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CR-PNP-2006-01914 - Pilgrim
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 05/18/2006
Entergy Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070440479 (2)


L Entergy I CONDITION REPORT CR-PNP-2006-01914

' Originator: DyckmanJohn G xiginator Group: Eng DE Mech Civil Struct Staff Supervisor Name: Pace,Raymond M OriginatorPhone: 786 1 Operability Required: N Reportability Required: Y Discovered Date: 05/18/2006 1056 Initiated Date: 05/18/2006 11:23 GUY SizeCNorthC WestC SouthXAverage (Ib.) Acceptable Range LowerC 7/8" ~8,600~9,ooO'28,600C8,733~~ 8,500 to 9,000 Ib.

Middle: 1-1/4"C 12,OOOC 12,100C 12,20017 12,100~ 11,000 to 16,000 Ib.

UpperU 1-3/8"'7 14,000C 15,400: 16,300; 15,233E 16,000 to 19,000 lb.

Immediate Action


This CR is initiated and the Control Room notified.

' kggested Action


Engineering should determine apparent cause for loss of guy wire pre-tension. Maintenance should restore guy wire tensions to bring them within the acceptable range.


Suggested Action Description

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Dyckman, John i-.- From: Kalb, Jeffrey Sent: Thursday, May 18,2006 12:15 PM To: Dyckman, John


RE: 3.M.5-2 Augmented Inspection Gary, I concur with your Technical Input and conclusion that the Main Stack is Operable.

Jeff Kalb From: Dyckman, John Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:13 PM To: Kalb, Jeffrey Cc: Pace, Raymond


3.M.5-2 Augmented Inspection Jeff, Guy wire tensions reported by Broadcast Tower pursuant to the recently completed 3.M.5-2 augmented inspection are show below. Two of the 3 guy wires at the upper level are below the acceptance range of 16,000 Ib. to 19,000 Ib. During the previous two augmented inspections in 03 and 04, the reported upper level guy wire tension values were previously in the range of 16,000 to 16,200 Ib.

Average Acceptable '

8 MAY 06 Guy size North West South (Ib.) Range 8,500 to Temp. 50F Lower 718" 8,600 9,000 8,600 8,733 9,OOO Ib.

11,000 to Windc5mph Middle 1-114" 12,000 12,100 12,200 12,100 16,000 Ib.

16,000 to Upper 1-3/8" 14,000 15,400 16,300 15,233 19,000 Ib.

Please review this input and if you concur, so indicate.

Gary 5/ 18/2006