical Specification Section CRS 3.3.1 (RPS ) and TS Remote Shutdown Instrumentation. (No actions with two other channels available)

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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Safety Channel B ENI Middle Detector FAILS HIGH Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters TS Table 3.3-1 action 2 for CH B High Linear Power, High Log Power, High LPD and Low DNBR:

With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than the Total Number of Channels, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may continue provided the inoperable channel is placed in the bypassed or tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

Direct bistable bypass within 1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of failure (for first channel CRS failure).

NOTE: Failure of a second channel will require that channel to be placed in the trip condition. To bypass a second channel will remove both channels from bypass.

Bypass affected channel in accordance with OP-009-007, Section 6.2 as follows for:

1-Hi Lin Power ATC/BOP 2-Hi Log Power 3-Hi LPD 4-Low DNBR (on channel B)

Verify desired Trip Channel is not Bypassed on another PPS Channel Open key-locked portion of Bypass Control Panel in desired PPS Channel.

Depress Bypass push button for desired Trip Channel.

Verify Bypass push button remains in a Depressed state.

Verify Bypass light Illuminates on BCP and Remote Operating Module for the desired Trip Channel At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 4.

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A CCW Pump TRIP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

BOP/CRS Assess alarms:

Cabinet M, B-2 CCW Pump A Trip/Trouble (And depending on conditions the following may alarm)

Cabinet M, E-2 CCW Header A Pressure Lo Cabinet M, F-2 CCW Header A Flow Lo Cabinet H, H-3 RCP 1A CCW FLOW LO Cabinet H, H-5 RCP 1B CCW Flow LO Cabinet H, H-7 RCP 2A CCW Flow LO Cabinet H, H-10 RCP 2B CCW Flow LO Directs actions IAW OP-901-510, Component Cooling Water CRS System Malfunction.


Assess indications:

CRS Amber trip/trouble light on affected CCW Pump control switch BOP/CRS Align CCW Pump AB for Operation as follows:

Place CCW ASSIGNMENT Switch to A position.

Verify Open the following valves:


Evaluate AB Electrical Bus alignment for Technical Specification Operability requirements.

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A CCW Pump TRIP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Enters TS 3.7.3 Action:

With only one component cooling water and associated auxiliary component cooling water train OPERABLE, restore at least two trains to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

Enters TRM 3.7.3 Action:

With Component Cooling Water pump A and/or B inoperable, restore the inoperable Component Cooling Water pump(s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or within the next hour establish an hourly fire watch patrol in accordance with Table 3.7-1.

Enters Cascading actions per OP-100-014, Technical Specification and Technical Requirements Compliance. (ATTACHED)

At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 5.

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SGTL Ramp from 0 - 5 GPM Over 10 Minutes on SG #1 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

BOP/CRS Assess Annunciators:


Secondary activity rising greater than or equal to 2 GPD from the average steady state leakage value as indicated by ANY of the following:

Rising activity on MS Line N16 Rad Monitors:

RE5501-1, (Leak Rate 1)

Rising Secondary activity indicated on the following Radiation Monitors (listed in order of sensitivity): PRM-IRE-0002, Condenser Vacuum Pump PRM-IRE-0100X, Steam Generator 1 and 2 Blowdown PRM-IRE-5500A, Main Steam Line 1 Directs actions IAW OP-901-202, SG Tube Leakage or High CRS Activity CRS Briefs crew on contingency:

IF Pressurizer level CANNOT be maintained with available Charging Pumps, THEN perform the following:

Continuous Manually trip Reactor.

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SGTL Ramp from 0 - 5 GPM Over 10 Minutes on SG #1 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Manually initiate Safety Injection Actuation (SIAS) AND Containment Isolation Actuation (CIAS). GO TO OP-902-000, STANDARD POST TRIP ACTIONS.


Determine RCS leak rate using ANY of the following:

CRS Calculated Steam Generator leakage displayed on PMC PID C48251 (RE5501 CH1 LEAK RATE) and C48252 (RE5501 CH2 LEAK RATE)

Approximate RCS leak rate by subtracting total of Letdown flow AND RCP CBO flow from Charging Flow Calculated Charging / Letdown Mismatch displayed on PMC Group Leakrate (PMC PID S13001)

RCS Leak Rate calculation in accordance with OP-903-024, REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM WATER INVENTORY BALANCE Calculated steam generator leakage based upon chemistry sample, per CE-003-705, DETERMINATION OF PRIMARY-TO-SECONDARY LEAK RATE.

Requests Chemistry sample of Steam Generators to determine CRS leakrate.

CRS Determines required actions:

IF Primary to Secondary Leakage in any Steam Generator is greater than 75 GPD (~0.05 GPM) AND the rate of change is rising by greater than 30 GPD/HR (~0.02 GPM/HR), THEN perform the following:

WHEN Plant Power is less than 50%, THEN in accordance with OP-901-212, RAPID PLANT POWER REDUCTION, AND concurrently with this Procedure, be in Mode 3 within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> AND Mode 5 in the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

CRS Briefs crew on required actions.

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SGTL Ramp from 0 - 5 GPM Over 10 Minutes on SG #1 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior At the Discretion of the Lead Examiner Move to Event 6 & 7.

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator Instructions:

Indications Available:

CREW Recognize ESDE indications:

Power rising RCS temperature lowering And manually trip the plant or automatic trip may occur first.

(NOTE the crew may also address the excess cooldown by initiating SIAS and CIAS at this time)

NOTE: The ESD is made bigger after the operators take actions to trip the plant and address the uncontrolled cooldown.

CRS Directs actions IAW OP-902-000, SPTAs ATC/CRS Determine Reactivity Control acceptance criteria are met:

Check reactor power is dropping Perform the following as necessary to insert CEAs:

Manually trip the reactor.

Check startup rate is negative.

Check less than TWO CEAs are NOT fully inserted.

Determine that Maintenance of vital Auxiliaries acceptance BOP/CRS criteria are met:

Check the Main Turbine is tripped:

Governor valves closed Throttle valves closed Check the Main Generator is tripped:

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior GENERATOR BREAKER A tripped GENERATOR BREAKER B tripped EXCITER FIELD BREAKER tripped Check station loads are energized from offsite electrical power as follows:

TRAIN A A1, 6.9 KV non safety bus A2, 4.16 KV non safety bus A3, 4.16 KV safety bus A-DC electrical bus A or C vital AC Instrument Channel TRAIN B B1, 6.9 KV non safety bus B2, 4.16 KV non safety bus B3, 4.16 KV safety bus B-DC electrical bus B or D vital AC Instrument Channel ATC/CRS Determine RCS Inventory Control acceptance criteria are met:

Check that BOTH of the following conditions exist:

Pressurizer level is 7% to 60%

Pressurizer level is trending to 33% to 60%

Restore and maintain pressurizer level 33% to 60%

by performing ANY of the following:

Manually operate charging pumps and letdown control valves.

Check RCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 28ºF.

Determine RCS Pressure Control acceptance criteria are met ATC/CRS by checking that BOTH of the following conditions exist:

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Pressurizer pressure is 1750 psia to 2300 psia Pressurizer pressure is trending to 2125 psia to 2275 psia IF pressurizer pressure is less than 1684 psia, THEN verify the following have initiated.

SIAS CIAS IF pressurizer pressure is less than1621 psia, THEN verify no more than two RCPs are operating IF pressurizer pressure is less than the minimum RCP NPSH of Appendix 2-A, "RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits", THEN stop ALL RCPs.

ATCCRS Determine Core Heat Removal acceptance criteria are met:

Check at least one RCP is operating.

Check operating loop T is less that 13°F.

Check RCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 28°F.

BOP/CRS Determine RCS Heat Removal acceptance criteria are met:

Check that at least one steam generator has BOTH of the following:

Steam generator level is 5% to 80% NR Main Feedwater is available to restore level within 50%-70% NR [60-80% NR]

Verify Main Feedwater is restoring level in at least one steam generator within 50% to 70% NR [60%

to 80% NR].

Verify Emergency Feedwater is available to restore level in at least one steam generator within 50%-

70% NR [60-80% NR].

Check RCS TC is 530°F to 550°F.

IF RCS TC is less than 530ºF, THEN perform the following:

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Verify feedwater flow is NOT excessive Verify Steam Bypass or ADVs are restoring RCS TC 530ºF to 550ºF IF RCS TC is less than 382ºF, THEN verify no more than two RCPs are operating CRITICAL IF RCS TC is being controlled by an ESD, THEN TASK to stabilize REFER TO Appendix 13, "Stabilize RCS RCS temp. Temperature" and stabilize RCS temperature using the least affected steam generator. SG 1 (ATTACHED)

CRITICAL TASK to Emergency Borate NOTE: When an uncontrolled cooldown is recognized it is an immediate action to initiate emergency boration or SIAS.

Check steam generator pressure is 885 psia to 1040 psia.

IF steam generator pressure is less than 885 psia, THEN perform ALL of the following:

Verify steam bypass valves are closed.

Verify ADVs are closed.

IF steam generator pressure is less than or equal to 666 psia, THEN verify MSIS is initiated.

NOTE: If MSIS has actuated should recognize #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV did not close and take actions to manually close.

Check Feedwater Control in Reactor Trip Override:

MAIN FW REG valves are closed STARTUP FW REG valves are 13% to 21% open Operating main feedwater pumps are 3800 rpm to 4000 rpm Manually operate the Feedwater Control system and restore level in at least one steam generator within 50% to 70% NR [60%-80% NR].

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Reset moisture separator reheaters, and check the temperature control valves closed BOP/CRS Determine Containment Isolation acceptance criteria are met:

Check containment pressure is less than 16.4 psia.

Check NO containment area radiation monitor alarms OR unexplained rise in activity.

Check NO steam plant activity monitor alarms OR unexplained rise in activity Determine Containment Temperature and Pressure Control BOP/CRS acceptance criteria are met:

Check containment temperature is less than or equal to 120ºF.

Check containment pressure is less than 16.4 psia.

IF ANY safety function acceptance criteria are NOT met, OR CRS ANY contingency action was taken, THEN GO TO Appendix 1, "Diagnostic Flowchart.

Determines that OP-902-008, Functional Recovery, needs to CRS be implemented.

Announce that the Functional Recovery Procedure is in CRS progress using the plant page.

Advise the Shift Manager to REFER TO EP-001-001, CRS "Recognition & Classification of Emergency Condition" and implement the Emergency Plan.

REFER TO the "Placekeeper" and record the time of the CRS reactor trip.

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior IF pressurizer pressure is less than 1621 psia, AND SIAS is CRS/ATC actuated, THEN:

Verify no more than two RCPs are operating.

IF pressurizer pressure is less than the minimum RCP NPSH of Appendix 2A-D, "RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits", THEN stop ALL RCPs.

CRS/BOP IF RCPs are operating, THEN:

Verify CCW available to RCPs.

IF RCS TC is less than 382ºF [384ºF], THEN verify no more than two RCPs are operating.

Direct Chemistry to sample BOTH steam generators for activity CRS and boron.

BOP Place Hydrogen Analyzers in service:

TRAIN A Place Train A H2 ANALYZER CNTMT ISOL VALVE keyswitch to "OPEN". (Key 216)


Check H2 ANALYZER A PUMP indicates ON.

TRAIN B Place Train B H2 ANALYZER CNTMT ISOL VALVE keyswitch to "OPEN". (Key 217)


Check H2 ANALYZER B PUMP indicates ON.

Identify success paths to be used to satisfy each safety CRS function using BOTH of the following:

Resource Assessment Trees Safety Function Tracking Sheet Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 Op Test No.: 1 Scenario # 3 Event # 6&7 Page 27 of 41 Event


ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior REFER TO Section 6.0, "Safety Function Status Check", and CRS have the STA perform Safety Function Status Checks.

CRS Prioritize Safety Functions based on ALL of the following:

Instructions for those Safety Functions which do NOT meet any success path.

Instructions for those Safety Functions for which success path one criteria is NOT met.

Instructions for Safety Functions for which success path one criteria is met.

CRS Implement success paths based on Priority.

Containment Isolation Inventory control 2 Heat Removal 2 Containment pressure and Temperature Control 2 CRS Directs actions of CI-1, Containment Isolation CRS/BOP Verify Containment Isolation IF ANY of the following conditions exist:

Containment pressure is greater than 17.1 psia Pressurizer pressure is less than 1684 psia Containment area radiation monitors greater than the Hi Alarm setpoint THEN perform BOTH of the following:

Verify CIAS is initiated.

Verify that an isolation valve is closed for each containment penetration required to be closed.

CRS/BOP IF a SGTR is indicated by ANY of the following:

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Steam generator activities Main Steam Line radiation levels Steam generator blowdown radiation monitor readings Steam generator level rise when NOT feeding One steam generator level rising faster that the other with feed and steaming rates being essentially the same for both Feed flow mismatch between steam generators Steam flow verses feed flow mismatch in a steam generator prior to the reactor trip THEN REFER TO Heat Removal success path in use and isolate the most affected steam generator:

HR-2 steps 16 thru 28 Commence a rapid RCS cooldown to less than 520°F TH using BOP/CRS BOTH atmospheric dump valves.

Note: RCS Th temperature should already be less than 520 degrees ADV # 1 operation should NOT be required.

ATC/CRS Depressurize the RCS by performing ALL of the following:

Maintain pressurizer pressure within ALL of the following criteria:

Less than 945 psia [915 psia]

Within 50 psi of the most affected steam generator pressure Within Appendix 2A-D, "RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits" IF RCPs are operating, greater than the minimum RCP NPSH of Appendix 2AD, "RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits" Operate main or auxiliary pressurizer spray.

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Check for HPSI throttle criteria:

RCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 28ºF Pressurizer level is greater than 7% [23%] and controlled Verify ALL steam generators capable of steaming are being maintained or restored to within the following level:

50% to 70% NR [60-80% NR]

using MFW or EFW in auto or manual RVLMS indicates level higher than Hot Leg by at least one of the following:

QSPDS REACTOR VESSEL LEVEL 5 NOT voided VESSEL LEVEL PLENUM greater than or equal to 80%

IF HPSI throttle criteria are met, THEN perform ANY of the following:

Control charging and letdown flow Throttle HPSI flow CRITICAL IF RCS TH is less than 520°F, THEN isolate the most affected TASK CRS/BOP SG:

STEAM GENERATOR 1 Place the ADV setpoint to 980psig and verify the controller in AUTO.

Verify the MSIV is closed.

Verify the MFIV is closed.

IF EFAS-1 is NOT initiated, THEN close EFW Isolation Valves:

EFW 228A, SG 1 PRIMARY EFW 229A, SG 1 BACKUP Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Place EFW Flow Control Valves in MAN and close:


Close Main Steam Line 1 Drains:

MS 120A NORMAL MS 119A BYPASS Close Steam Generator Blowdown isolation valves:


BD 102A STM GEN 1 (IN)

Check the main steam safety valves are closed NOTE: Once the SG is isolated the Lead Examiner may terminate the event at his discretion.

IF isolated steam generator pressure can NOT be maintained less than 1000 psia [960 psia], THEN perform ANY of the CRS following to maintain the isolated steam generator pressure less than 1000 psia [960 psia]:

Manual operation of the associated ADV.

REFER TO Appendix 22, "Local Operation of the Atmospheric Dump Valves", and operate ADVs Locally Verify the most affected steam generator is isolated by CRS considering ALL of the following:

Steam generator activities Steam plant radiation levels Steam generator levels Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior IF pressurizer pressure is less than steam generator pressure, CRS THEN direct Chemistry to sample the RCS for boron concentration every 30 minutes.

IF ALL RCPs have been stopped, THEN open the knife CRS switches for BOTH RCPs in the affected loop.

RCP 1A (Swgr 1A, cubicle 7A)

RCP 1B (Swgr 1B, cubicle 7A)

RCP 2A (Swgr 1A, cubicle 8A)

RCP 2B (Swgr 1B, cubicle 8A)

Maintain the isolated steam generator level less than 85% NR CREW by ANY of the following methods:

Lowering pressurizer pressure to less than isolated steam generator pressure.

REFER TO Appendix 31, "Blowdown a SG with Tube Leakage/Rupture" and blowdown the isolated steam generator to the condenser.

Steaming the isolated steam generator to the condenser.

Obtain Emergency Coordinator concurrence and steam the isolated steam generator using the atmosphere dump valve.

Direct Health Physics and Chemistry to REFER TO UNT-005-032, "Steam Generator Primary-to-Secondary CRS Leakage", and perform sampling of secondary systems as required. Monitor RAB and Turbine building radiation monitors for unexpected rise in activity.

IF isolated steam generator is limiting the RCS cooldown AND CRS at least one RCP is operating, THEN cool and depressurize the isolated steam generator by performing the following:

Verify MFW and EFW are isolated to the most affected steam generator.

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ESDE on #1 SG Outside Containment, Upstream of MSIV; #2 SG MSIV and #2 SG MFIV FAIL to AUTO CLOSE on MSIS Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Lower RCS pressure to less than isolated steam generator pressure to allow backflow from the isolated steam generator.

WHEN isolated steam generator level is 33% NR, THEN maintain RCS pressure and isolated steam generator pressure within 50 psi.

Maintain isolated steam generator level 48% [56%] to 85%

NR using MFW or EFW.

IF isolated steam generator is limiting the RCS cooldown AND CRS the main condenser is available, THEN cool and depressurize the isolated steam generator by ANY of the following methods:

Steam the isolated steam generator to the main condenser using the SBCS.

REFER TO Appendix 32, "Blowdown a SG with Tube Leakage/Rupture", and perform BOTH of the following as necessary.

Blowdown to the main condenser Feed the isolated steam generator to less than 85%

NR using MFW or EFW IF the isolated steam generator is limiting the RCS cooldown AND the main condenser is NOT available, THEN obtain Emergency Coordinator concurrence and cool and depressurize the isolated steam generator by ANY of the following methods:

Cool the affected steam generator by losses to ambient.

Steam the isolated steam generator to the atmosphere using the ADVs Terminate the scenario.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Safety Function Tracking Sheet X X 4

5 X X X X 6

2 X X X X 7

3 X X 1

X 0 X X 8

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Event 1 OP-10-004 Attachment 9.4, Axial Shape Control Guidelines Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Event 4 .

OP-100-014, Technical Specification and Technical Requirements Compliance Table 3.7-1 Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Event 6&7 Appendix 13, "Stabilize RCS Temperature Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

Event 6&7 Appendix 13, "Stabilize RCS Temperature Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1


DATE 3/26/2008

1. Prior to turnover, review Critical Parameters in allowable limits (Modes 1 and 2):



STEAM GENERATOR PRESSURE 860-1000 psia TAVG 544-582°F REACTOR POWER <100% (Mode 2 < 5%)

2. Simulator Specific Information Reactor Power 25%

EFPD 250 ESI -0.26 RCS Boron 1224 ppm BAMT A 5850 ppm BAMT B 5725 ppm

3. Complete independent Control Board Walkdown.

LCO/Action Status:

Equip/Sys TS Entered Action Exited None Equip/Sys TRM# Entered Action Exited None Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1


Surveillance Tests in progress:

None Equipment taken out of service:

None Equipment returned to service:

None Maintenance in progress:

None Technical Specifications and Technical Requirements Manual Actions T.S. Equipment/System Entered Action Exited None TRM Equipment/System Entered Action Exited None Significant Events/Additional Items/Remarks/Equipment Out of Service:

Plant Safety Index is 10 Green. Protected Train is B. AB buses aligned to B side.

FWPT A in service FWC in Auto Plant startup is in progress after being off-line for 2 days.

Power is currently 25%. Xenon building in after Startup You are directed to raise power to 100%.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

NRC Scenario 3 Turnover Sheet Applicant Handout EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 6.9 REACTIVITY BRIEF GUIDELINE (typical)

The Reactivity Brief should be conducted after shift turnover is complete, but before the Shift Meeting. The Control Room staff should be present for the Reactivity Brief. The brief should include, but is not limited to the following:

PMU Boric Acid MW Previous shift additions of PMU, Boric Acid, 2000 N/A 222 and MWs [May be N/A]

Anticipated PMU, Boric Acid, and MW additions 4000 NA 400 this shift [May be N/A]

ASI profile compared to ESI including Xenon: steady converging diverging

[Include any actions necessary during shift and actions the previous shift took]

ASI Control using RG 6 and Grp P Volume Control Tank Blend Rate: 19 Gallons Boric Acid per 100 gallons PMU Jobs affecting reactivity this shift:

Raise power to 100%

Saturday day shift and Saturday night shift:

Review Reactivity Control Worksheet provided by Reactor Engineering.

Review Reactivity Management Index, including recent contributing events.

Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

NRC Scenario 3 Turnover Sheet Applicant Handout EXAM SUBMITTAL REV 1 6.10 REACTIVITY ADDITION SHEET (typical)

Date Time Source Amount Comment (circle one) (gallons / MW) 3/26/2008 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power escalation 3/26/2008 4.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 50 Power escalation 3/26/2008 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power escalation 3/26/2008 3.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 50 Power escalation 3/26/2008 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power escalation 3/26/2008 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 50 Power escalation 3/26/2008 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 500 Power escalation 3/26/2008 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago BAM / PMU / MW 50 Power escalation BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW BAM / PMU / MW Scenario 3 Exam Submittal Rev 1

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Waterford 3 Date of Exam: 03/24/2008 Operating Test No.: W3-TEAM-1 A E Scenarios P V P E 1 2 3 4 T M L N SPARE SPARE O I I T T N C CREW A I CREW CREW CREW A T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION L M N Y U T P M(*)

E S A B S A B S A B S A B R I U R T O R T O R T O R T O O C P O C P O C P O C P RX 0 0 0 1 1 0 RO NOR 1 1 2 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 3 4 7 4 4 2 SRO-U2 MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 2 3 5 0 2 2 RX 1 0 1 1 1 0 RO2 NOR 0 1 1 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 2 2 4 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 0 0 0 0 2 2 RX 0 1 1 1 1 0 RO3 NOR 1 0 1 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 3 2 5 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 0 0 0 0 2 2 RX 1 1 0 RO NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I 4 4 2 I/C SRO-U MAJ 2 2 1 TS 0 2 2 Instructions:

1. Circle the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must service in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.
2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-1 basis.
3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.

NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 33 SRO-12 3RO-u

=a a 3RO-I 3RO-U 0

SRO-l SRO-U Instructions:

1. Circle the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must service in both the "at-the-controls (ATC)"

and "balance-of-plant (BOP)" positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.

2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a l-for-1 basis.
3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicant's competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicant's license level in the right-hand columns.

NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Waterford 3 Date of Exam: 03/24/2008 Operating Test No.: W3-TEAM-3 A E Scenarios P V P E 1 2 3 4 T M L N SPARE SPARE O I I T T N C CREW A I CREW CREW CREW A T POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION L M N Y U T P M(*)

E S A B S A B S A B S A B R I U R T O R T O R T O R T O O C P O C P O C P O C P RX 0 0 0 1 1 0 RO NOR 1 1 2 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 3 4 7 4 4 2 SRO-U1 MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 2 3 5 0 2 2 RX 1 0 1 1 1 0 RO1 NOR 0 1 1 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 2 2 4 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 0 0 0 0 2 2 RX 0 1 1 1 1 0 RO4 NOR 1 0 1 1 1 1 SRO-I I/C 3 2 5 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 1 1 2 2 2 1 TS 0 0 0 0 2 2 RX 1 1 0 RO NOR 1 1 1 SRO-I 4 4 2 I/C SRO-U MAJ 2 2 1 TS 0 2 2 Instructions:

1. Circle the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must service in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.
2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1-for-1 basis.
3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.

NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-301 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 Facility: Waterford 3 Date of Examination: 03/24/2008 Operating Test No.: W3-TEAM1 APPLICANTS RO SRO-I SRO-U2 RO2 RO3 SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Interpret/Diagnose 234 234 345 467 256 236 56 567 Events and Conditions Comply With and 123 123 134 146 125 1236 456 456 5 7 6 Use Procedures (1)

Operate Control N/A N/A 134 146 125 1236 5 7 6 Boards (2)

Communicate 123 123 134 145 125 1235 456 456 5 67 6 6 and Interact 7 Demonstrate 123 123 N/A N/A N/A N/A 456 456 Supervisory Ability (3)

Comply With and 34 345 N/A N/A N/A N/A Use Tech. Specs. (3)


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.

ES-301 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 Facility: Waterford 3 Date of Examination: 03/24/2008 Operating Test No.: W3-TEAM2 APPLICANTS RO RO SRO-I SRO-I SRO-I2 SRO-I2 SRO-U SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Interpret/Diagnose 234 236 345 234 56 567 Events and Conditions Comply With and 123 123 134 123 456 6 5 456 Use Procedures (1)

Operate Control N/A 123 134 N/A 6 5 Boards (2)

Communicate 123 123 134 123 456 56 5 456 and Interact 7 Demonstrate 123 N/A N/A 123 456 456 Supervisory Ability (3)

Comply With and 34 N/A N/A 345 Use Tech. Specs. (3)


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.

ES-301 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 Facility: Waterford 3 Date of Examination: 03/24/2008 Operating Test No.: W3-TEAM3 APPLICANTS RO SRO-I SRO-U1 RO1 RO4 SRO-U Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Interpret/Diagnose 234 234 345 467 256 236 56 567 Events and Conditions Comply With and 123 123 134 146 125 1236 456 456 5 7 6 Use Procedures (1)

Operate Control N/A N/A 134 146 125 1236 5 7 6 Boards (2)

Communicate 123 123 134 145 125 1235 456 456 5 67 6 6 and Interact 7 Demonstrate 123 123 N/A N/A N/A N/A 456 456 Supervisory Ability (3)

Comply With and 34 345 N/A N/A N/A N/A Use Tech. Specs. (3)


(1) Includes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.

(2) Optional for an SRO-U.

(3) Only applicable to SROs.


Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.